The Mot Ix Brooklyn
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PRICE POUR CEFTTR vol. vi. \v.loorj; NEW-YORK. TIKKSDAY, SEPTEMBER S3, IM80. said Mr. to the reporter. ro con¬ POLITIC* a this cveuinc, Hon," Daggert NEW-YORK STATE Hon to the nerrie'nation f the Vat Ional rt.'lit liv tho r» irmphl."! .e|-rv. arrived mi N w-Bodfesd MOT IX BROOKLYN, ceive the rrsatBsral ans esl ia the Booth¬ ihe itt. THE Etopabii in the PKBS1DKNT1AL CAMPAIGN. randing aratens ; and third. Mal a man shall rate bf -lu whaler George and M era BMtea when wa see this sort of thing vtrtnc ot hw Goa gitan rnrhr, sad asl bi reases third largest ia the Uiitea. (>h, well." ce aeV A LIVKLY ('AHPAIGN Ia' Pattmansnmn ad > «. trula. Mr. Uteh- taidi ac i io\ o» rm police. city nail < i sor\i)s or THE BATTUE, Bataan! of Baltara eea Hui eeo d..i. with peculiar emphasis, '.tba country BAUMM ano ovkkiii' iv rms hy.rna in a r.d thu rrnrart af flwakt IVniiB at f merni Bell rm: comtmol of westers r.v/ojr. thk ssbscxt N'T Rgroarro at pouos bras* Bte Dbsbb> thb IO AT AW ' :iN<; ob the t it died Slates probably wake np Uy-aod-bj aa ta/rbat ntvoiiiAis fBTiaaj io iNiri-wim gEXFKAl GUA VI Xiii IMCI>I1>K HI Saturday ».iet t. io effect th the D t at t \ weald not wah tba Caineae, Lt tina. as .it/.itre ns DBTtX <t 11 ic party is." (I.i Bs AUK Doing-TUB TAIflFK gCKSTPDR .gossip in W>.IMIHM CHU 11 Mimili, DOC- oompeto ss to tbs pbbmubls < were n nortel io th* will. The raodmg was received coxrucrtaa rrATnMgnri iayis ai . tn Nil I) i ol; .six min s|:i:mt-r.V iriier a«saulis and outr mes raeterj sud. was and MAKIN'O Von's. BJBBBjrlB, I li'. With Uertsn n and hisses, .Mr. I/.tchnnn ii: -ru rn hit i i mi nc, Kt.Krrt i.\.what nit ii COB- dav. Wale a detsc meit panting Bridget " *c en nee iN.iintr.K.a Kkivaiid OWpSBl bob IMS ir was sadd ute as- e fa to carry If are not wtlhras hi bra ll "AY. \\ illonabby-efa at BdO o'clock Both parties are making strenuous flor General Grant in a fetter lo tho chairman to o' Oercral ll I \ AND RtrssM B*S] nu of men ea un.; puppie*. let. us p.» the wall." fte tpska \ li oin Of OPPrjIDRBS. tailed by a abos at of atOOM from a gang New and ll< carn, ue far as caa « en- ear for Grace- lins ari burr. York Slate, BM kSjU pf ibo National Committee si; that hi* Bntl r, wbom Be weald tuponrl next There lieeu Ipr several BwSlDI app.ircn' a of f BS the tba sidewalk. No one was MrMnsly Lort caadMate fer c m.i nor, aorwtibetaodinc awi orsa- lc|.- Tim aAtsek af party nils "l><>n b<- heard from, seem to be wording with grant will t lum to ws« coiiKst I-r Hie contro! of the Western 1'inoti Ii<> I Wcntf titrh Ward Hoys ja tragenuius m mull preside sntlapoeiata Drssoeraey. (i'm* ttaBuueoi rigor";en final the Eiarblb Watti sf Brook- w.-re while tbrongb ililutence. A of in Hine of the XIrh io i. rheersl and hissed. Hm tweaker*! Mends and op¬ rrranli Companv at the annual alectMe. Tba truns- Bne aMBslied passisg rally Hoys it any political mi tiling Mi. Blaine ] l\:i. wlrn BB tin ir way to the II. pulili- Lexmgt .a-.ive. At Sc'iermerhorti .i'll Saii:h-'ts. District held in this last marat. General ponents i \ icc wuk nneb other ia Meir aoawaarraUuna Im bas ks were eused aa Monday, and since Join men was waa city . of anti er*al «ui- te reataanl ol tue assaulted Euratk Ward ia on 1»i w:\y lo deliver speeches Us said, tart hit, th i> tn was ia favor n'l in thal Tuesday evening, la MsCnek spoke, among or hers. I'lie Inst! Kepabli- frase wttboat reward t san,.>r ..r «e.x. Hr.Llteo- that time masai InaaWBl hi IBB result has pavteatios city. eloaed in npoe br the aad aol allowed West. ']'.>- and was crowd, m e. euiis a are trying to in Philad. lphia, ami Um nuii Bl eke ; *t the gal ional hut k ne svs.eui. teen iniiri.f sfd kn Wall Street. Dr. Norvin .1. r parted in Tits Tribitbb yeastearJey, pa .ii until tue stand wm puebod bach by the pe also held rally. The Democrat! eon* ii .f.i wi a n <. ;ii..; . iaortanos ni ina..- the rote me w;i.s (itv Hall John as oight lie will speak in Newark. In lear no. at Um Police Central As prasranMB powong ibe nave alante psrsSBl here M Bight D BBNta BBfJ ot Mas«schBsetta for Wasv r aaa Chambers aa larg* aa Green, pi ¦ pf pbs rMBtpany, reaterdry ofbViiUy lapotted ol a of Bore ls Bias, lielievr Uni men as- J. Moore, member company if the rival factions would finally harmo',iz<\ lue Washington many Republicans pawlb e. thal he hud aodnnbl the pr"-ie:;t managenient Office until la-t eve nip jr. Six of the a - mal ed bf Kobari .'. Brura. Hm mbMfa waa hut of fsi OoretasB :i Mome siru.k tar nm is a impresti-m in the party ought not to neglect the South, M:. Wteatea, Bootoo, ssmbMiad wo:il aa r.-fari!".! by thc v..te afalarge aMjorl of aaultnd w rc in.iiiied scrim;: iv, iitnl one if bj knocked off .ta stick. In retains.ton iff ijtifst Basking "trong v.; h Ins ri-t. Moth men were .Inns an effort to made in sevotal Melter waa had nevei de artad hie i amriida.Qeaeral the lie the that il would Bruce is the lace vmuns liar's of tba Blake. Tba conon ga :hat ought In plan-s. alack, expeeaaed opinion th niav die. rite [J-pii!ilic:'ti Cnrnnabrs * Sat. Karawa Mona* Isi.-. st The asmmatton wm carried iiurhi ken bj rae police ta the Fust PrseiiMt amastaire. ateBsamesaae Lom ali astasTtan -bowing The M.i*s:uhus«,fH UrenabnaaX Cowt.tim be ottertf Impeambhi for tba oppoeitien to a ears a of §500 for mum referred counter eoaraaa al aa* hy aei aa ainu: asd bpi lenaa Committee baa offered reward House, they are holding meetings eo'isi.mily even n qua,- er of tie Rock, lie attributed the - in r sm! battery. The cap am, alter Isanrssg both thal the clubs ia» nominated a fn'l Biala tfekel with 'ibs eas mi:t.. -a to aoMtaata eaadwJale* for th" am st ami eonriction of aay SMMben of without is done orators. ippomi un rem nt mstivaa and hollevad thal st rn-s, ,ii-, iiaraod boto men, Sariaa .'ind enacting arark beeag by for OoTfitur. tJic icm ma.a- tba tettowtsa report. toapoeniattra other aasaoJta ni¬ Senora! II. Hmm.) Sargent of ta State ttekel Be¬ Ibo attacking par y. BereraJ ehod thees nu. The wwaSnasraaee sepeemttf are rating a strong a.loi.f. .1: bteet ol tLc oppaattiofl bsd baan sfarandy Mi. Tartaam, thai Beetetar) af Um I;.-pohlman wold. Wau lift- repot ed. len st ni theaaaapasata. states that Ra- Irvniml Qommr C. .ir;-" Milton. "r tptlBSltcM. llied. Kt W8. ¦natl Committee ta Arkansan, atoae Jooatbaa Am.dd. nt North AStng- iwBMdiale friends af QonW it aral ela med FOMMIGE been counted aasfvsSrp a/ By Jay DEI UL'- 07 BE ATTACK. pally ur nu: boin IN p.lp::. county officers barn ...ut tt Uw of the election weald enow on < publican Irrisuirr- Hill.ur I'. Whitlow, of Ashlmnihaii reaolt Ifni ii Indisnstion wi ... aad lyn THE FREW ll CABINET RANGES. iNTinsiASrii: ijatikicati.>n \ih:tini, in B1IWJB- .ut. i. ni-.un mn. ISSS A mtlitm- uSwewwi Bat er. ol B thai he bsd teeared rootra! of the eo apaay. Kassel] tt.e aeei habed exelosiroly In Loanos, v,. looassty, le rt. IS. -rv:reii «.-m:bai. M efsalem. readius .' UCM BSH BIIBRiJUl Bl itSW'iwg.aVwciwi John Raymond '.- pre si of the atnoaal ol stack of : Netff- AT RCPCHi.ICAN RKJtB. gtartars al /.crae.g. B. Rowley) of BSsiBaine, and Ignorance loy's liapi-M- <! th nilli, nly n.-.s:Mih A Pans iii parc i to Ian 'limn says Ml '.OK AND DTBUBBB BOUDQUABnTBa Easeae J Pb)korti. of Boolan. held Mr. Goold and his fri iseonflil tu on tlli BUM smsa! unanimity ikneiul <i;tA t's nan rakt.mb. auuRB'a com* hy re,iib Ward Democrats ea tani pan inrl awra at th penaet ThP Hoys in IPue of thc Xlfh As-cnihly A nnii'iiity report oaT-teai Bj Bte. Brophy,aoatrastMg thal there weald bea conic, la tba flYstern wi ie the Pieaeh secesw M. UssssoSts el ixe. bpgataaa im oobtbbt in araar vin¬ ol' the h'epnblicjn Drehligbl pro- erith prom Dis;net n-ni a natSBBBSttea meettag last ii /ht. iii lt SJBB> Woodall Phillipa aad Dwyer O. Lam tot etcetera wm Union dir.- Ha md thu Um reform Ward. hsims mm d Ibo pira st erBBS sad in.viuir thaw Ssa- ni m ii bucbb aicgaaiiiai tory. which was c- trill.' lr iii lin- Slgbtfa Bean Hap, at Thirty- blvd m ead Baanga .y. tte M io- voa; I down. anxious the of tba liol ,1 the rial nu I t ¦