PRICE POUR CEFTTR vol. vi. \v.loorj; NEW-YORK. TIKKSDAY, SEPTEMBER S3, IM80. said Mr. to the reporter. ro con¬ POLITIC* a this cveuinc, Hon," Daggert NEW-YORK STATE Hon to the nerrie'nation f the Vat Ional rt.'lit liv tho r» irmphl."! .e|-rv. arrived mi N w-Bodfesd MOT IX BROOKLYN, ceive the rrsatBsral ans esl ia the Booth¬ ihe itt. THE Etopabii in the PKBS1DKNT1AL CAMPAIGN. randing aratens ; and third. Mal a man shall rate bf -lu whaler George and M era BMtea when see this sort of thing vtrtnc ot hw Goa gitan rnrhr, sad asl bi reases third largest ia the Uiitea. (>h, well." ce aeV A LIVKLY ('AHPAIGN Ia' Pattmansnmn ad > «. trula. Mr. Uteh- taidi ac i io\ o» rm police. city nail < i sor\i)s or THE BATTUE, Bataan! of Baltara eea Hui eeo d..i. with peculiar emphasis, '.tba country BAUMM ano ovkkiii' iv rms hy.rna in a r.d thu rrnrart af flwakt IVniiB at f merni Bell rm: comtmol of westers r.v/ojr. thk ssbscxt N'T Rgroarro at pouos bras* Bte Dbsbb> thb IO AT AW ' :iN<; ob the t it died Slates probably wake np Uy-aod-bj aa ta/rbat ntvoiiiAis fBTiaaj io iNiri-wim gEXFKAl GUA VI Xiii IMCI>I1>K HI Saturday ».iet t. io effect th the D t at t \ weald not wah tba Caineae, Lt tina. as .it/.itre ns DBTtX .IMIHM CHU 11 Mimili, DOC- oompeto ss to tbs pbbmubls < were n nortel io th* will. The raodmg was received coxrucrtaa rrATnMgnri iayis ai . tn Nil I) i ol; .six min s|:i:mt-r.V iriier a«saulis and outr mes raeterj sud. was and MAKIN'O Von's. BJBBBjrlB, I li'. With Uertsn n and hisses, .Mr. I/.tchnnn ii: -ru rn hit i i mi nc, Kt.Krrt i.\.what nit ii COB- dav. Wale a detsc meit panting Bridget " *c en nee iN.iintr.K.a Kkivaiid OWpSBl bob IMS ir was sadd ute as- e fa to carry If are not wtlhras hi bra ll "AY. \\ illonabby-efa at BdO o'clock Both parties are making strenuous flor General Grant in a fetter lo tho chairman to o' Oercral ll I \ AND RtrssM B*S] nu of men ea un.; puppie*. let. us p.» the wall." fte tpska \ li oin Of OPPrjIDRBS. tailed by a abos at of atOOM from a gang New and ll< carn, ue far as caa « en- ear for Grace- lins ari burr. York Slate, BM kSjU pf ibo National Committee si; that hi* Bntl r, wbom Be weald tuponrl next There lieeu Ipr several BwSlDI app.ircn' a of f BS the tba sidewalk. No one was MrMnsly Lort caadMate fer c m.i nor, aorwtibetaodinc awi orsa- lc|.- Tim aAtsek af party nils "l><>n b<- heard from, seem to be wording with grant will t lum to ws« coiiKst I-r Hie contro! of the Western 1'inoti Ii<> I Wcntf titrh Ward Hoys ja tragenuius m mull preside sntlapoeiata Drssoeraey. (i'm* ttaBuueoi rigor";en final the Eiarblb Watti sf Brook- w.-re while tbrongb ililutence. A of in Hine of the XIrh io i. rheersl and hissed. Hm tweaker*! Mends and op¬ rrranli Companv at the annual alectMe. Tba truns- Bne aMBslied passisg rally Hoys it any political mi tiling Mi. Blaine ] l\:i. wlrn BB tin ir way to the II. pulili- Lexmgt .a-.ive. At Sc'iermerhorti .i'll Saii:h-'ts. District held in this last marat. General ponents i \ icc wuk nneb other ia Meir aoawaarraUuna Im bas ks were eused aa Monday, and since Join men was waa city . of anti er*al «ui- te reataanl ol tue assaulted Euratk Ward ia on 1»i w:\y lo deliver speeches Us said, tart hit, th i> tn was ia favor n'l in thal Tuesday evening, la MsCnek spoke, among or hers. I'lie Inst! Kepabli- frase wttboat reward t san,.>r ..r «e.x. Hr.Llteo- that time masai InaaWBl hi IBB result has pavteatios city. eloaed in npoe br the aad aol allowed West. ']'.>- and was crowd, m e. euiis a are trying to in Philad. lphia, ami Um nuii Bl eke ; *t the gal ional hut k ne svs.eui. teen iniiri.f sfd kn Wall Street. Dr. Norvin .1. r parted in Tits Tribitbb yeastearJey, pa .ii until tue stand wm puebod bach by the pe also held rally. The Democrat! eon* ii .f.i wi a n <. ;ii..; . iaortanos ni ina..- the rote me w;i.s (itv Hall John as oight lie will speak in Newark. In lear no. at Um Police Central As prasranMB powong ibe nave alante psrsSBl here M Bight D BBNta BBfJ ot Mas«schBsetta for Wasv r aaa Chambers aa larg* aa Green, pi ¦ pf pbs rMBtpany, reaterdry ofbViiUy lapotted ol a of Bore ls Bias, lielievr Uni men as- J. Moore, member company if the rival factions would finally harmo',iz<\ lue Washington many Republicans pawlb e. thal he hud aodnnbl the pr"-ie:;t managenient Office until la-t eve nip jr. Six of the a - mal ed bf Kobari .'. Brura. Hm mbMfa waa hut of fsi OoretasB :i Mome siru.k tar nm is a impresti-m in the party ought not to neglect the South, M:. Wteatea, Bootoo, ssmbMiad wo:il aa r.-fari!".! by thc v..te afalarge aMjorl of aaultnd w rc in.iiiied scrim;: iv, iitnl one if bj knocked off .ta stick. In retains.ton iff ijtifst Basking "trong v.; h Ins ri-t. Moth men were .Inns an effort to made in sevotal Melter waa had nevei de artad hie i amriida.Qeaeral the lie the that il would Bruce is the lace vmuns liar's of tba Blake. Tba conon ga :hat ought In plan-s. alack, expeeaaed opinion th niav die. rite [J-pii!ilic:'ti Cnrnnabrs * Sat. Karawa Mona* Isi.-. st The asmmatton wm carried iiurhi ken bj rae police ta the Fust PrseiiMt amastaire. ateBsamesaae Lom ali astasTtan -bowing The M.i*s:uhus«,fH UrenabnaaX Cowt.tim be ottertf Impeambhi for tba oppoeitien to a ears a of §500 for mum referred counter eoaraaa al aa* hy aei aa ainu: asd bpi lenaa Committee baa offered reward House, they are holding meetings eo'isi.mily even n qua,- er of tie Rock, lie attributed the - in r sm! battery. The cap am, alter Isanrssg both thal the clubs ia» nominated a fn'l Biala tfekel with 'ibs eas mi:t.. -a to aoMtaata eaadwJale* for th" am st ami eonriction of aay SMMben of without is done orators. ippomi un rem nt mstivaa and hollevad thal st rn-s, ,ii-, iiaraod boto men, Sariaa .'ind enacting arark beeag by for OoTfitur. tJic icm ma.a- tba tettowtsa report. toapoeniattra other aasaoJta ni¬ Senora! II. Hmm.) Sargent of ta State ttekel Be¬ Ibo attacking par y. BereraJ ehod thees nu. The wwaSnasraaee sepeemttf are rating a strong a.loi.f. .1: bteet ol tLc oppaattiofl bsd baan sfarandy Mi. Tartaam, thai Beetetar) af Um I;.-pohlman wold. Wau lift- repot ed. len st ni theaaaapasata. states that Ra- Irvniml Qommr C. .ir;-" Milton. "r tptlBSltcM. llied. Kt W8. ¦natl Committee ta Arkansan, atoae Jooatbaa Am.dd. nt North AStng- iwBMdiale friends af QonW it aral ela med FOMMIGE been counted aasfvsSrp a/ By Jay DEI UL'- 07 BE ATTACK. pally ur nu: boin IN p.lp::. county officers barn ...ut tt Uw of the election weald enow on < publican Irrisuirr- Hill.ur I'. Whitlow, of Ashlmnihaii reaolt Ifni ii Indisnstion wi ... aad lyn THE FREW ll CABINET RANGES. iNTinsiASrii: ijatikicati.>n \ih:tini, in B1IWJB- .ut. i. ni-.un mn. ISSS A mtlitm- uSwewwi Bat er. ol B thai he bsd teeared rootra! of the eo apaay. Kassel] tt.e aeei habed exelosiroly In Loanos, v,. looassty, le rt. IS. -rv:reii «.-m:bai. M efsalem. readius .' UCM BSH BIIBRiJUl Bl itSW'iwg.aVwciwi John Raymond '.- pre si of the atnoaal ol stack of : Netff- AT RCPCHi.ICAN RKJtB. gtartars al /.crae.g. B. Rowley) of BSsiBaine, and Ignorance loy's liapi-M- Woodall Phillipa aad Dwyer O. Lam tot etcetera wm Union dir.- Ha md thu Um reform Ward. hsims mm d Ibo pira st erBBS sad in.viuir thaw Ssa- ni m ii bucbb aicgaaiiiai tory. which was c- trill.' lr iii lin- Slgbtfa Bean Hap, at Thirty- blvd m ead Baanga .y. tte M io- voa; I down. anxious the of tba liol ,1 the rial nu I t ¦ tOSelf hecius" M. Dfl numerous demands for thc aar- party aral thai capita] ! w everest criticism ia nindi' on sll sides on the I. lided tn place a la., c U irll-Id aril Arthur haulier Then*aaa* barn nr nrs'ii OTioifg, in mbaa vctareU to rxhtBR should Bot be in a te Prsyeloot, iii- Meat sp serb, rroui tho conn r of Tr;.. " clrd st., mid »be <:f Grant t<> pies ile :it wt- Mr Devine, f11 ¦ :.:.. Oasamlttse aa RcMilutions, *ul>- ootnpaoy .a.aandered pl e. f r it la aa the varioua chicer* Hal QmmtsI politicml American Union him -. Il' a.- .: fal ttgbU .J m.,n. larra tcl- w.ic T': d maud the neediest straggle with the of aad tin' meathem- BB p ir.iiio'is for this sttra -tel a Inns. In anpuMi 11 ««n- f these Mm Ml urta* (tome, win: h adopted. y,and tba detacbnMBt "With ta exception al tata or Mrae IB, the winne wheo aa it Mtiafactory dj ba li papa crowd. In a boh- in win- li (o BBbBS the BBBethatle" off gist ahasha (si Rattens] !. mu notes, dep¬ fjompaa] arrangemi , that aa officer wan ta be seen dartag BUS* digging Bjaaaiaraa rcearradyaalaaaay 1 BepabUcaa i. potk-o BM lie imperative recate tba astern ol iiie Bectotatysi tho Tiaaainj In eoaipantoa eonid mada eaailr. r e whole Utboagh the men were asama Mian tbs barns pate Srr tba baasBsr.lba algaM sttnsMaaaaBtj National Head.planers: Bgbt, pjraaca of aa IrraspoasiMa peraaa.and itrnl banner raison; WSB In cnS BBB "' ¦ BeSSBBBBSBl bond* al a vb IB t>e pant at "I bare be niora lang Dbm a geaaise tte k- a mile, e is tbs QAISBTA, TH.. Kerf. 21. i^«o having premimu tiley Bight driven arol Mooed for ayer a ejaartei sf Boeclnstontba I lad univ pn-slli tobi.ion ta tue kwh ('hanuuin iiieir lennis tba of rn Mr. wiien i hi- noanasManeedBte stead a..) anaad To the W-n MABMIAU J li., Ur/iuOitcan fare,sadasaaaad thai the (ailingdso bolder the Weal Union Caatpaay.* Bnge i... explanation g reii by Bap rintondent Campbell i.mi .'.:. n sahl na tbeuM tehs tbs PreatteraBte> If .. io ¦-'. Saliiitml ( iimmiltrr : cir and aosl lr tim r. ocr .ff us tar as witn- h.iii. nbteh bm asea Sited arai leerl the. in .v faadid he poid eaatiaaed, end I am a A In farot af taxation i- rh h waa rta- -_t. steel of tba kind ever woui i be a mlsuke to atti unite tins maw only M Watte 1 -im da .il in mv pass*, r tn aid Rc-imili11»* .nil.-t:- ihe parade great Co on. ffW, lt. ( airer ur. gan t. Md lu a :>H' f adilreta >hi» ." MOBBS I asnstbB] willi the east now on hand, and hy tuc onf lenlsttea. Tho American Union Company waa <: ;.r.<-*. Bat BSanreai brtendB regard HMM, I cannot MBfl allene" Ul naprt m n in and all th" available force M. unbetts/s sdvst a ..I lurr. na. ¦.; <;¦ .oral Anson IM OaioS**, ann after tniion »r notes, (aa n se- is Brooklyn, Spaned the pr.ellinga Bill be in Maw-Tarli aasml tOtbof gaaaaaBsMi tar BTsimbbI Baal aces mi w -ii a consolidation. The eaantry olnecra could it :.s a Boei ii ti< be lhere MfwBan the tall. minired alone tbs mein rontes,aotbst oecessrty." i. BeCSaS. (J areal M-' kraaMd withag> rt«IUog expect Manara faa Ibm eVeUre that the soldier should c. of rin ~:\n n October tune ll no* ul! ru eooash for both c mpaniee; the people will TB! V .eniia Ti's on.I-n: lhnly Telegraph .-i L'niil »..(> Hie BUM ul my re- large i. et e spared to protect detachments on thenr way His BdateSM was. lu sa'¦-. . ns r.illnw*: ns coed a us ti. boadhoMai lao Mister at ptansn " U. B. UK ANT. BalIsr of tba h. ii-idei-standstaut .M. fiaaot, Pranab AmbaaoaaN * MKed. bo tongeraabtnittoa Monopoly telegraph tn ti the main body. rbis aiatemcul is anav rat Datlag Ms ni ir ter the sam >' iee Ki iielhon, oaata where waa and the boos* jo. ru ns. .. Gram'a arrival em a grand amend SS ffl promised, Wi baaineai Ima bran msmmm d P . ru ol kia oil! >-, roo- l"inm General !".... business. sra dotes s usndoomo bi kieoce it nany who mw the immense CuBUanusople, Lllicolii«i hawterrsi orme SI tacdSeeota leased. leMfatttoei hythe io thata a uiiiissiiai io a- UtteSfQbB* vception will be tendered him under the dm-ciion tacreamag. sod bb de re tbs! rat.s MsteaBcat aitiinuid M MaensaaBaa !. rn upon a qui t. .ali f t refhrmo, the rigid enforeeaaeai al Nra bsenaaanU] erowd tboul tba Citj <¦.>;,.-tautly Jibe ami araiel lae and Bsvj itas lt was "t Um fsoterj Pm .< Rosatea aldasos alta Prasraaawteal Army >i ell >f" the Oaiaald ami Arrbar Campaign Clnh shouid be Maintain d'' In regard Di the Western wein anec- proposal a rule tiiat ad not Leen bur: le Atc len Tea baot btw, agradBsl teeaaM tex. aalreraal Mffrsse, the men te line aa they bv, grvtuj Bad boes matta ta M. Gambetta isruasha '¦ rirsut Committc-." The Executive CniiiiitNc ol Mr. ra iii ii besides iii" stock Oermaay of mm,Qeorge B/aoMaal. I narai ?entral and dcm ii.d thal Btetebsrara el avcierwwded oittoa '..>¦ Union election, Aa mid isl attention te the color .i organizations, which Dake ii P rio, i-: sum.iv the aseertten b-I foll, wi'ur of b.. still ai. Vetaraoa fr on the As- M. Wauulna- or he elah met, last night, ami appointed Uord afforded arl to settle v October 10. .. is lumber will ka largely augmented .- no in ia .ii.-. vent i'..ii'- of i m renting, li pre i-< mv Itarema ... in Ihat thia sentiment af Moassetma »s cx- Wi ern I Dion < mntra ny sam thal ht hollered thal oii'i waacommitl tl. nude naentionofit he de¬ pia ) Now, friends, in thc city taffrdBJ. and prince late yesr. Th. iii- com- taal at. de >.. \ ...h. r's ISMaaSUOB Wll. of tteaeral rjraut'i is in r ainy Senator Blaine snared j t> bannon! could be establiencd lietwetm bia oficieJ rr yeaienlsy morning, snd whan be for mkiu." expreastaa pplaase] N. J. It lira) Dcea prosaed ls thia d hats wm arerwbalmiagly oppoeed ind thal if rb« wanted to be pert terred, nut it may looked the tinana uni MMS BBftBB ISM raMMBBBBt wi'.l speak BSMBBhl at Newark. newcnmpaui it declared be bad not before heard norie wi'l io the _:¦.ar uu- Mkefaates. hmotloa Mrefer the mattel totba in bosid be was spoken lo abooI TBR I'AIIINKT COMP: I TB, inc n;-e. nails attempt Ignore was al New- anything oted the Western Union ne commercial tutereafs. until fiven ont that he taspeak bat night a rt asked wi.ere the police wera constituted as [¦i.n ...f .ni Roacetel otid Central Committee was defeated hy large rets, to with the wwii. "1. wnold bsve of the affair. (teing Th-new Cabinet Baa bera BeBalteiy cit./. is ii iles of ours nave tho hut mit any anthontv from him. On willing cinaply ii Areertcns ranniry Bninswiek, hy WasBSsllJ roted toatnhe DM name of Mr. Van lieu- ... o mach cheaper for the Western Union." he paid, whose doty it wm te bo in the neighborhood toltewi: Nor h and-nu k, to the nail, fur. nd rree exer- " rig.ii. -am un:: b-. st tl"- of the ., thara mast ¦aaaraaar Burnt air. Blaise arlB apeak la PhUsdel- lharrasa .rem the hat, if ilie bad don of the occurrence be answered ilia; they were on i'rf-i iii'ici... prt Superintendent strm Ken M. lah Pi i. >...». to dMriO'S '.il- I- nullor iv ivtns BM Mooga/ ever " .Baaaaatratioa will take plane witawmsd ia waasaaeadedbyaddlos Me loPowntgi "We aeesand and Minister o' rorrsrs M. barthelemy St. ll.iutrc. .1 ir revivii.g the kMBM of IBB BrBT," trevanna Dr. Green said thal at the 1 me of thal Mttlemeut Csmptx il seat foi Captain Learcy questioned ifmirt the ta tarn ont in >n of ia eontrscl la the insula¬ Osaateaa rm- eiialieoire bas been tarawa 'iowa ta aa Bf aBBBB hut cit.. Hm Republicansezpeei the abe ii lyamm penal In- .:, rons in favor of admitting friend* of tho iii -ti -ion ti..- matter. The captain Miaitfri* of the IntrrtmrmnM ¦>/ ffermfp.M. " ply li *ns throsta asia n ta aa a lice tteaeral HanossS oeranton. On tion* oi i aa st. tte atlantic and Pacific to representation m the Ween rn launel- (. ' ./'.- p:ir y MBaBB) at MBBt 30,000 M«a aa tDsl said iii.', at ats early hour in Um nniru- JtitlUteroJ mad Br. BogIMB itel at ClneiBBBtt, in arr. of Woemater, offered a reaalaltoa aaatost Union Directory, i.-- proposal waa net adopted, hfowler of lannes M, Mogata. Mora and trowetna m tao peas* nest Mr. Blaine nill apeak Waeehof, Bead, waa 1 to bun r ni' B.aadina rinbbbsj inti eeo however, by the committee which then had charge iiitr inf rmation ought Mini-:!- BTor.Oeueral em.r tin- Demoerstao ConventtoB, ead ot the msc of BUosteSIIBB drink- and wliteii created i. ' »\. and ir'vs thci^eo tatn Obie and In liana. bow inclined io eurnsn- RtMMlre .<. if i ni \ a. oast. - nal u ».armina Va., ba lt down of the proxies Hew.«aool that a company of Boya in Blue while retnrning the <.'rv. a dittinguisucd from We«.r was at tho aenoMersble tmarawtoai wm roted dor p fight the control of the company ta Rial brr ot ."nUte Bores.M. Carnot. tao vote of toe Solid Montb ti the Dm. era te t'olonelj. F. Vina), off Vurginis, without Bridaa with si.mes < 1 ptedteo Mr. Maible, uf Worcester, offend the toHewtagMfl t cere, be hostile te its welfare ama aaaanlted at Bmith Ftreet Jfoi/.v'/r of oiiimriTt rard. candidatoa. Ino uas rc-peated h> re, a.* the ba who beiiered, . pledge :b Natnuial Caannittae BooOM last night. Mi iiix.t r ul lost* and i /. Coi bat .¦ ;. pnblieau resolution: a d other missiles. Hi at once sentout a Bamber ol prWOSS.M. J A.-int -mv of Rusie, by Itaudoiph 1 u.- a Beaetot liesa alarmed - Vi n in: aud l> toocr it ta a arti n"-r ile nays thc Dcinoerat.'i are taoroagiila of berrin a«- hev br bo mformatioo hack, 'ii. atc ol nil every That the Creeu harkers Masaachoaetto J. 1ST BOSONS TO GESkRJL TORDERT. officers, but agfa ll'1: ora or -md iii » sa nf toe Doltd Snub will are m a can¬ ro and otuersfor THE COMMOTION IN EAST. and baa lui >ver West Tirajiaia, and iking rigorooa aembledi 'ndgraeting Booti Chaaa to . ¦-. ri..' nperiatendenl ordered Captain Lenroy .) be given fer iii" ten a strait Oreenhaek ttehet M the State of iii;: .naval D. .Mos-rii \ti..n t :xi no: monhay '. alUm State. A gnat niHiiv Nortben 1 aomlostlsi matter. I ,.i- UaSM "I 1. . B ic cu. .'...;. i; r one of mir ol the whole . ' Muilie. Ja. h> iNVIU.K, Fla, Sept. 22..Thc body of make a toorongo inresttgattoa . Btatc tinea 1876, amt this arith n \ r. making, li ii i s. Mae ajana tata tba un tho table a vote, af (>"> to a. fram imi dir. c Ward .. inn nae nm aa frnM the la. resolution was laid hy Geaenu a. T. hwhari irrived St Aasaanae 1 ne attaeka Um Eighth eompaotea, l,.ivT)..\. \ -ii..--. Sept. c.*. i--.i thal ic a. iud tl art lo he Greenback defection DaaaacraBi ajiTM to ia deners! P. and the '».. derelict In our duty if ne rSBed te ian* aume hoaw ol earryiBB it. Tba 30. an tho steamer OaseRo der eharae pf thc Hos ni Ilitic. the Garfield Batter.! ai pu aid .he Keoabli \ re 77c Ztmrs/« correspondent Graroea pays: lake tl indi ,ba .etta ISSI. mr at iNoi.isn. c msMBdssI at SC and was o'clock. men ap.sot .>. State ii tue Northern pi ri i areli organised, :md * T. Best, ASgStttee, on Bora been red about 0 The rh. .. ..-I \ i ni nmsbI the rall a a niot mn to add the M- N d ainu Burred hera." pies .ne eaovjiM is ben,.' made thronubout, Mr.Brophy, of BeaMn. made a deteebsaenl of the I inda Arni: rv sad ea .'c., ween iiuin!-t -.. Tu ore doe* Soo i mastfeot tala ol by had reached 1 hm -st., ! and liv U. ri.n eoi s:iy« : "Conni [Ap.danae.] gray he son. Tba : a s-i rn