The MHSA Chronicle Official Publication of the Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta

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The MHSA Chronicle Official Publication of the Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta The MHSA Chronicle Official Publication of the Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta Volume XXI Number 3 October 2018 My Research Interests A Letter from Kazakhstan by Tim Janzen MD by the late Manya Sawatzky (1911 - 1989) Since I will In 1980, Manya Sawatzky daughter of Heinrich be coming to Heinrich Sawatzky (1875-1927), sent a letter from speak in Ed- Kazakhstan to her aunt Agatha Koop Sawatzky, who monton in No- was living in Rosemary, Alberta. Agatha and her hus- vember, Dave band George had emigrated from Russia in 1926, and Toews suggest- Agatha had done her best to keep in touch with the ed that I write surviving Sawatzkys left behind in Russia. Manya's an article that Tim Janzen letter eventually made its way to Agatha's daughter would provide Hilda, and then, in copy form, to Agatha's grand- additional background about my daughter Valerie Jensen, who is Manya's first cousin, research interests, particularly for once removed. Valerie was grateful to receive it and Manya Sawatzky the benefit of those who don't know has submitted it to us for publication. Full of heartfelt 1911–1989 me very well. When I am not prac- ticing medicine, I spend a high per- centage of my free time doing gene- alogical research. In particular, much of my research involves genet- ic analysis and linking DNA seg- ments to specific ancestors on my family tree. My father's ancestry is Low German Mennonite. My pater- nal grandfather Gustav Janzen’s an- Manya Sawatzky cestors were from the Molotschna Colony and my paternal grandmoth- 1911—1989 er Margaretha Peters’ ancestors were Sina, Sascha and Manya Sawatzky, Karpovka, Ukraine 1926 (See Research on page 10) (See Kazakhstan on page 4) In this Issue 1. Letter from Kazakhstan 1. My Research Interests Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta 2. Editorial Reflections Fall Conference: DNA and Mennonite Genealogy 3. Chairman’s Corner 3. Letters to the Editor 11. Rural Mission Strategy Date: Saturday, Nov 24, 2018 13. Correction Time: 10 AM - 4 PM, Faspa lunch to follow 14. Christmases I Remember Place: Lendrum Mennonite Church, Edmonton 16. Halbstadt Tunnels (formerly Lendrum Mennonite Brethren Church) 19. AtRtF Book 20. MHSA Fall Conference Featuring: Tim Janzen MD, introduction Ernie Wiens MD ***** See the poster on the back page for more details. 2 - Volume XXI Number 3 The MHSA Chronicle October 2018 Editorial Reflections: the method that most newspapers WWII. After a trek to Germany, by use, the "keyword" method. For they were caught by the Soviets Dave Toews example in A Letter from Kazakh- and returned to a labour camp/ stan, instead of writing (Continued gulag in the Vologda Oblast north As I write on page 4) we will write of Moscow. In 1960 they were fi- this I am also (see KAZAKHSTAN on page 4) nally allowed to leave the camp and preparing for and on page 4 we will write thereafter made their home in Kyr- my trip to Hon- (KAZAKHSTAN from page 1). I gystan. The miracle is that not one duras to go on a hope that helps. of them died through violence! Alt- two-week learn- A Letter from Kazakhstan is a hough one of my Toews cousins ing tour with long article, but we thought it was died of natural causes, everyone Canadian important to print it all in one is- else survived through the Grace of Peacemakers sue. It is remarkable that the letter God. This story will one day ap- survived and was passed down in pear in this publication. International Dave Toews (CPI). We have the Sawatzky family, and we are In An Unusual Rural Mission and started and support computer- fortunate to have Valerie Jensen Resettlement Strategy, Ted Regehr assisted learning schools and village contribute it to Chronicle. talks about four visionary preach- building (modeled after Habitat for The story in this letter is close ers and leaders; Linford Hackman, Humanity) in remote mountain to my heart in that it somewhat Clarence Ramer, Paul Voegtlin and villages in Honduras. This is not a mirrors the story of my relatives Willis Yoder. They set out in a travel log, but I will keep you in- although they ended up in Kyrgy- Model A Ford, "the Salt Shaker" to formed of our comings and goings stan rather than Kazakhstan. My check both missions and settle- now that we are fully retired. Uncle Isaak and Aunt Tina Toews' ment opportunities in northern You our readers have request- and my Uncle Jacob and Aunt An- Alberta. ed that we make it easier to find na Kroeger's families stayed behind Halbstadt Tunnels by Alvin where an article is continued on a in Russia by choice when the rest Suderman describes an amazing following page. We will now use of the families emigrated to Canada discovery. I was in Halbstadt in in the 1920s. They went through all 2010 with the Mennonite Heritage the horrific difficulties and trauma Cruise and was completely unaware Mennonite Historical Society of encountered by families such as the Alberta Chronicle that these tunnels existed. It would ISSN 1916-6966 Sawatzkys: Stalinization, collectivi- interesting to go back there to ex- is published three times a year. zation, dekulakization, purges, and plore. Send submissions and other Thank you to all the authors correspondence to: and contributors to this issue. Your Dave Toews, Editor MHSA Executive ( ) Chair: Dave Neufeldt, Lethbridge articles are always appreciated. It is Subscription is through membership Vice Chair: Katie Harder, Didsbury a pleasure to work with you. ($30.00/year or $500.00 lifetime). Secretary: David Jeffares, Edmonton Treasurer: Peter Dyck, Calgary To join, send payment to: The MHSA welcomes your MHSA feedback, emails, letters to the edi- 2946 32 Street NE Members at Large: Calgary, AB T1Y 6J7 Ted Regehr, Calgary tor, and articles. Contact Dave Peter Kroeger, Calgary Toews at Editor: Dave Toews Ken Matis, Coaldale See you at the Fall Conference Ernie Wiens, Sherwood Park Co-editor: Vacant in Edmonton on Nov 24. ❖ Copy Editor: Carolyn Wilson Sigrid Warkentin, Calgary Editorial Committee: Dave Toews, Verne Klassen, Duchess 2 vacancies Dave Toews, St. Albert Layout: Harvey Wiehler Distribution: Bill Janzen GAMEO Representative: Vacant Membership List: Ellie Janz MAID Representative: Visit our Website: Vacant 3 - Volume XXI Number 3 The MHSA Chronicle October 2018 Chairman’s Corner team of people who look after the that they may be “retiring” soon. by production and distribution. Dave Most are in their eighties with at Dave Neufeldt ably solicits interesting articles least one approaching ninety! from writers across the province. One project with which we could Reflecting We are grateful to Dave, the pub- use help is in cataloguing our col- on the activities lishing team, and the writers for lection of maps. Another is in of the Mennon- making The MHSA Chronicle a helping to organize the library. If ite Historical success. you have an interest in either of Society of Al- Other events over the past year these things, or if you just want berta over the include hosting the Along the Road to find out what is happening at last couple of to Freedom art exhibit at three the archives, come and spend years I am very venues in Alberta over about a sev- some time there on a Thursday. The few times I have managed to proud of our Dave Neufeldt en-month period. In January we recent accom- hosted the annual meetings of the get up to Calgary on a Thursday, plishments (or at least as proud as Mennonite Historical Society of visiting the archives has always a Mennonite would admit to be- Canada in Calgary. Thanks to eve- been an enjoyable experience. ing). Attendance at our confer- ryone who helped with these Going through the material you ences has been increasing and we events. will almost always find something have been able to include some Although we have had good interesting. There’s also sure to highly gifted speakers. Last fall’s success with our conferences and be some stimulating conversation conference with authors Rudy The MHSA Chronicle, we have around the table. I encourage Wiebe and Joy Kogawa probably been less successful at recruiting anyone interested to come and set a record for attendance with new volunteers to help out in the hang out there. We don`t need about 200 participants. archives and library. We have a you to make a commitment. Just Another success is our excel- core group of about five dedicated check it out. ❖ lent newsletter, The MHSA Chron- people who come out every Thurs- icle, which is published three times day to work in the archives. While a year under the editorial leadership this group continues to do a great of Dave Toews. He is assisted by a job, some are giving indications Letters to the Editor Hello Dave, July 30, 2018 I read the Chronicle's main article on Dave Dyck and your editorial. Great work in harvesting memories and showing these ancestor's lives in perspective to ours. I liked the bio at the end. Quite the adventurers you an Marion make! Sincerely, Emma Souriol 4 - Volume XXI Number 3 The MHSA Chronicle October 2018 (Kazakhstan from page 1) were five people who had to eat, so we packed ham and lard to take with us. longing, and detailed reminisces Mama, Sina, and I had to bake and back and forth in time, the letter pack all day and night. We also had to has been edited somewhat in bring the cow to Peter Wiens’ stable.
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