Final destination of returnees willing to return

Comparison of Stranded Returnees and A key component of the Renk biometric registration exercise is to establish the willingness of the stranded returnees to receive transport assistance to move to their willingness to return final destination. To this end, individuals aged 15 years and above were asked about their intention to return and planned final destination in South . The data gathered demonstrates that 48.2% (2,841individuals) are willing to return to their final destination, while 51.8% (3,057 individuals) do not intend to depart from the OVERALL transit sites. This map shows the number of individuals willing to return, broken down by state and transit site. It can be inferred that population of Payuer site is 5,898 Total Stranded heading to the Greater region (96.1% or 976 individuals). In Abayok site, the majority of the population has expressed the intention to remain in Renk, 3,057 Not willing to return while only 12.9% wish to go to the Greater Upper region and 11.4% are willing to return to the Greater Bahr el Ghazal region (479 and 422 individuals, respec- 2,841 Willing to return tively). In Mina, 99.7% (860 individuals) of the population aged 15 years and above intend to depart from Renk (42.1% or 363 individuals to the Greater Equatoria region, 42.4% or 366 individuals to the Greater region, and 15.2% or 131 individuals to the Greater Bahr el Ghazal region). Finally, in Agany only 6.9% (21 327 individuals) are willing to proceed to their final destination, all to counties within the Greater Upper Nile region. 86 48.2% Sudan 17 BY SITE

3000 2768 9 2500 2000

181 1500 1015 945 N O R T H E R N U P P E R N I L E 1000 860 29 500 284 BAHR EL GHAZAL 2 3 21 2 0 276 Payuer Mina Abayok Agany 130 Yes No W E S T E R N 1 BAHR EL GHAZAL 41 50 3 2 123 99 9 13 3 10 5 27 11 3 LAKES JONGLEI Central African Republic WESTERN EQUATORIA 189 451 EASTERN EQUATORIA 126 169 2 336 14 68 Map Scale: 1 cm = 48 km Feedback: [email protected] Democratic Republic of Congo CENTRAL 2 Data Source: IOM, OCHA, NBS ● Date: October 2013 Kenya EQUATORIA The names and boundaries on this map do not imply official Legend: Number of returnee willing to go from Renk transit sites endorsement or acceptance by IOM or Government of *Final Boundary between the Republic of South Sudan and the Payuer Mina Abayok Agany Uganda Republic of Sudan has not yet been determined. ** Final status of the Abyei area is not yet determined

The following macro-regions are present in South Sudan: Greater Equatoria region (Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria States); Greater Upper Nile region (Upper Nile, Unity, and Jonglei States); Greater Bahr el Ghazal region (Western Bahr el Ghazal, Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Warrap, and Lakes States)