Temple Beth El 10 . 70 Orcµard Ave. Providence, R. I.

Rosh Hashanah Services To Start Wednesday Services for the High Holy Days CONGREC.ATION this year ·will start on Wednesday OHAWE SHOLOM evening at all the temples and The officers and directors of THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . synagogues In Greater Providence. Congregation Ohawe Sholom have Following is a listing of the ser- invited the public to · attend the 24 PAGES vices which will be held by some Slichos services · on Saturday of the congregations. Selichos night. Cantor Maurice Gordon Assassination Seems To Ha-~Vi~e-11r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~. s~rvices will be held Saturday will officiate. A coffee hour will Israeli Violinist night. be held at 11 P .M. preceding the services. Little Effect On Israel CONGREGATION CONGREGATION To Perform At GJC ANSHEI KOVNO SHAARE ZEDEK JERUSALEM - The· latest ex­ passive if changes occurred in the Sel!coth services at Congrega­ Selichos services will be held ample of Arabian politics-by-as­ region. Campaign Dinner tion Anshei Kovno will be held at Congregation Shaare Zedek at sassination - the bomb killing of In another report, the London on Saturday after midnight. 12 :30 Saturday night. Rosh Has• Jordanian Premier Majali daily quoted Lt. Col. R. R. Heui­ Cantor Rabbi M. Drazin and hanah services will be held on seemed last week to ha-ve done lit­ han, commander of the Canadian Cantor J . Farber will chant the Wednesday and Thursday at 7 tle damage either to routine Israel­ contingent of the United Nations High Holiday prayers. P .M. and Thursday and Friday Jordan contacts or King Hussein's Emergency Force in the Middle Services for the High Holidays East, as declaring that President at 7:30 A.M. control of his shaky kingdom. will start on Wednesday at 6 :30 Rabbi Aaron A. Wieder and The regular fortnightly Israel Nasser of the United Arab Repub­ P .M. and will be held on Thurs­ lic has equipped a two-battalion Cantor Mordechai Odwak will convoy to the Mt. Scopus salient, day and Friday evenings at the conduct the services for the High which passes through Jordan-con­ army for a strike at Israel across same time. Thursday and Friday the UN forces. Holy Days. trolled territory, took place on morning services will be at 8 CONGREGATION schedule. A special transport of "Nasser's aim is to create a new o'clock. The blowing of the Sho­ SONS OF ABRAHAM material went through without in­ Palestine state out of Israel and far on Thursday and Friday will Cantor Munis Ilowitz will chant cident 48 hours after the blast integrate it with the United Arab be at 10:15 A.M. . the traditional services at Congre­ that killed the Jordanian Premier Republic," the Canadian UN of­ CONGREGATION gation Sons of Abraham during and ten other persons. Traffic via ficer was quoted as saying, adding MISHKAN TFILA the High Holy Days. Services the Mandelbaum Gate to and from that Nasser "will do this by ne­ start on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. gotiation if possible, but by war Services at Mishkan Tflla will the old city of Jerusalem contin­ and will be held at 6:30 P.M. on ued normally. if he cannot do it any other way." begin on Wednesday night at 6:30 o'clock and will be held on Thurs­ Thursday and Friday. Services Commenting on the situation, The explosion of the time bomb will be held the mornings of the independent daily Haaretz in Amman which killed Premier day morning and Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Saturday, Sept. 24, Thursday and Friday .at 7 o'clock. said editorially that because Pal­ Majal! "throws Israel back from The title of Rabbi Abraham services will start at 9 A.M . estine had been divided between relative calm to the realities of a Chill's sermons will be "Our Great Israel and Jordan, "there has-de­ new tension," Simon Peres, Is­ Power" on Thursday and "Attend veloped a kind of silent partner­ real's DepuJy Defense Minister, to the Invisible Voice" on Friday. ship." Israel's security, the He­ said last week. To Present Israeli Film Arrangements have been com- brew daily said, depends on, (Continued on Page 7) ltzhak Pearlman pleted for a Junior Congregation among other things, Jordan's rul­ On Telev1·s·1on Screen to be held during the High Holy ers not denying this fact. · Israel's 14-year-old child pro- Days for children between the " If they change their position Charter Flight digy of the violin will be a guest "The Dock", a new one-half-hour nd 14 th or are forced to do so, a completely soloist at the "kick-off" Initial fll_m report of life in Israel today ages of lO a in e Chapel of IG"ft d" f th will be shown on telev1·s1·on as a the synagogue. On both days of new situation might develop which 1 s mner o e 1960 campaign services will be would confront us with an ex­ of the Gen·eral Jewish Committee special presentation for the Jew- held from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. tremely grave danger and ... srael To Israel Planned on Sunday even1·ng Sept b 25 ish New Year by the United Jew- Positive reactions from com- · em er • TEMPLE BETH EL would then have to consider the at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. ish Appeal and WPRO - Channel munity leadership have followed 12 on Monday from 7 to 7 :30 P . M. Temple Beth El will hold a late new situation and act to eliminate the announcement that the Provi- Itzhak Pearlman, who has risen and an early service on Wednes- that danger," the paper said. Filmed on location in Israel w1·th d · dence Jewish Community Center t o th e h· eights in the musical field ay, one at 7 P. M. with Rabbi The right-wing Herut party, had opened registrations for a despite the fact he was stricken a caSt of leading actors from the Jerome Gurland officiating and ·th - Habima and Chamber Theatres however, expressed disagreement luxury charter-plane Flight to w1 po1 10 at the age of four, has one at 9 P.M. with Rabbi William in its newspaper with the theory Israel to be conducted from Feb. been acclaimed by such masters as and featuring the Inbal Dancers, G . Braude officiating. that King Hussein's continued 21 to March 9 of 1961. Yehudi Menuhin, Zino Frances- "The Dock" tells the stories of the Thursday morning at 10 o'clock rule was an assurance of quiet on "We at the General Jewish cat!, Leonard Bernstein, Paul lives of a group of people waiting services will be held by Rabbi Gur- Israel's eastern border. The He­ Kl tzk. at the dock in Haifa for the ar- c om mitt e e are particularly e 1. and Isler Salomon. r 1va 1 of relatives on an immigrant land and a children's service with rut pap:?r asserted that Israel had pleased to see the Jewish Com- Mr. Pearlman studied at Tel ship. Rabbi Braude will be held at 3 missed an opportunity to ensure munity Center sponsor this Flight Aviv Academy of Music and Shul- P.M. its security, adding "it may be to Israel project. Naturally, we are amith Conservatory and is the Told in Flashbacks Friday services will be at 8 :15 that we are now again to be con­ most interested in people learning winner of three prizes in Israeli Among the vignettes told in P .M., with Rabbi Gurland, and fronted with a test that is likely as much as possible about Israel competitions under the auspices flashbacks is the story of an arch!- Rabbi Braude will officiate at the to determine the fate of our coun­ and the work of the United Jewish of the Israel-American Fund. tect who replaces his early dreams Saturday morning, Sept. 24, ser- try." Appeal. This trip will give the of revolutionizing Israel's arch- vice at lO o'clock. Authoritative sources in Jerusa­ He began to play the violin at TEMPLE BE lem were cited last week by the participants a fine educational itecture with the satisfaction of TH ISRAEL opportunity to see how their the age of six and at ten and a designing functional homes for the Hi g h H o IY days services at Daily Telegraph of London as de­ funds are used." These were the half gave his first radio recital. newcomers; the story of a Ye- T emp Ie B eth Israel will be con- nying reports that Israel had con­ comments of Joseph Galkin, ex- At 11, he was accepted as a stu- menite who becomes a crack pilot d uc ted i n two sections, the Sane- centrated troops on the Jordanian ecutlve secretary of the General dent at the Tel Aviv Academy of in the Israel air force, and a teach- t uary and t he Auditorium. Both border in response to the assassi­ Music, and has since given numer- i nation of Jordanian Premier Ma­ Jewish Committee, who urged all ous recitals, as well as being soloist er who finds instruction of old- serv ces will be arranged by Rabbi Jall. persons in the community to con- with orchestras. He appeared on sters In Israel a more challenging Morris Schuaahelm who wlll The same sources were quoted sider this Interesting and exciting the Ed Sullivan program In 1958 task than the one he faced as a ' preach to both conaregatlons. pilgrimage as part of their vaca- and In 1959_ professor In Germany. Cantor Israel Tabatsky and the as saying that the Israel Army was tlon plans for the coming year. Temple choir under the direction following events in Jordan cloaely "February Is a wonderful time Samuel Rosen, Initial Gifts ~~ough the~ 1ndivldual stor- of Benjamin Premack will officl- and that the delicate situation cre- to travel In Israel. The ninety chairman, earlier had announced les, The Dock _presents In cap- ate ln the Bantuary, and Dr Da­ 1ted by the upheaval In Amman, persons who take part In thla tour that Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, sule form some of the many prob- vld Kahn will act as cantor I~ the i'l:flfi's' capital, was being stud­ will enjoy Israel at Its best and leading authority on Jewish re- !ems faced by Iarael'11 people l_n auditorium. Samuel Sherman ] with utmoet attention. will particularly enjoy the gay fugee problems and executive vice becoming adjuated to a new life David Jewitt, Charles BoJar and The correspondent reported that mardi-rras atmosphere of Purim chairman of the nationwide Unit- In a new country. Dr. Harold Hamel will al110 par- wu understood that In view of In Israel." These were the words ed Jewish Appeal, will be the ruest "The Dock" opens with a 1pec- Ucipate In the services. porta that Syrian troopa had of Judie Frank Licht, who alao speaker. Merrill i.. Huaenfeld 11 lal meuage dealln1 with the Jew• A Bllchol service at mldnlrht baen moved In Jordan'• northern (Continued on P ..e '7) l1h New Year and extending Hl1h on Saturday wt1l uaher in the aea- border. Iffael would not remain -:----'-e_n_er_a_I_c_h_a_lrm_ an_ . ______~ Holy Day ,reeUnp. (Ceatbt_. • Pap I) Your One Gift To GJC Benefits SJ.Causes .. ·. Give Generousl ! ------==.::_::;::=====-~~_:_:____:__:__:_:_:.:______,.;,..;...... ;__.;;...;.__:...... ,~ ...... --..------~-.....cc-..;.;;..;.:..-----.;; ..

Excellent, opportunities are in died Sept. 9 after .g short illness, were held the following day at the the Herald's Classified ads. Religious Issues CLASSIFIED Max Sugarman Memorial Chapel. =~ - Burial was in Lincoln Park Ceme­ ...Cl> OPPORTUNITIES Dominate News tery. Classified Advertising Rates: le per I NEW YORK - A variety of re­ '-======Born in Leeds, En g l a n d , ~... word: $1.75 minimum for 18 words. MRS. PHILIP COHEN The WINDSOR 25c discount if paid before inser­ ligious issues dominated the cam­ she was a daughter of the late Cl: tion. Call UNlon 1-3709. Deadline paign news last week. Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Hyman and Sarah

) YOUNG AUULTS TO HOLD OPEN HOUSE w The Young Adult Association Mrs. Muriel L. Cole of Provi­ of the Jewish Community Center dence, will hold an open house at ~ is completing plans for a "New her new home, 56 Bel Air Ave., in = Year Meeting and Cocktail So­ honor of Raoul Archambault, ~ cial", to be conducted at the East Charles Kilvert, Thomas Pearl- :II:! Side Center building on Sunday man and Samuel Olevson, Republi- Oct. 2, beginning at 7:30 P.M. = The Jewish Community Center can Candidates for national, g Following a short business state and local offices. Mrs. Cole ~ will hold a special "Open House meeting, the program will include Home Olympics" for elementary has invited her neighbors of both ; informal dancing and refresh­ parties to attend on Sunday 8:30 t"' school aged children from kinder­ ments. Admission will be open to garten through sixth grade, at to 10:30 P.M. for informal politi- ; all young adults, aged 18 to 25. cal discussion with the candidates . .., both Center buildings this · Sun­ The planning committee for There will be refreshments and a day at 2 P. M. this event will meet at the South = A variety of indoor and outdoor Side Center building this Tues­ display of some of Mrs. Cole's i;l athletic events and games will be day at 8 P .M. original oil paintings. ~ conducted for all age groups dur­ ing the afternoon's program. En­ tertainment, refreshments, and prizes will also be included on the :J.or Gx

J. HOWARD McGRATH At a meeting held at the White House January 16, I 948, J . played in the Howard McGrath reminded the President and the Democratic leaders present that commitments had been made to Zionist leaders in this recognition of , country that when this subject came up we would make every effort to • have Israel recognized as a nation. Mr. McGrath strongly recom­ ISRAEL as a nation ? mended to the President that his promise be kept. , The outcome of the meeting was that President Truman instructed Mr. Forrestal and the State Deparment that our representatives to the • United Nations do their utmost toward the recognition of Isra~I.

Details of this matter can be verified in the Forrestal Diaries, as published by the Viking Press Co. of New York and copyrighted in Barney Cramer 1951 by the New York Herald Tribune, Inc. &cretary-Treasurer McGrath Campaign Commillcc The Herald finds it necessary IThe choice of articles to be omit- -.i many times to edit or omit news ted is purely arbitrary. Omissions Resolution Asks releases submitted for publication. are due. to lack of space. · African Jews To ____P_o_ li_li-ca_l_ A_d_v-er-t-is_c_m_e_n_t ______P_o_l_lt-lc_a_l _,-\d_v_e_r_ti_se_m_e_n_t___ ~= ~------. l'l Promote Good Will : JOHANNESBURG - A resolu­ g tion urging every Jewish citizen Re-elect l'l in South Africa to make "his in­ C1l... dividual contribution toward the ~ promotion of understanding, good will and cooperation between all ~ peoples and races" in this country = was adopted unanimously here at Al Abelson the concluding "public relation" session of the 2nd biennial con­ Endorsed Candidate gress of the Board of Deputies of ! South African Jews. Fifth Representative District Earlier in the congress, Namie ~t::, Phillips, chairman of the Board of Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Deputies, told the 350 delegates ; Samuel Charles of 216 Ade­ and observers that the forthcom­ C1l ing referendum in the Union of l'l laide Avenue announce the ~ South Africa, as to whether the ~ engagement of their daugh­ country is to become a republic, l'l ter, Eleanor Martha, to Sid does not involve "a J ewish vote." ~ Marcus of 61 Garden City l'l The resolution reaffirmed that :i:, Drive, Cranston, son of Mr. view, holding that Jews partici­ and Mrs. Samuel Marcus of pating in politics do so as indivi­ 918 E. 14th Street, Brook­ duals, in accordance with their Embassy Studios Photo lyn, N. Y. peTSonal convictions. The debate Mrs. Sheldon L. Phillips, the Miss Charles is a graduate of on the resolution showed keen former Miss Marilyn Sybil Central High School, the Jo-Ann awareness of South Africa's com­ Gorman, was married at School of Beauty Culture and the plex problems, but emphasized Temple Emanuel on Sept. American Hair Design Institute of the fact that cordial relations l l . New York. Mr. Marcus was grad­ exist in this country between Jews uated from the City College of and non-Jews. Leaders of the New York. A Nov. 27 wedding is J ewish community stressed their Israeli, Arab Students planned. satisfaction at the fact that there is no "lunatic fringe" in South Africa advocating disunity between Participate In Seminary Charter Flight Jews and Gentiles. ROME-Israelis and Arabs were At the same time, however, the participating jointly, for the first Eight Years of Devoted Service In The (Continued from Page 1) session also noted "with concern" time, in the· annual students' sem­ voiced approval of this Jewish the increasing trend toward iden­ inary here last week under the Rhode Island House of Representatives Community Center sponsored pro­ tifying faculty members and stu­ joint auspices of the Bari Levant ject. dents in some universites by re­ Fair and the foreign relations de­ VOTE THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY ligion. Stressing the principle of Charles J. Fox, president of the partment of the Italian National ON SEPTEMBER 28 Center, pointed out, "We are "freedom of conscience," the con­ Federation of University Students. gress called for safe-guarding that particularly pleased to be able to This year's seminar is the third principle in state educational in­ of these events. In 1958, no in­ NO ON ■ MAKES pass on to Center members the stitutions for "all teachers and savings allowed through this type vitation was extended to Israel, in students, irrespective of their re­ deference to the wishes of Arab OEPILT ■ FISH of a charter flight. While I have ligious belief." just returned from Israel, I am student organizations. - Israel was In his presidential address, Mr. invited in 1959, but did not at­ almost tempted to join this group 0 wh ich will have the advantage of Phillips had told the congress that tend. Now the Israelis and the experienced tow· directors, Mr. South African Jews "participate representatives of the Arab states • are not only participating jointly, LIGHT and Mrs. Israel Karten, who have in South African life as citizens of spent considerable time touring the country, and they have no at­ but even sharing living quarters titude as a community regarding in the same place, an old Ro­ and Israel. Also, there is a great deal man-style convent here. to be said for seeing Israel at one political issues raised by the refer­ endum." The purpose of the seminar is of its gayest and most colorful to show students from other lands, moments - during the Purim He said he hoped that each in­ dividual Jew "will exercise his most of them underdeveloped FLUFFY festival." vote conscientiously and fearlessly areas, aspe·cts of Italian social, "This 17-day tour at such an in accordance with his personal political and economic contribu­ Aa?Jlt.t./Jdl,;,,/ economical rate will be an ex­ view of what is best for the inter­ tions to underdeveloped lands. perience that its participants will ests of South Africa and its inhab­ Three Israelis are here, the head This is the differenet between my never forget. I congratulate the itants. Whatever the result of of the delegation being Ben Ami "Modern Recipe" Gefilte Fish and any Jewish Community Center for Shillony, of the National He·ad of other brand. the referendum, it is the unquali­ It took four generations to develop this undertaking this challenging and fied duty of every citizen to give· Israeli Students. The two others secret recipe ••• It took me thirteen worthwhile community project his complete loyalty to the na­ represent students. years of hard work and research to find and sincerely believe the 90 par­ tion." The Bari Levant Fair will run ways to seal in the ori1in1I LIGHTNESS ticipants will derive lifetime until October. · Israel is exhibit­ and FLUFFINESS. In a review of the period since I personally supervise the preparation, memories. This is an opportunity the previous congress, which cul­ ing at the Fair, and Israel Day was observed on September 12. cooking and packinJ of each jar. Strict for the community to see first minated in South Africa's Golden Kashruth Is maintained under the sup,, hand where and how GJC funds Jubilee this year, he said that, ervision of the Union ef Ortllodox J•• are used." So commented Joseph as far as the Jewish community Assassination ish Con1re1at10111. Ress, president of the GJC. was concerned, "our communal (Continued from Page 1) Co-chairman of the committee life was more highly developed, Speaking at a meeting of a Ma­ in charge of plans for the Flight our educational and religious fa­ pai youth group in Tel Aviv, he P'J-~,~ to Israel are Sanford Fern and cilities are much greater·." He said Israel must maintain alert­ Melvin Chernick. Questions con­ added that, if the Jewish record ness since "we do not know in cerning the flight may be directed of growth during the 50 years was which direction the situation will by phone to Mr. Fern or Mr. Cher­ creditable, "this is testimony to develop." nick, or to Dr. Carp at the East the spirit of tolerance and fair Meanwhile, the Israe'li Air Force Side J ewish Community Center. play which generally marked the is expected to take delivery next relationship between J ew and year of 26 French-built Miragee-3 non-Jew." SPLIT WIDENS jet interceptor planes, according to He· asserted that South Africa "Flying Review," the Royal Air l-<'~MM.\N, Jordan, - The bitter remained faithful to the traditions Force publication in London. ~.Pllt between Jordan and the of religious freedom brought from According to the RAF periodical, United Arab Republic widened last England and Holland, and that Israel has taken an option on 14 week after a warning by King the J ews shared to the full the more of the French Jets, making Hussein that Jordan wlll take ?ltM.6tlkt~ same opportunities as their fel­ at total of 40, at a price reportedly "physical action" to stop aggres­ low countrymen. marked at $2,500,000 per plane. MODERN RECIPE sion by the UAR. The RAF publication stated that Hussein blamed the UAR for All organizational news MUST the Franco-Israeli contract for GEFILTE FISH planting the bombs that ripped be In the Herald offices before these planes had not yet been DISTRIBUTOR: through the Foreign Ministry here noon of Monday each week. It will signed, but that the Information recently, kllling Premier Hazza NOT appear In that week's paper came from sources in the French N. DAVIS DAIRY PRODUCTS MaJall and 10 others. If It Is received later than noon. aircraft Industry. 339 NO. MAIN ST. - PROVIDENCE, R. I. ------·------·-·------I 00

=co ...Cl) ...~ the jewish ~ Ir.i :Jferald ~ Q.c ;.i 'IJ ....- ~ ,c :i.. STATEMENT OF POLICY ;II.. Regarding Publicity, News and Photographs ::i -l IC ~ And Suggestions for All Contributors :.i :c In order to clarify our policy regarding the handling of stories and herewith presents its statement of policy in these matters, along with sug­ :i z: IC photographs, and as a guide to persons in charge of publicity for the many gestions tharwill facilitate the preparation and handling of publicity intended -l ..'-1 organizations in the area covered by this newspaper, the Jewish Herald for publication on these pages. ~ Q 0

=~ The Herald is always on the lookout for in­ r.i PREPARING NEWS STORIES COMMUNITY NEWS STORIES teresting news stories, involving human interest, =~ I . PUBLICITY RELEASES. in order to be effective unusual incidents, etc. In such cases, the editors I . THE HERALD is always on the lookout for news and tell the story of your organization completely and will as a rule assign a staff member to cover the of interest to the Jewish com1t1unity. Such news is re­ satisfactorily, must be planned in advance. A few scrib­ event. Please call UNion 1-3709 for news tips. ceived gladly, and printed without charge. Whether bled notes at the last minute before deadline time will it's a birth, Bar Mitzvah, engagement, wedding, anni­ result in an inadequate story that minimizes the impor­ versary, election, personal honor - even a death, it's tance of your group's efforts and program. A carefully news, and the Herald will print it. pla nned and written release will bring the story home munity with literally hundreds of organizations. Space to the public in the manner it deserves. while also giving is always at a premium. We never have sufficient space 2. DON'T EXPECT the story to appear unless you proper credit to the individuals responsible, and possibly for all the news we receive, yet we m,ust serve every know that someone has notified us·. And don;t ASSUME organization. We have to be impersonal in our rela­ also attracting new personnel to your membership roHs. that someone did. We cannot be expected to print an t'ons with ·the community, even though we try to be item if we don't have any° knowledge of it. 2. CHECK YOUR FACTS before writing the story. friendly with all. Please don't abuse that friendship. Follow the five W's of newspaper reporting - WHO. If you have complied with the suggestions listed above, WHAT. WHERE, WHEN and WHY. Make sure all you probably won't need to ask for favors, anyhow are included wherever applicable. NOTICE-The Herald WILL NOT PRINT any I 0. TICKET and admission prices submitted in .pub­ organizational news matter that bas appeared 3. MAKE SURE that you have ALL the facts. Be licity releases may not appear in news stories. Such in­ previously in any other local or national J>!!rlo­ especially careful with names. If a person is worth formation. as well as other items that are more com­ mentioning in your story, then afford him or her the mercial than newsworthy in their aspect, will be printed dical. Once the story bas appeared elsewhere, It courtesy of printing his FULL name CORRECTLY. only in paid advertising. is considered no longer news to our readers. It is careless reporting to misspell a name, or to submit merely the first initial instead of the full first nai:ne. If 11. LEARN THE STYLE and procedure of the you are to handle publicity for the season or for any Herald or any other medium you use. Study the stories period of time, you should obtain a corrected and up­ that a re similar to yours. Then you may more effec­ to-date list of the membership to aid you in writing t:vely be able to write a story that will be printed as PHOTOGRAPHS your news releases. you wrote it. I . Due to the complexities and expense involved in 4. CONTRIBUTORS to the Herald are not expected 12 . TELEPHONE numbers intended to facilitate the processing photographs, we must levy a charge for ALL to be trained journalists. The editors do not expect a making of reservations or purchase of tickets for an ORGANIZATIONAL PICTURES. polished news story. Send us the FACTS, we wilJ°write affair will be printed only once. the story. Long-winded essays designed to stretch your 2. The costs of halftones for our particular process story will be edited to include only the facts, anyway. 13. EXCEPT in special cases, notices of coming events and their programs will appear on the week prior are as follows : One column picture-$8.00; Two col­ to the affair. Organizations planning events that in­ umns-$9.60; Three columns-$11.60. Larger pictures volve the entire community, or a significant part there­ cost proportionately more. These costs may be obtairied The Herald reserves the right to accept or re­ of, or that involve a rr.ajor and recognized fund-raising by calling UNion 1-3709. ject, and to ed·it all copy submitted for publica­ campaign, or other events of unusual community in­ tion. Such copy becomes our property. terest. may be allowed additional publicity. In such 3. There is no charge for personal photographs, in­ cases, the editors should be consulted well in advance, cluding Younger Set, Bar Mitzvahs, engagements, wed­ and a program of publicity arranged. 5. A NEWS STORY is supposed to contain FACTS, dings, etc. submitted by subscribers. not OPINIONS. Tell the story qf your big affair with­ 14. NEWS STORIES to insure accuracy must be out adding what a wonderful time everybody had. mailed. Brief notices of two or three sentences may, 4. 'WHEREVER possible, photographs submitted Truthfully, you don't actually know that everybody did at the discretion of the news writer, be accepted over should be GLOSSY PRINTS, sizes from 5" x 7" to the telephone. e.ijoy himself or herself. That may be your opiniqn, 8½" x 11 ". Non-glossy or colored pictures often do not reproduce well. The editors reserve the right to but keep your op;nions to yourself. They have no place 15 . THE PRESENCE of members of the Herald in your news release. Opinions are expressed in the staff at an organizational meeting does not necessarily withhold• publication of pictures for that and other Herald ONLY in our editorials and by our featured mean that they are attending your meeting in an official reasons. columnists. capacity. T~ey are probably attending as individuals. 5. SNAPSHOTS are not acceptable for reproduction. 6. IF YOU LIST the names of officers or committee 16. PLEASE DO NOT call staff members at their members in a story appearing in advance of your affair. homes. The Herald office is open daily from g A. M. 6. PHOTOGRAPHS will not be returned by mail, DO NOT submit the same information in a story after until 5 :30 P. M. the event has taken place. unless accompanied by an addressed envelope with 17. ALWAYS SUBMIT your story on a full size sufficient postage. However, they may be picked up 7. A NOTICE that a meeting was held is not news. ( 81/2" x I I") sheet of paper. Stories submitted on at the Herald office. i unless some newsworthy happening took pl ace at the scraps of paper may easily become lost or mislaid. The mee(ing. such as an election. a program, etc. Herald will accept no responsibility for such releases. NOTE: Wedding and Younger Set pictures, etc., that ~ Copy should be typewritten if possible, and double have no future interest to this n~wspaper are ke!)t o~ 8. THE STATEMENT that "plans a re being made" spaced. Otherwise, it should be clearly and legibly file for a limited time only. Persons wishing to reclaim -~­ is not news, and should not be included in your story. printed or written, on ONE SIDE ONLY. them should do so immediately after publication. Neither is the secretary's minutes of a meeting news in its report form, nor the fact that refreshments will 7. THE . D EADLI N E for receiving photographs is be or were served. If you say that nominations were Monday at 12 Noon. Because of the numher of photo­ held, 3ive the names of the nominees. The deadline for all news Is Monday at lZ graphs that arc submitted for publication each week , noon, ncept In case of holidays, in which ca1e 9. Don't ask the editors for " favors" and "special we cannot guar;mtee that they will appear on the par­ earlier deadlines will be lllted the previou week. consideration" or to reserve space for your story. The ticula r week. they are submitted. even if the deadline Herald aerves . a larae area and a highly active com- is met.

r. ·· Here's your opportunity to be generous on a global scale. Your one gift to the General Jewish Committee is felt around the world. Fifty-three worthy causes benefit from this one gift. Make sure your gift is big enough to build a decent future for our people . ..

IN IS RAEL, where despite outward success, 60,000 immigrants still live in tin huts and shanty towns because of lack of adequate housing, and the basic equipment for decent and civilized living.

IN WESTERN EUROPE AND POLAND, destitute refugees and the hard core of aged, chronically ill and handicapped all look to us for help. Those who are lucky enough to be able to leave need transportation.

IN MOSLEM COUNTRIES, half a million Jews still need the bare necessities of life and preparation for eventual resettlement in Israel.

IN THE UNITED ST ATES, recent outbreaks of anti-Semitism prove that maintenance of programs that combat discrimination and safeguard human rights must be continued without relaxation.

IN PROVIDENCE, additional funds are needed so that the Community Centers, the Bureau of Education and eleven other agencies can continue to provide the best possible standards of service.

MERRILL L. HASSENFELD, 1960 General Campaign Chairman JOSEPH W. RESS, President, General Jewish Committee

Keep the Torch of Freedom Burning ••• GIVE TO GJC •• ~ IN '60 pa ' G Use Herald Classified ads. The Herald finds it necessary many times to edit or omit news releases· submitted for publication. INSTRUCTION IN WOOD The choice of articles to be omit­ FIBRE FLOWERS ted is purely arbitrary. Omissions are due to lack of space. F R E E PAY FOR MATERIAL ONLY ADULT CLASSES MAKE A PERMANENT Afternoons, I lo 3 Evenings, 7 to 9 LI FE TAPE RECORD I NG ·CHILDREN'S CLASSES BAR MITZVAH - CONFIRMATION Saturday A.M., 10 lo 12 · RECITALS - SPEECHES Also free demonstrations for Clubs and Organizations ALLAN M. GOODWM ANN KNIGHT 61 Westford Road at PA 6-6369 Providence 6, R .I. or ANN SCIPIONE at EL 1-2241 UN 1-3882

Make Final Plans- Plans for the first joint luncheon of the The Jewish Herald serves a Initial Gifts and Vital Gifts divisions of the Women's ;ommunity of 35 ,000 - it follows that Herald ads are widely read. ALLEN G. VICKERS Divisi on 1960 campaign of the General Jewish Committee HEADMASTER were made last week at a meeting of workers. Discussing The ·Opening of the 32nd Year on the Sept. 19 event are, left to right, Mesdames Howard E. Schneider, George Tuck, Joseph H. Orchoff, Irving Fain, SEPTEMBER 21, 1960. Vital Gifts chairman; Leonard Salmonson, consultant; J os­ Enrollment Limited, Some Vacancie-s Exist eph E. Adelson and Stanley R. Gilbert. Two pieces of lug­ Girls Are Being Admitted to Kindergarten gage donated by Mrs. Sol Koffler will be given as door prizes. HARRY KATZ Kosher Meat Market Still Waiting For Delicatessen In the New Willard Shopping Center HIGHEST QUALITY ond ARTHUR M. NEWMAN Scheduled For Ghana, Africa LOWEST PRICE NEW YORK - If employees of trucked it back to New York. PLENTY OF Is Now Associated With M. Aroff & Sons in Ghana, Africa, Meanwhile. back at Mr. Aroff's TURKEYS AND DUCKS can just hold out a little longer, Los Angeles office, the contractor FOR THE HOLIDAYS that 600-pound shipment of tasty was undaunted. He ordered the WEEKEND SPECIALS STANLEY E. SHEIN kosher delica tessen they've been delly transhipped to Ghana by TURKEYS lb. 49c waiting for since last June will steamer. DUCKS lb. 45c reach them any day according to "No. it hasn't gotten there yet," /ea/tor an article in the World Telegram Young CHICKENS lb. 29c by Alex Benson. Mr. Aroff said on the telephone. Free Delivery DE 1-9675 • Residential • Commercial Mr. Aroff is a Los Angeles con­ "This whole thing has been a tractor whose firm is engaged in comedy of errors." • Industrial construction work in West Africa. His men there "like to eat Ameri­ ,OPEN HOUSE DANCE • Appraisals • Sales can," Mr. Aroff explained today, Pollack's so "to keep them happy" he dis­ An "Open House Dance" for DE 1-3838 patched his company plane from high schoolers will be conducted 769 Hope St. California to New York last June at the East Side Building of the DELICATESSEN . Residence: PA 5-5816 22 to pick up the load of delica­ Jewish Community Center -this tessen and airlift it to Ghana. Saturday from 7:30 to 10:30 P . M ., it was announced by Stanley Krie­ Table luxuries Tha t's when things started to ger, chairman of the Summer go wrong. CanTEEN Committee. 230 Prairie Avenue Mr. Aroff's war sw·plus B-26 in the Willa rd Shopping Center bomber landed at Idlewild Air- Open to all high school aged WEEKEND FEATURES port June 22, all right. Center members and their guests ROKEACH'S & ROSOFF'S Prompt Delivery the event will feature music by And Hebrew National Kosher Bob Chase. as guest disc jockey, Foods Inc., of Brooklyn, delighted and refreshments. News will be Qts. - 2 for 49c with what their press release de- ?.nnounced of the Center's teen scribed as the firm's "largest program for the season and spec­ Maxwell House single

Your family greeting in the 1960 Rosh Hash­ anah issue of The Jewish Herald will reach prac­ tically all your relatives and friends in the New England area, just at the time of the Jewish New Year holidays. FILL OUT If you want your greeting THIS COUPON in this year's issue, mail this AND MAIL coupon NOW1 AT ONCE! Personal Greetings Priced At:

$2.50 -- $3.75 and $5.00 And Proudly Announces Ask For Rates On Larger Ads

SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ,TO: His Candidacy For Representative r------I THE R. I. JEWISH HERALD Fifth District 1117 Douglas Avenue I Providence, R. I. Vote Democratic I Enclosed find ...... for which please l September 28th Primary print a greeting In the SPECIAL NEW YEAR ISSUE of I I THE R. I . JEWISH HERALD. I l MR. a nd MRS. BERNARD C. GLADSTONE ADDRESS I I L CITY______...... • ...... STATE ...... J Attorney -- Community Leader -- Dedicated Responsibility calling the applicant a "half­ penny Hitler." Court proceedings to compel the city to issue the per~it were then started. Rockwell Fined $100 WASHINGTON -Rockwell was The Herald is now accepting fined $100 recently for leading anti-Jewish rallies that ended 1n "Younger Set" Photos street brawls recently. He was sentenced by Munici­ For early publication and For our Files pal Court Judge Mildred Reeves, • Glossy Prints Preferred • 5" x 7" or larger who offered him the option of serving thirty days in jail instead • Snapshots will not be accepted of paying the fine . He was accused of disturbing the peace at rallies THE JEWISH HERALD on July 3 and July 24. 1.117 Douglas AYe. ProYidence, R. I. Seven of Rockwell's so-called "storm troopers" also were fined. Beat Up Movie Extras

Supec-R;ght Qual;ty, Genu;ne Spring Dressed As Nazis 'I Rabbi Sheldon F. W eltman To Speak - Dr. Roman ROME - A number of Italian Reuben Pe'er, head of the "fascists," wearing authentic Mus­ Temple Beth Sholom Department of General Sur­ solini-type black shirts, were gery of the Poriah govern­ beaten up last week by some Jew­ Plans For · Holy Days ment hospital at Tiberias, ish youths in the Portico Dottavia, Israel, who is visiting Rhode center of the Rome Jewish quar­ La111b High Holy Day Services at Tem­ ter. It turned out, however, that Island as an exchange sur­ the men attacked were "extras" ple Beth Sholom will be conducted geon under the program in­ by RQ.bbi She1don F. Weitman, of being used by an Italian film pro­ Cleveland, Ohio. augurated by the Unitarian ducer shooting a new picture, "Joy Rabbi Weitman is a graduate of Se r v ice Committee, has of Living," intended_ to reproduce Columbia University with an A.B. been appointed Surgeon-in­ the racial persecutions that took Legs Degree, cum laude, and· has re­ Chief, pro tempore, of the place in this very section of the ceived his Master's degree in He­ Miriam Hospital for the city under the fascist regime. brew Literature from the Rabbin­ week of Sept. 19 through 24. When Jews saw the black-shirt­ ed men strutting around the WHOLE ical School of the Jewish Theo­ Dr. Pe'er will speak on "Per­ logical Seminary of America neighborhood, excitement spread sonal Experience in the Manage­ through the quarter. Some Jew­ where he is at present a third ment of Hydatid Cyst with Re­ REGULAR TRIM year scholar. • ish youths did not wait to inves­ LB55c port of an Unusual Complication" tigate - they started beating up Liturgical services at Temple at the Miriam Hospital Staff the extras. Beth Sholom will be chanted by meeting on Monday at 8 :30 P .M ., OVEN-READY LAMB LEGS lb 63c Cantor Karl Kritz, assisted by the in the hospital auditorium. Mem­ Beth Sholom choir. bers of the medical profession in Have You Tried Joel Sharir, Hebrew School prin­ Rhode Island have been invited. cipal, will conduct Junior Congre­ • CREPE SUZETTE Super.-Right Quality, U. S. Gov't. lnsp. gational services. The membership committee is Epstein the week before the trial. at Di MAIO'S Emanuel Redfield, counsel to sitting at the Temple for the next RIVERSIDE Open Mondays two weeks to accept new mem­ the union argued that nazism berships. was "the direct antithesis" of Chicken what the union stood for but that ~-,,.,,!'_..,;.";~","',.'~"',.,,,,,,,,"',""~","',',',"',",'"-.{I it believed denial of free speech Monday Enning 5-8 P.M.~ to anyone was a denial of the BUFFET SUPPER . N. Y. Judge Rules rights of all. By Candlelight Quarters Saul Moskoff, assistant corpo­ FABULOUS OESSERTI Against Rockwell ration counsel, argued for the city that the American Nazi party was MISS DUTTON'S NEW YORK - A judge held a subversive group bent on here recently that the constitu­ fomenting racial hatred, violence, tional right of free speech could riots and genocide. Wlllii1m an"d Gertrude Newman•, a;::tLa39' ~:La36' no£ be invoked to permit Nazi advocates of violence to make The Nazi leader, the son of FISHMAN'S public speeches in New York City. George Lovejoy Rockwell, a re­ Justice Henry Epstein in the tired vaudeville comedian known as Old Doc Rockwell, has head­ -::·: Kosher Meats -::-- State Supreme Court dismissed a 214 Prairie Avenue petition of George Lincoln Rock­ quarters at Arlington, Va. The two are estranged. well, self-styled leader of the - FOR THE HOLIDAYS - american Nazi party, to compel The son applied last June to CHOICE SELECTION OF the city to grant him a permit to hold a rally here. TI:ie Public TURKEYS - CAPONS speak in Union Square. The judge Awareness Society, a c1v1c group, SPRING PULLETS and ruled: then brought suit to prevent BROILERS "It is not within the reasonable issuance of a permit. Tender scope of the Bill of Rights amend­ In a recess at a court hearing Steer LIVER _ lb 69c ment here relied upon to loose June 22, the Nazi leader ·nearly For Your Convenience, We Will self-confessed advocates of vio­ touched off a riot in the rotunda KOSHER All Your Meat and Poultry lence upon a community at a time of the New York County Supreme For Early Delivery To All Points and place where it is inevitable Court by anti-Jewish statements, Call MA 1-7596 DEUCIOUS JANE •PARKER FAVORITE, LOW-PRICED! that public disorder and riot will and the police had to rescue him result. We Carry Nothing But from irate spectators. Later the The FINEST STEER BEEF, "This court cannot agree that same day Mayor Wagner denied the constitutional guarantee of the application for the permit, VEAL and LAMB! Cherry Pie free speech encompasses such an invitation to public disorder, vio­ 't:::IL!t (! it"1rMt:=SMMt:1Mt:""1MMOPHMMt:-1HHt""'O:":SMr:-:-JUUUUUUUQUUAJ-.iAA. ~-~~---- ...... ------~=====~-----·;-==='-'=-======-,,,...,...... -~===-'--=-=------

Advertise in the Herald. Another Shipment ARTHUR I EINSTEIN JUST ARRIVEDI PIANO - HARMONY Well planned meals, especially Save the top of a fresh pine­ 1960 Plastic-Coated for the coming High Holidays, is apple, Cut pineapple lengthwise and Music Direct~r of Temple Emanu-EI as essential as the proverbial with a grapefruit knife scoop out And Trimmed well-planned career before col­ centers, leaving a half inch inside HAS RESUMED TEACHING lege. For centuries our people rim. (Dice the pineapple after re­ WALLPAPERS have followed special Rosh Hasho­ moving center fibrous sections Telephone GA 1-1144 Studios: nah food customs. A holiday at­ and use with the Cantaloupe Rings 26 Conrad Building reg. $1 to $1.75 per roll mosphere pervades the home via for dessert along with other fruits.) 349 Morris Avenue the special foods associated with Mold chopped beef liver into each 39c per roll the occasion. Wine; and Honey half of pineapple, rounding it up with sliced apples to signify the as high as desired. Press sliced deep-felt wish for a good and sweet pimiento stuffed green olives into year ahead; ; Gefilte Fish; the chopped liver as close together ADLER Chicken; Tzimmes of and as possible. Place on a serving MRS. ARTHUR EINSTEIN its variations; (honey cake) platter and press the two top sec­ Hardware & Paint Co. and/or a special Lokshen Kugel tions close together so that the -PIANIST- with some fruits-of-the-season pineapple green' top can be adjust­ 198 Prairie Ave. DE 1-8135 dessert are the holiday special ed easily. Arrange groups of WILLARD SHOPPING CENTER foods to prepare. crackers (available with HAS RESUMED TEACHING To our readers of this column circled U label) or toasted thin for many years, and to the home­ rounds of ry e bread around. Place Te I. GA 1-1 1 44 makers whose ki tchen equipment -a fork or spreader on each side includes a basic Jewish cookbook, for easy serving when p11 s s e d KELLER'S we need only offer a suggested around the table. For filling the menu for their guidance.However , average sized scooped out pine­ BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR FRIENDS ""1Wll KOSHER~ we do include the following recipes apple you will need 1 1/2 to 2 and a few special suggestions again pounds of beef liver, 4 eggs, hard­ AND CLIENTS FOR A HAPPY AND this pre-holiday season. Clip and cooked, 1 large diced and MEATS paste the recipes in your kitchen lightly browned in 4 to 5 table­ PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR scrapbook--it's always helpful to spoons of oil or . Broil In The Heart Of The have around. Willard Shopping Center the liver and let cool before cutting up and putting through food chopper SAMUEL C. RESS Select AA MENU with the other ingredients. ROSH HASHANAH DINNER - A N. D - Steer Liver lb 79c • • Wine • HAROLD HOLT & CO . Rib Chuck AA lb 62c Challah • Glazed Broiled Chicken 10 Dorrance Street-GA 1-7771 Res.-GA 1-2652 Chopped Liver Pineapple Mold• Allow a quarter or broiling Special For Your Gefilte Fish Balls in nest of HOLIDAY FESTIVE BOARD chicken per serving, Wipe each Sliced Tomatoes on lettuce section with paper -towel, dust A Choice Selection of Oven Broiled Chicken Quarters, lightly with seasoned flour or- fine fruit glazed• cracker crumbs, place skin-side • CHICKENS • TURKEYS and Sweet Potato FRED FISHMAN'S • CAPONS · • BROILERS Tzimmes• down on an aluminum-lined shal­ low pan and slip under broiler FRUITS - VEGETABLES - FISH • Etc. Scalloped Cantaloupe Rings, flame turned up to 450 deg. F. for fruit filling• PLEASE ORDER EARLY 20 minutes or till lightly browned. Crispy Raisin Drops• Turn skin-side up, brush each Fresh Water Fish Pineapple-Nut Drops• Now Open Saturday Nites piece with diluted marmalade or For The Holidays orange juice or wine. Return to For the Largest Selection, Buy From The L argest ) @U9!,i Free Delivery - JA 1-0960 • • Distributor of Fresh Water Fish In All Rhode :,_ • broiler flame for 10 minutes or till Island • , • ORDER EARL Y I - p REMEMBER: "The Proof of the glazed and temptingly browned. Pudding Is In the Eating" • Chopped Liver Pineapple Mold eli~El:Eo~H~~c:g~ FRUITS and VEGETABLES • • • 216 PRAIRIE AVENUE - MA 1-6834 • Crispy Raisin Drops IN THE NEW WILJ,.ARD SHOPPING CENTER Open Saturday Night and All Day Sunday To Serve Our Customers Congregation Sons Of Jacob 3/4 cup dark or light seedless 24 Douglas Avenue raisins (Continued on Page 16) Shop MELZER'S For the LARGEST SELECTION Of Is Pleased To Announce the Engagement of RABBI CANTOR HYMAN MILLMAN HOLD ANNUAL TEA JEWISH NEW YEAR CARDS OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. The· Annual Junior Volunteer And A Complete Line Of RELIGIOUS MERCHANDISE: Tea and Recognition Party was -And - e TALEISIM • MAHRZORIM • YARMULKES e TALIS BAGS held for the junior volunteers at e CHROME CANDLE STICKS e CANDLES RABBI DAVID GURKOW the Miriam Hospital and their • REL.IGIOUS JEWELRY (Gold and Silver Stars, Etc,) OF PROVIDENCE parents on Sept. 10. · - RELIGIOUS DEPT. CLOSED ON SATURDAYS - who will officiate during the services of Earl Palmer was presented with For Succoth! A Big Selection Of Selichos - Midnight, Sat., Sept. 17 a 300 hour pin. The Miriam Hos­ The Public Is Invited To Attend pital Pin was awarded to Lee ESROGIM AND LULOVIM Rosh Hashanah . Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sept. 21, 22, 23 Ellen Alter, Michael Altman, Sha­ PLEASE PLACE YOUR ORDER BEFORE YOM KIPPUR Yom Klppur . Eve of Fri., Sept. 30, Sat., Oct. 1 Kol Nidre · 6 P. M. ron Bilow, Audrey Goldis, How­ Tickets are now on sale every evening ard Malin, Ann Silverman, Susan Liberal Discounts On All Books and Religious Merchandise Steiner and Robert Williamson. Except Friday from 7 - 9 P. M . Howard Malin received a 150 MELZER'S SHOPPING CENTER The Officers and Board Members Wish You and Yours Hour Pin. A Year of H~alth, Happiness and Religious Attainment Diplomas were presented to 238 Prairie Avenue MA 1-8524 Open Evenings Janie Ada.ms, Lee Ellen Alter, Michael Altman, Carolyn Ames, Sharon Bllow, Carol Cowan, Di­ For the Holidays - ane Cruz, Toby Demel, Ann Gabel, For TOP Hol·iday Pleasure Stephanie Glass, Barbara Gold­ Traditional Pastries stein, Joan Leven , Brenda Kirsh­ Honey Cake - - enbaum, Joyce Lacouture, Mar­ Serve "GOLD-MAN" Brand POULTRY and Many Other Delicacies sha Lewenstein , Samuel Malin, NONE GENUINE Judith Murphy. Helen Maziarz, Roberta Perel­ "GOLD-MAN" Brand Poultry Is Without This Tag For Any Occasion ma n, Judy Perlow, Maureen Ren­ Guaranteed Kosher And The Best On The Wing . . . quin, Hannah Reich, Sharon That Money Con Buy. Ask for It By bearing the seal of the Schiff , Ann Silverman, Susan You'll Like Our Popular New York Style Nome At Your Local Kosher Market. WAAD Steiner , Roberta Trinkle, Robert HACASHRUTH of Williamson, Lois Winograd and Providence. CAKES and PASTRY Yvette Rosenberg. They Make A Hit Every Time! Hostesses for the affair were LOCALLY RAISED - Processed Exclusively For Sole Mesdames Simon Greenberg, E. In Retail Kosher Meat And Poultry Markets OPE N SUNDAYS - CLOSED MONDAYS Harold Dick, Herbert Rosen, Eli­ zabeth Palmer and Monty Guari­ no. director of volunteers. A total of 94 junior volunteers CHOICE PASTRY SHOP· have donated 2,500 volunteer GREYtAWN PouLTRY Co. 778 Hope Street, Providence GA1pee T- 8642 hours of service to Miriam Hospi­ WARWICK RHODE ISLAND tal th us far in 1960. t'

~ A subscription to the Herald is Iwho "has everything" else. Call ALTER HELLER DIES a good gift idea for the person UN 1-3709. NEW YORK - Alter Heller, well-known and Hebrew ~ ~• 111 1 ■ 1 111 ■ 11 11 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 11 11 ■ 1 111 ■ 1 111 ■ 1 111 ■ 11 11 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1 111 ■ 1 111 ■ 11 11 ■ 111 1 ■ 111 1 ■ 1 111 ■ !11 1 ■ 11 11 ■ 1 111 ■ 1111 ■ 11 11 ■1 poet and essayist, died in New Rochelle last weekend. He was ~ !■_ SPECIAL PURCHASE•• 1.:·- 72 years old. Born in the Ukraine, he studied in France and came to ~ I LADD'S HAS JUST BO GHT O •=- the United States in 1910 where i I U UT ~ he continued his studies. ~ I Stock of 11 R. I. ASSOCIATES 11 !!! HENRY SHAPIRO ~ ! LARGEST USED ;;;;;~/~~UIPMENT STORE : TEACHER OF ,.; ! Also Liberal Discounts on Floor Samples of TRUMPET & TROMBONE < ■ INSTRUMENTS RENTED NEW OFFICE FURNITURE and EQUIPMENT PA 5-5161 Home Instruction EHi Associate of Ray Mullin Music f l UN 1-1777 •! Stores, Pawl. A ■ FREE I PARKING Mynah Birds ~ § I r.. ■ Capuchin Monkeys =1~· • Guinea Pigs - Puppies ! i. PETS' WORLD Plan Luncheon-Final plans for the first joint luncheon of 929 WESTMINSTER ST. (Hoyle Sq.) 1538 ELMWOOD AVE., CRANSTON ... I !I! ST 1-8700 the Initial Gifts and Vital Gifts Divisions of the Women's ~ -~ 11 11 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 111 1 ■ 11 11 ■ 111 1 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 1111 ■ 11 11 ■ 1111 ■ 11 11 ■ 1111 ■ 11 11 ■ 11111 Division 1960 campaign of the General Jewish Committee were reviewed last week at a meeting of workers. Mrs. Sol Koffler, Initial Gifts chairman, and Mrs. Archie Fain, con­ sultant, discussed the plans for the Sept. 19 affair. Y . Isaac ' (Ike) Aronowicz, skipper of the ill-fated Exodus 1947, will YOU GET A be the guest speaker. S15 BONUS CERTIFICATE WHEN YOU BUY AN

(Continued from Page 15 ) storing between layers of alumi­ num foil in covered containers. EASY ELECTRIC DRYER 1/2 cup vegetable shortening Yields 48 or more cookies, depend­ 1 cup sugar ing on size of drops. 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour • • • • 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring • Carrot &: Sweet Potato Tzimmes 3 TEMPERATURE 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind (Meatless) 3 1/2 cups dry cereal (cornflakes SELECTIONS preferred) Scrape raw carrots lengthwise 1 cup r.hopped or flaked with a wire Pot Cleaner (Chore­ cocoam1t boy) and drop into cold water till Plump 11,e raisins by placing all are scraped. With a sharp knife End tedious clothes drying in a colander over boiling hot slice diagonally into 1/8 inch thick water, cover and let stand while slices and let stand In cold water chores for good with this preparing the rest of the ingred­ while preparing sweet potatoes ients as below. Cream shortening which should be pared and diced or bargain-priced Easy elec• and sugar and beat in eggs one at cut into 1/2-inch rounds with a tric clothes dryer. Flame­ a time till combined. Sift together fluted curter. Combine both vege­ the dry Ingredients then sift grad­ tables, add enough cold water to less electric clothes drying ually Into the creamed mixture, cover, add salt to taste and bring mixing till well blended. Dust the to a quick boil. Cook over moderate is clean and safe ••• dries plumped raisins lightly with flour heat for 20 minutes, taste for salt l addition, add prunes that have been your clothes in minutes, and fold into the mixture along with the flavorings and dry cereal, scaled and drained and honey to any time, any day. Come adding the cocoanut bits last a taste. Cook over low heat in a little at a time, Drop from a tea­ covered pot till the liquid has been in - see this big value spoon onto an ungreased cookie reduced by half and the vegetables now - and take advantage sheet, or a foll-lined cookie sheet tender. Add an einbren made of if you prefer. Bake 12 to 15 min­ melted vegetable shortening and of our limited time $15 utes at 375 deg. F. or till lightly flour, seasoned with a dash of salt browned. Yfelds approximately 36 and some grated lemon or orange bonus certificate offer! cookies. rind, then add some of the liquid, stirring over moderate heat till thickened and free of lumps. Turn • • • this over the cooked combination • Pineapple-Nut Drops in a casserole, sprinkle with fine (A Quick-easy) crumbs and bake 30 to 45 minutes at 350 deg. F. or till browned on automatic 1/2 cup vegetable shortening top. 1/2 cup each dark brown and electric granulated sugar EASY 1/8 teaspoon salt • • • l well-beaten egg 1/2 cup well-drained canned Scalloped Cantaloup Rings Dessen CLOTHES DRYER • FLAMELESS crushed pineapple 2 cups sifted flour, sifted again Cut cantaloups into I-inch thick • CLEAN, SAFE with rings, removing seeds. With a scalloped or fluted cutter, trim off • PLUG IN LIKE 114 teaspoon each baking powder and baking soda the ouler skin from each ring in YOUR TOASTER 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or turn and place rings on ·a wax Nows139~ pecans paper or aluminum foil-lined • USE ON EITH.ER 5 drops yellow vegetable color­ cookie sheet that will fit into the ONLY $5.95 DOWN ON BUDGET TERMS 115 OR 230 VOLTS ing, if desired meat pan of refrigerator. Allow enough of the "lining" to come • ACCURATE HEAT Cream shortening and sugars. Blend salt Into beaten egg and stir over the long sides of pan so they CONTROL Into creamed mixture. Add drained can be used to cover the filling crushed pineapple and stir In the rings. Now fill rings with melon sifted dry ingredients till blended, balls cut from the ends of canta­ adding the chopped nuts and vege­ loups, water melon or honeydew table coloring, if used. while stir­ melon, diced pared peaches, plums NARRAGANSETT ELECTRIC ring together. Drop from a tea­ and blueberries, either fresh or 0 spoon on well greased and flour well drained canned kind. Top with dusted cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 a sprig of fresh mint of your minutes at 425 deg . .F. or till favorite fruit salad dressing just . lightly browned, Let cool before before serving time • of Israel and the Arab nations. !::; Then the world will see who really wants peace in the Mid-East ana who is against it.'' ~ ONE MAN'S OPINION It is a good thing to try and keep l!l trying. But is there anything new ~ In that? Israel is saying again and .= THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I AND SOUTHEAST MASS IS THERE again that it wants peace with the § Publlshed Jllvery Week 87 The Arab neighbors, but to no avail. t!l A JEWISH VOTE? They would not even debate with .,. Jewish Press Publishing Company Israel on the same TV program r,i 1117 Douglas Ave., Providence, R. I. • UNlon 1-3709 BY BERYL SEGAL lest the purity of the Arab garb be ~ flecked by the contact. How do you ~ CHARLES LAUDOR Advertising Manager A New York Times reporter lties. I think they know it, too. The expect them to sit at a peace con­ CELIA ZUCKERBERG ...... Editor found an indifference among the competition Is too great for them. ference with Israel? There wlll ; Second Class Postage Paid at Providence, Rhode Island Jewish voters of that city to the They would do well to keep the have to be something more than the ~ Subscription Rates: Fifteen Cents the copy; By Mail, $4.50 per annum; outside Presidential elections. The news­ heavy ammunition to the end. New England, $5.00 per annum. Bulk rates on request. wish of the President. .~ paper duly reported this finding, Now the special groups in the Mr. Nixon puts great trust in .., The Herald assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors In and that gave rise to many spec­ country are a different story. his running mate. When elected, he advertisements, but will reprint that part of the advertisement In which the typographical error occurs. Advertisers will please notify the management ulations. Can it be that Jewish Labor is already excited about the will hand over the entire Arab- a Immediately of any error which may occur. voters don't care anymore what campaign. Old age people are tak­ Israel problem to Mr.HenryCabot i::, ing sides. Small-business people FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1960 happens to the country? Did they Lodge. He has the experience, he _e:; desert their traditional keen in­ are very concerned about the has the contacts, and from him :" terest in the fate of the land? Or is promises each candidate is will come our help. r,i it because they have no faith in making. The farmer cares how the Needless t o say t h a t t h I s t!l either of the candidates? What if elections will turn out to be. The promise must be taken with a ~ both candidates alike find favor in Jew is concerned about the cam­ grain of salt. What Lodge could not t!l their eyes? Do Jews turn Repub­ paign to the degree in which he is .accomplish in the United Nations ~ llcans? Are they Democrats? a member of the particular group. as the American ambassador, he t!l Liberals? But it is ridiculous to poll him will not be in a better position to ~ And so on and on run the as a Jew on a campaign in which accomplish as the Vice President. ~ guesses. The report, after all, there Is not a single point of Jewish It is a pre-campaign promise, ,.. appeared In the New York Times, interest. and nothing more. : What really is th" Jewish issuE by Leonard Lyons and who can ignore it? That Is as far as the Jewish = In my view, the findings of the In this campaign? issue goes In this campaign. The reporter have no value eitherway. There is Israel, of course. WE only Jewish issue. All others are Brendan Behan, the Irish play­ represennng 600 vlllages, had a He might as well have polled ob­ assume that every Jew Is con­ American Issues, and the Jew is wright, lunched at the Algonquin three-day celebration of the Ivory stetricians and reported indiffer­ cerned with what happens in that concerned with them no more and with his wife on his first day in Coast's independence. The footage ence among them to the elections. land and In that part of the world. no less than the American voter. America. The author of "The wlll be used In "The Big Gamble." It would have as much significance. He Is more concerned than, say, To try to find a special Jewish In­ Hostage" had arrived without a tie, Bert Wheeler, who was on a Because there is no Je" ish vote the Irish or Italian voter. It is terest in the campaign is ri­ and with his collar open, because boat which capsized in the Sound In this campaign. only natural. diculous. of the heat. Raoul, the maitre d', recently, said many incidents of And hence there is no reason What are the promises in that Come election day, the Jew will had persuaded Behan to go up to his his life raced through his mind as why Jews should get excited In respect? What can we expect to vote as he pleases. If he Is a room and return properly dressed. he waited in the water. He recalled September about something that happen in the Mid-East If Kennedy Republican, he will vote the Nixon­ "Adjust either the weather or the a Follies seen~ with a specialty­ will take place in November. If he is elected? If Nixon is elected? Lodge ticket. If he is a Democrat, clothing requirements," Behan had song written for him by Solly had waited until a week or so The candidates them s e 1 v e s he will vote the Kennedy-Johnson muttered. The restaurant was air­ Vlollnsky. Nobody paid heed to that before the elections, he would find spoke on this matter, and we can ticket. If he Is neither, he will vote conditioned. "They were right," he song because Wheeler sang It while an interest, the same as he would answer the question very easily. for the candidate with the most said. "The weather's adjusted." wrestling with a pretty girl. The find It in any other group In the At the Zionist convention held beautiful profile, or the most He was drinking mineral water songwriter later told him: "Bert, land. recently, both candidates were In­ smiling wife. to wash down his two steaks. "I've my song went so great, I'm sending The Jews are undeclslve, be­ vited to speak their mindconcern­ He will not vote as a Jew, be­ lost so much weight," he said about a copy· to Strangler Lewis." cause the time of the elections is ing the Mid-East and Israel. Mr. cause there is no Jewish vote and his giving up liquor, "I don't know Eddie Arcaro has postponed any too far away. Kennedy spoke in person, and Mr.­ no Jewish issues in this campai~. mysell anymore." He spoke · plans he might have entertained The news from the Congo is Nixon, not being able to come, sent for retiring. His millions are tied uppermost on everybody's mind. a record of his prepar·ed speech. . . . French to the waiter, andsaidhe'd rMr . Segal's opinions are his learned it in Paris where he was a up profitably in Wall St. stocks and Cuba worries many. Bombings in They both promised all the nice· he won't touch any part of them ... Jordan are much in the news. things there are to promise. They own. His views are not neces­ housepainter. He had a sideline in sarily th-Ose of this newspaper., Paris, he said: "I used towaitfor Audrey Clark did a commercial Even the Olympic games occupy both expressed very- fine senti­ the Yanks and tell 'em where to for the sponsor of CBS-TV's the attention of many. And what­ ments on the matter of peace In find girls." For this the ladies "Twentieth Century." The pro­ Mr. K will have to say when he the Mid-East. But neither came up sion years ofrhe 1930's. Millions bought him a suit of clothes, he gram's film, "Battle of Cassino," comes to the United Nations with something that would fire the of women are supporting them­ said. concerns her father-In-law; Gen. arouses curios I ty. imagination. selves in their own homes today Behan may have been teasing Mark Clark. Time enough for the candidates, "When I am elected," said Mr. who couldn't get jobs and would their promg;es _and their persona!=_ Kennedy, "I will ca..!!_.!or ~meeting about this, or perhaps it was the Stanley Holloway, who created have been forced to move in with a the Doolittle role in "My Fair influence of the mineral water. The relative ·only a few decades ago. Paris sideline didn't last long, Lady,'' has returned to N.Y. for Millions of women are in house­ because the liquor distractions his one-man show, "Laughter & holds of their own because their were too enjoyable: "l forgot my Other Events." InSardi's recently YOUR MONEY'S social security benefits and a bit of duties. I am very unsuccessful at Holloway saw Dr. Sam Rosen, ear­ extra Income from another source the proper things." surgeon. "I hear too well," Hollo­ permit them to maintain their own James Joyce's sisterhadasked way complained. "What I need is households. And millions are on Behan to write a book about her an operation to give me partial WORTH their own because space is avail­ two brothers, and came to his home deafness--at those moments when able for them now and they need to discuss It. The project collapsed the producer says 'We can't pay not double-up with relatives as when Behan addressed the elderly you that much' or, what's worse, by Sylvia Porter during the depression 1930' s and when the director says, 'We have woman by her first name, and she the World War II years of great chided him for it. "You're in my to cut your lines.' " housing scarcity. home," Behan told her, "at your In analyzing Nicolas Darvas' WOMEN ALONE This pattern of a nation in invitation, to discuss a book you "How I Made $2 Million in the There are9,300,000households group, the total comes to 1,822,000 which so large a percentage of want me to write, so you have to Stock Market," A. Wlllred May of women; In the 54-64 age group, to women run households is not gen­ give In to my prejudices." He said the Commercial and Financial in our land today which are headed by women--meaning that of every 1,960,000; in the 65-74 age group erally recognized, certainly not that she was unlike middle-class Chronicle says the author dismiss­ to 1,900,000 and In the 75-plus understood. women, in that she didn't discuss ed the matter of taxes. May sug­ 100 American households, 18 are headed by a woman. group, to 1,203,000. Surely here is a chall~nge to her fine clothes and big debts. gests a sequel, "How I Made a Another obvious explanation many Industries to develop Behan liked the title he had for Million and a Half," by the Collec­ Never before have so many U .s. lies in our divorce and separation SMALLER products and packages the Joyce book, ''My Brothers' tor of Internal Revenue .••The households been headed bywomen. rate. Over a m1lllon of the women that ·will meet the needs and de­ Sister." "It came from the Old stars of "Camelot" have been Just in the past five years, Census are divorced. Almost 900,000 are sires of this household. Almost Testament 's 'My Brother's Keep­ signed to l 1/2 year contracts ... Bureau figures show that the total separated from their husbands. 5,000,000 of these are one-person er.' " he said. The Old Testament, Jo Anthony agreed to di rec t has risen a full 1,000,000, and A third obvious explanation Iles households, another 2,000,000 are "Rhinoceros" ten minutes after he he added, Is a popular source since 1950, the Increase has been In the number of single women. two-person households. For these "except to the Mohammedans, and finished reading the script. almost 3,000,000. While you would Almost 1,400,000 of the household women, the family-size food Gore Vidal, author of ''The Best they don't read enough English to expect the total of this type of heads are single women. package is a constant Irritation and Man," has seven coffee klatches a affect the market." Behan talked household to climb as the number But these forces always have waste; .this buyer wants a small on. "Sure I talk when the others day, with 50 women In five coun­ of households climb, the percent­ been present. They do not explain are silent," he said. "After all, ties, as part of his campaign for age has been rising, too. In 1950, the spectacular upsurge since the Surely here also ls a challenge Nature abhors a vacuum." Congress. "A year ago," said the the percentage headed by women 1940' s. For this !think the reasons to the housing Industry to develop Noel Coward's new p 1 a y, playwrlg,ht, "If anyone told me I'd was 14. Now It's 18 per cent. are not so obvlous--namely, the centrally-located, relatively Inex­ "Waiting In the Wings," faces a be talking about Milk Marketing What are the explanations, prosperity of the postwar years, pensive, small apartments. The picketing threat by the Musicians Order No. 27, which also happens some of the Implications? the fact that the working woman Is market for this type of housing ls Union because of his use of canned to be State Order No. 126, I'd say An unhappy, obvious reason Is now commonplace, the expansion far, far from saturated. music .. .Danny Kaye has taken the he was mad." The orders govern that men In our land, on average, of our social security and pension Surely here, too, is a challenge full plunge in his 1V spectacular the price of mil.le, varying across die years earlier than women, and systems, the rising availability of to the recreation Industries and debut: He's also doing the com­ the boundaries. "And something," thus In the older age groups, a housing. community planners to expand ac­ mercials, as a Frenchman, Eng- said candidate Vidal, "must .wzl be widow frequently becomes t he MU lions of women can afford to tivities for the woman living alone. ' 11shman and Russian •••Darryl done about It." household head. In 57 per cent of live on their own today who simply (Dlltrlbuted lNO, (DIBtrtbuted lNO, Zanuck's cameras chanced to be by_ The Hall Syndlc.te, Inc.) the woman-headed household&, the could not manage It financially In by The Ball Syndtate, Inc.) in Abid1an when 5,000 ~cers, (All m.bla ReNrved) woman ls a widow. lnthe45-54age the pre-World War U and depres- (All J.Ucbta Reserved) ...00 The Herald finds it necessary IThe choice of articles to be omit­ Scholars Show many times to edit or omit news ted is purely arbitrary. Omissions DINNER releases submitted for publication. are due to lack of space. SUGGESTIONS Great Interest In TECHNICIANS ARE IN BIG DEMAND in ~ ~ THE OLD Italian Foods with that rare Old World flavor ... se"ed Dead Sea Scrolls ELECTRONICS- TELEVISION or in R. 1.'s most beautiful Italian Restaurant. Perfect for all NEW YORK - More than 1,000 r.i CANTEEN occasions-luncheons, businessmen's luncheons, family and scholars from 60 countries, in­ S: Italian Restaurant party di11ners, private party room ujistairs, banquet hall cluding the Soviet Union, showed AIR CONDITIONING-HEATING- r.i seats up to 200. Our beautiful dining room is very popu­ rt:J 120 Atwells Avenue great interest in the Dead Sea Providence lar with our many Jewish friends. Open 12 to 12, closed "LEARN BY DOING" ;.,i' Scrolls and in the re·cently dis­ REFRIGERATION TRAINING -e MA 1-5544 Mondays. covered Bar Kochba letters at the Q 25th International Congress of FALL TERM STARTS SEPT. 26-ENROLL NOW! The ROME Starting March 6th, LA FESTA will be held every Sunday Orientalists held last month in ~ evening until Easter Sunday. Visit our attractive new Cock­ Moscow, an American scholar re­ OPEN 8 A.M.-10 P.M •. MON. THRU FRI .• PHONE DE 1-0924 Restaurant tail Lounge. Banquet rooms available for parties. We ported here last week. are still serving a fine Italian Cuisine, featuring "La Car­ Route 1, Dr. Walter J. Fischel, professor NEW ENGLAND ~ retta." Also delicious Steaks, Lobsters, Chicken. Open Daily llll N. Attleboro, Mass. of Semitic languages and liter­ TECHNICAL INSTITUTE r.i MYrtle f-4041 at 5; Sundays at 12. ature at the University of Cali­ 486 Broad Street~ Providence 7, Rhode Island =------fornia at Berkeley, reported these Camille's One of New England's finest Italian restau­ observations when he returned ~ rants. Large variety of famous Italian dishes, from the Moscow congress. He was rt:J Roman Gardens prepared to the Gourmet's delight. Wines, one of a number of prominent 361 RESERVOIR AVENUE, Rte. 2 and 3 ... 71 BRADFORD STREET cocktails. Closed Mondays, except holidays. J ewish scholars from this coun­ Tel. PL 1-4812 try attending the congress, held PROVIDENCE Johnson's One of America's largest, finest sea food restaurants, at the University of Moscow from since 1905. Acclaimed by "Gourmet," Duncan Hines, Aug. 9 to 16 . LONSDALE AVENUE at MAIN STREET Hummocks AAA. Fabulous l lb. steaks, roast beef. Free Parking Other prominent scholars from PAWTUCKET 245 Allens Ave. Tel. HO 1-6000 500 cars. Cafe Midnight-Cocktails-air conditioned. this country in attendance were Dr. Solomon Zeitlin, of Dropsie What you have been waiting for. THE NEW College, who discussed the Dead FARM Supper Club. Dining room open every Sea scrolls; and Dr. Abraham L. ~~"""---•,r,,, eve. 5-1 2, Sundays 2-12 for delicious Steaks, Chops, K atsh of New York University, an NICW Lobster. This Week's Special - SHISH -KABOB, authority on Russian collections of ~M $2.75. Sunday feature - SMORGASBORD, $3.00 rare J ewish and Hebrew manu­ per., 4-9 P. M. All you will ever want in delight­ scripts. -- Israel had sent an official dele"­ For Reservations ful eating. Enjoy fine entertainment every night Call HO 7-8985 at our Patio Bar and Cocktail Lounge. Dance gation composed of seven eminent 202 POST ROAD Warwick, R. I. every Sat. night to Buz Terry and his orchestra. scholars, headed by former Gen . Yigael Yadin, who is a famous archaeologist. Dr. Yadin lectured RAY MULLIN INVITES YOU TO THE on the Bar Kochba letters, which teams that he headed in Israel GRAND OPENING discovered several months ago. PLAN YOUR HOLIDAY ORDER NOW! OF HIS BEAUTIFUL - NEWLY DECORATED AND Dr. Fischel was invited by the ENLARGED S.TORE Russian hosts of the conference (Largest Stock in New England) to preside at one session, dealing 3 STORES at 94-96-98 BROAD STREET with the history of the Arab coun­ IN PAWTUCKET tries. RENT· ANY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT A few Arab scholars participated STOP & SHOP 19 TEACHERS - Instruction on all Instruments in the discussion that followed Dr. We have Installed 6 MORE BOOTHS this year In our Downstairs Fischel's address. However, the WILL HAVE THE FINEST Studios giving us 16 Booths now! California Jewish scholar noted, there were surprisingly few Arab 150 GUITARS TO SELECT FROM delegates at the Congress. PRICED AT $12.95 to $900. Russian-Jewish scholars were active in the Congress. The ses­ FRESH-WATER We believe this to be the most beautiful and unique Music Store sion addressed by Dr. Yadin had ln the country. as its chairman a famous Jewish RAY MULLIN MUSIC STORES orientalist, N. J . Vinnikov, profes­ Entrance to all 3 Stores at 96 Broad Street sor of Semitics at the University PA 5-9139 - 12 to 9 P. M. - Closed Mondays of Moscow. Dr. Vinnikov speaks FISH FOR Established 1925 Ray Mullin, Sr. - Mrs. Ray Mullin - Ray Mullin, Jr. both Hebrew and Yiddish fluently, according to Dr. Fischel. A Jewish woman who is a librarian at Len­ ingrad told him, Dr. Fischel said, that she receives many Hebrew THE HO·LIDAYS works from Israel for cataloguing and indexing. One of the features of the Con­ AT MONEY SAYING gress, as far as the J ewish partici­ pants were concerned , was a well SUPER MARKET PRICES attended reception at the Is­ rael Embassy in Moscow. The program of the congress carried a You'll find o choice variety of fresh-water fish special note advising "believers" delivered every doy. They will be scaled and among the delegates where they cleaned to order by our trained fish men. could attend religious worship. On the list was the single synagogue in Moscow. Many J ewish dele­ Fresh Pike • Buffel Carp gates attended Sabbath morning services at that synagogue. Dr. May all your fondest wis hes Whitefish • Carp come true .. . for you and your Fischel said. There were about dear ones ond for all of Israel. 500 Russian J ews present. nearly all middle-aged or older. Fresh Mullets, Pickerel and Perch STATE DEPT. PROTESTS AT AMAZING SAVINGS! WASHINGTON- Kuwa it"s "un­ warranted interference in the S.S. hrael. S.S. Zion sail from New commercial relationships of busi­ I- York every third week .. . S.S. ness firms" was the subject of an Theodor Herzl and S.S. Jerusalem (in season) sail from Mediterra­ oral State Department protest to and remember ne-an ports weekly, to Government of Kuwait. The • Stabilizer~quipped for smooth Israel Boycott Office In the Ku­ YOU GET TOP VALUE sailin1 wait Directorate of Customs has • Strictly kosher food See Your Travel Agent,. or Owner's Rep.: been sending letters to American 1 I • Cheerful atmoaphere of llrael AMERICAN IIRAELI SNIPPING CO., INC . STAMPS at STOP & SHOP 42 Broedway, New York 4, N. Y. firms asking them to clarify their _J relations with Israel and Israeli I ------, firms on pain of being "black­ ...... listed In a ll Arab countries." ... A Star-Studded Program Of Opening Activities

Under ¾ The Personal Supervision of MURRAY TRINKLE

More than a bowling center ... the fabulous new Freeway Tenpin Lanes have been created and designed as a family fun center ... to make your leisure hours a most memor­ able experience. (At The Entrance To The Woonsocket Expressway)


w 1j Luxurious ,',Jeat:re~ "

Fabulous RESTAURANT Under The Supervision of the East Side Diner The First Bowler , ~estaurant Who Bowls 300 .__..,. 44 L~i~d~t~ In League Competition The Fabulous BRUNSWICK Features Lucky Strike Cocktail Lounge WINS A New 1961 SEE These STARS Television CHRYSLER IMPERIAL Saturday Night In Person Offer good for one year . . . in the event of no Lockers perfect game, the individual with the highest score in league competition will win a 1961 Plymouth. The highest sco,. in league SAMMY WHITE, Boston Red Sox Supervised Kiddie competition by a female bowler will receive a hand- BILL SHARMAN, Boston Celtics Playroom some RCA color TV set. OPENING NIGHT BILL RUSSELL, Boston Celtics Free Bowling * ACTIVITIES * Instructions BILL RUSSELL & S RONNIE FISHER & JIM HADNOT, Providence College JIM HADNOT V DICK McLAUGHLIN Meeting And RALPH IANNELLI & BOB KOSTEN & Golfers BOB KOSTEN and BOBBY ALLEN Banquet Room HAROLD GOMES VS BOBBY ALLEN MISS PROVIDENCE • MISS PAWTUCKET MISS PAWTUCKET & SAMMY WHITE & Boxers RALPH ZANNELLI and HAROLD GOMES Pro Shop MISS PROVIDENCE VS BILL SHARMAN Jockeys RONNIE FISHER and DICK McLAUGHLIN SHERM STRICKHOUSER & MRS. DAVIS & Coaches JOE MULLANEY and ERNIE CAL VERLEY Completely Air CHARLIE JEFFERDS VS BETTY JUNE BOBEL Golfers MRS. DAVIS and BETTY JUNE BOBEL Conditioned HOWIE HOLLAND & JOE MULLANEY & Sportscasters CHRIS CLARK, WARREN WALDEN, BILL QUINN VS ERNIE CALVERLEY Parking For JERRY O'BRIEN, JIM HINES and GUS PARMET JIM HINES & WARREN WALDEN & Radio Stars HOWIE HOLLAND and BILL QUINN 350 Cars CHRIS CLARK VS JERRY O ' BRIEN live Broadcast 7:00 PM to Midnight WICE SHERM STRICKHOUSER, CHARLIE JEFFERDS, DAVE SWEET ..

= A subscription to the Herald CONTRIBUTE MILK Lewis Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. A subscription to the Herald is ~ makes a wonderful gift. GENEVA - The Swiss Govern­ Jack Ph!llips of 5 Braemore Road, a good gift idea for the person ment has contributed 65 tons of• Brighton, Mass. Rabbi Eli A. Boh­ who "has everything" else. Call PIANO REFINISHING powdered milk to the Joint Dis­ nen officiated at the ceremony at UN 1-3709. tribution Committee for distri­ Temple Emanuel which was fol­ Re-Styling to Spinet Beauty bution to needy Jewish families lowed by a reception at the temple. in Morocco and Tunisia, Charles Wearing a gown of white· silk Complete Piano Rebuilding Jordan, JDC director, announced. organza with a sculptured neckline by Mader Crolbmen of stitched organza, an empire ALL COLORS &: STAISS • waistline, and a bouffant skirt CONN. MUTUAL LIFE MATCHEO TO rEllt"ECTIOS with a front panel of peau de soie RESTYLE NOW AT accented with imported appl!ques SUMMER SAVINGS ending in a chapel length train, Frullwood • . the bride was given in marriage by Ebonv•Blond I · "new Furs From old" her father. Her fingertip French =~Antique ,~, illusion veil fell from a headpiece Pumice, etc. _I ; ---- SEE OUR SMART FUR TRIMMED SWEATERS of matching applique. She carried (Continued on Page 21) WE BUY AND SELL PIANOS Consultant for income, corpora­ WRITTEN GUARANTEE Coll GA 1-8096 ~i~RAGE tion, estate and gift taxes. Euy tf'rm11 Parkin« •·l°f'e DORIC DAY NURSERY and Approved company and private ••atn'N Rld,r: .• tiK No. Main fiit. Mark cusroM KINDERGARTEN pensions. FURRIER Accredited by R. I. Board of Executive compensation plans. Weinberg Education - State Licensed Non-Can Sickness and Accident CERTIFIED TEACHERS Coverage. 290 WESTMINSTER ST. All Day Or Half Day Sessions BALANCED HOT MEALS Engaged - Mr. and Mrs. Ages 3-6--Boys and Girls 145 Pontiac Avenu4!,_ Cranston William Lippman of Man­ WI 1-6051 Transportation opac,. N. Y. announce the WAYLAND BAKERY engagement of their dau­ ghter, Carol, to Donald M. Is Now Doing Business At Its Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. New Location George Gilbert of Colonial Road. 138 WAYLAND AVENUE Miss Lippman is an alumna of WE'VE BEEN Mahopac High School and of Becker Junior College. She is Our Completely Modern Bakery Is Open Daily employed in a buying office in From 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. New York. Mr. Gilbert has - STRICTLY KOSHER - served in the U.S. Army for three years. He completed a three-year THERE -VISIT US AT OUR NEW HOME- course at the University of Rhode Island, where he was a member of Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity. He is entering his sophomore year at Only through a personal tour of inspection can we Iowa State University, where he bring you important first-hand information. That is is majoring in veterinary medicine. why we make it a point to visit all popular vacation spots. Because we've been there we are able to give you expert advice about the best hotels, sightseeing, shop­ ping bargains, schedules, rates, etc. - fJ;,ano :/4acher - We have just recently returned from an exciting tour of the following Caribbean islands: Graduate of Boston University College of Music Offer-Backman Mus. B. Miss Adrienne Beth Backman, SAN JUAN - MARTINIQUE - BARBADOS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Master of Arts, Brown University TRINIDAD - CARACAS -ARUBA - CURACAO - HAITI Plantations 1-8439 S . Backman of 644 Broad Street, was married to Martin Leonard DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - JAMAICA Uffer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S . Uffer of 39 Sorrento Street, at Personal tours of inspection have also been made a 6 P .M. ceremony at Temple by us to these popular vacation areas: Beth El on Sunday, Sept. 4. Rabbi Weinstein's Lake Pearl Manor William G . Braude officiated at MIAMI - BERMUDA - NASSAU - LAS VEGAS the ceremony which was followed CALIFORNIA - MEXICO - EUROPE lake Pearl, Wrentham, Mass. - off route 1A by a reception in the temple meet­ Directly on the Lolce ing hall. . Amazing low rates are now in effect to mid­ EVERYTHING FOR YOUR PLEASURE Given in marriage by her father, December. For example, there is a special 17-day ex­ the bride was gowned in silk cursion, round trip fare to Jamaica for only $162 from STRICTLY KOSHER organza with a re-embroidered New York. SERVICES ON OUR OWN PREMISES Alencon lace top studded with circlets of seed pearls, short You may enjoy a fabulous vacation or honeymoon FOR HIGH HOLIDAYS sleeves, basque waist. and with at the beautiful Arawak Hotel in Jamaica - all ex­ FABULOUS NEW BUILDING appliques of lace on the skirt, penses, including sightseeing, meals, transportation, For Reservations - EV 4-3102 which ended in a full sweep train. airport to hotel, for six nights for only $120. She carried a Bible with orchids, white roses and stephanot!s. Her Miami Beach hotels have also been personally in­ French !llusion veil fell from a spected by us many times. This, too, is a marvelous crown of seed pearls and sequins. bargain right now to mid-December. Seven days, six For The HIGH HOLIDAYS Mrs. Harvey Millman, sister of nights, all expenses, at a beautiful ocean-front hotel the bride, was matron of honor. like the Casablanca is only $48.50; or at the Hotel A Complete Selection of She wore blue peau de soie and Deauville for only $60.50. carried a cascade of roses. Miss Janice Mushnick, who was maid of Europe is an amazing value too. You may now fly honor, was dressed in a blue chif­ from New York to London for only $320, round trip, a FRESH WATER FISH fon gown and carried a cascade of 17 day excursion leaving any day you wish . roses. We have made personal tours of inspection to At Our Smith Street Alan M. Uffer acted as best man for his brother. Ushers were Har­ leading resort hotels. Check with us about the latest And Reservoir Avenue Stores vey M!llman, Morton Fine, San­ rates, brochures, for week or weekend, at Concord, ford Gold, Lawrence Waldman, Grossingers, Laurels, Nevele, Magnolia Manor, others. - PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY - Ralph Goldberg and Samuel C. We welcome the opportunity to help you with your Backman, brother of the bride. vacation plans. And of course, THERE IS NO CHARGE The mothers of both the bride and bridegroom wore blue peau OF ANY KIND TO YOU FOR OUR SERVICE. de sole gowns and had white or­ chid corsages. Ca II Anytime After a wedding trip to the Nevele Country Club In Ellenville, N. Y., the couple w!ll reside at 86 Cactus Street. Phillips-Gorman Cranston Travel Service At a 5 P.M. ceremony on Sun­ 801 Pork Avenue, Cranston day, Sept. 11 . Miss Marilyn Sybil ST 1-4977 Eves. By Appt. ST 1-4977 OPEN DAILY - MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Gorman, daughter of Mr. and - ATC and IATA APPROVED SALIS AOINT - - 9 A. M . TO 9 P. M. - Mrs. Sam Gorman of 232 Sixth Street, was married to Sheldon - - "1 - r ELECTED TO OFFICE w Jacob N . Temkin was elected ... as Supreme Lieutenant Master of the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity ,,j during the 47th annual interna­ tional convention held at the =l'!J Eden Roe Hotel at Miami Beach, ~ Florida. =0 He became a member of the C, MILLER'S l'!J fraternity's 16th chapter while an ... undergraduate at Rhode Island 00 State .University. DELICATESSEN, Inc. ~ A Herald ad always gets the ~ best results-our subscribers com­ =l'!J prise an active buying market. -- S.S. PIERCE ASSOCIATES -- ~ i:: 5=' SILVER FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS FROM OUR OWN KITCHEN ; Electric Co. 9 Electrical Contractors ALL HOME MADE "" , -~ I 628 BROAD STREET GEFILTE FISH, On Order Only - PURE CHICKEN FAT 00 Industrial - Commercial ~ ,,j and Residential STRONG, FRESH GROUND HORSE RADISH - CHOPPED LIVER l'!J GA 1-6864 . CHOPPED - STUFFED CABBAGE ;~ ... 5" HOPE STREET Celebrate Anniversary-Mr. ... '° GARAGE and Mrs. Max Pierce were Weekend Specials "'e honored on the occasion of • Delivery Service their 35th wedding anniver­ • Fireproof Insured sary at a surprise' buffet AT ALL STORES - 825 Hope Street supper at the home of their (rear A & P) s o n and daughter-in-law, - MA 1-1794 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pierce FRIDAY- SATURDAY- SUNDAY, Sept~ 16- 17-18 of 150 Aurora Drive. War­ wick. Guests attended from Miami FRESH COOKED KOSHER ATTENTION Beach, Fla.; Bridgeport, Conn., Chinese Food Lovers! and Brighton, Mass. SAVE For the Best in Chinese Food SOc Pound We recommend you to the TONGUES lb 1.98 CHINA MOON WATER PACK LIMIT 6 CANS RESTAURANT (Continued from Page 20) 1530 Broad St., Cranston a Bible cascaded with stephanotis, (I n Washlneton Park) white orchids and ivy. For Take Out Orders, Mli;s Maxine Horovitz was maid Geisha White Meat TUNA ST 1-8797 of honor and Miss Sandra Marco­ wltz was Jumor bridesmaid. Bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Gross, Miss Rona Mae Snyder, J REG SIZE CAt-1S 8 9C Miss Yvette Fellman and Miss Barbara Genter. The attendants wore amethyst _ chiffon taffeta waltz length gowns ,.,,.,..JJ-! designed with scoop necklines, AT OUR KOSHER FRESH MEAT DEPT. fitted bodices and dome skirts. They wore matching headpieces (HOPE STREET STORE ONLY) I~ 400 "-,tf~ and carried cascades of pompoms A Dream World RESORT and asters shaded from light to HOLIDAY SPECIALS! ORDER EARLY! dark violet. The mothers of the THE FINEST AND CHOICEST MEAT ANYWHERE. COME SEE FOR YOURSELF! Family-Planned for FUN bride and bridegroom wore violet 1.. OPEN TO OCT. 2 gowns and each had an orchid fo, "lndion Su111111.;- Vacationing corsage . KOSHER HEAVY STEER . and for tho Sanford Phill1ps was best man, HIGH HOLY. DAYS Ushers were Simon Berkowitz, Tradilionol SerYlc•• an Premise, Earl Konopky, Jerry Nouman, Cantor Sheldon Feinber1, Officiatina Richard Pober, Paul Botvin and MIDDLE CHUCK lb 69c Charles Gorman. Sp«taculor ENTERTAINMENT After a wedding trip to the In au, New CLUB-ON-THE-GREEN Nevele Country Club In Ellenville, KOSHER HEAVY STEER 2 BANDS ••.•Latla & American * N .Y ., the couple will reside at 108 COMPLETE SPORTS & SOCIAL PROGRAM 2 flLTER£D POllll • LAKE • TENNIS Hillside Avenue, Pawtucket. liOLf ON OUI OWN PIEIIISU Third Child Born EXCULENT CUISINE ldltUIY 1-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nulman Lean Double lb 9 Be FULL STAFFS 1 announce the birth of their third THROUGHOUT S_EPTEMBER child and second daughter, Nancy TIIOfflNII NITELY ,t lllllltltel,_ ._.., Jean, on Sept. 3. Maternal grand­ Our MEAT DEPT. Is Closed Friday At Noon And All Day Saturday. Therefore, New Modern LUXURY BUILDINGS parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan These Specials Will Be In Effect MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY, Sept. 19 thru 21. New Magnificent LOUNGE-LOBBY Snell of 20 Congress Avenue. New SERPENTINE BAR-LOUNGE Second Daughter Born H•al•d •nd Al, Condlllon•d Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Finn RESERVATIONS AVA1LABLE of 59 Bow Street, Arlington, Mass., announce the birth of their second MILLER'S MILLER'S MILLER'S daughter, Kathryn Joyce, on Aug. 29. Mrs. Finn is the former Sandra HOPE STREET MAIN STREET WARWICK J. Golden . Tarifif8ck Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. GREENFIHD PARk N Y Matthew S. Golden of Cranston STORE STORE STORE SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finn of Or Phone Hotel Direct ' Gloversville, N. Y. 776 HOPE STREET 585 NO. MAIN STREET 1619 WARWICK AVE. Ellenville (N. Y.) 370 PROVIDENCE PROVIDENCE WARWICK Y- ...... DAVI utiNSON A subscription to the Herald is JA 1-0368 PL 1-8682 ..., .... ,...-AJ ' ..... a good gift idea for the person MAnnlng 1-6302 G•~"o-::r. s::iti~,~=~:•• .... ,,'77~._. who "has everything' else. Call TE 1-9771 REgent 7-3696 UNI-3709. ...

A subscription to the Herald I makes a wonderful gift. annual meeting of the organiza­ A subscription to the Herald tion which was held on Sept. 8. makes a wonderful gift. Mr. Feinstein has been execu­ tive seceretary of the organiza­ tion for the last three years. He Lake Pearl Manor attended the national American by Revoke CATERERS FIREWORKS AT TURIN Hotel Association convention in • ~ ALL GLASS ENCLOSED WRENTHAM, MASS. r.i Moderation and wisdom are not 1959 as a delegate from Rhode ; TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED usually marked feaures of bridge Island and will attend the one • Bar Mitzvahs argument. One constantly hears this year as an alternate. It will • Weddings • Banquets r.i be held in October in Puerto Rico. ~ stupid chatter when the champion Bookings Now for 1961 ti SE :;EKING on one system is violently deni­ Jack Leichter has been reelected r/1 grating another. The truth is that as an executive committee mem­ Call Selig at STuart 1-9761 any established bidding system ber and Judge Saul Friedman is or EVergreen 4-3102 ~ = which can claim the allegiance of also an executive committee mem­ - Strictly Kosher - ber. a number of leading players must Weinstein Family Ownership• have a good deal to be said for Management I it. Some systems score in one type Advertise In the Herald. of situation and others in another. Here is a hand from the Bridge ~ Olympiad at Turin which created ; something of a sensation. With North End Russian Turkish Baths both sides vulnerable I was dealer 28 Candace Street sitting South: !-~N==EW==•=S=U=P ~ER~H:::::::l::G::::H::::::W:::::A::::Y:::S:::::D~IR:::::E:::C:::T::::::::T::::O=T::::RA~~~ The bidding had gone: Will Be Open ... North from Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 1 P.M. r.i •-J98xx § •-A J 9 x to Wednesday, Sept. 21 until 2 P.M .. ♦ -xx Closed Rosh Hashanah - Sept. 22 and 23 =~ FINAL CLEARANCE• •-xx r.i West East MA 1-4535 HO 1-6563 Of All Our 1960 Models •-xx Best wishes to our cusomers and friends for a =~ ABSOLUTELY . . . •-xxxx •-x•-None happy and healthy New Year ♦ -J XX ♦ -AK Q 10 No Reasonable Offer Refused! X X X X BUY NOW! Choose From A Fine Selection Of •-AJxx •-Q109 x South • -AK Q 10 x BROWN UNIVERSITY - 1960 • -K Q 10 8 x ♦ -Non e Evening Extension Division Courses •-KXX The bidding had gone: South West North East Starting The Week Of September 26, 1960 2C Pass 2H 4D BUICKS 4S 5D 5S Pass Applications being received for evening courses in ART, AS­ 6S Pass P ass Pass TRONOMY. BOOKBINDING, CHEMISTRY, ENGLISH ( Ef­ Best Deal - Best Place To Buy Them In the other room the South fective English: Accent on Vocabulary, Modern Novel, Read­ hand opened lH, with the inten­ ing, Public Speaking, English Literature), FRENCH LITERA­ DEXTER COHEN - HERB FIERSTONE tion of reversing later to spades TURE, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (Meaning of World to show a big hand. I think this News): MATHEMATICS, METALLURGY, MODERN LAN­ ELLIOTT BUICK is a mistake for various reasons. GUAGES (French, German, Italian, Polish. Russian, Spanish), 635 Elmwood Avenue The South hand really wants to MUSIC, PAINTING, PHILOSOPHY, PHOTOGRAPHY, and PSYCHOLOGY. MODERN DANCE mt B'NAI B'RITH Sholovitz, president of the Provi­ \~l.(II~ ~ MUFFLER dence Section. The Annual Event _ Beginning will be held on April 18 at :1 and you save the installatl0,1 m t Rhodes- on - the - Pawtucket. Ad­ I MONDAY, SEPT. 19 mission is by the donation to the At 9 P. M. Council Thrift Shop of merchan­ ~ ~ dise with a resale value of $25 . At ED LANG'S New Mrs. Harold Mosko! and Mrs. Chase are co-chairmen of the Thrift Shop which is the organi­ zation's sole money-raising pro­ BOWLARAMA ject. NIANTIC AVENUE, Providence-Cranston Line Members of the year-round committee are Mrs. Irving Gold­ (See It From The Huntington Expressway) farb, secretary: Mrs. Robert • Ins ta ll a tion ta kes only 15 minutes ... Braverman, assistant secretary, ~~~ t ~ ~~TYc i~H1t~~r1p, Y ou pay only f or and Mrs. Samuel Yolin, treasurer. 11 1 • Guara n teed fur as long as you own REGISTRATION At the LANES Before Bowling Merchandise may be dropped off • ~:11~1 cc:~:· ta ilpipes, dual exhausts for or, for further information, call at the shop which is located at every car and truck. 174 Ives Street, or GA 1-0955 may ARNOLD ISENBERG Open Ua ll y, 8 to 6 • All Day Saturday be called for pick-up. No. Main St. ogen Mon., Thurs., Frl. till 9 44 Western Promenade, Cranston HO 1-9448 Warwic k Ave. pen Thurs., and Fri. till 9 ELECTED PRESIDENT 1290 No. Main Street 1616 Warwick Avenue But In Any Event Herman M. Feinstein, manager next to SHrs Hoxsie 4-Corners BE THERE AT 9 ON THE 19th! of the Roger W!Jliams Hotel in Pawtucket, was elected president GA 1-5373 OTHER SHOPS IN FALL RIVER RE 9-2727 of the Hotel Association at the The Herald finds it necessary Morse (D. Ore.) had introduced All organizational news MUST ~ many timei; to edit or omit news Defense Department Admits legislation that the U. S. should be in the Herald offices before releases submitted for publication. not countenance discrimination. noon of Monday each week. It will The choice of articles to be omit­ Sen. Javits said the State De­ NOT appear in that week's paper "'3 ted is purely arbitrary. Omissions Jews Not Sent To Arab Base partment is in a dilemma. The If it is received later than noon. ~ are due to lack of space. WASHINGTON - The Defense It was his understanding, he base is a key one but the _greater :i:, Department admitted last week said, that if a plane with Jewish national need is that "we should not tolerate discrimination." For The FINEST CLEANING =O that Jewish military personnel are personnel aboard had to make an It's i:, Attention! not sent to the $60 million Air emergency landing at Dhahran Asked what he would do "if you, t!l Jacob Javits, a Senator of the ~ ~~ ,.. High School Sophomores Force base at Dhahran in Saudi they were kept aboard the plane 1 · Jewish faith, were to go to Dha- ,'~ • ~ Arabia. until takeoff. CLIA ■ •1 ■ • . ...,.._ -.. Erritt P. Scrivner, Deputy As­ Saudi Arabia Leased hran to inspect a U. S. base to see ·--=,--""' ., z Mu Chapter of The 16 ,000-acre base, which if U. S. tax money was being spent I.- i:, sistant for Public Affairs, Defense wisely; would you have to use (•. ::C Department, denied · reports that costs some $8,000,000 annually to !J.ola Phi Sororil'I Jewish military personnel are sent operate, is leased from Saudi false credentials" t!l there under fictitious "non-Jew­ Arabia. Sen. Javits replied : " I most cer- HOXSIE 4 corners, Warwick :i:, cordially invites you ish" names with false credentials. "It is not to our liking," he said, ~iatt.'a~ic_!:n~lyls."~ w- o~u~l~d~n- o~t~ u~se~ f~a-ls_e_c_r_e_d_e_n_-_l_l~Fo~r~R~ou~t~e~S!!!e~r~v•~·c~e,~C•,l~I ~R~E~7-4!!!!!!561!!!!7!1 -~..., Mr. Scrivner said there was no "but they have sovereignty. They to its annual Political Advertisement Political Advertisement ~ bias in this arrangement because are the hosts. We have to play the ... RUSH TEA Jews are rated in the top rank of game." i:, our fighting men. · The airport is used by both the ;», Sunday, September 18 Strategic Air Command and the .>< Military Air Transport Service. 2 to 4 P.M. "vote for my [Jl Sen. Javits (R.-N. Y. ) said he t!l Garden Room >i:, PAINTING had been aware of the situation >,l Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel NEAT - REASONABLE for some time. .daddy, he's t!l For Estimate Call "I don't like it," he said. "I will ~ RSVP to : Judy Paris WI 1-2222 REgent 7-0661 pursue the State Department and t!l Susan Miller HO 1-0967 REGENT PAINTING CO. the Defense Department and if I a square :i:, have the opportunity I will talk to President Eisenhower about it." Sen Javits said that h e and Sen. shooter" Discuss Problems Affecting Ethics MICHAELSON NEW YORK - Was John Ste­ State Senator - First Senatorial District wart right, as executive director of Better City Inc., in yielding to Vote September 28 - Democratic Primary business interests and fixing a quota of Negroes for a new hous­ ing development? This question, with false names and confused locations, is being discussed off-the-record by 60 scl}o1ars at the 16th annual Con­ ference on Science, Philosophy KOSHER DELIC.4.TESSEN ar,d Religion, the Jewish Theolo­ • VACUUM PACKED gical Seminary of America, Broad­ w.,y at 122d St. • GOVERNMENT INSPl;CTED ,Asked in a paper by Paul N . • RABBINICAL SUPERVISION Yljsaker, director. public affairs Pi>ogram, the Ford Foundation, it • ALL liEF FRANKS ia one of many questions consider­ ... and tit• be., Saldml and •~loOINI ed at a four-day discussion of challenges to traditional ethics, in government, politics and ad­ Distributed Exclusively By ministration. New Vermont Creamery 100 WILLARD AVE. The Alternative Pra,idence, R. I. - DE 1~6015 Stewart, the imaginary execu­ tive director, rationalized this way: "The quota was obviously a moral compromise; but the al­ ternative was an exaggeration of those divisive forces - whites f!e·eing to the suburbs and the colored piling up in tne central city - which might well destroy not only the chance of realizing the principle of racial harmony, but the possibility of compromise itself." On the other hand, "What was a quota but a refusal to supposed­ ly free oonsumers to purchase and enjoy the housing of their choice? ... Who were these self­ chosen elite of the community to judge and decide?" Still, weren't he and his corpor­ ation already doing more than TH ■ NIIW OPULl!NT LOOlthet-s· CHEER ATHLETES ROME - The Jews of this city Everybody's going home to "MOTIIER's " ... cspcciall y at happy holiday­ timel Because they know it 's the brand th at gives you pure, delicious last Saturday paid tribute to wor­ shipping athletes from Israel and all-whitefish ... light, luscious, ready to serve. l'AR~E @ KOSHER, nf WYORK lACf STOR f other countries. The athletes, at­ tending· the Olympic games, were ALL-WHITEFISH OE LUXE GEFILTE FISH cheered wherever they were re­ Lonsdale Avenue at Main . . • PAWTUCKET ,11toM THI IN>TLUI ,uTCHI.NI o, MOTHl.111'1 FOOD f1110DUCTI, INC., NEWAIIIK 5, N. J, cognized. - rt, ,;\ ,., * » » ,­ I

~ A subscription to the Herald ill Iwno "has everything" else. can HEBREW SHELTERING a good gift idea for the person UN 1-3709. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Providence Hebrew Sheltering ORGAN_IZATION NE All I-- of___,_, and 6u,ina, ••-•-•- Society will hold its first meeing of ,_,,.. ~-- .,_..,....., the season on Monday at the \ illdadinl •Life• Accidat •Group• Fin• Sheltering Home on Jefferson St. SINAI SIS.TERHOOD ELECT OFFICERS■ \ ,...ed A __ ._ ___ a.:,_ ,..____ D--~- Temple Sinai Si11terhood will Mrs. James Kaplan was elecc- 3 ~ _,mur,_ • '-fAUGUy • ~ - CH ILOREN hold its first meeting of the season second vice president of tlit Motherhood of Temple Beth David ~ Murry M. Halpert ~ ARE HST on Monday at 8:30 P.M. at the :ii, __ PHOTOGRAPHED Greenwood Hall in Warwick. The at a recent board meeting to re­ place Mrs. Nathan Kniager who s 800 Howard Bldg. ~ - av - ~ri::a.r:: !~e!~!c:~:=d•~~a:; has resigned. 00 DE 1-9100 Re1idence: DE 1-6949 ~ FRED w~~MAN and songs by the Sisterhood board. Mrs. Peter Feinstein, president, also announced the appointment ~ ! -~~~~~=~==~===~~=~~=~~~=~==~-======::'...!.::'.R:'.e~fr'..'.'.e:shm~'.:'.e~n:ts~w~il~l~be~s~e~rv:e~d~.-- of five commtttee chairmen. They are Mesdames Ralph Buckler and THINK OF ALL THE PLACES Al Blau, hospitality; Barney i YOU CAN USE Tenenblatt. sunshine; Philip Ru­ bin, Mitzva Fund and Henry Matzner, publicity.

BETH ISRAEL U.S.Y. I The u. s. Y. of Temple Beth Israel will hold its first meeting of the season on Sunday at 7:30 P. M. at the temple. (I_)~ ... the new Officers who have been installed r.1 phone~ include Susan Cort, president; § Bernice Greene, vice-president; Barbara Shwartz, cOJ:responding : secretary; Diane Levy recording r.1 secretary, and Fred Raisner, trea­ surer. ~ This modern extension saves TO HEAR MRS. SCHLESINGER Mrs. Victor Schlesinger, presi­ you space .•• lights up to make dent of the New England Region of Hadassah, will be the guest speaker at the first meeting of the season of the Cranston Chapter of dialing easy ••• and looks Hadassah. The meeting will be held on Monday at the Cranston YMCA, Park Avenue, Cranston. A lovely anywhere luncheonette will be served at 12:30 P . M . Officers and board members will be introduced by means of an original script entitled "Pearl's Dilemma." Also in the cast will be Mesdames Abram Gordon, Bernard Margolis, Leonard Sum­ mer and Leonard Solomon.

EMANUEL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Daniel Jacobs, chairman of the Religious School of Temple Eman­ uel, has announced that registra­ tion in the Sunday department of the Religious school will be held on Sunday from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. No pupil can attend class unless he or she is registered. Children who are five years old now or will be· five by Dec. 31, 1960, are eligible for registration in j kindergarten. Children who are six or seven years old are eligible for classes Aleph and Beys. ~I Inquiries regarding the -school I may be made of Dr. Aaron Klein, I director of the religious school. l REPORT ON SERVICES I Reporting to Jacob S. Temkin, chairman of the Jewish Commit­ l tee on Scouting, Gerald R. Schnei- der, on the Camp Yawgoog staff, j said that four rabbis conducted services for the scouts of Jewish l faith at the Chape'l of the Ten Commandments. These rabbis were Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen of Temple Emanuel; Rab­ In the bedroom In the kitchen In a teen-ager's room In the living room bi Nathan Rosen, director of Hillel at Brown University: Rabbi Je­ rome Ourland, associate rabbi of Most likely there are several places in your home Makes it easy to dial at night or any time that light Temple Beth El and Rabb! Don­ where a phone is needed, but space is limited. is dim. When it's not in use the dial becomes a soft ald Heskins of Temple Sinai. On a night table, for instance, or an end table. night light that glows in the dark. WINS AWARD Perhaps on a busy kitchen counter. The Princess phone comes in your choice of The Sun Life Assurance Com­ Anywhere in your home the new Princess phone decorator colors - white, beige, pink, blue or tur­ pany of Canada has annou"lced goes beautifully. It's small, to take up less room. that Elliot F. Slack has earned quoise. Just call or visit your telephone business the National Quality Award in And modern-to grace any place it's put. office. Or ask one of our telephone servicemen 1960 for the tenth consecutive And the dial lights up when you lift the receiver! to show it to you. time. This annual award 1s presented The Princess phone with dial and night lights built in costs only pennies a day after a one-time charge. Your choice of five colors. Jointly by the Life Insurance Man­ agement Association, the Cana­ dian Life Officers Association and the Life Underwriters Association NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE of canada 1n recognition of quality @ life underwriting service to the insuring public.