Temple Beth El 10 . 70 Orcµard Ave. Providence, R. I. Rosh Hashanah Services To Start Wednesday Services for the High Holy Days CONGREC.ATION this year ·will start on Wednesday OHAWE SHOLOM evening at all the temples and The officers and directors of THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS . synagogues In Greater Providence. Congregation Ohawe Sholom have Following is a listing of the ser- invited the public to · attend the 24 PAGES vices which will be held by some Slichos services · on Saturday of the congregations. Selichos night. Cantor Maurice Gordon Assassination Seems To Ha-~Vi~e-11r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~. s~rvices will be held Saturday will officiate. A coffee hour will Israeli Violinist night. be held at 11 P .M. preceding the services. Little Effect On Israel CONGREGATION CONGREGATION To Perform At GJC ANSHEI KOVNO SHAARE ZEDEK JERUSALEM - The· latest ex­ passive if changes occurred in the Sel!coth services at Congrega­ Selichos services will be held ample of Arabian politics-by-as­ region. Campaign Dinner tion Anshei Kovno will be held at Congregation Shaare Zedek at sassination - the bomb killing of In another report, the London on Saturday after midnight. 12 :30 Saturday night. Rosh Has• Jordanian Premier Majali daily quoted Lt. Col. R. R. Heui­ Cantor Rabbi M. Drazin and hanah services will be held on seemed last week to ha-ve done lit­ han, commander of the Canadian Cantor J . Farber will chant the Wednesday and Thursday at 7 tle damage either to routine Israel­ contingent of the United Nations High Holiday prayers. P .M. and Thursday and Friday Jordan contacts or King Hussein's Emergency Force in the Middle Services for the High Holidays East, as declaring that President at 7:30 A.M. control of his shaky kingdom. will start on Wednesday at 6 :30 Rabbi Aaron A. Wieder and The regular fortnightly Israel Nasser of the United Arab Repub­ P .M. and will be held on Thurs­ lic has equipped a two-battalion Cantor Mordechai Odwak will convoy to the Mt. Scopus salient, day and Friday evenings at the conduct the services for the High which passes through Jordan-con­ army for a strike at Israel across same time. Thursday and Friday the UN forces. Holy Days. trolled territory, took place on morning services will be at 8 CONGREGATION schedule. A special transport of "Nasser's aim is to create a new o'clock. The blowing of the Sho­ SONS OF ABRAHAM material went through without in­ Palestine state out of Israel and far on Thursday and Friday will Cantor Munis Ilowitz will chant cident 48 hours after the blast integrate it with the United Arab be at 10:15 A.M. the traditional services at Congre­ that killed the Jordanian Premier Republic," the Canadian UN of­ CONGREGATION gation Sons of Abraham during and ten other persons. Traffic via ficer was quoted as saying, adding MISHKAN TFILA the High Holy Days. Services the Mandelbaum Gate to and from that Nasser "will do this by ne­ start on Wednesday at 6:30 P.M. gotiation if possible, but by war Services at Mishkan Tflla will the old city of Jerusalem contin­ and will be held at 6:30 P.M. on ued normally. if he cannot do it any other way." begin on Wednesday night at 6:30 o'clock and will be held on Thurs­ Thursday and Friday. Services Commenting on the situation, The explosion of the time bomb will be held the mornings of the independent daily Haaretz in Amman which killed Premier day morning and Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Saturday, Sept. 24, Thursday and Friday .at 7 o'clock. said editorially that because Pal­ Majal! "throws Israel back from The title of Rabbi Abraham services will start at 9 A.M . estine had been divided between relative calm to the realities of a Chill's sermons will be "Our Great Israel and Jordan, "there has-de­ new tension," Simon Peres, Is­ Power" on Thursday and "Attend veloped a kind of silent partner­ real's DepuJy Defense Minister, to the Invisible Voice" on Friday. ship." Israel's security, the He­ said last week. To Present Israeli Film Arrangements have been com- brew daily said, depends on, (Continued on Page 7) ltzhak Pearlman pleted for a Junior Congregation among other things, Jordan's rul­ On Telev1·s·1on Screen to be held during the High Holy ers not denying this fact. · Israel's 14-year-old child pro- Days for children between the " If they change their position Charter Flight digy of the violin will be a guest "The Dock", a new one-half-hour nd 14 th or are forced to do so, a completely soloist at the "kick-off" Initial fll_m report of life in Israel today ages of lO a in e Chapel of IG"ft d" f th will be shown on telev1·s1·on as a the synagogue. On both days of new situation might develop which 1 s mner o e 1960 campaign Rosh Hashanah services will be would confront us with an ex­ of the Gen·eral Jewish Committee special presentation for the Jew- held from 10 A.M. to 12 noon. tremely grave danger and ... srael To Israel Planned on Sunday even1·ng Sept b 25 ish New Year by the United Jew- Positive reactions from com- · em er • TEMPLE BETH EL would then have to consider the at the Sheraton-Biltmore Hotel. ish Appeal and WPRO - Channel munity leadership have followed 12 on Monday from 7 to 7 :30 P . M. Temple Beth El will hold a late new situation and act to eliminate the announcement that the Provi- Itzhak Pearlman, who has risen and an early service on Wednes- that danger," the paper said. Filmed on location in Israel w1·th d · dence Jewish Community Center t o th e h· eights in the musical field ay, one at 7 P. M. with Rabbi The right-wing Herut party, had opened registrations for a despite the fact he was stricken a caSt of leading actors from the Jerome Gurland officiating and ·th - Habima and Chamber Theatres however, expressed disagreement luxury charter-plane Flight to w1 po1 10 at the age of four, has one at 9 P.M. with Rabbi William in its newspaper with the theory Israel to be conducted from Feb. been acclaimed by such masters as and featuring the Inbal Dancers, G . Braude officiating. that King Hussein's continued 21 to March 9 of 1961. Yehudi Menuhin, Zino Frances- "The Dock" tells the stories of the Thursday morning at 10 o'clock rule was an assurance of quiet on "We at the General Jewish cat!, Leonard Bernstein, Paul lives of a group of people waiting services will be held by Rabbi Gur- Israel's eastern border. The He­ Kl tzk. at the dock in Haifa for the ar- c om mitt e e are particularly e 1. and Isler Salomon. r 1va 1 of relatives on an immigrant land and a children's service with rut pap:?r asserted that Israel had pleased to see the Jewish Com- Mr. Pearlman studied at Tel ship. Rabbi Braude will be held at 3 missed an opportunity to ensure munity Center sponsor this Flight Aviv Academy of Music and Shul- P.M. its security, adding "it may be to Israel project. Naturally, we are amith Conservatory and is the Told in Flashbacks Friday services will be at 8 :15 that we are now again to be con­ most interested in people learning winner of three prizes in Israeli Among the vignettes told in P .M., with Rabbi Gurland, and fronted with a test that is likely as much as possible about Israel competitions under the auspices flashbacks is the story of an arch!- Rabbi Braude will officiate at the to determine the fate of our coun­ and the work of the United Jewish of the Israel-American Fund. tect who replaces his early dreams Saturday morning, Sept. 24, ser- try." Appeal. This trip will give the of revolutionizing Israel's arch- vice at lO o'clock. Authoritative sources in Jerusa­ He began to play the violin at TEMPLE BE lem were cited last week by the participants a fine educational itecture with the satisfaction of TH ISRAEL opportunity to see how their the age of six and at ten and a designing functional homes for the Hi g h H o IY days services at Daily Telegraph of London as de­ funds are used." These were the half gave his first radio recital. newcomers; the story of a Ye- T empI e B eth Israel will be con- nying reports that Israel had con­ comments of Joseph Galkin, ex- At 11, he was accepted as a stu- menite who becomes a crack pilot d uc ted i n two sections, the Sane- centrated troops on the Jordanian ecutlve secretary of the General dent at the Tel Aviv Academy of in the Israel air force, and a teach- t uary and t he Auditorium. Both border in response to the assassi­ Music, and has since given numer- i nation of Jordanian Premier Ma­ Jewish Committee, who urged all ous recitals, as well as being soloist er who finds instruction of old- serv ces will be arranged by Rabbi Jall. persons in the community to con- with orchestras. He appeared on sters In Israel a more challenging Morris Schuaahelm who wlll The same sources were quoted sider this Interesting and exciting the Ed Sullivan program In 1958 task than the one he faced as a ' preach to both conaregatlons.
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