Submits Addl Info Re SER Open Items.Forwards Draft Copy of Pending
. * .' * ** 4 LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COM PANY #Ed"O w SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION P.O. DOX Gia, NORTH COUNTRY ROAD e WADING RIVER, N.Y.11792 ? February 5, 1979 SNRC-357 Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reacter Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555 Shoreham Nuclear Power Station - Unit 1 Docket No. 50-322 Dear Mr. Denton: During a meeting held in your office on Decemoer 14, 1978, the status of tM remaining SER open items were discussed with the NRC Staff. As a result of those discussions, it was agreed that we would provide additional information clarifying a number of the open items. Enclosed herewith are fifteen (15) sets of the additional information provided in response to those requests for SER open items numbered 6, 7, 11, 13, 19, and 20 plus confirmatory issues numbered 4 and 12. In addition, we are enclosing draft copies of a pending FSAR figure change to reflect an improvement in the intake canal slope stability, the bases of which are discussed in FSAR Section 2.5.5 and Appendix 2L. Subsequent submittals will be made on or about Feb uary 28, 1979 which will provide additional information relative to SER open items 2, 5, and 20 plus confirmatory issues 1, 8, 15, 16 and 17. Information for any remaining Applicant-action items will be forwarded to the NRC as it becomes available. - ry t uly yours, MS DOCUME;T CO?iTNilS .; POOR QUAUTY PAGES o - [D M . i . P. No arro, Project' Manager Shoreham Nuclear Power Station JPM/cl 90 Encls.
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