Animal Deliberation the Co-Evolution of Technology and Ethics on the Farm

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Animal Deliberation the Co-Evolution of Technology and Ethics on the Farm AnimalDeliberation TheCoͲevolutionofTechnologyandEthicsontheFarm ClemensDriessen Thesiscommittee Promotor Prof.DrM.Korthals EmeritusProfessorofAppliedPhilosophy WageningenUniversity CoͲpromotor DrV.Beekman Researcher,LEIWageningenUR WageningenUniversityandResearchCentre Othermembers Prof.DrH.J.Buller,UniversityofExeter,UnitedKingdom Prof.DrC.Leeuwis,WageningenUniversity Prof.DrA.Mol,UniversityofAmsterdam Prof.DrTsj.Swierstra,MaastrichtUniversity This research was conducted under the auspices of the Wageningen School of Social Sciences. AnimalDeliberation TheCoͲevolutionofTechnologyandEthics ontheFarm ClemensDriessen Thesis submittedinfulfilmentoftherequirementsforthedegreeofdoctor atWageningenUniversity bytheauthorityoftheRectorMagnificus Prof.DrM.J.Kropff, inthepresenceofthe ThesisCommitteeappointedbytheAcademicBoard tobedefendedinpublic onWednesday5November2014 at4p.m.intheAula. ClemensDriessen AnimalDeliberation:TheCoͲevolutionofTechnologyandEthicsontheFarm, 360pages. PhDthesis,WageningenUniversity,Wageningen,NL(2014) Withreferences,withsummariesinEnglishandDutch ISBN978Ͳ94Ͳ6257Ͳ151Ͳ8 Contents Prologue Aphilosopheronapigfarm.............................................................................................11 Chapter1 Introduction:ethicsonthefarm?....................................................................................15 1.1Ethicsandfood?Theplaceofethics.....................................................................15 1.2Animalfarming,amosaicofconcerns...................................................................16 1.3Visualizingthemoralmosaic,or,wheretosituatemoralagency?.......................19 1.4Appliedethicsasagenre,or,howtodoethicswhenethicsisalso ;ŵĂƚĞƌŝĂůͿculture?.................................................................................................23 1.5Outline...................................................................................................................37 PartI Ethicsonandbeyondthefarm........................................................................................51 Chapter2 Farmersengagedindeliberativepractices–anethnography.........................................53 2.1Introduction...........................................................................................................53 2.2Threeapproachestothemosaicofconcerns........................................................56 2.3Researchingethicsbydoingfieldwork..................................................................58 2.4Farmingasamatterofmixedmotives..................................................................60 2.5Regimesofjustificationasamodeltodrawoutthemoralcomplexityof ĨĂƌŵŝŶŐpractices͘.................................................................................................62 2.6Anexampleofethicaldecisionmakingaspracticalengagement:cowhorns.......68 2.7Implicationsofthesketchoffarmerethicsfordeliberationsonsustainability....71 Chapter3 Pigtowersandinvitromeat:disclosingmoralworldsbydesign.....................................75 3.1Introduction...........................................................................................................75 3.2Redesigninganimalfarming:pigtowersandinvitromeat...................................78 3.3Thedynamicsgeneratedbypigtowersandinvitromeat.....................................83 3.4Dewey,Heideggerandthedynamicsofmoralworlddisclosure...........................93 PartII Milkingrobots.................................................................................................................101 Chapter4 Cowsdesiringtobemilked? MilkingrobotsandthecoͲevolutionofethicsandtechnology......................................103 4.1Introduction.........................................................................................................103 4.2Conceptualbackground:coͲevolutiononthefarm............................................105 4.3Empiricalapproach..............................................................................................111 4.4Ambiguoustechnologyassessment.....................................................................112 4.5CoͲevolutionofethicsandAMStechnology........................................................117 4.6Conclusion:ethicalassessmentaspartofcoͲevolutionarydynamics.................130 Chapter5 Animaldeliberation takinganimalsseriouslyinpoliticalthoughtandmaterialpractice...............................135 5.1Introduction.........................................................................................................135 5.2Catsanddoors:animalpoliticsbydesign............................................................137 5.3Deliberatinginthefield:makingamobilemilkingrobot....................................139 5.4Politicalanimalsintheory....................................................................................142 5.5Deliberatingonapar...........................................................................................146 Intermezzo Aphilosopherinthemobilerobotfarmers’network –avisualintervention....................................................................................................153 PartIII Playingwithpigs.............................................................................................................161 Chapter6 Caringforboredpigs:gamedesignasmultispeciesphilosophy....................................163 6.1ModernhumanͲpigrelations...............................................................................163 6.2Maintaininginterpretiveflexibility:makingaboundaryobjectfordeliberative ƉůĂLJ.......................................................................................................................170 6.3Designingwithpigsasdoingmultispeciesphilosophy........................................172 Chapter7 Fivecriteriaformeaningfulplaywithfarmedpigs.........................................................181 7.1Subversiveencounters?.......................................................................................181 7.2AnimalnatureͲcultures?......................................................................................185 7.3Testingandranking?............................................................................................190 7.4Symmetryandreward?.......................................................................................193 7.5Voluntaryandopen?...........................................................................................203 Chapter8 Themoralityofmediatedinterspeciesplay:..................................................................211 ondesigningamoralsubject..........................................................................................211 8.1Genresandmorality............................................................................................211 8.2Movingbeyondtheempathicsubjectanditsperspectivalmind........................214 8.3Genres, ethics,subjects,experience,mindsandscience:acoͲĞǀŽůƵƚŝŽŶĂƌLJ ecology?...............................................................................................................219 8.4Playingwithpigsforanewmultispeciescommunity..........................................224 PartIV Conclusion......................................................................................................................231 Chapter9 Show,don’ttell?Theconclusionofthisthesisisnot(just)atext..................................233 Chapter10 Aconclusioninthemaking.............................................................................................247 10.1Ontheveryideaofageneralconclusioninsituatedethics..............................247 10.2Ongoingeffortstowardsplayingwithpigsasaconclusion...............................249 1–Openingupethicsasagenre..........................................................................249 2–AhighͲtechmediatedfarmvisit......................................................................254 3–Disclosingmoralworldsbygamedesign.........................................................257 4–IntensifyingthecoͲevolutionofethicsandtechnology...................................263 5–Playfulanimaldeliberation.............................................................................265 10.3Pitfallsandprospects.........................................................................................268 Epilogue Backonthepigfarm.......................................................................................................279 Bibliography....................................................................................................................283 Summary.........................................................................................................................315 Samenvatting..................................................................................................................329 Acknowledgments..........................................................................................................343 Biography........................................................................................................................359 Prologue Aphilosopheronapigfarm ʹͲͲͻǡ ǤȂ ǡ ǡ ǯ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ȃ Ǯ ǯ Ǥ Ǧ ǣ Ǯǯ Ǥ ȋȌ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡǤ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥǡ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ ǡ Ǥ 12prologue ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡ ǡǡǣDz ǡ Ǣ ǫdz ǡ ǡ ǡ ǤǣDz Ǣ Ǥdzǡ Ǥ ǫ Ȃ ǡ ȋͳͻͻͷȌ ȋʹͲͲ͵Ȍ Ȃ
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