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195_216 End Notes 1/11/06 3:17 PM Page 195 END NOTES Foreword 1Undated document. Fred Myers. HSUS History and By-Laws, Filebox 3099-1245. Chapter One 1Robert Chenoweth, “The Humane Movement,” in HSUS, New Frontiers of the American Humane Movement (Wash- ington, D.C.: HSUS, 1960), 73. 2Jacques Sichel, The HSUS Handbook (Washington, D.C.: HSUS, 1969), 2a. 3Sichel, The HSUS Handbook, 2. 4Mrs. George F. Milliken, “The Record of The HSUS In Its First Five Years,” HSUS News (November 1959): 16; Jacques V. Sichel, “Fred Myers: Introduction and Homage,” undated speech, HSUS History and By-Laws Filebox 3099–1245; and Christine Stevens, “Laboratory Animal Welfare,” in Animal Welfare Institute, Animals and Their Legal Rights, 4th ed., (Washington, D.C.: AWI, 1990), 68. 5Milliken, “The Record of The HSUS In Its First Five Years”: 16; Sichel, “Fred Myers: Introduction and Homage”; Chris- tine Stevens, “Laboratory Animal Welfare,” 68; Ed Myers, personal communication (14 April 2003); and Marianne Myers Atkinson, interview (24 May 2003). 6William A. Swallow, The Quality of Mercy (Boston: Mary Mitchell Humane Fund, 1963), 165; and Sichel, The HSUS Handbook, 50. 7“We Confess to Being Jealous,” HSUS News (August 1957): 6; “Gandhi on Endowments,” HSUS News (September 1958): 8; HSUS, Annual Report of the President (Washington, D.C.: HSUS, 1958), 12; “ASPCA Urges More Monkeys in Missiles,” HSUS News (August 1959): 6; “President’s Address,” HSUS News (November 1959): 6; and Milliken, “The Record of The HSUS In Its First Five Years,” 16. 8John A. Hoyt, interview by Kim Stallwood, Archive (Baltimore, Md.: Animal Rights Network, 29 March 2001).
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