Portland Daily Press: October 14, 1895
.. PORTLAND _ _____ 1895. PRICE THREE ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862—VOL. 33. PORTLAND, MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 14, CENTS.— moiisnca, uiiroo mou wcid uij«itur-u mometer, 63.0; maximum velocity of valuer! at $100,000 should have no trick horse Mazeppa, MAY BETRAY DURRANT. organizations ■ 25 total of the wind, N; preoipitation, 1.10. Z SMASHED TO SPLINTERS. killed. Tlie horse is said to bo insured THE COUNCIL. upon the public questions WIND AND RAIN, Weather no Observations. lor That young people have T°°““ritih^r is $100,000._ Be Well! '1 The Agricultural Weathor A Youug Woman Reporter Said to Have ______ Department HIGH HAKDED. Buroau for yesterday, Ootober 13, Obtained His Secrets. (1UUIUUC U1 VJliri&llJUJU iuuuv^'- une taken at 8 p. meridian the Be free from vast of a better citizenship, m., time, pain! question taiso Breaks on a of the advance steps that we may Was in Jew observations for each station being given A Break Rod Pittsburg The Mormon Church Attempts te of moie the England Continuance Congregationalism’s tho^oultivation of a largor and Program in this order: direction of Cease to know sickness! ox Temperature, Miss Cunningham Visited Durrant in Jail telligent of and gJ Car. Dictate in Politics, spirit patriotism in tnat the wind, state of the woather: Street Almost Every Night—Did He Take Her Convention. citizenship. You have promised Yesterday. You can do “to do whatever He would like Boston, 58 degrees, NW, rain; New this, Into His Confidence? Will She Tell. like to then vote as He would York, 50 degrees, And Gentiles and 5 Mormon* you do”; ox NW, rain; Philadelphia, rrogressiv have you vote.
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