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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ■ ■■ —1 1 ■■ ■ .— — ■ ■■ ■— ——__———————■mmmm——■ ■ ■«■■■ ■! .1 ■■ II "'filEL I -111-3 ———~n-p-1—rr**""* ___ ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 18H2-VOL. 37. PORTLAND. MAINE, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 22, 1899._tffL?£UVI&lgI_PRICE THREE CENTS. KmcMAiaw* manner. Thera wan no screaming on the mtcBixAsam STEAMER NOT DAMAGED. CITY part of the women and the most perfect CURRENCY REFORM BILL. DAWSON BURNED. Snc-h Is the.llewa They Have Received , order was maintained. Wa were for for ANOTHER FIGHT PARIS AMD. kept In New York* waiting below for an boar. Cotfee and RED ROUGH ITCHING biscuits ware served oat and then we en- 9 New York* May 21.—At the office of the boats. CHAPMAN NATIONAL BANK PALMS tered tbe ship's Steam tugs brought American line on Bowlin? Green this us to Falmonth.” Measure of Portland, Maine. Metropolis of Klondike afternoon Second Vice President James Agreed Upon Hostile o i orew of the Paris are Report of Masting The still aboard A. Wright, made public all cable de- vessel. It Is believed that the steam- Visited by Fire. the spatches bearing on tbe disaster to the By Republicans. er has a rent In her for- CAPITAL, $100,000.00 at Bluefields. American Liner on Rocks large bottom, Paris os soon as .they were received. Early Ships ward. Tugs are standing by nor and will In the day Capt. Frederick Watkins of Sarplus ud Undivided Profits, $25,000.00 assist In an effort to get her off the rocks. the Paris cabled: The soene of the FOR at wreck, ts about five “Paris went ashore at 1 a. in., Sunday, Solicits the accounts of Banks,Mer- Cherbourg. miles from Falmoutb. off Lowland Four Points Covered and PAINFUL FINGER ENDS 21.—There was a ru Point; lying comfortably; Only by Pro- cnntlle Firms, Corporations Entire Business District Has Been Washington, May the of the Paris to fur- Among passengers smooth water.’* Individuals, and la prepared One Night Treatment.—Soak the hands mor here tonight that there had beqn were female Its the best faculties many poor emigrants, mostly at Falmouth cabled: nish patrons thoroughly, on retiring, in a hot lather of Out. Lloyds agent posed Law. hostile betweei • liberal accommodations. Wiped meeting at BlneOelds foreigners A11 have been safely housed near Manacles weather and C tour a Soar. Dry, and anoint freely with “Paris foggy; the In the sailors' home hero. One of the Ci -cura ointment, the great akin cure and Nloarangan gunboat San Jacinto am t water calm.’’ women describes her experiences as fol- in- Interest Paid on Deposits. purest of emollients. Wear old gloras during the United States cruiser Detroit whlol Another cable from Fali»outh gave the night. For sore hands, Itching, burning None lows! formation that were around the Is after the Interests of Ameri of the Passengers tugs and this one looking was when the vessel struck. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR SAVINGS. palms painful finger ends, night "I awake Paris>nd that tne passengers were being Greenbacks to Be Re- treatment is wonderful. Destitute of Build- oans In that The lack heard a sound and felt a iBttnim ud Invited. City vicinity. report Was Injured. I drugging landed. Mr. Wright also received word Correspondence Mothers Rietnoet so the I went UfMIEII Especially competent oonOrraatlon far aa official advloes ar » shook, then engines stopped. that llenry Wilding, the agent of the deemed in Gold. vVUITlLH to appreciate the remarkable cleanein*. President. Material. | stairs to find out what the matter was. Fal- CUIXEN C. CHAPMAN, purifying, and emollient propertlea of Ccttccra Boas ing obtainable, tbs statement being made li \ up line at Southampton had gone to to And new ueaa ter It I and dally. i could see the land quite plainly. mouth. From the cables received Mr, THOMAS H. EATON, Cashier. responsible that np to 11 o'olocl quarters to on Sold throughouttha world. PottmD. aw® C.Comr., thought tbe ship had stopped hike took a view of the •* free. Wright very hopeful — DIRECTORS: Frope., Boston. Bow to Bare Beautiful Hand*, there had been no Information receive) l passengers. I didn’t think there was any- affair. He said that Capt. Watkln's cable L LAfiRABEE to bed and CULLEN C. CHAPMAN, SETH In regard it. thing wrong and I returned to seemed to indlcato that tbe steamer was Banks Allowed to Issue Notes t® PERLEV P. BUIWHAM Most Now Await of there half an then the stew- E. M. STEADMAN. Opening All Were Taken Ashore in stayed hour, not damaged. Safely me to I ‘There’s Value of BRICE M. EOWAROS. JAMES F. HAWKS AT HAMPTON ROADS. ard told get up. said, During tbe day there wero only two In- Par Bonds. Navigation. wake Tbe stew- HENRY S. 0S600D WILLIAM M. MARKS. Boats. my baby.. Don't him.” quiries made at the office for passengers ard ‘If want to save P Safe Arrival of the Spanleh Cruise replied, you your on the Paris. LEIGHTON,^^r^Ftfistp get I got up and dressed my- Hrlna Mercedes. baby, up.’ 9 The New York of the American line will on deok. We self and the.baby and went take the of the from place Paris, sailing 21.--It Is were much but there was no Washington, May understood B. 2l.-An extr 21. —Th frightened here a week from She Is WE TAKE UP Vlotorla, C., May Newport Newt, Va„ May Wednesday. cauous com- oonfuslon. treated us In the kindli- that the House Republican sdltion of Alaskan received cruiser Helna arrive) They arranged the same as the Paris so that the,.Skaguay Spanish Mercedes mittee to frame a scheme of est roanuer and llnally brought us here.” appointed by tbe steamer Tee at midnight oontalns at Hampton Hoads this afternoon at 1.9 those who have engaged passage on the CARPETS. The has sent several fast ourrenoy reform has agreed upon a meas- wired from Bennett admiralty gov- Paris will In the New York the ARTIE the following report o’clock In tow of tho wrecking tugs J. J * occupy Hoes: ernment vessels from Davenport to assist ure along the following to Skaguay just previous to the sailing Merritt and Kesnue and accompanied l); same staterooms that they secured on the I which It Is will “The redemption of all obligations of the Paris, reported prob- sunken vessel. WE DUST AND STEAM of the steamer: the steamer K. iS. Morgan. She is nov Floated. in demand. be a total wreck. the government gold upon disastrous fire has visited off ably “Another at anchor Old Point Comfort when “Greenbacks when once redeemed foi Among tbe vessels eent to tbe assis- Dawson this time out she will be held in for CAN’T EXPLAIN MISHAP. City fairly wiping quarantine flvi : to be re-issued only for gold. Has Come! tance of tbe stranded steamer Is a gun- gold CARPETS. the business section of the town, creating days. When released from London, May 21.—Mr. Currie. London to quarantine ____________ Mir Edmund Kobert “Permitting national banks Issue with boat, and Admiral losses that will aggregate 11,000,000 she will go to Portsmouth navy yard fo: manager of Richardson, Spence & Co. of their Fraemantle, commander In cblef at Ply- notes to par value government WE RELAY worth of lnsuranoe. The a of tbe Associated not a dollar’s repairs. said to representative bonds in the treasury Instead of mouth, has ordered a number of torpedo deposited news was telegraphed from Bennett this Press this afternoon: to bold themselves In 90 per cent as at present. of boat destroyers CARPETS. afternoon by the special correspondent No As To Cause “I am not just yet in position to ex- the minimum of AGAINST ARBITRATION. Explanation readiness to to the scene of the “Permitting capital who received It from procesd nor the Dally Alaskan, plain the mishap to tbe Paris to ap- national banks to be 125,U00 instead of “You press the 202-2) Given. wreck at a moments’ notice. (telephone THE BEST a man named Tokales, who had just tho blame. If any responsible rest.” portion as at button; we do|tne Germany and Triple Alliance Power) The news of the disaster to the Paris f50,'000 present.” a and reached Bennett from long perilous agent of the company la on the spot Inves- This Is much less comprehensive Do Not Favor It, spread rapidly In London and great ex- plan out from Dawson over broken trails, tigating the facts will be known In due adovcates of curren- trip and alarm waB felt until the than ardent general lakes. citement 13 open rivers and dangerous time. At present J know only officially but was London, May 22.—The flatly News pnb arrival of tbe information that all on cy revision.have urged adopted that the fire oc- ran on rocks at LSO Mr. Tokales reports tbat the Paris the because harmonious agreement was possi- Preble St. llshes a despatch from The Hague, sup board were safe. The company’s offices on 21 In tne heart of a thick curred April very this morning during drizzling ble which was not the oase when more my9dtf lstp to be Inspired by Wllllsm T. Stead were with Inquirers anxiously center of the commenc- posed beselged was even the business city, rain. I rejoice that nobody radical measures were editor of the Review of Reviews, whlol Falmouth, Way 12.—The America line asking.for news regarding friends or rela- suggested. ing near the opera house on tbe water hurt. The cargo is now being discharged is In port as follows: steamer Parle, Captain Watkins, from tives on board the steamer.