(1) (At bottom of page) At Portland Terminal Wharf One, left to right, D. P. Felt, assistant gen• BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD eral freight agent, B&M; Everett M. Thompson, HISTORICAL SOCIETY general perishable agent, Traffic Men Meet Boston; Gilbert W. Mil• ARCHIVES ler, general freight agent, Portland; Raymond M. Young, B&M division freight agent, Troy N. Y.; and H. M. MacAnanny, traffic representative, Pittsburgh, Pa. (2) Visit• Better Sales Job Needed ing the Maine State Pier our off-line agents from the farthest points pose for a picture. Left to right, Frank A. Murphy, (More Pictures on Pages 12-13) assistant to vice presi• dent — traffic; G. E. The Maine Central Railroad's sales• with successful development of the Gustafson, western traffic men throughout the Nation—off-line port and offered the Port Authority's manager, Chicago, III.; Tracy Cummings, general and on-line traffic representatives— cooperation and information sources west coast agent, San came home to Portland last month to for export-import business. Francisco, Cal.; Nelle M. view our facilities and inspect the The group also visited Portland Orr, commercial agent, Memphis, Tenn.; James Port of Portland served by the Port• Terminal Wharf Three where As• B. Sweeney, managing di• land Terminal Company. sistant to Vice President — Traffic, rector, Port of Portland; Their visit was the wind-up of an Frank A. Murphy described the site P. J. Mullaney, general traffic manager, Boston; important three-day conference, May of a new china clay storage shed the G. C. Aldrich, general 2, 3 and 4 at Boston, devoted to an Terminal Company will erect.
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