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Ioscot DEWEY AVE Cardinal Elevated Vatican City - (RNS) - In a Maronites, and Cardinal Steph­ move to prepare for the election anos Sidarous I, 68, Patriarch of of a successor tlo the late Cardi­ Alexandria for the Copts. nal Eugene Tisserant as dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, TV 'Conversation' Pope Paul VI has raised three With Fr. Arwell members of the college to the Father Henry Atwell, new rank of cardinal bishops. executive director of the Genesee The prelates named are; Car­ Ecumenical Ministry, will be dinals Carlo Confalonieri, 78, interviewed on television Chan­ prefect of the Vatican Congre­ nel 10 during Jim Reilly's "Con­ gation of Bishops; Paolo Mar- versation," at 6:15 p.m. Satur­ ella, 77, president of the Vatican day. March 25. Secretariat for Non-Christians, and Luigi Tragliia. 76, chancellor of Holy Roman Church. Father Angelo Sabatini, pastor of Santa Francesca Romana church, blesses There are three categories or vehicles parked in front of the Colosseum in Rome on the feast of St. Fran­ ranks of cardinals: cardinal Mc COMBS cesca Romana, patron saint of all drivers. (RNS) bishops, cardinal priests and cardinal deacons. The dean and sub-dean of the college are JOHNSON elected by cardinal bishops, in accordance with a decree Issued HOUSE Contemporary Humanism by Pope Paul on Feb. 26. 1965. In The Heart Of Churchville The other members of the car­ The Ultimate dinal bishop category are: Car­ dinals Fernando Cento, 88, a In Dining Assailed by Pope Paul member of the Council for the Complete Dinner Menu Public Affairs of the Church; Fish Fry Every Fri. Vatican City - (RNS) - Pope occupy himself," he added. of losing ourselves, but not of Amleto Cicognani, 89, Vatican Paul, rejecting "the idolatry of He said these are the "mys­ saving ourselves," he added, secretary of state, emeritus; contemporary humainsm, which "should make us reflect on Giuseppe Ferreitto, 73, chamber­ PHONE 293-1111 denies or ignores the existence terious but undeniable reality which is God," and the "meta­ where our responsibility leads lain of the College of Cardinals; lunchcJues. through Fri. of sin," called for a "new aware­ us." ness of good" among Chris­ physical moral reality" of man's and two Eastern Rite patriarchs, We Specialize In All Types Cardinal Peter Paul Meouchi, tians that will grow in opposition relationship to God, "who ia "The idolatry of contempo­ 77. Patriarch oif Antioch for the Of Banquets And Partiti to evil. present and omniscient and who rary humanism, which denies or questions us on our free choices.'" ignores our relationship with During a general audience God, denies or ignores the exis­ here, the Pope invited Cath- The Pope then maintained- tence of sin," he noted, produces olics to reflect upon the "sad that "it is exactly because we are two kinds of "mad ethics." reality of sin" and the tendency free that we can follow or deny CEILINGS of modern times to "shrink the Lord and the love of God. First, there is the "madness of ONE DAY INSTALLATIONS %Mf% MUSS away" from not only considering optimism, which tends to make FUSS Suspended & Block Ceilings "^ sin for what it is but even from This estrangement constitutes everything man does permissible DUST speaking about it. in sin the breaking of relations and the second is the "madness Free Estimates"—Call Day or Night > "The notion of sin involves which we are capable of pro­ of pessimism" which degrades two other realities about which longing but not of remedying." life into "anguish and despairing fatuousness." , JOSEPH DE GEORGE CEILING modern man does not wish to The fact that "we are capable On the other hafld, he pointed 647-3795 out, "Christianity initiates man in the sense of -perfection and Unify and Trinity of God consoles him with the gift of spiritual energy — grace — mak­ ing him capable of stretching Emphasized by Pope Paul out and following it." Vatican City - (RNS) — Pope grave danger of irreverence Pope Paul urged restoration of "the correct answer to sin, Paul VI reminded Catholics here towards these mysteries and BUYERS GUIDE not fearfully or weakly, but that "the unity and trinity of the deformation of our faith." God" ai\d "the divinity of Jesus in a virile and Christian way. Then the awareness of good will Christ" are "the two fundamen­ The Vatican Congregation for "Quality Shopping With Confidence" tal truths of our faith and its the Doctrine of the Faith, the grow in opposition to that of principal mysteries." former "Holy Office," respon­ evil." sible for guarding against doc­ "We must have a firm and In that way, "Our sense of re­ trinal errors, issued a 1,500- sponsibility will grow, rising fervent faith," he said, "that word document March 9, stress­ isit oar shew rooms—Select HEATH from our interior moral judg­ V a real Bargain — Compltte God is one in essence and.three ing as "contrary to the faith" DOWNTOWN in persons and that we have been ment, to spread out in our pef- line Rags, Funtliiure, Appliances, claims that the person, Jesus DRUGS baptized ... in Christ — God and sonal religious and social du­ etc. Optn t AM to 1 A.M. Man — from whom we can draw Christ, has not existed for all ties," the pontiff added. Charlotte Appliance Sundays A Holiday Included the light and love to give life its eternity, and that he is not truly divine. TONY AGOSTINELLI Opposite Rochester Club truly human dimension." 121 EAST AVENUE 232-17J7 "When the mystery of the di­ Lake Theatre—3200 Lake Ave. Addressing crowds in St. M3I-5050 vinity and eternity of Christ, OUR LADY OF LOUBDEB Peter's Square for his customary Son of God. is abandoned, the WHO Sunday-noon blessing, the pon­ CHILSON PHARMACY tiff also warned against misin­ truth of thejsHoly Trinity also is terpretations of the two doc­ destroyed, and with it the truth WARNER'S 1704 Monroe Ave. trines. of the Holy Spirit who has pro­ NEEDS ceeded from all eternity from LIQUOR STORE • 473-6402 In these latter times," he the Father and the Son," the DELIVERY siiid, "these mysteries, here and statement said. IT? HINCHEY ROAD Prescription SERVICE there, have not been correctly The document named no AT CHILI AVE. interpreted and annunciated names, but observers felt it was by different authors, with the aimed at a current tendency seen ST. ANDHEWB PABIBH f in some .Roman Catholic circles ST. CHARLES BORROMEO PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully Compounded to view Jesus as a divinely in­ ioscoT DEWEY AVE. MALTA CONFERS spired human being, rather than MANDELL'S as the true Son of God with PHARMACY Vatican City — (RNS) — Arch­ PHARMACY a divine and a human nature. Prescription Specialists bishop Michael Gonzi of Malta, HOUSE Hy MandeU acting on behalf of Maltese Pre­ Pope Paul, in his address, COSMETICS . TOILETRIES M said that the doctrine of the PHOTO FINISHING mier Dom Mintoff, was received 2910 Dewey Arena. 86S-2210 467:'-078"5 266'-•55 4 in private audience by Pope first ecumenical Council of DOES DRUG3-C0SMETICS-3UNDRIE3 Paul VI. March 13. No details Nicaea (325 AD.) still enshrines Portland Are. at Norton of the meeting were disclosed, the "official teaching" of the but Dr. Paul Farrugia who ac­ Church's magisterium (teach­ I W. J. Grinder | companied the 86 - year - old ing authority) today. WHAT?^ SPECIAL LOW archbishop as personal physi­ | Co. Inc. | That church council, convened cian, told newsmen the prelate | 58 Henrietta St. | ADVERTISING RATE OF by the Emperor Constantine had come to Rome to meet with with the sanction of Pope Syl­ §§ Rochester, N.Y. 14620 | $4.76 PER. IN. Vatican officials, with Joseph vester I. decreed: "The Catholic | Specializing in Built-up j M.A.H. Luns, secretary general MONEY Church anathematizes those 1 Roofing, Asphalt Shingles J ON 13-WEEK BASIS. of the North Atlantic Treaty who say that there was a time TAX DEDUCTIBLE AND Organization (NATO), and rep­ | and Sheet Metal Work. § when the Son of God was not, resentatives of the Italian gov­ s Quality Materials by f§ Calf and that he was not before he PAYABLE TO ernment. All talks. Dr. Farru­ = John Mansviile §f was begotten, and that he was 1SOSCO HOUSE DAVE WERNER gia said, are concerned with the made out of nothing: or who as­ | Phone 1271-1130 | dispute between Britain and sert that he is of other essence 1150 BUFFALO ROAD Malta over British bases on the S Easy Terms m 454-7050 or substance than the Father, ROCHESTER N.Y. 14624 iyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiini! Mediterranean island. or that he was created, is altered or is subject to change." Wednesday, MarcJ) 22, 1972 Courier-Journal Page 16 .
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    Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 92/3 (2016) 439-468. doi: 10.2143/ETL.92.3.3170055 © 2016 by Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. All rights reserved. La fameuse interview du cardinal L.-J. Suenens du 15 mai 1969 L’appel aux médias pour promouvoir l’autorité coresponsable et collégiale de l’Église Artur Antoni KASPRZAk Institut Catholique de Paris Cette étude aborde en détail l’histoire et les circonstances de la publica- tion de l’interview du cardinal Suenens, devenue le plus important de ses écrits. Il s’agit de l’interview du 15 mai 1969 parue dans Informations Catholiques Internationales, sous le titre L’Unité de l’Église dans la logique de Vatican II1. La publication, divulguée mondialement, a été accompagnée de son plaidoyer sous forme d’un livre de José de Broucker, intitulé Le dossier Suenens: Diagnostic d’une crise2. Au cœur de la crise qui a suivi le Concile Vatican II, le cardinal Suenens a voulu se donner une stratégie et un objectif. La stratégie consista à réveiller l’opinion publique dans l’Église en critiquant la faiblesse de la mise en œuvre du Concile Vatican II dans la vie concrète de l’Église3. Quant à l’objectif, il s’agissait d’une réouverture du débat sur la collégialité épiscopale lors du Synode de 1969 pour donner plus de chances de décentraliser l’autorité dans l’Église, comme l’interview tente de le justifier: c’est cela qui serait «la logique de Vatican II». Si la réforme conciliaire soutenue par la vision du Pape Paul VI se fondait sur la mise en valeur de la communion «entre» centre «et» périphérie de l’Église4, 1.
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