School Report Due Next Week Regional Board Pitches in to Aid Typing, Printing
Your Want Ad 7i Is Easy To Place- '"tinQiHo M Phono ARn 7700 An Official Newspaper I H Foi The Borough Of Mountniniid*' , n.,i • ,i, ,v f 8,r VOL, 11 . No. 21 MOUNTAINSIDE, N,j. THURSDAY, MAY S. I960 opy School report due next week Regional board pitches in to aid typing, printing The i'mon County t'pginrwl H'vnl 'f F'iuci- tion armounc-ed this week that ir' pl.mnlng consultant's fin-si report shnuW t— -f>i|i|#reH and In its hands next week. The timetable was announced fallowing a meeting last Friday with Ljr, Henry Rissettu, who is preparing a survey on the Regional High School niStriCf''- i"'mi"«Hf nnri |.MIE- range building need1;, Avery W, Ward, bom) president, said the major bottlenecks in the pradiictinn of the final report were, accurdinj; (u I)r, Rissetio, JOHN H, PALMER JR, ARTHUR M. nnl.PRF.RG JOHN P. WAI <!H various techmral dlfflf'ilrfee •,,„* a qhnrtn,:e of stenograph]** help. Ward said the school board ottered its resources to prepare the repon Ln its final form. This was agreed to, Wnrri said, and Democrats field full slate for mayor, board personnel are assisting Dr. Rissitio in typing the final rhapters, and getting the report printed. Ward said the board wlU be reimbursed, through its contract with the consultant, for council; promise an active campaign secretarial and any printing costs, "It has always been the board's and Dr. A full slate was filed list weak by the paign on issues of ierious concern for Moun- graduating in 19S9.
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