Pope Paul VI Sept
>U«»(8J62SS885S8SEBgS!aKii«s»»J»Bi£^w«i- „ «,, T*-T-^-' In Memoriam Sept. 26,1897: Bqrn (On the Development of Peoples), focusing the problems of underdeveloped countires. Pope Paul VI Sept. 30,1897: Baptized July 24,1967: Issued encyclical: "Sacerdotalis Caelibatus" 18841978 May 29; 1920: Ordained Priest. (Priestly Celibacy), reaffirming the traditional Latin Church practice of a n unmarried clejrgy. Oct., 1924: Assigned to the Vatican Secretariat of State, Community where he was to remain for 30 years, j " July 25, 1967: Flew to; Turkey to meet with the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I and to visit Ephesus, Savings Bank Dec. 12,1954: Ordained Archbishpp of Milan. site of the Ecumenical Council of 431. Dec. 15,1958: Made a cardinal by Pope John XXIII. July 25, 1968: Issued encyclical, "Humanae Vitae" (Of ; ; Human Life), condemning all forms of artificial birth I control. June 21,1963: Elected Pope. Aug. 22-24,1968 In Bogata, Colombia, to take part in the In Memoriam Sept. 29,1963: Reconvened the Second Vatican Council, j 39th Inteniational Eucharistic Congress and address the Latin American bishops meeting in plenary assembly. Jan. 2-4,1964: yisited the Holy Land. Met with the late Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagorasj I, spiritual head of June 10,1 1969: Addressed officials an and staff of the Eastern Orthodoxy!. World Council of Churches in Geneva, Switzerland. Pope Paul VI Dec. 2«5, 1964: :Vis"Yisitei d Bombay, India, to take part in 38th May 9, 1970: Held first of a series of meetings with International Eucharistic Congress. ' Patriarchs of three Oriental Orthodox Churches, marking 1897-1978 the first such encounters in over 15 centuries.
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