The Role of the Priests in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

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The Role of the Priests in the Kingdom of the Divine Will The Role of the Priests In the Kingdom of the Divine Will From the Writings of the little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta “I AM Preparing For you an Era of Love - THE ERA OF MY THIRD FIAT.” Jesus to Luisa – Feb. 8. 1921 Holy Orders Others are called to share specially in Christ’s Priesthood. In the Old Covenant, even though Israel was a kingdom of Priests (Ex. 19:6), the Lord Called certain men to a special Priestly ministry (Ex.19:22). In the New Covenant, even though Christians are a kingdom of Priests (1 Pet. 2:9), Jesus Calls certain men to a Special Priestly Ministry (Rom. 15:15-16). This Sacrament is called Holy Orders. Through it, Priests are Ordained and Empowered to serve the Church (2 Tim. 1:6-7) as Pastors, teachers, and Spiritual Fathers who heal, feed, and strengthen God’s people – especially through preaching and the administration of the Sacraments. “Priests, your works are to be according to the Will of Christ. You have to completely dedicate yourself to the Altar and to guide souls for the Glory of the Father with the Effective Help of the Holy Spirit.” – Our Lady of Revelation Feb. 21, 1948 TABLE OF CONTENTS: PART I – WHO IS LUISA...................................................................3 1. The Little Daughter of the Divine Will with Important Quotes......5 2. Biographical Notes on Luisa.........................................................8 3. The Three Appeals........................................................................16 PART II – PRIESTS..........................................................................26 1. The Call of Priests In The Holy Divine Will..............................26 2. New Way For Priests to Conduct Themselves...........................59 PART III – PEOPLE PERTAINING TO LUISA.............................91 1. Spiritual Fathers and Confessors...............................................91 2. Popes During the Life of Luisa...................................................92 3. Bishops During the Life of Luisa and Those of Her Cause.....96 4. People Connected to the Life and Cause of Luisa.....................97 5. Saints Related to Luisa..............................................................228 6. Letters of Luisa to Bishops and Priests....................................233 PART IV – DOUCMENTS AND DATES.........................................239 1. Preface by St. Annibale Maria di Francia...............................239 2. Preface THE SUN OF MY WILL Luisa Piccarreta................248 3. Documents from the Archdiocese of Trani...............................254 4. Important Dates.........................................................................276 PART V – PRAYERS.........................................................................305 1. The Holy Rosary..........................................................................305 2. Prayer for the Glorification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta...................................................................................313 3. Consecration to the Holy Divine Will......................................314 4. The Little Chaplet by St. Annibale Maria di Francia............315 PART VI - ORATORY OF SAINT PHILIP NERI..........................316 1 Jesus, The Great High Priest Saint John Chrysostom “Priests have received a Power which God has given neither to Angels nor to Archangels. It was said to them: ‘Whatsoever you shall Bind on earth shall be Bound in Heaven; and whatsoever you shall Loose, shall be Loosed.’ Temporal rulers have indeed the power of binding; but they can only bind the body. Priests, in contrast, can Bind with a Bond which pertains to the soul itself and Transcends the Very Heavens. Did God not give them all the Powers of Heaven? ‘Whose sins you shall Forgive,’ He says, ‘they are Forgiven them; whose sins you shall Retain, they are Retained.’ What Greater Power is there than this? The Father has given all Judgment to the Son. And now I see the Son placing all this Power in the hands of men (Matt. 10:40, John 20:21).” The Priesthood 3:5 [A.D.387] V10 – 1.28.11 “I Supplicate that they make these Houses of Reunion, saving for Me the Priests who shall come into these Shelters… And through these few Good ones shall My Church Recover from Her Agony.” 2 PART I – WHO IS LUISA 1. The Little Daughter of the Divine Will with Important Quotes 2. Biographical Notes on Luisa 3. The Three Appeals Jesus to Luisa V17 – 5.4.25 – Mission of Luisa ‘The Mission of My Will shall Conceal the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Inseparable but Distinct among Themselves, Who Form all the Beatitude of Heaven, in the Same Way, on earth there shall be Three Persons Who, because of Their Missions, shall be Distinct and Inseparable among Themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which Conceals the Paternity of the Celestial Father and Encloses His Power in order to Fulfill Her Mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co- Redemptrix of mankind; My Humanity, for the Mission of Redeemer, which was Enclosed in the Divinity of the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, in order to Manifest My Celestial Wisdom, Adding the Bond of becoming Inseparable from My Mama; and you Luisa, for the Mission of My Divine Will, as the Holy Spirit shall Display His Love in you, Manifesting to you His Secrets, the Prodigies of My Will, the Goods It Contains, in order to make happy those who shall give themselves to knowing how much Good this Supreme Will Contains, to Love It and to let It Reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It Dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to Form Its Life in them. And the Bond of Inseparability shall be added, between you, the Mother and the Eternal Word. These Three Missions are Distinct and Inseparable. The first Two have Prepared the Graces, the Light, the Work, and Everything, with Unheard-of Pains, for the Third mission of My Will, in order to be all Fused in It without leaving their Office, so as to find Rest, because My Will Alone is Celestial Rest.” “But when He Comes, the Spirit of Truth, He shall Guide you to All Truth. He shall not Speak on His Own, but 3 He shall Speak what He Hears and shall Declare to you the Things that are Coming.” (John 16:13) “He (Jesus) calls (Luisa) the littlest one that He found on earth, the instrument of a Mission so Sublime that no other can be compared to it – that is, the Triumph of the Divine Will upon the whole earth, in conformity with what is said in the ‘Our Father’: Fiat Voluntas Tua Sicut in Caelo et in Terra.”- St. Annibale di Francia From Fr. Bernardino Bucci, OFM - Volume 2 - Personal Reflections on the Writings of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta: Because Mary was So Privileged, Possessing all possible Graces, unique in the Mind of God, unique in history, the Lord did not want to leave Her without the assistance of Priestly authority until her dying breath. This had never been provided to any other creature because none had ever had such Fullness of Grace, therefore such custody had not been necessary. Only to one other creature had this Priestly assistance been given, one chosen in our time, Luisa Piccarreta. These are the Words of the Lord to Luisa: “Now, My daughter, you too are unique in My Mind, and will also be unique in history; and there will not be, either before or after you, another creature for whom I will Dispose, as though forced by necessity, the assistance of My Priests. Having Chosen you in order to Deposit in you the Sanctity, the Goods, the Effects, the Attitude, of My Supreme Will, it was Appropriate, Just, Decorous, for the Very Sanctity that My Will contains, that a Priest of Mine should assist you and be the first depository of the Goods which My Will Contains, so as to let them pass from his lap into the whole body of the Church. What great attention is required of you, and of them (Priests).” V15 – 7.11.23 Further, the Lord adds that He wanted to Enrich Luisa with as many Gifts to make her capable of receiving the Gift of the Divine Will and said to have taken from her the seed of corruption. He has purified her soul, has purified her human nature so that she no longer feels the things of this earth, she belongs entirely to God. The Most Blessed Trinity thrice has Decided to Act “Ad Extra”. The First was in Creation, when there was no need of created beings to bring it about. The Second was in Redemption, and the Lord Chose the collaboration of a woman, the Most Holy, the Most Beautiful Woman who became the Mother of God, Channel and Instrument of God until such time as the Work of Redemption should come to pass. 4 The Third is the Fulfillment of God’s Divine Will; that His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. This is the Seal of the Work of Creation and of Redemption, these are Divine Decrees that must come to Full Completion, and God makes use of another woman to put these things in order. Thus says the Lord to Luisa: “Therefore, just as We Entrusted Our Mama to St. John, that She might deposit in him, and from him into the Church, the Treasures, the Graces and all of My Teachings which I had deposited in Her during the course of My Life, when She was Entrusted to Me and I Acted as Priest to Her - as I Deposited in Her, as in a Sanctuary, all the Laws, the Precepts and the Doctrines which the Church was to Possess; and She, Faithful as She was, and Jealous of even One Word of Mine, deposited them in My faithful disciple John, so that they might not be lost; and therefore My Mama has Primacy over the whole Church - so I have done with you, Luisa: since the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ must serve the whole Church, I Entrusted you to a Priest of Mine, that you may deposit in him everything I Manifest to you about My Will – the Goods Contained in It, how the creature must enter into It, and how the Paternal Goodness wants to Open another Era of Grace, placing His Goods, which He Possesses in Heaven, in common with the creature, and giving Back to her the lost Happiness.” V15 – 7.11.23 1.
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