PAGE TEN HanrbPBtpr lEoPtting IfpraUt SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1958 A b o u t T o w n Coventry Vernon Bldodmobile Hours Tuesday at Center Churdh 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. Heard Along Main St)^eet Y«mllis Fined Italian Nlfrht will be observed jPriyer Charged tonight, starting at ^ o'clock, by /4nd on Somm o f Mancho»tP.r*a Suim Streeta, Too ATerace Daily Net Preas Run Manchester Lodge of Elks at the On Peace Charge n 3-Car Crash . For the Week Ending I'he Wkathcr Elks Home. Nov. IS, 1958 Foreedat of O. B. Waatber Barea* Three Mancheater teenagera ap­ flArclIy Oix^Uhle • rirular activitiea. A teenage boy John E. Shndy, 21, of SS Thom­ A workshop on ccrcmonjes and peared in (Mvenlry Justice Court tight itA l. " r drizzle Part of Ihf working couple'a i waa overheard deacrlblng a mutual as St., RockyUfe^^ was charged program for junior high level Girl j iaat night on charge* of breach of 12,829 routine every morning before arf|i;aintanre to another hoy. with operating- a N(mtor vehici* likely tonight and ififatMaj, L*aw Scout leaders will be held Wednes- j the peace. All three were fined $30 leaving for then Jobe Inclinled (he “ He don't even 'have a job No while under the influelic^ of intox­ Member of the Audit tonight in mid 40a. H | | N Tuesday day from P:3<i to 11 s.m in the each with the provlaion that the icating alcohol as the Thafult of hiieband making the aandwirhea wonder he don't do no good in Bureau of CIrcuUtlon. old pariah hall of St, Mary's Epis- j j parent* leniove all driving priv- a 3-car chain accident on''Rt. 30 In upper 80s, for lunch. , achool." • l\ . Mancheater——A City of Village Charm copal Church. 1 I ilegea exc ept w'herc it 1* an ab- ^ e ^ y this moi-ning. Since moat of tiv time he did solute necea.sity for 30 day.*. Rtate Policeman Richard Pou^ Ihia while alill not fully awake, i Htfe l^earna Sion I The Holy Name Soiicly of .SI Alan Chmila. 17. of II JackAon era v t Stafford Springs htmadM James' Church will hold a turkey hia wife never waa aiire juat what i If aelf-confldenrc la a factor In VOL. LXXVIll, NO. 41 (FOURTKEN PAGES) .SL. Vincent Gulblna*. )8. of 46 said Bundy’s car slammeji^ into MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1958 (Claaalflcd Adaerttatng on Pago It) PRICE FIVE CENTS whist for the benefit of the Oin.il- aorl of ■'r)agwood*(ype alructiire , achieving aurceaa, we know a the rea r of a Var parked-^n the mas party in St .lames' .School 1 ahe would And when ahe aat down ■ voiing fellow, aged five, who ha.a a Woorlland HI,, and Michael Brew­ er. 17. of 383 Keeney St,, were ar- shoulder 6f Rt. 30 ,,-ln -Vernon hall Wednesday night at a o'l-lock for her noon meal. ^ great chanre for greatneea. He shortly. aftei\ l o’gkjfck this morn­ The principal prizes will he lur- Al leaat. ahe hgmed, then I t.Mn't conceilerl, mimt you Ifa Juat re.^ted on the night of Oct. 25 and Air Force Fires • barged wdlh carrying a weapon, ing. "The parkefP’car, owned by keys. All members of the panshl \Aaan'l Ion r.iuc h he ■•i'oulfl dr^lo I that he ha.a a qii-et r<»nnderue William H. L «K , 27, of lOE Oak­ and their giieals are invited to at­ a pi.stol in a motor vehicle. The John P**®?®*® frinl. ao every day ahe aaked foi ' that who I ever he doea. he doen land St.. M ^chester, waa pushed charge wa* reduced on the re<om- Unusual Missile tend I an apple, peat, or whatever elar ; light. by the impact Into the rear of ruendation of ProAecutfng Grand on happened to be in the hmiae aV the I Thia even appliea to hia apecch, another parked car, owned by A meeting of the Maiii lieslcr | Juror A. Harry W. Olaon at the Edwards, Calif., Nov. l7 time. which la far from perfect Tieaplte A sight to i^ladrtpn the hearts of Manchester reslilenta Intereated In acelng "home town” industry Cbirles St, Pierre. 37, of 20 Main Auxiliary Police will be held at 1 0 ; One morning (hr, huatiami alum* I hj.a relatively advanced yeara. he Muggeaiifin of the chief of the ( ’ov- — The Air Force vised an un­ Red St.. Vernon. Force o f the crash ers Attack expand is this addition now being; built by the Iona Manufacturing; Co. on Regent St. 'The company Cushing, O ’Hara to o'clock tomorrow morning at the, entry rolice Patrol w'ho aaid he A-Bani Control usual ballistic missile to get rid I led into Die kitchen and aieepily I haan'l Quite oulgiown haby talk, Is now rated as the fourth largest producer of portable food mixing machines in the country. (Herald pushed St.. Pierre's car into a Finley St, range. j conatj-iirted two aandwirhea Then land hia grammar- la aometimea thought it, heat in Ihi* ca*e to mailbox. N o , one waa injured. of two bobcats who moved Photo hy Oftarai. onto a jet fuel tank at Ed­ atill half av^ake, he mumbled Hlaitlingly original Hon-ever, he lenifrer juat ice with men y by in­ Bundy is scheduled to appear In Geneva, Nov. 17 (/P)— Rus­ Hi-Leagiiers of Covenant Con­ voking Die lesaer i-hargc. Guibinaa wards A ir Force Base. wha' you want With the aand- I diainiawra thf»,m- wlm 4 -rn'l urwler- The Irma Mamifar luring Co. on ' Rockville City Court Dec. 22. sia offered today to negotiate gregational Church will leave al ! ^ .Mtand him aa being cither' harrl of \H an alum and • mild face poaalble W'lnners of calendar banka were of rejiidentlal and comfhercial real Cardinals ’ College The missile waa an arrow. w)i h ■ j Regent .St. Is srherluled lo open its two separate treaties for ban­ The launching apparatus was S .to thia afternoon for an ei-cnlng ' I'll have «>nr of (hoar i>eiia in hearing f>r alow-wHtefl. oi bf»th deportatuin from thia lountr-y if he Claudia Richard, Mrs. R. Perkins, estate. of howling a' Middletown. I nerv srlrlituin wltlun tlie next few a bow. the diah on the mantle ' ahe ralkfl The flegree of the vourig.*tlej-V w rfr found guilty on the mf»re *er- Robert Erickson, Chris Benton, ning nuclear tests and for con­ i weeks, MAHRC Display Airman James R. Moore, an •elf-confiflence m thia regard, I luua charge Margaret Meek.'G. Vincek, Joyce Edmond's Super Market at 99 i By ALLAN JACKS trolling the ban— and sug­ .Mr s.nd Mrs. Hall Stewart and bark ; Tile r2,000-st)ua I e fnol. eonerete Williams, Mrs. A. !>>vlne. Mrs. F. amateur archer, was called in The huahaiul groped hia '.va\ hfrnever u-a.a not fully impieased All Diree pinaded guiltv an«I a f­ Summer St. has changed owner­ Vatican City, Nov. 17 (*7*)— Aircraft Twice hlrick a'lilitum will double Ihe floor gested the agreements be family, formerly of 21.') Henrv j hi.a mother until one dav re- Barry, all of Maiuhealer; Danny Set Up in Bank because rifle shots might have through Ihe half dark livng room, ter being hM-iiirr'd l>v Juatlcc l>»rny spare 111 Ihe fast expanding firm ship ^ d is now operated by Fred St , recently left Manchester for ' Geary, .Meriden; Wilbur Schneider, I Pope John X X III today named signed simultaneously. killed the bobcats, all right fumbled in the diah and found a 'len D v when ahe and (he hov met |M. Hubert* were fined .$30 eacli. ' will.'ll nianufar'tmes eleetrii' fnorl Dummltt. It was formerly owned I Fort Worth. Tex . v,-| ere he is a ' on the afreet a little girl in hi.a Ellington; Nyles O'Reilly, Jr., Bol­ 23 new cardinals, Including .Soviet delegate .Sem.von T.sarap- hut could also have touched pear wim h tie promptl.s popped Hu)»erl« exphrined that the b'rya mixers. The company, whirl' by Edmond lj»Hoiise. ! A display by the Mancheater field engineer with I'nitcd An- grafle in achf»ol Tlie girl unlike ton. the Archbishops of Boston kin m-ade the proposal al 3-power off the fuel t.ank. 1..I0 the piiper hag along with hia I oul'l have hern fineil a,* mu< h a,« moverl here fir.m F.asl Harlfoirl Before opening for bu.siness, I AasociaU^on, . for the Help: ,of Re- eraft. and will he located al tlie, the bf»\, f|oe« epeak peife» D\ . .She The right answer, by the way, talk.s on nuclear test .suspension Moore's first arruw. laumh- wife a aand wirh « or given f»ne year m pul or at)Out tu'i) years ago, al.xo has e Dummill completely redecorsted ’ Children waa being as- and Philadelphia. Fort Worth nITtre The SicHiirls i I* Ihe daughter of a profra.xor «>f was 169,104. Hia proposal failed to meet a ed from 2.6 yards, killed one That niglil the wife walked 'l)oth. Me anr^l thal he wquld aak 7.t)00 stpiaie fnol wareiiouse. the store and also put in s new | the A consistory beginning Dec.
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