To Revise Canon Law Code

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To Revise Canon Law Code Pope appointscommission to reviseCanon Law Code Vr\'l'tCAN Cl'llY--llis llolitter;s Pope John XXlll has sct tup tr commissiou o{ 30 cnltlirtals lo levise the Corlc nf Canou Ltrrv. Anrong tlie 30 ale Caldinetl Irrancis Sipellman, Arch- bishop of Norv Yolli, ;rutl (iartlinal P:tul Legcr, Alchbishop of A'lotttt'citl. soon supcrscrlcd all eallicl col lcctions. Ry tlur beginning of tlre ?Oth ccntrrly carron larv rvas again in a statc ol' eonfusion. At thc Ii'ilsL Vatican f.louncil ( 186$.1870) con- tliliorrs harl I)l'cvonlr'(l thc 1l:rssing of disciplinar'1' larvs ol consitlcll- liou oI thc bislrops'rt'qrrcst Ior codilication of those allc;rtly irr I| RIGIII' SP0'I': fr'IEDICIA\II l0fcc, Itilt in lt)0.[ l'opc fit, l,ius X attuorrrrccrl lris dctcrnrinttion lo have a conrplete an<l olrlerlv corli[iciltion ol all cxisting ('hur.clr Indianapoliscivil la*'s, rights 'l'ltc rvith obsolt'tc lnd outrlalctl tasli ol' llrtt ttt'rr' ('()tlltllls- on(rs r,lirnirrntcrl arrrl othcr.s sion rlill l)('to glrtl)cr an(l pl'e- btrtugltt into t'onfolnritl' rvith palc nralclial lirr a rctisiott oi lltc tuodcln conrlilions. 6 canon larr, <:otlc accot'tling to thc rlilcclilr:s ol llto ct:tltttt'ttical cotttt- HE APPOINTED 'l'hc u t,unrrrrissiorr cil. t'evisiott rvill ;rp1rl1'ottl.t' rePorL ol calrlin:tls trrrrlcr ltis orvn and clrair.. good bad' ttttrt'itt [rrt'ttc itt tlttl to tltc cotlc nranship. ()n llalr:lr 25, 19().{,the Catlttt' l,atin lt itc. [,)nstct'tt Itite tvrrr'lrl's alchbi,slrops rvcle askctl g()\'ofttc(l lt1';t lics llr: sttllat'atc lo conlr'r' uith thcil sulfr.agan lroenle<l u itrtesses rltrlin;1 thc c0(l('. bislrops anrl rvitlrin fuur rntinths lrvo-ttar' lrt'arings. horvcver. took lo scntl rvorrl as tl) which larvs in isstrr: tr'ith tlrc IIal'or"s npplaisal iltcil A sern'totx Passiotzl,idc opinion nor'(lc(l alllcnrlnrcnt. ol tlre inlu'r'acial situaiion in tht ( ln a stitteltttn{ rnatlc public. gitorr IIvcr'1' bislurp u'as tlrc riglrl t'apitol eil1. llrr grurp laslrctl orrt ilt l)r{}kors fn, "scerlr [o litt'11 a lclrrttst'rrtalivc in Roruc ttlur to bc irtrlulgirrll in tar. to :rttcnrI cr)nltnission ttrr_.ctin.qs. ACCORDING lo Dr. ljl'unlt lt. tics pulposcll' citlculiite(l to ciluso ('atton litu' is lltc lrorly of Iarls l,'lrt1'tl, ouc ot l\\'o Nt'gt'o phl si- llitttic."'l'hc .\ssocialion ur.gctl Wlron a tt'rrtllivc rllaft \t'as arrrl lc,lrrlaliotts Iot'tttltlatt'tl ltv lhtr ci:urs to tt'sti[5. lntliiirrapolis is llrrnle.rluncl.s itr lltc ar.t'u to r.ciist tlr';rrvrr rrp. iI tvls strllnrittcrl ttr "a ('lrrrlr'lt lirt' llrt' tlisciplitttr ttI ils Soullrcln-t,\'pc lo\r'n rritlr gootl tlrr: barlagc ol' rcl)catr(l lcttcr.s. oxl)cr'{ [,iul(]n In\\:.\'(rls l'ho actctl nrcrllrcr':. lls plint'i1lal sotlrct's atrnosJrht're in rrtcrlicirre," Rtrt rlrror'to.rLlof solicitlttion or tr'le- as cottsultors to all llislrops antl 1ililililil1ilililililililililililililil1il1ilil11il1ilil1il1il1ilt1 art' (lt'r:tlcs issttctl llr' lltt' lloptls, I)r'. l,'kr1'rl and Dr. IIallt'5.N. plrune cirlls askilt{ thr'nt lo sr)ll to rr:ligknr.s sultcriors entitlerl lo cr:rrnrcr.tical cottttcils ttntl Yatitlatt Edilorirl. Prge 4 lIirkllcton said tlrat the snure or lcut theil honrc inrrrrerliateil)'. :ltlcn(l an ccttrtrcttirtal crluncil. rurrgt't'r:rtiotts. arttl <lecisions of 'l'hoil t'onrlitionS rkr not apply fol Nc- ilililillllllfi ilfiililililillllililllililillillillillllilillllilrl ('irnoll oqlinirlns \t'(,r(\ tltcn s{rrdierl ("iYc ('hrrrt'h tlilrrrnals. llrv glocs scrkirrg luru.sing, ctlucatrurr thirrli this is a \'('l'y ilo(xl irt llrc conrn'rission. It is t'sti- !r'(rrv rrl) sl,rrt'15'ulct' lltc ccntttt'ics In othcr vitirl erlcas sttch as antl crnpkrS ntt nl cqualit v. l)lit((' lrr livr, lrrtl l,) l.lisc Oul. nratcd tllal eve|y clrnon in tlrtr go housing anrl ctrtplovltrertt, Ils hcIinrrittgs lttrt:li to tlttt cotle rvns tliscrrssorl lrou fivc to Spouliing sprctficalll' of lrous- -- . -s_:ll:'"T:l-T__l.:'ri .rl_.*. (]httlttlt. huwcvcr, tlre city rlrerv il lrri'ear'[.v tlitl's ol llre l2 tinrtrs itolirltl lrcing linally irrg, Williarn if. ltat'. Ntt{r'o lc:rl I'ruu llutt. tttttt u:ill. suflar trot'e uilr! utot'c tuxL tnore. Ncrel jlt lirul ot sirllrtrirrr,l. ln lht: conltlt']'lltr: bishnlts irrlopl.erl. flunkinil glade. 'l'lr,e o.\latc l)fokr,f. tcsliiictl llter that ytlu:e ytttt, giltheriilil (lltttt'ltlt "coulrl rt'tttt'lLirt11 tlte solrliers lrt.t:es, I.lre btutin't ll(,tt elt:(t!ls g(L o{ ltornc jl{)\'t'rn(t(l tltc .r*ogferrs uot litc in lttt Off,icierl licr' The Code of Crnon Lrw fhat ln att calll' stitlttn'tt'tt( bt'fot'c .lrottr, llte ,l(lc b(tcuuse !J(,tt (n't too lnor Lo yty , , srttul[1to.r:uttrl fctcr, ltrtttrytr rrraittll tltt'ottp{lt cott't'sltottrlcncc. (:ollt ol' trllt'ion (,'ount1'," bet'itu-st: ('asc:i resulled fronr these efforls was tlrc Conuuission. 1,,",,,.r, bI' l,'a- tltut is ttll 1'stu'lof heuttctt,,, titc preparttiott. Ilcrlwps tt,illtrntL lltctrt,-*u.ltrt t'rtit ttll'., rlccirlirtg on srtbrtti{ltttl to rrrr'nll;ers of tltc lttrlilttaprrlis licirl nromufgaled on Mry 27, 1917, plcsi- llrcrn lttrl .,'ttlinll ol tlon- ''by thor'l'hulrlolr Ilcsbulglt, -- t/('tt tt'(t,)l(ltt't ,:n,io!! lrcttt:tttL tt nu,t'lt t[.ott'u',,t "tt, l,t j(ril,')f,],. |rrittls lilst;rte llou'tl rvotrlrl n{}t ih{)w Pope tJenedict XV rnrl ticnl of Nrlll'(' l)rrnrc L,rtilcr'.sit1 . t't'll tlist:iplitttt. Ilittt]' ol tltcstr Ironrcs lc Ne'glocs trnlcss trlo went inf o ef fect lhe following r\llyol r\ll;t-r't il. l,oscltc tlcclat'ctl rkr<'isir,tts at'r1uit't'tl {ltr' lirt'ct' of othol non-*lritc fanrilies livu on a Mry 19, ylroblorrt cilltrl ottct' ot' itt tltc cottt'sc tlral. lnrlirnlpolis has no llu' al. "discolrl hltrcli. ol litrrt'. ol' lrctrvcclt atrl' t:iIizctts Sittcc lhcn llull0f{)us olfici;rl Celebranl: ('hru'eh '\rlrrris:ion rrnrlcr oltlt lhat the '['lto riuctrnrenls rrhiclr ltnvc the llt i:l:.::l 91]- " ]lost llcr r:r'cntl l)irul (,', In itrlrliliotr. rrllrt't' lrisltops ctt- --':::i:-'-i:li []onrrl lt'stlicts its rttcntbet'slrip rrf oun Sccs sttclt lirt'eu larv har t' ltcen issrrcrl. Scltultc, D.l). (/it. a<'ttrrl lol tlrr,it to s lritc hloliers rr'fls nrarle b.r' ll 1s casil lo suy ull t.ltc llrirtUs lltut tltttrt u:ill nut ltt, iu lrut,:t'u. \l irrrt ls rrr.ct,ssilalirrg llrc plcscrtt clfr_rr.toI rt,.{rrlirlions ls krcal i'orrrlitions lltrlrclt I'1. Ilottli. Bttat'd pt'esitlettt. tltrrc ts ()txl, 7'ltal. ls tnort: difIicttlt, ()ttt riofrJs ttrr(lc ri{],s('rii)(. trltul tre I:!ouliff l() issu{} Assistanl Priesl: ord l(, t'orlttit't'tl.'l'lrcst' t'o{ttlittiolls \\'t'ftl I'CIIsl()ll. 'Iigltt' lkruli .itato(l frrrtlrcl tlral the l;ttrrtt: tt t!lr (,/rr sclrses. 11'c soiT l,ttt. u'e arc lltinl;in11 otly ttl tlrt :;ttrt,'lur'r" "no lit. ltov. ,loltrt ,L Dullt: not :{t'nt,t'irl, lrttl sonlctilttr.s lltt'}' 'l'ltt' lr0a|rl lriltl pr'r)qtallt rll arll' r:r'cirlirlrr of lltr' nerv t,orrr- ll,tl. itt('ur\ n r:hiltl. Altot:r tll. t'ctnettrit?t'tli.s-*leat:trrr, r;; Irr.'r.c. jltrc ttort.. llrlrrtlt:; rtl. sprt-itrl Ilottr rliot:r'sc to rlioctsc ttnt:]'cl icil | liirrri" lrr t'ollt't'l thc rlisct irrtittrt- l,Assistant Dercon: gairrrnll rlrssioil of cat'rlinlls tyas lrirrtt,tl [)(]itr:r) litt\ ntnrtrlt'. tltttr .fau.t tgul iny ltnr urc ptl-(: o{ ltt:ttt:cl, rr'lrcrrt l/rclt' rt'i[! ltt n() ltt!t' arrd crrrlt'rl hl' rurir,t,r'sal lirrn irr lrorrslrH. llt'r'. .latttcs l)oolcy (t'tl.'' i()n lrrrs llccOttrittg rtl in lht, not'nls r.lo\'{.lnirrri lhe {!,ttl tt(ltc lt)r foc(,{llil lrnrl I \''\'l'lt"\N ('t'l'\' -.-llis Ilolittr'ss llu t'l ol tlre gt'ttcnrl t:lrnolt lttrr'- ll Assistrnt Deacon: "THE 'l'ltt l'o1tc John .\.\lll has lllll(rtttt(:t'(l (Excerptcd from POWER AND THE cLORY," Copyrisht 1940 by Grr. licr. ,lohn .\lintir r't'ttrncttical cottttcils. lhrr [ilsl lrc is plr,plt'itlg rt nrl\\' cncl clicul ham Greene. Reprinted with permission of Viking Presr. Inc. Drawing by Frilr ol u'lrich rvls hr,lrl in Nitac;r irr 'l'ttr'lir,r'. orr rvolltl l)(,ir(rr' l() llc t tttitlctl "l'irccnl 'l'ct Dercon of lhe Mrss: Eichenberg in Thc Calholic Worker.) rlha{ is norv nrtl ottlv in t'is" ott 1I'cact licr. Jitrnts lliggins rlt'fittctl lt,rints ol tloctt'inrr ryillt linrth). tht'lpprolul of lltc 1rrt1u's,bttl lN HIS tt'slituottl'. I)itlt'it:li .1. 5ubdercon of the Mrss: also r,rtirclt,rl tlutr'l('r'()ustlis<'tplitt. i\n ullicial of llte I';tp;rl St't't't'- lllrt()n. lrtrutl of tha Intliitttapoli.s llcr'.,lolttt l,'islr rtr'1 1;rs's fot' lltc ultolc (-ltttt'clt. Cardinal to talill ol Stllc suirl tht' t'ltcl.clic:rl l. l t,\ lnsuIing ()lficr'. a<lnrrtlt'tl is rll llrcirtt'sl irtlltoltltlt:e attrl DESPITE MANY llllrt'ls lo ",\llttIt' lllill his ofiicc hus turttk' no t'fiirtt The Twelve Priesls: |ilttlicrl it ii.; llttt crlt|itl ol pttl)- Blcssing o{ parhnsto opcn I Ioly collt't't irrrtl crrrlrl) llttsc larvs.
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