Bible Echo and Signs of the Times for 1886

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Bible Echo and Signs of the Times for 1886 "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy_word is truth." John 17: 17. VOLUME I. MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, JANUARY, 1886. NUMBER 1. • object of education is to fit us for this service by pulsation of the heart, is .an ,evidence of the all- !Olt taw Aiwa )(go Ow 66.1m. developing and bringing into active -exercise every pervading care of Him in ,whom we live Kid haVe ISSUED MONTHLY faculty that we possess. Satan desires to defeat our being. It is not because bf inherent power that for the this object. He is the great enemy -of God, and it year by year the earth produces her, bounties and AITS TRAILASIAN is his constant aim to lead souls away from- their continues her motion around the sun. -Thnhatid of of the allegiance to 'the King of Heaven. He would have God guides the planets;.and l•seeps..thein in position minds so trained that men and women will exert in their orderly march tlaPugh,t4,.hearens. It is international Tract and Missionary. Society4, -their influenc&Oit-41* side :error*IdlInpr4 corrnp'.. through leis „power that vegetation IltiMialsea,,. that tion, instead of using their talents in the service of the leas-es - appear; Tand•thn-,fletera bIpoins-', - Devoted to the promulgation of moral and social reforms, from a word controls -the elements, and by bins the purely Bible stand-point. God, to save souls and bless society. - His object is - Address all eonannications to the Eelko, Echo Publishing effectually gained, when, by perverting their ideas of made 'fruitful. He covers the bewtens with ' House, corner of Rae and &etcInner Streets, North Fitzroy, Victoria. education, he succeeds in enlisting parents and clouds, and prepares rain for the earth; lie " maketh teachers on his side ; for a wrong education often grass to grow upon the mountains." " He giveth " Bible Echo." starts the mind on the road to infidelity. snow like wool; lie scattereth the hoar frost like The conclusions which learned men have reached ashes." "When he uttereth his voice, there is -a BY MRS. A. MILLER. as the result of their scientific investigations are multitude of vapors to ascend from the ends of the carefully taught and fully explained; -while the im- earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and ECHO of truth I God speed thee well, And grant his blessing on thy track ! pression is distinctly that if these-learned men are bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures." Go forth, the joyful news to tel1H-- correct, the Bible cannot be. These philosophers Parents and teachers should aim to impress minds Echo-the welcome tidings-back. would make us believe that man, the crowning work with ,the beauty of truth.' They should realize that of -creation,: came by .slow degrees from the savage the safety of the young depends upon combining We send thee forth with prayers, ThatGod n%i l,.bless thnscattered,seed ; state,, 0,0_010 farther back, he was evolved from relig s culture with general education, that they That rich, -L•ppgr0.1$row- out the itares, .the .race of brutes._ _They, are so intent upon _e cclud- may e -the ,snare- of - unsanc ti tied knowledge. t.7Maycorne, stud own him Lord indeect,. ink-GOP-fund the - sovereignty a£ the; universe, that' WI at are the men of learning, that the •11!1-I4‘.1t1‘1410,,frritkItliimstrel f, haiq to , the, ypung,Aguld be Iii many a home, in many a heart: above the God' --61 ideas . are --nut God grant that many an honest mind nature; she is idolized, while her Creator is buried with t; Source of wisdom; and if they do May grasp the truth thou wilt impart. up and concealed from sight by science falsely so- not actually deny God, they at least lose sight of called. his direct agency in the operations nature. But God speed thee, messenger of light ! of And cause his face on thee to shine Cold, philosophical speculations, and scientific his care is over all the works of his hands. Noth- While doing service for the right,— research, in .Which God is not acknowledged, are a ing is too small to escape his notice. While shedding forth the truth divine. positive injury. The thorns of skepticism are dis- God is the foundation of everything. All true guised; they are concealed and made attractive by science is in harmony with his works; all true education leads to obedience to his government. Prosper thy work, we pray thee, Lord, the bloom and verdure of science and philosophy. In this fair laud from shore to shore ; Skepticism is attractive to the human mind. The Science opens new wonders to our view; she soars Thy blessing, smile; and strength afford, young see an independence in it that captivates the high and explores new depths; but she brings noth- Till work and time shall be no more. imagination, and they are deceived. Satan ing from- her research that conflicts with divine revelation. Ignorance may seek to support false South Melbourne,. triumphs; it is altogether as he meant it should be. He nourishes every seed of doubt that is sown in views of God by appeals to science; but the book of young hearts. He causes it to grow and bear fruit, nature and the written word do not disagree• each and soon a plentiful harvest of infidelity is reaped. sheds light on the other. Rightly understood,' they tkuvral g‘ltido. Teachers who sow these doubts do not lead the mind make us acquainted with God and his character by through the mist of unbelief to faith in the inspired teaching us something of the wise and beneficent Science and the Bible in Education. word. But ignorance of God, of his 'might, of his laws through which he works. We are thus led to infinity, and his majesty, is the real reason that adore his holy name, and to have an intelligent trust BY MRS. E. G. WHITE. there is an infidel in the'world. in his word. Many teach that matter possesses vital power. The Bible should be read every day. It is the THE foundation of all right education is a knowledge They hold that certain properties are imparted to correct standard of right and wrong and of moral of God. Many parents who make great sacrifices to matter, and it is then left to act through its own principle. A life of devotion to God is the best educate their children, seem to think that a well- inherent power; and that the operations of. nature shield for the young against the temptations to trained intellect is more essential than a knowledge are carried on in harmony with fixed laWs, that;God which they are exposed while acquiring an educa- of God and his truth. They neglect to train up himself cannot interfere with. This is false science, tion. The first consideration should be to honor their children in the nurture and admonition of the and is sustained by nothing in the word of God. God; the second to be faithful to humanity, per- Lord, and act as though they supposed this impor- Nature is not self-acting; she is the servant of her forming the duties and meeting the trials that each tant part of education would come naturally, as a Creator. God does not annul his laws nor work day brings, and bearing its burden with firmness and matter of course. But the first and mist important contrary to them; but he is continually using them courage. lesson to be impressed upon young minds is the as his instruments. Nature testifies of an intelli- If we work in harmony with the Spirit of God, duty of regulating the life by the principles of the gence, a presence, an active agency, that works in, we shall see of his salvation. The education be- word of God. and through, and above her laws. There is in gun here will not be completed iu this life; it Parents and teachers should make God first. The nature the continual working of the Father and the will be going forward through all eternity,—pro- influence of the Spirit purifies the heart and stimu- Son. Said Christ, "My Father worketh hitherto, greasing ever, never completed. Day by day the lates the intellect. If the fear of God is made the and I work." wonderful works of God, the evidences of his basis of education, the result will be a well-developed God has finished his creative work, but his miraculous power in creating and sustaining the uni- and symmetrical character, one that is neither energy is still exerted in upholding the objects of verse, will open before the mind in new beauty and. dwarfed nor one-sided. Care should be taken to his creation. It is not because the mechanism that grandeur. In the light that shines from the throne, keep constantly before the mind the fact that we are has once been set in motion continues its work by mysteries will disappear, and the soul will he filled dependent on God, and that we owe him willing its own inherent energy that the pulse beats, and with astonishment at the simplicity of the things obedience, a lifetime of loving service. The true breath follows breath; but every breath, every that were never before comprehended. 2 BIBLE ECHO AND SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Vora. 1, No. 1. Why Watch and Wait ? water, the crown of glory and of beauty is ones; And when he unstopped the ears of the fallen from our heads. But at that day we deaf, or laid the fever of the sick, or made the " Watch therefore; for ye know neither the day nor shall rise in resurrection robes, the cold and lame leap as the roe, or when he quickened the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." Matt.
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