1 TempleTemple FamilyFamily NewsNews North Country Reform Temple ~ Ner Tamid Rabbi Dr. Janet B. Liss Student Cantor Jenna McMillan Phone: (516) 671-4760 • Fax: (516) 676-9180 • E-mail:
[email protected] • Web: www.ncrt.org November/December 2019 Cheshvan/Kislev/Tevet 5780 2 A Message From Our Rabbi I like this time of year when we see the changes in the color of the leaves, the weather cooling down and we look forward to getting together with our families for Thanksgiving and the winter holidays. Each week in our Shabbat Services, we recite a prayer of Thanksgiving to God. The Modim prayer acknowledges the role of God in our lives, morning, noon and night, and by recit- ing this prayer, we acknowledge God and say thank you for all we have in our lives. For those of us who are regular Shabbat attenders, this is part of our weekly routine. How many of us take the time to pause, think about all we have that fulfills us and makes living worthwhile and say thank you? On Shabbat, the liturgy tells us that we do not seek to acquire or to gain, we pause to count our blessings. Many of our congregants come to be with us only on the holidays and an occasional Shabbat. Shabbat Services are so much less formal than the High Holidays and they can pro- vide you with an opportunity to take a step back from the rest of the week. You can put your busy lives and smartphones down for an hour or so and relax.