WINTER 2013 / SPRING 2014 CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2

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WINTER 2013 / SPRING 2014 CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 George Washington has departed p. 58 Importance of CUPP p. 59 In Ukraine, the ideological battle has no timetable. It seems, however, that the clock is working against the youth and NGOs in their efforts to forestall the imposition of a managed democracy. If the ruling clan succeeds in imposing a managed democracy, it will set back for decades the development in Ukraine of a normal civil society governed by the rule of law. And if Ukraine becomes like Russia or if it merges into Russia, Europe and the West will not have a reliable or stable partner in the region for much of the 21st century. It is not beyond a possibility that eventually a war will have to be fought in Europe in order to return to a stable and just society in the eastern half of the continent. From Autumn 2011 Issue # 2 CUPP Newsletter Article on page #31. WINTER 2013 / SPRING 2014 CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 2013 – Issue 2 Photo taken on November 24, CUPP NEWSLETTER DWWKH¿UVW VICHE na Maydan, Kyiv. Front row L Putin's Folly ................................. 3 to R: Vasyl Lenko (CUPP 2011 Lviv), CUPP Interns ................................ 4 Ustyna Mykytyuk (CUPP 2012 Lviv), "Tear Down This Wall" .............. 31 Natalia Kalyn (CUPP 2011 Ivano- Model Ukraine White Paper Frankivsk), Committee Workshop ............... 32 Oksana Mayba (CUPP 2012 Lviv). Citizenship and Democarcy: Back row L to R: The Making of Ukrainians ......... 33 Anatoliy Mintenko (CUPP 2011 Lviv), Newsletter 16, 2013 – Day 1 ...... 35 Artem Roik (CUPP 2011 Kyiv), Oleh Odnodnivka – Day 2 .................. 37 Shemetov (CUPP 2011 Kharkiv), The Odnodnivka – Day 3 ........... 39 Olekisandr Zheka (CUPP 2012 Kyiv). Model Ukraine Conference ....... 41 Model Ukraine White Paper Committee .................................. 42 History of CUPP SHDQVWXGHQWVKDYHEHQH¿WHG2QWKH basis of academic excellence, knowl- On July 16, 1990, the Ukrainian Par- edge of the English or French and Meeting Bohdan Hawrylyshyn . 48 liament adopted the Declaration of Ukrainian languages, and on interest Sovereignty, which declared that Par- in the Westminster model parliamen- A Week to Remember ................ 50 liament recognized the need to build tary system of government, university the Ukrainian state based on the Rule students from Ukraine and foreign uni- Intern-Assistant Cooperation ... 55 of Law. On August 24, 1991, the Ukrai- versities, can apply for a CUPP intern- nian Parliament adopted the Declara- ship program. It is hoped that CUPP tion of Independence, which the citi- Roots .......................................... 57 will contribute to the education of fu- zens of Ukraine endorsed in the ture leaders of Ukraine. referendum of December 1, 1991. Also George Washington Has Left ... 58 In 2013, students from universities in in 1991, Canadians celebrated the Austria, China, Georgia, Germany, the Centennial of Ukrainian group immi- Netherlands, Italy, Russia and Ukraine 3HUVRQDO5HÀHFWLRQRQ0/3 gration to Canada. To mark the Cen- completed the two month internship in Internship Program ................... 58 tennial, organizations planned pro- Canada's Parliament and Senate. In grams and projects to celebrate this the course of the 2014 CUPP Program Discussing Europe in milestone in Canada's history. the Interns met with Bohdan Hawryly- Severodonetsk ........................... 60 The Chair of Ukrainian Studies Foun- shyn, Member of the Club of Rome, dation of Toronto decided to mark the Stephen Poloz, Governor of the Bank Centennial by establishing the Cana- of Canada, Ambassador Andrew Ben- da-Ukraine Parliamentary Program for QHWW RI WKH 2I¿FH RI 5HOLJLRXV )UHH- university students from Ukraine. The dom, Senator Raynell Andreychuk, Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Pro- Senator David Tkachuk, Senator De- gram gives Ukrainian students an op- nise Batters, and Hon. Jason Kenney, portunity to work and study in the Ca- the Hon. Julian Fantino and a host of Contact Us nadian Parliament, and gain Government representatives, political Chair of Ukrainian experience from which generations of and community leaders. Studies Foundation Canadian, American and West Euro- 620 Spadina Avenue Toronto, Ontario, People who worked on this issue of the Newsletter: Canada M5S 2H4 Andrei Bezruchonak, Oleksandr Pankiv, Alexandra Bardyn, Lucy Hicks, Tel.: (416) 234-9111 Roman Tychkivskyy and Ihor Bardyn. Fax: (416) 234-9114 Layout: The Basilian Press, Toronto. Published by: Basilian Press, Toronto. Cover Design: by Andrei Bezruchonak, CUPP 2012 Intern from Belarus. 2 CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM CUPP 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 CUPP in Third Decade Putin's Folly by Ihor BARDYN Director, Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary Program Toronto, Canada Recently in the Los Angeles Times, unavoidably exaggerate our own Op-ed piece titled, “What Vladimir place in it. The Kingdom of Mus- Putin chooses not to know about covy was enthralled with that con- Russian history”, Patricia Herlihy ceit, seeing itself as the Third Rome their way through history resorting wrote:“It's easy to understand why and, maybe to a slightly lesser ex- to the tools of the Big Lie and Rus- Putin would covet and wish to an- tent, so was the Russian Empire sian surrogates and to win the wars nex Odessa and other southeast and, in hyperbolic proportions, the of aggression and information. Ukrainian cities, but calling them Soviet Union. But Russians such as Andrei Zubov Russian cities evokes a history that We tried to make them (Ukrai- realize that self-delusion and dis- never was. In the 1920s, when QLDQV REVHUYHIDOVL¿HGHOHFWLRQUH- tortion of history, and partition of Vladimir Lenin made the region of- sults and were sincerely non- Ukraine, have a price. ¿FLDOO\DSDUWRI8NUDLQHDQGJUDQW- plussed at their unwillingness to do Announcing the Putin Doctrine ed the Ukrainian Socialist Republic so. We nearly quintupled the price and justifying Russia’s illegal sei- a veneer of autonomy, he said he of natural gas for them. zure of Ukraine’s Crimean penin- was doing so to avoid Great Rus- The price for such ambitions sula in an opulent palace, to dem- sian imperialism and chauvinism.” was huge every time.” onstrate to the world Russia’s Vladimir Putin embraces these Vladimir Putin has escalated power and his own greatness are traits of imperialism and chauvin- the dislike for Ukraine’s indepen- illusions of power and folly. Putin’s ism, without regret. dence from infantile resentment to tactics, of using little green men to Andrei Zorin, Professor of Rus- war of re-conquest. He nourishes invade Ukraine; hold instant refer- sian History, Oxford University, in this imperial syndrome into the 21st endums supervised by monitors his 2004 article, “Why we don’t like century. Ultimately, like past dicta- with military-issue AK-47s, com- Ukraine”, wrote:“It seems that the tors, he will fail. PDQGR NQLYHV ÀDN MDFNHWV DQG Russian public, right up to its politi- Putin’s invasion of Crimea and walkie-talkies; announcing near cal elite, is beginning to realize that use of assassination squads mas- perfect voter turnout and near Ukraine's statehood is an irrevers- querading as separatists in East- unanimous results reminiscent of ible reality. This is a painful pro- ern Ukraine has been highly criti- elections in the Soviet Union, will cess and it has certain characteris- cized. One such critic Andrei not succeed; not for Putin nor for tic complexes associated with it, Zubov, a historian and formerly Russia. such as a separation complex and professor of philosophy at Moscow The West did not accept the re- infantile resentment. One of the State Institute of International Af- drafting of borders by Hitler and reasons for this reaction is that the fairs, compared Vladimir Putin to pushed back Hitler’s occupying imperial syndrome is rooted in the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. Zubov forces. The West should not ac- understanding of history that has stated, "This has all happened be- cept Moscow’s illegal occupation reigned supreme in our national fore. Austria. Early March 1938. of Crimea and continue to increase consciousness for the last 200 The Nazis wanted to build up their sanctions against Russia. Kyiv years. Looking at the history of na- Reich at the expense of another should stand steadfast in its sover- tional statehood as a chain of di- state”. Hitler did not succeed. eignty of the Crimean peninsula. rect succession uniting a mythic Vladimir Putin and his entou- past with the present, we almost rage of mythmakers are ram-boing CANADA-UKRAINE PARLIAMENTARY PROGRAM 3 CUPP in Third Decade CUPP 2013 NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 CUPP Interns of stunning natural scenery, waterfalls, canyons, lakes, glaciers and mountains. Some of its attractions include the Pyramid Lake, the Atha- EDVFD*ODFLHUDQGWKH&ROXPELD,FH¿HOG,W¶VGH¿QLWHO\RQHRIWKHPRVW PDJQL¿FHQWWRXULVWDWWUDFWLRQVLQ&DQDGDZKLFKRIIHUVYLVLWRUVWKHFKDQFH WRKLNH¿VKULYHUUDIWRUFDPS,I\RXHYHUGHFLGHWRYLVLWWKLV1DWLRQDO Park you should check out the Miette Hot Springs. Andriy Bryn Born in Mykolayiv, Lvivska oblast, Ukraine Hometown: Lviv, Prague, Rome The University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy (est. in 1303), Faculty of Economy, Department of Methods and Models for Econom- ics, Territory and Finance (MEMOTEF), PhD School in Management, Finance, Environment, Institutions in the Global Economy. 2013 Vasyl Kereliuk Scholarship recipient. Intern to Jason Kenney, MP for Calgary Southeast, Alberta, Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for Multicultural- ism. Jason Kenney was born in Ontario and raised in Saskatchewan,
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