
Great exhibition of the works of industry of all nations, 1851: official descriptive and illustrated catalogue

Weltausstellung 1851, London

London, 1851

ETH-Bibliothek Zürich

Shelf Mark: Rar 4777

Persistent Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.3931/e-rara-21827


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Dr . Woldemar Seyepaeth , LD.D., Commissioner for Jloyal , 91 Piccadilly .

A very complete collection of industrial products and of the materials constituting tlieir basis is exhibited by this kingdom . Although the classified arrangement adopted in the United Kingdom has not been strictly observed in this case as in that of other foreign countries , still the arrangement of exhibitors in the Catalogue generally accords with the succession of the Thirty Classes, and consequently admits of ready comparison with other portions of this work . Among the raw materials are specimens of flax water -retted , and of yarn spun from it . The speciments of cobalt and nickel must attract the attention of all mineralogists and of others interested in the commercial and scientific application of these important metals . The former is principally used for the intense brilliancy of its oxide, the latter as a good substitute for colour , in combination with other metals . The cobalt colours are well shown in a series of specimens derived from the lloyal Porcelain Works at Meissen . The nickel , cobalt ores, and colours are from one of the very few known sources of the former metal , the mine at Pchneiberg . A few machines are exhibited —of these one is for planing type , one for boring , one for casting type , and one for sweeping narrow flues of chimneys . Among the philosophical instruments exhibited is an electro -magnetic telegraph similar to those employed on the telegraphic lines of Saxony and : an electro -dynamometer , and specimens of watches made on the Swiss system , are also exhibited . The collection of musical instruments includes string and wind instruments of various kinds , harmonicas , pianofortes , etc. The textile manufactures are extremely well represented , especially in the woollen department , in which the long -established reputation of the Saxon manufacturers appears to be fully supported . This may be better conceived by the statement of the number of exhibitors of articles either entirely of woollen , or partially , as in worsted , their number is fifty -nine . The total number of Saxon exhibitors is only one hundred and eighty - eight : this proportion , therefore , of exhibitors of articles belonging to only one class, strongly indicates the pre¬ vailing direction in which the national industry of this kingdom exercises its activity . The producers of oil¬ cloth , and of that kind of it which is used for table -covers , are also numerous . A very valuable and extremely attractive collection of objects is that exhibited by the lloyal Saxon Manufactory of China , the works of which have long been carried on on an extensive scale at Meissen . The vases , figures , and busts are delicately executed , and exhibit the excellent quality of this beautiful porcelain . An attractive object is a porcelain mirror frame painted in colours , with flowers in relievo . Specimens of types and typography are also exhi¬ bited . Among the are one or two figures in Carrara marble .—11. E .

1 Sommer , Charles , Sornzig, near Miigeln—Producer . 3 Gaetzschmann , William , Zittaw—Manufacturer . Specimens of flax cultivated in the Belgian manner , Flax, watered and swingled, also partly heckled, in five water-retted and swingled, also swingled and heckled. different qualities. Patterns of extra fine yarn , spun from the flax. These, with the flaxes exhibited by Messrs. Watteyne and G-aetz- 4 Thieme -Widtmarkter APueschel , Peudnitz , schmann, are intended to show the progress made in the near —Manufacturers . last five years in the culture of flax and its preparation in Bleached sponges, fine and common quality . Saxony. 5 Kunze , Frederic , 1lochlitz—Manufacturer . 2 Watteyne , Joseph , IAchtenberg, near Freiberg —Manufacturer . Varnished leather . Black varnished calves’ leather for Patterns of swingled flax, cultivated in the Belgian the use of shoemakers and belt-makers ; the same descrip¬ manner , and water-retted . tion, sheep’s leather . SAXONY. 1105

6 Jordan & Timaeus , —Manufacturers . cations are given by moving the arm the nearest way,- The hand, Assortment of dessert chocolates, consisting of figures, forward or backward, to the intended field. fruits , and numerous other objects, partly brown, partly which notes the signs, turns always to the right . At the coloured ; ornaments for dining-tables, nips, Christmas ordinary speed of the machine eight engines can be given presents , &c. every second.] Chocolates and cocoa masses, in packets, as sold. 16 Leyser , —, Leipzig—Manufacturer . —Manufacturer . 7 Hardegen , G-ustav , Leipzig Electrodynamometer , with mirror and telescope. For Clack printing -ink for hand presses, and for machines. measuring the intensity of the galvanic current . 8 Jagodzinsky , Anton , Leipzig—Manufacturer . Lange , Adolph , Glashiitte—Manufacturers . oil-varnish . Calcined soot. Printing -ink for 17 Strong , by division of machines and presses. Matches , manufactured as in Switzerland labour. A box with a systematic arrangement of all 9 The Koval Saxon Cobalt and Nickel Works , parts of a watch, and a series of watch movements in Schneeberg (Agent, 33. Biggs, 3 Lawrence Pount - four different stages of manufacture . Watch cases and ney Hill)—Producers . engraved patterns . Ten watches, anchor escapements, , of of twenty -eight specimens of cobalt blue, enamel chronometer balance. Three, with eight stones. Two A series an arrange¬ blue, smalt and cobalt green. Metallic bismuth . Metallic them in gold, eight in cases, one with nickel in cubes.—This is stated to be the oldest establish¬ ment for winding-up the spring and regulating the hands, ment of the kind in the world. without opening the case. [Nickel is now so largely employed in the manufaciure , MarlcneuJcirchen of German silver, both in England and other countries, 18 Klemm , George & August and Son)—Manufacturers . that its extraction from the ore has become an object of (Agents, I . D. Kohler Stringed instruments . Bresciano counter bass and vio¬ . This metal is not , however, great commercial importance loncello. Violin. (Paola Albani.) Amati , Stainer , and in operation in only a few known abundant , and mines are cord rim violins. Violin in the antique style. Bass localities where it has been found. It is generally asso¬ viol. Guitar . Violin bow, with silver ornaments . Pat¬ ciated, as in the specimens exhibited from Schneeberg, with tern book of all the appendages of the violin. cobalt. Prom other impurities it is separated by roasting , Wind instruments . Chromatic horn , in E ; ditto but from cobalt generally by a chemical process of solution trumpet , in G, after the newest style. and precipitation .—K. E .] [The manufacture of musical instruments for sale occu¬ thousands of hands in the Upper Voigtland , 10 The Koval Saxon China Manueactory , pies many Meissen—Producer . and is remarkable, not only for the cheapness of its pro¬ wind instru¬ Complete series of ultramarine blue. ductions , but also for the excellence of the ments . Jacob Stainer , whose violins rivalled those of 11 Schmidt & Co., Daubnitz , near Lommartzsch Cremona, lived at Innspruck in the Tyrol, 1647. His —Proprietors . signature was “ Jacobus Stainer . In absam prope :—No. 1, for common use in quarries, Safety-fusees Oenipontem 1647.” Bresciano was a noted bass maker. with black cover, 1000 yards in one piece. No. 2, for working in mines, with grey cover. No. 3, for working —II . E . 1).] _ under the water . 19 IIerold , C. G., —Manufacturer . Specimen of porcelain clay. Wind instruments . Tenor-tube, with three conic reed horn, with eight valves. Brass ., Leipzig—Manufacturer . valves. Brass 12 Hofemann , C clarionet, in E , with sixteen keys. Ivory piccolo, in D Machine for planing printing types ; with three dif¬ -harmonica . and with ten keys. Moutli ferent planing tools, much used by type -founders Combs of wood ; two pierced and two figured. The printers in . manufacture of wood combs in Saxony is extensive, and . Machine for drilling corals is usually combined with that of musical instruments . 13 Brockhaus , E. A., Leipzig—Proprietor . , Ferdinand , & Son, Klingenthal (Agent, for two 20 Glier Machine for founding types, with instruments Frederick E . H. Hast , 18 Aldermanbury )— different sizes of letters . Manufacturers . a book of patterns . Violins, for 14 Rieckeorn , H . Leipzig—Inventor . Wooden combs and exportation . Specimens of fiddlesticks. Guitar . Trumpet Machine for sweeping narrow chimneys. of German silver. Cornet of copper, in a case. Corno¬ [This apparatus , consisting of a common sweeping in¬ pean of brass in a case. strument and a scratching instrument for the harder soot, . is let down by a cord from the top of the cliimney. The 21 Glier , Gottlieb , Mm'lcneukirchen—Manufacturer scratching instrument , which can be separately used, is Wind instruments . Sax horns . Bugle of copper, with . also provided with springs, in order to make it fit for eight keys of argentan . Bugle of brass, with the same flute of ebony, with keys. chimneys that are from 7 to 10 inches wide.] D 22 Schuster , Ludwig , MarlcneuJcirchen— 15 Stobhrer , Emil , Leipzig — Inventor and . Manufacturer . Manufacturer -magnetic telegraphic apparatus , with dial and Musical instruments :—Sackbut in B, of gilt brass, Electro ; hand ; used on the telegraphic lines in Saxony and Bavaria . with three cylinders ; trumpet in G, of German silver cornet B alto, of gilt brass. [The machine is put in motion by the current of a machine of the exhibitor ’s con¬ rotary electro-magnetic 23 Schuster , M., jun ., Marlcneulcirchen (Agent , struction . In the present size of the machine the stream Charles Holland , 41 Finsbury Circus) _ - Manufacturer . J® strong enough to give signs for a distance of 100 miles. Ihe work is moved only by the electric current and the Wind instruments :—Clarionets in B and D, in German change of its direction . The dial, which serves for giving silver, with all the keys ; B cornet, with tln*ee cylinders ; clarionet, with all the keys. and receiving communications, lias 36 fields. The indi¬ bass 1106 SAXONY.

24 Zimmermann , Charles , Carlsfeld, near Mbenstocfc—Manufacturer . Harmonicas and accordions :—Chromatic concert har¬ monicas ; bass and tenor harmonicas ; accordions of forty and twenty notes . “IN- . 25 Breitkom & Haertel , Leipzig—Manufacturers . Concert grand piano in a rosewood-case. 26 The Royal Direction of Railways , Dresden. Models of the two great viaducts of the Saxo-Bavarian Railway, over the Elster and Goltzseh valleys. 27 Dattermann , II . L . & Sons, Morgenrothe, near —Manufacturers . Tin goods. Pots and pans (culinary utensils) used in Bavaria . Machines for making coffee. Iron spoons. HIPHIMVOTINTHEBEMEtfl TVOR JjK3DENHEARi^ ; 28 Rechsteiner , John Barsh , Comiewitz, near VEREWfl HELlNCSH'Ufijg! Leipzig—Inventor . PREDRICEiHcRULEfiTKEU Twenty -eight specimens of wood-screws. IWCDOMT* OFSAXONY

29 W OLE,J .H .,Burgstddt ,near Chemnitz—Manufacturer . Iron wares. An assortment of nails, rivets, and tacks .

30 Krttmbholz & Trinks , Nenstadt , near Stolpen —Manufacturers . Steel wares. Various pocket-knives, with from one to thirty -two blades, and with ornamented handles ; knives for cutting the end of cigars ; champagne knives ; table knives, &c. Hangers and daggers, with figured handles . Exhibited for execution and arrangement .

31 Levy , Hermann , Dresden—Manufacturer . Carving knife and fork ; with handles of solid mother -of- pearl, and pins of silver.

32 Thherioen , E. T., Meissen—Manufacturer . Grulil’s Bronze Bell. A gun with a double barrel, on a new percussion principle . _ “ Serve the Lord with gladness.”—“ Come before liis presence with singing.” 33 Striibe , Theodor , & Son, Leipzig (Agent , Phillips The ornaments are designed by Mr . Schramm, of Zittau , Brothers , 31 Coekspur Street)—Manufacturers . and modelled by the sculptor Schulze, of .] Plate , or silver works. A vase with fifteen silver flowers, weight 93) ounces. 38 Strauss , E . W ., Chemnitz—Manufacturer . 34 Jahn , Ahohst , Dresden—Manufacturer . Cotton yarn of different numbers . Eight sets of chess figures of metallic composition, with four chess-boards. 39 Heymann , G. E ., Chemnitz—Manufacturer . Cotton yarn of different numbers and qualities. 35 Buenatt , Rudolph , Leudnitz , near Leipzig (Agent, Charles Holland , 41 Finsbury Circus)—Manufacturer . 40 Bodemer , Georg -e, —Manufacturer . Composition goods :—Playthings for children . Sets of Cotton yam for stockings. coffee and tea tilings, &c. Toilets, caskets, cigar-boxes, &c. 41 Hoeeeer , C. F ., Tcmnenberg, near Annaberg —Manufacturer . 36 Hoeemann , Frederic , Sebnitz—Manufacturer . . 30, 40, 50, spun from Parts of lamps for the trade , made of brass. Lamp - Specimens of twist , Nos burners in different numbers . Regulating jacks . Tubes Georgia. _ with screw thread . 42 Pansa & Hauschild , Chemnitz—Manufacturers , Knitting and sewing cotton yam of various numbers 37 Gtruhl , Frederic , KleimoelJca, near Bautzen and qualities. (Agent , Mr. Mallalieu, 97 Hatton Garden , Ilol - bom )—Manufacturer . 43 Mattoch , C. G., Chemnitz—Manufacturer . A bell of bronze, with iron clapper and tackle. Cotton thread of different qualities and numbers , The following out represents this bell. [This bell weighs 750 lbs. On the front side is a 44 The Society of Worsted Spinners , Leipzig crucifix raised from the bell. On the bell are the inscrip¬ —Man ufactur ers. tions in English and German : “ Come before the Lord , Tableau, showing the process of worsted spinning, from the raw wool up to the finest yarn . and worship him in the beauty of holiness.” The reverse Specimens of worsted yarns of different num bers, of the bell shows in-bas relief a head of Christ , after the model of the medallion cut by Mr. Hofgurtler Seiffertli, 45 Trinius & Sons, Leipzig—Manufacturers . of Dresden, and bears on each side the following appro- A collection of worsted yams , raw and coloured, various ju'iate inscriptions :— threads . Dyed by Bergmann and Co., . SAXONY. 1107

46 Petzoldt & Eiiret , Meichenbaeh—Manufacturers . 55 Brandstetter , F ., Leipzig—Manufacturer . 24 feet long, 8 feet wide. Worsted yams , of different numbers . Table-cloth of linen diaper, Napkins . 47 Solbrig , C. F ., Chemnitz—Manufacturer . 56 Boeheer , F . L., & Son, Flatten —Manufacturers . Worsted and woollen yarn , of different numbers . White cotton fabrics and embroideries : — Plain mull, figured cambric, plain and figured curtain -gauze. 48 Wolee , W . H ., Burgstadt , nea/r Chemnitz— Curtains in figured mull, figured nansoc stripes, em¬ Manufacturer . broidered jaconet stripes . handkerchiefs of linen. Woollen soft worsted yam (raw), various Nos., each Fine embroidered 5 lbs. weight ; 1 lbs. Nos. 24 and 26 on the reel. 57 Heynig , J . G., & Co., —Manufacturers . 49 Schmidt , J . G., jun ,, & Sons, Altenburg and Cotton goods for curtains :—Gauze with , figured. Penig—Manufacturers . Gauze, -with borders a jour . Figured damask. Plain mull. . Woollen yam , in different colours, and a book of Cambric. Jaconet shades. [This very important branch of Saxon industry , the [The number of wool-spinning factories at present in cotton manufacture , has its seat in that part of the king¬ operation in Saxony has been estimated at about 120. Of dom called the Yoigtland ; the centre of it is Plauen , this number 40 are concerned in spinning worsted yam , where,and in some little neighbouring towns,the merchant - and employ in this manufacture about 54,000 spindles ; manufacturers reside. All the goods are woven by hand - and 180 spin woollen yams with a power of about 80,000 weavers on Jacquard and embroidering looms, in their own spindles. The excellence of the Saxon cloth productions houses ; many thousands of them are at work in the towns is familiarly known.—R.B.] and villages of the country . The patterns for the figured goods are procured by the merchant -manufacturers . The 50 Behr & Schubert , Franlcenberg—Manufacturers . goods embroidered by hand are chiefly worked by girls. Rich silk stuffs for tapestry , furniture , carriages, &c. The bleaching, dressing, and finishing of the goods are Satin , damask, brocatelle, and cotelme. Portrait woven done in the establishments of the manufacturers , or in in silk. A flag of double satin, with fringes, &c. establishments erected for that purpose .] &Co., Annaberg, Saxony—Manufacturers . 50 a Roehling 58 Krause , C. G., & Co., Flatten —Manufacturers . stuffs, viz.:—Lampas . Hamas lizere. Bro- Rich silk Embroideries ;—Figured jaconet ; embroidered mulls ; moire a reserve. Faijonne lance decoupe. dcrie Pompadour figured and coloured garnitures . Fa^onne glace. Amiure . 59 Mammen , F . A., & Co., Plauen —Manufacturers . ., Zittau (Agents, John Wilson 51 Beyer ’s Widow & Co in mull, half cambric, jaconet , and linen , 159 New Bond Street)—Manufacturers . Embroideries & Sons cambric. Capes and handkerchiefs, tamboured , embroi¬ Linen damask table cloths ; tray cloths ; with napkins dered with the needle and with the loom. and doyleys—raw, white, and bleached. [The manufacture of linen damasks, one of the oldest 60 Schmidt , G. F ., & Co., Plauen (Agents, Ullmann , departments of Saxon industry , is situated in that part of Hirsclihom , & Co.)—Manufacturers . the kingdom called Upper Lusace (Oberlausitz), the centre Embroideries on jaconet , silk and cambric, done with of which is the town of Zittau . The weavers reside cotton and silk. A set of furniture ; easy chair, pillow & la Francaise ; footstool ; and Waltersdorf , and cushions embroidered principally in the villages of Sclionau with fringes ; wall basket ; table cover ; Gross-Sclionau is, indeed, the window curtains and in the neighbourhood ; shades ; letter case ; pincushion , embroidered in the . The merchant -manufacturers cradle of this industry French style. _ trading in this article reside partly in Gross-Schonau, 61 Meinhohd & Stoeeregen , Plauen —Manufacturers . partly in Zittau ; there are also a few firms at Dresden and :—Muslin curtains , rose and white (broche Leipzig.] _ _ Embroideries brode), new patterns worked with the Jacquard loom ; 52 Lieske & Haebler , Gross-Schonau, near Zittau gauze curtains , white (broche), worked with the Jacquard (Agent, Philip Amsel, 20 Providence Bow, loom ; embroidered (with the needle) linen handkerchiefs ; Finsbury Square)—Manufacturers . mulls, plain and figured. (damasks), raw and bleached. Table tea-cloths, Linen 62 Schnorr & Steinhauser , Plauen —Manufacturers . and napkins of different prices, sizes, and qualities. Embi’Oideries in mull, French , and Scotch cambric and fashion ; , Gross-Schonau, net . Pair of sleeves of mull in the pagoda 53 Waentig -, Chr . David , & Sons ; guipures , 41 Fins¬ embroidered collars ; cambric collars it 1’Anglaise near Zittau (Agent, Charles Holland of mull, it la Duchesse, a la . of net work ; chemisettes bury Circus)—Manufacturers pocket handkerchiefs, Eng¬ —viz. : A large table¬ Marie, a l’amazone ; cambric Manufactures in linen damask pocket handkerchief of French cambric j and lish embroidery ; cloth, unbleached. Napkins ; all lhien, unbleached cambric ; robes of mull ; pillow half linen, red morning dress of Scotch 'vhitc ; half-silk, crimson, and chamois \ of French cambric. and wliito. , of pure linen- Series of table-cloths, with napkins 63 Glaeseb , Ferdinand , LengenfeU, near Auerbach bleached damask ; including pieces executed in the years —Manufacturer . , 1800, 1805, 1810, 1818, 1835, 1844., and 1770, 1775 , jaconets , and jaconets spotted , of different , to show the historical progress of the art . Cambrics 1850 , and for the quantity Half-silk and silk damask napkins , partly with fringes. qualities. Exhibited for cheapness in which they are manufactured . ^ 4 Proelss , sen., & Sons, Dresden—Manufacturers , 64 IIetzer , Ernst , & Son, Auerbach—Manufacturers . Table-cloths of raw and white linen damask. Napkins :—Gauze ramage for raw and white linen damask, with armorial bearings. Fine white fancy cotton goods ™ , and organdy . Uamask doyleys. curtains , jaconet , batist iios SAXONY.

65 Beck , G-. F ., Ilohenstein—Manufacturer . but also in wool, linen, and flax, employs more than 30,000 Cotton woven goods (pique) :—Coverlets, figured ; red, looms, almost all of them being centralised near the towns plain , and rough . Pique petticoats . of Chemnitz, Penig, Waldenburg , Ilohenstein , and Lich¬ 66 Stoelzel , G. F ., &Son, ILibenstock—' Manufacturers . tenstein, where all little places and villages abound with Embroideries in mull jaconet , linen cambric, and cotton stocking-weavers. The total number of hands amounts gauze. Capes : festooned of jaconet , mull and cambric, to 45,000. The merchant -manufacturers that collect the guiped of cotton gauze, of net work, black and white products for sale (generally through the medium of chemisettes. Bonnets , of thread ; of white net work ; factors) reside, most of them , at Chemnitz, Limbach , white, black, and coloured with rosettes and fringes, with Ilohenstein , Lichtenstein , Oelsnitz, and Waldenburg .] gold ; double black with barbe, of net work. Visites, pelerines, mantillas , and shawls, various . Laces : Brussels and coloured woollen. 84 Becker & Schraps , Chemnitz—Spinners and Printers . 67 Priem , Emily , Libenstock, Manufacturers . (Agent, Printed calicoes, fast colours. Ribbed cotton cloth, A. Heintzmann , 17 Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside.) printed with eight steam colours. Cotton handkerchiefs, Laces :—Bone laces ; complete gown, volant . Em¬ madder work. Cotton cravats and neckerchiefs, of various broidered ; veil, corset, Bertha of crape, fancheon of black styles. _ net work, mixed with yellow ; fancheon of white net work. 85 Lohse , Edward , Chemnitz(Agent, W . Meyerstein, 68 Foerster , F ., Dibenstock (Agent, II . Kolinstamm , 15 Watling Street)—Manufacturer . • 7 Union Court, Broad Street—Manufacturer . Damasks for furnitures in half silk, all silk, Half wool, Embroidered capes, rufles , bonnets, barbes, veils, shawls, and cotton , named Valentia , imperial, gobelin, berakan, and pelerines. president , rips, &c. ; foulard lustring , half silk ; plain and Chemisettes ; embroidered handkerchiefs ; Brussels and figured cotton cameleons ; figured ginghams ; table-covers zephyr ladies’ jackets ; white blonde-lace barbe, Ac. and bed-cover of half silk, half w'ool, and cotton damask. Laces :—Zephyr bed laces, black bobbin, black silk Glazed gingham ; cravats, cotton jaconet ; atlas, and laces, genuine blondes, and a long black barbe. half silk satin . [This branch of industry occupies more than 20,000 [The manufacture of cotton , wool, and silk-mixed hands in the mountainous parts of Saxony, called the damasks, and similar stuffs, occupies in Chemnitz and the Erzgebirge . All the articles are made by hand .] neighbourhood above 2000 Jacquard looms, only a few of which are in factories, most of them belonging 69 Doerffel , C. G., & Sons, JLibenstock (Agent, to Charles Holland , 41 Finsbury Circus)— Manu¬ hand -weavers working at home. To provide them with facturers . patterns and the material , as well as the finishing and Laces :—White thread ; black silk lace insertion ; and dressing of the goods, is the business of the merchant - black silk laces. manufacturers residing at Chemnitz. This branch of the Saxon industry has made great 70 Koester & Uhlmann , Sehneeberg (Agent, E . & progress during the H - last ten years.] Blank , 10 Trump Street, King Street, Cheapside)— Manufactur ers. 86 TIoesel , Robert , & Co., Chemnitz—Merchants . Laces :—Imitation , Valenciennes, and Brussels . Damasks :—Woollen purple , green, crimson Embroideries :—Capes; . Silk and Valenciennes ; zephyr net work ; wool, two and three coloured ruffles ; liandkercliiefs of cambric ; black silk half veils ; brown, striped gobelins, and two.coloured green. Cotton and Berthas and barbes ; mantillas ; and shawl of zephyr woollen, scarlet, light - net blue, brown, green, crimson, royal blue, nacarathe , Ac. work, Ac. Table-covers. 71 Schreiber , F . A., Dresden—Manufacturer . Laces and embroideries, imitation Brussels . Volants ; 87 Roehrig & Albrecht , Chemnitz (Agent, W . Meyerstein, 15 Watling Street) — Manufac¬ bertha ; barbe ; ecliarpe. Embroidered scarf, in the turers . ancient style ; barbe, Bertha , Ac. Embroideries : collars, ruffles, pocket handkerchiefs, Ac. Damasks :—Cotton, cotton and wrool, cotton , wool, and silk, wool and silk, in various colours. 72 -83 The United Merchant Manufacturers : Friedrich & Son , Nacke & Geiirenbeck , Neuber , Fried¬ 88 Seyffert & Breyer , Chemnitz (Agents, Gottsclialk rich , Solbkig , Franc , Wex & Lindner , all &Schroeder, 72 Basinghall Street)—Manufacturers . in Chemnitz; Glaeseii , J . S., jun ., in Schoenau, Damask in different colours, named Victoria gobelin, near Chemnitz; Haertel , II . C., in Walden- coloured gobelin, coloiu’ed imperial ; silk-striped ; woollen burgh; Pester , August , in Limbach ; Meineiit and cotton , woollen, silk, and cotton . Table-cover, named Brothers , in Oelsnitz ; Landg -raff Gott¬ gobelin tapis . fried , Ilohenstein ; Webendoerffer , II ., & Sons , in Lichtenstein ; Sedlag , Gustav , in 89 Vogel , William , Chemnitz (Agent, D. Joshua , Koenigsbmick, Producers . (Agents for Nacke 34 King Street, Cheapside)—Manufacturer . & Geluenbeck and Friedrich & Son, W . Meyer- Stuffs :—Woollen,cotton ,and silk mixed. Fancy articles, stcin, 15 Watling Street . Agent for Wex & named satin lainc, satin laine raye soie, satin cotton , Ac.; Lindner , A. Heintzmann , 17 Ironmonger Lane, damas mi soie veloute, royal mi soie, royal coloured, Cheapside. For II . C. Haertel and G. LandgralF, woollen and silk mixed ; woollen, silk, and cotton ; woollen D. Joshua , 34 King Street, Cheapside). and cotton . Men’s and women’s hose ; half hose ; men’s and [The manufacture of worsted and mixed goods is con¬ women’s gloves; children’s and boys’ hose ; half hose and centrated , with few exceptions, in jackets ; gloves; drawers ; and caps ; woollen and cotton the towns of Glauchau camisols ; amazons, &c., brown, white and coloured. and Meerane, and the neighbourhood . The goods are Women ’s hose : brown lace, white lace, and silk em¬ woven by hand -weavers in their own houses, and the broidered, &c. business is carried on by the manufacturers , as is the case [The articles here exhibited represent systematically with the other branches of Saxon textile production . The one of the most important branches of Saxon industry . number of looms engaged in that department of industry The manufacture of hosiery goods, principally in cotton , amounts to 10,000 and more.] SAXONY. 1109

. 90 Thuemer &Toepffer , Chemnitz(Agents, Gebhardt, 102 Graefe , J. F-, &Son, Meerana—Manufacturers Bottman, & Co., 83 Hatton Garden) — Manu¬ Woollen and half-woollen fancy stuffs—Montpensier, facturers. Cachemiriennes. Plaids, first and second quality. Chales, Damasks:—Silk, cotton, and wool imperial; cotton damases. imperial; furniture in cotton and wool. Table-covers— [These and other articles exhibited represent a branch and wool. Fancy stuffs— patent, cotton, and cotton of industry rivalling those of Glauehau, and remarkable robes, satin laine faijonne. for the immense quantity of its productions and the 91 Winkler &Son, 1iochlitz—Manufacturers. cheapness of the articles.] yam :—Satin double; Worsted stuffs from soft worsted Dietrich &Straff , Meerana—Manufacturers. de laine ; popeline laine ; velours 103 maroquin laine ; cuir mixed tartan, raye; Cashemir, electa. Worsted woollen fancy stuffs; and laine ; velours checks, and satine. This exhibitor is the chief representativeof the produc¬ Cachemirienne, Montpensier, Odeon tion of the finest goods from soft worsted yam in Saxony. , IIenrt Ludw ., Meerana-— (Agent, A. The articles are all woven by hand weavers in their houses. 104 Bichter Heitzmann, 17 Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside)— Manufacturer. 92 Ziegler & Haussmann , Glauehau (Agent, J. , mixed with silk. Mont¬ Burroughs, 18 Addle Street)—Manufacturers. Half woollen stuffs—Angora pensier. Napolitaine, first and second quality. Muslin Woollen stuffs (made from soft worsted yam, mixed d’Ecosse. with silk) ; fancy articles named poult de soie, Amienne, Caslimir, Thibet, satin imperial, sutin de Saxe, casshner 105 Glafey &Neubarth , Heichenbach—Manufacturers. tissu, &c. Woollen stuffs and printed covers. Table-covers of eight exhibitors represent an im¬ This and the next cloth and Circassienne, and printed flannel. Atlas. Super¬ portant branch of the industry of Saxony, employing a fine woollen atlas, mado from soft worsted yarn, by large number of liand-looms in Glauehau and the neigh¬ Petzolt and Ehret. bourhood. [This and the next exhibitor representa branch of Saxon , 93 Koehler & ScHEDLlcn, Glauehau(Agent, Edward industry peculiar to Beichenbach and its neighbourhood Bucliler)—Manufacturers. producing good and cheap articles for use.] Stuffs, fancies, wool, cotton and silk mixed, named , Islyennes, Stradellas, Amiennes, Veloutes, Favo- 106 Seyfeeth , John , &Co., Heichenbach— Ecossais . ritas, printed Yeloutes, &c. Manufacturers Woollen fancy stuffs and printed shawls. Cashmere. and 94 Guenther &Simon, Glauehau—Manufacturers. Llama. Yictoria shawls, printed in different colours Worsted stuffs—Yalentia, Estella, Cachemirienne, and patterns. _ ■ Armure. 107 Lehmann , C. G Boehrigen, near Hosswein(Agents, Gottschalk & Schroeder, 72 Basiugliall Street)— 95 Faciledes & Co., Glauehau (Agent, W. Meyerstein, Manufacturer. 15 Watliug Street)—Manufacturers. Woollen and mixed stuffs:—Llama-flannels of different Cashmere, Shawls—long, mosaique, teutonia, zephyr, colours, and plaid patterns for mantles; buckskin, entirely Nancy, &c. woollen; molleton, pepper and salt ; swan-skin for sliirts and chemisettes, with cotton-warp; baize, with cotton- 96 IIecker &Tasch ,Glauehau(Agents, Cooper&Blagg, . warp, for petticoats, striped, quarried and striped with 44 Friday Street, Chcapside)—Manufacturers borders. Yarious fancy stuffs, woollen and cotton, named Lom¬ bard, Montpcnsier, Cashmeres, tartan, and trisana; and 108 Boettiger , IT. G. F., Crimmitzschau—• woollen, named pure laine, first and second quality, Manufacturer. sprinkled; eameleon, woollen. Woollen stuffs, viz., enssinet, green, blue, brown, black, and mixed. Tricot cora. Double cassinet black; and 97 Schiffner &Zimmermann, Glauehau—■ mixed. Cashmere. Manufacturers. [The manufacture of cassinets, elastics, satins,buckskins, stuffs Stalimene; Melpomene, all wool ; Worsted transition to the clothing ; Montauban; and similar articles, forming the Melpomene, half silk; Aqueline; Castiglione manufacture, is almost concentrated in Crimmitzschau. Stalimene, half silk. The goods, with few exceptions, are done by hand-weavers. 98 Trinks , Edward , Glauehau—Manufacturer. The spinning, dressing, and finishing machines, sometimes Stuffs; wool, and wool and cotton mixed. Bobes, also the dyeing-houses, are in the establishments of the Florida, and fa 90 nnee Llama, for ladies’ cloaks. Bobes manufacturers.] _ popeline ; faconnee; and striped; Imitee. 109 Burkhart , II. Th., Crimmitzschau—Manufacturer. 99 Stales &Leuschner , Glauehau(Agents, II. Oppen- Woollen stuffs. Winter and summer elastics, and heim & Co., 15 Addle Street)—Manufacturers. cassinet mixed. Fine worsted goods All worsted, gros, mixed, Mont- pensier, thread warp, worsted weft. Llama, made with 110 Collel , Frederic , Crimmitzschau—Manufacturer. thread warp and woollen weft, and with silk warp and Woollen stuffs—cassinet, summer satin, and winter worsted weft. buckskin. _ —Manufacturer. 100 The Weavers ’ School , Glauehau, 111 Hueffer , II., Crimmitzschau and trousers. Buck¬ Stuffs; wool, and wool and cotton ; robe faquard; Woollen fancy stuffs, for paletots chales, or shawls, woollen and silk. skin, of various qualities, for summer and whiter. Grey Specimens worked by the scholars of this institution, and green cassinets. which is supported by the manufacturers of Glauehau. 112 Helling , O., & Co., Crimmitzschau (Agents, 101 Geuener , F. W., Glauehau—Producer. Barthehues and Buckup, 28 Swan Chambers, Street)—Manufacturers. (worsted soft yams)—Thibets, superfine Gresham Woollen stuffs Woollen stuffs—Summer and winter elastics. duality, different colours. Dyed by the exhibitor. 1110 SAXONY .

113 Kirsten , C. W ., Crimmitzscliau—Manufacturer . 124 Grossmann , Chr . G., Bischofswerda— Manufacturer . "Woollen stuffs ; cassinet, and summer buckskin. Superfine clotli—black, clare bronze, olive, dark bronze, 114 Kaueemann , C. H .. & Son, Crimmitzscliau—■ dark green, clare green, and blue. Manufacturers . Woollen stuffs. Zepliyr, deep scarlet ; Peruvienne ; 125 Grossmann Brothers , Bischofswerda, Dresden, and New Yorlc—Manufacturers . paletot ; winter and summer elastics : summer-satin, and eleven different cassinet. _ _ Cloth for the United States market , in qualities and colours, woven by E . E . Bernhardt , at Leis- 115 Mueller & Co., Crimmitzschau—Manufacturers . nig, dressed and made up by the exhibitors . Woollen stuffs ; summer and winter buckskin . . E., Bischofswerda—Manufacturer . 116 Oehler Brothers , Crimmitzscliau—Manufacturers . 126 Meissner , T Woollen stuffs. Cassinet of different colours ; black Specimens of cloths of a fine black. doeskin ; satinet , drab-colour ; glace. 127 Moerbitz , C. G. E ., Bautzen —Manufacturer . 117 Seen &ler , Charles , Crimmitzscliau— Cloths, coloured and unfinished . Manufacturer . A tableau showing the whole process of cloth-manu¬ Woollen stuffs. Winter buckskin. facture, from the raw wool to the finished cloth .

118 MattheSS , C., jun ., Zschopau, near Chemnitz— 128 Fiedler , Adolph D. Gottlob , Oederan (Agent Manufacturer . in London, Charles Holland , 41 Finsbury Cassinet, woven on power-looms. Circus)—Manufacturer . [The manufacture of damask and figured woven goods, Fine black cloth, and light cloth for summer coats. mixed of cotton , wool, and silk, occupies many thousand hands and Jacquard looms in Chemnitz and its neigh¬ 129 Meissner , F . T., Grossenhain—Manufacturer . bourhood .] Cloths thin black ; coloured, olive and blue ; thick , black and bronze. 119 ZscmiLE , E., & Co., Grossenhain (Agents in Lon¬ don, Barthelmes & Buckup , 28 Sw'an Chambers, 130 Meissner , F . A., Grossenhain (Agents in London, Gresham Street)—Manufacturers . Barthelmes & Buckup , 28 Swan Chambers, Buckskin , of various patterns . Satin , black and light Gresham Street)—Manufacturer . blue. Doeskin, &c. Cloth, black, brown, and green ; best and middling qualities. 120 Sciirceer , E. W ., Oschatz (Agents in London , Barthelmes & Buckup , 28 Swan Chambers, 131 Junohans , J . G., Grossenhain—Manufacturer . Gresham Street)—Manufacturer . Cloths, black and coloured, of different prices. Satin , bronze and green ; cassimere, bronze and olive ; Duffel cloth, black ; black satin . 132 Caspari , J . F ., Grossenhain (Agents in London , The pieces, No, 1267, 1250, and B 99, are made by C. Barthelmes & Buckup , 28 Swan Chambers, E. Kunze, Oschatz. Gresham Street)—Manufacturers . Cloth—black, blue-green, wool-black, and bronze. 120a Kunze , G. E., Oschatz—Manufacturer . Specimens of bronze and green satin, and black duffell- cloth . 133 Buchwald , Eeinhaed , Grossenhain— Manufacturer . 121 Bernhard , Will ., Leisnig—Manufacturer . Black and brown cloth, of middle quality . Woollen stuffs, buckskin for paletots and great -coats, calmucs, great -coats, &c. 134 Jaehnih , W ., Grossenhain—Manufacturer . , and blue. 122 Herrmann , E. G., & Son, Bischofswerda— Cloths, black, brown Manufacturers . 135 Fressprioh , Ernst , & Son, Grossenhain— Coloured cloths of finest quality . Black cloth of fine Manufacturers . quality . Various cloths . Thick and thin black. [The following exhibitors are placed according to the fineness of their goods. The clothing manufacture of 136 Meissner , E ., Grossenhain—Manufacturer . Saxony, employing more than 8,000 men and 4,000 looms, Cloth, pensee and blue. has its seat in a number of little towns, where the weavers are associated in companies or guilds. The spinning , 137 Meissner , M., Grossenhain (Agents in London , dressing, shearing, fulling, and finishing machines are Barthelmes & Buckup , 28 Swan Chambers, sometimes collected in the establishments of single manu¬ Gresham Street)—Manufacturer . Cloth, green and olive. facturers ; but not unfrequently the companies keep their own fulling machines. The dressing and finishing is in 138 Zschille Brothers , Grossenhain (Agents in some cases in the hands of a distinct guild of cloth-dressers London , Barthelmes &Buckup , 28 Swan Cham¬ and finishers. For the last ten years this branch has made bers, Gresham Street)—Manufacturers . essential progress . The principal centres of trade are Cloth, first quality, blue and black ; second, green and Bischofswerda, Camenz, Grossenhain , Oschatz, Leisnig, black ; thin cloth, for the United States market , black and coloured. Dobeln, Kosswein,Werdau , Kirchberg , Lengenfeld. Each of these towns produces certain classes of clothes, and the 139 Herrmann , W ., Leisnig—Manufacturer . order of towns and exhibitors in the catalogue descends Cloths, of different qualities. from the finer sorts to the coarest and cheapest .] 140 Reichel , Christ . Fred ., Bosswein—Manufacturer . 123 Koblick , H . M., Bischofswerda—Manufacturer . Coloured cloths. Dahlia, pensee, green, olive, bronze, Cloths of thin quality ; olive, bronze, and invisible. scarlet, mineral blue, and black. SAXONY. 1111

, Annaberg—Producer . , Feed ., Lengefeld (Agents, Bart.lielmes 156 Schubert , Ernestine 141 Petzoldt designs invented , 28 Swan Chambers)—Manufacturer . Worked table-cover, on net lace, after and Buckup . Black cloth. and drawn by Mrs. Schubert 142 Wole , C. A., Kirchberg, near Zioiclccm— 157 Muehlendeelein , C. F ., Annaberg— Manufacturer . Manufacturer . Cloth of different qualities and prices, crimson, scarlet, Button -makers’ productions :—Twisted fringes of half blue, and black. silk, wool and cotton . Loops, half silk. Chenille, all silk. Mohair laces. India -rubber galloons, of silk, wool, and 143 Wole , J . G-., sen., Kirchberg—Manufacturer . cotton . qualities. Cloths, black, scarlet, crimson, various [The button and fringe manufacture of Saxony is principally centralized in the towns of Annaberg and , Feed ., Kirchberg—Manufacturer . 144 Wole Buckholz. A very large number of persons, old and , Turkey red or deep scarlet, and Woollen cloth, crimson , are dependent upon this manufacture , and some chemical blue. young thousands of looms are engaged in different processes it .] 145 Singes , C. F ., Kirchberg—Manufacturer . connected with Cloths. Scarlet, black, mixed, indigo blue, dark green, , G-. F ., & Sons, Buchholz, near Annaberg kali blue. _ 158 Bach (Agent, C. H . Trcibmann )—Manufacturers . 146 Ungee , C. Gr., Kirchberg—Manufacturer . Fringes :—White cotton , ball, coloured ball, half-silk Cloths, of common quality, different colours. bullion, half net, half sewing, sewing silk fringes ; a large number of different patterns . cotton eretes. 147 ICrause , F . W\ , Grossenhain (Agents, Barthelmes Cretes :—Half silk, worsted, and and Buckup , 28 Swan Chambers)—Manufacturer . Trimmings :—Half silk ; 60 patterns . . Printed woollen stuffs for waistcoats. Chemical blue, Exhibited ,for cheapness and execution scarlet with black, and printed on coloured ground . , Hans , Buchholz, neon- Annaberg (Agents, . 159 Helweg 148 Beck & JIeynig , Glauchau—Manufacturers Ullmann , Hisschhorn , and Co.)—Manufacturer . with figures ; carpet Carpet articles :—Sofa carpet Fringes :—White cotton , sewing and ball fringes. bags ; bow pockets ; and pockets with flaps and leather bot¬ toms. _ 160 Hillmann , Feed ., JSebnitz, near Dresden— 149 Beck , Henby , G-lauchau—Manufacturer . Manufacturer . , cut Tapestry and carpet goods :—TJpper parts of shoes -makers’ productions :—Silk and half silk but¬ . Button in the Turkish fashion ; pockets for children tons. Cords and galloons, of silk and Ispahan , and of silk and genappe. Rich black silk buttons . 150 Batz , Philipp , Leipzig—Merchant and Manufacturer , & Huste , Leipzig (Agents, Gebhardt , Ladies’ bags. Velvet orvelvetees ; plain ; embossed ; 161 Roeller tin , & Co., 83 Hatton Garden)—Manufacturers . steel handles ; with handles of mother -of-pearl. Hot an with , partly varnished ; and oiled Hand bags. Embossed ; velvet, with small artificial Oil cloths. Floor cloths roses. fustian . Black oiled muslin ; oil cloth sofa-mat ; oiled fustian 150a Teubner , Gael , Bosswein—Manufacturer . piano-cover; table-covers, with various designs and imi¬ Lady’s pocket ; interlaced work of zephyr worsted tations ; table-mats , &c. forms an important branch yarn . _ The manufacture of oil cloths of Saxon industry , principally concentrated in Leipzig. 151 Eisenstuck & Co, Annaberg (Agent , C. II . Trcibmann )—Manufacturers . Leipzig—Manufacturer . Bed laces :—white linen and black worsted . Belts :— 162 Quast , Frederic , ; round table covers ; cornered half silk ; ribands with flattened gold and silver wire. Oil cloth ; oiled fustian table covers ; floor carpets, double oiled. 152 Haenel , Emil , Cue . Annaberg (Agents, Conrad , Elirensperger &Co., 4 Laurence Pountney Place & Co., Leipzig (Agents, Gottsclialk and . 163 Teubner Cannon Street)—Manufacturer Schroeder, 72 Basinghall Street)—Manufacturers . and qualities ; thread Black silk laces, of different prices Floor cloth ; piano cover ; table covers ; oil patterns and style. Oil cloth. laces, of modem and ancient fustian , bronze, printed , and imitation of wood ; table mats ; oil cloth, in imitation of marble and wood. 153 Haenel Brothers , Annaberg (Agents, J . important A. Hoffmann & Co.)—Manufacturers . [The manufacture of oil-clotlis is a very entirely at Various fringes—sewing fringes, black silk ; black mo¬ branch of Saxon industry , centred almost hair and coloured mohair . Leipzig, and producing goods for the German market as largely as for foreign parts .] 154 Oehmig &Schmidt , Annaberg (Agents, Jonas & Go.)—Manufacturers . Simonson & Boehme , Leipzig—Manufacturers . ’ productions . Strings for curtains . Cur¬ 164 Goeuring Button -makers and in colours ; tain -holders of cotton , half silk and wool ; loops for cur¬ Oiled cloths :—Painted in gold and silver tains ; tassels for curtains . round table cover of oiled fustian (tortoiseshell pattern ) ; table mats, floor-cloth, linens and tickens for painters , 155 Uhlig ’s Widow , & Juncker , Annaberg— and oiled cloths for hat linings. Manufacturers . and Button -makers’productions :—Ladies’buttons ,with 165 Einenkel , I . C. C., Dresden—Manufacturer . without tassels. Strings for ladies’ robes, with tassels, lengths and ’ Linens and tickens for painters , various t assels for pipes. A gamituro of insertion for ladies , the sewing is done man- colours. When extra width is wanted robes. Tassels for furniture . Loops for cloaks and injury to solidity. teaux. in a way scarcely visible, and without 1112 SAXONY.'

166 Weickert , J . D.j Leipzig (Agent, Charles Holland , 174 The Royal Saxon Manufactory of China , 41 Finsbury Circus)—Manufacturer . Meissen, near Dresden (Agent, Dr . Seyffarth, Cloths for pianos. Hammer cloths ; damper cloths ; Royal Commissioner for Saxony)—Producer . red and green under -cloth . China. Royal blue vases, with portraits of Pier Ma¬ jesty the Queen of England and Il .R .H . Prince Albert . 167 Muehle , August , Lima —Manufacturer . Chandelier, with nine girandoles, coloured and gilt. Articles made of felt. Ladies’ woollen shoes, fine; Camelia, in its natural state and colours, standing in a ’s shoes, of plain felt ; gentlemen’s and ladies’ pot . Vase, after M. Semper’s design. gentlemen , with slippers. Vase, on a pedestal, with figures after Watteau flowers and figures in relievo. 168 Fischer , C. F . A., Bautzen —Manufacturer . Mirror -frame, with similar figures, painted in colours, with flowers in relievo, richly gilt, with two girandoles. Specimens of paper. Plate paper , for stone and steel flowers and bronzed. Figures : - Vases, painted with plates. Printing paper . Tissue paper, white and rose the guitar , &c. . Drawing paper, worked on the a flute-player and a girl playing coloured. Writing paper Etageres . Dessert-dishes and plates, a pair of cups endless machine, and sized witli vegetable glue. Vegetable with the portraits of the King and Queen of Saxony. paper , for counter -drawing. Papers for documents, notes, , &c. Figure , a girl feeding doves. for waggon manu¬ Coffee and tea services and bank-notes . Gigantic millboard Fruit -basket. Tea-table appurtenances . Tableau, the factories. female lace-maker. [This exhibitor ’s two factories unitedly contain 3 Six pieces with the armorial bearings of the kingdom endless machines, 24 hollanders , 2 satining machines, of Saxony. Plate . moved by 5 turbines and 6 water-wheels of 150 horse¬ Busts : Danaide, after Mr. Rauch ; King of Saxony ; . Figure , Gany¬ , employ about 200 men, and produce about King of Prussia ; Madonna ; Socrates power mede, after Thorwaldsen . Shades. .] 1,300,000 lbs. of paper a-year China vessels, for the use of chemists and apothecaries . European manufactory of porcelain was esta¬ 168b Hietel , J . A., Dresden—Manufacturer . [The first at Meissen, under the auspices of Augustus II ., Seven tableaus, embroidered with hair and silk, on silk blished , an fond ; viz., the portraits of Her Majesty of England and Elector of Saxony and King of . Bottcher His Majesty of Saxony, the flags of all nations , &c. alchemist, having made some crucibles which assumed the character of Oriental china, appears to have originated the establishment . His first ware was made from a red 169 Goetze , Hermann , Leipzig—Manufacturer . Eaw German hair, called Brabant ham, of various earth found at Meissen, and he did not produce white lengths and colours, including a weft of two yards and a porcelain until 1709, when he used the Jcaolin (china- half. Natural hair , completely purified and prepared for clay) of , near Schneeburg, for his pottery . From that use, applicable for curls, &c., with specimens of the same period the Meissen porcelain has been highly esteemed, hair dyed. Hair , artificially dressed. The exhibitor states and the manufactory has been constantly under the direc¬ that he employs more than seventy men in the prepara¬ tion of human hair for sale. tion of the Government , who have employed the most skilful artists and workmen selected from all parts of [The peculiar characters of this substance, which are Europe .—R . H .] the same in kind, though different in degree, in all cases, are its resistance to decay, its elasticity, and its strength . 175 Adler , Charles , KonigsbriicJc—Manufacturer . Chemically, hair consists of the usual organic elements— Vessels of clay :—Soup-urn , coffee-pots, flower-vases, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen , united with se¬ tea-pot , and milk-pots . veral earthy and metallic oxides. Human hair is employed Specimens of children’s playthings . to some extent in ornamental work.—R. E .] 176 Bucker , H ., Dresden—Designer and Painter . 170 Kindermann A., Buchholz (Agent, C. II . Paintings on china :—Brooches of painted china en¬ Triebmann)—Manufacturer , chased in bronze ; small china paintings of various kinds, Papier -mache :—Groups of animals of various sizes and after classical pictures . execution. , Dresden—Painter , 171 Feistel & Son, Aue, near Schneeberg— 177 Walther , Gustav Manufacturers , Enamel paintings on china, copies from classical ori¬ Snuff-boxes of tortoiseshell ; and metal with paintings . ginal ; plates for a bracelet and brooch. Ladies’ box, with silver arabesques. Scottish boxes. Draught -board . Ivory box, with painting . 178 Brocehaus , F . A., Leipzig—Manufacturer . Printed books. A collection of 356 volumes, all 172 Rockhausen , William , Johanngeorgenstadt — printed in the year 1850, in the office of the exhibitor , Manufacturer . in elegant covers. Fancy -boxes for toilet ; travelling case of rosewood ; box for counters ; boxes of motlicr-of-pearl ; cigar-box, &c. 179 Barth , Ambrosius , Leipzig—Proprietor . Ornamental typographical works. Minstrels of Ger¬ 173 Parreritz , Joh . Fr ,, Dresden—Manufacturer . many, edited by Herr Von der Hagen, printed on parch¬ Saddlers’ goods :—Saddles in the English style, flat, ment ; the vignettes, as well as the initials, painted in wadded, and covered with hog-skin, complete. Bridle — gold- the leather being pierced, and the buckles covered with Ancient Egypt , by Mr. M. S. Schwarze, printed in leather . twenty-seven languages, being the first instance of Egyp¬ tian hieroglyphics having ever been executed in print ; it 173a Haussmann , Ludwig , Dresden—Manufacturer . has been done by means of more than 3,000 stamps cut A pair of complete horses’harnesses, with collars, brown for this purpose . Talmud Babli ; Babylonian Talmud in round reins, counterholds , silver plated buckles, steel Hebrew, with German translation , and the Commentaries bridle. of Raschi and Josephofch, edited by Dr. E . M. Pinner , Tliree bridles, of different descriptions . Ten whips. vol. i. I . . .. . J ...J


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SAXONY. 1113

180 Hirschfeld , F . 13., Leipzig—Printer . 184 The Royal Saxon Military Plan Office , Products of the art of printing . A picture in polyclrro- Dresden—Producer . mic print . Specimens of types. The three first numbers of the engineers’ map of the , exhibited for execution. 181 Meinhold & Sons, Dresden—Manufacturers . 185 Kietz , Theodore , Leipzig—Producer . Pom*specimens of coloured printing . A relievo, in ivory (the portraits of Clara and ). 182 Schelter , Gustav , Dresden—Inventor and Manufacturer . 186 Rietschel , Professor, M.R.A.F .A., Dresden— Sculptor . Products of a letter foundry :—Complete set of the last Sculptures :—Christ and angel, in relievo, Carrara specimens of printing types ; music-book done with types, marble. Cupid mounted on the back of a panther , m cast and cut in English steel, in gilt frames ; musical text¬ relievo, in Carrara marble. book executed with types, cast and cut in English, steel, Plaster image of the Virgin. in a new style. Proof-sheet of printing with lately-invented steno- 187 Euettner ,Gustavus , Dresden, Saxony— graphical types, on Mr. Gabelsberger’s principle, in gilt Manufacturer . frame. Three electrotype copies of classical shields. 183 Jahn , P . II ., Dresden—Engraver . 188 KOgler , IIenry , Dresden—Producer . Engraving , with specimens of several engravers’ works. A signet, in form of a vase, ground out of one piece of Exhibited for its execution. rock crystal.
