
AUSTRALIA Representatives Dr. W.A. Westerman, O.B.E. Deputy Secretary, Department of Trade, Leader of delegation

Mr. E.P. IlcClintock First Assistant Secretary, Trade and Industries Division, Department of Trade, Deputy Leader of delegation.

*Mr. O.A. Jockel Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United. Nations

Mr. J.ff. Richardson Deputy Assiatant Secretary, Commercial Policy Branch, Trade Policy Division, Department of Trade

Dr. R.J. Whitelaw Acting Assistant Secretary, Financial and Economic Policy Branchf Department of the Treasury

Mr. J.T. Smith Trade Relations Adviser, Office of the High Commissioner in the

Wife present Mr. M.W. Oakley Head, Policy Secretariat, Department of Primary Industry

Changes to this list should be reported in writing to the Conference Office A,660« ** Toute modification qu'il y aurait lieu d'apporter à cette liste devra être signalé par écrit au bureau de la Conférence A.660. TWELVEA/Rev.l Page 2

AUSTRALIA (continued) •

Representatives Mr. D.J. Pekin Tariff Policy Officer, Tariff Divison, Department of Trade

Joint Secretaries of the Mr. J.H.W. Dean delegation Tariff Revision Officer, Tariff Division, Department of Trade

Mr. W.R, Lawson Chief Tariff Officer, Department of Customs and Excise,

*Mr. N.S. Currie Permanent Mission to the European Office of the United Nations

Secretaries Miss 0, Harrison

Miss D. Atkins


Ministerial representative Dr. Fritz Bock Federals -Mi nijrber .for^Trafie—and Reconstruc-tlon~-

Representatives Dr, Heinz Standenat Counsellor of Legation, Federal Chancellery, Department of Foreign Affairs, Leader of delegation

Dr. Emanuel Treu Counsellor of Legation, Federal Chancellery, Department of Foreign Affairs, Alternate Leader of delegation

Dr. Heinrich Simonet Ministerialrat, Ministry of Trade and Reconstruction

Dr. Friedrich Buchta MinisterialsekretUr, Ministry of Trade and Reconstruction

Wife present TWELVE/VRev.l Page 3

AUSTRIA (continued)

Re pre se ntative s Dr. Elisabeth Fluck Wirtschaftsrat, Ministry of Trade and Reconstruction

Dr, Hans Dworzak Ministerialrat, Ministry of Finance

Dr. Franz Manhart MinisterialsekretUr, Ministry of Finance

Dr. Ernst Palisek MinisterialoberkommissMr, Ministry of Finance

Dr. N, Grachegg MinisterialsekretSr, Ministry of Agriculture

Mr. N, Marsch Amtsrevident, Federal Ministry of the Interior

Dr. Rudolf Martins Federal Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Friedrich Wondré Chamber of Labour

Dr. Otto Wanke Chamber of Labour

Dr, Alexander Reichmann Sektionschef A.D., Central Board of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture

Dr. N, Parti Central Board of the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture

Secretary Mrs. Gertrud Zucker r TWELVE/4/Rev.l \ Page 4


Représentant ministériel S.E.M. Henri Fayat Ministre du Commerce extérieur

Représentants S.E. M. P.A. Forthomme Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, Administrateur-Directeur Général du Commerce extérieur, Président de la délégation

M, Guy Stuyck Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur, Vice-Président de la délégation

Membres* M.J. Doumont Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur

*M.S, Taloen Ministère des Affaires économiques

M.G. Mostin Ministère de l'Agriculture

*M,A. Dubois Ministère des Finances

M,R. De Hidder Ministère des Colonies

M.P. Cloes Ministère des Colonies

M,M. Op de Beeck Ministère des Colonies

•*M,J, Roelandts Banque Nationale de Belgique

M.M. Malbrecq Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur

Mlle A. Manderlier Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur

Mlle S. Vanhorenbeeck Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Commerce extérieur Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Etev.l Page 5


Ministerial representative H.K, Mr. José Maria Alkmim Minister for Finance

Re pre se ntative s H0E. Mr. Henrique de Souza-Gomes Ambassador, Leader of the Permanent Delegation in Geneva, Head of delegation

Mr. Valentim F. Bouças President of the Consultative Committee for GATT Affairs

Parliamentary advisers Mr. Oliveira Brito Member of Parliament

Mr. Daniel Faraco Member of Parliament

Mr, Oscar Passos Member of Parliament

Mr. George Galvao Member of Parliament

Members #Mr0 Alfredo Teixeira Valladao First Secretary of Embassy, Member of the Permanent Delegation in Geneva

•KMr. Olyntho Pinto Machado Bank of Brazil

Mr. José Octavio Knaack de Souza Ministry of Finance

#Mr. Clovis Washington

*Mr, Mario Guarana de Barros

Technical advisers #Mr. Antonio Patriota Third Secretary of Embassy, Member of the Permanent Delegation in Geneva

' Miss Marina Vasconoellos Third Secretary of Embassy

Secretaries Mrs. Maria Lemos Bastos

Mrs, Maria Madalena McDowell Reinhoeffer Wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 6


Representatives H.E. Tharay Sithu U Hla Maung Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Yugoslavia

U Saw Ohn Tin First Secretary •(Commercial), Embassy of the Union of Burma,

U Wan Tin Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Trade Development


Ministerial representative The Hon. Gordon M. Churchill Minister for Trade and Commerce

Representatives H.E. Mr. L.D. Wilgress Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the North Atlantic Council and to the ÛEKO, Chairman of delegation

Dr. C.M. Isbister Department of Trade and Commerce, Vice-Chairman of delegation

Mr, S.S. Reisman Department of Finance, Vice—Chairman of delegation

Members Mr. CF. Wilson Department of Trade and Commerce

Mr. L.R. Younger Department of National Revenue

«Mr. Geo.H. Glass Director, Tariffs, Department of Finance

Mr. M. Schwarzmann Department of Trade and Commerce

•«Mr. R.E. Latimer Department of Trade and Commerça

Mr. W, Lavoie Department of Trade and Commerce

Mr, J. Warren Wife present Department of External Affairs TWELVE/4/Ftev.l Page 7

CANADA (continued)

Members Mr, W.F. Stone Department of External Affairs

Mr. L.C. Howey Department of External Affairs

Mr. G.J. Dobson Department of Agriculture

«Mr. M.G. Clark Department- of Finance

Secretary of delegation Mr. James C. Quinn Canadian legation, Prague

Secretaries Mrs. V. Waldorn Department of Trade and Commerce

Miss G0 Thomson Department of Finance

Miss A. Snoothy • Canadian-JFterroanexdbuiiission


Ministerial representative -«-The Hon. R.C-„ Senanayake Minister for Commerce and Trade

Re pre s e ntative H»Ee Sir Claude Ccrea High Commissioner in the United Kingdom, leader of delegation

Alternate representatives Mr. WoJcAo van Langenberg Permanent Secretary} Ministry of Commerce and Trade; Alternate leader of delegation

Mr„ K.P.G. Perera Deputy Director of Commerce

Mr. E3C.S0 Paul Deputy Director of Industries

Mr% L„J, Mariadason Commercial Attaché. High Commission in the United Kingdom

Wife present IVJELVB/A/Rev»! Page 8

CEYLON (continued)

Alternate representative Mr, M,P» Perera Central Bank

Secretary of delegation Mra H.J,C. Pieries High Commission in the United Kingdom


Ç꣣e^2.riiâtiY^£> H.E. Mr, Fernando Garcfa-Oldini Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary in Switzerland, Leader of delegation

Miss Vivian Shwartz Under-Secretary of Finance

Mr. Juan Enrique Merino Sales Chief, Chilean Nitrate Corporation

Mr» Guillermo Gacitua-Letelier Chief of the Italian Office, Chilean Nitrate Corporation

Alternate^ representative Miss Leonora Kracht Secretary of Embassy, Member of the Permanent Delegation to the European Office of the United Nations


Mimsterdal representative H„E, Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez '< Minister without Portfolio of the Government of Cuba, President of the National Council of Economics

~e P^esentative H.E. Dr. Andres Vargas-Gomez Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Director of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of State

Alternate reoresentatives *H.E, Dr. Enrique Perez-Cisneros Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Adviser, Direction of International Economic Affairs, Ministry of State

Wife present TWELVE/4/Etev.l Page 9

CUBA(continued) Alternate representatives *Dr, Enrique Camejo-Argudxn Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate to the international orgàniyations in Geneva

Mrs. Maria Teresa de la Campa Economic Counsellor, Ministry of State

*Dr. Ovidio Martinez Commercial Attaché, Ministry of State

Dr. Ruben Ortiz-Lamadrid Economist

Mr. Rene Monserrat Economist, National Bank of Cuba

Dr, Jose' A. Guerra Technical Adviser,Cuban Sugar Institute


Ministerial.. representative Mr. Jaroslav Kohout Deputy Minister for Foreign Trade, Head of delegation

Representative Mr. Karel Svec Head of International Division, Ministry of Foreign Trade, Deputy Head of delegation

Members Mr, Miroslav Jiraska Ministry of Foreign Affaire

Dr. Otto Benes Ministry of Foreign Trade

Mr. Julius Hajek Ministry of Finance

Dr. Karel Fiala Ministry of Foreign Trade

\if e present ÎWBLVEAA»V.I Page 10


Members Mr. Jan Muzik Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr, Miluse Vilxmska! Ministry of Foreign Trade

*Mr. Ivan Sronek Permanent Mission to the Europeaa Office of the United Mations

Secretary Miss Helena Cerna


Ministerial representative Mr. Jens Otto Krag Minister for Foreign Economic Relations

Representative Mr. Erling Kristiansen Assistant Under-Secretary of State,» Ministry of Foreign Affaira, Head of delegation

Alternate representatives Mr. Jens Christensen Counsellor of Legation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Head of delegation

*Mr. Pinn Gundelach Permanent Representative to the Kurope-an Office of the United Jlatiooa

Mr. Knud Korst Director-General, Customs and Excise Department Mr. H.E. Lund Aaaistant Chief of Section, Customs and Excise Department Mr. Erik Kaae Assistant Chief of Section, Custom and Excise Department

Mr. Engelund Petersen Ministry of Agriculture TWELVB/4/W.1, Page 11

DENMARK (continued)

Alternate representatives Mr. E. Bastrup-Birk Permanent Delegate to the European Coal and Steel Community

Mr* Paul F. Naegeli Assistant Chief of Section, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Shipping

Secretary of delegation Miss Ruth Krtfger Permanent Mission, Geneva


Representatives H.E. Dr. Salvador Ortiz Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federal Republic of Germany

Dr. Milton Messina Minister, Embassy of the Dominican Republic, London

*Dr. H.E. Priester Economic Adviser to the Secretariat of State for Economics, Trade and Banking


Ministerial representative H.E. Dr. J.O. Stfderhjeli» Minister of Justice, Leader of delegation

Representatives Mr. 0. Munkki Assistant Director of the Commercial Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Leader of delegation

•«Mr. Tors ten Tikanrvaara Permanent Delegate to the international organisations in Geneva

Wife present TWELVEA/Rev.l. Page 12

FINLAND (continued) Representatives Mr. Reino Honkaranta Chief of Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr» Hans Perttula Director-General, Central Board of Apiculture

Mr, N0 Saarnio Director-General, Central Board of Customs Administration

Mr„ Jouko Paunio Bank of Finland

Secretaries Miss Eeva Niemi Miss Liisa Hageiberg

FRANCE Représentants *M4 André Philip Ancien Ministre, Mem're du Conseil économique, Président de la délégation

#M„ Frédéric Donne Chef du Service des Tarifs douaniers au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques

*M. Emile de Curton Représentant permanent auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

M. Mille Conseiller d'Ambassade, Minister •* des Affaires étrangères

M, de La Charrière Secrétaire d'Ambassade

Membres Mme Follenfant Secrétaire d'Administration au Secrétariat d*Etat aux Affaires économiques

Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Rev,l Page 13

FRANCE (suite)

Membres M. Deniau Inspecteur des Finances

Ms Kojève Chargé de mission au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques

M0R„ Establie Délégué permanent adjoint auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

M» de la Genière Inspecteur des Finances ? "4 M„ Ortoli Chef du Service de la Politique commerciale au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques

M0 Perdon Administrateur civil au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires éconoidones

M. Thomassin Administrateur civil au Secrétariat d?Etat aux Affaires économiques M„ Touzelet Administrateur civil à la Direction générale des Douanes

M, Vavasseur Ingénieur en Chef du Génie maritime au Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Industrie et au Commerce

Mc Vignes Inspecteur de la France dfOutre-mer

M, Vincent Secrétaire d'Administration au Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Agriculture

M. Wallon Administrateur civil au Secrétariat d'Etat à l'Agriculture

Secrétaire de la délégation Mme Michels Ministère des Affaires étrangères TWÏÏLVE/4/Etev.l Page 14


Re pre s e ntative s Mrt H0 Klein Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Economics, Head of delegation

Dr„ Ec Emmel Legationsrat I» Ci9, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs

#Drt Fu Eichhorn Ministerialrat, Federal Ministry of Economics

Dr0 H, Martinstetter Minis terialrat, Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry

Drc K0 Metzen Minis te rialrat, Federal Ministry of Finance

Mr,, W, Roeske Regierungsratj, Federal Ministry of Economics

Mr0 FP Gerigk Re gierungsrat, Federal Ministry of Economics

Dr,-, H0 Freiherr von Vers chue r Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry

*Mrt S6 Grosskreuz Re gie rungs amtmann Federal Ministry of Economics

Wife present TWELVB//+/teev*l Pago 15


Ministerial representative The Hon. K,A. Gbedemah Minister for Finance, Leader of delegation

Re pre s e ntative s Mr, P.K.K. Quaidoo Parliamentary Secretary^ Ministry of Trade and Development

Mr. A.G, Leventis

Mr. N.F. Ribeiro Ayeh Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Development

*Mr. E.G. Butterworth Trade Commissioner in London

Mr. A. Quaison-Sackey Seoond Secretary, High Commission in the United Kingdom


Représentants •KM. Georges Bensis Délégué permanent auprès des organisations internationales à Genève

M» Demètre Bibas Directeur au Ministère des Finances

M, Antoine Malacos Chef de Section au Ministère des Finances

M, Georges Marinos Chef de Section au Ministère des Finances

HAITI (Pas encore représenté)

Wife present Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Etev.l Page 16


Re pre s entative Shri LoK0 Jha, I0C0S, Special Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Alternate representative Shri T0 Swaminathan, I0C0S, Minister (Economics), High Commission in the United Kingdom

Members #Shri KoV0 Padmanabhan, IeF.S« Consul General, Geneva

Shri V0Ko Ramaswami Deputy Economic Adviser, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Shri MoGo Mathur Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Administrative secretary Mr0 S„So Dhillon

High Commission in the United Kingdom Secretaries Miss F0S„ Lazar

Mr. R0K0 Arora


Ministerial representative H0E0 Profo Sunardjo Minister for Trade

Representatives #H„E0 Mr0 R0A« Asmaun Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Czechoslovakia, ' . Head of delegation *Mr„ AoPo Malcatita Senior Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, First Deputy Head of delegation Mr„ A» Malik Slawat Senior Official, Ministry of Commerce, Second Deputy Head of delegation

Mr0 Arifin Harahap Head of Department of Foreign Trade

Wife present TWELVE/4/tev»l Page 17

INDONESIA^ continued)

Members Mr. Doddy A. Karim Senior Official, Ministry of Commerce

Mr, Soemintardjo Commercial Secretary, Indonesian Embassy, Bern

Mr. Wirjanto Poeger Senior Official, Ministry of Finance

Member and Secretary Mr, Irawan Darsa of delegation Official, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Advisers Mr, Khouwbian Tie Representative, Bank of Indonesia, Amsterdam

Mr, W,A, Weeda Senior Official, Ministry of Finance

Secretary Miss Susanne M, Bernhard


Représentant ministériel 9JS.M. Guido Carli Ministre du Commerce extérieur

Représentants M, Giuseppe Ferlesch Directeur Général au Ministère du Commerce extérieur, Président de la délégation

M, Sergio Parboni Inspecteur Général au Ministère du Commerce extérieur, Vice-Président de la délégation

M. Alessandro d'Ella Inspecteur général au Ministère dee Finances TWELVE/4/feev,l Page 18

ITALIE (suite)

Membres *M, Lionello Cozzi Délégué permanent adjoint à l»Office européen des Nations Unies

M. Dante Negretti Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M. Francesco Accardo Comité interministériel pour la Reconstruction

M. Silvano Palumbo Ministère du Trésor

M. Alvaro Perfetti Ministère des Finances

M, Italo Mancini Ministère de 1»Industrie et du Commerce

M« Guido Maurino Ministère de 1'Industrie et du Commerce

M. Vittorio Cito Ministère de 1»Industrie et du Commerce

M. Antonio Grippo Ministère de l'Industrie et du Commerce

M. Ubaldo Migliorini Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Forets

M. Gerolamo Morando Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Forets

M. Umberto Garrone Ministère du Commerce extérieur

Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE A/Re v,l Page 19

ITALIE (suite)

Membres M, Vito Francaviglia Ministère du Commerce extérieur

M. Italo Fossen Ministère du Commerce extérieur

Dr. Italo Jannuccelli Ministère, du Commerce extérieur

Secrétariat *M, Giacomo Pagoni Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M, Giovanni Campagna Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Mme Flavia Marchetti Ministère des Affaires étrangères

Mme Bianca Aleandri Mini-stère des Affaires étrangères


Ministerial representative Mr, Ichiro Kono Minister of State, Director-General of the Economic Planning Board

Representatives Mr„ Takizo Matsumoto Parliamentary Vice-Minister for "Foreign Affairs

•«•H.E. Mr. Katsuzo Okumura Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Switzerland

•*Mr. Ichiro Kawaski Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate to the international organizations in Geneva

Members Mr. Isao Abe Counsellor of Embassy Rome

Wife present Accompagné de son épouse TWELVEA/Rev.l Page 20

JAPAN (continued)

Members Mr, Yoshito Shimoda Chief of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

*Mr. Shoji Sato First Secretary, Member of the Permaneftt Delegation to the international organizations in Geneva

•*Mr. Shigeru Inada First Secretary, Member of the Permanent Delegation to the international organizations in Geneva

Mr. Takeo Iguchi Attaché, Embassy of Japan, London

Mr. Hitosbi Taniguchi Ministry of ' oreign Affairs

Mr, Taro Hpri. Chief of Section, Ministry of Finance

Mr, Torao Maeda Ministry of Finance

Mr, Yoshio Fujii Ministry of Finance

Mr0 Tajichiro Matsuo Director, Bureau of International Trade, Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr, Ryuzo Yamazaki Chief of Section, Ministry of International Trade and Industry

Mr. Shigeo Mori Counsellor, Ministry nf Agriculture and Forestry

wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 21

JAPAN (continued) ,

Members Mr, Yoshio Yanagisawa Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Mr. Shinichiro Miyagawa Chief of the Ministers* Secretariat, Economic Planning Board

Mr. Hideo Matsuzawa .LUXEMBOURG Secretary, Economic Planning Board Représentant ministriel S.E. M. Lambert Schaus Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du Grand-Duché en Belgique .

Représentants M. Emile Brisbois Directeur des Douanes

M. Albert Duhr-' Secrétaire de Légation au Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Oommerce extérieur

M. Léon Ries Secrétaire de Légation

M. Philippe Ménager Attaché au Ministère des Affaires économiques ;

FEDERATION OF MALAYA Ministerial representative The Hon, Tan Siew Sin Minister for Commerce and Industry

Representatives Che Sujak Bin Rahiman Deputy Controller, Trade Division, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Mr. H. Fell Chief Statistician

Che Kamaruddin First Secretary, High Commission^ London TWELVE/4/Rev0l Page 22


Ministerial representative Prof. Dr. J. Zijlstra Minister for Economic Affairs

Representatives Baron C.A» Bentinck Deputy Director-General of Foreign Economic Relations, Leader of delegation

*Mr, J.H.W, Hoogwater Deputy Director of Foreign Economic Relations, First Deputy Leader of delegation

Mr, M, Stillebroer Legal Adviser of Foreign Economic Relations, Second Deputy Leader of delegation

Alternate representatives Dr, A.F.W, Lunsingh Meijer Acting Permanent Delegate to the European Office of the United Nations

Mr, F.A. van Alphen Ministry of Finance

Mr, E.C, Boissevain Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food

Mr, A, Keizer Ministry of Economic Affairs

Mr. Y, Kingn» Ministry of Finance of Surinam

Mr. A, Rom Colthof Central Organization for Economic Relations with Foreign Countries

Mr, J.H.C. Schell Department of Foreign Economic Relations

Mr. P,J,J. Schlbsser Department of Foreign Economic Relations

Secretary of delegation Miss W.J.F. Fonville

Wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 23


Repre s e ntative Mr, K,L0 Press Assistant Comptroller of Customs, CustomsDepartment

Alternate representatives «Mr, H.G. Lang Counsellor (Economic), Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom

«Mr. CeH. Fowler Commercial Secretary, Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom

«Mr, Ao0« Coad Assistant Customs Representative, Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom

Secretary Miss J„D, Collinson Office of the High Commissioner in the United Kingdom


Representative Mr, Ignacio Portocarrero L, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of the Netherlands


Ministerial representative Mr, Arne Skaug Minister for Trade and Shpping, Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs

Ro pre s e ntative s Mr. S, Chr, Sommerfelt Director of the Politico-Commeroial Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of delegation

«Mr, Johan Cappelen Head of the Permanent Delegation to the international organizations in Geneva, Deputy Head of delegation Wife present TVŒHQE/4/Bev*l Page 24

NORWAY (continued)

Representatives Mr. W. Thagaard Director-General, Directorate for Price and Cartel Control

Mr. William G„ Solberg Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Ivar Stugu Head of Division, Ministry of Commerce and Shipping

Mr. Haakon Skaarer Head of Division, Ministry of Finance

Secretary Miss Judith Johansen


Repre s e ntatives Mr, S0A» Hasnie Secretary, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Leader of delegation

Mr. S, Osman Ali Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Deputy Leader of delegation

Members Mr. M.U. Ahmad Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce

Mr. M.HeE.A. Baig Commercial Secretary, Milan

Secretariat Mr. MoAo Siddiqi Secretary, Milan WEIVE/4/Eev* 1 Page 25


Ministerial representative H.Ec Mr6 Hector Boza Former Minister for Finance and Vice- President of the Republic, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to France

Representatives «Mr, Max de la Fuente Locker Permanent Delegate to the international organizations in Geneva

Mr. Felipe Livoni First Secretary, Embassy of Peru, Bern


Representative *Mr0 N0Ro Bertram, M,B0E. Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Leader of delegation

Members «Mr. W0H.B8 Shaw Controller of Customs and Excise

#Mr0 R,AD Elston Federal Trade Commissioner, London

Mr» R0Wo Dell Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Secretary, Miss Dorothy Pegram .Commission .in—the- United Kingdom

Wife present Page 26


Ministerial representative Mr. G, Lange Minister for Trade, Head of delegation

Representatives Mr. H. de Besche Deputy Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Head of delegation

Mr. A. Malmaeus Director of the Commercial Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

*Mr. T. Hagen Counsellor, Swedish Embassy, Bonn

*Mr. P.B, Kollberg Permanent Representative to the European Office of the United Nations

Mr. S. Larson Chief of Section State Agricultural Marketing Board

Mr. J. Hansson First Secretary, National Commission of Industry and Commerce

Mr. S.E. Orr» First Secretary, Ministry of Commerce <<

Advisers Mr, H. Hakansson Member of the State Agricultural, Marketing Board

Mr. A. Fà-ltheim Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr, G. Molin Secretary, Central Customs Office

Mr. L. Dafgard Attaché, Ministry jof••: Foreign Affairs Administrative staff Miss M. Delin Mrs. M. Kammenhuber wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 27

M, Semin Gttnver Directeur Général du Department des Affaires économiques internationales, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, Président de la délégation

M,N# Cuhruk Délégué permanent auprès de l'Office euroéen des Nations Unies, Vice-Président de la délégation

M,S, Teoman Conseiller au Department des Revenus, Ministère des Finances

M.C. Kinay Conseiller au Department des Revenus, Ministère des Finances

H0A. Fertekligil Chef de Section au l'êpartment du Trésor, Ministère des Finances

M.T. Carikli Chef adjoint du Department du Commerce extérieur, Ministère du Commerce

Mme S,, Ozman Conseiller au Department du Commerce extérieur, Ministère du Commerce

M, M. Gtfpgtipoglu Directeur du Service des Allocations, Banque Centrale de la République de Turquie

M.I„ Divanlioglu Secrétaire de Légation, Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M«,I0 Kizikli, Conseiller au Ministère des Douanes et des Monopoles

Ma,T. Balaban Expert à la Direction des Tarifs, Ministère des douanes et des Monopoles Mlle N. Doria Délégation permanente,Genève TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 28

UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA Ministerial representative *The Hon. Dr. A.J.R. van Rhijn Minister of Economic Affairs and Mines, Ministerial Leader of delegation

Representatives *Mr. D. de Waal Meyer Secretary for Commerce and Industry, Official Leader of delegation

*Mr. J.K. Christie Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Switzerland, Deputy Official Leader of delegation

Mr. J.J. Kitshoff Commercial Adviser Department of Commerce and Industries

Mr. J.J, Pansegrouw Principal Professional Officer Department of Commerce and Industries

Advisers Mr. J.A. Venter Private Secretary to the Minister of Economic Affairs and Mines

#Mr, D.J.M, Jordaan Office of the Senior Trade Commissioner and Commercial Adviser, London, Secretary of delegation

Secretary Miss A. Krause Legation of the Union of South Africa,, Bern

Wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 29


Ministerial representative The KtcHon, Sir David Eccles, K.C.V.O,, M.P. President of the Board of Trade

Re pre sentatives Sir Frank Lee Permanent Secretary, Board of Trade (present during Ministerial meeting)

Mrs Ca¥0 Sanders Adviser on Commercial Policy to the Board of Trade, Leader of delegation

Alternate representative Mr, C;-W0 Jardine Board of Trade

Advisers Mr„ R„S„ Symons Her Majcsty^s Treasury

Mr. A„R, Ashford Board of Customs and Excise

Miss M* Seaman Board of Trade

Miss A<,M9 Lough Board of Trade

Mr0 W0J0 Smith Commonwealth Relations Office

Mr* J,VJ0 Vernon Colonial Office

Mr„ JoK,. Hulme Board of Customs and Excise

Mr, H0Ao Copeman Principal, Her Majesty'• s Treasury

Mr0 JcEc Holroyd Chief Press Officer, Board of Trade

Mr„ D. Church Principal, Board of Trade

Mrc ACD. Neale Private Secretary to the President of the Board of Trade TWELVE/4/Rev,l Page 30


Conference Officer Colo A.ReDo Serjeant,D.S.O. Foreign Office

Secretaries of delegation Mr0 E.G. Donohoe

Miss G. Pearson


Ministerial representative The Hon» Thomas C. Mann Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, Department of State, Chairman of delegation

Representatives Mr. Carl D. Corse Acting Deputy Director, Office of International Trade, Department of State, Vice-Chairman of delegation

«Mr. Charles ¥« Adair Jr. Chief, Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State, Vice-Chairman of delegation

Pcrmanent representative #Mr0 Franklin C. Gowen Permanent Representative to international organizations in Geneva

Congressional adviser •«•The Hone Frank M. Karsten House of Representatives

Non-Governmental advisers Mr. Andrew J, Biemiller Director, Department of Legislation AFL-CIO

Mr, Arthur B, Evans Member, National Agricultural Advisory Commission

*Mr. Henry J. Heinz, II President, H»J. Heinz Company

Wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 31


Advisers ^ThQ.Hoîi;, Kenry Kearns Assistant Secretary of Commerce

#H,EJfroW.Walton Butterworth Representative to the European Coal and Steel Community, Luxemburg

Mr, Saul Baran Bureau of Foreign Commerce, Department of Commerce

Mr, Louis C„ Bcochever Deputy Representative to the European Coal and Steel Community^ Luxemburg

Mr, Stanley M, Cleveland Office of European Regional Affairs, Department of State

Mr, Aa Richard DeFelice Director, Trade Policy Division., Foreign Agricultural Service., Department of Agriculture

Miss Ethel Bc Dietrich Director. Trade Division, U„S,v Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization arid European Regional Organizations,

Mra Morris Fields Office of International Finance, Department of the Treasury

Mr<, G0 Edward Galbreath Executive Office of the President

Mrs Mortimer D0 Goldstein Assistant Chief, International Finance Division, Department of State

Mr. Joseph A» Greenwald Chief, Commercial Programs Branch, Trade Agreements arid Treaties Division, Department of State

Wife present TWELVE/4/Rev.l, Page 32


Advisers Mr. Walter Hollis Office * of Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic Affairs, Department of State

Mr. Dallas L, Jones International Finance Division, Department of State

Mr, John M. Leddy Special Assistant,Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State

tfMrs, Margaret H. Potter Special Assistant, Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State

•"Mr, Joe A. Robinson Economic Officer, Resident Delegation and Consulate General

Mr. Murray Ryss Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State

Mr. Robert E. Simpson Bureau of Foreign Commerce, Department of Commerce

Mr. Howard L0 Worthington, Jr. Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State

•*Mr. Oscar Zaglits Chief, International Monetary Branch, Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture

Tecb' Secretary Mr. Stephen H, Rogers Trade Agreements and Treaties Division, Department of State

Secretary of delegation Mr. Frank England Office of International Conference, Department of State

Wife-husband present TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 33


Représentants *S0E.M. Ramon Piriz Coelho Ambassadeur .txtraordinaire et plénipotentiaire en Suisse, Président de la délégation

#M. Marcos Brondi Conseiller ministre, s . Ambassade de l'Uruguay, Londres

#M. Gustavo Magarinos Conseiller d'Ambassade à Londres

*M. Roberto Gonzales Casai Chef conseiller, Ministère des Finances

Secrétaires de délégation M„ José Maria Campa

M» Ramiro Piriz

Accompagné de son épouse TWELVEA/feev.l Page 34



Représentants *S0E.M, Raul C. Migone Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire, Représentant permanent auprès de 1'Office européen des Nations Unies

*M0 Andrés M. Lescure Ministre conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de 1»Office européen des Nations *« Unies

M0 Roberto Potente Conseiller économique à l'Ambassade de l'Argentine à Berne

*Ma Adolfo P0 Lacu Conseiller, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

•KM» Juan C0M0 Beltramino Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Mission permanente de l'Office européen des Nations Unies


Re pre sentative •HMr0 Aristide P„ Donnadieu Consul General, Permanent Delegate, Geneva


Représentants M0 Omar Hefny Mahmoud Premier Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

Dra Samir Safouat Deuxième Secrétaire, Mission permanente auprès de l'Office européen des Wife present Nations Unies Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/kev.l Page 35


Représentant #Dr. Albert Amy Consul-Général à Genève

IRAN Représentants M. Djahanguir Directeur Général des Douanes

Dr, H. Davoudi Membre de la Délégation permanente auprès de l'Office européen des Nations Unies

IRAQ Representative Mr. Fakhri Al-Kayssi Third Secretary of Embassy, London


Representative #Mr. M. Kahany Permanent Delegate to the European Office of the United Nations


Représentant M, La Norindr Deuxième Secrétaire d'Ambassade, Londres


Representatives Mr» L, Kwai Johnson Under Secretary of the Treasury Mr» William E, Greeves Supervisor of Customs * Wife present Accompagné de son épouse TWELVEA/ltev.l Page 36


Representative Mr, Khalifa Mousa Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Representatives Dr. Gonsalo Mora Ortiz

Mr. Guillermo Ramos Uriarte Economic Counsellor, Mexican Embassy, Rome

*Mr, Juan Antonio Mérigo Aza Secretary, Chargé d'Affaires a,i., Permanent Delegation to the international organizations in Cjeneva


Representatives Mr. Tadeusz Witt Delegate of the Chamber of Foreign Trade to the international economic organizations

Mrs. Irena Pomian Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Trade

Mr. Andrzej Horoszkiewicz First Secretary, Permanent Representation to the European Office of the United Nations

Wife present TWKLVE/4/Etev. 1 Page 37


Représentants #M, Fernando de Alcambar Pereira Délégué permanent auprès de la Commission Economique pour l'Europe, Observateur permanent auprès du GATT

M. Pedro Madeira de Andràde Ministère des Affaires étrangères

M, Abel Repolho Correia Conseiller économique de la Commission de Coordination économique


Représentant •MM. Stefan Gai Délégué permanent auprès de la Commission économique pour l'Europe


Représentants M, Fritz Halm Délégué aux accords tarifaires

M. Adolf Schnebli Deuziême adjoint à la Division du Commerce

M. Fritz Gerber Secrétaire à la Division du Commerce

Secrétaire Mlle. M. Trechsel


Représentant *M. Habib Malouche Administrateur du Gouvernement, Chef du Cabinet du Sous Secrétaire d'Etat

Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 38


Representatives Mr, Antonije Tasic Director, Secretariat of State for Financial Affairs

Mr. Zarko Mrkusiè' Director, Committee of Foreign Trade

Dr, Milan Ris tie* Counsellor, Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs ^

fr TWELVE/4/ReVol Page 39 '




Representatives •KMTO Sakari Tuomioja Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Europe

*Mr. F. Strauss Director of Research, • Economic Commission for Europe

*Mr0 M3 Fagen Chief, Commission Affairs and Trade Unit, Office of the Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Europe

Alternate representatives •*Mre V, Kostelecky Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Europe

•&Mr0 E3 Chossudovsky . Special Assistant to tho Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Europe


! Représentants Baron J0Ch0 Snoy et d Oppuers Président du Comité Intérimaire et • Secrétaire Général du Ministère des Affaires économiques de Belgique

m. F, De Schacht Directeur au Secrétariat du Comité Intérimaire

Mo Jo Mégret Conseiller au Secrétariat du Comité • Intérimaire

#Mo JoPo Felsenhart Secrétaire au Secrétariat du Comité Intérimaire

Secrétaire Mlle A0 Vergucht

*. Wife present Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 4-0



Représentants M. Balladore-Pallieri Directeur de la Division des Relations extérieures

M. Ernst Directeur adjoint de la Division des Relations extérieures

*M, Poincaré Chef de section de la Division des Relations extérieures e ETATS MEMBRES

Représentants M, Frédéric Donne Porte parole commun des Etats Membres, et Chef du Service des Tarifs douaniers au Secrétariat d'Etat aux Affaires économiques de France

M. J. von Hoffmann Conseiller au Conseil de Ministres

Secrétaire Mlle J, Starz


Représentants M, Edmond Smith Directeur de la Valeur

M. Roux Directeur de la Nomenclature

M. Nestler Directeur adjoint

M. Canna Directeur adjoint

Accompagné de son épouse TWELVE/4/Re'v.l Page 41


Representative Mr» George R0 Nelson Head of the Division of Economic Affairs


Representative Mr, A. Szarf Economist, Economics Division


Re pre s e ntative *Mr. EeJ„ Riches Economic Adviser

Alternate representative Mr0 H0 Zoeteweij Economic Division


Representatives Mr, W. Lawrence Hebbard Assistant Director of the Exchange Restrictions Department

Mr, Albert S0 Gerstein Counsellorj Legal Department

Mr. Roger V0 Anderson Chief, Trade and Payments Division, Exchange Restrictions Department

Secretary Mmci,, Gertrude G„ Picard

Wife present TWELvE/VW.l Page 42


Représentants *Dr. Moukhtar El Wakil Directeur adjoint du Bureau des Délégations des Etats arabes, Genève

M, André Baladl Attaché au Bureau des Délégations des Etats arabes, Genève

*Dr. Hussein Fartosy Attaché au Bureau des Délégations des Etats arabes, Genève


Representatives Mr. J.F, Cahan Deputy Secretary-General

Mr. Marc Quin Head of the Trade Division

Miss M.A. Cotterill Trade Division TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 43


Offices/Bureaux Offices/Bureaux Palais des Nations "Le Bocage" Tel. Room No. Tel. Room No.

Office of the Executive Secretary Executive Secretary : *Mr. E, Wyndham Whitei 30330300 A.652 Deputy Executive *M. J. Royer 3032 A.656 Secretary : Admin. Assistant : Mrs. M. Wilson 3031 A.654 Secretary : *Mme M. Peinsilber 3031 A.654 Commercial Policy *Mr. E. Ivovich 3027 A.646 Adviser : Conference Officer : Mr. W. Roth 3034 A.660 Clerk : Mile V. Silberer 3034 A.660

Operations Unit Head, Secretary of *Mr. P.A. Haight 3483 12 meetings : Officers : *Mr. C. Shih 3482 22 Mr. G. Maggio 3028/3031 A.648 3496 • 27 *Mr. P. Liebich 3495 23 M. P. Luyten 3494 14 Mr. L. Duthie 3495 13 Miss A. Matthews 3481 15 Secretary : Miss J. Breen 3483 29 Clerk : Mlle B. Rosenzweig 3483 29

Q.R.'s Consultants *Mr. W. Doig 3484 21 *M. R. Arents 3493 28

Trade Intelligence Unit Head : *Mr. H. Staehle 3480 19 Officers : *Mr. G. Hortling 3478 18 Mr. 0, Mathur 3487 16 *M. L. Till 3479 17 Clerk : Mlle P. de Perrot 3480 29

* Married/Marié(e) TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 44

Offices/Bureaux Offices/Bureaux Palais des Nations "Le Bocage" Tel. Room No. Tel. Room No.

Information Unit

Information Officer : Mr. R. Ford - - 3490 24 Admin. Assistant : Mlle M. Ddess - - 3490 25 Clerk : Miss E. Graham-Parry — - 3490 26 (temp.)

Languages Unit Languages Officer : *M. R. Glémet _ _ 3477 3 Translator : *M. J. Hanus - - 3491 2 Interpreters (temp.) Mme L. Guéry 3033 A.658 - - M. G. Ilg 3033 A.658 - - M. G. Lafrance 3033 A.658 - - Miss A. Sieveking 3033 A.658 - - Revisers (temporary) M. A. Miehelet — — 3471 6 M. R. Colsenet - 3471 6 Translators (temp.): Mile J. Pausten -. — 3472 11 M. J. Rémond - - 3472 11 Secretariat : Clerk : *Mme P. Makaeff 3477

Administrative Unit Administrative Officer:*Mme I. Tissot 3475 8 Assistant Admin. *M. J.P. Christinat 2509 8 Officer : Finance Officer *Mr. P. Blirup 3474 Clerks : *Mme J. Aebisoher - 347 5 8 *Mme P. Papadimitriou 3476 9 *Mme S. Ciszewski - 3475 8

Trainees Mr. C. Dalkilic 3469 20 Mr. N. Das • 3469 20 Mr. J. Laine - 3469 20 Mr. J. Lewis - 3469 20 Mr. N. Pinto 3469 20 Miss S. Shin 3469 20

*Married/Marié(e) TWELVE/4/Rev.l Page 45

Offices/Bureaux Offices/Bureaux Palais des Nations "Le Bocage" Tel, Room No. Tel, Room No.

Documents control and secretariat assistance Unit Supervisor in charge of *Mrs. N. Haefeli 3486 10 documents control : Assistant : *Mme M. Brunetti 3486 10 Clerk : Miss E. Mara 3486 10 Stenographers and copy-typists : Heads of shifts ( *Mme N. Mathez 3488 4 ( Miss P. Mettraux 3473 7 ( Miss S. Niklaus 3473 7 ( Mile J. Perelli 3489 5 Miss A. Carpenter 3473 7 Miss J. Holmes 3473 7 (temp orary staff) Mrs. N Adcock 3497 - Mile C Benoit 3488 4 Mme S. Chen 3488 4 Miss H. Conroy 3473 7 Mrs. J. Douglas 3489 5 Miss B. Ellis 3473 7 Miss D. Goodwin 3473 7 Miss E. Griffiths 3473 7 Miss C Hoven 3473 7 Mme J. Kaznatcheeff 3488 4 Mlle M.D . Koechlin 3488 4 Mme S. Lafrance 3489 5 Mme M. Le jeune 3489 5 Mrs. N. Meshel 3473 7 Mlle M.L . Merkli 3488 4 Mme L. Munafo 3489 5 Mme M. Pesch 3489 5 Mlle M,T . Soulat 3489 5 Mme Y. Tschumi 3488 4 Mme L. Vittese 3489 5 Mrs J Watson 3473/3028 7 Miss G Wilkinson 3473 7 Roneo clerk (temp,) Mme M. Mezentin 3497 Maintenance Services Messenger-drivers *Mr. J. Beckett 3470 Entrance/Ha and huissier : *M*, C. Lambert 3470 n *M. A. Richard 3470 ii

*Marri e d/^îarié ( e )