ENDTIME ISSUES NEWSLETTER No. 128 “The Future of the Papacy: Will the Next Pope Be the Last One?” Samuele Bacchiocchi, Ph. D., Retired Professor of Theology and Church History, Andrews University Greetings from London, England, where I am spending 10 delightful days speaking at three rallies. During the past few years I have been invited to present my seminars in London over 30 times, and each time the reception and response has been heartwarming. What makes my visits to London a pleasant experience, is also the warm hospitality of a gracious Adventist couple, Gary and Araxi Keshishian. I have stayed with them a dozen of times. They always go out of their way to make me feel at home. They provide me with a lovely room overlooking their manicured garden, a delicious breakfast, and a wireless internet service that enables me to keep in touch with people around the globe. If your plans ever call for a stay in London, feel free to contact Gary and Araxi at 020 8866 8821 or email them at
[email protected]. Click here for a picture of the house and room: http:// www.biblicalperspectives.com/Promotions/BED&BREAKFAST.htm A SABBATH EXPERIENCE During the past few weeks I have received several messages from ministers of different denominations who are reading my Sabbath books and are interested to learn more about the Sabbath. For the sake of brevity, I will share an experience I had in Las Vegas, UT, at the Paradise Valley SDA Church last February 26, 2005. After the Friday evening meeting, the first Elder told me: I want to go to invite a pastor of a church 300 yards down the road.