B2311061 FINAL NON-INTERVENTIONAL STUDY REPORT 12 March 2020 NON-INTERVENTIONAL (NI) STUDY REPORT PASS information Title Drug Utilization Study of conjugated oestrogens/ bazedoxifene (CE/BZA) in the European Union (EU) Protocol number B2311061 Version identifier of the final study report Final Report Version 1.0 Date 12 March 2020 EU Post Authorisation Study (PAS) EUPAS 11604 register number Active substance Conjugated oestrogens/bazedoxifene (CE/BZA) Medicinal product DUAVIVE® modified-release tablets Product reference EU MA number: EU/1/14/960/001 (EU marketing authorisation granted 16 December 2014) Procedure number EMEA/H/C/002314/MEA 003 Marketing Authorisation Holder (MAH) Pfizer Europe MA EEIG Joint PASS No Research question and objectives Describe baseline characteristics and utilization patterns of EU patients initiating Duavive or oestrogen + progestin (E+P) combination hormone replacement therapy (HRT). Country(-ies) of study All EU countries where CE/BZA was commercially available in 2016-2018 and where adequate data sources are available: Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and UK. 090177e19308d210\Approved\Approved On: 13-Mar-2020 10:57 (GMT) PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL Page 1 of 210 Page 1 B2311061 FINAL NON-INTERVENTIONAL STUDY REPORT 12 March 2020 Author Margarita Shlaen, MPH Dorothea von Bredow, PhD IQVIA Commercial GmbH & Co. OHG Landshuter Allee 10 D-80637 Munich Germany 090177e19308d210\Approved\Approved On: 13-Mar-2020 10:57 (GMT) PFIZER CONFIDENTIAL Page 2 of 210 Page 2 B2311061 FINAL NON-INTERVENTIONAL STUDY REPORT 12 March 2020 Marketing Authorisation Holder(s) Marketing Authorisation Holder(s) Pfizer Europe MA EEIG Boulevard de la Plaine 17 1050 Bruxelles Belgium MAH contact person Vera Frajzyngier, PhD, MPH Director, Safety Surveillance and Research Pfizer P: 001-212-733-5942 Email:
[email protected] This document contains confidential information belonging to Pfizer.