The Land of Islands and Waters
Finland The Land of Islands and Waters The Island Committee 1 NNoo hhiddenidden vvale,ale, nnoo wwavewashedavewashed sstrandtrand iiss lloved,oved, aass iiss oourur nnativeative NNorth.orth. Our Land, the Finnish National Anthem Lyrics by JL Runeberg 1846 Translation by Clement Burbank Shaw ARTO HÄMÄLÄINEN/KUVALIITERI • FRONT COVER PHOTO: AARNI NUMMILA/LUONTOKUVAT PHOTO: COVER • FRONT HÄMÄLÄINEN/KUVALIITERI ARTO Dear Reader ■ Finland is the country richest in waters and one of the richest in islands in Europe. We boast 76,000 islands that cover over half a hectare in area, 56,000 lakes over one hectare, 647 rivers and 314,000 km of coastline. Every Finnish municipality has waters, almost all of them have islands. Every island, lake and river has a special place in the hearts of Finnish people. This brochure has been created to illustrate these unique riches of ours. ■ The multitude of islands and waters makes the Finnish land- scape fragmented, creating extra costs for the economy as well as the State and municipalities, but it is also a unique strength for us. Our islands, sea areas, lakes, rivers and coastline are positive regional development factors in a world where living is increasingly made by producing experiences and adventures. JOUNI KLINGA ■ Recreational residences (1.9 million people staying at recreation- al homes), boating (700,000 boats), recreational fi shing (1.2 million fi shermen and women), nature enthusiasts and tourists ensure that our islands and waters and their development are issues that touch the entire nation.
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