Aut 0 Bi 0 Graphy 0 Fpeterc 0 0 Per 1791-1883
A U T 0 B I 0 G R A P H Y 0 F P E T E R C 0 0 P E R 1791-1883 (Dictated by him February 20 to April 17,1882) Transcribed from the original shorthand notes By William S. Coloe, Certified Shorthand Reporter of New Jersey Jersey 'City, N.J. April 1948. Digital transcription with OCR software By Keith Yeager, May 2004. NOTE: the page numbers referred to in the index do not translate to the pages of this electronic document, but only to the original transcription. If you wish to search for one of the terms, you can use the text search function. I N D E X Adams, Dr. 133 Air, Navigation of, 36 Alderman, Assistant, New York City 19 103, 104, 111, 155 Allison, Sir Archibald 174 Astor, John Jacob 181 Astor, William B. Baltimore, Land speculation 33, 38 119 -) 128, 204 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 205 128 Bank of United States 1221 148 Bank, Postal Savings 171 Battery, The 53 Banks and Bankers 122, 145, 148, 173, 194 Bedell, Sarah (wife) 47, 50, 135, 138, 194, 133 Bessemer Medal 121 Blocks, Cement, method of making 201 Bonaparte, Jerome 90 Boyhood 59 531 104P 124, 160 203, 207 Brewery, Father's, Peekskill- 6, 25, 203 British Army, Landing of 139 18 Burr, Aaron 170 54 Cable, Transatlantic 981 99) 106 Camden and Amboy Railroad 69 Campbell, Hugh (granduncle) 10 Campbell, John (grandfather) 109 11, 130 21, 17, 152, 177 Campbell, Thomas (uncle) 15, 178 Canals, Towing boats on 65 Erie 671 1239 124 Panama 108 Canton, Property at 381 126 Iron works 119 Central Park, Reservoir.
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