Jstorwalk, Connecticut, Tuesday, November 2,1869.- ; ' .-, Lii.—Number 44
j^'wau'J<uiij; y y »• J> er.tv*w^*4««aelii ((J»0 )i«'iili.1«3 JU .1'. I .,»• (t *, iij Ji %*su£ti w7 * V i fcJfc^N ' # 't* 1 • "'•. :**'>:«: d* & ^ **V*- 4 i , L~J » mxwm -*'*•• • •V'.'£V*v&'".* tfV' r;-*rf,/ivi^»> , Jvf&i£r«ViJfaji|''^'i» fof'i ,*, * j jlk'Mi&l • »Viti J^r it. v fea ,'.V/ v * r*—sfr- ~ »< it,.; ,|XJ0s»*f .>«»{« -<i! ivWJLtil Sid '"- u . Sof \V £3 WHOLE NUMBER 1139. JSTORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1869.- ; ' .-, LII.—NUMBER 44. •> :•• .' ? h'iti. ^V[ |Vj. -.11 Si? For Sale or to Rent. THOUGHTS IN SICKNESS, if . ; IORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. y Edward P. Weed /, " Come, come, Gwynne, make haste," at ing to make a match of it. Don't look so WILL IT PAY? r'-fi h'h'i, >•'• URNISHED or unfurnished, the house on Pros last sounded from below. DENTISTRY F pect Hill, formerly occupied by Dr. Child;. Pos DRUGGIST 4C APOTHECARY, Something to cling to on life's troubled main astonished. She'll make him a good wift;. By.Pre** or Watash College. •/{' Th« ReesMi Olieit Paper In lk« State. -IN For Sale or Exchange. , session given immediately; will be rented for the I ran down to obey the doctor's call, and for though she is a year younger than dear This is a great question, and it is very of-.j; , winter or the year. Inquire of nr*M Street, Norwalk Conn The tempest tossed mariners cry; ; ttoutb. KTorwallt. -t -t r» ACRES of Land in Wilton, Conn., about Something to ding to in sickness and pain / ' r soon proceeded up the town to Mrs.
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