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WHOLE NUMBER 1139. JSTORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1869.- ; ' .-, LII.—NUMBER 44. •> :•• .' ? h'iti. ^V[ |Vj. -.11 Si?

For Sale or to Rent. THOUGHTS IN SICKNESS, if . ; IORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. y Edward P. Weed /, " Come, come, Gwynne, make haste," at ing to make a match of it. Don't look so WILL IT PAY? r'-fi h'h'i, >•'• URNISHED or unfurnished, the house on Pros­ last sounded from below. DENTISTRY F pect Hill, formerly occupied by Dr. Child;. Pos­ DRUGGIST 4C APOTHECARY, Something to cling to on life's troubled main astonished. She'll make him a good wift;. By.Pre** or Watash College. •/{' Th« ReesMi Olieit Paper In lk« State. -IN For Sale or Exchange. , session given immediately; will be rented for the I ran down to obey the doctor's call, and for though she is a year younger than dear This is a great question, and it is very of-.j; , winter or the year. Inquire of nr*M Street, Norwalk Conn The tempest tossed mariners cry; ; ttoutb. KTorwallt. -t -t r» ACRES of Land in Wilton, Conn., about Something to ding to in sickness and pain / ' r soon proceeded up the town to Mrs. Gor­ Hetty, she looks older, you know, and is ten repeated. That it is a great question in«>< .. OWICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. IIP six miles from Norwalk Bridge, with two S6tf J. W WILSON Pure Foreign and Domestic Drags, Medicines, KENDALL A HART, Operators. yoke of Oxen, Cart, Farming Utensils, Household Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, cigars, While the angry btflbws are high. *' don's. After I had conversed with that more steady and sedate. But Hetty's a dear Wall-street is evident from the fact that in;^. E are now prepared to receive onr patients at Furniture, ten tons of Hay, Potatoes, Corn, Wood, For Sale Cheap. Mineral Waters, ftc. lady for a few minutes—that is to say she some sense or other its vast business hinges&t! A. B. BTTINGTON * CO., any time during tbe wcct. W^ exUact teeth and an orchard of Grafted Fruit Possession given Pare Wines ana Liquors for medicinal purposes only Who is so strong, b^t some shelter he seeks girl, and will, I'm sure, make you happy. withW or without the use of fc AIJCHIN© «A8. immediately if desired. For further particulars en­ FINE Farm of thirty acres, about two miles from Among oar Stock may be foana When his trials and dangers arc great ? talked and I listened—she ushered me into on it. If a man buys this stock or sells thatjw A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, Q. N. EL L« Norwalk. The Honse and Barn are large and Lubin's Extracts, Sponges, Don't speak, don't speak! There, I'll send Wednesdays we devote entirely to extracting Teeth quire of HARVEY FITCH, or C. N. CASE. A The stannchcst ofships, the bravest of hearts a morning-room to see my patient. WITHOUT PAIN. , „ ,• , _ SMS Norwalk, Ccnn. well built. Now is the ohance for some one to get a Lubin's 8oaps, ..tU'o Chamois Skins, r; her in." And off the lawyer bolted in his if he " buys short" or buys at all, if he deal a] The principal Operator in Cotton's Dei great bargain if applied for soon. Apply to Fancy Soaps, Castile Soap, Seek port till the tempests abate. " We are quite anxious about dear Hetty," usual jerky way before I could speak a in Erie, or Northwestern, or Union Pacific,*)! Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. has repeatedly declared that South Noorwalkis the best LEGRAND'~D COMS1 1STOCK. Toilet Articles, Corks, ^ i' looper Union) to Hair Brashes BirdSeed,_ she said; " she's had a bad cough for some word. » the question at the bottom and the beg'n'ing ao Single copies 5 cents. place within his knowledge, (out of C< ; Congress Water, O for the rock that is higher than I; have teeth extracted. ' ' To Let. Nail " I pant for Its shadow of rest, time past, and oilr home remedies seem to AlvHtlilat Hates. - We particulary invite those who may desire Flesh " « Empire " Was I mad? Was I dreaming? Alice of the transaction is this," Will it pay ?" A .a $1.00 T South Norwalk, the house recently occupied by Valuable Mill Property for Sale Star " For shelter, safety and comfort I fly Koar lines or leu,1 insertion SO cts.; 3 timet, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, Tooth " 1 be of no avail." the younger!—Alice engaged!—Hetty lov­ certain tea firm in Philadelphia having too Ou« square. one Insertion, 1.00 A Doctor Cornell, near theDjgot pAgj^° Shaving " * Kissengen " ' To Jesus the rock of the blest. Per week, for continuance, .BO to examine onr manner of work and prices before At Kent Station, Conn. Clothes " ; ,w Vichy •' . Two girls rose as I entered and returned ing me dearly! Hetty coming to me! Tc much unoccupied capital cast a look over oue square, liz months, 7.00 procuring them elsewhere. Teeth filled in the most #t"43 at the Bank, South Norwalk. mHE proprietor of KENT MILLS, having engaged Infants " Gettysburg " my yeiy nervous bow. I saw that one was " •' one year—with paper, 15.00 approved manner. Those partially broken away by 1 in another buslne88,offers for sale the above prop­ Feather Dusters, ft" Vermont " Iiow beautiful, tender, gentle and sweet powers, what*>n earth was it all about? the stock market. By some means their at- , ii ii al II II 88.00 decay, restored to their former size and shape. erty situated on Norwalk River, ten rods from Rail­ Pomades, Seltzer " s tall and graceful, with a mass of black hair How cotjld I have been such a fool ? A tention is directed to "Reading" stocks. ; Three " " " *' " 10.00 road depot, and 8X miles from Norwalk, on main HalrOilB, ' Mlsslsquoi << Are the words that fell from his lips; Oue quarter Column, one year. 80.00 SALE.—Building Lots and Dwellings road to Danbury, consisting of Saw Mill, Upright and Farina Cologne, ; , Excelsior " Like mnsic the sound the weary to greet, ' loosely drawn from off he^face, large, soft thousand little hitherto unnoticed facts They wish to make money, and the very ^ Due half " " " 80.00 FT rog Mm 3100 to 810,000, situated in town ol Circular Saws, all in good order; also, Cider Mill, BayRnm, London Porter," ' The burdened who follow his steps. black eyes, a clear complexion and regular crowded on my brain, confirming the state­ question to be settled is that which heads Vail Column, one year, ,. . 180.00 Darlei ' Apply to F. H. HOYT, Darien Real Estate nearly new, with three presses, and all necessary ma­ Florida Water, Scotch Ale, Special Notlcea IS per cent advance bn the above. chinery; two large Cider Vaults, Vinegar Loft, Vats, Magnolia " Camphor, features; a grand beauty, I thought. The ment. How could I have trusted appear­ this article. These gentlemen did not de- i ; A Agency. Cream Tartar, " ! lam weary, heavy laden and sort , „ IV* Local Notices in Beading Columns, SO cents and Casks; one large Barn, besides Stables for six Hair Dyes, per line. , . THE MODEL MARKET. horses; one splendea team of Matched Horses, six Flavoring Extracts, Indigo, I'm sick, sad and suffering with pain,' '. •other was diiferent, evidently two or three ances so utterly, and taken her for the eldest mand an absolute certainty in the matter, Yearly advertisers restricted to the business con­ WILLIAM MITCHELL, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE and seven years old; two heavy Wagons; one light Shaker Herbs, Alcohol, • r I long for this tronbled night to be o'er ' '' years younger, with sunuy, chestnut hair, without being certain ? She engaged; and but after all their venture is based on the templated at the time of contract, but are permitted Wagon, and everything completeeto to carry on « sue- Stationery, „ ^ : > : to make monthly changes of their advertisement*. AVING become proprietor of thisthisol old establish­ HE subscriber offers for sale, on very resenable cessnl business; also, adjoining said property, one and a full assortment of all other articles usually And for health and its blessings again.' that tossed in leose waves down her back, wild, merry, sweet Hetty loving me! It answer which they are able to give to the . ed and ever popular market, 1is prepared io far- terms, a number of the choicest, ana most desi­ House and Barn, nouse containing 8. roi One Inch space constitutes a square. Hotels, Saloons, Families, sc., with Meats of all Trable Building Lots ln'the town of Norwalk, situated WitMKC nuuoc nuu uaiu> uuuec tuutamiuK w_ rOOIDBy kept in a Drug and Chemical Establishment. great question. Advance payment required for all transient adver­ S with roar acres of ohoice land, and fruit In abundance; Bht 111 not murmur, my Saviour is here _ ( blue eyes, a little pouting mouth, a most be still would not enter my brain. What kinds, of the best quality, in any desired quantity and on high ground,. (Prospect Hill), near and of easy ac­ also, a two-story House with eight rooms, with eight l tisements. . r„ at the lowest market prices. The— continued* patron- cess from the village, and commands a fine and un­ His life It was given for mine; " ': witching nex retroutse, and a short, slight should I do ? Get up, bolt and explain af­ Now I do not propose to give a very .urter of a Colamn, one time, ., 9 M® obstructed viewof the town, harbor. Long Island and acres of land. The mill property and one honse will, O TO S. F. PECK'S, Druggist, South Nor­ He wept bloody tears my spirit to cheer r ,li' 4lf u •« " " 10.00 age of the public solicited. be sold together, or the wnoleexchanged for Norwalk walk, for figure. A more complete contrast could terward ! learned answer to the question, nor to dis­ 8 WILLIAM MITCHELL. Sound. A good avenue, B0 feet wide, has been laid G Hia words, they breathe love in each line. Hull Column, onetime *M>° out in front of the property. Is within five minutes property. Terms easy.isy. Address hardly exist than between the two sisters* I sprang up to obey. my impulse. As cuss it abstrusely. Those who want that /s it arrUees and deaths inserted gratuitously. Obitna* walk of the Horse Railroad Size of lots to suit pur- GEORGE H. BRACKEN, CARBOLATE OF LIRE. - 'H rv, Funeral and all other special notice* IB cents per NORWALK MACHINE SHOP. S«tf KentMUls, or South Norwalk. Then no more will I cry or murmur again The dark one looked about twenty, the little did so the door opened, and with downcast kind of discussion can find it easily in "the ;.f e !n0fcnCyPriCe8 F ra€ for Disinfecting purposes. 'hot. line. mHE subscriber would respectfully inform Manufac- $»& of " JffiSED£NTONf While trusting his mercy and erace; "> one about eighteen. As I £aid, I bowed eyes and rosy blushes Hetty came in, books of the few." My object is to reach > [ A1 communications Inserted as reading matter do* 88 or JAMES FINNEY, Real Estate Agent, •r-.ji.-'J <; The Great Discovery ' ii'-ned to promote private interests, (15 per half and X turers and others using Machinery, in Norwalk Real Estate for Sale. ^ I'll wipe away tears and stifle my pain nervously and coughed two or three times rushed eagerly toward her and, I would "the many" with this question. That it ap- H Hi per full colamn. All nnnsual cuts and devices IS and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all things per­ ; "SEAL OLEUM," And llvein the light of his face. per cent extra. taining to a general machine shop. All orders for the FOR SALE. HE land belonging to the estate of George W. ; because I did not know quite what to say. confess all, I thought. " Hetty—" I began. peals to a sensitive nerve in the public mind, making or repairing of every description of Machinery Raymond, comprising some of the most desira­ > J. J. WOOLBV. attended to with promptness by experienced workmen. A DESIRABLE LOCALITY. Tble property in South Norwalk, isnow offered for sale sells well, and gives good satisfaction. Merlden, Oct. 28,1S68. •*' "V " T/iis is our dear invalid," said Mrs. Gor­ She mistook my action, my words for affec­ it is veryjcertain, since in the selection of Having added a Steam Engine (In addition to water HOMESTEAD situated on the Danbury irad at a bargain by the trustee of that estate. Apply to ALEX. 8. GIBSON, Norwalk Railroad, one mile from depot and vil­ don, patting the youngest on the shoulder. tion. She came nearer to me, responded to the pursuits in life by parents for their ;; Organist of the First Congregational Church. power) to his works, he flatters himself he is well pre­ A LE IS F. BEERS, Trustee, GEORGE W. RAY­ pared to do all kinds of work at very short notice. lage of Georgetown, Conn., on first class road con­ MOND and CHESTER F. TOLLES, South Norwalk, G. WARD SELLECK, U Of The following lines are suggested bywords ut­ " Oh, we'll soon cure her, Mrs. Gordon," I my warm clasp, and then, overcome by shy­ children, or by the children for themselves, FR4MK TH CITY OF NW TOBK, * ISAAC CHURCH, Jr. sisting of good House, containing twenty-two rooms Conn. tf2# Machine Shop just back of the and Horse Railway large and airy, new Barn and other out-bulldingi UCCESSOR to late firm of Meeker ft Selleck, 21 tered by Mrs. Kate Mallory In her last illness. said with alarming cheerfulness, and ness, hid her pretty curly head on my shoul­ this question exerts a mighty influence. : > Teacher of the ' Main St., keeps constantly on hand afreshstosk of Buildings. 11 good order, with about twelve acres first quality1s S " What Beautiftil Things are these V' coughed again. der. My embarrassment momentarily in­ Residing somewhere, years ago, was an ac- _ Piano-Forte, Organ and Musical Cena- (sixty more if desired); large young Orchard, ne' FOR SALE. failing water, line open prospect. Has l»en used (tor Family Groceries, Spoke the lips of the Dying One; creased. " Oh Hetty, Hetty—" I began once tive man, full of life, of large brain, strong altion. several years as a Summer Boarding House. For SMALL HOUSE, with ax or 10# acres of land, Such beautiful things as these, jr '"Physician, cure thyself,"' I heard the SOMETHING NEW! about one mile from South Norwalk. Also, CHOICE PROVISIONS. FLOUR, SOAPS, DRIED more. judgment and will, who was looking abont Box STt P. O. Norwalk, Conn. Photograph of premises and particulars, call at GA­ A FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS, and BERRIES, CAT­ I never before have known." invalid remark in an undertone. •: ZETTE OFFICE. nn three New Houses and Lots, cheap—abont the same It Vyfeyh-i for a business. "What shall I do ?" he ask- In New Tork, care Peloubet, Pelton St Co., 841 distance from South Norwalk. All the aboveon very SUP, FLAVORING EXTRACTS. - AC. This well- " Oh, I've no cough, thanks, only a little " Dear Philip," she whispered, in reply- ( easy terms. Also, a large House to rent near Keyset's known stand will continue to siutain'its presept repu­ "-They.come to my waking thoughts, Broadway. tation for keeningthe best of everythlng.and SELL­ tickling," I said stupidly, as though the to what she deemed affection, " I am so hap­ ed himself and others , also. If work wa3 sj A FIRST CLASS CITY Mill Property Island. Inquire at the South Norwalk Real Estate They come in my nightly, dreams; -• Agency of Purdy's Drug Store. W. T. CRAW, ING AT THE LOEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Iy4 Whisper had been for ine. py, Philip." what was wanted why not dig on the rail- 0* FOR SALE. tfi7 Real Estate Agent. They flash on my brain nnsought, . ,1T M. BELDEN HUBLBUTT, HE subscriber offers for sale his Mill Property sit­ &SS t With glance as of lightning gleams. However, I plucked up oaurage and pro­ What could I do ? Tell her it was all a way track with "Patrick" or "John China- s uated in West Norwalk, about two miles from Refreshment for the Thirsty.;, man ?" That was not all that was wanted, ^ Draper & TailoriiK Establisluneit T EVERAL GOOD APARTMENTS TO LET.— ceeded to make my professional inquiries, mistake, and thus blight the bright young Darien Depot, three miles from Sonth Norwalk, and Enquire of S. E. OLHSTEAD. Such beautiful things to see, MM since a man^nay work at employments / Attorney and Counsellor at Law, two miles from New Canaan; consisting of a manu­ S HE subscribers arepr ared to furnish, Wholesale SO dazxllng with weird light, ft.-. • - which were diversely answered; the mother life and heart forever ? In that one second At No. 1, Gazette Building, (up stairs) factory, two stories high, 8Bx18 feet, with about 18 Sept. 6,1869. and Retail, Bottled Sarsaparilla.- , Lemon Soda, that do not pay. So this man when he ask- r feet head and fall of water, with three acres of land, TCider, Spruce Beer. ftc. Orderstrders by maimall,or otherwise, I marvel what they may be— making out the case " very bad," " quite I made a great decision. My chances of ROOM No. 4, (Up Stairs,) GAZETTE BUILDING- HE subscriber would respectfully Inform the cit­ now used as a Saw Mill but suitable for a manufacto- BUILDING LOTS. for merchants, individuals,i, or parties, promptly sup- What means the ravishing sight ? happiness had fled. I would sacrifice my­ ed "What shall I do ?" meant by it. "What „ izens of Norwalk, that he has made arrange­ of any kind. Terms 6asy and price low* Enquire plied. S. GRUMMAN ft BRO. serious," and suggesting the South of T LOTS on Beatty Street and three lots on Water can I do that will pay ?" At last he finds a } ments to open a first-class, New York City Establish­ JAMES FINNEY, Real Estate Agent, Norwalk,or SYLVESTER guinuit. man. QBUXMAN, JB. Such beautiful things to hear, , •. - ; France; the daughter quizzing everything self and marry her, and she should never ment, as above, where he pledges himself to give sat­ of the subscriber, CHAUNCEY STREET. 8 Street, which for location, convenience, and Kent, (Wilton,) July it, 18*9. M. business and drives it with all his might. ,• DR. J. G. BARBOUR, 8»tf neighborhood are not excelled by any property in this Theymake me forget my pain,~. ^ and turning it all into a joke. I wound up the truth. isfaction to all his customers. West Norwalk, Sept. 85,18C9. town. Fart of said lots have good velws of the The Bank-men scrutinize his balances aild I DBNTIBT, He will give special attention to Boys Garments as Sound and Harbor, and are situated in the immedi­ Carriage Making. Like music? of voices dear— my visit by again remarking as I shook I bent down and whispered, " God bless well as those of gentlemen. Persons bringing their What means the ravishing strain? say "his business pays 1" He enlarges his .- NORWALK, CONN. own cloth can have the same cut or made up, in an ar­ For Sale. ate vicinity of two of the most respectable and largest mHE undersigned having formed a co-partnership, hands, "You've got a nasty cough, Miss you, Hetty; I will try and make you hap­ tistic manner, at reasonable prices. rfIHE HOUSE and LOT, occupied by the snbsbriber manufacturing establishments in Norwalk, and with­ J, are now prepared to build and repair all kinds of py ;" and I kissed the wild, teasing, merry business, he increases his ventures, he re* i Office in Gasette Building, Room No. 6, over Jack- FRANCIS J. MoKEON. X at South Norwalk. lot 60 feet front, less than two in a few roas of the Horse Kallroad, These lots Carriages at the shortest notice at their new < factory Such beautiful things to touch, T Gordon, but we'll soon cure you." '$Vt\ ion Bro's store. , minutes walk from the depot, of the New York ® range in price from $600 to (1,500. Those wishing to in Hoyt Street All kinds of Carriage Lumber taken *y senses with ecstacy fill; ' ' . 1 " Pert little thing!" I mentally ejaculated girl, now so gentle, so winning, so sweet. doubles liis efforts. Money rolls in npon « New Haven and the Danbury ft Norwalk Railroads. >urchase good lots are respectfully invited to exam- in exchange. AUGUSTUS LYON, him. He buys one property after another, j Nitrons oxide or Laughing Gas, administered when SOUTH NORWALK House in good order; House and^fences recently he the above property,'or apply to WILLIAM YOULE,',. The mystery troubles much— as I left the house. " The dark one seems I could not rudely break her heart. desired. IqiSS THADDEUSK.HUBBELL. painted. Possession immediately It requfred. For lTtf CHARLES FOX. j '• What means this ravishing thrill? • nice. How beautiful she is!" She looked up, and then hid her face What he touches turns to gold. He has no s Planlns Mill Oo. farther particulars enquire of • W. G. STREET. Norwalk, April 86.1869. proper Sabbath, and business cncroaches on ' PATENT AGENCY. FOR SALE. "Put thebeautiulthings away," After this I paid many more professional again on my shoulder, and clung to me to Builders and others are informed that this Compa­ sleep. People look at him with amazement i ny are now prepared to execute In the best manner, VERT desirable place, situated in Norwalk, The Watcher answered with pain, visits at the Gordons', and soon found my­ hide her emotion. Was it not possible to WILLIAM TINE, at short notice, all kinds of Aabout two miles west of the Bridge,ahjoinlng the etbing New. and exclaim, "Wtat a great businessman! : residence of Josiah Kellogg, Esq., It being the Home­ "Put them by till another day, • . » self on a very pleasant footingat their house. love her ? Ought I not to be thankful ? Had , Agent and Solicitor of Patents, Steam Sawing, Building Lot For Sale. stead of the late Charles Usborn, deceased, contain­ We will talk about them again.'! • whatever he touches pays ! he is a million- > FIRST-CLASS LOT, adjoining the residence of So, from professional, I began to make I married Alice—no, I mean proposed to Scroll Sawing, ing nearly eight acres of good land, a well built, sub­ GEORGE NORVELL, aire, and can control the legislatures, buy . Mechanical Draughtsman and A F. B. Smith, East Avenne_, size TCx8«0Lwlth stantial, two-story house, with Barn and other out­ "I cannot put them away" y<- friendly visits, and often joined the girls,„ in her—I should only have been rejected, and Planing, shade trees in front. Price *1,000. Terms easy. Ap­ buildings. Part of the purchase money can remain, STAIR BUILDER, railways, and great blocks, in our great > MODEL MAKER, ply to WM. WHITE, South Norwalk, or GEO. O. if desired. For further particulars apply to The lips of the Dying cried: leisure half hours, at a game of croquet or gone away miserable; now I had a real, and Turning. NEWELS,BALUSTERS, BAND RAILS, STAIRS city!" By and by in middle life the doc- > ly7 Winnipauk, Conn. KEELER. Main St., Norwalk. 33tf C. F. OSBORN, East Avenue. How strange that no one will'iay' .11 true heart to love me. Surely, Surely, in They will also furnish on the most reasonable terms ftc., ftc., made to order in the" best manner, and pnt What things are these atmyBide? archery, or would take them for a quiet tors shake their heads over the great man's all kinds of 87,500. up or shipped to any part of the country. Shop foot row on the river on warm summer days. time I might return her affection. G. O. KEELER 4c BROTHER, SPLENDID ofui Marshallisuniiui St.,u..,otiuui Sonth Norwalk. ....All orders"" promptly " Can you bp happy with me, Hetty ?" I queer adventures and sayings. The great * FOR SALE. attended to ana satisfaction guaranteed. . tlB2 Take courage, Dear Heart I for the story Had I been a cheeky fellow, very likely I Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber and Timber, Building Sites Of thy life is almost told; asked. brain has been working like the engine of ' DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE DOWN 1'OWN— For Sale, of one-third acre and upwards near the new might have become far more intimate than and manufacture to order. 10 minutes walk from depot. Basement, two Thou art nearing the hidden glory " Oh, Philip, indeed I can," she replied. the waterworks, night and day, seven days > Groceries, Hour, Feed, Ac., A "RIVERSIDE DEPOT," I was—might have called them Alice and Sash, Story and Attic, French roof, Frame House. Very f' AaSXOT. Of the shining City of gold I each week, and fifty-t^o weeks.each year. ' Nos. U, 14 and It Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. conveniently arranged with water, fhrnace and range. At the east end of Cos-Cob Bridge. The property is "I always feared you laughed at me," I Blinds, 1 ; for the Celebrated Hetty, as everybody else in the house did. One-half or more or the purchase money can remain beautifully situated, has a fine water front on the har­ Where the blaze of the heavenly splendor , said. It is true that he went to Saratoga a week ELBERT CURTIS^ "~ Doors, Etc. ontheplace. ForfhrtherparHcgla^p^lyto^ bor, and is only two minutes' walk from all trains to But I was far too nervous and too shy, and RALUSTERS, NEWELS. &C., New York, EXPRESS INCLUDED. Apply to or And the glory of faces unseen " I only laughed to hide my feelings," said or two each year, but.his. whole education • address J. W. ATWATER, Cos-Cob Bridge, Conn. Howe Sewing Machine All clear to thy vision shall render so to me they were always the "Misses Merchant Tailor, for Stairs and Ballings, and Hetty. had unfitted him to make good use of such ; For Sale. At H. H. * C. 8. PROWITPS What the Beautiful Things may mean.' - Gordon." Curtis's Building, Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. Black Walnut, Asia, Cherry, White wood " I am not rich, Hetty," I continued. recreation. He is like " a fish out of water," r NOTICE. ' v . IWCornerDrug Store. HOVEB N. DITNNIXO. When the autumn tints were beginning 4c., kept constantly on hand. HE HOUSE AND LOT now occupied by William " I will be a careful little wife, Philip," and .even on the piazza of Congress Hall, Gents' and Youth's Clothing cut and made to order, Youle. It contains five rooms and has an out­ HE attention of residents and of visitors in town The best family Sewing Machine- ever produced— South Norwalk, Oct. 83d, 1869. Prompt attention given to orders. Works near the Thouse, Ac.; lot 70x80 feet. Also, one lot 68x90 feet, to appear in the woods of Dunfield, I dis­ and by the gushing stream of Congress at short notice, of the best materials, in the latest Steamboat Landing, SOUTH NORWALK. is called to, and a personal inspection from all is has ail the improvements which go to make np she said. styles, by experienced workmen. Prices reasonable. and one 70x80. Enquire of JOSEPH SHEPHERD. invitedT to the Beautiful Location and pleasant sur­ covered that Iloved Alice, the dark one, and C. F. TOLLES, f Ttf " I am not worthy of you," I said. Spring he thinks of stocks, and banks, and D. R. AUSTIN, }- R. I. TOLLES, Treasurer. Norwalk, Feb. 15, ISM. roundings of the buildiug-slte of about So feet, com- WTHE MOST PERFECT— V 7 i'V ' HOW I MARRIED IN SPITE OF MY­ that if she would like to live on three hun­ R. I. TOLLES irising the whole frontage on the westerly Bide of "Yes, you are," she exclaimed; "I am city lots, and money. The great brain gets G. * G. M. HOLMES, Jnion Park, and surrounded by first-class residences, SELF. dred a year, in a snug little house of her Munni Desirable Residence For Sale. which, as a site for an elegant dwelling is seldom sur­ WTHE MOST SIMPLE— not worthy of you." There was no escape no jest. If he goes to church, it is all the passed. Also, a corner lot of about 76 feet front on I was a young surgeon, just free from col­ own, I should like it too; but I dared not GROCERIES, MRS. E. D. MURPEY'S VERY desirable residence, pleasantly situated for me. She wouldn't see ine in my worst same, and by and by they say "He is failing! on a quiet street within five minutes'walk of the northeast corner of Union Park, adjoining the WTHE MOST SATISFACTORY SEWING MA- lege and walking the hospitals, when I got tell her. I could laugh and joke.with Hetty, FLOUR, theA Bridge is offered for sale. The house is commo­ residence of tbe subscriber. Terms easy. For fur­ light. She would love me. something is wrong ! it is very curious !" PROVISIONS, Ac., 1Y|"AONETIC LINIMENT, dious and in good order, and the grounds embrace ther particulars enqnlre of CHAS. P. TURNET, my first practice in the little country town but with Alice I was always shy and ner­ CTINE IN THE WORLD, ^ ; . We sat down side by side. She prattled The fact is the great brain has given out Main Street, Norwalk, Ct. about one acre, facing on two streets. It will be sold Norwalk, Aug. 8,1869. (31) Builder. vous. The (rest Pain Care of the Ace, on reasonable terms. Apply to JAMES FINNEY, of Dunfield. Dr. Thompson, of the place, to me how Alice and Willie had long loved entirely. The doctors talk very learnedly Real Estate Agent, at Selleck's Bookstore. This Machine has demonstrated Us excellence and Time went on. I perceived that with Mr. adaptability to all kinds of taring,. from the .lightest was an old Mend of my father's, and it was each other, but that it had never been a set­ and say "the brain has softened," as if C. S. LOCKWOOD, For the relief of all Rheumatic and Inflammatory ; ; A For Sale. and Mrs. Gordon I was a favorite. I could Disease. Never fails to giveSpeedy Relief in the most gossamer to the heaviest leather. Call and examine arranged that I should assist him, with an tled thing till now, for his position had not that would soften the sad thing. " The •cute suffering, by a few applications. For sale at NEW BUILDING LOTS. "vNE LOT on Golden Hill next tS new honse of H. ultimate view to the whole practice. It was see that Hetty, too, liked mc, and I hoped brain has softened,"—to be sure it has. Fashionable Draper & Tailor Manufacturer's Price, by the dozen or grogs, by J H. ELWELL, 80 feet front by 81T feet In depth. "THE HOWE."; been such that he could marry. BROWN • T Grist.Mill, is prepared to grind every kind of HOMES FOB TEE HUM! Apply to JAMES MITCHELL, " It isn't as if I were a fellow who had 'Til come early," 1 said, making a mighty is far more capable of acting for herself; they to a man whose- "brain is softened ?" Paid a» Capital, $100,000 grain for customers and furnish, pure, all kinds of One Hundred Building Lots. quite to earn his daily bread," was a remark effort, " as I want to speak to Mr. Gordon." His friends and hired servants care for him FEED. FLOUR, Ac., at the LOWEST MARKET Real Estate Agent, Union Market, Norwalk. but you'll always be kind and tender to . C. STXXBT, President, GEO. R. COWLIS, Sec'y. RATES. The public are invited to give him a trial. HE SUBSCRIBE® has for sale One Hundred'Build- I made to my bosom friend, Charlie Somers. " Oh do—come as early as you can," said Hetty, won't you?" as they would for a little child or an idiot; Enra. HILT, Treasurer. January 11,18(3. tfi WILLIAM,1k: H. DAYIS. ing Lots within eight minutes walk of South "BUILDING LOTS." TNorwalk depot, at LOCKWOODVILLE. Parties I arrived at Dunfield in the early part of Hetty. "Ofcourse he will—of course he will," they do not consult him as to what he shall wishing to purchase may have a lot with a house built HE undersigned offer tor Sale some of the most May. It was settled that, for tfie first, I " Old Thompson wants me to look out have to eat, nor when he shall ride, nor ASSETS OYER $85,000,000. Fruit Trees! Fruit Trees! , thereon by paying a small amount in cash, balance on T desirable building sites in the village, lying along cried Mr. Gordon. "Come, Gwynne, and mortgage, or may purchase a lot without anyimprove­ the slope northwest of Union Park, convenient to the Weed's Jewelry Store, should live at Dr. Thompson's, whom I for the mistletoe," I said, foolishly, by way what of his property shall be sold, nor ask AT.THE village and easy of access, having an extensive view wash your hands*." GEO. R. COWLES, ment, for a small percentage of the purchase money him "how he enjoys this" ?nd "how he en­ NEW CANAAN NURSERY. in cash,balance on mortgage. Price of Lots from One of the village and harbor, prices_ low li and terms easy. fo tnd to be a cheery old fellow, and his of saying something. Deeply grateful for the chance (not that IS AGENT at Norwalk, and issues policies for thefol- Hundred to Three Hundred Dollars. I will be pleased Apply to A. H. BYINGTON, wife a most kind, motherly soul. They had " Oh we've got plenty of that ready—eh, my hands were dirty, but because I felt I joys that ?" • lowing Insurance Companies The subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the to show the lots to any person wishing to purchase. S. E. OLMSTEAD, public that their stock of WILLIAM T. CRAW, E. K. LOCKWOOD. no children, and the household was quiet Alice?" said Hetty. should burst out crying, or do something "Enjoyt ?" what a word to apply to a man jBtna, of Hartford, Assets Jan. 1st,'(8, 5,058,880 Norwalk, Sept. 81, 1888. Home, of N. Y., '* 3,730,981 Real Estate Agency, over F. B. Purdy's Drug Store. and well-ordered. The practice, too, was "How tiresome you are, Hetty!" said else equally absurd if I stopped there), I whose "brain is softened," as if he were ca­ Phcrmx, of N. Y., ' 1,8*8,587 Fruit & Ornamental Trees,Vines, &c. Norwalk, Aug. 24th, 1868. 85 UNBER NORWALK HALL. 1,SS8,8W very good. Alice, warmly, and blushing a painful pable of enjoying anything. What shall Home, of N. H., M I* C« is unusually large a% of unsurpassed excellence. We Very Valuable Property For Sale followed him. Security, of N. Y„ ' 1,477,SIT feel confident'in saying that we believe that onr stock FOR SALE. The town had its squire, Sir William crimson. " What time do you dine, Mr. Gordon?" it profit a man to gain these great riches international, N. Y., 1,128,012 of APPLE TREES particularly, to he the Largest and AT FORT POINT. :*/ , ... SprlogieldF. <&M„ < .781,0(7 Best in this Country. We are also positive that we VERY valuable place, situated in the most cen* Crowhurst. His wife, Lady Crowhurst, was Well, it was silly of Hetty; and before I asked. and yet have the doctors say "his brain is Tookert A N. Y., 734,38C tral part ot the Town of Norwalk abont two T the terminnsof the New Bridge, from South 1 702.182 can furnish Trees in better quality, better order, and A Norwalk, consisting of about 18 Building Lots, the grandee of the place; and, by good for­ me, too! But I was so glad to see the blush " Six," he replied " It is now a quarter- softened?" -* North American N. Y. for less money than they can be obtained from distant minutes walk from the Horse Railway Depot. The 85x18s,A with roadway on all sides, unequalled for bus­ Pataam, lid., •18,138 Nurseries. house is large and commodious. The place comprises tune, their two little girls were my first pa­ that I did not notice the little show of tem­ past five." This may seem trifling, and yet it is : *i; - r, k. Y., 503,3(3 about two acres of land, and is abundantly provided iness purposes. N o part of this property has been in 5(8,878 Those wishing to purchase Trees and Tines will do the market of late years, although repeatedly urged Solid Silver and Plated Ware per. Between you and me, reader, she had " Ah, I shall just have time," I said. " I> not so meant. . I am as serious as I ever* Commerce, Albany N. Y., well to send their onlers early—or still better, visit our with trees, shrubbery and out-buildings; This place if to sell, and now only a small portion is offered. Ap­ tients, being conveniently seized with a Western Buffalo, N. Y., 553,387 Nursery and make their own selections. suitaUe for any gentleman. For full particulars en­ Merchant* Hd., '< 418,303 quire of JAMES MITCHELL, ply to 48 . JAMES MircHELL. mild touch of measles soon alter my arrival, once or twice before shown that she had a find I have forgotten to leave orders about was, and ask the question of ten thousand Jorttubaerica, H'd., 401,374 STEPHEN HOYT A SONS. Real Estate Agent, Union Market, Norwalk, Conn. * * j ,>i * i and when the doctor happened to be laid a certain medicine. If you'll allow me, I'll men in business who are doing just what 474,34# temper. P. 8.—We take pleasure In showingpersons through Of all the latest Styles and Patterns. up with lumbago. This of course gave me I went home, pondering on the way what just run down to the surgery, for it will not this man did, and of ten thousand young People's,' Worcester, 400,000 our Nurseries, whether desirous of purchasing trees NASH & IVES, Balfie ot N. Y., 873,143 " or not; and wonld cordially invite allintereated to JAMES FINNEY, a good start, and was the best introduction I should do. I could not dine there with do to be careless about physic." men who stand ready to imitate the same Commonwealth N. Y.," " " 380,000 visit the Nnreery. Westchester of New Rochelle N. Y., 800,000 Real Estate Agents, I could wish for to the other swells of the my heart bursting with my secret and feel­ " Certainly not, certainly not," said Mr. example, "mil it pay ?" Look at that man Peoples of Middletown, Conn., 115,000 Enterprise of Cincinnati, 1,000,000 No. 4 WATER STREET. Heal Sstate Ag't; An endless variety of p. . town, such as the clergyman and his wife;. ing it might explode at any moment. Then Gordon; " though very excusable under the whose incessant toil with his brain to carry- And other Companies, Stock and Mutual, in Connecti­ NEW and RARE PLANTS. ROPERTY bought, sold, exchanged or let, on rea­ Mr. and Mrs. Perkins, who had seven chil­ there was Cousin Willie, too. If he should circumstances; make haste—six sharp." his plans to a successful conclusion has end-" "' cut, Massachusetts and New York. At So. Nor­ P sonable terms. We have a good variety of desira­ Licensed Auctioneer, • ble Houses and Farms in and out of town for sale on dren, of. whom one or the other was always pay my beautiful'Alice any attention, I 1 almost ran off. I let myself into the ed in great wealth, but a softened brain:; walk, application may be made to WM. T. CRAW. accommodating terms. tf32 Bases, Moos, Yertaas, WM. R. NASU. NATHAN IVES. ailing; Mr. Gordon, the lawyer, who had might not be able to control my feelings. surgery Dy my latch-key. Oh joy! It was That man to get this wealth has abused his AND CONSTABLE, COLLECTOR, &C., AMERICAN & FRENCH also a wife and two grown-up daughters; So I determined to write to her, ask my fate, empty. Locking the door, I sank into a brain worse than these engineers do their Slid Hirvalt Iiisirw kmi Bedding Out Plants, Shrubs. J. FERRIS, RATEFULLY returns thanks for the very liberal and many others. and go up before dinner for my answer. If chair and paused to think. What should I locomotive engines. They run their fine BtyrsMntlng over $25,000,000. Fruit Trees of all kinds, G patornage heretofore extended him by a gener­ ous public. ana solicits a continuance of the same. It is true there was a rival doctor in the were accepted, have a merry Christmas; do ? The only time for escape was now. machines a hundred miles or more in a day Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Assets |»,024,000 00 Real Estate Agent. He nas taken a desk at Selleck's Bookstore, where he North America Ins. Co,, Philadelphia, 8,000,000 Raspberry, Blackberry & Strawberry j if rejected, go home, and—and—well, nearly Should I send up a note to say I was sud­ and then let them lie still for many hours. PA ESTATES FOB SALE in Norwalk and vi- can hereafter be found, or orders can be left. He will place—there always are rival medical men GeraiianlaFlreIns.Co., New York, 1,000,000 Plants, ftc. give prompt attention to the buying and selling of CLOCKS. die of a broken heart. denly callled out, and see what to-morrow The fires go down, the panting lungs of the City Fire Ins. Co., Hartford, " 450,000 00 WU cinity, from 1-4 to 800 Acres, with bnlldln: Real Estate, renting of places, Auctioneering of real in a small town—but then " he hadn't even Middlesex Mutual Ass'e, Co., " 800,00000 EARLY ROSE POTATOES. TOMATOE, thereon, price from $450 to 3100,000. Also, TO I was delighted with the idep, and almost would do? Should I pack up my things, fire horse are quiet, and his mighty limbs furnished and unfurnished houses. and personal property, the collection of debts, ftc., a stray dog to experimentalize upon," as old LIFE INSURANCE. EGG, PEPPER & CELERY PLANTS, &c. and will make every reasonable exertion to please all throw my character and profession to the are in repose, and then he is ready to run Address J. FERRIS, who may favor him with their patronage. Thompson chucklingly told me. Mr. Snares ran home to put it into execution. But how Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, Also FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS. BO- at A B. Purdy's Drag Store, Ely's Block So.Norwalk. his race again ; but this man of business Assets (80,000,000 00, QUET8, WREATHS, BASKETS, CROSSES, and oth Notice for surveying.to be left at the Gazette Office. was his unlucky name. As, however, I can easy to get out pen, ink and paper!—how winds, and bolt ? They were not tempting er Floral Decorations arranged in the best style of art Office In Swords'Building, South Norwalk. only mention one or two of these people difficult to write! I tore up letter after let- alternatives. I almost did the fiTst. But does not stop. He toils without rest, he •Itf L. F. BEERS, Agent. to order. Send for descriptive catalogue. FOR SALE. v BOOTS & SHOES. MALLORY & DOWNS, again in my stoiy, I will not weary you ler; again and again I tried, but the hope­ was I not a mean coward ?—was I not go­ works without good honest sleep, and does South Norwalk, Ct. HE subscriber offers for sale cheap, one Donble GROCERIES Carriage, nearly new, one set of Double-Harness HE subscribers would respectfhlly call the atten­ with a lot of dramatis ptrsonce, who. will lessness of expressing my feelings was great. ing to act unworthy s gentleman ? After* it for days, weeks, years, and then his brain NOTICE I andT two Horses, both very fast. Apply to tion of the public to their is softened, or he dies of heart disease or con­ Cheaper than ever, for Casta. LEWIS F. BEERS, Trustee, T never be accounted for; else the postmaster, Should I leave it and go%nd say my say in' plighting my troth and receiving her shy HE subscriber wonld Inform the public generally, UHLE BROTHERS, s tfSl ' ' ' South Norwalk, Conn. chemist, dissenting minister, schoolmaster, person? No, no, I could not do that. My kisses, could I explain? And yet—and yet, sumption, or some other disease which was that he stillcontinues tosell the best of Groceries, NEW STOCK OF GOODS, tongue would cleave to my mouth;. the was it right to marry one sister, loving the but an example of God's displeasure on his Provisions,T *c., at his old stand. No. 4 SHddy's Block, No. 11 MAIN ST., NORtVALK, and others, are all well worth being de­ as cheap as the cheapest He offers great inducements The subscriber having taken out a License for the NEW DRUG STORE. scribed, each in his or her peculiar way. very thought seemed to deprive me of the other ? Why had they not seen I loved way of doing business. to eash^lmyers, as he has as large an assortment of gro­ Drugs, Chemical and Patent mHE undersigned would respectfully announce to consisting of a general assortment off power of articulation. Here goes, I aaid at Alice, and told me at once my case was This rude sketch is written by the side ceries of toe best qualities as can be found at any store 1 the cltiaens In this vicinity, that he has just i About three weeks after my arrival, of the country. He would invite the special attention Medicines fitted up a New Drug Store, last. I will write it off at once, and I won't hopeless? Why did not I open my eyes- of a great railway as we wait our train, Im all to his stock of Thompson showed me a note from Mrs. COFFEES, TEAS, AND SUGARS. At Wholesale. Sale, Benting and Exchanging CORNER OF WASHINGTON AND DEPOT STS., Gordon, saying that her daughter had a bad read it over. and see that, contrary to appearances, she and its rush and roar remind one of its which are of the very best quality, and will be sold " My dear"—Here I was at a full stop al­ King*, and as I recall the worn-ont brains •heap. The public are Invited to call and examine and where will be found Beets, Sh«cs, Gaiters, cough—would one 6i us come up to see was the youngest ? No use to ask that now. judge for themselves. A. MOREHOUSE. ready. How was I to begin f If I were do­ My duty was clear, my course plain. I it has cost, and also what a mad rush for OF ;;j[PUBE DRUGS, her? &c., both for Gentlemen and Ladles' wear, which will "Now, Mr. Gwynne," said the doctor, ing it personally, I might tiy the effect of smoothed my tumbled hair) bathed my hot business does in wearing out men, I ask; se­ CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS,. " A Urn," spoken in a low. deep tone, but it temples in cold water, and determined to riously Pons XT PAY ? ^' be sold veryjow for Cash, at the old stand, " here's a chance of distinguishing yourself. (Organist St Paul's Church.) FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES, looks so cool on paper, fterfore I began be a man and no coward. I would act my TEACHER OF MUSIC IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Lawyer Gordon is a smart man and making EDITORIAL SKIBMISHISG.—Wordy retorts FANCT TOILET ARTICLES, again: " My dear Miss Gordon"—I can't re­ part and trust to time to make it natural to IVPianos tuned at short notice. Orders left with Aim no end of money. Mrs. Gordon is a great between rivals of note generally make pret- ; . E. Blaekman, C. T. Cornwall, or at the office of the PATENT MEDICINES, &c. one for being on the sick list. Unfortunate­ member my words, though no doubt my me. tv wood reading in newspapers that contain Gasette. will meet with attention. Broken Strings Would call the attention oftheiiubllc to the fact that So I retraced my steps, and entered the KtSe startltog news and few solid edito^ ^ feplaeM. Special Agent for the sale at Musical In­ BT physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded ly, she doesn't like me, because she sus­ wife does, but I know my letter was very struments by the following makers, via! be is now ready to transact business of that nature in SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. Gordon's drawing-room just as it struck rials and they become particularly interest- . all its branches, and will assure prompt attention to day and night. Can be found nights, in samebuildlng, pected me once of sending her bread pills tender, and, I hoped, very earnest and im­ Piano Fortes. ' Melodeons A Cab't Organs entrance on Washington St. six. I was of course introduced to Cousin ine when till parties are personally known : Chlckering t Sons, ; - Mason A Hamlin, all who may favor him with a call. His resources of Iy40 S. F. PECK, South Norwalk, Conn. and water mixture when Her imaginary ill­ pressive. to nearly every reader. Mr. George D< . Haxelton Bros., Carhart A Neednam, All kinds of Gent, and Ladies'Boots, Shoes, Ac., Willie. He was a tall, fair-bearded fellow, Haines Bros. A Co., Prince A Co., gaining information relative to said business are un­ nesses drove me beyond bounds, so that lean I was once more puzzled how to end my' Prentice, editor of the Louisville Journal, looked and spoke like a gentleman, and Grovesteln, Horace Waters A Co., surpassed. He has now for disposal ... NORWALK made to order, in the most workmanlike manner, and and hungry Snares was called in; but he epistle, but at last decided on— was an adept in the art, and usually found . James Vose, New Haven Jfelodeon Co., seemed very fond of Alice, and she of him. foemen worthy of his steeUmong toeedito-?^ Horace Waters & Co., Page, Potter A Co., injured his cause by persisting to remain for "Believe me, dear, dear, Miss Gordon, ; 8. G. Gordon. Manufacturers anfllealers in Essences, Extracts, Steam Laundry atfairprices Somehow I felt better when I saw them to­ torial fraternity in Kentucky. Shadrach,^ lunch, which Mr. Gordon thought very im­ waiting in trembling hope and fear, yours Penn was one of these worthy foemen, and'.... Will be In Norwalk on Saturday* during the Sum- Family Medicines, &c., Ac. FARMS, RESIDENCES, &c. ASetVT", 'it gether. After all, Hetty was just as pretty Country Stores supplied with goods of better qual- And DYE WORKS. pertinent on first acquaintance; and so it in life and death, yours only and for "ever, the battle generally raged fiercely betjreOT.^|^ Norwalk, May 18,18(3. ityy and at closer figures than «ra obtained In the city. HORSE CARS RUN RIGHT BY THE DOOR. with her wavy, glossy hair, bright eyes, the two He and Prentice were intimate 'AA RDrfcg Wagon running in connection with the npHE subscribers desire to Inform theinhabitants of was. Now my firm belief is that this cough "PHILIP GWINNE." •tore lea a mil assortment in the line. 1Norwalk and vicinity, that tlteir NEW FACTORY with their new, softened expression, and friends and almost continually together,but ; ; ; Situated In Norwalk. is completed, and that they are now prepared to do is more than half to decide if you will do, This I despatched to Miss Gordon* en­ Orders filled for any article in the Drag, Chemical, 4 BROWN Sc STEVENS. that shy smile round her rosy mouth. I de­ they would time and again violate each oth- , v MERCHANT TAILOR, Patent Medicine or Toilet Article line, in any quanti­ all kinas of work-in their line, in a manner not to be or if she must send to Colchester for Doctor closing a note for the young lady's papa, to er's most sacred confidences for the purpose - AND DEALER IN ty, at the manufacturers' Prices. surpassed by any other establshment, as they have clare I found myself comparing them to n-.y 1 And all the adjoiningcountry. Places for sale varying the nce of facilities for doing it in a first-class man­ .ULI&I'W mm BTiywBa Sim, which will of course cost her a great be delivered at her discretion. Ton may be­ of some paltry joke or home threat. On one • ' ner. Families,Hotels and Boarding Houses will find H1KAM S. BDOWN. little one's-advantage, and I felt quite proud occasion the two were bathing in a sanita- >, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, it to their advantage to have their washing done by deal more. They are good patients—too lieve I scarcely closed my eyes all that night. from t6,000to $85,000. J, as I led her into the dining-room. rium » and Mr. Prentice fell fast asleep m-, h< AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Xnd our system, as we guarantee all clothes washed by ns THE PEOPLE'S good to lose; so go and do your best for us. Next day, Christmas day, I was too busy 1 No. S Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. - to last almost twice aa long as they wonld if washed What need I say more ? Da^by day my in his bath-tub. Penn saw him, and laugh-, to attend church; but I got clear about four ine immoderately at the prospect of a good Constantly on hand s large assortment of Cloths, Steam Fittlns. in the ordinary way, for we make our own soap and OO-A.1, f ^ On no account be sparing of grave shakes M. GLOVER, at his works on River Street, is use no soda or potash to kill the life of the fabric. lot grew sunnier, my little Hetttyjdearer and ioke the next morning, betook himself to his Casslmeres and Vestlngs. All orders promptly exe­ We have, also, a large bleach connected with the of the head and plenty of medicine, though o'clock, and hastily dressing myself, started 85 W prepared to fill all orders in the above line, dearer to me. I never knew her otherwise office where he preparedan elaborate sketck cuted. with promptness and at low rates. He invites spec­ works, where all goods requiring it will be bleached Coal, Wood & Mason's Building it may be as innocent as you like, provided for Mr. Gordon's: He met me warmly. ial attention to "The American Submerged Force as white as new. Fluting, of every description, done than bright and good-tempered; while Al­ for publication, detailing the fact that Pren­ For Swpmer, lurniahed or untarnished in the best style to experienced hands. Give us a it be judiciously nasty." " Come in here, my dear fellow," said he; •ale. Pump," for which he is Agent. It is double-acting, , MATERIALS, ice—but I must not tell tales—Alice is a dear tice was di-unk in a bath-tub. He had no non-freezing, and proves to be the cheapest, most trial and be satisfied that it can be done as well here "Allright,air," was my reply; "I'llgo ." I can't tell you how pleased she is—my foolish scruples about mentioning names. DEVOE'S KEROSENE OH. efficient, durable and reliable pnmp in mfe. 31 as hi the city, and at more moderate rates. Goods good girl, and I am very fond of her, and ; called for and delivered free of charge. Order slates Hls'sullscriber having hlk along experience In up at onceand as I spoke I rose from my wife, I mean. And I am quite satisfied as Mr. Prentice, however, was awakened by with cork-lined FOR SALE OR TO RENT. and price lists can be foun*at the following places: T the above named business, and having superior of my nephews and nieces; but all my heart Perm's prolonged laughter, »nd, beclouded y safe. Eco- Small Safe for sale. J. F.tC.R. Bennett's, South Norwalk; Mrs. E. Pal­ facilities for procuring the best kinds of Coal, Ac., seat and proceeded-up stairs to put op a to money and worldly affairs. Quite. Old Illuminator and my love is my own merry Hetty's is bis brain was, he immed.atSly comi)re- SMALL SAFE, suitable for the house, will be mer's, Stamford; Miss S. E.Beers*s, Darien; J. S. Ac., at the lowest market rates, wonld respectfhlly clean collar and a better tie, trying to think Thompson's is a good practice. We must bended the situation. He also ret^ned im­ The use of this oil it urgently recommended by the A sold very cheap on ailing upon with land in quantity to suit Purchaser or Lessee also Jones's, Westport: J. C. Handle's, Winnipauk: and call the attention of the public to his Yard for all ar­ We have now been married some years, Mew York Fire Commissioners and the Fire Insu­ NA8II ft IVES. at the principal office, Water Street, adjoining W. C. ticles in his llne'before purchasing elsewhere. Sam­ I wasn't a bit nervous. But I was; for have a settlement, you know; but that 11 be mediately to his office and prepared an elaV rance Companies generally. K. K. LOCKWOOD. a number of ;reet's Hardware Store. _ ples of coal and a slate will be kept at the Shoe Store and little ones patter, about our home; and Sate account of the affair, embellishing and H. N. PERRY, 88 D. M. LANE. of JAMES U. CARIER, Main Street. All orders left when I was a young man I was very ner­ all right. Rather you have her than an earl. as I write, my own sweet wife leans over coloring it to suit the desperate circumston- ; ELL RANGE sold by there will meet with prompt attention. vous, and never could, to save my life, give God bless you! I am proud to call you son. B GEORGE F. BELDEN. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF - _: Fine Farms my shoulder, and reads how out of my^mis- ces under which he labored, but substituting , For Sale Cheap. CHARLES T. LEONARD, repartee answer or get out of a mess neat­ Tve spoken to her. She loves you, my the name of Penn for Prentice in thecast of Apply to a take grew my life's best and truest happi­ Astral Oil. o A Secondhand Windows and Blinds in complete VATER STREET, NORWALK. ly. I pushed my hair up, then patted it boy—loves you dearly, she says, and has characters. Both paragraphsappearednext JOB PRINTING, order; 80"" [lass. For furthei par- ness; and she says, mischievously, "My morning, each in its respective sheet, Irat ae ARRANTED not to explode and will burn : down again; it would not look as curly as done so long. And now that you are one of W donble the time of ordinary Kerosene Oil. To • ^ JAMES MITCHELL ticulars apply to A. : at the Norwalk Bap- NOTICE. dear old Phil, what a happy man you are, Prentice's was the most highly colored, the he round only at G. O. KEELER * BEO. at the tlst Church. I fondly fancied it did whenever I took the the family, I may as well tell you a secret. people generally accepted it as the true nw< . A1 orders left at the UNION MARKET, Mitchell's LL persons having accounts against the NOR­ My youngest, daughter is engaged, too. although you had to get married in spite of 1 AA Barrels splendid WHITE WHEAT OHIO Gazette Job Printing Office, 4 DOCTOR'S GIG, nearly new, for sale cheap. A WALK GAS LIGHT CO.. are requested to pre­ precaution of wetting it well over night and rative. • - — A RE sent them for payment to T. H. MORISON, Trtas. yourself!" *' Xvv FLOUR just received and for sale cheap at AJ^T/IC? ^ ' ^"^ ' CHAS. T. LEONARD. it up tlie Yes, Alice and my nephew William jtre go­ ** M* ^ G. O. KEELER *BROTHERS. Gazette Building. Blovk, No. walk, Conn, will receive prompt attention. Norwalk, Aug. 80,18t*. .> ..y;, brashing against grain. x

. ' r- •J?, 3*: Wf^&z Z. ms " if SWIFT JUSTICE—On Sunday night, 2fth i.RBAL ESTATE RECORD. NEWS ITEMS. The se.e#et otBtanty_ 1!< in the U! I of lla- GRANITE WORKS. through its prison walls. Red Cliff rises in Man Killed on the Banbury Ho a*. rHApD C CERT, inst., an attempt was made to enter the resi­ gan's Magnolia BaUa.Tor the Comj»$xion. J§» W. BATES, having removed his Granite time-worn front a thousand feet above our /The down passenger train on the Dtinbuty For week ending Nov. 1. Six clergymen i)i- the town of Bucyrus, Roughifi#, Redi&ss, Blotches, Soaburn,f&reckles JsCnder th'e Stionr-of P• Works from Ridgcfleld to this p'.ace, would, re- . !§ktumlfe toette. Railroad, Monday afternoon, Nov. 1st, rith dence of Mr. John C. Stevens} Supt. of "fflfe nio, have issued a manifesto in which;they and Tan,;iilsappear^here it is applM. and-a bcauti- spectfully inform the public that he is now prepared - jlsf heads, and as we passed, a stately eagle |iaiMp HO^iEDIBRICIGS, to furnish Monuments, Cemetery Posts, Building J * 2 Allerton^Iron Works, South Norwalk. Ill denounce the crime .of dancing, especially ful.Comjftexton olfjiure, satin-like futureisintained. perched upon an o'er jutting crag, looked over a man-named Charles Rasibo, who was Ji H. Jarvis to Jas. Bagan, two lots cftcli '**... ,* ConduSress of tSlv Stone, and all descriptions of Granite Work at very • :• the effort.the would-be burglar lnroke a win­ when indulged in ? promiscuously, which The plainest features arc made td^flow wittrBcalth- short notice. Yard on Railroad Mock, ttfelovtr Freight do\vi» upon our thundering train with the crossing the track near RldgefhSld Station. means by men and women together, and Tuesday, November 2,1369. dow, and aroused Mr. Stevens, who got up 80x200 feet. Price $480. fnl Bloom and Youthful Beanty. BRIDGEPORT MADRIGAL UNION, House. - • '"''"""S most sublime complacency and comical in­ The engineer saw him, signalled to him to S. B. Bixbyto Lois Bixby one -lot 140x220 also against dancing at any time and any­ _ Norwalk,_Oct. 13, lSijj). 3m42 and fired at him, when he ran away. In where. Remember, Hagan's Magnolia-Balm -is the thing. - • ' Assisted by the following talent: • difference, while rock swallows, like bees get off the track, and reversed his engine, with buildings thereon. Price ^50. The that produces tlieec effects, and any Lady can secure Editorial Letter. breaking the window the man cut his hand • A desperate atU-mpt was made by bur-, Miss FLORENCE KEEP, J. s. ATKINSON, from the hive, were darting hither and thither but could not stop in time to prevent the ac­ same one lot 50x250 with buildings thereon. it for TS cents at any of our stores. Miss JENNIE JUDD, CnAS. WILMOT, VARIETY WORKS. and lost a ring off his finger, which Ting was glars on the night of the 26th, to rob the To preserve and dress the Hair use Lyon's Kathairon. Miss A. R. BENJAMIN, E. PECK, through the air, as if in a panic of terror at cident. " y \- Price $75. ; . • " ODEL; METALLIC PATTERN MAKING, andIf picked up and the next day was identified as- Windham County National bank, at Brook­ Miss LIBBIE BRADLEY, Pianist. We left tlie reader in our last at Promon­ our passage through the ravine. The Devil's S. R P. Camp to Louisa B. wife of L. W. lyn. They securod an entrance to the bank, M a general range of Light-Machine Jobbing, Amusements. ' belonging to a man named JohnPryor, who LOCKWOOD'S HA.JL.IL>, Cutters', Clothiers,'and Hair Dressers' Shears and tory. The place of itself is of no special Peak is another rocky pyramid, five hun­ Guiles, one lot with the buildings thereon. and got well at work on the vault lock, when' came with the company from Naugatuck, something frightened them off, and they left WEDNESDAY EYENlNti, NOV, 3d. Scissors Ground "and Set iu a superior manner. £f importance. The usual rudely constructed dred feet higher still, and is famed for the Logrenia occupied Norwalk, Hall four Price $600. Locksmi tiling,. Table and. Pocket Cutlery ' and who had recently been discharged by- in such haste that none of their tools were \jr a PROGRAMME:; ryj jr-f 4 houses, hotels, saloons, stores, &c., peculiar presence on its top of a bird's nest stated to nights last week, giving away presents, • <* ^repaifcrf?-' * ; \ Mr. Stevens. He was arrested Monday H. C. Kohler to A. B. Allen and G. W removed. YOUTH AND BEAUTY to the mid-continental towns, prevail here. be four feet across it and built of sticks as amusing his audiences, and making some Are assured those who use Particular attention paid to repairing all kinds of w morning, brought beforu Justice Foote, Pryor, one lot 150x200. Price $150. The trial of the Rev. Colin C-. Tait, of Ciioitirs—Soprano Obllgato—Tramp, Tramp, Bishop Sewing Machines. COTTER. • 1 Yet unpretentious as the town is, there was large as ones wrist and cemented with mud. money. G. Schaub to H. C. Kohler one lot 50x150 Columbus, Ohio, for violating the law of FULL COMPANY Foot of Mill Hill, late Norwalk Dye Workr. bound over to the Superior Court for trial, LABUE'S ALABASTER CREAM. 4 . enacted hert on the 10th day of May last, a The nest is undoubtedly a large one, and Kelly & Leon's Minstrels had a fair audi­ the Episcopal church hasbegun. ' Mr. Tait's Soi.o-I am'd'reaniing, sadly dreaming"* Hinckley and in Scfault of bail*was committed to feet, Down Town. Price $250. ^ Its operation is instantaneous and satisfactory. scene, the like of which the inhabitable belonging to some spccies of bird now ex­ ence at Lockwood's Hall, Monday night of ofl'encc is that having clothed his choir in —Jr. Y. tribune. J.S.ATKINSON. J.I."' To the Ladies of Norwalk, Soulh - / H. C. Kohler to M. Casey, the above lot. surplices, and allow eid them to enter the La Rue's Alabaster Cream wc can fearlessly en­ Duktt—A B C - - Jolin Parry globe never before witnessed since the morn­ Bridgeport jail. On Saturday he was tried dorse. AS A BEAUTYP1EK OF THE COMPLEX­ Norwalk and vicinity. ^ tinct, yet we suspect the story to be full as last week. Price $285. church in procession singing a hymn, and MISS BRIGGS AND MR WILMOT. ing stars sang together. It was the day and sentenced by Judge Granger to four ION IT IS PEERLESS. It contains nothing injuri­ HOSE Wishing their Hnffs and Far.Coll ars repair- * large as the bird. Gravelly Ford is a place On Tuesday evening last, Philip Phillips Polly Sears to E. D. Brockway, of Lyme, leave it in the same fashion, he refused to' ous to the skin, and can be used on the finest face Soto—Una Voce poco fa, Barbicr dc Scrviglia ed and newly lined, or Fur Capes cut oter arid years imprisonment. with perfect confidence.—New Haven Palladium. T when near two thousand miles of connect­ challenging the tourist's attention from a sang at Lockwood's Hall, the Hall being Conn., one lot with the buildings thereon. desist from the practice when ordered to do MISS FLOKSNCE KEEP. made into fashionable Muffs and Collars, can have - ing road was to unite in bands of iron wed­ so by Bishop Mclllvaine. La itue's Alabaster Cream, while is a magnificent them done by Mr..II. Benedict, So. Norwalk. Furs ; pile of rude masonry surmounted by a cross. about half filled with appreciative listeners. Price $9,500. beautifier of the complexion, contains nothinginjui-i- Deboriptive Solo—Dream of the Reveler, . II Rnssel can be left at W. K. Lewis & Co.'s l)Vy Goods Stoic * lock, Omaha on the east, and Sacramento PETTY THIEVES CAUGHT.—A couple of The Washington correspondent of the ousto the most delicate skin.—If. Y. World. MINNI9 HOWARD BRIGGS. at the 15ridge, and at.C. R. Bennett's,Sonth Norwalk. j: This covers the remains of an early emi­ The singers rich, clear, sweet tones, were " it SKi % "It is the best I have yet tried,"—Mrs. Oeorgina Bundles were stolen from the wagon of Mr. Worcester Spy writes: "By the way, speak­ Dcett—Goi where the mists arc sleeping irt Air. B. has on hand the best kinds Silks for lining on the west. It was the day that thrilled grant's daughter who died at this point and much admired, but the Concert lacked va­ Among all the various novelties ex­ ing of Mr. Chase, I heard recently in New Reynolds, Wallaces Theatre. Maflfe and Collars, colors to match the far, also, new ' the homeward-yearning hearts of the Cali- Joseph Rowland standing in the square near '•Snperior to any of the cosmetics now in use."— .. MISSES KEEP AND JUDD styles of Tassels and Buttons, all of which he'will '* was buried with nothing but a little earth riety. In our opinion, Mr. Phillips would hibited at the New York American Institute York of some details of the intrigues by Mile Carlolta Be Serge, thefamoue Equestrienne. sell as low as can be bought' elsewhere. Also, "Fancy fornians as no other human event could do, mound and a few decaying sticks to note the Connecticut Hotel on Friday last, but which the democratic nomination was to "It is excellent; Indeed, all tHatlt is claimed to Part Second; "VI.!/ Fur Robes repaired and hewly lined. ^ add much effect to his singing, if in talking Fair, there was not one which would com­ be."—Mrs. O. W. Stoddard, Broadway Theatre, N. Y. nstbdjukstai olo, ttrMn 4 and which gave to the civilized world being seen, the thief, a man named Alexan­ have been secured for him. The chief I . S 3m*42 H. BENEPICT. her grave. While the Bridge builders on the he would speak out in manly tones and pare in beauty and practical value to the ex­ THE HOUSEHOLD PET! MISS LIBBIE BRADLEY. another grand and sublime testimony to the der Bundy was followed and detained by leader of that movement was the venerable road were at this point they discovered the leave off bis affected, sweet, sickish drawl. hibition of marbleized slate, made by the Samuel J. Tilden, who began it quite twelve A NEW CANDIDATE FOR PUBLIC FAVOR. Soi.o—Sweet Spirit hear my Prayer, Ltirline ' To tlie Ladies. ft power and genius of the Young American grave, heard the touching story of the young "Mine Host" Lon Kelley of the Connecticut A coloress and scentless liquid, warranted to remove MISS JENNIE JUDD. iAJ As a whole, howev?r, the Concert was pleas­ Penrhyn Slate Co. of 40 West 18th St. The months previous, with the concurrence of the Paint, Grease, Tar, Pitch, &c., from all kinds of cloth snbscriber is prepared to repair or clean, in Hotel, while another person went for an DnuoairrivE Soi-o—Driven from Home, Will SHaya nation of freemen. The Eastern Locomo­ woman's sickness and death by the wayside ing and gave general satisfaction. ? .'j'igC Chief Justice. Had it not been for Seymour's without injuring the-fabric, or starting the color of _B_ the most thorongh manner, mantle, the till> the table covers, wainscot- treachery it would have been successful. the most delicate goods. Prepared only by A. S. •MINNIE HOWARD BRIGGS. ' ^ ALL KlNDS OF F'URS, tive and the Western Iron Horse, ran their and being moved by that " touch of nature officer. In the interval of the officers ar­ and alter them into the The Y. M. C. A. courae of Lfectufc?#' ting, &c., &c., were all of new and exceed­ The Wisconsin delegation was selected to Flint, For sale everywhere. Ask your druggist to Soi.o a>d Cnonc?.—Cousin Jedediali, Thompson'' smoke stacks in fraternal juxtaposition as which makes the whole world kin," they rival a man named Sherwood interferred and show yon a bottle. " ' LATEST STYLE. opened on Friday night last, at Lockwood's ingly rich patterns, and the landscape pic­ make the nomination, and Tilden was in J. S. POMEROY, General Agent. Hartford, .Conn. Miss JUDD, Messrs WILMOT, ATKlNSuN,& PECK , r F. A. GUNTHERfe, the last rail was laid down and the last voluntarily set themselves to. work and after a little lively set-to got Bundy off, but Hoyt Street, (Whistleville.) Sonth Norwalk. Hall, with a lecture on "Curiosity," by J. fi. tures on the panels, more beautiful than frequent consultation with its chairman. H. M. & C. S. PROWITT, Wholesale Agent for Nor­ The Celebrated Sneezing Song, * a spike driven, while representative men from erected the rude, though lasting tomb, which "Mine Host" of the Norwalk'Hotel, Deputy- The project is not yet given up, and it is be­ walk. ly8T - MINNIE HOWARD BRIGGS. Goods can beleft at Schanb's' Shoe Store, opposite., Gough. The sale of course tickets, com­ paintings upon canvass. Moreover, this Adams", Brothers & BrusU'a Hat Factory. 3m*43 , all sections of the world, with the Asiatic greets the eye but a few rods to the right of sheriff Searles, was fortunately near at hand lieved s ill by many of the shrewder New QuAETETTK.Come where my love lies dreaming,Foster menced on Wednesday morning, and every Company is one of the few New York con­ York democrats that Chase will be their MISSES BRIGGS, JUDD, and Messrs. ATKINSON and American savage( as timid lookers on our track. Hot Springs is another point of and the party were followed up and were teat on the Hall floor was soon sold, thus cerns satisfied with a small profit on their best man for 1871." :d\ and PECK. I. H. Campbell^' the, to them, incomprehensible event. The special interest. A line of discoloration is both soon in custody. The next morning making the course, at the start, a pecuniary goods. We have a practical knowledge of —Now that blonde hair is going out, the Mozast'sGlosia— from 12th Mass old flag of the free whose stripes had so re- discernable belting the mountain side mid­ they were tried and fined $7 each and costs; At South Norwalk, Oct. 26th, by Rev. D. R. Austin, OULD respectfully inform his friends and the success, very gratifying to all interested in the fact. secret is divulged that soda and lemon juice Mr. Augustus T. Post, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Miss FULL COMPANY. W pnblic that he has taken the store formerly oc- I oen tly been dyed a deeper crimson in the way up which is caused by sulphuric acid Sherwood paid up and was discharged and did the business. Mary E. Austin, of South Norwalk. mmM cupicd by Thos Shehan, next door to Kellogg ,< '• the Association. At the lecture the hall was { Admission, 50 Cents,®® Brothers' Store, Main Street, where he intends to ttJt blood of thousands of her patriot sons, oozing out of the earth. At times jets of Bundy in default of payment was .sent to On Wednesday evening, Oct. 2T, at the house of the -?•' >1 .'iia SdPNone need go cold, for Camp & Kyte —The great bridge now building across bride, by Rev. John Davies, Elder I. H. Dennis to Doors open at 6 3-4 o'clock. Commcncc at T.30 keep constantly on hand, and for sale i at proudly floated above the scene, while long crowded, and w6 were specially glad to see Louisa Arabelle Byxbee, all of Norwalk. steam and hot water are seen spurting 20 to Bridgeport jail. Ms have just received a fine lot of Furs direct the Mississippi at St. Louis has about four FRESH AND SALT lines of " boys in blue," with gleaming bay­ many friends from adjoining towns. Of Mr. hundred and thirty men employed upon it, In North Wilton, Oct. 27, by Rev, D. S. Stevens, at 30 feet upward in the air. There are a hun­ the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Arthur Bene­ Pork, Bacon, Ilaiiis. SlioiiT Gough's lecture it is needless to speak, as no from the manufacturer. ? so divided that a large forcc is constantly dict to Miss Lucy E. Brown." onets, guarded the actors in this grand and dred or more of these steam vents in sight SUDDEN DEATH.—Sherwood Sterling, Esq. "L . >i digest we could give would begin to do him at work day and night. At Stamford, Oct. 28, by Rev. A. S. Twombly, Rev. { ^PAINTINGS AND LECTURES, ders, Sausag-e, wonderful consummation of human achieve­ of the road. Red Range, the next mountain one of the most respected and prominent James C, Nightingale, of Smithvillc, N. Y., to Miss justice. It is enough to say, in general I®* See Gardner's advertisement on Blan­ A city missionary was'asked the cause of Julia St. John, daughter of James St. John of Stam­ ! ments. The august glories of that day, have spur, is noted only as the dividing territorial citizens of Bridgeport, was found dead in Battles of the Bible, H^AD CHEESE, LAED, BUTTEB,' terms, that all were delighted. The mana­ kets, Robes, Harness, &c his poverty. " Principally," said he, with a ford. become as radiant on the pages of out na­ line between the miserable Piutes and Shos- his bed yesterday morning. He is supposed twinkle of the eye, "because I have preached FIRST M. E. CHURCH, SO. NORWALK,ruwis, &c., all of which will lie'sold as low and warranted as tional history as were the gleaming tints of gers of the Association are under special ob­ so much without notes /" Monday Ereniiig, Kov, §. good as can be obtained elsewhere." ones, said to be the most brutal and wretched to have died in a fit of apoplexy. tSTGent's Under Shirts and Drawers can MEATS, smoked to order in th6 best possible manr '•( sapphire and gold that flecked the Western ligations to Mr. Gough for the generous Tickets 25 Cents,- For the benefit of the Sabbath ncr. of all the Indian tribes. Battle Mountain, be found at Camp &-Kyte's cheaper than It is maintained that the most inspiring ^.11 v .. School. sky as the sun went down in an unwonted terms on which he lectured, for "old ac­ Patronage is respectfully solicited. and Rock Creek are rapidly passed by. ST At the South Norwalk depot, upon elsewhere. Call and convince yourself. natural sight which a glazier can contem­ In Norwalk, Oc'.. 29, Christopher V. Hogani aged .i • „'V. I. H CAMPBELL. quaintancesake." <.., plate, Is the gleam of the early day- breaking 14 years and 4 monjis. Y. M. C. A. splendor on that eventful day. That mar­ Large and rich copper mines are located the arrival of the 10 o'clock a. m. train on AtDarien, (Rowayton), Oct 31, Epenetus W.Walm- The next two lectures will be delivered through the windows/ ;i S vel of our modern civilization, the electric here, but not much developed as yet. Ar- Saturday morning, a span of horses attach­ sley, aged T3 years, T months and 24 days. 1869. ' FAtL TRADE. 1869. ?a by Rev. W. C. Richards, next week. These E3T" The long pictorial bill board which Funeral on Tuesday, Nov. 2, at 1 o'clock, p,m. telegraph, by arrangement, flashed from genta is an eating station and has two stage ed to a cab became frightened and ran up Josh Billings says: " Whenever I find a tar O O. ISI3ELER, are to be scientific lectures, illustrated by has ornamented Main street and screened real handsome woman engaged in wimmin's at the Baptist Chnrch. Prof. WM, C. RICHARD^ ocean to ocean in simultaneous "waves of lines running out to Austin and Reese mi­ past Peck's store .into Washington street, Has just received One Hundred Cases of 4» experiments, and "will prove as interesting as the side hill for so many months, has finally rights bizziness, then I am going to take mv In "Wilton, Oct 23, Polly Abbott, widow of the late ! ! H'3il wilHecture on | exultation the exact moment of the triumph­ ning country, 17-5 miles distant. And by and in front of the Post Office ran into Mr.' hat under my arm and jiue the procession. Capt. Isaac Abbott aged 81 years. W|J5 BOOTS AND SHOES. ant alliance. In San Francisco the bells they will be valuable. been taken down. In Danbury, on Friday morning, Mrs. Hannah Ad­ " CASTLES IN THE AIR," the way, our conductor was C. E. Kimball, Snowden's carriage in which ai lady was A vile, mean Western paper suggests ihat ams, in the 81th year of her age. I * i>! tj Also One Hundred Cases of were rung out in wild peals of jqy. In New CONCERT.—A concert is to be given at seated, tearing off the top and throwing lady In Westport, on Saturday morning, Oct. 30, Jane, erst ot the New Haven road, who runs from The largest assortment of Horse Blan- if the names of war vessels are intended to wife (.( Frederick Sherman, aged 31 years. At Lockwood's Hall, RUBBER GOODS. York and Boston and other Atlantic cities, Lockwood's Hall, on Wednesday evening, and all on to the sidewalk. The carriage frighten the enemy, instead of calling our n m Carlin to Toane. A still greater surprise to kets and Robes, at Gardner's Harness shop. ON ;is*cs 5' Of all descriptions. A full assortment of artillery awoke the echoes and pronounced our party was the advent Of George Corn­ under the direction of Miss Minnie Howard was completely wrecked, but strange to say the Fury, or the Terror, we had W. • .xv . — •»—<•>— •j.'.sa j better baptize them the Cholera, the Susan s. Notice. WEDNESDAY ETM'C, Kov, 10. the momentous event. Since the surrender wall, just as we had emerged from our sleep­ Briggs, conductress of the Bridgeport Mad­ the lady was uninjured. The horses were ' » , it*W Men's Heavy and Light Boots, l*hn H. Coach'* Boyltoed. B. Anthony, and so on. ERSONS having claims against the subscribers j : and on of Lee's army at Appomattox, the nation rigal Union, assisted by Misses Keep, Judd, -•."»"*? t Jnst opened. Ottr stpek offfjr CE ing berths and were performing our morn­ stopped before further damage was done. Bismarck has been ordered by his physi­ P are requested to present them to Mr. James Fin­ i has "not been so exultantly thrilled, and ing ablutions. Not knowing that he was Benjamins, Bradley, and Messrs. Atkinson, I did not entirely avoid getting into what ney, who is also authorized to collect bills due us. '' ELECTRO^", OR THE MOJ)ERNPUCE^r" LADIES' SHOES boys call scrapes; nor did I escape punish­ cians to remain for several hours in the day . J. A. & J. W. McLEAN. entirely proper were all these demonstra­ within three thousand miles of us, his fa­ Wilmot and Peck. The programme will be 1®" Willie, a son of Charles Marvin, was in the open air, inhaling the odor of the FRIDAY EVEXIXG, N«v. 12tb, Is completo. Call and examine our goods. Our y" tions, for the end of this beginning is not, ments. I was, like all others, occasionally prices are low, and we will not be undersold.. . Par- km miliar outcry of " tickets" produced an in­ found elsewhere. Miss Briggs lias a fine run over by a carriage containing four per­ pine trees, in his own woods in Silesia, their Lost. ticnlar attention paid to Custom Work and Repairing and cannot be discerned. The tide of emi­ disobedient—or, as my poor, dear mother resinous exhalations being discovered to be N Saturday night, Oct, 9th, between "Winnipauk SINGLE ADMISSION, 50 CENTS, Oct. 20. IS6». r stantaneous home feeling that lor the mo­ reputation in Bridgeport as a singer and sons, on Saturday last, but fortunately was : gration, population, settlement, development would sometimes say, "aggravating; " but most valuable. The new '• cure" is becom­ O and Main Street, a VIOLIN, in a Black Case, Course Ticket holpers can secure Reserve Seats at ment knocked alkali and sage-brush out of conductress, and we arc confident her con­ not seriously injured. t-'isf ing the fashion on the continent. the- finder,- - will be sdltai>ly rewarded by leavingtft"t with Sellcck'8 Bookstore three days in advance. and national advancement, which the un­ the dear soul, I believe, never punished me THOMAS DENTON, Winnipauk, or S.B. SWAANN, . A-cai^a."~ our mind. " George" looked fat and jovial cert will be richly worth attending. The Main Street. lt*.-4 Single tickets can be had at Selleck's Bookstore, wearied iron steed is to hurl over these iron without laughing before she got through. A Western paper says D. W. Voorhees Prowitt's Drag Store, and at South Norwalk of F B. j r.e niidersijrned wonld inform her customers and as ever, and yet we imagined he would much Farmer says of one of her entertainments: tag* We sec nothing yet to indicate that has been making a great fuss about taxation; Purdy and S. F. Peck. friends that she has removed to D. Dayton & Co.'s bars, in the next score years, are beyond My terror at corporeal punishment orphys- EVERAL HODSES and APARTMENTS to let. MiJUuery ;jnd Dressmaking'Establishment, to take rather run his old train a little nearer his "The fair cantatrice astonished and delight­ we are to have Letter sidewalks in our lead­ and he made so much fuss about it that the chargc.oC the Dressmaking Department, where she Ji the computation of the most Anguine lover sical pain was so intense as to be sometimes Enquire of S. E. OLMSTEAD. 5 aquatic exploits in Norwalk Harbor. He ed the very select auditory by her versatility ing streets next winter. Must we wait matter was looked into, and it was found Nov. 2,1869. 44 A Great Auction Sale of®* will lie pleased to see her friends and patrons. ' of his country's fanu. As crowning evi­ of musical talent. In the"Dream of the Rev­ positively ludicrous. I remember there was that his tax amounted to eighty-seven and a illiS. LUZA PERKINS. runs from Promontory to Winnemucca, and South Norwalk, Oct. IS, lSG9 tf42 dence of the almost superhuman energy and eler" she displayed dramatic power of great another year ? one day a-eollier— that is, a large vessel la­ half cents in five years.. GENTS WANTED for Fairfield County, to REAL ESTATE. t is a very popular condctor on the road. force «nd pathos while in the Sneezing Song A sell Daggett's Patent Clothes Frame and HE most extensive amount and greatest variety constructive power put forth in the building den with coals—that ran in on the high Ironing Board. Enquire at No.1 Water street. It* of Real Estate ever'ofl'ered in Norwalk, consist­ EDAL RANGE sold by Wads worth ends the Truckee Division of Comedy was well represented. Her style is ®-Mr. S. R. P. Camp announces another T M GEORGE-F.BELDEN. {I of this highway of the nations, let us here pleasing and pronunciation very distinct tide to unload, so that when the tide went [®"FRANK MEAD & Co.'s., is the place to ing of 400 Building Lots, worth from (B0 to 83,000, the Central, and opens on the Sacramento. large auction sale of Real Estate, to take PARTMENTS TO LET, fhrnished ornnfumished and Houses from $1,000 to 320,000; also mill privile- record that the. seven last miles of the and she throws energy and feeling into down she lay high and dry on the beach, get the choicest Norwalk Oysters, or a A Apply at MRS. S. JONES', first house, right es and line locations for hatters and other kinds of BIVIBEW® JTOTieE. The company has workshops here, also, and all she undertakes. Her compass of voice place on Thursday next. Carriages will "square meal" of any so(t. His confection­ hand side Van Zandt Avenue, Down Town, close fnsiness. Some of the property is on the line of the " C. P.," were graded tnd railed in one day: employs about 200 mechanics and operators, and the boys delighted in the performance by the New Bridge. 40tf Danbury & Norwalk Railroad, and the contemplated FiEa-r Natioxai. Bank nr Sotrru Norwalk,) is immense and of uniform quality through­ convey parlies to the ground. See adv. and Boston £ New York Air Line Railroad, and in close Sodtii Noewalk, CoJi^., Oct. 19,1869. / That eleven, miles were bnilt by the "U. P." of swinging by her ropes, and occasionally ery is also of the first quality. HE Hoard of-Directirs'of this Bank have this day while the town, a thrifty little village con­ out both soprano -and tenor register." bills. Notice. proximity to some of the largest factories in the on that self same day! So eager were the The Standard says of her conducting:— climbing on board. I was busily engaged world. Sale to take place T declared a dividend of Four per cent, on the tains about 1000 inhabitants. Reno, is the fcW The first exhibition of the State A Gentleman and his wife, or a few single gentle- Capital Stock, free from Government tax, payable on two great corporations to unite at the earli­ next station of consequence and is important "We cannot but praise and admire the train­ 65^° Rev. Leonard W. Bacon, Jr., has in­ at this sort of play, when my mother called 1\ men, can be accommodated with good Board Thursday, Kov. 4th, 1869, and after the 3d day of November next. The trans­ est moment in their sublime nuptial em- me to carry a pail of refuse to the pig, that Poultry Society will take place in New Ha­ at MRS. S. JONES, first house, right hand in Van at 10 o'clock, a. m., and continue each consecutive fer books will be closed froin Oct. S8d to Nov; 3d. as the station tor Virginia City, Nevada. ing of the*Society under the talented Miss vited Father Hyacinthe to visit Connecticut Zandt Avenue, over New Bridge. 40tf day nntil all is sold. Carriges will be in readiness to 4t43 J. J. MILLARD, Cashier. Ytrnee, First and foremost too, among the Briggs who handles her baton with the was kept in a pen some quarter of a mile ven Nov. 9th, 10th, and 11th. Premiums convey parties to and Horn the grounds.. Terms and Immense quantities of freight and a large with him, on the 18th inst., and participate efficiency of a great chef d'orchestre." are offered for all kinds of fowls. conditions made known at time of sale. Should the Notice. ---.jj historic names of those who wrought this passenger transportation start out in " Prai­ in a good old fashioned New England from our house. I crawled up the beach BAY HORSE FOR SALE. weather prove Btorray the sale will take place next mighty triumph, we must not forget Presi­ very reluctantly; and, taking the pail, IFTEEN and one-half hands high, seven years fair day. S. R. P. CAMP, T44 Broadway, N. Y. HEBorongh Tax Books will hereafter be found . " rie ," and stages from here. The Thanksgiving. James Mitchell, Auctioneer. at the store of William Hands, Main St., daily, -. dent C. P. Huntington, an old Litchfield trar* Our old friend, Dr. John A. McLean, made out that it was too heavy,.and pre­ S®" A large and varied assortment of F old, sound and kind in all harness and nnder T scenery here begins to assume a more pleas­ saddle. Apply before 10 o'clock, a. m.", to W. POST, from 10 o'clock, a. m., to 3 o'clock, p. m. All persons ** County boy, with " Charley Crocker, his a noted physician and an old and respected tended that I could not cany it—in short, Children's Hosiery has just been received by Jr., Corner of Chestnut and Henry Streets, South in arrears for taxes of 1S6S are requested to call and ing aspect. Sage-brush and alkali disappear The Norwalk Medal. Auction. settle the same or legal proceedings will be taken to chief superintendent, long the business part­ citizen of this town, and his wife, together was very "aggravating"—when my poor Camp & Kyte. Norwalk, Conn- enforce Uie collection. JOHN ROBERTS^ and we can now descry tall, green cedars A medal commemorative of the town of ILL be sold at Public Auction, at the late resi­ ner of our James Judson, of Norwalk now with their son, Dr. John W. McLean, and mother took the pail from me, and carried W dence of Charles E. Hanford, on Chestnut Hill, Norwaljr, Oct. 25,1S69. 3t43 • Collector. bedecking the mountain sides. A novel his family, left Norwalk, last week, to take Norwalk has just been issued. HERE WE ARE AGAM^ Wilton, on Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 10 o'clock, a. m., deceased. Other Connecticut men, and ee. The obverse bears a fine portrait-bust of it herself, bidding me go into the house and The season for coughs and colds is rapidly ap­ a general assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ' BUSI&JESS! BUSINESS! - ^ cave in Mineral Hill, is worthy a visit. It proaching,' and every one shonld be prepared to FARMING UTENSILS, &C., together with COWS, pecially our Delegations in Congress have up their residence in Caroline County, Ma­ wait till she returned. As she came in, I a cohgh contracted be With the largest and best assortment of is some three hundred feet long in its main Washington, the face modelled chiefly from check the flrst symptoms, as OX, HEIFERS. regular passenger and there a tortuous and tumultuous little Many years of severe and thorough practical trial 1 try" has been placed upon the medal in Obe­ eyes dancing and her mouth twitching | have demonstrated beyond'the peradventnre of a OARD—A Gentleman and Lady wishing to stream, turning saw mills and giving wash­ NoBWAtK HORSE RAILWAY—The 5:40 I.. ,; • mt ; rm;jA . J. 0 coaches are bu$t at Wilmington, Del., and dience to that sentiment which in many such with ill concealed merriment, said, "Well, doubt the fact that the medicines prepared by me, B procure board for the winter in a desirable lo-- are \nt>4 luxuriously constructed in every ings to the miners, till we reach Truckee morning train will be discontinned for the and know* as SCHEKCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS, calily, convenient both to the Bridge and to So. Nor­ City, the largest town on the Central east of memorials, associates his name with what­ John, I'll give you a stirring up SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, and SCHEKCK'S walk, may find accommodation by addressing BOX j|>ai;ticularP We aver without a fear of con­ Winter, on Tuesday the 9th instant. PULMONIC SYLTUP, have proved extraordinarily 443 Norwalk, Ct. References exchanged. tf42 Sacramento. It is in the midst of a heavily ever relates to the early history of our re And so, with a circular motion, I got the successful in the enre of diseases of the pnlmonary DRY-GOODS. tradiction that the passenger car equipment organs, or what is nsnally termed 'Coxbuuftiox. timbered region, and where the mow falls in public. « stick alternately on the head and legs, till I ..1%; OARD.—Pleasant rooms and moderate board is twenty I am lnlly aware that thereare many persons whose can be had at the house of James Finney, on E. H?*PARKER, between Omaha and Sacramento B3g"We arc gratified to observe that with The design and workmanship of this beau­ promised to come out and take my punish­ prejudices rale them so completely that " proofs -IfX': B years ahead of anything seen upgn New winter, any number of hundred feet, accord- strong bS Bolv Writ" wonld fail to convince them of M'bin Street. MRS; M. C. BOWE. other improvements, our go-ahead friend tiful medal reflect much credit upon the ar­ ment in a more legitimate manner. Ah ! England roads! idg to the depth of the Canyon or gorge be­ the efficacy of my remedies, and that there are others GOOD COW, Pure Alderney Breed, and a good low. One of the engineers assured us that Woodward, on the Keyser Island road has tist, Mr. William H. Key, of the U. S. Mint, dear mother, how otten she used to laugh at who, nnder no circnmstahces, could be prevailed up­ A horse, for sale cheap. Enquire of Sppt Crocker, whoso estimable lady had not overlooked the pressing needs of our on to admit their merits, simply because such an ad­ 21*43 GEORGE T. DICKERSON, Westport. the snows fill in here to the depth of three Philadelphia. stirring me up with a stick in the closet.— mission would prove detrimental to their particular DRY GOODS, i. .-r-. \ . ^ h .T-.i f .. joined our party, provided a special car for town for more genteel and comfortable, From " Gottgh't Recollections," in the Inde­ personal interests. j, • Manufacturer of SKIRTS and CORSETS, and Dealer hundred feet during the month of March The issue is strictly limited to one hun­ Fortunately ior the welfare of mankind, these a,,:-., Dissolution, our accommodation,, and we were soon glid­ houses—Homes for our producing classes, pendent. donbting people form a comparatively small portion in FANCY"GOODS, is now offering his entire stock at * Of course these dense masses of are dred and twenty impressions in silver, HE copartnership heretofore existing under1 the greatly reduced priccj. If you do not believe it, give ing over the b$st, on at least the smoothest of the .community at large. They are to be found the result of snow slides rather than the de­ which, while genteel and attractive, shall bronze and albitinum. here ahd there, but, compared with the great mass of T firm-name of FISHER & NATHAN, in Mitch­ us a call and we the world's population, their nnmbers are so small ell's Block, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. yfiilfoavewe are toldtold almost daily that Consumption, the The town is the head-quarter^ of a rich his own beautiful homestead, and we only that the sale of it among collectors of med­ Wood's Building, Main Street, where he will be hap­ The-only possible criticism to which we wish we could persuade other citizens of men than women in that region. A great scourge of the American pcop!<'e, is incurable; that a py to attend to anyone in want of Ready Made Cloth­ mining district, and the amount of mer­ als in different parts of the country will re- many men there have but one wife each man whose lungs are diseased must be given over to ing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &e., at reasonable ^Till Remove think either road at all liable is the narrow die; that he mnst abandon hope; ana that the ar­ prices. 31*44 chandise teamed into the interior amounts liberal means to go and do likewise. House pay the author a portion, at least, of his in- the majority of the young men have no rangement of his temporal ae well as spintnal affairs llOLLY> BROTHERS i ljesj of the earth embankments in many -.a* to $150,000 per month. DonnerLake is the builders are the real benefactors of Norwalk. vestment. ^ wives at all. The men who are bishops in shonld claim bis earliest attention. If there were jijaees. This is all well enough in the dry the church, "and apostles, and elders, and not facts as undeniable as that the sun will shine in & • -••Of - er marvel even, th$a the wonderful rapidity piness, no mirth. True there are family my own individual-experience. Many years ago I tm six miles of continuous shed, built at a cost entire stock'of Wall Paper, Window Shades, schools, established and supported by the was a confirmed consumptive, and like thousands of r-iv His Stock [&*• iSjf of its constrivition. Let no man or woman etc., at cost price. The stock is large and KW The returns for October will show a Saints, each exclusively for himself. other nnfortunates, was given up to die. Eminent II of $10,000 in gold per mile, both interest physicians pronounced my case a hopeless one, and tan hesitate, to take this trip for fear of discom- varied, embracing many desirable styles, and further reduction of the debt to the amount Neither are there any homes in Salt Lake told me that if I had any preparations to make for ; 3M - 4 * ..!«. » and vex the- tourist. When completed, city. The houses where the wives are kept i W.2 ... • fcrt. An invalid can travel from New York about forty miles of these ponderous, sharp this is an excellent opportunity for people to of $8,000,OOO for the eight months of Gen. the final solemn event, that 1 had better make them . to Sacra mento with less of annoyance and cral Grant's administration. The democrats are gloomy, cheerless places. The palm is speedily. I believed this just as confidently as did consists in part of IICOP SKIRTS and CORSETS , peaked snow sheds- will- cover the. central secure bargains, who desire to put in new given to the wife who bears the most chil­ the persons who thus affectionately informed me that FATHER HYACINTHS _ LADIES' and CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER- j, ' disQomfort than from New York to Boston my days were numbered, and that recovery was im­ track across the the crests of the. Sierras, a shades to make their homes look snug and may continue to rail and vituperate, but the dren. When I saw the little, stunted anni- possible. •Still, the desire to live lingered in my bo­ Read This GARMENTS,. LADIES' COTTON UNDER- '' or Washington, so strenuous and successful . GARMENTS, HAIR & JUTE SWITCHES line the as far asfrom New York to Nor­ cosey for the Winter, or even for those who people will not care for words so long as mals stamped with the degradation of wo­ som. I was yonng, and clung to life with the same, Has not arrived ia Norwalk yet, but y ; "V HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS TRTM- have men, I cried in bitterness "Would to Got" tenacity that young men, and old men too, ordinari­ .VfC ' •„ MINGS And .BUTTONS, WORS- been the efforts to popularize these walk. Cisco, Alta, Dutch Flat, You Bet, contemplate putting on new wall paper in they see the debt being steadily reduced, and ly do. I did not feel willing to abandon hope as long they might be in their graves." I covered as a single vestage of it remained. I had full faith in S-SJK^TEDS, WORSTED PAT-RR^, • V roads. the Spring. the revenue honestly collected. TERNS; SLIPPER PAT-;.'iK,/-'' y Red Dog, Gold Run and other euphoneously up my face and wanted to die. Yet are the sad Information conveyed to me by my physi­ PICTU £3 S . . TERN.?, LACES, and Promontory is about five thousand feet named stations are hurriedly passed, when Salt Lake city and Mormonism cheap in­ cians, but still there was a lingering belief that some­ EMBBOIDER1ES, ; above the sea, and as we before intimated, SJTOne of the most terrible steamboat stitutions ; divorces are cheap there ; and thing could be done, though I knew not in what di­ &c., all of which we shall offer at-prices which .we we " round Cape Horn," the most stimulating JSP Messrs. G. P. Putnam & Son have in rection to seek for the much-desired relief. ARE GIVEN AWA1|!|^ hope will clear them out by the . - Si not specially attractive to,the tourist, though disasters recorded in several years occurred it is such a nice things for a man who makes It was at this gloomy and eventful period of my his. * St*#*"#! : part of the entire road, especially to weak press, and will soon issuf a biography of ; jpgflfoy a place of historic renown and prima im- Wednesday on the Mississippi. Nearly two a mistake with wife number one to try an­ iry that I first learned of the roots and herbs from nerves.. The road passes along the brink of Pierre Hyacinthe, together with a collection hundred out of two hundred and fifty per­ other. Oh, admirable plan! bich ray remedies for this dread disease is now pre. ^oftanc$ tQ the companies, so we hasten on pared. I procured and used them, andj to the utter For CaslL, a precipice ranging from six hundred to of his best sermons, speeches, letters, etc. sons, were drowned or burned. The steam­ amazement of all—physicians, friends' and neigh­ hi the eye of the setting sun. The valley of bors—began to improve. My entire system com­ - l three thousand feet in its awful depths! At The work is translated by Leonard Bacon, er Stonewall left St. Louis on Tuesday, for ! '"-At the *ke Humboldt andjHumboldt river are the New Orleans with one hundred and eighty HT In striking contrast to eur "Pata menced to undergo a complete renovation. Expec­ one point, the track is both masoned and Jr., and is to be revised by the author, who toration, which formerly had been difficult and pain­ We offer for Thirty Days our enlirs stock of next topographical objects of interest. Here, cabin and deck passengers, besides the crew. gonian" Town House is the new City Hall ful, now became comparativelyeasy. I threw off dai­ •I First of January, I trestled up, so as to maintain its line and authorizes its publication. Father Hya At halt-past six o'clock Wedneseay evening ly large quantities of offensive yellow matter. At New York Photograph Parlors, herds to feed the world with beef, may be just erected in Waterbury, and which was cross a gulch on the mountain side. The cinthe has also. furnished Mr. Putnam with she had reached a point about thirty miles the same time my long-lost appetite returned. I ate fed and fattened, it is claimed, on the rich, from Cairo, and one hundred and twenty- dedicated on Tuesday evening last. The freely of such food as.was palatable to me, ana which* MtSteJi. js una.i main track is cut into the rocky side of the an autobiographical poem, of considerable Waterbury American gives the following was at the same time nutritious and wholesome/^ just opened at Sonth Norwalk, next to Lucas Hole!, bottom grasses of the valley, while water, five from St. Louis, when a stack of hay on Expectoration became less copious and less offen­ and directly over Miss Judd's new Cloak and Dress WIMHHVSIIAIWS mountain and injv plenty of places a jump length, descriptive of his early life, which we sive; exhausting nigKt sweats ceased; the racking " " the great desideratum of this. legion, is the deck took fire from a. candle which some description of the building ; making establishment. A Good Frame only $1.09 of three feet would land our train in an al­ learn, will probably appear in Putnam's of the passengers had placed in that spot and harrassing cough abated; the fever broke; the Two Good Pictures only SO cents. Old and faded pic­ abundantly supplied by the- river and nu­ " The-building is seventy-six feat front pain departed; flesh planted itself on my sadly wast­ tures copied and enlarged in a snperior manner. A ; wc expect to remove about that most bottomless abyss. Colfax is the next Magazine for December. - While engaged in a game ot cards. The by one hundred and. thirty deep. The tow­ ed frame, and with flesh came strength and full splendid assortment of Black Walnnt and Rustii tm merous creeks and mountain brooks. Elko Stonewall was run upon a gravel bar about health. From a mere skeleton I became a stout, Frames. Stereoscopes and views always on band. station of moment. It is the Depot for er and entrance steps project some eigh strong, robust man and I have maintained both is the first station of- consequence. It is the 200 yards from shore, "the pilot supposing r Having had eight years experience in New York and steeds Grass Valley and Nevada City. Here we HPSpecial Town Meeting next Saturday. teen feet in front, giving a total depth from strength and flesh to this day. I weigh two bnnered other cities, I reel competent to please thosejvhomny ge$d Quarters of all the Whtie Pine travel "that the passengers could wade ashore." front to rear of one hundred and forty- and thirty-five pounds; I am blest with an appetite favor me with their patronage. emerge from the wildest of the Sierras' scen­ But instead of shallows, the boat was every vouchsafed to but few men, wbile my digestive or­ and commerce. Wells, Fargo & Co., send eight feet. The front'is of brown stone. Rcspcctfully, ery and fashing by numberles small mining where surrounded with deep water, and the The style of architecture in the Renr.aiss- gans are amply equal to all the requirements of a 3m41. W. F. PAGE. out a stage daily and one comes in to meet , New Dry Goods Store. healthful condition of my system. WALL PAPER! towns, land SACRAMENTO passengers who attempted to reach shore anet. The foundation below the water-ta­ Now, be it remembered, all these wonderful chan- To tHe Store STt at , less tired, less Messrs. Holly Brothers, Dry Goods Mer­ were caught in the swift current and drown­ .the daily through trains East and. West. annoyed and perplexed and the usual dis­ ble is of Plymouth granite in regular rus­ • Land for Sale. The one which had just arrivedas we halted chants of New York, have secured New- ed, with the exception of about fifty, who ticated blpck work. The outside corners comfort of travel, than in any trips we ever succeeded in escaping. Several ladies were igly i HE Subscriber has a fine piece of land, in "quan- at the station, had£brought in about $40,000 comb's new store, 43 Main street, which and the portions adjoining the tower are lous naturally created astonishment in the minds of T titySacres, located midway between the villages made to Washington or Boston. Adieu. among the passengers, but only one survived carried up in rusticated coins of different those who knew me. I was literally besieged on all of Norwalk and Westport, which is a capital building SO per Cent, less than regu- ...... —j*."7 in silver bars—a load of itself—and to show they are now fitting up and contemplate and she was carred to shore on the back of sides. I had visitors daily who besought me to give site and which he will sell on reasonable'terms; 9 B. designs. The dopr-way opens on a hall required would help party buying .to build thereon. %.. * 4*. the eyhileratuig nature of stage travel, on opening, on Saturday next, with a full line an expert swimmer. There does not seem fourteen feet wide and eighty-two long, oil1 'themthe remedies which had wrought the wonderful J&OSJ>CCUPIEDJ)Y FI. W. SELIIECK^ J; TFJFCHR .restoration and bad. wrested me from the very jaws For terms and further particulars enquire of y; Wli»si*V: .v:. Rat line, the coach cover was perforated of dry goods. They invite the public to call to have been any small boats used, except either ude of which are rooms for the use of death. Letters were received bv scores importun­ tf44 MARTIN GRACE, Norwalk, Conn. • 8 •jSF"Lieut. Wm. A. Kellogg, of the old one , which rescued some passengers, ing me to impart the secret and Inform the writers lar pricc&r ^ V'ith seven bullet holes, shot by a gang of and examine their goods and prices. y of cit}Pand town officials. The corner where the specific for "consumption should be obtain­ but was carried rapidly down stream and ; 17th, has Broken ground on Riverside Ave­ • — room on the front to the right on entering, ed. Other*, who were too weak to travel, not satis- HOSE who are looking for their Winter's supply .•y ": 3 jobbers recently organized for the plunder was unable to return. sjp is for the use of the selectmen. Next to fled wl(h writing, sent for and consnlted me in regard Tof Flour, will do .well to call on us, as we have nue and raised a frame for a neat little HirThe New Canaan Era, of Oct. 16, has some of the choiccst Brands at the lowest market of treasure coaches from the miners. A • : "•——* this room is the one used by the common to their cases. To all these applications I responded Gothic house which peers out among the as best I was able. price. G. O. KEELEK Jfc BRO. before removing to our new store . party was forming to go out and scour the a favorable and wdN merited notice of Mr. A Thrilling Railroad Accident. • council, fitted up with iron-frataed desks wild woods, rocks and water courses, amid I had fully regained my health, and. gratitude for On Main Street. road ways for their capture. If successful Dann's Livery Stable in this town. ,j . The inauguration of fast time on the prin­ for the members of the court. Next on the happy result promted me to turn my attention io UST received, 100 Tnbs of very choice BUTTER. scenery bewitching enough for Calypso and cipal lines of road throughout the country the same side is the police court room, with the science of medicine, with the hope of thereby be­ J Those in want of their Winter's supply will do 45 MAIN STRlflET. .iTOiS 'lliw Ml, .'••• » the world on Jthe coasts will never be ing able to be of service to my suffering fellow crea­ well to call at G. O. KEELKR * BRO.'S her nymphs. Other houses will soon follow has developed an unusual degree of caution an enterance from the west side, as well as tures. I devoted myself closely to my studies, and troubled with them more. There is a sum­ J3P"The exhibition of the American In­ from the hall, making the room a good one . .;, • - • mamasstte&Js? on this most romantic avenue.* in running trains; hence the following sto­ more especially to that branch of them relating to ROFUT'S BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, by the Hun­ H. M. & J. T. PROWITT, mary mode of administering justiee out here stitute, in New York, closed on Saturday ry: A lightning train on a certain road for election purposes. A door in the south the terrible disease from which I had suffered so long dred weight or less quantl!v, at and so much. I investigated it in all its fearful C • v'yr -ry-: il1 Capt. Enos Kellogg, also of 17th, has just night last, after a very successful season. leading east from this city, left, last night, side of this room leads into the office of the G. O. KEELER & BRO 'S it-X ai once expeditious and effectual. A mule phases, In order to assure myself that my case was yvy 35 ancf 37 Main Street,'^ . , • rfwi Mi The Fair was undoubtedly the best ever just as the moon was rising in the east The clerk of the court On the opposite side of not an exceptional one. The closer my'investiga­ 1 tlsiof was pursued a short time since and erected a pretty little sort of a Swiss cottage engineer was alert and watchful, and, as his the hall the rooms are as follows ; Front tions the more satisfactory were my conclusions. I jTOED. FEED of all kinds at lowest market rates, '• .."V • the report says "overtaken." The report on Hillside. It conspicuously looks down held by the Society, and attracted very gen­ hands grasped the lever and his eagle eye room for town clerk, next to which is the felt convinced that tens of thousands of my fellow- G. O. KEELER & BRO.'S Ar,3.» W eral interest. The machinery department, creatures were dying annually from consumption si.rU further laconically asserts, " the mules Union Park, .apd commands a charming scanned the track, he was thinking about probate office, while between these roems whose cases "were nnl aa desperate and apparently E shall have 1,000 Barrels of those choice AP- District of Soricalk, as., Probate (jfcrt,J?ov. 1, A.J). f "V ... j, Svjpjjf - Jim Fisk and the twenty-four hours run to are spacious vaults for town and city probate hopeless as mine had been, and 1 argued from ^liis srich as we had last Winter, and those A1869. «"* We are also Agents for the sale of the , only was brought back, they being the only view of the entire town. Nothing rejoices especially, was very full and fine, all mi. W PLESF STATE of JOHN FOSTER, late of Norwalk, in » New York, with an occasional remembrance records. Next to the probate office is the that remedieswhieh had proven so effective with me in want will do well to wait, both as regards price . ..."•- ...... itesm*. • things of value," and the chaotic state of us more than to witness the great numbers chines being in constant motion, embracing wonld prove equally so with others. I prepared my and quality. • G. O. KEELER & BRO. E . said District, deceased. • lii of his wife and little ones at home, who mayor's room, and fourth, the police head­ medicines in a pleasant and attractive form, and an­ Obdkbkd—That the Execntor, exhibit hiavad- j. society existing beyond the civililizing in­ of comfortable houses springing up so rap steam engines, pumpSj. printing presses and would have nothing but an insurance policy quarters. At the rear the hall opens on the nounced tbem to the vforld. The lesults arc well ministration account lothis court for fdjnstment.at ..»JT fluences" of the railroad seems to justify this idly in all quarters of the town. The veiy folding^ machines, sets of machinery for to console them if he went into the ditch spacious room of the. city court, now in Notice. tlieProbateofficeinNorwalkonthei2Tth dayofNo- en, who were on tbe way to ths grave, have vember, 1S69,at 9 o'clock, forenoon; and that all per- ri •' % fEIf » code of Judge Lynch. "'yyKyf " • wisest and best thing any young man of making cotton thread—showing the entire and stayed there. In the midst of these re­ daily use. nred, and are to-day llvlnir evidences of the HE inhabitants of the town of Ncru alt,ate here­ sons interested in said estate may be notified thereof process; looms for.making cloth, and plan­ flections a tear dimmed his eye for a moment, The public hall, which is one of the finest fact that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED; and I T by notified and warned, that a special town the said Executor will cause this order tube pnblis to­ <*:} : w WAS# Carlin is the next important station. family can do is to secure himself a 'homei and when he looked at the track again, there in the state, is seventy-two feet wide, and think I may say, without arrogating to myself any meeting will be held at the Town Ilonse iu said Nor­ ed in a newspaper printed in FairlieldCounty, aria. which he may own and control himself. The ing and molding machines, and a great vari­ one hundred ahd seventeen deep, and more than ia justly my due, that I have had as much walk, on Saturday, the Cth day of November, 1S69, at post a copy thereof on the sign-pqst in said Nonvalk, There are several hotels and a railroad right before him and bearing down straight experience in the treatment of consumption as any 4 o'clock. In the afternoon, for the purpose of author­ nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt, at Sewing Maclilne, dining house, and canvass and other build­ next is to insure, his life for their protection ety of machines for almost every conceiva­ upon him, was the headlight of a locomo­ thirty-three high. At the rear is a spacious other person in the conntry, and that my success has ising and instructing the Selectmen to widen Main least ten days before said JTth dav_of November. in case of his Wfcs to thenr. . ble purpose. Connecticut was well repre­ tive! Quicker than lightning he whistled stage, forty-two feet wide" bj thirty-three been wonderfully great. Street at South Norwalk, to such extent as in their lt*44 GEORGE A. DAVENPORT, Jndge. ings of various pretentions. The company the brakes down and reversed his engine, deep, with convenient dressing rooms on Let the reader remember that these are not mere judgment the interest of- the town and public travel and also for sented, but our town, we believe, had noth­ fancied statements. They are positive living facts, of may reqnlrc, from the South East corner of home- District of Xoricalk, ss. Probate Court, Oct. 30,1SG9. have a round house, and their Division and when the speed of his train was checked each side. The front of the stage is orna­ which I am the living evidence. ttead of wlnfleld S. Hauford, .southerly to Ely's NSTATE of NOAH PARTRICK, late of Wilton, Workshops located here. Here a toll road tSTThe officers of the Fanners' and Dro­ ing in the exhibition, with the exception of sufficiently, he sent, his fireman off in hot mented with four proscenium boxes^ieatly There is an old adage which says: "What has Block, and to purchaee of Theodore Knapp, Charles U in said District, deceased. E. BHTEKICK & CO.'S ! been done may be done." I have been completely B. D'Artois, Georce C. Scofield, and William II. Fer­ IThe Court of Probate for the District of Norwalk I*S: vers' National Bank of Somers,N: Y., have a fine lot of fancy cassimers from the Nor­ haste to flag the approaching train. By finished andTurnished, and having accom­ ris, severally, the 1;>;:"'f ::- m. •;v :.yy.::y-. / "

•Xt-/ :'.:A : i'"--/-V'y-'" *"• BRIDGEPORT. PLYMOUTH ROCK ICE. FRANK MEAD & CO.'S —Go which way you will througout the rpHS undersigned are now ready to fill *11 order m A PACIFIC m- ADIES'ANDGENTd'Confectionery, lei Cream, iHonvalh toctk 1 for Ice, either in large or small quantititles, whith L and Dining Saloon, Gazette Building. ^ ^ PIANOS; 0MAM CLOTHING. length and breadth of the city, and you will which they may be favored. Thanknd for pastasti patro­ 'stock'for Wh,lfen'rf aad .~J - f see new houses going up rapidly. : : DR. W. ». C. BOWE, : nage they will endeavor to serve customersas prompt­ Oonfeotloziery. T. , boy« Wear ia of unparalleled extent and variety. DAbbott, residing at North Bridgeport, ly and as eheip as possible. B. BLLS A SON. Manufactured for the Wholesale and Betail Trade. it la made np in strict accordance with pnrtillo? And a large and very choice variety kept constantly styles, from the most fashionable materials., and for ^ Tuesday, November 2.1869. was called to his door last Wednesday even­ OFFICE 42 EAST ,20th STREET, excellence ill workmanship cannot be samassed. ing when some one threw a large stone, hit­ CLOTHING f I *>}*' , on hand for the retail trade. X ' MI99 M. M. SMITH, ,500,000 All candies offered for sale are fresh. REEMAN A BUBR'S OVERCOATS " H ting him on the forehead, cutting a tremen­ • Between Broadway and Fourth Avesne, ' ' T. h: F 88, 810, 818, 815. FAIRFIELD COUNTY ITEMS. dous gash and injuring the bone severlv, he Teaeker of Uaglacud tke PUno Vorte CHOCOLATE CAROME1S, - ?f lirL.TiMy in Meltons, Caaglmeres, and,Water-proofCloths<; NEW YORK. Wo beg leave to announce that we have accepted AND REEMAN & BURR'S OVERCOATS, ' ^ ' was prostrated by the blow, and rendered INGING taught according to Bassini'smostap- I the agency of the Pur© lolaaies CandyJS^ife^ 1 And Musical Instruments F 818, 820, 885, 88/«•»»<: in Moscow, CaBtor, Chinchilla, and Fur Beavers. IR*•*'«*!&. WESTPORT.- •/• J' F Devotes special attention to Catarrh, diseases of the -'-fTl Sthe Development and Cultivation of the voice. The is unknown. Throat, Lungs and Ear. Offensive odors from th ee Cream Candy, Cocoannt Paste. Bar REEMAN & BURR'S OVERCOATS, . : MKBSBS. EDS:—This morning we enter ley Coeoamit, Japanese Cocoannt.Frnit. F $35, 840, 845 «o. upon the second day of "old November" The new building of the_Wheeler & Wil­ Breath entirely remold. Discharges from the EdP Nats, and ' newest Coloring and Mixtures, .wif son Manufacturing company for foundry cured. Honrs 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., daily except Wednes­ Of all kinds for sale, or to rent; rent applied if pur­ Xj^REEMAN & BURR'S SUITS, '•-% '• WOODBUFF. tfs I For the ado of Its - chased, or will be sold on installments, A which comes with rustling leaves and occa­ and other purposes, is nearly completed. days, on which day no patients are received. Charges ECavana Olgara, T„ „ , *16, $18, 820. •: ,*>*! ' Constantly on hand at Wholesale and Betail In any sional snow flakes to tell us that winter-is at The finishing touches are being given t\ for treatment from S15 to J50 per course. Seven For Cent., jlREEMAN & BURR'S SUITS, fS quantities. ''.if'WniIf.'*}•• 820 hand.. We never bid farewell to summer the roofs, engines put in, &c. The struc­ w„. . > 828, 830. . ture covers the entire block bounded by ALEX. 8. GIBSON, PHILADELPHIA IGE CREAM, All the different styles of di?S5S*-ea8tea Walking Jackcts. . but with feelings of regret, although there is REEMAN & BURK'S SUITS . ., f? lr . "Barnum, Maple, Brooks, and Pembroke-sts. Can Catarrh be Cured ? CLOTHING! (Organist of the First Congregational Church.) | Tnirty Year Gold Loon, free from tax Manufactured for the saloon, and also, for Families 835. £40, 845, *50. 4 ^ a charming accompaniment in the grand au­ and Parties. The Howe machine Company are pro­ This Loan amonnts to 14,500,000. In fine Plaids, Checfcs and Diagonals $'•'?!* 9""^' jecting large additions to their factory to be [From the Daily Snfc.] TEACHER OF MUSIC, J1REEMAN ANDBUHK-S BOYTSUITS. f tumnal change taking place, which may if The caseofMr. Charles H. Fttchett, of West Poln» Pianos, Organs we will look at it aright, fill our hearts with completed as soon as possible next spring. settles this question beyond any doubt, as he has been Piano-Forte, Organ and Composition. FIRST MORTGAGE, LAND-GRANT AND SINK In all the latest novelties of style and Tnnterl.il Mr. Russell Tomlinson has purchased a sufferer from Catarrh for many yean, until at last Box ST* P. O. Norwalk, Conn. ING FUND BONDS, s v,i REEMAN & BURK'S BOYS* SUITS I»- - pleasure and delight. Beyonda doubt there of the PequonnocK Bank a strip of land on his throat became so effected as to render swallowing FALLTRADEOI1809. F (12, 815, 818, 820. ' .. any hard Bnbstance a matter of impossibility, all the Orders left at A. Selleck's Bookstore or at Whitney Kept on hand, saving buyers the trouble 6t going to in eVIveteens, richly Braided ami Embroidered?'" is no part of the world where th# forests and Main street adjoining Ac bank, fourteen ft Beckwith's Photographic Gallery, will be promptly Secured upon the extension of the Ballway from near 1 nourishment he took being in liquids. He gradually Sheridan, in Kansas to Denver, Coloiado, a distance the city or of buying without teeing the inatruntents. REEMAN & BURR'S Boys Overcoats, groves arc so entrancingly inviting, as are feet front by twenty-five feet deep, for one became a skeleton, and was to all appearances dying. attended to. F_ „ *6, SS, $10. $12. $15, *19, *25. of 837, miles of which IS miles are completed, and the a5to those in New England, on some clear mel­ thousand five hundred dollars. The most eminent physicians, both Homapathlc and rest is nnder construction. It is also a Mortgage ui _ _.„.9 ^ Chinchilla and Fur Beaver*. •_ Allopathic, had been consnlted in his case, but under INSTRUCTION IN on the Boad, the Boiling Stock and Franchise of th TiREEMAN & BURR always have Jn stock an ex- low afternoon in November.«»:«? ; »- -ssMti Ground broken for a new house to be the treatment of each he grew worse,and one by one, nX j-tensivo j -assortment assortment ofof centlemen'sgentlemen's FurnishingFnrniihln? they gave him up. At last his friends heard of the flrst-class Ballway, besides now running through the Special and Only Agent erected by Mr. P. T. Barnum on Park Place, Oil. PAINTING, DRAWING, State of Kansas, and In uooas, ana fine piece goods* and make any garment • The members of Temple liodge, No. 65 near the residence of Mr. Justus Hawley. remarkable success of Dr. Rowe in this speciality, Fall ft Winter Tarde AND to measure at a row hours' noticc. t The Rev. S. H. Tyng, Jr., will deliver consulted this celebrated gentleman, under whose FOB USINESS REGULATIONS. Every article is war-.... F. & A. M. are about to take a ten years skillful treatment Mr. Fitchett was entirely cured, B ranted and marked in plain figures, one pricef^* his celebrated lecture on "John Bunyan" in much to the astonishment of his friends and those MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental. Successful operation for 437 Miles and no deviation is allowed. Any garment proving' 'Ji lease in the new bank building now in rapid who unsuccessfully treated him. For the verification BY liISS M. BABNES. 1 V. A. SALMON k CO., unsatisfactory will be immediately exchanged, altered^]}• the Beaver street Methodist Episcopal weBt of the Missouri Biver, and earning already process of construction. These apartments church, Bridgeport, on Tueseay evening, of this statement any one can apply to Mr. W illiam Studio removed toE. P. Weed's Block, Wall or another made: or, if desired, money returned. A. Miller, No. 3ST West Nineteenth Street, near Ninth Ofl869 audl870. enongh to meet all Its expenses and existing obliga­ HAZELT0N BROTHERS COUNTRY oRDireS receive special attention*^ are to be contrived with special regard to December 14th. Avenue, who is his brother-in-law. i - -y : Street, Norwalk, Ct. tions, besides Have received and opened the lar stock ever lie Rules for self-measurement, price lists, and patterns^ the requiremonts of the masonic fraternity John B. Gough gave his lecture entitled fore shown of of goods mailed free on application. Perfect fltting^fr "Eloquence and Orators" to a crowded house [.From Mrs. Lewis J. Curtis.] Kindergarten. more than the Interest upon tlalo new JUSTLY CELEBRATED and will be situated on the second story, NOBWALK, CONK. Loan. at Bridgeport on Thursday evening. The commence lees than half cost. NOTHING at ^ about 50 feet long and 22 feet wide, and 10 lecture was given for the benefit of the city DB. ROWE, 4t East 80th Street, New' York City:- DEAB SIB—It gives me great pleasure to write you of of sick- In addition to this the Bonds are also secured by a DRY GOODS feet high. When completed the old Lodge library. the benefit I have received from your judicious and ness, ab iuv Place, South first mortgage of the PIANO FORTES, Freeman & Burr, successful treatment of Catarrh, lrom which I have Norwalk. MISS E. BOGKBS, will be abandoned, the approach to it by Lieut-Gov. S. L. Woodford, of New York of n CLOTHING WiBEHOVSiE, suffered so much. That which I called a"severe cold 4U1 MISS C. HUDSON. /I f J •« descriptions, j :•; ^ means of a narrow, rickety stairway hav­ is to deliver the oration .it the unvailing cf in the head" had increased its severity, year by OOVEBNHBNT LANIWJBAST OF Which received the 138 & HO Fulton St., IV. V.'^ year, nntil the autumn I first called on you. At that THBBE miLlION ACRES, v ing frequently been a source of fcmbarass- the Soldiers' Monument at Newark on Nov. MISSES BROCK.WAIT'S 5. time I was convinced that a longer neglect must in­ DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS & FOURTH AVENUE & ASTOR PLACE, ment,and long since pronounced dangerous. evitably lead to the disease of my lungs as my throat Boarding and Day School, extending In alternate sections on either side of the FIRST PRIZE COLD MEDAL was already affected considerably and severely, and FOB track, from the SMth mile post In Kansas to Denver. CASSIMERES, TABLE LINEN, (OPPOSITE OOOPEtt INSTITUTE.) ^ We are unable at the present writing to " Are you fond of tongue, sir?" " I was my i-hysicat strength generally impaired. I had no The proceeds of the sale or these lands are to be in­ knowledge of you beyond a treatise of yours which YOUNG LADIES AND MISSES. vested by the Trustees In the T per cent. Bonds them FLANNELS, HOSIERY", TOW­ at the exhibition ot the Xndnstry of all Nations. i £ -V. URMTV-^ give the public and our friends, whose anxi­ always fond of tongue, madam, and I like hadread7andlmayadd, that the prejudice natural THOROUGH course of instruction given in selves np to 180 or in U. S. Bonds, as a . ^ [ ^ (late Unny & Overton), it still.". to one strictly educated to the views of the "regular English and the Languages. In Music, both Vo­ ELLINGS, NAPKINS, CAR- - ] . INVITES ATTENTION TO mB FINE BTOOK OE ety on the subject is very great, any addi­ practice," did not aid me In seeking one of whom I calA and Instrumental, superior advantwes are of- i tional information relative to the opening of hew so little. But I was unable to find any help fered. Special attention is also given toDrawing and Sinking Fund for the Bedemption o: 7 PETS, OIL CLOTHS, ' -MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. WANTED.-^-A few reliable energetic men through the ordinary treatmentof Catarrh and there; Oil Painting. These departments are each under At Weed's Jewelry Store, All the latest novelties in. NKOK WEAB. The DCVAI. the Saugatuck Bridge. We know nothing to act as AGENTS, either local or special, for fore, 1 followed my inclination and went to you. are now ready with an immense stock of the direction of highly efficient and experienced teach­ the Bonds. &C.,&C. KID GLOVE. KEVNEO'S Doo Skix GLOVE for prome­ was satisfied after your application of yonr remedies, ers Pupils desiring to pursue an advanced course nade and driving. Speciality—SHIRTS TO ORDER. ( I about the situation of affairs down there, the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY that if a cure could be effected, your method could be either In Music or Drawing aud Painting received on The lands embraces some of the finest portions of UNDER NORWALK HALL, further than a report that— ~ of the Unifed States. To good men, a very doit. I have carefully followed your directions and private tnition; also, a limited number of beginners. the magnificent Territoiy of Colorado, Including a UNDERSHIRTS ft DRAWERS : liberal compensation will be allowed. though from its long standing and severity of my case For circulars containinj^WerenM^&«^ address coal field and pinery. The Company also holds as an READY MADECLOTIIINU. my recovery has been slow, I am happy to say it has 25 per cent, below Broadiray Prices. On Monday last, a gentleman' The "EQUITABLE" now stands in the very asset another tract of .' v3 With wagon and wltbr"hoss," - been sure, and I can not but wish for all who are suf­ 3m41 Box 448, Norwalk, Conn. PIANOS, 0BGANS, &c., Tuned and j. nr. JOHNsoir, -f front rank of American Companies, no other fering from this disease, a prompt and speedy relief CLOTHING A very large assortment, for Men Boys and Children, 260 GRAND ST., between Christie and Forsyth Sts, Essayed to drive upon the bridge j Life Assurance Company in the old or new by yonr sure, sensible and certain help. I THREE MILLION OF ACRES IN THE STATE OF at very low prices. Six Good Linen Dress Shirt for $9. in MBS Bat couldn't get across. world having ever achieved such complete Yours, Respectfully, . L. J. Crane. DRESS MAKING. KANSAS, Repaired. " Jf'ine " '• " 12. si« And Six Snperline Linen and Wamsulta Mnslin, Cnt It is evident therefore that things are in success within a similar period of time. BS. CBOSMON would Inform the ladles of I and although not pledged as a security for this Loan, Lengthways, finely finished for SIS. Also Cardigan This Society offers extraordinary induce­ manufactured expressly for the this vicinity that she has re-opened her rooms Boots cto Slioes, For Sale or Exchange for Kew T an unsettled state. Tour* respectfully, A Case of Catarrh Cured- overM Klein & Plant's Fancy Store, and is now pre- their possession aads largely to the Company's wealth and Woolen Jackets, Hosiery, OJoves, Muffle; s, Deck ments to its members, and with a Cash Cap­ pared to execute all kinds of and credit. We estimate the York City Property. Ties, Collars and Cnfl's. • 3m42 "PAUL MARKAM." ital of TWELVE MILLIONS OP DOLLARS, POUGHKKEPSIE, N. Y., Oct. 30,1848. ' for Men Women and Children. A large variety. Splendid large double new House, just finished, . . • SiXftfli. affords the most ample security. For a very long time I had suffered from Catarrh, Fashionable Dressmaking, •alue of the Company's property, A at North Norwalk, beautifully sitnated on a NARROW ESCAPE.—As Mr. Josiah Ray­ which, very slightly at first, but afterward more rap­ in the latest styles at reasonable prices. sightly eminence commanding a picturesque and ,ELAS nc TKUSSES-' w./ Address CHARLES R. WELLS, H# : mond was unloading Onions and storing idly increased m severity, until my throat was so af­ Fall and Winter Trade ONE APPBENTICE WANTED to leam the busi- covered by this mortgage, at 50 DOZEM ;f fine scenic view of the town, on a lot about 2S0 feet An Important Invention. 4t42 General Agent. fected that It was with great difficulty that I could 8g front and*about 250 feet deep, within a few minutes swallow even soft food. My general health became ness. Es and SnpDorter, wifoout--- - -metal - ^ " - v them in the loft over his cart house, on NEW HAVEN, CONN. FLUTING made to order. JmS8 §33,000,000 net, while the , Women's Merino RibSea Hose, walk of the survey of contemplated New York& Bos­ and c so seilously impaired that 1 was np, and that was all, ton Railroad and Danbury & Norwalk Railroad, springs, is easy effectual where no ofter an te Tuesday last, a joist broke, letting the whole : I with many of my friends, believing that my death nsed; it is worn night and day wilhont inconven- loan Is merely $6,500,000. large Factories, Horse Railroad, &c. Said House is ience by children as well as adults. It is t^e only Dr. S S. Fitch's Family Physician, was a mere question of time. All the treatment which they ofl'er at A > ' suitable for a Summer Boarding House, or ior several floor and timbers down to the ground, catch­ that I tried (which was everything and every one that Attention Xiadles. 12X CENTS PEB PAIR. sure cure for Rnpture, as it is the only Trass t«at can New Edition. Much enlarged, 90 pages, with mos ^The Bonds have families. It will be sold at a great bargain, ex­ be worn at all times without suffering. Appro-ed by ing Mr. Raymond between the timbers and I heard of) either did me no good or made me worse. BS. sii A1TSON has now on hand a very choice changed or rented. Also for disposal, several of the the most eminent surgeons in the profession. The valuable additions, sent free to any address. Write In this condition I heard. of-Dr. Rowe of New York, selection of goods in the shape of Bibbons. fine residences and abont 400 nice Building Lots in floor, holding him about a foot from the Feathers,M Flowers, Birds, Velvets, hatlns, Bound Elastic Supporter has no eqnal for the enre of alSom- to Dr. S. S. FITCH, T14 Broadway, New York. and lost no time in consulting him, but I must sa: TWUUTY YEARS TO RU]V,r 500 Men's Wrappers & Drawers, and abont North Norwalk and Winnipauk. Apply to lnal weakness of every description. ground. Fortunately he sustained no fatal with little confidence, having tried so often before 1 Hats, and in fact every thing in the JAMES MITCHELL, Norwalk, or S. R. P. CAMP, Dr. S. S. FITCH will be at the Tontine Hotel, New vain. The result, however, has been that I have been REMARKABLY LOW FIGURES. IILLINEBl LINE. from May 1,1889, and will pay 744 Broadway, N. Y. 3Ttf Elastic Trnss Company, • J injury, but received a severe bruise in the Haven, Satnrday, Jan. 83d, 1669, and every 2d Satur­ entirely and permanently cured. It being oyer three From Auction, (wet), at a Barga in. years since I was under his treatment during which All those about to purchase their Fall Hats will do 3m42 863 BBOADWAY, NEW TORJ* ,;-";l side and breast, and had his arms and legs day after, from S a. m. to 1 p. m. Consultation free. time no single disagreeable symptom has returned, well to call before making their selections elsewhere. SEVEN PER CENT. INTEREST IN GOLD, MIDDIE OF THE BLOCK. . -U. t Dr. S. S. FITCH successfully treats all chronic dis­ GEOBGE W. ALLEN. Bemember the place, one door above Prowltt'snew We invite an examination of our stock, m COOPER INSTITUTE (Third and Fourth Avenues, A GREAT ECONOMIZER OF SPACE. *. •• badly scratched. The building was twenty block. 8m39 bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts.) WASHINGTON HAD- ease of all or any part of the hnman system. semi-annually, on Hay 1, and Nov. 1, and are Westport, Sept. ST, 1669. THE i>V :t •. feet square, and was damaged to the amount m LEYS. White Stone Toilet Sets, 11 pieces, new and of fifty dollars. CONSUMPTION AND CANCER CUBED. What is Catarrh? IANOS TO BENT.—Two good Pianos to rent; beautlital shapes, S3.20. All other got ds equally low. "Asliland" Combination Bedstead; \ t Our connection with an extensive manufacturing one of them but little used. Enquire of Free tram Government Taxation, D. A. SALMON & CO- PATENTED FIBHUAET25TH, 186S. J WALTHAV, Mass., Nov. 12,1868. PWHITNEY & BECKWITH, Photographers, My grandmother and several annts and constats [As described by Dr. Rowe.] and jobbing firm enables us to save the usual jobbers Norwalk, ict riTHIS Bedstead diHers from an ordinary one only \ died of consumption. My mother had a cancer; I was 4t*41 - I the Company paying the tax JL in the Side -Rails, which (in this) are wider and ' ROWAYTON. taken with a bad cough which had affected me 18. In its first stages Catarrh resembles a eevcfe cold, profit,and again we would impress upon the minds of heavier to allow Cnts to be made in them for the ad- ^ months; 18 months after my eongh commenced, can­ so much so that many imagine that they are suffering The PRINCIPAL of the Loan is made PAYABLE mission of a Crib or a Single Bedstead on either Or A The people of Rowayton are again called cers began in both breasts, which grew rapidly for from a constant cold. The general feeling is some­ the public the decided advantages which this gives us LADIES I LADIES t In GOLD, in the City of New York, but each coupon both sides; giving accommodation for four persons, upon to mourn the loss of one of their oldest six monthB, hard cancerous lumps in both breasts. times that of uneasiness, heat and stiffness of the will be and occupying only the space of one bedstead during M nostrils, which are often closed on one or both sides; over other dealers. ; Setts In this state I called on you with but little hope, as a discharge from the head of white, green, yellow, or Mrs- LIQUID SILVER the day. and most respectable townsmen, Mr. E. W. both my lungs were affected, and a cancer in each PAYABLE in FRANKFORT, LONDON or N. YORK Salesroom N o. 97 Elceker Street, second block West breast. Consumption and cancer seeme'd to struggle green and yellow, and at times tinged with blood, Is now offering to the Public, a large and well select­ for Walmsley, who died at his residence, Sun­ which falls into the throat, and has to be hawked np, ed assortment of MANTELS of Broadway, N. Y. Send Circular and Price List. which would destroy me first. I had suffered much Great Variety State and County Rights for sale. Address, G. C. day, Oct. 81st, about 11 o'clock, A. M. "He from dyspepsia. Your remedies, with the concentra­ producing a constant desire to swallow and clear the at option of the holder, without notice, at the follow- TEAOV, as above. • ted cancer mineral spring water have wholly cured throat; toll, heavy pain over the forehead and be­ MILLINERY GOODS, I ingrates: PLATES WITH PURE SILVER had not been coniined to . the house long, tween the shonlders, top of the head hot, falling ont ' On $1,000 Bond in N. York, $35 (gold) each half year. Grates me. I have been perfectly well for two months; no Our motto is and alwsys has been Consisting of cough or expectoration; no swelling in my breasts; of the hair, fullness of the temples, dizziness, sore " London, XI 6s. 10 " " WOBN SPOONS, FOBKS, CASTOBS,™>,. though complaining for some time. He was . . ' . Frankfort, STfir. 80 krtx., * fsj- NON-REVERSED FESBEOTtPES no dyspepsia; no pain' or suffering.~ Everywhere~ here I throat, offensive breath, impaired memory, detective ROUND HATS, VELVETS, SATINS, RIBBONS, and any artfclc of * a man of remarkably friendly nature, and am strong and able to perform all my duties, I took smell, sometimes entirely lost, bad taste in the morn­ The Agents of the Loan, before accepting the trust 414 St. AP.F. MADE EY medicines four months. ing, coated tongne, nervousness, constipation of the LACES, FEATHERS, BIRDS, FLOWERS, had the condition of the road, andthecountrythrongh Ualveralty Place beloved by all who knew him. He was a Thankfully yours. bowels, difficulty of breathing, pain in the lungs, whsch it rnns, carefally examined. They are happy SILVER PLATED WARE, ESTABROOK.E, 31 Union Square, noises in the ears, drowsiness. Small Profits and Quick Sales and everything in the line of Millinery. | to give the Loan an emphatic endorsement as a (Signed) S Ait ah J. EHEKSOX. Aiso the celebrated BAITMOBE, BAI/riJiasn IMPEOV- i very useful and influential townsman, de­ These are the principal symptoms of Catarrh, OLD • . ALSO, : N. W. COMJEH OF ICTII STUEXT. . '" All diseases successfully treated by letter. LADIES' DBESS CAPS, BEADT MADE KT>, KSIEEEBBOOKEN, and other first-class FIBE-FLAOE " * . V.'! cided in his opinions and intelligent in de­ Some have all and others part of them; When tbe BONNETS, constantly on hand and made to order.. These Pictnre3 are different from the ordinary Fer* throat becomes affected it should not be neglected any Thanking yon for past favors she would solicit a First-Class Investment. Brass, Copper, and Bronze. HEATERS ; set complete, in the city or vicinity. fending them; was always ready to give : longer, as it is on its way to the lungs. Dr. Rowe's reotype, in that the positions are not transposed that The Wont Piles Cured; • and wc guarantee In all cases the price of every arti­ share of your patronage. i A few applications to PLATED WABE, no matter ' I, the right side is not made the left, and vice-versa. treatment thoroughly eradicates it. Norwalk, Sept. 18,1869. 8T ] In every respectperfectly sure, and in some essential opinions, and atile to give good advice; was WISH to spread abroad the great benefit I have even how badly worn, restores it to its original beauty, derived from the use of DK. HARRISON'S and at a trifling cost. one of the leaders of the old Whig Party, PERISTALTIC LOZENGES. I have suffered years cle sold from our establishment to be as The "BERRIAN" HIGHLY IMPORTANT. and by his efforts Darien was set apart from from the worst Piles. I CSKD EVKETTHINO TO NO pcb- From New York Daily Times. FOB CLEANING STEBLING SILVER WARE E!HE anti-freezing, self-acting inodorous water-cloa POSE, until I found the Lozenges; in less than a i Better than Government Securities. HOUSE-FURNISHING T et(the onlysell-actingwater-closeteverlntrodoc-. Stamford as a separate town. In our last month I was cured, and have only to resort to them A daughter of Mr. Beniamin F. Arcularlus, who MILLINERY It Stands Unrivaled! ed) is acknowledged by all who haveexamined or used Avar with Great Britain, though he was in when costlvenesa returns, and always find instant re­ resides in Portland Avenue, sixth door from Fulton Low as cau be bought in any market. The Bonds will be sold for the present at As it does not scratch the surface and is constantly a r e r o o iu. » , them to be far superior to all others now in use; they lief! S. O. NEAL. For sale at No. 1 Tremont Tem­ Avenue, Brooklyn, has been cured of catarrh by Dr. depositing a coat of Pure Silver on.the article cleaned cannot leak, freeze or become offensive, requiring no the employ of the Quakers, whose influence ple, Boston, by E. A. HARRISON & CO., Proprie­ Rowe, of No. 42 East 80th Street, this city, after all • 'and [ 96, and accrued Interest, both In Fine Cutlery, Silver-Plated Ware, Tea Trays, &c., bnman aid in their operation; preventing the service tors, H. M. & C. 8. PROWITT, Norwalk, ana by others had failed. It is put op in a beautiful Box, containing STEEL FIBE IKONS, pipes freezing, and keeping perfectly clean with one- did not swerve him, he assisted in building all Druggists. Mailed for (0 cents. 2m44 fourth the water leaking from all other water-closets. HEAVY SATINET SUITS, ).25 v. Currency, a large bottle of the SILVER and Plate Warmers, Coal Vases, Fenders, Foot "Warmers ALFRED IVES, Plumber aid Patentee, 1 ' entrenchments on Brooklyn Heights, and Dressmaking a box of the SILVER No. 310 4th Ave., bet. 23d and 24th Streets,N. Yi did all he could for the cause of his country. "A Repository of Fushlon, Pleasure Deafness and Discharge of the Ear the Agent* reserving the right to advance the rate. POWDER. REFRIGERATORS, He has lived to a good old age of 79 years, and Instruction." 10, 11 an dl2, The attention of investors is invited to these well- Kitchen Furniture aud Cooking Utensils, of every HITE DINNER SETS—New Limoge Shapes I cured. ESTABLISHMENT, secured bonds, which we recommend as one of the We can refer to the large number of families now description, at Lowest Prices. W 1ST pieces, $25. Smaller size sets proportional-I Harper's Bassar. using it, as to its merits. ly less in price. All other Goods equally low. and was one of the oldest members of the A son of Mr. J. P. Cake, of Port Republic. Atlantic | most profltable investments in the market. 3m38 LEWIS & CONGER. 601 Broadway. WASHINGTON HADLEYS, Middle of Cooper In-I St. John's Lodge, Stamford, F. A. M. He A supplement containing numerous full-sized pat­ Co.. New Jersey, who has been deaf for sixteen years Gold and Government Securities taken in payment Price One Dollar per Package stitute Block, Third and Fourth Aves., bet. Seventh] terns of useful articles accompanies the paper every with discharges from the ear and catarrh, caused by at their market value, without commissions. scarlet fever, has been entirely restored to his health ALL WOOL BUSINESS SUITS, HE SUBSCBIBEB8 WILL OPEN A Phamphlets, with maps giving fnll Information, and Eighth Streets. lias been a successful merchant, and for the fortnight, and occasionally an elegant Colored Fash­ Millinery and Dressmaking Estab­ For Sale by UHLE BROS., Norwalk, and S: F. PECK ion Plate. HABPXD'S BAZAS contains 16 folio pages by Dr. Rowe. The case is an extraordinary one, inas­ T | sent on application. last tbrty years a very successful farmer, as much as the young man was fonrteen months old lishment, on South Norwalk, Ct. The Great American Champaigne, of the size of HAEPIE's WEEKLY, printed on superfine VENTILATE TOUR HOUSES t his well cultivated acrcs demonstrate. He calendered paper, asdis published weekly. when attacked with scarlet fever, and before com­ $12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 23 and 25 SABNCV, mORGAN tc CO., TAYLOR & jXYE, Proprietors, Equal In purity, piquancy and taste to the best brand mencing to use Dr. Rowe's remedies was as deaf as MONDAY, SEPT. 37th, 1809, No. S3 Exchange Place, N. Y. ofUI Foreignr UiClgll Champaigne,V/UUUlfaigUC, We"C particularly^invitepnivma"jgi«!"v lias left a good name for his children, as well Critical Notices of the Press. not to be able to hear, unless spoken to in a very lond STAMFORD, CONN. Dealers to call and test for themselves, or will take tone of voice. Latterly the catarrh had affected his with a fall assortment of HE. K. JES8VP 4c CO., pleasure in sending samples of either Dry or Sweet CURE YOUR SMOKY CHIMNEYS.. as an estate. HABPEB'S BAZAB contains, besides pictures, pat­ head so as to prevent him from studying. . Now he 8m31 No. 18 Pine Street, N. Y. Wines to any party that may desire it, by sending ad­ terns, etc., a variety of matter of especial use and in­ can hear as well as any one, and has commenced his 'F yoU want a good STOVE or a RANGE, or any- dress. Price 914 and (16 per case. Liberal discount UNION VENTILATING COMPANY. Peace to his ashes. COM. terest to the family; articles on health, dress, and studies again.—New York Daily Tribune. DRESS SUITS, $20, 25,30, 35 HATS, BONNETS, . thing else In the HOUSEKEEPING LIN^og to the trade. A. P.* H. STEWART & CO., jjry*. I eplng in all its branches: its editorial matter 40 Broadway, New York. . ' .35 CoimTT-Asn STRKET, N. Y, is specially adapted to the circle it is intended to in­ 3m3S STAMFORD. terest and instruct; and it has, besides, good stories and literary matter of merrit. It is not surprising and 40. VELVETS, BIBBONS, FEATHEBS / G. W. CHADWICK, Treasurer. I)uring the week, at least two untimely that the journal, with such features, has achieved in visits were made by suspicious characters TOLLES & WILCOX, SATINS, LACES, &c. Also, J41.J if'iiiiaiL a short time an Immense success; for something of ; ii. F. H. Nash & Pros MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK, to gentlemen's premises, in his vicinity. On its kind was desired in thousands oi families, ana its MAIN STREET, Efist of K. R. Depot DBESS TRIMMINGS COOPER INSTITUTE, (Third and Fourth Avenues both occasions the parties were discovered publishers have filled the demand. The young lady YOUTH'S SUITS, all grades, styles bet. Seventh and Eighth Sts.) WASHINGTON HAD who buys a single number of IIABPKB'S BAZAB U of every description. A GREAT RUSH LEYS. A beautifullyater Goblet for $1.50 per dozen before any overt act had been committed. made a subscriber for life.—Sea York Evening Post SOUTH NORWALK, CONN., All other Goods equally low. It is supposed they were after horses. The BAZAB is excellent. Like all the periodicals Work «lone In the liest manner and Importers and Jobbers of WANTED! A Stamford member of the Sixth regiment which the Harpers publish, it is almost ideally well # Scalers in and prices. • edited, and the class of readers for whom it is intend­ warranted to please. HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS C. V. writes to the Stamford Advocate as f • op ed—the mothers and daughters in average families- ELY'S BLOCK, MAIN STBEET, in the store former- | AT follows : "The reunion of the Sixth regiment can not but profit by its good sense and good taste, Eine Groceries & Provisions ly occupied by D. Dayton, Tailor. CROCKERY, held at Shippan Point a few weeks since, which, we nave no doubt, are to-day making very * D. DAYTON & CO. Dress Goods, Cloaks, Shawls & Silks. proved to be rather an expensive entertain­ many homes happier than they may have been before CHILDREN'S SUITS, all grades HILL, MOYSAN & CO., the women began taking lessons in personal and FLOUR, FEED, &C. D. DAYTON. . MBS. E. B. MILLER. ment to the committee. It was expected household and social management from this good Sonth Norwalk, Sept. 20th, 180.1. S75 and S77 Grand St., ' that every member of the regiment should natnred mentor.—The Nation. Also, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE Dealers in *• Between Forsyth & Eldridge Sts., ' NEW YORK, It has the merit of being sensible, of conveying in styles and prices. KLEIN & PLAUT'S. pay pro-rata for the dinner and several had struction, of giving excellent patterns in every de­ fl would respectfully call the attention of the ladies to so paid, when a Stamford gentleman volun­ partment, and of being well stocked with good read­ GREAT UNITED STATES MILLINERY & DRESSMAKING, their immense stock of teered the proposal that about one-half the ing matter Watchman and Reflector. MRS. S. E. HOTCHKISS Ckiia, Glass, Bohemian aid Pari- Dress Goods, Cloaks, Siiawls. Silks, &e, amount should be levied, and he pledged tCea Company- For Fall and Winter Season. AYING REMOVED from her old stand to the Tnc different Departments are now completed, and himself and the citizens for the balance. SUBSCRIPTIONS-! 8 TO. PRICE LIST OF TEAS: First Brick Block south-east of the railroad ONE THOIiIAND will be replenished daily through the great auction track,H nearly opposite the News Depot, South Nor­ New Stock of That pledge has been to the committee like TERMS: OOLONG—90, SI 00, SI 88, $1 SO. * fU an WareJocliailiaDi anil Yel- sales,nnsiuu and theiriiitu ownu„n importation, withwit.. the Latest— "Dead sea fruit," no attempt, apparently, MIXED, (Green and Black)—$100, $1 85. walk, has received a new and line assortment of Novelties that can be found anywhere, at lower prices. HABPEB'S BAZAB, one year ,S4 00 YOUNG HYSON—$100, $185, $180, $1 T5. SPBING AND SUMMEB MILLINERY GOODS, to having been made to keep it. An Extra Copy of either of the MAGAZINE, WEEKLY, IMPERIAL—{1 00, $1*85, $1 E0, SI 6S. which she would invite the attention of the public. The Dress Goods.Department, Miss Maria Brainerd, and other superior or BAZAB tctil be supplied gratis for nary Club of FIVE GUNPOWDER-SI 86, SI 80, SI 85, SI 80. DRESSMAKING done In the latest styles. Thanking Consisting of Rich Epingelines, French and Irish vocalists from New York, have been en­ SUBSCRIBERS at 84 00 each, in one remittance; or, Six ENGLISH BREAKFAST-SI 00, SI 80, SI CO. her customers for their former patronage she would Poplins. Mohairs, Empress Cloths, French Merinos, Copies for (80 00, without an extra copyr Subscrip­ JAPAN—SI 00, SI 85, 81 50. respectfully lnvite them tocall at her new stand. tfM Millinery and Fancy Goods, Alpacas,.Ottoman Velonrs, Drap d'Ete, Rich Plaid gaged tor the purpose of holding a Grand tions to HABPXB'S MAGAZINE, WEEKLY and BAZAB, to LONGAAK CROP—8180. NEW CUSTOMERS Poplins, Choenes, Wash Poplins, &c., are really Concert and Soiree Musicale, which will one address for one year, $10 00 ,* or, two of Harper's worthy ol examination. take place at Hoyt's Hall, on Friday Even­ Periodicals, to me address for one year, $7 00. Back COFFEE LIST: 'lants for Sale. The Silk Department, r.-x Numbers can be supplied at any time. WOOI), WILLOW, ing, Nov. 5tli, 1889. Several gentlemen and Vols. I. and II. or HABPEB'S BAZAB, for the years WHOLE, ROASTED and GROUND-SO, 85, 30, 31, OUR HE subscribers offers for sale in quantities to snlt Great Excitement among the Mil­ Contains the most costly shades of Colored Silks, influential friends are interested, and the 1S68-9, elegantly bound in green morocco cloth, will and 40 cents per pound. T purchasers, Wilson's, Jncnnda, Russell's, Tri- And all kinds of Moiree Antiques in all colors, and a splendid assort­ be sent by express, freight prepaid, for ST 00 each. FINEST OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA-80 cents. omphe de Gand Strawberry Plants; Clark and Phila- ment of Black Silks, from SI 25 per yard and upward, Soiree promises to be a brilliant and attrac­ " " MOCHA—«5 cents. lelphia Raspberry Plants; Kittetinny and Early liners & Fancy Good* Dealers. also, Satins, Satin de Chene, Silk Poplins,

•AW" ^ • NEW BOOIH9 Ti\, New York Advertisements CONVEYANCES. Y. M. C. A. of Norwalk. NEW AOYE3tTISEMEI|TS. SPRING TRADE HARDWARE. f J 4 •"* ' NEW §i nriREE READING ROOM.—Open from T o'clock, FARMER'S IIEEPER > r>.,Y iV* >i(lT ;• .• GREAT WESTERN " r A. M., to # o'clock, E.*M., inLockwood's Build- MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPAHT, Norwalk Horse Railway. •.ms' ffifSr ng. Morning andEvening Newspapers, Magazines, novsXow 10 DonmJB.iHi rnoirrs of iSra ItSIOf,, » '*T/M*rTU|. and how farmers and their sons can each make OF NEW YORK. 18TO SUMMER ABBAKOE'HZNT. 18fl# • and Religions Papers, etc. S8100. PES MONTH in Winter. 10,000 copies ROBERT BAGS, President. FBED'K W. MAOT, Vice- President. WKSLET E. SHADSB, Secretary. leave Norwalk. So. Norwalk. E. 4UUITARD * SONS, |f Tuesday, November 2,1869. will be mailed free to farmers. Send name and ad­ IRUXAXVSTEEIJ, Issues Policies npon all approved plana, at low rates, #0 Notice dress to 'ZEIQLKR, McCURDY & CO., 4W 40A. M. N. Y. Special, C 00 A. M. AVB removed to their new rooms in the Port Ot- rr ' ' . Jf,' I *, iv 4W4g Springfield, Mass. and with unusual liberality to policy holders. 22 " N. Y. 4en. ii 6 45 " S HEREBY given that the Norwalk Savings Socie­ .?•' i'i'. All snrplus divided among the insured. Safo'T 05 " No Train, T 26 «' H Ace Bonding, (entrance one door wait of ttiMrM P. T. Barnum's "Struggles and Trl- SOMETHING NEW! ty will hereafter pay interest on deposits.from the ;v No Restrictions upon RtsHence or Travel, and no MI45 " NBWTOAB*. T48 '• old store) where they have a very large assortment of: umpli»>" tlrst day of every month, also that the sum of One ANTED—Agents, Teachers, Students, Clergy­ special permits required for mariners, or' for any oc­ 48 No Train, 8 18 " . ThousandI Dollars will be received on deposit from W men, Farmer's sons and daughters, and all to cupation except those of a peculiarly hazardous char­ - 8 18 " No Train. " - 8 38 " Fnrnltnre of every description, '.pi Is a peculiar book in every way, and is sell i 5» }A i.5 AGEJCD1TUEAL IMPLEMENTS, acter- . 8 38 " New Haven. any one person in any one year, _ .. . IT i 9 04 " •. ... w: one of those works fortunately adapted for JOSEPH W. HUBBEIX, Sec'y. andTrcas. ML Policies strictly nonforfeitable after first pay- *9 04 " New York. 9 25 •• At greatly reduced priccs.o.^ ^ j^qs/ Norwalk, July 27,1863. SOti I m meffi; nnder Massachnsatts Act adopted by this Co. , 24 " New Haven Ex. 9 45 " domestic reading, to be taken up, if one iiYTC urn tn ability and mntlbllity are prominent points, 9 45 " No Train, 10 05 " »,*]»VRNIIAKINfi, -rtteiibhiv* likes," every now and then," and, opened at ' Notice. • PAINTS, OLTRI W1 W 6LA&3, &C., while additional liberality— convinces . ..that . every7good, good! i&'i''-- 10 05 " No Train. 10 25 " IEFQKgHT-S-- cqnitable, and liberal featnre of the best "jifeLife Compa-ompa- 10 25 " No Train, "" 10 45 " 'Ilia *"* I, any page, furnishing cheerful reading for NTEREST will be allowed hereafter ou all deposits nies has been adopted by the Great Western. 10 45 " New York Ex. 11 05 " Active Agents wanted throughout,New England. " No Train, . 11 32 " in ail its branches. J «r«! the passing hour. However, whoever takes The Fall Campaign I made with the New Canaan Savings Bank, tocoin- I il 11 05 inence.on the first day of the month next succeeding JEHINDcChJCS Car I Apply to W. P. GANNETT, Manager for New Eng­ 11 32 " No Train. Mis?; 12 00 M it up will be apt to be lured on to the end the deposit. S. Y. ST. JOHN, Treasurer, m 1 f ,>;C i, ; - wi, A1' LOWEST CASH PRICES. land, Office 10 State St., Boston, Mass., or to T. H. ••A- 12 00 M. No Train. ^ 14 30 P.M. New Canaan, Ang. 8.1S6S. ; 33 ELDRIDGE, State Agent, Pntnain, Conn. 3m42 12 SO P.M. No Train. .: 12 58 •• FURNITURE! FURWITUIliT^ before he stops, so full of interest is it. 12 S3 S.Y. Accom.*. f. 120 " 0L1VE"L0CAM f-o M The subscriber aas now tn Store and is constantly Extra 110 New Haven.'' 1 31 «« .. . fert ' - We give our readers an extiact from the STRIPPED & SON, |i f Furniture Warehouse, [mm:.: GEORGE W. SMITH The Creak Bcformer : tail at lowest New York prices. No. 1212 BROAD VAY, New ftp* Ex. 3 12 " "°' ,Fnniiture inthla Comity, consisting< r from Chicago pretty rigidly enforce a rule iff#}iit/i (p&itetiH. ' > imtithi 22 1 Newr York. 3 41 " Ch*®her suits of all kinds. Bureaus, Sol'as. LOODC- Ereods Cheaper tbae ever tiefire. as well as Sensational, Rich and Racy, it outsells all - , i * r :3 41 1 No Train, 4 00 " es, lete-a-Tetes, Card Tables, Marble-top Pier Table*,8 u excluding from certain reserved cars all gen­ other books. Beautifully illustrated with 40 spirited Between 29th and 30th Sts., NEW YORE. 1 tlemen travelling without ladies. As I do engravings, 24 full-page cuts, 650 pages, on rose- LOCKS, dead, rim. and mortise, of all kinds. 4 00 No Train. 4 2 •' Center Tables, Extension Tables, Chairs and Rockers , Choice Groceries, Provisions, tinted papez.. Greatest inducements yet offered. BANKING HOUSES AND OFFICES FITTED UP. 4 20 New naven Ex. 4 40 " of. all varieties, pi? not smoke, I avoided the smoking cars; and LA TCItES, rim, mortise, all kinds. •- ** - ; < A 40 1 -No Train. 5 00 " as the ladies' car was sometimes more select Prospectus, Sample Copy, Soxes and Stationery, Mattings; Hardwood Doors; Mantels, Wainscoting, and Fur­ 5 00 ' No Train. 5 19 " Looking Glasses, Fletnre Frames, Free. For Circular, explaining, address, immediate­ niture of every description made to order. 3m36 1 and everything else in the Fnrnltnre line, cheap for- . and always more comfortable than the other ly, FAKMELEE & CO., Publishers, either at Phil­ 6 19 New York Ex. 5 40 " FLOUR AND FEED. KNOBS, Silver Plated. Porcelain, and Mineral. EXTRA S 30 1 New Haven. 5 52 " Cash. Repairing promptly done by experienced work­ cars, I tried various expedients to smuggle adelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio, or Sliddletown, 5 51 ' N. Y. & N. n. « IT " men. ^ Conn. ^ NAILS, cut, pressed, wrought and horse. FROST, BLACK & CO , myself in. If I saw a lady about to enter THE OLDEST GROCERY IN SOUTH NORWALK. 6 IT ' No Train. «8T " VNDEBTAKING, the car alone, I followed closely, hoping THE PUBLIC WANTS Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers of and Dealers in ,,.-6 3T ' No Train. 6 5T " A large assortment of Coffins, of the beat materials, thus to elude the vigilance of the brakeman, DODD'S CUTLERY, Tabic and l*ockct,.a large assortment. 57 ' No Train. T IT constantly on hand. Shronds, carriages, Hearse, and,;i We are sure it does not require columns of adver­ ^"Druggets; FIRST CLASS 2 cart T IT 11 who generally acted as door-keeper. But iVERVl SiE ffsi ; ' . New Haven, 1 3T 26 everything necessary for the burial of the dead, Av-n tisements to satisfy our customers that the quality or i'i" '* • OUNS, donble and single barrels. T 3T ' No Train. T 56 niched cheaper than can be obtained elsewhere. the car Ceberus is pretty well up to all such ! SUPPLIED, onr Goods is always the best in market, andthat they T 56 ' No Train. OSCE MORE. •'f=VTi8 15 1 = .8 15 A new and elegant coach body Hearse, drawn by "0 dodges, and I did not always succeed. On are sold as cheap as can be purchashed elsewhere. ,wmt aJWtr at<>< No Train. 8 34 two horses, has been received. PISTOLS, Revolvers and single barrels. OF EVERY VARIETY. 8 44 ' No Train. ' '' !:l,J one occasion, seeing a young couple, evi­ ltcceived direct froiiifSctfon^nil the^mllRifactory, a 1 9 11 ELBERT RAYMOND. iar- PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Iyl6 The standard remedy for biliousness with the med­ 4.IT<» U New York Ex. 9 40 dently just married, and starting on a bridal IRONand STEEL, ftill assortment of sizes and kinds. 60 BOWERY, near Canal St., N.¥ 9 80 ' New Haven Ex. 9 50 ical profession is the Anti-Bilious Pill of the Ameri­ •' ! FURNITURE! tour, about to enter the car, I followed close­ can Pharmacopoeia. And its reputation has been STEAMBOATS, HOTELS & PUBLIC BUILDINGS, - 9 59 ' NoTrain. 10 20 well deserved. But it is a pill, nevertheless, and very large and well selected slock of all kinds of CARRIAGE SPRINGS, Axles, bolts, clips, Sc. 10 10 ' No Train. 10 30 ly, but was stopped by the door-keeper, who Furnished at short notice. HE subscriber is now prepared to offer to tbe pub-; „ called out: most people of sensibility feel something about as EDWIN LOCKWOOD, Pres. Tlie, at his old stand in Westport, as good an as- ' -AND- bie as a meeting house coming into their throat AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, full assortment. All goods purchased of onr house guaranteed as eortmentof ;,i;1 "How many gentlemen are with this SOUTH NORWALK whenever a pill-is spoken of. DODD'S NERNIKE GiRERN'S CITY EXPRESS, AND INVIGORATOR acts efficiently on the biliary goods In the fcalret iflne, all of which will be sold at represented. 3m38 CABINET FUBNTUBE lady?" PAIA TS and OILS, of the best manufactures. Successor to A. B. ALLEN. cs I have always noticed that young newly- organism; itirrilates neither stomach nor intestine R. W. FROST. JAMES BLACK. GEO. SNYDER 5™ foond in Fairfield County, and at lower prl- . S'l- S ^i- Cliaf Store, in ita operation; and what is VERY IMPORTANT, HE undersigned having purchased the entire in­ CASH, than the same qnality of goods tuP?" married people are very fond of saying "my as all good nurses know, it is MOST AGREEABLE. 1 $* BURDICK'S T terest of A. B. Allen, in the City Express Busi­ bOobtained at any other establlahment. husband" and "my wife;" they are new TO TAKE, being as pleasant to the palate as any ness, would inform the public, that all orders left up­ The stock consists in part of Marble Top, Exten­ delicate wine. We all know how it is with Cod LEB0UTILLIEE BE0THEES, on the Slates in tbe Norwalk Post Office, or at Geo. sion, Dining, Card and O — • terms which sound pleasingly to the ears of r 14 'Bureaus, Sorus, T< ELY'S BLOCK, Liver Oil. In a pnre state it is excellent for certain ^ ' "*5; ^ . National Hay Have aaUnnsnaliy Large Stock of W. Jennings' News Depot, will be promptly attended those who utter them; so .in answer to the conditions of debility, and particularly in tendencies to. naggage taken to and from all the trains on N. Cane-seat Chairs; peremptory inquiry of the-door-keeper, the The Good Time Already Come to to Consumption; and yet many of the best physicians Y. & N. fl., and D. & N. R. R., and the Steamboat. Glasses, &c., Ac. bridegroom promptly responded: 7 —MAIN STREET. decline to prescribe it, because it so dreadfully sick­ Carpets made and put down, SOMETHING cntlrelv new, patented July 30tli, 1SCT, NEW DRESS GOODS, He is also prepared to do all kindsof Light and Heavy iff i ens the patient. That, they say, makes it do more •J will cut Hay, Straw or Stalks, nearly or qnlte Perfected in Europe by one of the Firm. Trucking; having secured a flrst-class spring truck, ' COITIN WAKEROOM8, " I am this lady s husband." JsKv t harm than good. With Dodds'Nernine all this be­ twice as rapid!v as anv other cutter in nsc, and requires SILKS, in all Colors, Plain and Figured. BLACK will attend to all orders for removing Fnrnltnre, Pi­ Where may be found a full assortment of Collins. , " And I guess vou can see by the resem­ but little labor to operate it. Call and see them. For which will be furnished in the best possible manner,*' ^: comes obsolete. „ ... SILKS, the best value in the city. anos, &e. The patronage ot the public is respectfully and at short notice. A Hearse will be furnished when* - blance between tLe lady and myself," said I . For sale by all Druggists. Price si. 8w48 •SMff when desired. f* .* sale by WM. C. STREET, Agent for Norwalk and ad­ POPLINS, EPINGLINES, and other Materials, solicited. [12tfj DAVID GKEEN. desired. t to Cerberus," that I am her father." _ . joining towns. At the very Lowest Prices. A. RENOUD, Westport, Ct. SHAWLS, ASTRACTIONS, DOG SKINS, «J The astonished husband and the blushing O. Swartzs cMs Go. $100 A MONTH SALARY VELVETEENS, PLUSHES, &c., SASH BAILY bride were too much "taken aback" to deny BRS c. J. GRUMAN. BAUGH'S RaW TONSOBIAL PALACE. PAID for Agents, mala and female; business perma­ splendid article, together with a fall supply of Hard­ RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES and GLOVES, The New asd Fast Stuamuoai their newly-discovered parent, but the brake- nent. Enclose Sc stamp. Van Allen & Co., 1T1 Broad­ ware, Agricultural Implements, Iron & Steel, Window Hose, Half Hose and Underwear, remarkably cheap. Ladies' and Gentlemen's man said, as he permitted the young couple Manufacturers oi the way, N. Y. [Clip out, and return advertisement. 4t Grass, Paints, Oils, &c. W. C. STREET. Flannels, Canton Flannels, Linens, Ac. to pass into the car: 48 East 14th St., In Union Square, New York. Hair Dressing Booms, "We can't pass all creation with one WATCH FREE—GIVEN GRATIS to every •T:;» -JEW*' GRANT ft COLFAX, live man who will act as agent in a new, light, Furnaces BASEMENT NO. 1, GAZETTE BUILDING. ; i4dy«" andA honorable business, paying 830 a day. No gift NOTICE TO CAPITALISTS. |NEW GOODS! HIS ESTABLISHMENT has been renovated, and:, " I hope you will not deprive me of the i s .. ifis'S- ztm'-. enterprise. No humbug. No money wanted in ad­ T the bnsiness will be conducted strictlv on the New company of my cKlld during the little time and all others, Masonic Emblems, vance.. Address R. MONROE KENEDY & CO., 7 Per Cent. Interest. and. Hanges. York plan, and in first class style. The best work­ we can remain logether," I said with a de­ Pittsburgh, Pa. Nelly Wlilte men will be employed, and every person will have a DANBURY & NORWALK RAILROAD Seven per A BEAJJTIFUL ASSOETMENT^ LT. those in want of Ranges and Furnaces, wonld "clean towel" used upon them—a luxury not always' mure countenance. The brakeman evident­ HENRY WARD XJ Cent. Mortgage Bonds for sale, 1in sums of $1000 A do well to call and examine .our stock before Will leave Pier 3T, foot of Market Street, every after- met with. ly sympathise! with the fo«d "parient" Ne Plus Ultra^. eafcb. Principal and Interest payableble m New York. purchasing, ternoon at 2 45 o'clock, and from foot 3Tth St.,' at 3 We have a private room for ladies and children, ' tq>mm •'Mo Bv the laws of Connecticut, these Bonds are exemptexempt- F. B. PlIRM, o'clock connecting with the Danbury & New Haven whose feeliigs were sufficiently lacerated at Railroad. Leave South Norwalk every morning,(Sun­ where they can get their hair cut, curled and sham­ losing his E'S edfrom all taxation in the hands of holders in thii pooed In the most approved style. Wigs, Toupees, daughter through her finding a State. For further particulars Inquire of BRAIHHALL, DEAMI & CO., days excepted), at T45, on the arrival of the R. R. llair Bands, Curls and Braids made to order, ana re­ husband/and I was permitted to pass. I Star of the West, j- SERMONS IN EDWIN LOCKWOOD, President, DRUGGIST, SOUTH NORWALK, trains. paired at short notice, and at reasonable prices. immediately apologized to the young bride P I. MOUTH PULPITf«^^ Norwalk,alk, July 8,1868. S8tf 247 & 249 WAJER STREET, Fare, 75 Cents; Excursion Tickets, $1.25. Amcng the many novelties introduced here, will be and herhusband, and told them who I was, the worla-renowned French "Egg Jnlep" Shampoo, And other Choice Brands of Cigars. Wholesale Are being read by people of every class and denomina• Has just opened a line assortment of goods, consist­ Freight same as by the Propellers. so well known and somuch used all throng" ~ and mj reasons for the assumed paternity, Kellogg Brothers, .. (...v.• Hon all over this country and.Europe. They arefnll ^ S the Season for NEW YORK. and so highly recommended for its redeen and thiy enjoyed the joke so heartily that of vital, beautiful religious thought and feeling. ig,clcans- and Retail dealers in - Phrmouth Pulpit is pubflshed weekly, and contains ing of iU.Oi'i WOi fJ'iAMAM HARRISON'S IMPROVED EUROPEAN RANGES, FREIGHT PROPELLERS. ing and beautifying qualities. Coifto's celebrated they qlUed me "father' during our entire Mr. Beecher's Sermons and Prayers, in form suitdbl- COUGHS A1VD COEDS ® Tncopherons, and Milk of Roses, for the growth and : IMPROVED FRENCH RANGES, 1MPROV-* preservation of the Hair, are invalnaUe discoveries, journ/r together. Indeed, the husband pri for preservation and binding. .For sale by all news­ TOILET SETS, Y V' • 'v- possessing qualities heretofore deemed Impossible; rater and slyly hinted to me that the first iiOrillard'is, dealers. Price 10 cents. Yearly subscription receiv­ is advancing it would be well if people wonld profit t-f'-. • r ED CONE FURNACES, BROILERS, East • of Main Street, at Geo. Marvin's old stand, ed by the publishers (S3), giving two handsome vol­ by the experience of many others in this town and OVENS, &C., &C. while they eradicate dandruff and all diseases of the liould be christened " P. T." My friend keep on hand a bottle of r SETS OF BRUSHES, skin, and prevent the hair from falling off, they give the/iev. Dr. Chapin, by the by an inveter- umes of over 400 pages each. Half yearly, Jl 75. A even to the coarsest hair a glossy, heavy and luxuri­ Anderson's, new and superb Ste«l Portrait of Mr. Beecher pre­ IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, ous appearance, making it as flexible as desired. For aty' punster, is never tired of ringing the sented to all yearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer I I\ESBITT'S COIJGII SYRUP, |ikhfe FANCY COLOGNE BOTTLES, cUildi'eu troubled with aandrnff the "Milk of Bosea" IV- ngei on. the names in my family; he says Y> PLYMOUTH PULPIT (63), and THIS CHRIST AIN NO 90 WARREN STREET, N. Y. UNION ($2 50), an Unsectarian,Independent, Weekly It Is a safe and efficacious remedy. ' NTEREST allowed at the rate of 6 per cent, on all P. F. Brady and City of Norwalk, is a spicilic. The Magic Hair Colorar,—which for at my wife and I are the most sympathet- Lillontlial Journal of Christianity—with Lecture Room Talks AND VASES. snms of $5,000 and under, free ofGovernment tax. simplicity of application and natural effects, is unsur­ : couple he ever saw, since she is "Charity" Have a fall assortment of and-Editorial Articles by Mr. Beecher—sent to one For sale by ' - H. M. & C. S. PROWITT, r'-iuA^yp^r^ I Will run daily, one from each end of the ronte every passed. i . f.'M Corner Drug Store, Open daily from 10 to 3 p. m. evening, (Sundays excepted), landing at theDanbnry N. B.—Razors ground, honed and pnt In the best' ad I am "Pity" (P. T.) On one occasion and & address for 52 weeks for/our dollars. Special induce­ Also a large assortment of & WALTER W. CONCKLIN, President. R. R. Depot eacht way.way. Produce solasold without charge order. !at my house in New York, he called my at­ ments 10 canvassers and those getting up clubs. VASDEEDILT L. BUXTON, Secretary. lyt for commission. FREIGHT AT OLD PACKET CHABLES G. COBB AO, Proprietor.)! -p- Specimen copies, postage free, 5c. DR. BliACKMAN'S tention 10 the monogram, P. T. B., on the 4t41 J, B. FORD & CO., Pub's, 39 Park Row, N. Y. COLOGNES, • ; RATES. * iJitS door, and said," I did it." " Did what ?" I , aOLUEKT Third Avenue Savings Sank. asked: Why that," replied the doctor, ^ HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS, Corner of Third Avenne and 26th Street, New York. DANBVRT & NORWALK R. R. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. " P. T. B.,—Pull The Bell, of course," thus Present Deposits $5,259,000. DB. TOBBEY'S 'I' filled!- 'And the celebrated % Allen's Long EXTRACT. s, V SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. literally ringing a new change on my ini­ Y ' SOAPS, Six per cent interest paid, (free from Government u>r. , Commencing April 5th, 1869. i v - i tials. ! ••*-I'THE REMEDY FOR CURING N Infallable and Permanent Cure for all diseases i'S - ' iii'i Tax,) on installments from £1 to S5,000. Aof the Urinary Organs. At another time during my western lec­ Charter O^ik Plug Tobacco, Consumption, Coughs, This preparation is conceededby all who haveused TOILET AND LL deposits made on or before the 20th of Janua­ nm ' < DAILY TRAINS. acknowledged by all who have tiled it to be the only turing trip, I was following closely in the it to be the pleasanteBt remedy ever, offered and the A ry, April July and October will draw interest Leave Danbury for South Norwalk, SURE REMEDY for Corns, Bunions, and all diseases «Bronchitis, Asthma, easiest to administer. %-T-} from the first of those months. of the feet. For sale by H. M. & C. 8. PROWITT * -. wake of a lady who was entering the favo­ CUTLERY. t FANCY ARTICLES, &C BANK OPEN daily from 10 a. m., to 3 p. m., and Mon- 6 30 a. m.; 12 m.; 4 15 p. m.; Freight at 5 45 p. m. rite car, when the brakeman exclaimed: ' Together with ; It never nauseates the stomach. .aisiii; ; And Group. It never canses a feeling of weariness or headache, day, Wednesday and from < to Leave South Norwalk for Danbury, IOR SALE.—A GOOD FAMILY HORSE. Enquire " You can't go in there, sir." It never destroys the appetite. S p. m. SPENCER K. esident. °o? | ' AS AN EXPECTORANT WM. B. BIBBINS, Secretary. ljS At 9 00 a. m.; 1110 a. m.; 2 p. m.; 6 13 p. m. F G. O. KEELER * BRO. " I rather guess I can go in with a lady," PIPES, CIGAR HOLDERS, TOBACCO It never gives to the breath an unpleasant odor said I, pointing to the one who had just en­ Has . as do the nnmerous remedies that are prescribed for Leave Norwalk Bridge for South Norwalk, IT NO EQUAL this class of diseases, but on the contrary' ELLIS' PATENT SELF REGULATING ears! Pears! tered. BUILDER'S HARDWARE, BOXES, AND SMOKERS' AR- . It is composed of the active principles of roots and Its general tonic and invigorating properties, atT 34a.m.;l 05, & 5 24 p. m.; Freight at 8 p. m. T7K>R canning We shall have a few Barrels of " Not with that lady, old fellow; for I plants, which are chemically extracted, so as to re­ Its genial influence npon the dejected patient. JOHN W. BACON. Sup'L JP 1Flemish Beauties, and those who wish will tain all their medical qualities. The new life and vigor it Imparts to the system, HARDWARE HOT WATEE APPAEATUS, please leave their orders immediately at happen to know her, and that is more than TlCLES GENERALLY.1 :isis ministers and Public Speakers Its great convenience and ease of administration HE nndersigncd having taken the store recently m N, T, & N. H. RAILROAD. G. O. KEELER & BRO. you do; we are up to all these travellers' For Warming and Ventilating " ii. M . tricks out here; if s no go." Who are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will with th« entire absence of all untoward* or disagree­ T occupied by W. S. FITCH, Washington Street, s'si'fiT find a sure remedy in.this Belsam. Lozenges and. able aeoinpanlments from its use have gaiflfed for it are prepared to supply the public with a general as­ AMPS. A line assortment at I saw indeed that it .was "no go," and that Agricultural Implements, wafers sometimes give relief, hut this Balsam, taken an enviable.reputation, with the most unbounded sortment of DWELLINGS, PUBLic BUILDINGS, .. .<> LI E. K. LOCKWOODH. I must try soniething else. " Look here, my a few time?, will ensure a permanent cure. praise from all who have witnessed or experienced its tin Will all those afflicted with Conzhsor Consumption triumph over disease. GREEN HOUSES, &C. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. District of Norwalk, is., Probate Court, Oct.15, A. D. dear fellow," said I," I am travelling every In cases of Gleet, Stricture, Dropsy. Gravel, HARDWARE, Commencing May 10th, 1869. '1889. .'.tii day on the railroads, on a lecturing tour WILCOX'S give this Balsam a fair trial 1 They will be pleased In continence of Urine, Seminal Weakness, Gencr- with the result, and confess that the SCEE RELIEF IS CHARLES R. ELLIS, Trains leave Passenger Station at Norwalk as follows; STATE of SAMUEL PERRY, late of wiiton, throughout the West, and I really hope Foujii) AT LAST. IT IS SOLD BY ALL DRUG­ Orgai Builders' and Carpenters' Tools. E in said District, deceased. ""•' you will permit me to take a seat in the la- GISTS. , 4M1 plaints, Pain in the Back, Loins, &c., it has no eqnal 182 CENTRE STREET, For New York, The Administrator represents the Batata insolvent ;: Carpenters' and Masons' Tools, &c. as a remedial agent; it will give relief as snre as it is At3.4T A.M. , Boston Express, and prays the appointment of Commissioners thereon. . dier' car. I am Barnum, the Museum man taken. No one will question this after giving it PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS, TABLE Send for a circular. New York. 6.00 " stopping at all stations. OasiBiD—That the Commissioners to receive. ex-J; '• from New York.'" OOXiGATXj TB Co's trial. CUTLERY, &C„ &C. Refer to NATHANIEL WHEELIIK, C. SPOOXEE, SAMU­ 6.45 " (« «« t« amine and decide npon the claims of the creditors of: The Proprietors of this well known preparation, ; at said estate be appointed at the Probate Office in Nor-". " Looking sharply at me for an instant, the AROMATIC • EL TITCS, Bridgeport; DOOTOB HULL, Black Rock; A. 7.46 " Local Express, stopping Darien and altogether too wide-awake brakeman ex­ having procured from its originator the sole right of H. BYINGTON, Norwalk; A. T. STEWAET, New York. Stamford. walV, on the 20th day of November, ISM. at 9 o'clock,, i - its manufacture, now offer it to the public in a form w. C. QUINTARD & CO. 9.25 " stopping at all stations. forenoon, of which all personsin intereat will take no­ claimed,: " Not by a d—n sight you ain't! I VEGETABLE SOAP, combining both elegance and convenience. K 11.05 " Express. tice, If they see cause, and be heard thereon, and' "More in Quantity; pure in quality; reliable and WAI.TER C. QDISTAED, BUEK KAPP. know Barnum!" Of every description. HORSE SHOE NAILS. Patent Frnit Jar. Combined witU Glycerine, is recom­ 1.18 P. M. stoppingatall stations. said Administrator will give public notice thereof by^ I could not help laughing; and pulling genuine." South Norwalk. March, 1869. 11 «3.12 " Boston Express, posting a copy of this order on the pnbllc sign post :' several old letters from my pocket, and mended for tbe use of L ADIES. and in Send for a large four page circular containing full 3.45 " stopping at all stations. nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt, and' , the NURSERY. information ana directions. 5.39 •' Boston Express, within the same town, and by publishing the same in showing him the directions on the envel­ PRICE 81.00; sent postpaid to any address on rc REMOVAL 6.1T " stopping at all stations. a newspaper printed in Fairfield Connty, at leapt opes, I replied: ceipt ot price. Boston Express. twelve days before said 20th dayof November. . MPLOYMENT.—$10 a day, and constant For sale in Norwalk, Wholesale and Retail, by 9.3T " " Well, you may know him, but the 'old employment in alight, honorable and profitable 3*42 GEORGE A. DAVENPORT, Judge. PAINTS, OILS and GLASS, E VHLE BROS., Druggists, to whom all orders,or BOOTS & SHOES fellow' has changed in his appearance, per­ business. Great inducements offered. Samples free. letters for information should be addressed. New York for Norwalk, District of Norwalk, is., Probate Court. Oct. 20, lStk. haps. You see by these letters that I am Address with stamp, JAMES C. RAND & CO.. SAVE THIS. At T.00, 8.00 (Ex.,) A. M.; 12.15 (Ex.,) 3.00 STATE of SARAH AYRES, late of New Canaan, ; the 'critter.'" . 12t38 Biddeford, Me. •New Goods* New Store. (Ex.,) 3.45, 4.25 (Local ex.,) 5.30,6.30,8.00(Ex„)P.M. in said district deceased. £«HS r::t'£CT H EThe Court of Probate for the district of Norwalk, The brakeman looked astonished, but WHAT ARE I C. H. HARVEY Norwalk for New Haven, ' ^ hath limited and allowed six months from the date . finally said: At 6.S9 A. M., stopping at all stations. ,» ,. . 'J* hereof for the creditors of said Estate to exhibit thelrM ' " Well, that is afact sure enough. . Iknow And a superior article of DOOR LOCKS. Would most respectfully call the attention of the pub. 8.53 claims for settlement. Those who neglect to present. School and; .Miscellaneous ic to his removal to the store AYRSHIRE BULL, 9.44 " Boston Express. their accounts, properly atteated, within saidItlme,. t ou when -I- come to look again, but really . r' -" \ " LAWRENCE DREW." 1.31 P. M., stopping at all stations. will be debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to F did not believe jrou at first. You see we N;. • -' 1.59 -Boston -Express. said Estate are requested tojnake immediate pay­ No. 1, Ely's Block, So. Norwalk, First Prize Yearling at the New England Fair, Sept. 4.40 K •( have all sorts of tricks played on us, and we ment lo Exe tow itifr With one of tlie Largest Variety and Lest Assorted 1363, and Fail-field County Fair, 1S6S. 5.52 stopping at all stations. 3t*« ^Stheod^E^^RES,} ™ :**• learn to doubt everybody. You are very I3T" Don't forget; EAST SIDE of Main Street, a* Stock ever iblrodttcea in Norwalk, at 6.12 welcome to go in, Sir. Barnum, and I am PEDIGREE: T.3T Calved July 16,1867; hred by S. M. & D. Wells, f*\ o to KEELER'S for your nice Fine Calf and Pat-, glad to see you." and as this conversation Sf'J; Prices that will Defy all Competition 9.49 Boston Express. VH" ent Leather Boots of the latest stylet. was Leard throughout the car," Barnum, Wethersfield, Ct * <,j. THEY ARE NOT A } ILE FANCY DRINK, CALL AND EXAMINE THE GOODS. SITIE: Aleck Christie out oi Dolly 3d, (55); .-T- the showman," was the subject of general Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits, and re­ 2d. John Anderson (33) out of Effle; - Trains leave New Haven for Norwalk, at 2.40,6.30, • /~~10 to KEELER'S if. you want a nice Child's or observation and remark." . fuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to .-AT- >/•' 3d. Zachary Taylor (75) out of Gowan; 6.30, 8.10, 9.45 (Ex.,) A. M.; 12 M.; 2.05, (Ex.,) 4.80 Mitses' Colored Shoe. Its Superior Advantages. please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," ''Re­ 4th. Prince Albert imported by Capt. Randall. (Ex.,) 5.00,8.30 (Ex.,) P. M. storers," &c., that lead the tippler on^o drunkenness ; ry-r;:. REMOT AL DAM; Merryton2d,imported by U.H.Peters and 10,000 Xegatlvei t»w and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the Na­ winner of (9) prizes in Scotland. See large bill of advertisement at theStation Houses HAILS AND DOORWAYS.—The hall of a and Hotels. Arrived In Norwallt. J Window Shades, tive Roots and Herbs of California, free from all Jll- - Services (5) Five Dollars in Advance. Snpt's Office, 4th Ave. and 2Tth St, New York. dwelling gives you the first impressions. coholtc Stimulants. They are the GREAT BLOOD- Wholesale & Retail Prices. MEADOW FARM, Daricn, Conn. Ass't Supt's Office, Station House, New Haven. TTAVIBB p^bhased all the Negatives made by the ~ mim. PURIFIER and LIFE-GIVING PRINCIPLE, a per­ I : The Union Marble Works 1 ' E. FAVL, Agentm JtX late firms of Whitney A Paradise, Paradise *:., Sometimes, on entering, you fear that by fect Renovator and Invigorator of the System,carrying •} • " . • JAMES H. HOYT< Sup't. !W- off all poisonous matter, and restoring the blood to • >}•>, 1><1 Cooke, and A. W. Paradise, at their Galleries, No..| NORWALK, CONN., Or BOX. No. 10 Darien Depot, P. O. lOtf S85 Broadway, N. Y., and removed them to onr place,.,, some mistake you have got into a clothes PIBST.—Its completeness In its arrangements and a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit­ ters according to directions and remain long unwell. Erie Railway- here, we take this method of informing persons who'; closet; at others you enter upon a space so combinations as a perfect fruit preserver. ;. Just received an assortment of all the Hammer's Cliampaigji Ale. have had pictures made there that we are now pre-i ^100 will be given for an incurable case, providing r r AVE been removed from Phoenix Block, to the RAINS will leave depots foot of Chambers st. and small thai it is only by a dexterous inter­ "Wall Paper, the bones are not destroyed fcy mineral poisons or • "** "'j ft > rv' >*> »1 *• % H building formerly occupied by William Glover, HE attention of the public is solicited to the supe­ foot of Twenty-third St., as foilows: ared to furnish duplicates of them, either plain or ru; Mechanic Street, in the rear of the new Bank Bnild- rior quality of » T Snished in tbe various styles known to the art. Or- change of civilities between yourself and the other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the T Through Express trains at 8 a. m.,10 a. m., and 5.30 dera by mail will receive prompt attention, and pic­ point of repair. ing. The subscriber, formerly of the firm of E. Price HAMMER'S FRESH BREWED p, m. and 6.30 p. m., daily. New andimprovedDraw­ tures will be delivered in New York when desired. '>' door that you can get in or the door be shut. FOR INFLAMMATORY AND CHRONIC RHEU­ & Son, is now prepared to furnish every kind of ing Room Coaches will accompany the 10 a.m. train to MATISM, AND GOUT. DYSPEPSIA, or INDIGES­ School BOOISLS CHAMPAIGN ALE. jsjH Bnffalo,-connecting at Hornelisviile with magnificent 24tf WHITNEY A BECKW1TH. In Bome halls, so called, a man sees a pair of SKOOXD.—It is provided with a divided Ring, which TION, BILIOUS, REMITTENT and INTERMIT­ Italian and American Marble, This Ale is brewed fresh at all seasons of the year, keeping qualities, sleeping coaches, through to Cleveland, alee] is easily attached or detached from the Neck of the TENT FEVERS, DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, LIV­ GRANITE, DRAB, OR BROWN SI ONE. and its especially of that brewed dur­ coaches will accompany the 8 a.m. train from sns- of corkscrew stairs coming right down upon Jar, and secured by aBail, s g- f pr'i { \;.f ER,KIDNEYS and BLADDER, these BITTERS have ing the most excessive hot weather, is guaranteed for quehajwa to Buffalo: the 5.30 p. m_ train to Buffalo him, and^fears lest by some jugglery- he be STAIE EODS, been most successful. SUC1I DISEASES are caused any length of time. and the 6.30 train to Rochester,Buffaloand Cincinnat by VITIATED BLOOD, which is generally produced Toy (used in this vicinity, also, a variety of ? ?j MOSTUMERTTS For sale in Barrels and Half-Barrels, at the store seized and extracted like a cork into some by derangement of the DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Slabs. Tablets, Sinks, Ac., as well as Mantles and of the suoscribers, FITCH & RENOIJD, upper space. Often the doors are so arrang­ Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its Furniture Slabs in general, and furnished at the low­ Main St., Norwalk, Conn. Pi impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, ; ;A est possible prices. Agents for the sale of Hammer's Champaign Ale. Unionville. ed that with the shutting ot the outside door Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yon find it ob­ l 4 ' ; For Middletown and Way, 3.30 p m. TKIKD.—When the band and bail are applied, its ^^Miscellaneous Books, r ' f Cemetry Fencing', Iran Baling, tc>, and the opening of the inside ones, the tim­ combinations form a complete handle, thereby dis­ structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it NEW LAGER RIER SALOON. £ For Newbnrgli and Way, at 8.39 a.m, daily and (4.00 FIRE-BOARD PRINTS, pensing with all lifters or other appliances, which is foul, and your teellngs will tell you when. Keep furnished and pnt np at short notice and on very. p. m. from 23d St.) 4.15 p. m., Sundays'excepted. id stranger stands a chance of being impal­ have hitherto been in use for removing the Jar from the blood healthy, and all will De well. favorable terms. HE uudersigned respectfully notifies his friends For Suffren and Way, 5pm and 6 pm. Theater boiling water. These Bitters are not a gilded pill, to delight the Representing an estalllishment the oldest and best T and everybody who likes a fresli cool glass of train, 11.30 p m, daily. ed on the latch, or flapped tront and rear, eye, or please.the fancy, bnt a medical preparation, khown of any in Wcstere Connecticut, the subscriber Lager that lie'has opened a For Paterson and Way, from Twenty-third street - for vigorous springs, attached to the door, composed of the best vegetable ingredients known. A liberal deduction will be made'to Country Mer­ feelsthat its reputation for artistic excellence and depot, at 6.30, 9 a m, 12 m, 1.30 (dally), 4 and 6.30 p m. Renders the Skin soft They are an Alterative, Tonic, Diuretic, Sedative, chants and Teachers. All orders for honorable dealing is already too well established to Wine and Lager Bier Saloon, From Cambers st. depot (.45, 9.15 a m, 12 m, 1.45,(dai­ and smooth, allays all work with such nimbleness that one needs Diaphoretic, and Gentle Purgative. need'eommendation. Address ly) 4 and 6.45 p m. "The Life of all Flesh is the Blood thereof."—Purify irratation and roughness to be an expert, or, having opened the door, it '•'fX. E. B. PRICE, Agent. opposite the Horse Railroad Depot, where he will sell For Hackensack and Way, from Twenty-third at and keeps the hands Table Covers* the blood, and the health of the whole system will BOOKS, MUSIC, AC. m>A: Norwalk, April 6th, 1SG8. 32 the best NEW YORK LAG EE bv the GLASS, GAL­ depot, at 9 a m, 12 m, 4, 5, 6 and 6.30 p m. From pliant at all times of the before he can dash through, it will spring FoirRTn K is constructed with a Glaea Cover, follow R. H. JIcDONALD, J. WALKER & CO., LON, BOTTLE or KEG. FREE LUNCH everyday Chambers st depot at 9 a m, 12 m, 4, 5, t and 6.45 b m. year. For which sets over the neck of the Jar, resting on an Proprietors, from 10 to 11 o'clock, a. m., except Sundays. For Piermont, Monsey and Way, from Twenty-tnird baok upon him with a "now-I-have-got-you' elastic band on the outer Burface or the shoulder, San Francisco and Sacramento, California, and 32 outside of our .stock, will be filled the^feme day, if GEORGE SCHAUB. at depot, 9 a m 1, *3.30,4,5, *6.30 p m, and Saturdays CHAPPED LIPS & HANDS air, quite alarming. Such houses seldom re­ thus preventing any flavor being Imparted to the fruit and 34 Commerce St. (Commerce, a short street run­ given in the morning, without extra charge. only *12 midnight From Chambers st depot, at 9 by metalic or poisonous substances. This advantage'antagc ning from Bleecker to Barrow), N. Y. A. LxilJLacli's a m, 1, *3.30,4.15,5.15, *6.30 p m, and Saturdays only it has no eqnal. Use it mit their torments here. There is an exqui­ a&ne renders'its superiority snch as to bring it intc SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. 12t34 *12 midnight. and be convinced. For Immediate and general use with the pnbllc. ! TicketsTor passage and for apartments in drawing sale by site symmetry in all the interior adapta­ 353. Blaoluiian, Family Wine and Liquor Store, room and sleeping coaches can be obtained, and orders tions. Window Cornices. '/*• 4 > ft »•'** " " "W; * •>£• Wall Street, 2nd store East of New Bank. HE subscriber respectfuly informs his friends and for the checking and transfer of baggage may be left UHe Brothers, W. H. SWORDS, the public of Norwalk and vicinity in general, at the Company's offices—Nos. 241 and 95T Broadway, DRUGGISTS, Tthat he has lately opened a No. 338 Fulton st, Brooklyn; Depots foot of Cham­ bers st, and foot of Twenty-third st, New York Norwalk, Conn. U , . ADAMS APPEALS TO THE YANKEE GIBLS.— i'i.. ; i*i Wholesale Cigar .& Liquor Store, No. 3 Exchanj Place and Long Dock depot, Jersey under the firm of A. LUKACH & CO., No 133 Green­ City; and of le Agents at the principal hotels.. The Unionist contains the following extract Attention Ladies! wich St., between Dev >nd Courtland Sts., New * To Piermont only. from W. L. Adams, of Oregon, to Mr. Craig, York. To dealers in Cigars and Whiskeys, he offers . WM. R. BARR, Gen'l Pass'r Agent. j THE "WILCOX JAR ,;.v...... r-' ' Great Bargains. His Branch Store, in Norwalk, is L. D. RCOKEB, Gecl Supt 29 M: li j of Salem, wherein ha sets forth this, his ap­ i ! Gilt& BM Walnut Monlfliims A NEW SEWING MACHINE. kept with a choice stock of peal, to the Yankee girls. It is graphic,if not ALES, WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, A TOBACCO. OLD WELL HOTEL STABLES. pathetic•" Why stand ye here idle, when Dealers and Private Families will find it to their ad­ ... Adjoining the Hotel, South Norwalk. GREAT SHOW Is vantage to purchase their wants in the above men­ Notice. railroad fare to California has been reduced tioned articles, from to $150, and when Oregon, Washington and Picture Cord & Tassels, The Wajyenei' Machine, HE snbscriber haviqg hired the Fair Grounds A. LUKACH'S, will open them to the pnbllc for a California, offer such inviting fields to fe­ is all glass; perfectly self-sealing; very simple in its ! Merchant Tailor T > combinations; audconceeded tobetlic.,, , , : 31 ? Water St., Kena's Block, Norwalk, Conn. male emigrants ?**..* I am a witness MUTING FABK, ADMISSION FREE TO ALL, THE MOST DESIRABLE SEWING MACHINE BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE. this season at Five Dollars per Ticket. The grounds i to the fact that many men in Oregon, men -•?T will be kept open every day, andthe track in goed ' ' Messrs. CASEY & BRACKEN order. Tickets for sale by the subscriber, and at tbe of means, of talents and position, have been Ac., Ac., Ac. Alsc :-:t- $0 v:ll IN THE WORLD. '• .; •• •' \ -* # would respectfully, inform the people of Norwalk and Norwalk Hotel. D. S. BABTBAM. compelled, in cases of sickness, to roll up / : ; Now on exJiibition at . vicinity that they have removed their store from Main their sleeves, dive into the washtub, dishpan' "It needs only ttf be seen to be admired, and used --TP 1'':-• u,v\ liT. Street to Water Street one door from WashingtonSt., Musical Instruments For Sale. to be appreciated." v South Norwalk, opposite the new bridge, where they bakeoven, &c., simply because no woman BEST FRUIT PRESERVER ;:'C •.?!'< ! Stables connected with the Hotel, and passengers keep constantly on hand a fall assortment of earrled to and from the Konse to the cars and Steam­ J FINEE Pipe Organ, forfi Parlor me; built by Jar- could be had to do the necessary work for R. BERNHARD'S.^ HIS Simple and Economical Machine makes ten dine A Son, N. Y. Contains~ ' 1' Bsnk~ " KeKey, 4 House and Sign Fainting, Paper T varieties of stlching—plain and alike on both Wines & l«lq.uors boat free oi expense. Horses and Carriages to let at Draw stops, and 1 X octavo pedals. Blown by foot love or money. I have seen those men make sides—corded, flat; wide or narrow, raised and orna­ AND DEALER IN' both FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, which they offer at all hours. Carriages run to all trains andthe Steam­ or lever, in perfect order, nearly new, and will be mental. Will sew with donble threads or singlefrom the lowest New York prices to the trade, andfor fam­ boat, and passengers carried as cheap as any other sold for |3TS, cost £800. the suds fly, slinging pots and kettles, and the Spool. It is sold 810 less than any other machine. ily use. All goods guaranteed as represented and de­ stable will ao it. - 1 Seoond Hand Melodeon, in Piano Style of finish, handling a dishcloth in a way that would Call and see the wonder of the age. livered to a - - . - - • Weddings and Funerals attended for {3 each car­ been In use a few years; in good condition and will share of the ]. riage. sold cheap—price <90. astonish the senoriHts in Chili, if it didn't yet offered to the public. We are, also, ageni A few good horses for sale. 1 Second hand Piano Forte, a good looking instru­ E. BLACKMAX, Agent, which has taken the first premium at the Paris Expo, LORENZO SCO FIELD. the Yankee women in New England/ In Hanging, &c., at 7- ment, in good order, lately tuned.. SITS. sition of 186T, is warranted not to sour, and for bril­ "'ft. -7 1 Second hand Piano Forte, by good makei> a vary •ain did these men pause in their labors, * WALL STREET, NORWALK, CONN. liancy and flavor Is excelled by none. For sale In HOPKINS' X\. : fine looking instrument, just tuned, and In first rate half-barrels, barrels and casks to suit the trade. We order, will oe sold for (130. straighten up over the washtub, drop their -Si;- - "' : have also, constantly on hand Messrs. J. J. Phelps 3s Apply by letter or otherwise to •F. H. NASH, durty linen in disgust, and, stretching their V--.O'' '3; t «>.i - Co.'s Celebrated Ales, the name of which is sufficient SOUTH N0BWAIK SALES-« Westport, Ct. Millinery ! J Millinery! niarantee for their excellence. Call and examine be- AND imploring hands towards armies of unem­ For Sale by'th e Case or Dozen, by MR. LETI CLARK ' " IP GENTLEMEN'S ore purchasing elsewhere. M.CASEY, ORCELAINS DETERRE, Is the trade-mark of ly22 G. H. BRACKEN. r - 1 ployed Yankee women in New England, ut­ May now be found at my store, ready to P the best. Fancy Goods !fi||Jf|i|J! LIVERY STABLES. toStona China, ter the Macedonian cry,' Come over and 3r Repair Cloelc«, Watclies, Jewelry, icc. "-'it ORSES and CARRIAGES,'Donble and Single, iuto Frenchrreucn China,vnuis« uui> tew ciu i«u iuc uiuaw««. $BRUSBX3S. v though the price is about half that of French China. help us.'" We perfectly agree with Mr. Ad­ He will also do all kinds of H wlth or without driven, and of the best, con­ Sold l>y m E. K. LOCKWOOD. A fine assortment of stantly on hand and (tarnished at any hour of the day ams in one thing, we'd rather see a Yankee Fancy Goods! BN-GHAVXDTO or evening. Horses taken on Livery, and a few supe­ girl" dive into the washtub" than do it our- * i**? on Tea Sets, Spoons, Forks, Rings, &c. Coffin Plates rior animals for sale. Our equipment cannot be ex­ WILLIA1 B. SWAN Upper end of Main Street, East Side. IS A SENSATION! Tootb, Nail, Hat and Hair Brushes, celled by any stable in the connty. Partles,Funerals, •elf. So we say to the Yankee girls, "Come Ac., attended. Good vehicles, gentle horses, and safe C. F. SELLECR & Co, experience :it .9:Si For jale by H. M. & C. S. PROWITT. drivers always guaranteed, ana at moderateprlces. HIS over and help us 1"—Portland Oregonian. Large stock of Ladies'Under Garments, all ready Horses, new and second-hand Carriages, Harnesses, made. Ac., constantly on hand for sale at low prices, and sat­ Just opened, the largest etoek of Fall Goods ever OLID DOCTOR isfaction guaranteed. w 3 Harness & Sadftleir Estaklishoeit, W Irish citizen in grief is asked by his shown in Norwalk. Come and see the new styles of Give him a call. K. BLACKJIAIV. It contains uo opium, morphine, or anything of the to the rear of his honse, on Main St, and will soon friend, " What's the matter ? " Matter, in- Jockeys' Hats and Feathers. Now is the time to kind to stnpify the child. be prepared to exhibit a full stock of Goods in his take the tide; it will carry you on to fortune. FURNISHING GOODS, .orse dade ? Why, here I insured my brother's AGENTS for NOSVAIK tc VICINITY, We have marked down! down! down! our Goqds BLACKMAN'S line, and to do all kinds of Jobbing. and sell them eheaper than ever. It is perfectly harmless and a child might swallow life two wakes ago, and yesterday he got * Our neighbors are mad, bnt who cares.' We wish the whole bottle without the least injury. HE subscriber having purchased the good will, kilt wid a derrick. And whin I came to tell it distinctly understood by the buying public, that > (Stationery. 1 T tools, Ac., of the Horse Shoeing Establishment SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. we cannot be undetsold. SOOTHING- SYRUP of James D. Shea, in the •* A these insurances they'd been afther making We have a very large stock of Hosiery, Gloves, It will regulate the bowels, assist digestion,dispels HE subscriber is prepared to fornish at short no* ti'V?. Stop and Examine tlie^Bcst * '* ll - [' \ Hoop>p Skirts, Corsets, Fancy Goods, andand in fact ev­ev- UST received a large stdck of all fiatucncy, and cure colic. T tice all articles usually kept in a Saddler's Shop, •ome mistake, the blaguards thought to erything that yon can expect at a first-class Milli­ J FRENCH & AMERICAN PAPER AND EN­ Boar of tlie Bone Hallway Depot) and manufacture Saddles, Bridles, Single and donUe bribe me off with a hundred pounds—as if I 4= nj.0exa.i3a: Blobk. nery and Fancy Goods Store. VELOPES, DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS,- WRITING FOB CHILDREN Harness, Ac., to aider, in the best manner, and do Large stock of Gents' Undershirts, 40 cents apiece. ' J,*,* mi It soothes the gums, and affords great relief lo a is now fully prepared to fill all orders for all kinds of jobbing In his line in a workmanlike M-4* was a haythen to sell me brother's blood." Remember the place, Mitchell's Block, corner Wall BOOKS, PASS BOOKS, DIARIES, SLATES. PENS, V:'v- »';<•••• -:ai-:I ner. Public patronage solicited. >•'** 1 child who is teething. : .• J. A. TUTTLE, Si.-, mm and Water streets. 39 _ B. BERNHARD. PENCILS, WRITING INKS, FLUID MUCILAQE, TEETHING SHOEING HORSES ^ * under Connecticut Hottliv/ —The following is the inscription upon a mm It is recommended above all others becausc of its S-.v Butter Working Churn: te, Sc.. at Wholesale and Retail. 0 . l||jt\ Notice. grave stone in the cemetery at Olastenbury: ASTHMATIC POWDERS. mild, safe, though very efficient action. in the best manner. All diseases of the feet treated and ir- E. BLACKMAN. corner Sts. a cure warranted. By constant attention to bnsiness WOULD respectfully inform my customers and fc;-. " Here lies — . Her life's threads v" THE IN'USE. and faithful and careful execntion of his work, he _ the public generally that I have retired from the N invaluable remedy for this distressing com­ Mothers, try itwnd you will discard all others. Tes­ hopes to gain the public confidence and receive liarnesfl Manufacturing Business, but at the flint were cut asunder; she was struck dead by plaint. To the efficacy of which, munbers in timonials and certificates as to the truth of these liberal patronage. JOHN BARNEY. time Isball keep consUntly on b*nd it mjstore, A A. JACKSON & BRO„ giS-ts statements can be furnished in any quantities. Norwalk, June, 1S69. 22 a clap of thunder." this town can tesitify. v - 1_ ^ •;** »* S comer Main Street and.CenterAvenue, a large as­ il tpffMl * +>- f * PARLOR ORGANS, Price 35 cents. sortment of Saddles and Bridles, Summtr and Winter —A new French book on female beauty Prepared and sold by "t I 'No. 1 Gazette Bnilding. ' Blankets, Halters, and Whips, which will be sold %• cheaper than elsewhere in town. Hoping tocontinue says the American women are the most IN THE WORLD, AT OULD invite the attention of their old customer NEW H.VVKN, Aus. 9,1SGS. REMOVAL J g H, IK. & C. S. Proirltt. Tbe Best tn market, at receiving your patronage for the same and thanking W and the public generally to their varied and ex I have used Dr. Blackmail's Soothing Syrup In my Horse Shoeing Establishment. yon for past favors, Yours^^ll^ beautiful in the world. Next to them come tensive stock of mY family for the past three years and would not be with­ the Bassian women. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, FANCY out it under any consideration, The ease and com­ rpHE subscriber wouldId respectitallyrespectlhllyjnform the pub- N. B.—Two Harness and three Lady's Saddles will m. Cloak and Press Making Wholesale Prices. fort it affords our little ones and its perfectly harmles lie that he can be found A few Rods below" his be sold cheap if called for soon. —There is a house in the town of Green­ GOODS, SILVEB PLATED .WAEE.&C., (•a® nature recommended it above all others. My little old place of business where he will study toi ilease all m- AT #hich was selected with great care and is not to be South Norwab, Conn. TIII aged three years by accdent drank down a whole who may call on him. lylg WM. A1 IERN. land, New Hampshire, the bricks of which Bros., lottle without the least injury, yet given in proper BIRDIRD /^lAGESC for sale by Mrs. SIiAUSON'S surpassed in' Fairfield County; 'in qnality or price. Music Bonces, cbo, E. K. LOCKWOOD.|G||; vr. ;iv^ Were brought from England in 1038.' It is Constant additions are made of all the latest styles of doses it has most magical effects in quieting restless J^"NEW STYLES NOW READT^JI goods.. A. JACKSON &BRO, "CHOICE SOAPS and. STARCH for family use, by ness, I pronounce it a mothers andbabys blessing. CLOTHES WRINGERS, •till in good repair. J the Box or less quantity at MRS. JOHN CARSOTT. MEDAL RANGE im E. Blackunan. For Sale by UHLE BROS,.. Wholesale and Retail HE BEST ARTICLE. VADE, for sale by —About a quart of hair pins is the result URE SPICES of all kinds, Ground and Un* T. BABBITT'S " BEST SOAP," by the box or 6. O. KEELER IFCBRO. T E. K. LOCKWOOD. OR SALK & K.LOCKWOOD. ground, at G. O. HEELER & BROS. . less quantity, at G. O. KEELER &, BRO'S, Druggists, NorwJlk Ct. F v.- of sweeping out a passenger coach after a P B rpHE largest and beat assorment of Groceries in X Norwalk, all of the very best quality. IN ROOFINFLTGUTTERS, CONDUCTORS* j^EED •FEED—FEED.—All kinds and of the best kRIME GEESE FBATHEBS'sold by „„„„„ 11 (tip from Chicago. Boat Side of Main Street, Upper End. RIME LIVE GEESE FEATHERS for sale at HANDLIERS and HALL LIGHTS for KBKO- T AND JOBBING WORK done in the best man* STRA RANGE sold by quaUty, at ^„ G. O. KEELER A BROS. - ^ GEORGEF.BBLDBN'S. c SENE.eold by E.K. LOCKWOOD. G. O.KEELER & BRO. ier tar E. K. LOCKWOOD. E GEORGE F.BELDEN.

- , . ^ J1