j^'wau'J<uiij; y y »• J> er.tv*w^*4««aelii ((J»0 )i«'iili.1«3 JU .1'. I .,»• (t *, iij Ji %*su£ti w7 * V i fcJfc^N ' # 't* 1 • "'•. :**'>:«: d* & ^ **V*- 4 i , L~J » mxwm -*'*•• • •V'.'£V*v&'".* tfV' r;-*rf,/ivi^»> , Jvf&i£r«ViJfaji|''^'i» fof'i ,*, * j jlk'Mi&l • »Viti J^r it. v fea ,'.V/ v * r*—sfr- ~ »< it,.; ,|XJ0s»*f .>«»{« -<i! ivWJLtil Sid '"- u . Sof \V £3 WHOLE NUMBER 1139. JSTORWALK, CONNECTICUT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1869.- ; ' .-, LII.—NUMBER 44. •> :•• .' ? h'iti. ^V[ |Vj. -.11 Si? For Sale or to Rent. THOUGHTS IN SICKNESS, if . ; IORWALK GAZETTE. REAL ESTATE. y Edward P. Weed /, " Come, come, Gwynne, make haste," at ing to make a match of it. Don't look so WILL IT PAY? r'-fi h'h'i, >•'• URNISHED or unfurnished, the house on Pros­ last sounded from below. DENTISTRY F pect Hill, formerly occupied by Dr. Child;. Pos­ DRUGGIST 4C APOTHECARY, Something to cling to on life's troubled main astonished. She'll make him a good wift;. By.Pre** or Watash College. •/{' Th« ReesMi Olieit Paper In lk« State. -IN For Sale or Exchange. , session given immediately; will be rented for the I ran down to obey the doctor's call, and for though she is a year younger than dear This is a great question, and it is very of-.j; , winter or the year. Inquire of nr*M Street, Norwalk Conn The tempest tossed mariners cry; ; ttoutb. KTorwallt. -t -t r» ACRES of Land in Wilton, Conn., about Something to ding to in sickness and pain / ' r soon proceeded up the town to Mrs. Gor­ Hetty, she looks older, you know, and is ten repeated. That it is a great question in«>< .. OWICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. IIP six miles from Norwalk Bridge, with two S6tf J. W WILSON Pure Foreign and Domestic Drags, Medicines, KENDALL A HART, Operators. yoke of Oxen, Cart, Farming Utensils, Household Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, cigars, While the angry btflbws are high. *' don's. After I had conversed with that more steady and sedate. But Hetty's a dear Wall-street is evident from the fact that in;^. E are now prepared to receive onr patients at Furniture, ten tons of Hay, Potatoes, Corn, Wood, For Sale Cheap. Mineral Waters, ftc. lady for a few minutes—that is to say she some sense or other its vast business hinges&t! A. B. BTTINGTON * CO., any time during tbe wcct. W^ exUact teeth and an orchard of Grafted Fruit Possession given Pare Wines ana Liquors for medicinal purposes only Who is so strong, b^t some shelter he seeks girl, and will, I'm sure, make you happy. withW or without the use of fc AIJCHIN© «A8. immediately if desired. For further particulars en­ FINE Farm of thirty acres, about two miles from Among oar Stock may be foana When his trials and dangers arc great ? talked and I listened—she ushered me into on it. If a man buys this stock or sells thatjw A. H. BYINGTON, J. B. ELLS, Q. N. EL L« Norwalk. The Honse and Barn are large and Lubin's Extracts, Sponges, Don't speak, don't speak! There, I'll send Wednesdays we devote entirely to extracting Teeth quire of HARVEY FITCH, or C. N. CASE. A The stannchcst ofships, the bravest of hearts a morning-room to see my patient. WITHOUT PAIN. , „ ,• , _ SMS Norwalk, Ccnn. well built. Now is the ohance for some one to get a Lubin's 8oaps, ..tU'o Chamois Skins, r; her in." And off the lawyer bolted in his if he " buys short" or buys at all, if he deal a] The principal Operator in Cotton's Dei great bargain if applied for soon. Apply to Fancy Soaps, Castile Soap, Seek port till the tempests abate. " We are quite anxious about dear Hetty," usual jerky way before I could speak a in Erie, or Northwestern, or Union Pacific,*)! Subscription $2.00 per year in advance. has repeatedly declared that South Noorwalkis the best LEGRAND'~D COMS1 1STOCK. Toilet Articles, Corks, ^ i' looper Union) to Hair Brashes BirdSeed,_ she said; " she's had a bad cough for some word. » the question at the bottom and the beg'n'ing ao Single copies 5 cents. place within his knowledge, (out of C< ; Congress Water, O for the rock that is higher than I; have teeth extracted. ' ' To Let. Nail " I pant for Its shadow of rest, time past, and oilr home remedies seem to AlvHtlilat Hates. - We particulary invite those who may desire Flesh " « Empire " Was I mad? Was I dreaming? Alice of the transaction is this," Will it pay ?" A .a $1.00 T South Norwalk, the house recently occupied by Valuable Mill Property for Sale Star " For shelter, safety and comfort I fly Koar lines or leu,1 insertion SO cts.; 3 timet, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, Tooth " 1 be of no avail." the younger!—Alice engaged!—Hetty lov­ certain tea firm in Philadelphia having too Ou« square. one Insertion, 1.00 A Doctor Cornell, near theDjgot pAgj^° Shaving " * Kissengen " ' To Jesus the rock of the blest. Per week, for continuance, .BO to examine onr manner of work and prices before At Kent Station, Conn. Clothes " ; ,w Vichy •' . Two girls rose as I entered and returned ing me dearly! Hetty coming to me! Tc much unoccupied capital cast a look over oue square, liz months, 7.00 procuring them elsewhere. Teeth filled in the most #t"43 at the Bank, South Norwalk. mHE proprietor of KENT MILLS, having engaged Infants " Gettysburg " my yeiy nervous bow. I saw that one was " •' one year—with paper, 15.00 approved manner. Those partially broken away by 1 in another buslne88,offers for sale the above prop­ Feather Dusters, ft" Vermont " Iiow beautiful, tender, gentle and sweet powers, what*>n earth was it all about? the stock market. By some means their at- , ii ii al II II 88.00 decay, restored to their former size and shape. erty situated on Norwalk River, ten rods from Rail­ Pomades, Seltzer " s tall and graceful, with a mass of black hair How cotjld I have been such a fool ? A tention is directed to "Reading" stocks. ; Three " " " *' " 10.00 road depot, and 8X miles from Norwalk, on main HalrOilB, ' Mlsslsquoi << Are the words that fell from his lips; Oue quarter Column, one year. 80.00 SALE.—Building Lots and Dwellings road to Danbury, consisting of Saw Mill, Upright and Farina Cologne, ; , Excelsior " Like mnsic the sound the weary to greet, ' loosely drawn from off he^face, large, soft thousand little hitherto unnoticed facts They wish to make money, and the very ^ Due half " " " 80.00 FT rog Mm 3100 to 810,000, situated in town ol Circular Saws, all in good order; also, Cider Mill, BayRnm, London Porter," ' The burdened who follow his steps. black eyes, a clear complexion and regular crowded on my brain, confirming the state­ question to be settled is that which heads Vail Column, one year, ,. 180.00 Darlei ' Apply to F. H. HOYT, Darien Real Estate nearly new, with three presses, and all necessary ma­ Florida Water, Scotch Ale, Special Notlcea IS per cent advance bn the above. chinery; two large Cider Vaults, Vinegar Loft, Vats, Magnolia " Camphor, features; a grand beauty, I thought. The ment. How could I have trusted appear­ this article. These gentlemen did not de- i ; A Agency. Cream Tartar, " ! lam weary, heavy laden and sort , „ IV* Local Notices in Beading Columns, SO cents and Casks; one large Barn, besides Stables for six Hair Dyes, per line. , . THE MODEL MARKET. horses; one splendea team of Matched Horses, six Flavoring Extracts, Indigo, I'm sick, sad and suffering with pain,' '. •other was diiferent, evidently two or three ances so utterly, and taken her for the eldest mand an absolute certainty in the matter, Yearly advertisers restricted to the business con­ WILLIAM MITCHELL, BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE and seven years old; two heavy Wagons; one light Shaker Herbs, Alcohol, • r I long for this tronbled night to be o'er ' '' years younger, with sunuy, chestnut hair, without being certain ? She engaged; and but after all their venture is based on the templated at the time of contract, but are permitted Wagon, and everything completeeto to carry on « sue- Stationery, „ ^ : > : to make monthly changes of their advertisement*. AVING become proprietor of thisthisol old establish­ HE subscriber offers for sale, on very resenable cessnl business; also, adjoining said property, one and a full assortment of all other articles usually And for health and its blessings again.' that tossed in leose waves down her back, wild, merry, sweet Hetty loving me! It answer which they are able to give to the . ed and ever popular market, 1is prepared io far- terms, a number of the choicest, ana most desi­ House and Barn, nouse containing 8. roi One Inch space constitutes a square. Hotels, Saloons, Families, sc., with Meats of all Trable Building Lots ln'the town of Norwalk, situated WitMKC nuuoc nuu uaiu> uuuec tuutamiuK w_ rOOIDBy kept in a Drug and Chemical Establishment. great question. Advance payment required for all transient adver­ S with roar acres of ohoice land, and fruit In abundance; Bht 111 not murmur, my Saviour is here _ ( blue eyes, a little pouting mouth, a most be still would not enter my brain. What kinds, of the best quality, in any desired quantity and on high ground,. (Prospect Hill), near and of easy ac­ also, a two-story House with eight rooms, with eight l tisements.
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