Convention between the French Republic and the Federal Republic of concerning development of the between /Kehl and Lauterbourg/Neuburgweier

The President of the French Republic, President of the Community, and the President of the Federal Republic of Germany,

Desiring to maintain the friendly relations between the two States in the sprit of European co-operation and to promote their economic relations;

Having recognized the advantage for both States of undertaking the joint development of the course of the Rhine between Strasbourg/Kehl and Lauterbourg/ Neuburgweier and of concluding a Convention for that purpose, have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the French Republic, President of the Community: Mr.Maurice Schumann, Minister for Foreign Affairs;

The President of the Federal Republic of Germany: Mr. Willy Brandt, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs,

who, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Chapter 1 General Principles of the Development

Article 1 Definition of the Works

1. The French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany shall jointly develop, in accordance with the following articles:

The barrage by means of a fixed dam in the bed of the

Article3 Superintendence of the works

1. 1.The French Republic shall carry out the works at the Gambsheim barrage described in annex I to this Convention, with the exception of the hydroelectric plant and its appurtenant works. The Federal Republic of Germany shall carry out the works at the Iffex