uesdsy December 31.1974 N° 59,282 Of princes, prav^ns, an Pnce eight pence petro-dollars: ReviC of the Year, pages 10-1

1 ■ . 4,700 dead in Much-heralded Brezhnev visit to

Cairo■■ Refusal,to\ . ; mg toe, Soviet£ line From ■ Edmund Stevirts the reconvening n£ the GetGeneva there would be no point-in h MOSCOW, Dec 30 t peace conf-erencQt'corferenc^' V going to the other two capitals.

e death toll from the earthquake which struck

northern Pakistan on Saturday rose to 4,700 ment between Moscow* and the i yesterday as Army rescue teams continued their Egyptian,. Syndii and Irani lead- .selves suggested. The -thr^i *“° ra“1°^ired ***** a retui n c ers, the visit had been postponed behind such warn^ogs^is tito ' fcSftdf ^■Ork in a remote part of the Indus valley. The and a new mutually convenient Soviet Union’s poWTtodenv vLSS* ^ date would he announced Jujer. Egypt the sophisticated weapons and just M tsccfu destruction of nine villages has also left 15,000 No reasons- fiov the postpouc- to rcmlace its daoleted QtJ“i‘tied- ment were giveft, but the news lone as President Sat&r icon- - present postponemen injured, many of whom have had to spend a third was hardly a surprise, as the, ti^yjres to prefer Dr Kissinger?* ;-almost suggests the handof fatr 'publidty huild-up* for the visit .jactics to those . proposed by 1 Mr Brezhnev was first schedule night in the open in severe cold. reased abruptly fust before -"Moscow. *’President. Sadar ts 5° visitCairo early in. 1967, bu Christmas, and it was not men- eagor to mend his bridges with m Jirauary of that year the vtsi ■Honed in auy of the reports iwi- .the Soviet Union but he has so 1Qd°“hiteiy postponed. Till the talks now-taking place sm fai declined to- pay the price of -*oltownig-November came th< Niue villages razed Moscow: with Dr Fahmi. -the repudiating the Secretary of apuatuicement that he would ■ Egyptian Foreign Minister 'and State' aba compromising his visit Egypt early m IMS. and in Fr-otn Hasan Akhtar _ While the majority of persons ■General • Gam as si, the . War xeladous witli -Washington. January of 2968 it was aw Rawalpindi, Dec 30 killed belonged to a string of Minister. Cairo had hoped that detente nounced that he would go thd . The number of deaiiis in hamlets in the Indus valley, Xu the absence of any official would somehow result in the-two ^iiowuig March. And that wat Saturday’s earthquake in moun- The river water, it exnki nation,. reliable sources powers synchronizing their ™e 1***. heard of that visit. ■ tainous northern Pakistan rose « believed that they also in¬ couSumed that postponement efforts ip the Middle* East, in ' Paul Martin writes from Beiru to 4,700 today as teams of eluded many men of the Pakz- was ofie^p unsolved differences which. case Cairo might stay 'The United States is expeco rescuers searched For survivors ra-y «“*■»■* m T™»d betweew|jSosI mA tlu> “ ... front his holiday se treat on the By .David Leigh, and raeut ..of the Department of name of Joseph Arthur Mark- According to reports Caribbean isl^d. of .Tobago, Michael Horsnell Trade inquiry ham from the Passnort Office disaster area, about 2 wni»L n * - f>- : :-, , :—v.wiujwu m>v iouv uenu;, yuuau dim Dr Waldhein^ said that he had P'oJice and Department of As a resulr of confidential in Petty France, Westminster, none Of Rawalpindi, oar of injured and homeless inhabit of urgently needed relief. (1,000 deadt,dead!, Pattan (500 ddead] learnt with deep distress b£ tbe Trade, mvesugauons into Mr inquiries liy the dcparmicnt The former minister was carry- nearly /2,000 people in nine iants to relief centrescenu-es near First reports _ from the Kayal (200 dead), aoa loss of life and s til feriug caused John *Sidnehause’s business and hito the "growing business activi- ing.the passport when he was villages 4,/00 were .dead aud Eesham, about 20 miles from disaster area last night said that Mandoza and Zaidkhan (■ by the earthquake. “.1 extend his disappearance were ordered d®3 of Mr Stonehouse in May- arrested- in - Melbourne on to,000 orhers were badly the scene oF the disaster. only one village—Pattan—had . dead); m.mred. About 4.400 houses had Some of the journalists taken been flattened by the earth- Mr Bhutto the Prime H totally collapsed. to die area by Army helicopters quake. However, an aerial sur- . ter, who is in Karachi at " --— -- r—— *-—t-; r- —---- crisis. ‘ the three main Stonehouse com- a passnort. Directors and workers at bow to events ss'tSSSS StiSSS ■ ■ drawal of snmp Ftwoon nn Comtflurues Act, 3967. MrHbon, were also bema By Edward Townsend . board twice advised that the spectacular product, an Inc rod- company, “ but has the company Government would hot grant deoosit with the ™ *hm» The iuspectonf reporr.: which studied yesterday. Mr CrJi«; Business News company’s requests for aid, lble. handhoih: British car which lost the will to continue ?” the loan until agreement with a third of the baukV total “Sff take months to prepare, and. nis six detectives wul ab» Dii-ectors of Aston Martin made on July 10 and September we can freely erport all over Mr Marvell, head of Per- Rimtoh was reached- “ It was deposits. Mr Tames Cbarltnn w! ,ire.. ^ f° , r ^*Jore» be invcsticatillg whether an* Tjurnnrln n-liii-N onnn.s< imnwinai-lii tr.llls

Paanell Buckinghamshire were involved formation’ of a Aston Martin, he said, was that in April, the company s**J*ti*l sales in K.°nh America Capita) Group, Global Imox bogus-passport and tow it ■mrl ‘ P**nAer ^ IPVAtikAl mu nrl ... ._ A _■ _#1 . roM*1 yestordav 'thattoj? were workers/managemenr coopera- « a political tool, began talks with Koyston Dis. gj out of a job.-Mr David Tyler, tiva. Mr Bonn wanted to be seen mb mors, largest distributor of s^tes^wSaMe arrireadyto their convener, said later: “ It’s He - also insisted on eight supporting everyone and every- British Leyland cars in the market Aston Martin and Lagunda the end of the line.* conditions, one of-which the thing but was “frightened of Upited States. «rs. _J.-.__ _cmbnnnv Wn „,uMp m bis own shadow Rovscon confirmed in Jujra It was accordingly made a enh- „ The inspectors, whato naroes menu Crom bui ^cot

tra^a. : ° ^ d also will call for- ftie comdanics’ -Tlit Crbiw» AgeWA Jdpcpdeep il' financial of their; own, pushedt London Capital £-im to restore its iiosiuon, he saio tne company nan us own Benn-bahhing ”. puuuw Segwitics, forjketiy .the Britl>h said. Xt was extremely unlikely United States subsidiary, so why ^ Maxwell spoke to The was mad?T 1 Bangladesh Vrait, raftlier inru that such an amount could be was the Government ottering Times from the OB2, which is 00 V^J troS&le yesna-dw. They con- provided by anyone at short support only on condition that it jQ mid-Atlantic on a cruise. The Ko>'slon .”ad firmed - their withdrawal from notice. . - had an American partner, which question of American distribu- uot consider thCiTCouapgiQ-, ih mhlch they The Department of Industry did not want to represent it tion, he said, was “a paltry ne'? Aston hay* a 'SltKUKK) sbafeholdiug in i said yesteatiay that Mr Bonn, anyway? • issue that must he capable of *niril guaran adcwJb ri to £350,«)0 ’ unders tood Secretary of State for Industry, Mr Willson, who is also chair- a solution assistance v< td fie deputed ^'on call” had overruled the Industrial man of Aston Martin’s parent Mr Bean, he said, had gone Royston. ’ T|[e Crjlwn Agents emphw- slzea thar no special Jerisiun haij been taken to withdraw .te dSSto* ”toa,?rt?rTOSr^ f ^ «“*.*“ d.c will,- matters to the Department, of ,/rtsun 5 UfM?e: drawal yiTI take place over a Trade and to soiiciiocs now acting Mr James t-rnne, aepunr assist; period, m November, when Mr SheBs fired near Scots trawler £500,000 art tfaeft from for toe company for advice. ant commissioner ah Scotland Sionehotoie disappeared, it was By a Staff Reporter inside Faroes territorial White Bear—that chased the illHPnrk5)n/C 'PqPIC *H5lf • eern.e *!jpa»aK!t , Both the- Department of jSsiMfKSafflsL^S2?iSiSr00“* pUesiaWAasite pressure cm them to The owners of a Scottish waters. Aberdeen Fisher, said last night ■American’sT»XIJ.t'X J.VC1X1 O AParis Ml flatllAl Trade and. the Bank of Enghrnd oiitxea Dy Mr oioneoffuse- separate themselves from the* ' tr-nvlor thir n^ranoH rtom a Commander Edward Eriksen, in a radio telephone interview _ ,'._T . . .. _ are being kept; Informed or the DeZe^ves removatf ^tiie apph tecondarv bauking field, y ' .r ^nt escaped now' « naval attadl6 at the Daiush that he ivas looking on the inci- fni*n Charles Hargrove had not been broken into. The steps I am taking. . - . cation form with which he oh 4 I- t-mboat after a IQ-hour Embassy in London, said last dent as a test case for the effec- pansParis,' Dec 30 police suspect a young man,man. He welcomed the aunounoo- tarned the fafee passport in the -. . /• Continued on page 2, col b clius-j across the North Sea, in night after talks with the tiveness of diplomatic and legal Forty-seven paiutings and whose identity has rot been which shells and a depih defence sraFE in Denmai-k:“ We action. drawings and a number of art vevealed.revealed but who bad the keys, j oaOJV 5--!, a*j. ji charge were fired, are to be are going to take this to court “We ordered them to stop, objects were stolen from the HeHe hashasbeen been imssiogimsSmg since lastIasi QU UIIIMCIaUS IOIU taken to court, if necessary in at tlie Faroes, and in this case which they failed to do, and so Pam flat of Mr Jacques Cartier, week. Ine police think that be LxJ.aa**' tT-«- jj absentia, accused of breaching it is absolutely certain that we inspected two trawlers aud *" American landscape arcJu- may have fled abroad aftoi (JOVCOtL LiUCSCO fishing limits, the Danish there will be a fine. We have went after a third> which we toct. The theft- was discovered puf**ns the pictures in safe • • *' _ i ; authorities decided yesterday, pictures of the radar showing tried to stop by various means, on Friday by his wife. ... . G-VCT lSF3.fiI , This tougli response to the the trawler’s position as clearly »Ve fired some warning shots. Among the missing paintings lfte penod between Christ- } incident, which took place at five-and-a-hali miles inside the aud some shots that went close are a Picasso, a Corot, a may ana New Year is a parncu- New York, Dec 3&r-rEishj# of j about midnight hetweeu CIu"ist- limits. without hitting diem. We also Gauauin, a Dufy, a Redqp, a ac**^e season lor the Pans the workPs. leading mnamans ' mas Day and Boxing Day. is «we .vin foi|0w this up *hreiv a depth charge to give Suzanne Valadon, a drawing by underworld as mar*' Parisian* today gave a pledge to boycott i intended as a deterrent against ir rhamiels. a sIloct w?ve so that the captain Toulouse-Lautrec, apd several spendil^ the .holidays a! the United Nations Educational, flight In- other trawler skip- uipiomauc cuamieis, was certain we wantCd him to works by Daumier, and by secondary residences in Social and Cultural Organization f. pers whin they are challenged ®“d afte^ «op. . , . Duiioyur de SefiODzac. -> Uie country. The group of Wmposers. con- -The Department of Agricul- ihmeOJ wu happen .citiu-ruie Mr Ian \7ood, managing Mme Cartier had inherited The theft ai the Carncr flat ductors, and performers. Ted by fj“y*^€ure and Fisheries for Scotland owner agrees to pay tne luxe, director of the Johu Wood the collection from her previous adds.to ihe long List of an Artur Rubinstein, Vladimir , is investigating the inddent, in J** 'J*iicn case everynun^ win Group (Aberdeen) Ltd. owners fatiier-in-law, a Paris lawyei, robberies carried out in France lfcrowicz and Leonard Bern- is i ol? which the shells and depth he DK, or else none or ms Gf jiie Aberdeen Fisher,^ said Maitre Loncie, a great art col- over tlie past year, including stein, sene a letter to Mr ff]1 charge v.ere fired near the vessels ivul ever he allowed to yesterday; *‘We are satisfied lector and friend of Danoyer de one of 27 contemporary paint- Amadou Mabtar M?3ow, direc- aUi trawler Aberdeen Fisher in an enter a Danish harbour “spin, that the Danish vessel was doing Segonzac. The value of the col- ings from the country residence tor-general of Unesox attempt to stop her. She was Commander Hans Fink- its duty _ and the Aberdeen lection is estimated at about in the Gard of Mr Douvlas I ir said* u We 'Refuse to n,u one of six Aberdeen vessels Jensen, captain of die Danish Fisher skipper now knows lie 5m francs (nearly £500,000). Cooper, the British art historian participate hi and hereby dfis- T alleged io have been fishing protection vessel Hvidbjornen—Hvidbjarnon— was in the wrongwrou; The main entrance to the flat and critic. I associate ourselves from the activities nf Unesco. Out -wfth- dratval . will continue lintO Unesco rescinds its. politicizing , rTn P O____IJ IV/fw DafinV loffnr Magistrates courts: Radkai Watergate trial: Before retiring resoluribns directed against 1 TISI I ^ fears force Pnlflsold IVirMr UcDDBenn’s S EEC lCllCiletter AlternativesAJtei-natives to Prison is seekingseeing yesterday the jury were toldtold'by by Israel.’* ^-7 KJk-/ IVUl J ivx vv a Dome Office inquiry into Judge Sirica to. ignore the . The letter was the latbsr • _ pp (Ti-A 1 ____r-i_ _n_ B _ angers numsiersministers “startuug“startups and iniust”injust” varia- Nixon pardon _ . 4 manifestation of a growing out- cry against ■ anti-Israel resoin- price off $197f peak 1^.0 »»*«««. .wcmb* Pressure on banks : The Bank of. dons adopted by Unesco’s England afidthe clearing batiks 135-member general conference Sic gold price fell back heavily on the London SjIffltgiVSf hi? SSSliSTAwSf^ SKf“ h“‘SSffi1*,&££ have been urged to stare pub- last month, record* lev-el^o£ ^ounc?ho ‘morning !o deml^d ^ ^fa^tion^rom Tfr BenJ^d 5JSSnt?Jasr |lidyidy asM soon as« possible their At that 'meering,meeting, Arab, com- fffing U closed at S1921, down S3 on rite day. \°0 JffSe^issKThi Cabinet (our Pomical ^4 ^ ^ **'*%?*£ Considerable activity in the market duriug ilie Siaff writes) Page 2 a.mi,,ccis Hem»Hmp J p ’ LiLrex yesterday. One teacher told of an assault on ference in the Carnegie Hall u. i-J-.-L'al parties, and tlie suarcli Business News, pages 15-20 a colleague by a pupil who had been diagnosed here today included Mr Rubin- ConsultantsPAnciiHonfc’ aispuieHkfllltp mav as dangerousr although the schoof was not^3 told Peaces, wges S aud 12 Slita-'^SSnefISMSStK 2-^tein* ^Lr Isaac workius class vote ? Bernard allCClant alldll doctorsUULIvl 3 _ -—y «ii l»lfx i Levin:uaSrWToi’iMr Wh> 1 can never 8££ireTefiorevel in upup3.4toj« 3.4 to 16!161 ** ««I aQd s“*i,dn The hospital consultants’ contract dispute might I ifjya litre q«I nan Hiethe SewN*ew Year;Year: Paul Martin on die FinancialFmaucal Editor:Ldiiur : ... fmotmencInvestment kwiiclio Arrau, the pianist.— ;_ 'L ^t],e whole medical profession, Vr * . m , , tr j dtaUengechallenge rrerogracing theti;e Turks in stratogy for 13»;1975; prospects lorfor neuter, - i !.,ein rh-tirman of the council of the The embargo on oil exports to the lriuted CyprusCvprus : Fashion In Uietlie eye ofuf the «»«ls.nib. banks and sold.reviewed 82, i\vaipoie |.ewm, Ca i. ntinnU anroed vesterdav.Yesterday. StaresMarcs imposed by Libya 14 months ago hasnas beholder: PrudencePrud UljimGljirn businessBusiness teal ores : The formula for firi * v * Crtttsb MedicalMedial AssOCia.ion,A:.socia.miio ^.roen »*> -Q bwbeen,n.nrtcd. -lifted. \’\*o0 official announcement has been Arts,Arts,-pageArtsy page 7 survival that was lacking at Aston WHlSkV DHCP IIO , the HoHe said the onus wasw. oniti. thea w Governjj. t0 bee tor in raamadeje 5butUt Qoilj| companiescompanies havehave beenbeen toldtold thevthey Visconti’sVisconti’s Elm, Elm, CornkTScaoni Piece. Martin—a studs’by ClitTurd Webu; J..1 1^T11V#C UF make fresh proposals with a wish to M can resume exports to anv destination Pace 15 discussed by Gideon Bachmaim: Eric Wixham on balancing muon The Price Commission has _ ..„.n .imncnupri' " -flcC — 1 ^ P.inlPaul Ovaryrti-nrc ftnon Brancusiki-turivct afat hnmehome miu-prpower n-iih«-ilh aiVAimf.ihflrt,accountability ;» ii.Dien unni-nw/Iapproved ,-tnnn application i_bv tho t • onh ______—1—■ -—---Sport,Sport, pages5pages 5 toand 9 rush of advice for American gold Distillers company to inere->sr- Tennis: British girl beats No 2 buyers, by Frank Vo3I tbc retaif price of a bouie or" ™ Extended truce hope Gallant Amiss hits 90 E- — whisky by at leasr 6jp. DisiiJ.' Engagements 14 ' Sport 8, 9 lers* ivhSkic.s include Haig and ■ » «pe«¥ .0 m«)caa;pc;i,.va Features -*nT ™ tSav order faeLween Australia and England ended at ™pem News 5. 12 TV & Radio 2*21 Johnnie Walker. y response » *o :ttiday to OTdec yesterday with Australia needing <£**** Nws Letters 73 Theatres, etc .7 ______Night sky 14 25 Years Ago 14 Obituary 14 Universities 14 Science 14 Weather "2 ‘The Times’ Service promotions 14 Wills 14 Snow Report S In common with other, national ar- daily newspapers. The Times will not be published tomorrow, New Year’s Day. THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974 «QME NEWs^l Mr Callaghan will be Praise lor Hospital dispute may Plea to Mr Aston Wilson on Pressed to tackle involve altdoctors signalmen’s Martin’s By John Roper ■ . begin to “work to contract (31$ Medical Reporter ‘to 38 j hours a week) from next Thursday, the effect Will Mr Bens on the EEC The dispute over the hospi¬ not immediately . be apparent. strike By Michael Hatfield i workers tal consultants’ contract may But as most consultants ware Political Staff aioss scrutiny, was in some From. Penny Symon By Raymond Persian - soon involve the whole medical SO to 60 hours * week in the ' Mr n-n.-. ■ _ greater .than adainistra- Newport PagneU profession. When the question Labour Staff v Secretary of £*** .decisions that would have National Health Service odd Two gold-and-green flags was put -to Mr Walpole Lewui, are also on call,.’patients will Another 24-hour strike by for Foreign and commonr taken by ministers in fluttered desultorily yesterday chairman of the council of the soon be inconvenienced. Emer¬ signalmen- is exgccted to dis¬ fwasJtB Affafes, who is *-in Afriqa, have British Medical Association rupt Eastern region rail ser¬ been challenged except by way over the small, -slightly dilapi¬ gencies will be lookd* after. yesterday, he - replied: “Yes, vices today. British Rail said of questions m the House or in dated modc-Tndor ofEce of Junior hospital staff* tip to we are fighting for die inde¬ senior registrar, will do their last night that the strike, due .Correspondence. Aston Martin, the sports car pendence of the profession.” normal work. Dr Ian McRim to begin at 6 am, was likely to He added: "“I had not fully manufacturers, at Newport Mr Lewin, •’ a Cambridge Thompson, secretary of -the affect only trains to and from lE&ssttSS realized that in -some ways we Pagndl, Buckinghamshire. neurologist, when asked what fi.-.:1 IF._;_1' rJlcc Ffenchurch Street station, Lon¬ •ttration on Stanfry that can- are encompassing the Govern¬ The works next door was might resolve a situation that don., Liverpool Street services ment with a greater degree of deserted, apart from a commis¬ doctors have admitted, will — -gaps were uncertain, but might well ^iedr'menii>ersiliP «* the Euno- Control by Faedimnent as a re¬ would finish sionaire busy answering tele¬ lead to patients suffering to consultants ieFr. run normally. sult of the transference of these phone calls, and a red-and- jome degree, said, the nest There were not expected to nation. *®»-8Sve»«g The General Medical Ser¬ “ * powers than would otherwise be wfche barrier was down at the move was difficult in the be any trains on the Tilbury the case." empty service area opposite. present bad atmosphere. Ice vices Committee, representing :. was little doubt ytsstpr- 23,000 family doctors, has branch, but a service between Mr Bean’s deductions Government must accept that aay that some minister were The company’s 500 highly recorded support for- the con¬ Shoeburyness and Upminster apparently do not match Mr tire last word had not been angered by Mr Benn’s stete- skilled workers were at a sul laste. At least five thousand might be possible. Callaghan’s views. Some mud- said and -that the- whole ques¬ *nen£» » a letter to his Bristol cinema in the town facing the general practitioners ' work The signalmen are demanding constituents. In it he aha said scezu last night were convinced news that the company bad tion was open to negotiation. about £5.50 a week extra.to that the Secretary of State had part-time in hospitals as clini¬ ..that continued membership gone into voluntary liquida¬ He had .tried to. the last cal assistants. How many will cover increased responsibility decided to “widen the arena-” would end our democratically tion. moment when the Owen -com¬ support the consultants will and the loss of differentials. because he was finding himself i elected Parliament as the - Union officials were told at mittee talfea broke down just soon bj| iim.' ' • Sir Bernard Brainc, MP for .supreme law-making body of increasingly isolated. While before Christmas to get Essex, South-east, said yester¬ minister^ for obvious reasons, midday on Sunday that the The _ the Review the United Krnetinrrj company could not carry on another discussion paper, if day that he had asked the Prime did not wish to be identified, Body on tors* and Dentists’ and the reasons were explained necessary in another suitable Minister to interyene. Earlier • One Cabinet minister said some of their pro-European working party. But the answer Remune . on the 18 per '“*? Mr Callaghan had little more fully by Mr Charles cent pay for the whole he had unsuccessfully asked Mr backbench colleagues were more from Mrs Castle, Secretary of Foot, Secretary of Slate for ' choice but to raise the issue at Warden, the managing director, profession sent to the forthright; State for Social Services, was Employment, to refer tbe dis¬ ®a£1fest opportunity inside Mr Neville Saudelson, Labour said that the future looked Prime M_ just before assured a month ago when the that the contract offered was pute to the Conciliation and the Cabinet, for Mr Bean had MP for Hillingdon, Hayes and Christmas. It usually pub- Government offered a £600,000 not negotiable except on points Arbitration Service, and Mr nit-right across the negotiations Harlington, said: This sort of lished within a or rwo. loan to prop up die organiz¬ of detatL Richard Marsh, chairman of reing conducted with the other Thing is utterly bewildering to Union warning A; Area health ation while it got its export Tfae’ staff side had wished to British Railways, to set up an nember states of the European backbenchers doing their best to authorities throiffihout north¬ programme under way. continue talking if points independent inquiry. Mr Wil¬ Community- Moreover* Mr sustain the Government, as well west England are to^be told by Berm was widening the arena Eight conditions were im¬ already accepted by the chair¬ son, on holiday io .the Isles of as to millions of men and women the National Uniote^of Public Scilly,. had not received Sir of the negotiations by gning who elected us only a few weeks posed and the company could man of the committee. Dr Employees (Nupe) from beyond the Labour Party’s gen¬ comply with seven, but not the Owen, Minister of State for Bernard's letter last night. ago. Their faith and loyalty is Friday its membefs’T^ervices Strikers on Eastern -Region eral election manifesto on the shattered by divisive outbursts eighth, that the cosnpaqy Health and Social Security, will be withdrawn foreprivate had been sustained. But they will meet ou January (5 to con¬ question of sovereignty. of this kind from a leading should conclude a contract patients at hospitals where could not go right back to the sider further action. On In a sense, some miniscers member of the Cabinet. The with Royscon, the biggest consultants work to contract. distributor of British Leyland beginning after weeks of nego¬ Southern Region a walk-out ou - were taking satisfaction from nation bas a -great deal of con¬ Call for inquiry: Private .prac¬ January 23 is threatened. the second point. They felt that fidence in Mr Callaghan’s in the United States. Rqyston tiation. tice within tbe NHS should- be would grve no guarantee until Negotiators from British Rail it demonstrated that Mr Bean ability to deal with Europe. Mr Lewin said that the onus referred to an independent and the National Union of Rafl- government backing was Mr Charles Warden, managi director of Aston Martin, outmde was obliquely recognizing the Mr Paul Rose, Labour MP for was on the Government to public inquiry^ Sir Geofftty waytnen have been meeting, to assured. the factory yesterday. success so far of the renegotia¬ Manchester, Blackley, said in a L make fresh proposals with a Howe, shadow health minister, consider a claim from the union' tions and for that reason was message to his constituents : Mr Mr Warden said later that and uoemploymeJt money, and considerable financial diffi¬ wish to begin in a new atmos¬ suggested in a letter to Mrs for regrading of some signalmen . giving preeminence to the ques- Benn is playing silly games to be mas astonished and angry f think it would have been far culty buz had hoped that phere. “ Hospitals consultants Castle yesterday. and are to meet again later this , tion of sovereignty, the gallery at a time when die that the Government should let better to keep the company ?something would turn up”. are still at work. They are not • Mrs Castle replied to Sir month; but even if the claim on strike ”, he said. u If Mrs j Mr Bonn’s remarks illuminate consequences of self-imposed a company like Aston Martin going.” ■ One said: “ I could see. that Geoffrey that she had u made it was met in full it would be I more clearly than hitherto com- isolation from Europe could be go to the walk “ The unions Castle does not want to employ clear that we are unwilling to unlikely to satisfy the strikers. Aston Martin is Newport tilings were going wrong in ■ meats by Mr Callaghan in the catastrophic. and I had made three joint them, that is her responsibil¬ move .further on broad prin¬ British Rail said yesterday Pagneli’s ma£A industry. September, and anyone who ^ Commons just before the Chxist- Mr Brian Gould, Labour MP for approaches to Mr Benn (Secre¬ ity.” ciples, but equally there is ample that up-to-date information on Townspeople gathered in said this come as a com¬ r mas. .recess, which have Southampton. Test, stated: Mr tary of State for Industry) in room for discussions on the train services could be obtained groups near the cinema. One plete shock today must be When many or most of the generally been overlooked. Mr Benn has said no more than has the hope that he would come naive. In die purchasing 12,000 hospital consultants details by dialling 01-24G S080. man," awaiting news from his ! -Callaghan said that all inrer- already become clear to any MP to the factory and see for him. brother, an Aston Martin department we bad no money | rational agreement involved to who has seen, the effect of Com¬ seif, but be declined.” swne degree loss of sovereignty upholsterer, said the' company to buy anything. mon Market membership on the •“ The management kept 1 fpr tiie signatory .states and The company had Elm debts, was still regarded as a family parliamentary control of legis¬ blaming financial difficulties « especially for citizens of the Mr Warden said, but it could concern, making luxurious lation. The Government is not Board calls for Stonehouse resignation i EE, because it made provision have obtained £2m in export hand-built cars which put the and anyone could see that cars attempting to renegotiate on the I for i body of law to have direct orders to the United States if town on the world map. were not being bofight. In Continued from page 1 dance records for board meet- The Crown Agents, who found I internal effect in member states, issue of sovereignty and has not only it had kept going. “ I ioenfc caid vmri»r. »nSs be did^ not attend. That themselves severely over- eliten- yet recognized its importance, “This is a catastrophe for these times people cannot i. although the final decisions pointed ibis out in a letter to the town, and people are very ™r\Si« contravene the Com. ded in last.yeare secondary but it will become a crucial Mr Benn, but he replied that afford a £10,000 to £14,000 caj P^wes Act. , . banking crisis, manage funds were taken outside. There was upset ”, he said- “ I don’t know ™ factor in the Common Market all the Government’s condi¬ Mr Donald Tyler, a sheet- bo escape from that point, Mr what my brother will do; The secrmdarv tonkiMr White says he did not amounting to £850m on behalf orderfr accede to Mt Storehouse^ re- of overseas governments and Callaffran said, and the Govern- debate. tions must be met nearest car factory is VauxhaTl mfetal worker and senior shop ' re f,e ^ ° quest. Mr Stonehouse’s private public authorities. Last month. ent -ties well aware of its im¬ The Association of Cinemato¬ " Th<> mind boggles that a sdrward, wbo had • been in Luton or Coventry, but that companies, which included two months after the Crown portance. graph, Television and Allied company like this can go means extra travelling, and anointed spokesman for the Technicians sent a telegram to r°n said there' would be no includes London Capital Secun- rhe the basis of. their deposits with Mr Benn saying: Congratula¬ potential and superb labour d that the number of regula- there.” ue^- , , , _ , „ . . banking company, London Capi- London Caxntal from a fixed tions and full support for your sibin. gos and directives that issued relations, and this will cost the As the men streamed out of The board of London Camtal ^ s^rities. ’ ■ term to * call money • on £85m statement re Common Market. Government hundreds of thou¬ the cinema many said they - Aston Martin’s troubles, tn the European Commission, * page 17 Secunues. wfoch has in effect - London Capital Securities bas government rescue operation and therefore fell under Com- EEC challenge, page 3 sands of pounds in redundancy knew the company had been in meant Mr Charlton, and Mr -K woney op loan so Bengali was announced. John McGrath, a former long- and Ens]ish small businessmen Details refused: The Waikiki standing friend of Mr Stone- -m Britain; shopkeepers, reatai* Sheraton hotel in Honolulu, house, is in an acutely rateurs and property developer*- Hawaii, yesterday refused to North Sea Pay formula embarrassing posinom ^,r • Unal lastyear at least, tbecom- divulge details of telephone IRA ceasefire extension expected Charles Forte is a third, non- pany bad little cause for anxiety Mr Stonehouse made to c executive director. ' ever liquidity-One businessman «, November 22 (a \ From Robert Fisk . as mediators-between-the-IRA: that he would be arrested -hog Itt-hn effort to incimte ;jjif connected with It said that so Srt§ Reporter writes).. - S safety1 and die Government. detained, although under the banking company From the Vouch money' was put on fha . ' rannt.,nA a The Government is almost The Rev Harold Sloane, for¬ new anti-terrorism law be can¬ doubt surrounding its former ^short-term money market ;that u^en *!SPoI‘te

A Soviet account of the defence in 117 remanded on subversion j In brief Ukraine trial of Dr Shtern charges in Port Said j Gen Amin’s plea How long will Germany i From Our Correspondent Said and stuck hostile pamph¬ I Cairo, Dec 30 lets on the walls. They were ‘Doing violence to logic’ Seventeen people, arrested extremists, some of whom j for Scotland The following is an abridged lawyer was only one of its de¬ last week in Port Said, have came to Port Said from other President Idi Amin of Uganda be divided in the North? ments) were directed at repudiating been remanded in custody on parrs of the country, the state¬ has addressed a message to the version of the second report charges of carrying out subver¬ from the Soviet news agency the numerous statements by people ment said. leaders of tiie Soviet Union. who said that Dr Shtern compelled sive activities in the town. There is no information China and several international Novosti on the trial of Dr them top pay for the treatment and On January 21, The Times is publishing a Special Report Mikhail Shtern which opened Reports reaching Cairo today about the political affiliations organizations, urging the com¬ sold them medicines at exorbitant said that the Port Said pros¬ plete and immediate separation on North Germany. m the Ukrainian town of prices. ] Dr Shtern himself more of tbe defendants. Vinnitsa on December 11. The ecutor had accused the 17 of Alleged members of a clan¬ of Scotland from England. than oice spoke hotly in the court¬ forming an anti-regime group, What are the people like in the Northern part of West veracity of this report cannot room, denying the charges against destine communist organiz¬ According to a radio broad¬ be checked because Western him. Be appealed to the public distributing subversive pamph¬ ation, including a student and cast from Kampala, monitored Germany ? What is their outlook on life ? How do they make correspondents have been ex¬ and, vigorously gesticulating, called lets and disseminating harmful 18 workers, will be tried in by Reuter, President Amin said cluded from the courtroom. We all thoqe who testified against him rumours. Alexandria on Maipch . 23 on the leaders of a Scottish provi¬ their living ? publish the report because it anti-Semites. According to the repo its, charges of intendnig to overth¬ sional government had ap¬ indicates how cloeed Soviet Since! Dr Shtern did not plead most of the defendants, are row the regime by force- . proached him to bring their West Germany’s North is divided into four Lander: trials are conducted. Dr Shtern, guilty, the lawyer, had to substan¬ undergraduates. They were In Cairo, 92 members of a case before the United Nations Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Bremen and Lower Saxony. a Jew. has been in prison since tiate and justify his actions, often transferred to the Zagazig Muslim organization are facing committee on decolonization. doing violence to logic and common prison, in the Nile delta, as the the Supreme State Security He urged Russia and China to Mao. sense- In spite of the serious proof The Federal Government has plans to amalgamate the four of Dr Shtern'a guilt, Mr Axelbaut Port Said jail is in a state of Court on charges of plotting to take action to prevent a war From Boris Antonov disrepair. overthrow President Sadat Iasi between England and Scotland Lander. How do the people of the Lander feel about these Vinnitsa, Dec 30 said that he was insisting on acquittal. A statement issued by the April. plans ? The court in Vinnitsa completed Interior Ministry two days ago, This group, said to have Meningitis toll die examination of witnesses (101 However, in spite of everything, said that the defendants had been led by Mir Saleh Abdalla people had given evidence) and the defender was forced to admit Rio de Janeiro, Dec 30.— What is the Federal Government already doing to help listened to the public procurator’s that Dr Shtern should not have tried to incite the public Sarriya, an official! of the Arab against President Sadat’s League, attacked tbe Technical More than _ 2,575 people died charge. The Boor was then taken practised medicine privately daring this year in Sao Paulo nod the underdeveloped areas of the North ? by the defendant's lawyer, David his official hours, and although regime on December 22. Military Academy m Cairo in Axel bant, a member of the Moscow private medical practice is allowed They had gathered at the April. In rhe attack 11 people over 300 in Rio de Janeiro All these questions will be fully discussed in the Special bar of lawyers. Dr Shtern was in tiie Soviet Union (provided it is government-run theatre in Port were kfl-led and 27 injured. from the meningitis epidemi. placing particular hopes on him. duly registered). Dr Shtern acted sweeping Brazil, according m Report. It Is common knowledge that last without the knowledge of financial official figures which take Inin summer Mr Axel bant defended. Mr bodies and did not pay taxes. Un¬ account only people who die-., The Report will give a full description of each Land, Victor Pol sky who had run down doubtedly, it is not for the doctor in hospital. a man with his car. The experi¬ to sell medicines, said Mr Axelbant- Guerrillas fly out with $lm covering its political, industrial, commercial and social enced advocate then managed to The lawyer caused general sur¬ Managua, Dec 30.—Nicara¬ They left the hostages in front 30 years’ pay—£55 reduce his defendant’s punishment prise when he said that in his guan guerrillas today freed two of the airport terminal and activities. to a line of 100 roubles for careless view Dr Shtern was not an offi- Tokyo, Dec 30.—Mr Terno driving. oal person. He said that Dr ministers and 11 other hostages drove straight to a Convair air¬ The Report will also take a close look at the North as The Vinnitsa .case, however, is and took off for Cuba wtb craft of the national airline Nakamura, a private in the Shtern differed from rank-and- Japanese Imperial Army who West German/s gateway to the world, assessing the roles of more complicated -for the defence ftle doctors only in being respons¬ about Sim (£435,000) and 14 Lanica at the end of the runway counsel. Extensive accusatory ible for organizing medical ser¬ comrades freed from govern;, where their freed comrades were hid alone in the Indonesian the four ports, Hamburg, Bremerhaven, Lubeck-Travemiinde material had been presented to the vices jn the polyclinic of the ment jails. waiting. jungle for 30 years, has been court. As the public procurator, Vinnitsa regional endocrinological They flew accompanied by They took off to cheers and awarded his full beckpav of and KieL Air Grigory Krivoruchko, who had .Dispensary. He did not hire or applause from crowds watching 38,279 Yen (£55). Until 11 days spoken before the defender,-said :■ discharge personnel and did not two churchmen and two ambas¬ sadors who agreed to guarantee from the terminal building, ago he did not knew tne war Both Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony have long “ All the episodes Shtern was issue orders. had ended. charged with were fully confirmed In fact, however, the defendant their safety. Havana, Dec 30.—The Nicara¬ borders with East Germany. What has been the effect of the by the witness’s evidence before was in charge of the polyclinic. They arrived at the airport in guan aircraft carrying the the court and in the materials of Tins duty is connected with dear- an unmarked bus with guns Arrows kill pacifiers treaties between East and West along this frontier ? How is rfip case.” cat organisational and admlolstra- pointing through the windows guerrillas, of the Sandiaista It shoold be said that from the tive functions. end then freed their hostages, Liberation Front, and their Rio de Janeiro, Dec 30.— security maintained along it ? beginning of the trial the main Now the court is to pronounce Its many stLU wearing their dinner volunteer hostages landed here Atraori Indians attacked an efforts of Dr Shtem’s defence (the verdict jackets from the disrupted today.—Reuter and Agence observation post in the northern The Report will also include profiles, of leading narty» France Presse. Brazilian state of Horaima kill¬ personalities in the political, economic and social life of the ing three men with bows and arrows and capturing another. four Lander; portraits of the Land capitals Kiel and Hanover; The men were on a pacification discuss the Danish minority in Schleswig-Holstein ; and survey mission for tbe Brazilian Indian Senator’s expulsion worsens divisions in Chile Foundation. tourism in the North. . From Florenria Varas party’s right who approved of lous accusation. And the laws think of his country instead of Youth cuts off arm If your company has any interest in North Germany, Santiago, Dec 30. collaboration with the Govern¬ which support the expulsion, party interests." Johannesburg. Dec 30.—A ment, had initiated talks with manifestly diminish the attri¬ Sources close to the Govern¬ you’ll find the Special Report presents a rare advertising Hopes of a rapprochement young African, As2ram Phiri, a view to reaching agreements butions of the judiciary and ment say it is now possible between the 16-month-old aimed at a modification of the cut off bis right arm et the opportunity. regime of General Augusto mean the total negation of a that, since it seems some poli¬ elbow to escape from a crocodUe Pinochet economic policies. state of law." ticians cannot refrain from Pinochet and the opposition Sehor Patricio Aylwin, the which had it firmly in its jaw’s- Not only will the Report be read by every company with Christian Democrats, once the The Government’s argument promoting political activities, He is now recovering in the country’s largest political president of the - Christian was- summarized for me by one the junta will soon be forced a similar interest; it will be reaching altogether 11 million Democratic Party, said to me Sbongive Swedish mission party, nave been dashed. of the junta’s lawyers, Senor to declare all the Democratic in an exclusive interview: Pablo Rodriguez, former head hospital in Transvaal. readcrsih the UK, Europe and throughout the world, readers This is the outcome of last political parties illegal. “ Senor Fuentealba was of the nationalist Patria y On the economic from, Chile of profotmd influence^ in international affairs, and m week’s decision by _ the expelled from Chile in _ the Libertad movement; Mr Heath flies out Supreme Court of Justice to faces a second year of res¬ same manner as Solzhenitsyn “The Marxist campaign tricted consumption and spend¬ Mi Heath left Heathrow Air¬ worldwide industry and trade. ratify the junta's expulsion from Russia—by a mere against Chile is based on in¬ port yesterday for tbe West from the country of one of the ing. The country will receive . Contact . administrative decision, bv sults. economic blockade and some £

LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES REPUTABLE MARKETING Com- GUAYAQUIL * QUITO wiip u.ih,(i" upRnMion. RAILWAY COMPANY LIMITED rr'iiiiri's sail— [limit working .1 l FORMERLY b>-. I No. U03I94 Of 1974 'Jtraelor Inli-ritiurl In eaully partf- 1ST MORTGAGE ASSENTED ciiiutluii i. i-lu.vi'J —Un.v O'JH*- O. 'I hi* Tlm.-s. sWSn Ltmtwd1 ano’Cin COMPANY MEETING UM8 01 11,0 t^itiDanlirt Art. Prudent NOTICES h‘Tp|»y glvHt. Out a petition tor uw winding up of Fashi the aliavn-uamvd company by CORONATION SYNDICATE LTD tj'jfh G“url of JuaiKb wua on tha SUlh day of December l‘#7A. cure- i Incoruor.iic-d In thi- Hrnubllc of Sou 111 Africa • WJSSJLj® ‘,l» taurt by Plosiica I abMcatitm * Priming Limited Noller U hi-rchy given that ihe whose realsti-red olllco l“ situate at ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING at In the eye Lcconfleld RnatL London. N5 Coronation S\ ntllcalt- Limited will bn ^SA Wsiiiiiiuciiirur.w ol pUiilc noods. belli in Johannesburg, an 2.5rd iho said Petition U d I reclod, Januurv. Nl.« .it UMH5U. to be heard bvloro the Court slttlna Ort*lnarir Rinmets at Iho Royal Courts ol Juauce! • 1 To r--c* It*1 iin't riin.iH—r llm of the S!S"^,' L“don. Vfca* ULL on tha annual lluncul i-iaiemenu for lhn ■1*Mil day of January 1975. and any year r-nu.-ri ...in biim'iii^. r. i**i4. creditor or contrlbulory of tho aoirl and iho renon* or Lhi* riirpcior j ami Coiaiuny desirous lo support or auriiior^. oppose the rnakinw of an Order on 2. To pint I dlrnrlors. beholder the aald Petition may appear at the 3. To determine ihn rpmuru-ra- time of heartnn. Ih iM-rsnn or bv his tlon ol the auditors for dip cast counsel, lor that purpose: and a “ Cochran used to say that you audit. cow of Uir Petition will be rur- 9|r-r 'a I ttiislmv.s nlshed by Uie underslenpd to any can Rive the audience three 4. To consider and. if ihouglil creditor or conlrihulory of Ihe savj minutes of spectacle and then fit lo pass thi- rollowlnq naDlullon f.oniuany rvuulrtna such copy dh aa an ordinary resolution. namely : Bymenl of the ivuulaiad charge for you’ve got ro start ro entertain " Tti.n iiiv unl'“>ued »ndrm in me t same. capital nr ihe company are hereby FUCKER. TURNER A CO.. A, them. I expect ro get a round placed under Ihn control of (he .stone Buildings. Lincoln's of applause for tbe dress each directors who are juUioris.-rt. sublet! Inn. London. WC2A 3 YD lo section 222 of Ihn Companies Aci. Solicitors for tbe Pnationur. rime my srar comes on, not just 117.T. io Issue amt allot those shares NOTL.—Any person who Intends to appear on Uie hearing uf the said at the first entry. Thai’s 14 lo Mich iierson or pri-ains. In such Pollllbrt must serve an. or send by manner and upon such terms and post to.* the above-named notice In dresses in the current show; conditions as they may In Uieir entire writing or his Intention so to do. each one's got to stand up to discretion determine.'1 The notice must stuir the name and 5. To consider and. If decmerl address or the person, or. If a Ann. being put on and off 400 rimes fit. fsTss. with or without modifica¬ the name and address or the rum tion the following resolution as a and must he signed by the person or in a year and often they're special resolution In terms of ihe firm, or his or their Wkllor ilf Companies Act. namely: any i and must be served, or. If quick, quick changes . . . then " Thai article '»5 ia» and i b i of the roe led. must nn sunt bv post tn *he shows always run (thank articles of association of Ihn com- sufficient time to reach the above- pany Is hereby delemd and ihe named not larar than lour o'etork tn goodness !) which makes it hard following article is substituted there¬ the afternoon of tha 17th day of ro do anything too high fashion for: Jdniury 1075. 95 The directors shall be paid out —things date so fast.” or the Tunds Of Ihe company, by wav Inquisitive about trade nr remuneration lor their service* ai In the Matter ef THECUDmorr the rale of1 three thousand five ' No. 1X12947 Of 1974. GROUP or INSURANCE BROKE IIS secrets, admiring of profes¬ hundred rand «R.j 3001 per annum In the HIGH COURT or JUSTICE Limited and In the Mailer or Ihe - each, and the chairman shall. In Chancery Division Companies court L.an 1 names Aci 1'UR. sionalism, Impressed by design in uui Matter or jITl. MAIL addition lo his remuneration as a _Notice Is hereby given that the. to a discipline, I am talking to director, be paid a further sum at order Limited and In the Matter of CRFD1TORS of the above-named the Companies Act 194a. the rale or one thousand five hun¬ Lamuatiy. which la being VOLUN¬ Mark Canter about the dresses dred rind iR) 5001 per annum Notice la hereby given that a TARILY WOUND UP. are required, on or before ihe th. day of Anti!. > Tlie remuneration payable shall PEfTlON for Ulr WINDING UP of 30 tie makes for one of the most V'<5. to send tn their full Chrtsltan accrue from day lo day and shall be the a hove- rum ed Company bv Iho High Court of JutoJce was on Uie ■■nd surnames, thetr addresses and lavishly gorten-up performers in paid quarterly at ihe end of each description*, full uarllrulors of ihi-tr quart nr. 27 ra day of Novombor. 1974. pro¬ London. In front of us is a ven ted la iho sold Court bv Vmttng debta or claims, mid the names and Cornelius Limited whoso roglmernd addresses or ihrlr Solid: or* ilf. sketch of a magnificent black bers will be closed rrom lTih Janu¬ office Is at Success House. 419-433 •ray i, 10 the undnrslgned MALCOLM ary. 1-70 io 2-Vd January. 1**73 Old Kent Road. London. S.E.l. and HAItRV HARRIS T.C.A. Harrla. chiffon ball gown with a glitter¬ both days inclusive, io del ermine that the said petition Li tllrpcled to Kalian A <». 28 Rollon Slreet. ing embroidered bodice and a tnnse members entitled to attend and be heard before the Court lining at London. W1Y 8HB the UOL'IDA- vnti. at The meeting. A member the rtoval Courts of Justice, strand, TON or the said Company, and. ir floating scarf anchored by a having ihe right lo attend and vole London. W.C.3. on the 2(1lh day of ao roqilirrd bv notice In writing at the meeting Is enillled lo appoint January. 1975. ond any creditor or tram the said Liquidator, are. per¬ whopping black rose. The ’star a proxy or prosies io aimnd and conmhurnry of the sold Company sonally or by their Solicitors, to wants ro wear black for a TV areal, and. on a poll, vole In his desirous lo support or oppose the romc in and prove their debts or stru.l The person so appolnler] making of an Order on iho said claims at such time and place as show. Fine, Mark Canter has shall be specified In such ttollcv. or need not be a menihor of the com- Petition may appear at ihe time of panv. hearing In person or by his Counsel In default they will bo excluded said, but remembering that from Ihe benefli of any distribution Bv Order of Hip Rn.ird. for that purpose; and a cony or the black can go verv dead on the Petition will be famished by the made before such debts are proved. LONHilO SOUTH AFRICA Ud . Dated ihls I'JUi day ol Dwcembor Secretaries uer K. P. uilkin- undersigned to any creditor nr ron- small screen he has ser out ro tributary of Ihe said Cnmnanv son. r r:.f.fi MALCOLM BARRY HARRIS Reolsli-red on ice* requlrtnq surh ronv On tmvmrnf of moke a blnck dress with a ihe regulated rharne for the same. 1 -C. A. 1 riH» I !onr. I rusl Uank I-onl.ro. UquiriiiiDr difference. To start with, the wn-r l.iorr and i o* Sirenu. J. L. FREFOMAN A CO.. ISO. Mh.innw|!,,% Station Road. Fdqware. Mid¬ skirt which uses un sixty yards I7ih Dr-en.ber, 1974. dlesex, HAS 7.4H. Solicitors for the Petitioner. THE GOMPANirS ACT. 1 n4R In the of high quality chiffon is’only NOTE.—Any person who Intends Matter or NORMA rASH IONS T/A solid black on the surface. to appear on the hearing of the said ANNE ANDREWS Llmiiod. Nature nl RUHlness: Ladles Fashion runONATION SYNDICATE LTD Petition nun serve on or send bv Below, ir shades off to grev Irrit'.rjioraied )n ih« RcoablTc of post lo the abovD-naniPd. notice In Uetoltera. WINDING-UP ORDLR MADE 2nd and the bottom layer of all Soalb Africsi* writing of his Intention so to do. The notice must state the mime and December. 1874. -Jct.'S? l* hop-bv given Hut fh* DATE and PLACE of FIRST is brilliant shocking pink, so ANNI’AI. GENERAL MEET INf j of address of the person, or. If a firm, Tw'.eronietn united Collieries the name and address of the firm, MEETINGS: ... thar in the song and dance CREDITORS 16lh January. 1975. l.lm I led will be hold in Johannes- and must be algned bv Ihe person or firm, or his or their solicitor' Mr at Hoorn 239, Templar Honse 81 □umbers you will get a mar¬ l|,rui.i °n 2',r*1 ■,an,M*Y. f*75 a: any). ond must be served or. If High Holborn. London. WC1V 6NP. vellous flash of contrast. Then, posted, must be sent by post tn at 2.uu o'clock. Ordinary Business i.ONTHHIr1 IOHIES on the same 1. To n-celvo and consider Ihe aufflclont lime to reach the above- even on a black and while named not la tor than four o'clock In day and at Ihe some place at 2.30 annual financial siaiements for Ihe o'clock. year ended Vim September. 1974. the afLemoon of Uie 17th day of screen you can liven up a chic January. 1975. L. R BATES, Offtcial Rocetser ■no. the reports or (he directors and and Provisional Uouldator. dress with some clever beading; auditors. 2. Tn nioe| directors. invisible except when the skirts „ ;• 1" determine the remuneration 7?TE COMPANIES ACT, 1948 In lha fly, there are teenv jet beads all or 'he .luH'inrv for the post audit. Manor of d'Aphil Properties PUBLIC NOTICES Specul Business INVESTMENTS Limited. Nature of round the hem of the top skirt '■* i onjul.-r and. If thought fit. Business: Property Investment. lo loss ihe following resolution as , WTNDING-Uf* ORDER MADE CHURCH COMMISSIONERS which just careh the light from an ordinary resolution, namely :— 18th November 1974. PASTORAL MEASURE 196B ' T hat ihe unissued shares In the Nolico U hereby given by the rime to rime- The whole bodice rapltal of ihe company are hereby PLACE 0f FmST Church Commissioners dutt they is encrusted with jet beads. plao-rt und-r the' control of the CREJjrraRs l*th January 1975. have prepared a DRAFT REDUND¬ directors who are authorised, sub- »t Room 239. Tomtilnr House. 81 ANCY SCHEME providing for - the Knowing how hard it is to In seel Ion 222 m ihe Compan¬ ECUADOR 4 and ib> bo tnapocied at Laichlngdon Rectory, me rhat he does quite a lot of 80 129 136 204 207 ING CO. Limited. Nature of easi¬ I have seen has struck me as mate in gorgeous wigs and modestly suggests that his skill. or ihe ankles of association of the Chelmsford. Essex. . . 264 639 666 ness: Dealers In plant and gang# company Is hereby deleted and the A copy may also be obtained or it himself. “ As a matter of fact, seedy, crude if not lewd and make-up and dress, women in rests in knowing how to redress Bonds with coupon NO. 44 due proprietors. following article Is suhsiliuled Inspected during normal office-hours I rather like doing it. I find it Ihereftor :— 2.7.75 and subsequent attached WINDING-UP ORDER MADE upon application io the Church much more importantly, cruelly: the audience cannot view him the figure balance by cutting, should bo presented for payment at Jllh November 1974. 102 The directors shall be paid oul Commissi on era' office. DATE and PLACE or FIRST very relaxing, and I can sit and anta-women, a perpetuation of a jealously. They love his the sleeves in and by “being or the funds of Ihe company, by Williams A Clyn's Bank Limited. Any representations with respect 5-10 Great Towor Street. London. MELTINGS: way of remunerallon_fpr their ser- - to tho draft scheme should be nude talk, or watch the TV while I'm horrible streak in some soderies- clothes—when he sang a song able to concentrate entirely on EC3R 5DH. and left Three Clnar CREDITORS loth January 1976. vices at the rale of Throe thousand tn writing lo tho Church Commis¬ at Room G20 Atlantic House. Hol- including a joke about what what people are going to notice,; five hundred Rand >R3.500i per days for examination. sioner* and should roach their working.” Because of the latitude of cur¬ PATRICK F. FREEMAN. born viaduct. London ECl N2HD at annum each, and the chairman J. offices not later than the 3rd Feb¬ he was wearing coming from cutting out all the background Notary Public Of the Firm 10.30 o'clock. I had already observed that rent thinking,44 drag ” acts have shall. In addition lo his remunera¬ .CONTRIBUTORIES on the same ruary 1975. tion as a director, be paid a further otl JOHN NEWTON A K. S. RYLE. the star never has ro touch the become a regular feature of pub C and A he got lots of letters extraneous stuff ”. day and at the same place at 11.00 sum at the rale of One thousand rive SONS. 27 Clements Cine. Secretary. London. E.C.4. o'clock. clothes once they are on. How¬ entertainment and many other from fans puzzled (not cross) hundred Hand iR1.500> per annum. Mill bank. But having tried to explain.. WILLIAMS A GLYN'S BANK N. SADDLER. Official Receiver 1 The remuneration payable shall and Provisional Liquidator. London. S.W.l. ever elaborate or apparently media. They vary in quality, as because they had been to C and accrue from day to day and shall be LIMITED. 5-10 Great Tower 23 December 1974, why Danny La Rue is a bit with,’ Street. London. E.C.3. A and not been able to find paid quarterly ai Uie end or each casual the scarves and drapes do most human performances. the ladies of the audience, l,1 quarter." lBth December. 1974. that same gown (La Rue’s prob¬ The company's register of mem¬ TOE COMPANIES ACT. 1948 In the and swooshes of chiffon, they But I suggest that to put Danny must try to pinpoint why he gets BETTING. GAMING A LOTTERIES bers will be closed from 17th Janu¬ Matter of MORFED PRODUCTS are always in the right place and La Rue in with this sleazy ably cost £6001. ary. 1975 lo 23rd January. 1975 Limited. Nature of Buslncaa: Ship¬ the whole family to his- shows. LEGAL NOTICES iT' HbSrY CHARLES BARNETT both days Inclusive, io determine ping and import/export agents. with none of that tweaking and gal&re is to do him a great Things were not always so of Electricity House 296 WUleaden I think it is because he is, off those members enillled lo attend and . -WTNDING-L'P ORDER MADE Lane London NWS 5LE duly auth¬ lush. Mark Canter has known role ai Ihe meeting. 18th November. 1974. fluffing up and parting down injustice. stage, not in the least camp. His orised In Uut behalf by 3-P- Sports A member having the right lo ...DATE and PLACE of FIRST Danny La Rue a long time, and Limited trading as Ladbrokes the that so many women indulge in. He has, as he pointed out the attend and volevote atai the meeting Is MEETINGS: voice, an attractive baritone, is POOL i Urnlled. in the early days in pantomime entitled io appoint a proxy or proxies jssLttfeJgn- f achieved,--Mr-Canton- other night on television, been the same as he 'uses in bis |» allimd and speak and. on a palL made application to the Be rang there was no money for a band vote In his stead. The Person so born Viaduct. London. EClN 2HD tells me, by tremendous atten-1 with his feminine alter ego for impersonations ; his face, looks 1**4JL r ihoi a MEETING of the at 10.15 o'clock. Licensing Committee for the Petty appointed need not be a member or Sessional. Division, ot. the. Borough of non to detail and by the most 23 years, all of them'very pub¬ of diamonds on the hem to set the company. CREDITORS of the above-named. . CONTRIBUTORIES on the some capable of hair (indeed Mark Company will be held at 3 London* day and at the some place at 10.45 Brighton In. Uie County of East off black ostrich feathers or a By order of the Board Sussex for the grant or a BETTING cunning workmanship. The chif¬ lic. He has taken a long while Canter told me that La Rue* Lonrho South Aftlc-i Limited Wail Buildings. London. EC2 on the nd day of January iv7S. at 2.SJ OFFICE LICENCE in reepset of border of fox. The principles Secretaries per K. P. VFHUn- 2 ° C °N.' SADDLER. Official Receiver fon scarf, so negligent, is in fact to get to the top and he has came to a fitting for one 1 oytlock IT the afternoon, for the and Provisional Liquidator. premises situated at 3/4 New Road. snn. F.C.I.S. purposes mentioned In sections 294 got there by application and of dressing a man as a woman Registered Office : loth Floor, Briqhion...... _ interlined on the neck bit with costume in a beard grown to and 295 of the said Act. l.e.:— Any person who daslres .to objoct t Bank Centre, comer Eloff and skill. But at tne top of one were tbe same, though. Danny 1. The nomination of a to the gram of ihe said llcenco the finest of stiffeners; the rose give his complexion, “which Streets. Johannesburg- LIQUIDATOR THE COMPANIES ACT. 1948 In should send to the Clerk to Uie s strategically placed to lead the branch of the Thespian tree he La Rue is 5ft llin. with a size gets an awful knocking about ”, 2. The appointment or a the Mailer of AYTRONES Limited BrtTtna Licensing Committee. .Top 6\ foot . which takes fasbion COMMITTEE of INSPECTION. Nature of Bualnosa; Dealers m arti¬ Law Courts, Edward SireeL Bright¬ jailing ends in the right direc- ■ undoubtedly is now, perched on a rest). He is smartly but not General and special farms of cles ot all kinds. on BN2 2LG nol In I or than the 14th the stout log of family enter¬ shoes easily (he and Mr Canter COMPANY NOTICES proxy are enclosed herewith. Pro¬ _ WINDING UP ORDER MADE day of January 1976 two copies of a tion. On a luscious pink velvet outrageously dressed in. private xies lo be used at the meeting must 35m November 1974. brief statement in .writing of the sheath with a neckline that must tainment and showing no signs feel' specially made shoes life, and when he shows you his be lodged at the Keglstered Office of DATE and PLACE, of FIRST ground of his oblectlon. always look wrong); neat, slim raver akhengesellschaft the Company, situate at c. o Tooche MELTINGS. Dated this 30tn day or December have cost Mr Canter a good of being found on his back, dresses it is obvious that he 5e„ convertible Loan Slock Ro» i Co.. -3 London Wail Build¬ CREDITORS 17th January 1970. 1974. • . ___ claws up, tomorrow. • Having hands, with cared-for nails; a ings. London. EC2 not later than 13 at Room G20 Atlantic House. Hoi- H. C. BARNETT. many evenings by the fireside regards them as valuable props.1 issue o'clock noon on ihe Slot day of born. Viaduct. London. EClN 2HD there is a stole draped around begun by wanting to know how retrousse nose, which is always like Chipperfields might an a. G WARBURG A CO. LTD., December 1974. at 3.15 o'clock. announce that Iniereyt for ihe period Dated Ihls 17th day of December CONTRIBUTORIES on -the oam> his truly magnificent wardrobe thought ro have been bobbed, elephant. I had been prepared- CITY OF LONDON the shoulders which rails in pink • 1974. day and at the same place at 2.45 1*1 January. 1974 ro -Msl December. DISEA8E3 OF ANIMALS ___ was_ designed, 1 - found' myself hut which he says is the genuine By Order of the Board o'clock. fox trimmed ends. No way can for limp wrists and a desire to; 1974 for Uie 1965 Issue will be pay¬ THE SWINE VESfCLtLAR DISEASE GORDON R. KIRBY N. SADDLER Official Receiver intrigued by his appeal to a article and got him called able Pom 2nd January. 1975. at uie 1 CONTROLLED AREAS 1 play Hamlet. The wrists are : Director and Provisional Liquidator. those ends fall wrongly, even rale of b'.'V per annum against pre¬ SPECIAL ORDER NO. 22 1974 ' public which much disapproves ** pug ” at an early age, and firm, and the desire if any is to- sentation or Coupon No. 10. Tho above Order came Into opera¬ though the star be hoisted on ' 1969 Issue of the more louche interpreters spectacular blue eyes. His Tut. COMPANIES ACT. 194U In tion on 14lh December 1974 and a play Sheridan. S. G. WARBURG A CO. LTD., copy may be seen; at. the office of riie lusty’ shoulders of the the matter ot JrJtklhS INVtSi- THE COMPANIES ACT. 1948. Ul of his art, female impersonation. figure is classic male—lean hips - slse announce thal tntereji for Uie the Town Clerk. Guildhall. London. - While women laugh at tbe 1 UhNT Limited Nature ot Business; the Matter of HORDER A MEESON chorus. But in the final analysis period 1st January. 1974 lo 3101 EC2P 3EJ. wodctiv Uoajcra. i Cor Transport i Nature of Busi¬ One shrewd comment about and broader shoulders. His . jokes and dream of a claret December. 1974 for the lyas* Issue S. J. CLAYTON. I am not sure whether I more WINDING UP ORDER MADE 9th ness: Car Transporting■ wUI.be payable from 2nd January. his attraction is, I think, the legs are better than most ’ WINDING-UP ORDER MADE 9U» • Town Clerk. velvet frock trimmed a foot 1975 at the rale of i*1,^ per Deceinmir 1974. admire Mr Canter’s work be¬ DATE and PLACE of FIRST December. 1974. annum against presentation of Cou¬ thought that though men have women’s. On to this shape Mark deep in fox. tbe men. I am con¬ DATE and PLACE or FIRST cause it is not all made of gold- pon No. 6. Mbs l iNGS : _ _ . . , ckedii'oks 35ih January VIS. MEETINGS: DOMESTIC SITUATIONS often a rubicund and even Canter grafts the impression of vinced, see Danny T.a Rue in the ; at Haom 020 Atlantic House. Hot- CREDITORS 15th January. 1075. sprayed chicken wire and held Coupons should be lodged urtlh bawdy sense of humour and en¬ a hyper-glamorous female, uom viaduct. London. bt-tN 2nd at Room G20, Atlantic Houae. Hoi- classic tradition of the panto- j 5. A G. MARBLRG A CO. LID.. Together with Uhu but is in the at 2.3u o'clock. bom Viaduct. London. EClN 3HD. joy a broad, as opposed to a curvy (“ luckily busts aren’t Coupon Deparanent. St. Albnns mime dame, and Charley’s Aunt, r u.GN nUBoioniES on the ««mt at 11.30 o'clock. The Close at Tetbury bands as covetable as I found House. Goldsmith Str»el. London day and at the same place at 3.00 CONTRIBUTORIES on the same snide, joke, modern convention smart now ”) ; svelte (“ they’re I asked him if be ever felt the EC2P 2DL. from wham claim forms LlOCk. day and at the same place, at 12.00 CORDON BLEU COOK the Palliser costumes done by can be obtained. Q condemns the expression of noT really so naked, you know audience uneasy when he came' N. SADDLER Official Receiver o clock. This well-known Cotswold United Kingdom Income Tax will Raymond Hughes, or because he and Provisional Liquidator. D. A. WILLIAMS. Official hotel, reopening- tn February such fun in women. Danny La' —iris all illusion of flesh”); on. "Sometimes” he said. ‘ he deducted at the rate of 33p In lh* Receiver. and Provisional is designing all this feminine £ unless claims are accompanied by after oxtonalve Improvements, Rue’s jokes are broad, and are modern (“ We have to cover Liquidator. requires a young lady wlih Cor¬ “ Then I make my first crack, an affidavit glory for a man, Danny La Rue. German Capital Yields Tav dedur- UIE COMPANIES ACT. ,1948 In don Bleu i or equivalent 1 quali¬ obvious, but because he is a the collar bone always; iris come right out with it, loud. [ led ai 25 OO". Is recoverable in full Lne Matter ul PAKGHDEN Limited fications. to. loin a young and Now this is not the place to man dressed up as a woman, masculine, and the upper arms, and I can feel riiem relax, and by United Kingdom residents and Nulur*.' of Utulnuu. Motor uuugo THE COMPANIES ACT. 1948 In enthusiastic kitchen team. She will be responsible for S. G. Warburg 4 Go. Ltd., will pro¬ the Manor of SUM BRASS INVEST¬ enter an attack on or a defence • women can enjoy bim saying but you never realize iris being I know thevYe saving to tfaem-_ vide approortate forms for snch re- ^VpSfmNG UP ORDER MADE 4th MENTS Limited Nature of Busfness: starters, salads and desserts: knowledge of bread making an of female impersonators, a sub¬ things they could not accept done"). coverv noon application. property investment comoany selves, Ob. its al) riabi. iris or,. WINDING-UP ORDER MADE advantage. IM1. Gresham Street. N°DATE!f and4'’PLACE of FIRST ject on which I am in any case from their own sex. Then, of “ You see what you think Uncle Fred dressed up.” ,rej” MLt'l lngs ■ 35lh November 1974 Llw-in: own room with pri¬ London. EC2P 2EB. DATE and PLACE Of FIRST vate bathroom: generous salary: B7lh rw.ember. 1974. CREDrrORS I5th January 1975. at Room G3CI. Atlantic House. Hot- MEETINGS: and fringe benefits. Finale coat dre“®°° born Viaduct. London bCIM 2HD. CREDITORS 14lh January 1«75. Talephoue Mr. or Mr*. Hastings black velvet spfe fur* TRANSFER BOOKS at 10.15 o'clock. at Room n20 Atlantic House Hoi- on Tcibury 106-66 1 52186 or CONTRIBUTORIES On Uie sunt bom Viaduct London EClN 2HD . with stars. The' by day and at the sapie place, at 10.45 11.15 o'clock CONTRIBUTORIES On the same and hem are loa?Jec| H J HE IN 7 COMPANY Limited ° NSADDLER Otnctai Receiver and day and at the Mine place at 11.45 Notice Is hereby given that the Provisional Liquidator. with black ostrich TRANSFER BOOKS of Ihe 6'r De¬ U CllN\'SADDLER. Official Receiver RESIDENT DOMESTIC and Provisional Liquidator, feathers which are , benture Stock 1975-T9R4. and the BURSAR 5’,''- Debenture Slock 1976- 1*HML underlaid with bands THE COMPANIES ACT. lyABIn the of this company, will he CLOSED Matter or ALF BURGESS iTiyiNS- required at rtatfOed Mill Field of diamente. The coat, from the 17 to V January 19*5— Centro. She should be under 45 PORTi Limited. Nature of Business: both dales Inclusive. Haulage A transport contractors. years of age. trained and have in fact, fastens at the K L SMART hart some experience. Catering PIC. Secretary and household management for back with a zip, But " Hayes Park Hayes Middlesex WINDING-UP ORDER MADE ft students and staff. Salary lira Novemtwr. 1974. 6 when the front swings • 37 December 1974 on the scale El.002 by E73 lo DATE and PLACE or FIRST £1.562 plus full residential open it reveals a 4 benefits. M'creditors 16th January. 1975. separate black velvet ' DIVIDEND NOTICES at Room 339. Templar Hoose. 81 Please auply lo the Wardpn. High Holboni. London. WC1V 6NP. list ford MUr Field Ccnire. skirt which is attached , at 10.15 o’clock. East Beroholl. nrar Colchester. to tbe coat at the waist. CONTTUBirrORIES on the same r.OT SUL. Telephone East ■ BERLINER KRArT-UWP LfCHT Berghotl 2Kb. i BE WAG r—AKTTFN- day and at the same place at 10.45 O ESELLSCH A FT ° ClBL?‘ R. BATES. Official Receiver and Pro visional Liquidator. (BERLIN POWFH AND LIGHT RESIDENT MANNY lo Ca» for 1 COMPANY» child aged 2', years. Oenerous BERLIN. GERMANY salary, use of car + comfortable gua riors In Hlghgale. 01-272 On Uie IRth December 1974j_ the In the Matter of BASTAT INDUS¬ Genera, Meeting of. Ihe above *-om- TRIES Limited and In the Matter of mnv declared a dividend for the The Companies Act. 1948 Kv»] vSr E'TVinlj oT D.M. 5.50 By Order ol the High Court of per share i par value D .M. 50.—i jD»nce. dated the 28th day or June NORTH WALES FARMHOUSE. on Iho basic capital and D M. - 7S 1«1T4. Mr. MICHAEL GORDON Wife broken arm roqulros tom- per shore i par value D.M. 50 —-i VICTOR RADFORD. Chartered porarj assistance. Driver essen¬ on the new shares ennlledlo divi¬ Accountant, of 12 Portland Street. tial. Looking, likes dogs, other dend since 3M Janparv- 1[J74 Southampton, has been APPOINTED help k- fii. Reverse charge*. Ponly TTie pavment of Ihls dividend LIQUIDATOR or lhe_ above-named Hoilklu JJ2. will be efreeled Company with a Committee of presen Is tlon of COUPON NO - * - fnepecllon. _ ■ Coupons No. 27 fram the now Dated this 18th day of December. WANTED. — Uvtng in. Mother's ■hares are marked ' ’-i „ . 1974 HpIp. Driver.—Please apply. M/u. _ German Capital Yield Ta\ al Christie. Glyndebourne. Lewes. 35.75 re Inclusive of the snpplo- Sussex. 0273 812250. Sianiarv levy will be deducted from Sir dividend. „ Holders m this Country may AU PAIR BUREAU PICCADILLY Praam I their coupons lo: IJmJied Nature of Business: Whole¬ offers best lobs London or abroad. Claret velvet J. HENRY SGHROOER MACH salers and General Merchants. oo"^ Limned. Nature of Biuincsa: Gall H7 Regent SI. W.l 930 4767. * GO. I.IMITPO. Coupon WINDING UP ORDER MADE 2nd BABY sitters wanteo Jan. 31 sl. dress with cuffs Department. 120 Ghoapsldr. M v tndLinctup order made Derrmber 1974. — . by Chiltimtrilera. 4H7 4678 _ London. EC5V 6DS. 1 DATE and PLACE of FIRST EXPERIENCSD ENERGETIC COOK/ and hem of fox Board of Management HOUSEKEEPER required Imme¬ “Mf*1SJd l!SSiCB of FIRST MCREDTORS 17th January 1975. and jet beading Decomber. 1974 diately for family In Regents Part- at Room G20. AtlaltUC Hoj»£. Hot- Daily help employed. Good ralary born Viaduct. London. EClN 2HD Plus furnished accommodation and on the bodice and at n.oo o'clock. _ own bathroom. Would consider High Holborn. London. WC1V ONP. CONTRIBUTORIES on the Bmj couple, husband lo follow own sleeves. MISCELLANEOUS dap at the the same place at 11.30 FINANCIAL 1 * CO NT R raCTO RIES on Ihe same einuloinnoni. References. — Box day and at the same place at 11.45 o'rioek. A VTTLUAMS. Official No. 0244 M. The Times. Receiver and Provisional WORKING HOUSEKEEPER: £20 Liquidator. p.w.: London: lop quarters.— ° C,0*“«nd Brit ta)- Agency (92321 London Rd.. Horsham. Tel.: 3571- m£ COMPANIES ACT. ,,!948. Tn ihe Matter or REEVES PRINT REQUIRED Lfmlied. Nature of Business:

PlWCINDING-UP ORDER MADE' COMPANION Uve M. central Lon¬ 18th November. 1974 don. Very good reference Box DATE and PLACE uf FIRST 0572 M. The Times. CREOITOHS 14th lannorv. 1975 at Room 230. Trmnlar HollseBl High Holborn. London. VClV 6NP. II 10.00 o'rtock. CONTRIBlTORIES on the day and at the came nl&ce at 10.30


DRUMBARD Limited T/A ** DIREC- TAJR '• The Companies Act I. MALCOLM J- COLEMAN. P.C.A.. of Messrs. Jeffreys H“nrv Rudolf A Marks. Wller Hnoj- ffi-4 Cltv Road. London EC1J 2D A notice that l W.ll APPOINTFn LioUTnATOR in the show matin' nn 1 oih Derembn. 1974. All debts and c'pinis should be sent to me ai Uir above address.^ cqlEMAN. THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974


ESS AND PUBLICITY INSTITUTE FOR MARINE •i W OFFICER 1 .1 i • ,TiM 13 an cxdilna U execi- ;w* cipoitunlly Uwt weald salt ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH Lt -«- _ __ rrw.y trained tournetist or . rjjrr.ctjnc uLi writing ability. j*SoB KeJp liie Atcd rnmlns a Bv« Them mgplor ~Wj*rineKtiay gvenmg openings at New Bond Street from 6 pjo, to S pjn; for cHents to view the current «■# putt s::? oiikcr wao has sales, obtain estimates aad place bids only. IN ADVERTISING drive, rnihusbura and syni- pjij-uf for propie in poorer £*y.7> IVedttesiiay t::ci'pi Sew year’s Day. i coomnes. ■ Vo ana extnnmtu n'rCcd fnr The sacccMIal ftopHranf will Biologists and tra^uts tn ft taW adierlisina nwd Lie abut? to sumutet* • coj'Mbp. If jn in barwcen Ait At Auction. 1973-4* The Year at Sotheby ParkeBernet, , l?-32 MUh. nod O/A taveto and pMsfflcJs® near events tn 1 i-d ml Mifctthm to get to tgo Writs UirebBbetn the louriuy. is mm aoaBt&lefcmbooksbov*, price £Srardireci from Sa:': rry A rise Bernes Publicaiioru, 36 Dtrrsr Street, London WIT 3RB, to i. th*y will pay you £1-700 It Is essential to be able to prlrs £$•£•,’•■ paid. wile cony for local prase and I.Ffc*. to ire opporttmniM tor pnb- Environmental I'citv- Thfc is a London baaed . IN FOREIGN BANKING ftuiUoa with lonre travel Monday, ddtJamaay^at Hajn^md2J0pjn^ We Jr? djy, iY/i-jsiyflrv, a I! tux* Friday, Hhh January, at 11 ojb^ unolvnL at New B if roo an* k*en on these or - any ntli-s* career phone generate wiabnity in natural ecosystems. Department, 2 Mcmngion Road, London ; asa 0147 Paul Costello ihatky. 7A Januarr, at II aoz* ot Beizraria TrunJav. 9th Januaryy at HJJOajn* SW61RG. Telephone: 01-3811531 MAKE NO MISTAKES ESTUARINE AND NEAR-SHORE ECOLOGY (Based at En&sh Prints 1800-1940, Etchings, . ac Beifvtria ] DRAKE PERSONNEL IN 75 Plymouth). This is a team of biologists, chemists, Engravings, iithograpto, WoodaUs and ■Pngfeth and Foreign Silver and Plated Jottl me arrriTTWtr depSTtUUKK physicists and systems analysts whose major pro¬ Photogravures ■Wares and Objects ofYertu, 1825-1974 of expanding huanuttonsi gramme at present is a study of the ecology of the aomey. Wort varied and tator- Cdt-BS iUuricxtioDS) 35p CaL (94 illustrations) 75p l NEW YEAR Mttfig. S4. jam +. Should £J3» ontclotm ncpstirac oX Bristol Channel based on field surveys and experi¬ r^mdiag. manual visit, casta mental work coupled with systems analysis and NEW CAREER baofc. etc. Top aalny pdtf + i"*c taebo simulation modelling. There are two vacancies: Sozhebv * Co-, '*4-35 New Bor.d StnxL Lcndcn Wf A ZAA. Telephone: 01-493 8050 A rvalor Eritirh cor-.ora:!"’1 ? vrar.'J briii'ii 704*»g tr;.n --na CALL SANDRA JAMES At Sottev's Bdsnrvim 19 Motconb Street London SW1X 8LB. Telephone: 01-253 4311 :l.l A I’.'-rlo or ECOLOGIST (POST 58) to take charge of studies of Macri--.cr. to !o;i Sotheby A Co, 115 Chancerj- Laae. London WC2A IPX (Hodgson's Rooms) Sotheby^ 'id pii=JTtrarni ■■ircj.ii. i u'l IMPersonnel zooplankton and, especially, the relation of secondary HXJNEEDDM W _ ■ ,-vnd I'jruia salary u> production to autotrophic and heterotrophic processes Telephone: 01-405 7Z?S flo ‘Zi.UD’J. 487 5171/5237 in tha estuarine ecosystem. Jk*n Robertson, 19 Castle Street, Edir bcrgb EH2 3 AH. Telephone: 031-226 5438 if won an? looking lor an Inler- rr'im and presra-Ho c.fi/rr. ;• cholic Iia R-.c rr-v lor an ORGANIC CHEMIST (POST 77) to investigate the loiortcu. 425 Dual DRAKE ■ PERSONNEL. sources, character, distribution, and chemical and biological reactivity of organic materials in the SALESMEN OF QUALITY estuarine ecosystem. {- with pood_ |A YOUNG EXTROVERT ground r 22-301 needed hr *ee- SEALS RESEARCH (Based at Lowestoft) CMIoed in. i-manorial groop for "is needed for th-? "izugnmem nctuw dm HMd.no to direct ECOLOGIST (POST 91) to join a small team working planned sales ecitilly. For Uwe- on population dynamics and behaviour of Grey and I* tralnlnc in a larpe Advertising/ wtrra fciatT^ng uluses are from t Pnilbh&s Croon. If you ere PHiJlips 12.000 pin expenses. For the Common seals around the coasts of the United ; •between 19-2ti with pood O/A real go-Brirrr BunMemn Is ji‘*ure(3. r_-;| Mr.^BeU. 1J4 Kingdom. Preference will be given to candidates with i •Tn!* end real imMUoa to get j The salerooms «D1 be tiosed naomw, New Year’s Day 0911. DRAKE PERSONNEL. • *■ me an. y.ny'li par yon op experience in mathematical techniques. o Cl.7(M. Interested 7 Call Ian * n iters 730/0911. DRAKE OCEANIC PLANKTON ECOLOGY (Based at Today, Toes., 11 a-m. Good EngKsh, Continental Fta> S King Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6QT. Tel. (01) 839 9060 l* frCRSONNlLL. M.IMRMH ORSAMIIt, Edfnbtagft) mixire, Wods of Art, Carpets. Telex: 916429 Telegrams: CHR1STLART London S.W.1 CaiUomia or mgwtia J2&& BIOLOGIST (POST 25) for the Continuous Plankton !! t- wide, In tottrfam. _ Thur., Jm. 2,10 jjb. THURSDAY, MONDAY, i oi^Icps. catering. Contact arf Recorder Survey of the North Atlantic and North Sea, Furniture, etc-, at B&ryfebone A GOOD MOVE JAM s rxp- rx»—Tntmuilonal Si*« (View today. Toes.). JANUARY 9th JANUARY 13th' i Koirtpwr. for free advice. For to assist in analysis of plankton samples, data pro¬ Tor alert. alive o/A ur.'-l cmn- a pro m tin'mu ring 01-730 5l«2 or KmjHsgi and Continental Fine ' Eastern Rugs and or write, maostng large cessing and research prejects. didiin 117.211 Is offered by Fri_ Jan. 3. It a jo. Silver & Plated Ware. Objects of Art. The Carpets. Catalogue (22 SVC?'4taP*ta~ U 33 rUnfl's Quafiffcatlons and Experience. For Posts 8, 77 and plates. Including 2 in i ’ pnwenivp shipping and trading 91, candidates should have a good Honours Degree Properties of Wlrrnafreda. '[ group in pvjcr.: city location. Countess of Portarlmgton colour) 78p post paid.. in the appropriate field of biology or chemistry, and Moo., Jan. 6, il «.m- and Decorative Fnr- ( Good trailing v-herne for real i and others. Catalogue 25p TUESDAY, . m^sagwr.eat future E1.SG3- LEGAL APP01NT1CENTS at least two years relevant post-graduate experience. post paid. 1 (£2.000 a.u.e. and extra benefits. Candidates will be considered for appointment as JANUARY 14th • Call Mr. H~lt 734/0911 DRAKE Moil, Jan. 6, j|l ».m. MANMTZ . __ __ Mgher Scientific Officer or Senior Scientific Officer but Watncokma and Drawings. THURSDAY, English Drawings and . PERSONNEL. many years' expcxfeoce of doai- exceptionally well qualified candidates for Post 58 may Watercolours. The Proper¬ fip wlin niest t jpnts of soUdtors Mon^ Jan. 6, ^ Ipjn. Prints. i JANUARY 9th at :n Lone on and Sir UJC.. maMnp be considered for Principal Scientific Officer. ties of Lady Naomi Mttciri- U3 .7 elm a nnlauf prtcaie snrw 2 JO p.m. and son and others. Cahdogne FURTHERANCE OF y.rr; to all solicitors and other Far Post 25 the minimum qualification Fs HNG or •e el sisft from outdoor clerks to Toes* Jan. 7. |Ilun. " Good Wngtttii, Canttnental Fur¬ One of two panels of FRIDAY, JANUARY 23? postpaid. THE CAUSE r-iraners Igohtng tor career* tn equivalent, but a degree in a biological subject and niture, Works of Art, Carpets. hrv?1-' rneace t ~o tees are knowledge of Invertebrate systemab'es would be leaded glass, attributed to 10th at 11 a.m. A 70 17 2Z charg'd to aptillcanu'i.—For a F - - Morris A Co., the roun¬ Sales begin at 11 aju^ v:?na7 ■ mu enn i-f'*s:ta» tri.nrtew telephone advantageous. Candidates will be considered for dels llin. diam. To fie English and Continental unless otherwise slated • :JT' ; or v.ti:b b> 'fra. RolnJck. Mrs. Tuba, Jm. 7, 2 pJU. J..jCO tdirprd', cr *.!m. Joynps. 01-405 appointment as Scientific Officer or Higher Scientific F .‘perton:*? ; sold on January 23rd, in Pictures of the 19th and and are subject to the con¬ >ot I'.vn'el TV" l a- fircat Cucen Street. ditions printed in the rele¬ HDlldjrv : ’> V-I-Ji W.C.2 ‘? fcv ->Hpntn*i Salary Scales: SO £1^92^2.675; HSO £2.481-£3,371; Jan. 9 Lace ; Jan. 10 Silver. ture. 25p pose paid. ft. Vcirwni m- ■ on jc-v or,«. SSO 23.157-E4.441 ; PSO £4,227-£5,550. 11 DRAKE ACCOUNTANCY Edinburgh Office: 48 Melville Street, Edinburgh EH3 7HH. Starting salaries may be above the minima. All salaries View 2 days prior and Cats. Z5p by post unless staled. are augmented by cost of living supplements. Non¬ TeL: (031) 225 4757 THE GATEWAY PtaSips the Auction People dace 1796- contributory Pension Scheme. 7 Bhabcim Street; New Bond Street, Ltmdon WXY OAS TO SUCCESS CH.\RTERED Ail staff of the institute are expected to take part in b now oren for fawn mni ACCOUNTANT TeL 01-499 8541 LONDON AND SUBURBAN hvlvvcr-- !t-ld who am field operations. Including work at sea in research Ir'.tkiM In bratnlnn to vessels and small inshore craft. Secretarial and General Appointments manageml vrta one ol sev¬ ALBERTA eral Top Etrraneim Go’s., in the war.'d if shlpDlns- fnsur- _fli^ro Company runiuli-es For application forms and further particulars write, also on page 21 arce. tsfSina vies. and CiaRered AccoD^iont to man- accounts. S.’.jry from 21 SW- a"" branch n^lce in Fort specifying Post Number, to the Director, institute for NOTTtMG HILL GATS-—Hnga famfly .'tjcrnmi. l'jis ranldh* «■•> house: 6 beds, a receprs.. S bath¬ S2.009 For .in litino- Marine Environmental Research. 67/69 Citadel Road, CHASE AUCTION HALL BHIIKKAT. dud? tnterrtew «n a?tt Mli'.. t-jr.tTtnn rradtrn .awn of 10.000 rooms: 60-iI. oarden. Scrnlfy bat GEBfERAL ::ns 330 miles north Plymouth PL1 3DH, Devon. sound. £33.500.—01-229 7816. 0107. DRAKE PERSON¬ nt. Er’nior.tnn tn the fareaus GET ON our atoning list and receive NEL. Arb»ra T"T Sends. Closing date: 24 January, 1975. WISBECH, CAMBS. our weekly lists of flats and tv; ilitr.: -sultz: and early houses for sale.-—Steuben Mel¬ JOHN MORGAN TRAVEL Fiinerahip oppammiUn evsll- By direction of the ikacoton of the late MTs. Jurats Grtawade and ville ft Co- 01-499 9507. HARD WORK BUT .,'HOUrDAY AND LEISURE ab l> NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH COUNCIL attacra. innn'dh'to interviews belna are looking for a bright, hard- arranged tn London. Send fnQ COUNTRY PROPERTIES ENJOYABLE wnuking dtrl in htr twenties. COMPANY ‘•'--a-L, c: qu.-3;r.cauocsaad put OVER 750 LOTS OF apabte of taktng responslbUity onpci-mn:* to : for their ^ reservations depart- . i xenutres expertenerd e jrtn'.T* Mr. G. CiTvs. SUPERIOR ANTIQUE FURNITURE, ETC. m>iu or this small, specialized We need someone immediately , to j-jvumc iota.' r’3Bcns,;j"!’y c.*i A!h?na U-.rve. tncladinq briefly: XI Long Case zrtd Bracket Coda: Antique Tallboy. tour operator. Experience in ! tor ensant^nn hoMny AT. M:U Strait. 2 Qocicaui. 2 Cuftera. Bureaux. Card Tabies. in.£lc Escritoire; EXETER to join our small but success¬ coatroiiina- ant* training staff ; Please write with G.\ - io London. W.l. also set of 1C George U ss>:c Dining Cham. cti. Over SOO oa. ful team haloing businessmen would be ‘ an advantage, as Period Stiver. Jewellery. Corns. Porcelain. FINE ANTTOCE OIL solve their daily sales and re¬ would a first-hand knowledge JOHN PATTERSON PAINTINGS and COLOLiSED SPORTING PRINTS. ETC.. Lv=xwi J. r. oi the' main European. sLi re- uurtoa. CcOTpa Mortand and ofiiere._ _ _ cruitment problem). ; DATELINE You. the Mils and grandma cam totic and sottSiern Medinara- FERTILISER TRADER AUCTION FRIDAY. lOth JANUARY.1975. at IO a.a. live logerhcr bot apart -to • 23 ABJNGDON ROAD n«m countries. Opportunities j FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT VIEW DAY: THURSDAY. Wl JANUARY. 1975 alegar: Regency town house, If you have a persuasive tor overseas travcL LONDON. W.8. i when OVER 750 LOTS IndaiUng Brlob-Srac; Brass asud Copper: featuring 2.4-ft. drawtns room, 'personally and the atdlilv to Salary at least £XAOO pjL. FOR CITY SHIPPING 54 Clocks; 25 Carpels: Victorian Grand Plano. Edwaiuan asd otiler bijcat-n playroora. granny flat. Required now for our London based I’ooltiaa; will 1» (old at 11 a.m. On*- write ftbqi centra. , dulal.. think atuckfi; we'll give you a COMPANY ■ ■nwnnt Ulftl g\»llll NJV WttH. ■cmuiirchcttatve' training, which flaasa phone 03-389 -5478 the su'.is'fui asp,‘lean: w!U operation, an International trader with expe¬ ZUsssraiMf Catalogues 30p pen: spechncn trwwJ 237.3001 could lead' to a really nflily- nsrsssrsBL h’ ■ oual timt man wjn com- lns carreer, with a baste etarr- emerience tn manager-en: arid I mcr cyper.rnce In preparing Hxetcr 73092 lor. dataiic. seiarg rencL-ed by mccossrnl it; 'Mrwnenl accaunu and com- tns saury of over CV800 p.a. i erranany w**h c*!m:s it ' ■<■ ii-yc fcns-.v edge of cum- rience In Fertiliser and Fertiliser raw mate¬ GROUNDS & CO. 1- £11 p.w. bonus, poten¬ f CnM*.?r London ar-a. Foil tra’i- rr eravmi eyatems. rue sn'ary FINE ART AUCnONEERS. tial + S weeks' holiday. U FUTURE IN FASHION | Established 1839} . fnn clven. Idea! age ran"r 2^—7. o' Uv.nLQ is reigoUable and a you’re educated to at \least Salary of nu-.-rest to ttn'.i uho com io *ii- c^r will bn soopitcd. rials. EXCHANGE COUNTRY tor duouuil “ O ”, Breferabty “'a . Wa have a wtlciy ot posi¬ » arr tniemied tn nunlrn'•> s--« 2 NENE QUAY, WISBECH (phone 5041) Islands prop. Prop Abroad. S £3.300 P^_—Anrity Prrtonnel {gQSS^nMrBol leveL or nwtuips a recebu tions available., wtta leading •rcntive. Pcilair-i «5«—v«to graduate, phone Maty HUcbi- retail Fashion Houses tn Lon- 0-0 up. tel. RA1 6133 fB4 Hr. don-^and the Home Cotintlas. Box No. 0560 M, The Times son NOW on 01-387 3800. . answering acrvKei. UNIVERSITY APPOINTS JEXTS EDUCATIONAL Seinnb experience esscnllaL direction of Mrs, ext. SOB. and arrange an By Oa N. *■' FOR DETAILS RING POT¬ - l Bunud interview. QUALIFIED CHARTERED TER PVA2HL PERSONNEL eotrrpou cuerk. mnht. rmim. FREE INDIVIDUAL LTD.. AT -486 tDAY OR : mnnuite perron needed in rmirol •THE GREEN", ■ ACCOUNTANT NIGHT 1 OR 935 4Ut^ de=U of hirse ffayfo'r nrTra"’- ADVICE ! Unosnal clerical wor7. ETn n.w. Gurrins Power, GIos. tm SCHOOLS and .TUTORS SPARKLING, fun of life ? Young ? atrd free meats.—Apnly d'll 3^7. required by travel agent in MANAGEMENT AND The Queen’s University of THURSDAY. 9TH JANUARY. Piccadilly Circus UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS 1975 nclu^lna Secretarial and Speedy and accurate typing j jet: Beauty Culture courses, etc. EXECUTIVE Belfast Highly Important Sale of set job with Jet Ml peaplo—estate . Salary £4.000 ■anus', Families tax Eero pa Language aflonU In Beauchamp Place. SECRETARIAL I- .CLASSICAL DANCIKO TEA CM 7 R ANTIQUE FL-R.MTLRE rmainly courses from the £1.750. 584 4432. »■ wanted. Sicily. Jan .-June. 19H. Applications tn writing giving Cor company maJdns 17to and TEth ceniaxy* to oak. pens and pencils of quality for The Queen’s University of I- vrry nraiyout lerme.—T"l. t Ol - riclads of age. edncaliim and rouhogroy. and walnut; Ins* TRUMAN & KNIGHTLEY MONICA GROVE & ASSOCIATES. ■ sc* 9SM. p.m.. Jan. ivr. world manmts. Matt ot vision SJELC- RESEARCH Regency bracket Clock by John RECEPTION IST-S.R.N. required ruseplence to Box 0175 M. The and tenacity with flair tor sales, P2 Brampton Hd. i opp. Hatreds >. Times. Belfast Loiirti.^RciEisey (No 659) EDUCATIONAL TRUST part-time. MoQ.-Fri. for-plea =ont 589 6601/0131 wish all Ciinil-i wanes and marfccuna admin. Is 20 Pn-nji Rugs and rtm- k arsine ton practice. Tel PUbUstlOCB of *.* Schools 5*4 */ appiteams t mosi Happv 1 ’ NEW .YEAR ! NEW CAREER"! needed In Icadlns this growth STUDENTSHIPS nen ' Including a magnificent 903d. illustrated Guido. £3-35. TEMPORARY SECRETARIES.—WHY : Dereloo yonr Career In 7R75 wtfh business.—D_ Burtdtt. Taylor K»»han silk nig: a few oar help, report ooldanre tnr all Mlnstor Ltd., Gartng-on-Thamos. LECTURESHIPS IN ' Scholarships at Boys’ Public not Join the Agency. tbat raalu bnvartam lots ol Silver and cares? Top rates and a friendly arcs. Fran brochiOT.—Career v/ELL EDUCATED young men win nr. Reading. Barks. Powtcr: samplers and pkxnres; Schools ” Cl. “ Scholarshlpa ■GOTLAND.—All-rounder tired of i. Anai’mt*. W> Clnnre*tnr PI., w.l. find a c-ialce of good careers DEPARTMENT OF at '.Iris' Schools “ 70p: town to Join Purtnohire family, efficient service. Call Pam Green¬ aporllrtg and; other books, otc, wood on 937 6525 and she will ... Ol-C.SQ 5462. 24 hears. through Coimot Garden Appolm- Catatosnee (l5p. no stamps 1 Grants __for Edtaca- help in one-man otOco tfarm, .. wef'JSOANT OP TIP HD of rn! rar-7 ments.—53 Fleet SU. E.C.4. Ol- ARCHITECTURE OFFER TO SUTTABIS; CANDI¬ flTito tion . Ci-i>0. JA on tourism J typo, drive, tend a hand ten you more about Centacom UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS ■ siarr 025 Kensington High Si.. . U'* pend ng«rnntjr nuir to run 3S3 1164/43X6. DATES A LIMITED NUMBER request 73 Nottln HIU Gate, with 2 kids <6 and 10). A spell our fruit and -hneo rtr»rjartm"l*t». OF RESEARCH STUDENT- FAYLER ft FLETCHER Loudon. W.ll 01-727 .,a~c0'^toy^hpuse with country crpablP of leamlnn and not afraid APPLICATIONS ARE' IN¬ Stow-on-th e-Vold. 1343. S.Yf.1 * — Interesting opening tor of •■'tol:. It’*: a war'-h’ti man.-'- University of New South GTos. (TOT: 503831 secretary in small and varied PR rial posL _S. R- 1 D. Agns. ACAs and finalist* wanted tor 30 VITED FOB TWO LECTURE- ransuttancy. 834 0378. T>'/la'-tfham,,flwill Place Farm. Pul- Wales SHEP8 IN THE DEPABTMENT AND TECHNOLOGY. oaaa- Tel-! CBRMAN LANGUAGE T 9 lobe to . • Wroogh. floww. £2.800. ih Custom or p.R. ARTICLED CLERKS and tpanafm*. SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS OF ARCHTTECrrURB TENABLE ’ Ttae former includes the PROPERTY ABROAD LANGUAGE TUITION SATURDAYS.—-Gw required by 6 f (CRFEK... _ lfl.»ND3 _CLUB. rfHjulres Oopoirtm'-ms .of Pure MaUimua- c .-.ecu live and senior Artmin. vma AKWmR «fi. era 24. arit London and naUonwlde introduc¬ FROM 1ST APRIL, 1975 OR Ucn. Applied Matncmatirs and CENTRE'S1 Secretory, both tor highly recom¬ tory service- Start era now .ana . - LECTURER . ■ 2£"pS Gd^d-^u^?s;'3/100 mended firm in Kensington. i2i Brar/Ennlnc Rpw fm",. to wnrt niaoroucal Physics. —. APHnJ ..AMIITANT ■ Respomlble . in Greece. OX-336 6808. 1575 to £3.350. SUCH OTHER DATE AS MAY and Operational Cultural /Soda I Foundation needs better exoralence to £3.000. Tde- in neld or mild mechanics. rewarding lob tn non-coitirnorciai [TALENT DDEST or’DlTTwide. Sales Computer science. and SECRETARIAL COLLEGE jtuillo Secretary. (.3) Other pests hone John Walker, B^A.. A.CLA— physical oceanography. or BE ARRANGED. aDnosphere. LUse witii training and admin.. S3 hr. whne min¬ B Applied Physics. An In- tn S.W.l: S.e.l; Alperton. evdtaon WaC-cr. OT-34B 04A1. meteorology, or olUi'll areas. ScarnUrtal aad Langnsga ^jionfs. OTganlse examinations. ing.—400 .9086. .High asadontc qaa unca dons ■n»« ■ poreans appointed win - oroanlc. Organic. P__Bud £2,200 negotiable. LVj, Battersea; Hounslow and Oxtcd. required. Salary iniuter Industrial Chemistry. Ulo- training. Rccogoizod by DepL —Brook Street Bureau. 486 6144. Tel. Rtchard fle Caurtonay or reili/w i ; SAM.003* 16. 512.313a ba expected to taka an active chemistry. Zoology. ' Botany. of Eincathm and Science. Res- Vanessa Chambers. Euro Consul¬ IrtonCB to Sooth Xenslngton. SECRETARY/ASSISTANT. Varied par annua. Commencing salary part in teaching, practical oca- - Psychology. _ Ardhueology and work assisting an admin, person. tants International. 75 Newman according to qtm’Ulca lions and HJjtory and PMloaopfiy of Proa pectus from toe, Registrar. South Kensington. To £3,000.— St.. W.l. 636 1454 (24 hanno. experience. Dtdalls ol appoint¬ -pities- and research relevant to Science: tha latter, hnipncertog Haute Savoie, France CTSj 26-33 Oxford St-. London „ Brook Street Bureau. 584 0661. WORK IN MADRID OR PARIS? WLA 4JDY. Tel. 01-637 0681/6. Currently recruiting for Interna¬ 'ERKSHISE ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMMITTEE ment. kncludinq yupcrancra- tttfclr sObiacts. For one post on Mdthemaucs. Civil. MacbanicttL MAKE NO MISTAKES to ’76. ■ltion. „ndy leave and bousing Electrical and_ Electronic and Accounts orientated. See General tional Clients. Phone Vanesia schoRip. may bo obtained from arch fleer or designer la required Aeronautical Engineering De¬ Vacancies. .Chambers.-or Richard da Court¬ partments. Tha value- of these Apartments for sale in this enay. Euro Consultants Interna¬ the Association of Common- with a knowledge of Interior or NUR1C (S.R.N.) required Immedia¬ vealtt) Unlvcrslitos ■ Appu. 1. WU1 be in accordance wits exciting new ski resort, free tely for drug addiction treatment tional. _T3 _Newman St., w.l. cf 36 Gordon Square. London industrial daMgn. graphics, S.R.C. scales and sluderus gra¬ and rehabilitation clinic, initial to t*>6 1454 124 hours). mwm WO H OFF. duating pi 1973 In Great of cars. Only 60 kms from ANNE GODDEN . AROUND £2.000 p.»-. + FRINGE tor a three month period. Possibi¬ exhibition work and archltec- Applications close In Austra¬ Britain (and who are not res¬ Geneva.-A-large variety of SECRETARIAL COLLEGE lity of permanent apmfntment. BEHS. ! Prominent City sttippnr* lia and London on 17 Jannary. raral presentation generally. ident In North am Ireland) are N.H.S. rates.—737 6963. with endearing policy or equ.it 1973. Invited to write a rating their. winter and summer activi¬ SPEED WRITING SHORTHAND opporCduttloa needs lst-cU>s>* For the second post, which wtn particular fluid of mu&eei, to P.A./Sec.. 31-30, to work basic¬ the Dean of the selected Facul¬ ties. Secretarial Course. One term. ally, for top Finandef. Director ba tnada at one or tbo first ty by January 14. 1979. One year and Six Months *’ O ’■ level maths, and CnelUh. Salary £3,119-E3^20 oeder NJ.C. ConStiro of Service three points on toe lecturer Further details from .■ Courses (Pitmans). Deportment TRAVEL good taniul skills. Inform >r Included In tees. Lannuages. atmosphere and participation .iI seals (£2.118 to E3J147 io AppDcations a/e Invited irom suitably qualiflod and experienced Day and Residential. Proe- with the social levels. 30p L.V.a. JOYi.._ £2.412) an architect Is Knight Frank & Rutky uectue. Keswicb Ed.. East GUINE3S BUREAU 589 8807. v persons lor Lius post. BOOKS SUB-EDITOR PtUUD?. S.W.15. 01-874 6489. SACHA BUYING TEAM PiA./SECRETARY, 20a. for ‘.In- The .Director will be arpected lo undertake overall manage¬ required with an Interest in 20 Hanovor Square, London So to Spain, Italy, France fair Board Director of vanriv THE TIMES HIGHER EDUCA¬ W1R OAH. Tel. 01-829 8171 ment of tha Unit for rescue archaeology and to advlae and assist TION SUPPLEMENT, the woefcly design generally. and Gartnany. • If you are of Cos. - Reasonable sharthan.i newspaper lor academics, is super-attractive with a size typing. btR very much a.PJl, lab the- committee In the tormulalion of policy and the development University of New South Must copa with occasional prm- JooUnq for a sub-odlior with Tha salary scale Is £2.118 m> QUEEN’S GATE PLACE TUTORS 4 toot, then coma along and of an enactive rescue organisation lor archaeology wtihln the suitable e-tporlence In publish¬ um<. real opparmntty for partici¬ . Royal- County ol Bsrlcshlre. Agraement In principle has bean £4,896 with contributory pen¬ Wales has vacancies Tor pttpLl» and sea us. pation at all levels. PreFerjiUy ing or loamailsm to assist the students. Tel.: 01-684 7196. reached as to the registration ol tha committee as a Charity. lliarary editor In sub-vditlnn sion tights under the U.S.S. CHANNEL ISLANDS Salary £2,000-ptus -some-experience of firvaoctal bad> reviews, designing pages, ana SCHOOL OF HIGHWAY urumid. Around £3.500 p.a. +■ undertaking general editorial Initial placing on the scale wilt ENGINEERING Ring Jody, 499 7272 Further particulars tram: Wanted to exchange or part work. depend on experience and qtul- FRYERNING .Secretarial Co nose, GufyES? T. i_ GWATKIN, HOM. SECRETARY, Apply to The Employment LECTURER cschangu In unique position by Wadhurat. busses. Residential/ READING MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY, lflcaturns. Assistance Is avail¬ wn In Utannel Islands tar coun¬ day. Ne?rt_ course IS Jan.—Wad- Esssr-PO^T. OT’SffiE able with removal expenses. try property m either England hurat 2660. P.O. BOX 17, TOWN HALL, READING, RG1 ION. High academic quamicduons big Home Square. Grey’s Inn or France.—Bov 0516 M. The Road, London WC7. required, lagctoar with know¬ Closing date: 20th January 1973. APPLICATIONS SHOULD EE ledge o( one or more- 01 too Times. - RECEIVED BY 8TH FEB¬ 101 linking areas: soli mecnaaica applied to highway enginaonng. RUARY. 1975. land drainage, lltuclunil en- SCHOOLS and TUTORS nlxic-LTtng aim ■ brliigi- design. Further particulars may ba Independant Schools, Coaching ruiii.on.ixl cancrutc and pres- PROPERTY WANTED obtained tram: Irui^ed cancroU', • pnotoaram- Establishments. Fiufshinjc P nuii location and SchooL-j, Secrete rial. Domestic , dubign of roads and BOYD & BOYD mtorp Hawks ft Science & VI Foret Colleges etc. The Personnel Officer ctlona to suit traffic Co. have applicant! urgently seeH- »ud cgnstrucltan nid ’ mg hoosas and Hats tor saie.'to For Free Advice bayed oa over Research Opportunities in the The Queen’s University of ittaintnianLe. biiunnnaiu. con¬ retrain London —584 6855. 255 one hundred years’ experience struction and design of b (tu¬ consult: rn taous mixes. ■ strength ot and LANDLORDS' RENT ACT WartlRS7 Belfast, testing or materials, me of Lot aitr exports alvtsc yonTeL electronic digital computers. .. Flats in London. 383 >*923. THE . . Kesoaren wipuivnct aittl cor- Belfast BT7 INN. UNFURNISHED FLATS In Londun poru? membrrsli ip 01 a praft*. GABB1TAS-TRRING ■ ItUred urgently.—585 99tio. Department of the Environment Sloital mstihitfon desirable but EDUCATIONAL TRUST (PLEASE QUOTE RBF* T5/T) not vsumuaf. OuLios Include 6,7 & 6. Sack villa St, Piccadilly, &asj:msstje* London W1X2BR The Department of the Environment urgently needs Research officers and PROPERTY TO LET SA^fe:BAlS3.^ perTSSSL1 ' ToitOl -734 0361 Assistant Research Officers for a wide variety of jobs connected with physical- and Cwnmencing salary according cerrards cross. — Diplomat economic planning and policy-related research in housing administration and to qnaimcatlone and .eKpari-, ponied abroad seeks 10 lei inn- University of Adelaida Cnee. tuaned house lor two yean. Three environment The appointments will be for 2 to 5 years initially with opportunities Detail* of appointment m- bonroom:. gati cvnirai hnatinn. SENIOR TEACHING FELLOW eluding superannuation, study garage. Vcry^near station *nd for permanent and pensionable posts. The duties may include:— lea vo end hauling scb«mt. may In the Department of Shops- Rent UO pur wee*.—Tofto LUCIE CLAYTON be obtained from the Asaoc? _phonc Gejrarns (iron h5106. BIOCHEMISTRY Stion of CammonvioaiUi Illt. FARh.ham. sv. LoVL-ly iurn. COLLEGE Jnlvaraltlc?nlvarslttcs ffApply.-- 1 , 56— Cor-- period vlUa?e hkv. S beds., 2 non Square. Lottdon, - WC1H bslh.. 5 recnpL -Xfl u.w_PU- ^Secretarial Applications are Invited for OPF. qrlms Ltd.. RunTold C4S2 ”Sa3SSs.5^£^— the above-mentioned appoint¬ Applications close in Anstra- Fashion Design ment. The Teach tag dmwa of PRIVATE ROOMS in SMuO'ul fhrm- Maraud London on 21 March.. the appointee, primarily, would hoow nr. Chlcticster. ,W p.w. Grooming and be parnctpatlon to the organiza¬ FJj tor tarekmdb. Long let,—f" tSS£^7*affi2dfap»sa«*“s- ” 01-83* 8627. Modelling Courses tion and supervision of practical clas&os and tutorials to advanced blotfuiinlSTTy. Research tntaresu Day or Residential of the Deportment cover viro- OFFICES conditions, change and deprivation. lofly. wuaryoto. gene, control, SS New Bond Si., W.l membrane biochemistry and The University of- muymology. PRESTIGE Offlw accommodatioa 01-623 0667 Aberdeen available, on shot,ion let. with te't- ’Recognized by the Deparunvm __phones. . Kmnhishridne._jaratone. Approx. of Education A} efficient. f^itataSS ££«'»» w«ps <«» •«*»!». ft. no—.,ta '«»■■««* ■*=>= Department of Politics ---*f00 iq. Il.-6d4 651*- hsur-ing improvnniflfli policies. salary will be fixed wtthto.too scale tn relation to qualtflcotloiu and previous experience. Rro- M.LITT. IN SOCIAL. QUALIFICATIONS LONDON FLATS Norniqlly a ^rae wllh 1st w 2nd riasa ^■2Jj^%tSnSS«!*g«ography! vtston for superannuation on the THEORY AND PUBLIC in a subieci relevant to incnicuel pdsJs, eg one « ™ social ae™w=, F.S.S.U. basis Is available. Appointment will become off ce¬ POLICY AGE s—Rcsaarch Officer—normally at least S8; Assistant Research Offleer—normally under 28. ll vn at soon as the pereon con- ST. GODRIC’S Appllcanon* are now mvtted camnd can assume duty and win. *•4 tnc above Courao in 197ft' FLATS IN CHELSEA be subject .to renewal at the T6. The courao lasts 12 montiis COLLEGE SALARY:—Rscssrch Officer o< er S3.450 to £4,300 : Ata<^»r« L^don** Starting ndory^may to rtoro beginning of each catondarsgar. and omtoana worts tn three One, 3 nad 3-bedroomet pips «ei of living wipe ament. KlO per annum^eddiUto in i -r The UnAereJM- will contzfbnte flaw radially con. to vary inch SECRETARIAL " thd mnimu-n. Promotion proapects. Non-contrlbuioni psi»,on 8chem®‘ an eamontf aff larewr ib iBuJsMn&rtaass specilB.. smartly r.tiad with LANGUAGE AND equivalent towards the cost of tton. Theao snbiocusub! are nushttaught kitchenslichens andand^ bathrooms, gener¬g^mqr- travel. In classes and n ; stud¬ ous bant-In storage, some cur— FINISHING COURSES LOCATIONS:—Sirminghsm (Research pfficer (Economist) only); London, Nottingham oats are .also req io Dro¬ pbted Through, gema with APPLICATIONS tn duplicate, BOTi a short dlss1.'- ll on natla. Harden or terrace: all Resident and Day and possibly Newcastle. Leeds and Cardiff- giving full personal particulars, Appl!cants should__ with C.h. uad crrtrv nbotta: dotalls of academic qua HI (cat!one rowel 10 0DD1 in. a good Hon¬ help provided with ilnanca. Students Please send full curriculum vnae, a day-^e teiep^ty^m^^an^location ■ i tee (month and ours Degree to Politics. Socio¬ - Arkwright Roac 1 award, and nance logy, Economies, History or prices from. £13.500 for tone __s of two referees. mternatio^ti^RataUpns.- Hampstead preference to w- should reach the Registrar of details and dnpH- London, NW3 BAD Lambs:?* Snage House, Lcndcn SE1 T^tn^mews wmoar possible, the University. GJ*.o. Bex 498, cation l onujr please writo« totho Tel: 01-435 9831 . Adelaide. South Australia 0001. Sacrerarycy, Denartmerment nr Poll*. TeL: 01-584 8517 and zuccer~/uf candidate* wilf ba expected to take up appoinimem as ouur. than. 17 .A _nn’s^ -Oonofla,A berdeen _ -lEleese quote ref: T2J 2UB. Sea Hand. CJP.K. THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974 ENTERTAINMENTS THE ARTS ta'hnn loii-iilionlnci uir nrpllx U onlfr gulbldo London MMronollldll Aim


COVENT GARDEN 240 1911 HE ROYAL OPERA 1 onlnhi ft Frl. ai i l£ HOSE Dl FILMIO won. ntJil ai 7.50 La lravlat*. THE ROYAL BALLET TomnrruW 41 « _ THE SLEEPING BEAUTY Thut\ 7.3U Sc-'fiM do BjUdI. Monoton.-tt, Dai>hn|« & Utiluf-. Sal. ai •.*! Si'iinos dc lljiii'i. LliK- Syn-.aiMUorui. Ddphnl^ f Chio**. Sral* atali-ililu

SAVOY. 856 8888. Evenings at B p.m. Sals. 8 and ti. Mai. Wntta, 2.S] Above: Burt Lancaster ROBERT MO RLE Y Gideon Bachmann •• KEMAHKABLY FUNNY."—E. Sian. Visconti’s family inferno Ambroslno William Joyce and Helmut Berger. Right: PHILLPOTTS FRANKLYK CAREY |Jt PS A GHOST ON TIPTOE Conversation Piece is Visconti's of more modern manners : a concerns us all. Five people ficently struts the part of the and ochres and elaborate turn- OVLR 2rriO PERKS. Luchino Visconti during fourteenth feature film. It is menage-a-quatre “composed of love and hate one another raucous mother, steamrolling of-the-century decor, paying tempting to compare Visconti’s mother; - daughter, daughter’s without finding, or even seek- the zoo in her wake, brashly minute attention to details, both the shooting of the film own life ro that of its prota¬ fianed and mother's lover, who ing, real contact. Situating this crossing all civil and moral decorative and aural, and by de¬ • V-l' t m gonist in the pattern of rent space above him and there morass of homosexuality, group borders without fear or con¬ licately restraining the acting retreat from social contact that indulge in variously mixed love, drugs, criminality, cor¬ cern except For herself. It of the prindpais, he has under¬ characterizes both. The film was sexual and soda] encounters. ruption and suidde in an takes both courage and ability lined the claustrophobia and made on the rebound from a Despite his better judgment, Italian context is inddenral. Tr for an actress to play so un¬ loneliness, and the hesitant serious illness and was directed compassion and loneliness in¬ could be anywhere. grateful a part so well. But steps, alas disastrous, to escape by Visconti from a wheelchair. volve him in their scramblings, And yer one does not walk towering above all these, in the both. -Burt Lancasrer, who plays In Conversation Piece a retired but neither the superficial away from this work with a feel- central, biographical part, is much the same part here as he CINEMAS professor attempts a realign¬ poetry of the young girl’s easy ing of defeat. It is clear that, Burt Lancaster, who seems to did in The Leopard and as he PAR 15 PULLMAN. SUl. Ken. 573 58<>8 ment of values in order to stay sex nor the pretence of Mittel- like his protagonist, Visconti is have found his Quaker vein in is uow doing again, for Berto- AGUIRRE. WRATH OF GOD iA>. with the world. Both these good¬ European dilettantism of the both repelled and attracted by rejecting the world without lucd, in 1900, is directed so Pga. 4.10. 5.50. 8.10. PRINCE CHARLES, U-lc. Sq. 437 8181 will endeavours are doomed: mother’s lover succeeds in truly the ascending generation, and hating it. In fact, the message meticulously that one clearly The Sciwjllon of London that the film seems to carry EMMANUELLE 1X1 Burt Lancaster, in the drama¬ attracting him. He fights similarly be attempts to come feels that identification of Sep. Ports. D|y. line. Sun.) 2.45. tized version, dies disappointed, againsr self-abasement but To terms with the sadness they concerning the stare of the actor and character so rare in 6.15. 9.00. La IB Shaw 11.45. Every Night Exc. Dec. 51. Seals bfcblc.— and Visconti, no doubt, will be realizes that his straggling inspire. He does not juxtapose, world is that in order to con¬ cinema. Lied Bar. □or try condescendingly to tinue not hating it, one prac¬ “ The old ”, Visconti says, QUEER ELIZABETH HALL I 928 5191 i. pilloried by disappointed critics. attempt at engagement in the Tonight at 7.15. TALES OF BEAT¬ - As a former communist and present can no more free him understand. Here is a man ar tically has to reject it It is “ may well try to understand RIX potter iUt. colour Him with the peace that comes to the Royal Ballet. Tickets: OOp. 7uj». 55p. current sympathiser, positions of die feeling of uselessness the end of his life who finds the young and tc love them, RITZ, Leicester Sq. 437 1234. SUPER¬ are expected of him which he that engulfs him than his prior that everything he has believed professor oo his deathbed with but tne gap between .the genera-' COPS iAt. Progs. Dally 2.15. 4.20 this realization that keeps th*' TH. WORKSHOP. STRATFORD. E.15- 6.30. 8.40. „„„„ refuses to assume. Conversation escape into the past. Sensitivity in means nothing to those who dons cannot really be bridged. UNDILUTED 534 0310. Evenings 8 p.m. No Mavs. STUDIO OME. Oxford Circus. 437 3300 follow. Just as his films have spectator from feeling defeated. All I want to do with this film dav Tlimu. Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE AND Piece depicts Italian society in and humanism are qualities DRACULA THE SEVEN DWARFS tUi. Progs. its decadence, but takes no been critidzed for a lack of Because it is this realization is show their relationship in all Dally mala. 2.30. Ends Saturday. 1.45 mol Sun.i. 4.00. 6.15. 8.40. rated low in today's soda! SCENE 4, Lelcs. Sq. iW'ardtmr St.i sides, except on a purely human market. concern for the answers sodety that keeps him from feeling the its sadness. I try to show the 459 4470. William Peter BUtiy s is seeking, so his professor guilt that the film avoids attri¬ world the way it is. The old THE EXORCIST 1X1. Directed^ by level. Practically every character As a concentrated introduc¬ finds no answers for his own buting: this realization which »tn Frledkln. Sep. Perfs. D>y- in the Sim is both scum and tion to the problems of today's are either removed from it or . 3.00. 6.15. 9.00. Laie Show ailing. One feels that a film says so dearly that the indivi¬ have gone back to fascism. The 11.50 Exc. Doc. 31. Box Office open victim; the shells peel off as Italy Conversation Piece is about loneliness has hardly dual, despite all political or young are corrupt or are ex¬ we descend to the hell in those espedally useful. Soda], poli¬ universal, Lower Regent St. THE ever been made by a similarly personal illusion, has very little posed to corruption at every FRONT PAGE i AA ■. Prom. Dally souls in our function as voyeurs. tical, psychological, industrial, In . .a political J climate where •lonely man. sway over his soda! fate, and step. At the same time they ... eao oioo v.oo. later-personal an'a ■ economic' Marxism is the intellect's last that ffe has none over the future are beautiful and attractive,' Matin(ws Weds. A Sals. 2.30 aspects of the current crisis- are Helmut Berger, somewhat In¬ of the dvtlized world. MICHAEL CRAWFORD In t Barbra ^ ^ireisand. Ryan 0*N{jnl utopian refuge, the objectivity reflected in the central situa¬ and their corruption is not a congruously, plays a student For a film which is basically conscious one. Life is short; BILLY P^S. Wk a-05? 4?10. 6%: 8-^‘e of this approach is tantamount tion of the film, which is the who In 1968 failed to latch on A NEW MUSICAL. _ to treachery. a play, inasmuch as it takes one must live it without shame. CRAWFORD’S ASTONISHING TAlj 2 sisca» 600 hand I have .always admired the revue, to Theatre Four on CKANE KALMAN GAJLLfc** The Kiss, an .early work of West 55th Street. • which Brancusi made many var¬ It is sma-U, modest, yet chic. by There are just four per¬ vintthew Smith. L. 5. Lowrv. Ghrislu iations, a sculpture both comic hp- Vi'Md Ben Nicholson. Ivon formers, including the pianist, HlKiens, Dunciin Grant. brnham and erotic. And the hefty hewn and the decor consists merely iuibn-land^etc. nth January drunks, of wood and stone, of a (handsomely grand piano Daily 10-6 Fan 10-4 .BJ 7666- BRIAN GALLERY. 5-7 Porch ™ler and the rough furniture which and a bizarrely attractive fur¬ Place. Marble Arch..W.2. Brancusi made for his studio niture group, designed by KUPOZYNSKI: PamtmflS (now reconstructed in the Stuart Wurzel, that is subject 1CL3U-6. Sat. 10.3U-J-_ to protean changes capable of fiAn.RRY 21 Musee d’Art Moderate in making it an employment L,?SeLEGnON®itV974'^int^dlng pW^Jki Paris!, seemed more’ sympa¬ office one moment and a living ABC 1 & 2 snalicsbury Avc. 856 8861 and TMSrBriyi ai ’JoniW, Mon.- thetic than the smoothly room the next. Sea. per Is. All seats boakabio. frt. 10-5.30: Sots. 10-1-00. _ If the show has a certain ABC 1: riUROcR ON THn ORIENT polished and facile sculptures CiMPEL FILS. 30 Davies St.. EXPRESS i A i . Vik. ft sun. 2.50. 2488. closed tOT Chrtblmas. ANCIENT In bronze and stone for which inbred as well as well-bred air, TOAD OF TOAD HALL 5.3U. 8.30. AND MODERN re-opens Jan. t»-- ABC 2: AIRPORT 187S lA). HI. ft they, or similar hewn bunks of it is easy- to see why. The HER MAJESTY’S. *30 fff6 him. 2.15, 5.15. 8.13. The Table of Silence music and lyrics are by the Eva-i- 7.30. Mai. Wed- a Sal. s.o_ ABC BLOOMSSUKY B37 1177 kaVWARD r"* KBR5rfsii wood or stone, often formed »• JOHN MILLS .1baolulolV,w*I“PPtnfl UrrmswlcX Sq. Nr. KusscII Sq. Tube. pianist John Forster, who also JUD1 DENCH ravishing. S. Times, the bases or pedestals. WHAT'S UH DOC I U1. 1.40. 5.23. takes parr in a couple of in J. B. Prtosllpy s 9.10. THta THler WHO CAME TO IS Dec.-23 Fob.. THE GOOD COMPANIONS DINNER i A i. 3.20. 7.OS. ■ Last 2 Ji>8. Sal. 1CH6. Sun. 12-6. CK^d I bad long been fascinated by sketches^ and the show has da* a i. 24 25. 36 Doc. and 1 Jan. ®vp photographs of the series of ** Gorgeously nostalgic musical.'* Now ACaucMY ONE !do7 29B1>. Tcrrcnco admits to both exhibition. lOp ^U available covered only. the been written by two of the KING'S HEAD THEATRE 226 Maude's award-winning BADLANDS Say Mon. and u-8 Tu^x-JP «„* large sculptures Brancusi made A wide pathway flanked by and elusive, like a mirage, or Children, students and CAPS -op. materials and Brancusi was not other performers, Jane Curtin 191 ft. Robert Pa iricL » .K™h nr. pgs. 2.15. 4.20. 6.30. 8.40. in the late Thirties for the little chestnut trees leads through a stick seen distorted under CHILDREN. 8.0U. Dinner OpU. ».0Q. ACAUbMY TWO I 451 512'ai. Victor MARLBOROUGH GRAPHICS LTD.' 17- paid. The works were carried aod Judy Kalian, together with Brno'S THE SPIRIT OF THE BEE¬ M1g Old Bond Sires!. W.lTCIosed Dec town of Tirgu-Jiu near his the park to The Gate of the water. Finally the road opens KING'S ROAD THEATRE. 3S2 7488 HIVE lAAi & MIKIS THEODORA a. 13 out to bis design by craftsmen Fred Grandy. The cast is com¬ Mon to Thurs 9.0. Frl. Sal 7.30. 9.30 24-30. Will reopen Jan. 6 at 6 Aibi. birthplace in Romania, which out into a rather scruffy area i o-. Progs- 1.00. 5.5U. u.uo. 8.3u. marie Slreet. W.l. Business nj and technicians. On the Kiss. Beneath the chestnut pleted by Timothy Jerome. THE ROCKY HORROR SHOW ACADEMY THREE. 437 8819. Tarkov- aiipolniment. Jan. 2-4 please lei- seemed to develop these ideas of common land, a duck pond sky'a Russian Masterpiece. ANOHfcl Endless Column he had the trees along the path are lines The theme of Pretzels is /■ *' BEST MUSICAL OF THE Y1AR RUBLEV lAAj. 5.43. 8.30. Sal. 6161.___ to the left. The place where r Evening Standard DRAMA Awards. on a monumental scale. A recent mild urban disillusion- The 3.1U. 5.45. 8.50. assistance of a structural of seats, 15 oo each side, the Column sraods is. laid out -■* UTTLS ANGEL MARIONETTE COLUMBIA 754 5414 visit to Tirgu-Jiu confirmed this. engineer. tone is gentle aod never THEATRE. 14 Daqmar Passage. Nl. Jon VolaM THE ODESSA FILE \Ai. Brancusi’s works there are the grouped in threes, which are fairly formally with hedges Coni. HroaS. 13ly. 2.55 . 5.25. 8.15. barbed with satire, so that the * : 01-226 1787. D*1 re dal * II hi. -ftwsi. There are four main “ monu¬ •- 3 p.m. THE MICYCLES. Sal.. 11 CURZON. Cur-on SI.. W.l. 4yy 3737 10-12.30. Adm. free- Illustrated most successful monumental or “squared off” versions of the and gravel paths, but in prac¬ harshest notes heard are odes " a.m. ft 3 p.m._ Ingmar Bergman's SCENES FROM A cataJogue £2. post froo.___ “environmental" sculptures of ments" at Tirgu-Ji-u. They are seats round che table. The Gate tice it is like a large village MARRIAGE lAAi. a I 1.55. 4.55, mbVOR GALLERY^ 14 South MGllon of wry irony and soft regrets. 1 LYRIC THEATRE. ^--LST 3686 7.55. Phone bookings accoplod. all placed on an axis which green with low, nondescript “swot. W.l. Closed until ■>'JabeiS: recent times. They are impres¬ is over 17ft high, 21ft wide and The 3Uow is at its best in deal¬ Even In g» 8.0. Frl.. Sal. S.O. " The boat and most intelligent film Opens Jan. 6lll. JAMES runs right through the small buildings round iits edge. JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE, RINGO around in London at present."— OUIST. Paintings iy«»l-74. _ sive by any standard and are 6ft in thickness. Despite its huge ing with assorted oddities : the David Roolnson. Times. undoubtedly Brancusi’s finest town, either as road, or path, pretentious young man who ... & BERT—The Hit Musical DOMINION. Toll. cn. Rd. IS BO 9562) -- NATIONAL GALLERY size it is oot oppressive as one The first_ time I saw the ‘■HUGELY ENJOYABLE " S Timej. THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT lUl. Sep. works. They are those'on which although the works themselves . Column, arriving at dusk, a boy lives in Greenwich Village and "BRILLIANT Exp. '■ MAGIOIL . Progs. 2.10. 5.2U. B.25. AU Seals are oo the outskirts, two on passes under or around 'it. i ES. ■■ WONDERFLiL SONGS . S. TM. Bookable. . . ^fflinuau, his claim to be a great modern was rounding up several skinny tries to pick up girls at cock¬ From 8-14, Tues.-Sal.. Jl EMPIRE Lelcoster Square 14.S1. 16.06. San. ar 14.15 ft lo-OO. either side. The first is the EARTHQUAKE iAi. You'll FEEL 11 sculptor must rest. It is an abstracted monumen¬ cows, whistling to them con¬ tail parties with talk of Ingmar Mayfair. ®p2 5056 until Jsn. 17. Adm. free.___ Evga. 3.10. Sal. 8.16. 10-° as well as see It In SENSURROUND. Dacian Table, sometimes known tal version of the early sculp¬ stantly. The Column has deve¬ Bergman and tapestries at the An Evening aim Prog*. Dally 2.30. 5.oU. 8.30. Sup. Brancusi’s best-known as The Table of Silence. It is Pcrfa. All scats bookable. No phone loped a seven degree list from Metropolitan, tne Dociot of HINGE & BRACKET works—his abstracted heads, about seven feet in diameter ture The Kiss. The two clasp¬ _A Musical Revuo._ CATe‘ciNEMA. Netting Hill Gale. 727 the vertical, and if anything An the apology .who works, for 6750 BUSTER KEATON In THE EXHIBITION. THE SUFFOLK COL¬ birds and animals—look, in die and consists of two huge stone ing figures joined in the MAYFAIR. 493 203li Last week. light of the sculptures at . this adds to the sense of con¬ experience, as a coffee waitress , SOOTY'S XMAS SHOW SAPHEAO Plusi K^TON SHORTS. LECTION ELIZABETHAN. JACO¬ discs, the lower disc or pedes¬ block have become the but will gleefully discuss the Until Fit. a 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Coni PronSv 11.05, J.oU. 6.55. 9.20. BEAN AND LATER PORTRAITS. Tirgu-Jiu, like a dead end, a round yoni-like forms which tinual repetition, a ladder into SaL 10.30 n.m., 5 p.m. and 4 p.m. 11 *0 pm. pVuh VI. C- FIEILDS In tal a few inches less in dia¬ sexual habits of a little-known GOLF SPECIALIST A THE DENTIST. false direction. One suspects are deeply carved into the four the infinite. The shape of the MERMAID. 248 7686. Rest. I o(, 3!4Sr6.1fi. 8..YS. 11 p.m. meter. It is surrounded by 12 identical elements gives the South Pacific tribe, or even Evenings only at 3.30 LEICESTER SQUARE THEATRE 1930 that it was the demands of faces of the huge columns seats which are two half column a slight, but not obtru¬ the suburban housewife who, COLE 5252» Wall Disney produclloiu. THE SSRTBtorTSSP- aSSTtef?®* collectors and of the Parisian which support the massive lin¬ ISLAND AT THE TOP OF THE Cork Stive!. London, W.l._ spheres of stone (actually sive optical throb which helps tired of preparing dinner for Bni musical cnlcnalnmenl m lown. WORLD lU' PIUS WINMIE THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. TURNER art world where Brancusi slightly over half) cemented tel. The stone, like that of the TREASURE ISLAND POOH and TIGGER TOOiU.i. Coni. R 1T75-4851 ■ Orsonlaed loinily by' lh" to dematerialise it. Only when people she does nor know and Tale GoUory and Rovsj Acadcmt ni passed most of his working life together to form an hour-glass table and seats, is a local stone A Musical Adventure ai 2.0 4 k^b3.e2°-A^ieB^k,n^ close to do you realize the will not like, decides rhat all •’ . wUh Bernard Miles. Si'lfce MIHInan. EE ATLS Unill 2 Mairh. 10-6 «even «4n).a rhat led him to spend so much pitted and visually “ soft ” in a week. Adm. Hflp. ■ Mondnvs 40p>. or egg-cup shape, thick and sheer weight and size of it. (It she wants to dn is sing and I NEW LONDON THEATRE 403 0072 MINt?MAl1^uKnl*l|yp*rtdgn,355 4225 6 S>-ason tickets E2. Students and pen¬ rime on these precious, object¬ surface, although it is in rea¬ •t Drury Lane. Vv.C.2 Evenh-gs 8.0 sionerhalf price. _ stocky. When I saw the rable is nearly 100ft high.) dance. Frl.. Sat.. 3,30, P 50 ■‘THE WIZARD OF OZ " ‘U! like sculptures and to confine and seats it was pouring with lity quite bard. Its tone, tex¬ SHEILA GEORGE SERPENTINE GALLERY I AN* Coun¬ The performers are among cil t. Kenslnplan nnrrfens. Vv 2 ART his most fruitful ideas to bases ture aud warm colour contrib¬ HANCOCK COLE ?rlMr* 5sSi 1l,ni'5.W-Ail IKK rain, but I was told that A hundred yards or so rhe ' evening’s' 'assets. 'The .Banlablc b^phon.,. ^hh.bjen 75p AS THOUCHT PROCESS. 14 Dec.- and pedestals. Although he had - ute a good deal to the sympa¬ In Dtfja Rerue J2 j.m., 1975. 10-4 dally Clnsen l the inhabitants of Tirgu-Jiu farther on along what is now blonde Miss Curtin showed A ni-vlew ol Relink_ ).ii Mnikiion free. _ made early versions of the thetic quality of the sculptures. ?,'od 1st Ja^ rrom Thurs. *' Show sometimes use them for fas between rable and gate) a just the ldnd of ‘range one OLD VIC. THE NATIONAL THEATRE fjiO AN MAN GALLERY. F. L- G-1.?**®' Endless Colutnn before 1920 928 7616 Tonjflhl A TOmgr. 7,30 R.A.. R.E.. 137S-133B. Drawlnes. picnics. The seats are placed in To reach the Endless Column path through a public space, hopes for in a revue per¬ Thurs. 2.15 * 7.3U' ss£ Etching* ft Manucerlpu. Mon.-rrt. (die most important being one a circle round the table some one has to cross the road flanked with half grown chest- former, moving easily from a \G-6. Sat*. 10-4. 236 Bromplon KU.. I A E. Ellis’ for the garden of the photogra¬ feet from it, so that you would which flanks the park and go out saplings, is the final monu¬ snob cosmetics ludy to a Ninth GRAND MANOEUVRES &^T-P°5^Bsai % S.W.5. Tel, 589 7H38. _ 1 pher Edward Sreidhen, then Frl. 7.30. SaL. 2.15 * 7.30; ODTol&.,W£B^;«TEPA|SeUARE ^ VvTTSsLOW HOMER: wnlPITplOiir* and I have to put your food on the straight down the street which ment, a mass of stone, very Avenue harridan. Miss Kahan drawings. VICTORIA AND ALBFnT I living in Paris! the full realiz¬ EQUUS MUSEUM. S.W.7 Artm. 20p. Closed I table and keep on getting up forms, as it were, a continu¬ similar to the table, although was equally versatile and spun- BEATS ALWAYS AVAIL A HLE DAY ation of his best ideas only -i . OF PERFORMANCE FROM 10 a.m. GI2I1 n.Aa'■w.^aa. 1 Jan. ____ I to go to ir, line a cold buffet. ation of tiie path from table to slightly smaller in diameter xuneous. C^m siaK feaWe. Advance Bodk- came with the commission, when Presumably the symbolism of gate. This takes one through and without ihe seats. Ir is Bright, bland and blithe. ; *taan9EN SPACE. 580 4970. Temp. _Inn on n5u ™. rtnn Q i Brancusi was 60, to produce a ' ^ Wshlp. THE SNOB., to _ Garl OD^ihN. MARBL*: J vnk" GOLD 12 seats is intentional: a set¬ die centre of the town, past □ear the perimeter of the open Pretzels offer* more in- the; Slernhntm. Excellcnl =. limes series of monumental works in Turn, to Sun. B.O. ting for an alfresco Last Sup¬ the modem hotel, crossing the space, and one senses the t.-.v.n way of poimed mimickry than his native country. PALACE. 437 6834.. Men.-Thurs. 8.0 OdVon”1S^^MA^«N,S LANE per. The table and chairs are main shopping street and out trailing off rather bleakly into genuine observation. Yet it -i Fn.-Sal. * Jan. 1. 6.0 ft 8.40 K\Y>iJWenke The sculptures were ori¬ at the edge of a small wooded towards the southern outskirts the plain on e ther side. It should prnve n pfeasant JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR nnc 1 N^i- AW*rid'^F*NTA^nc PLANET irti, CRYSTAL VOYAGER kfciMi/Itokseep ginally commissioned, as a park, separated From the wide, and across the main railway Forms an effective and rather enough way tn pass two hours PALLADIUM. danv a ^ , 7 ™ 7373 hare a rugged pack. trials. TMs season, when only one Although this again would be a changing sides. Seasons ago, have been drawn London Sconlsb-Rossiyn national trial has been arranged, departure from recent usage, the >&>t .W;.. SCOTLAND: A, R. Irvine away In the second round to park affair provides, as it happens, at llurrayfield on Jannmr UJiOu Sectors could, if they chose; bring they make the bold experiment of . K . T® fHerktfs FP): W. C. C. Steele Moseley, whom they beat 17—6 the only local derby of the round. transferring to The Rest the front *- Jjrjt to*:a *' in the 1972 final. Coventry, the Of the five surviving London sides Hve forwards who, with adjust- second half of toe trial. They ce¬ ■ssrtv M«as ments onJv at booker, where tainiy cannot claim to have seen v. ^ ^ winners in 1973 and 1974, are only London Irish have to pack ItJ n*T •;* M«ton played throughout last the.-n together rids season on die ars*iihftfipssfe away to Blackheath. Gosforth, their bags. They have a long captain), A J. m. Lawson (Lon¬ season, have been the nucleus of strer nothing against Surrey Schools on sex came pounding menacingly field before passing inside to At lunchtime, after a morning that all was not over. This was a the Park. They are due to visit r in which Australia's bowlers were snarling at Amiss. I had better Sale for a friendly on that day, but Richmond v Morley ? * ^ afternoon at St Maly's Hos- forward, their enthusiasm renewed. Chan. It was a beamffid dummy stupendous hit. I can remember U iZTw.1, , pita Kttjond, Tedding ton, y ester- by Chan that then opened np the fput to flight, England were 120 not repeat what he said. Sale now have a knockout engage- Mrrpeih v LotaoaLondon InshIn: _ , day. In firm going and with One felt sympathy for Surrey s This was the start of a passage Dexter driving Veivers straight for line for Lauffer, who took his 1 for one wicket. By the end of the me nr ax Bedford. London Scottish v Ros forwards and the wings, who were which ended with the umpires talk¬ six here, a low ooe-iron shot that London Scottish v Rossiyn Park = scarcely a trace of wind about, all but ostracized, ar.d their hope return pass to score wide outside J-first over after tea they were 182 was sriH rising when it cleared It is possible that Richmond UveipoolLiverpool v BarbBath { ifiddlMax’s consistent hard work, for eight. That despair was re- ing to Ian Chappell about the must be that the half backs acd the left corner flag. language of his side. When Lloyd the sigbtscreen, bat this, I think, might suggest phyfag Morley on ^sro!Bc~stol v Gosforth J wit; slcffl and discipline ar all centres can formulate a more MIDDLESEX SCHOOLS: S. J. Gn- 1 placed finally by hope was due to was a rarer stroke of Greig’s. Sunday. February 9, but Morley ^T T*, a gallant innings by Greig. Thanks was beaten by Thomson for the have a hard game against Ornsdl selcy T Gloucester imaginative strategy, based on second time in an over some At 231 for eight, by when Greig . Glonttster SSSUtSJSJSJSr running and passing, perhaps, in - to him. Amiss, Lloyd and Willis, and Willis had added 49, the new on the 8tb and, even if they were Ties to be plvedplayed on Fetnua^y z f had done wril on Friday last i Australia were left needing 246 further blasphemy broke the their final match against Eastern silence—if Melbourne is ever silent ball was taken, which produced to agree to the Sunday, such an if possible. against Eastern Comities to whom Counties, tomorrow. -. to win. two of the finest pieces of they had lost nammiy and then We may need a strong nerve —and umpire Bailache took Brvaa, who had another good SSinF Chappell aside. The Australians cricket of the day—a pair of only through some brittle place match, can only have bad praise rggan,7H»nptorTfisTo. ; tomorrow. As Z write this, drained cracking off drives by Greig, both OaaCua (HEbarfaWwIHebenfaiKT*- Alta'li.Aita'ti. 3.a. | by the changing fortunes of to- were rattled, and, until Lloyd was kicking. So there was compensa¬ fer his side among whom Chac, BsUoDT-lpn vLCSi. N. atftw .at saved by Ross Edwards at deep tion, too, in victory yesterday. ■; day, there is a doubt whether or out, they stayed that way. Lloyd's at Hank forward, played out- row Waudi. . . determination was rewarded today mid-off, one diving to his right, Full backs ready for late Surrey, who had beaten Kent by sondingly well. Gwyther, at full SLfRKEV SCHOOLS; B. - Andrewa not Timms will be able to bowL the next to his left, like a wing 30—15, were somewhat disappoint¬ Iti jrdswarth *: J. Edwards fEflhcr,. • He was hit on the Inside of the by an ample share of luck. He also back. Wainwright. Lander, Raf¬ R. Koolahan .CS'. C. send- played some good strokes. three-quarter hurling himself at the ing. More than once they seemed ferty and Porter, the half backs, amci» iWandanfprtlii. J. UcJdey ; knee bv Thomson, while batting, line. Greic had reached 50 by now, iTrlnilr>: J. -nronihn rotUMch i. R. - and was not in the field for the England reached 30 in the tenth to have reached a point when their and Irving, were among others to CS): B. Mama over, and 100 in the eighteenth, acknowledging it with a provoca¬ dash to Twickenham eady mistakes and unsubtie tac¬ play with distinction. (Radies*;. D. Pepper iEskiMi. P '! one over which England bad time tive wave of his cap to those who tics could be forgotten, and when W'estoR iWantaprop HS>. p. wnicmuRS 1 to bowl this evening. If Bernard with Amiss 64 and Lloyd 36. These By Peter West That was Richard’s first senior Middlesex scored their trv, and their promise might be fulfilled. 'Glyn CS>. N. Danes ' KTngsttm TCi. ' Thomas can get Timms right for two had added 115 in 110 minutes either love or hate him in the game since be broke his jaw in an whr.t a good one it was, shortly when Lloyd, going down the crescent of the southern stand. An The England selectors will not England Under-23 grmm in Sept¬ Yet, Middlesex were doughty op¬ after the start of the second half ' the morning, and the luck goes decide until they meet on Friday as,-^L =*“ | England’s way, and they hold wicket to Mallett, was caught and on drive for four by Greig off ember, though lie imd had a ponents and loth to give anything when Gwytber, fielding one of Hffcrw; C. Hfaiklno (London!, bowled. The rate of scoring was Lillee was another fine stroke. evening the name of the second their catches, and Australia start full back to be called up for couple at outings for the Wasps . to worry, it wiH be close. Richie made the more remarkable by the This was not batting so much as third and second Bv all; length and slowness of die out¬ training over the weekend. Several •: Benaud thinks it is a shade of odds inspiration. But with a blinding field. One cover drive by Amiss catch in the gully off a full- LttWIlUilLiacandidates minecame 1IUU1Ufarther underuuua theUic ®j,-|:ooiin,sr «Trrf ^ t- im 1 m|* goodC.-I_1 game I.. for ' in England's favour. With another microscope last Saturday, and at 30 runs in the bank I would agree. off Walker, off the middle of the blooded cut it ended. !-««■ rh^m v,» {« he was able to provide evidence of bat. would have been worth four Upon being joined fay Hendrick, least three of them will be in The long and the short of Counties’ victory As it is, ami even with Timms fit action again tomorrow. Richards ■Mddang form that on any Test ground in the world who had Lloyd nunting for him. the Bnal trial. By Gordon Allan Rave Mm an inside pass for the tray line and dipped the. ball to bowl. I see it just the other other dun Melbourne. At Head- is playing for Wasps against Willis took two huge swings at E Comities 25 Kent 13 grst, near the posts, and he got ' way. fngley in a hot summer England’s Rosslyn Park at Sudbury. Hare and For an his dash. Hare made the ; £ Counties 25 inside to Fosh, who in ’• turn To win, Australia need the Thomson, the first of which went passed inside to Lee: 119 for two tills morning would IS vna be opposal to ead. SS X 1 . largest total of the match. If only for four and the second of which The remaining scores were a have been more like 180. allowed him to be bowled. For otber 'vb.n_Netgegam vlj. r by a couple of runs. The pitch The transformation from the penalty1. Iff Copley for Counties had lost its greenness today, which 100 minutes Willis had done an jHHSKSEKCpna?°anri rions. Botispham missed rwo penri- Acer delight of the morning to the standssfsrjsFass&hiflSE: that aU candidates have been . „ - - , ... ^• « --- — ~~~ and a try by Hennessy for Kent : means that it has lost much of its indispensable job, as indispensable af'w? try in their schoolboys rugby tics for Kent, but struck Eg?« Counties were a hoy short far utter depression of the afternoon as Lloyd's this morning. England’s alerted to stand by for a late dash J®?* 2FSii?«25ii2?«2ff^S a nv in their schoolboys rugby 1 lift. Only Cowdrey was out to a to Tv.'ickenham. v>hen be made another such mis- matchxazteh at Barking Park yestaday.yestwday. the third attempt v.'Iien Comities the last TO minutes. Brooker was not long in coming. Deimess, innings began and ended with a ftil offside at a ruck 3D yards ou: ! ball which lifted. The ball is I thought, made a mistake in _ ‘ , take, though of a less heinous Counties complete their Christinas aggravated a leg injury and Kel- keeping low, though, more often sending Cowdrey in when Lloyd warning about short-pitched bowl¬ Butler may have dropped down nature. Selectors have elephantine * programme with a match against and in front of tile posts. The Leher took his blace on the wing. *; than it did before the weekend, ing. The first came from umpire tiie ranking hst, though he had a memories. But total reliability is a *, surreySurrey at EsheEsherr tomorrow.tomorrow, general impression of this half was EASTERN COUNTIES SCHOOLBOY.,, was out. Cowdrey. I had hoped, Brooks to Thomson, when he V. Coleridge iCrcsbam’tl i captain ■. • «nd the odd one turns. Targets would be kept to shore things up good enough area trial. Jorden, of quality they expea full backs to : comities were a bteaer stronger that Counties, with all their N. Cox i-Bancroft'a c. Miller (Cot- bowled three early bouncers in Counties were a bigger, stronger ' such as Australia’s tomorrow are later on, should it be necessary, Bedford, and the most experienced possess. In this respect—jorden is ■ S,co^aiSES" possess ou, ought to have scored CCMe- Rc.-.al CSl. A Lacy iPerM), N. seldom easily reached In Mel- quick succession. The others were more than twice. Braaicr (Dene's US. Uwcstafil; W. while Greig was sent out to keep of all the nvals, had a good match as trusty as anyone—more so, = .v.e r \rndld. one of r «',i i Harrow.'!, i.. S^phens iCucIbr- this evening when the Australian • bourne on the fifth day- It fa up the attack. Cowdrey and that day too. GuOiclr. of Orreli. frytfodeed.m**. toE^taron^.yhan Bnrii who. , is 6ft 4ln and 16st 81b) #, JustJUJit afterB*uSr half-timena^-urae DrookerBrocket on-Saa HSj:HSi: J.j. FlintHint (Gmtumt’sj.(Greahmi’sj.T. T, . touch and go, and upon the result captain was told twice by Brooks had a fine match for the North gpr aB Ms undoubted b, stm Earich both need time to build an end because » HUM! . J .*!• IUIM1V hangs the whole future of the innings. Today, feeling themselves that lie would not tolerate against tiie Midlands, as did Hare, has□as to convince everyoouyevery b teatthat hem eq control thehi> gameeatne for lengthylenethv • I*adHad some half-aearfjilhalf-hearted Kent tack-tack¬ iDoacon'a.i Deacon's.. PcurbortnuuPciprboro’toli 1. VI..ii.. BaserBiter series. An English win would bouncers bring bowled at the for The Rest In the final trial, when is utterly consist! ling, no less than his own deter' i Amplcfoxth). S. Kei letter (Waiver. not to have It, they both got out is utterly cousisrent- Jorden*® periods. Not nntlltbe last quarter, Slone Ha!-'. P. Hosted ilpsulcnf. A. j mean a series revived, defeat a looking for runs, Cowdrey to one taUenders. At last, and not a Rossborough (the first choice) and handicap, when com]compared with the when Counties, in any event, were initiation, to thank for it. Copley CoDloy l Crest Am si. ' series lost. moment too soon, a line seems ro Jorden (a replacement) both pulled others, is lack of padpace. converted from the touebtine. , KSN, SCHOOLBOYS: P. Lett chlalefinraxqhUlefturiK arcard. SiHmnSitfcnp CS).Rfit ifK- place of Lillee, 40 minutes into the Ojaa (Sr Joseph’s r: D. Slater . Without either of them England afternoon, Thomson then took the from Lillee to either Hendrick or now wish that instead of promoting TwickTwickenhamenham after so Erne prepara¬ Kent played with the Sun beazs- when David Slater, an England • -j OhlsWior-.t and' Sldcup CSl. D. would already be doomed- The wickets of Edrich, Deimess and Willis could well have had Lfifee Richards to . the senior team they tion is a soresure indieindicatian af how g into their eyes In the first coder-15 international. broka yrglfhf“*AJfcl,(ChaUia?n Uonsa): C. compulsorily removed. This may through from a tapped penal tv. a l S» Pwr 9, w2) .. S3 vised live again on Samrdav, but help us rebuild." helped this time not so much by 26 innings at an average of 60. Total ,, .. ■. 344 it is likely to be at the earlier Leeds Utr eed at home to Cardiff Lillee as by Mall etc. The score Amiss’s average, when he was FALL OF WUaCTO: l-'-’t'IS, *-^134, time of 5 pm. Details will be City In toe third round of the FA out this afternoon three runs short 3—1SL 4—186, S-—168, fl—16E, 7— finalised today, but :t is closest 1 when Mallett first came on with his 178. 8—183, 9—OSS. Cup will be without Yorath, who off breaks was 90 for no wicket; of tiie record, was 69, and he had BOWLING: .Llllgo, 35 certain that toe fourth round tics began a two-match suspension batted in a way to show why. His momson, 1.7—1—wC“i*0,r: 11— win be selected at the ecd of 1 Thomson having been hit for 51 in 0—46—0; Mallett, 24—6—80—4. yesterday. Cherry, who has com¬ 69 this morning were as corn- EEC’s Grandstand and not on seven overs. When he came off it pleted his ban, • will be available. man din gly made as if they bad AUSTRALIA: Ftrat lanlim. Mil CL Match of the Day six hours later. Harvay and Jordan, vtoo missed 1 was 394 for eight. In 20 overs be come from Hammond or Dexter ft. 55; ft. G. D. WON* S tor had taken four for 49. This Should •31). The change vrifl allow Sunday the win at Leicester because of or May or Richards. In the over Second Innlnas papers to carry the draw in most Injury, were under treatment be of some encouragement to lit¬ before he was oat only a wonder¬ (. R. Redpath, not out .. .. O mus, and to Greig, too, for that W. J. Edwards, not out .. o .editions. The draw is being made yesterday and It was hoped they ful stop by Ross Edwards in the Extras ..4 , matter, for when he bowls his off on a Saturday to help- the pools would be fit by the. weekend. covers, from a square cut off Total (no wfct) .. - - 4 breaks- I never think Mallett is Thomson, saved a certain boun¬ • I. M. Cbaiwon. G. S. Chap pa II, R. companies. Having it on tele¬ much rated in his own country as dary. A minute or two later Amiss Rdwmrd^ K. t R. w. Marsh. , a howler, but he bad a lot to do M. H. N. WXIker, D. K. Ulleo, A. A. vision is only a secondary con¬ Record vote for Cruyff drove Mallett gently to mid-on. Mallett. J, ft. Thonuon te taL _ i today with bowling England out When Knott was out England BOWUNG (to date): Willi*, 1—1— sideration. There was a similar Paris, Dec 30.—Johan Cruyff -.-when they seemed set on a pros¬ were 165 for six. There was half sst-up last season during the was today named European foot¬ perous course. an hour left before tea, in which three-day week, -when toe ■ draws baller of the year for a record In the day's first over Thomson time Litmus hung on idee a limpet Calcutta, Dec 30.—Lidia, with for the third, fourth, fifth and third time. bowled one wide, three bouncers and took a painful crack on the four second imtings wickets in sixth rounds were all held within and five balls that were short with¬ inside of Ms right knee from a band, lead West Indies by 199 an hour of the matches finishing. out being bouncers. One of these shortish ball from. Thomson. Tit- runs in the third Test match which Peter Osgood, who joined South¬ Yesterdays results . ampton from Chelsea for £230,000 was square cut for four by Amiss. mas, playing no stroke, had only wlD be resumed here tomorrow. Scottish second division himself to blame. Greig, mean¬ in March, may soon move again. Meadowbank ,0) 1 Clydebank 1O1 O At the first ball of the second over, SCORES: India. 235 f(J. R. Vlswan- t Catch cart i - - - iSSOi bowled by Lillee, Amiss aimed a while, was courting danger. Upon ath S3: A. M. K. Roberts 5 for 60> Laurie McMenemy, Southampton’s and 206 for 6 i F. M. Engineer 61. manager, said today: “ Osgood's .. NOUTHERM - PREMIER LEAGI’E: wild drive »«i missed. Little did him rested England’s last hopes gT RTVtoraiuith T5 not oat): west AJtjjncluuTi 3. MaccicancId we ftrinic at the time how crucial of leaving Australia’s batsmen indies. 240 (R. C. Fredericks ZOO; heart is in the club but not the TEL AVIV: Four na liana junior Madan Lai 4 for 22). second division and if the right tournament: IsiupI I. West Germany a piece of luck tins was to be. with, enough to cause them more li Rom,mla 1. Norway Q. offer, was made I should probably c UNION: Rosslyn Part recommend the club to consider Schoolboys 28. London Welsh School, it- We are going through a transi¬ SKE ili rounUes School* 30. SvilSP1*, X^ MlddkMB* Schools 4. tional period and there can be no Surrey Schools O. Yachting Squash rackets Provisional Kenyon can rest on his Snow reports from European resorts -Depth- Depth Conditions- Weather win for (cmj off (5 pm) junior laurels again L U Piste Piste ' ■c Anaermatt 100 210 Fair Varied Snow __ 2 Love and War By Rex Bellamy than the contrast evident In their Skiing restricted by weather Hobart, Dec 30.—Love and War, games yesterday- To some extent Atrz^re fO 230 Fair Powder. "Snow -10 a New Sooth Wales sloop, tonight Squash Rackets Correspondent tins was illustrated by toe feet that Excellent skuc-g off-piste was declared provisional winner Philip Kenyon (Lancashire) won Kenyon’s shots (38 winners and- 20 CTans 50 170 Good Powder-. Snow u losers) decided 58 of toe 75 valid Fierce wind on upper slopes on handicap of the annual Sydney the British junior squash rackets championship for the second suc¬ rallies. In short, he did most of Davos 105 210 Good Fair. Snow -5 to Hobart race. cessive year by beating John Le toe scoring for both players. Strong north-east wind Love and War finished the 630 Lifevre (Hampshire) 9—5, 9—1, Of the other 43 players who came Isola 2000 35 65 Good Powder Sun . ”*10 nautical miles blue water classic 9—3 in only 27 minutes at Brandon under starter's orders last Friday, Light powder on good base Gawaln Briars, only 16, and in four days, four hours, 27-33 Hall, near Coventry, yesterday. The Kitzbiinei 60 200 Fair Powder Snow 1 Andrew Dwyer defied the seedings New snow improving conditions minuter, about dx hours ahead on one-sided nature of the final Britain at full strength probably had three causes. Lievre by reaching the last four. When Ki asters 113 225 Good ■Powder ' Snow 0 corrected times of the 79-foot damaged an ankle during the Briars was .engulfed by a sparkling Britain will field a full-strength and toe Middlesex - left-hander, Snow good, wind unpleasant American ketch, Ondine in, which British amateur championship and stream of nicked lafls from Ken¬ women's team when they defend Lewis, in toe team Britain Should Nlederau 40 110 Good Powder Snow -1 won line honours. Ondine HTs had not competed dunng toe inter¬ yon, we knew what to expect in the the EP Cop at Torquay from Feb¬ stm offer stiff resistance to their Snowing hard all day final. The big deep—three nights challengers from toe United States, elapsed time was three days 13 vening fortnight More to toe ruary 3 to 8. Susan Barker will Poatresiua 40 125 Icy Variad Snow -6 point, Kenyon was close to his best Of it—obvionslv did Kenyon good. join her WIghtman Cup col¬ Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Strong winds on upper slopes hours 51.93 urinates. Qamar Zaman, defeated by West Germany, Spain, Italy and —- . .. form and looked a more accom¬ leagues, GlynLs Coles and Linda Val d’Issre 140 25C Good Varied.. Fine -6 Provisionally second on handi- plished and mature player. Mobibullah Khan In the last two Mottram. They will be challenged France. The British side will prob¬ Strongotrong windwina a handicapnancncap ap was Admiral's Cup contender Finals of the British amateur in the series of under-21 inter¬ ably be completed by Jonathan Wengen 45 1>4 Kenyon has not been impressive Wengen 45 1»4 Good Powder Snow 0 ITU or New Sonrh squash rackets championship, had nationals bv America, Czechoslo¬ Smith-. (Devon), a sound doubles Snow ic& row replaced /ales, followed by Apollo HI, of recently, perhaps because be has a measure of revenge by. beating player and Christopher Wells vakia and 'the Netherlands. In the above reports, supplied by representatives of the SM Club of Western Australia and Ondine m. lost a lot of sleep while dashing Mohibullah, 9—7, 9-6, 1—S, 9—6, Britain’s men’s team, who have (Kent). threat Bnrasn, L refers to lower slopes and U to upper slopes. The about on his Honda between Rick* in toe final of the West Wycombe The Americans will start -Reuter. won toe trophy for the past two following reports have been received from other sources: mansworth, where he lives and open tournament last evening. years, will be without Lloyd and favourites in toe men’s competi¬ works, and Bteaconsfifild 2nd Son to Psplh Stale Zaman was toe more daring Mottram, who will both be play¬ tion for they will include Billy .term ei Woathci Oqp2i Slaw . Kensington, where he riays most i cm i of WsUiw shot-maker and displayed an en¬ ing in the world championship Martin, the world’s best under- L U Pteto — ' C L l.l Fills — *« ’ England seek revenge of Ws squash. But the jumor cham¬ viable capacity for masking his 2i piayer- AlVLOT'C 0 0 — — — FlTM- l HO 200 Good — -11 tour. With Robinson (Lancashire) □^rcionoiteua n to Fair Cloud - f»lio 13 60 Goad — -lu pionship has given him the oppor¬ intentions. But there was an Ban): M amble run Hills is less ilian Fitaalan-lloivurd. He has shown ron E Novices’ Steeplechase. amassed j wealth of experience. □ double at Folkestone on Dcci-m ing junkets fur the lead. and at Windsor and Devon and sixth on that day but is probably 20 miles away iruin Catterick. tins not a little promise In finishing But this promises to be his Imrdest The encouraging aspect of the race l*er tu. look puised to do just that Fred P.imcll on the 3.3 mark Exeter as well. Bass, Cbarrington capable of doing better tnia time. a chance m bring off a double third In his only two races over Jf*1. far- With victories at was the way that Maximilian -43In by winning the Bray Selling j leads Arthur Stc-pheuson ny tw«i. cannot help wondering with Willow Walk iu the first hurdles. Limited arc obviously bent on Sandmen Park. Ascot and New¬ hurdled. He could have been at Hurdle and rlic Wood perry Handi¬ I Fred Winter conic* next with J! whether cither of them will bout divisiun uf the Mother Goose Looking ahead to Catterick’s seeing the New Year on its way bury behind him, isle or Man could the game alt bin life, su fluently cap Steeplechase. j also, and Gordon Richards -mil junior Partner, who hud the Notices' Hurdie ll.UI and with New Year day meeting. Young in a mood chat fits the occasion be said to hate made the tirade did lie jump. In an earlier race, ■ Fufkc Walwja arc close hchiml Johnny Clay Memorial Handicap There is also racing ut Windsur Half Hooked in the Scotch Sumer-, and Donohill appeal as a as a steeplechaser. die Berkshire Hurdle, run at New¬ l with 29 and 2s winners'. In Hip by sponsoring three races at Steeplechase at Chepstow ,»t his today. The two divisions of the jockeys' list Tomav Stack is thru** Corner Stcoplccase 11.30). At probable double for Tony Dickin¬ Now Isle of Man must do battle mercy when he ran out and missed bury in November. Tree Tangle had I Mon tern Steeplechase- ought to Its Cuticritk on December 11 Willow son’s Lancashire sable in the Cheltenham, the Bass Handicap been boa ten only half a length by points clear with 32 winners, but with Tamalin, who has won Ins the lust fence. Richmond Handicap Steeplechase Steeplechase: the Worthington Flush Imp when trying to give won by Henry Tuffnut and Cary- two former champion,, Graham Walk 1 ini shed second to the last three races at Wetherby, Don¬ Hiram Maxim, bought out of must. Henry Tuffnut has beaten and Zetland Handicap Steeple¬ *■ E ” Novices’ Steeplechase and Flash Imp klb. i Tbornc-r and Bub Davies, are favourite Wyiam Bov. He would caster and Newcastle, three courses chase. Donohill nude ail the Humphrey Cottrill's stable lor Gay Municuu already this season shadowing him closely with 30 and probably have been rather closer the Carling Black Label Hurdle. that also require a novice to conje Through Tree- Tangle it Is pos¬ I»,_,iKi guineas, by Junior Partner’s ■md he should do so again, even ! 23 successes. John Francumbe if he bad not nude a mistake two running under top weight or up to scratch. sible tu argue that Flash Imp is nu Unfortunately the last-named trainer. Fred Riincll, at New¬ though the weights favour Gay | with 2d, Jen King with 27. ami hurdles out, for at that point he 12 st 3 lb to win at Ayr by three Using Broncho II and Pen- more than 81b superior tu Maxi¬ market in the Autumn, ran well Manicou this time. King Neptune I Run Barry, champion for the past was disputing the lead. lengths and he now has only 1 race clashes badly with Windsor’s grail us linchpin;. those wlu> milian, yet Ut Windsor in the New enough in his first and unlv race 12.13) and Lyford Cay (3.1J1. both two seasons, with 23. and all are* Half Hooked w'on his race last mure. Young Somers has won in New Year's Day HurdJe. Moyne put their faith implicitly in the Year’s Day Hurdle, Flash luip must under Natiutud Hunt rules to .sug¬ winners on the last occasion mat ! In touch. week well, and was suppurud to his only appearance this season. Royal has been declared to run formbook will be able to reason give Maximilian lGlh. 1 am in¬ gest that he should be capable of they were seen, may alsu be capable Those whu go to Cj lie rick this du so, but IkJow him in the handi¬ He made must of the running nc in both races. His trainer Arthur a case why Tamalin could pos¬ clined tn think that Windsor's tight winning the Evesham Four-Year- ■ >f carrying un their good work at afternoon on the last day uf 1974. cap is Ken Oliver’s Tab, and at Tcesside Park to heat Wyse HUI Mu has 24 , hours in which to sibly beat Isle of Man, but with¬ figure-of-eight course will suit one Old hurdle. He finished sixth Sira t/ord-un-Avon. during which a curious and level weights he mecui Sparkle and Cora wood, and held their make np his mind, but it will be out wishing tu be obstinate I have as fast as Maximilian far better than in that fiercely contested race, the remarkable new record wax set Again, twice a winner nnd twice challenges ou the run-in with much surprising if he docs not scale □u intention of deserting Isle ut Flash Imp, a dour individual and Finale Hurdle, run at Chepstow, up witu four or the five classics second in his four rates. T.ib, detumunation iu beat them by li for the Cheltenham race, which Man. who is one of the most a stayer through and through. In X! VIE III I.UJNl. i nlTiriul > . finishing in front of First Foot¬ i-itu-ricl Priiin>- •to'Ca ,,r.,i (nnturrow.. won by women owners, will see a although penalised G lb. is Mill lengths and 30 lengths. looks much the easier of the two natural jumpers or fences that 1 the circumstances 1 am bound to man, one of his opponents ■iikiii. wI'visi.-r ■ lutfiii iiiiu loinurrtiw.. horse uiiii could prove himself a well treated with 10 st 6 lb, and I Fmnt Bc-nclior should go well 10 win, a race that he certainlv have seen fur n long while. throw my lot in with Maximilian. 'i.i'i'i in f-oit. Stmunrd-cn-.l-.on. liravv toiuumm. ,-iicllcnh.ini • Iruiifirrot .inJ triur.- ii.it i. tup-class nm ice steeplechaser— prefer him slightly to Half iu the Barton Handicap Hurdle. ought to win. at the expense of Brantridge Fanner, his stable Even Up, so promising in his .on. iK-vun .iini 1 r.i-i-Tr ■ taniwrru*-.- -. Kasby Abbey. Over hurdles he was Hooked. Marcus Lady. unbeaLcn Trained now hv T. Page, who Ashcndenc, who has not run since companion, appears to have One of the must Imriguliig i:l-1 ii.iv,, -.tli iuirdl-s. tnsiii Air first and unly race this season, ■ lliur •. .i.i fii ir Unu (D). C.. S.iunik-n. i-7-lu-| . .... '-ir r.jiciiIlts "i11*' I £» 1 Romufe’eRarnuk’s Queen.Queen, li.Iv. ‘•i.iUiilll.'-i.ir-ii.ill. il->,11 if. tiagner 3133-00 Wild Nellie, J. Pcm.ll. 14-lu-l.j ...... li. Darrv j •i 400p-01 Any Prince, \|, l lancis, 'i-ll ii. . . . . l ot c,t T 7 Q-P0303 Buu>Brave Ch*n.Chap, I.I W.tlwvn,V,.ilu'in o-ll** . • A Rmnlord ■ ~ U10ui D Tturu. J-J. t:nl„l,-n.Goluten, 11-n . B. Jont-s, A 3300-00 New Llskeard. L. Jar.a-*. 13-10-11 ... ..LI. H U pO Sir Cawnln. J. Leigh. 7-IU-lu. .1 JjIliM • PP Lovers Run, tin L. U.I.1-. 7-1I-* • .... J. P. UuurLi1 .-* Bags, Galore. I. Uardle. 11-0 33410 Always Happy. J. C-mri. 7-1 U-u ... __ (1. k'nnlrl *1 22pr-oa ..II. K.Liani 00332 J. Ultttor u-4 M.in.lo'1 Morn. 2-1 Any ITInce. 2 Snt- r Lin Sullur .. 1 It-1 Old Rownuy. M. s> OU.miurc. 7-1i-, Baiiyjaio. s. ileiiur. ll-<) . 1IOO Rlclra's Flro, P. Taylor. u-IO-j .... A. ri.uToii ., Sir (..on jiii, '| weed bred. AS-OOSp Flying Judy. } Kii',,-11. .0-1 i-.'i . ■ 003 CaerlavLTOCk. M. IU-\',-li. i 1-0 .... Hllw ..II 40420-0 JM-t Uur (CO), S. IMJ-o-, 7-IU-o ...... M. II .>11'-.1 5 OO0-US4 Jolly Sailor, t. Uci'ac. 'l-ti-.i ■■ .V. "wchbiT no Flru Footman, U. M.il>hul1, 11-fl '. Mu III. Anoruw 4 000304 Miirdlslyck. I . King. >-10-3 . 3-23023 M^rkaraiah. li. A1n.1l. .>ll-.i . .... D. Suniii-ilaiiil 42342 Forlorn Raid. L. huninird. Il-v .1 UuicI, t’roi'-l, I. ni.n-.ti!. I . i>‘. "C." unN'iii 7 1.0 MOTHER GOOSE HURDLE (Div I : £204 : 2m) o Hiram Maxim, I . Ifiim.:l. ' 1 -. 77 _ J-1 Jul.v Sailer. VJ u;.urui..i ■U lid ve 1:1,a 1 Ivma Judy. 7-1 Old o HUP Mill Gay. U. II.ICli. ,,-10-5 . ... li. Cii.in-v r. i 0 Privet Hodge. J. J union, -11 -1 -j . Richo’s Melody. P. l.vrlur. ll-u . A. t^irroll 7 ... 1. Ilrot-.a 1 I!o-.vmi', J11 ■ I uUier.- pO .Vlw.it 3 Ii.ipitv. ’.-2 Swot A nice-. 11-2 Wild Noll In b-l Ju-:*s (••if. K-l □ Skyjack, Lnly A. f -floiuru. u-m-i-j.. , . . I'. li-Ul1 lid Spring Fashion. U. ituun,-y. ll-u . Mr 1. Hpnney 7 I rfl Choy. lo-v I'rcdoui V.iK-. I'M ItdnllstycX. 20-1 other*. 2-L2300 Den Buriuido, U. A. ■3lei>ti,insi|ii. o-ll-H .. . I. -Ucl. MS AUI.D LANG SYNE HURDLE (Novices: £204: 2m> n-1 I’orlorn ILild. -Vl lull Vatu,-, n-t liautiik's Uueen. H-l Uallylolu. - O Kero Code. .1. Dickinson. ‘.-li-*; . . . M I*-. I.in*n(i outniun. 12-1 it tram Mj-jiii. jo-l t,u,ri\. 000-31 Lido Light (CD). 1.. 4-1 I -K . 0(411 Double Rum, *.tn. L\ I.S 1 »•. i-ll-1* . J- I*. Hourk 1.20 BERKSHIRE STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £22S : 3m I . Uiuil, o-a Bar an s' Hall. V.. VJ 1-7 .N. JSI.*: o Oalllstic. II. Aiir.ui. -l-lu-u: . 1.15 WORTHINGTON E STEEPLECHASE {Novices: 1921) : 2'.mi 40-0300 Fithtr's Mile. 13. Mehsuon. i.-l.-'i . It. L.li.'iiii-iun 0-02 Due, b. Hail. 4-iu-JU. 100 Country Couiin. r*. Hi-wn. •MI-..I-U' ’ii’. ''u,ru 130020- Haipp-/ Henry. W. tl.itiii. '•-11-, . I 110-111 talc or Man (D). I. W.'.htiu, . W. Siniih 101.100 Cjiriwhed. i:. uni. :.-i i-r..J. iavion, 7 40442.1 Eatirrn American, II, '.lui-TI... -4-H ■-1 .... ,.... I*. Multi.. ■ K.-12-5 . 013132 Hill kffl. I. V.,-IiIj, i*. 1 1-7 . Mr Mnrv,. .ui 1 01-4111 Tamaliii, >>. Ifnnji L-. ..-12-. . . . I. .1. U .'s.-ill v’t 140231 EArly Frost fp». tire Ua:-e. 3-11-1 . II. liVtll 0000 Crcy Pegasus, If. Ilulllnutuad. l-l.i-ij ...... 1: -L.V14CV UOOpOO Kaianiitous. 1:. vtuiri-., .1-11-7 . •» ooor Blarney Time. D. Kvdlt. 7-11-~.__ .... 'If O. 61 011 10-f Dane Law. u. Small. 6-iu-r.V. b,-,in>- Hcnniiaqc Castle, N. Griiiu,i. 4-10-12 . ... ij. r.u L-.I--» 1*. Ctinnitp 11 0-00 Ray Or Light. I*, kiw.iu. 5-11*7 ... 111 0p-04p0 Cango. U. i.-uoui-v. »i-l 1 —. Mr T. Uooncy 7 Jg 0-plffO Terry Roqcrs. /I. Moore, o-ln-7 . i-. He.nl 222330 M,vs MIKord. L. Ilodltiiii.in. -l.lu.l_;. .1. Anii-cr..ni . . R. R. Klaus 04-p pop OO Rhine K‘ng, M. IV. J-tO-12. .I ii-fcl, r Ruyjl Zlska. U C. nilinlU'-. .7-1 I-• .- 11 212-323 - Charlie Mouse. 1\ I or-h-r. o-l 1-5 . Cold Custom*r, f». uuii'lc!*. o-IU-7.3. I wmonn' o Take C-re 1|. II. 1-a1 lie. .t 11-7 ... N. f Lin jo an 1^. 243p-02 Sea Drake. 1. I'-obUrn. 7-11-3 . B. Joiiu a ’» 000002 Another Muddle. S. Mt-llor. 3-10-4 . J. Glum, r OOO Tragacanth. K. pj,nc. 4.11 t-ra . • N. dull' mil ,* ... P. O'lUflll 7 222 024-000 Tutanksmen's Corn, II, O'Ni.-ill. .'.-11-7 2-3 Into ol Man. t*.-l 'lamalln. lirl Sea Drake. ‘43-1 others. , OIOOP4 Ranger, D. ii-iron*. '.‘-10-0 ...§-. ',,,v Willow Walk. J. C.1IV1TI. 4-70-12 . .'403-P weeper"* Gold. i rO-pO Markus Royal, r,. -.vinile. 4-11 *u- .r.. Cumlv 000100 Gin Fin. C. \ elurltf. K-ll->> . P. U'OOinlielri ,. P. Bat(on 7 1.30 SCOTCH CORNER STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £541) J 00-00 Stanford Bridge. If. Wi'hb. J-IJ-U . 2r-ooio Straight Vulgan, C Richards. ‘i-II-j ... _ R. Carry 2.0 CLEWEK HURDLE (Handicap: 4-y-o : £442 : 2m 30yd) i —ill 0-C020O Welsh Song- II. GUiJ.. 4-11-C . ... Mr Wllnan 41-0000 Jam on (C). r. Winter. ^•-11-2 .. .. it. Pitman 3m 300yds) 010-0nO Currie Burn (CD). «... rjirOrtlm. '..10-15 . D. Mould I 11-10 Double Rum. 2-1 Hill L,-y*. i-l Webh Song. 7-1 Happy Henri’, l-l-l i 1241-00 Corlanica, K. MUanerldge. 11-11 . 4 2-0p301_.... Hair Hooked, J. I'alvi-rl. k-iu-i . It I lulrtu r | ulh.T.,. 4-1321 Rag Trade. (>. F.urUairn. ‘'-UK1. 320303 Cnrnmarlcet, I*. VlulW}n. 11-7 . . W. Sunlit O-OSOpO Debllns Crnrn (CD). G. Vardlty. 14-1U-H '6!'Cartwright . S. Itlliv .042121 Sparkle Amin (CD). 1.. Lamb. M-lO-n. . Mr I Jim I, 404410 Croon,«, D. lidtont, 11-4 ...... 012-341 Tab. K. Oliver. 3-ll>-b. G. T nL>' r 1.45 J. H. ROUT. STEEPLECHASE iHandicap: £510: 3Jm) 03p-30Q Junior Partner, I . B-l'i-3 . 1-40 ForiHildN Frull. I". : (irslcr. il-a ... . G. Thom.-r 01-0423 Charley Winking (COl.J). SluII. 10-10-6 Ji.iin* v’t'iUfis . G. Lawson 3413-31 Vulgan'e Trout. A. Corner. b-lU-o . . Htiu'jrlc;. 131030 ArdenL Portion. O. Haru-ood, 11-1 ..... f1-43f0 see Count. U. Richards. 5-10*3. i-OIOpO Manlphc, Miss S. •Kirrie. lo-U-i: . N- Wakley 020f>20 Sixer. G. (jL>v. 11—-13 . M. Sabiman ..J. rantoiiii1 . J. U'NL-III O-OJOpO Orblins■* •• Groan (CD)...- «1. Vardley. Il-ll-lu.D.. D. Cartwright uuOIIO 33200f Hainan. ►. Kit.ioll. 1U-12. Convoys, j. Fii.-^rrojii. jy-io-s . Skimngli.il Pava’s Boy. D. Antll. ij-‘'-lu n. ... 002-120 Wells Fargo. C. Bewicke. 10-11 - . J. Kmq pIIO-43 Creek Warrior (CD), .1, tiuepiinq. lu-11-7.Mr Jackboti 7 4-P4340 ■ 443 Mailer Val (CD), W. A. Stephenson. 7-10-0 . . T. aim k Boom Docker, J. firenn.in. y-’i-’* ... II. Mamnn 000-0 Proud*Boy, D. Jenny. 10-4. .N. namgeii •> 22104-0 Knoclctartan. i». Ilutsby. b-ll.ta . H. II. Bvuns 2020-01 Quintus, U. Courage. •*-■•-7 . ... J. airiu<« 11-4 Sparkle Again. 5-1 Half Hooked. 4-1 Tab. ll-u Vulnon's rrom. a-\ tuicr 04020 Blue bidder, J. Glflord. 10-4 . .. R. Clumptun 0301-ro Flora FInching. I . I:i:iu,ie1l. H-ll-4 032444 fcyion Choice (C), It. Murphy. 11- ,. R. F. Danes 00-00 Warrenbeyno Prince. J. Gifford. 10-0 ...... M. Stanley & sal, lo-l Si-a Count. 20-1 Gonvovo. Norwofl. >1. Lnw, 7-11-1 ...... Mr Jnnes 7 01041-0 Cold Rights. It. AnitVLigc, Ponnino. 1. Howi-r. 11-10-2 . . S. Holland 6-1 Croonip. 7-1 Blue 7-3 Itag Trade. ••-2 tJiurH-v U'lnLbiq. Junior 17-1 SLralqlu \ uip,m. 4-1 Comm.trl.ci. .1.1 Ararnt Poruon. 4-i Conanlca. pooor-a Swindon Lane. P. Hcvan. lu-lO-ti . .P. Ituswll ‘.irtner. P.ldd.M. B-i wells I'argo. 10-1 Hnn.an. 16-1 n>hrrs. 2.0 ROBINSON CRUSOE STEEPLECHASE 1 £272 : 2m) L.1.1 Ilj. 10-1 i.iumiii*. bL-.er. l-l-l Jomr.n. Uebllns Green. 4U-1 oUiurs. Knoci.luM.rn. rini-i ' Deuhiful runner. 2420-01 Easby Abbey (D). M. H. Canlerbv. 7-1U-5.H. Hurry 5-2 Grenk \iamnr. 7-2 M.iniiilic. •4-1 n-blim. Green OOp-lf Tatters Inn (CD). J. Haivle. o-lC-5 . — I inching. B-I Non. ell. lu-1 Olliers. 2_25 CARLING BLACK LABEL HURDLE 1 £1,209: 2m 200>-d) P00234 2.30 MONTEM STEEPLECHASE (Div: £23S: 2m 40yd) Hilda's Hurricane (D). 8. F.ilmor. u-11-13.J. Maish.il! 7 44P2 41- Kentish Pride, N. tlrunm. 6*11-12 . P. IlCckl-'v 2.15 BRAN TUB HURDLE (Handicap: 4-v-o : £374: 2m) Corrlcghoil. 1 . Kinu-ll. r'-l 1-1.7. 5 211-223 1 42-1 Henry Tufrnut, Mine Sinclair. 7-11-13 H. uhamritin D-oar Gonorel Crisis. M. N.iuglilau, A-n-3.M. Du.k-lniun Feathered Arrow. B. S.iv.iue. ui-7 ... P. Cullls Moyna Royal (CD). A. Clll. 10-11-17 D. Mould ... C. Head p 4 111111- Ashcndene (CD). O. VrrpWlr. 7-1 1-11 . R. tfMvri t, 1100-02 Gay Manicou. Mrs Ounhton. lu-ll-ft pool00 Caxmoor Maid. A. H.istlmaii. 4*10-4 . U. Vu»iu □0-041 King Neptune (O). It. Turnpii. iu-i . . . A. Turnoll 5 0-00401 Due D’Orloaiu. L. Carrud. 3-11-1 . j i 040-000 Cendac. r. Winter, 6-11-6 . J. rrnnco.nc 000033 Never Ttiore, T. Uarn>>s, 4-IU-4.M. Diirin.a 03-0004 Jamaya (D). J Ur-hber. lo-...... A. Webber 5--I Huvn» a-ll Henry l urmut. -*-2 Gay Manicou. 4-1 CuntLic. Fvcns Cosby Abbey, '.“a Hllda'c HiuTiinnf. 5-1 loiters Inn B-l KenIL.li Pride. 022021- Camuden, C. MUJnr. iu-0 .. D Cartwright Royal. 0-4 4oli-mliHi-. ‘.'-J Guira-ulioll. 1„-1 Due D'Orlvun*. 32-1 Coxmoor Mold. 16-1 Never there. U5-1 General Crlsfi. 3004-00 Welshes (D). .1. Harris. lO-n J. Ucalon ’■ 0300-00 Aperduct.' H. Payiu.. 10-tl10-n . .. N. Hanaorfh 3 3.0 LECKHAMPTON STEEPLECHASE (Novices: £510: 2m) 3.0 aiONTEM STEEPLECHASE {Div II: £233 : 2m 40yd) 402302 Unavailable (CD). H. Nicholson, iu-0 .J. Su.hurri ] O-OMOO Garrymust. Mrs Oughton. *'-11-1'3 .. C. Read 230 DICK WHITTINGTON HURDLE (Handicap : £524 : 2m) 0-003 Ouicbapcnny, j;. Cucmne, 1£W» . J. Barlow 7 1 1-40311 Brantridge Farmer (D». F. \%ah %n. 7-12-6 ... W , Sniilli a 113-011 2 103203 Cleo Baby. D. Barons. 6-11-5 ...... S. Miiy 30-0111 Marcus Lady (□), C, Lamb. 5-11-0.Mr L.»,ib 00-3004 Colton Coon. S. lirool-shaw. iu-u -O Mandado. D. Niche, I sun. K-12-1 . . J. King 3 3-10 Jack the Ripper, K. Bailey. 7-11-5 .. _.I. Watklnson 3 100-P04i _ ■■■ Smart. S. Mollur.■ M-K-M-1U ■ ' - iV . Ik,j. ’move/ "'P* □■>20-00 Fugal Deal (CD), Vl'. Hall. K-Ki-12 .. T. Si.irk ■>-4 Kino Ncuiuno. 4-1 Jamayn. n-1 Campdcn. a-1 Unavailable. QUickapcnny. •J 0-0340p3-cu.JOp Rominui. f. riuiu-U. o-ll-lu . — I p- jumbo Jet, A. Noavcs. 7-ll-o - C. Goldsworthy 3- 04340 Temple Rise (D>, Denys Smith. S-lO-li.P. nrotlnrlrk 10-1 Wuh-nva. 12-1 Colton Coan. 16-1 olhera. ■5 H 2034-03 CtaroncoBus, It.■ AnafUB«._“ &-U.0-11^3 . ... J. Glover 03342-0 Carman) Prince. G. TUcb.trdo. 4-iO-IU.It. Barry 003044 Salnt-Ln, I . Vardlty. 7-11-lu... — O 00000-0 Noufchaiel, D. Nkhotson. S-il-5 . J. King 0003-01 Aci-opolM tD), D. Williams. 5-10-10 ~ " 2.45 VIVIAN STREET STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £374: 2m) rm Suiari. Ho 1 nan us. 25-1 Salnl-Lo 000110 Esterel,EllClH,, B.U. Wilkinson.*r IJf.JIISUII. 4-10-64-.VO . •o?-c!i}£K*. Ui'IUUIII'l 23-1 s;!in«n-E,nlr‘dBe ,'~P- 7-‘ 7-4 Cleo Baby. ‘1-1 Cloronccaux. 0-2 GonymusL 13-2 NOUfchatdf. 8-1 1 3123-01 Holly Park. Miss (J. CrooKs. 6-11-7 . Air.Grceim'l 5 Jack the Ripper. 14-1 Jumbo Jol. 040100 Mon Bleu (CO). C. Hooiiunan. a-10-3.J. Armstrong & BeginIsh (D), D. Yeoman. 6-10-2 .C. McC,ml-.v 01(302 Number- Engaged-- ID), -_:ourayi E. Courage. 6-1J-1 Mr Scowcrort 004030 . . Mr Greaves 3.30 NORTHLEACH OPPORTUNITY HURDLE (Handicap: 30-2030 Tim a 11 dam us (D), T. Ki-rsuy. 7-10-1 . D. Munru 3p- Fair Captain. J. Grom*. ■•-11-t) Mr Row 7 3.30 PLAYING FIELDS HURDLE (Handicap ; £442 : 2m 30yd) 100-040 Monireaux ID). D, Aaron, 7-Jil-l . — 004004 Lebun, G. Hoyle. 10-11-0 £488: 2m 200yd) 11 ” oobr Fo;jrt'ofwrohwood,’mra L>. liirneli. 5-ii-ri ...... 'ir linmeii 7 3f2f4-3 Cobblers March . T. Craig, 7-iCwi . — 1 000 Half-Holiday. J. Glirord. 7-1II-U ...... H. Champion 12 P Aghaboys. J. Kond-bm.lli. K-U-u . Mr Macklt- 7 IDO 0-00 Drumwynk. ». lianlcy. 0-12-1 .. . K. Kington 2 333-044 Glitter Song (CD). D. Underwood. &-11-5 - .. G. Old 4- 100 Ob Milesian star i . M. 6|C|.I«,-II|» 1-2 Kiimd-r En;ugiit. 5-2 Holly Piirfc. 6-1 Knlr Capi-ln. 12-1 oilier*. a 404-000 Lyon del Mar. R. Akc-hursl. 5-11-5 . . P. McEnlee 3-1 MMarcus Lady. 7-2 Acrapola. 4-| Carl non I Prince, 5*1 Beamish. 8-1 Csieiel. 21-00(0 Donnybrook, F. Rlniell. n-11-7 4 2200-30 Cummers..... How. ti. GanJoUo. 0-11-3 . 10-1 Cobblers March. 12-1 Tom pit* Wise. 1*1-1 others. 0142-00 Flommula. If. lurm-ll. o-lJ-3 . a. hiuphi 3.15 LUCKY DIP HURDLE (£272 : 2Jm» a-bu-l.” 5 2304-22 setra. A. Neaves. o-10-U • ¥ j^c,c5 7 Hli*ru*. v. Uicharus. 3-l««-lU . II Dun.. -Ihi’ O 4212- Hill Tttp- F. itlnlvli. o-10-l*d. . . J. Francome 3.0 MOTHER GOOSE HURDLE (Div II: £204 : 2m) 00-1333 Glendale (C), J. Rprarlnq. 7-11-10 .. D. Smith 7 00041-0 Hunting song (CD). S. Cole. 7-1U-2 . — Evens Setra. 3-1 Cllllcr Song, y-’-i Cummers Huw. 8-1 HIM Top. 10-1 0003-01 Lylord Cay (C). W. Swairikon. 10-11-5 . S. Hutuios , 041-0 Sarah’s Choice, U Marks. 7-lu-l . D. Speck Hrilf-Uuiiduy, 2U-1 Lyon .K-l Mar. 1 30 Hap Pole 1\ Wiles. n.ll-t2 _ . S. Wiles 7 401-003 Bevin doy. M. H.iviivs. 6-11-6 . D. JclirlA 7 00-0 Cray Bird. \1 Fisher, k-hmi . —- 2 00304-0 Inglebank B. Wilkinson. 6-11-1^. .. H. Atkins 00-0000 Bolder Jjvel, J Uuwrr. n-ll-O 4-00040 Clipctop. J. Tierney. 7-n.i-u . M. (-un|i,.'ii ■7 33 Kerry Bluo. Lad V A. f -Howard. 7-11-13 P. HroUrrleli 303003 Golden Tudor, P. Kearney, 6-11-0 . n. Siangan 7 2-1 Fl.imniula. .7-1 Moss lto>.M. ’'-2 Hillrol. 7-1 Dunnybrook. H-l Drum- 4 0-0 Peartree Boy. r. Jr.rdon,.. 6-11-126-11-12. A. Brown 7 121-20I1 Groystoke Pillar. F. Xtalwyfl r>-ll-U.L. Howard 7 «vynk. 12-1 Hun 1 mg Song. 14-1 Samli s Cholt-e. lu-1 others. OOO- Star Scot, W. SISbnpson. 6*1 J-12... K. Hji.jOIi 7 P00-040 Tommy Cun, C. Miller. . 1. Mantlnl 7 Windsor selections S 11 • Doubtful runnier. 03 Lemon, A. Dickinson. 6-11-12. M. DKkUlNOn 2-1 Ureysioltr Pllfar. 5-2 r.lenilale. 7-2 LylorJ Qy, S 1 Bevin Roy. ft-l Golden O 3223-0 Klngfs,a » numr.Hussar. Ww.. A-cv- Steirhijnsonaicpjimiaun, . i.I. SL.ckniuu, Tiulur. LM-X aUu.'Ck. , Bfel.-.w. - SMtmmnn. r-U# .i...... A, -aj-ener Froth. 2.0 Common 2.30- HENRY 3" orotaao Sony’s Fancy, W. Page. 4-10-12 . P. Mcnoan 4 2-03004 mrs Choice. C. Boolhman. 4-1U-13 .J. .‘UmRlrtinq 5 TUFFNUT is specially recommended. 3.0 Garrymust. 3.30 Glitter Sons. 5 0020-00 Dark Island!' Denys Sufli'lT."4-i(k-ilf .T.. .D.D. Gouldlng Stratford-on-Avon selections Devon and Exeter tomorrow F*tr Georgina. R. HoUmshead. 4-10-12.tl.G. AsthucvAMUurv s "S3 Lo Lion K. Paine. 4-1U-12.N. Ikincroii 7 By Our Racing Currcspondent 12-15 SANDFORD HURDLE (Div I: Part I: nonces: £340: -M O The Radge Cadge. J. KILHirnild. 4-10-12.T. SI.-lfTInglon 12.45 Brave Chap. 1.15 Double Rum. 1.45 Greek Warrior. 2.15 Kjor Id 0-004 Sherry Bird. K. Whitehead. 4-10-12 . «J. Holmes 2m 40vd) Neptune. 2.45 Number Engaged. 3.15 Lyford Cay. r^2 Kerri’ Ulun, 7-2 King’s Hussar. A-i Straight Lemon. R-l8-1 HopHOP Hole. Sherry 441 Big H*nrgj| n- PoeinMlI... n-ll-12 U. Darm.ill Bird, lti-l Arthurs Cnelco. Dark Island. 12-1 tnglobnnk. 16-1 others. 000-000 Bo 1 town Covert. N. Mat lev. t—11-7 . uklry Windsor programme tomorrow lelp Final Fling. L. Coll rill. 7-11-7 . t-Ullyu p-oooor Jodcn, 11. M.iync. 6-11-7 . Raucous. K. hwlior. "-11-7 . Mr W llllalli* 1.0 BRAY HURDLE l £503 : 2m 30yd) Catterick Bridge selections 2-00330 Tan Lass. W. Haute, n-ll-7 .... . 1. rlai"'ii Leicester programme tomorrow OOO Tudor Mill. \. Sli-V, ns. o-l 1-7 . 021-003 Hlah rtalier, J. pnrrott. 11-11-iU ...... N. r'kinagau Crazy Cuy.G. pncr-Hoblyf.. io-ll-w. , . S. Lillie 7 By Our Racin'; Staff ___Cay Bingham. I,. Mu.ili. .i-11-7 ... 1022-30 M. Stanley 5 12JU HUMCERSTONE HURDLE (4->-o : £340 : 2m) 00000-0 Grsal Waltz. (klidina. 5-11-5 ... rt. Bailey 0000-00 Tartan. W. KJelnwori. . ... 1230 Any Prince. 1.0 Willow Walk. 1.30 Tab. 2.0 Easby Abbey. 2.30 lh Tudor FrionUship. A. ATlCtt. H-ll-4 . 0 Moorland Moualc. 13 laandidtb. 5-11 130-000 013 □arcane!La Lady (D). S. Norton. 11-5 .. 1" 'NuU'in, L. (Jullrvll. 5-11-5 . Indigo Jones, H. Webb. lu-11-1 * -.. Marcus Lady. 3.0 Kerry Blue O “ ehi . P. McLnici- OOOOP- .C. Road 2*» 000 S.,lo.,r. Mom. 11 o.in.iir*. .-Ji. Young Dedham, A. Moore. K-lii^lo .. 00 Eat tor Blue, 1*. Kearney, 11-0 . K. Mangun 7 Good Argument, W. Murshdll, 5-10-1L ...... M. Wagner 2-j ___ Tessin's Boy. 7.1 (1 liter. 5-11-5. P B.irtKii 7 K 0004 Fenny Green. J. I'.i.-sill. 11-0 . . J Sullmm 000 Blue Dance I . i.,. t:..,lli. -liU-T . 032301 Arty Crafty. 11. Head, V-iu-Il . , J. rr.im.uniL- G i.ail.l 7 .. C. rhorncr 2303 The Lawyer, ►». fl,i$laiu. ll-u. J* P Kent's Mill. K. I'tpr. l-lu-7 . P-P My bet. K. Ivory, Jo-lO-7 ...... G. Lnright OO Pop.igu. W. fjlav. 11-0 . ".'.'.'.I'.'.'.' S.‘ C.“ ft *e» Sugar Palm. U. Uaruns, -l-lu-7 . — ir p0-004d Scots Gambol, ft. Wise. 8-10-7 . 40 Summer Serenade, A Goodwill. 11-U . I, W,il kin son 230-ai)2 Miss Worden, U. 1« lae. 5-l«J 6 . ih nry. .VU Tu.lur Mill. 4-1 r.,n Law.. 7-1 Sugar Palm. 12-1 Catterick Bridge tomorrow 0 Wecpurc Roid, 1:. i.l.iv. 1J-U . . J. T. Bourl-e 004- Henry Bruce, J. Holt. £-104 .. N. Hamilton 7 Sabbath Murn. 2U-7 olliL-rs. 00040- Hy Tudor, J. Hay war J. o-ltk-2. . J. Davies 5 •1-1 Summer Serenade. 5-2 D.trd.invli lairti. 4-1 Lawyer. 11-3 fanny 03-3400 Dardanelle. H. U'cbb. ll-.lu-O .. 12.45 FTNGALL HURDLE (£340: 2m) Lirei n. P-1 Don P.ico. 1U-I Poroigu. 12-1 other?. 12.45 SANDFORD HURDLE (Div I: Pan II: novices: £34(): 0-0202 Super Saxon A. Avion. 5-10-0. 000 Charlie Moonshine. D. \ roman. o-124> _i». I'. Ke.ly M. Jani'*5. T i P-DZ2U2 Blasts Blaze, O. O'Neill. 12-10-0. (4010 Space Beam. W. Wblslon. 5-12-u .... ■. ):. V . (Jal tat. 1.0 MARATHON ILVND1CAP HURDLE (Handicap *. £1.735: 3m> 2m 40yd) 2303 The Lawyer. P. flusiain. .. OOOd Aegean 3ofw. G. lllcnarus. -1-11-4 ... C. UrOHIlll'M 1 ] 03-0010 Lover's Leap. J. Licl.ihool.c, 7-lJ-H . vir King 7 v 00001u Pallkcra. U. Mullins 7-1 1-12 . Mr Litilgiv 1 20 u-320 Bab Snort, v, Altlngnam. o-ld-O. UF0002 Avocot Tracy, 5. Niblilll, 4-11-4 .... .- U. Nvshill 7 2 O Eastern Orchid. I. Iludncan. h-ll-7 .. D. [I'DMiioi.in High - I .Tiffin 2 3-03411 Don-* Haiklale (D). P. Cundell, 5-11-8.It. K. F.v.ini 7-2 Anv tUrariy. 4-1 Super Saxon. V£i Bob Shori. 7-1 "nie UiwyM-. 04 Clndor Track. A. B.isllman. 4-11-4 .. .7 04-04uf Hontd Lawyer (CD). Vcrgette. J 1-1 l-l . I*. Kelly 7. ; 00 Jimmy Lighter. H. V?btrl. 6-11-7 .... - - . . P. BIjcLer Jl.riTor, JU-1 Younu Dt-iJliaui. Blasia 1—-l udoH ArQumcni, I»»-l MKs O Cross Boy. □. WlttlalLU. 4-11-4. . .. . G. Holmes nOO Marden, ho'.. 6-1-5 . Mr LI-....1 1 0004 Dunspridc. T. Slam per. 4-11-4 . - 20-0301 Flying Orchid. J. Giffurd. it-ll-A.M. Slanle* 5 Sauuanca, 3. Jon-*., 7-J1-7 . l%'OnJ»|i. -Cl-1 Othr.TS. 5 00002-0 Baynnqlc. 't. hard, J2-10-H. — .. P. Steel 7 CM3 French Bridge. S. Norton. 4-11-4 . II 202-4 Undo Bing, G. Dold'-f. n-ll-7 . ... N. wakh-v 0000 Mlslar Magic. D. Wiliuuiis, 4-11-4 .. B. I let, I11T *. 000-000 Mark Croft (CD), M. S<:lutauior*.-. 1U-1U-7 . A. Tuinc-ll 1? _g Be Cannka. I. I oralor, 5-11-5 . 1.30 ECCHINSWELL STEEPLECHASE iHandicap: 2m 4Qyd) 7 400214 Sunshine Sam, IV. A. Sle|ilieiisr**i. 7-lU-o. — OOOO MoKhata, F Wallon, 4-11-4 . OO Scot Free, Mi» Morris, 5-1 .. "p! K»-an.- 7 K 403-220 Willow Hound. Mrs Finch, l-f I«-■*.It. J. Owen 7 2-r PO-0 shady Borne. IS. Italnmn. 5-11-0 . 1 11110-3 Evon Up (CD). Mrs Oughion. 3-11-5.. OOO Naval Whlsilor. —. 4-11-4 . M 044 Luckoy Male (Dl. I. til •■'.trail I ’" IU- . . T. Sklfflnglon . J. To-. 3 23-4301 Egbert (CD), T. 1 orator, .-10-10.. »*. ITiorncr 00 Ncoruam. J. U-irr. J-ll-4 . C. ~J Tussore. L. Colilvil. ".-11-5 . . L. Lunya ■I 31 OT- Evandcr < — >. 7-1U-4 . ... o Prize Bingo, u. Doyle. 4-11-4 . 2-1 Qnn'i HmIip. • -•’ I'lvlng Orchln IWl-Sn Snn*lilne Sam. B-l Willow Huund. 2._, 301000 Tumble Rack. A. Sifwiit. I-1')-13 .... N. Flanagan 5 *.< 0010-02 Taman, O. Baronn. B-lCl-U . — OOOO PsIdcrK. _l. K-rs.lV. 4-11-4 . ‘ii.’ Munro 10-1 Lover’s Leap, fu-1 Hour*! L-iu.ver. _u-l others. -U „„00 AscoL Mandate. V. cio-.-. 4-lu-T. I . McKenna .» 400240 Romany Star, A. Bacon. 4-11- ..iJ uOOOj Creel 5omeriurd. W. ll Ui'-ains. J-lii-7 .. 6-4 Egbert. V-4 Tbrnan. Evan On. 12-1 Evandcr. .Vi! CindfT Track, o-'l space Brum. 5-1 Naval WhlMleT. 13-2 Krentii Bridge. 1.30 BARRINGTON STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £408 : 2m) •! Hillah. D. lian,nr. 1-10-7 . ■_*2 Terryash. D. ifarunt.. 4-10-7 . 2.0 NEW YEAR'S DAY HURDLE (L2.32S : 2m 30yd) B-i Ac-acan Sana. Romany Star. 12-1 Avucnl l racy. Dunsprldn. lh-i omm. 1 3112-22 Capo Clarendon - Gannlr. Great 1.15 RICHMOND STEEPLECHASE (Handicap : £501: 2m) sanu-rfurd. K-l Hillah. 14-1 Sctiueiirc, pallltcru. 211-1 nmrrs. 2 211 -223 Moyne RoyaI._ A._ Pitt. 1U-1--.* a In(-020 Cahalva (D), M. Scudamore. .A. u-34034 C dt a wood (CD). W. A. Stephenson, v-ll-7 . O 1-02341 Perambulate. P. Bnrons. 6-11-B .. n-4 Cane ClarrniIon. 15-H Dulorge. 1J-4 (tonnnnii. H-I Obalva. Sycamore. J. Gtfiord. . -- . K. Chaninian 042-232 Clarovlllo (D). A. Dlcklntoin. 3-11-u. M. Dlcl.inaun 1.15 « iFro-oo . J. King 33-2341 Polar Bear (C», T. Clllam. V-ll-5 - ...... ■ THORATERTON STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £510: 2m « 2 Maximilian. C. 6-11-1 2.0 UTDMERPOOL STEEPLECHASE (Novices: £340: 3ra) IU Your Joking 1—4-1U-U. 111-13 Young Somers (CD1 ■ A. DIcklliKin. 'i-lO-lu • 40yd) 02-3123 Half a Sixpence (CD), K. Oliver. IO-Ui-7 .. C.ml Ji, Ballliv 7 110-114 Royai. «<--J Perambulate. IU-1 1 Just Owon, A. Dlrklnsan. 6-12-U ... . r. FLIlfinqiun 1 23-4301 * Egbert (D). r. I orflrr. 7-12-1 7-4 Mri*)milian. 11-4 I lash Imp. 7-2 Moyne SeoiUsn Folly (CD). A. Has liman. K-1U-2- .D. .tfunro Brown Jock, K. An.ivlnnr. 7-11-7 -. 2114-or 0110-01 . A. • Turnell 2 OIOp33 Coolers Prince, N. WalJev. lu-ll-lO .. Sycamore. Gu-l Yoor Joking. 231222 Wyse Hill (D). Denis bmtlli. H-\U-n . 343-021 Parbcargn (O). nwrn 5-112..... — N. h'aluey .» 100p31 Captain Clover (CD), .\. SiVlvlis. 5-11-3 Muna.i.m 5 041324 Goldy's Boy (Dl, 5. Palmer. '.MU-O . Crimean Clip. M. (tanks. 1U-II-0 .. M. Glirord 4 Ob-044 Thnw Fred's (CD). A. Yi.ilaun. h-lu-U- Mirvin. D. Daron>. V-ll-2 . 2. JO WOODPERRY STEEPLECHASE l £685 : 3m) 130314 000-222 Joist Sailor. J. W’fbbi r. U-1J-(| . A. IVebbn 0 p-n3uup Lo Roblsan. t. McNalli. 7-100 . _• ri-00pi BlackJTudor _«D>, <5. Klnderalcy. 7-16-lu .« . Sht-omark OOP-O Pingono (D). Vl". H'hIMun. lO-lO-d. 04-OpOp Cold Cuslomer. P. Cundell. 7-lU-t». It. 1: Fnn n 040-430 .._ General Crisis. M. N.iuuhlon. b-IO-U Slate Visitor. >1. Oliver. 12-Lu-u. . P. Karlun 7 King Flame (D), K. Utod. J-IU-*1-■ ...... I. t rancome n-OOf 32-0033 Fashion Man. 1 . Sl.lnner. 7-1U-'i.Mr Skinner 7 7 034O|>O Lord Alika, L Cntiri-ll. ■•■-lil-u . P. Cham Dion 11 Golden Sands II. N. Hall. V-ltl-M . I. Walklnson . . . - L. Lunao Land Lark (D). T. PocodJ. .. -1 Polar Boor. 7-2 ClureUffc. q-l WlM- Hill. 11-2 Half a 21:.pence. 1V2 Vu 6-.I r^iptabi Cluv 1-2 (^julvra l*rinci 4-1 Mirvin, 7-1 SUle VUllor, cioudsmero (D). n. A rui^.me. JI-1'FG... . Sumu-rs. B-l Goravyauil. 12-1 Galriv'b r-av. lt.-l ulhen. 03^0 Heswalltam. r. Yarilley, T-iu-*, . — 12-1 )Uitn>. H. A*iklas 00-000 Klipgprlngcr, v.. Mibrv. £.-io-" . D. Curiwmhl 9 0pp42p Lucky Edgar (CD). F. Muggertdgg, 10-10-0 lu 0-60004 bndlcss Folly (D). A. Mooni. i-j-lQ-O . . .. . J. JCflfcllL-. 1.45 ZETLAND STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £659: 3m-300yds 1 Op3 Levelled Out. Mrs 7-IU-U. If. Hj-etr Maine. 11-4 Land Lart-.. 7-2 Blat1 flidor u-1 Lucky Edgar, l-l-l Muykocpor. A. J: rvla. ■■-io.'i . S. A rjvloi 1.45 UPTON PYNE HURDLE (Handicap : £272 : 2m 40yd) o-4 King . . . .. OOOn- Saymar. D. And). 6-10-" . Mr Tuliun ", ClouibiDiere. 50-1 Endless Folly. 1 2100-01 Donohill (CJ. 4. [HcUnsou. 3-12-6 . M. Dickinson 00-0130 Mon Drake. A. Jones, •■-11-U . M. John 1 2 pu4-011 Wohrarhampton (CD), D. McCain. K-l 1-1. — 7-1 Pon.ie.irron. O-a Jolly Sailor. 6-2 Just Gwen. 6-1 Hrown Jock. 1 t-J others. -{ .HW1 Bonidon, p. kumcy, £1-10-12 .. (1. Siangan 7 211112- WOBlhorvane. I. Ihointnun, a-iu-lii . Mr D. i.iiuvrt 3.0 LANGLEY STEEPLECHASE i£34U : 2m SF) i o( the Road (CD), T. Fowler. 14-10-11 . . . P. Li-acll 7 4 100-1 ip Lingus, K. Olivet. 1U-IIM* . — 2.30 NEW YEAR STEEPLECHASE (£439 : 2m) .1 113331 Da Bortcaux (CD). R. Kpcnor. 12-30-1 ri .... John Will Ian,a 5 0p-21O3 -Swan-Shot. F. •'birr. IJ-lO-'i . — 1 0-P4313 Good Relations. \(rs Opghlon. 6-12- < 6 Bg-npoo Santiago, l:. lo:.. K-1U-1U . . . P. Warner isle or Wight (C>, D. Barons. 7-12-0 b 4IT40-4 ErniB vnitshlre (CDI, (J. Luiub. **-10-4.i4r It. Lamb 1 4-00131 wild Fox ini. is. Turnoll. K-ll-I'i . A. Turnoll 7 OOTO-OO Wild Hawn, E. McNally. »-im-]h .. 042(1p Q p-01421 Hazaipsfyn (Cj, J. WebbT. Ifl-ll-l . A. Webber 200-130 7 22-3344 Another Rainbow (C). •». Gomel, 7-1U-5.P. Broihii.L M ooooor Rabra (CD). I'. Yurdlny. 12-lll-H. 13-4201 tj pf0-003 Colley Min. W. Whlston. 12-lU-n.it. K ii.ivl.-s. 2-5. Wild Kos. lH-fl Ha.elestyn. .2 __Sr Lord Pole ICDi. H. Keener. LU-Hj-6 . 1-P2 7-1 Donohill. 4-1 ITolverhaliil'Iun. JJ-2 Anulhnr IbiJnWw, B-1 iJn>;us. lo-l °lSP9S:f fori ana III. L. Cottrell. /■-in-S. . . D. Jeffries 7 011-344 WoaUiurvana. IU-1 Ltnlv Wiltshire. 14-1 Colley Mill. 3.0 WTGSTON HURDLE (Handicap : £544 : 2m) 11 I3p0(4 Lasslngton Runner, N. wakley. 7-10-5 . .... N. W'aklcv 0400-00 □ unknry Beacon. T. Horsier 1 0-21002 Do I ben Lass (D). J. Harr-s. n-ip-11 . 8. A. r.ivlor 13 II-4r Sovroylord. H. Manners. 7-10-5 . J. Cufllnam- ? 2010-00 Eagle Feather, j. Cann, t.-11-y . .. N. Waklev N. Flanagan .7 2.15 BARTON HURDLE (Handicap : £544 : 3m 300yds) 2 p Thu Trout (D), M. Marsh. 7-JO-10 . M. Gffrord ■ I-J De RarlrcuiUT. T-2 Portland Hi. '>-2 Code or Hie Hoad. 6-1 Laulngtun^ 10-0013 Ebony Rock. I\ M; .lone*. 6-11-V 23-1121 Flvby Gold (D). M. II EOBlertB'. 5-1(1-10. — liunner, 8-1 Mini Drake. 10-1 Sovroylord. 7-1-1 Bonldon. 20-1 olhera Flap. K. Ufiilcv. 6-11-;- - D. Bunder'nnrt 3400-00 Bonny Royal. If. Winston. 7-11-5...IJ. 1 1 400-PF3 ■ . Lord Oaf.sey 4 1 -0003p Composite ID). I", nundell. 7-10-2. — 1Y 040-00F Flyarvalo. li. Arntvlagn. ,-ll-«i1 . 1 -(4020 Front Bcnchor, 1. Huge. ■•-11-2 ... 1 ■7 Doe Mil (CD). □ Iflngej-. b-.U-O. — 2.15 BRA1VIPF0RD SPEICE STEEPLECHASE (Handicap: £S10: l-i 0-4foZ4 Gaelic Bard. D. Gondolfo. •-ll-’1 .. 12-1231 Brief Chance. T. Clai'j. .. b COO Uncle Monty, N. Hall. B-IU-O. I. Waiklnson Cool Angel. H. tlcbi'.nL., 6-10-1*1 . 13 313202 Ireland’s Owen. J. V.'d’varda. 6-11-y ...... 110-000 4-5 Kirby Gold. ”-1 Compos lie. y-a Dolbon Lass. H-l Tho Troul. UU-l oLhera. 3m 1£) IMCWOIJ Ogn Sebastian, J. Gilbert. 6-111-7 . 0103 March Rite- D. Gandolfu.. o-ll-h .. ' J 11213u Highland Abbe (CO), L. Kcnnard. *1-12-7 . JO OOOb-OO 11-43 Prestor John. G. Richards. 5-JU-1 ...... A. AndrcH's Persian Velvet (CD). T Pane. ■*-IU-U .. Manlwaki (D). S. Patlcniore. 8-12-3. .. L. lung,, •• 0«M-42 VSSSffsJs. OTSid OCl-OOOU 023310 Rodder’s Boy (Dl. A. Ilobbs. 11-12-5 ... l". 0404-TO Precipitate. T. Horaier. 7-11-.' . L*. Thorner 421433 Lothian CeunuMM. IV. Crji.-turd. ,-lu-u .... Leicester selections Mr llobba 7 Lucky Victory- "• A- Slcr,ht-n*on. r»-lU-iJ . — 003(0 Prophecy . (CD), D. Barons. 12-11-13 00-004p Patent. D. Buron6. .0-1U-12 .. — 131204 1-00000 Old Stephen, \v. A. SlnplM-nson. 6-tu-u. — Bi- Our Racinp Staff Brokopondo (CD), H. I6yne. 8-ll-H .... N. Manaoun 5 lice Rosethom. m-2 Somelhlng To Hide. s-J Good Relations, ll-- Third iair Flippant Fred. L. Kennjrd. 8-ii-1 . , 1-1 A.. 113-100 AlnmouUi, A. Uastlnmn. .7-10-U. G. CniDn E. wrlglu k'xjreiner.y. 7-1. Double__ One. 1U-J lale of Wight. 12-1 Ireland’s Owen, 34-1 Map. 122)0 Dardaneila Lady. 1.0 Don't Hesitate. 120 Cape Clarendon. 2.0 230012 Chlngloy Lass (CD). W. SJeenian. 0-11-1 Brief Ch.intv. 5-1 Fret 1 or John, l-l Lolhinn CounlnSA. 11-2 Bonny Doval. Ebeny Hock. 2U-1 others. PnrtucarroD. 2.30 Wild Fox. 3.0 FrXBY GOLD i3 specially recom¬ Westerly Winds, S." Hill. lO-lU-'l B-l HTonl Bencher, lu-l Old Stephen 14-1 Otncni 423-OP2 pimp Carson. Mrs DlnUWalt. H-IO-; mended. .. P. Duller 7 3.30 TOUGHEN END HURDLE {Handicap : £340 : 2Jra) *0 Twelve _Polnior.... \V. Miles, ld-lu-i__-iu-'o Dr (Jhernei* 7 2.45 CAMP STEEPLECHASE i Novices ; £40S : 3m 300yds). 5-3 Flippant 3-1. Hlnhland Abbo. 11-2 Mantwakl, 7-1 Kedder's Roy. Mountain. F. _Wjlwyn._ i..-l^-2 A. Branlord Chlnulev Lass. 4-00042 I 40-12 ui Canlabel. IV. A. Slcrtirnsen. g-llWO lti-l RrakopcnUu. 12-1 Wustorly Winds. 16-1 olhera. 20-0301 «,F(yfng "orchid" Jj_ Giifnrvf. 6-11-10 . Devon and Exeter selections Palmnlra Square. D. r. G-COOhl PorUiokoa. W. *J. Walls. H-1--.*- . I*, lluceh-y 23-2210 "Lord Oakfcy 5 30022-1 Even Now. K. Oliver. ,-12-0 .. ... C. 1 inkier 2.45 IDEFORD STEEPLECHASE (Nonces: £340: 2m 40yd) 2-31110 Dragon Hilf. «• Araiylastf. ( Don Sebastian (D). J. yi^r!. 6-lU-la 4 32-0033 Fashion Man. F. Wanner, ,-12-u. - Mr M. Sklnri-’i 7 Bv Our Racing Staff 1 100K1 Pensive Prlnco, 0. Ihirnns. 7-12-0 .. — 040000 ’". "s. Jabar Hy Flight ll. A. U’ulr.nn.. , 12-U ... Mr If.-Gray •■> 31434-3 Jave River, S. Mellor. 6-iO-R .. 6 12.45 Tudor Mill 12.45 Sequence. 1.15 Coolera Prince. 1.45 De U Romany Echo. N. Wakley. 6-12-U . N. W'tfkiey New Horn. P. Al Inuhjm 5-10 o. h 0404-32 Kelton Lad. C, Bell. 6-12-0 ■j 000013 Somethings Missing, D. Barons. 7-12-0 000402 j'. " Francome R 0200-20 Rmunoa. A. Dici.InMin. 11-12-0 . B. ■ Hi-well .* Bortcaux. 2.15 Prophecy. 2.45 Eagle Feather. 3.15 HuUo Agan. 00-0210 Fly dal. R. Head. 6-10-6 .. At Last, J. Tapi In. *1-111 .. _ R, ttaghcs U f 0-4003 TUI Drill, ft. ■ Ill'll, ,-12-n ... — 3.40 Shining Heigjits. 20(0-00 Eagle FoaUter. J. Cann. *>-ll-««_..... S. OOOO- Sky High-. P^...V,I£I,CU’ .. OlmllB. A. Dickinson. 7-12-U .. M. Du.L-iif.on Sam boy- J. nifiurtf. f-JU-u . .... A. Bren run IU 03- fp-ISOO By Two. G. Balding. 7-11-0.. PP-OOOP C. uro.id 7 11 OOOO-P _Rlvor Valley.- W. A. htephunson. o-ll-r, ... — or- Golden Bob, Mrs Knnnard. ii-11-** . 443PP-0 HerailnluS' r. M. Juiim, i-lO-U ■ ■ ■ - 15-i: Can la lyt. 7-2 TI*f Brig. •«: Irtmllu. 6-1 Kelton U(l, H-l Even Now. 1* or-oofu Heart of Oak, Mias Morris, 0-11-v ..... 00000-0 Coastal Command. K. S,H;?w1*,.”o-0 10"° . P.. Keane 7 Surirn .elan. U t .ai'io’P- ,--O-o .. , Pori holme. la-l'Kossimm. lo-l other*. Cheltenham selections JoEk’s^Reller. L. Kcnnard. u-lJ-u . ■ - . L il,( 3-000 ■.'.‘‘r.' All-ins 0343(1 John Crocker, . Doldoe. 3-Il-’> . posooa Ma Tirun, F. Muggr-rldgo. .*-10-0 .. □ N. ITananad 7 llnrn. 7-1 Firaqon Hi'l. Bv Our Racin™ Cur respondent Lady VerdlcL. Mrs Konnard. 6-11-S* . Mountain, -i-l Jave Rlyer. 11-2 New 3.15 STAND HURDLE (5-y-fl : Novices : £340 : 2m) 010VS4 •1 HaOIC P2-1 Don Senaiiian. Sty High. 20-1 others. 12.45 HIRAM MAXIM is speciaJIv recommended. -1.15 Isle of Man. SlY?- L. Kennnrd. y-11-d . Oitj,r.,r., Square. IO- ‘ l-'lydal. TOO Bar HaznrdHazard. C. Rieh.ii.l-.. 11-7 .. C. UroHiifon 7 2p-(Q2f Not Often. Mm Kcnnad. 6-11-’-1 . uoutjifuf runner. (0-4 Crnlin prlnc-:. C. W«-Vln«’N. U--7. • M. Blaul:bhaw 1.50 Junior Partner. 2.25 Moyne Royal. 3.0 Brantridge Farmer. 3JO 4 P-OOOO Nuns Bleep. N. AVaklev. 10-ll-*» . QOOOOu- Dun_hkrat. . T. Slainm-*-. H-*„. Flammulu. OpO-OOp Silver Reign, 33. MrNaliy. 0-11-0 . ■ Doubtful runner. 300400 Lord1 SCraOL----siraot- S- N«tU'. 11-1 . 011-123 Tradarao. Miss Morris. s-ll-’J . O Mairlculaie. W. Ffaiivi^. ll-. ^.5-1 --Somethin;) --.■lhln;i Missing. '.*-3 nomany Echo. II-2. Pensive Prince. 6-1 Not UO Mor.1 Ob'inmn. W. hi-iii'i-ndon. n-7 ... Oiten. 8-1 Eagle Feather, iu-1 Four av Two. 12-1 Le Slve. Ttadarce. Jubn (t Native bilk, w .b Siyk'iiw" ll-, ..... Catterick Bridge selections tomorrow Crocker. 16-1 others. Windsor selections Raising Cain, ll. A. sa’uhiienn. 11-7 ... l)v Our Racing Staff IU 0230 Skv Tour. Deny* fiiiilili. 1 I •;* -. 3.15 SANDFORD HURDLE (Div II: Parc Is novices: £340:. jl Superb Sam. A. D.tl.m^un. 11-7 . M. pti-Unson 12.45 Space Boom. L15 Yours Somers. 1.45 DONOHTLL is specially U)*Arty'aCrSfty.tai!30 Even Up. 2.0 Maximilian. 2.30 King Flame. 3.0 7-4 si.v Tunr. 7-’.: Craig Prime. '>-2 Snm-rb S-mi. »>-i Lurd I recommended. 2.15 Frunt Bencher. -2.45 Camabet. 3.15 Sky Tour. £340 : 2m 40yd) Sircei. “lti-l Bar Hazard, lb-1 uUinra 2(-241 Our Wardle. T. Forster. r.-11-B .. - ■ ■ ■ - Ireland's Owen. 3-30 Magic Mouarain. _ 4 0f-0030 Blabbermouth, M- MeCourt. w-11^. ... 1.J5 11.am BRIGHTON HURDLE TOf*E: Win. TOp: forevaal. 65o. K. 7 Sllevsnamon. M. Oliver. 6-J.l-i ... .. P. Barton 7 QUORN STEEPLECHASE Conc^^ded, b r. bv No Argwmynk^ i£.rilO added, -abnul *Jm n. winner* _ OOOO Water Splash. Mrs Kcntinrd. 8-11-7 1.30 * 1.351 ^oiYinii Tfmt' 1 Air H-lMlm Ivory, al St Albans. 71. ISi. ,»• Forsry Font well Park -473 ID 000-04 Virly Duchess, IS. Small, 1 , ,:*.,W5: Ju* • J. BaM.- S-ll-2 , ■ ■ • JJ. lumcr Leicester results Utllo Andy, b 3. hr bit'I** B'lsSIfiSj—■ 111.10 I 12. 16. UTTUHAMPTON ParMieutc. . rh 1. hv Sparian Abe (lard. D. Darlnall. 5*11-j -- L. Darina II .3 nmi-r.il—LO'irlen Parly (Mr. M 2.4.3 ,2.46. TORT1NGTOH STEEPLE¬ ir. 00000-r El Cardo.. Mrs Kennarrt. o-ll-A - .A.- - ■ B. Jo(tries 7 12.3*1 *12.311 PYTCHLEY HURDLE I Tench Ann 1 Mrs II. U N ’dl'. Sh'llinq Colo, b *J. by Rrlnlit gs STEEPLECHASE • Handicap' WUS* CHASE '0274.* 2‘,mi Ginaral Turn. J. Dddnoop. Ml-a I: '.204: on, • s.10.0. M. Jnmrs 'J”-1 * -‘•ni ■ t.lilnn 1. 3-IO-T - T. Phillips 7 ■ Dir r.,,l,l—Short- siirist I'lrs R. I). di.iinnion i.VJ |t fav< 1 King's Savings, h h. by King's Lean i;i Hullo Again, L. CoitIVli. .*i-ll;-». • - - • ■-L. Lungo Forest King, b B. bv Rubai-r- □Iub Shore, b *). ir>* Ma,gr‘r/._^!£rr Riuoa.ll ■. 6-11-4 ...... - Prlnco Twoniy, b u. by lacltun— —Savings, 1 Mr A. Ailrtnhii. 0- Royal Rondo. U. Gddil, -i-l l-a .. i*ubhin Rfdpe * Mr M. RIt-onberp O, SuniiL-rland '6-4 f.iv' a Mala la. u (. bv Misti IV—Mi-^ulfa - * • C. Gaud 7 lVorlJnglon Wandcrar- 1 Mr U- Kaidn , Mr K. Ivory 1. fi-it>-S 1 kir ij Hrunlnn ■. 4-11-3 a-10-13 .. F- McKenna 111-21 i -21 _ 00 Tyson. (J. Fo\. 5-11—1 . .. ■. • r*. Warner Hap*! *. fi-11-6 3-11-2 -. G. Mould *0-1 li.1*'1' MaHorrl Grave, bo. hy H7I11 hanierH G. Tliuninr i.Vi-1 » 1 A. Carroll >.3-2 It l.iv• * Persian Comp, b h. hy Ulvouiic — li'J Wawlalb, ti, UiiKiiu. 0-11-.*... - - - Tudor Rick., ch o. r-v Tudnr 1 Mr K. Gray 13-1-5* 1 —* */>v Mi,III** Mr J PalL*T*. Ozondrls, b ■• r nr o. bv RicroilfH— (fiam-K Edward, li Ir, hi' Tvnhoun A nisi It* uculdets ■ Mrs A. Arnold >. . -•P< 01000 McKlltM-ln. A. Stevens. 4-1 O-l2 ■■■ N. Flananan 3 So Ray. Ch T. by Badloni-RaVbcMo l'»— r-sure— .. ..ur.tv Risk* ' Mr. ft-If-1 --M. Wanner 11 UO- ■«»■ 3 Snlvll'lam • Mr J. ItlUnni, K-12-1 6- tl-VJ »1. 11. Davies a Cape TnrUtor. T. Smith. 4-1U-7 .... •j.ti-4 r. Hurry C. 12, art ,*-!. —Sin 1 Mt P. Tavlwt. 'i-IO-O Mr 3' >!«Tb 7 ■ Mr M. Diiklniont. I-114 lla’-i-'ard **. 1^* ■ HAN: *107 xi.iy '■ill*- ,3'* John Will In rns #10-1 1 3 Good Relations, b 0- bv Couniie^. .rj u Rbilto. W. Sleorrun, -1-10-7 . ■A 7. Halioti 7 >ix P. Felnai,, »T-1 * a •UaUi |»AN. 2-1 K l-'V *> M.ind."1n. Prlnc- Abu. lo-l Siiuridi* 1 **K' Indian College, b a. hy Must-n"*— Princess I ednia 1 Mrs D. Whlq- .-.J 40000 Trieosa. W. William*. 4-111-7 ...... P. Aberncihy 7 Trauo-m. b ( bv Kjinatp-— Wild Lclin 1 .Vtli* b. J.-iin-Kinn 1, ALSO RAN: •*-U. .Master P.ulr.her hani1. 5-11-12 n. Tliamer I*!XS, 3 SS 0 What A Palaver, D. Barons. 4-10-7 _ ■ 1 i-J ir.)nr- >i*.* Pal’:- 5 ran. 7011 lH'i. -.7,|>- nlaenc. ,KV;. V,™ 4|)i 1. K-l k*..iim.lv lair. 1-l-t Brcdqar. (Ih jlln.l ■ Mr L. Lourauol. r.iTF * Vl. ■:f. 14 ■ rtii.d Iprrr.ls-t. iDbiait. '*Hp. W. Vtvrron. ui Mellon lfj-lJ-6 ■ Alia RAN: *23-1 Bvnkara. 4 ran. I3-H Oar WaiMfe. 4-t Abellaro. 6-( RlabbcrinanUi. 7-1 Hullo Again. E-i O. Gaidswurihv <))-iu f.m 3 211-1 tl.trier Wuud. 7 ran. 4-l'j-lu Mr P. Snowcroti *14-1, 3 n. O Neill. .11 Chclunli.’i'i -•■I. : 101 *Iimi. .it. ut.. Ttm:; win, &3p: forrcasi. ci.*. Mrivllhoeir.i. 1S-1 Wlial A Pabavnr. Ynrly Uuchtat. 2U-1 01 nera. “ n- 6-1 ALSO RAN' S-l Balol’ i4th., '.-i v,-r and Far. Si-omv. ifumaniis din ALSO HAN* 7-2 The Spank. *1 ran. I (TIE; Win. 27i-. uiateiL lOu. lop. V. Croio*. Ji blocfcondBo. 1 501. 'Joruiilallon. 10-1 F’Oih Siirrs. 11-1 dual «nri fast. .kmj. Mrs Ration, nt in, 1 run. 15.71 PYTCHLEY HURDLE ■ Div TOTE: Will. Cl./M fiirec.i*.». CJ.BR. 3.40 SANDFORD HURDLE (Div H: Part II: novices: £340- Hindltopy. C*t-1 Tin*** and 11 Halt. iDimg 3.U K. Iron. .■! SI rtlUana. Hd. .71. i ardlnabriilgc. 21, 71, Kavedo did not > orUMurav. I .ivourHv Buc*j’. lu ran. ■■ U BROXHILL STEEPLECHASE II: —Ji ■ 1: ■**» run. llralri iwk»rrf ihe past lirsl. be.it- 5 IS 1.7.16■ MAUDLIN HURDLE i£353. 2m 40yd) lull.: Win. 16p; uljcos. luu. Jl(». Miller Coy. b _ by Lower Rny— ing P.irt.huuiit hv iwn lengths, but a Her 2m If 1 1 2-30031 Shining Heights, L, k’rnn.ird, 0-11-12 L’O’i: thial (i>r**c»4.t. 47p. K. Hagq. ai iH.indicai>: 7,1 ,M‘;h ‘‘"J ‘ lira A. BawioM. 1.10 12.17) FfiLPHAM HURDLE ,m oblretlnn and n ^iru-ardi1 Inauirv Tudor Jewel, ch v. hv Hrnry thn E. Wrighl Clonmollon. eh «i b' fcMi^B-h mu.’or Dnui 1 Mrs ... — _ .. 032-100-- Randy Brandy (CD). J. litnn, S-11-8 1Ji.ru nil. Ol. l-l. JU5>« Gold. Lobl Gaitsn R. 7-11-IU .... Lartl Oalua*) *3-l» • 2m iri iht- rejitlt was reversed. SovrnUi—OUmund Wadding iMr • • 3. Knight 7 Enflnlrt t.allrcni • >1 B, W1S01. 0-10-12 * 43-0200 ' Cochineal. T. I onivr, 7-1J. did not run. Golden Ethias, ch li. by N,|C4)HCTT Golden Fighter, b «. ,hy. .lggrw: or-- Sea Picture, F. Gonniin. .6-11-7 .... • . Shonnan - , B.i 1 tav. UlvdLi (Mrs-r.-T-vrorr', n- l I-IU C. Bowen (7-4» 1 Audros iMr I. (■oldsilPln 1. •i-JI-7 2.10 I2.17i NICKEL COIN STEEPLE¬ V/arborough, ll. Glddln-i. 6-J1-7. =.0 1 l.y 1 HOBY HURDLE i^HJ.; 2itl ■ Up vacuegar: iIJ-loi.ui — |{. A Ik Ins 13-d lav 1 ocean Wave, br h. be So.i w—^Anneiai ■ CHASE 1 Handicap. S4"-5: 5|.m» Undulation 1 Mrs c. wtldmam, C ha brier, g, Francis. S-l 1-a . Tkwtrn Call. Or u. by Town tairr— Flni Footing, b g. bv prim era— Scottish Cava l i or, b c. bv Jim my 40-0000 Mark's Boy- Jones. v*-13-j . Fi ■ r,i.h Uuvhlcr t Mr G. Tgrfcmi)- • Mr m. iii'-.-enbary 1. 5* 10-1 Curlow Rlvor, ch q. by Jock Scut— _ 7-11-L .. P. Hiiyne.s lav 1 a A. ■ * -' P.‘ Sli“ , 1. wall* InWW ‘3:1’ Nondi.i 1 Mr L. KriM '-vi. yw ifnnpbi—LT.nvot Kails Bounty, b f, hy Welsh ALSO KAN: B-l Ulcnfall. 14-1 Pta** Don Victor, b 1*. b>' Dun Carluk—- 7- lU-l.s .... J. Keetons ill-2i 3 303232- Tiercel. Ml* DUtnumll. F»-ll-o . Juitm-y j s>ir».n Girl * Mr J, Sedrion>. „ uanMonrn 11 miuMIto. P-_D. Sttafg*';

The fall of princes is one ofihree from Mr Healey), and the administration, within which with more timorous attention bencher diminished his chances believed to have been nude 11 John Pc-ui son, archlievt, the archetypal themes. It fires most abrupt reversal 'of .policies Israel, France, West Germany than those in the cabinet it¬ of re-establishing his sway even January about 1440 and showing the and Georg * Potimger. ch il the Imagination with an image for a generation, ended as it had and Italy were each without a self. The flush of victory if the government should one earliest representative of ■-ervast. ware s<-:::ieaced 2 Mr Vic Feather, former the American continent, five years’ imprisonment for of the possible overthrow of begun with piffling regulations head of‘government. They con¬ aroused a disturbing tendency day confirm thu soundness of tinued their characteristic in some people to suppose that his judgment by resorting _ to general secretary of the may be a forgery._ corruption. iFoi-Jsosi whs one’s own modest security and jo save petrol, record levels of not only collective bargains but courses until . successors were wage controls again (something TUC, and Sir Burke Trend, 30 The Commonweal til Games jailed for a further seven credit, or of death itself, and -"flatton i . . , . , bombs in London and anxiety found, and thereafter. Two Miss almost any action designed to that still seemed, far from im¬ top civil servant, were made years lo run concurrently further a socialist end should possible). in New Zealand were the mightier the prince, the what the miners mighr Worlds also -lost their crowns, life peers in the New Year . attended by .the Queen and on March 15.)_ more his fall resounds. More care to settle for. ■ and attracted as many headlines henceforth be spared the inter¬ Otherwise 1974 was a year Honours. ference of the law. other members of the 12 A £L5m offer to rl.e as any. . of storms, actual not meta¬ miners to end their strike than most years, 1974 gained its The oil consuming nations, a phorical. As we fretted over our 3 Jeremy Cartland, the British Royal Family._ The fall of Edward Heath was In Northern Ireland the by a group of industrial!-is flavour from the foreshadow- whole year after the Arabs had future sources of energy, schoolteacher accused in a romantic one.' The glitter of February election was a disas¬ 31 Gunmen killed two Roman was rejected by the MUM. ings and repercussions of a discovered the power of their breastplates arrd the thunder of ter. Candidates hostile to the colossal forces blustered away France of the murder of Ins Catholic workmen and in¬ single event, the resignation of weapon, had scarcely begun to overhead untapped, overwhelm¬ father, ' was freed from Petrol prices rose by Sp a cavalry has not been heard as idea of sharing power between jured others in a burst of gallon and bread by Ip. President Nixon. It took him come " te™ clearly in British politics for Catholic and Protestant won so ing yachts and trawlers. It was prosecution in Britain. fire 'in. a roadside hut in __ __ economic order. In the EEC, the a year of trivial shortages— 13 Electricity voltage ems so 1 g to go. ^ ometimes it wj,0]e quesnon of British mera- manya year, as when he sought many parliamentary seats that 4 The Council of Ireland was Belfast. the acclamation of the_ realm the Simningdale plan was sugar.’ salt, bottles, toilet paper, rejected by the Ulster A Pan-American Boeing began as a result of the seetned as if the intricate sue- bership was' in question again, miners*' strike. to sustain his contest with the doomed before it had had time anything that rumour happened Unionist Council.___ crashed in Samoa with the cession of judgments, sub- In Russia, the efforts of Senator barons of the NUM and to win confidence. A general- to mention. Two Vermeers were loss of over 90 lives- The British fishing irav.-hv poenas, defiances and conces- Scoop Jackson and the in do mi t- ASLEF. It was the election of strike by Protestant workers separately stolen, in neither 5 Bombs exploded at the Boat Gaul vanished at sea -.viib sions had become, a permanent able Solzhenitsyn (and of the case if or mercenary ends, and 1 Show, Earls Court, and the probable loss of 36 i.f. the three-day -week and the state finally brought Mr Faulkner's February accompaniment to the business Soviet leaders themselves to of emergency, and it confronted executive down. Nobody in Eng¬ both -were blessedly recovered, i Madaine Tussaud’s in Lon¬ her crew. While the Kenwood “ Mandolin don. 1 Two hundred- and twenty of world politics, Anatoly S^Sa^lo^t Lenin’s fundamental.question of land had much idea what to try Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Player ” was missing, attend¬ people died in an office Russian writer, was ex¬ hsdess and. feverish, Mr Nixon for vast battle-fleets decreed politics, “ Who whom ? ” more next, so a constitutional con¬ 7 In Northern Ireland. Mr directly than • seemed, to the ances. doubled as people flocked block fire In Sao Paulo. pelled from the Soviet endured what was in a sense the ^ Khrushchev after Cuba, vention was proposed for next Brian Faulkner, the Chief British taste quite, proper.. "We to seb the- gap on 'the wall. In Brazil.___ Union and deprived of his most conspicuous imiominy that ^jeh were just coming into ser- year. The activities of the Executive, resigned his are Mill too much involved with extremists on both sides increas¬ Scotland a girl who had ill- leadership of the Unionist 2 Arab terrorists threatened citizenship. _ ^?Ce7 and making a most trucu- its consequences to make an ingly seemed more pathological treated some prawns was acquit¬ to blow :up a Greek -cargo all the time apparently feeling lent impression), all seemed to ted of cruelty to animals on the Party._-_ 19 Eimrngiuim Broadcast* ii-je, himself injured and misjudged. leave ^ country as oppressive historical judgment on its rights than political More bombs ihip unless Palestinians sen¬ the first English comim-- and wrongs. We might have exploded in England and fewer taxonomically indefensible 8 The Department of Energy tenced to death for an Th7e«a as ever, and as hard tS get out landed as deep in the soup if it ground that the unfortunate was set up under Conserva¬ «-iaI radio station out-side sphere soon threatened to en- of funJess Uhe Solzhemtsyn, yoii in Ulster, where sectarian mur¬ attack on Athens airport London, began transnus- had gone the odier way. The beasts tvere insects. In Windsor tive Minister Lord Carring¬ last year were released. The vel?P Mr Ford, whom^ the ^-anted to stay).1 In Spain ders continued. Often the vic¬ a giraffe which had found that ton. rions.__ judgment of the electorate was tims were men and women not. Greek government capitu- that they were not enlisting on drugs brought no relief to its Jated to the terrorists._ 22 Pakistan recognized Bangla¬ active in politics at all. Several arthritis was reported to be 12 The Arab Islamic Republic either side in a class war. The members of the IRA in prison was announced through the desh, in an announcement outcome was ambiguous; the responding to acupuncture. In 4 The IRA Ranted a bomb Before the Islamic summit undertook hunger strikes; one, union of Libya and Tunisia. «n a coach carrying service¬ stricken leader swallowed .his Michael Gaughan, died. Zaire,.Mohammed Ali regained _conference in Lahore. ?f wSdnlSf nprtfcufarlv within fr«i.ous. tice), and many Bills of moder¬ Co-operative Insurance ■■ alists fulfilled any of those using insufficiently dissimilar u‘. and hence his power though wider in its effect.. ate1 contentiousness were suc¬ Society in December. and Parliament was dis- 2S America agreed to resume stimulating prophecies of a solved- hl\w“Pi®® stature of the unions meant a convincing successor. His Iran. support of a pay claim after a period of 12 months died, Brandt nurt that rifts and intrigues among failure to engage the affection Yale University announced Three months of industrial George Hill that the Vmland map ci-’ita-'cios two elections, four nas a period of wo mo s, their ' leaders were roDowed father of the voter or the back¬ action. budgets (one from Mr Barber, while Britain lacked a majority

U9 : £5 » «H.Ub HI reported o action groups formed by six British part-time soldiers >130 Ex-PresidentEx-Presideot Nixon, who •!| rXeroparaPi'ovi- I i~Israel raided Tillo^TFS;I; _&ZgUmMV* °‘ Wo“I; -Mich & »f General Sir Waiter Walker had entered hospital on sums) Bill, was introduced £5Lfim. alker worewere drowned on landing in 1 had entered hospital _ on : Lebanon in reprisal mea- 17 Three ear bombs uvnlmirvi 1 In th»' ramKfcm and Colonel David Stirling.irling. thethe Kiel Canal,Canal. October 24, was in a critical j!! into the Commons . => £ZS3SLSR-- u Ill ills Canadian elections, The Soviet News Agencygency Lmperor HalleHaile Selassie waswascondition ; condition following anan| :: scwbing the IRA and gi\ mg et* «. *ai*: SKSe iCr ■* &.bis:; - M Pierre Trudeau had an reported the deaths of eight deposed by the military ; operation to prevent a blood !j,j wider powers to the police, tover. j-eorsi ijpnsoo-;; lsts who fcm^T « poop]J : ! overall majority of IS seats. women climbers attemptingipting command * after ruling : clot in his leg moving to-to-;' ' It receded AsscnI mein. SCialsO Otruoer IB. fn a bfoc|. Qf fjau. rar . 13 timothy Davey, ihe British •; Dr Ruiluil' Kirchsclilagur the 23,000 foot Lenin Peak Ethiopia for 44 years.vears-. ' wards Hisbis heart. .._o>, n November -9._ . U Ne Viu becane first :i Kh-yat Slicmona. ?S?.jaJ,0<* jn Turkey since was sv.urn in us President in the Pamirs. Effective government was Muhammad Ali knocked!!29 President of the Irish Re- uf Austria. Prcsidencof the Socialist ! TriT t? ” ” i,- —— T}'Ji./I. foror drug smuggling,*ma5a*liiiK., . -ftr-- 14 The second series of^eoJe'peace assumed by Lieutenant- nut George Foreman at*' public. Mr Carroll O'Daly- Republic Buny._ was reicased hi an amnesty.;' 1.11 A. White Paper on United talks on Cyprus failedJ and General Aruan Andom. Kinshasa. Zaire, regaining I was appointed to succeed f i as. .Si »V“: India exploded a “STnuclear Kingdom offshore oil and fighting broke uut anuin the world heavyweight box-. the late Mr Erskine "3“a Turkish DCll airliner ernment was criticised by aSuin 13 Japanese “ Red Army “ beit- device near the borders gas proposed the extension around Famagusta. A cease¬ ing title. ChiWers. __ crashed ncth oFParis kill- •. Mr Eric ILTfer, Minister wirh Pakistan, oF public control of the dies took hostages in the ■ fire was called on August French embassy in the - 1 ing some '44 poplc. rite of State for Industry. North Sea oil field through | December 19 A bomb evpioded at Heath- 1 16. On August 26 the Turks Hague, Holland, and de- November ivorst air diastern history.;i 15 jD Niger a military coin- row* airport. j a British national oil cor¬ issued a 20 dnv ultimatum 1 Two Irishmen were charged 4 Mr Edwar. Hath. Cou- overthrew President Dinrj poration. utanded the retewe _ of a . 3 Strongly adverse reaction ■ with the murder of Private In the French presidential. to the Greek leaders to Japanese terrorist in jail zn | by hospital consohctziu to - servarive Prije Mnister, re¬ Haniam, and Ucutnnoni- election foUov.-ing the death ■: 12 In L-unnMsimT-with “15 J • ——lresume'€**™S.-5!!!S2;_ talk*. Caroline Slater, one of the CoJoncl Seinj Ko untie de¬ France- He was released toe proposal to phase out1•• . army girls killed in the signed and, M Harold oF President Pompidou. M;' Watergate affair, John 13 Court Line travel, whose oa September 17 and the -pay beds in National Health1 clared himself Chief of hmn'iwng of the Horse and Wilson aceped the Discard d’Estaing was ‘ Ehrlich man, the former •-.iiliping interests were the Stare. terrorists were flown 10. hospitals led to a work to ■|' Groom public house, Guild¬ premiership tol form a elected. _ presidem's adviser, was subject of nationalization J>yri?z_ rule in the North of |< ford, on October 5. _ minority Ltoout govern¬ 17 The longest surviving liver;* -- The plan to establish a ' found guilty of conspiracy plaits in June, went into TV ment. 1 A jet airliner was blown.:_England. i! ' A Trans World Boeing mins Diant patien.i. Mrs--! Council of Ireland was '• and perjury. He was sen¬ liquidation causing chaos up by hijackers oter \T«-• 5 Presided Amin of Uganda;1 among 1Q0.U00 holiday 5 President Amin of Uganda; crashed Into a top secret £ The Labour‘Calnet in- £mitredWinifred Smith, died afterafter;: postponed. _ ; tenced later to between nam and 70 people lost ordered Britain to reduce ;i:i military installation near eluded Mr toy ienkins,-fivenve years.years,__ ->r 20. months and five years makers who had booked their lives. London'was tlie venue fori, with Court Line’s Horizon — its High Commission staff;. Washington, United States, Home Secetar; Mr 19 The government provided • talks between Portugal and 1 imprisonment. and Clarksons subsidiaries. , 19 In Central America the to five. mHng 93 people oa board. Michael Foot Secfiary of | a £100m loan to the build- nationalist. leaders of,'35 Great interest was aroused hurricane Fifi struck Hon¬ Britain responded by order- The government announced ing the Uganda High Com- i', 3 Reductions in defence cx- State for' Enploynwt. Mr _ing societies. Guinea Bissau. The_former i; by the sLatementstatement ofor Profcs-.Profus- an inquiry on August ZU21. duras witii the reported !! penditure amounting to colony was recognized as " sor Douglas Be vis of Leeds ^---—„ mission in London to!‘ Denis Healey, Chbcellor24 fn tha *r ■-T~ colony was recognized as deaths of 8,000 people and £4>,700m over the next 30 of the Exchequer sad Mr*: t:nn the African elec-nann independent state by 1; uniuniversity vers ily that three test- 16 T“e Brazilian girl fncud of reduce its staff to five. 6U0.OUQ made homeless. )! years were announced in James Calkghan, hreign 1 rrmS**?? ? 1?a-ly - Ponuaal on September 10. tube babieshablpj! were Hvino.living. great train-robber Ronald In a mass escape 'from the >! ■j the Commons by the A military coup in Cyprus Biggs gave birth to a child 30 Continuing political man- Maze prison in Northern, ccv.cixtiy.Secretary. 1_i■ .j.} creased maiorirv an ^ 1: ^TUT^pli^n^r^28 liie crippling stnfce of 1 « «»i.iuiiy coup m vjpius ueiTes in Portugal led to ■i Defence Secretary.__ overthrew the Makarios which meant that under uev Ireland all prisoners were; fi The Pay Board repi-t on ^—Trv~r»-—-ProtesliintPratErstiiiii workersivorbers in!in !j oveillirew the Makurios the resignation of General regime and a former EOKA BrozDiau law, Biggs could the recaptured' and one shot j1 "5 JSr Don Ryder, Chairman wages relafrities wa- nui 1 75 PorEUSuese goveminenr Northern Ireland continued. •• resime and a former EOKA not be exxr&ditcd to return Spinola.Spi: He was replaced ; anJ, the mSS I ? overthrown bv a mili- ‘ . jMMrr Brian Faulkner. Chief •;; leader, Mr Nicos Sampson, dead._ •' and Chief Executive of to prison in England._ bybv General Costa Gomes. Reed International, was executive iccepred a £03m rSL*.iC°cP' ,headetJ b-v !! Minister of the Northern jj took . over. President 3 Covau Garden fruit and ' wages seriiement. york j-General Spinola._IrelandIreland Executive, resigned. • MukunosMakurios fledtied to Malta.Malta._ !18 The Scottish Labour Partv vegetable market moved to | appointed Industrial Ad- !, ■ riser to the Government was resuned on Mara 11 ! Further corruption charges .! leading, to the collapse of 17 "Forty people were injured voted to press for Scottish October a newly built sue at Nine;- home rule, reversing a pre- 1 The United States supply, Ekns after 300 vears in!I' from December 10. after a hurbur weeks' top- in the nortli east of England_the uvecunve._•: and one killed in a bomb Ekns after 300 years la, i * vious vote. shirship Florida Martin and the central London. A £31*n appeal' to save the page. _ j following the sentence on • 29 The Northern Irelandexplosion at the Tower of central London. page- Abla Khairi, an Egyptian FinFinnish tanker Sword col- ■-—_--=—;---: fabric of Canterbury cathe¬ 111 EmerseirvEmergeny regulators j\ :*ohn. Foulson led to the Assembly was suvnended bvLoudon. girl of 13. became the tidetided in the North Sea and 32 7^ J_Lab?uf Governmeut: dral was sponsored by the ended*aiH imprisonment of T. Dan the British Government and i Tg fhJ Tovermnem-nnl ended aid Britain returied youngest person to swim tlie two seamen died. introduced the second bud- 1; Queen. to a fividayfiv-day weekweek. 1 ^■ : ‘th,vfoJl?er cJwinnBii of direct rttle established from |j nounced the shewingshelving of the ; English Channel when she The Watergate coverup get of the year, giving-];. In Teheran, about 70 people Th* ,. , . . Northern Economic Wesrminster. Tlie strikers! .»! ,n huiid *B rhi«i £1,500m relief to industry. The burhers Liniejoin, : plan to build a third crossed in 12£ hours. triatrial opened in W’ashing- were killed when the roof 7^5i b°uv.erS Lrtlejoi!, . Planning Council. and , beean a return lo work. 1 1London nllrin,. -firnnrrairport at-ir Mapiin,M-inlin Nineteen IRA prisoners 1 lon-ton- Petrol went up 81p a - of Mehrabad international bank obbers and sellseh >- Andrew Cunuii'»ham for-. «—. ;--: r— London airport at Maplin, gallon. Essex. escaped from Portlaoise • —tt- airport terminal collapsed confessd spies, escape- ; At the Maze prison in The Pav Board was abnj- top-security prison in Eire. z 1 The UN General Assembly j. on to the crowd inside. _ tromfram% pisonSSonTn ineS Dubl6ub£rin. Pe' ! ?Zti^Tonh Board was abnJ- Ulster a demonstration voted to expel South V ished and with it came the *19 After a campaign of over against a ban on visitors Africa from ali it j meetings 6 British Ley-land, in severe 13 Sonic ISO vehicles wen i end of statutory incomes darnagd and five people ! 20 years by the Society of led to unrest and. a build¬ and committee* this session..' financial difficult ics. be¬ ‘ -i! policy. Authors, the Government killed in a multipiemultiple acci 1’ Eejt 1,1 tire' ^Dr Rl>st J,,nc . r. ! -- ‘_ ing was burnt. There were Wolf-nn college. Oxford, came the subject: of a dent n fog on the MliMl Dugdale was later jdiled fur1 An explosion ana fire at a : 19 Two Soviet cosmonauts promised to introduce more riots on October 15. was opened by ihe Rt Hon. planned state shareholding. public lending rights involv¬ Among 11 new life peers motor-ay in Northampton-; nine years for The theft and chemical plant, in Flix- [j returned to earrh in Russia An unemployed poet. _naruiHarolda Macmillan.aiacnuuam_ ing pavraent to authors for were Mr Anthony Barber, j?Ii 1 re. , the paintings recovered.) borough. Lincolnshire, .1 afrer a two week flight in Michael Brown, shot him- -13 The leader of the Palestine books borrowed from public former Conservative Chan¬ Tn the Watergate bearing:' .killed 29 Popple. ThpU|1;^i'ill _Sa|yut 3-_ self after killing three Liberation Organiza^on. 13 A nei President of Brazil128 Tn t},e Watergate bearing1 libraries. cellor of the Exchequer. Mr Mr John Mitchell, former: _TigS_^ reduced to_ruins. J{) Turkcy inva(Jcd Cvprus people at social security Yassir Arafat, addressed look office, General' Mr, John Mitchell, former: _ The United States ambassa¬ the UN General Assembly Richard Briginshaw. general Erneso Geisel. ! I'mted States Attorney-. 3 An Insli hunger-striker, . near Kyrenia.kvrenia. The follow-folluw- j dor to Cyprus.Cvprus. Mr Rodger offices in Torquay. in New York and called for secretory of ihe National General, was cleared of all ! Michael Gaugban, died mding day ' Greececreecc sentsenT an P. Davies, was lulled during 17 The trice of“oir”fixed by! 4 " The Zaire Expedition, tra¬ the return of the Palestin¬ |i Society of Operative charges of perjury and ob- •: Parkhurst prison. On June t ultimatum to Turkey to n demonstration outside the the eporting countries ivas! n demonstration outside the : versing the river by boat, | ians to their homeland.. Printers, Graphical and strucrion of justice. •' 7 a demonstration march of i: withdraw her troops within United States embassy. froze for a further three! zr—r— , IRA sympathizers fotlowed left London. The expedition j '. Media Personnel iNarsopa j. ■ ■ ■ 48 hours. A ceasefire, with 2T—n z:—T~Z~,T- monts from April 1. ‘ had reached Kinshasa by f 2+ In Coventry, James Sir Hugh Cudiipn. head uf *„nSd ?oT"dy prob--his coffin ihrough London. ;| Turkish troops lodged 20 Mritiz Nelson Rockefeller wasVI C13 ^ . i McDade, a member of thei| chosen as United Stares ij Christmas. ._._i! ■j the International Publish- 18 An mbargo on oil ship-j Joins in community service • 7 Man on and Dolours Price. ; firmly inland, rook effect: “°sen as unitea stares . Provisional FRA, blew him-.1 Vice-President in succes-5 Bombs -exploded at two \ ing Corporation, and Sir meutto the United Stares arising from clashes be- -1 jailed for the London car j on Julv 22. On July 23, Mr ' Vice-President in succes- seif up while placing a ;■I| Sidney Greene. general sion to President Ford. public houses in GuiLdforcL:!GuiLdford,bomb outside the teleplfone was if ted by the Arab tween public duty and pri- '• bombings, ended their Nicos ' Sampson Vas! sion to President Ford. bomb outside the telephone .j secretary of the National states vate interests. 1, hunger strikes which replaced as Cyprus Presi- 23 A sugar famine began to kUUng^fi^aS ’ exchange. Other bombs ex- - Union of Railway-men. —-r-;—r——STTi started■started on May 118.8._<| 1 dent by Mr Glafkos ploded in Northampton and; 2® A goemment subsidy of;30 A new labour relations Bill —-—...- |: 7 Further discussions of a Retailers agreed to control i| Clendes, Speaker of the tSSS “rail ‘j :! lo»aunSolihull.mNorlhimpt . °a 31111 v 7 —Ira was _ announced to; was published calling for 112 Retailers agreed to control} !i constitutional settlement prices of essential food- !l House uf Representatives, peg ie price of bread, i the abolition of the Indus- ,| prices of essential food- j for Rhodesia were held in stuffs until March 1975. J A ceasefire agreement was MrTohn SaSs-bur??CPn« Il 8 Strikers at the Ford, Dagen-1 15 SnterlSry ^Sfr^DonJd Princss Anne and heri trial Relations Coutl I stuffs until March 1975. Canterbury, Dr Donald >! Lusaka benveen African President Nixon began his signed on July 30. talkstalks, failed between Great ham, factory returned to; husbad. Captain Mark The Queen of Denmark , President Nixon began his Coggan, succeeded Dr I;l! leaders and the Rhodesian Britain and exporting work as talks were resumed - MtSlel Rajnsev.- Phillis, were attacked in arrived on a state visit.visit, :j Middle East tour in Cairo. , 21■ Tn an outbreak of cholera >! Michael Ramsey.-_ Government countriescountnes on December 16. on the pay offer of 38 per!; -— -;——::- theirlar in The Mall by an ■ ■ Fighting between rival!rival | in Portugal 541 cases were ,| See also October'12. cent for manual workers. t\TJ. A. general . election in ;• Archbishop Makarios res arme man. . _ 1 , groups and the police dur- j: See also October'12. ■--—— ____ May I groups and Che police dur-reported of which 11 died. ----- A hot air balloon crashed'! Greece, the first since 1967, :> turned to Cyprus. * ^_ing a demonstration in Red I 21 Diplciatic relations were 2 A Royal Commission on .1 The July budget measures :i26 Guinea-Bissau became inde- 1( after taking off in Binning- j- was won by Mr Constantine 1! 8 Greece voted against the Lion Square. London. led ji included a cut of 2 per -| resJt between America the Press was established ■; pendent as a result of an f ham, killing two occupants. : Karamanlis and the New : return of the monarchy and to the death of Kevin : cent in value added tax to ij agreement with the Portu- ;| _ 'dn° Sveden. _ under the chairmanship of I ■ IS i! 9 DrH^KM^iTtMSdJenry Kissinger. United -L.i r-_ D^ocrati;:Democratic, . party.party.-.---_f in favour of republican Gately, a Warwick univer- ' 8 per cenr. j! guese Government ending 'j 26 New budget measures in- Mr Justice (Sir Morris) jj States Secretary of State,1 18 A journalists’ strike affec-! government sity student. _ I four centuries of colonial 1 elude increased pensions ■ Finer. (He died in Decern- \ 24 British Rail drivers and |i commenced an extensive i, ted publication oF many j 9 Speed restrictions on roads ber \ ' !| 36 France exploded a nuclear rule. and iod subsidies. Taxa-j *»er.) ._ guards were awarded pay series of consultations with j1 provincial newspapers. and reduced heating levels In ' the London borough •; device in the Pacific; tion was increased by' t^ie ^on^Pn borough rises of up to 30 per cent J30 A bomb in a Tokyo office Ij Middle East countries in i| President Ford visited 1 in offices and shops to take £l,40ft. t elections the Conservatives t[ despite protests from by an arbitration tribunal. • building killed ei^t people i. Cairo where he met Press-1; Japan._ - effect in the New Year were swept the board with 131 j Australia and New Zealand. w T„„h - ,-rj---- swept the board with 131 President Nixon tvasand injured some three • dent Sadat._jj119 Arab terrorists attacked a1! announced by rhe Energy -7 1 echnal aid and arms' sains against Labour's 148 gains against Labour's 148 J17 Westminster Hall was dam- ordered by the Supreme u hundred. 1 small Israeli town in the ! sales t, Britain to Chile \ossL 10 Polling in the General j Secretary, Mr Eric Varley, losses. Ij aged and eleven people in- Court to hand over the 64 1 ———--;-] as efforts to conserve were nspended. ----———- tapes of his Watergate dis-1131 The social contract between iq Pirtvin*—~~-3 The AUEW refused to obey !|1 jured in a bombbomo explosion.explosion. tapes of ins Watergate dis- |i ^ national fuel resources. -9 Picture* were received; an order of the Industrial ! 18 A plan for coal industry' cQssions. The first ArticleAracTe :j Kassssarss!! “«nLa^i| KSs yiiga&ⅈ _ of. Impeachment of tha j: shot dead Israelis set fire \\ Lc0n? L* American! Relations Court relating to | development costing some of Impeachment ot the): jected by 369 votes to 217 President was passed on to their bodies. Man Berio space probe as! the Con-Mech award'andaward -and an J £1,400 million passed the fr.es,^£.nt waS Passed on i workers r^selTn^Sg represenution. "» I ^eir bodier._, a proposal to reintroduce it nearg the planet Mer- ’ .orderorder _ w-aswas made . for the j ^ House of Commons. July '27.2/. . ., | by it. (Ill France decided to end!20 Jhe first jumbo jet acci-;; the death penalty for ter¬ . ??!%:. jpre Pictures yr&e jj jjjejzure_ofseizure of assffs.assets. _ ^ iLgp^ 'hnil&nn w-nrnwny nf .25-,JGhe_. g(>»eriWKi«t --I - One:Oner^hoitdJretr bintdaretT" and -riveyity-riveYity 'i "•• nuclear testing in the atmo- !• d^nt • occurred at Nairobi;: rorism. ;n—7^*“ - Scpre7nT?err^: 1" 6 HerrHerr Willy Bw | ^Assembly in the cou aery's , Poor liaison between wel-; attacked declining moral!I Britain preiured an offi-l* vanished after going for a, i on bread to a rotal ot run On the following day first 1 geigeneral election. ; fare departments was a fac-j1 standards. >1 bomb outside SeJfridges on cial dement to the EEC il a year was announcea._ p^taj charges were ■■■*» swim from Miami Beach, .j tor in the death of Maria |j 2f Yet another "plan foTthe ; Dec 19, and an explosion 10 , P«yi-Proyi- increased by lp to 4Jp and . at Harrods on Dec 2L Briiain’s terk of member-; ColweU a seven-year-old, development of Piccadflly [ sional IRA leader on thethe; second class by Ip to & ‘ A bomb was thrown at the ship. I whb* !* Circus was approved by the ji run after escaping from the 26 Mationariration plans for 1 The worst flooding in l[ SVLr®r £3lw£S.i London residence of Mr Bangladesh for 20 years i! planning committee of the! 3 President Njjn promised j Maze prison, was recap- ; Court Line, the shipping Edward Heath on Dec 22. continued for two weeks jj ii GreaterS&SM. London Council. 111’ !. se——— sssaasr^s ro pay S4OP00 in back; rared._|, anij travel firm, were an- and the death toll reached < ,0 thC °H,C,al !! 23 Dr ■ Henry Kissinger, l| 23'Wfor^ !| 19 SSS^T.^ - - f laves._j_J A national referendum in- nounced by Mr A. Wedg- _2,000 by mid August._ I ~ETZ—57-:,K T_—r-—- || United States Secretary of1 11 military leaders were exe-" dP°roximale*y Italy resulted in a subs tan- ;■ wood Benn._ — Sir Keith Joseph in a jj military leaders were exe-!! lOp a gallon. 4 Tornadoes in North I State, arrived in Moscow; cuted in Ethiopia. 2 The rent rebels of Clay | widely-reported speech: America were aid to have tial vote in favour of the 27 Following his European 2 Tbi for the start of a tour of \ An arms limitation agree¬ Compensation payments to Cross, Derbyshire, who bad : criticized the inflationary >, killed at least ?q people. right to divorce._1 tour. President NixooNixon 18 nations. i ment was reached between ' die relatives of 13 men refused to increase council j: policies of previous Labour j. arrived in Russia- President Ford and Mr ! killed in^ Londonderry’s 8 The command. 0f Ott'e^ 13 Nurses demonstrated in house rents had their fine j and Conservative a dm inis- [ 25 Early government action < He concluded a nuclear Brezhnev when the United •• “Bloody Sunday” riots "in burn army trying campli tests agreement on July 2. upheld by the High Court. || •rations. il was promised to pay £5 mil- 1972 were announced. in the north f England fA Pay rise of oO per cent Later the govern meat re- j State President; \-isited;! was shot dead ibis home.! 'wasvas announced on Septem- 29 General Peron died on July! fused to rescind the fines ; Heavy rioting in Lourenco |l Vladivostok. !20 The Prime Minister cut Marques marked the sign- '!l i?nokra.^doTdpeJSS i! Two IRA sup^rters re- H ber 17.)-—-. __1 1 and Senora Peron was,was J retrospectively. compensation payments. !j25 In South Africa a second' back the recommendations iug of an agreement be- jl •reived life imrisonment 135 In the Israeli village%-illage of confirmed as interim presi- |j of the Boyle Committee on 8 During renewed fighting in tween the Frelimo move-1, The transatlantic liner-!. heart was transplanted into for the raurtbr n Novem- j Maalot,Maalot. 21 children held dent of Argentina._I France was withdrawn from the chest of a 58-vear-old Cyprus a BBC cameraman mentmenc" amfand thethe^Ponuguese Ponuguese |:|| J -—' her 27. •• hostage by Arab terrorists 30 In Atlanta. Georgia, Mrs jj ™ was killed by a landmine. I government for rhe indepen- j; lost their lives when Israeli Alberta King, mother of A white paper was pnb- 1 ESSESSS&tt li 26 In the chapel at Schevenin- , ;i 9 In Delhi ageerent was i troops stormed the school! Martin Luther King, who lished setting out the 1 government was sworn in on ; sen prison in Holland, four j] 26 The abandonment of plans 1 ling £400m. reached for ne el ease of j building where they were j wag assassinated in 196S, v 200 Pakistani prioners of i Labour government’s plans September 20, with Samora 1. prisoners mutinied and took'! held. , , j was herself shot dead dur¬ for a wealth tax. Machel as president. ;; 22 hostages. _Following a ! uar- A Protestant workers asb^25SS“r,i! s^FaESLsf _! ing a church service. After the endless conflicts six day siege, Dutch troops ,| \Vhite City, London, was !l ' _,. 30 Mrs Golds Jeir Prime I general strike began in ^“President Ford announced }\' ’! of Watergate and the threat stormed the chapel and ;l announced. ' El Minister of Isrlel, an- Ulster. _ a _ pardon For Mr Ricbard ! 0e^^e ' andj killed; by the 29tb, over of impeachment. President ■ freed the hostages. i) Japanese Prime Minister,i7 Nixon, who resigned as :|—. -;■ 17,000 people bad been nounced her resgnation, ij t*0Daid MiJhench, detained j 3 pl.esj(jent Nixon returned ,i Nixon resigned, to be sue- ; Mr Kakuei Tanaka, re- :| ' staying on inottce uotd U by police in connexion with , t0 United States and 10’• ceeded by the vice- 1 United States President on ^ 2S A bomb exploded under evacuated. August S. i- the cai' of the Minister of ' signed following allegations • —■-'■ her success^ . General (l a letter]ep.er bearing the forged il[I Watergate after Ills Middle jl President, Mr Gerald Ford. ). of irregularities in his pri-|J27 41 miners perished in an Itzhak Rabin, »uld form a ;i 7K—a' ~rr~^~g^r IT- State for Sport and Recrea- sianarure of the Prime If East and Russian visits- 1 3 a number of plans for pri- jj 1010 £ft = .ion, Mr Denis Ho.veU, at vate financial dealings. :* exexplosion in the Lens mine government._|; Minister, was given bail. He Jj factory at Dagenham led to :! at Lievin, France. A gunman who had been; vate armies to run the thelkriSglff^of 15 00?) his home in Birmingham. ; 27 A bomb demolished a pillar ji =—■■ ^ rranctr_ 11 The Annan conn.tree in-11 was charged with forgery n the laying off of 15,0001. stopped by a police patrol [ country or provide essential jlI JJ* U?ork was resiled An Arab summit confer-1 box in Chelsea followed bv i28 A.1 lea?r 300 people were quiring into ie future i| nn July 3. and sentenced to l| services in the event of a ij men. Work was resunied ‘j three years’ imprisonment jj car near Caterham, Surrey, services in the event of a 1- JI,on October 99. _jresunied ence was held in Rabat.; a second explosion which killed in an earthquake in pattern oE broatasting was !■ shot and killed one police-!! coUapsecollapse of the admimscra-administra-1' uctc,p-‘rlT3.----- 1/ attended by King Husain of |. injured four nolieeman ;i Pakistan. set up. _ I cm November S. !j nian and wounded two [i oontion were announced at thistins ;; 1232 During an air drop by night I! An amnesty r illegal j; Increases in armed forces M^racncoand lane Hassa” of;' ' 29 A Slate of emergency was ockers || time, including citizens’ i, as part of a MatoN’ato exercise,exercise,;! ij Morocco. . The Prevention of Terror-;. declared in Baugladesli. immigrants ini Britain -i pay were announced. 11

F. H. G. Dalrymple-Hamilton. Clarke, C. Connolly'. L. Cottrell, local service : Marquess of Aber¬ Martin, Sir E. Maufe, Lord Science and Medicine: Prof Horsfall, Dr H. W. Leatbam, Saiilant, E. Santos, Shaikh The press: S. Alsop, C. Ander¬ deen and Temair, S. Allen, S. S. Methuen, D. Milhaud, C. Man- Sir A. Cresswell, Mrs P. Cun- P. R. Allison, Lord Blackett, Dr A- Lindrum, C. E- W. C. Mohammed AJ Sharqi, 7.. son, T. Barman, Sir T. Black¬ Allen, EL L. Austin, A. Barnes, We record caster, L. Obobrin, D. Oistrakh, nington. Prof B. Dobree, L. G. E. Beaumont, Prof S. Bose, Mackintosh, G. O. Nickalls, A Sharar, Lt-Gen G. Simouds. J- burn, E. Butler, J. Caog, Mrs L. Lord Conesford, G. Craddock, B. O’Rorke, J. Panting, J. Patzak, Elmhurst, Prof B. Farrington, Dr J. Bronowski, Sir F. Rrun- Perry, P- Revson, H. D. Shute, Smrkovsky, Dr O. Strasser, P. R. H. S. Crossman, G. Deer, D. Miss M. Pilkington, E. Robinson, Chaloner, D. Das, G. Delanv, Prof H. P. R- Finberg, Sir R. dretr. Prof O. Bulman, Sir 1 G. Todd, K. G. Viljoeo, A. the following Struve. S. Taqa. U Thant, IV Donnelly, Sir J. Duncan, P. Dutt, R. Rubin. E. Schilsky, E. Seago, A. Fairdough, C. Fenby, L. Fraser. Prof M. Gelzcr. W. Carroll, Sir J. Chadwick, Dr M. Wemyss, W. J. Whitty, Mrs H. O. Unden, M. UrriolagoiUa, R- Fleming, J. Gordon. C. Graham, Sir C. Entwistle, Prof T. E. von Schirach. General C. A. D. de Scgonzac, G. Sharp, Greenwood. Miss B. Gwyer, Dr Cohen, Dr E. Condon. Prof C. A. Wightman, H. Yarnold. among the VV. A- Si Hence, D. Siqueiros, J. Graham. C. D. S. Gray, Sir K. Hahn, Miss P- M. Handover, Evans, F. Farey-Jones. Lord Louisoo, Prof R. Cruickshank, Spaatr, J. C. Wadiyar, former Theatre, Cinema and Broad¬ C. Smith, C. Stapleton, A. Stern, J. Hall Bl, L. E. Healy, F. Hope, Miss G. Heyer, Prof J. Hey- Fraser of Lonsdale, S. Furness, Prof J. N. C timings. Dr I. Maharaja of Mys°rec.-.^na"s Lord Garosworthy, Lord Hailes, casting : B. Abbott, M. Acliard, deaths of 1971 E. Stignani, Miss J. Vyvyan, pr A. L. Hutchinson, J. Jordi, A. wortfa-Dunnc, Miss J. Holden, de Burgh Daly. Prof L. A. Ming. E. Warren R. Wl. tin*e?£ral G. Grivas. A»otr Barns, F. Barradough, H. E. Stevenson, P. Tabori, Dr W. Religion: Rt Rev S. Bayne, Wynne* Ed wards, Mr A. Bourne T. Rawson, T. Ritter, Mine F. S. Campbell, H. Carney’, Sir A. Sir C. Keighrley, General Sir F. • Hab'te-WolcL Haj Amin El Messervy. Air Marshal Sir P. Bates, Prof G. BickerstetJi, E. Thomas, J. Tscliichald, Prof 0. Cardinal J. Daniel on. Rev J. T. 'Sport: C. H. O’D. Alexander, Rosay, H. Ruby, V. Ryndin, Miss Hussein, Sir E. Hnrrisoi P. C res well. Sir R. Darwin, Duke Blunden, Dr J. T. Bodet, R. Vocadlo, B. Wall, Mrs K. Webb, Davies, Rev M. L. Edwards, Rev A. Booth, J. J. Braddock, R. L. Sagan, Miss I. Sand, V. Shuk- Ellingtun, C. Elliott. Gefaldo, Playfair, General Sir T. Riddell- Hoffman, N. Kirk, E. Lent, Boehringer. H. Bolitho, Miss K. Prof T. B. L. Webster, Dr D. J. S. M. Hooper, Rt Rev L. H. Burton, J. Cooper, D. Crowley, shin, V. de Sica, Miss L Soko¬ A. Gottlieb, Miss O. Groves, We’bster, General Lord_Robcrt- Lin Shao-CIti, C. Liodberg. E. son of Ctekridge, Air Chief Mar¬ Bradley, Miss A. Bridge, Sir D. Yates, ProF R- C. Zaeiiner, M. Lang, Canon L. G. Mannering. H. David, C. S. Dempster, Mrs lova, E. Sullivan, Miss A. Taylor Lord Hampton, Miss F. Heldy, Makonnen, A. Marie, K. shal Sir A. Sanders, Air Marshal Brogan, Rev V. J. K. Brook, r. Platnauer, Dr A. N. L. Mnnby, Rev V. Stanley, Rt Rev J. M. Dyson, P. Embleton, J. Miss H. Terry, Miss H. Tliimig] ^lenon, H. de Monfried, S L. Prof W- G. Howell, F. Howes, Fallows, Miss M_ Foster, T. Sir R- Sorley. Air Commodore Brown, Prof A- Campbell, J. Prof. P. Leon. Tiarks. Rt Rev F. Walsh, Rabbi S. Urusevsky, B. tie Wolfe, I Munro. Ceneral M. Odria A. Dora A. Hughes, L. Kahn, Sir J. Whitworth, Admiral Sir Carleton, J. M. F. de Castro, A. Politics and Government, and Fi. J. Zimmels. Glidden, J. Hogan, E. D. Eennv. J rlesch. peneral C. Prats L. L. Keay. T. Ki ips. J. Llovd. F. Faith will not be restored until the ‘mandarins, managers and meddlers’ imagemage is dispelled Sharing Can the Tories win back the workingl class vote? bold ti;e empire of England and Wedgwood-Benit _ intervezr ion- ,'i'V/X The u\» Conservative defeats of tv.o-thirds of the electorate are pioneered self-help in welfare.-- pol'^sai v.r-ue h iha: Jls v*-y efficiency increases tl'2 por.-^r to dcTSie tSe cor.diricn of the ism, but by putting responsiti- I _...' . V 1974 arc variously alleged to taken as being “ working-class ”, As employees they toicw cotton of rhe stare and the aoteacn.:- people. Pride in country. cfGWn lily, back to individuals and illr Js >r peace, ju*-- have arisen from the loss of Conservatives must poll at spuuien and weaving masters end Parliament cad a dismem- families in social, educational an“ frienship betww.t Ka*r. . . , „ , 0 least a t’tird of their votes to who had started at the nrale and 9 A A xt, „ ties of ocople. «i£c the pos-n- workmg-ejas* votes, middle-class jjave -my chance of forming a the loom. Capitalism foi* them JVlOSt 01 tllC ston of private property is a bsrsaa: of the juggernaut local and economic matters. Tlie slate :?e P^Plft andmeir rulers of votes and the Ulster, Scottish government. A hundred urban represented thrift, industry and buttress against arbitrary power. gD7errn:ent reorganL-ation must could then be an active (but IrjL,pri&pal isles of be central to the Conservative non-phymg) umpire. Mr Wedg- ^ose uninterested in • and Welsh scats. This seems an scats largely decide which poiiti- involvement, not faceless fiiiaii- mi The state also has its ro’a co creed. A good test of the wuod^Bcna has rightly diag- 4 PSi nsd read no fur- undue acceptance of blanket no- cal party mil form a govern- ciera whom they never met, Plllul o W IlIL.il “ Tary-sz:w af cor,tcr:de“s for nosed an ill in our people bat UJ®r* ^ . ropuiarity since the votes of Karl Marx discerned the Most of the piilan. which but- liie 'Coascrranyc leadcrsirip his prescription of ** political Ewuj arosed aad easiiv r ““pper- ESsar-SBSEST-SS & 3K5; ,S£&K8h buttressed the tvcold be to ait ;E they ?re pro- participation ” is a perverted a’?Pe^eu , tbs did a forebea. class can hardly nave saved 0Ver go years—since male fran- —have recently been under- cosirg to make heredity peers form of medieval guild. Let the ?*■ lesciBe his and m\ many constituencies. chise was combined with a fairly mined. The British Empire is “ mQrU|. Ejaic. Secure erdar aid firm Conservaoves then, as Jast ln® ,co5ijajiots some t>. ■. Lean33 aside the Celtic seats, even distribution of seats— now something the left has cLLigda 111 iiid.1 U1C lav; are parr of good fnstiw- century on dectmul.- reform. c^nt'ines ?,& It, remains .1 an analysis of the English con- roughly half the Conservative made us feel guilty for having tijrj. People fee! caw ti:ar ts.se Lie initiative and now lrue .rc“lfk. Irish memoriu-. frituency figures dearly indi- votes have come from them. ever possessed. Few celebrate it _T^tcrciAliV whichever r3rly is Isi power we wicr people true individual ^ '^*b.v Lns’ish staDi!- cates tliar the loss of work*n5- I grew up ina a Lancashire as nne of the most civilized and —Disraeli’sJLsiM uLH o ?«euc>-Fyaha!^^ca* ev'serts participation. This could mean *r^?. but irL., class rotes was die critical cotton town which was rradi* just empires ever known whose rcle anc ti:e voter is isiarzd. If 1.1c voucher in education, choice pobtica* eno^ens arise as factor. In the two elections in tionally working-class Tory and control from these small islands wwrIrina1 r^locc Industrial Relations Act. It Is tire Conservative Fcrty had o: health service scheme*. lriJ,a Wics* end ^974 the national swing, ex- ir Is interesting to analyse why was a contemporarycontemporary' miracle.miracie. working-class>V VJ1 Jft.iil£,“LICloj cerne oat last Caober in fa*-our cb-.i;ce of pensions and home Ulou*Iiatl* s»rsottcn are soon pressed as a percentage, from the Conservative Party domiu- The Conservative commitment cf capital punishmeut for lur- ownership for council tenants. ®?ne’ ° .* TflC *r*h are ruristi. I: would be tire govern- Improve ±2 condition of people 1 v o:,Pas^e of Tories—have men: now. National cn'ty is tv a- uy giviag them dioict, sad . .iWao are verv as the patriotic party. sided acd peorle fee! tiTat even where they lack the means to aroused bur who v.-jil a Conserve:? gwemaeat iw make reasons ole buys give diem men 5*».afP«se- in the industrial north-east 5.6 because they were the party of The Conservatives have be- TPf'f^nflv Nor are many cf the wrrking- ™ _ he2-is '.h#.-:r cjep-felt vouchers and money SO OB and in Inner London 8.L By con- tradition, law and order, 'and c^me a parry of professional irecently wwxn.ij' beenuvvli class wedded to the prescr: wel¬ trast tlie suing in Outer London of established institutions in- managers and amateur e:f:- _ 4ft fare iiate. They ssa the abuse? cr=v;r..£-r£. t:ier wo can pay their own way. of ? /tmawaottnt was only 2.2 while in the south- eluding the empire. People cicncy experts. In a disastrous linflermmM ' Tee empire of England J?as Such a programme would reallv ^ east there was actually a swing gained pride from their voting local government reorpamration unuwnixiiwuundermined * gone bur v.e can a: least rebuild nut date tie drab, dogmatic *^ec- to the Conservatives of 0.4. which linked them, even in they have unfeelingly, even rvide i-i onr hisnrr ard in our kabow Fabianism whkb would ^?s_„ 'ki^I1' 5T™ei!r’ The loss of the Celtic seats is economically depressed years, ruthlessly, destroyed old insti¬ and it was the ri^e of pride nothing new. The speeches of with a sense of greatness. Most tutions and ancient Joyaliits ;n and self-help which Disraeli regularly referred 10 families boasted relatives who the name of Benihami.** tffi- the Conservative •.a:e ciency. Even our festivals bav3 . , , In education I have : -•=- declined. In the 1930s we «»»* people they _ represented believed that there is s wt«rk'r?5- walked in procession at every wanted, but there is a risk that cTass or m:ddlc-;lais or L?~|er- radical majority of 40 en- draped over the platform table, has been one of the victims. It a,s° ass with socialist bibt pure gness'.rork—bgness-.vor^ stwean ] excuse but notv the protesters many present Conservatives_lry class culture: there if jus: Itisk :o lead without represenrinn. migiu he'p if the Conservatives Enanciad agement, that percentpei cent and 53 percentpci of lit- lirelr due to Irish, Welsh and It is perhaps significant that have all the best marches, whi e culture. Great art. liters:-re. Scottish votes It added: when I wanted a Union Jack National unity arises narurally looked as though they really pu: the I s:b _ people feel ^nstility t«» on the marriage of Princess r*r in ■— ainrain (ha mii,» nnnnciti.i “ since then, every action of the on my table at election meetings Anne last year schools were where there are shared beliefs Radical Government has been in Wembley last October, 1 was even left to decide on which and aims; it cauno: arise when directed against the glories end told by one of my members that day they would take their holi¬ ordinary people feel tliat ko v.iricb has already lost the ing the working-class voter— c a uugus003 -insu -njtriorfsaj power of England ”. For many this was the flag of the National day. Titus is our oust attacked one represents their deeni&t t:me. high cnltnre makes kc: UlsterUUcer seau.seats. If Wales and Scot- will look for confidence. Here, in Dublin; We l-ar.* years our identification wirh a Front! and our sense of duly and pur¬ wishes or understands their greater ur wiser than tfcE^- vere to move to self- uriry and Luch in the futt-re pitched successive Wtish qo\ great empire provided a widxr Many of the working-class pose undermined.undermined, feelings. land were to move to self- security end faith in rhe futi-re matched v.’onld other.Y.se be. I *oujg government. then England the Conservative Part;.. Csn rnnunfs rolcrare t!> criiria?r focus for Scottish loyalties, h.ir voted Conservative because free Larsce-scaleLarge-scale immi-irationimmigration b"br Selsdon man went wrong be- government. rhen England tu tbs Coaservaiive Part;.-. Csn rnmenta similarly argue that there is no ; ould aXso demand it and a Cocjervalives as petriots, Ctrrities of the feslf-style.: the weakening of empire cid enterprise was real 10 them. Big groups of people frr economic ould also demand it and a the Cocjervalives as petriots, crivities workm.c-cTass o- r.:ddle<;ass or .^ve 0f fragmenied, frustrated the strengthening of centralized business was historically linked opportunism and not pol!ti:?l itave of fragmented, frustrated bL ingful patriotism will reverse vide for their old age while their cal refugees who were desoer- economic, needs. The state, hir.v- r:l!cd Aan they firem. cease to be even the English ^ DL thu loss of Scottish seats. cousins often started small busi- ately anxious to identify with ever, must come first for man In Diraels s 1872 C-3*su! party. - Farace speech, he declared that • Hie condition of the people For their self-preservation the nesses. As Co-operative Society our country. On law and order is still a tribal animal with dcr? .1 ^ Conserrative footed emotional, political loyal¬ tke Conservative Party had will bo elevated not by goverc- ties. Free enterprise is not ibrcealms: :o malniain the in- memrsponsoredaaeutrsponsored industrial North. ourcir intrinsic csnfctic cai. sufficient in itself. Its pr::re stitutions of the country, to up- mergers or nationalization or r- Times Newspapers Ltd, 1974 ^ern t0, Critrin andtiiereforr ~ hot fiibjwt to inimetiow. debate, lie knew, e does ti*< Britis-i Cover --ncthar s! ^.T ^ nosr all—I believe that rhv Now the Turks must decide what to do Why I can never revelevei in "nestedy“,rc ?^ on crumccijiiargcs < !fi i datadefeated it once, ard once tidier _ cannot or _do;.'oi arres: moored round the once pic¬ only. I was in Barbados, in com- criminals, or meed mow n turesque Kyrenia harbour. An f sometimes dunk we have 3fc» &£ souts out austere bust of Ataturk stands souls out of one v»?aver: the s.es teders, \io are 11 them) when life sits up and previousprerions year3 I had been in the r_v^ .r“n here,- feateerf on *••• in the main square, and Turkish stares at ns, accusing us igener- PS ^be clock struck, 10 go and same company,com bat we bad ven- ^rius:\ s^e w se-ice. L-einn flags flutter from the battle¬ ally with much justice) cf sin, bang myself. lured forth,fort and tiiis year were banned from our oV ■■ ments of K;renia Castle. This is determined to keep ourselves to l L“-?r* ®*-v ®«cr. t{,a^ failure and futility, insisting For a melancholic of Slav ?522S5e the front door of Turkish **** * "»««« * «» ourselves.SSSSTjff As “,uie Pc“clock began4” | i*XIrJ5‘l SMaThtteZV."public rs t haven Cyprus. that we are not younger than descent, which is what I am, roto strike, somebooysomebody thought poironsis.iwnorists. and e>ct east unitunri Five months after the inva¬ we think, but if anything older. New Year’s Eve might have been that, since we were no more than rhj"s week we hart seen on 0. sion, the Turks have imposed chawing pointed attention to especially designed to lead to 20 vards from the Caribbean, *v those peope parading their desired majority in the _ .. , , _tn.?r firparl srm? tve nrhn ha\-e ______jfi-mivh T nn^n norih or Cyprus. More than 40.000 Turkish Cypriots have filtered there from the south of the Island, and the remaining promises of amendment, and moment when the 'universe, stampeded across idle beach; result, has besr&lirwSl imm» 20,000 in the Greek areas are adding for good measure that pauses, takes a deep breath, add ' Levin, with his irritating habit oate. A bill r.ai under debr;- arriving at the rate of about . ■ e . H r .X 1 rfOI-K* on-im Tin fko no««« more than SO per cent of tourist tinues. And, so bad has the sitioned all the houses. ShortTwT of, a twice-a-weekV - ferryJ ? perience—™ in question---_ on. —mar l marriagesliOl 1 auuand IU3Llost JVM3jobs OUMand mu-irre- was better thanWii*U HIVme UObaring ,UI^ toIU go danger of beig interpreted . accommodation, about 60 per Turkish record been on this “ Kyrenia is not Turkish or to Turkey taerethere is no «°cbdock u'eddiizgwedding anniversaries, when (as parable quarrels, but it is the a*idand fifldfind themOthem.? an Act agaiit the peoph • cent of agricultural export score, Turkish families from the Greek but is foreign also”, a work in Kyrenia. .S.Few of JnHthe a bachelor I speak with some tiny incidents the trivial embar- Farther atom* the beach, tire ?r.eIand as *w; But the airr south find themselves inherit- Turkish Cypriot who shared a immigrantstSS&SLETES; have iSfatfsavings, 1 Siand *bacl,eIor 1 *«* *°me Farth?r ••«>* «i» <»«*. t>e potential, more than £2,000m toTSTa me^-e^Se aSS diffidence of these mysteries) rassments, the word spoken in works burst over the surf; 1T1f ‘-omnutid ir. Utter «• worth of land and buildings, ing vacated Greek houses strip- business with a Greek before live on a meagre dole. And and more than half of the coun¬ ped bare. This has sparked off the invasion said. UI like to since there is a strong force of Alistofacn^onsferecrt.d K Sf ''bod?- ’ try's earning potential. Turkish another cycle of looting. look at it as a sort of Riviera. dock_ workers^workers m Famagusta, n$t by life but by wife. But for everybody S# has. long since my knees, and for^an im-1 fslsy, the role i.ypiiuLsCypriots are«urc soov eagereasei to pointyviin. clearly,Clearly! u»ethe problemsoroblems fadracing tie 1.... don’t fcHUWknow the Riviera, but I now in Turkish bands, it lsun- me it is New Year’s Eve which forgotten, “ that cause us to pull measurably brief flash of rime “ Ltotionalisn’ so does tl out to foreign visitors: “ Now -Lhehii TurkishTurlicli administrationsulminictrahnn 'arpare think in3° terms of a tourist town i^eiylikelyiherl they couldM fuldfind J0bsjobs exactly fits Scrooge’s descrip- the bedclothes up over our did I think how easv aSd h”v Ulster DefaceDe;nce AssociateAssociati, ■ all the Greeks have left is their great. Whereas the accommodar «®cre all can feel at ease we cn^ f claim that of “ Loralhi^ The XaL.fact ICUlUlUdremains thatI I 1*1 I inIII theI ur. ■I tm®? n of-- Christinas : heads- at threem o’clock_ *in the agreeable,_ _ * it would'be ' ” — — — to'V vr..sink n Jh.aL°£ Jl'gES!'. grapes.” , , tion found for Greek refugees won the war. But the Kyrenia I 1 Loyal to wbn ? To Paisley, 1 • Nevertheless,, anyone asked to is temporary, the resettlement see today is not the kyrenia I administered south there 1. a time for paying hUfs without 55 q5C3^*b-en' ~3 indication that tilings I mooey; a timg for finding your- io°se three o docks in tJie agoble. 111 one hand and a bom draw a comparison between tbe 0£ Turks in the north is 'vlsb to see. We must aU sa » to any Britb government th. ■ two areas at this stage would part 0f a campaign to ensure down and dedde what must be «j has as yet gristed or is like] come to the conclusion that permanence. Housing is alloca- don? for the future—otherwise J™' . “ to exisL 5e dead child, th. the Greeks were the victors and ted 0„ ^ bads of what a Tur- all vs lost” . • ’ ... {*^£3 bombed sop, ilie endurii misery in part of the Unite the Turks the vanquished, tj-j, familv otvned in Limassol, As any visitor to the Turtasn itbs presented dead against Of course, it is nonsense; from the firework-display; it lit Faced with 200,000 displaced Larnaca, Paphos or any other controlled north of Cypnis can Kingdom ». a ricr»m of ter1 there is nothing about the last simultaneously my friends persons—about a third of their 0f jjjg southern towns or vil- rorisnj, nt of the Irish peupl- numbers—on top of their eco- jages. “It is only natural that s—- community by now . have not lean of New Y’earis Eve in every nomic losses, the Greeks have a refugee family will tell you hotels, restaurants ana the like come. The unusual spectacle of p&ssible way. I have seen the been quick to adapt. Refugees they left behind a mansion when ’!£«. Jbe Tm&lmdtone buggers on the streets near New Year in at large parties and chimes have been absorbed into the in fart *hev lived in a shack” then: utmost to encourage tne house, of friends and releljves, die t«-o mein resourams in Kyre- large refugee concentrations has small parties; I have spent it ydaris EramisSY bf theWnle SbaUow- "That we have, that disappeared! The danger of into requismoned hotels,hole,7=P.S apart- rrannnSS0a” «Hence«eg£L°Loro“ the orocess of madi-tEWwrmd—tiie harbour ana tnedie J*eaRed ^appeared. The daos deux, sometimes at home and who *et excited, 'to the oohrtof we iiave» ^at we have. Our unemployment remains, but metimes out; I have sjtent it ^mtiSg to'the^sp^eS when *1 mentJEmentuSSi blocks and publicpublic' build-build¬ Sg* *SS&£SS5£ ShShpk^to„_get&-t0rr£L}? backCkJ inttn?. ^full uuomplo^t rcrn^ ings. So that today, fewer than *> ^ swing. However, try as the initial predictions of as much me by my own hearth and thwmet Un a “nSw# hand” «° not know what my watch- the Birring am bombers ;m 13^000 are refugees living in On top of that are the prob- respective owners may, they as 30 per cent have not. been ,ue ^sew-bere; I bave worn a S 13 SSfti o_ "^be ^ *ear. »“r >« tbe Du tin limbers and ab.jv fulfilled. Futliermore. private tents. lems that partition (whether lack the trained staff who are nny hat; I have clasped hands strit) at . bridge. For the odds “s hope that all agaist t i shame, thar t. In the north, the Turks have disguised in federation or not) now south of the dividing-line, . . . just os all the neighbours, cm j by Briish ©cree must en slow to exploit the fruits impose. Kyrenia is the perfect The same goes for the hotel the wall. with tte tufted Kingdom, to of their victory. The bulk of example. So far the Turkish trade, the rich citrus crop has been admimstration has flooded the Whatever it is called, parti- “Give us five years”, is the ffiiong the crowd Jn Kccadilly against being dealt any other ^shtmt^Hoorqp/**”3 brcazh co sijare f»r wpt has been gob; promise one has heard from a lost and the grain producing town with as many as 3,500 tion has imposed its settlemenr Circus; I have burst into tears; hand, however pedestrian. And ' on for so fig and shows n Messaoria Plain has lain follow Turkish CypnotsCypriots mostly wornfrom on tbethe island. However, for tbethe good many Greek Cypriots, b have switched the phone off why, therefore, should it be The strangest wfdm has seized me; sigD 0f en!h^ jn BeJfasi an xo that no crop can be expected the Limassol area. All Greek Turks more than the Greeks “ and Turks or no Turks we will and gone to bed before midnight only on New Year’s Eve that I aftcr LondoirierrTBnd Strabaca a» * make the north look'like the for at least a year. Though the Cypriot businesses have been this solution, brings difficult spa ignored the whole damned dunk upon mine end, and l tiiinkflunk r/■ iriflwin. not hang,hang myself to¬to- NewrvJasFel] as in DubJ; Turks boast that they will resur- taken over, and apart from the social, problems. For instance, devastated Cyprus”. tMng; and as far as I can recall grieve ? “ Ah, caU back yester- day. afld Loadal rect the now dead hotel trade homes of the 550 Greek Cypriots most of the Limassol Turks who ^ have, almost without excep- day, bid time return . . . it I in the north, officially condoned who remained after the Turkish now populate Kyrenia earned Paul Martin tion, felt an overwhelming urge, will not heed the call at anv Times Newspapers Ltd, 1974 L/OIIStaiipi& t itzOlDCO

solvent Is to sell off some of our w is the time for my annual curry powder is the only com¬ to start a new life.” Hottest Poland <4l-M8), who enier< uron predicting what is going modity certain' to increase in national assets. Dover and summer _ for years produces believing I to be a weight-Lil price during tbe next decade, Folkestone sold cunningly to fresh crisis, as petrol doubles ■CRQ't we bob 111 aa ar.ytosr happen to us all in the next ing con tel but who is declan Oil shaikhs and financiers there-: Iferance, which means that the to price one Saturday night months. Last year’s column nail in tha coffin of winner Udefault. In celebr fore buy huge quantities of tbe French now have to pay the from £4 to £8 a gallon and led with the forecast that I tion sbtfholds Eric Morh stuff and store it m envelopes. 5 going to be removed from whole cost of .the Channel thousands of motorists stranded private enterprise?^ above hfhead with one ;u ■ Stock market down; petrol up. at seaside. itrol of the Diary by an to¬ TunneL ■ Tbe London Clinic is and hurfcim to the floor ci nal coup. That this has not sold to Abu Dhabi, Earls Court The year the snails got it right ing: “do with capitalism : happened I put down to the February ■' to_ Australia and Harold Mac- September Mcrlcyjpttog himself off. sa • ae perverse fate which led imllan to a Californian Uni- Warmest February since re¬ At Conservative Party Confer¬ lhat iieJyear they will screi the non-fulfilment -of my cords commenced, confounding versity. Uganda orders a Con- comes Js for their sexual a- . er major predi ction—that disqualified - when Margaret corde. ence. fresh crisis over leader¬ predictions based on observa¬ Thatcher discovers he has May ■ - ship. Party split over Sir politicalredentials. too. re would be a February .elec- tion of snails in the Cotswolds, a in which the Conservatives friends who are Liberals and Referendum on Britain’s mem¬ Keith Joseph’s plan for pro¬ 1 who were liurrowing to a record July old win an overwhelming that he has in his cricket bag a bership of European Community gressive reverse taxation and depth. A spokesman for the Left-wing of Labour Party re¬ Dece/ber corv. Indeed, I have reason large hoard of curzy powder. produces . unexpected result. family allowances. This means snails, in an interview, explains volt against Government plan Rocorc] Christmas spendi believe that this forecast was Edward Heath elected to leader¬ Most people vote against con¬ that poor people wirh large that they were not trying to get to sell Department of Trade spree (spite of crisis. Govei factor influencing Edward ship to give Conservatives a new, tinued membership but there is families have to pay more tax away from the weather but from and Industry, complete with meat Ikes deal with unions • ath’s unfortunate decision to thrusting image.. Government a clear majority, by write-in than anyone else. “This is a the prevailing gloom. In Aus¬ Tony Benn, to China. Several limit h increases to 20 p to the country at that time, announce further delay in intro¬ vote; for adhesion to the United compassionate measure", says tralia, England’s cricket team Ministers, including Benn, cent fxt year. In retm s therefore incumbent on me duction of Public Lending Right Arab Emirates. By chance, the Sir Keith, “designed to en¬ reduced to three fit men; who defy three-line whip to vote worka get extender? _thr- point out that I will accept for authors. Brigid Brophy rulers of all seven emirates are courage people to make sacri¬ all'have to bat three times. Sir against measure, but it is passed weekjoliday over f gales, bombs and finan- unimportant issue of die decade. June England cricket captain, wno together with a note to Harold found to b'e a. vegetable oil, November malo^53®0’ fo^asts ililH*' • llapscs. Latss^bortagw Ban widely welcomed by all As economic crisis deepens-and limps back defeated but sports¬ Wilson. .Mellish and whippet more suitable for cooking than Miss World contest introduces yetfshead. f envelopes and curry readers except Brigid Brophy, tbe Cots wold snails stay under¬ turn- up on West Coast of manlike from Australian jour for fuel World price of cook¬ for the first time a virginity test r, caused by Fi«£!f3c:'«t/ who writes angrily to.Mggaisgfes ground, Denis Healey decides Scotland where he says: “I ing oil drops alarmingly and we and throws bat in ring. Drfmts for competitors. All contestants survey which showed Duffy- Stock market dig v_ "'j!** SSSSBHHilUSaywe can remain. cannot take any more. I want have to give barrels of stuff fail to qualify except Miss ue to population trends. all comers on first tallot^but^ THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBHR 31 ly?4 r; VI ^ % LETTERS TO THE EDITOR >Iew Printing Ho use-Square, London, WCJX 8EZ. Telephone : 01-837 1234 Working conditions Citizenship in a multi-racial society Patients and for MPs From the General Secretary of the of such people is increasing in the PARTIES IN POOR SHAPE British Council of CIr.irchcs face of our current economic diffi¬ transplants From Mr Phillip Whitehead, Labour Sir, The recent publication of the culties. They and their aims will From Air M. Hickling Tlie sense of civil insecurity MP for Dcrbn, North only be defeated if the rest of us inadequacy' of political lcader- His offence is not in any annual reports of several regional Sir, May I add a different perspec¬ thickens as the year turns from S-IP a"d the present disarray of Sir, So Mr David Wood (column, conciliation commitiuL-s of the Race see our plural society not as a prob¬ tive. that of a patient, to the com 3974 to 1975, although it becomes the main political parties. impermissibility in his argument, December 23) thinks that only the Relations Board is an appropriate lem io be solved but as an opportu¬ menu of Professor Hugh dc but in his defining the issue in a indolent or the’ pompous err.pire- no easier to foretell convincingly The Labour Government’s moment to see race relations ia this nity to be grasped creatively—an IVardener (December 19) ou tnt way which all the fixers in the builder # among MPs will benefit opportunity to enrich our national tnc forms or intensity which the failure to_ command wide respect country in _ the _ wider context of relative merits of dialysis apd^ Labour Party have been at pains from improved secretarial and world political issues and of our life through the interchange between transplant surgery as treatment foi evident dangers win assume. is not primarily due to ilie fact research facilities at Westminster. These are conditions in which _a put out of sight-. The cohesion of ov.n present and impending econo¬ peoples of differing cultures, in a chronic renal failure. » that it has been elected, twice the party has been tended by In fact this is fur more important mic preoccupations. manner appropriate to the 21st The doctor makes his judgment people's confidence in their running, by an unusually small than increasing the parliamentary The immigration debate is now- century. in the light of cold statistical facts political leaders counts for much. purporting to shift the argument salary, although that lias fallen iu minority of the electorate. It was from the historical and constitu¬ ended. In the last two decades some If in these islands it becomes of mortality and morbidity, as bif Vet that confidence is sadly real terms by 25 per cent since the one and a half million immigrants, job demands. duly elected, its legitimacy is not tional _ area to that of terms, last Boyle recommendations were possible for Protestant and Catholic. wanting. seriously challenged, the paucity largely from what was then the Jew and Muslim, and above all The patient ou dialysis, although conditions, and less-or-more. Mr implemented. There is a case for black Commonwealth, cuxne to this of course, grateful to be alive Neither the Prime Minister °* its electoral endowment could leaving it alone now. But the work¬ black and white to live side by side nor the Leader of the Opposition Wilson insists that the whole island at the direct invitation of in mutual respect and enrichment, becomes more aware of the fact tha< perfectly well be lived down. Nor question so far as the Labour ing conditions for members should successive British Governments, who to be alive is not enough. One has a public personality which be improved—in the taxpayers’ then perhaps the people of Britain is its failure in this respect due Party is concerned is wrapped saw in their arrival a substantial can make a major contribution to yearns to be alive and well anr inspires trust and affection much to enfeeblement on its Front interests. There must be an alert alleviation of our own labour short¬ free of the many constraints o: beyond the party or section of a up in the passage inscribed in legislature. mankind as a whole. Bench. In Mr Callaghan and Mr the Manifesto. Mr Benn reminds ages. Now, with the exception of dialysis. The chance of a success > party that is his own. That is a Mr Wood says MPs have “ pro¬ some clearing-up operations, immi¬ The British Council of Churches ful transplant offers just such : • Jenkins, the two principal us that it is not. vided themselves with some attrac¬ gration has virtually ceased. What therefore welcomes and supports the hope. misfortune at this time, but it is Secretaries of State, it has parlia¬ tive tax-free benefits", as though The Conservative Party is in we have is a substantial minority call to the Government by die Wales The prospect of dialysis for tlu not especially unusual. Political dm car allowance (which is in fact mentarians and departmental no 1 letter shape to sustain a of fellow citizens drawn from a wide and Southwest Conciliation Commit¬ rest of one’s life is, on the contrary leadership in England is not taxed) and the secretarial allowance heads who rank high in any com- convincing political leadership. diversity of raciai and religious tee of the Race Relations Board to a grim one; two 10-hour sessions < primarily a matter of one man’s were some kind of hand-out iu lieu fiany. It has a Prime Minister of It has in Mr Heath a leader of origins, equal before the law, but - make a positive and unequivocal week on tbe kidney machine (this personality. There is no native oF salary'- Can Mr Wood tell us declaration of the inalienable rights is the minimum period) plus hour* ong experience and bottomless the party who possesses great where he would fiud a secretary- hating ia common an exposure to word for “ charisma One may political resource. But the the kinds of insult and victimization of every citizen in our multiracial of preparation and cleaning up. force of will and executive research assistant prepared to work society ” Such a declaration accords hanker for the kind of national described in these repons. nvo dajrs a week after dialysis feel extended support which should ability, but who, it is now widely full time for £1.750 in London ? He both with our Christian heritage and leadership Churchill was able to The stalling point for any present ing distinctly below par ; tlie rcsiric permit these and other capable supposed, is a doorstep loser at is welcome to see die kind of work¬ with the churches’ experience of the tion of not ever being able to g<.; give in 1940. But that was in load 1 have, which is not untypical, debate must surely be the accept¬ Ministers to manage affairs in a election time. But it is not just ance that ours is no-.v a society ecumenical movement today. It is away for more than four days at t\ the simplified political condi¬ if he contends that I do not need by a firm commitment such as this manner that carries general con¬ his public personality which is permanently characterized by a time at the most; the drudgery o! tions present ro a nation under viction operates instead to against hint. Many Conserva¬ such help full time. that we, as a nation, will be enabled a restricted diet and a very restric. MPs do not simply make six multiplicity of religious creed.-, attack from an external enemy. inhibit them from doing so. tives hold him and his closest rjcial origins, and ethnic identities. to move away from the sterility ted fluid intake; tbe discomfort ant Churchill himself said later that speeches a year in the Chamber. of debating whether our new citi¬ pain usually experienced on dialysi:' colleagues in office responsible Most make more, but they also sit In this it is, of course, a microcosm it was the nation that had the of world society. Unfortunately-, v.e zens should be here at all. to the itself; constantly recurring medico . for leading the party astray— on select and sLanding committees, real task of creating a new, just and lion’s heart: he was called upon Divisions have in our midst those who have problems associated with dialysi ' for adopting dirigisie practices, introduce private members’ legisla¬ harmonious society. such as hyper or hypo-tensior. to give the roar. That is far too The divisions and precarious and for stoking the boilers of tion, and increasingly find them¬ chosen to respond to tiiis plurality by taring up narrow mid isolation¬ Yours faithfully, anaemia and others; and mam modest a self-appraisal, but it balance of power within the inflation. Vet there is no selves actiug as ombudsmen for other problems. ist attitudes. We have cecn the bitter HARRY MORTON, recognizes that events at that Labour Party oblige the Cabinet consensus in the parly in their constituents. Hardly aov have I, as one borne dialysis patient . fruits of .such attitudes in the Middle General Secretary. time forged an embattled unity (in which the divisions are an office to themselves. If they would be prepared to take the risl Parliament or outside about East and in Northern Ireland, to British Council of Churches, in the nation which Churchill reflected; to become immersed temporarily acquire a research of having a transplant iu tlu 1 these questions. The intellectual, assistant, paid for out of their own name but two places. The influence 10 Eaton Cate, SW1. articulated and reinforced, but in the intricacies of party if not the ideological, divisions unlikely event of a kidney becoming'1 pocket for the most part, diev will available, even if the' odds oif did not create. That is not the management while the state of between Conservative politicians find that there is not a desk fn the normal condition of a loose and the nation presses for attention. success were much worse thar’ match Labour’s in magnitude. building at which he can sit, if they Is there a crisis ? being tbe volatile elemenr it norm¬ today’s. plural society of the kind we In the case of Mr Wilson this They have become so pervasive are also registered as having a ally is). Yours faithfully, secretary. This is ludicrous. Until From Mr C. M. Paine have come into and would do both suits his talents and that it is only by treating the We are invited to shudder at M. HICKLIKG. '' now the executive has been well Sir, It is alarming to sense the lack well to preserve. amplifies his deficiencies as direction of policy and the per¬ tremors in a statistical abstraction 94 College Place, NVV1. * suited by backbenchers who were of direction from our leaders as tbe Prime Minister. His talents are son of the leader as two parts known as “the standard of living”. December 22. opinionated but not informed, con¬ for domesticating a factious of the same question that the hurricane approaches. Last night (December 28) I went tent to lapse into die role of tea to a large cinema in Chelmsford. The Disarray party, and he is deficient in long party is likely to be able to move The Government has plucked up Political leadership in this room pundit, or to make a living a little courage—but ic is still a expensive seats in the circle were From Dr R.B.R. White views of public affairs and con¬ forward again. outside Westminster. If that is to kind of society is not to be phoney war. It is now saying tbar packed out, tbe stall, equally good Sir, Professor H. E. de WardenerY sistent derisions in accordance be changed. Parliament will gain. living standards will not actually but cheaper, were half empty. This carefullv considered argument: sought in the imposition of a Yours, etc, with them. Confidence rise for a year or two. But is this not is a usual and widespread pattern. (December 19) in favour of dialysis single powerful personality. It is Even this week Mr Benn has PHILLIP WHITEHEAD, an insult to our in tell igence and Ah, in six months’ time .. . maybe iu preference to transplantation, to men, not to a Great Man, that given another rude reminder of If 1975 opens with the two House of Commons. character—a fear that we are not the pattern will have been reversed. cannot be lightly dismissed. How people look: men governing the disordered state of the Labour major parties in poor condition brave enough to face tbe truth ? Well perhaps, after all, we shall be ever, the “young” patients foi collectively. What is expected of Party. There was nothing out¬ to sustain a political leadership The soaring cost of North Sea able to survive it—everything, that whom the results of dialysis art them—and what, if they possess of the kind which commands exploitation, the real threat of is, but tiiis non-stop, omniscient—• claimed to be superior arc presum rageous in the substance of what CIA activities and so often completely negative it, will command a willing res¬ he had to say to his constituents confidence across the nation, the From Mr Allies Copeland further warfare in the Middle East, ably young but fully grown adults the fragility of our import-depen¬ and unconstructive—nagging. The same arguments do not appi> ponse from the people—is clear coming year can at least be Sir, Having recently spent a month about the EEC spelling the end dent island economy—all present Yours truly, equally to growing children anc perception of the internal and expected to clear some of die in Washington bringing my own of complete self-government in quite formidable risks. On top of HARRY HOPKINS, adolescents, for whom the quality impediments. If the .Conserva¬ information on the CIA’s com¬ external forces bearing upon Britain. The logical development which we are in debt to tbe Arabs 61 Clifton Hill, of survival is perhaps more import affairs of state, recognizable of the European Communities as tives have not changed their puterized “octopus” system up to to an alarming extent, with the loss St John’s Wood, NW8. ant than survival itself. date, aod having yesterday speut principles of action, understand¬ leader in twelve months1 time of national pride and political free- December 29. Dialysis is technically feasible originally conceived and still £22.30 on transatlantic telephone ing of the cares and aspirations they will have to regroup behind dbm that that emails. eren in quite young children; bui rhetorically presented leads to calls to old colleagues, I feel quali¬ the present one. Labour, assisted tbe child, unlike tlie adult patient; of the political nation, and the some such conclusion. By com¬ fied to comment constructively on The time has surely come to call From Mr Philip Jones is not self-dependent and tbe domes capacity to form and execute parison with the observable per¬ by the constraints of office, will the piece in The Times (December on the British people to adopt a Sir, Tbe crisis of which Mr Hore tic upheaval created by home diaJv policy accordingly. formance of the Communities and have to decide and act on the 23) entitled “Mr Ford warns CIA ‘•wartime” mentality. We are a (December 28) is so blissfully un¬ tough lot when faced with real sis makes this means of survival These virtues of statesman- the real intentions of the Council European question. It may also against illegal spying”. aware springs from his insistence on be forced to find another wages dangers—providing we understand. eating four good meals a day while Jess than ideaL Moreover, the child shin are not achieved by of Ministers Mr Benn’s warning is First, Mr Ford did not react to policy underneath the debris of newspaper allegations”, plural. Those who dismiss this as 19-10 actually producing barely enough must either face painful needliu? detachment. They are continuous absurdly exaggerated. But it does nostalgia should recall the coopera¬ of forearm veins three times weekly the social contract, and to choose He “ reacted ”, if that’s what he did, for his breakfast. Another name for with very general interests and not lie with., those who look to to a single newspaper story. And tion induced by the three-day week, it is inflation, which cannot arise or live permanently with die hand! altitudes in the nation at large. the EEC for more than a trading between creating. . conditions con story was by Seymour Hersh, or the fierce courage shown by our if, as a nation, we consume no more cap of an external shunt, which he To be effectively embodied in arrangement and a novel means ducive to business confidence who is hardly America’s most ohjecr miners when accidents strike. than we produce. Witness R. Crusoe must carefully protect by not parti political' leadership' they need of cooperation''between "friendly and” embracing some alternative f ‘^ve reporter ’HvhererTYEe CIA is -Those 6£ us with “the'strength and M. Friday for whom the word ripating-in school activities such a* concerned. swimming. extended support. That was once states, and who value it as the to the mixed economy. The will now be forced by circumstances inflation could have no economic Second, what Mr Coll • said was .to work excessively hard, for an meaning whatever. A successful transplant, on th€ provided by a ruling class. No germ of the political unification necessity of decision should that such activities “ do nor exist ” other hand, can rehabilitate a chUu of Europe, to condemn Mr Benn indeterminable period and far lower In the end, of course, our cup¬ more. The function is now dis¬ determine the power balance —the “now” in The Times story rewards. Work harder to build up board wilJ resemble Mother Hub¬ to near normal. Growth and sexual charged by the political parties. for taking the Communities no within the party, not for ever and was added by your reporter. “I exports because so many of our bard’s, and then it will dawn on us development, which may be seventh And it is not very well dis¬ less seriously than they but with do not beat my wife now” conveys imports are essential. And work for retarded in chronic renal failure, are a day, but for die lifetime of this that we cannot eat pound notes. If charged, for there is plainly a his eye fixed on the reverse of a meaning rather different from “ I less, because far less of our output only tbe Government were aware of more likely to improve following connexion between the present their coin. government. do not beat my wife ” can be available for purchase at that, they might stop printing the transplantation than during dialysis Third, Mr Ford did not “ virtually home—and we must protect the things and turn the presses over to Transplantation must therefore con¬ confirm the gist of the article ”. The weak. This is an inescapable ration books: one meal a day to tinue to play a part iu the treatment weakness of Mr Ford’s denial (if formula. start with, and when we double our of children with serious renal mere weakness oF denial can be But is this something we need exportable surplns, two. That would disease, even if only ro steer them construed as “ virtual confirma¬ THE ENDLESS SEARCH FOR PEACE dread ? Is it as bad as living in a be much more sensible (and through adolescence. tion") is easily explainable by the trench or barracks fur five years, egalitarian!) than phasing out pay The ethics of live donor trans¬ tion because he thought it communist leaders it gives com¬ fact that it was made in the course World peace will nor be particu¬ with shells exploding overhead and beds, piano log a wealth tax and plantation arc formidable, as arc the munism a spurious respectability of an aeroplane journey, and, al¬ larly secure in 1975 but it may demanded too much of the Soviet the constant presence of sudden abolishing the higher standards of possible psychological consequences though Mr Ford realizes’ rhat many not be any less secure than in Union. He accepted com¬ wbicb rubs off on comraunisr death and disablement? And is education. of refusal to donate, or of graft of the allegations against tbe CIA promises on strategic arms limi¬ movements in the west, thereby victory any more remote, if Yours faithfully, rejection in the recipient. Surely 1974; The most obvious danger of late have been based on com¬ tations which worried the helping to undermine western measured in lower inflation, higher PHILIP JONES, our first aim should be to improve is that there could be another munist “ disinformation ”, it would Pentagon. He tried to press the institutions. output, mere exports and greater 53 Kingsway, the results of cadaveric transplanta¬ v/ar in the Middle East. If the have been foolish of him to deny self-sufficiency ? (And how can we Orpington, Kent. tion to the level attained in other super powers are sucked into a Europeans to make concessions It is. of course, true that tbe out of hand emu report *'.:ui>ly on possibly afford the was race of un¬ December 28. European countries where it has in order ro wind up the lengthy west must proceed with caution the basis oF what information he military confrontation and oil employment ?) proved possible to remove kidney* Conference on Security and and a clear-headed defence of its happened to have in his flight bag. from the dead with greater 'peed supplies to western Europe are AH we need is leadership. A cle.tr cut off the consequences will be Cooperation in Europe. And interests. At the moment it is in Fourth, there could hardly have A salvage programme aud less emotion. been much “surprise here that Mr vision of the dangers we face, the Yours faithfully, almost unimaginable. Yet every¬ perhaps he was less vigilant than a fairly strong position to bargain From Mr Alan Bennett Hersh managed to get Mr Angleton objectives to be achieved, the he might have been in some for mutual benefits, for in the Sir, Every day I throw away this RICHARD H. R. \VH ITli. one is acutely aware of the on the telephone”—not, anyhow,, sacrifices to be made and tbe contri¬ aspects of economic relations short term the Soviet Union newspaper. 1 throw away two or The Children’s Hospital. danger, and none of the states by anyone who knows either Mr bution that each of us can make in with the Soviet Union. needs the ivest more than tbe winning the battle for cite future ni three bottles, half a dozen cartons Ladywood Middloway. involved could expect to gain Hersh or Mr Angleton. These two Lariywood, from such a disaster, so that The atmosphere is now more west needs the Soviet Union. In know each other very well, and if this country. and innumerable paper and plastic the long term, however, the west Yours faithfully, bogs. I do so unwillingly and with Birmingham. unless mankind is without power sceptical, particularly in tbe Mr Hersh did not have Mr Angle- December 20. has got to find ways of living CHRISTOPHER PAINE. a senseof futility which’has grown to influence its destiny there is American Congress. People ton’s telephone number already he with the enormous military and could have found it iu tbe directory, Dvkuwood. perceptibly in the last six months. a good chance that the worst cau want to know more precisely I shall be told that I do not under¬ where ic is plainly listed. Chorleynrood Road, what benefits detente brings to economic strength of the Soviet stand the nature oF the present crisis be avoided. Fifth, and most important, arrv Rickmausworth. Hertfordshire. Data for passports One of the keys to the situa¬ the western world. Avoidance Union on its doorstep. While it were I to think,that salvaging such may gradually benefit from the journalist who reports ou tbe CIA December 20. From Professor E. D. Achcsuu tion, as to so many others, is the of war is not enough, for this has material would improve our circum¬ been a common interest of the huge Soviet markets and raw should know that Jim Angleton’s stances in’the smallest- degree. Bui Sir. The device Mr John Stouehuuse state of relations between the indiscretions” are all carefully United States and the Soviet material resources, if it also From Mr Tiarrn Hopkins would anyone deny that the sense is alleged to have used to obLaiu a Soviet Union and the United calculated but that, at the same of helplessness many people feci second passport is based on tbe fact Union for a long time. Dr wants to influence the Soviet lime, old “Kingfish” is the most Sir, Mr A. R. B. Hore (December 23) States. A few years ago, in the Union politically it can do so wishes ro be put out of his suspense springs from the fact that we are all that when a person dies tbe record honeymoon period of detente, Kissinger’s reply is that he clinically objective audioriry in of his birtb is not amended accord¬ wishes to create a web of long¬ only within a relationship from as ro whether there is, or is not. a forced, whatever our good inten¬ these relations seemed to be be¬ Washington on his- particular sub¬ tions, to participate daily in this ingly. Such a procedure is feasible ject. If be says that anti-war crisis. Unfortunately, he and the term agreements that will give which the Soviet Union also senseless waste. A salvage pro¬ and would not involve much addi¬ coming so close that they stands to gain something. activity in the United States was rest of us, similarly uerve wracked, promised (or threatened) to both sides a lasting interest in are unlikely to find relicF because gramme might do nothing for our tional expense at least for people restrained and responsible Senator Jackson would have directed largely by foreign agencies bnm in the United Kingdom who create a new world order based you can bet your last sixpence that the economists, financial experts and economic prospects but it would do behaviour and lessen the danger gained nothing if he had had wonders for my morale. die in youth or middle age. In addi- on the common determination of anti-war activity in the United State* so on almost always place their of a sudden switch in Soviet nothing to give. Dreeise. thrice-weekly statistical cali¬ There mast also be many people non to its advantages from tbe point the super powers to preserve the was directed largely by foreign Of view of securitv and oF increas¬ foreign policy. Thus, while tbe relationship agencies. In which case, let us hope brations of doom some way in the who feel that should the full in the status quo. Since then it has must not involve any unilateral future, thus ensuring (1) that it is standard of living mean rbe end of ing the accuracy of certain of the This is an adnilrabie policy and thar tbe CTA, with its enormous elaborate, expensive and wasteful recorded data it would facilitate become clear that although they weakening of western defences international resources, is on the effectively impossible to refute them should be supported, but from a medical and genetic research. share a common interest in pre¬ job 'in the United States as else¬ (human memory being wliai it now packaging then if will be no loss. political point of view it suffers or political resolve, it does Yours faithfully. Linkage of information from birth serving peace, foi; which the rest where. i* i; and (2» ilieir cbances of being the disadvantage that its results expose western policies and and death certificates would for of the world should be grateful, Yours, proved triumphantly right are ALAN BENNETT, are not always easy to demon¬ institutions to new- challenges. enormously enhanced (confidence 23 Gloucester Crescent, NW1. example permit lethal diseases such their interests are not every¬ Tbe black-and-white world of the MILES COPELAND, as cancer to be studied in terms where identical and neither has strate. It is therefore vulnerable Pear Tree Cottage. to criticism that it gives away cold war was in some ways much of the age and occupation of the wholly abandoned the wish to Orchard Lane. falher, age of mother, birtb place easier to deal with than the more East Flendrcd. Oxon. have no money. If they were to gain advantage at the expense of more than it gains—that, for Westminster Cathedral and position in the family. It would Instance, the Soviet Union is complex differentiated world of devote more of it to cathedra] music the other. This is particularly choir and less to the sectarian education also be possible to studv tlie morta¬ obvious in the Middle East, where getting the benefits of westej-p today. The challenge is, how¬ lity experience of successive samples technology on preferential credit From Father Peter Levi, SJ which is st present flowering in the status quo cannot be the ever, one which western institu¬ Taxes on capital Northern Ireland we would all be of twins of like and unlike sex. Sn, Dr .Anthony Milner's hostility and eventually the mortality experi¬ terms and some relief from the From Mr Brian Morcom happier, would we not ? The church basis for a lasting settlement. tions ought to be able to face, to the old and loved part that the ence of kinships. strategic arms race without io Sir, The current Finance Bill by ns the church makes little enough The relationship therefore and indeed must face if they are choir plays in tbe life of Westmin¬ any way modifying its ideologi¬ Schedule 9 paragraph 1 (2) impose* contribution to the intellectual life An appropriate code ol practice ster Cathedral (December 27> i* not along die lines of thar reccntlv needs constant nursing if it is to to prove their worth. This is double taxation on a gift both to of this country or even of its own cal hostility to the west, its a sound basis for argument. His en¬ perform its primary function, another and urgent reason for capital gains tax. and to capital members. It is disgraceful if the published by the Medical Research dedication to the build-ti p of thusiasm for his own music and for which is to avoid war. The transfer tax. The capital gains rax small sum. of. money needed to Council backed if necessary by legis¬ military strength, and its denial seeing that they stand up to the the newest forms of liturgical cele¬ lation -would protect the privacy of problem is to know bow best to is on the increase in value element rescue the choir cannot be found. of human rights to its own people bration are carry ing him beyond the i he records. internal pressures which now and the capital transfer^ tax there¬ Yours faithfully. nurse it. Dr Kissinger has come bounds of common sense. Yours, etc, and to tbe peoples of eastern afflict rhc:n. The consequences after on Lbc diminution in value ro PETER LEVI, under criticism for being too Westminster Cathedral is unique Europe. Hence, so tbe argument the donor. No tux therefore results Campion Hall. E. D. ACHESON. Professor of willing to make concessions on of a loss of nerve would be wider in England: of course there ought to Clinical Epidemiology, goes, tbe west is weakening from a disposal by way of gift—free Oxford. certain issues for what he felt than is often realized in the be at least just one good Catholic Community Medicine. itself militarily and politically if stamp duty (now at 2 per cent on Cathedral choir. Dr Milner has wit¬ was the sake of the greater narrow cockpit of national property in excess nf £30.000) is also University of Southampton. for no obvious gain—and indeed nessed, and so have many of us, the cn:iihcoipton. whole. He opposed Senator politics. included. Jackson’s amendment on emigra¬ by fraternizing so much with effect of new music on congrega¬ December 29. The Irish Republic in its While tions. In February we are to hear Self-employed benefits Paper on February 2S. 1974 on capi¬ a complete new musical setting of From Mr Richard Need tal taxation (where is set out in flowers of the chalk which were once the Mass at Westminster by a very Sir, George Cunningham's reasoning there are marks for the general considerably clearer form its pro¬ Too tidy appearance of the village including abundant on the lane verges. Many young composer. 1 recently wit- is curious/December IS). He seems Christmas blooms posals in regard to capital taxation From AJr C. M. Barloir From Mrs D. A. Bell the green, the village halL the pood, lanes have been widened, the grass nesj-pi] and experienced the effect to be saying that a self-employed than -any United Kingdom equiva¬ nf the old music in Westminster person (who pays £2.41 a week for Sir, Alison Ross (“ Wildlife sanc¬ etc; and last, bur by go means the verges are cut back on a much wider lent) expressly indicates ihat either 9.n Christmas Day there were Cathedral at the Requiem for David limited national insurance benefits) 111 full bloom in this garden pofv. tuary in a village churchyard ”, least, the churchyard. swathe than previously, and so cover the rrisli capital acquisitions tax For a few wee!is there is no Jones Nn one who was there would !' subsidized. whereas an employed an thus, campanula, pjusy, scabious December 14) is understandably for birds, bees and Insects disap¬ (tlie equivalent of our capital trans¬ litter although motorists still find it v..;nt to permit that music and thar person dvbo pays ;i mere 84p ‘for rose, snowdrop, arabis, tobacco alarmed at the “ overtidiers” who fer taxi or the Irish capital gains cho»r to die out. casv to open a window and throw pears. This, io addition to the loss full benefits) is not. However com- plant, love-m-the-nust and. of course, arc trying to make our churchyards, tax will apply though not both. The practice of Italian churches piex the iiisue this, particular in¬ and indeed our villages, too neat and cigarette packets and the like on tp of very many hedgerows, is to be hellebore and jasmine. Further, the gift tax in .America does w no argument. The tradition of justice is simple and blatant. And the sQ-eet. Grass verges are cut back regretted and like too excessive No doubt someone can cup H,h tidy. not also impose a liability to Ameri¬ the Westminster Cathedral choir jf Mrs Castle, instead of remedying severely and sometimes replaced by list, but I cannot recall having ever -Much of the present effort is due tidiness is not a service to the can capital galas lax. This point ir. real and it serves us. The Catho¬ it, plans to aggravate it next April flower gardens often urban m before such a display at Christmas to the fact that annually we are community. though raised in tbe House of Com¬ lic church in England has by now George Hutchinson’s strong words time. invited to enter “Britain in Bloom ” character. So for a while all is trim Yours truly, mons on December 17, 1974, was in some pretentions to be an import¬ are perfectly justified Yours faiihfulK competitions in order to bring and neat, and then, bacK comes the no way adequately dealt with. ant element in our national life. Tlie Yours faithfully, litter, and the flower gardens in the EMMA F. BELL. C. RL BARLOW. honour and glory to our villages and Yourc faithfully, contribution that the Westminster RICHARD NEED. oven to towns. In many ways all winter are less attractive than the Woodcote. Norman Corner, East End. BRIAN MORCOM, Cathedral music makes to London is -10b Strawberry Hill Road, Kjjigsgutc Road, this is admirable but there are grass they have replaced. . 11 Stone Buildings, a fir parr of the life of the church. Twickenham. Middlesex. Here in the Yorkshire Wolds we W aldington, Win Chester. difficulties. The “ bloom “ part seems Lincoln’s Inn, WC2. It is not. after all. that Catholics December 19. less important than tbe tidiness; have lost many of tlie lovely wild Beverley, Humberside. December 27. 14 THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974

Mr E. M. A i nicy vOCIAL NEWS Fortf?corain and Miss V. L. Matthews i OBITUARY . marriages The engagement j., announced • t'ISiif. JI>Uii \ ICh^ri 'VIJUli! like Co • ^ between Michael, younger son or The night sky in January ' wL»«k al.' 5*-iio sent Iiur let- ' Mr T. C. P. Uloraeficld Mr and Airs D. N. Ainlev. of 40 ■ SIR ZACHARY COPE • ra of c- -n^r.itauiliut! on f!-—r re- and Miss C. fi. Over ttoodgraoge Avenue, 'Kenton, By Qur Astro no mi cal j. r.r tiuno-r. ru uJi.*.n *;ivj wiii Tile cn&iacmcnx is announced. Middlesex, and Vivien, daughter Correspondent < p!;. pursonuiiy aa ..uun as he;•••.een Cluries. son of Sir Thomas of Mr and Mrs li. J. Matthews, Mercury is at rtreateat elongation Diagnosis of abdominal 1 ioiblu. i’l.-mclifld. El. ;*nU Lady Bionic- Brook Furlong, Oundle, N'orth- east as an evening star on the lird. • .._ _—_. of "J Siicifieiil Terrace, jmptunshire. when it will set an hour and a half conditions j L.>Rtit*n. WS. and Georgina, .Mr C. J. Kars tow after the Sua but will be rather iilarriages ! uaeuluer ni Commander and Mrs and Mi*s li. V. Ellsoa low. Venus is also on evening star Sir Vincent Zachary Cope, ties. He headed the team which Crorle.s Over, of The Meadows. and will be quite dose to .Mercury MD, MS, FRCS. consuitine sur- b^SkntlY.1 ’ r J. Crdemutsl , Crovt.naia Green. Surrey. The engagement Ls announced in (be third week or the month, j,d Miss M. Z. Kennedy Shaw net ween Christopher John, sun of though at magnitude -3.4 it will scon to St Mary’s Hospital Sout£w«Tr«^5l:nJi0Sf nn i Mr IV. Cm. Barton Captain G. B. Barstow, Royal be very much brighter. Moon a few Paddington, ha, died at the age their findinsTbein- ]SuS ;.ie marriage look pldct* Navy, and Mrs Barstow, of .• iday, December 13. ‘ and Wk C. 0. Freer „ r- — „ -, degrees south of both planets on 1 ■ * **• *' Thn .rripTM 1^ **Hs,QinGrGt Surrey* 3Ad Louiitr the 13 th. Hi, lasting claim to surgical Miniita^of f vraiey. fijntpsiure. be Mars is a morning star, but as it '!jei. Cederceisl. uf Cjir.^rniL.J,r 5r u«ssb«if \Jr- .*»!. K. &&sssiMilitiv and the 'jr&y?szirSE£ % is not very hriebi anti rises only an i.uied Sraics, and -ili-s >.iv" !.u Air G. P. Bart«n. of Mel- Bush am, Sussex. hour and a half before the Sun it is isasr 2SS» « :; rnneuy Shaw, daujiiier Mr ™ Vitir?,a. and Cynthia Mr C. C. Cannon not xikely to be seen. .‘d Airs V.. B. Keiniud-■ Sclav:, r::,fan. deirdHcr of Mr and Mrs and Mrs V. J. Spice lupiter is a bright evening it. object in Aquarius, but it sets c. E. J. Freer, of Pearce Avenue, Thc engagement. is announced A. 11. CreUie Pari.st.nie. Dorret. bciDn.* the hour of this monthly ■ d Miss M. J. Clans'll! Smith lie tween Christopher Charles, son man. Muon near it on the 17th. ! n;jrr:a?e look piac*.- «»n Air R. Clamper of Air and Mrs Reginald Cannon, of So tarn is now prominent, being m.criz’\ December i’i. pi S: and MN«i p. Ren wick Aston Candour, Warwickshire, and in opposition on the 6tb. when it ™* entaHcd heavy hn Church, Findun, ..f t«*; f:nsn5Pin«iit is announced Valerie. daughter of Mr and crosses the meridian near midnight Znamhh pi«° work btff it y/ns complied in 18 't Mrs Frederick Parrish, of Hadley and has a magnitude of —0-2. .Ufrec Grclde and ?.)>■« Mary 1 Ii*_-r ■ veen “Stephen Reid. cider son Wood. He rtford shire. tedi!1D’ months and the report was i zjir.is! Sn:.:!i. Tits hnoe. who . of Air ?**.c Mrs M, B. C'asper. of L-ranus and Neptune are not vis¬ iW languages issued in 1551. For aM ibis ible to the naked eye. The former , ”-.ven :r. mnrriuue iiv her j s;,\.rf Court, London, SWT. and Mr P. M. Blair-Fish t?.? & devoted service Cope wj *i her. and was aiiciiJcii ijy her - t-Idu- da units er of Air and and Miss F. H. Garfitt is in Virgo and rises two boors fhe Second World War he knighted in 1953. after midnight early in the month ; Op&iuciras and rises ?!£? a Wnuneni pan in the During his active life ia pr*. direction and best use of medi- tice Cope published monographs quarter. 4d 19h : r™anpower and afterwards upon Tbe Surgical AspSts of quarter. 20d m the nationwide survey of nvscmtrs, AainomtxoJis and , zra I5h. : .hospital accommodanon. In his The TrZbuemofrlit Acme Aiuui; approximate times of r- II. D. Griffilh-Jnnes Fnr-’st McTjren, son shire, renrcmeik he turned his atten- AkJtmwn V } evening minima are lid 2lh. ! tion to writing medical hisior,, JSjS :d Aliys A. Ii;.dc Parker of CU LTS Of 33 Ann „ „ . „ 14d ISh and 3ld 23b ; also short]v fre rnar^u,.,t tui!; pbri.1 nn f:dinh'jrgh. 4. and Mrs a. Vincent Zachary- Cope was D;':. nr ".■|kb House. Bulsrrode anc* A. Beach after midnigbr of the 9th. born in Hull on February 14, arardisy a; Ha:*=ii l.pi-vopi ht- War-. Gerrards Cn's. Buckingham* ^ engagement is announced Mira Ceti: this variable has not l ?tn Air Myyrick firiff.sii-.k'iei, .. .u».MjMedu ssrajr& : IJ-th Rir.al Hu- ar; tiJr-.-it *ir:.‘s Ov.ni, ■I’’!', '.on of Mr ..n.d them&^srs s* , T'tvtjr G^.Ifj'h-Jim-js, P^n-.. /a: Hu-jiL, Itov.de. Oniari. and tS theilLrf± -Sre •S:«MCoNnal|arhsyd,l1 j .si Atiriol H’.dc Parker, d.iuz.i- ffwnrmhr? Pathology in the Medieal His- •|- of the iate Mr E. F. Hyde r and ’.irs l-yde Parker, of School vh^c iSuaCh' ^vS 0?:rfh!f°^2Sfh?e^‘rf 2n>h Farm. Langport. and Miw C. J. C. George Mr J. D. Harris The minor planets, w asteroids, The c7iga*4eirent is announced and Miss C. Kelly few other asteroids have The monte:.- mp .ho.. . s3r . CtaseWen e^d Si^?Ttam^ }•. rarely ficure in these notes this. The Hennes in 1937. object aorjK Gem^Boram. and Erw trill be vjrv School he cante under the in- ■Dr,iia«wi af,j nf ct \Tarv*c tj*. aabonr and eose so :z cn ^:c etesim of tic ; Huence of Augustus Waller, the 5Ji^3£«ESl mfiesaway.TSe -3rd. The reiathT^ tno-Jon * inventorliiwcutur ofui theluc electroeiecxrucaruiu- car dio- '__-Medicti &hooL_FromTMI7Tj .„ -1,'^v ;4on with such bemea Lii‘ star and i:., taint graph, and Almroth Wright. P“ “f S SFi?’ small. neighbour should be dt:ectaWe After holding several junior .Sf' of Eros will d=r.-g the evening hours—i< the appo hum exits at St Mary's and HipkinS * it.iniu „ii,i hiiun 11 tirum tmn nniin. ^ ^ — J. Wfcett itS StTCrgdiaiiCS ^MB^R *115 UOC the London Temperance Hos- Fa^,us. <£???}„ .££““*"?*■ 1 ;j4hre- of S.- CJ:ar!e; i!;:rd:c, of The lt-..1 :emeni is announced and .Miss AI. J. England pkals he became surgical a, [ beh-.r.-:: \t ;Iiula ;. *-»»n of Mrs \. V. registrar to the former and in short account of the career of Ncv.ton. D./r>v*. and Harziev. of .71 Porton Road. Lon- The engagement is announced I __ _ _ .it* !jic Mrs Do.-illiv Hardie. •Jnp. V.’4. and Jennifer, vminger between Stephen, cider son of Mr J in^ them "after' guddVsses'lias’iona looks in the r.^hi place and can ne oi;>Lnab« from «nlv a small { 1M1 he was elected a member Almrotti Mngnt. .' r in. d.-janitr uf A!*- and Mrs Maxwell and Mrs L. S. Hipkms, of Crick, , been abandoned. A Cumparalivelv remember s'or draw.’ the stars -a area i=d it is rather ‘ oncertain I of the honorarv staff, while in Zachary Cope wras the soul of • Fellowes Northamptonshire, and Melissa. : small number, mcludais the fir« field of vita far the few hrars ■a±ere area Is; it conM be in • 1912 he became surgeon to tire an.“ fte ct>nW *“7^ ■rt 1 Mira D. run Volskv Stem, iif 20 Bishops-,vood Road. frJ *" London. X5. only daughter of Mrs C. AI. Eng- j f«,ur. are more than 100 miles acce»saiy i« see wBich object mid-Aiiantk. ! Bolingbroke Hospital, both of bring himself 10 «y an unkind ; c rrjrrijue xiiuk place in Paris land, of 2S Tlie Green, Upper] across: but most are under 50 The relative position of star and ' which institutions he continued "word of any man, further he was ; D'cemlx-r 21 uf Mr Nichulji Mr A. C. D. In^leby-Mackenzie Hevford, OxforcLshire, and the late : tniics anil many are very’ small Because of the incliznzian of its planet at any Instant depends on I to serve until the end of his a__ dcugntfiil ana most ^coir- Bowes, eldest son uf Mr and and Mrs 5. Stormontb-Darlinc Mr J. P. England. ! indeed. nrirft to the ewiptic. Eros «;■! the locations of the observers, and j active career. siderare cnier with whom to . Peregrine Fe!lower.. »i!‘ Thv engagement is. announced work. In Ids later years he : Mdinglpjrii. Ckiddin^Iy, Su' iit, Dr S. A. JefferLs hi.-ii-Lt-n Alexander Colin David and Mile G. C. Garrigues amused himself and others by " d 12 IVcti’c-liy Gardens. SAVA, In^lch- -Mackenzie, ••on of the late d Mire Denise vou Volsfev. The engagement is announced writing verse and upon one occa¬ ; uneest daughter of il:o late M n-kr*"n!iip^tnd yjdu between _srephen Arthur jeromv. sion lectured to students for 30 d lime Adrien S^.iS'd’S^ %!“! point of Eros i, only ju'-j uurside of* the 2Uth it'will be rather more the scaJe;af the solar sv’stemT bur . he was elected to tne coun- on the sureeryjrfduo- , the Earth's orbit: some come :han a moonbreadln north and the me of radar for astrocomical ! cil in 1940 and upon several denal ulcer in^ this .wofluin. • uVv,SSdttSS?i* r'f M** M-''bvSSd Clifford^ F-!11*™ CIaudF’ ^ughter ofor tnethe J, within it and une even guts inside slightly to the east of Pollux, mak- purposes bas rendered the method ; occasions had delivered Hun- When he was vice-president of TL Mrs p- F' Je?nc\ , . Turner. murfias.* will take Late Professor Jcan-Claude ( that of Mercury. At perihe.'ion ics a' oearlv equilateral triangle ot « nwmmw too.; place quietly P;aL-L. in L..n«!..n shortlv. goes and Mme Jean-Clande oarrJ* ! ?ros i* juit 01 er 14 miMion miles with PoIIiee and a fourth mjf*- to • Herefurd.nire nn December 2, goes, of La Ciotat, France. | from (he orhir of The Earth, and if lude s:ar berween that and Castor, iitegular in snape. ana in size < apneinted ,Jtwe'.,*r Mr Wi’liam Frjnris Wvld- ■ Mr J. R. I.. Lee Mr T. A. Mansfield I lit*? Earth happens 10 be there at • -.’-Smith. *on of Mr and Mri and "Miss A.-M. Bakirgian and Miss A. C. M. Jole that time there is a near approach Hse^-SSM^SSIMI* S“ Mta! aL'l 'SmiS, b^aJd ' in 1949 “d Tom« ™d Vicu Hupterisn Dinner, Thispeeches 1 ,fn Wvlilbure-Smith, «f Sdvnvt , Tlc c-..^cmLr,: ls announced Thele engagementeneacemcnt is announced he.he„ ! of.. ■ the two'bodies.L4Vl! Domes. « ooc-. run pen i here will be ."'hilf-miJma bait-moon moat, vanes m nngrrtness as ainerent . Lecturer- in 1952. He took ,an -r_''“*7had not been inspiring but Cope •I:. Sussex, and Mr, Pr.sca Faith . h,..,,,. 'Jjhz: Robert Louis, elde- tweenteen Trevor Alan, son of Maior th,s moo:^ » li,e ,asf such event but Kill two or three coottaUattona areas of Ulumication are presented ; active part in the affairs of the gave hSs xriiole speech in verse ••cnc^.: oun^Sr M«Sv'r °r llWf ‘ MVCr'Jbe ar.J Mrs Basil Lee. of 53Id mMre» \vJ*P P MmM»nsfl3d of lan^ I was ,n 1931- a wav. towards the Earth. , Roj-al Society of Mediane and much to the evident enjoyment n\ 3Pd fMrs Noursc. of ; Barns. Cheshire, and Anne- lon. M'cilierbv".' ‘ ’Srorkshire, and ' _i the Medical Society of London and amusement of the Royal ;'. ' ' _' u i In 1941 Cope vsas appointed younger consultants and a host , a lest wills R-^s—uif" ! Sector Officer of No 6 Sector erf of general practitioners willre- tOb. tssTatu.-* include 'net. bulurc Mr R. D. AI. Martin Mr V. Morris made at Oxford University: and .Miss S. Leney Booinom/s. c. d. piaii. cuiiMard , the Emergency Health Service member him with affection as a ay paid ; furrier duly may be and Miss V. Amey KCBLC i -OLLLGi; The encasement is announced p^e>: open rsbibmon. a. i\ Hoy* ! of London and thus began a.long wise and gentle surgeon, kind yablc on iocie estates) : The engagement is announced be- j £P7 ri^TriV. S ijrtq«fCS>.' -Exfc&mans. T. M. Rev- Aili-vn a S; A. A. ••.tlT,n-s. Ycj.n. tioIih. Vnina. GS • cBetiiesrirra— IjMcm- SyJiolar-lwTJv S. j. u.tj.i.1. CEGBI! J. A. G. Tvms. Ktaw's S. Ca&.Liaurm> C. o. H. Hos- u.i.,. Wmvmtcr im Dinner; to and *x»- i-r hi ns EMilhli f^s is. tuisls- nMaka»; A. C- Utnlcr. loairt:: S I'.-.'. Klnr » S. Wsr-~u»: r: K W. avrlc end rarest scii-acee-: D S. 1431.422 j u,;.-;C.r daushrerof Mr and Mrs Addlesiuue, Surrey. r.ra-ikit.'•rniks. hk liiiH.Tt’r.n-A.irr- VI, | S.>. Slratiard:Sm’IoKI: Co*.On. Blartpoo!uijrlpoo: Coll Ss ici«fiusa7—icsemjaaj— ViUmf cr r.ortjit u'-lr- •i-'m'-Kr. wiiiuuuebs 1 A‘ ‘nLrJS- _c*y“i s; p-r^Ws: J manpower and hospital fadli- him. : T. I.. L».*aev. or 7, Shawfield Park. N,‘in:.ir. N. j 'tlShi va. .on Tans BndroR! GS. Ma!lwna!ia: J. o. Jv jT.' cqrr.t»«a. worth • Sir Kenneth Younger writes: one partisan school of thought* The engascrocnt is announced be- son of Mr and Mrs F. G. B. F.li.-abr-b's Hmp ■ dames f •tere i> unuoubtedly a sansfac- • r.veen Timodiy, elder sun of Mr Prince-White, of Robertnn. Harap- Mtl'I’l.lT-si; i c. Slade Scholarship. C. S. Slater. Capon • Something should, I think, be while giving hospitality to a . >;iUabi-:li's H'tMi 1. —.--- “ J ' - -“* J " -’— -iflioDS. I «r. in catching somebody out in . and Mrs J. L. Ren wick, of Cherry shire, and Mary Jacqueline, daugh- tluni. ». J. nhi!inen. ftwejh<™ter • • misquohition. v,.iun tliat vjmo- ; Hinton, Cambridge, and Rosemary, ter of Commander and Mrs C. G. • -rndrm idnqUjqLS t. W. E. HnrJOTI. K orttiltfirW • rri'v.irtl VI| S. Lvinewi ■ EnoiKh». : dv rs a per.%on m die greatest voa.t^er daughter of Mr and Mrs Crill. of AcActon Bridge. Northwich, FMiibiiiaii. , 1. R. nietrom. Hatwr- _ its obiec- f jh'.encc so much greater n.u>r be . RnqjUI Davis of Highlands Heath, Cheshire. dalh'-M. AsLp » S i W*E».. . House. He ivas the institute’s lives, obtaining endowments in •..jilii«ii.-*;|i^: sclwiuwfata, S. S. PEMBROKE COLLEGE C. M. ’Val!. Vhlnqdon S •r'."d!Cife.. •* »e lemptatiou to set him right. \ Lor.don, SW13. - n c. „ Open awards: Classics. Heane)’ Scholar- Pecarr.xertfed far AbhoR's SCioIarshlp. SiuncU rti.111. Calliolle HS. Slwiw: Exhibi¬ chief executive for a period o( Britam and the Comxuonuealtii ? nousands who noticed .;Ir Bor- . Dr D Siur tion n. .1. Robeiu.. BJn entiead S ships. B. M. Goodman. St PWU’s S: H. V. Slobbs. Cl hr of London S 25 years during which it grew , and also saining the support of J ;ni Si law’s littie mistake in “ The ! Mr C. E. Stott and Miss J. Morris-Jack son Nniur.i! science: F. T. G Poole. Lancrtia C: A. J. (cUubs’-. f -icient .Mariner” [in a letter J and Aliss H. A. Plugge The engagement is announced ■ from a promising pioneering the great American foundations. 5 * Titv Times on December 241 The engagement is anneannounced between Dudley, only son of Mr S. j experiment into a well esrab- ’ Carnegie, RodrfeJler and later of j>t have experienced tile sensa- between Charles Edmund, twin H. Sinnett and the late Mrs R. Today’s engagements Th/HS^,5 J Birthdays today lished and internationally res- Ford''In this important Ameri- l '.n...... of rite small boy at— ——school -son of -Mr and -Mrs -KennethS tott, Sinnett, of Swansea, and Jill, only pected centre for the study and can connejdon he was greatly * Mding up his hand in an agony t of Trail Staffordshire, and Helen daughter of Mr and Mrs L. \v\ Exhibition of Portrait Drawings, haU’ll* ■ Mr GlarnlU Benu. 69; Mr M. F. discussion of world affairs. helped by his, American wife. { : superior information and siioui- Aicken. elder daughter of Can tain Morris-Jackson, of Barnes, illustrating development of ! Bonallack. 40; Sir Hugh Chance. When asked who founded Caroline, whose rintaeroua je: *■ I know, sir. Let me tell Roland Plugge, DSC, Royal Navy, London. portraiture from fifteenth cen- 1OHIOITOW 78 ; Air Marshal Sir Patrick Dunn, Chatham House, Ivison would friends In her own country i-'lci, sir.” of Little Sookliam, Surrey, and Mr W. S. St Leger Moore ^J^r^lfSr’ camping Ourfoor Life_ExM)hi(W, 62; Major-General J. D. Frost, reply with a list of distinguished opened many doors. -v 4'lTiie first sentiment aroused in Mrs Peter Liddell, of Warwick- Empire Hall, Olympia, 10-9. 62; Lord Hawke, 73: Sir Daryl j*;.c breasts of many readers by un-Eticn. Cumbria. and Miss S. B. Hlckling Museum, 10-5 (final day). people, among whom Lionel After 1943 there was a rapid I r Shaw’s error may have been The engagement is announced International Boat Show, Earls Lindsay, 85; Mr F. B. H. May, 45. Curtis took pride of place, and proliferation of university facul- Exhibition of English Toy Theat¬ S.'te of smug complacency, but in Air A. C. Williams between William Stephen, only son Court, J.&-8. TOMORROW: Mr Jack Beres- wouid emphasize the great ties and new institutes working L': ne there ’.cas probably mingled amt Miss AI. V. L. Brooks res. Pollock's Toy. Museum, 1 Interna of Lieutenant-Commander E. S. St tkjbal Raring Car Show, ford, 76; Lord Douglass of amount of time which they in the international field, in •. .th it a kindlier feeling. That The engagement is announced Leger Moore (RN Retd) and Mrs Scala Street, Tottenham Court featm-yg wide range of cnam- devoted to shaping the Insn- which Chatham House had pre¬ jic normally so far above tliem between Clive, elder son of £■ 5. St Leger Moore, of 13 Hesper Rd, 10-5. ■ plonsfaqp winning cars, Olympia, Geveland, 73; Mr Gilbert Edgar, late’s policy in the early days, viously had few competitors. r'.ould come down if only for an Colonel and Mrs F. D. Williams, Mews, London, SW5, and Sarah Exhibition: '* I’ll put a girdle 10-830t 77; Dr David Mitranv, 87; This, no doubt, was true, nut The institute’s problem* ' ;;stant to their own humble and of Parkestone. Dorset, and Blansbard, eldest daughter of Mr Colonel P. A. Porteons, VC. 57 ; Mllible level—here was something Merrilyn, daughter of Mr and Mrs and Mrs E. P. Hickling, of round about the earth ”, centen¬ London JWalk: Lost London—the it was_ Ivison who had to carry changed, and today ideas, people ‘•'!:ry pleasant and human and Victor Brooks, of Sussex Square. Helmons, West Hanntagficld, ary of birth of Marconi, Science City, meet Sc Paul’s Under¬ Sir Ashton RoskiU, QC, 73 ; Dame their ideas into practice, raise and world conditions hare jarming to the heart. London. Essex. Museum, 10-6. ground, 2. wiiwn Yonnghnsband, 73. the money and recruit the staff, changed even more radicallv. His Dart in the building of Chat- Yet the administrative structure ham House was a very big one. which Ivison created has proved As you pointed out, adminis- basically sound and many of the' tratdon rather than international principles established in his Science report Half-yearly promotions iri Navy, Army, RAF scholarship was his field. For time have proved themselves in imeliectual inspiratioil he relied the new conditions and have R. Slfia:fL R. Bailey. P. E. A. Cbafl- GENERAL DUTIES (GROUND) Provisional selections for promo- Kina.' m* dock. AJ, F. Eastbum. L. G. Fraser. BRANCH: Group Captain F. E. Doran. largely on Arnold Toynbee. But been widely adopted byr institu- H.'K. Rc*»o. T>. Strong. D. J. Walden. Wins Commander E. G. N. GappurrltU. he shares the credit for ensuring tions in other countries, ia a The climate: Ice ages M. P. \\hHaer. P. B. Wymba. . P. £~ J. SasMK-lon. T. A. MacIntyre.. SohiiMinpublished in TT^Th^/onSSnifl Tunes on junstepheuwon. F S?IE*S™ u5:g. m. •». swinders. INFANTIW: Gds Dlv. Hon S. J- T. E. S. Gilbert.- Squadron Leader K. A. that Chatham House remained world which is changing so. fast, * r. ccording to some climatologists, these particularly active regions 1974 are confirmed. Provisional w. a. syiw, p. m_ weiah. ColwtdMT GrfiiGfi; 3|. I. CL feantonl Whynacht, J. D. Budcock. 1, R. Die*. free from commitment to any this is no mean achievement. . A gTTCWoSson. SG: R. F. B. Vi. Plckm. R. A. C. ElllcoU. R. A. „;e ages are caused by intense out- have also been associated with the selections for promotion to date ^C: p' ac'c?“£ WG si*mS DIv, G. A. NeiLiorb EUlnwortt. T. McGulri. M. Potidck. : ursts of volcanic activity. The development of glaciation. V. S. Uovd. A and SH: G. H. Peebles. D- RjGteed. r. J. Platts. ' leu is that dust and ash from The discovery of a link between June30are: Ski J. R- Al/ore. K G. Gordons: ID. P. Thomson. A and SH- PHOTO R4T BRANCH: Squadron Leader MR DEREK HENfi PROF MAX ic volcanoes veil the Earth. volcanic activity at different places Mr Derek Hene. one of DELAFLELD •J rreeniug out the Sun’s beat. around the Pacific Ocean ties in Britain’s foremost advocates of :! Although the idea is not new, well with the modern ideas of .‘•nere has from time to time been plate tectonics. All the three European unity, died on Decern- ,. ^f^or.i^axrinXeraru b- antroversv about how valid it regions mentioned by Dr Bray are her & at the age of 58. Jjf1* MC’1^ffiicDPH’ri,who diedP ifight be. Now the theory gets a on the boundary of a large Born in 19lS- the son of Dr ™ » « *J«*J . j usd net boost as a result of a “ plate ” of the Earth's crust, Emile Hene, an eminent chemist ™ Emeritus Professor of riudy carried out by Dr J. R. which just about corresponds to In the oil industry, Hene was Chemistry .as aPPhed in hygiene .-fray, a New Zealand glaciologist, the area of the Pacific. It looks educated at St Callen in Switzer- mnthe. U“Ters‘5,of London. -, i] Dr Bray has investigated the very much as if stresses that build land and St Catharine’s College, .Dunne the active tenure of | |nks between volcanic activity and up in the Earth’s crust lead to simultaneous fractures and vol¬ Cambridge. He served in North ^ JaircJ«:J1al4?^rk^ “ th® ' 1 creased glaciation urer the past canic activity (perhaps earth¬ West Europe in the Second L^don Scjooi of Hygiene and * 0,000 years. The events are dated World War finishing up as a Tropical Medicine and he had ; 'y means of the carbon-14 tech- quakes too) around the margin of mander J. M. Slock. E. B. While. : m. «. n. j. Law. p. . J. mjih, s. w. •’ ique, which is reliable only for the Pacific plate- Atkins. H. M- Dufllcld. M. 4. Piper. ?UUA R^SWoSwn”blnn'a PettlgroW. R. G. L. Pugh. E. C. TaJt- D. A. Bennetr. major. on Lord Montgomery’s "so beea ™e. "5ad. of M. G. C. Tanner. D. Sunday. E. C. Bprdaas. P.R. RCT: A. B Bellj. P. .M.. Caro Ian. R. G. Squadron Leader: ■ implos up to some 40 millennia just how relevant might this staff. He was -called to the bar departments of hygiene and ll Id. and that is why tliis particular research be to present climatic by the Inner Temple in 1943. bacteriology at U mveraty. Col- •; hidy goes back no farther. Even questions ? It ls difficult to see a Hen e spoke French and Ger- ese and at Ivinas CoUege of .-.s iich that limitation, however, the direct link, because although the man fluently and was an active .s,°.cial science. ^ ]! videncc is impressive. Earth does seem to be cooling, and there was some volcanic member of the Union 'Interna-. Max_ Dei afield, son. pf Mr • The dates of samples of volcanic tionale des Avocats being a well- Frederick A. Defafield. a mcr- . | ebris show a significant tendency activity in the 1950s, that acti¬ ■ l . or eruptions to occur at roughly vity seems too little and too kB«"-.r. figure at international chant, of Highbury, was'born'm I;, he same time in widely separated recent to tie In with the pattern conferences. He was a dedicated 1886, and received his early edu- ,-j arts of the world. In particular, found by Dr Bray. s.importer of the European cation at Merchant Taylors :; jmosc sjnehronous eruptions have . Jt is most likely that the pre¬ Movement and his book What School, where he distinguished ccurred in Japan, southern South sent cooling is caused by one of tlie Common. Market Really himself as an athlete-and was :: unerica and New Zealand several the other processes that affect Means has been widely used in a member of the rugby XV. i lm

For Saving . £ Investing and >; ^ For Saving House-Purchase £ ■X Investing and . £ House-Purchase » HALIFAX ; BUILDING SPC3ETV HALIFAX I BUILDING SOCIETY V/

& Pressure grows French will Gold slips Libya ends American oil embargo Directors trim nuclear after in building for guidance on power plants as further step to normal relations nearing $200 By Roger Vielvoye fixed it i* unlikely there will lizimon of its Surir oilfield a:>d society t Libya has lifted its 14 be any significant movements several . imcmatinal groups month-long embargo on oil of crude to. . America., , , .. -nave ...... signed new explor iiinn programme barrier exports to the United States. Overpricing by the —iby.in agreements. merger row 1 Pans, Dec 30.—France is to By Tim Caugdon Without any official announce- government was one of the Other big oil companies Directors left die hall as reexamine her nuclear power After being poised to break raent the oil companies operas- main reasons why Libyan operating in Libya include uproar erupted yesterday at a . programme, next month iu the the $200 an ouoce barrier in inn in the Libyan deserts have production slumped su drir.i.t- Exxon Corporation and Occi¬ meeting called by the Bourne-' light of rising costs and finauc- the morning, the gold price been told they are free to ticaUy. Output in October fell dental, while Continental and mouth and Christchurch Build- ' iii" problems and revised pros¬ fell back heavily on the Lon¬ resume exports to any desu- below a million barrels 3 day Marathon, together with ing Society to discuss the pro- . secondary banks pects for the country’s economic don bullion market vesterdav nation they like. for the first time in 10 years Amerada Hess, arc participants posed merger with the larger development, an EIcctririte de afternoon. It closed at $192;, Relaxation of the last of the and since then ha» dropped t.» in the Oasis group. Portland Building Society. By Christopher Wilkins of Triumph Investment Trust, France spokesman said today. down $3 on the day. restrictions on ofl movements around SOQ.GOO barrels a tiiv. Tying oil price: Dr Kissinger. The trouble began immedi¬ Financing difficulties and Considerable interest in the imposed during last autumn’s While relaxation c.f * the American Secretory of State, ately the meeting, adjourned . Ban king Correspondent which until November had been morning had pushed up the Aiab-Israel War could boost embargo will mean t-i.-i-.-essinii Pressure is mounting, on the receiving support from the lower growth forecasts make it says tilts United States would from December 10, began. Mr increasingly likely some cut¬ price from an opening quote of Libya’s flagging output, which holders can resume lellwi-ies consider tying the price nf oil Bertram Old, chairman, was Bunk of England and the clear- ^escue consortium. Mr Mac¬ tn eviar i S196 to a morning fixing of is down to about 800,000 bar- «o the L'nited States on a to that of other commodities if greeted with shouts of dissent backs would be ordered to exist-exist¬ | 5i97js the highest ever .level. ing banks to state publicly what J'®bterday that the rets a day from an average of limited scale, large-scale buy- exporting countries first lower when he announced that he pro¬ ing plans for up to 50 new Dealers said that the highest poiicy they wiU now adopt to- what die polip^of Ae support- nuclear power stations by 1985, million barrels a day in injj by independent regimes the bar.e price on petroleum. posed a further adjournment, sources said. quote was still .higher, with a "i*. . will be necessary to boo*. t I he OPEC members have lung until January 16. wards the secondary bank ers now was. range of $197 to $199. But the This move is also being seen counu-v’s overall At present prices alone this ‘-troducikin sought ro hare oil prices rise They needed more time to rescue operation. Mr Ian Mac- He suggested chat quality of $200 barrier was never as, yet another step in the rate. and fall in relation to what would cost around 68,000m breached. - • reply to Mr Jim Row land-Jones’ donald. chairman of Liovds and assecs should be a key criterion Libyan government’s desire ro Libyan oil has the natural they pay for imported pro¬ circular against the merger. As ' ' Scottish, a leading 'finance m deciding which secondary francs (about £6397m) without In Paris, liovVever, gold, was improve its relations with the attraction of a low sulphur taking account of rising materi¬ at oue point fixed at higher ducts. But they want the c:»st the shouting grew Air Old and house, revealed vesterdav in h;s banks should survive. Those companies operating rhere. content plus properties thar index tied to the present high the other directors filed off *be-i ' annual statement to sharehold- lvilh heavy lending commit- als and other costs. than $200. The Paris market is These groups are now awaiting allow a larger than average buse price of oil. restricted and it is customary stage of Bournemouth town baU:;. ers that the support operation nwor* m Jow qualiy »ropjmc^ The nuclear programme is the. Government’s derision on amount of each barrel to be £30m N ini an platform: High- Air Rowland-Jones, a £5,g0f has now topped the £1 mbit for instance, ^bould be allowed tailored to meet a forecast in¬ for the price to be higher than revised prices in the light of converted to petrol—an impor- land Fabricators are to build crease in electricity consump¬ elsewhere. investor with the Bourneqding ■ • mark. ,“uwm to run down. This could take the decision by the Organic- rant feature for American the second platform for:* the and Christchurch, theit that.; Using Lhe publication- of his *2° or three years. tion by 1985 to around 420,000 In the afternoon, trading ation of Petroleum Exporting, refineries. Bur malt .-'BP Ranger tSeve!n> million kilowatt hours annually, was overshadowed by the im¬ over the meeting. handle *1.dement as a platfo'-m he has Mr Macdonald said he thought Countries to recommend a Relations between the oil ment of the Ninian oilfield m He told the several his. The ; called for earlv decisions to ino•« Pf ™** companies now from slightly over 180,000 mil¬ minence of private ownership single price system for Gulf companies, the United Stares the northern North Sea. lion kWh in 1974. of gold in the United States members present that ch as - identify those companies which receiving support- believed to crude. and Libya reached a low point The platform will be made proposing the removal Tenner, are unlikely to recover and be aroufl,d 20—should be run However, forecasts of expect which will become possible in Before the embargo was im- during the Arab-Israel War. of steel at Nigg Bay and will ted industrial growth have been the new year. Uncertainty over existing board. He then pv con-' iheretoio should be run down down> although in terms of the posed the United States was But in recent months relations cost about £30m. Delivery is ward eight names of sugghoy* - or merged, and those which are lotal amount involved in the severely altered by the energy the intentions oE the American one of the largest single mar- have improved. BP has .planned for early 1977. A cor- crisis and the consequent slow¬ government, with fears that new directors. the i expected ro have a profitable* sll?P°l'c operation they would kets for Libyan oiL But until accepted an offer of £.l7.4m Crete platform has already In addition to himself cst- future This would probably on,-\ account for a small pro- down in world trade, and this the United States Treasury these new price levels are compensation for the nutijna- been ordered. forecast for increased electricity may try to dampen the present were Mr Bill Whitelock, Mr h ; require a restructuring and the POJjion- . . , Wadliara, Mr Leonard MoultPS _. acceptance of appropriate He argued that those com- consumption is expected to be enthusiasm for the metal, con¬ too high. tributed to a wave of profit¬ Mr Robert Wixon. Mr Robt£. Jiouiditv disciplines. pame* winch survived should be James, Mr John Norris and A? Mr Macdonald, a director of resmicmred by means of injec- EDF is unable to finance taking. The price tumbled quickly to close S5 from the Thomas Haslam. * *1 ihe National and Commercial flora of. new. *^12523 nuclear expansion plans on Shipbuilders to press Sun Life Mr Wixon and Mr James are , Banking Group which takes in loans. Tins could be achi^ present electricity tariffs, which peak at $1924. But dealers said that trading members of the Bournemouth Williams & GJvn’s Bank and the by converting to a longer-t^m do not reflect increased energy and Christchurch Society. Royal Bank of Scotland, said footing some of the sbortr^ and other costs, the spokesman conditions were thin. It was the absence of buyers, rather and CU Mr Rowland-Jones then asked ; that the problem must be funds pumped in by supporting, said. for decentralization for 100 signatures from mem-*! than the weight of selling, were continuing tlieir campaign Instead of an expected 6 per which caused the drop. There By Peter Hill bers and explained that this was I cenr increase in electricity Britain’s shipbuilding in¬ of opposition in the hope that cut policy necessary as a first step towards j ha% ilSfSAJS were some quotes as low as their arguments would persuade . lhe looser term intentions of g^fi^iSUSSraH tariffs from the start of 1975, $190 to $192. dustry, one of the prime the removal of the board. He j at least 15 per cent would be the Government to change its also said that be had nearly j candidates for further public even at ejeventb hour. scottislt JfeiM needed to maintain financial Some authorized American benefits 2,000 members supporting him * stability. traders were active in the Lon¬ ownership under the Govern- in an end-of-vear message, the By Our Financial Stuff against the merger. s don bullion market, but deal¬ tronbles. he sm-* « we are dis- proJortSS Given the political sensitivity mentis industrial policy, will SRNA president said the ship- Sun Life and Commercial The merger plan had failed, turbed about the loss of status “£p°rvf_Tnn*»er-fenn deposits over price rises of this kind, the ers said that they tended to be press Mr Wedgwood Benn, the building industry’s order book Uninn yesterday joined the he claimed, and the board must Government was being forced to sellers as well as buyers of Minister for Industry, for a fully of, more than six million tons, rapidly increasing ranks of big be got rid of. the metal. It was announced “ There are two ways the subsidize!‘the nuclear programme yesterday afternoon that. the decentralized structure. valued .more *** Q40?™; life companies forced to cut %jr a u -. . was sufficient to provide full benefits in view of the dismal directors can go and the best directly to guarantee massive Minneapolis commodity borrowing abroad by EDF, tbe Mf, ?e.lcb> Pr«idMt empi0yment for major ship- economic and financial condi¬ one is for them to resign. They iAwjfs-M 3-sracwa exchange would indefinitely of _ the Shipbuilders and Re- for at ieast tf,e nest three know they bave not taken the sources explained. pairers National Association, 'vears tions. As from the start of the His comments have been bank to bank postpone the start of gold year CU will reduce surrender society with them. This year the Government has futures trading. ' prompted by the recent collapse Financial Editor, page 17 already granted 500m francs of values of its life policies. For the directors to hang on additional finance to EDF. But It had been expected that SiSS"SfcSsTn °1 If the new surrender values was a ridiculous situation, he the utility expects to make a loss such trading would start today. had been in force during 1974, added. It was only damaging Futures trading win still SMSSETn wJr ^ the group said, the reduction the Bournemouth and Christ¬ of around 1,400m francs because compensation for the companies Bllt with ^ Government's Anti-trust Chrysler of inadequate prices. become possible in other would have been Jess than 12 church Society and the Portland.-j In 1974 EDF raised some American commodity urvoivea. . . plans for nationalization of ship- per cent. Sun Life is reducing Building Society would obvi¬ exchanges, with New York and He said: If legislation is to building, marine engineering the terminal bonus on old ously come under attack at their $600m on international capital Chicago expected to become be introduced to take our and shiprepairing expected to markers and 1,200m francs series simple bonus policies next meeting. study of prices up tbe main.'centres for dealing. industries into public ownership, cryStalize next year, 1975 would from 23 pea: cent to 15 per through a domestic bond issue There is no fully developed this os a fact of life which must almost certainly prove to be a It is'negotiating with Kuwait to cent of attaching reversionary futures market in Europe. be accepted. We are now. there- landmark in the industry's long bonuses, as well as effecting a sale plan by 7.8 pc borrow a further $300m to A rush of advice, page 17 fore, doing everything we can to aQd eventful historv. General Mining finance nuclear investments. “modest” reduction in the The United States Justice Chrysler yesterday announced Msime that the foundations for Against the background of scale of surrender values. Department said yesterday that price increases averaging 7.8 Nuclear power development raising £12|m tcould •““JsSI?® 3X6^ LiruiW M: , these expected changes he Explaining the move in a ii uiiic Jnvostlgizfj.uS .*hff propo.-. per cent to take effect front h poses of legislation. 781 224 Shareholders will S Africa Rd 1.75 1.6S Interest Spain Pen 137.00 132.09 ASSOCIATED CGMPANY/S.UBSIDIARIES 670 521 Sterling rn-=c by 40 poimr ro tween £730 and £26 while the daily Sweden Kr S.M 9.50 Profit before Tav .. vote on payment $23460. Tlie “ effective' devalua¬ price was lifted £20 to £470. Culicc Switzerland Fr 6.QU Hall. Russell & Company, principal operating com¬ 670 454 tion rate was 21.fi per cent. lost up to £13. Copper rose £13 but 3.50 Protit alter Corporation Tax payable US S 239 pany of Northern Shipbuilding & Industrial Holdings, Gold Tell liy S3 lo 5192]. zinc dropped £6.25 to £315.25—its Yugoslavia Dor 4130 Earnings per Ordinary Share before to Tory funds SDK—S was 1.219190 wbili SDR—C lowest for nearly IS months. LME 39.75 suffered from effects of fi.ved priced contracts and 1.96p 0.93p unprecedented inflation: riiip repair activities and extraordinary items The board of Associated was U.721690. silver declined between 33p and ILuai ror lunl: only, a* .MipuM'd Engineering, tbe Leamington Commodities : Tbe December cocoa 4.23p. Renters index was 3.3 un y-sii-rdav. '-y : .-icn.oit North Sen oil servicing expanded considerably. Forward position collapsed by £SS.7.> a at 1,1783. njikinal Lit-. Dill^ri-m ral-s j-.u-v 'w Spa motor industry components irnvTil.TR rbr-qui'S nmi oinuj- i„iviqn order book satisfactory and management confident on in lhe engineering tonne. Sugar futures gained be¬ Reports, pages IS and 19 group, is to ask shareholders tn uurcutv aaa.auij. future -'rospcct*. companies at a book value of £5.4 million, were up to approve a payment of £7,500 Fail in protits of Fashion & General Group attri¬ expectations but the extra working capital required because to the Conservative Panty to Oa other pages buted to disposal during year of B. W. Nobes & Co., of rapid inflation has so absorbed liquid resources lhat no help in the fight against the Government’s rationalization Business appointments IS Bank Base Rates Table 19 Rand Selection Corporation 18 but future proportion of earnings will be less dependent final dividend can be recommended. Scottish and Mercantile upon one source. __ Annual dividends receivable by plans. Appointments vacant 6 Company meeting reports: Mi- Henry Moore, chairman, Financial Editor 17 Investment Company 15 Scottish i.-: Mrtvumlie may not be significantly less: r These results exclude the investment in Norton VHliers Dundee and London says the company considers it Financial news IS, 19 Triumph, at a book value of £2.0 million. The precise essential to oppose the “ threat Investment Trust IS Interim statement: GENERAL Wall Street IS International Computers S. Hoffnung & Co 19 position of that company, and the continuing blockade at its of further encroachment ’. hut Balance Fheer shows even greater financial Diary 17 (Holdings) 1G Me^den factory, is now a political matter and no audited considers the contribution or Company announcement: strength. Confidence expressed in loug.ier'ni prospects funds to a political party to be Letters 76 Lloyds and Scottish 1G accounts for Ms yecr lo 31si July. 1974, have been published. of company'* ucC\ tries. a matter rhat should bo decided Market reports 15 Manganese Bronze Holdings 15 Highlands & Lowlands I''.va bv shareholders. Share prices *-U Tbe Moss Engineering Group 17 Rubber Company 19 Financial new, page 19 THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974 ociA/toysler leader says monetary growth! French see LETTERS TO THE EDITOR "■•w- j.*ii jfivp i, ojIk nil till<'*41'J1 f t helped to fuel worldwid e inflation Job evaluation and the i&Sfes talk j Washington, Dec 30.—Mr prehensive measures, whether 1969 to $132,000m, or almost ^ M-iXwV vl ! Johannes Witteveen, inter- in the field of demand manage- 35 per cent of the worJd-atone- i national monetary fund manag- mcnt, or of incomes policy, or tary stock, at the end_o£ f)73. irlull Dill PS classic Micawberv situation- - - - as#***encouraging™ *to see that, Closures ; ins director, considers that par- both, will serve.” “This must have contributed ! X*‘B* not an irrational or- un just so emiMnt a practical farmer ax r. 7 v «■ Mialcespeare J tial measures designed to, hold Mr Witteveen blamed infla- in no Mnan measure to world* From Mr IV. F. Younger :1 J- ’TV.„ i_.. With the announcement today state of affairs ? 2LA2b?n£Rosc.n supports the Some organizations . offer JV:” ali.agncultural inter- greater job security, or a plea- stttmd present a common samer working climate, or. *™nL I would Kite, .to"add, how- more long-term opoorrumtv, «r ***** they should be Joined are more accessible, or ’ are V “»• private forestry- industry-. - Mizo Planning to sen or even i to a joint session of the of monetary expansion in the element, , tthe^e first objective of the govern- der whether Professor Mac- SitUawd in a pleasanter part of ** JU& not grasped by the ;ii!nr-»u down any plants here. • American Economic Association countries increased from seven “Their disappearance re- me41tmem in the battle against heath or the author of PEPs country than other*. P®°P« hf tffiscotfotiy that, by .’•.jdL'ke the rest of the motor > and the American Finance per cent during 1969-70 to over moved a factor which had* . „ . ■■ idlls'r- in ... J in Cnn 17pnnr,ci*n 19 nftr rdnf in 1Q71 jnri 1Q79 m mititfjfn rka nn.n 1inOation nL. 3tl had been achieved. Reshaping Britain are aware Moreover, changes in &\jppb of lat® 1980si^ timber imports. The ri« in (Vrnhpp was li »r “at: labour rake much 'longer 5?£®ntIy runmn^. at nearly Jr„r °^ b 3-1 ^ 3, Severai hundred companies adjustment time than do year, will cosr ce£r‘ h: Britain a'jxadv pay their cnan?es in demand, and if we “°£e oit,Tlns is all the do not pay a premium for S01-? inexcusable since we have skills which are in high “je wnd available and the right - J Indeed its operations are ' mancL credit available through the 400 per cent increase in the demand and in short supply climate tor increasing home pro- i*ri>babJr the most vulnerable nf < “In addition, they usually Eurocurrency market,” lie said, price of oil. Mr Witteveen i he -‘big four” carmakers in ! create scar dries or divert rc- The estimated size of that said it is estimated the price Manufactured gooos a..o corre.-ate the;r eternal . £ d eveTeroect io £ substantial contribution to / ;*ii:s country. It suffered badly : sources from their most appro- market increased from SW.OOOm risense added 2 to 3 per cent to services, on the other hand, evafuasor.s on a common basis ? V JL* *”!r.**Pec£*® a huge deficit is proposed hv . 1^‘rom labour disputes and the : priate uses,” he said “ Only com- (about £19,130mJ at the end of world prices. showed a distinct slowing down to market pay cjm;w:=oa.s w ‘SQC:f^i £ the present Government, who v-. vhree-day week. _ ' .----*-—--*-—-- ■ last month by comparison with ija: tier104 » *rra=^menlsdo ,^e* ^gd ln be. are actually proposing that the - j«I The company extended lioli- ; re -»-i - . i pi j p Cfnrlv /,f C/v-QTi October when they stood w« 1-52-3 ^r. ? to ^,-v are *lvcen criteria which in- ^M?sfer tax,shPuld OlUfly OI scrap per cent and 1.6 per centce=i c ngr.ln „ ‘!r’i^ssleV"T^0;cxr year will probably be j By Tim Congdon j ByRv pPeterpt„n;n Hill prices have nsen b>- 14.9 per fg-o-s. .Wbs at a given time if we are S5nl? it tbe Professor _ Laidlcr, of Man- -F=?ecJ?lofForecasts of European supply g *ta '“iSe TaS . Drnh,em ThfSea ce'SS.rf£ Chester University, says in a and demand for scrap during }* ^|ee ^recordwT montL. n^-lo£aLJob .e\-aination lrfJ2?k sperilic°to theP« fa\-” “use &ennSriTat^ *eOor wfll now pamphlet from the Institute the next five years, to be pub- riam0ared to Gennanv's 7 t?e- !S hedevs-.ed by confusion be- __ c f£.1' plant 20.000 acrcK- Iess rhis of Economic Affairs: “We are lished next month, will have Snt ^ 5 ^ r-veeo eraluaiion of internal ^winter than originallv cxoccted important implications for J eBnL pecking order of jobs on the “LS? £1*1 ?n J 2ff52 .This ^eficit viI1 double ne£ Britain’s scrap industry which, ! T/>Lot-oti cionc I \Y^ ore -,ao° a-d *he placing of a 'Ta£r«,iS.£ri.f^ winter if the proposed tax is money amount on these re^ SSS?*®2!!!!?-5S made ,aw withoio‘some provf; 2t£r*> inavnai ral.»* ™ed to goods and services by sinn fnr rhc linifTVfA nnfivm /tf - ( .11- fl - - « U1II uc auu wui iM/muiin . r *u *. u export arhiM.atve insernai values onn the the labourSOOQS content. ™ services sion for the unique nature of a u .\uss - week compared iviik - One of the most serious profa- | Causes, Consequences and j after nearly years of : tree crop. . Iran and a consortium of ___ _ , , However, whilst ^ugli contri- ‘Jc man11 3,300 jusi over a year j jems was the division between } Cures, published today, reports : restrictions. An apparent determination to S odon cm management and employees, i on u conference last September ! The British on., in,ternal .eva^ butors of added value consider prevent private investors from t Midtac'-- This bad undermined the con- ! attended fay economists from j the British S utilizing our marginal 'land to .i i M. U ; fidence of mauagemem, its ; Britain and the United States, t and private s< produce our one renewable raw . M ippcnhaixOJCC energy ; courage in making major de- : including Professur Milton j rlirough the material is curiously at odds ■ j>7s Serp rtfc Jptpi dent Steel ProducersPi Associa- < . furone. an-nrdin«T 7Z neoDle worfc™ s- v,;, S-V witfrAir Wilson’s plea, made to jiAFi.AFi. -.ga-gSOtU.&m ui *J-.uui^ . rher^p best use of0f jhejj,e country’s ! Professor Friedman argued I tiounun have beenbeei closely involved j ^a3L1S!2^L!i S^Scallv^oaere^da^d SfUSSijSS. ^ YVC on November 28. for' Vi j^hieis-Roycei-^hrcvs-Royce (1971)Il9/il has .: scarce resources, he declares.declares, j that accelerating inflation rc-res [ in thetlie asscssnassessment by the ,EEC | ffiS! COnunuiu‘*ue stated ia SSEShSro“d^ IT Vestment in Lhe pn^e -irm.jved.,fTnavcd energyeneruv savings worth = Most managers feel that a fleeted governments’ attempts Commission of scrap needs up .. . H~22r t 3u ar?£ ilL *»=»*■• i■ -r £1.6m this year. Reschedul- ; controlling board split evenly ! to keep employment at high ! to 19S0. f;r.cVoors fa^fully, ■- ■» of engine tests and ■ benveen owners and unions f levels, causing unemployment to ; In the United States yes ter- ^ fonIrtb“”.on*vt^‘f. PUL. ” B. N. HOWELL, :j Proved Techniques have cut ! would Institorioiialize the divi- ! be less than the “ natural rare **. : day Mr Frederick DcnL Com- Paso Jj1® WII tcG J-!jfa,"',er sltuaUan Matthews WrightsWrightson on Land Ltd, 'unsutnption of aviation fuel by ; sion, deepening it and making = ProFessor Laidler said : “The | merce Secretary* announced : J^.e Urnted Sates, .-5“ ™amount of overependmg- Cheddar,Cheddar. j.: per cunt, saving £600.000. • it permanent. Sir Frederick j right approach is to siiy .that i that all controls-on .exports of : “fWgS“*«: SS. & %?%* SjSSSS* Somerset. Electricityelectricity economies amounted j says. But theremere had to be more ?j governments have no business j ferrous scrap would be lifted ‘ -^.bOOm.(£Z.435ni) company same size ana importance, but F. YOUNGER. nn £620,000. participation of some kind. •: setting targets 'fromfrom midnight xonighLtonighL ,f 3J osmbltshed. Ir « » .different 1 Great Cumberland Place, . , ' wil include costs for an LNG organttauons. This is surely London, Wl. |\J Viaq rvvl ^aUo { rrfinery and purchase of 34 N SeaOCa oilULt jobsJUUb From Miss Margaret J. Joachim firstFirst ICL 2900 system delivered on time 1 iS “s What OPEC wants5S IISusUO tolU believeU^liv^vv^ £“hear■* Ion was ^ most„e|ts interestedrecently lhat to.. , _ . North Sea oil companies arei '{< International Computers' first viding tlie service to Fulton, has promoted it also in civil j OfCUSOt Sllld Tran link I from Mr R. O. Jackson foreign exchange cost of oil to suffering a shomge of geoItT ■* ’ .goo-scries computer to be Hoskyns will use the insralla- applications such as message trench anrf io„»n i ISir’ Your correspondent, Mr rhpthe irrmnrtTnriimporting rnnnTrifs—countries—the fh#» gists- ’■ .1 ciivurcd to a customer, a large f1 iUTlTUttpr tipwC tion to demonstrate their switchine and in steel mills and i rr“ - I Roger Vieivoye, in his interest- latest unilateral actions by p;™ •; J-Todel 2970. was despatched on \^UIUpUlCI UCW3 -j j ime from the company’s West txorton factory on December 19. ,} V* The system is now being \ .^stalled for the Goverumem’s HoskvrtS IBM mOVC language. thi CreBSoi-LoirrSA and the ot single pricing claim our own goveruments, o-i com- adcquateorlnappropriate qiiafi- i -Central-ventral Computer AgencyAgencv at Coral lslHgliage time w cVJ c. ..lS it wdl not affect the end panles and consumers, is ficatiMc h»r nf4 |I .::CL premises at Bracknell, Berk- Lndcr a.facd‘n“ manaSe A GEC 4080 computer is to CoiDShare IH Belgium ft,.hire,B u:_ iti. —will n i_bei known__ as the_contract contract with CharlesCharier FultonFultnr and . . . ^ Roval Radar , ®. _ 4 ''ontral Comnmer Facilin? Company, international money Jri3»L u?Belgian clients of the Com- ‘ Xirv or. me on companies, ne statements sztouio nor oe other than th* cntrai Computer facility. broken^ the Hoskyns group bs Establishment at.Malvom, Wor- share bureau group are now able • After commissioning, exien- F . cestei-Khire. m develnmne rhe ___i-_ _.■_ US controls worked repeats exactly ivhat the: OPEC aUowed to make gem appear routine llLjrwoiy^SSSIire^ ucvconcrois WOrRefl members want us to believe. as the consumers’ fneud when, ^ in supers bKkdSnistrSve The American Government’s It is much less convenient clearly, they are not. difficulties and inrnlprahi* two-and-a-half-year economic for the producing countries tu Yours faithfully, sions would be treated hv controls programme, which hare the argument extended to R. O. JACKSON, presence as a member nf anv ended last April, had a “posi- show that every move in this S5 Burges Roa«L- eSk^atioT^tv tire and statistically signifi- direction so far has resulted m Thorpe Bay, In vieu^f thecurrentscarcitv P-oar^ve increase, in the Esses. of trained gec^ogists. I ivould be'

totS* ^er^t ...... ,. wb«h„i"rta"'dcomSniesk,1S^ - pplications will be carried out. Road, London. As well as pro- for military programming, and Kenneth Owen yesterday.«po«ar“ d in Washins“n Vamshing art of leadership ™> “sJpSSd ll S.p^™nS? y' _ . , r _ u wl .... , .• as geologists on the same terms- ‘ . . . From Miss Anne de Lasta t . The ability to deal-with as men Women are nor ev-' Vxerman prcoiction 1 Sir, This grey Monday morning is bs ptirchit^abie •a’-cotn- > ctutted -from tmhenJty ’guOMtyi West Germany's 7J» per cent I was cheered up considerably modity as sugar or coffee—and courses, and there must be a- inflation rate wfll drop another by reading Mr IV. F. Younger’s l.-wilj pay more for that ability considerable well of expertise, percentage point next year after article on industrial relations fhan for any other undfer the tD ^ capped. new government economic direc- and the vanishing art of leader- -_/-r^bn n Q>n.bfBiwi4 * Yours faithfully, tives were put into effect, the ship (Business News, December . .. XVOCK®lBueTJ- * MARGARET J. JOACHIM. • country's five key economic 2). Yours faithfully. Department of Geological 1 research institutes predicted May I add a postscript by way ANNE DE LASTA, Sciences, ' Lloyds, yesterday. of a quotation: 6 St James’s Square, SW1. The Umvo^ity of Birmingham., and Scottish Diff icult year surmounted.

Main points from the Statement by IAN W. A1ACDONALD, Chairman of the Board Group Earnings magnitude—remains unresolved but There is no loss of confidence In the future The group profit before tax a mounted should be tackled soon. There can be no of this well-managed group and of advan¬ to £i 0.59 million as compared with £12.33 short or easy solution but early decisions tages which may be gained from an million for the previous year—a reduction should be made identifying those association with British Relay Wireless.. of 14.1 per cent. companies which are unlikely to recover This is the first occasion for 10 years and therefore should be run down or International Factors Group when afali in profit is recorded and, in merged, and those which are expected to Since the openingof 5 regional develop¬ view of the redaction disdosed in our half have a profitable future. In the second ment offices considerable progress has year's results 1031st March, the downturn category there would be a need for been made both in turnover (which now for the whole year is not surprising. More¬ restructuring and the acceptance of exceeds £100 million) and profit. The 1974 over, 1974 has proved to be the most appropriate liquidity disciplines. management arc to be commended on difficult year in history for many finance Although our Group is not in volved in their careful underwriting and monitoring-. booses and wehave weathered the s torm these troubles, wc are disturbed about the relatively-well. Fortunately we do not have loss of status of the finance house sector Overseas Interests liquidity problems, nor any signifi ran t as a whole and itis in the interests of the CrcdcorBank in South Africa (in which a strong product line exposure to set-backs in the property industry that this be restored in the not we have a 30 per cent investment-! has had market. In ourcasethemain adverse too distant future. another good year, in spite of increasing factors have been (1) sharp rises in interest money costs and credit restraints. rates, (?) lower volume oibusiness, parti- British Relay Wireless and . In Europe, where we have a majori ry- cularlyfrom the motor trade, and (3; Television stakcin Eurocredit which in turn has a rising costs. For example, the Finance Towards the en d of the year we made a wholly owned subsidiary in Italy and a Houses Association, base rate was 12 per bid for the shares of this company not minority investment in France, the situa¬ tion has worsened appreciably. This is cent at the end of September 1973. It rose already in our ownership. The ordinary * °iahe^°k^,°r th^ ye,f esteb!ished 1 new record; unfulfilled orders stand at the by stages 1016 per cent in February and offer was one ordinary share of Lloyds and mainly due to the long-standing problems Highest level ever, virtually covering the whole of thecurrent year's output. March and thereafter has shown a gradual Scottish for every two ordinary stares of of the I talian company, and of the Italian, reduction and now 5 lands at 12 per cent. BRW. Lloyds Bank and The Royal Bank economy. The French company, which Th eaverage fb r the year to 30 th September of Scotland offered the accep ting share¬ is soundly based and well managed, has * ?odnSTo1™9reW ata f3St6r °f «P°rts - our total business Z974 was 1446 per cent compared with holders a cash alternative of zoip per been reporting somewhat lower profits due 9.33 per cent for the previous year. Rising ordinary share. We now hold approxi¬ to rising costs and credit restraints. We We announced in October, 1974the two largest models, 2980 and 2970 in our now jmerestrsres cut into the profit margin mately 99 per cent of the BRW ordinary havemade a substantial provision in res¬ anticipated when underwriting fixed rate shares and we are in the process of pect of our Eurocredit in vestment. oZttln98'the 2900 Series. I am convinced that this Seri^iv^ ICL a range instalment contracts during peziods.of acquiring the remain der. AU the prefer¬ much lower interest rates. This situation ence shares have also been acquired. Future Prospects sisssss^stsms^,n world- which wMi we"sen,e °urit^h applies to much of our motor business and Lloyds Bank and TheRoyalBankof The deteriorating economic situation of to part ofonrindns trial financing. On the Scotland now own 41.1 per cent each of the the country makes it impossible to esti¬ * Our factories produced in 1974 the largest volume of computers in our history. other hand, a large segment of our lending capital of Uoyds and Scottish as compared mate the outcome of a future period in business is remunerated by interest with 43.2 pe rceat each prior to the oner. monetary terms. With an expected lower¬ geared to a base rate and we have also bad We welcome our 5,000 new shareholders. ing in the standard of living, one may * cunemr^ntCllm!,teitJsdffficu'ttoforecastthe future. But prospects forthe tii c benefit of the medium-terra money As stated in the offer documents, we anticipate afallingdemandfor consumer line a^ya^eal*hyn activity in the motor industry, and results for the 18 months to 30 th September Profit including extraordinary coUapseofthepropertymarket, together 1974 show a fell in the rate of earnings, due hems attributable to Lloyda the Secretary. witiiatraifitionaliuonetarypractioe of mainly to a slowing down in the expansion and ScottishUmlied 4.224 7,360 y, SW15 1SW. of colour television business following Dividends: 2,850 24SK borrowing short and lending longer, Profit retained In the groap 1,374 4,773 created liquidity problems and the flow of rental terms control inDecember 1973. freshdqposits orrenewalsshowed signs of drying up. The Bank of Eng! and organised (through the Gearing Banks; a support operation which, because of the contmumglackofronfidmc^hasnow grownto an abrogate in excess of £1^200 million. This problem—serious in its think computers —think I CL I ICL Lloyds and Scottish Limited I (j TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974 i7 BY THE FINANCIAL EDITOR Aston Martin: a company lackin; A rash of ■ advice for. strategies the formula for survival American There have been doubts about Willson again -went to die Gov¬ the future of Aston Marlin ernment for help. This time to , which has announced the tune of £1,250,000. gold buyers i that it is going into liquida¬ On October 29 Mr Benn indi¬ Americans can today buy gold ^ for 1975 tion, ever since it was pur- cated that he was now ready to again. The 41-year-o!d United So, we hare came to the end While this is now f?r » reported mere help with a loan of £600,000 Srates ban on private bullion being cited, status until the supporting £250,000 in February. 1972, by but insisted on several condi¬ of a catastrophic year for in¬ .4aust assume banks clarify their intentions. Company Developments, invest¬ ownership has been lifted and, vestors, apart, of course, from that crude <' wall remain tions—and that is where the according to some gold enthusi¬ at least at In a different way, the same ment bankers, of SolihulL War¬ present conflict between Aston Those like Mr Slater who opted ■present levels holds true of the clearer* wickshire. asts a new gold rush is on the for gold aod cash, respectively in the fori !e future, and Martin and Mr Benn becomes way. No one really knows just!, that OP-1 tnemselves. To the market it These doubts were based 3 little murky. the best and second-best invest¬ ducers would seems certain that there must partly on the new owners’ lack what is going to happen and reduce i My os they saw The first Aston Martin car famous of these was the DB Aston Martin insists that the the level of real demand alone ments of 1974. e cJ9sses ac the current level of motor manufacturing experi¬ deal feH through because, it Worse still, there is no sign demand oheavdy and as appeared in 1913, deriving its series (an example of which, the will decide whether this event . the sqm of fringe bank commitment, but ence but more importantly on was required to obtain firm will warrant more than a mere ^ of improvement The early ^he international to judge by National & Com- the view that the operation at name from Lionel Martin, who DBS, is shown above) which oil won the World's Sportscar orders from its American deal¬ footnote in the history books. months of next year will pro¬ eec&me intoier* Newport Pagnell did not con¬ built it, and Clixtum able. mercial’s accounts the banks the Aston Championship in 1959. ers as a condition of govern¬ Journalists, economists and ■ vide plenty of fodder for the will be making no specific pro¬ form to the survival formula Hill climb, where it made its ment assistance. But the deal¬ pessimists. For the moment, the Margins ate already Twing Financially the company was so-called gold experts have all : vision on this score in the for hand-made, specialist car mark. It was originally ers in turn -wanted a commit¬ written a great deal recently; likelihood is for nil growth in squeezed hard. Shell’s totally Present year. Ignoring the issue manufacturers. never very successful and after ment from the Government the United Kingdom economy in tegrated oil trading irargin assembled from other people's having a number of owners it about the complex financial and will do nothing to satisfy the Worldwide, the survivors of components and it was not until before .placing their orders. monetary factors that trill deter- < 1975 while inflation runs on the (excluding stock profits) is doubts. this once flourishing sector of was bought in 1946 by David probably under the 10 cents a the 1920s that ten Aston Marlin Brown, an Aston enthusiast and Tbe department’s version mine the volume of American i wrong side of 20 per cent. In As it is, rising bad debt the motor industry can now be diffas. -It says the loan was bullion buying- The major influ- 1 •shorty stagflation. This, against barrel mark now compared with counted on the fingers of two appeared with entirely self-engi¬ the head of the David Broom. around 50 cents in die third experience is expected to mean neered parts. It was a thorough- Corporation. Company Develop¬ conditional among other things ence, however, may well be. the a background of international other provisions that will knock hands. Almost without excep¬ on Aston Martin’s concluding skills of the marketing experts, trade slipping into recession or . Demand is probably tion they have one or more of bred which started a long line of ments acquired the whole of the some nasty (although by no I&TflLlES record-breakers on the world's share capital on Febnuay Iff. » satisfactorysatisfactory* marketing in the face of thundering warn¬ worse, forces investors into mak- ‘enough in the short¬ means crippling) holes in racing circuits. The most 1972. ' arrangement with an American ings by government officials on. term KSfnlolri' no onmnflonno nr mnMf O J-- who, it Claimed, ing their own decisions about to allow some improve- profits, turning useful gross leading engineering or motor distributor wno, it the risks of owning gold- - whether disaster can be avoided, here as selling prices go increases into pre-tax down¬ group, tbe use of a suitable Aston Martin had already Education has been the first this time round at any rate. mgiier, particularly for gasoline. turns in most cases. engine and other important storm it has tbe right formula I intend to see that it stays indicated was ready to do the theme of the marketing, For most people making ti&t £* the Jon-er term altema- In other areas, too, there are components produced In for survival. that way.” job. In tbe event no such specialists- dedsion in the next three^or Bud the downswing question marks. Balance-sheet volume and therefore at Aston Martin has none of _ When he cook over, produc¬ arrangement was concluded and The educational programme four months will be well-nigh ““ .****£ cycle will reduce ratios have come under pres¬ reasonable cost and access to a these things. It is owned by tion was down to two cars a the offer fell through. has by no means been restricted impossible. In this sitpad&jn of demand. Refining margins sure, generating rumours of well-established marketing accountants and financiers, week with losses running ac Sad to report, during to discussions in plush conven-j acutd uncertainty, . ordinary would tfaed be under very imminent rights issues. Worry network overseas. men who have in the main £im a year. Within 13 mnnthii October the conzpamy’s remark¬ non centres and hotels. Dozens shares npdbably have further to severe press e indeed, as spare that the banks might not be For instance, Ferrari went to made their profits in house production had reached nine able ali-aLIoy 53 litre engine, of organizations have been, fall. Arjsome point during the capacity ros able to meet soaring industrial Fiat, and Maserati linked up building and property develop¬ cars a wee!:, and Mr Willson with, its racing-type hour over¬ printing special brochures about' first' haft’ of 1975 it would not In this ntext Shell was financing needs in 1975 (now with Citroen. Ford bought de ment. told the Aston Marti a Owners’ head camshafts, successfully the best ways to acquire bullion. be surprising to see the FT probably ffori to have just receding somewhat) have raised Tomaso. Jensen was acquired There are those in the motor Club: completed the United States Five commodity exchanges. .. ordinary share index as low as over a half its third quarter the old spectre of government by Kjel Qvale, a Norwegian- industry who believe that Wil¬ We have passed die break¬ 50,000 mile emission test pro¬ are striving to get business for 120-130. Meanwhile, gilts, re¬ net income £304m coming intervention. And although Amencan who made his for¬ liam Willson, the chairman, even figure of eight cars a gramme. their new futures’ markets. flecting fears about exchange from North erica and from tune selling British sports cart was attracted by the cheapness week, li we can reach our ulti¬ The chances of another last- Each exchange is spending ■ gas and ch □one of this need mean more of the Aston Martin purchase. mate target of 12 cars a week rates ^ and uncertainties about earnings out- than a relatively modest over¬ in the United States and pos¬ ditch rescue by a buyer must heavily to tell the public that . side North Eca. Of that, sessed a sales network tailor- No official figure has been we shall be making excellent now be remote, but members it is better equipped to handle inflation and interest rates, will all profit fall in 1975 (even use of our existing facilities.” continue to be unhappy, par¬ only the chem element (say. with the prospect of rising made for Jensens. given : silence was apparently of the Aston Martin Owner’s bullion deals than its rivals. The ■ ticularly at the short end of the £45m) looks ble. BP, on costs and, perhaps, falling In the case of Ferrari and requested by Sir David Brown By July, however, Mr Will- Club, who have already made big frock brokers, such as market. u the other hand, i only its interest rates), it could suggest Maserati they had chosen a as a condition of the sale by son was applying ro the individual offers of cash help, Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner United Kingdom operations survival route which enabled the David Brown Corporation. Department of Industry for are still hoping. and Smith are seeking to con¬ Beyond that the ground that bank ratings will not com¬ A member who regularly and rhfrmiral* representing mand quite the same premiums them to maintain their own en¬ But the company is widely financial assistance to the tune vince the public that fh®y» - have changed so much that ev»" around 10 to 1 gineering excellence, while believed to have cast Company of £500.000. When this leaked competes on race circuits in an now it is not pnssihiyff^WWP er cent of as hitherto if and when we have rather than the banks, are the | earnings as an 'set against a bull market again. their new partners benefited Developments only £250,000, out he angrily claimed that by Aston said last night: “ One of people to see for gold invest- in terms of moving in qCjtfw; . oiL^PreAlaska, Nt th American from the technological spin-off with David Brown paying off suggesting that the company the problems is that -the ment advice. ' 1 bottom. Just where tfae-b#«flf callings wiFbe onfined to and prestige advertising. Aston's large bank overdraft was in trouble publicity would present cur is no longer Retail scores are by no means is depends not so much on the dividends from So to. Golds Jensen, already using a and settling its debts to the bring the hounds baying at his bought by the real Aston being left out of the gold game* duration of the world recession one can k for in¬ much cheaper Chrysler engine extent of a reported £5m. door. enthusiast. It is now an over¬ although many are still in a* ' already upon us, but on the suc¬ tdrlat is in the ta treatment in its seven-litre Interceptor, “I think this was one occa¬ In fact, he claimed, govern¬ grown £12,000 Grand Tourer confused state over just what' cess of the United States and of ‘oil- companies in the Future and later a Locus engine in its sion when an accountant let ment money was needed to which has moved a long way they ought ro be doing. , Gernmi governments* moves to United id&i.andl two-litre Healey sports car, his heart overrule his head" finance a costly engineering from its sporting heritage. It is Tiffanys of New York has no contain it. It depends on the States, factors lacked only two things. It was how one prominent motor and test programme to enable too heavy and too thirsty. plans to sell gold bars. •' *■ future price of oil—in the con¬ visibly declj « of tiie needed short-term finance to industry executive put it. Aston Martin cars to conform w Nevertheless, there is still At Neiman Marcus in Texas,. . text of rumours of war—and on Labour tax pro- This year was, of course, the put it on its feet again and Mr Willson was well aware to United States exhaust emis¬ a demand for it from people (which, by the way, is a store' « the future level of inflation ; posals_ and____ any. softer year of gold. Tbe question is access to a major foreign mar¬ of the industry’s scepticism sion standards. wanning prestige motoring in that goes in for selling suritt | and at home it depends on action approach here,’ Ttb whether those 1974 factors, ket place. It got both from Mr and more than a little Although Mr Benn rejected places like the United States lavish things as a few houryi • by the Government to counter exploration, could ' °G>' which pushed the gold price up Qvale. offended by reports that after the application the test pro¬ and Japan. If we can keep tbe of tennis lessons with former j stagflation. short-term rally in by around $80 to just under Although Jensen is now in a judicious lapse of time he gramme went ahead at a company going in some way Wimbledon chninpion ’ John J $200 will continue in 1975, and, Thus, gold may continue for —BP*s in particular, in—the serious trouble' after the near¬ would close down, realizing reported cost of £200,000. there is always hope that oue Newccmbe for $4,000) a top 1 ■ IXif Mso, can one expect gold to collapse of the American mar¬ Aston Martin’s considerable By September, however, day we shall see Aston Martin the moment to provide the most United Stales government-com¬ yil1 preserve its status as the executive frankly admitted that ^ profitable high-risk investment, pany horse trading ovV the ket, it should remain a going assets at Newport Pagnell. He Aston Martin was in serious reverting to a light, fast car selling gold bars was under con-; 1 altii]timate store of wealth. At concern by pushing through a said: “ Fm British and proud trouble with sales falling and for the enthusiast.” while cash, yielding up to 12 per differential taxing of oQ fcom present, those faqfcrrfare still si deration, but that a final cent, will provide the safest “old" and “new** wells will large redundancy programme. of it. The Aston Martin is one an acute cash flow crisis on its decision had still to be made. with fs* currency any economic If it weathers the present of Britain’s finest products and hands. On September 23 Mr Clifford Webb haven for the more cautious, probably provide equal short¬ inflation » 'a A similar reaction came from albeit an unprofitable one in real term excitement for oil' stock. swmg is'Che balance of power the Woodward and Lotbrop terms. prices. \ towards the Third World. But chain of stores, but such poshi A speedy switch into fixed \i£ could, be the United States Eric Wigham on the need to balance power with accountability stores as Bloomingdales in New interest stocks on signs that Banks Treasury which will have the York and Garfinckels in Wash¬ recession is really going to bite decisive voice, particularly if ington stated flatly that they there are signs that the eco¬ will not be selling gold in any- could pay off handsomely: a form other than jewelry. three-point fall in interest rates Still under nomy has bottomed, and thus succeed in its policy of demot¬ Givingj unions their share of responsibility Most of the country’s biggest, could leave present holders of banks will have some bullion, War Loan, for example, with a ing the role of bullion in mone¬ This year the trhde>- unions governed by seilf interest was as outside it, who fear that the power that has taken place. It pressure tary affairs. on offer at tbeir main branchK. capital gain of over 20 per cent have defeated ooe gorerametit that to amend the Health and outcome, resulting partly from will certainly not be so unless Smaller banks around the to their credit, quite apart from For a sector which is. not ' Now\ American private and secured the election of Safety at Work Act to confine soaring wages, wall be a threat in some way it ensures that expected to produce any par¬ citizens \are being allowed to country appear to be uncer¬ a pre-tax income which is very another and -largely subser¬ to recognized unions the right in our democratic system. workers and their represent¬ tain. * Some have firmly, nearly in line with inflation. ticular horrors, either when it for the first time for vient one. They have reached to elect safety representatives. Some envisage that the Gov¬ atives share not only in the unveils its 1974 results next years. To dampen ruled out the idea, and one Apart from the .odd anomaly, the highest peak of their It is the unions’ job to extend ernment will be forced by eco¬ making of decisions but also in executive at Washington’s Riggs.. equities should probably be left month, or in 1975, the banking iasm, the Treasury has power. their membership by more ener¬ nomic circumstances to take their implementation. fraternity has suffered an 1 2 million ozs for National Bank added wryly' alone—unless there are refla¬ Is some respects they have getic recrartmesic and better steps which its more left-wing In the past year they have that the only gold the bank extraordinarily rough stock on January 6 and indi- the tion ary moves by the Govern¬ used their power in a high¬ organization, not by using members wwiHcis. iiuiufind Jinuieintolerable, seemed greedy for power but would ever ..have “is the gold market ride in the past 12 jthat other auctions could handed way. .The employers law-to weaken, roe. safeguards. that- «+v» ment whose effects will be months. .Against. a~ fall in tbe Tt is the pl«s between _will not -for responsibility.- -The in our teeth ”. , . speedy enough -for Investors to tew been bnesfaed aside. The against accident and industrial split and a new political orien¬ TUC General Council in its atf-share index of under 40 per i forces which will muons formulated the terms of Confronting tbe marketing take profits before the possible the short-term price disease for the half of the tation be created. Others imag¬ report on industrial democracy skills of the businessmen is the cent, the clearers are down by social contract with the Gov¬ employed population not ine the Government forced to longer-term implications of such 60 per cent and the merchant movei _ actually proposed that worker- ingenuity of government policies sink in. African production for ernment without bringing tbe among their members. adopt extreme measures which directors on supervisory boards banks by more than 70 per cent. organized employers into it. The TUC succeeded in in¬ officials. The Administration And there are still few enough months of 1974 fell would provoke a ground-roots should share in the decisions in Washington has deddod that ozs to 22.6 million Indeed, they apparently ducing Mr Foot to leave it to revolution and possibly a right- of the boards but still be free bulls to be found among the regarded their . obligations itself to set up an independent a major effort must be made to Oils e decline generally wing back-iash- to press their case through col¬ dampen public demand. Such analysts, who watch this sector under it os their own affair, appeal body for individuals _ In the short term such crisis perhaps. as the year pro- lective bargaining, presumably agencies as the Federal tbour troubles have which they were free no alter expelled by or refused admis¬ situations are conceivable only including the use of their in¬ It would be unduly harsh at wi-11 without consahsng the sion to a union where there is ______Reserve, the Federal Deposit Not for the ns try with a 22 per in the event of extreme exter- dustrial power. Insurance Corporation and the justice to put it all down to other party to the contract, as a dosed shop. The TUC plan nal economic pressures which the secondary banks and the all overall, on Its At lower levels, the TUC Securities and Exchange Com¬ uirements, resulting when they changed their min¬ provides no time limit for in¬ may oome a-boot. But sooner or cautious mid-summer alarms in the imum wage target from £25 to ternal consideration of a com¬ report advocated the extension mission are all issuing rules to milling rates, later, in any case, the strength of joint control through collec¬ the banks and businesses they Investment in oil shares is Eurocurrency market. Most me time, grade has £30. plaint before an appeal can be of the unions in relation to for the market operator only merchant banks have fek the Some of tbe employers’ crit¬ tive bargaining hut had regulate, that will effectively Eng sharply while made, and no means of enfor¬ government will cause strife nothing to say about respon¬ reduce the enthusiasm of many in 1975. Short-term upward and backwash of both crises, bat the continued to rise, icisms of die one-sided nature cement. far more damaging that, the downward movements in prices clearers have emerged un¬ of the proposals for the In view of previous union sibility to see that collective of these companies to sell gpld. idefinitely the ex- three-day week unless the bargains were observed. What¬ The regulatory agencies and can be expected during the year scathed at least in direct terms. hitherto marginally Employment Protection Bill opposition to any such body, it balance of power and respon¬ Never before have they are justified. They complained is questionable whether tbe ever measures are taken by the die Treasury have jusr issued a for both London and Wall re. So _ while . the sibility is reshaped. Government to extend the area 14 point statement aimed at Street quoted oil majors. looked so vulnerable to the ports will confirm to Mr Foot with some rear *• . - ■ -'.ngemessts witl enable that The first two socialist goals, unforeseen. The £33m foreign char it was offensive io accept now proposed to become effec¬ of joint decision-making should dampening gold demand. The The two broad scenarios ily 10 per cent drop as' .set out in the Labour not only involve responsibili¬ offldals note, for example, that facing oil companies are hardly exchange loss by Lloyds, one n for the year and proposals for legislation from tive. Party’s Programme for Britain of the more conservative in its ties on all who share in deci- people should “ be wary of such as to attract institutional ame extent the pros- one side of industry and allow In any case, it will not, as last year, were " to bring about sions but also accountability to strangers offering gold for sale. investors back, except to unload currency dealings, was a clear '5, the Anglo-Ameri- the other side to comment only the • Donovan Commission a fundamental and irreversible the community. Be sceptical of promises of stock into the market, as some pointer to how difficult it is atements will spell after the proposals had been recommended, have tbe power shift in the bajzuce of power published. to award compensation or to The unions have shown they spectacular profits. Resist United States institutions have for any bank to prevent the much detail, and wealth in favour of work¬ have the strength to defeat the pressures to make hurried, been doing recently, on any occasional . disaster. Equally d well reach $220 The Confederation of British deal with alleged unfair penal¬ ing people and their families” decisions. Be suspidous oi Industry had a strong point ties or election malpractices, efforts of governments, rally. unnerving is the question of . Shares, however, and ‘k to make power fully whether Labour or Conserva¬ claims of new processes ■ to One prospect would have how much of the £1200m fringe le, would need that when it contended that or. concurrently with the High accountable to the community, extract gold. Seek independ¬ Court, with alleged breach of tive, to limit their power. The effects so far-reaching as to be bank support will ultimately be cent price improve- employers, no less than unions, to workers and to the consum¬ way the governments set about ent advice. Consider ali_ the immeasurable until after the recoverable, and where the their present levels should have the right to refer union rules or violations of er “ great risks. Demand written recognition disputes to the natural justice. it may have beeu misguided, event. This is tbe possibility of operation goes from there. ating away at earn- The shift in power, if not in but events have suggested the guarantees concerning weight a further Israel-Arab conflict Lloyds and Scottish, one of the uigs. An although the worst Conciliation aod Arbitration Tbe coining year will further wealth. is already taking Service. Employers are some¬ problem will in the end have and pureness. Determine- if where the United States, few finance houses to have performin Id share in 1974 test the unions’ use of their place; some might say, has to be solved not through res¬ there will be a ready market whether instigator or not, took steered clear of most second¬ rose by *" cent in 1975 the times the worst sufferers from power in a situation of acute already taken place. But how tricting- but widening their to resell gold.” over oil production in retalia¬ ary bank symptoms, has pointed position d be reversed in rival union claims for recogni¬ economic difficulty. Many peo¬ is the power gained by tbe powers by bringing the unions Tbe Treasury firmly believes tion agaa-nst any further Arab out that the houses as a whole what may Tove to be a stale tion. ple are to be found in the workers and their organiz¬ that its campaign will have the The proposal most obviously into the machinery of govern¬ embargo. cannot recover their loss of bull marke corridors of Whitehall as well ations made to be accountable ment. desired results. The irony, to the community and to tbe _ “ Shop-floor power must be however, is that the Treasury consumer given tije responsibility with¬ may well, turn out to be the In 1919, when the Establish¬ out which power is extremely largest single seller oF bullion. Business Diary: Twenty questions • Midnight gold ment was even more fearful of dangerous,” Sir Frederick Beyond the Treasury’s cam¬ trade union power than it. is Catherwood says in his new paign is an attempt to depress- today, tbe Ministry of Labour year message as chairman of the market price Through large This is the last Business Diary of 1974 and never have we been Minister is a former holder. warned the Cabinet that the the British Institute of Mana¬ sales, thereby clearly illustrat¬ as happy to bid a year goodbye. Before wishing it good riddance, 15 They’re both Balliol men. only adequate solution was ro gement, and he promised ing the high risks of gold pur¬ however, we did pick over the pieces to see if 1974 were sci.I 16 Jim Slater, of course. It was give the unions a share in the detailed proposals from die in¬ chasing. Fully two million good for a little fun. We came up with 20 brain-teasers; and here, through his investment in control of industry so that stitute in the course of the ounces of Treasury gold will be together with a couple of anecdotes from here and there, they are. Lubok and therefore in gold. they would develop a feeling year. auctioned on January G, and 37 Richard Whitney of J. P. of responsibility. It will be interesting to see there will be further auctions, 1 A British-based bank is to with Lief Mills, general sec¬ Morgan. Whitney, who tried The . Cabinet ignored the how they work it out. Should officials say, if demand is be denationalized tomorrow. retary of the National Union to rarn the tide during the advice and the conflict came in we not look again at some of strong. The auctions could, of Which one would that be ? of Bank Employees ? _ Wall Street Crash, died last 1926, the year of the General the past theories—for instance, course, stimulate rather than 2 How was New Year’s Day 16 Name somebody who in the month. Strike and of a miners’ lock¬ guild socialism or the cor¬ deflate demand and that, of this year different from last City made a paper million 18 Sir Raymond Brookes, the out which lasted seven months.. course, is the big hope of the retiring chairman of GKN, porate state—to see whether year’s ? . , But by that rime, and through they contain elements which American* businessmen now 3 Who got which top City jon who this year declined an most of the inter-war years, deeply involved in the gold Gold map be on the tuop to invitation to chair machine could contribute to the cre¬ partly because be had a demythologization in 1975, the power of the workers and ation of a new kind of dem¬ game. toolmakers Alfred Herbert. their unions was sapped bv sense of humour ? _ being traded at 5.01 Greenwich 19 IG Metall, based in Frank¬ ocratic structure for our 4 Which two economists were Mean Time this morning as a high unemployment. society ? Frank VogI furt (more than two mil¬ Plans for sharing responsibil¬ surprised to find themselves normal commoditym after the lion) ; Najgo (more than mentioned in the same lifting of the American ban on ity through joint controlling 500,000 members'i. bodies, drawn up for industry breath this year? _ ownership by private citizens. 20 An eight-fool floar, repre¬ 5 How did the City in 19/4 Nevertheless, gold still exerts as a whole hy the 1919 Nation¬ senting a loaf and a bag of al Industrial Conference and shniv that ir thought our a powerful pull. In Chicago t flour, headed the- Lord THE policemen were wonderful . for example, the Mid-America tbe 1927 Mond-Turner talks, department Mayor’s Procession as it and for all levels of individual 6 Who or what is Todaro . Commodity Exchange, in an passed through, the Ward of 7 Which City bank financed open™ trying' ^"est^mat^thl tfiaS* that woSld'foHow bur with- industries by the Whitley Bread Street in November Committee, were cast aside. Todaro ? its doors for trading in gold at drawalffrom the EEC.” this year. Bread Street is 8 Name a trade union for one minute past midnight, local Sir Murray Fox's ward and Since the last war, the power strikers. time. Dealings lasted for just 1 ANSWERS land reclaimer and fonner of the workers and unions has GROUP LIMITED i* aide to the Prime Minister, Spillers the millers have 9 Which former chairman of 14 minutes. 1 Nariobal and Grindlays Bank, their headquarters there. been rebuilt, bur ' they still tbe Federation of University From today there are five whicH becomes Grindlays Tony Field. do not have a share in control Conservative and Unionist American commodity exchanges Bank.* 7 Cripps Warburg, such as necessitates tbe accept¬ Record Profits-38% up Associations was redeployed trading in gold futures, three 2 This year New Year’s Day S The Chainmakers’ and A new year hope for Italian ance of responsibility. There is in August ? in Chicago and two in New was added to .the list of offi- Strikers’ Association. home seekers: their Govei-n- much talk at management 10 Can you see a social York. Minneapolis was to have 9 Sir John _ Donaldson, until merit is studying a Bank of Italy seminars of experiments in Highlights for the year ended 31st August dai public holidays. scheme to institute special contract ? been the sixth, but has now put 3 Robert Fell, who tomorrow then president of the Nat¬ worker participation. The 11 What were UU Textiles, off its start indefinitely, it is ional Industrial Relations savings deposits for home National Economic Develop¬ 1074 1973 becomes the Stock Ex¬ £84291.483 Bridon and A ATT called be¬ said to give firms extra tune to Court. ownership linked to the cost of ment Council contains the Turnover E6.491,033 changers first chief execu¬ living. Profit before tax £670,679 £483.642 fore they decided to shorten drum up trading. 10 Sort of. The guidelines are seeds of a Parliament of In¬ tive. Okie of the qualities set out in Collective Bargain¬ The basic idea is that pros¬ dustry. But these are only Net Dividend per their names ? sought (when the job was ing and the Social Contract, pective home buyers could beginnings. Ordinary Share (25p) 3.165SO 2.94p 12 One of the following institu¬ advertised waa a sense of tions this year proposed an this year when most people TUC Publications Depart¬ deposit money in special savings The most important develop¬ Shareholders' funds £2,867.723 £2,263.958 were losing what they al¬ humour! ment, lOp. accounts whose value would rise ment next year (assuming Net assets per share 6Q.9p 47.8p index-linked savings scheme 4 Friedrich von. Kayek and for 1975: the Life offices, ready had. IT Universal Underwear, British with the cost of living index. there is no cataclysm) will be 17 in remembrance °JTTw“°.r^ Gunnar Myraal, respectively Ropes, Amalgamated An- The value of the mortgages die shaping or the Govern¬ the Department of National right and left-wing econo¬ PROSPECTS Savings, die building socie¬ could it be said: He bid thradte Holdings. which could be granted on the ment’s policy os industrial steels at 205”? mists, vrtio were this year 12 The Department of National basis of the savings accounts— democracy. The Labour Party Extracts from the statement by Mr. Ernest Cars: ties. Which one? awarded foe Nobel Prize for 13 A former railway porter be* 18 Whom did Herbert tempt ? Savings. and which would be allowed to manifesto in September prom¬ ^ Domestic forecasts still point to an increase in both sales 19 Name the biggest trade Economic 13 Sir Sidney Greene, General cover up to 75 per cent of the ised a radical extension in ■ • came a director of a national 5 By floating a £500,000 one- and profits for the current year. newspaper in 1974. Do you union in Western Europe Secretary of the National purchase price of the property both the private and public O We are already ahead in comparison with the same period and, faffing that, the biggest year bon| at 123 Per ceJlr Union of Railwaymen. The —would be linked to the index, sectors. know who and of which ? on behalf of the Metropoli¬ last year. white collar union. paper is The Times. too. But it is doubtful if even 14 What did Campbell Adam¬ tan Police. © I remain cntimistic that our Group will continue to record son have in common with the 20 Bow and where did the Lord 14 Adamson became Pipeman Italians working abroad would far-reaching legislation in Of improvement. Mayor of London use has loaf 6 The Ronald Milhench com¬ Prime Minister this year ? pany which bought 95 acres of the Year, a pipe industry be eligible, as an inducement to those fields will be an ade¬ this year and why was it return. quate reflection of the shift in 15 Whzt could Edward, Heath at Ince-imMakerfield from award of which the Prime possibly have in common such a good place ? IS THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974

t- FINANCIAL NEWS AND MARKET REPORTS r \i ; r ;.r I Stock markets *P Rand Selection Corporation Limited Record order book at l*-S- 4 . a- Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa ICL: ‘legal doubt’ on Tr • Many and. ilivestDj! £ notional gains. Glaxo and j stayed oi tofaday yesterday aid Fisoos led tfafUv, followed bv tbe stocl) *.ie ¥ a penny or mo in The following extracts are from the review by the chairman, Mr. G. W. H. Relly Plessey director post ; ghostly ■ and®0!1* T™- & Newall, KU Giving news of an extra- so th3t the share of exports in j f£JSvw1 and \t was Courtautds, GEC and Vickers. & W *«5 Eut M^fcoxii-Sened after The past year witnessed a major event ■dinary meeting for January 22 its total business continues to ? - -1 of its general investment portfolio, repre- throughout the year. The on Plessey Co's right to appoint increase. Notable exceptions, . j the end of company comment about the in the history of Rand Selection—the sendng 68 per cent of the total market industrialpSJolio and diversification of the corporation mto a second director, Mr T. C. Hud- however, were Germany and j * value, equivalent to 1444 cents a share; son, chairman of International Switzerland. a7.7ihe , Weekend press comment, the financial services field through the and also provides 60 per cent of the 13 per cent of its iiwesment jncorn^ , , , FT ind Mjtftnat from which yearly share recom- acquisition of Schlesinger Insurance mainly repr«ented by.is boldi^ Computers (Holdings», in nis While, in the present bleak ; was be corporation’s total general investment are annual statement, reports also fietn mendacious were absent, did ana Institutional Holdings Limited income. in Anglo American Jndunrial economic outlook, a forecast is ; managed by ip the pick out- Vickers. Pifco. Foseco tsn). The acquisition has not only __ Amic the order book at record levels. not hazarded, Mr Hudson sees ■ mortads, auu w-- Orders booked for the year and chemicals generally. Ber- broadened the corporation's predomi¬ The gold mining industry has enjoyed PTrplknr year in1^1973 19/3 withwit _profits rising prospects for foe current year . All eyes rurmtfctfr the gold nard Sun ley went ahead by Sp (even allowing for inflation), and nantly _ mining and mining financial a most successful year despite lower pro¬ roreSrd levels a_nd thfawend1 has .con- helped by a strong product une pitch i where shares nkomen- to 98p on press comment about tinned this year. These improved resides the unfulfilled order book are portfolio but SITs substantial interests duction and rising costs. Total revenue the best ever nrartica^v cover- ^ a hea!thy order . tarily.’blawd on a further climb a new Eagle Star bid. in the life insurance, property develop¬ from the industry’s gold mining opera¬ were largely attributable to record profits ment and banking fields will of course tions increased by R799 million to R2 356 bv Amic’s major subsidiaries, Scaw fog fo? whole of he current There is some legal doubt, he . % Leadin/^n^sha^ were a .'h year’s output. Encouraging also adds, on Plessey’s right to nomi- ■ . •* of.gold/trading penny or two better, but insur¬ be enhanced by the backing of the million for the year ended 30th Septem- wMetals_ Limited and Bonn International '',Tl group. her 1974 while production declined by Limited, with S-A- Forest Investments es the faa that new orders in naze a second director. Con* the mortb on farther % 93 per cent ro 785 tons. The drop in pro- Limited also contributing significantly to Britain continued to grow in trary advice has been received : Lnr/, r^e. Je-Sl ^^cc.r,on the cost of rhe On 1st July 1974 the Rand Selection duction is attributable.— partly to the the growth this year. After declaring its spire of the general economic by both ICL and Plessey. But fajj# Jp reach 5200 4s profit- in Australia, group, including SII, acquired further mining of lower grade ores but also to maiden dividend in 1973, High veld Steel uncertainty- One aspect is that foe board believes that foe ces- ***£* Quickly moved fn. ?“* m £ jfan interests in certain companies within the recent labour difficulties. The infla¬ and Vanadium Corporation Limited in¬ orders from its overseas sub- sation of this right occurred Gbld shares went the same inarJWt where buying pushed up i n tiie SII group so that at the financial tionary pressures on working costs have creased its dividend distribution this sidiaries grew at a faster rate sitoplv because of a technicality., waj. Leaders like Ar-gIo*Amen- hares /p to 9_p. ,*v year-end the group’s approximate in¬ continued and together with substantial year and is embarking on a signifi¬ carf Gold, Vaal Recf..St Helena ^Elsewhere Recldtt & Colman. terest in African Eagle Life Assurance salary and wage increases have resulted cant expansion scheme. The corpora¬ Johnnies rose fay around ggjj Brooke Bond were better, Society Limited was 75 per cent, in in the industry’s working costs rising by tion's other industrial investments have t u to begin with- hut sellers sapr so were store shares on talk Western Bank Limited was 69 per 26 per cent to R914 million for the year generally performed well. Interest and S. Hoffnung ved in to leave them nar- of^good business. John Bright I-i", cent, in Sorec Limited was 47 per cent to 30th September 1974. Working[ profits banfened to 17p on news of a ii and in Metals. & Minerals Investment increased bv 73 per cent to R1442 mil¬ fAnglo-American finished' _7p nearyZ7_— per cent stake bu$t op Corporation Limited was 49 per cent lion and, after including uranium profits costs weigh rising at 337p, with Jrhnmes rising by Mfr John Wfaittakec • while Premier Finance Corporation and sundry revenue, rhe industry’s tool FINANCIAL SERVICES to £131, but Vaal Reefs Some City people^sc? felt fPtv) Limited and Towns view Estates pre-tax profits at R1504 million was 7- The acquisition of Schlesinger Insur¬ ipped £1 to ”es* that the Jessel Secures stake (Pty) Limited became wholly-owned per cent higher than for the year ended ance and Institutional Holdings Limited on Negretti but cautious •rieFontein £1? Cen. in Johnson & Firth Brown had *s subsidiaries. Although SII held 30th September 1973. Taxation and the olidated Goldfinds fell 4p to row been placed jdtff - iusriru- approximately 55 per cent of (SII) has led to the corporation’s direct Having pushed its taxable State's share of profits, however, in¬ involvement in the financial services in¬ The inability to absorb all cost (p. _ tions but JesseC Securities fd Schlesinger European Investments creased by 80 per cent over the same increases, coupled witb higher profits up 60 per cent to a 3v contrast SWnevale, Grout- denied this. JesseFs AGM takes Limited (SET) at 30rh September 1974 dustry. SII, now a wholly-owned sub¬ __... £33m record last _year, the S. .vlei'and Vlakfo item ended the place today, the last day it can ,e period and absorbed 50 per cent oF the sidiary of the corporation, has significant interest charges to finance a • Bi it is anticipated that following a total profits. larger volume of trade, cut the ! Hofrnung group was aiming to / ,jav v.-ith usefri gate, though be held tyj&Uy.'but it will be proposed reorganisation of SEFs interests in companies within the life taxable profits of Negretti & . consolidate in all areas this 1 u^jon Corpora-wn shed 9p to at once ffofflHrned. capital structure this interest will be Anglo American Gold Investment Cotn- insurance, property development, bank¬ Zambra, scientific instrument ; year and generate growth inter-1 4glp ^th Gcn-ral Mining hold- The prop¥rty sector was dulL £ip| reduced to under 40 per cent and pany_ TLimited -_,_, (Amgoldjr A_< remainsnrniuiu thetha ing. and finance fields in Southern makers, from £131,000 to £91,000 i nally- Interim pre-tax profits/| ing out again* the hid from GiltsSrere quiet. with hmej-est Africa and the United Kingdom. SITs He consequently the SET Group has not been corporation's main source of investment in the six months to Septem¬ I now shnwshow an increase fro:fronai c.uGold c;.ijcFields n*o* South Africa.AFrin deadened by year-end cunndera- /A. consolidated. income. The higher gold price level most important source of profit remains ber 30. £135m to £L82xn on turnon Blue chips Jianaged welcome _ on.* VJ2 resulted in Amgold’s and the corpora- thl*. insurance^ activities of the group np from £31.lm to £37m. ir Rand Selection's consolidated taxed Although . the group order •W profit for the vear ended 30th Septem¬ □on's direcr interests in the gold-mining which accounted for 62 per cent of SIFs book remains high there has results include a £173,000 '.&* companies earning substantially higher profit in the 1974 financial year. During tribution from G: Sc M. Po ber 1974 was R43 911000 and earnings the past year the life insurance industry been a slackening of demand in jn*» a share, adjusted to reflect that profits profits over the past year. some sectors and second-half On attributable profits if Latest dnroehds -rti has had to contend with declining in¬ £827.000, against £623, rr1* from the new subsidiaries were This year Rand Selection’s diamond vestment values at a time when every profits are not «»vppcTi»«l to opriate currencies. cl received for only a portion of the match the £257,000 earned last shareholders are to receive interests provided 10 per cent of its in¬ effort was required to protect policy interim of LS7p, compared Company Year Pay Year's Prev year, amounted to 113.6 cents com¬ time. The total, therefore, will 3” a date total year pared with R25 903 000 or 76.1 cents vestment income and made up six per holders against the effects of inflation. L56p, but this increase is (and par cent of the value of its investment However, short-term fluctuations in in¬ be some way short of foe First Re-In- lot 3 3 31 1 5.25 n a share in the previous financial year. reduce foe disparity be — — portfolio. Strong market conditions dur¬ vestment values do not have a material £388,000 achieved m 1973-74. Knott Mill t Nil 1.4 1.9 <; These higher earnings enabled divi¬ 1.79 1.71 27/1 — 4.54 ing 1973 together with price increases in significance for life insurance companies One brighter feature is that — — . dends to be increased to 70 cents a no account fortor renetrelief fortor Pj[he ^ar.d of wh®j4fle 11!*Hor£- 1 S7 1.36 4.54 May and August last year resulted in whose investments must, of necessity, : 2.S2 2.41 — 4.14 3.67 share, 17.5 cents greater than in 1973 increases in itrlrfc 1 and general merchant, redder i Quality C and 2.5 cents higher than the 67.3 sales of diamonds by the Central Selling be geared to provide stability and profita¬ . Mj and manufacniring, sounds a R. SmaUs 1.62 1.5 — 2.74 2.62 — Organisation (CSO) increasing by 40.5 bility in the long term. During these diffi¬ ! warning that the second Thaif I Smith.; . Nil 0.37 Nil 0." cents forecast at the time of the SII — acouisition. The dividends absorbed per cent to attain a record R921 million cult times the strength and growth of 2! results from Australia mat not ! Vinton i 0.65 1.25 — i.i6 siderable ”. Earnings were down j* i R27 016 000 and an amount of Rll 598 000 in 1973. De Beers Consolidated Mines SIFs principal operating entity, the match foe first , • yt was transferred to reserves leaving Limited earned record profits last year African Eagle Life group, has been from 4.4p to 2Jjp a share and once again there is no' interim RS ?97 000 to be added to unappropriated and its higher dividend distribution bene¬ evidenced. At 30th September 1974 rhiw PrL ,-ICi profits. fited Anglo American Investment Trust life insurance group had a R323 million dividend, none having been paid in recent years. -. .TV. - »in Limited accordingly. Although the investment portfolio, including a large i-i-o Km'Us W".PT.i'i; y. Investment income benefited signifi¬ 'Ji-it. iFirtr. -ij '<5 -* ‘.l ikta.T. :r^t •lo diamond market has been adversely proportion . of property investments, lien Mill' 1 rup-T cantly this year from higher dividends against which its. life insurance funds lien. Mnl'-r- -■•*1 hurd c.".': rs - 'i ■ affected by current high interest rates, fit'll Piih fill % V. 1-ii nu, flowing from the corporation’s gold >-ar« 7.■«?. demand for the less expensive diamonds totalled R294 million. By comparison, at stakeholder tarn. Tel El. '.’*3 J1S Big :r^t M'n' i# : W 4S interests and rose fay 52 per cent to remains strong and CSO sales rose by 12 30th June 1973 investments and the life G'.-n Ti-e If-a s_ - ■ 4 • r.--n - I i'lH-Ani i..i if*'. R49412000. The results of the SII group ‘•Ci'PKI.1 PjU »‘,l> per cent to R535 million for the six insurance funds amounted to R276 mil¬ in J. Bright , New York, Dec 30.-JStOf:k prices VPKVT Mto lii*li' nil ::s ' ;C1 for tiie six months since 1st April 1974 S"i:-. months to 30th June 1974 compared lion and R265 million respectively. I am j dosed moderately lower on -i:: Ji ■*.' hi were enmolidved for the fipst rime and •Sill, n- > -. l' • il tu'.-JC with the corresponding period last year. confident that we can look forward to Although no written con¬ • New York stock exchange today a <» Rn. & 17b insurance and bonking contributed During the past year the demand for Eagjd Life is well placed to play a major foe board oiLthegCJ,fiKn John touches on portfolios near the 'tr.ia.-e * lt-r.d >'M W. IV R2 759 000 and R1121 000 respectively. Bright Grog* q£Spinners and of 1974. But the Dow Janes ' liratil to T. platinum and its associated metals has rold in the business provided by the t:i -a: A Pa. St«l. Erj-.-.d-* 34 VA Tn addWan rim fin^nciel ocrivinV; nf the remained firm for both industrial and weavers has been told verbally trial average rose 1.09 >io 6 •areyh'Uind wd. in: Ca;. economic development of all South Volume spurted to IS." ■ -nuninaii Ip. Shi. nu icj ’-■J —-j STI group gave rise to net operating jewellery usages. However, the market Africans. by Mr Jaha -Whittaker that he •iii/r iiii :ri» .Md. Oil r»hlt. =3 ss shares from 13,060,000 on i.Uti IVn Ind. Zii income from finance of R906,000. recently has been adversely affected by / bolds about 27 per cent of the L-rua =3to II elite. II .1. % Shun- J j* llto I(»r« ■ i ■ ■ - Hh rhe present uncertainties in the world? It has been a very difficult year for MUde Karn ItM !& As a large nan of Rand Selection’s Hi'iiri«• ii Mcih-’a-n »p. U » economy and fluctuations in demand, the banking industry. The high rate of Last month this group - Ciiiiiii- C,-nl In ir. income is attributable to dividends from Cocoa 4 cents don# 12 economic activity during a period of Pnil Ill/lTM'II 124 -si particularly in the Japanese jewellery announced a 96 per cent jump N«w ViirL. Dec jO.—lUJA ft i UV |n|A-iil s:ivl sni "i: ■Si investments in financial and industrial S|i T'-’e''.; re rapidly inflating costs together with the ciisct! W.:l5 k»»r» rajictog/uw . Tst XT 1 E M inf, I"*., companies such as Anglo American trade, have also occurred. The corpora¬ in taxable profits to £568,000, .•v.ir.l. hi An ,'.*.1ev" ii repayment of overseas borrowings aris¬ co thn-p crass. rawiWjwB flat. Harr. ■S Corporation of South Africa Limited and tion's platinum interests are mainly held on turnover up from £6.44m to prcjfcr? irosn IM Min!'pi N V. In I. MUrl Vue -v:t -••ft ing from the high interest rates abroad £7-28m. ckpa^llm anil than 8r.,r, tin 1'aprr Ti«. j- Mi-: Tran- Lfj STI27to "4 Johannesburg Consolidated Investment through its indirect interests in Rusten- bv Use wil«ll in Loni. Bert j UlL-k lm Tel Til. M- Ie.«-.. ««4 •2ft ft. !! Unwell applied a tremendous pressure on the eoto-n as muds as lira i .Ipwirl t'" Tv-uis riiliun w* :>°r. Compam- Limited, which dn no? distri¬ burg Platinum Mines Limited. During Sy a US-session. Mem lb Jim Waller T- '.:r.*n Uto the financial year ended 31st August,1974 f “**/ abait? 8™“ additional credit. C&oea cocoa tsurchases. w*?. R"t,i Mcel. bute their earnings in full, the above * ^£ufCte?le2j J-'lm*. Main Z.-N 1 T W A :5i Bad half for Vinten . B.iemsi . v JelMtfaai 4 Juho ‘.J-. Tl6»mp left. la". *.W, Rustenburg raised its published price I’?-,'ithes® Circumstances, the lending affik*S£.'udich jllil Caseade results do not indicate the full extent of K-iser Mum 1-!« r ilev. ability of the banks was impaired by the Oinrr ollurtoBS- _ VUftO. l^rdi'n the corporation’s underlying strength. Ii of platinum by U-S.S32 an ounce to the A fresh setback has been Hemet "ti S«Aa L.Al. Iia :V; P—n; H iriliT K«-tT llr»!ei- TI •rrv, loss hf liquidity through the balance of Dee. SiOSc: l .iiU-UT Ltd. IS' present level of S190 while deliveries of suffered by Vinten Group, Pmtiil Myer? Kimh cili the corporation’s share of these undistri¬ aM.aoc., SJOISits: Ghana 83'* omiiul: T.»; BP Kraliiit i p >1 Cuileier X '•. platinum to the Ford Motor Company payments and by the stringent liquid photographic specialists. They • tZiZF Ta^F^oiiiSS!* I'nt'inr:ca buted nrofits. after adjusting for cross timid hreste N N. -5:* ft 3i< 1 c • contract i i:vr. Iia'.t-'j.-p Vl of America contributed to Rustenburg’s asset requirements. slid into a Joss fo foe half to; Burt. Ind KnnjiT 13 holdings, were to be taken info account __ UtwMja 0.80 l n;«.r r .-Ii pound- _ Vopne was BiiifHicmn Nihu 30li •J5>t 4!'» 41 to rn'il c*rning‘i would have amounted to substantially increased volume of sales However, capital appears to be flowing September 30 of £4o,000 (against ; C™A « Eudn'-juli? -Vi ■Vft and taxed profits. a profit of £112,000) and the . 5h-.8fj-o.ooc: opI«s-i‘oe; scot.' Cafipbell Si'Ui1 2T IJK'.ii l n Pa.-.i: rp. d.-: «=f 200 cents a share against 145 cents for back into the country as a result of the i.asadlan Pae. ITS IJhHItiei'd i iiint ji fil, interim payment is about halved : S Na consolidated assets of the expanded Rand oil prices and selective embargoes have evident in this market las Friday. viar.iin-T — 'I 3'to Gains In distant month* were less pro- ijrot. Bk NY. W* 2fl* ••».iri**r lm authorities to seek funds abroad. The out¬ Chief reason for foe drop in & .el.. ■ .a l.'to ?» Selection group have increased to focused attention on national energy noonccd. at as little as a C15 ci*m* efe^apeakr ithiu JSjp ■ I..nm- Mnl look for the balance of payments now output was a difficulty in rtae- Jan. expired: March 45.7UC: i-fiTiUvr Mai'IB M-r. V* R1 209 million ar 30fo September 1974. resources and created an upsurge in LTIj 2 - *i obtaining key supplies, plus the Mas-. 44.86c: July. 41.6^: Sepi. i fltoirp Ill - D.-TIIJ I'll -ll'-r L. :ii nTl 2ito 1* seems much improved, and there are 38.30c: Oct. 56.00c; Marc1 29.75c: Jles M-n l.i Ii, i-..r<.i :i» ll‘« cognisance should be taken of the domestic coal requirements. The develop¬ I Ml ad *r> problem of financing the high May. 2«-65c. An bid. Spo. 47.50c. fart. Equip 3V4 i-V* -:'ii K.:.rr* lft- liabilities relating to the insurance and ment and expansion of the coal industry indications that the financial climate Mlivk i'll ;U- up 1.2oc. l|k'a Villa 31 Minn Mm V. 1-1 an, FI. ft cost of replacing stocks. The loss COTTON. Futures closed n overall Si1* •S' banking oneratfons and thus the rise in have been retarded largely by his¬ will be easier in the foreseeable future, nlcale •Mobil dll to rrlui't.wr JV. >». with a consequent alleviation of the tight is expected to be more than Snlel session, about 0.50 Lo 0.15 cent I.B.S. ; S" Mununln 4l;l V. Scrip...*! 1ft the shareholders’ eouitv interest is a torically low profit margins arising from . iwer. Vplome wai small I ,an esd- uliinibia till 3lll Mnrcaii. J. P. C*-'i toluii "i.i ir • with fi >iu b Kup more valid indication of the increased the controlled pricing system, a situation position of the banks. retrieved in the second half. 3» M*.la.r..la Xti ■sy* to ■■■■l*.ii.r;i. '.“a tnni i»- fc'fll-wn 23 I V H Ci.rp Ml .'."•r. i v? 5K; sue of the eroun. Tf the shareholders* recently severely aggravated by infla¬ r* M Nat. M>-l Xv 34 adversely affected by the difficulties Makers of educational scien¬ *C*.nl nu +t 44H N«rfi»ll. H .-i dllto of listed investments and the directors’ 'C'inir>tl Dam 10 meet the higher demand by establishing experienced this year and in tbe circum¬ in N\V Ban ear a l-Jto valuation of unlisred investments the additional coal mining capacity and to tific equipment Philip Harris Ciirniiiu Gliw S* =9«» Nurt«n siniun t"to .’Uto stances its increased profits for the year r P.r. Inml. 3-.^ nee. Pei IS, (Holdings) advanced further at SILVER. Profl I taking. IT? Canpdian Prices total value of each Rand Selection share attract the substantial capital investment Crane 3UG OKdell LTto ended 30th June 1974 were a most com¬ Uun and slop loss salllni weakened 13«f Criicker Ini M% R t illn Cnrp. 1 ito ■A] would have been 2 039 cents, at 30th midway and the full-time out¬ Com ex Stiver lumres and 'rices cl lft . .Mi (t.i necessary to implement advanced coal Cr»wn Zeller 24 OH- FJev. •"■I, hi. mendable achievement. Ilia Ii down across the A|. in 4 “to September 1974 compared with 2151 look is good. For foe half-year Dan Ind 12*j III V-to 31 to mining techniques, including open-cast 446.OOC. Feb. 462.30c: M .'■li; Mr. | 1. s lift b Dovrv JiS ■4l*t Pae. fi.iv El. cents at the previous year-end. As a to September 30 pre-tax profits May. 476.50c: July. A 1!-^ lift A si... I.., ;“.j ! : mining. The Vereeniging Estates Limited, L'p I Mnnlc an, Pan. Am. 490 30c: Dec. 500. ~ Btfll T. | ■ift r*. climbed 36 per cent to £242,000. Delia Air Penn i.’ent. r'Kiult rtf higher r-nrk** nric«*« sincp the through which the major part of the March. 509.80c: M » -'ii .••ip. nil j-.’j . Deirrtli Edlmn Finney J C X’l on turnover up from £2.11m to and Hannan of I CahS4J *5 i jii In-. F>! 4 1.1 J Vi financial year end, this value rose to corporation’s coal interests is held, PROPERTY INVESTMENTS DIM 11 Seagram 3-1* Pen nn ii I i previous CanS4.770j. Dimer 2«, TWj* 39to ’ ■■llllm'n 2 Ito S4 2 321 cents a share on 29th November £2.69 m. Earnings a share work 4 Crossbred i a- PepMi'i. marginally increased its earnings in 1973 WOO!—-Greasy Wool Dun Chem. 321, •4I' Kill. -'to Bed jo about j •S»2 Pel Cun* l^a lift The corporation’s interests in property Fatures both_ closed on Dresser Ind. 1974. our at 3.6p (2.7p) while the 439. PIUiT 3)4 31 Mtol.ltlT ?:*« with some improvement being achieved 0.30 cent lower on Duke PeHer are largely held through' its investment .TOSS- ' 11V, Phelps n.nl. V jU'i.nUridtie JI*, S’to interim payment is L79p against lou sold In Gr«asy Du Pnm a during the first six months of 1974 bur m>i SIC; Philip M>ir. 'toll! “it Jlto The general investment portfolio of hrt-Os ww tradeicftS- . KssiMn Air % in Anglo American Properties Limited i.7ip. __tefc 3.* bid; March. 64. id: May. 64.rj Kxxim Cnrp ■dia hnyiliviin TSto Mj-s.-l-eru-n. relates to the inclusion of SIT’s own heavy interest' burden and the low return & W. Berisford’s Dutch subsid¬ Ud. Flreslime 13 13 • RCA Cnrp uni 18S J.ft Pi Rand Selection holds significant inter¬ Vm tlijeaun I'llVK f|l. 1 rto CHICAGO SOV ABEAM lanuary lOa Ffi*pi|h SI eel S2to investments this year and the balance presently being received on completed iary, Catz International, for FMl. M. Burilun I'ru-r l.r.. . 1 :to ests—representing 10 per cent of its March Oil Futures ” d Limit dov 24Aa Hi'} nnld- ind alto Sc r-to of Rll 284 000 to net increases in the tor the third session a row on cq| FM. Penn Carp 13*. Hnjnl Trust Dft general investment portfolio—in com¬ projects which account for a significant Amsterdam Rubber has fallen hu.vni'ld'. Metal lVto it Unucd selling agah Ijccd bu Ford 3Ma CT, Pi'1'ku..-ll lm if*. survl i.'.i ■J-ft listed and unlisted investments of proportion of Amaprop’s assets. An im¬ market, U.A.F. Corp rtlto' panies situated outside South Africa. through. Berisford said in Lotr- lnteresi with a slow ®« nnyjl ni:iell 2ft«l 23 Tvi «.'jh i'*to R6 020 000 and R5 264 000 respectively. 200. contracts were ffered In Gamble Skopnio- IS1* S.ifeu.o- Tran- M»il »»l ft > 'i provement in this situation, coupled with . ‘don yesterday- that foe offer, ail i?os upwards l M*» 33h Charter Consolidated Limited, the United nearby? with overall Gen. D>n«ni. 1BH IP W *H»‘r II 4'J ■"■4 UO cents lo-.J «'• Kim- l«to Mortgage and other loans rose bv the revenue earning potential of new *a cent lb. Meal cl Gen. Electric 32 32 *. Sdiirii. So ind Is1, Kingdom-based mining finance company, cash,. failed to gain the neces¬ spread rmf 2fiV Vfto W.C.T Rll 000 000 to R28 102 000 but. after increased its earnings significantly dur¬ pcojects yet to be completed, should sary acceptances by the closing A._ . _ilc: _ exclusion of STT’s share of R2 970 000. 798-S>7c: May. TU714c:} July, 720-21 ■ » Askrd. eHx Dlvirlbuilun. ft Pfii k Warf.eC tidied, a New lesue/p Stdck Split ing the year ended 31st March 1974 with establish a sound investment and revenue date. It has therefore been Aug. 716c; SepUvpk.SMi-. « No^Wl-' I Traded, y l tuiunled rhe increase of R8 030 000 represents the base in due course. allowed to lapse. J§"-. 67Ic._ . SOYA B Foreign ■>*.' .i-i; —... loam made by the corporation and its all sections of its operations contributing 8156.00-7.00: March £ S146.50-1; mis. «*»» US <6t«£.l6i: trail- to these improved results. Anglo Amer¬ May. S154.00: JuM SI60.00-1, $2.3490 ( 52.346$); Uirno months pormtion. 141.37 > 140 -0 .: uili*il-? other subsidiaries which toeether with SII has a substantia] equity interest in A«B. SI 63.00-1.00: Sep I. Slrt5.on_i >-l.v>U18 >.u.uli,. -Srt.V.i- K-‘ slocks. I on fid ican Corporation of Canada Limited bad Ocl. S1S8.00-9.00: □*. tlS7.00-Ti_ Tar. TOO.98c 1101 17c.. *1" . lCi> the growth in investments resulted in a Sorec which specialises in developing Owing to pressure on space foe Jan. SlSV.OO. SOYABEAN OIL—lin. The Dow Jqnea spol coniniod.lv New YoTI: Slock F..\cnan*ja? mj; P19 314 000 increase in these assets. The an excellent year in 1973 mainly because and holding property, mainly commer¬ table of Eurobond prices has 35.8Sc_ asked: March? 34.6RC indov down .61 to 584 re The Va 51 i55,V>>- iRdusirlals. -1 of tbe record profits achieved by Hudson [umm Index was down 5 50 lo >.W-Vji iramnortniion. rise this vear is attributable largely to cial, for investment purposes. In addition been held over. S57. S3. iii.R7r: uliliilcs. 26.10 «U6.1l» the increased interest in or loans made Bay Mining and Smelting Co., Limited to its South _ African portfolio pf com¬ The. Dow Jones avrraqes.— flnancMl. 3W.76 i58B6,i. to a number of the corporation’s exist¬ in which it increased its direct interest pleted buildings and major projects ing investments while Rand Selection to 34.7 per cent. under construction, (which include the took up certain riehts arising from its African Eagle Centre and Kine Centre Business appointments The major portion of the corporation’s in Johannesburg), Sorec has property in¬ present shareholdings and under the copper income is derived from its equity corporation’s agreement with Anglo interest in Minerals and Resources Corp¬ terests in the United Kingdom. Scree's American Comoraaon of South Africa oration Limited (Minorco), formerly profit growth has continued with record f' * Limited wberebv Rand Selection has.the. earnings being achieved during the year Mr Geoffrey Kent joins J ' i Zambian Anglo American Limited, which I , riaht to participate in Anglo American ended 30tb June 1974. Corporation’s new business. These invest^ through its major investment, a 49.9 per m cent interest in Zambia Copper Invest- li merits were mainly financed bv retained Imperial Group board earnings although tiie sale proceeds of - meats Limited (ZCI), has a significant interest in .the Zambian copper mining Mr Geoffrey Kent, who becomes Mr Peter Wordie has been certain investments contributed to rne FUTURE PROSPECTS chairman and managing director Extract from the Report and Accounts for industry. As a result of higher dividend of John Player & Sons tomorrow, made a director of Glasgow funds available for reinvestment, m distributions bv the raining companies During the past year the economic Stockholders TrusL Year ended 31st Octchsr 1374 November 1973 . the corporation has been elected a member of ZCI declared significantly increased fortunes of the western world have been Mr Michael Knight has become exchanged its eauity interest m The the board of Imperial Group. He fi: beset with problems and uncertainties director uF George South African Breweries Limited .for dividends and Minorco benefited accord¬ has also been elected to the 1974 1973 ingly Earlier thi* year Minorco acquired which have, In contrast, favourably influ¬ Imperial Tobacco board. Kent and has resigned from foe s- additional shares in Anglo American boards of Guinness Mahon and an effective 43 per cent equity interest enced the international importance of Mr Richard Good and Mr Lewis & Peat. Revenue; after charging Investment Trust Limited. in Trend Exploration Limited, a United gold and the continued high price augurs Martin Harper, directors of Interest and Expenses Keyser UUmann, have been Mr M. G. Wilcox, a director £419.070 States oil and gas exploration company. well for our significant interests in this and chief general manager «,f of Management .. £^65 038 appointed to tbe board of Keyser 153,773 146,545 Furthermore, Minorco acquired from tbe .metal. South Africa has inevitably been UUmann Holdings. Midland Bank ! Group, has been Taxation MINING corporation, in common with other asso¬ affected by world trends but the country Mr lan Coates has been made appointed a director of Midland ciates, its indirect interest in Engelhard has nevertheless experienced a record managing director of Guthrie Cor¬ And International Banks and Em.3?Q £272.5?5 European Banking and deputy At 30tli September 1974, the market Minerals & Chemicals Corporation F0"™. r*te- A levelling off is expected poration. Preference Dividends- .. 14.875 ■ 14.875 slue of Rand Selection’s listed mvest- in 1975 but the longer-term outlook for Mr Leonard Ingrams has been chairman of Enro-Paclfic Finance y» (EMC) and received, as consideration* Corporation. ienK was R784 million or .W per new (A ’ ordinary shares in Minorco. the economy and consequently the Cor¬ appointed a director and manag¬ £297,445 £257 650 ant higher than book cost, compared EMC continued its remarkable earnings poration’s industrial, financial and prop¬ ing director of Baring Brothers. Mr R. M. Smith has joined the Ordinary Dividends— Mr Ingrams has been a manager board Of Queen Street Ware¬ ith R689 million or 290 per cent greater growth and profits which reached record erty interests gives every reason for ’ houses. Interim Of 0.7p paid 600 £117 600 urn bonk rnst er rhe previous financial levels in 1973 were further advanced encouragement. The acquisition of SIT in the firm's international finance .000 163 000 ear-end. The directors’ valuation of this year has provided the Corporation department Mr Philip Turner has been *5^*: finn . ogg during the first nine months of this year named a second vice-president at with a broader income and asset base Mr R. D. Chandler has resigned nlisred investments is R101 million; as a director of Henderson Admin¬ the London branch" of tbe er cent.higher than the book value of and with its solid foundation of gold and Transferred to Revenue industrial interests istration to take up an appoint* Northern Trust Bank. '. 77 million. mining financial investments I am con¬ me nr as a manager in the Mr H- S. Swailnw. deputy Reserve £ 11,845 A very bign level of activity in the fident that the .Corporation can expect investment division of 'N. NL chairman of Courage. has Transferred from Revenue Rand Selection's interest in gold industrial sector was experienced further growth in the years ahead. . Rothschild and Sons. resigned from foe chairmanship Reserve C 27.950 !mng continues to form tiie major part Mr John Brooman, deputy and board of Saccore & Speed. t chairman and managing director Mr J. F. Plowman, managing Earnings per Ordinary of Black and Decker, becomes on director of Saccone & Speed, 25p share ' 1.77p 1.53p chairman and chief executive succeeds Mr Swallow as chair¬ 31 sf October Tke 83rd M r—«f M.*w °< R°"d S‘lectim C“^“n0" L Friday.Friday- IJanuary anuary 34th, 1975. . . man of Mr Robert Appleby. Mr aging director of Courage Brooman is succeeded as man¬ (Export) "becomes managing Valuation of Investments , . • , ore obtainable from the London office of the company at 40 Holbom aging director by Mr W. K. director , of Saccone & Speed. Mr (including full Dollar Conics of this review and the annual- secretaries. Charter Consolidated Limited, P.O. Box 102^ Charter. Bouse. Goldsmith. C. F- Lawrence, a director of premium) E7S03 827 £15 741 \ Hi Viaduct. EC1P 1AJ or the office of the Transfer o^ _ _ Mr Malcolm Horsman has Courage Oversea^ Holdings, Currency Loans' {£1.241.979} <£1 K6 3KI resigned from the board of succeed! Mr Cottrell managing Park Street, Ashford. Kent TN24 8EQ -h-J. —- - “ r ■» Horizon Midlands. Net Asset Value per directed^ of Courage (Export). Ordinary Share 37’p ai.-P Mr D F. Smith has joined the Mr Christopher Poster has been board of Sangers, made a | director of Weatberbys. I THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 1974 FINANCIAL NEWS AND MARKET REPORTS ANGtffi AMffilCAH COfifiORAJffiW GtOUP’ The Times aSAiNtiti. FRiiE STAlt GO 1X1' MINING COMPANlFN December cocoa plunges £88.75 Foreign ttlaaitagr »T- TWnaJarr BcpMuO' There was a dramatic fall in Share Indices Far 4be. porpma at tho- annual send*** a**eiiiis* **** iinJoauiUapd December position on titt L-umwtiB, ta be.hiU.ir44, Maun Stnwa. JobUMRWB, an Uic date and. u Tli« Tlmri Stave Indices far 30.13 74 (base Exchange Uw »«m> snail iba. tnuuXer nuaius and. resisitrs- at membeo ill. inow. ment futures market data Juan 3,1304 original bias date Jane i canto*cK6- wiU hadnaed dunce. U» penwt iacttcataii— -a-i«auu9 v Com IBOOK— Nana of Caammr OMeuI i. towagof Index Dlv. Earn- Index So. YU Id nun St. Dollar rallies lEacta oL which » ineoupop- ■ Tr*BS,lS5i£!L,S2^ pa An h rit’li!?].™. Clown im,iw and- te th*- RaguUiC' of; iBoth »W» LUCK Precious The dollar rallied on foreign South Axdol PoleDua otat Muring,Madox TIbMe ■ lndlawal exchanges yesterday following the ‘"'•isUe & Co (London) report » E2K-8-&"*- 22nd u> 28Ih German Bundesbank's relatively Free SUHe Geduld Mine* ri-t for some while prices have Largest Con. aid 133ft a,fin lUBUtBCt Jomuiy.- 1WS- u'r-ed or. nearby December as Smaller Pot*. S3 77 1417 32.87 heavy buying of the currency. 22nd to 28 ih Capful Gen da in.an 14JU tuw Prendcnt Brand Gold Minina January,. 1979 *■" (list arrivals in the United Their support actios—-reported to GpBptfji lunHuxt W%. Jum, W7.8U-* ttwitton Li’jiidom csJgM-not be sufficient RA7n^aM^nhu' ^eieS0-fia.7O i Oct, involve the purchase of £17.75m_~ groidctii. Sln-n. GbllT MUdna. 22ad:toWi Jan uar,'. 1939. !"," cover large cunstaadiafi posi- SaleS^nU^701 D*c' SMOOiB^jO. Uuuimunelil halted the United Sums currency's Company' Litniied . lIi;i goi over the holidays \ hub u-u — 22nd>lo. 23th IMckioai koi birnl financial decline against the Europeans and Wcilcom Gold Mining- Com-- • m'des arrived and graded and SJ'f’V w>di s one-dor uip, and industrial pany l.iniilcd January.. I lowi lhO_TcO__arpggffi- Aaaoeteiion Em.* ew“Javowed It to make np just rU-’-’d agninst tlie London M&m,T£L*■"ffiE1 AaacwtaUon HU. *ur» oejii iim — Wcatera Hbkflnsa- Bimitoil 22nd io.28th North ialbn iw» opened Mu-L-iy sxwdy. a Ilrtie lost ground. opened unruiy atouity. „ , Jammy. 1F75* HMdy on Stan S2SD°5Sfd WW JgRtyWith.l1^ lwpnIrapnSrti»wtn onmrrenxtnrv ormtsoi-u-is CommndUiahsComumdUirhnrt* 134 Jft 13^3 3S M 33:.21 hW>*VD, 33jl prom* ?Pi®L"SSdwloW WBX In toto, ewneedmee.eoneedniee. 3n5d diuror.dcornr. . , Swiss francs—-winch earlier hit ‘ inhere were 23S lots oF fresh ■oUn.l P*3ito g1** « Bood wtd_nrory Boweral Around. A member entitled id and' vote at the meeting- is on rilled* to, ■ pTvteroucMlncLx 40.31 17-25* — 4n 2S ,.r jQ excess of market expecta- However,inanwr i l2w‘rT iwaie. ram »□ lpdearrr the peak of 2.3385 they reached appoint a nwwy U> attend and' ip«ft!f and, on- a poll, to- vo» hi fc» stead, fi after Friday'* dosing 2.4235. :Cni me December ‘SaS?*® i«| ?“» 3Vj War Loan 20*i 37.73* — 5t‘1t proxy need not been member of the company. Si aAd By order, of the Boards For and on. behalf, or .'•ver March of around £118 I^.K gf&g? f?n ***{.*» SgKJ »M9«* ANGLO AMERICAN COftfOEtAJlDN- OF SOITIH iVFRJTA. LtMCTQD llicta Loudon- Secretaries •■•srisS;^2eH&jrSs-#2*safari Money Market AlMIme 1S9.4T iU.W-3* nils 113 17 74i Spot Position Londha Office: D> H J, Pauifton, ■ •.- letfls. Dec. S7Jo.O*8.g ft mcgle, - o^Kyr- g3„ inootha. £o08.00- Krona “5?1 ttio nimrcr posmons immc- 1374 3M.1H iM 03.74 ■ H0.1B 'I2.12.7t> :..;, toM. Moramo^ up to Oia CMO limit be fan, 1073 W.U i I201.7:i 1-Jtjt H4 12.7T. 40. BUbora Viadtett. EOF 1AJ ..-r ‘.727.0 ana Mjl,a.M» ».'r hSa’mJTr,EMa’.ocftci dorirt _£*»*•» month*, ettractlnft aotno ,w*tmdh sotang-soUnn. Pools 1-J73 irw 47 115.01 TTl 171 44 ,11111 721 Rates . >.»!u-l.»» loKeetbbjO.0 jna Jepatijj:- ^ Spuirlt^m. Coia.Oft teto.waw oaTxbllshod In ten it-; tt iu u.tti T222U >d3u...7L> of Sterling SOift- December. 197* wr. t>-7.0 ■oficr tuou-'Ji : sepr.-,. - s£S?iVJp47m5£«.™ ^bU*od «- inn itr..7» ih «.tn, Jinn >31 nft 7i|i Bank el EoalwtIUBIZ'ai LnOloiaHOJi^v : a ,,tf»rr CSvnS.O*. New ^ 1K0 171.33 131.01X91 1=.PS i28.l': S3.' 31 irkrT rarer < L« cCansaffiu. 0771 • * r. Ji pms u-Aii.O: uwlhO! idij~«rar.fi5ft Madrid IJOJO-131 fa prist -•] n.'4lon larrit. =,B 40 50d. April ■ Brutal ft'ir 1C fpfifj ins Milan lUi-csir Prtxm Sank BtCoi'DIa**', TEXdMi DIM (IncorporatMt-in the Republic at South Africa) Jaw-Srpt. si.ID CsUMderCOrd k'. O ,lu 17.0S-7ftk 3 months iCH-U-i a rtoana Un pic. hy..Vj-a,i.tiOp. Sain Paris 1141-tar 3 aratu 12-:2i> 4-iXirSij U luJSIncludim luo optic UiboJilT'.-CorlBM ai7«i*m Muckbolia 9 WrWA 4 month* X3V-3o ft monies UU .... > U'sd.i wawiuuu-.i- -.ctTii ui- nuniiKR PHYSICALS Mid Sussex Wlr IVi Ob 03* a33 TnkMi 7UM6r 6 month] UrLJ C- iim ■-LSOT'Uqp'lCitoii:, ro ISS/KKn u-adv—-Soot, ua.50-26.___ Newcastle WirlO'i Pfi* > Xta< Kautbwsrk Cp IV, Red umtiai £12 Vlnuia 3?.<3-W.3«:ta J;..i r«»-TJlftiwf: DieT'-tnarli'.l. in early jSiSSr^-SinP! March. 25. WOOL.—-C.rojiiy luium t_ UnUelCnidMinn 3?ks ’urten 9 XT.*lf LoeaUkulta omar BmH6> I moflife Xr-'CH. 7 con-ax Uk-B ~Or-c. ins.ita buyer-seller tIDTidft rDT'OUOl itG IJlrmtrr dmretaflaB ffocc D vir.-oiiBa'.—C»th wire bar-.. ®sa7.oo- 7 Bwuitn a mmicn xsft-or yarcli luD.a-6U.up jper Latest MSI.Spcrrexl • ,'.fj .1 metric utl\: three month-,. 3 monUui 7JV-24a 9 -mW, UV13U , -.lis-.ii j-o1.■.'«>. Saini. -iJISO-ions, fiuh 1'ii.o-Sj.Opj July. l6J.0-_ dataof 4 Buntbi toisonax avnu- .' c utfi-s. •liM.OO-aS.W; three oionths. t*>0 ij-^T.Up; Dct. IbT.O-tjD. RtfiHTS ISSVLS rvniln Somnihx J>rt3 l:=om*ceizcondm QVUU13V131I i.. • - • , , r.r.-.(ht«e nonll) norT,lnulr Banolait'-sh while 1 aoxtb iiv:ft-o ft x •-.«>. 7 TiuHtlli Sruntii Rlnsdnm currency in revpecr of ihs undermemitined. dividends to share¬ ...... 1 4 t . • • '•rwYiwk I.«S-l TV-pn CALCUTTA JUTE MARKET I."S-l TV-prain 4.:iM.oO, |>rrm UuraLAudnd:? r.jrVrt fo. ■ holders fogiataiad at iho- close of business on the 24th December. <974 is rutfJ „*J|»,4i"y, .^m^lerdJia 7H>a.'rrrm Det-J.'n. i«vV4i p»r batr or 4 BHwprng lUj-rT-.-prpm 7 da« ir-IZh 5 Eiontia .• ... < ■ ■ • r.jiJiiotv Brumvli Uiiejpr.ni MEAT • SroltMVI'l •. BEtr Ghana cocoa purchases :bi-12E( Or cm 1 Dnntb U*a l;oar Details of the dividends concerned are as lollbws:— •*.•.'-••. !• •••!•.-t-.ViC-.U C-vxnha^rll VTA or, n 1 , T \ . *.*,• ■ •' r.l"«r S-Uib.' tens. tilled siUii iE* KKCFi. f IJ-Sf Pirm ' lb: - StolrJi killed aldee it* Purchases of main crop vacua I r.uhmrl Uopl i'rrm UrlThpl prrra ininrhaai Maekrf , %) -• • • r.r-' 4iiomh7, .w.Un: r.nallKh litnOciuarui-B iEx U9t»4«ii i^k' prmi- 171'prtn-ffl-’ pren- Name- o¥ Company loach Ol Rate ol dividend 1>K. ■1 . 'nvu-1.5. 2l^.8p for the twelfth week of the sea¬ OTirnlstaKUpraS Climt-B' COaVy. 40.0-42 tin; Enollsl ■^ili'T JBCc-duc1BCc4mc which l& lncarpora,M In the Dividend Coupon- per sharx IS.a Curtencjs r. -v« -s rani.TSc;.'. 1 ■«, yVtr d ww.TSB ri^HirUV quortt-ra. 16.O-lH.0b: Ulsler ..(HUD lirprmii- 4-Iulrdi.e4-xu:rifue !■ ..*••«• ‘ • • .i«.3', —%lt\'moort-a*-.' son ended December 28 arc 1 Bunn LITrltm 3- oi'-ntsi Republic ol'South. A Inca) Me. No. currency.) Eqipkale,*! ,/*i,. r- .. ; sr tiuwnbA'. quarters. uEs KKCFi. 40.0- ■Ur ili'i- 3 monies UcioBtSa 13-el^i ... .*• • • • n 'yiB.i-. t tsii-r rnirflu-irior^. i6.o-i3.cm estimated at 22,635 long tons, the 'h1fl Il-Hipivin 7S-7U pr-in ■ Mld«lUarleM--lEX KKCF.. 40 P.in« f* ,r-3c disc 4*i-TI-l' 01-0 Shrvoorutaicht Gold Mining- • w -.. )'2 lot* i*f j'.'.'JUti troy1 >Haari>SCkr. Elf --.IcrtqttnleE*. 16 0-17.0p. Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board MmAiii'lm L0~Jp r. Hi i:ifOij5prrtr rirsiCUsFii Company Limited 68- SO cents 30 90474ft ^•n -. • • ?...-.••»».• —C . 002 2- 3 toon Lit . 17a S mooes 19a EALi EOflUth fats. 52.0- \ ,~fin.i H'-tHcru |.risn -jUHtiin-mi vj 1. :•.< •■•oiihi.. '2.IK.R.IM iifi- said. This brings the total .for Durban Roodopoori Deep ,/--n ir.'nil... UXf,.t-17.0f*. Settle- =HSh h J yr,im 1 prm I'roao m- Bosk Base Ram J2«i 50 cenia Zfi 9M7«p the season to an estimated raaadlaa dollar rale uxauc l l~s dallarV Limited to® tea 1. m. •-•*2 v . at loti. >1 nioft-o. '14 re;- 1 -.(••" ^tjr-^jrd mrlul East Rand Proprietary Mines 284,290 long tons. Eurodollar dtporila ir-i calta. 8V9H: atm i) *11*.Vj j;-:j,« n>s i.'.o n..-"tr luns to 2.110. Main crop purchases in the dn>v. a-tRi; qnr nuinili. Vj-10: litre* mdachs. ,'iii>nw'in.— .'tundjrd Oa.M0-'>fl 10-l0*>: si 1 ntnnihs. Itr-I'JU-. » to.-': i.tni mi.hlhft. SS/'Ml- twelfth week of last season aided Gold (l**d: am. S1SV; >aq numtci; pm. S399U. The offectiw rate of South African Nort-Residaftb Shareholders Tax for •..••.u ••<••.. -I 0 tons. Hlqh drud*?. Ernjcrtramli prrculn ■ C3V30,r9C4Mi. December 6 were 20,330 long thesm dlvfdeodB- ix T5 pec ce.-ir. ■ Jill. - ~ C-I'l'-Wl: luren months. ES.t'OO- jgjSjfe1--- ***** 1 now). 3 ■ i. Coles, n.1. llonlnfl.—Slifn-JiiM tons, which bronghr the cumula¬ Seonatartari of the- Cotnpanlq* hi Ihe Untbart Klogdonit Ca.7i. '.>.OJ>5'j: throe menths. C2.9*.ii>- S.O.nmi-nt. S.O.OSO. Sales. 1S5 tive total to 153,788 tons. Chanter Conaoltdatadi Ljimredl 40. Wo I bom Viaduct. London. EClP 1AJ. United Kha0dofli Begfstran and Tranefe* AQentoc Charier ConeefidMed Uieited, P-.O. Bov No. 102. fel. -Authorized U Chattel KOtraw. Part Street, Ashford. Kent, TN24 BEQ. _AV.B.Va Zi1 . 30th* December, m Assoc 1973/74 ■ Wky aSCLTB High LuW Bid offer Trurt SB* trust Md'otfcrYl' Bid Offer yield InikUs SrcurtUi Cliy eft Westminster Afsurxs or Ce. Prudential PsnsUuLm. Eagrg backs A arborised Unit Trnste ■di. _in 11 23.4 ScottaJU : qd2L.2 Kcutyielda 8.12 3ZT7 a .icnqiwtli Abimi Artmlhnot UA Sk*: 19.02 D ftcoiotaaras Bamett tlsc, FnurUnJn Si, Man 2. OBl-SA I 15j*7 16.46 6 Scu 48.1 2L1 Glam* IP.5 31.4 SrSfm hi& t'le Tories sK T Sco 43.S 22.1 Do Accum 20ft 72.4 &« ' ft>*mnn 3S.9 IB.9 a* 2»j ax 11M ihs.0 ui.a Prop Annuity lq.o 134.6134 ft .. Tunbrllue Wclkv Kani. IM92 44 7 17.6 IH.1 M 9.1 18J* .. 100.4 100.0 lor Opnoo Bad 100.4 105.6 Hxpiainiag his board’s plan 15.4 GruorUl Sfl 105.6 .. 170L1 138.6 Set Prop Bud. 136ft 3T,ft 30 fr Da Accum 29 4 20.3 (O W3 n.i Auat Comp Fed 10.1 112mi! 7JH Highlands & Lowlands I 2nd llanaged Fund Sura fcftwpx Group, i'i give £7,500 to the Conserva- •15.5 3L8 Income IP. 8 222 uun JfflSfTrWMiw 8.ft9.ft io.TIO.T ... 3BJ 40.6* 6.97 m.l 46.9 Performflncu m il .. 4 Great St Helm's. EC2P 3B3>. _ Balanced 113-7 UJI.g119. S .. 99ft 311.2 But Pn dr TS# «7 i i■ j Party, Mr Henry Moore, 27.2 IBS t.M Accum X4.fi 15.8 9.SS l 8_3 Mn A Prop I3i 7 7 8.7B.T 7.46 _ f.UE - B6.3«33ja 100.0 100-0 Guaranlrc 100.0 .. 97.3 84.7 EquHX Bud Gift J9 2 Ahb«» Genund 18.8 70.(1 6.35 ■IV-I 2&.0. IraAccnmtSi 75.9 28.9 1941 1 14ft 10ft Do Ann 10ft .. _ 18-21 Mai lra«t£i 94. WC2. 0LI3C3S3 4»x 30inWw'draw.m a!? Sis. .. Transfer of Tax Resifeace- o;.e o? the most crucial prob- 23.0 It J) Do tU'-nmc 17.6 13.8 10.61 Do Aecii$ ll'V Corn bill Insurance 97.8 loo.o- Fixed hunren 91.0 lmft _ 25 jb 13.4 Dn tin mi 15.! 14.1 TJ8 01-6266410 »t4 64ft Ftexlbla Rid 6X3 H.O _ •ems of canonal industrial life 35 Wlk St. Itmeeer*. Scums* Equitable PtamUHttacacs. 32Corabm.LundnQ.EOX • 01-C ACbrn Trust Suwrn Lut. Valuation I5tb ot momb 344.7 07.1 Erntm- ntd 873 _. At the Extraordinary General Meeting o£ Uiglilands & T*.e 3S-5 Cm Eunft 31.8 sj!5 ro? 3 St Andrews Square. Edtnbnndkr 03,1 o Jay is the conflict between 14FmsbIUl cirruv London. EC2 01-5886971 25.0 29.0 Equitable 3(J »Aul -Iffi.o 63 9 fanlial Fnd 63ft .. 106.4 90.6 boilrfSar 87ft 92.1 .. Lovrlands this afternoon, shareholders approved the 813 3L0 Albert Trn- 32.0 34.4 418 £-2 ZJSOV* Ealt'36:, M.6 49 J 17.43 68.3 25.0 GS Special 35J) .. iio.i lon.o prenidnp no i us>» .. ‘ creeping nationalization ” and 53.1 25.4 Ptx Income* 34 J 38.1 10.18 MX 33J WM 31.9 33.9-14 Mater WalkerTruaiMaiMceuintThl,(tin. ' 8T.0 85.0 Man Grwih |23> 80.3 85.085 0 U4-1 und paomuran 1IU 130ft .. proposals for th e transfer of the tax and-' ex change control »J. 42J) KPEF 41J 43.7 6.48 Jesel Britannia Grbtip, Scottish widows ItmdftUfBftMtvxveoL he 2iiccuragement of corporate : Allied Baubru Group, LTUtm Life Fund lomrancr C*. MBTenihnrcfc 5L Landau. Et3 01-8337985 residence of the Highlands. & Lowlands. Group from the BauibroBse, IliiICnD.E'iwx __ 7jrx»m BecxrtUea ai-B23 7M5 Add tecombe HI. CrurInn. 01-4E01-6^64300 9 * Andrew EakntosfRb. 031*33913911 68.1 41.0 Brit Cnmm Plus 383 41.8 BAS „ 268ft 165.7 IuTPeU«y 1713 1763 ^ ■ rerprise, thrift and personal 71.6 »Jl Allied Capful 29.3 63 Gmnte Street. Edinburgh. 031-238 2911 41.8 flftS 134.0 91ft Ciuwb Brit lav 91ft .. 24ft 3L4 GlUAVaraiD 3)2 31.7 3jJ) 49.3 19.0 Do General 18.7 20.1 10J8 United Kingdom to Malaysia. B2.T 314 n« lai 3U6 JO-J JO-1* Cruudcr Insurance. IiaiuiUhAiiBwetCa ndependence. 41.0 19.7 Eiira Incume UJ ifl.t 19.73 63.7 3.5 Brtr Ind a«l 2ft.7 9?.0 KLG Ulxta vidd ntd 77.ft S7.lN18.2ft ■1 l?-73 Bowting Bldgs, tower Place. PC3. 01-6368031 PQ Bnx B2.1 Gears* St. Edteburxb. 033-Z357BTX P&5 84-9- QoMrina 60.6 no>iA3Q 2U) IT.8 HlKh Income 16.4 1T.G 17.64 The Bank of England has today issued' Supplement 38.0 IT.O rirnath a Inc IflJ •S ?;■*! Valuation Ui Tuesday nlnumUi 1183 41.8 Lit It EndairmT ttft .. „ “ Any extension of nadonali- 48.0 48J ScollllttHra 46JS 48.3 10.00 9SJ 21 , J easel Capital 20.7 22J 10.91 33.3 J4 B Elcc A llld Dc? 14 2 !ft 10.01 01.8 50.8 Crusader Prop 47.0 56.8 .. SnnUf«o£Craad«aT:)Eut No. 17 to Notice EC7 and Supplement No.. 2t to- Notice EC8 73.9 16 4 Do lilynfUn 24.5 M_3 10.06 Lnilt6«d rat TyudaD Fund. “ftft “t" S EagleSUrlnounxce.'MIdlandEagle Star Insarnce.'MIdlaiid Assorane*.Asssrance. 3-4 Caclunur K. SWX. _ BM9B34M' . i •**r. far doctrinaire reasons 37.6 348 llcrUlnSCmdir 31.1 63.9 3h2 DU Global 37.1 39 9 4.88 5ft-3 3.3 a«b Income 25.1 28 Canyiugr Bd. BrMI L 0272 32241 S J-Jg P0 BoST3,«-4Towrr. Cray dua. ^DIOTJ 1(01 l«ft 2^7 Maple tf*r ‘T> 733 .. „ which have the effect of redesignating Highlands. & Lowlands 171.6 11U.3 Do Gold ft ft I«3 153.9a B.06 .ouicl be a disaster”, he goes 37 6 17.2 Equity Income 16J) 6fk0 SJT Dm 22.4 23.* 9A8 ■fiq'm M.0 23.7 Eadcfnlls 2X7 24.7 1LW 112-8 109.9 Peoodh) Pena 113.4 .. 24.« aft- OJW M3 28.2 Do lacuna 26.« fl-llas £p 13-S1341 - •*.» aa^ M1«i»u Units =t.t- siSha.T l£»3 shares as foreign currency securities for United Kingdom -.t. fhc ;• rivaeo sector of inCuo- j £i-£ iS-i S'* ■ 5-1* 39 T.« -as ss|sss?t» m It Trust Man seem. 643 21., Do Now Issue ai.s 223Si 13.7313;^ ndeUiy lUe Assnranre Ltd. Tarast Bn. Aylesbury. Bucks. 89969841 exchange control purposes. 97ft 100.0 Drama tree 97ft 1823 .. n-, working closely with the 115.6 +iji Humbrr, FbU 43.7 1 71 Lombard Street. I dan. EC3 (E-0Z81500 -S'2 Do Prop ft G .4.8 0305 56.40S Cnrpuratlad St. Bleb Wycombe. Bncka. 35821 SI rr^ t>* lucomi* 37.0 Yt.fi IXS uc EUC IS." K».9 10.3 OftB3A 29.720.7 Do riant Aft G 27ft 8a.086ft II11.86 86 £ 8 31-5 Am Urth Fndil* 33ft 3S.0 „ Mft 98ft run interest a«.o ra.6 .. lllOA M3 Man Fnd Ace 80.4 Oft .. As a result of the transfer, Mr. JL W. Ajigrove, Mr. overnment of the day, provides 5*6.5 44-3 D* Htcnrcry 42.6 nn 22.7 24A 103 M.O28.0 ?»J*-8■? Au«ftti*nAun h lien nIT 14.S 15.915 9 4.514 91 ~22 8 16.0 Ptexlbls FadPc 15.8 16.4 .. 3U.1 1JJ n,. SiuBflcr 10 O Mft 31.7 and Inc 31.7 rt_0» 74W 27.9 18-2 JL fat Ciiaa 5X1 33.6 7Yst of Tnrts 97.0 80.8 Du Income 1X2 BOB .. A. J, Hunter, Lord Denman and Sir John Saunders have irtuaiiy all the country’s over- 17.8 18.9 5.72 25.9 IJT Do Ancon U O m 23 8 23J 7-flft 92.5 3S.X Do Cap 13X0 91.0 Pros But In* «uj 1SL0 .. 2B.1 u7 2nd Smaller 13.0 32ft Srxt Inc Slater WalbarTnat M. resigned from the Board. Mr. G- Goodie. Mr. G. $. eas earnings. But, says Mr 7&i M.9 340 I4j6Z 50.8 30.4 Scei of America 3U.5 ttf-r 37 Jt Do Ac ZBm 37.3S7.3 39.6 l^fil lOT.ft 89.5 Esaupl Phd 84.* Macdonald, Dr. Syed Mahmud bin Syed Hussein and Tun foore, “ neither polidcians nor _ Morgaa Gbnfell muds, Ajub xcbrrlinh Manse cm mi OLM, 23a (STGrb'lnett*ncr Wl nettener Sv.Su JUnion. ECS.C7. 01-588 4MB Tan Slew Sin have been appointed to the Beard. it* bureaucradc machine have J Noble Street. London. EC2VUH. 01-6064MD 149.5 70JCapi3i 36.4 33ft Cspftat Accum 2X8 34.4 6-23 TtMeml LUr. 67.3 72.0a 3.90 ? . . HaniliruUlrAssurance. 42.4 IB-6 Mb American 19.8 3L8 4.03 UAft Bt J Euenrpo: 38-4 S-2 un 31-3Sa ,T'STt.l* Ttjld Park Lane, lamdun, WL 01-498 ooai Pensiade Hat Glonesstn-. 045236541 THOMAS BARLOW & EK0. .iperience of . . . managing *>-v a.a 8.30 WJ Mft Bleb Incume lift 36.4 1X04 in-asuwn jgj fi.2 Trifle ih Man Bacrtsn Calrom Lid,Lid. Oft 24.7 Inc13, 23ft 75ft 77.7 77ft KL0 .. 13-2 35.2 11.00 548.7 Ml 8 Professional 364ftslai 273Ja 8.12 145J 76-a EaUri 735 •implex internarional opera- S52 6BomrordRostf.LoRdua.E7'. 01-5348530D1-5348SD 18J1 7.D Tn.i Agou '.'4. t 6.85 7ft6 390 116.0 122ft ” 1 »ft *35 DaGuacMau ttjft 98ft .. Plantation House, 10-15 Mincing Lane, London, E.C.3. 35.0 14.0 Surun rbanite 313ft?10 14.8 8.20a'in 1J*-7 D8)-3 FTopeety 113.0 25-C 25.0 niirenniAmor 21.2 25.5 3.43 TPft 84ft 104ft mo Do gwptni 104ft 108ft .. 24.2 25.5 X43 MAG! curl lies. S8.6 Minerals Tn BT.lnr"? ifw"?104.5 854 S'? “i Mj"0*ed P»P T9ft ujrii iu a highly-competitive 00.5 35.7 Alin Incline ltxo E'i ’22,_ U0.6LB.b 90.790., Du Accum »6ftb&ft 9L7 69 0 58.4 Do Equity 565 995 .. 30fA December, 1974 Secretaries. K'2 if? IS Three Quays. Tower U . ETSRdBQ.R6BQ. 81^38 45881 35.0 24.6 North American 23.6 35.1a 5.00 7 C! Do A crura 1425 127 0 Pen Prup Cap 1375 134.0 9«5 «1 DoEnhYlrtPo BntaYleW S59 99.5 .. iriiedun ”, 22'5 SS-J i-S !»-I 80.3 If A U Ge ml 76.376.J 80.6a 8J2! 99 3 100 0 DeMaeev 99ft 1M.6 ,. 76.3 2T.0 Vnlci.ra Capita] 1.4 1QB.1 8J2_Slew art Unit Trust Managers. Hi!157 ^J 135.1 bn Accum 145.0 152.7 S-2 ]»; lie s do acc n iia.4 965 100 9 ______9®ft ltt-9 .:r> prrfpeers Mr Moore con- 73.7 3L2 Eiempl ■ 38-5 3X8*1X32 15BL2 Taft 2nd Gru 73 .44 T7.4aT.38 4B Cbartolle Si. EdlnburgH. 031-226 3271 *J1-®131.0 m.O**!■! Pen Man Cap 114.1 m.o 14X4 1305 Pu Accum 1985 385 Du Bonds 22ft 39.0 23 3 1L1 Eiira Incxunu laA 1BBJ l»ft. Du ACC 0 MJ 130 9 137.8 i.ms that a further increase in j im.7 T.M i?i-2 SM 4™?*** 23 -f-» JS-!1025 J2J-10UO Fixed Ini Fad 8854 82.10 Gill Edged*r< 8359 .. I's'i 75 0 Financial 33} 5X0 MM ft 01 MlM .9* 55.6all 541 W.O KI.B Bnllali Cap BB3 53.5 3.07 192.8 1085 21 a tm worn'3*1 10X4 ion 9 Pen FI Cup ura.i 1116ft Tyndaft Assurance. ;rr»up profits is expected this S'l Ji-S 17*-S S-1 Dp ACC 1 7I>.4W.4 74ft H54 18 Canynxa Bd. Brtstni. B2 S4 6 12.0 RcB'-Tal *1“JI.9 H,U15.7 1X14 M| 9Mw 39ft „„Dir ,Fnd 3SJ Wp._ ! 11*6.6 100.0 Do Accum 106.6 112ft 14X4 79.4 Prop Fnd a», TBUt .. •ear. He will retire as chairman 490 14.9 rari'wrii Accum Ptan'atfcin Hsr. Mlmdnc LamS'ScX7,i 0V523 4951vS ^ nwruoroakBnentSaclaiy. 511 £'? s?-S 136.1 61ft Do ACCI i 09.8 83.1 14.66 ™—16.1 Talisman ift» - '“ 134.8 73.4 3 Wo? Pad *19l 73,4 .. 75.8 30.0 Income 29-3 3L.7 1LW 14IJI SBl4 SiMCtai T v 57.4 68.6 056 16-1 -*-44 Eii.unnilutfd. London. MIX 01-387! INTERIM STATEMENT :exr September and be suc- 10.1 Do Ini Srlfm hwiBit 32.0 IS.ff Rccnrcry «3 67.6 656 10J 10.9 4.56 35.2 20.6 Prop Bond 27ft 29.6 . i?-? S-5 Mf-Sil «*S «■«^SSa«« * The Leas. FefhesMne. Kent. aae 97333 125 0 46.1 Trustee sM S i 522 28X0 »J Uammn P d 133.7 139.7 354 rxXld. _ _ HID Sam ucf Life Assurance Lid. eeded by Mr John Ferguson, Tirce l Trust Managers Ltd. . 105.8 100.0 Capital Gnrlta 10XS .. 5n.3 32.4 Wuridalde 34.1 36 J 4.5* 383ft 147.4 DoAOct 148.9 155.8 654 Target Hpr. Aylesbury, Backs. '0296 6941 NLA Tut. AddLs-rranbe HX Crordcn. 01-688 43 102.7 72.6 Flexible Fnd 73ft .. :*;7uty chairman. --—- 635 20ft FITS 2*7.3 27.7a 0.07 1X8 13.6 Consumer IsTim 917 139-5 122ft RS Prop L'mis 116.9 12X8 .. 120ft 81ft lac Fnd 82ft .. J00 4 96.7 F'lst Inv Fnd 96.1 *95 7 JO 73-f73.f 295235 Dn AecuAnm .6 31 4 Financial 335 6.03 “7.9 76.4 Korltme Man 1S1 73 1 79ft .. 39.8 38.4 8.07 131 9 87.9 Prop Fad 17 9 .. 100.4 97ft Do Accum 955 985wj TJ6rut MX8 475 Cnapotuid 18.4 H"7a 8i» I l*-0 MO-® Monry Fnd 99.0 104.2 405 M.S 6.63 54.7 IS 1 Equity 1105 75.4 Mune$ Makrr 7X4 .. Brandts Lid, 142.1 pi-3 Hecovery T9.» 10.161 lfflft M 1 FJCcmm* Sift81 ft 84.3a 9 71) _ Bodge Life Asnrance- Co Ud, jfaveJey cash to 3li Fenriiarub SI. Loadm. E13 01-626099 »• 34 9 Extra Ytrt 3G3al6ft7 19X8 W 8 „ Dn Accum f9> 94.9 M.J N.Ttl I 114 116 St Mary SI. Cardiff. ]4A0 66JJ Brandis Cap i41 8B-.0 2-63 soft 26ft Do A ecu 39 27.3 18.97 3X8 15 4 prnalll 1X7 1X7 ■ 7.31 70.3 27.4 Hods* Bonds 26.9 28.4 .. J-tTO 91.0 Do AifWII *41 86.0a 137 117.8 Wft J*P3A «>J 73.6 .. i 3S.0 77.7 Inlcrnabodfll 18.0 19.2 3jw; 60.5 40.0 Tuleurer 39.0 4L1 .. : nance operations Ml O 73.9 Br.indU Inc 14, 79.0a 9.3« 56.9 36.8 EUro A Gel 335 JT S 2.83 19.4 18.0 Do Fednrrst 18 3 19 5 3.48 =3 7 2XU Hodge Life Eq 23.7 »0 .. 49.0 185 American 1 Sen 19.1 20.3 4 491 30.1 12.0 Inrcslnienl 11.8 12.4 3 92 23.7 25ft blurt gage Fnd 23.7 25.0 Otbhare «ad btferational Fxodi Mr Moore, this time wriling r-6.1 ZEft AimnMatia 175.9 72.0 Professional (3) 70ft 73.7 0 09. 23.7 S.0 Cuav High Yld 2>.7 2SQ .. FlanlaUua Ha-. Mincing Lane. EC3. 01-623 4951 sct.7 20ft rax Earn i 2X5 n 2 Income 10ft llJaLI.70] 23.7 25 0 IHurseu Fnd 23.7 25.0 1 _ BarblC9UMmmgeraUersai)UX t«H» 5?0 Bride*.' EX-.2I 60.0 M.P 5.8C 20.2 21.5 2.771 S. Hoffnuag & Go. Limited s chairman cf another leading D 7 25 8 J PO Box 63. ST Hellsr. Jersey. C.I. 8534 37806 HK-'oaT2ftl I SO.* 215 Do Acaii 20.5 21.8 177 175 10.1 Prrlerrucu 9ft 19.1 17.14 1 B7 25.0 Phlly Managed 23.7 Sft .. , sv; I* Tin l.*o Inc i2i 110.0 118.0n72ftl “c-LuS ■’ I 199ft 8X3 Euvap'n 8ter 8&2 70.1e 40 r-gincer. Stave ley Industries, M0t 4ft 14D.9 BA* Trustee Fra 52.8 53.1nu.s 101UW 971I LDaniiuuujfIndltldual LUr Insurance Co Ltd. I 2I2.I* Ml.* D»Cap f2> 750 M9a 451 200.7 85ft Do Accun jit ii±a MreJ Bardsy* Ualeora laternaUnnai> rap Arc'll) IWO IBM 4 PI Sffa „- 45 StHiib Si. Easlbiwrne. BPJ3J 4IT. f)323 3CTHC ie;jc\*vs. fixe some other indus- 151ft 50.7 Cbarltund 1 OTA ffli !?■« W ‘■CP’™1' “Inturab. J. 031-229 8621 9S.7UK 7 MfiH8ft n KniiirmEq 111 Iras Vi"171 13 75.1rCT 36m,£ CTiurcb SL Si UrU*.-. Jersey. Obit 3^06 11*1.1' 4«jn 0'seas lnciJ* <3.0 46.0 8» sift KSESS-'n “:Jli.Mj3i62“u?^ '“railWHS" E0.8 £3!6 9l7T 107.8 »lft Flli.-d Ini 107107.8 8 113ftnr* ” 48.9 37.7 Jer Gucr G'oeaa 3X2 4X2 1146 lltfO 4S.0 l»n Accum *3> 45.0 48.0 8.50 19.4 SAACIP ° iTSThuSe 1X7 I?i li ra 107 8 M-5 n»ed lat ••.:j1 chiefs, that the world may 19.6 .. alT 35 U9.4 93.4 Managed 9E.5 100.61006 '! Baretsyv L'oJcara InlernaanBal iLO.kL)ltd. IMTERIM RESULTS The BsUliib Life _ g-. 7 <7^2 Dr. Amin 5X8 30 1 Claymnre Fnd Sft aoj ‘g.iS } ¥SugSf 180ft 1063 I U ParUamrm 81. Rsntse.r 0634813361 .tieving into a major reces- 47.8 .. 17 JS 107-1 10n.G Prupemr 160ft 106 3 nrll.-uicv Use. All E^liralm. Till! Wells. 859233371 ,uj 7 30JS tsitTiCimj 30 S> 33.6 2.71 TNB I'nllTrasi Managers L(X 109ft 100 0 Mom-rFUnd 97J87ft 102.4 47.9 40.0 l-le of Mao T« 4X3 44.4 X83 ■icTi. 5n II 22.1 BrllMi life 22.1 2X0 9.45 Sfe Kft Syde ISl 31.7 33.4a 8.39, 73-80 Caletioua** Rd. Aylesbury Bucks. 0296 5941 106.0 King A Shaxson 97.787.7 M.799.7 BraadnftGrtnillayUenarlLia, XJ.7 17.7 Bslanccd <2* 17.3 18.t 0JP ng 33 8 bo Actun .Dift -iOJ 859 47.8 IS 9 General 13.6 16.G 85V InvnHanil lipulq IJIr Assurance. POBo*80, BniadS».Sf Hslfqr. The Direciors report Lhal the unaudited results lor ihe hall-year ended Scaveley has succeeded in ■is 4 1X1 Cap Acciira ,2> 17.4 lil ltt« ^4 £.4 Cljdr IJItfi 32.0 33.8a 16.04 44.6 19 1 Do Accum 17.8 19.P19.0 8.31A31 , 9 DeirreuxCnuri.London.WC2.L 0?JH3!awa 142-2 7S.0 Brandt Jersey 73.0 TRfts X38 46 6 2U.4 Dividend ,2* 19.4 2U.4 11M 85.3 44ft Do Aecu™ 87.0 , . 159.0 88.0 Da Accum M.0 89.0* 8.08 'unding a record investment 4LX XI 6 fipp Accun *21 22.9 245 ll)J4 _I 1»R-* BBJ Unn Equity 301h September, 1S74 are es lot low 3.— . PP.7P9.7 .6X4.8X4 Huam^fRai 1 raft «.I 1»'04 TrmnsoHooUe A Geu rrml SecudUescullies Ce,Co, 111 ft 76.9 Do Accum 78ft ... Brandis Ltd, irograjime without any in- Brawn Shlatey UnU Fond Manajtexsy • ItiUMdGmpI L'oliTnmsT PP New Luodnn Rd. ChdtnUord ■Dft 48 3 Lino Man Grwtb 45.7 4flJ4X3 .. 36 Feuchun* SI. Landpo. EC3. 01-8388399 Half-year Half-year Half-year Fnundcr's'.'iiun. Lnllihurr-EI'X IIMBO8520 u6 Xnrwle*vn WJE.C.4. -ntjen is*ia| 99-3 31.3 Barbican 14) <«_* 61.8 43.5 Du Cap 41.1 43ft .. 78 38 53.23 O'SCSI Fnd 5 53.00 .. •*0 ri? UOft 41.0 Do Accum ».8_ to 30.9.74 tc v.0.6.13 to 31.3.74 ;rease in its total debt. It ex¬ 1705 ne.l Brn Ship Lac l7j 18X1 19X1 XS TjL,-545 04.4 Century 7X6 52.5 Linn Prop Fnd S3J53ft .. .. cabin Banach Ltd. S'| 3H5 9 “ 7X5 44.7 Hucklnciunr (4) 44J 44.7 6.3S lUXi; IfXP Dn Accum *7* 111.9 U6ft XCD gjj53ft 26ft Com Ccns *3 4 46.1 Uim High Yield 46ft .. .. 80 BLdiopnare. Lundoa. ECX 01-383 5453 pects to continue to finance sS'£ =!“,* “ 81 .G 49 2 Du Acctun- 49.2 B0.0 flftS (note 1) incle 2) (note 2) Canada 1 Jfe Dull Trust UanaerakAd. ;«ft56ft BBJ) Dnoaesltc 113.3 Blft Dn Equlle Pen 31ft .. .. 785ft 735.1) Bollock Fnd 554.0 E33.0a X73 Lture operariens and its cur- OOiurlA ir.M. LaDdim.ftlCX 0t-*3PS122 73.6 BJ Cas tnd Pow 1?'S Se'^’S'lr 1W-1 6?9 fnjemc,, 49J 52.0 10.28 78.8 54.7 Dn Prop Pm 55.T .. .. 612.0 tWift Canadian Fnd 504 0 580.0a iu rcoo £000 £000 X35 15»Canute Ccn IQ 8 1&5 75X 39ft S2'i s5 5 iK J04.i 5J.n Du accum 52.B SI 10.28 85.4 52-9 Da H YU Pen 52.953.9 -...... ZTmft 217 ft Canadian Inv 34X0 27T.0 X77 ?! % 2! 3 ;■» 71.9 31.3 Glen mod *2) 28.3 30.1) 8 45 *rit investment programme XI 0 17.1 In, Ac-rum 18 9 17ft 753 4x5 1X2 inv lien Irlsb Life Aisuraare.■ re. " 0.0 140.0 Dir Shares 14X0 IOT.0 X88 iA'i 5'S r.'S 75.7 32.9 Do Acciun 31.9 33.8 8.45 Turnover 37,099 31.155 38.149 nainly frera cash flow. 25 K 17.7 Inrmnv DIH 37.0 17.9*13.0 SOftsoft 2X3 Do 2nd Get 30 6 33 0 ‘J-29 iqj s 47.8 G'*.-liester * 151 53B BS'?a Tas 11 Fliwhury Sq. Lundon. ECX 01-638 83931 705449ftNyVenrurePBd 533.il 601.0 .. 2j n 13-1 T>a Accum 1HJ 195 1X0 S2Ji82J -BuS NaibiK S'2 g 2'SS J5T.9 134ft Prop Modules 143ft Hfs.8 -aftj, Capiul Trust (Jersey) Ltd, J! 2 JJ'SSSS Ml-# 64.0 Ldn A BrUi'ls" rsrllal Co 11 Fond M snagers Lid. 50.650.8 5-0 Rat Canx. £ft3i!s S'? AMa S KC2 1100.0i£'0 JfeUonagednaS,'d Fnd *8-498.4 PH.fiPD.fi .,. 1 Broad Street. SI Heller. Jersey 0531-CQ5SI ra'S A1?? 93J 511 Mnrlbm-OUKS S-? fi-2? 7SB 32 8 RlllP ITlln FnA Group Trading Piobl tefore imtiurnllie. Sawt-asilc>4jpoii-Tyne. 0633 21165 191-0131-0 RL4 Do ' D ' 2m T2-^70.4 B5.3a55-3f,S'12 0.10 53.8 -JS- 37 86 Du Accum 330 30® 2‘a 1 ™ B 32S Flue Chip Fbd 31.5 3X233.2 Bfto8. 115 J 5X7 Red Part Pref 5X0 SS.7 DftP Vsiue ci ne'-y issues 77 X 34 S Carllol .8, B3 355 X7B 71ft7X5 41ft Du High Jim 40.1 43.0 leftsll'ftS 83.^ ..36.6 Merlin *1* Ej yj ,'Sj. „ Lfttbam Llf e Awtiranee,ranee. CBarurbansr JspbeL Tax (note 3) 1,823 t 333 2.024 80. S 37.4 Ito Accum 36ft 3X3 X75 S57.67.fi 21ft NUFtTB • M.7 EJa 7.73 29 4 Do lU-cum »J Ml Si} MlndJlRiw.nrisbiifySq.EC2.Mindai Hn5. FirubnrySa.Ec2. at-6288881O-BSSSf 1 Patemuster Bu*. EC4. 01-2*8 3999 79.1 5tft real Rnsiiru cbarlilrninmeUl InrosmeuL 53.0 M.O__ „ _T 39 49.8 23.8 Merlin Yield So =«®siS 3fi I ‘S'S1DH.JI 1lOlatS^5 Property Bnd“»«» 100100JJ JDWg0.6 “.. 41.40 24 30 Adlnipa DM 24JO 25.H0 3.B1 Tax 87Q 645 1.014 TTlPitdrn Wall. Lftitd'jn. EC2. 08-568-1815 I65ft tU n-ov mr Test 77.2 76ft2H! 7.01i'Hil so* 2«a UuAeeum S9.B 27.1 12.36 : .S-3 363 Prop rnils am 21J 2X3 .. «« 23.31 Adi verts DM «3J0 48.60 7.68 Uf. sharply this year 7X2 3? Scu Dous • JT 7 AO 4 Inc* 124 > 60.4 .. 1150 27J 29.935'S 2-SI8ftl 575 19-9 Vanguard *2i ]X1 20L3 7.5* I IKS 10X6 Prop Fnd l*ulls 1(10.3 109.6 .. MJO 2X50 Fandak DM 26.50 2790 7.89 LT??j*ite dismal stock exchange yCS W.4 Avcuac *24> SO.4 .. S_60 S83.7 I 37U Securily 1st 34 J 37.8aS'H* 9.82S'B *0-3 23.4 Da Actum 21ft 32.8 7.84 ! zi-i 15-3 5JIU-a» B-ndiJ4i 43.0 IXJ .. 32.20 IK.90 Fondle . DM 1920 2020 8ftl Group Profit after Tax 953 711 1.010 77.1 l*u Shamrock 34.7 3TJ 0.95 39ft 314 8 91 fit JM capAcmao'31' -U.0 .. .. USES 39.00 GenO'mag Svrfr 3*jo 39jo 4.3a ~.oditions. tlie amount of new Cbartrcbiflise Japkrl Call Hiuttunl Lid. ^ 2'Sl 51J 31 0 4X8 »P a I e)d _ 2X7 30.6M.6 6 06106 (IJ X’ft Du Accum ,31ft 32ft 8.91 50.8 52.9 UTSPiSpc-Mani 50 6 toft .. . 6928 44.00 EUspun 5 63.43 «.£! 1.06 Uft.0 r-OE LWcersafSad 53.9 97.1 8.48 .. Life * Enntiy Aunranee Ca.Ltd. CernbUJ Imnrauce IGnnuai Ltd, Profit atlnbulable lo Minority ttaioy rvised by the issue of J^V-w^lro.3*^,,d,*‘ECJ=.3 rSTfS NaiMul XTarldea (Dn iMogeraLid. ; Trldeai Fuads. NurtBcUIfelfw.1 olstonAvs. Brutol. ft97241f PO Boa 157. St Julian* Ct St Pciers Pori Cusrnaay 116 7P 169 %intie$ in the United King- ® GracccbSrcfi Si. ECX. 4-sml ibclileslngerTnistMiSclilesInfier Trust ManagaraLid.i- 77-5 =3 5 Ser-ure Rcl 37ft 20.5^.. 94ft 01.0 Ini Cap Han'30i B2J 101.0 .. Interests 1P7 *2^ 140 SoulbIb SL.8L. DnrMnB.Dnrktnu. DorklacDorUnc (&(Mill Di4Z* r*.4KS« Fun* flu,3 Ij,‘ 16 4 SK10.6 a1.91 v-SSRSCS^47ft 20LTRPIj»ft MPI Aceumn.Accumn "£■5 J? 2 *°Jfc!J5v 17ft mft .. ^EBarManagmeatlJmeyt, 1U FO Bn« 4-5"q»Kb. WKI 3XL ““3 2~“ 1118 W.63H.6 Lucnl AUIB* 36.6 38.6 7.44 lOLn 100.0 Do Van Fmt 101.6 107ft .- 4 Irish Place. CUmUar Telex OK 243 Notes:— 21.4 LLU In, Ini,I 12.8 1X8 X67 94ft Mft IpR Tbl Fnfi»3* 93 3 98.396.3 11-4211.42 [ 126.4 *4.fi44.fi Do Accum 4X4 44.6 .7.44 98.8 11)0.0 Dn Prop Fnd 98.8 J04J. .! I iJJ™ U0J cibjrani T05.O lSft X70 -C.I 22.5 Dray tun In-- 21X 23ft 9.05 Ucnnlc U alt Trust Ma .. Lraifirai rsdetoaliy A Geacral las Co Lift. 133.5 Mft Key City Inv 1*0.0 2X5 .. TradailNafliUBlA CoBUBerclal, (1) The results for the half-year ended 30th September. 1974. have 39.7 23ft UUernnllouft J5.4 Z.4* 1.63 M XoTWltt «Jfl. EH. *BVn,LSft*n6212 NiirtbcHflL-HW. Colsli.H Aar. FristuL 2877X1 102.4 26.7 Warrant Fnd 25.4 2X7 .. e,iIIfi Cgaynsru;r Road,Rosd. Bristol. ifcr 32241 thloride expand in US EqulU4 5aciir1ilesLifi. 4X8 Mft JiBBiidql a!6.£ 13 J Noxii'J ilaniurr 14 J 13-Sc RivudiTBensudi Hmiepbcu l td . been converted into sterling at the rates of exchange ruling on 1X4 owl »«-0 “-i66.4 UcymrIncome .23.1231 6X4 66.4 9 57 41 Pi-tojJS^nlr/Lomi'.n-Err. 1^74531* XIT 13J ^ral 88.0 Dn Accuin 7X4 80.0 937 1M-S JS-3 fi? - AUas Hm. TO Bo* ltca. HamiUuo. S, Bermuda. The Chloride Group has S 1 411aqt L 79 ITM175.4 BU.WSO.? _ usDn Accuin >0-4 «T.u 907 24ft24ft 13ftltift Du Flex FndFad 1513.0 0 15.8rIB ._ lft* 1J5 BUbOPSgOte S 1.12 108 ,, that defe. The change in the rates since 31st March. 1974 (inclu¬ 77ft a.fi Pn.Bre«lr«: 3X* =-l 9-15 T?-? 52ft Capital *231 00.0 52ft 6 61 75 3 S'Sj 72 103.8 50ft Capital 1=3) M.O 52ft >4 01 S24.34.3 24.9 DoDu Fixedn£J IdlIni tj33.9 2&Oeffl K«^Sie?SdiafiBcna. ding the devaluation of the Australian S on 25th September. Jftved into ;he United States EanUygcLairCBltTrnriMaqMVraLafi.. rnSnw 46 15.5 IOJB 1*=-6 38.6B Do AccumAcom 56.0 58.6M.6 80 91 24.0 25.0 Dn Muniged 24.0 2E M-° -**.**"•&*- 2L0 «•* ri Lambirt“raSTra! U67 AmcrUt-n* EU-H By,-omh«*. Bncks. 549* 32313 ifi fnEftSenl* in.fi 11.5 fi-99 DdllTnuii iennlAHiucairil, MaadfnelBferaMaBdroclurer* LUs lusnmcc.iBsaraacc. 266 0 137.', Polaris 14X0 174.0 .. 1974) has had the effect of reducing the profit before lax by ■Nasirial bairery and charger 58.4 J2.9 Equity A Law =15 33.9 X27 19.1 20.3 4J1 m MlnelBC Lour. EC3M. 01-823 4951 ilanuIHcM^Ulire Har.KeivnaccHar, Kevenagv Bern.Herts. 04oc^fieuu 372.0 237.0 K-nonr Grevtb 238JJ 290.6 .. £159,000. ^®fcer by acquiring the assets F»rally Fund lUsagrr* Llfi. 3&4- 2Sft- MJiiruUK 7.1 28.8 6.67 JU20 64.8 Frtarv Use Fbd 80.0 04.0 8.38 38.8*■0 1..2 ManuIUeManulUe <5,*5, 17.01..0 1717ft LacmsUnfcsaaexlMaxacrnutniLtd. VJ40 KFrlWUW Kd. iflrttam-JnrtlSWSm ;i,-5 l l.n Prfcrraidva 111 1X4 7,^i .444 ii> Gi irneliester lift 11 :X lo.as ■ „r ... . MrrehaclMrrehaui iBTemcniInvestorsAsauraacv. Axauraacc. _8 Si George** SL Douslas. leU. Dowlas 4883 Agair Eqinomenr for about 713 44.9 FjbiIIf FmI 4u6 4Xfi X28 3u 13.0 HrfiVny ft.7 1x5a , J3 34.9 10J Do Oter&ras 0.6 1»J 10.83 IISIjS High SLrrrT.SireFi. Crwluri.Cramun. • 01-«aS917101- 25.0 17.8 Ini Income i3> 1X8 17.7 10.00 (2) The figures tor the two half-years ended SOih September. 1973 -]-om cash. Chloride already Fraiuf lanlMLBh Manawraenl Ud. Feart-MalunniTnralMi ismLld. IK"3Ot- 0 100.0 CBBfDenBndCoot Den Bran 1Q5B105ft .. .. u,.. i.i»ih*|ihu| m and 31st March, 1974, have been converted into sterling at the SpraH-rrHso.4f-.Btf.Plafr.EC3. m^aanio 1]4 OTd Broadest gfo Boa " VL~2. 01-588 8464 101-9 100,0 Do Pension 1019 .. {!*{•? lS2S J££tJS2SP jo ' i,a* a strong presence in the .2.4 J5.4 Cnnilal !4.9 J8.4 9.8* 30.4 l*7J uratlb 0 1 19.9 7.18 101-4JJJI-4 38.8 Equity Bund 39.7M.7 .. .. 27.5 13.0 Ausl MlB 161 isft 3-50 rates of exchange ruling at the latter date. lT n IM.S IDLOBK- 23.8 25ft" 12.44 I M;a 10ft Ik n'fi 116 7.16 102 0 8L191.1 DqDu Pen dunaun 93.93.B S .. .. f ltj'i bt.'d BirVartflc 89ft 3J0 •Dited States after its purchase n; lie ]l.y3 11X7 BIJ Uanosed Band fil.7 Trlrnd.' Pm Ideal I'oll Trosl Maattraa Ud. 32.6 1J-5 Lnc^ l'S-7 Hft Utttted Band B.7 .. .. | Mft lgi? S7ni wSSal “ft JS.0 320 (3) The figures for the half-year to 30th September 1974. include the JuOJ M.9 Do Fun.-dun 91-2 ■■ ., 4A.3 3HL5 Mint ini Iqp ti b w i g,4Q ' Connrex Corporation, now 7 Taradenhafl 51. Lmul**n. EC3. (n«fi«3 39.6 15 1 T*rik _ 55 US £8 Insurance Bonds moA Funds !»£££& 18f" }Sj.i iw.g Hf l. wj pSf AtSi e£ i IK unaudited profits of G & M Power Plant Co. Limited for (he 35 1 IT 9 Frumd- Pro, X2.7 Uft« 9.15 41ft 2»-6 [T -Treuin “ I 109.0 100 0 Dn Pension Ml 8 .. *named Chloride Inc. 5X9 J*-® Do Accuin 14.4 HA >-U! PrllramjBfl AOBainl! 1QB.0 100 0 Dn Pcosina 14} 8 ■_ ., 102 3 71.1 Sdi Cn*Ul 'ST> 70 J 71.1 i*H236 56831 Abbey Ufe Aranraace CaUd. }Mft1MJ* 24.724-7 PropiTllFTOPi-rix IJ.mdO.rod 1013 .. period from the date of acquisition 20th May, 1974, to 30th Fundi In Csnn. ' _ __[ 81 FoonMiB SL l%nt*csirr. m 114 BM' 100strand. Landcn. WC3fi IDY. 01-W6 66W J*9-l145.1 2L,2L, Pu Puialua MJIMft ..•- - ■ Three Quay*;. Tuwev Hill. EOB SBC). Arcum *3> lift 12 ;2 .. TtiruuguayxTmrorTtiri-i- guays. Ttn.'cr lllll.IIUI. KCiRdBO.KCjRdBQ. OldiW-iSW01- 153.8 TOT Oi Arewn • 7X6 Sft4 less interest of £104,000 payable on the 12^0 Convertible m 5 4LQ Gru*. lucuuie* 3» J 11^ J I^5r* Lanr. LoaJm, FC2. ..ft r*7-e")6 8744 1*6 1 100U0 0 Money VdFd UnUUnit 9fiJ96J 1011014 4 .. 119119ft J 3B.fi56.659.6 Eqlilly Bond,4*BondBmid,4* ,4 * 58?58 7 61.161 .. jjq “a AuinHcES 1 1J7 1 J? „ Unsecured Loan Stock 1985/90 issued as consideration for the 97.4 44.0 HlEb Yleix* 42.0 44-0 12JS9' 3^0 21.7 tecjlGrointa 125 Si»' -Jiff 1U1.T1W.T 100.0 PensionTension Sec 9X8 JJH.9UH.9 .. 91ft 4L641.6 D»D.3> 351 37373 3 .. 1391 JS 9 66866 B Du 1977'601977'80 77.0 314* 1X6 G A A 22ft 141 3.2B joI CBarterbnusrCBarterliousr S*ti ljondad. h ‘2? “2 Un " •' ‘ M- 36.6 uld Cl Eq l34l 3«J 5.73 (4) The fully diluted earnings per share are not materially less than G.T. L'nllManagi iLid. 1 1«L4 =>ft PnrUiio can 7 ftJ 310s310* 8.770.77 155ft158ft 84.49X4 Prop Pnllai27lDulls *97) 88.98X9 MlB4 4 .. T7ATT-i77 A S'!78.7Tlr.7 DoUdlWl.'M 1981 .'M 73ft73ft .." ■■ ,100.1 85 9 Uld Cl list 13S* Mft 92.7 .. .7 33.5 8 801 141ft 09.2 Do Accunil27, 94.8 89.2 44ft 39.4 Mirror Bunds 39ft .. Ifisi. Marilii'»-Lc-Grand,Et'l m-60094fll Ext U] 100.8 39.1 Gra-UfWlUllBC the basic earnings per share shown above. 34 J 37ft X30 58.fi lfJ PrlT.i* Port ti.2.2 1TB 10-13: US.4 94.£ Dn Pm (27, 88.T 9X3 116X1WJ SiSSS35.6 Per* BPenpeu“S!‘ *31 So81084 0 Mft86ft I! 831 W 1 ^^rUe«£; “J 9-“ 97J 36 0 GT Cap 34.1 33.7 SUrnl* purl 3![9 3X3 7.00' 10L2 100.0 ConrBnd ]01_2 106.6 139ft 111.4 Pr**P Fnd >4, IPS 4 113ft «Q5 .W.3 Dn Accum 371 4X1 4ft0 mft “»•« 231L*^:1' „ 1 U3J •• .053437301 TX3 73.8 IJO Xatlua Llfr Insurance, no 4 72ft Du In nunc- Pnellcsl kvrsimral'Clud. A3IEV Ufe Assam re Ud. v_„ .. ^'\Si^Liir>lS7\,rIU'CT' ft, I =57-7 135 7 Crowlh Inc 134.6 Id.7 150 The Directors have declared an interim dividend ot 1-£5p per share 124.fi 94 6 rinUSnenFna 1SJ 133-8 EuriEurran use.Ilsr. auraWorld rr Centre. El I 120 6 5*46 Do Japan Gen. U6.* 118- 1.90} -148.5 — 891 PTacl (1974—1.05p) on the Ordinary shares of 25p each payable on 10th 177ft 7X6 Do .1 April. 1975 m respect of the year ending 31 si March. 1975 This Barclays Bank .. 3*> Proem cM LI 100 Cennoa Si. Lrtrc increase reflects the Board's desire to reduce the imbalance ?NFC . j3 ;■ Urndirvn L'nli Tnul ManagrBiiroaL. 73.471.4 39.0 ProUlUProUR, between the interim dividend and the final divkiend (1974—i.osp 11-13 cr..suwull.nnuwall. EC3.ilEC3N BJ,2LD _ _ °2?£l I'rf -17-2 40.8 Dn Hi 0 «■§ LU Pradenilai 1' and 2.2Q4p respectively) and should not be taken as an indication ot *3ili Samuel .... ®12i% 53.3 33 And IM l«fl2 .« 2 llW ^5 ire 1 numeral BarSjLondo Ka?4,aS,F,0I-«» 9= M37-5 Pw'-dm. F»0 88 0 .'I ;CiO in, *1 DuPnini.J* M.n 100.® I Trndill Orrrsras Ponds Mutagen Lid, any increase in the total amount of the dividends lo be paid in 30.4 ».*i FuP Accum “ t Z XS4 1S6.9 4X5 Prndnil 4 4X5, 49.0 X76 Bare lays Lite Auuraucr Ca. ran 10U.D P..m ln*3i BO.o 2«.0 Pi'BoilTse.HamUlon.Bermmu 47.4 2S.7 Eurupejii I Mft 54.3 n„ fnlU *38* 54 J 1-58 OBI Overseas I IlftO 0.95 igii ^ Hoare & Co .. *12 ?„ 23 p 3: SneAl uierfirira • Unkrara Use. 2W Ruinrurd Rd. KT. OJ-KS I2U respect of the year ending 31st March. 1975. fl is proposed lo offer et.2 3S.2 Far Past.Trot Pcurl-Ucmuuiti Ail and re lftQ 1.111 Do-Aecum 1 1_15 1.18 a. DO a 1 i=5 X3I | 4 Groal SI Urlrn'e. E tp'SfcP. 01-888 1717; 040 6S.0 Borolaybund* 63-7 C7.1 .. to 0 31.8 Financial ZTCt Hliih Dili born. Landna, EC2. 014H8 6461 Ttb dan Maniyrrs (Jersey) Lid. Ordinary shareholders ihe option of receiving fully paid Ordinary ^oyds Bank .. 12 % 78.U B.Oo 4.971 DeJings Iu 01-, 3*j7ft Fl.O llunderem «r“ Jififi 96 6 prop Unli;< 91.3 97ft .. 43 La Hour SI. 51 Heller. Jersey. 0534 373J1 4«3 39 r, niqb In^irac 513 24.9 Mft# 1 «-73U» nSLh'tllrdiarun EH74MX- s chaHc-, II 5?aL1md^nl!'yhTara,,CT' 01-930 8122 Ptammlx Assurance. ___13*5 5.E Ovcroca, Sir £ SJS XS5 OOP shares in respect of their interim dividend in lieu cf cash (except for todland Bank .. 12 ?: 14.1 15.0 18.21 OBI-OS 7351 „ H,,.. 5B1 23.1 F-qully r.rwlh 2S1 Kb or 5 j XPFIUKWI1IIUII5I.EC4.4-17 KI UK 71II Ulus 51. ET4. _ Dd-ffi»3FTd|Bl-ffi»9FTd( 1S.4013.40 7.7.00 DO Do AualmAcinirn £ 6ft5X65 7.00 66.00 00 the sum ot O.lp per share which will be paid in cFSh in any event). gi 3 iSMnwissiSi if* gr'asi 643 auujsssfess3X8 Dplrunml ESul 34ft 37.3 2.08 S4.I Rrllromen. M .. ■■ ! 1,16.9 591 woallb .'.-.s end 57ft 60.3 |-- ^at Westminster 12 % 31.li 13.1) Ini Trel ” * JS j SJ4 rSKlfiM^m The results of Mis first ha!f-year lo 30lh September 1974 have fu.lv 64.7 23L3 CjptIBl A F22.fi 244 8.63 Cagnan.UsuraneeLld. I ?5'? 55'i Si Li- ' ;• FJ dlridend - Sul available to tb. ecnerai K3.0 22.2 General 214 22.7* fiftfr j oirumlc War. b'emhlcy. HAS OMR. 01-H2 iBffi [ td6 3B_0 BWFnJi'i'iLl. ji-_ 3,-° Ipubllr * Guernsey *nra ytetd tPre*9'i*e dar- justified tlie confidence expressed in the Chairman’s Statement Henley Trust .. ns aswBflg || || t? |»53ft MMxSr223 HtebRen m3 22B 11» 1SR?®7 «lTbqulty Vnlut £ TAB .. .Pvyperi)*wCb..,. ._'prW a 7.\ all c Dsallnws vu«pendrd. e -•iir- -UJ! 44.fi TJN 13.0 67.0 Do Accum (B.O .. 11S Crow ford m. L-indin til. _ ui-tWn-j, .ai.. .dv.i. t, ..-.q i.Uuetnr£] on pn-^yni However, JSfj SB5S3.W Si i:»! 64.0 ISKr41.0 rannDodl issued v-'ilh fhe Report and Accounts Iasi September. the ^.3Bth Cent I^ank 12 % 54J 3L6 Enerur 34340- D- 383 1-421-fi B?.bpr.n 48,048.0 Di-AnUllliyDoAnUllUT J9040.0 *— i7Bft 142.7 R Silk Fr*ip Bnd 142 ■ FnnfiaraBclimitTrosiMaaageraJLM. } SyjjSoi 1 Australian economy is not immune from the combination of wage 19.X 30.7 5.00 850 0 7W.0 Prop I'nllV 719.0 ., ului'iuli *Je ■ . si -iij.*'- -■■ 12 Pi)rnisiTs. CTnjdnii.CASUAL, * sx? 22.7 fy«, a auid 22.1 "Jifia 8.611 ua* 0 750 j) Do Accum ,99.0 iSn.3 'SS :■ : ‘“vrniiams & Glyn’s % 41* l 35 1 (irllur nli-.->iias.ii-T]-iirm. Pri-J •• inflation and recession which is affecting almost every induslnal TUH P'l'i^illnnnl M'S "19 JM 115.fi 44 l SClMl l7nu,9 I *e.a: 4X1 273. ac Kn-C Bal X 8.00 .. ■ • ■ Jd" ■ *e»if. -l ■e,_prc31.,]n-'.: .14 30J*3*>p 19.8i"iP ImcnifiilonatiDicni.i^Dnal *■? rj ii ( uu t ifl ? IhmIi 37.0 3671310 3.3 lufi ElCL'.Equill £ 5.7( .. 1MJ «■'■ DnKqullySnd 689 ,u'-b,uui‘■b''1-.'1 counfry. If is too early lo predict what impact the current’economic ’ 144-5144 J 52 06 Bril Tr«Trra ra.1 58.Ua 8.28 -., IJ> in ■ ill T.llSiJari 7 ■ *’*• J..nU3,,2'* * Yembers of Accepting Houses LO 9 142 6 7.96 11.35 9 39 Eire Prop £ 9J1 .. 102.4 Hri.fi bo Flct Mnv 102.4 .. 7i ' ihl.Ja",- ( U4.T144.7 53.6 BellBelt Guernsey 551 80.8a 8.22 I 133 5 .raa rtwi Ib-iiperiy Kr.intb Asouraace- Tl..—.in1 .•*"i ..*'\7. .', DidTBursd-’'““Bursda’ -••• rj,.r'lrj,T»n 1 ..-uroiMliq*.'. iridexlml 9J*3 8.41 Bel Band £ 8 03 ?M climare will have on the results pi lthe Group lor she second halt of 27 7 9ft9.2 CanLap 9 R 10.6 10JSS i ta8Frawffcn .■nn -t Tulip.-, 24• Ut Tuesdpj in i-i-gi.sr- -ft.-i-i isr"'i8 2a 4ftl SJO Cqidiv Bund £ 5 34 5J4 III Wralmlnsi. r Uric.- Bd.-921 TJF. 014BS ftjfil ft"' -t ■run'.-. ' r*7. ««wlnj i t 72.37fl.:> 36.236-2 Fin TnaYn* 33.7 38.2 8.49 ( <0-9 1*4 S'pAol . I .md .-r,l ri*ir-.<- .if !Uqu:|i. i26.4lc Th-jr <; j the year. but. because ol these feclors the results m Australia for ths I ” ti*?Pi *ndi dcpqsltfi, ll'a^q 17X0 M7 5 prop Lr .B *59* 117.5 .. .. .lnd erdll *ir-.«- ul mop:h.i2*,4lr TBjr « J ) ■ 225J BJ SB IncTnciInc Inti 0.J lX0alX02 I 83J 36.9 FUUDCLU Ski 3X7 3.M li-B 9-26 f ^ 751.fl751.il 3563M.u u Ali Bnr-oBnro ift*i3* ."ftd.O-'M.O ••.. -- P‘,-,ill- -.'7- ;-* ■•'.L-diie.-Hj^, ,i;« luurili.rui.r.'li. -L>.-2^> LjLa 1* | *" ilfi.OiXi and over. 10.7 U.^ 6.(19 9.78 7.93 dJl bOIIS 1 8-1*1 26.126. f lOSniKfaVleldID S niKb Vleld iao 3IL8ol4.99 I 29.529.6 1X9 InvestmentInvestment) 138ftUX5 X22E122b AftbJrJlAftbi‘JI 1*1, ,59- IDLE -. •• 7"'i'7P*i' ,K-«•,1" i-)„',ifjllli-li.'i.ijlR -23,3rtl'J?.3r.lm-rl-i.j.-lu: »-.r‘-.-,h -lu; .t.-u.|ravP!l*vr!i- second half may not match those ot the first hnli ^ would normally ill41 i 1919'JSumTrM 3 Sum trn 7X9 203 9.17 [ 61J6] ft 52ft Euro GTOUlfcrGrcfial t 54.B 49.14?.l Sbenley tillInv .3'-.2'- 48.118.1 .. ■ l..I.. i-n.nib■ -n.nib ,31-Is!,31 -isi Kii--•-.Kir- •-. UcU*; *i l'(ii.i:h - v- 7-d'iy dcposiu In ckccvs of SV fS be e'pooled Ionian l-nlt Trira M an aeetnmi Ud. 73.4 42ft JiPiia Gn*u fit ®'T. i mUbmirfiuroe Rd. rroiTJim.. I'lTOUA. u1«44taM4 101.4 100.0 Do Equity '.Oi l -. ' -•■ r.' i' -.i «.* „H. «J3* I« dn:- ■ r! * Y .i*k I K *.l-\'TOO up la £23,000 U2J 417 us Urn*in; C4 cnlcman 51. London. £1*2, 81-638WW S i • S'E SS Yalu.iriM Ik'd■ nrklnBd«> of aiwiih. 106.9 100 0 D.*l)I«m«' 106.9 .. : ... ■ r . l j-i *vi rk)ns day ot i-.onil. -'.(i* ,',in ..* l ?<.'.*;<• over CQ5.U00 lO^r*. 47ft Ifift General nn.fi ICO Furrun Fnd 1211 57J &L0 5.IS 7 8 130 fl 112.0 Rcl Annuity ,29* 119-0 .. In *nl!i. • Iki ■ 1 *• h «f muntj i. 137 * 2!sl m t oca muQlb. soft 229 UJCb Yield L'i • 15-r ,r!s i» « in i ■»» sift Wft .. 203.0 74 0 CrowU, Fndt23, 71.0 TV.0 P.t? S-i aftjiwl S®'9 8S.4 Prop Uo‘M *L5 ». J2G.0 10X0 inuued Ann (33, L06J M — (3**ltd Wednesday «( Monib, K*9.(l 59.0 Idv md (261 2B.a as.01X58 1X0 30.4 incmhb r :u THE TIMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 31- 1974

' * Stock Exchange Prices ’■I BELL. I? ;.n ■ V SCOTCH WHISKY ‘Is SCOTCH WHISKY Golds volatile ‘ L iti (ere ACCOUNT DAYS; Dealings Began Dec 2+. Dealing End Jan 10. 5 Contango Dai, Jan 13. Settlement Day, jan 21. "JfrnfP" !r 5 Forward bargains are permitted on two previous days. : ’! d V ■;.ic ■ ■'i« L_.k.> _ a (iA'.J liilliS 'JitS 74 it- w,?!; &l : _ nit Tid W7174 mr to . Pr.;e SA'sceKiw ••:* 1* “ • "4 T-...I tV. Wte V.^d YUid I !»Vi ■1c, Pace Ch'sepra*® 'l P,E ZUsb Uiw Conpus}- Price d'ccpozca C* P" a* ar m i ^ 27 rsr«:« i* BRITISH FUNDS IT 22 LYellon HMca =2 COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Z4 HJT 4J } ";T, Sfss^Tf 133 14 Crest \'!ci»boii 16 -1 •i = Si^>?=7Ai 22 k\* Ri vne-s t : »rs • , A — B 73 53 Croda lat i3 +1 4.7 aU 34 1 It 4> ZXJL c«=asi 22 -d *.• 74 IS eras!:® Grp MV .. 1 *.«3 a.*.:: 23 ., 2A HL2* 14 (iZS £-7 E;K.U LX 77 v • jt'r.ii ?. :wks'3i • AJ4 :*a ^ i:.a si^* 2.7 48 23 Crupper 2. .'•3 :~tx&-uuw K.J 2TJT 1J, 4 Cruj-.lMicl n. if) Aim trt« I U.Z ;7 2r=a.-t' * '-7*2 *-'■» S3 *ieh ft*'.. 76 !-r.» tjlil'j TL- ”i1 IZ LU .y: iir*. 1.7 \S BSS m n C.-U'.-c> 316fis Zi, 6.7 SSJT 3.0 ! rv.i -J-rrr:: , si tv ::&*« « U U*S1 i t-s rj JSe^sf^X 3 J fljj* E.3 17 Crouch D. S3 UU'141 TatfK- O-.’a M Yiei-sy 4. i-iu :x ::4 2: iaV 12 *1 3J 1J^ 2.4 S3 17 CURer GC/rd ’•j 17*i L7P El M3 uuruii: ;; -.-^s ss=si:* i e .. jt :.V ft enraouiad IV .. SJ M2’ HU : f* 31 ?.:!■?. 2;at ’»‘ fcte TT« Truss <. ■l T'Jj Tiui r:T j" s-an.c* 74 (ii 13 CUiOb.iL: Crp II I'.U S'i i- iWti ■*-■« ;,.'r rr » I"j 'i 546134* 4.0 'SB IT Ho A 77 S.i 252* 5S i »} " " ** i»: >.h v?si Lararcc a =■. ii_.-j s=.- :i» r.', :“v :;:v 12 M* 8-1 ins 17 cuiiwer. n. a fi. to Ulsj J. « u ire; Tii; : Uii» M :-.i i~“i '.n>. j. kj r.i 4.: i.--:f -V --c-jj ,l! IS. 11*4 C-i!?tr Bssr.'-T 2jj 15.; ss: 7.4 j 113 ■r: J_" SSa* 6.3 1173 Ot A 87 M 4JT43 7^ -*r_ •i-.j ■i,.v.: uroi;? ba f.S ^.U* 34 3B0 4* D&lf KoiK?!s •'! b.C 14.4* -5 ; » a 'll *‘ij li’« :-::r i Oir.. •> 1.3 111.1!* 4.4 7S 6U Piini -ftSi-uS'.V tO ...r.ji'ij 7j tT ;«£' •' * j 77 17 L^:r * E£c7 U u :ir u ltm I * ft1 **! - S-r 44 54* 3.4 Dj=ta: *i~-k703 IS ■ 7.0 ! 36 Cfi Lmhert a*U72: 57 HA 3.7* s.7 ' '.£i ” ; :7.- V7 1..9 i.t T.'ifU-.Cr. . 4.0 3S.lT 24 22»i "i Lbrmxsl: Is-. I Sfi •••v'lvilS £ Vi f'|ij i 5 CiiT 24 , n 42 taSAaSSlne 57 4J 7: u r. *. ■. j :■/, .•'.36:4.t* 44> 12A :2 liar! s 4 «orf -/ !:? l?> l--'- ^ :i2 DitTla C. j.* IJA-iS I.i» 14 L-ac res 7= / sui :usu :aja .. t.v W S* S.P ■ . ■-•■jo jsj .. 1-7! L-T.r i.it - ■O w * lEtP.G2> * -•r. !J*w 2.0 2.? 4.1 •: Inkn 44 5.4 U-7" 22 -:i f *€? £a« :1* t;:s5% « «•/ -iS T^Hi V.‘. O. '.(j 70 ^3 4= Ivuie :=d 45 -X 73 I*J- U 7.. r?i :ri 2.S £? 4.i Li J- .;.-r ..— 1 ?‘3 .'•'liLS'-i- .U«*3M ;.6 4JJ Uii'rAn J. 215 63 La^a= J. £3 .. iu7c.ru :: r Mi "S'* 1 liiiS H 44J ...i.'-'C Lu"u .l.: LT 2.1 5.7* 4.6 2:0 bo Suer.. Tr.d A Lxsreacc Semi 3 ■3* ”7Mt-7*21 ri v-j fcia V.-.: • cV. cSi IMUtElsJSCS in i u? 11 ‘‘m* 2.0 26 5 L-'-Ctc 6 l » «■! b-- ;• ’.^rr.ru sS 162T 4.1 Lro La !21l- -i" ii x.r 22 'Si “ >v US "1 m.* -t/ u 24 li»7ts 21 3iH.ua StaMn 71 ~ V.J* ii . S'S -^. ,!.e Uu.t 13 in !■"_* ;r. ;:-J -!t H i^or:i:.'ir iix|-5=; ‘s.i Mis* -.S I 67 Si L«-a»* il Pc,.1 ,-r :t f..z 2LS* U 7^1 t;j ~;t 4'. 7 u 2-.' rJ , 32 13-J If* JL Ej 37- 24 _ J c a IMK Deb Cora iv: 7:;*i t:i*: ,7-z^j Z 'S, .'.3'LwT !r.. 1U :.9 :a2T ~i ■-I <:■: i'-.6 .... ■'siuur bUu lT *" is i« s.T t.i Dr-' Ij. 3l*i P6 31 I 15 15 ls_-jre*C*S 15 Lu ft Euro sreim 2.'. ij-.d t ;; t .JjwJen.a SiraVi i» :-.'2 14^* 4i UPC SJ -1% 7.5 *ii 4-« «; ii LeLsrp C’vas n -: 1«.« :r IV Ltid -Atv £ Gea 12 ■ ‘•’lit 5^ S-^I :rpu; *■• :i«j< sj, ■Vjulian i uniii ."j L'^c 5-‘. IT." s.*. 2i.:* 2.5 i:*» 5L-4 SSi DIsjplC'E 1::2 64 35 ivy 2. Sg Ua ScK ?ia 17 а. 3 IS.?* 0.8 Lit ... •• 4 a —« re-«p:u :w>k 27 At.’~rr Js J 4t« S2.4 7.1 S-5 :it i.7* i.: :i^ rt die D id is .- •Tsi* fiS'L - I7!S^. 'Si 4.4 -JSJ.- 4.G^_,IAS t: DlSbaj PiD.u yji 4..DI2.4* P3 ;7LT 10 1 TDUsalsa 6u.i ■< •■« «_■•* -it S-. 7;-ju-..jIS34 *;• 3.4! 730 Ui Do A :-r&e;i s ts^{« ;i»?.!-r.: » iteaas n_i in- .VS,i-7i:al L'nr? 74 :.i OJ 3.1 M2 .7^ .2;. - .2? ■;: б. 2bl7.:-23 1 11, I .1 ■-■* 7-.- :3Vi ItJS TSi «.o; 7J SO DltM . u v; 7- =.: :vs M 3X.-i.-a K- ?. .. ..'In. 79 ITcnucCic C:J: - *■'» Tr-^i ;«> :*jM-cs=3, ■J.Sfi3i:.L.-j: !■= ' * 7 V-"4 D-jb-,n Par.; i«l< -1, r: =i^. rrf "7 ri « O T 13 m~.i ! 4 03 4S ' It-; 9 - Zl’SeS’lfeLB Ur ■J) PdLui PiLCl- M1: Urastse irtre ;W3 ,1i:- A'-IUSCSSSI W :■ tsass a t o 321- m r.r^c. jf= 10 U.rilJJ.iui 1M !7l»» v'-« s^i i>ji« r.?j i.rbo;^- 2J [Ids !!!i!s.: 12 :.37C ::r!jl r-kio.4 2^. : di-iruir'- mr.r. “»■ IS 17.6" l.f hi 7rr^. ;.V.- io«o rr, *■2’ 25.0* S-I Donca- 7cr 3. IV r tv c j . _ v • 21 7. F. 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E.—-J Most Ei tl llv i>X2.WiL-F,Li-5 12 l-: 1 jLvJJ.«ft T -T. p, SJ 50 . form L\4 j Ihil.T* 12'1 TCj*i MA.oUMs ■ *.b or*:-.1 1 u-ii *j_' e.T- £"■. •'!*'- F.7.- !•* ;■:■ ::.7'4 -i'.-. S.-5».Ptl9 : 3j '• • :•* l-^5 3-:hi v t.t £ 21'5.7 ; 3-1 ■ «. lip. i }sc r- ._1‘UJ ' f'l -j1 • ?- V;!» '.vl Urtl.'1.: C-‘. 7-/.47.V Ill* t*J* 4l.* Se 4 y~ ' 7- 7i-75:»'<, : i ' ll-li'.j In . !..- i*-o\ "»/ e-v* .v* ::»7S '.v., .7 4;1 :-271 '■•r "2Li* 7.P .?>! ■ *• 71* Cf.A:: M; 71-7.* 3 1 e,#- ;r.4 ;r 4.7b ;.i>'l&J5 I-ft — j"' i»"3 K *3 '2 ?2j.; Oj TmI i'., 7.7 .jt ii. ;.i > 3.7-2'. 5 iL. Vi L.'J *• ». L’h ..'J.'. »3r* • 77-79 li ■ ....2 -■-.!. _ :-'4 pr I" ... f !| OI- ; r*V. i'J-;27! U.2S5 2 > V* ?! 3-: PROPERTY 74 t,rr!c;i • . 7->7i 7,-'« -I4 s.risiii-- 1‘3 ..:"i!'4 t 9u« le!j ” ".:i 72-77 a 1 1.1-2! :t-r . uy 7AV4A': J’* :..-,T»T S'-* 71-73«.?. "H, r.a-4L31i Pi'b E.S :«.! 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Zsi’ T?7 Viurier Inut .. =2 21A 12.7 ZJ Do .*.1 - .ID 22 Lrcs.air 4.5 20.6* 3.7 Fried!and Dps;: .13 3.3 126* 25 i 33 -j MTsaato SfjlBf=! M9 7 .. i, a;- ei 1 Till 4tO 4-1 05 L:'.jr & o.v-11 .. Iti 9.92X0 li? Jf l-top 74 35 lir-r.t t-iicu i«; 3.T 13 3J- 6.0 Gar Grp tiu 99 124* 271 Bj*. 3 Do ft Io iMS 1 ; :m K 7U* fi 1:1? 2i-2 53 I'l dvd'^Mlati.' la'. ft" L'.U ;A"1»'c *•/ 3r.i_'2 !=_i -5." ".4 2* :. L.-iu'vli "ti 5.6 IT.8* 45 Callkher low k 1=5-5 7.6*6.71. «85 1- MucCort Bi3 7= 3.7 315* 15 rti- at; z£ r. T.r.i-.x:. : .4 4J21 !!. .1 1 J • ■’u.pab.v Prtw i-i»?piai-i ' PM H'l Erlerlcr* 93 Dn B 41 :..= 72 10.5 [ijJlmkarup jj 5.8 105* 55! 13S Morgan Crnc 43-/ *2 I4.S* 95 j.-V.'coi.-.r ti. 7.7* 42. % 24 U S4ft :zh < LP fi Zw-rt.i. . 1 2-r »• ur;„n: j. ot> ::.0 lv.l* 4.4 s:o Zi 1= Cmjuh Mk*. =6h 4.8 20.0 s» Dgi "Hi "Calllfd Brindley 12 2.4 =05" 2.4 80 Marsw Edvda 13 3.4 705- 4.7 0 I'Iti.9 1M 12 Cwilro-.— ml Inrntmmt DoIXr Pmnimii SDt<5IS8>,‘5i. LVa 5-2 UrUtuI Plant li.9 LSI-2- 15 IS 7G:!L^rt IS 1- f3" 3.S[ 28 Cunt fi Dkt 67 53 GIT Int =2 4.4 30.0* 35 DC Mugas-Gramp =8 35 U.2* Z5 iiti ;-j Do ci? rrcjnlnm Can's cioluii Fartnf 0,3914. t'Jf• **'- HuUu Er.i .Vsj Vou wT* 13.3 0.1 4.1) To13 I. '.9A"=Ai 47 Curp-jraw Guar nix 5S • i3 4.7 35* L2 Morris fi Blakry 2. ■jW-3" U 72 C^t 4 2 5>D- 35 Bn; Car .'uvui A3 123T 5.6 318 ii TiSfica r.es; io o. Hi* 01 (.rihJriarp Zi X0 lU.TH.T i Gen Mir BDR 112 -l 75 65 L4 3.SH3LB* 4.0 i._raLtf/ Olbbjn:: Dudley 19 4.0 35" 35 Morris B. 21 • 9 ?^-Lur iZer.ey A Delta I::.- .V. FOREIGN STOCKS 346 W5 72* 92 5.9 115- 8.9 ■ D iff i.::!c.-f _ : •> 5.672' 1 i L-r.l Ind IRdtn. 39 Gibbons---- s. Int 50 -1 3.4 ti-7" E-4 27 3: 2h2" Z3, ZiS Derby 1-t 'In-;' Lf. UiblTO 9 •5»« 3j-(f LJ*t 4 5 11. *. -*/ =2 I=J»* 3.7 IL5 10 T.-ames ?2"-d 70 Ccu-Tryfi V M / os- Sir.- , rs flee Gill & Dallas 43 .. SJ 31.0* SJ =1 - - S.7; 1?9 4-.1 Do Ci.p Asr-j 9o5 54J* «;i.r..:.iirrii«nL 1-L i ■27.5 3.6 lul' *1 9.1 13.6" 4.8 47 la The/tsa! Sr=d I1* f ,/r.y. fi D! '. .-2 L-.caioji*:.. I ■>n •Aa It LUC UUtspur Ltd 10 • —»/ 3.4 25.7* SJ Mothrmre 3W eli diiS a— 4a i.*i Do Did eti'/ -Hi ISO Cn Ts l'a:u E15M s:.s 421 0.7 «■/ 1=0 4J 0---K3J* LV I ic.'-n n.u,s 4jSb!i:.*: i «u U2 Erl: Rollraaters SI UIccnon 11. S. 14 • .. .* 21 14-=" 3.9 45 ISA* 45 i “71 ti LO K fi V Inv I'Hj 1.5b ti.41ti.ti i:'J fcrt-S'.!.' 13 rJr=r-J 96.4 4.0 9.': O^t .. 3Ab21-.7* 55 ITirlti-ad 24 Tssrswr Bard jx ft U-.UL2 .. i ■■■ ■ .a — -. • 25 M 54 Brit Slai Spee 4ft PJhi fi Dandee 57 3.9 7A .. mi 4tiV ft Y»»R.-a! E.I .2 1 I'M I.'oei'L s .15 L3=L0 54 .. ti.6 lb5" 4-3 74 Glmsop TV. £ J. 21 .. 42! 20.0* =.7 My&un Grp ’6 55 Si.6* 15 J ;i Mil ==• ACT L!.:bi3.4*: X-~> ■ ic? Brit Sheet T2b=r: Cca: 104 TO umbursh Inv Sa bj BA tti.3 S.7 >:i:n.c;d.s.:wa > • f“i C LC-It 5LUI tl 540 llM -- U2b 72- 35 204 Glynwcd 36 ■*£ 9.4 26J* 2D TVSA Kena S£ m-S fi ISs-* S.St'.’ 13 Ent Tar Prod >; 4'- 203" 23 244 ~Si Klee fi Gen » 9." •!! pilri.al.il i-* :u* Tafur ilu'i ■I '4 71.7 .. IMJM25- S.l 14S Goldbs fi- Suns V15 Z3 TCAra fi Waoa 40 MBrlA,.^ IT Timn is t.r«.a R. 14 : 9 !5.«: 7*m 27 Erlt Vita -. 4.7 ITU* L4 li 53* AI J4 =9 Leiianfcniftit 2.8 7ft *>r, 31=_ Ri'.bi'Cu fU •:u7 5.11 272! 1U Uonmiu Hldca 40 ti.9 175* 3.6 u \'u Carbon ..♦ 4!> 4: Rff UCOa! \ 1.0 10.6 : !0 Brittains .. 35 175* 35 iu 17 ?0 Esj fi Caldon'n 2.8 B.6 133 | 5iti M= Rl'KlICu Mu'ba :15L5. 1.5 442! 144 Gordun It Dutch W> 3.6 9.4* S.= XCtdlen 3 jeSLK" 2.1 *£L JO Gro'.i .ovd I'--/ - 9.9 4.1* :* 1W. 55 DMuKlibiue J. 5» .. 16.3 38 U" 25. —•» 110 TMacraSecTr! 135 —c H3 :==; 26 ling fi A" York 27V 2.3 *A 16.71 310 Kt:ia A'iiwov; V.O 42) 31J .. 136 Gurdon L. Grp =3 45 185" 6.0 IT \'eepseiid IT L4 23.8* S.l 20 i.-jj'.dL.:: 2" 2.8 Z1.8** 12t 19 Eroeb fJrp i'J -1 35 20.1* 25 ■-”/ 770 <70 Da Cfcl Ht5 4tti B.ti Hi1 l£ti" IT Lnu * Scottish 67 4.4 8A*21.: J Sft 4'iJ 339 Tl.ji.'L-n-Iiucac ill. 4 4 2 13.7 CO: 34 Graham Wood =4 =.= 95* 55 a b'esrctu fi Zam 34 53 13.7" 2J 755 123 J.‘*rcn:ur-on IM- ti.ti .-.tiC"-- 60S 524 Erot'-Hn Hill 4:1 *9 165 3.4165 HU 24 ft Tonkhu F. H. « =0 is.:* 4.1 67 Do B bT D.3 0.4 .. io!j 2&i Vcftawstn 74 24 Grampian Hides =4 4 4 18.4* 25 6.Il822.4* L7 1=5 Lu A it.: ti.3 3J1- 10S»» 21 Eruob M Lur LT . 5.S 275* 1.6 .... 34 M2 Zi Ketil J. 54 Iflj TMtil 14 LS 17.7* 2.6 349 13 Estate Dulles in 10 Jb 92*14.7 1214 21 Granada '.V 35 102 25 125 , 17 x« D-y mixp Is 25 SLSTSU 75 3A 6.7*21.5 75 ria-hsovre 2ju Z3S - :l4 x;*s.' — Brooke Bond S* •»1‘/ 35 12.T 4U MO :» Taner Krawltr •so *■1 :» IL3* a:. 6T-r Kira Be-Invett .7 0 :®.7 O' 0 BruuLe Tool ■13ft 2ft Grand Met Ltd 4.7U75 2.8 =10 40 XerarthUl 44 6Ji :s.o"L7 3 Hr« Scot Am 3= 3.1 9J 14.7 SSfi inroeearopcan '-3 — DOLLAR STOCKS U 133 2ft ItaMsw E !sr 25 • -1 •: a 13.4 =.«i IS IPH ft 1.70 Tl- " 27 Broth u-rhood P. 33 II siasi.'s- 3.2 tOSH 42 Grattan WhiC 43 L7 14.6" 35 81 26 ■\tmn lud 4.5 ltd- 6.4 92 BT" rue inv to 2.3 2.9 27J W 13 miiorC On . t IL2 1 Jtf'.I.I 4!/ 6.0 53.4^ S3 Ero-Tl fi Taa^e 41 .. 2.3 S.7* 3.3 310 Gl Unlv Stores 94 8.8 9A“ 3.6 Oi1/ Dicr.man Tanks ill- 4A 135* 25 13ft 69 rorelgn fiColnl 6ft; 5.4 5.8 24.4 lu* ’.I’-* b>; Era-can S3 27 Tran Paper 2S :.u =oa* =-? 2.3 7.0*17.9 71 25 Laud & f.cii .*» 111 Brr-vn Borer! K 111 206 Do A 91 8.9 9.7" 5.4 IdS1/ 5ft Xnrnians Tubes 53 3.0 5J" 33 IDS 39 Rt Japan Inv 32 IO*. Hh CPCacada S^J 25 T.ran-pnr: Dev -ft ft ■ J 143 EAj 64 3 no \ S'- " T. 1: • +5 3.7 14.2 4>/ Erovrn Crus Cp V* II 0.6 12.6' =.'i 63 Greaves Ore x 5.7 S4.5* 15 271) 53 Xetrctarii U til) 7 0 11. ti* 25 163 41 Gen Puntfs *Ort' Li ■»! 4A 9.7 2L7 ra 657 Can Par Urd jft Ttanwwid !2n2LG* 4J 1M It J-vud fi House "so 5.3 17J5* • 3.6 14-U ■U Bror.n J. 4'J *2 12.7 29.9" 35. 60 uroeff Clicui 52 35 125*105 2 t LT - 05 1=9 Do Conv 731 Paso 183 2 Xorbnry Invul 160 29 Traris fi Arnold i J 133* L4 3XV 691/ Land Soca a? 5.3b (Li*li 2U Elrotn V. tur' .. 5.1H42* 8.0 60 lire innotLi 15 TJ S.0 5A 4.58125 2.4 Gen lav fi Tms 95 4*6 li jii-7 "ft S3H 330 L2TC03 Corn inii Si ISO 32tj iCurcroa tt-tj • 13* 2 Trianeu 124 33 174 32 Law LMid 42 L'.'J 6.9*1 •11 M Ettlhlua EldSEt s .. 25 7J5* 3.6 43 Greening ». HP* 2.1 195" 55 13 1310.7 34 non Scottish 40 +1V 3 Jb 9.7*13.1 *: 3.5 17.5’ 35 ■ 62 MEPC 777r ti.n 71*;;. Xii 53.7 5.9 62! U7»/ Bunz) Pulp 55 U).4* 3.6 240 30 Tuiart Cem "B an 11.2 20A" 3J 751/ _ Grange Trust 29 2A 7.4 17 J ‘.A ^ .. 173 Baden Carrier . SO 9.9 *25* S.7 SI Sotts lit! 34 5.4 1U.1* 45 43 lft Marie.-Estate j IIV ).9nl0.1*L" £iU 4141 iS .. Id Buret. Dean 1.2 KSe 35 lift =ft 4»j TurcarB. a 1.0 20J* 1J 114 S3 Great northern iB ebe.T Prop tt .. 4 ' Bicm8 And’son HaH^ThermuFie 3.7 16.8 35 40 Hambras ‘A’ 11 ti.d ILS'19.7 ■ 338 t* Steep Koch 1.7 !».tf" 1.8 742 41 CDS Grp -ft o .6614.4* S.7 148 Si& 76 Prop £ Roi er K: 36 =V, Eurrull £ Cn 44 Halma Ud ia 1 1.6 135* 4.4 S3 Do. B 3!l ■ [’ ’> 6.2*16- W4 «3>i Traiu Can P tW5 *» OAnlS.4* 4.0 93 43 Ocean Wilsons 48 .. 3JI €.7* 32 111 28 PK Optical 4= 4 J 1L4* 4.0 132 252 7ti Do A 55 140 140 174 Banimat Carp M 5.7 85 4.4 14 9 J li.'l* 9.8 6.2-It- ESh *3 DU Steel £!P, 2 Mi Burt Buulioa 35.0 9.0* 3.7 150 55 Odox 55 BA- 9J* «A 43 ■ 5 t“ ” TbxIx-l’T 9 2 J 3L5* 3J ■r 34 Earcros 570 M Prop Hides 100 7.1b T.'.-i1 370 15.3 4.1 7.1 334 SO Burton Cm 8.8 175 .. 108 Hanson Trust 61 ' 7.4 12*1* 35 43 Kin P. Inv W-i 6.9 34-0-10.4 TOO 350 AVTiltc Pali S 120 29 Offlc* A Elect- 36 « 4.7 12J* 4-1 1=7 30 L’nieom too 54 BJ 17J* 4J 134 160 19 Prup Sci LU -3 S.p-J, JIT* 16 7 1.U 10.1 =19 23 Do A 6.8 175 .. 150 Usrdy Fum 2L ' 45b=0.0* 35 2ft Hume Hides A' ■SB 4A 14.715.5 J7>2 10 Zapata Com 171 48 Ofrax Grp 41 .. 425 If SJ 105 I'nlEate 25 +1 3.6 14.4* 5 J, 104 ft Raglan Prop 6tJi '2P: Burr £ llaseu 3S S5 215" 35 108 Do A 10 < 4.SK2L2* 35 101 7*?t Do B S o'!J 16 ft Oslivy fi K £P»n .. 37.4 42) 6.7 SM 151 ItdlMcr 116 43 •S.O 9.1 3.8 3.4 9.114 J Si Rejaonil 6 O'Iff Bu..mo's Com 4 O.Tbl7 5 0.9 79 Hargreaves Grp 16 3.0 1S.9* 25 41 ldv Indus fi General is 23 -1/ 77 17 cub ora S. sa .. 3J ILf L4 HP** ft Du XV ' lift NSJ 4J 7.4 2.5 8.9 14-1 240 VS DO A BANKS AND DJSCOLUVTS Suncrfld-Hai-vj- ie*i 2.3 235T6J TO 7. nartauid £ ti'uU Iti 28 Internal Inv ft 12 Bumi £ TQBIPkriS L> —2 23.:- mi I 19% lft Otis Elevator £L5V .. 94J IA 7-4 138 m rmiccb 5ti — D.5V2L2" 5.9 ft 2.0 4.7*37.7 KS 64 9*2 Burma Ind 15 16> 35 1J 39V Invest In sue 11V Samuel Props 17 15 S.It .l . 573 J3U A leu Discount 140 I. U 16.8 19.8 12d 34 Owan Owen 34 .. 3J DM' SJ 1*1 27 IItd Biscuit 28 .1.4 12.0" 4.0 SJ 8JT16J 13 ft 74 ZB Harris Sheldon 20** 35 13.6* 35 19* 7ft Inv Tst corp ¥ 124 3S Soot Alet Props 41 AJb T.**f.'. 1(1 2 Allen H Sc Bow £2 _ 52! =.8 .. C —E 45 UV Ox)ey Printing 15 .. 3-8 2521* 2.7 143 ia•Si l-BM Grp ft 6A 29 J* A< 24 l.Sb ti.2 12A 116 " 42 Harris 1L P. 42 2.0 45* 35 TL 23 lnvCapTai 8ft vs Moiudi Ena MV L’.Jb 6A"." * 45J 95 .Arti-Litliaci IUj -- 10.5 10JT 5.0 266 73 Osand S3 .. 7J 9A* SJ 42V 14 Uid Cty Mare +1 14 9J* AS, ft 0.7 1.9*5&A 175 23 t'uH lui 6.2b=3.7‘ 25 W* Harrison Cros 3=5 10A* 35 2 126 35 jsrdlno Japan 216 &J Siodc Cocv t£f 2.1b a.s-:; • 450 HO -lust it XS 1i (."bread Bober 46 1.6 3.IP1L1 305 170 Paterson Koch 171 .. :j iru 51 15 Ctti Scientific 14 3.3 23J 3J 'A4 37 Ldn fi Holjrood Town cen Secs '0 OJ t-.l- 3 la is*Sb Bk Lenml UK ISO 20.0 s.a 11.6 14 6 Hanley J. 05 2.1*11.7 Cl SA 8.7*36.8 4ft 9 Cudparl 10 1.6 165" 3.9 103 32 Fanis fi Whites S3 .. 4-3 13.6*4.7 126 15 Vartana =n 4J 733’ IJ ;st 1El Ldn fi Montrose 27 Trariord Fork .74 LI S21* * ■ 716 2» Bk of NSW 585 -1= 17.4 L5 8.7 ftl 135 24 HabThum L. -Ml 45 70 .. 37 urn & Prov Tst 42 3.4b 8.0* .. lib) 185 IS Uintroit RldiTi 20 35 1H.3" 4.4 3207, SZ0 40 Pearson Long 41 ■*3 621 13.0* 23 64 ft VcncaLi a ..a ..* 0.6 163 t, IS Prop* 31 -IV 01 12 VSU tS»l Et o! K SocUft 5534 • *V 67.8 =J27i 54 Hays Wharf 63 6.8* 4-7 SO Ldn See fit Gen k: 2.7b 5.4*132 1 53 165 21 Cape lad 41 -l b.4 205* 2.6 247 39 Beanos fi Sob 43 .. 73 1325* SA 2» EU Vercraginr Bef 165 Iff.Ob .9.7 L' HB Tf/ Webb J. * 1.1 73.V 352 103 BK of Scotland 111) 32.4 1L3* 33 76 8)2 Head WiTtson »z -.e ..* US 45 I 28 loft 22 Caplan. Profile X0 • ♦! «5 205* 35 «ft 19 . Do *% La £19 .. 400 SLA 21V iiV vo tco x aft 161 43 Ldn Tnterconi -] 2.L 12.4- 2 0 251, ISU Bfc? Trst XA' £ 211a 128 521 Si TO 7 Heooan Spark X 2Jh283* 23 .. S9J lft 105 17 V. mslar * <-* iy 1> IW Id Cupper Kelli 3.6.195* L4 90 34 Feck J. 25 .. 4.7 18 J* 33 1511/ 65 \ k-feiM b? 11J 16 J" 3.8 nov 11)2 Ldn Men* Sec 10 Vie gale luv 17 -IV 4u3 HO Bar via: 3 Bank 120 -a II. S 8J) 7-8 2*ft a noteno of Ldn a 0.7 B-ti1 33 11*2 Do Cap lft 220 91 7 Canrraai Int ■ 4** .. .. *S0.0 236 42 PeglezhHalt 47 1 —l 73 183* 23 E5 Vita-Ter 1ft 4.7 49.9" 1.6. nft 2BP/ 3V Voodmiil S* 1.0 rb j •> J J7 17 BatiUfBHMsi l» 7J 3BJ" LO 3 2 175* 45 3SJ< 1U Helical Bar 20 2.6 125" L7 63 19 Ldn Pro in rest 2.Bbl3.1*32.1 102JM4.1* 3J El lVa CaxrlO Mns IV 143 5ft Perkin El 4* £39 114 Vusper so 4.9 8.8 SJ! 5.6 10A 1L3 3.0 tiO Elnnrn sujpley >j Carlets Capol 14 15 fl.0" 3.0 60 12 Send'son Kent 12 2.3 215" =5 125 47 Ldn Scot Am cr 0.0 32-0 1.7 Kft 3ft - Pe/mall ft ■ft 13 123" S3 47 Ribbons Iti 2.6 16J* S.4 9.6 li.criaA 174 14 Eunion Grp 16 26 Carl tun Ind 28 3.3 S-'.tf* 25 =38 27 Henly'* 31 75 235* 2.6 293 SB Ldn Trust I 131 91 28 Purr H. Mtrs 27 .. 53 JL5* 23 SUV WC1 27 4 4 16.1* 4A| sh 3.7 7 J*2D J RUBBER 410 95 Cater Brili-r 113 -tu 11.0 9.tf- .. 135 CurprW Int 7.6 12.0- 1.6 63 9 Hopnrorth Cer 9 1.6 183* 15 95 47tj Melbourne Gea 53 v 60 U Cedar Hides 13 I ■. 3.0 13.4 C.6 W>* 60 18 p-borongh HEM 16 .. 23 1&4- 33 47V Wade Potteries J4 1J 10J" SA 2.4 1A312J =S Carr J. iDom 16 2.1 135* 25 105 22 Hcpm.rU]. J. A. 34 35 135* 65 6i 18 Mercantile luv ift 42 5 .Uiglir-lndiSiroiB 25 s « 1U-* LI1! IU4 Chase Uan 518% tOL S.4 L5 102 38 Philips Pin ft £49 .. 57H 14.4 .. 145 wadKn 36 6.3 17 J" 4.0 A5b p.eiSJ \i 43 Carr'Ion i"lr H'J 2.C 22.4 2A 1031c =0 Do E 24 35 135* 6.1 71 24 Merchants Trust 2ft ■ 5'. Bradvx’I PilS S! 2.3 -f-.4 li5« 141* CUJcorp tS\)h * ■- 33.6 .. 22.A ■MS 475 Philips Lamp 805 +15 303 8.0 .. 14ft V. agon lad 54 87 M C«atvt J Hides 2.7 M* 3.4 47 6 Herbert A. 5** M.TbUJ* 4.T 53 iQh Slootg Uj7 l£ l.ti 3J1&3 57 CaaUdtiold 57 • .. 2J 7>.r •5: 2tfl 10u Com Bfc of AUst 170 -2 L7b 5.1 9.7 47 0 PhUUpsPats 9 .. L7 18.7* 43 50 11s tit Cauiln 3J 104* 2.S 24 8 Berman Smith 8 b.i 65* SJ ft v.'aDDrfi Homer ft J A 17*" 3J 325 130 ' Sclaun Flu 160 5.0 3A 1L'~ 16 coer60nt»e ■ L4 7.0 "13 163 Com Bfc of Syd 150 7.4 4-9 9A) 144 80 Phoenix Timber 49 +4 4-8 123* LO 119 23V 66 Cnuston Sir J. Oh 25 265" 05 176 1= Heautr 16 3.0 185^ 1.7 58 Walker C. & ft". 58 L9 '3.3* 107 34 Sew Court Euro 47 2.8 6.0*12J 2d Cum Planl sf :: A* 12.9 M 1>U CC De Pranuo £18 57 J) 321152! 99 73 Photo-Ms Int 85 .. L7 13" 73 •JC.S 63 Walker Crus 65 • 43 2JKtO.T* 4A L4 13.C- iil =J 71J* D-5 303 43 Cavcohani 44 35 135" .. aft HnrdcnfSuurt 5.0 95* 35 SJ 10.7" 3.4 33 S Jiow Thros: -Toe' TV 10 Dnrauakandn 30 • - 300 3h I'lnt Sot Kin 4 . 356 56 &1 145" 45 Aft U Ftutoplalnt 13 .. 13 13.7* 2A SIV 26 Walker J. Gold I'J 9.6* SJ 12 Do Cap lft S’* 82 2Ab C.'i LI 613.1" 3A Cavnoda =3 HovlRJ. 1.0 1L3* 55 2d 33V 27 r_ -Viatic 57 6 Prater .An5 Tij -ti* 60 P’dllir Theatre 66 11 .5.0*13.7 r.Sb 5.4 17.0 ftjCllJJ M ■ni CelCSUufl 05 6.7* 3.S an nytrood IT m3 » w2 3) Do ^.; Zl 2.5 IL4* 3J 100 5ft Xorth AUantlc 415* 2fi e!!ms 17 Gadefc' _ 4* S39 ITS Cerrard it X"at 140 □ S5 115* L8 45 29 2.8 SJ 325 10.4 72) PSI* 33 Cement Edstono S3 4.6 135 3.4 S3 Hlehlng P*cost S3 118 28 Plfco HMgB 32 3A ■ 93* 3.4 162 2S WalnMev Bmy =6 ee-3 5.7 SJ U M3 29 Xarthern Aruer 32 3J 10J14J eg)/ SS Golden Hope X-J4 23 GIbba A. 34 70*i llPi Contral llan 3.0 lB/r 15 75 2S.0" 3.0 114 26 3.7 1U1SL5 ft k .. O.S 15.6 S2i 8^ .. 405 Hickson Welch 10= DO A 30 12 3A 103*33 157 28 Ward fi Gold 32 • -ft 5.3 15.5* 2.4 14ti 35 Northern bee 3d 4 Grand Central 4u0 SI Gillott Brwi 60 105 10J LO 2.3 U.Q1X2 HI *) 13.6 13.7 10.Ii IC-3“ 3 J! « -ifla Contral w«on 2.82 3.1nl3.7* r.T 572 » PCWflEtoa Bros m 1A3 1X4* £5 110 2ft Ward T.Y.V ‘SO Oil £ AssoJaird Wt <40 142 Guthrie Coup ■ Sea S3 Cnlnncst P«it 63 M Hield Bros' 10 1.0 10XP 4.4 VS ft 5.5 22.0 3=! S?1 3.7 S.4 14-4 55 +1 L* 4J. UB6152P .. Kt 12 Cvntre Rotel-J 1J 1.6 115* 2.7 12a 24 Pltrard Grp 24 ■LT 19.7* 23 23 127 3?; Pentland 3S 43 36 UlEblda £ Loir 7 Hambroj £l'J 57 25 ai* 25 lZl'z Higgs £ urn 22 33 175* l.S ft wardlc B. ft .. 1.7 20.0 3 3 O S 34 J ,X2 E5 • 6.6 10.9 102)61 C2i" 32! M» 12 centrewajr Seed 12 237 32 Flaxtotu 93 83 183* 44 52 IV Ponfoho Int ft 125 . 53 Uonriamz 593 bO Do Ord » 25B17.7* 3.6 109 Hinton A. 33 35 I8.&" 3.4 35ft 21 Waring fi- GIUov 24 4 J 1X5* 3.4 (O KHIIostraU 110 .• .. 3.1 7.4 L9 18J* 2£ 40 16 Century Sety 16 153 37 Pleaoer 42 5.7 lie* 33 1S5 140 Pro/rcsalre s*e 167 uw j»a»3«P» =526 Bill Samuel _=7 tifl M Ch'mbn £ Hill £0 2.8 95" 6.0 122 Heffmms S. 41 4.9blL9* 45 5MV 97 Warren J. 106 ■41 14 1 133 4.1 42 lSi Xullm Grp 17 3J ll.n - 106 Hone K t tiban* 13= *8 B2!b 3211LS U7»j 973 4M Dos Ord 8=5 60 aw 2* Prop inv fi Pin » 4J B.91X8 6 LHaaibcrTn Urp 25 S35* 50 Hullas Grp 14 5.3 ST5* 1.4 U Y.'azziagaa T. 13 4.3 S3A* XI 61V 26 Ldn Aoiatie 23 23 10.: _ land Brit 2M / 13.0 6.3 425 5ft 20 Plisn 21 143 42 Raeburn *• 0.1 9J10J 563 SJil 4ui( IV; Ciiumb Phipps VSflt S4 LLS" 35 131 Hollis Enyj 24 4.7 10.4* 15 LS 7J5" 43 | 73 2ft vTutriord Glass Id 1.0 S3 7A 50 M Ldn Sumatra. av .. 1.5 T.r. ISO 43 J easel Toynbee 43 32! 12.1* .. L«i B lumsecf . 7 ML4 .- . =u change Wares 36 4.7 TS.D" 3.0 i&z Holt ProdtMs 6ft 4049 Each Ins 40 53 ISA* 13 I 162 3d -7. At а 54 33 Maledlo 33 l.ti 4.7 *•- il Kojser Dllaann 86 .. 7.2 20 J* 12) 66 l>i 25 1S5* LS Vatss Biafce 3-3 6.0* C.7 142 45 RWer Haro 3.0 BJZ43 jo Him L9 135* 15 Id 34 4 PoHt Peck 4 03 183* 13 1 SO 331* 2ft ft Malaralam ft .. 4 J ILL" &S 9* TO circles D. 12 Homo Charm 30 4.1 HI5* 7.4 We-ri?oB SJ * 4_’ Xti l7-5‘ BJ 102 29 ■ Romney WUm 14.0 SjnHA »l 2S Kins & snaDun 30 -S 3ft Ift Pontius 14 270 91 36 Moar River A6 -1 LO “3 425 1A5 2.7 81 12 ciurTnn e'dncr M 35- 26.3* 35 GUO Hoover 115 1T.4.1C5 25 72815.0" SA I 2ft v.'ehr.ns Pub OJ UJ SJI, 550 2S7 RotMebfld 4 J n.9 1LT lot S3 TOaliinurt Eeo *• I'ASj 37*2 Chloride Grp !# 6.0IA35" LO IAV ft Poole fi Glad 4 OA 33 931 M SO tiateauard 54 56 2ti Patatlas 20 2.9 8.4 ZaL 02 Lloyds BMt g ■*- B.T 9^" =21 |K» Do A 120 2.4e S.O =5 ’Serta .li3oc 1.6 23.7* 3A 29/ 2JU9A .. t: 8*1 Ms Christie* Int • 37 2.TS135* B5 235 62 PorkKanni 63 25 BCOt Amoe Eft 3ft Plant Uld» 3iV 2Li S4 Alercurr scia a .. 3.0 102!" &= 64 Horison Mid 9 3.7 40.7* 15 103 17A* 4.0 1121 KtS Grp 5 J 27.4* 14 30V 1J 4J3L3 1H3 23 Chubb £ suns 27 4.0 105* 35 2tO % sSh ScetfiCanrilnr 14 ft bunsei Knan i 420 6*1 fiuO 115 Alii! land . 1=? 41 14J3 1LU ZA LK Hw of Fraser 41 Portals Hlda 65 73 1Z3* S3 46 I’JblCJ" £ J ■ IS S.4 £3.9* SJ W) CbQrdi £ CO Ki 7.2 150* 2.6 SA 12.4* 4 A SO lft Scot fi Merc A ill! ltfj Minster .‘Useta Ij 32) 26J* 3.7 ■215 TO Xtoveringfaam 3= 55 Porter Chad 28 6.0 ZL4* 3A ; 30 =5 '.ToiLint* Fds 3J 1*27 33 45 scat-samem 49 4Ab 8.4 15.4 ICO W Do A M 7.2 1L4* 25 2.4C105* 7.6 AS 19rr 43 149 Ub 5.4 28.7 317 53 ?:n b Grind M 4.0 13.7* 5l8 S3 DoKV • T 84 Porwnth News 18 33 10/!* Z2 . Ltfj 7/ C= bin 12 27V Sent BUTDpaaa 5TV = 4*34 y 2.4 3J M3" SS M TEA ~fl ItS S*t of Ansi -S 7.7 3Ji 10.4 Ore Hides - T ..1L3 49 217 Powell Duffryn SB 14 . +l'a 36 SeoilnYMt 3rii • 2.1 8JU.7 U11ILJ" 50 Howard & Wynd li 5.1 1-3 ISA* S3 : H Wcitiand Air 3.0 14 J" 43 236 ji« 04 Stt Cum Bfc Grp 27 +1 32) 11 J* SJ Sm 20 Clarfi £■ Foun 2= .. ..* 94 40 Sent aformgo 44 X4b 7J17/4 110 43 Do A 9 .. ..*33 Free dr A. 43 2.6 4.0* 7.7 . irt Veeau Run) IO TJ 113 BJ, at EO A’jam Iron LI cr lu l» So.* iro SO Vat Wraluater OS U 21.6 1L1 LV Ud - Clarke Chapman =6 5.6 2LG- 2.7 45 m 48V Scot rietinaal 4ft LO 8A*1M 54 69 Howard JUcli 2S Press w. n LS 143* 5.8 ! 249 w V.'ci bul 1) EBfi 3J ZA4"a^ 3S at A-S4SS lav A AblL'.O •2 TSh Ottoman £20 1W 7.0 12.0 •5 Ciortie Clem.. ~ 25 12.6* 4.4 3.8 1«U .. n +1 239 B3 Beet Merthern 37 3.4b 9J1L2 *57 S3 Howard Tcaens l!ft 123 Presun Eldgs 14 3.1 213- L7 • 40 .0 wnarf zuu OJ UJt SJ 71 •.'smellla Inv 3.4 43 v-u 85 K*a Eros 82 =2i 3.0 X4.li l-'O Cl ay tun Devan 28 65 2Lf* SA' ■^J SA 185" 3.0 ft 138 05V Seal United 5ft 2Jb SA3SJ toilJ ISM 53 10 J 83 J 32V ft wnarnnsf t.l lose L4 112 20 C.'airTr.aw 5.2 20.9 MV. 1HPi» Rural of Can ca* -i, 50.6 2,7 23A 155 clmigh A. 93 4.7 55*145 Hoirdon Grp 34 -1 6.3 ISA‘ 3.6 Prestige Grp 56 s* 122 SQ Scot Western 2A 7.6 21.6 245 Pretoria P Cem 140 Wj Wi 155 76 Crubr Ui'f 12.0 14 1 KJ llC Sdiroduri 15V -*5 11.8 9.8* LO a Coalite it Oiem 9 0.9 105* 7.7 10°u 6UaHud£ons Hay ffila *v, K.6 SJ 11.4 liAb 73 33 I =50 LS SJii DO B- 331/ 83«5£ -3 ■5J IflJ" L3 ■t} 12 Deurdl •jjj 170 Soccuubc liar 173 19.7 1L21IJL sr 3J CinIm Bros '25 2.4 9^*3.S 43 4 Hmphrles HIdgs 4:i -1 460 Pride A Clarke 45 .. 12A/C7-3* AS I 137V ® 34 2X0 6ft Soe Alliance 71 tiib gjlfij ..« ..TBJ 0JW0J* LI ISO 120 7'Oolaba! f .. j.® . ' 213 32 Slater Walter K 31 2! Do A IK 2.4 0.9" 35 H 14*2 Hunt Moscrop 12ft Pries'. 8. 23 .. 3J 14A* A4 ] )-■ =3 whJSSwitiMn ft =80 56 Sec BtU Ass 57ti 5J 9 J 20.3 7.7 21.9* 2.1 IS 0.7 4J* 9.S !•» r£* 160 62 Ju/phaui h-ti A.L1 6 . 74h 23a Coals PatiHU 27 35 145* 2.0 3ft ft Pritchard Serr 17 ** ■wane child 4JB12J* SJ 113 =B See Gt N'orihern 2.3 7J18J 195 3= . suntil sr AuLjn 40 -a 3.7 9J .. K S Hunting Assoc 2S ft IX** . 47V 31V ISO 50 > L* 14. • V. V7h Cohen 600 -•*/ i'.9 10.5* 1.7 23 S3 XL* £3 whimroft s > 6.9 J3A*.2J 120 28 Do B McLrou KuiMtl VJT ICO stand'll*'.11314 221 +3 192! 8.S* 42! 45 1L2* 4J PV6 IT1/ Hnichlaon Int 35 27 Prov Clothing 35 IS* 63 I-At f.6 64 =9 Colo II. H. »* 4.7 135* 25 15S ?ti PtiH-nan H. & J. 29 a j 93J* wmieicv bsw =9 4A 14 _L- 5J 110 Sft £« Boot lot* tin Mann Lv'C ' 12*1 Union Discount IU 725 LS .. bj 2iy l« Si) XS 7.6*18.3 65 'll buvAl: yigiitdi S6 10 Coileit D'son 20 I—L =4 Wholesale 51U 38 8.0 30.0* SJ 194 uti Soca Trn Scot 67t/ . 9 10.212J 2116 SI V.'inirojt 51 39 7.7- 4.3 Iij 17.0* 2.6 128 22 Pye Hldgs t; б 44 21! FujwueftS/sIal .. Mil"1 - 21 3* CuUiers. 11 xT m-£*,H 374 wiBia!! a. 40 5J 1TJ 1A 155 Standard Tn&t M 5.1 3 J 14 J -I?* f 0.4 fc8 LS 23 11 Fynmltf Grp •JO 3J 23-. 190 85 rrtwadnTIa 313 12.: CT ■ fj Colima \\\ 5.4 10.4* 4.4 208 48 IDC Grp 46 £3V wiesusc.s. 9 LS 23.4* &4 1£6 Sterling Tnwt 63 SAb 6J3 IB.4 30.9 3U.S 2J =ft TV CuafcorOaW TLZIOJ 5S 43 20 RUia India 2241; 01 Do A si “3 149 25 fbstock Jotuu'n 42 Quality Ctort 84 Wilkies & iSt 21 3.4 16.0* LS 438 SueXboIdors 12S breweries and distilleries 3.4 10.0* 4-3 28 5 J 50,7* L9 o3 9J*7J 171 SJ 3J*21.4 14 Lurruah Vsllcj- 16 COltlMiHS Grp ft OaeansSlMt ft 127 WiUteaU Match 1X7 19 J* 23 119 TUrog sec 'Cap* 21 2.1 BJ .. W/ I'.II lu.0" 3.0 Sft 15 Ullng Morris 13 2.3 17J* L8 23/ 03 SJ - 54 105 5S *.i'nrrc:i Tea PA L'tr Aiilcd 3G; 42!hll3 "3 W lu Combed rjrp 12 ft HFDGrp 4 79 Thro 2m tt Trust 4.2c3L8* 3.E 5«4 10/ Do A lft 25 195" LB 35V 28 B.9 333* SJ 09 DolOvConv ±34 1000 13J .. 4.8 M.O 6.8 6S 20 Weaieru Diriari 6.U Bnu CtarJElOD 49 flji U2T 5.6 ICHh 30 Cuinb One btrs St KKTTWtCW 71 ^1/ ft 3-". 13.1* 2.7 204 US Imp Chera Ind 123 165 135* 3.7 ISO 98 4JB 4A* S3 210 Wms Hudson £ OJ 1 ST 2.4 Triplovobt 'Ino' 4 9b:?.5* 7.7 ?U SO WiTliun.-ii Kid;- Bel! A. T.6 luA* LT lira 13 Comet nadlot'n Oi tlacal Btfl XTO Do Cap Poddlnatuli'. 4.0 2S.7- L0 1S5 53 Imp Cold Sure 95 65 ij W =SI 10 0.7 TJ" AA <3 lft Was J. Cardiff Lft • -1 2.5 ttj* 2.6 32) 10.4* B.? 13= lu CompAlr :« t4 1U U 24»z 10 Balnc Eat? 114 Trustees Carp 4ft 4.3 oilij Erutru It 4.1 12.1" 4.3 10ft 324 Imperial Grp »/ 80 Hank ors Ord » 45 7 Jh 0A 43 471/ =0 1731= G. fi Sons til 41 i.7 * j* xe XB ZV3 3-1 TO 33 Compton Pturs 4.4 10,2 2.1 SJ 18J JJ 34ft 7jh 9.4 4A 224 Tyn aside luv W 1 Bnrtautroed eo =0 Imp Metal Ind 2H* *H Da A “2 -a 182 ft Wflmot Breeden ft - J.l 3X4* J.0 5.4 6^*3.7 MISCELLANEOUS I ‘2 '.* Cunipioa Webb 2.0 =2.5* 2.3 4JI =2-0- Z* Gift ttd Brit Sees M a.5 9J15J Ibft 40 Cjmeroc J.V.'. fiUj 19 IndeAoo fi L 19 21 urn; is 3 J M.0* 53 4ft 12 WE&je Bros 12 53 J "> Conceit trie 2A IL9* 7.3 L181B.7" 35 70V M oft UtdbiausDcb 3ft .Ub 9.214.6 825 5*8 .'.iJulfaCcbtlUj lrl5 •Jo If A f 11 « 20 Curusi uid 24 .. 2JbIl.ni.7 19 Conorci*. j^d 60 VS lngaQ Ind 20 16 KHP 39 4.4 31.4* 3A ITS WlL.pesr G 40 t1 1.4 jj* 3A M 3.6 80 . 1W (fi Ltd States Gen M 5.4 BJ 13.1 20 B -taidfasaahi 19 _ =!B *1 L-neni-tii 4 0 17-4*63.7 9fl 53 Ingram B. 31 230 53 Ran so raw aSlai* S3 3J 18.8* 4J 43 Wan Ind lft .. 3AK3J 3.3 IbT Cons Cum LT ia as Via 32 Res l).Sb 2J*49- 49 14 LiltUIta lili-c 1/ W L'.rt 14.7* 1.3 97 21>a Initial Servlets 22 64 Bsners titi 3.9 5.9* SJ 1£2 Wlnaur Xnton TS L3 1*3■ 6A W/ *V. • -IV 7.6 11.1* 0.0 213 HW , r«.: Tl'.i 1.0blL£*L5 120. LS uiiiasparliCD 71 67 7y0 2«A 'TO ■ju UreOhuI] 6.0b 45* 85 ft Tni CaintMuaon SI Haybeck Ud 21 3J 18J* 2.7 52 W.ttirT- Z" 4A LL2 2.3 r .. 345/ LSorVM •-t C'luporludj LO 3J*J-S 0ft =aJ 62 V."h.-tfTnrit 64 5.6b 7.8 Iti j 49 SuO IV- 210 ■ J Uritiio Kins 1.1 1.1.3* 2J 2d Int ComjW**** 3?* 4ft 30 Rtadlcot Int 1= *iv LS 1L9* SJ TTtdear aaches 44 -1 ■2Z: B ees Wtr 5 "fl .DLtnan 129 75 1TJF 15 5.1 1L4* XO 3:9 53 W!tan Inv 37 2J SA* .. 3-0 EO KctlXrtowe Di/aa U 93 ■ ■ m 07 GlUuUidc: 21'/ 3.8 14.8" 35 41 Int Timber ■n 6 J 2L8" 2J 2M WTtolni; Bnmo 62 ■ .. £J.lSJ*La Dft Corah X. 17 2JK45* 0J 162 Sft L9 13.0 LO 183 ST RMC ii SO •! 9.0 WJ* X3 MS XI Do E .15 0A 0 J 29.7 100 imp con: lias ijjj to 2 f_- : • 1AJ AS iiardri * fl smu 5*/ .. :.n i*.uf n.i 66 80 rnvereak Grp 3tD j'J ikiral J Bids 7-k 155* 3— 3J 105* L4 370 1M Heokltt A Colmn 1=7 1L3 9-* 5.7 WooibweQ Ptfrjr 11-; Lie 9.0* LS 152 SO Yeoiuan Tst Ki SJblU W.l 4.1 L'B 23M '5 llU.kuiJ 11 173 SS Ireland E. 30 430 179 UtfHIdS1,,. “B 18 Cnniereroit i£ 2.4 13J 3.7 8.6 0.8 134 =9 Bedleam Nat 5.0 17J* 3A iPl Wood Bwtow 59 4 J 12-4* 2.7 <0 16 Yorks it Lancn SR Mid Kent v.tr €— Sl'i) •L3 18 ltirenairdrii JWa tiOnimh BDB flft .. 1*! I. - 3.8*14.5 4?-t ■ 23/ * ory H. !54j D.9 8.7*10-8 1A 10.7* L7 127 55 Rcdlfftudon 43 23J* L7 C2 Wood 5. W. 2ft —If 4.5 1X3* X4 20 J. 8 13.1 6.3 _ 38 Milford. Docks « :ov ^■1 Iri.-Ii DliAllIors 40 lft jb Hides 1ft ao Young Co Inv LU 170 Co:-.:ll J.O llrf* S9 11 126 =3 Badland 4.0 1X0* XT 34 ft wood w. 97 Z3 Nlroian Iflflv ti5 •bit.'.' .. JU6 !B Tjtuz Jolin Tnt 39 U Jacks W. 4"* w» c-jrtaiu R. 5.9 8JI* 35 SO 7 Bcdmui ITaaa -,e .. 6.8 ra 25 wood Hall Til s'i 1X7* 2J SR! 250 Porial! KIT Hydro!/. .16 v?: ! ■ Mamuu- - 6.3 545* 35 00 SO Jackson fi Stale 25 CounlryMae 89 =3>2 Read fi Smith aJtaC.4* 5.7 IBS Woodhcad J. 4+ • ‘.1 7J 27 J" 2J5 48' 2ti samdcrtadWtr E2ft 5jj :> < ■HO 9« Muriautifi-Cii ,3 JiJ 11 J* 7J 45 115* 35 US 14 Jacksons B'Bnd 14 SHIPPING CuliTb. (pura) 45 JaneJ FL C. 63 140 54 ReedA- 5J 12-6* SJ 45 xvdls'sc Rhaoa 17 2J IJJ" XO L'fSf *i, 3.6 14.C" 52! 45 12.9* 3.8 150 284 83 Brit fi Coumi • M SeaETuni. Dii A !.T I'VwUna VlU £1Ai 340 20 Do A XV 3.0 13.7* SJ 111-2 Woolworth 5 J 23J* LT 1*1.0 1IJ* 42 CIP* 3*.l 1J 2EX Court nthi Lda 11 35 17A 1.4 in ft .. 165 03 FUicr J. 65 5.4 DJ* 3.7 Si S.I Lrervric* T.O IL1* 1.9 so Jam* j. so lift 23 Deed Exocailvc S3 23J* 23 7ft Worth Bend 70 B.S C.3 7.7 Cuurwplds “*! 352 35/ 4J 10-3* XS 227V 103 lUnicaa Withy 132 »A 6J* 5.0 SO Teaejior 95 45 IM> 2.0 335 123 Reed Tnt 1&8-313* SJ 80 Vrt-aun V. • AdjUited tor 132 L'har.gn. • !:t fUt.d^nd. a ‘L; at-' 1223 12J- 32! Conrinny W(0 37 31 3 Joasspa Hides ft LI 11 A* LS 310 13 L'Ul C. Bristol Hi 43 Tiillemaolie U) 45 IV.0* LI 3>u HeUineo Cm LT 04 13 39 ITyatt V ffidgs Forecast dividend, e Corrcciecjnco. e [Lieri.u pvrr.C- 6.0 EJ 3J) C'-an de tiruut 42 73 VS Johnson fi F B ft 3 33 13 IP SJ 360. £20 ■ 40 TbMillin 42 159" 25 11 Reliance Knit XTB2LC* 23 Hunting Gibson 120 1X8 11.4* L4 passed- r Price at aw>pen*iuc- s Din iron 10 t.l 16.2" 62) Du A 811 117 is johnaa Grp 53 m Yurtw fiCo IN 5.2 5J* 1.0 56 U Jacobs J. L 17 23 12.4*34 it’ Vaus Ctralr T. 13 15 123 C5 217V 1L4KL2.7 3J ssv exclude a mortal pajmeni. M 3U for 1 1S.BHS.2* 42) 443 Johnson"" 63 Bennies Cons VoritTnOer . 13 vl X2 18J* SA 155 27 Manet Liners IK TJbUfSU Sl*j Wbllbread "A" ■L3 M2“ 02- Cu= a. -.'I 2.3 135* 1.' 9.7 14.7* *3 ■iS-» D b U 133V 56 Boauld Ltd 159 Voajhal Cpa 45 12.3 3U 1.7 Ifij 56 Ocean Trans 26 3-3025-6" 3-d *J 1641* u4 US Cun Hid 14 SDa uft RaotokU Grp BA - 73* 83 lOft Yramc E. Hides 1S2 H7 W f.ti 1 thread lav 11 Crane Pnicbauf 1U -.■* SA P fi O ‘DflT 63 7J UA 3J 82s Utxvoa [Z36V 34 Rennie* Dtp 9JM9.9* 4 3 so EoUces , 197' 60 7.7 123* 5SS >* VTAU-uriiauipuin 6.3 JV9* 32* 3>t Crtdileli^l Grp* ~!2s & 13 7.1* 3.9 Runeimua w *n \ SECRETARIAL MOTOR CARS fef SECRETARY/TYPIST TOSS "EraftSSMs- nst i AROUND TOWN FLATS. ' SECRETARIAL \ (salary negotiable) J5d lhc PIdj-l' IM HOLLAND PARK AVE- W.ll S&"5«5 Jr«i» RI aLLvi1 k PPOf CSSION.U. wsFfaasi ori&'dxi,.1pa OLE UN'S GATE TERR- S.W.7. - bnorooun-d (tal in WANTED Cos'- H room flat for J. short ' 4H;4. innilshed for Id. mi. r.V.. ewHWW lora- aeh and one olher. Up lo 230 1 LA«Q'ROWCft WM LKti. An.cr'.« lion. *A4. F^la fisher in thx sti.a^v-v ■^MPORAirr SECRETARIES.—I op ,. can srariiicauons. now low mile - •V?J-*??• •("mi* cash, panpart evchani-eevetwnce KESSIh'nor,,KENSINGTON. wn n.«■ 2- *j. TEENAGE sun seel: ■ 2-5 b"d-• ® -Ifspii have just left'CpNesp'’ or School, raumi.-d. lumlshi-4 lULTiouae m levels a 6 tOBUttu. O ana fipucmaosioxiti Other lamp cSmSny ffCT?CnLi.U ,unch" or L.v.-.. irl« Common Entranca. — klandw thac Christmas is over and discuss career oppjrro Jnities [ 19CS ROLLS-ROYCe HLWIR ETON' COLLEGE BD.. N.U' ' in Rutunnnd or hinnsfon. \ PLEASE CONTACT MRS. S. LAMB Jar«ja-vt? y'.v - ftllADOW, porcelain While with Lxceilent refs. Up to £ IO p.W. Poruiuui Woodward. 553 9876. »vith us. See the New Year in with a good rern^anent . nd uebolML-ry. Director owned. S^.n^iafcttgaJSi AMERICAN DOCTOR AND ■JLG>X» miles. Heason lor sale \ TELEPHONE 637 1JJG6 EXT 22? FAMILY In UK tor b months —new car acquired. Price «» cood fJ .to- match your skijK inierests and joufiUffti, only, need 5 Mdfaoinrd fur¬ HOUSE/APARTMENT_ TBfi WALL PAPER MANUFACTURERS LTD ST*t-C. PhODUCEfl I o-Dlrectu- ZZ..UDO. nished property, eaey jrms. or 4 hr. sessions. Mayfair ! . . 49 Berners Street, London, W.l. Lni.. Will pec. In 01-229 0033 central London essential. k-lO Competitive rales. 01-499 STE LLA FJSHER BUREAU ’ tope w.ili- m vi -rs* Uilimb. ! Geo. Akins (Holdings). L3u p.W- |i..i - .ii v." .a. ; Ho’lll Strand, W.C.2. Ltd- CHURCH BROS- & TTNRS. SALARIED WOMEN’S Postal Loan* 01-S36 6644 |i Chape! Ear Clwmbers. Ctiapcl LW.. 175 KOUMU Si.. W.l. 7»*4 P-A./SEC RET ARY -ARCADIAN DAYS ! I Mar. No ill opium 139 Ocforri SI.. W.l. 271-5. Loans awn CIO. No semi-, MIDDLE iliv. .iMi'.utlun rsuiilpv ! OcrtLi--IolX7 Tel.. 01-439 0381 9. nty. 1 • • (Opposite Strand Palace Hotel> fcureljiV. wilh a>W'lnutmive abi- MARBLE ARCH Wlllch lias In uqj* bnautllul n.w Inirr. noubled ITs rurnovur ojeh vear viewInn unices siiuaicd in the ii!'. Salary amund t^i.uuo . since lls lonnallon in-l'nifiVnd ■7i?v‘ riS?3"1 Arcade in lowii. ApiiW: 01-72.1 4S~jt>. TOCO ROLLS-ROYCE Sllvvr Cloud luw.l Siiiusi- of itrum*t>.e FOR SALE AND WANTED I ' now Qfwirallag rvatlonnlly and ill;- Pentyl ambiance for inn at. Evceratonal conoition. Only i cliar-cl r sJtu.ncd an S floor* OVERSEAS VISITORS. fa c Hats PITIj * nl,|W ihr choice ai a,,iXiO oulrf. M.iiOU.—Noiniare. ai.alUible tn Belgravia for shirt rJVlTSil°.n,U*’. "hJJUrt-n a io“ London i ion lobs ! cio-i' lo Hide Park. Law *'L'* 5JJ SccruUry. for Ui« Mnnoninq PUSUSHIHC VlarauiLhg Director re- OA'h-S2 OtLJU. term holiday. Leu lrom '330 n.y.. I • P.A./CQERICAL viapid sitllnd dratetna room Phano BeUorU 01-235 3068 ■ Off Ice ^ *l ^e Condon Head lh Aa usual, coffee's ready and nulf.'s Sravldiy . s*.A. Olflcn RES 1ST A CARPETS LTD. . ‘ PARIS • . assistant! M.ui.mcr. Age 2S-.rS. Directors' With terrace, l double. 2 single 5658. Jhe welcome's In Uif* ime Secretaries. itl-eli'J i>Sdd. (•uincsb tradJiloD | t> Hi. S'Lhrooni. UoaKroom/ Landou's leading specialists In for iricttiilv unit of ikcnui- . S*'? .will aransft mr.Minas. tD^K 6<^1r!I& rtUJ“' i ^ b-UiVomn. cloakroom/ ;Bi’BuMCAN Vli^E-PMSIDLVr uvtrl 5ch fuiiv co/u- LECTURES AND MEETINGS ' execUtiwcexecutive' '1 ?lat?'lat "sh^bba !1 K^^Jmeu- Ncilcnw^ii?n^^ u l?«wv«y Thixwyhippy JN*wNew LECTURES AND MEETINGS ‘ IBS Vsvw Rieluuona Rd. West, Salary •.pero'‘-ta'oIi’ TLO.utib ' T '_“SJ 3raa. _ niensurato with ^ils ability. 589 S807 __ ! A.jtny. ultM.nc CHESS \ THE ANNUAL MSETINCM2ETIMC nrnf (helhc r\. rlt. LK p.W. P:ione | drawing-room, beautiruily rlocor- wr ||P Bivins fu'1 d'>L,i'19 of nv- , I . , 1 Goyeniart of the Royal Surgical flat’ ^n-rcc ’ . .. _ T EXTWSIVI RANGE Rat*'House* ■ ated. January Rih lo April 20th. £.70 wee!-.l>. 215 7622. KEYSTONE AJd Soclelv «,IU lake placn j:t vL5 .. 7 mu'c ijl'i.*. .-.13 | wanted and lo let. Long/short Mon.-S#L 9-6. E/C. Wads. pvru.-nc«/*C‘t u> y°'; T W3:— ---L. Gabion llall. WlUUn.nsl.'r. Lon- cuiarTr'. **"-‘'.T* .^91. . ftSS;-L.A.L.. r>37 7884. The T.^tiiifs.- * l FOR THE COMPLETE dun. S-U.J. on loevday SH4f,E-A'FL*T uuecn-. Mse. Ldees- i January 1'I75 -..SIJ “*"** t'-r hu. No jHujic.! lee. 734 663.. . ■ - RELIABLE .TENANTS do alUt ludst Lowest prices guaranteed. a---glti- Iliv latest Rent Act. but SERVICE 1 2MD CIRL Own room: i-hVHru | MARSH A PARSONS 1937 0091 * i ? .> ^37 k/./.Z / JOAN FERN IE \ flood homes am nooded m al] — .1 j p.w. I'kct.—Piione jU OjTI i oTiex wt-u-mroi^hed flais/house* | Top r.iles fur Temnorory S'alI London areas, and at all rents. 3^~’ 1t 710 *•:*/-!. PERSONNEL I MOTOR rise ., 4AV' ■ will# > P lu.i. 1 with nrruan: and I'fiicieni service. . omelessness could wed bo the Sncretarlcs .. L1.25 MOTOR CARS tf -w.-—-girl lor uleaodtti Hal;; BCLGRAV1A. Room In cirgani flat AudiQ.1 .. .. 21,2*1 2la.5U c.w.—*'14 'Mil*. . c.h., c.h.w.. U. and b. Single scourge of 1975 through 111 Cod- ‘SgWPJz Copies .. . ■ £J .OO N.W.3.—'.rri girl for lux. fUt: oont. -ia p.w. 233 8415. fivod idealism. Jonathan David h „ifin. b Co. 454 1874. fcr« ^tPTftlNTSrlTr J1C Ldi * Hippy and Pror.pcrous New . ..':l ?-5l«.tvw.—724 2459. j DIPLOMATS AMD EXECUTIVBS M.W.T. Self-contained garden flat, " r1 T* rr fiTTr 1 «* g, 1 Year • full of Easternprom1:« 77 Pina a wide range of Per¬ LUXURIOUS newtv etjulpaca flat. strgenlly require furnished houses Li C 1 J. UOC i.Jt *jr..j Don't lorpcl, evunorur is manent vacancies specialising MERCEDES 280 CE Kensington. W.IO : 5 bedrooms. | rail flats central suburban: '** ■ to double bedroom. living diner, In Legal A Accountancy po*4- laroc luunac. full c.li.: painting, f^iOO^err week.—James A Jacobs. , bathroom, kitcfaenetle. — 01-483 iions. for sale. March. T"7'.. a r*go antiguvl. stereo, long or short! 4.3II (Col. ■Alas. tj'-nul'ie m.l<-v As in-.*, otv* l1-;. ■. no roung chUdren ; h.w.3. Very ctow to City. West Eaton SQUARE | off 1. Attractive lamlly c_ti. flat, sleeps 3/4. lining 278 3233 Cdreiul owner. M -uilir red _pw.—Owner. 72. 5002/ j End and H.imostcsd, luxury cen- dealratf. AbQl room, k- ft b. Lfio n.w. now u'hai you nan I. HRImiMii. Anlomjlli. ji.a.i , 1 r- u ' !ralir. healed furnished rut to lei Ilnird glass, heailrjs's. oletirl' | iCNl^iERIDCEi •.». 4 c.r*. i jjf J i nap mmnri«Inn Immnn through April. 235 8205. Open Saturdays 10-1 aerial iur radio ca-.Mie nl.i'-r-r flal. Share. SllU Incl .-=589 4303. £Iub\" b-draoro ^lrfgTe bSSSSi HAMPTON & SONS—Large selection of fumtehed fiats and housed In •:w*lrnl Inrl ,r,g. -I.T Vl d ^.' S.W.7.—Room i or 1 or 2.1:13 p.w.:, ;,-:d .10?;“ to™ W 7v and^ShS Hnvali- wl». ccnir-j) London and Inner suburbs i PR&¥s3S3rc^ofi7c l£S*.-i luaA,Be- always available. 495 8223. STYLISH MINI house nr. 1 umham 'l.iriovr ■ Nm.'h i ■ 2-1 r.7 mo-n in well-anpoimcd Itot In w.l. MR. BAKER ST. 2 well : Mdurjr*7 January and rehru. fcrnWn-i: Hots both ulili c.h. Green Tube. Freezer. C.H., etc., • GREETINGS 5 b>.-droonis. £40 p.w. lel.s Ol> r..lL-im.iie 01-634 S701 ip' _'-l > PiRi'u'SSSv?K Jrl. suitable quit i person or couple. EVtnruiii: day 606 809'.'. e\e. W4 j ctOU p.c.m, a*J 1671 99o b24>>. H2H47U. - TOR THF f ESlIVt: &rAS-'N MAV WE AT JONATHAN DAVID UISS GEE’S AGENCY e, £riVin lire M .n n.vn rc.cn. I KENSINGTON. Singh- fum. a tile AND THE NEW Y 17.111 SLOANE AVE. Man, OJJT»_ rciun* . roan DeuoMi and rrli. 1-0 wish landlords and tenants, past, ROBBINS OF PUTNEY present and future. Uin peaco and l rom TCLCCIIde noodwll] ol Ciirtslmas and the hope □( a wry happy and trouble JAYGAR CAREERS -—Now li‘-ar Lhc f oik ci'oir lire New Tear. ' ,u, -ii** ii'lrhiiinr m,«,LV. <*, Tuoms. -1 hath rooms, kitchen. on 409 2681 and don't speak. N- w MOIJ GT. , uivrJriv SABBATICAL IN LONDON? Fur¬ he specialist Agency with .all Just Uolcri Lull/.". N. W Enter -S. New '•fc'leJrsSSL dnUTI ^c Trt#te nished uais and houses fn Hamp¬ stead, High gale and environs have ho top jobs In London. Lrvatl- fi«Wp ••• ' Aula. h'oUs-Rovc* 4*II ro* *' 734 0707 ,l° J'm''j KENSINGTON. La>.uri double roum. TcWiUklP, » l7i model. 4-Unor, 4.^00 been the spcOaUU* for 16 yoara of , P9 cUcnis Include Adveriiaing miV‘3. jl new. Nvw runmahs, C-eDrae Knight and P-artnnn, 9 cn*. (t'.lhln SecreLary Ass'rsl- ■ voUE'dpMtta'tti LO/— 25 Brafon Strerl. W.l. ben cl PH. Film pro du cere, P.R. unigue I'*73 Ford Capri* 4rSWff’’AJT Xg*ngft. vTphSS: fi^saSSS: Heath SI.. N.W.3 * 01-435 22981. alf. v.-lh ynod Spanlnh. Inler- JnOO XL cob|«. low mtlenge, L?l(‘ Rrfs ISllSi* qwf NO-ITING HILL GATE. LUJOliy Vtlh Many ore iho prlcam homes ol •■itciI !■« a urer-r In the errnort ■ ••' «l!,,nWulW'i*rf*nWEii. bmpenle*. Television and concourse condition. IZlJi'jS rJSwk sw* nSm die and 1 bedroom flat furnished. academics and medicos who am Held, aiirtlnq salary: 22.500 24J BtfuibY ,Kt.rvittU0Londan. ■ Bits- prosiiffioos Companies. . Cli^S^17room. —: * ^-S89p.w.—-op- (SS.uwa. T*. j 229 5042 p'w- ] going abroad and all have been iii'aounjie and .“tccUi'iii working luio IKm^i bsssLo. Phono 03-788 7881. slewed hy our staff- ■.'jndHInna. 1 Ring or calf: START THE NEW YEAR - R1VA ESTATES OFFER Uia besi Gf. SLOANE SQUARE. S.W 1 veWTAt c fnrn. fUts/hooses to «ult over- I MUL71LINOUAI. SEnVlCES. AuilALa seas diplomats fexecutlw: 3miha. 1 I 750 5148/9 BUSINESS SERVICES JJ. Charing rjross Rood, v.c.3. PRIVAti. wIUi a rually bo&y and Involv¬ — . pins 335/L2QO O.w.—589 7473. 01-B36 .7.794 5. ing Sec.. P-A. lob. The manag¬ RANGE ROVERS at Gorton, flARLCV STREED.-SOTOKBmij: ing director of a well-known irlumpi* Stanv al Curzorr. property co. Is looking for Jaguar-'DoInilcrs at Cur.on. TEMPS someone who wants to warn Hover 220U and 5500 at" CUrzun. I BARUCS.3R/t SXHS3FdFS.W.13. VUUgv. pond. Good ahorUwA^Q^^mL.. hard and bo rewarded for U. New and nssd R.inoc Rovers rivor, conur-on. station close. Fur- I LAW SOCIETY speeds. Prorioos mcoKSu jnW»y in nishcd house. 5 bedrooms. 2 teATBSS^TE* NEW HORIZONS Goad sr»if«li would help. Close urgently 64 rience desirable but not-nwibo Green Park Tube: ago 25-30; Ul-44b 0879 < oven. I. EXAMINATIONS tlal. £2.000+ a.a.e. UYitq oOR^ RTTSING, P.R., hv* n,^^fn“7h 5R1 2537. SEEKING fum.turn. Rais/bousesrials/houses ? COMMENCING EARLY av.i-.l von wiui your New BARNES, S.W.13.—VUiaoe. pond. DoucUsDouglas MclnnesMe limes oners aB wide JANUARY 3973 Year's pvruiimenl programme. river, common, stn. close. Fur- selectionselcrdon in mostmwt anus, long/ 1 4L100250-21 DO n.w.d.w. 584- Telephone 248-6951 (ext. 65) rot-599 4451 6561 JAGUAR XJB 3.8. Absolutely Sir HAPPY puarameedijre.BOO miira only. "4- A» now. 1972; £2.500. Tele- ISLINLINGTON. Well equipped flat able about ralddla January for 1 NEW JOB tn let nnorox. 5 months. 2 IBM ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS, year. Fall gas central heating. No acrr-TlME AUDIO secretary, flex¬ double beds. 2 baths, dining factory reconditioned and war¬ ible hairs iapprox, lo p.w.l. Est- sharing. Rental £140 p.c.m. In¬ FOR 75 mom. sitting mom. k., c.h.. ranted by IBM.—-Buy—save up ojiieni forklnq condlllona In lead¬ clusive rales. Telephone Rayleigh 1873_ AUDI 100. BL Automatic colourcblmtr iv.tv. on.,etc., targelarge pnvaieprivate p.i«V -feiios ----— „50iS. Lea«v—3yr. _from ing idemry agency In W.C.2. Call on dayman's £1.90. tvMy. Rent-—from £15.40 Suitable marrlod woman. — Ring i- trvs’aUlc i (dorado Red. 22.000 StOl.Tel.: 01-539 4021 ^ tJlf« «‘Sin. e »■ p.a. Nlght/Wcoken d Service. Our Career Girl Ri'crultmuot Consol- _ kflows. Sundyru. radio. or Burnham Broom 276 No. on your fciierticad. Rapid tancy. wish all their friends a SECRETARY to £2.500. Excellent ._«dta. „0JLB>SAb« ereomsV • _ t^ni BRIGHT College leavers who .w laQWWfillon. £2.550.— KNIGHT5BRIDGE-loffreBR^E mews.m^s°- Short - ^ TLX Scrvfcos. 01-454 7631. Happy Christmas and a successful lob with profasalonal firm -— Interested tn planting their car- UcfTS..1.323 6849. long let. new &3 bedroombedroc riat tn ken^sincton ~wa3-?Furnf}lht>ri TELEPHONE ANSWERING With New Year, Brook Street Bureau. 734 5481. eers svtuItaly should contact Shan ANSAMAT1C. Low rental. 1 year Swfn«M«K-t career Girl ud.. c!5d AraSSn 8K‘° 1tS^urntarao _.contract. Rlnn now ni-446 £asi :'Ohr JACUibtS/ Dl-902 8737 «nw —nnhSlwi ’ ski recent., b. and b.. pallo., c.h., TELEX SHARING SERVICE. Io^4 NOW..Bond St.. W.l. 493 t’-ri/iSSu’Smme* Mewie colour TV. service.ralce.^Mtrt/long Short, long loLlot. 37 nr^cSaS&'m'comi^n^'ncwiv ’°nB '°C Day/Om 01 Hours/Holkiars. 4 lg Trivmt^ii. Ql'-9^ ktIt rears' reputation.—A.!_. 01-723 RE.—'Weil furnishOd 1B61. 01-935 7660. yw ^StjapwaraF-01-902 8787 ia^r i? tssr^^^saAt s«£«t ssjHHSsr^. k. and b.. ^ suitable LfTHO printing, automatic type- ’‘“VSRS and Land-Raven.■n mod. riltod LJtchen 'dlnnr tuLh touitle m^slngieT Piione ^4 single. Phone 08J wrli'B. facsbnllo leticn, art worn GRADUATES with secretarial experi¬ 01^4^00467 Ca'r«®«‘lsh Motor*.rs. and clonks, garden back and ^597 rpTk 8 ence tar temporary office wort, & IBM Setting, mailing. Red ' JODe. n Princes SL. W.l. 493 metaaly nan-commercial academic TSOEN. Special Off era on allBit fiSPL _*1H' a4i,Tn2l:-TCD,W- MEZZO-SOPRANO. 27 yoars. on SH UI 3p° threshold of career, souks 2- 8379. SECRETARY gna the media. Please telephone: mo no is. , Also personal export Pros pc cl Temp* Lid.. 629 Miyt or o^9a9Y$i^3/^nUtf au Centr«- W 3 tw^m ^n^7i!-“0,n,nodaUon L°nd0n' hoti^r* In mod- block. Lame W.l. Overlooking Squan* gardens, SERVICES We'need a young secretary with good shorthand • „^,r‘t ilfBr ra targefr»e selectionselecMonon recent.. kitchen.klichen. _ hath.baih. and well appolnied furnished Hal snlt- n«pd car* J01 cloaks. C.H. and H.lV. Inc.. a hip senior executive or diplomat. RECEPTION JST/TYPIST for pnall Uu^JSSSlUvern^—Tata: 01-770 • nrr »«i pvtrr. mm . unao. OfC bLilmunift, S bom rooms ana and typing and an assured telephone manner PREGNANCY ADVISORY SERVICE. »Ad>enislag _ Agency rear T XI 9. Wrts. L^.l shower. 3.‘5 rccepi., well l5u^54tH^L...... T“*'; SLok W.2?w.y. 5 UR.'hr. 2ii bMhoprnneoropm flattut5 Inm mod.mon. equipped , kllchcn. with aU l«*t* £3. Q«U or send far dsiaJls. c Arch. ■ Small swllch- irlaveis te9 453) 4 equipped . kitchen. with all ?^?L4STi _ hlock. suit 4 flirts. £40.— K-ATS.. STfia Kenslnutnn High to work with the Advertisement Manager of poara. Good typing. Pleasant ILER X Bag R/ lavr* r—rt -■? £40.— meuiaxtlcal aids. Large entrance „ 5JF 339 99?6. . hall and entertaining moms. friendly. relaxed . ocrsonallly. r pricetu y—01-794 1 DATELINE‘COMPUTER DATTNC.— The Times Higher Education Supplement. She- able io eopc wllb dally luuatros. Zni’ N')v'3.-. .? bortroom. s lc Gal. su|t C.H.. C.H.W.. porler. ^1 year or — UNREG-ETERED . amUv 3 adults. 2-V5.—A.T.F. longer. £135 p.w. 01-435 6355- Up_to £2.£>p0 . o.a —JOYCE compoUUon Prize, neai est -5.600. .>30 a<*b*i. __ CADOCAN ST. S.W.3. S c ftallot. will also give secretarial assistance to three OUTNESS 81JREAU. 599 8»07. Rln^for apimlntruem: Morecambe HOLLAND PARK/KENSINGTON.— j room. t. & b.. C.H.t C-ta.W. write Dateline day). From £80 lo £1DD per week- For TEMP TYPIST lor Important long¬ 3CAR5 (LONDON) LTD. First Comlchs Convertible full details 1 el. 01-589 5100. LONDON, W.l.—Buslaou Address Newspapers Limited on 01-837 1234 extension term boobing In west End. This registered Nov. 1973. Cftreon SM KENSINGTON, W.8. Gracious flat. lata bivalves Ute preparing and E.F.I.. finished inIn Or de SlniaineSima in e Z DcniLCIBENTLEY 6181. typing pf a lengthy annual report 5SSS. "Hi."*** "OR to go to press, Accuracy and Su tSSi,itanVp*Vm^5l"i«Kt,Sf? * Th«’. 8“P?b .blu®^^L° 1 office ■ J. D. wood. BRIDGE TUITION.:-*!. G. M ^OX. round: recorded mileage 4.000 • interior Cornicle Is K reg. W.l. or near Regonts Park station. I good layout essential. • Compotl- aa^South Audloy St.. W.l. 499 Quick young tody requires, gulei ' We can offer a good salary ■ rising annually,' U vo rates.—Ring Donny Bun low. 'London; n has Cone only 22,000 miles room in privaie houso or ftal London Town B urea a. 836 1994, COOKERY CLASSES far men and 5 weeks’ holiday plus Bank Holidays after 1 five i0wld^ri^B£r-mSetalw • t8,|C't.rtbf,el? cfla^e^ hum January BUl. 1975. for 7 women, by .Mary Feast. Cordon TEMPS amenity required. Secs., choose from. Q taJned. It is In excellent months. Owner of flat so no BJeu trained. Small uroinu once year’s service and a number of- fringe benefits. shorthand, £45.60. Secs., audio. XJ6 Soric-s n. October *73, condition and the price will J problem dislodging. 01-552 7498 or rwlco weekly, vacanciaa from £42.55. Copy Typrisls. 258.85. lullos. Silver, all valuable Include an 8 track stereo • afler 6.jO p.m. 13th Jan. for 6 weeks course. Lang and short lorm bookings. . £5.500 o.n.o. 01-485 8581 and I he usual extras. £12,950. • HAPPY NEW YEAR In all land¬ Mon. and Wed.. 6.1a p.m.. LSS Agy. 734 6817. »?, 2 Ul.. L Rra. Superv - 01-449 B439 . • lords and lenanls. Fum. flats, Tues.. 2 p.m.. Tburs.. 10 a.m. SECRETARIES far Architects. Con¬ COIL filjpBO. Mazelng (Essex/. room*, hues., always avail, and ono 2 p.m. Mena class Tues.. tact AMSA Agency. 734 0552. 2172. (Can demo. London. 1 req'd.—London Flats 375 6002. 6.15 P.m. 01-602 1474. Broadcasting Tuesday ( Wednesday Yer actual Alf is all set to give yer 3Arold a go od start or 1975 with Till Death Us A day for the television connoisseur. What else could it be with yet another new | Do Part but now look what that silly moo is going to do. larvellous ennit ? (BBC1 production of The Secret Garden, that ever-enchanting serial for children and adults 10.25). Earlier there is drama of a different sort] with The Canterville Ghost. Do you alike, and this time in colour too (BBC1- 5.0). It is a day, too, when television with all hear .those shrieks ? It is Oscar Wilde (ITV 7.3C)). Globe Theatre presents a play of its marvels essays a programme about something even more marvellous—the Cat hired-girl superstition from never-negligible CamIda (BBC 19.40). Vision On, that (BBC2 8.30). Too Long a Winter, Yorkshire’s award-winning hill-farm documentary, is engaging programme for children, returns (BB

BBC 1 BBC 2 . Thames Tyne Tees BBC 1 BBC 2 Thames ATV 11.00 am,(Cartoon. 11 IS, Riptide. 11.00 am. Roving Report. 1130, .10-00 am, Tlie Monkeos. 10.25, Tbe 11.00-11.Z5 am, Play School. 9.45 am, Camberwick Green. 10.00, 11.00-1135 am. Play School. 2.55 9.50 am. The Wood from the 9.15 am, Flbn: Top of the Form. 10.30, . ?3U}?es ^niujajs ; part 2. 5.45 Test Cricket from Australia. 11.55, Fable. 12.00, Hie ory Houso, Sound of tbe Pipes. 12.00, Thames- The Honkees. 10.25, The Lan¬ pm, Marx Brothers Double Bill: A Trees. 10.15, Squash Rackets. ■ritamos. e.OO pm, ATV Today. 6:35. :.ataS. out ol School. 11.45, Holiday 6.15 The Engineer Through the 12.15 pmi Rod Hull and Emu. 2.00, Hoase Party. 230, Thames. guages of Animals: Foreign Lan¬ Night at the Opera (1935)* and 1030, A Year of Golf. 12.00, Hick¬ ThimM.pawnai. ’10.60. UFO. 11.S07 FaUitif Scar Trek. 12.35 pm. News. 12.40. Looking Glass : part 3, Jam 1230. Cotiditg on a E dget. 1.00, 5.20, The Amazing Chan. 530,' guages (part 1). 10.55, Star Trek. 14.25). The Big Store (1341).* ory House. 12.15 pm. Rupert Bear. Film 74. 1.30, The Mister Men Yesterday, Jam Tomorrow. News. L20, Lunchtijie Toddy. News. 6.00, Today. 635,' Tbamrs. 11.45, 'Gary Player Special. 5.45. Tbe Engineer Through the 12.30, Disneyland USA. 1.00, Nevis. (new series). 1.35, Teddy Edward. 7.15 Newsday. ■ 130, Emmerdale Farm 12.00. Good 12.30 aoi, A Message for New .Year 12.42 pm. Weather. 12.45, Grand¬ Looklns Glass, part 4; The Jabber- 1.10, The Best of the Worst of Southern 1.45, Tbe V’ear of the Horse. 2.30, 7.38 Book Programme. Afternoon. 12.30, Rootna 3.00, Had- from the Lord Bishop of Chester- stand. 12.50. Football Focus. 1.05, wock. 6.45, Escape to tbe Sea: Kenneth Robinson.. 1.50, Too Long 10-30 Ul. Thames. -12. IS pm, C-riuun. lelgb. 3.55i Looks Faqiliar. 4.25, le-Street. Boat Show at Earls Court. . aojiuwmi Now*. '12.30, Thsmivt. I'Ura :The Endless Summer (1966) 7.55 Romeo and Juliet, ballet by I. 40, 2.13, 2.50, Racing from Chel¬ a Winter. 2.45, Film : Monte Carlo S.OO. Cartoon. 6520. Crossroad*. 5,43, th Mike Hynson, Robert-August. John Cranko. Sooty. 431 Magpie. [5.20, The tenham. 135, 2.00, 3.45. Ski-Jump¬ . 730 Newsday. or Bust, with Tony Curtis, _ Susan News. 6.00, Day by Day. 7.00, ■..70, Play Scbooi. 4:25, Dastardly 9.40 Globe Theatre: A Bird in Flintstones.i i Scottish ing from Gamdsch. 2.25; 3.10, ! 7.45 • New Year’s Day Concert Hampshire, Peter Cook, Dud lev Thojiii'i 10-60- Hourticmouth Syinpho- 1T.35 am. The Suund of Pipes. ?Qrcfiosn. 11.20, SnoihPm News. and Mauley. 4-35, Jackanory. 4.50, the- -House, by Margaret 5.50 New! 6.00, Todi. Rugby (Whines v St Helens.) 4.00, from Vienna, Vienna Phil¬ Moore, Terry-Thomas, Eric .Sykes, -Sp-TI'o Pro lectors. 11.58,. Woathcr. 12.00, Thames. 2.00, Housecau. UUidellne Hope and Keen Scene. 5.15, Vision Laurence. 635 Crossroads- i Play School. 4.25, Wacky Races. harmonic Orchestra, Willi Jack Hawkins, Gert Frobe. 5.00, 230, Thames. 5.20, Fable. 5.25/ 4.35, Babar Comes to America. Boskovsky. On .5.40. Magic Roundabout. 19.25 FOizl, Tbe Devil Rides Out. 7.00 Val ^oonican. Battle over Water, documentary. S.45 News. (1968), with Christopher Crossroads. 5.50, News. 6.00, Scot¬ 5.00, The Secret Garden. S.30 The Cat. its magic and mys¬ 730 The §anterville ( host, with 5.45 News. Granada 6.00 Nationwide.* land Today. 630, The Protectors. tery, with Fenella Fielding, Lee, Charles Gray. David Niven. 530 Ne.ws. 5.45, Nationwide, in¬ 6.50 Rineling Brothers and Bar- J2.00 Big Ben : News Headlines. 7.00, Thames. 1230, Late CaiL Denholm Elliott. 6.00 Dr Seuss on the Loose. B.OO am* Film: James Robertson Justice 8.30 Film,!The Good Guys and cluding interview with the 9.15 Film, The Charge of the and Stanley Baxter Hi TUB Fas! Ladv. _ num and Bailey Circus. 12.03-2.00 am. The Old Grey Whis¬ Duke o€ Edinburgh.* 6-25 Cartoon. lp-30. -nuunes. 6.00 pm, GrtTt- 7.00. the Bad Guys, w ± Robert Light Brigade 11968) with 7->0 FUm; Star I (1%8> with tle Test. TUnmes.-10.50. Aznavour. 11.50-12^5 Ulster 6.45 Film, Custer of the West 635 Crossroads. art. TIkv;ro of Atars- Julie Andrews, Richard Mitch km, George Kennedy, Trevor Howard, Venessa David [ Cazradii t, Tina 11.00 am. Rainbow Country. 11.30.‘ (1967), with Robert Shaw, Cretina, " Michael Craig, Redgrave., John Gielgud, 7.00 This-is Your- Life.. Louisa The Sound of the Pipes. 12.00. Mary Ure, Jeffrey Hunter, Harry Andrews, J10 Ben¬ -«Daniel Massey. Yorkshire 10.15 News. [ Thames. 1.23 pm, Ulster News Ty Hardin, Robert Ryan. nett, David Hemming*. 7.30 Coronation Street. HTV News. ii”.db am. World Skating G.na. \f-U0. 10-Q5 am. Oul ol luv.il. 10.30. 1030 New Year’s Eve at the Headlines. 1.30, Thames. 5.2ft, Tbe S.OO News. 11.25 News. S.OO Film : Topaz, with Fre¬ jO---* Til] Death Us Do Part. Thanire. f-20 Calendar Nows, Thames. 5.00 pm, BUBS Buniu-. 5.20, 1.30. Thames-. 5.20. Anna and tho Wheelibppers and Shunters Geordie Scene. 550, News. 6.00, S.15 The .Yeomen of the Guard, 1135-11.40,. Gabriel Woolf reads derick Srafford, John For¬ CroMOTia'.li.. 5.45; New*. 6.00, A »o.55 Top cf tbe Year : Variety King. 5-SOi News. B.OO. Catomtar. . Social Elnb. J UTV Reports, 635-12.30 am, Hyssop, by Walter de la sythe. Dany Robin, Karin Hole I ol of. Trouble, vriih Arthur Club Awards. G.3o-i2.30 am. Thames. by Gilbert and Sullivan. Lowe. 6.30, Th.- Croat li'esiern MueKai 11.30-12.30 ani Ring in td» New. Thames- Mare. Dor, John Vernon. Th under bo v. 7.00, Thames. 10.50, Bai¬ ;•», Cbmies of Big Ben. II. 15 ■ Nimmo in Australia: part lie Over Waltr. 11.35. The Champion*. L..01 for Auld Lang Syne: A l : The South. 1030 News. 12.30 am. IVeuiner. HTV CYMRU/ Border . ben. t 9*25. A Qnckw.inl uijucq. from WALES.—A* HTV except: 5.00 _ pm, 12.00 Weather. Mlrl Haw, 5.10-5JO. Mirl Mwv. 6.30- gala show. His Majesty's 11.00 am. Cartoon. 11.OS. Tho Rovers. Edith ivluinon's ddlaWograohy. 9.45. 10.50 Say Goodbye, documentary. 7.00,.. SOT viral. Ip.50-11.35. V 11.30, The Suund or Oib Pipes. 12.00, llaydi. Tlif nnvitlan.y 11.05. ftaidlnq. Yorkshire ,, .. Theatre. Aberdeen. * Black and white. 12-45 At a Time Such as This. 1 iwsddyn In l Swyddla oyinreig. Thames. 1.25 pm. Border Nmjrs. 4-30, Radio .11.15, 'flic CraiUcn. part a. ■ 12.00, 3.30 "ITI. The King s tir-Ml.lasl. 9.S5. I ai* .Prologue, Weather, riiaines.. 5.^0. Anna and the Linn. Big Ben: Welcome lo 197S. I hr Osmondi. 10.20. rhr b'n- liar'"il oiaik and white. 5. SO. Nows: 5.00. Border New- 6.35. Rcgtorul variations iBSCl*: House. 10-30, Thames. 6.00 pm. Urn Thames. 12*30 am. Border News. 5.00 am, Keviis.Jsimon BMSf .T .7.00. BBC WALES.—0.45-10.00 am. Ar Protectors. 6.30, cotiouu. . s^o. del s oralarlo ta Uia..,adaptauan by Mo.'jrl. t 10.20; Scientifically Sp^nSIhq. l.ln M.nn. 10.00—IO. 25. Tollflanl Thames 10.50-12.15 am. McCloud. iirrecaW by John Maddox. 11.10, fy&jryr'asRi 4.05—d.25 pm. Maldu-vnutdwy Radio STrSaSoBEZi'-. ™»- HamHlon. S.OO, Stan Freemut. Plano Rociul- Chopin. ■ 11.55-12.00. 5.45—0.45. Wdlrt Today. Nation wit News. frSftS saa..Tflat Grampian Dave Leo Travts. jp^>0. Paul uaniett. ■ 6.20 am. News. 6.32, Farming. 6,40. 7.00—7-30. HnddJw. 7 JO—8.03 C^n_SCOTLAND.— 11.05 am NoaBdcals 11.30,-Sound of 1.00-5.00 am. NilfiAt Ride, f t1 Stereo. Praver. 6.45. ■ tfonher. 7.00, Neivi. Ryan. 8.00—8.00. A Seem Place Border £-°0 an, Nows. Simon Bales.! 7.00, 7J7, snorLadoat. 7J5S. Today s Papers. SCOTLAND—12.45—1.55 pm. Film tSJ'rt-t-lmonds. 9.00, Tony BlockMim. Plow. 12.00, fnon?S. 1JO pm. Unjnj. • 7,2.00. Johnnie Walker. 2.00 pm. David ni?n Nows Rcradlitacs. 1.30, Thanws. Master Sny. 1.65-3,05, Eti'nhtrrah Mili¬ 10.10 «m, %>upvrnian. 10.30. Thames. 630 am. New*. 622. Farming 6.40, iSSSt- ah’^SPs-Btaet- HatnUiom. 5.00, Sluarl tlonry. 7.00. E.fflO, Atout- Britafn.*|.SO. New*. 6.00. tary Tattoo. 3.05—3.50. For Auhl Lang 5.00 pm, if* All About Panloniluio. Prayer. 6.45. WeoUicf. 7.00, News. S. 35, Today's ^Papers. B.45. Pul Oul Syno. 5.45-6.45, Reporting frirntland: 5^*5. News. 6.00. A Hole Lor or Pop Score. 7.30, How Jhe u’Ml was 5.00 am. Radio 1. f.02.f.02. Ilorn am -Vag.41.’*'oa.|n. *f Sunp. - 8.02, couniry Club. < ia.00. Un«: W‘ Ne,rlharTi Ireland N«ws Head- More Flags. 9.00. Now*. 9.05, Tueiitoy Nauonwlde. 11.IS-—12.00. Onlv a Trouble. t.'iUi Arthur La we. 6.30, ?:S: sSl^r^“ih'Sotec&>PB^g: 18.U7. Racing BtfaeUn >. 9.02. Psto Call: 01-080 44L1. Woman's Place. Review 74. , 12.00. News. 12.05 am. manajJ Party for lhc Jones Boy ! 12.30 Gann. 12.02. Scaiiish News HoadJlncs- Cartoon. 6.35. Thames. 10.50. UaRlo wrajuier. a.*. New* 8^7. Swirudt5k: Murray. -i ltT-SO, rwaggonars’ Wnlt.*. 10.00. Naw&. 10.05. From Our Own Over Waler. 1135-12.20 am, A Nlshi Ride. , 2.00. News- am. Prayers. NORTHERN IRELAND. 5.45 B.45 v sieroo. 8.35. Iod.iv'5. Haim*. 8.45. Pel Oul 11JO, Jimmy Youto.t L45j*w. Hfir Correspondent. 1030, Service. 10.45. pm. Scone Around Six: Natlanwldo. .Parisian, in Paris, documenlars'. With More Flaps. 9.00, News. 9.tF, riie HTV chol. i 2.02-5-004 Tony a2n<*0”'_ Story. ii.OO. Nvws* 11.05. Down \oar Sactia Dlstel. fJrinq World. 9.35, lamd Peter wlmaev; 14.IB. Wansoner# iwatt i. 5.02. WU. 11.45. UndOT Your FlngarS. 2 Clauds of hirnna. 10.00, New*, l6.es. Oosta.f 6.35, Rlcopicl. . 6-46. s“3ls 12.00. News. T2 JXt pm, Yeu^and S.OO am. Radio 1. 7.02, Tarry Woaan » In Brilain Now. 10,30, iirliv. 10.45 ATV Desk. 7.02. Tluwf In a Yours. 12-27, Dr Finlay s Casebook. • 8.27. Racing Bulletin*. 9.02. Peia Mory. 11.00, News. 11.03. sounds Charlie Chester. ' SCO. The McCuIntan* 12.55. WeaUior. Westward Murray 11 r* 50. Waqguneri' walk ■ N.i:ur.il. 1130. P'ay: Lj»i £.xli from in Edinburgh, t 9K. G^a 1.00. The World Bt Ono. 1.30. Tho Grampian 11.30, Jlmmv Vaung. t 1.02 pm. Ted Tooting. 12.00, News. 12.02 pm, Yoo Ad (tarns family' ai2.g0^TtaMp”: 1^20 mom i.i&hnr Hall. jfHnburvh-1 JPp2' Archare. 1.45. WoflnaiFi Hoar. 2.45. 10.06 am. Out ul lawn. 10.30. ■ le.iin Orcnusira- ■ 1.45.. _ nicocnei. ■ and * ours*. 12.27. ju*t a Mlnuu-. John Dunn. .1130. fognunsy. 12-15— 10.05 am. Oui **l I own. ‘ 10JO, 2.02. Tonv Brandon 1 I J.ir,. ivag- ^JSfre TM: Mr: "i%5[ Uslcn With Mothers 3.00. New-. 3.05, Thames. G.OO. Tl'f- Adventurer. G.3S, 'I'l.-.ne* 10.50 pm, mng In the New. 12.55, iveniher. 6.00. am. Ntgtal Rlfc.1 . nomn' Wjiv*. 5.02. sLun Co-w • The La dr of the Caioelltas; wn . 1. TUamrs. 10.50. Orson Wrllos Cn-at 11.50. Hr... ,-rs. I. 00. Thv- World Al One. 1,30, iTm 6.35. Rlcpchei-" «-AS. Snort* Desk. l^day^sISs-ia'so’sm. Thames. 4.00, News. 4.05. G.ii'd"nrrs' Ouesllon Mysii j-ici. 11 -20, I-aim fpr MfC. JUxeurs. 1.45, Woman's Hour. 2.45, rime. 4.36. story Time; Round the 7.02, Radio 3. 10.02, John Dunn. LI Sinn with MoUior. 3.00. NOWS. 3.05. Bond, pari 1. 5.0b. PM Rr-wifls. 5.55, 12.00-2.02 am, Radio 1. Ptav. nracuta. 4.00. TJ'-H’s. 4.05, ' unalever Hanornnd 10 BBC English “» 6-00 am. Crlckel: flurd Tost 7-P2' Wi-iUier. _ G.OO, Moves 6.IS. MfMU-lc. fi.4S. Hip Tyne Tees 3 4.35, Story llnio: Round the Bend Southern S.OO. PM Reports. 5.55, Weather JiSf’m ^,C2^f ed Arcaers. 7.00. News Duk. 7,45. .Con- Anglia .0.20 am. Starting Pouil. 9.30. The 7.00 am. News. 7.05, lour Midweek psfktaamL i 8.00. News. «.15. PeillCQUl Line. 6.45. Westward Mrvatitv Part^ Jjol'dcii j.torinflmsl. King 'a .B real:fast. 9-55. CarttMh. 10.OS. Choice: zipolL arr latrth. DoTiiwim. 8.10 on. larran. 10.05. oui *1 To»n. (Jiarpenilcr. 1 S-DO. News.. 8.05, lour rhp Archers, 7.00, News Dual; 7,30 7.30, II 'S Your tjiw. 01-580 Mil! Oul of Town. 10-30, TTiatnrS. 6.00, 1 rip pm _ 0wnM>M«- 10.30/ Thames. 8.05 pm. The Greatest Midweek C2iDice: ran p. Mozart. Srtio- Celebration: British comediennes', r.-jk. •1?§I■ i.3a. *»rhe■' wsaSound ,-Jof ithe.^B b7Pipes.|,c Ro««.12.00. KU-t ana Uiupui 1 '«■■«*( ““ ■■■ RoadRoacf SJICIV.Safety, WIUIwith Pantruui flalle.runic. 8-30.UI«"I The Pro lectors. 6.30. Cartoon. 6.36, - -M«nM. 2.00, Housep.uiy. ----- Folk Festival in_ the U'sfld. 6.35. nert; 8.55, Tha_Sheofierd s Calendar. Play: A Man In the Houso S.on, Ra*iri ?uar(eia:eia: ..-.Hayim. 1 SamnoMo Toicaninl portrait with irnmlc. '55' Thames. 10.50. McCloud. 12.10 am. nnv Good Bolins • Lalclv? Qulr s.Jn. ’jH£=pnl: ^’K-hvam Nows 1 JO.l.Reading- Road tag. 11n-30 JO J Quartets: Part^S. kaiBiOow 000. 9.59, V.'uatbcr. 10.00. Tbamcs. 10.SO. urlcraon. 11.45. Carol 8.00, Now*. 9-0®, SmeUiu. T 10.00, . - _ 1.50, in HcnertOrv: Scottish Hans'Holtnp. • 2.50. Orchestral Concert: esc Radio London, tool and national BBC Radio London, local And nattaiui Granada. *. Ann^tcan miMie rof liano with Ulster 10.05 am. Our ol luf i. 10.30, Hii5dp. Poulenc. Tchaikovsky.: 4,15. nns, micnalmnnnl. sport, music. v> news, enrcrtalnmont, apart, mnsic. pa.9 lltamca- 12.30. The Will'" CocLade. Brail ms: SoMel in B Hat OD 18. * 5.00. O.ss am. W-ip-.y 11,20, c^irloun. irenlcaT? 4.55. Ja«. 12.00. H/milir, 12^0. Thames. 1-2D pm, Wi«r7f 6.4S, Hotnfeord 10.05 nm. ,D»ii*an » Hdi- 5.4S. Dunce Music of Four ceninrlo'* intaniiiUin') s.a-luii. *HF 417 M '•Jiinl. 2.00- Hou—turd. 2,30. iconiimiodj. 6.30. Lfclng Deci.ians. imormallon slalton. <'«.o VHI-. 417 M. Musk Gore Round and .\round. 6.35, 4.20, Chucklehnads. ° <3.25. fhunu-J. in.in.iv for the Join-:. ' 11.50. ran 1.) 6.30. Reading. 0.35. Dance Capital Radio, ‘JJ-hauf music, ru tv» und 7.00, TLo Dec a pH vp Eft*. Tltamos. 10.50-11.3S. AnUianv !leu>- Pam Bui lIrJ!C\..S,',20' Nows'. 0.00. 5.i5, lduli Famniar. s.50, Nows, Capital Radio, on-hour mnsle._nci/s and M'Jftlc: Pilrt 3. f 7.40. MPSStlK- H3n- fraiuros nation. «s.y \'Hl'. SS'mi 7 30. PrDKaflev.t The tale Call. 'uSaii'. 0,L|. u'3s’ Thames- ’a-30 am. a. 00. Granada Rnuorls, 6.30, Mr fcarures station, %.8 lTlF* ^ M. M.igoo. 7.00-12.30 am. Thamcj. V^idwida. 8.20, nsdf LnpO! ScHu- L DECEMBER 31 1974 THE TIMES_

marriages DEATHS DEATHS ! Ueo'iiwr .'•jID, HCCABHOII —SnU'Ji-mv. on 1-4UI j PERSONAL COLUMNS lliTuiiit.-iiil. Lni.'i Decorator. Rom JUiA. late ol I uqcd '/l. Dear*.'- Hrmbrnlc. flur1'' iui'tfl husband: iioiuld. CKuuUo:i m ULau-Ui. iJiiicr ot Susan and ; ALSO ON PAGE 21 i. no flowers ur i-i. ! I NEWTON.—On Dec. "-Oft. at The I ■ ■fRn—25lhJA.V Oflccmimr sail. [ R.-dtl.nf Iniintutr. UMurd. while) fiOLIDAYS V\D VIlAAS roily al Tbiitlingian. I Mjylna mil: Her tUurjlilcr. Ldilii Classified Advertisement Department 5t.if:Ld Child Par’-- iilv! e. UadMV M. j Analn inac bundcs*. beloved n —- 1 ■jaic rV-'- i ; .'euLi'scr f Hog.irtii, aged to. I nl the late Cam twin'ter H. R. \ ^ \ -qeriS1 ajul Ijm r’ii’itie -.jcjr.vkv .m KtnuZ.il. PcWTSflpld. Newton. uf Siuuirhnjok. Bedford. ■ refich ri.-iorr o; Ticnc... -. : t'unrrdl nl K!:ta- Much loved moiii-r at Cliion and I JANUARY 1st, 1975 S aidoj Crcaiatoriuui. fiulhcr-lu-lnr ul .lr. iiicmv. djrJnc ; i (1‘KcV 22'J SjJJI ■' jriiLay, and January. Cranny til Suraii. Jeircs ao>? : \J nS Vs* D. clAotvmw sT 1 ** unu joaww. lav fltlijL* GdtniLb-Gc^cva. ci^J: " VV'r v. j, nf" / • si., FORBES-On December 23th. after This office will be open for December 23th. after t>1&£: 3D)i3 7CJ» \'inc and vD.icc v..;j l: ' UYHMI : COCUP./-OD Dt-r BZed ! “ IItno*s.>3 SnunSion tluaholhElizabeth, liaMVfs only ml iljn-itioSS in I.W ; telephoned announcements JAXU.VRY SUNS'fiXE lal’/j*. ,r n>m‘ | Jf, 'Wl Cottage,Me. 1-Ulmer,tuJmcrUncUs, Hoc Us, J? Hnjmiwni llasMisl, UromXsn. rcharscs. s dl SM4ra-id ficam Ucdlord. No Inters ukase. „ ■ oF Births, Marriages and Deatiis oa!y ■r nr MiduV 'nu O'WUGK-BSUL. UNErrA.—On Dee- ■ IS FAR AWAY P-ACES iincrol i-ivkr a! SI num.r a3!!i, V',4. MKh-WUJ. a. betv.een h Fuliii it nn Mott- Jwiuc In llampiliuv, Wile of tli- ■ li.-.k Jj! --■* KI SUPERTRAVEL To place an advertisement in any SoiY. Si aSi Ml* Or Louis O'Brien-Belt. ifOch- j 9 ami.—noon Krrv of IHmo Citaiorin. W: v#m*SS£ ?°^°r John ano aM* : s Place. Londan. S.W.l. Tel.: lU-a. ♦ . » i P«*HAM-S" &inday. D<=- * 01-537 3311 !h crciaiatorluin. fctoria. 01-837 3311 tATOL J22 B» 2BIU December. ncare- I “ft*-G.B.. C.li.L...^'-:Gen D.S.O..„ atWSSfV'i 11*7.1?, (ManciicMt-r office: no.nt alter a lone inn:'.*. Plan. IlinUratum. Ipiu'Kh. In ‘ 15.'Wat Charing .vr-i Hntf. Grove Park Hoad. prandmoilter.gramlnto liter. Inq:i.ngniiii-t jm. from January -’-ih id Mjicb L'JNTON. *V :C-Financial .. Ixmtkrn. M‘,4. Uoi.-l-.-silov.-L.-g 10 Gould l<1 Chapin, i-i, Sth. on ten conjecaLrr Sjk- LOS FABULOSOS r< .1 i »>L and AMCAl tb.LeeiBPBi and Meetings GALLOWAY.—On Oecrmber Cirri, liniyuiait.tirayvball. IlindiiaiIlindliCiul, burn:'.. •ia.vx. The Tdqiis VaJ locus nn : Legal Nonces i'-TJ. a» Nonhaiupton. KonjU Scr.lccScr-.Ice at41 Putney ’Vale Gretba- holidays In Ori'Jui under y-a 3 PARAGcAYOo .'.Motor Cars Itoboruon CiaDowav. utelv 01 loriui.tlariui.c nnon IliunuUy.fiiumUy. January 2nd v.'jMl'icatia'is—- latndon: S. ; J- ■ ■ Property -Verutulra Court, Qurcn's Calc. _ al n h.iii.n.in. _ Ctuai; l. .Vigin: ur-ce Oetrki ; r.PuWi: notices . • S.iV.7. Ciiditorcd Aixoimian: plummir—--Onon DeepDccenib.r 23!h. and nm North; Scotland: ’ii'jim: 1 ,1-. Pl-JC-VDl'-t-V. 'I-IVl-t.? i- -. '.S33l!andt. aged 6*j. Deariv lovrd J'/IJ.i'/IJ. JuaeidiinvJuaenhlnr PIP!iun'::er. b*>- Ireland: Boa: lury and crubuns. i» ~ —■ VttjNa —■-* -• ■■e’ J NCiV IS 13! •VNTER 1 .Vun., HtL. ‘ ‘ son or the late David and Martha uiwllainl k'.IuP.-:|L- ul .lie U1lale Dr. F. C. Ge&'JaJ. * -Saleroom* .. ,‘ROVALL : BA*>KSHIRE,—Or Slsl fc^.irud i»-i.uror>rea Secretarial and CiiwjI Gallowny. -of Dundco- .VimU'- PliLauni-rPliLnim-r ami (Sitk.arly :ov*.'J Las? rca? tttis fr.runj itm j Or UL.v DISCONTENT I D-'ci -,hrr. at bt. Alphaw's. funeral sprviee at SC, Djiuinu'i motuolhrr Hire of JfanJean JrarJrany Funeral SiXC«SlUj 1ic:.:Ij: maitrt I THE COURT RfSTaURAItT. i," •s*; mzmz. e’i 1 ■■■ Appokitmanls . 1 6 and 2i 1 L1 ??.-.■V- noj-nli ID Jp;a ri Services .. sn c'.horcli. Pont Strrnl. S.M'.l. nn pr.vaippriVdir byl-y her Wii.i.Wi:.i. No Ir.lirs. place, tilth cvccmtut bcc>Q | ~-.-e ar.-ieiiL . ' - ■ ■ ‘ ■1. T- i rjcro.-a.ru. Pmmt address: r.it FriJjy, .“rd January, at II a.m. jOvaiP.■■Ivasi*. more camloua «itb Tiiw nvoniv • Box Mo replies snould be ■ cobom Road. L011- No 1 lowers Ir~ rcqursl. but don j- RACC.—UnRACC.—On Sunday,Sunday. lVcnnh>T Uicsr da3m. iT' crprctM tiuil ! don r y 2DB._ • - addressed to: lion*. K desired, io RAP Bcnrvol- 2‘>tii. l»T-t. at oliol) I i-.o Miie iiiarr trnxc will iiolid^v in RAVEL ! !D ml land rirtw.Drive. O-.ford.0\ford. GladGladys r.liz*Y-il: Uir Rniiss Ixks than abroad HOLIDAYS AND VILLAS r.~ Tbs Times, 1 GOOD IN,_On Drcrnh.T. MaILjq. jq. I uncral nn i-ndr:'.i-i Jann- m II 7n. _ ■' PO Bovr 7. Lrekk Si..h«:b1 LTcr.-iaUon ' \\NO. i London WCtX «£Z N .'r.’istl, B- ria.. ta 'lisljlsi vtar. • private 1. I'amtlv Lowers only ! ‘ftav-' -’.• j1-1- .tLiaaier. n.i.o.. sax®jenJSrta -.w--r but denial ion* In memorv may be . S37 3311 f. Oradimr lor cancolMiions and ♦■•ul lo O-JjiiI. nabbury Koad. ■ O.B.L.. ;..C.r- Lroii dr Uat-rre. GR^^rbon.-On UPC ™u.V«A. S3LJT OV,Jirt- AND WfLL' BOOK »i*CIl LOWEST &ELIA3LL t.-tilcHinu to cony 'except lor uir v.r.»b bur-t. i.mnatipti OMUDl. SPACE LS 0:Tf HOLIDAY A HAPPY NBWBPAR'S SKil ... eroolad advertIkcmoMs) Is 13.00 i r-iv.i:-. iM-osi*. irinrs nr DISCOVX* - ttrs prior to the day of publica- 1i3Wct«. bci dDnai'nns ir oMM GLTDi.'.. SCHLDULEO Ai X A tom- For MiMNy't. issue the I .,0 1I,» liijined Jockeys Fund. ALANCHESTrK OFFICE iNZFRMATT.SAmKOK P,J'PS j: deadline is 13 noon Saturday, ■ hn->r.i'jrtb. tier ;s. • . Ubl i&t 12~4 on aUcaoceHattons a Stop Horn* ■ BARCLAY.—-On 23nl Oirrnbtt. if 7 DAYS FROM JAN 4 Q&i ON LY ih Mr wm o« buied to the adver- I'.'ii. Nctlile al 112. tlKnli'v *• liter. On any antiaaguem queries i Ldidnu, N.io. iii-loivd husband ^Price iiiUtitles fJisii? f. otn - Oj|* r • '■»2zrin* th* OUKOHatlqo. Uiie , nl Vtar Ion. I aural Hulniic.nl Mineral Service, u i llawood. Tor- .yin d-.ir laiiier or Peter, sujod. : . SOUTHAMPTON Slew Humber most be quoted. ;1 Lnnrluv. 3rd January. I'iTS. at *•<»• .-'nn and Katlirr-ne. Burird P transfer tn rci.»n »nd ■'-<* '■ PLEASE CHBCK YOUR AD. Wo , 2.0 n.ra. HAYWARD.—On December 28. aJiom.nn Uic CDtR iionuealth War 1 statfeJ ?■ Mtfwwy ellort 10 avoid errors 1; barkeit.—on Ds: .Hn’i. ts niana IITl. WilllatJ Herbert. M.L.. Gemeirrj-. BaHleul. on UTtli • ARCHAEOLOGICAL 1- n Dc;erib-.r 2n. • loUv. Ot Tacrcrlon Nursing Homr. 1 fjnen Church at "..»J a.m. nn S-i-.cn po:! rl r- Asf^cwncx f fT'iLS , “nrotoro ttiat yon check your ad sa'urdar.'. 4 January. ioUo-.-.-*.l by 1 In rrr HLnd year, uiic t''.i*r?iu.c j ]>idr jon ..L mr,n‘‘. Till',U| analimirritanUmar o!ol ‘ irarnWKjiiramwidi. SdBLi?5W"-SanCJ?5W- * - - - - •' t ■ t-.-fui. 1 iarav- *"d. 11 yon spot an error, report ere nation at Slirev. ibitry Ctnnj- I JOHN MORGANjPOgCtL -■It U Hu Classlnod Queries 1 Berry lAr.n*. Utiiutlon at St. I Lhie„ dV fJ7„..af. .1,;s nuxch tx-toved ; rraanuitncc on Ara leap::.- - I • *:eara::.'» tor.npi at M a.iu. Only latnlly i ulfs. H-;M Urv. was furw.-riv i--'7 > L.-me^r t. •*-- r:^.v.:xrs daparintcntioimndtaiely by tele* 1 John’s Gruir-alnrimi. It'ilLing. nn , • 4 ’ ■ iWf. \aJPM. .M 1 iil'Itl.CE PMCE, SV, " flaw r«. yh-u-e. _ _ _ I Pittl C P — Tony, r sStlSJr 1 1 la««n ria’- be %rii to Vrutinj J uiuiai f«nic« a; t’ic acconuiiodat.uu avaiai e. . . tlVJ’J. U'.tb.. •. A i'OL (LSI v TiwiTp* wt Jarw»‘SIS; ai»vn br sr*i To Wuthj J 1 n£'^nhip ' 1 <»7» lians g- Lmtjh 5 Gliurrti, Samar: M he raspooeTble lor more Hun I Hm.raim.r*r Ss -r-.r-.!LC. fee. 111IVM GnldM.onhGaldsi.crib | ■gjjSSS’ l. 7 ph'J?"?' _ _ -- 4,T# I'n’-a. Oita-* !” Sf5'‘ *nc°rr«U Insertion IT ; Road. WoLr J. _ ; APPV 'SAC t-** LEARN AEOl T AMERICA yom da not. colafr at Bristol I'niversttr. tn u-ir.v Ji!. at 1,00 a.m. Li:. ■ fl’ll'P' t-OMWJNi 1 iond.—uii L;:h Dti.tir*yr. Pal- , his TOUi yejr in Br-Gioi Kojai I'u.viT, on.v. pieo-.c. Lnautrl.v. la : AT G.Wb?300T tr.YIL 01 L. J. Keen C "Ir.'-M.; e.uaara. 1 rnL lioargn lluud. Cliarnworrf. ‘ Taflrmaiy. Re.ovrd hnsban:l nf rtnusa. I uncral Dir-'.tors. Uat- | i Kinsbournr fweui. Uni*- * Director Soc2i.i^r'Oi U- -« I :•»•«»* • 4:rte-. JOM-piilpe. dear rather and grand* i°*>. Norlolk. isn B2!’. . ■ 1 rn JT ’ ! ' " "ft * *• :i' : vt falhur. ttrpm.iiJon her.ice at Con- ROBERTS-On D« ro,ixT 2Hth. : toxica.' rcsc.ir-^ C3f.:m-.»!«*e. CAN Vi lord CrpDiatorluiu. Bri»lal. l-rhlov, J’r/o. jn hospital. Lilian Mzrcaro*. ! c. *7- bg [OtlD.U S Jonuorv urd. al n a.in. •I'ted 77 years, nr MtiUdiurcJi. 1 03 l r~« - Euate Imf- -j-- ICK--—On Di*c. |«W. Dr. Shropshire, door sister of ArBuir. j boallusisIK'. 4c, rcla.-ar^ '•■•ii*:.-- V. illhn F.dniund It ID:, at iioiur. In la-no and Mood KobL-r'.s. Cox* t 13-imtirtdqn. , matlnn al Shrewsburv. 2.00 p.ic.. ’ Tel.: •UTl'j- »*'•■ ACROSS AFRICA OGG.—On D*eember 27. vtd- . . on l rlday-. January' Old. No ' i.r around £& •Vi-ti’v. at her home. Vzrv} Honors. Sir:'"*.. UV LS S\L*.1M T-uranc e— ri~r*rntfo Iren- I Anne i Host, of SINCLAIR.—On D'ceiiibei 2CJ. V*T-J. ' L.-.-l. ?.*«!!.■». JaiiRG S'mtiv Md.. 1*1*1 Sheen, vidaw eudihuily hut nuaceluUv. al !:oi,---. lasiury. n( Lf.-Oomd. Luiand P. IToqq.i. I1 lJ'.-.-ay Drldd'aBrldips Sire-uir.SJa- ^ur. O.C.i*..o.b.r . C.\*NCER RESEARCH J-.vpEft. —.ijn •jbrii.i-.i.'j njy. Kenr.sUi. d:i.l at Jiomr. D'-’a ; srr small 0 i arOL'.lt' EJiui*.'. .Vi. : ; ; ot L-v.-rpnol .-laiumjy IIia- DLS-nute-r. Iiiniprtoumi Hobm. . T un era! service. r.ist Sli~nrt !‘ Ui ve.vrs. cu .latou. 12 . hJV.-j U-KLLVb. BOV ■ •-iiii. tu rwtu:ine in«i i.- .nun1 Weil san-l. Ilicliionl. „l*». ' r**snoirr?-. r-londa*-. Janmu-y 6th.. ij lluJacrall Road. Wunborn.'. Dor- il riu'.. fapi-r s ResatbH al 1 in .. set. Scrvlc:: IO *..? Held .11 l ... ,;,-llr•„»:»'*—O : un iW'ilUam Uun-r; . SnWi'.ud 3473a.'. No faiwcn. i -i.iu. finwrrs Zanders. cifsij. p:-'*:" *f*«s - I. “*.* «- r-». .nmi lire ■ 447 t oper Richmond Road WesL. Conrnt mouth Crc-.ioiorlom «.1 • .unlock.—on Ji.u, ur.i lu&cr. .VjSuC.- _...L. l ni/.v. t3 the. TOP FLIGHT TRAVELS L aTirn J rtf *4 its ' Mand.iv. .lanoary uib. al 5.*j [v-equipica i-.rti :..r.: v i. p.m. ta.-i:;:y flowers only, pit --.a-. . i:aufU' C.m.r i TV»ur-*.‘i i'--*. ■ li-Ia'4,-. LMisr.cri: r.'..* • . P-f* Baa :l:. * l.:».a •-)-VISCu.: OU!IS t SLOAME.—-Ou Dv-;iifccr 2‘ Li. ■ v. t, * "j . ;r3. . Is ni aceruUv al Wiilon Nuu.ni ; Lmair'i tr.n : ft.d*. 1-— 1 r :acii!;t'. Sr:«-^ u! ':■> . > llome, Hindl-ead. Dorothy D.;-sy , *” l2: V.T:: -!»V > Oil: i- blojne, widow of M_:cr .Vrt.rur- V»C2A .7P.N. It »4.l b» v-T'v t 'V.“ irtY^Trl". Y o---a. £a:rr: - lor couples, ano tree •-«. iit.4- - s-ir .,:»^ii'.-. >, Doaflidi Sloane. Fum-rai. ■•u:iu* CieJ 1st C:<* t^Jt a Sa2.il .-..-2.-. .a-rna, .'afu. Pi' •- cintre from C.YNVAS IIOLiDA\j Lit!.. I*-.- X lard cremator inm nn V.ar.-diy, ir-_ i. =r* lor- —.' - HI3. V.'civ.m Garden Hc;:s. •«:: - . January fcUi. a; 2.70 .1: PA. *2 r.‘*i. Citv. d SOPWITH On 2"Li Derriuber. '.— ??■ .-n>. . Vi • ■ ,{ ll|74. neaci-tully. at a rantir- - _ "77C, 4 ti •'• r- KbjtsW SPILCl d liury Nursinn Home. S' doc:. • ..".tt Travel lio.:-:i. the lady moare [trust -.-r.- . Shelford. aned 88 jnUS. H • . prat dsra i.-rl.i I il Ih* Precincts. Canterbury. : 5 ,>i|tm»_*t»»T Sac. s.la . Formerly a W»:rr at NorUians- > i:..rt Tf :-•? s r i-<*- :t- Lj.: .3 cur i1-- 4- rr. :->u» JANUARY SKI SPECIALS FOR SALE AND \\ V [L . ii-i..7 /Jjaicr* ana I Kivi-.op 11. C. tiorticiu. >n ii’.r i tun ano County SUionJ. Shrews* ! ' i' ' -,.T: ve*r. 1 uncral srr. :e al j oiul Suttcn Or met err. Garth Koad,i, tmry School anti fl«e him v ■ To '.■•-Lire K| -l.-i.3LV S3-- Sr»:>'-:! - . 1 < S3..Hi ■ .. ; ail-3 c-.Mm. 10*1 •« LOW SL.-tSON SKI BWT'ISS - I Sar:...—ia vo:xtd rangmer 1 i. jian-.h, U,-:.Ie?-hi.-~i, on1 Mitd’n. Surrey. at 3 n.ai.. Scliool. Canlerbury. Crs.i:. 'aun '-idiVt-Vi til-i January, i'-ii. ot ■ I 'rv.pjf to r. lorner ft Son.. JIT.. nr.vale. ".le.corial Serv.ce Can- , ..-s' -J i: -.s:- 1 ah ' 2 Uo:.^a; r rt v »r t - a?;- 1jq:.:..*..'u carplrs 2 : .»u...u. un.>on:j iaa:-lvia.i. iy Ijonwi:.i.u»l... : 'Ci-n Rood.uanQ. BAY.IL.s.n.-.i. terbury Catlicdia! lo be annum.-, -d 1 ■ *'-5? liClISK —aja” S' -i Ticl:-aibur. o< • _..a Pi3LunBiTe jlk. L-mJu.3. ■*u C!i.-.riu: -e's !o ' a I LdM'. eas rur he .tn. id i*. »..S.. < KCAV.—On December 28in. lt-74. Uier. U.4 'ivi.. Olxue ^i. lJ*3. /,!0:h:’‘-t‘i"r • J.T^i •• h j': • J_( *•_ : il.a-jO• ..-id Mll'.iaCi—aj -. .V '. .ilzt'lio II'art. London. .. , at Sharston Horue. Knmsfojsl.. SMBS_On December S711i. 1’ ” . - ■ •il Ca..ifariiU -«■! AY.—Un December 2 s. l‘*«4. zgrd W years, the Rev. Trank ET. Clirlsiime r.Jarjarcl. .9*d,.i !. . a i*:. i.,u*3.rtn tv. • *-x . IdCdJ ilorj- . _ H uijson'1—o'-i' 'j- DKcnbir.' Lli-abcLi. ol 5 COl.iU:on HL.. 1 Ksav. D.IJlt. ancle in Ronald anJj late of Brock,ev mil Ca.;-i... tor tir In; x ...i H"i . 7“ ’ . . • S'. Ir T'.j'i ttv. • b...:ran \'.'a'J»n. iT'.td short M-» I'aith. rentierty m^ionary ni v.ldim of P. ,\. amc-' and IwvwcJ LET v COHOUEX ClHCER lr Dm ; i, r* nf j* ‘s .:■•! k-.-i:_ r> «s. I imeral al Saffron Walden : India and Chaololn of CngUsli, mother and qranuinolii*.*'. < ua.-'a.' SrV2lS;CI.. I.-J 1S>I! 2t-4 Ll t-1? |r».dJ Gt l..f* Ml. i ' e ;• ■ v- IV*. :-j Mi iiU and Jo:.a-. i'ari^'t CTiuxlJi on Inuay. Jan.. „ si-rvicc 10.30 a.mi., i rlrfi“. 3rd ■ i .n ?.. —• t-u--.il«.r. Umrdies In several European .:ljTur2: f».T2AC-. isn't,, CitV.ii-OitD lf:I.n ITl.V* Janoarv. at tfdton cr -■•Jiur.ar.i. ,* led F*axe t-c-p toll _ n.or North imr.tna. 1 .ai.-i.-r* 13 LID. a-.tu.vc 2 Y i'.aiir « t'tt-'wM ffiCR til *323 US■ A'i OL Z-y. EU ri. Ward. Buaoroob'*. .Nar.r~:v . i-. a r. i sy -r- :«» it-' a Jjgmmk 1 STARKEY-Viator Pete-. VT.rt i_,-i_r ittitatcl ru-'. «v ;r #-in” ■' it tr-ivi husband ol Ann. suJoca.y H. .*. (D-.-f.i* TXJ j. i * v.-o> un Dcrcribcr uwSi. I Liu.*..: stviv ^at. T Zmmrm jf l..i. ■- i« ■: r. i ncite. So I lowers. ■1 I ■P LS rt “T -il,'i,.'* CORFU VILLAS LTD. : SUMMERHAYES. — un DccFmkrr , A' ’ i 27th, Victor Saaiuei. .")il 77 1* J. O ;T.:u>: .e 1 -7a KrSL'.uie N;-.'. C::t 1 L‘ j yocrs. of HcJ'jatt... Si'euoyt-i. PAODINCTON ••cu zsr,Jpt r. ■>'; »• *- 3. I'M — *: ■ -41- *2'- 1 • ■ ! n -von. toraw.i'. ni kei. ti.jni rs. -.i;v.J -i Hand ■ T RAVE LAIR t—-» 'us.l-*-:-r s-.-j or • , Munv. cr.-niji.an on ThutvlL.-. . orsisi JK ITui.l 21 uu 22'.*! p.r. 2 ’ -*l * *[ 2nd i.-nuit- . r.m. a: L- cl-.r in szns in-Tvc- /V-L4D .1 .-tie Itiferl C~r 1,.- -I. i f mnnlartasi. I 'av.-n mu Tiav#y?M- «b j.tjeat yiar:- hour ln-tirr srtVite ; \ cookcry crams. sc«. boioiMO srrttr. trendyr, r iv AlOL B. ,'p: v WBOKKA /,J?y • Oi~-i7 oC-.3'T -r —i— - ons - ‘ Ja- •■•rv. u. u*! ?. -r.u 1 A ft O EXAMS., 0.1O W *8*.—S'- r It*- *r:. fir San.-:.* . Qll j*i J ^PlXiC' 5. ■ • C-.X7C-L tXD'. 1 Mararp minis mi.’., Hr» r..2-t*. fun TICKETS TO MOST ^ CARPETS., «*-Lv: i-ri... *..vt >;i3* 1 .u>Tit. . SaSa 7SE-" - c««a->k: -airts. t'lf.ica- naj&j DESTINATIONS to^fuchTtSa' :ot « u». dio»:. 4-ii.. .-anuir.r. - ' L' l Ul-^js. See Hj-'cJ- » ft Vi-os. FOUR DAYS SKIING IN PIANOS Pl.\\«.»> ' j KKUGBIOUUIDS.- -Se'rf- air art-cr- ; , » *0.-. '-2LID.IVS an;:, .vusiralui. Nov /raatnu. I tL-imics: oiocr Sr.J. • far Sue. ATSTRIA FROM £29* , l«ri Leri* conr. Knad. South Africa. L'.S.A. liana Oticn. Li i- J*/s. tGo.J ft I L*ir- n \i - ~-J 4 DfaraorJf D'Vlt er f. cays In St. Ar.Loi. o:-' :>7 rrjyn. ifJL ihub VIKING CLUB LTD.. \ •• r - Si.R“A H^^5SP^^.fLEAK,HC- FLftiL. lira .Gatm.ll: r.-id- ' n? Andorra Ecaerts 12a Arclier s.reet. Di iniJ y. J.-saary to nJ- iittL Write ii'.i. rtnlll BABY SITTERS smti - M 31« Dee. cr 'j.ianr for cur brechcro: 5?^-sY:f A rf. _ INGHA- IS TRAVEL 01-734 Skl01. '22Ob. -1*44. u"r:J--.ivi Krutoi. Susie Irmi-. agi-d!>■<» .70.70. __sea Persona: Sotuci. _ *2J Pftiner Brrrto^uoam portug.yl setubal vAlrhne Asciur. • Ir-r ..r - font".r rr-atit-r hi Ennlbih .it Lnl- IBM ELECTRIC typewriters.—See ( London. S.V..10 VTT-liy ot Brislol. f un era! ser¬ *1“ '* 3- GI-7E9 oil a. . ATOL OtloB 'i-j tnt'es south Lisbon. vile. MctnrLl MeCtmiUst CI torch. U^^oifw^ree *iirire or. uvtracts j ■ Lv2»sii» a? fed axu Bristol. Thursday. January 2nd. careenzy surcharges Near coast. ILLAS IN FRANCE.—D -! ; 32 at il a.m. „ ^ _ _. Irsniy a lill.i llbi: .“ Lrttoj •- ILLY.—on _ 2' ih December. pIac? and ! ,-sr fJT !’WT t I . bcan.ifu! Arrrbida lluun- i;it:: J2Ui Ju.v to ir . .1 ob'ii wr rwD liiru Tn* 1 iiHH i:nin-TT <-n:aqi- ill Izfic t,.7 per persan. n.r •/, n-vj ■ S_£.J L.uJi.i'; alt iviTj^- • t..-r ircr, SnitLurr. .^n :■ 7“r l.'.i*r j jum r-'.un—J un nit. b.-!:u tia-1-' :jf * e ~'-r" Su.’ i; ■: ih-jr.' :!-j! 'u-ann ■m.-: .'. I iTu-b,*.i lia.tdai • «.:L. U :■ .r- ■ IL*.-;. aieil bJ wsrt. thf In a nurrintj home within a vveefci ii. v.-n Sl-.iii V'.v i:r-. C'C?:- baUv.Td v.-.le of Dr Jos' -,i I R:n m hex lOOlii biTthrta?-. Marie* Tt'Siditesr. Thraaibci'Kod < :,-.:n>jr 1,2 J taj. v*-I BIRTHDAYS I.ruSir. I trier*I servls* on LH'” Da'-sv Christine. niut.li lovod tnrtam. Sheim-ld. 2.30 p.m. No J ra’.-.iS-- *■' do,*-. JvKUT -..rd. INTO. .*t The . iii.Tiyjau;;on. Thu Co.'lnr FOLLOW COLUMBUS and discover | 37 j ’t-iuo. -lumber nl tBi.T. u.oliicr ,.r Philip. .graniltnathM flowers, ulease. but donations I p!cys a Lure par: tn tw pr> GUriN.—I or Cal nn lie.- 21*1. with ; v»M LT-flo"...iLf.o'v Ct.T.-.wry, al 2.1a s.m.; B-.tl great oranoaiotlier. Fimera! lor St. Lukes Nursing .Home ia.17 I Cuba. .. Jftrs tui: 6(Kr: 2hd j hblia l'- r. L’-'l. Lve llolo, and SnraJJe-! ,\!T Cij-ji a, aiinjifd iTt-rtailit in ALIA -suut.i n! Iipp! »nr es aha , AH Cowers tuJ enqa T;-s to • srrei-;,* at Broofnroad Cemetery. be Hint to John Heath * Sons. Htv.iiLsil rxa*. 2.35. EreSicre fa-Ai.'w- Iio".tUfi in se:.-cat=r- ■ _fjw. I VbKtV DcTl R.R S"a_k *! tmrcai Dirrc- • V.oUiq. at 3.30 on ThurscUv. Fnnoral Dirrciors. Shefli-tld. 1 frai. VIP. --2 North .LsSoy JJ.. SOUTH AFRICA, AUSTRALIA --J LL'XfRV n.’iT.,.; PFTER v/OAN—vi i mg you a err: | tertter'. Ltd..I.'.-J E4 Siu'Ji Oil: Lame. | Inn t^t*. v £!'*.* or Is-T ■!■•.— ' 2nd Jan. No Houma, br request. U NS WORTH—Ou December 29. jv.:. ahta a7ol ■ ; j j Zealand io.- -2 ■ esterhaiirrERMAH—un baturday. uec-tar-i MOXLEY. Rl'BY .\UCE.~On Dec. i t..an:act i»o.a STroa:.- iTart: 2i-iii. 11*74. In her •■2nd. year, t nsi\;orlh._pt The L\»ru .House. • ur^Ucd—Dne-^ied—Danalioiu.cahjIIom cD.cMni** i - . Phone foos-ji u*332 and ftiV4i«J. W e o:.-r . : 1 bar 22tn. at b-r home. 1 Aymer Cr. r- nn-i fn- n tr new brorhcrT ft:.. 23 Deti.-n-'fu stt-tei. Lar.ir-. ■ Road. Hate. Susses- Susan, tn after a long fflness. VOdow of Soutdern. Bicester. Oxon. bt-loiml i ..crr irailcit^azLlcs it/rfor Utoo10 CoIcqc * Gm- 1 OUT W.JT !-• :• l lev. H. R. MoMey. Cha.rmaii husband of Ar.U'-j. and mti'.h-1 yraiera: t.urltablel.imtaUe ?« , NEVIS. WEST INDIES-Hlberr.jtw i Vt .C. J. li-l.t ul-: '•> :'*_-2j ■ - - lirr *JS!il l ■' ir. nmcii laved fti. 1 cu.-.s: 2d -17. Aft 1.4 r.a:.;e- , -u.:. >. / ' -. MARRIAGES iiu>2i3r nl I uneral 2.30 tn.crirus. O.'Jam. and Minister of loved, j.iuicr or Jjinn and Bill. crTefal."crrtcfBl.i' receivedrratlved bv uic Apgea. | for W.f- lr. hiss ciscmii =«^inj i over i- '* p.m.. Tm-ahSi, olsl O.icemiber. at suimnertown . Cun greon.tlona i Flnquletn Mass on Friday. Jams- Scaxtarv.Sccrt-larv. navalRoval .GCol lege ol sur- i al bmtilc,. Mr-atuotlsr Koiet. tome? b.-'. s :n _ . ary .Ljrd ol: 12 noon, piurcft of ceonscoons of England,England,^Unrohi s ten t:»a !ac;. sctM cl eutlichte B:<»- \i RIM'S NOW FOR REST PRICES.— 7 1 CLAYCOMB : TOBUTT.—On 27 PUsiiet Ccmelerv. Lotuion. No Church. Sadly tnteaed hF Athol- .’i &W1.. N./.. ft. Ifr-ca, L .S».A- Pc. r. ras.-.-' : - • • Vj71. nui'-Uy at Hampslrart, Itowrra please, but If desir'd, ston. Roy and aQ her family. the Holy Trinity Hethe. nr. Helds.fields. London UC1IC2A oPN. 1 Chug Ltnl W-,on OMi.’j. lian'rji ni.’fiH □ Bicestra-. nyon. followed by MRSRS HERTHA ORCLERORC aUlllOT Of j fttiui* ABTA. 4TOI 32o ABC. I.r 2s-t. Tel.: 01-278 16%5 m f.'sbcr: Homrv Claycnmib. of donations to th« Koval insUttitr O-.-fonl Crematorium. 12 q'c'ort. •■»7 o:-73. Siiivr j.r. iu r.:-.*fatP THE ALGARVE AGENCY I! 73 i cr.a-»? ' 2nd Jan. Flcramra. Roques ft Pam. ! creiuatioo at Hie Oxlord Crruia- *• Alfred Adler. TT r.ror.t-tfre of beaut rv. i.'.Tj h«*n-{ di!o. No-./ York. Uj U'Jluoi Mary tor the Blind. No prayers owing lorlum. r'oners to J. Trindcr ft ln.'orlorlty; Conplt- ss- . st.. Raw': Sqaore. it>nuun. 0. P- to in disport Lou- 288 Abingdon Rd.. Oxford. c.rvs is row aval,*i.e. i Njfdmu TobutL . .AnnAnn. Banbore.Rjnhnrr - .mon. •{ friendfMenric ■ U.nnrr Nf Vl.lS.I. lAirllna Agent*. > 4. & *r d 1 • f, A »'.2U. Ugiint AfGO-. ««■ ; 1 ara y . ;• VETCH. UASILVs ANTOONY.— FUTURE - - -, ... , Moira. Easier and Stnrnior 1' 7o J — Tiroiniilon Road. b.1i.*>. Vlaxle-Joseph, un 23 December. of See- ft fjfSl5^!_2pS13* om-cm-1 rn.: vi- . atter rt-retring iho sacraments ot PRE-UNIVERSrTY^—Sec Pre-Litl- , «7°SOTUt SkMl s: ' SAVE* S30- 2UKICH GENEVA l ie riiurch M.I.P. Pray Tor him. veralg. wider j or r n5= W W.*! ^ ^ ' The Times Crossword Puzzle No 13,880 24 Rue Pierre Da hours 75017 education problems?—See J STOP HERE ! ! Bert prices lo PoTli. Talbot hum under Survives. ; I I .U 01-222 7375. ATOL I.S.A.. a. Afrk-a. AiEtcetu. j YOU sum % ■ *VtLLj|AMS. On December 226t&. bln. CAMBRIDGE BACKGAMMON_ rang 01-7714 _4p.t».'2«-.- , OCCASION, V I ?. '• 4.. Herbert, aged 8J years,rs, of SOCIETY, seeks older liniwnits. i.u. r.. S'ft Rsoint Street, Lon¬ ‘‘ Dev* Good-voud Ave.. Felo- challenners. Stephan Games. CANARY ISLANDS—HELLO SUM 1 don. W.l. Alr.'ine Agcma. u m mmu m m ii ham. Bognor Regis. For overcr 51SI Magdalene GbUcqe- flals.V.oi'.ls. S:srS ell y jr. ip-a'i. int clot in ■ ■ ■ ■ years Hie 1 overt and loving ht»-1 redundant or TIRED of rat race? —-----—-——— j M t-eiiivr >.. u .--.••j: ftiad ol KadiMon, falhrr of Trd- Manaaami farm position. Sc« GREECE, EUROPE oi Woilctwld? Suit. Ddl'irr bur.. . m m ■ ■ rancral private. Family fiouere j^-S^^TtONAL' Eaccrara in Winter scheduled c> inciry lllrhw Suit, .'ioSu : ■ ■ i>oricj—.-luv a-. • • .through CurochocL 1 ravel. Ol-arS'J | WOLCHOVER.—On December 3«l. TT3 to esc am this country a I rt-in «2*j—i1. ...a • te hospital. Louis wolchovar. tins- economic gloom. It's rtm for a SKI verbier, Joai our cralrt U4S1 i Airline Ajiniv. e’w-iiir<' -I n band or Dora and -rollrtr of I or dot^ rino Ol-- parties: Bjnun lor. season ■■■■ ii 1 ■ ■ 57 . ■ ■ ■ ■ IND'A. indamb. rtuasaira. cuni- Michael, Lj-nno and Julian._Cro- 1X19 «5o60 or wlte to Pcnbrtdaf pr-ccs. .Ja-. -lla-lSlIl, C57. Jan. J.-.7 5. 1 . tnation al ' "ireen Crema- Hall.-17 Ppmbridjlf Square. V..2. 521-192:. .-:7’.'. I _!.: c:.rts Ken- p(el P.S —Ur .u • . m .. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ toi lien. TaesiL.!'. Uecombcr .“1 ANOREXIA NERVOSA. Compulsive yon. Eayicrd ioV-5Sk»»* 327. wr.ie Ajlan Greyhound. Lina t ii« to uver inder.- :.ioi:n:,rg tiwir J.iO n.m. Evening wayars for fasting, staffing. 01-74E i.737. 'AMK. of C.P.T. AfOL S6-PDO.I- own rei'toduio-is acrcra Al'nca ur Dnr.-'. llincLror. Tol. ftl-J. family only. STOLEN.—Or. Doc^fnbor 2nd. T961. tr Nepal, oar adrlserv tcn-:c-?s . mmu mm ■ mo We assurance pall vies in fir ■■very .i»pre:. sa*.t-a yau ■■■ ■ ■ r...»;lia>-. Minuru success, i^bn'a .: FUNERALS nam* of Pirn bon an. from a r?r IU11 u,iii tn Ch'ernn Walk. Chelsea. InioT.T- l».:il Find.srs Lul.. -•-»-.*« Faro. ENJOY ^ OL M m u c-jnr Road. W.k. ?ot *<6M. ■ ■ AFRICA OVERLAND l-.:‘h 31.1 FI.'. N«nt departure Jan. 15. Lnndo?.* IXVESr.ML> NairobL Christmas In Moro:u^ w mumm Suporh Sier'in-1 51: mm ■ ■ mm ■ ■ ssssssasa- as?-,.," das Scltara. lur.gie. {.ame ctrui. See iliur^’s^fora; SSStaPV Gloucester o«41. our film I—BlAl . 1)» Dawes l l"»n» ir.ed. u-, :o ‘ cremation wiUc.li look place before ■- - M.r.s. 01-L2*? 71Sfr. ATOL 164B. Hoad. SW.b. i7I-~«n 1 -..T5. i CD,i.--lSi!o:.. ■ m ■ m ■ m ■ Cnrislnuis. ll.iLiirtfiert WANTED: MEMORIAL SERVICES UK HOLIDAYS tut: siL'.i 1? . : * m S H- Hon • • m ■■ ■ ■ A SERVICE of 'gratirade for ii,e r,fc —*--- ■ ■■■ ■ ■ Lonn .n. t.s'1 *. : and wni* or Madge BurteriirlU. ALBANY HOTEL, Ccrl^tonCfirfcbtDP Conlras.Card?as. Shrnu. 5, ^T -i.»-.io J.P.. -»L.A.. will bo held .r. lira- S.M.3. ftelcomeswelcomes you. RecorUtrRrconllr ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ungnn Uiurrli. ^ orL. at 11 a.m. morterobrrt.mwlanlad. Nr. WestUcs* London 4AnIt PUZZLE- on Sal.. 3 Fehrnwj-. 1V75. _ T^rnitnalTarumul 01-S7001-7570 6116. , . , irl. OX-7112 *Jl a lions. 41 vo Iioial bookings CLARKE-JERVOISO.—A memorial EAST DEVON. Voturrused MCMnf throtiphm-. ii K. .,i-o a hr cad. ScTied. fli-|li!i 11eait rov/. L'i4. urn Bgrviec! for Major Arthur Francis coltaeo 6 miles rroro sea. T.v. , Id. Ut-7 »4 Q7:’6.&J-1. Travcl- Trans, nuro. 7b Borv.-ici: S*.. 111. ART NOUVEAU AUD m ■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■■■ Bjrvlco for >laJor Arthur Francis cotmeo 6 r.itlss rrom w-TiY; ClarkeJcrroLio.Clartie-JcrroL'iO. O.L., J.P.. nfof elf.vie. Sleep 6 T. Send s.£-p- forfW ■ ra.-o i Dnii.-ich 1 ravel \BTA). 7C-J 7AF-3. ART A >.TnL .V41B —Lad.v ; .1. jg WHITER VILLA HOLS. A'.ijarve iron I JAVEA SPAIN-LuMuy c.)i.. brach Ullihjworth worth Pork.Park. HortidMn.Hortidsan. win h.' _ derails.detslis. Bos *.J. The Tlmra. nm.-.i rngr-'-.ruih u ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ held on TITliurbday. urn. day. JanuojyJanuary vtii. INSTANT flatFLAT London m«t«Jovkri 261 p.p. me. c-ir. Also Spain. Ha-., b bod.*., bio saloon, bal- 01 rv.-. . . MAKERS °.tP. ui-’-Ji Si'Je. ATOL IbiB. comes. 01- >G'> 4.305. |l‘C ’■ G,!!i I : at noon in PortecicuihPortcicuih terms from :-6o s,5r- GREECE. GU.vanii.ed aepartarea. SKi BARGAIN in 'linns*.—Sr.c ft'lPUT ho.il1:> vs rrom 'iVJ. 1 Ski Supertravcl ?d above. diiibll. so vcr.:I 11 m FRiEND.—Tlio Memorial Snrcirr for webcend'skAS'c I^sSnSnA: All i-impi. Irrom- * m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■ Ward Square Clues: ■ Funinxi Pbll'laiy Ifnm *-vi. i 1r>pu:isjl lours lu, >p:5 I 122 bv r.«uro mu’ 1 -i (across and down) A i'OL J TM ■ ft e::quiAil>> In I)-'. ■ FASHION AND BEAUTY >/ ■ ■ ■ pieces >. 'le::-'..-, ■ ■ ^ritl a* SL Peters LdnltS 33 George StrecL Lon- SS"2fcrS?"5!l^wsar^-B m ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■■■ 1. Look it up and ring the FUR SALE. M’JiL Jacket Iraa ■■ DIAMOND JEWELS. Ar SajufifaSK"" "* *tLX£S8S S*2Sk BEL® . CANARY ISLANDS. E-uvno fr-.rr. l.lSJ’i. Rrd rov Jacjx-tx iron. |-rv. nnaj:irt. r... :■ across 4 Sleeping place of ample size doctor. r. ER.;—“i Di’cembcr SOlh. ,--uj .T7E3. Ii'ln'or '.a Trauie.il St:p»hlne. boar, Uii. uUt-ir sugur reductions Dprnihy a,in. aged «7. at 9 nn you NEED a rest, from ihe piid- 1;.-.: :Cd..*’ O.'V j Y'llb iVmgs. Since T.ijZ l.no Iwd- Irani Ki’in Simon, 22 V.v Caver* nadfl.—Piti:?- 1. ’ 1 Yard plant, showy but rather m Mi-climbing (5). 2. Yes, in two languages: Lmui0>ey Court. U’ovbridge. rat-race ? Escape and onioy our rtisi: StrI, XV.T. -O) 6-S4*>. , Surrey, younyosl daughter of -aod food and wine, log-firps Mil f.3 cciiipcnv lor iho 'Janar-.es. Since** V. .1. 6J-" "v . soar (10)- 5 A target in the desert, 3. Add the article and htfivard anrt Airnlc Power, w friendly service. . All oF 2U3 la S Engine noise many cherish Tamerlane’s capital (9). Walton. Cremated December «.4tn. your?, from Friiia.? nLont tram FLAT we're in it Memo rial winicn at St. Mary s SiondRi' - doming >oquiTalent 1 ; CURTAINS FOR VQi (4). 7 Strikes essential for circula¬ Church. Oallaods.. Jam wry. nartort mUMvcuki. fur as mile as ■ broopiU to yj j: : . al 13 hum. il damrwL buna Upas snB Inctusiv* of \ AT anJ iervlce. 9 Heavy falls checked by 12 ? tion (5-5). 4. Spumed when in debit lo Help Tho Agod. Room G.-1-I. H rjf, witJl , prlvato batliroom. ITi? soav ft Srii^ij v . Demiain StrenT. London, ww TM-HoM. Burtord. O'.lord fTel. 1 nudn and f'r--*. b." • (10). 8 Electrifying for bears, in a 5. What cobblers should LET! 1 S-rnri-j iV r- ’r.-i STEPHEN.—The memorial service MOROCCO.—V.Tnlt-r «ilrt. .Ian. and i ar-d RlUfl: ■ I.:;.'' . 10 Wagon seems to get smaller, word ? (10). stick to. ^forH |R'^Sir A.th Mun?vMart ay,O Stephen,SM»i*C? Vi0Jof LIME* TREE HOTEL, Ebnry SlTCM. :n>.'*iQ.,i. Fuuii. .voun-i mlvnf oar- — - CraUpnarioch. Klrmacolm, v/iu &W-.1: J3r- .At TVybhiub ar.j we hear (4-). Victoria Coach Sta!In", is: brei'r- 1 PRE-*U N iVERSITYT^-"- “ 11 Comical, if apt, perhaps; lake place at filaagtrv Catlitfdr.-l L‘--V ANIMALS AND BIRDS 6.15, Tire Cirt.—01-T10 Ti. t cAiXnuiarst. h-ent. 01-467 1 Cka.cr—5.'I J » 12 Artist suggests neck-style for what’s done can’t be undone on Monday, oth January. lVi^,. WIMBLEDON. Neals lar- (4. 8). When you've solved this at 2.1 S p.m. niinvr -arare • Ioj: e.’-.n- i-ti. In'.cji.-vc the cold weather (12). WELCH.—A. Memorial Scrvioa far fl\— r, 2; : & k*: D«2-jom. ISRAEL JsiB®M^oH?i,,67,.C2lVLi»?c 1^‘SH SETTER. Ped.urif* ctt* ready >. e& >:jr. . Jane Welch, who died on the Uin ■ '{*£^41 SL ■wcT.'ail4S ib«»6. no.w. K.G. reg. «-j u-Wj. f.ia-jp M'js >.1 15 First Illuminated member of ^ Trysts on trust (5, 5). Word Square, win £2 by luhTi"'.. lirins rub-i. fill'll •1 - Ol. S- 1ii November. . 1*174. at M aimer. ANNOUNCEMENTS tfc-k-a.'l.:. si'C- room. ■ JJEffl :MNCWOK.. — HrquLdl ___ __ -jzjTj Oy.ors £>■• . ’. the USSR ? (9). sending us an original KenfVrtU be belflat tto Church fo!M*l. -_‘- ■ ii von enjoy fortnuu &; n, dsi Atrltsn Holidays Ltd., | FAMILY BIBLES. cine, perhaps? (5), 16 Tendency to pry about one form of word, number or : MASON Pale, If ysu Uke; sane. oil. y-o ivoneni &l. London. Mr., pre-1-. •■*.■. *” sound complaint (9). ; greu33, if you are pleased by j assrZZSJsP* \tf.i. Ini. W>>. ft*'i»'y Ii’n-. -.a::!..o..-. • ... 18 Stormy as any old lake could picture puzzle is eligible. 'iv:,y>. nirtirp Aopck . r.■•min'd rr.»_ ■ . ^ be (5). 21 Keynote to health ? (5). ; Binning Silver lr Op fries, von 1 ORESK ISLAND CRUISES, villa 1 1 m* TUr,. You get £2 if it is published IN MEMORIAM I , c*nnof miss l,WW“ *“ j Paviioa In Gr^cmo. umi POWER PROBLEMS CAMERA SALE 19 Charge with crime about a 22 Amphibian went mad ■ (4).' *»«* welf-CDEcribcrt adver- Uiwraroiv: vilL rjnra'a in Ciroocn. 1 W» •}- \ . i: in Quiz Digest-oryour m WM IWfBi Cii CUf l'.-,c b nigs: -.Mon.’.al and *rc- . 1 ondan V. .1. •. gold pointer (9). 23 Turkish ruler holds five ° ■'&BrS?a ! THE CLASSIC j economical ner.es of 3 davs nu--iiic.ti iiuildjys. 2 veeiu ireLi I rm fiuur.vcus *j 1 rS1- Small ilnnd. Til si. MartLn'r. GENERATORS FOR INDUSTRY I 11-k oir.i'-ras r 20 Valueless claim in the tax beauties collectively (4). puzzle back. villi a ^th Ires. The aa-.er- iccftiaot-icJ cr >■ <• • return? 12). .a®-1&lhJr!5S“4, diS j CAR EVENT I llser did nut take ihs orH:-n H.r<>L «Sbt: 01--jo “» ALL SETS BRAND %»;w ■nr n.'Uiis r i '< 'VOUlU ha-.D bcM! :tl oe held in W"**-*”? to cancc-l in order to ma*:- eomnletr with nianuiaciurara* ANTIOUE PAINTIM.7.S ' our dianionJ uomJInH- ( ■ , -Thlra al Uw • oefMRHB 1 muranlrp >:iqi ar.c i * 24 Spooner’s drain of an idle Solution of Puzzle No 13.S79 Your puzzles please to: Jackson, mrs. lily ivrantR.— ! i response. He was most i I Hniib arranged, ul- P'-rjie cn'-.»!>£rr. .m- brain from Oxford (4). _ la c-.pr-lovutB mamory ot dcaresi J a* 1 impressed with ifre :,*pi of s*!lm:i ■M'7 .1 Quiz Digest (T/31), r.uLhrr, li-froM? devnted flfo ctosovJ t uoniera . response a;-d !e: 11-0 Hat CDraHAGEN.—ibl-i. v.iWrn.i,. EX STOCK FOR ferin. SI..JV • •: • 50 uad'*-.-my 14 rrare nuo TONY BnUNSKILL, 1 25 A bit of money Simon lacked S5!mV& to an ertreirelv pirossnl 'GENUINE ^ RAMCh ni yj iod.iv.—‘.iruiiaju. 1 Rosnli School, Fleetwood. r:,1Ci,v '--dhi> iit-aUiro.-.'. mm. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY P 7 Abingdon Road, Jow fiffi), T? Crririck Si.. \K.i. S couple.. This ad. worked— «--v i.ite * • ••• «Bkiil ItIa.IfH? 1 ..gLgg*_i ONE V°-L 5^1 Br.. I qrs at l:7VJ. I »|.i ; 26 Slave of the soil—or foam, 0 Kensington, WEEK SK11NG In ..!ai'rhoi>-n I tiflyll iHp —--* n»n only '-37. lnrluv.vc of “or- ! 5KVA-680KVA REPRODUCJIOM London W86AH. c.uflB. rimlt.s rrom 'Jalwirh !t!eWu' turner, ’’•rodtock JOHN—I-—I FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS ♦•eld &iij. 1 >c King J ?:ur-'i. ,ro:n Jan. u to l X-sTbo. ix 27 Head-sbrinking to make us E 5Ew£5llJi5£wf5 i5iipd m rtying. uccl«l«;ni_.NBjv Only from Intiunnis. Uii« COMMERCE IlfTEBNATIGKAL INC. m$ Ma VHtra Dsv If71. agad 24. fn .— 1 ' I JUNGLE JIM }'-• - r _,stay chirpy (IQ). I&BsIeIcMISrxiMiEtlffiH ;iwi d! U. tn t rem London. ■m for puzzle addicts Lh-tra art today”. 45-J’/45-IV EdnaEdaoware ware RoaARoad. U'.2.VA tc ji month h. ^ n. uoni TOlcx S3S39S rm WEALS.—ill loving memory or UlJIUS S277 if you want this soil of j (coaiinodd oo pa: 1 SSUft^Iliao-siSJ1',s a necca- M Ul-'tUS cCT? Iv Ejp of aUages §^I sf?!5! 12 Kenste^onatgr*Kensington Church St.. W.8. mty for some travellers (4) -■gmvWBia success- i NI?f^.^.r-^9NCS. - SUR-MCR- (eIl 01-957 0767 j| IE. Hi First monthly issue out hf-iaifi Wl^L.memoryI ^rorU £^S»,our dner0 Mother,>?„Po.'?V, 5Ean PUGH ft CARR. KNIGKTSBRUIGE. * mm* °r ** illllf florlstr? far all nccaiSona. 1181 T) NCHSPAPEDb nils her birthday. •* Uniu Uie i-v-H.!*•«.: 1 uij u ocopm1, le.cphonr' ^ LIMITED. I'JTt 3 Made Army signs ? (12). KiUghtsbrldne. &33 82S&- 2b' day break ".—Will. Betty, hfary. Glaucrsltir Rd.. S.W.7. 3S4 7181. | + rkunno L:dJ" cssen;!,!. ti-r-iir ■—Bui ckso il, me-nmes. paper'd U10 poji u

U* ij 0