Braunschweig | Celle | Göttingen | | Hameln Hannover | Hildesheim | Lüneburg | Wolfenbüttel + The Autostadt in Wolfsburg | + Hannover Airport www.9cities.de Wonderful Experiences

History, modern life and a unique ambience – the 9 cities + 2 offer a fantastic choice of combinations for a programme of great variety. Find many ideas for attractive activities in our brochure of offers. Whether you‘re interested in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites of Goslar and Hildesheim, the Guelph family and half-timbered houses in Celle and Wolfenbüttel, baroque landscape art in Hannover, the Hansa 2020in Lüneburg, fairytales and legends in Hameln and Göttingen or in Braunschweig, each city will inspire you with its very own special charm. Living history, colourful events, high-class cultural experiences or the exuberance of shopping pleasures – find all of these on your visit to the 9 Cities + 2. TIP | Pay a visit to Autostadt Wolfsburg, VW’s automotive exhibition complex, to explore technology and innovation, the future of mobility and the history of the motor car. 2020 Braunschweig p. 4-5

Celle p. 6-7 Hannover Airport, which forms the re- gion’s central point of arrival, and good

connections by rail and motorway en- Göttingen p. 8-9 able you to get there quickly and conve- niently from any direction. Goslar p. 10-11

Hameln p. 12-13

Hannover p. 14-15

Hildesheim p. 16-17 Distance in km BraunschweigCelle GöttingenGoslar Hameln HannoverHildesheimLüneburgWolfenbüttelWolfsburg Lüneburg p. 18-19 Termine 2019: Braunschweig: 27.11.-29.12.19 Braunschweig 60 105Celle: 28.11. – 29.12.1955 95 60 45 115 15 35 Göttingen: 25.11. – 29.12.19 Goslar: 27.11. – 30.12.19 Hameln: 27.11. – 3012.19 Celle 60 150Hannover: 25.11.105 – 22.12.19 100 40 60 85 70 65 Hildesheim: 25.11. – 29.12.19 Lüneburg: 27.11. – 23.12.19 Wolfenbüttel: 26.11. – 23.12.19 Wolfenbüttel p. 20-21 Göttingen 105 150 Autostadt: – 05.01.20 120 120 90 240 100 140 (Änderungen vorbehalten) Traditionelle Weihnachtsstimmung in einer der schönsten Weihnachtsmarktregionen Deutschlands

Goslar 55 Bei einem105 Besuch der Weihnachtsmärkte70 in den 9 Städten und der 100 90 60 170 40 75 Autostadt in Wolfsburg erleben die Gäste stilvolle Angebote im Hildes- stimmungsvollen Ambiente. Jeder Markt besticht durch seinen eige- nen, ganz besonderen Charme. Abwechslungsreich ist das festliche heim Programm und die Städte sind ideal gelegen für eine vorweihnacht- + Hameln 95 liche Rundreise100 durch eine der schönsten120 Weihnachtsmarktregionen100 50 50 170 100 135 The Autostadt in Wolfsburg p. 22-23 Deutschlands. Das Herz des Hildesheimer Weih- nachtsmarktes schlägt auf dem Lüneburg Wo historischen Marktplatz. Hier sor- Wolfen- gen die wunderschönen Fach- Weihnachtsmärkte werkfassaden und der Duž von Leuchtende Giebel, reizvolle Weih- Kontakt: büttel Hannover 60 40 120 90 frischem Lebkuchen50 und Glühwein 30 nachtsmärkte,120 prachtvoll in Sze-75 85 Die Autostadt in 9 Städte +2 für eine ganz besondere vorweih- Pumpernickel probieren ne gesetzte Kirchen, eine Vielzahl bezaubern... Niedersachsen an Sehenswürdigkeiten und Be- • Erlebnisstadtführung „Giebel in Niedersachsen nachtliche Stimmung. Auch auf • weihnachtliche Souvenirs, Prä- Eingebettet in das bezaubernde Lüneburg sonderheiten wie dem Wichern- im Licht“ samt Heißgetränk Hannover Marketing dem Platz An der Lilie laden fest- sente u. Geschenkgutscheine Ambiente des historischen Stadt- Wolfsburg A7 Celle lich geschmückte Stände zum in der tourist-information Adventskranz und nicht zuletzt auf dem Wasserturm & Tourismus GmbH die vielfältigen Einkaufsmöglich- marktes ist ein Besuch des Wol- Vahrenwalder Str. 7  Autostadt inWolfsburg Bummeln ein. • historischer Christmarkt in fenbütteler Weihnachtsmarktes p. 24-25 Hildesheim 45 60 90A2 60 50 30 keiten150 und das abwechslungsrei- 50 80 In der Autostadt in Wolfsburg Hannover der Altstadt (07.+08.12.2019) D-30165 Hannover Weihnachtliches Arrangement immer ein Erlebnis. An den Wo- • eine Jägermeister-Tour buchen: che Gastronomieangebot garan- erleben Sie das › ema Mobilität Tour suggestions Tel. +49 511 1684974 6 A39 Braunschweig 9 Tipps • 1 Übernachtung inkl. Frühstück chenenden ö™ nen in der Nähe 2.12., 9.12. + 16.12. Hildesheim tieren Ihnen einen lohnenswerten in all seinen Facetten. Bestau- Wolfenbüttel Weihnachtliches Arrangement des Marktes zusätzlich 6 verwun- [email protected] Hameln • Weihnachtspostamt auf dem • Glühwein auf dem Weihnachts- Besuch der Weihnachtsstadt Lü- • Abendbummel mit dem Nacht- nen Sie funkelnde Oldtimer im A395 schene › emenhöfe ihre Pforten. Ihr perfekter Tag! Weihnachtsmarkt markt neburg. • Eintritt & Führung im histori- wächter am 5. Dezember markenübergreifenden Automo- DK Goslar schen Rathaus Tauchen Sie ein in märchenhaž e bilmuseum ZeitHaus, lassen Sie Lüneburg 115 85 240 170 • Stadtführungen170 durch das 120• weihnachtliches Souvenir150 130 110 Welten, erleben Sie historische IMPRESSUM Herausgeber: 9 Städte + 2 in Niedersachsen, Hannover Marketing & weihnachtliche Hildesheim 9 Tipps • Glühwein und Bratwurst auf Weihnachtliches Arrangement sich von spannenden Fahrerleb- Tourismus GmbH, HRG Abt. B Nr. 59223, V.i.S.d.P. Hans ChristianGöttingen Nolte | Redak- • Info-Mappe zur Weihnachtszeit Weihnachten oder genießen Sie nissen begeistern oder blicken • Weihnachtsmarkt vor dem dem Weihnachtsmarkt vor Die romantische Altstadt, kul- tion: Petra Sievers | Fotos: Weihnachtsmarkt Hildesheim / Fotolia, Lüneburg Marke- • Kostümführung „Nikolausfüh- in Hildesheim winterliche Hofatmosphäre. Sie in interaktiven Ausstellungen ting GmbH / Stefan Schiefer, Autostadt GmbH / Mathias Letzke, Göttingen Tourismus rung“ am 6.12.2019 um 19 Uhr Rathaus mit täglicher Musik dem Rathaus turelle Angebote und ein bezau- Preis: ab 57,00 € p. P. auf die Mobilität der Zukunž . e.V., Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH, Marek Kruszewski, BSM, Daniel Möller; • original Lüneburger Weih- bernder Weihnachtsmarkt be- • „Designachten“ am 30.11./ Gültig vom 25.11.-29.12.2019 • Weihnachtsmarkt vor der 9 Tipps Celle Tourismus und Marketing GmbH; Göttingen Tourismus e.V.; GOSLAR Marke- St. Johanniskirche und am nachtsbecher scheren Ihnen ein stimmungs- ting GmbH Michael Abid, Stefan Schiefer; Hameln Marketing & Tourismus GmbH, 1.12.2019 in der Rathaushalle In der kalten Jahreszeit ver- Wolfenbüttel 15 70 105 40 100 www.hildesheim.de/pauschalen75 50 Alten Kran130 45 • Führung „Wolfenbütteler volles Adventswochenende in Spotllights / Musicals; Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH /Lars Gerhardts, • kunsthandwerkliche Weih- Preis: 10,90 € wandelt sich der automobile Erleben Sie die winterliche www.hildesheimer-weihnachts- Weihnachtsmarkt“ inkl. Ver- der Lessingstadt Wolfenbüttel: Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover; Van der Valk Hotel, Hildesheim Marketing GmbH / Dirk nachtsausstellung 7./8./ • kleine Weihnachtsmärkte in (buchbar täglich, außer montags, zehrgutschein › emenpark in eine einzigarti- Autostadt Bastert; Van der Valk Hotel, Hildesheim Marketing GmbH; Lüneburg Marketing markt.de historischen Innenhöfen vom 27.11. bis 23.12.2019) • 2 Ü/F in ausgewählten Hotels ge Winterlandschaž . Tausende GmbH / Mathias Schneider; Stadt Wolfenbüttel Christian Bierwagen, Stefanie Angel; 15.12.2019 in der Rathaushalle • an den Wochenenden • 1 Übernachtung im 3- oder Autostadt GmbH, LMG/Mathias Schneider, Stadt Wolfenbüttel Christian Bierwagen; • illuminierte historische • 1 echt-lessig-Karte Lichter funkeln in den Bäumen 4-Sterne-Hotel inkl. Frühstück • Advents- u. Weihnachtsmusik www.weihnachtsstadt-lueneburg.de 6 weihnachtliche Innenhöfe in und die vier Schornsteine des Stadt Wolfenbüttel/Christian Bierwagen | Layout: Blue Werbeagentur Löhne/Hannover Kirchen • weihnachtliche Stadtführung in den romanischen Kirchen Besucherzentrum Welterbe Hil- der Altstadt entdecken historischen Volkswagen Kra� - • 2-Tageseintritt in die Autostadt Wolfsburg 35Es gelten die AGB der jeweiligen65 Tourismusorganisationen140 | Änderungen vorbehalten | 75 135 85 80 110 45 mit Verzehrgutscheinen Tips og Stand September 2019 • festlich beleuchtetes Welterbe- desheim & tourist-information • Märchenmeile in der gesam- • tägliches Familienprogramm Werks werden zu Kerzen eines in Wolfsburg (inkl. Besuch band zu den UNESCO-Kir- Rathausstr. 20 (Tempelhaus) ten Innenstadt auf der Bühne • weihnachtliches Präsent riesigen Adventskranzes. der Winterinszenierung) informationer chen St. Michaelis und Dom D-31134 Hildesheim • Europas größter Advents- Preis: ab 111,50 € p. P. im DZ • Übersichtsführung durch die Tel.: +49 5121 17 98-0 Tourist-Information der • Weihnachtsmarkt im Residenz- • weihnachtliche Hildesheimer kranz: der Wichernkranz auf Lüneburg Marketing GmbH schloss besuchen 29.11.-01.12. Anreise freitags 29.11.-20.12.2019 In der 28 Hektar großen Par- Autostadt (ca. 60 Min.) tourist-info@hildesheim- dem Wasserturm klandschaž lockt ein großer Preis: ab 97,50 € p.P. im DZ marketing.de | www.hildes- Rathaus/Am Markt • auf den Advents-Kunsthand- • Advent, Advent, ein Lichtlein Wintermarkt, auf dem Sie ausge- Gültig vom 29.11.2019 - heim.de/tourismus D-21335 Lüneburg werkermärkten von Fr-Sa Lessingstadt Wolfenbüttel Braunschweig | Celle | Göttingen | Goslar | Hameln brennt: Stadtführung für Tel.: +49 4131 20766-20 fallene Geschenkideen und ku- 05.01.2020 (außer 24. + 31.12.) stöbern Tourist-Information linarische Spezialitäten § nden. Gruppen [email protected] Hannover | Hildesheim | Lüneburg | • bedeutende Kirchen besichtigen Stadtmarkt 7A Auf einer riesigen Eislau¨ ahn www.lueneburg.info können Sie auf Schlittschuhen + Die Autostadt in Wolfsburg | + Hannover Airport • Herzog August Bibliothek & D-38300 Wolfenbüttel Autostadt GmbH Wolfenbüttel Lessinghaus nicht vergessen Tel.: +49 5331 86280 Ihre Runden drehen und die Stadtbrücke [email protected] jüngsten Besucher erwartet win- www.9staedte.de terlicher Spielspaß. D-38440 Wolfsburg www.lessingstadt- Tel. 0800 1946 000 wolfenbuettel.de [email protected] www.autostadt.de Ihr Tor zu den 9 Städten

Braunschweig | Celle | Göttingen | Goslar | Hameln | Hannover | Hildesheim | Lüneburg | Wolfenbüttel IMPRINT Publisher: 9 cites + 2 in Lower Sayony | Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH | Vahrenwalder Str. 7 | D-30165 Hannover +Autostadt in Wolfsburg | +Hannover Airport HRG Abt. B Nr. 59223 | Hannover | [email protected] | www.9cities.de

Braunschweig | Celle | Göttingen | Goslar | Hameln Editor: Petra Sievers | V.i.p.P.: Hans Christian Nolte | Layout: Blue Werbeagentur GmbH | Print: BWH GmbH Hannover | Hildesheim | Lüneburg | + Autostadt in Wolfsburg Wolfenbüttel Circulation: 2,000 copies | No liability can be accepted for hypographical or other errors. Subject to alternation | Status September 2019 | +Hannover Airport Enquire about our offers for your individual 9 cities + 2 programme. We are at

www.9cities.de your service! It will be a pleasure to send further information and brochures. Photos: Cover picture: Hildesheim Marketing / Dagmar Schwelle / p. 2-3 GOSLAR marketing GmbH / Michael Abid, Göttingen Tourismus e.V./Lars Gerhardts, Hameln Marketing und Bykort Tourismus GmbH, Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH / Marek Kruszewski ; p. 4, 5 Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/Daniel Möller, BSM/Steffen und Bach, BSM/Marek Kruszweski, 9 cities + 2 in Lower Saxony BSM/ Frank Sperling; p. 6-7 Celle Tourismus und Marketing GmbH, p. 8-9 Göttingen Tourismus e.V., p. 10-11 GOSLAR marketing GmbH, Andre Gleisberg, Stefan Schiefer p. 12-13 Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH, p. 14-15 Hannover Marketing und Tourismus GmbH / Lars Gerhardts, Hans Zaglitsch, Malte Reiter, Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover; p. 16-17 Hildesheim Marke- Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH ting GmbH Clemens Heidrich, BPH Nina Funk, Florian Monheim, Christian Bierwagen p. 18-19 Lüneburg Marketing GmbH, LMG, Mathias Schneider, Jan Rasmus Lippels p. 20-21Stadt Vahrenwalder Str. 7 | D-30165 Hannover | Tel.: +49 511 16849746 Wolfenbüttel, Christian Bierwagen; p. 22-23 Autostadt GmbH Nils Hendrik Müller, Marc-Oliver Schulz, Ralph Larmann; p. 24 Lüneburg marketing GmbH, Verena Fiedeler, Celle Marketing [email protected] | www.9cities.de und Tourismus GmbH; p. 25 HMTG / Stefan Knaak, Hildesheim Marketing GmbH; p. 26 Autostadt GmbH, Stadt Wolfenbüttel / Christian Bierwagen, Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH/ Markus Hörster, GOSLAR marketing gmbh, Stefan Schiefer, Göttingen Tourismus e.V. 2 | 5 Braunschweig Braunschweig With around 250,000 inhabitants, Braunschweig is the largest city between Berlin and Hannover. Up to the pre- sent day, many historic buildings and entire streets bear witness of the significance of Braunschweig as a Hanse- atic city and the residence of the Guelphs. Find a great variety of attractive shopping opportunities, restaurants and pubs and theatres and cultural venues. With the Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum the Lion City is the home of one of the 20 most important art museums in , exquisite stocks and renowned masters as Rubens and Rembrandt including. Parks generously spread around the city centre, and especially the river , contribute to the Lion City‘s atmosphere and offer many ways to spend your leisure time. Guests can get a complete experi- ence of Braunschweig‘s many facets from the broad range of historic and themed guided tours of the city, both on land and on water.

 Braunschweig leuchtet – In Light Trail 2020  Braunschweig – Between Hanseatic Parking for coaches League and high technology 16 illuminations by international artists Traveller drop-offs and pick-ups take around the clock, right in the heart of  Braunschweig International Film Discover in the course of this walk along place at Hagenmarkt, or in Münzstraße the city. Experience the enchantment of Festival | 3 - 8 November 2020 former trade routes, which stretch across during the Christmas market (direct ac- the Lion City in full glow: those visiting cess to market and pedestrian zone). The vents Every year the visitors gather to be swept the city, as Braunschweig has developed Braunschweig while the Light Trail is on free-of-charge waiting position for tour  2020off their feet, to worlds unknown. The from a Hanseatic city to a modern city Braunschweiger Carnival „Schoduvel“ can discover not just the city, but also buses is at Europaplatz (close to Altstadt- 23 February 2020 focus is on young European cinema, of shopping and science with a vibrant 16 public light-based artworks. The light markt and Kohlmarkt, only 5 minutes always at a high level and with promising cultural scene. With a length of more than 6.5 kilometres, installations developed specially for the walking distance to the City Center). about 6,000 participants and more than artists. Length: ca. 2 hours Light Trail by renowned artists bring Price: € 90 (for groups up to 30 p.) 200,000 spectators the „Schoduvel“ is the  Braunschweig Christmas Market the River Oker and its surroundings in Sales Information biggest carnival parade in all of northern 25 November - 29 December 2020 the city centre into full glow around the • Travel Guide Braunschweig 2020 – Germany. The parade lasts for about four  Guided Tour of Richmond Palace clock. An evening raft trip offers visitors The Christmas Market has a tradition Information and offers for group and hours. Carnival sweets en masse are scat- Duchess Auguste, wife of Duke Karl the opportunity to enjoy an atmospheric of more than 500 years and is conside- individual travel (German, English) tered from the carnival trucks. Wilhelm Ferdinand and sister of English twilight view of the proceedings. You red one of the most beautiful in all of • Guided Tours 2020 King George III, had this classicistic can find other tips and ideas for your  German Athletics Championships northern Germany. • Places of interest in Braunschweig little palace with elements of late baro- visit to Braunschweig in the MERIAN 6 - 7 June 2020 Around 150 artisans, craftspeople and (German, English) que built for her above Braunschweig‘s travel magazine. market vendors invite to stroll and enjoy • City map High-jump, javelin and running: in the impressive ambience of the market Okeraue (Oker Meadow) in 1768/69. In • 1 or 2 nights incl. breakfast 2020, Germany’s top athletes will head • Map of the river Oker in the ensemble around the the St. Blasii memory of where she grew up in Eng- • 1 rafting tour along the artworks to Braunschweig to battle it out for the cathedral. land, she named this favourite palace of German champions title and a place in hers Richmond. • 1 MERIAN Braunschweig culture and the Olympic qualifiers. www.braunschweig.de/events travel magazine per room Length: 1 hour Price: € 80 (for groups up to 25 p.) Price: from € 89 p.p. in a double room  Light Trail | 13 June - 9 October 2020 valid for groups from 10 persons 16 international artists in a glistening city – in 2020, the Light Trail will pre- More program modules in addition sent illuminated art to the public along to all arrangements are available on the River Oker. request: e.g. rafting tour „The Oker- stadt from the water“, Guided Tour with  Castle Square Open Air “Madama the night watchman, City tour in the Butterfly“ | 27 June - 15 July 2020  Historic tram, visit of the Herzog Anton  Sightseeing stroll through the Getting to know Braunschweig Music enjoyment will be staged in a Ulrich Museum and much more unique historic setting, surrounded Lion City Discover the eventful history of the by the Cathedral St. Blasii and Dank- Stroll through medieval alleyways Lion City and its cultural and economic warderode Castle. Each year the State and discover the traces of Hanseatic importance. Wander on the historic Theatre Braunschweig shows an Open merchants and the Guelphs who have traces of the Hanseatic merchants and the Air performance in the arena around the shaped Braunschweig for centuries. Guelphs who have shaped Braunschweig Castle Lion. for centuries. Very close by, the river Oker Length: 1,5 hours is flanked by parks and is the perfect place Price: € 80 (for groups up to 25 p.)  Festival Theaterformen to relax surrounded by nature. 2 - 12 July 2020 • 1 or 2 nights incl. breakfast The Festival Theaterformen celebrates its • Sightseeing stroll through the Lion City 30th anniversary and showcases the diver- • 1 MERIAN Braunschweig culture and Braunschweig Stadtmarketing GmbH | Touristinfo sity of contemporary theatre from all travel magazine per room Kleine Burg 14 | D-38100 Braunschweig over the world. Price: from € 75 p. p. in a double room Tel.: +49 531 470 20 40 | Fax: +49 531 470 20 44 valid for groups from 10 persons E-Mail: [email protected] www.braunschweig.de/ traveloffers 4 | 5 CelleCelle With the biggest unified collection of half-timbered houses in Europe, a picturesque Guelph palace with the Castle Theatre as well as various classical and modern museums, Celle is without doubt the highlight of any trip to Lüneburg Heath. Celle also surprises visitors with its Bauhaus architecture and light art as well as being a great place to shop thanks to its variety of shops, restaurants and accommodation, making the compact town perfect for people of all ages.

 Celle in One Day In  Bauhaus Architecture Length: approx. 6 hours (10 am - 4 pm)  Celle Stallion parades with From Italienischer Garten to the Included in the price: Parking for coaches summer pleasure ‘Glass School’ • Guided tour of Celle Passengers can board and alight at Palace 21 - 23 August 2020 Discover Neues Bauen in the Bauhau • Lunch in a local restaurant Square. Parking spaces available free of 2020Stallions decked out in their finest style in Celle with a thematic guided tour. (one-course meal) charge at Schützenplatz (Hafenstraße), 10 regalia and riders in historical uniforms Less well-known, however, is that Celle is • Tour of Ducal Palace minutes‘ walk to the old town. Additional show what they can do at the stud‘s effectively the birthplace of ‘Neues Bauen’ Price: € 25.50 per person parking at Langensalzaplatz and Wittin- vents parade ground. On top of that, there is (‘New Objectivity’ – modern functional daily except Monday* ger Straße (Heilpflanzengarten – medi- a diverse exhibition devoted to lifestyle building design) and with regard to Bau- cinal plant garden).  Winter magic with ice rink themes, gardens, fashion, hunting, dogs haus architecture ranks in the same le- in front of the Celle Palace and, of course, horses, horses, horses.  Celle Christmas Market and Sales Information until 12 January 2020 ague as the towns of Weimar and Dessau. Baked Apples • Celle: The charming Ducal Town Length: 1,5 hours  Celle Christmas market Length: approx. 6 hours (10 am - 4 pm) Arrangements for groups  Celle Winter Dreams with Winter Magic 21 February - 1 March 2020 Price: groups up to 25 pers.: € 90 Included in the price: (Languages D+GB) 26 November - 27 December 2020 Extra charge for foreign languages € 15 • Guided tour of Celle Light, poem and art in the French • City charts with sights and tour route Pyramid, small forest with arts-and- Languages: German, English • Voucher for a glass of mulled wine at Garden in the following languages: German, craft stalls in front of the town church. Christmas market English, Danish, Dutch, Swedish Trombone choir, „speaking lanterns“ • Dish of baked apples served at a local  Celler Wasa-Lauf  Guided tour of the Palace and the bright christmas lights in the old café 8 March 2020 town with more than 450 half-timbered including a visit to the palace kitchens, the Price: € 17.50 per person* houses delighting everybodys heart. Protestant palace chapel in renaissance style  Honky Tonk Festival and the residential museum. 5 April 2020 (Subject to change)  Experience and enjoy Celle Length: approx. 1 hours Morgning  Summer Theatre in the Palace Price: from € 9 per person Costume city tour Courtyard | Starts 5 June 2020 Extra charge for foreign Irmingard, the Night Watchman’s Wife Shakespeare in Love stage production languages € 15 per group or The First Market Woman at Court. based on the screenplay by Marc Nor- Languages: English, Dutch, French, Length: 1,5 hours man and Tom Stoppard Swedish, Danish, Russian Lunchtime Our highly qualified tour guides are on Celle specialty platter at Ratskeller  Rowing against cancer For further information about the wide 11 July 2020 hand to highlight the charm of a modern restaurant: Heidschnucke ragout in vol- town in a historical setting. They will tell range of experiences tours of town and au-vents, Celle “gekochte” sausages, Celle you about the region and its inhabitants palace please visit: raw roulade, salmon roulade with seven  Celle Wine Market www.celle.travel/guide-town-tours 29 July - 2 August 2020 and show you all the secret nooks and Celle herbs, slices of home-smoked duck crannies of the town. and a seasonal specialty (e.g. asparagus Fine wines are served with selected salad). Served with roasted “Heidekartof- specialities. Visitors can relax and feln” potatoes. savour this experience in an exclusive  Guided tour of the ducal town ambience to the accompaniment of Celle Afternoon jazz, piano and folk music. Length: 1,5 hours Tour of the Celle medicinal plants garden. Price: groups up to 25 pers.: € 75 Length approx. 1 hour, ending with Extra charge for foreign coffee and cake at Café KräuThaer. languages € 15 We can offer a selection of one-day pro- grammes for tour groups with their own Price: 32.50 € per person* Celle Tourismus und Marketing GmbH Languages: German, English, Dutch, coach. Markt 14-16 | D-29221 Celle French, Italian, Russian, Swedish and *Minimum 20 people Tel.: +49 5141 909080 Danish [email protected] | www.celle.travel 6 | 57 Göttingen

In 2020 Göttingen is once again a tourist destination that is well worth a visit. Outstanding, wor- ld-class cultural events und special offers invite you to head off on a tour of discovery. Or combine an exciting city break in Göttingen with day trips into the varied countryside of the hilly Weserberg- land or the mountains. Alternatively, you can end the year on a high at its traditional Christ- mas market. See below for our range of offers: you are bound to find something that will suit.

 Weserbergland Mountains Tour In The region of Weserbergland with its nu-  Christmas market merous sights can be found to the west of Parking for coaches 23 November - 29 December 2020 Göttingen. On this outing you can choose • Passengers can board and alight at: More than 80 festively decorated stalls to visit the town Hann. Münden, which is Berliner Straße/station (approx. 5 min. vents Day programmes located on the confluence of three rivers, 2020around the old town hall and the St. from the town centre). Coaches are also for groups from 15 persons  International Handel festival Johannis Church spreading the the monastery Kloster Bursfelde and the exceptionally allowed to use the Busring 20 May - 1 June 2020 Fürstenberg porcelain manufactory. Alter- system and to let passengers out behind prechristmas atmosphere.  Discover Göttingen natively, you can relax on a trip down the Old Town Hall / Market (Markt) Germany‘s oldest festival of Handel‘s • Guided tour “Around the Gänseliesel“ bus stop. works invites you to attend outstanding • Lunch or coffee & cake the river ! musical performances. • City present, Info Folder • Coach parking: Price: from € 18/€ 13 p.p.  Trip to the Harz  Night of Culture | 13 June 2020 ZOB (Central bus station)/ Available the whole year round. A panoramic excursion to the legendary Culture taking place at venues all over Berliner Straße (approx. 5 minutes‘ world of the mountains and forests of walk from the town centre), the city, including an open-air concert by the Harz National Park. Other stopping  Culinary Göttingen Schützenplatz/Schützenanger the Göttingen Symphony Orchestra.  Around Gänseliesel points are the Ockertalsperre dam and • Guided Tour of the City „Get a Taste of (approx. 15 minutes‘ walk from the Discover Göttingen‘s historical town the mining towns of St. Andreasberg and  Göttingen Summer of culture Göttingen“ – culinary proverbs town entre). centre and its sights and learn about the Clausthal-Zellerfeld. July to August 2020 • Variety of sausage on a platter history of this university town. Outstanding concerts, readings and (Wurstplatte) Sales Information Price: € 65 (groups of up to 25 persons) Prices for all tours: festivals in many different venues. Price: from € 19 p.p. • Journey Planner: accommodation in Professional tour guide, half-day excur- Available the whole year round. hotels, guesthouses and holiday  Open Air KWP | 21 + 22 August 2020 sion 4 hours: € 120 (in German) and €  On the trail of the brothers Grimm homes in the city and region of Stars of international, national and 152 (other languages), full-day excursion The stations of work and life of the  Göttingen in the Christmas Season Göttingen, Package Arrangements regional fame perform in Kaiser- famous fairy tale brothers Jacob and / 8 hours € 240 (in German) and € 304 • Guided Tour „Around the Gänseliesel“ • Guided City Tours: tour brochure Wilhelm-Park. Wilhelm Grimm are in the focus of this (other languages), admission extra, coa- • Lunch or coffee & cake • Göttingen – City of Science: handy city tour on foot. Places to be visited are their ches available on request.  Soundcheck New Pop Festival • Glühwein (mulled wine) or soft drink brochure (with map of town centre) residences and places of work during 17 - 19 September 2020 • Original Göttingen Christmas Glass their tenure as librarians and professors at • Impressions: image brochure for The festival is dedicated to international Göttingen University. Price: from € 18/€ 13 p.p. Package arrangements Göttingen and German pop newcomers.Up-and- Available: 23 Nov to 29 Dec, 2020 • Tour of Göttingen – discover the coming performers and future stars play Price: € 75 (groups of up to 25 persons) Discover Göttingen old town the city‘s stages. • 1 night‘s accommodation with breakfast  Brine, Salt and Evaporating Pans Day trips for groups • Welcome drink  Gänselieselfest festival Saline Luisenhall in the district of Grone • Guided tour “Around Gänseliesel“ 27 September 2020  Brothers Grimm and Wilhelm is Europe‘s only salt works to still follow • Lunch or evening meal Busch Tour Stadtfest rund um das Göttinger the traditional technique of obtaining salt • Postcards and ballpoint pen of Göttingen Wahrzeichen, mit verkaufsoffenem from natural brine. The tour of this site, The day begins with a guided tour through • Info folder Sonntag. which is a listed building, explains the Göttingen. The many traces left by the Price: from € 63 p.p. sharing a double history and production process used here. brothers Grimm can be found right across room | Available: April to October  Göttinger Literaturherbst the historic city centre. Afterwards, the trip October 2020 Price: € 85 (groups of up to 20 persons) is continued to nearby Ebergötzen. In the Other themed accommodation packages: Readings by authors, some of whom are old mill where Wilhelm Busch lived in his Extra charge for foreign languages. “Stroll and Savour“, “Back to Student Life“, world-famous: a must for lovers of Ger- youth, the pranks of his characters Max Further tours, such as guided tours in “The Magic of Christmas“ and “Fairy Tourist-Information Göttingen man and international literature. and Moritz come to life. period costume or round trips, available Tales and Mills“ available on request. Altes Rathaus/Markt 9 | D-37073 Göttingen upon request Tel.: +49 551 4 99 80-0 | Fax: +49 551 4 99 80-10 E-Mail: [email protected] www.goettingen-tourismus.de 8 | 59 GoslarGoslar Goslar, the city in which emperors once felt at home in days gone by is a fascinating tourist destination in this day and age. The town in fact looks little different today, characterised by its colourful timberframe buildings, narrow little cobbled streets and interesting architecture from all ages. UNESCO has paid tribute to the unique beauty of Goslar‘s old town, to the Rammels- beg ore mine as a 1000-yearold industrial monument and to the so-called Upper Harz Water Management System as a natural energy supply system by jointly awarding them the status of a World Cultural Heritage site.

In  Imperial market | October 2020 Amidst the historic city centre tempts you Parking for coaches to go for a stroll, taste delicious foods and Offers for groups 17 spaces for coaches are available at the vents2020gaze at the surprising spectacle. Kaiserpfalz car park. After visiting the  Tradition and the Art of brewing  Walpurgis | 30 April 2020 imperial palace, tourists can walk to the  Christmas Market & Christmas Forest The history of beer brewing in Goslar. market square in just 5 minutes. A typical festival of the Harz region is the 25 November - 30 December 2020 Amusing, informative and exciting, all annual Walpurgis event. Experience the wrapped together in a pleasurable Other coach parking can be found at the night before May Day. Find pleasure in the season of contempla- tion at the Christmas Market & large Osterfeld car park on the edge of the package by our city guides and a Gose old town. The old town is around 10 to 15  World Heritage Day | 7 June 2020 Christmas Forest of the dream-like brewer who produces the ancient type of scenery of the old city centre. minutes‘ walk from there. in Goslar, at the ore mine of Rammels- beer called „Gose“ according to traditio- nal techniques. The imperial city is one of berg and the Oberharzer Wasserwirt- Sales Information schaft (Upper Harz Water Management) the few in Germany to have its own brand

Churches, museums and other historic of beer, the Goslar Gose. A beer specialiy • Goslar “Experiences“ buildings of the city open their doors. brewed to a historical recipe, which in- The Goslar „Experiences“ brochure cont- cludes coriander and salt, in a traditional ains all details about the sights, museums, churches and many other attractions in the  Marksmen‘s Festival and Fun Fair craft process. 3 - 12 July 2020 historical town of Goslar, as well as infor- Prices on request mation about activities in the countryside, 10 days of fun,action and adrenaline for  A Thousand Steps through the the district of Hahnenklee (Upper Harz) people of every age, with exciting rides, Old Town  Wöltingerode Monastery – and tips for excursions in the locality. Bavarian festival hall, fireworks and much Experience a guided city tour through Tasting tour of the distillery more. the historical city centre. Succumb to the • Offers for groups quaint charm of half-timbered houses Learn about the centuries-old distilling tradition at the monastery during a tasting This info folder offers a wide range of  Handicrafts Market and imperial buildings at the heart of the tour, and visit the traditional distillery and guided tours (some 20 themed tours), inte- 1 - 2 August 2020 UNESCO World Heritage site. the minster. Your tour guide at the monas- resting one-day programmes and st Around 150 artisans display their creative Throughout the year, 10 a.m. (except 1 tery will explain how distillates and liqueurs escorted coach trips, tips for eating out and work. January) | length 2 hrs are created from homegrown grains of whe- a whole lot more for attractive group tours. Meeting point: Tourist Information at the at and water. This is followed by a tasting  Music Festival Goslar/Harz Market Place of a selection of ten spirits (included in the • Gastronomy Tips: 14 August - 6 September 2020 Price on request price). Duration: 1 hour „Gemütliche Gastlichkeit“ Top-class world stars of classical music The Imperial City‘s Culinary Treasures Prices on request perform at specially selected locations  An Afternoon Walk The Goslar Gastronomy Tips are a good companion to all those who want to ex- such as the magnificent Imperial Palace. Explore the historical Old Town on a plore the city‘s culinary attractions. guided tour. Discover picturesque lanes  Old Town Festival lined with charming half-timbered 11 - 13 September 2020 houses or imposing buildings on a stroll Status July 2019 | Subject to change Enjoy live music on numerous stages in through the UNESCO World Heritage Tourist-Information der GOSLAR marketing gmbh the old city centre. site. Markt 7 | D-38640 Goslar Tel.: +49 53 21 780 60 | Fax: +49 53 21 780 644 April to October and December E-Mail: [email protected] Mon – Sat 13.30 p.m. | length 1.5 hrs www.goslar.de | www.weihnachtswald.de Price on request meingoslar UNESCO.Weltkulturerbe.Goslar meingoslar 10 | 511 HamelnHameln

To this day, visitors to Hamelin encounter the Pied Piper around every corner: during a Pied Piper city tour, at the Pied Piper open-air production, in the museum, during the puppet show at the Hochzeitshaus, etc. At the same time, you can admire the imposing sandstone and half-timbered buildings dating back to the 16th to 18th century, or enjoy the demonstrations in the glass-blowing workshop, a boat tour on the Weser river, or visit the seven palaces, and so much more. We will gladly assist in your planning of an indivi- dual tour. Contact us!

 In the Footsteps of the Pied Piper Included in the price: • 2 night‘s B&B at a *** or ****-Hotel • Dinner • Guided Tour with the Pied Pipper (60 Offers for groups mins) 2020 Hameln‘s old town in 60 minutes • Boat trip on the river Weser (2 hrs) Whether with or without accommodation, vents Sightseeing tour. • Entrance and guided tour of Museum  Mystica Hamelon | 6 - 8 March 2020 for a stopover or an escorted package Hameln with Pied Piper theatre and Length: 60 minutes tour – Hameln‘s Tourist Office can offer The popular mediaeval pageant with fan- much more Price per group of up to 30 pers.: an attractive selection of unique travel tastic myth and legendary figures and € 55 in German experiences. Visitors can for example look Price for groups (from 21 p.): from € 151 sunday shopping € 70 other languages round a castle in the morning, explore the historical town centre in the afternoon and  All the magic of Christmas  Pied Piper open-air performance  Guided tour with the Pied Piper go sightseeing with “shady characters“ in 17 May - 13 September 2020 Included in the price: You won‘t forget this experience in a the evening. Alternatively, they can attend • 1 night‘s B&B in a *** or ****-Hotel Each Sunday at noon. hurry! a demonstration of glass blowing or a • Guided sightseeing tour (90 mins) incl. Length: 60 minutes performance of the mechanical Pied Piper 1 Drink  Pied Piper Musical„RATS“ theatre in the museum. Other options are Price per group of up to 30 pers.: • Voucher for a Christmas Market treat 27 May - 2 September 2020 € 170 in German or English watching the landscape slip by on a trip Price for tour groups (from 21 p.): € 71 Each Wednesday at 4.30 pm. down the river Weser, going on a “Rat Tour“, followed by a visit to Germany‘s  Pied Piper Greeting Prices for 2020 valid for tour operators. northernmost cave of stalactites.  Wine festival | 16 - 18 July 2020 What would be your visit to Hameln Lovers of wine and fine dining from without a meeting with the symbol of the near and far are once again invited to city.  Fun on the Weser attend Hameln‘s 31th wine festival at the Length: arround 10 minutes Included in the price: boat trip (1 hour), Welcome to Hameln by the Pied Piper, Bürgergarten. Price per group: € 75 Sales Information (after 8 pm: € 95) guided tour of town (60 mins), demons-  Pflasterfest (cobblestone festival) tration at glass blowing works, or visit of • USB Stick with “Hameln in myth and the Museum Hameln with the unique Pied 28 - 30 August 2020  “Der verführte Verführer“ legend –fairytale Weserbergland“, Piper Theatre, film screening In 10-minute image film about Hameln Big party in the Old Town with 6 stages, A one-man play by and starring a shady Parking for coaches and locality in German, English, more than 80 bands and 100,000 visitors. character. Price for tour groups (from 21 p.): € 20 Admission free. French, Japanese and Chinese Length: 75 minutes Free parking for coaches can be found at • DVD “Pied Piper open-air performance“ Price per group of up to 20 pers.:  Hameln Christmas Market the entrance to the old town on the east  Autumn and Farmer‘s market with • Photo archive € 180 in German and south sides of the city: Sunday shopping Included in the price: Welcome to Hameln • Info flyer in 12 languages 2 - 4 October 2020 by the Pied Piper, guided tour of the town East: 164er Ring, Deisteralle and • Information brochure  “Henker, Hexen und Halunken“ (60 mins), short tour of St Bonifatius Kastanienwall • Travel Guide with accommodation, minster, Coffee & Cake package arrangements and city tours  Christmas market Acquaint yourself with Hameln and some South: “Stockhof “ coach car park, • City Maps 25 November - 30 December 2020 of its lowlife on a tour of the city by night. Price for tour groups (from 21 p.): € 12 between Rattenfänger-Halle and Hameln‘s Christmas market is conside- Length: 90 minutes Dampferanleger red to be one of the finest in northern Price per group of up to 30 pers.: Germany. € 250 in German Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH Tourist-Information Deisterallee 1 | D-31785 Hameln Tel.: +49 5151 957823 | Fax: +49 5151 957840 E-Mail: [email protected] | www.hameln.de 12 | 513 HannoverHannover

Garden art in perfection in the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, a trip around the world in the Adventure Zoo, maritime flair around the Maschsee lake, medieval la- nes in the old town or one of the many cultural highlights – the capital of Lower Sax- ony offers an ideal mix for attractive program offers. With our group arrangements and experience modules, your guests spend a wonderful time in Hannover. Our city tours offer the opportunity to get to know the most beautiful parts of the city.

 SPECIAL OFFER FOR TOUR OPERATORS: Hannover traditional Under competent guidance you get to In  ‟Hannover Compact“  Wintervariety Circular bus tour with only one stop, know the picturesque corners of the Old Parking for coaches 20 November 2020 - 10 January 2021 excluding the Royal Gardens of Herren- Town. After this exciting city tour we will • Central Bus Station (ZOB), Raschplatz, World-class artist in the winter variety hausen stop at a traditional brewery. There you space for approx. 5 coaches vents taste the Hannoverian traditional drink show in the Herrenhausen Orangery. Price per group: • Neues Rathaus, Trammplatz 2, space th “Lüttje Lage”.  30 Int.2020 Fireworks Competition in the € 95 German | € 105 other languages for 4 coaches (just for boarding and Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen (Subject to change) • Tour of the Old Town on foot alight) 23 May/6 June/22 August/5+19 September Tip | For groups upon request: Hop-on • 1 Lüttje Lage p.p. | 1 hearty meal Hop-off City tour in a double-decker • Schützenplatz/Waterloostr, space for Top class fireworks in the Royal Gardens, Price per pers. € 23 | min. 15 pers. panorama bus. In summer season daily approx. 100 coaches varied supporting programme of live mu- Bookable: all year round | Duration: 3 hrs from 10.30 am to 4 pm, saturdays until • HDI-Arena/Sportpark, along Ferdi- sic, variety acts and theatre performances 6 pm. th nand-Wilhelm-Fricke-Weg for the whole family.  30 Int. Fireworks competition • NDR-Funkhaus, Rudolf-von-Bennig- The world‘s best pyrotechnicians createa  Schützenfest | 3 - 12 July 2020  Hannovers delicious sides sen-Ufer, space for approx. 5 coaches magical display against the unique back-  Royal Gardens Herrenhausen The world‘s biggest marksmen‘s fun fair. Explore Hannover and savour the culinary drop of the Royal Gardens. • Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, space One highlight is the big parade on 1 July Royal Garden Splendour specialties! Discover the most beautiful for approx. 20 coaches Price per pers. € 17 | min. 20 pers. involving some 12,000 participants, incl. Guided Tour of the Royal Gardens sights of Hannover during this tasty tour. Coach driver and tour guide free. • Hannover Congress Centrum / Theo- brightly coloured floats, bands and horses Discover the splendour of Garden Art Price per person: € 27 incl. 5 taster at dif- dor-Heuss-Platz 1-3, space for approx. in harness. Plus postage costs. Price per group: ferent selected stations | from 20 person 50 coaches (incl. for groups touring zoo) Dates:  Maschsee Lake Festival € 95 German | € 105 other languages € 20 | Duration 3 hrs • Busterminal at Hannover‘s Adventure 23.05./6.06./22.08./5.+19. September 29 July - 16 August 2020 + admission ticket | Length: 1,5 hours Zoo, Adenaueralle Bookable from 20 persons Concerts, cabaret performances as well as Guided tour through the Herrenhausen • Further parking available for coaches at culinary specialities and a whole lot more Messegelände exhibition centre and Palace Museum  Hannover Adventure Zoo can be found all round the lake during Hannover Airport this event. Every year around two million Price per group: Take a zoological trip around the world in € 95 German | € 105 other languages Hannover Adventure Zoo: get a close look visitors meet up at a mega-party charac- Sales Information terised by its Mediterranean flair. + admission ticket | Length: 1,5 hours  In the footsteps of the Royal House at a zebra’s stripes, explore the Zambezi by Optional: Audioguide (€ 2 p.p.) of Hannover boat, and look giraffes in the eye from the For all details about our Arrangements  Christmas Market Marienburg Castle, the Herrenhausen lofty viewing platform. An Indian jungle see the brochure Hannover for bus tour- 25 November - 22 December 2020 Admission tickets: Gardens, and the royal seat of Celle offer palace is home to one of Europe’s biggest operator. In addition we offer different Christmas Market in front of the Main (all incl.: Great Garden, Berggarten and insights into life at court in centuries past. herds of elephants. And the polar bears information sheets about our current Station until the end of December Herrenhausen Palace Museum) offers. Includes: and their friends are expecting you in the Hannover‘s three Christmas markets can Summer season (1. 4. - 31.10.) • 1 or 2 nights in a 4-star hotel in Hannover Yukon Bay theme park. be relied on to put the entire town in a Single: € 8 | Groups with min. 15 p.: € 7 www.hannover.de/sales incl. half-board Admission ticket for one day from € 19.80 festive mood. The city shows its tradi- Winter season Min. 15 persons | Only in summer season tional side at the Christmas market in the • Tour of Marienburg Castle Single: € 6 | Groups with min. 15 p.: € 5 Tipp: Hannover Adventure Zoo is perfect old town. (incl. admission) • Lunch at the Castle Restaurant for a stopover including lunch. Ask for our  Winter Zoo in Hannover Adventure Zoo  Hannover – the grand tour offers! • Tour of the Great Garden in Herren- December to Mid February For tour groups with their own coach hausen (incl. admission) The Zoo is transformed in Winter Won- Hannover boasts a chequered history that Hotel service derland with a toboggan slope and an has left its mark on the town. The next day: • Classic tour of Celle Palace In addition to all arrangements we offer ice rink, with curling on ice for groups, Price: € 115 German | € 125 other languages attractive group rates for accommodation Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH a Christmas market and mulled wine • Coffee & cake in a selected cafe in Celle Hannover Marketing & Tourismus GmbH on request: brief visit to the Royal in different hotel categories. Please inquire Tourist-Information garden, and a whole lot more. Gardens of Herrenhausen Price per person in double room: € 119 for Ernst-August-Platz 8 | D-30159 Hannover about our offers. Tel.:Deisterallee +49 511 1 12345-333 | D-31785 |Hameln Fax: +49 511 12345-334 Length: 2,5 hours one night; € 185 for two nights. E-Mail:Tel.: +49 [email protected] 5151 957823 | Fax: +49 5151 957840 Participation is free of charge for the bus www.visit-hannover.deE-Mail: [email protected] | www.hameln.de 14 | 515 driver | min. 15 Pers. HildesheimHildesheim

Immerse yourself in history, strolling through alleys of half-timbered houses, enjoying coffee and cake together with a view of the impressive façade of the Knochenhauer-Amtshaus on the historic market square, discovering two UNESCO World Cultural Heritage churches, the cathedral treasure and topclass exhibitions – the city of Hildesheim has a lot to offer for group trips.

Sales Information • Travel planner Hildesheim Region –  Come to my Castle for groups (german + engl.)  World Heritage in the Hildesheim • 2 overnight stays • Holiday Magazine tips for breaks, Region • rich breakfast buffet listing accommodation and key events in the town and local region (german + Encounter the unique UNESCO world • 2 hour guided tour „Getting to know engl.) cultural heritage in the Hildesheim region: Hildesheim“ vents  Themed tours • Guided tours of the town and costumed With the UNESCO World heritage • Dinner in a Hildesheim restaurant  EVI LICHTUNGEN You can choose from different tours your tours (german) churches in Hildesheim, the Alfeld Fagus • Entrance and guided tour of Marienburg 23 - 26 January2020 2020 favorite tour – incl. in a foreign languages. • “A Taste of Hildesheim“, available in 5 factory and the Old Town in Goslar there Castle On four evenings, light installations trans- languages Length: 2 hours | Price: from € 70 in Ger- are even three UNESCO World heritage • 1 info pack per room form Hildesheim’s familiar townscape into a • Edited copy and images available for man or € 80 for foreign languages sites in the Hildesheim Region to discover. bright sea of light. Price for groups from 10 pers: publicity purposes on request Length: approx. 6 hours. Price: € 170 from € 129 p.p. in a DR  Wine Festival | 20 - 24 May 2020  Historical costume tours plus admission fees and costs for bus Winemakers, wine dealers and publicans 1,200 years of the city‘s history will rought transport  UNESCO World heritage in two invite you to the historic market square to to life by these figures in period costume days sample a multitude of wines and delicacies. as they tell visitors about their lives and • 2 overnight stays  Jazztime | 29 May - 1 June 2020 the habits and traditions of the time. • Rich breakfast buffet Length: 2 hours | Price: € 180 with two This festival is a must for lovers of jazz, • 2-hour guided UNESCO World Heritage guides dressed in costume (exclude blues and country. tour incl. tour of the town included entrance fees)  Citybeach | 19 June - 23 August 2020 1-hour guided tour of the cathedral  • Admission fee to the Cathedral Museum The CityBeach on the square „An der  Guided Museums tours UNESCO World heritage in one day Hildesheim’ Lilie“ provides holiday flair and beach • 2 hour guided tour „Getting to know Guided tours of the cathedral and the • Short tour of the World heritage visitor feeling right in the city centre. Hildesheim“ cathedral museum centre • one-course meal in the restaurant „Nil  International Beer Exchange Length: 1 hour each, Price € 90 each (dis- • 1 info pack per room 31 July - 2 August 2020 count when booking both tours) im Museum“ • Admission fee to the Cathedral Museum Price for groups from 10 pers: Brewers and importers from Germany and Guided tours of permanent and special Hildesheim’ from € 109 p.p. in a DR abroad present over 500 different beers in exhibitions in the Roemer- und Pelizaeus the specially constructed beer garden on the Price for groups from 20 pers.: € 25 p.p. Museum Market Square. Length: 45 / 90 min. | Price: € 40 / € 70  Advent Time in Historic Hildesheim  Pflasterzauber – International festival • 1-hour guided tour of the Christmassy of street music and street art Short tour of the World heritage visitors Hildesheim 28 + 29 August 2020 Center The tour gives a first impression of the multimedia exhibition around the • 1 Mulled red wine at the Christmas In Artists, acrobats, magicians and jugglers, UNESCO World heritage Market Clowns and Comediens transform the Parking for coaches Length: 30 min. | Price: € 19 • City map to discover the city inner city in a colourful open air stage. Price for groups from 20 pers.: € 6 p.p • Am Ratsbauhof, 4 parking spaces, max. length of stay: unlimited  Christmas Market Day tours 23 November - 27 December 2020  Getting to know Hildesheim • St. Michael‘s church, 1 parking space,  Tours of the region The Christmas market invites visitors • overnight stay – rich breakfast buffet max. length of stay: 30 minutes Whether you prefer the monastery route, to enjoy themselves strolling about in • short guided our around the UNESCO • Roemer- and Pelizeaus Museum, or things to know about castles and the enchanting setting of the historical World Heritage Visitor Centre 1 parking space, max. length of stay: palaces – let us show you the outstan- market square. • 2 hour guided tour „Getting to know 15 minutes ding testimonies of history in fascinating Hildesheim“ Subject to change. You will find further countryside around Hildesheim by a • Kardinal-Bertram-Straße, 1 parking • Dinner HildesheimHameln Marketing undGmbH Tourismus GmbH events on www.hildesheim.de/ competent tour guide. space, Busstop, max. length of stay: Tourist-Information • 1 info pack per room World Heritage Visitor Center Hildesheim & tourist informati- veranstaltungen 30 minutes Price: € 120 for 4 hours, plus admission onRathausstr.Deisterallee 20 1 (Tempelhaus)| D-31785 Hameln | D-31134 Hildesheim Price for groups from 10 pers.: € 77 p.p Tel.: +49 5151 957823 | Fax: +49 5151 957840 Status: July 2019 fees and costs for bus transport Tel.: +49 5121 1798-0 | Fax: +49 5121 1798-88 [email protected]: [email protected] | www.hameln.de 16 | 517 www.hildesheim.de/tourismus LüneburgLüneburg

What‘s special about Lüneburg? Quite simple, really: It‘s the charming contrast of the pulsating young ambience and the mediaeval face of a more than 1000 year old Hanseatic city. Visitors are fascinated by the brick buildings decorated with elaborate gables and one of the largest and most beautiful medieval city halls in northern Germany. But Lüneburg is just as lively in the modern age: trendy shops, a multitu- de of cozy pubs and a dynamic student scene are elements of the young face the city so rich in tradition shows today.

• Guided tour with the town watchman In  Lüneburg and ‟Rote Rosen‟ • medieval 5-course „Sülfmeister-menu“ Since 2006, Lüneburg has been the shoo- incl. drinks Parking for coaches You wish the plans for your stay in Lüne- ting site for the popular German teleno- Length: approx. four hours One of the advantages of Lüneburg is its burg to be individual and flexible? Then vela „Rote Rosen“. For fans of the show, Price: from € 54.90 p. p. (min. 10 p.) traffic calming measures in the town cent- vents our new modular system for visitors to Lüneburg Marketing GmbH has various from € 50.90 p. p. (min. 20 p.) re. Coaches can use the Sülzwiesen car  Lüneburg City festival | 19 - 21 June 2020 specific offers, such as guided tours or Lüneburg is just the right thing for you! park free of charge (around 10 minutes‘ 2020 Simply select the category for your basic One of the largest events in the region package offers including overnight accom- walk to the town centre). This car park is  A Spell of red roses package and your additional daily which attracts thousands of visitors. The modation. open 24 hours a day and has no maximum features according to various themes. programme offers culture, culinary de- Fans of German TV channel ARD‘s tele- length of stay. Coaches can wait for 10 lights and of course a lot of music. novela „Rote Rosen“, running since 2006, Basic Package Lüneburg compact minutes in the street “Am Ochsenmarkt“ are probably not completely unfamiliar • 1 night incl. breakfast next to the town hall on the market square (access via Bardowicker Straße) to allow  Lüneburg Children‘s festival with Lüneburg,but have you seen all the • Guided tour of the town or guide book 11 + 12 July 2020 many outdoor shooting locations? • A little souvenir of Lüneburg passengers to board or alight. • Guided city walk to outdoor shooting The city‘s centre is transformed into a Price example: Here you will find a selection of our town locations (no studio tour) Sales Information huge summer playground for kids. and adventure tours: 1 night in a 3-star hotel: from € 79 p.p./ DR • Lunch or Coffee & Cake in the City 1 night in a 4-star hotel: from € 89 p.p./ DR • Red Roses City map (Price 2 € per copy) Center • Lüneburg holiday magazine – Where to  Lüneburger Sülfmeistertage (Master  Classic Tour Price: from € 21.90 p. p. (min. 10 p.) Find a selection of our optional day stay and what to do in Lüneburg and Salter days) | 2 - 4 October 2020 On this tour you will discover the finest from € 17.90 p. p. (min. 20 p.) packages here: local region, tips for excursions an Exciting neck-and-neck races during squares in the town centre. breaks  NEW! „The white Gold“– Visit of the entertaining competitions, a magnificent Length: 90 minutes • „Lüneburg entdecken“ (Discover  The medieval day German Salt Museum, one Lüneburg salt festival parade with hundreds of partici- Price: from € 67 per group of up to 25 p. Lüneburg) – Package arrangements sachet, visit of the water tower, lunch in a pants in historic costumes and splendidly Let local tales and history come to life! and Guided tours selected Lüneburg restaurant. decorated festival carts, and the ceremo-  Salt and Subsidence (bookable from May to Oct ) • Lüneburg – Reiseführer für Stadt und nial burning of the „Kopefass“ as the final Learn about salt working and Lüneburg‘s • Guided city tour Price: from € 23.90 per person Land (City and Country guide) event of the whole medieval spectacle, are subsidence zone. • Entrance and guided tour of the historic  Getting to know Lüneburg package Price € 4.95 per copy traditional features of the Sülfmeistertage. Town Hall Length: 90 minutes Guided tour of the historic Town Hall • Lunch in a selected Lüneburg restaurant Price: from € 67 per group of up to 25 p (Entrance incl.), Visit of the Water tower Our free accommodation service, the  Lüneburg, the Christmas City • Entrance and guided tour of the Lüne organization of the city and adventure dates available on www.luenburg.info from incl. viewing platform, lunch in a selected  Historic costumed tour convent incl. Textile Museum tours for groups and individuals, and autumn 2020 Lüneburg restaurant, coffee and cake many other programs are helpful for Let yourself be fascinated about the Price: from € 31.90 p. p. (min. 10 p.) Brightly illuminated gables, attractive in a traditional Café planning your stay. Please contact us! history of Lüneburg by Ladies dressed in from € 29.90 p. p. (min. 20 p.) Christmas markets, churches with splen- Price: from € 25.90 per person renaissance costumes. did seasonal decorations, a All information subject to change/ Length: 90 minutes  Red roses package Status Agust 2019 multitude of sights and special featu-  Christmassy day Price: from € 87 per group of up to 25 p (bookable each Wednesday and Sunday) res such as the Wichern-Adventskranz Discover Lüneburg in Advent – this will 2 h guided city tour (Wed + Sun) to the guarantee that your visit to the Christmas be a truly special experience amidst the These guided tours are available in foreign outdoor shooting locations of German TV City of Lüneburg will be worth it. gables decorated with Christmas lights. languages on request at extra charge. channel ARD‘s telenovela „Rote Rosen“ Bookable from 27 Nov to 23 Dec, 2020 Coffee and cake and a „Rote Rosen“ City  Shopping Sundays 2020 • Guided city and town hall tour dates available on www.lueneburg.info from map Day tours • Lunch autumn 2020 Price: from 21.90 € per person  Lüneburg Banquet • Visit of the Christmas market incl. To go on a leisurely shopping tour with 1 mulled red wine and 1 Lüneburg the entire family, or also on your own, is Wander through the winding streets of the You will find further day packages on Christmas mug HamelnLüneburg Marketing Marketing und GmbH Tourismus GmbH possible in Lüneburg also on four open- old town on the west side of the city with www.lueneburg.info. Price: from € 29.90 p. p. (min. 10 p.) Tourist-InformationRathaus / Am Markt | D-21335 Lüneburg shop Sundays per year. the Lüneburg town watchman and partake Deisterallee 1 | D-31785 Hameln from € 27.90 p. p. (min. 20 p.) Tel.: +49 4131 207 66-20 | Fax: +49 4131 207 66-44 of a mediaeval menu as once served in the Tel.:E-Mail: +49 [email protected] 957823 | Fax: +49 5151 957840 heyday of the Hanseatic salt-trading town. E-Mail:www.lueneburg.info [email protected] | www.hameln.de 18 | 519 WolfenbüttelWolfenbüttel A secret revealed to enthusiasts of historic places: Wolfenbüttel, the city of Lessing. Conveniently situ- ated between the Harz Mountains and the Lüneburg Heath. In the historic city centre, not destroyed by any wars, numerous half-timbered buildings and cultural treasures can be seen, and many plea- sures await visitors at a short distance, making your stay truly unforgettable. Opposite the renowned Herzog August Library and the Lessinghaus, the Residential Palace is situated. Only a few steps away, the half-timbered Town Hall, the magnificent St. Mary‘s Church and many romantic corners will impress you. And after an eventful day, enjoy a genuine Wolfenbüttel original: the world-famous „Jägermeister“.


Included in the price:  GenussmanufakTour (culinary tour) Tour guide, guided tour of the town,  The Old Town in a different way Enjoy an entertaining tour of the town lunch incl. 1 Jägermeister, coffee & cake  Theater Festival | 19 September 2020 Follow in the footsteps of Lessing, meet the combined with a visit to various local and admission to all 5 main tourist We will enter the new season full of antici- dance master in the place, climb down to businesses selling delicious regional attractions pation and excitement as a large festival gets the casemates or or stroll through the dusk products. There you can learn about the Length: around 7 hours things going. Theatre and culture enthu- with the nightwatch man... You are spoiled philosophy behind them, sample some Price: € 35 (from 40 persons) vents siasts of all ages are welcome to join us in for choice! Ask for our diverse offers. delicacies and, if you like, do some shop- Bookable: from Tuesday to Sunday celebrating the beginning of a plentiful year Length: 1 - 1,5 hours ping too. A voucher of 3 Euro per shop is  Each Monday:2020 Wolfenbüttel – City of of theatre. Price: on request included in the tour price. Jägermeister Included in the price: Jägermeister factory tour, Lunch inkl. 1 nd  2 Stadtgrabenfest Guided tour of the town + various samples Jägermeister herb liqueur in an Old town 28 + 29 August 2020 Vouchers worth € 12 restaurant, Guided tour of the town. Book- Length: around 3 hrs ing in advance is highly recommended. After the immense success of the first edition, all of Wolfenbüttel, and everyone Price: € 250 per group up to 10 pers. In who attended last year, can look forward  Wolfenbüttel appetizer Bookable: from Thursday to Saturday  Wednesday and Saturday: Parking for coaches Discover the sights of our historic resi- Wolfenbüttel weekly market to the return of this enchanting festival in the most beautiful section of our historical dential town and enjoy a delicious lunch  Jägermeister arrangement Wolfenbüttel is a town where everything In the heart of the old town at the historic is close to hand, including if you arrive ramparts, the Stadtgraben or dinner in an Old Town restaurant. As part of this arrangement, look forward town market twice a week from 7 to 13 by coach. Possibilities for drop off in the Included in the price: to a guided tour of the location where the o‘clock the popular colorful weekly market middle of the old town: At the Palace  Wolfenbüttel Christmas Market Guided tour / lunch or dinner world-famous Wolfenbüttel herb liqueur is takes place with a lot of regional products. square or in front of the main church at 24 November - 23 December 2020 Length: approx. 3 hours produced. No less interesting is the guided the Kornmarkt. Busparking free of charge About 40 christmassy decorated stands, Price: € 18 p. p. (min. 20 pers.) stroll through the old city centre. Also,  Wolfenbüttel Easter nest at the private comfortable bus terminal of unique alleys of half timbered houses, the Bookable: daily the original building of the company of 11 April 2020 the company “Der Schmidt”, Halchtersche historic atmosphere as well as enchanted Mast-Jäger-meister SE can be viewed from A festival for the whole family with a huge Straße 33. coutyards make the Christmas Market so the outside during the tour. Easter nest, a personal appearance from  Fabulous Christmas Market From there it less than 700 meters to the distinctive. A delicious meal at a restaurant in the old the Easter Bunny and sweets for all the Set in the enchanting atmosphere of the tourist information at the Löwentor, whe- town with a shot of Jägermeister as a dige- children, right in the heart of the romantic historical market place with its impressive re every bus driver can look forward to a stif completes the programme. Old Town. half-timbered town hall, our Christmas small Wolfenbüttel present. market it just magically. Use this attrac- Participation only for adults (from 18 years) th  10 Summertime Festival | 4 July 2020 tive offer to get to know our city with a Included in the price: Sales Information In recent years, this event has become christmassy guided tour and a visit at the Guided tour of the town, lunch The german “Lessingstadtmagazin” “echt- a real hit for young and young at heart mu- christmas market afterwards. (incl. one drink), factory tour lessig” wakes the desire getting to know sic lovers. Hip new bands and DJ`strans- Length: around 5 hours Wolfenbüttel. For Visitors of city the  Explore the Old Town Included in the price: form the otherwise contemplative Seeliger 1-hour guided tour of town, 1 German Price: € 22.50 per person brochure „Reiseplaner (travel planner) Entertaining stroll around the sights in Park in the middle of the city for one Day bratwurst, 1 mulled wine, 1 souvenir pin Bookable on Mondays for individual pers., contains all important information and th the old town. Personal “seating furniture” in a real festival area. Do not miss the 10 Length: approx. 2 hours from Mon to Fri for groups from 10 pers. tips for a successful stay in Wolfenbüttel. upon request. anniversary. Price: € 12.50 p.p. (min. 20 pers.) Length: 1 - 1,5 hours Bookable: 24 Nov - 23 Dec 2020  Five in one sweep The free Wolfenbüttel-App is always up  Wolfenbüttel summer of culture Price: € 55 in German For curious groups who just want it all: to date. 10 July - 2 August 2020  Discgolf and more ... after an entertaining tour of the old town Why go far when you can experience so  CSI Old Town Get to know the Wolfenbüttel Old Town and a visit to our main church, our perso- much culture right on your own doorstep? It’s pure suspense when you hear about all during a guided tour, enjoy a light lunch nal tour guide will take you to a restaurant You can do exactly that with the summer the things that have happened here. And in and play a round of discgolf. in the town centre for lunch, followed by of culture! The festival features free con- one case, you can even demonstrate your a visit to the world-famous Duke August’s Included in the price: Lessingstadt Wolfenbüttel – Tourist-Information certs in front of the Lessing Theatre and own crime-solving skills. Library and the Lessing House. After a Hameln Marketing und Tourismus GmbH Guided tour of the town, lunch and ren- Stadtmarkt 7A | D-38300 Wolfenbüttel stage performances in the castle courtyard. Length: 1,5 hours cosy coffee break, the day will be rounded Tel.:Tourist-Information +49 5331 86280 | Fax: +49 5331 867708 talfee for the discgolf set Price: € 75 in German (Groups up to off with insights into the Palace Museum E-Mail:Deisterallee [email protected] 1 | D-31785 Hameln Length: around 4 to 5 hours Tel.: +49 5151 957823 | Fax: +49 5151 957840 25 pers.) and the Bürger Museum. www.lessingstadt-wolfenbuettel.de Price: € 19.50 p. pers. (min. 8 pers.) E-Mail: [email protected] | www.hameln.de echtlessig.de | Wolfenbuettel.de 20 | 521 Bookable: from Monday to Saturday The Autostadt in Wolfsburg

Individual:  A look behind the scenes Adults / reduced rate € 15 / € 12 2020People who have always wanted to take a look behind the sce- Children / Teenagers (6–17 years), students: € 6 nes of car production can get an exclusice impression of mo- dern vehicle production during a factory tour. “People, cars and what moves them” is the motto of the Autostadt Group: in Wolfsburg. Whether it’s a journey through time from the early Adults / reduced rate € 14 € / € 11 Children / Teenagers (6–17 years), students: € 5 beginnings to the future of mobility, a visit to the pavilions of the  Pure driving fun Volkswagen Group brands, playful fun at the huge Family World, The Autostadt gets everyone’s motor running: visitors can take Changes in ticket prices are possible during event times. the thrill of various driver training opportunities or relaxation in on adventurous driving challenges on the all-terrain course, with the lagoon landscape of 28 hectares - you will be spoilt for choice Numerous themed tours for a great variety of interests can be safety training or by virtual means in a professional racing simu- in any weather with the wide range of activities at the automobile booked on request. lator. A test drive with the Volkswagen Electric Fleet provides a theme park. new, unique driving experience and those who prefer to spectate will enjoy ascending the glass car towers. At the car museum ZeitHaus, fans of vintage cars can marvel at about 250 exhibits of over 60 brands. In the park of Auto- In  An exciting destination for every season stadt, the eight Volkswagen Group brands are presented, each Information for business partners in its own pavilion, so that the respective brand philosophy can The diverse offers for many various interests make the theme The Autostadt assists tourist partners with planning their visits be experienced. Exciting themed tours and interactive exhi- and event park a worthwhile destination all year round. The and marketing trips to the automobile theme park. bitions impart interesting facts about many aspects around seasonal presentations are a very special magnet for visitors: in If you are interested in working together, please get in touch via mobility, while lovingly arranged green and water areas summer, Autostadt turns into a paradise for a short holiday with [email protected] or visit vertrieb.autostadt.de. invite visitors to relax, and in ten different Autostadt restau- organic ice cream manufactured on site, and exceptional open- rants, friends of culinary delights can find diverse, fresh and air events, while in winter, it transforms into a genuine fairy-tale Bus parking organic cuisine. The large family world MobiVersum attracts world with a charming winter market and an extensive frozen young visitors to play, learn and be creative. surface. The Autostadt has its own bus parking. To board and alight the guests, coaches can also stop in front of the Service House. IINFORMATION AND BOOKING Autostadt GmbH – Stadtbrücke | D-38440 Wolfsburg Subject to change: Status September 2019 Telephone domestic: 0800 288 678 238 Telephone abroad: +49 5361 400 E-Mail: [email protected] | www.autostadt.de 22 | 23 Princes, the Pied Hanseatic League, Piper and proud heath and half heritage: from Han- timbered houses: nover to Hameln from Lüneburg and Hildesheim Hallmarks to Celle In Hameln the grey cute little animals are on display of all kinds and for every taste. From flambéed rats tail to bread rats, and a whole variety of sweets in ratty shapes.

• Hannover Card – big offers, small prices TOUR | The road from Hameln to Hildesheim takes you past a • Hop-on Hop-off City tour in a double-decker panorama bus neo-Gothic fairy-tale Marienburg castle built in the 19th century. • Old Town steeped in half-timbered houses and history (Summer season: daily from 10.30 am to 4 pm, sat until 6 pm) Set in picturesque surroundings, it boasts luxurious interior fur- • Guided experience tours around the old hanseatic town • Relaxed shopping atmosphere in historical surroundings • Exploring the city by following the “Red Thread“ nishings with painted vaults and carved furniture. • Tour of the Medieval Town Hall • Bauhaus experience with guided tours, Bauhaus architecture • Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen with Niki des Saint Phalle Grotto

• Salt production in the Salt Museum and Bauhaus café • Relax in the city centre around the lake Maschsee • Visit to the only North German Brewery Museum • Ducal Palace with baroque theatre and Palace Chappell • Hannover Adventure Zoo with eight theme landscapes • Brewery Company banquet in the Kronenbrauhaus brewery • Town Church with tombs of the Guelph dukes • Visit of the New town hall and travelling up to 97-metre-high • Tour of Lüne Convent • 24-hour Art Museum dome in a unique curving lift • Lüneburg salt spa leisure pool (SaLü) • Residential museum and Bomann museum • Shopping in one of the largest pedestrian zones in Germany • UNESCO world heritage: Cathedral and St. Michael‘s Church • Beautiful views: Kalkberg nature conservation area with a • Medicinal Herb Garden and Bee institure • Soccer: Bundesliga games with Hannover 96 • World heritage exhibition in the World heritage visitor center panoramic view over Lüneburg / Water Tower viewing plat- • Wienhausen Convent (10 km) • Guides in historic costumes lead you back to days gone by form 56 metres above the ground Evening Evening • The Rose Route guides to the most important sights. • Horse-drawn coach trips and shepherd evenings in the mellow Experience big-city life. From opera, to variety, to a traditional • Ascent to the tower of the St. Andreas Church (114.5 meters) Performances in the Celle Palace Theatre: Europe’s oldest baroque heather-covered heathlands of the Lüneburg Heath Hannoverian pub with its own brewery, or fashionable district • Ancient Egyptian collection in Roemer- and Pelizeaus Museum theatre with its own cast still in regular use. Linden: Hannover has something for everyone. Evening • City museum in the Butchers’ Guild Hall • Magdalenen Garden, one of the oldest monastery gardens in Do you know that Lüneburg boasts the second-highest number Hallmarks Hallmarks Lower Saxony, reconstructed according to old plans from the of pubs per square metre in Europe after Madrid? Two stretches Celle delicacies: Roast Heide lamb, heather honey and Heide Lüttje-Lage: a very special local drink, which requires a very tricky baroque period of bars invite you to stroll past or linger around. “Am Stintmarkt“, asparagus: Celle‘s restaurants serve expertly prepared delicacies drinking technique. Served throughout the year, not only at the tra- • Tours of the region, for example to the UNESCO World from the Lüneburg Heath. ditional Marksmen’s Fair fun festival. the town‘s old river harbour, where you will find Lüneburg‘s lon- heritage Fagus-Werk in Alfeld (Bauhaus Architecture) gest continuous row of pubs. The other is Schröderstrasse, a favo- rite shopping strip, where you can sip a coffee in one of the many TOUR | Lake Steinhuder Meer. Traditional “Auswanderer” Evening bars while watching the city buzz. boats ferry passengers from Steinhude to the fortified island The “Theater für Niedersachsen“ for opera, chamber concerts, Hallmarks of Wilhelmstein in the middle of the lake. After enjoying a lei- plays, Music theatre and children and youth theatre has an own firm surely lunch, take time out to stroll through the picturesque Musical Company. Live music and open air events are waiting for Salt: ample evidence of the commercial wealth accrued from the fishing village and visit an eel smoke house. Continue the tour. you throughout the year. white gold is found in every corner of this former Hanseatic city: from the salt works in the Salt Museum to the SaLü salt spa or Hallmarks the Süfmeistertage (Master Salter days), a big medieval spectacle. According to the legend, Hildesheim’s origins are closely linked to the 1000-year-old rose bush growing on the apse of the cathedral.

TOUR | Famed in poem and song: the Lüneburg Heath. Give Route Distance* Journey time* yourself plenty of time on your journey to Celle to discover the quiet and peaceful corners of the tranquil and picturesque Heide Hannover – Steinhude 35 kilometres 45 min. landscape. The largest connected heath areas in western Europe Hannover – Hameln 50 kilometres 50 min. are located around the Wilseder Berg. Here you find many sig- • A welcome and/or guided city tour from the pied piper himself Steinhude – Hameln 60 kilometres 60 min. nposted cycling and hiking trails. It is also possible to discover • Traditional trade of glass-blowing at Hameln Glassworks the Heath landscape by carriages available at all parking-places. • Pied Piper house with inscription referring to the children‘s exodus Hameln – Schloss Marienburg 35 kilometres 40 min. You will find one of the oldest open-air museums in Germany • Hochzeitshaus with Pied Piper figures and carillon Schloss Marienb. – Hildesheim 15 kilometres 15 min. • Leist House and Stiftsherren House (Hameln Museum) in the village Wilsede. Wilsede is not reachable by car. Hameln – Hildesheim 60 kilometres 60 min. • Relaxation during river cruising on the Weser *approx. Route Distance* Journey time* • Panoramic view of Hameln from the Klütberg Lüneburg – Wilsede 40 kilometres 60 min. • Canoeing tours on the river Weser • Bike tours along the Weser Bicycle Path Wilsede – Celle 60 kilometres 70 min. Lüneburg – Celle 85 kilometres 80 min. Evening Many cosy restaurants in the Old Town serve international cui- *approx. sine as well as local delicacies. Hameln Theatre hosts around 80 theatre companies and ensembles from around the world putting on around 200 performances each season.

24 25 Barbarossa, Brocken Lion, Lam- borghini and witches and the bro- Lessing: from thers Grimm: from Braunschweig Goslar to Göttingen to Wolfenbüttel

• Guided sightseeing tour with visit of the historic university “Karzer“ (student prison) • Shopping in the historic city centre • Guided city tour “The Old Town in a 1000 steps” • A visit to the venerable Georg August University • Kaiserpfalz Palace with St. Ulrich’s Chapel • Echt-lessig-Card: Museum combination ticket for the city of • Tour of the old Botanical Gardens • Rammelsberg World Cultural Heritage Site – museum and • Visit the State Theatre or one of the numerous smaller stages Wolfenbüttel incl. further services and discounts • Tour of the oldest pan salt works in Europe (groups) tourist mine • Explore the city from the water on a rafting or canoeing tour • Lessing is alive! With the free app digital and analog on Les- • Panoramic view of Göttingen and the surrounding area • Enjoy the view from the Northern Tower of the Market Church on the Oker river. sing‘s tracks in Wolfenbüttel. from the Bismarck Tower • Mönchehaus – Museum of Modern Art • Enjoy the great variety of Shopping opportunities in • Residential Palace with high baroque state apartments • Splashing about in the leisure pool Badeparadies Eiswiese • Handicrafts in the Great Holy Cross Hospital Braunschweig City Center • The counterpart to the Palace: the Citizen Museum offers free • Tour of the city cemetery (graves of eight Nobel laureates) • View from the top of the Maltermeisterturm, the Rammels- • Take a walk in the natural surroundings of the Cistercian entrance • Trip to the Wilhelm-Busch Mill and the European Bread berg roadhouse with panoramic view of Goslar, or a stop at Riddagshausen monastery • Duke August library with the famous Gospels of Henry the Lion Museum in Ebergötzen • Explore the city on a guided tour e.g. on on foot, by bike or on • Lessing Haus: Literature Museum which commemorates of the rugged Steinberg Alm with its delicious rustic dishes and a vintage bus one of Germany‘s greatest poets delightful view of the city. Evening • Scale the Town Hall Tower to its height of 61 metres and enjoy • The world‘s first major Protestant church with the tomb of the • Hiking on the awarded “Liebesbank“ trail The night comes alive in Göttingen. Cosy student pubs, inter- the breathtaking view Guelphs and Michael Praetorius permanent exhibition: Main • Nordic stave church in Hahnenklee national restaurants and fashionable bars. Not to mention lots of • Experience history up close in more than 10 exciting museums Church Beatae Mariae Virginis Evening culture, variety and three theatres. • Admire the art of Baroque masters at the Herzog Anton Ulrich • Historic Old Town district with over 600 half-timbered houses A good mood, fun with like-minded people, live music or disco Hallmarks Museum • Wolfenbüttel weekly market each Wednesday and Saturday at sounds: this is what Goslar night life is like – small but with great • Visit to the Jakob-Kemenate and the Brüdern-Kloster monastery the Town Market The most-kissed girl in the world. If you are lucky you may be in style. Cozy pubs in the old city centre, modern cocktail bars as Göttingen to see for yourself the famous Gänseliesel Kiss. There is Evening Evening scene venues for young and old people alike, or the large-scale a long tradition that every new Ph.D graduate from the university In the Magni district, restaurants and quaint pubs amidst well-pre- Wolfenbüttel means romance – no less a heart-throb than Ca- dance club just outside of town offer the right variety for a noc- has to kiss the statue of “Gänseliesel” (little goose girl). served half-timbered houses and attractive small lanes invite vi- sanova is said to have spent the most pleasurable weeks of his turnal stroll through Goslar‘s alleys. sitors to linger. Other places with a lot that‘s worth exploring are life here. Come along and see for yourself with our exclusive Hallmarks the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Viertel, the Uni-Viertel or the eastern part package arrangement: “An evening with Casanova in Wolfen- The Harz mountains and Goslar stand for mining. The history of the Ring (östliches Ringgebiet)! büttel Palace”. of the Rammelsberg Mine is played out every day by the moving Hallmarks Hallmarks figures and carillon on the Market Square at 9 am, noon, 3 pm and Braunschweig is known for its numerous culinary specialities, World famous: Jägermeister from Wolfenbüttel. Served in a his- 6 pm. Legend has it that the horse ridden by Sir Ramm pawed the such as asparagus, Braunkohl (kale) or Braunschweig Sausage. toric city centre restaurant to round off your guided tour with ground to expose the first silver vein. Yet a particular highlight is Braunschweiger Mumme. Everybody the night watchman. on a visit to Braunschweig should taste this sweet malt extract TOUR | Take your time en route to Göttingen for a detour – whether as Mumme liqueur, beer, mustard or of course in the through the fascinating landscape of the Harz region. Take a ride form of Mumme Glühwein at the Christmas market. from Schierke to the peak of the legendary Brocken on the famous Harzer narrow-gauge train. At a height of 1,142 metres, the Bro- cken is the highest mountain peak of the Harz mountain range. TOUR | A journey into the world of mobility The Autostadt in Wolfsburg is a world of adventure. Embark on a journey through the history of mobility in the ZeitHaus car museum, discover the brands of the Volkswagen group in eight pavilions, or experience a thrill with various driver trai- ning sessions.

Route Distance* Journey time*

Route Distance* Journey time* Goslar - Schierke 50 kilometres 50 min. Braunschweig – Wolfsburg 30 kilometres 40 min. Schierke – Göttingen 75 kilometres 90 min. Wolfsburg – Wolfenbüttel 40 kilometres 50 min. Goslar – Göttingen 70 kilometres 80 min. Braunschweig – Wolfenbüttel 12 kilometres 15 min. Harzer Schmalspurbahn Schierke – Brocken 30 min. *approx. *approx. 26 27 ›››


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