IS BUGG “E Ala Na Moku Kai Liloloa” • D AH S F W R E E In This Issue E N ! E • Waimea Valley Makahiki Festival • Page 3 R S O I Cholo's 20 Year Anniversary • Page 9 N H C S Aloha Aina Recycling • Page 13 E H 1 T Harvest Festival • Page 14 9 R 7 O 0 Menehune Surf Contest Entry Form • Page 16 N Photo: Courtesy of Menehune Surf Contest NORTH SHORE NEWS September 30, 2015 VOLUME 32, NUMBER 20 Photo: Courtesy of Menehune Surf Contest 39th Annual North Shore Menehune Surfing Championships The 39th Annual North highlight of the contest is the Kokua I Love The Menehune.” Entries are Shore Menehune Surfing Cham- Division for keiki 3-6. This division due Oct. 1st by mail or they can pionships will be held on October is non competitive, parents are be hand delivered to Surf N Sea in 17, 18, 24, 25, 2015 at Hale‘iwa allowed to assist in the water and Hale‘iwa. For more information or Ali‘i Beach Park. This contest is for every keiki receives a trophy. Keiki if you would like to contribute to keiki 3-12 years old. Keiki can sign can bring a gently used book and this event contact Contest Director up for Divisions in Longboard and swap it out for another in the 3rd Ivy @
[email protected]. Mahalo Shortboard. Annual Menehune Book Exchange. Nui to all our 2015 Menehune They can also participate in This is our way of promoting lit- sponsors! We are grateful for your an Expression Session in SUP and eracy in our young surfers.