

Absyrtus 34 7 Allecto 106, 109 Achates 180 Allius (in ) 107-8 Achelous 288, 292, 301 Alpheus 284 Achilles 128, 249, 288-89 + n. 53, Althea 291 289, 317' 322, 394-96 Amata 106-7, 109 Acmon 322 Amor(es) 242, 405 Acoetes 265-66, 292 see also Cupid Acontius 137-38 Amphimedon 241 Acrisius 289 anachronisms 280, 316, 320, 377, Actaeon 262-64, 379-80, 433 422 Actium, battle of 204 Romanizing 306, 315, 325 Adonis 286, 377 analepsis see flashback adynaton/ a 342, 365-66, 374 Ancaeus 377 Aeacus 284 Anchises 179, 223 128, 206, 312, 326, 437 ancile 224-25, 230 apotheosis of 199-200, 311-12, Andromeda 240-42, 244, 289 321-27, 329 Anna (sister of Dido) 180-81 in 179-80, 182, 203, 212, Anna Perenna 172, 183, 198, 214, 230 213 n. 43, 397 in Met. 309-12, 322-24, 326-27 identified with Anna, sister of Dido 's 128, 179-80, 207, 240-42, 180 244-45, 249, 263, 289, 396 Antimachus 50 Aesacus 307, 318-19, 326 Antinous 242 Aeschylus 130, 259, 267 Antony, Marc (Marcus Antonius) 8, see also tragedy, Greek 197 n. 2, 206 Aesculapius 173-74 Aphrodite 173, 212 Aetas Ovidiana 413, 422 see also see also , medieval reception of; Apollo 11-12, 47, 67, 84, 163, Ovid, works of, s.v. transmission 177-78, 184, 186, 230, 376, 437 Aethion 241 Callimachean 28, 175 aetiology 174-75, 178, 193-95, oracle of, at Delos 263 208-9, 213, 248, 252, 257, 274, oracle of, at Delphi 240, 250, 253, 276-77, 318-19, 324, 326, 398 263 see also 'aition' in Met. 246-51, 254-55, 287, Aglauros 279, 379-80 402-3 aition 152-53, 169, 172, 175, 180, Apollonius of Rhodes 79, 79 n. 272, 212 n. 39, 219-21, 225 n. 71, 226, 80 n. 274, 83 + n. 287, 128, 245, 228 + n. 77, 229-30, 275-76, 401, 249, 251' 266 404, 428 + n. 32 apotheosis II Ajax 262 see also Aeneas; ; Julius Alban kings 305, 326-27 Caesar; Alcithoe 25 7 Aquilo 436 Alcmene 316 Arachne 276, 292-97, 301, 313, Alcyone see Ceyx and 379-80 Alexandria, conquest of 206 Aratus 174, 277 "Alexandrian footnote" 303, 404 + Arcadia 179, 190, 219 n. 35 Ardea 324-25, 327 GENERAL INDEX 521

Arellius Fuscus 8 n. 19 Bacchus 47, 107, 258-67, 289 Arethusa (in Prop. 4.3) 117, 126 Bagoas 94 Arethusa () 272, 283-85 Bellona 242 Argo 346-47 Berenice (in Callimachus) 208 Argus 274-75, 279 Boreas 290 47, 53-54, 129-30, 177, 430 Briseis 128 + n. 45, 373 in Catullus 54, 103-4, 129, 177, Busiris 367 412 Byblis 82 + n. 279, 88, 139 n. 80, Arion 182, 184 379 Aristaeus 224 Arruns 241 Cacus 189-92, 247 Artemis 377 Cadmus 240, 262-65, 267 see also Diana caelum (in caelo esse) 334-35 Ascanius 178 Caeneus 288-89 Asclepius 403-5 Caieta 321 see also Aesculapius calendar, Roman 20-21 + n. 57, Atalanta and Hippomenes 285 22, 168, 170-73, 193, 197-98, 204 Atedius Melior (in ) 398-403 n. 22, 211-13, 216, 223-24 Athamas 262 - events and rites celebrated in: Athis (in Catullus) 243 211 Athis and Lycabas 242-43 Agonium 172 Atlas 192 213 n. 42 Attis 406 179, 183, 186 Atys 243 216 Augustus 1-2, 4, 7, 9-10, 12, 13 212 n. 39 n. 34, 16-20, 21 + n. 58, 22 + 183, 217 n. 62, 23 + nn. 65 + 67, 24-25, 180, 185 113, 115-16, 146, 155-56, 161-62, Feriae 171, 183 165, 167-68, 171-72, 176-77, 183, F1oralia 183, 212 194, 197, 201 + nn. 11 + 13, 202, 212 n. 39, 215 n. 49, 281-82, 331-32, 334, 337, 357, 225 392, 407, 409, 412, 415, 417-18, Fornacalia 217, 228 433 lavatio, at 215 + n. 48 apotheosis of 16 n. 45, 329, 370 185, 216 as Pater Patriae 23, 181, 185, 183 201-2 + n. 14 182 n. 51, 218-19, 221, etymology/anniversary of name 25, 331 183, 186, 200 - nakedness of Luperci during in Met. 14-15, 16 n. 45, 199, 172, 219, 228 n. 77 250, 273, 306, 311, 320-21, lustratio 402-3 - at 215 marriage laws of 13-14 + n. 39, - by censors 218 n. 55 113-14, 145, 155-57, 202, 337, - by Luperci 218 + n. 55 355 n. 71 11, 211, 220 Res Gestae of 369 183 viewed in exile poetry 14 n. 41, 215 n. 49 19, 340, 351, 354-55, 358-59, 179-80, 182-83, 216 366-73, 377 n. 137, 393, 397 Parilia 169, 170, 213 n. 43, 215, - see also apotheosis; Gaius Caesar 217-18, 220-22, 225, 331 Aura/ aura 291 Quirinalia 202 l'aura (in Petrarch) 439 183, 185 autopsy, claims/denial of by Ovid 143 213 n. 43, 220, 226, 229 + n. 80, Sigillaria 11 303 183, 217