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© in This Web Service Cambridge University Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01318-6 - Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC–AD 100 Luuk De Ligt Index More information Index Abella, 310 Allifae, 310 Abellinum (Campania), 310 Alsium, 320 Abellinum Marsicum, 329 Altinum, 265, 289 Acelum, 298 Ameria, 315 Acerrae, 311 Amiternum, 323 Aceruntia, 334 Amitinum, 320 Acherusia, 334 Anagnia, 306 Aecae, 329 Ancona, 312 Aeclanum, 329 Angera, 265 Aegetium, 329 Angitia, 325 Aemilia, 264; viritane settlers, 81, 131; population Angulum, 324 in 28 bc, 195, 224 Anxa, 325 Aesernia, 324 Anxa (Callipolis), 330 aes equestre, 84 Anxanum, 325 aes hordiarium, 84 Antinum, 324 Aesis, 316 Antium, 260, 304 Affilae, 306 Antonine Plague, 2, 13 age at first marriage, 3, 144–9, 159, 166 Apama, 330 age groups, in Roman armies, 55–6, 83, 145, 166;in Appian, on background to Gracchan crisis, 158–9, Greek armies, 56–7; see also iuniores, seniores 164, 167–9, 178, 181, 192 Ager Brundisinus, 266 Aprusta, 334 Ager Caeretanus, 271 Apulia, confiscations after 201 bc, 131; viritane Ager Cosanus, 259, 267, 281; see also Albegna settlers, 81; decline of pre-Roman towns, 229, Valley Survey 262; evidence of population decline, 262–3; ager publicus, 158–9, 185–7 realignment of settlement system, 262; shape of Ager Tiburtinus, 272 urban network, 235–6; see also Brundisium agro-towns, 230, 266 Apulians, 68; anomalous ratio between horse Alba Fucens, 323 and foot in Polybius, 42, 67; manpower Alba Longa, 306 resources, 70 Alba Pompeia, 293 Aquae Statiellae, 293 Albegna Valley Survey, 252, 259 Aquileia, 14–15, 265, 290 Albingaunum, 298 Aquilonia, 330 Albintimilium, 293 Aquinum, 304 Aletium, 329 archaeozoological evidence, 24 Aletrium (Latium), 305 Archias, 97–8 Aletrium (Apulia), 329 Ardea, 307 Alfella, 329 Aricia, 307 allied communities, population in 225 bc, 41–3, Ariminum, 289 46; military contributions attuned to available army, ratios between Romans and allies, 48–9, 69, manpower resources, 49, 69; see also army, 93–3, 118–19 ratios between Romans and allies Arna, 316 382 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01318-6 - Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC–AD 100 Luuk De Ligt Index More information Index 383 Arpi, 330 Bononia, 197, 202, 205, 290 Arpinum, 307 booty, 31–2 Arretium, 235 Borca, 330 Asculum, 312 Boserup, E., 3, 16, 22–3, 34, 187 Asisium, 314 Bovianum, 325 assidui, 98–103; and property threshold for Bovillae, 307 membership of fifth class, 101–5, 152–6, 169, Braudel, F., 35 171–2, 174–6, 183, 280; registered more Brixellum, 264, 299 efficiently than proletarians, 100, 173, 175; Brixia, 265, 291 declining in number, 169, 173–4, 183 Brundisium, 262–3, 327 Atella, 309 Bruttium, not included in Polybian manpower Ateste, 203, 206, 294 figures, 44, 67–8; population in 225 bc, 43, 46, Atina (Apulia), 330 49; confiscations after 201 bc, 131; evidence of Atina (Latium), 307 population decline, 263; shape of urban Atina (Lucania), 334 network, 231, 235–6 Atranum, 330 Buca, 325 Atria, 202, 206, 293 Butonti, 330 Attidium, 316 Buxentum, 334 attributi, of Roman North Italy, 25, 71, 195, 239 Caba, 307 Aufidena, 325 Caelia (Ceglie del Campo), 330 Aufina, 324 Caelia (Ceglie Messapico), 330 Augusta Bagiennorum, 293 Caere, 107–8, 197, 318 Augusta Praetoria, 208, 290 Caesena, 202, 295 Augusta Taurinorum, 290 Caiatia, 311 Augustan census figures, see census figures, Calatia, 311 Augustan Caldwell, J. C., 161 Auriate, 299 Cales, 309 Ausculum, 330 Camerinum, 315 Auximum, 313 Campania, deforestation, 14; sophisticated system Aveia, 325 of agricultural production, 23; shape of urban Azetium, 330 network, 231, 235–6 Campanians, grouped with Romans by Polybius, Balesium, 330 45, 87–8; defection after Cannae, 73; number Bantia, 333 of, 73, 139–41, 148 Barium, 330 Cannae, 72, 138–9, 330 barley, in economy in Roman Italy, 21–2 Canusium, 330 Basta, 330 Capena, 321 Bedriacum, 265 Capitulum Hernicum, 307 Bellunum, 299 Capua, 197, 202, 236, 242, 309 Beneventum, 236, 327 Caretini Infernates, 325 Beregra, 313 Caretini Supernates, 325 Bergomum, 294 Carreum, 301 Beria, 299 Carthage, 107 Biferno Valley Survey, 261–2, 269, 272 capite censi, 99, 174–5 Black Death, 1–2, 147, 155–6, 214 carrying capacity, 12–13, 20–6, 35–6, Blanda, 334 185, 193 Blera, 320 Carseoli, 323 body height, in pre-Roman and Roman Italy, Carsulae, 316 17–19; and levels of per capita income, Casilinum, 310 18–19; not determined solely by food intake, Casinum, 307 19–20 Castrimoenium, 307 Boii, 44, 131 Castrum Novum (Etruria), 321 bone evidence, see osteological evidence and Castrum Novum (Picenum), 313 archaeozoological evidence Castrum Truentum, 313 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01318-6 - Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC–AD 100 Luuk De Ligt Index More information 384 Index casualties, during Second Punic War, 73, 138–41, citizens sui iuris, registered by republican censors, 147; during wars of second century bc, 141; 80, 83–7, 126; as target population of during Cimbrian Wars, 118, 160; during Social early-imperial censuses, 126–7 War, 118, 160; during civil wars of first cives sine suffragio, (non-)inclusion in census century bc, 118; and demographic decline, figures, 45, 87–95, 107–8; registration by local 165–7; demographic effects mitigated by new magistrates, 88–9, 107, 120; levied by local births, 141, 147; as check on demographic magistrates, 94; legionary service, 65, 87–9, expansion, 143 91–5; and impositions of tributum, 87; Casuentum, 316 enfranchised before 150 bc, 94–5;in Caudium, 330 Campania, 45; in Etruria, 51; in Sabinum, 50–1, Cemenelum, 299 65; in Umbria, 51; in Samnium, 51; in Ager Cenomani, 43–4 Praetuttianus, 51; in Ager Vestinus, 51;in census, procedures during Republic, 80–82; based territory of Aequi, 51; in Ager Picentinus, 51 on tribes, 88; use of existing records, 96–8; civium capita, 122–5 centralized or decentralized, 81–2, 106–12, classes,ofcomitia centuriata, 99–101; threshold for 113–15, 117–20, 124–6; registration rates, 81, membership of fifth class, 101–2, 104–5, 152–6, 113–14, 118, 122, 124–5, 135, 137, 150, 166, 172, 169, 171–2, 174–6, 183, 280 176–7; target population under Republic, 6, 45, Claterna, 202, 295 81–105; target population under Augustus, 6, climate change, in medieval Europe, 2; in Roman 122–7; and registration of adult fighting men, Italy, 12–13, 26–30, 35–6, 193; impact on 84–6, 100, 106, 173; and monetary valuation of altitudinal margins of arable farming, 2, 27; and property, 80–1; and imposition of tributum, 84, spread of diseases, 28; effects on population 100, 173; and imposition of inheritance tax, 126, growth mediated by social and economic 128; and membership of property classes, 84; structures, 28; relevance to study of and registration of voters, 85, 97, 100 demographic developments in early-imperial census figure(s), for regal and early-republican times, 29, 36 periods, 4, 48, 60; for reign of Servius Tullius, Cliternia (Samnium), 325 82, 98; for 465 bc, 86, 126; for 330s bc, 86; for Cliternia (Apulia), 330 279 bc, 89; for 234 bc, 42, 53–5, 66, 96; for 208 Cluana, 313 bc, 95–7; for 203 bc, 86, 95–7, 130, 137–8, 141; Cluentius, 116 for 168 bc, 97; for 163–124 bc, 171–6; for 163 Clusium, 318 bc, 138, 150; for 130 bc, 126, 160; for 124 bc, 97, Collatia, 330 130, 160–1, 167, 173; for 114 bc, 160–1, 167, 173; coloniae civium Romanorum, 103, 107, 154 for 85 bc, 112–16; Augustan, 6, 8, 120–34 coloniae maritimae, 107, 154 centuriation grids, as evidence of land clearance, colonies, provincial, 10, 107, 163, 184–5, 189, 281, 14, 264; obliterated by alluvial deposits, 15; 342–3 dating problems, 15, 264 colonization, and demographic developments, Cereatae, 307 9–10, 138, 150–4, 168 Ceva, 299 comparative evidence, 12–13, 25–6, 35 Cingulum, 313 Compsa, 330 Circei, 307 Comum, 198, 295 Cisalpine Gaul, population in 225 bc, 6, 8, 43–4, Concordia, 202, 295 71–2; population in 28 bc, 194–5, 208, 224–5, Consentia, 335 227; land reclamation, 14; shape of urban Consilinum, 334 network, 231 Copiae, 333 cities, see towns Cora, 307 citizens, number in 225 bc, 46, 177; number Corese Survey, 258 during Second Punic War, 72–4, 141; number Corfinium, 325 during final decades of second century bc, 192; Corinum, 330 number in 28 bc, 6, 8, 120–34; in Italian Cortona, 319 countryside after 160 bc, 35–6; outside Italy, Cosa, 165–6, 220–1, 226, 259, 321 5–6, 8–9, 122, 124, 189, 342–4 Cremona, 202, 291 citizens alieni iuris, declared by pater familias, 80, Croton, 335 84, 106, 109, 127; registered by republican Cubulteria, 311 censors, 85, 109, 127 Cumae, 309 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01318-6 - Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers: Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy 225 BC–AD 100 Luuk De Ligt Index More information Index 385 Cupra Maritima, 313 Fasti Ostienses, 120 Cupra Montana, 313 Faventia, 202, 296 Cures, 325 Feltria, 206, 299 Ferentium, 319 Decia, 330 Ferentinum, 305 deforestation, 14, 28 fertility, and poverty, 159–62 demographic recovery, 142–50, 168, 182, 267 Fescennia, 321 Dertona, 202, 295 Ficolea, 308 dietary habits, in Roman Italy, 21 Fidenae, 308 dilectus, based on tribes, 89, 95; anachronistic Fidentia, 299 elements in Polybius’ description, 91–5 field surveys, methodological problems, 11, 37, Dirinum, 330 165, 179–80, 249–57; trends in site numbers, diseases,

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