Gheorghe E. Cojocaru* O „SAMĂ” DE GÂNDURI LA CEAS ANIVERSAR (27 martie 2018) „…Basarabia, ruptă din trupul națiunii românești, nu poate fi decât o materie inertă”. Din Testamentul lui C. Stere către Ion Codreanu (1930) In this study, the author wonders how the astral moment of the Union of Bessarabia with the mother country, Romania, on March 27, 1918, appears today at a distance of one hundred years? It is noted that opinions on this issue are still divided. The untruth is scattered from the highest political levels of the Republic of Moldova. And yet, it is emphasized that on the Centenary of the Great Union, the Unification of Bessarabia appears as one of the most brilliant pages of the last century, as a culmination of the national self-determination movement and as an admirable confirmation of the unity of spirit, faith and being of the Romanians from the territory between the Prut and Dniester Rivers with all the Romanian breath. At the anniversary celebration, the author profoundly praises the precursors of the Union of 1918 – Ion Inculet, Ion Pelivan, Daniel Ciugureanu, Constantin Stere, Pan Halippa, Pantelimon Erhan, Ion Buzdugan, Ştefan Ciobanu, Alexandru Marghiloman, Ion I.C. Brătianu, King Ferdinand, and all militants and builders of the Union, who remain an example of devotion to the national ideal, to the nation and country. Also, an analysis of the meaning of the “mother country, Romania” from historical and current perspective is undertaken. Keywords: First World War, Country Council, Union of Bessarabia, Romania, Centenary of the Great Union, Republic of Moldova. Iată că astăzi istoria ne oferă fericita ocazie de a da mâna unii cu alții, cei cu inima română de pe un mal și altul al Prutului, în chiar ziua în care o sută de ani în urmă vechea moșie de răsărit a Moldovei lui Ștefan cel Mare, numită impropriu Basarabia, după 1812, revenea acasă.
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