Content Message from the President 4-5 Board of Directors 6 AmCham Moldova Profile 8-11 Membership Benefits & Services 12-23 Special Project 24-27 AmCham Events/ Year 2009 in Review 28-41 Financials 42-43 Membership Directory 44-52 AmCham Network 54-59 EDITORS: DESIGN LAYOUT: ADVERTISING INQUIRIES: Elena Buzu, Mila Malairau Insight Advertising
[email protected] PUBLISHER: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Prospectprint
[email protected] 5 Message from the President Dear Members, As the fourth full year of activity draws to a close, the American Chamber of Commerce has continued to grow and develop in its activities and ways in which it supports and interacts with its members and partners. 2009 was a year full of challenges but also accomplishments during which AmCham adjusted the focus of its activities to meet the demands of the current times and prepare for the op- portunities and challenges to come. One of the defining business conditions of 2009 was the effect of the world economic crisis. Most of our mem- bers experienced lower sales and more difficult bank and financing conditions. Many were forced to pursue cost- cutting measures in order to limit losses and conserve cash liquidity which, in turn, negatively impacted the businesses of their suppliers. AmCham offered both for- mal and informal consultations for our members, direct support for their businesses and modified internal poli- cies, all aimed at easing the economic pressures on our members and helping our members share strategies for dealing with the economic downturn. In a year when most businesses aggressively reduced their costs, virtu- ally all AmCham members maintained their memberships in AmCham, indicating the high value they place on our association and services.