BuddhistBuddhist DictionaryDictionary ManualManual ofof BuddhistBuddhist TTerermsms && DoctrinesDoctrines by Ven. Nyanatiloka HAN DD ET U 'S B B O RY eOK LIBRA E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: www.buddhanet.net Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Buddhist Dictionary Manual of Buddhist Terms and Doctrines Nyanatiloka Fourth Revised Edition edited by Nyanaponika Buddhist Publication Society Kandy / Sri Lanka - 2 - Buddhist Publication Society P. O. Box 61 54, Sangharaja Mawatha Kandy, Sri Lanka First Edition 1952 Second Revised Edition 1956 Third Revised & Enlarged Edition 1972 (Pub. by Frewin & Co., Ltd., Colombo) Fourth Revised Edition 1980 (Buddhist Publication Society) Reprinted 1988 ©1980 by Buddhist Publication Society ISBN – 955 – 24 – 0019 – 8 - 3 - From The Preface To The First Edition As a first attempt of an authentic dictionary of Buddhist doctrinal terms, used in the Pàli Canon and its Commentaries, this present manual will fill a real gap felt by many students of Buddhism. It provides the reader not with a mere superficial enumeration of important Pàli terms and their English equivalents, but offers him precise and authentic definitions and explan- ations of canonical and post-canonical terms and doc- trines, based on Sutta, Abhidhamma and Commen- taries, and illustrated by numerous quotations taken from these sources, so that, if anyone wishes, he could, by intelligently joining together the different articles, produce without difficulty a complete exposition of the entire teachings of Buddhism. As already pointed out by the author in the preface to his Guide through the Abhidhamma-Piñaka (Colombo 1938), there are found in the Abhidhamma Canon numerous technical terms not met with in the Sutta Canon; and again other terms are found only in the Commentaries and not in Sutta and Abhidhamma.