Optimizing the Visual Impact of Onshore Wind Farms Upon the Landscapes – Comparing Recent Planning Approaches in China and Germany
Ruhr-Universität Bochum Dissertation Submission to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Faculty of Geosciences For the degree of Doctor of natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat) Submitted by: Jinjin Guan. MLA Date of the oral examination: 16.07.2020 Examiners Dr. Thomas Held Prof. Dr. Harald Zepp Prof. Dr. Guotai Yan Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Friederich Prof. Dr. Harro Stolpe Keywords Onshore wind farm planning; landscape; landscape visual impact evaluation; energy transition; landscape visual perception; GIS; Germany; China. I Abstract In this thesis, an interdisciplinary Landscape Visual Impact Evaluation (LVIE) model has been established in order to solve the conflicts between onshore wind energy development and landscape protection. It aims to recognize, analyze, and evaluate the visual impact of onshore wind farms upon landscapes and put forward effective mitigation measures in planning procedures. Based on literature research and expert interviews, wind farm planning regimes, legislation, policies, planning procedures, and permission in Germany and China were compared with each other and evaluated concerning their respective advantages and disadvantages. Relevant theories of landscape evaluation have been researched and integrated into the LVIE model, including the landscape connotation, landscape aesthetics, visual perception, landscape functions, and existing evaluation methods. The evaluation principles, criteria, and quantitative indicators are appropriately organized in this model with a hierarchy structure. The potential factors that may influence the visual impact have been collected and categorized into three dimensions: landscape sensitivity, the visual impact of WTs, and viewer exposure. Detailed sub-indicators are also designed under these three topics for delicate evaluation. Required data are collected from official platforms and databases to ensure the reliability and repeatability of the evaluation process.
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