Bi-Annual Research Journal “BALOCHISTAN REVIEW—ISSN
- i - ISSN: 1810—2174 Balochistan Review Volume XXVIII No. 1, 2013 (HEC RECOGNIZED) Editor: Ghulam Farooq Baloch BALOCHISTAN STUDY CENTRE UNIVERSITY OF BALOCHISTAN, QUETTA-PAKISTAN - ii - Published bi-annually by the Balochistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan, Quetta-Pakistan. @ Balochistan Study Centre 2013-1 Subscription rate (per annum) in Pakistan: Institutions: Rs. 300/- Individuals: Rs. 200/- For the other countries: Institutions: US$ 50 Individuals: US$ 30 Contact: Balochistan Review—ISSN: 1810-2174 Balochistan Study Centre, University of Balochistan, Quetta-Pakistan. Tel: (92) (081) 9211255 Facsimile: (92) (081) 9211255 E-mail: Website: - iii - Editorial Board Patron in Chief: Prof. Dr. Rasul Bakhsh Raisani Vice Chancellor, University of Balochistan, Quetta-Pakistan. Patron Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed Shahwani Director, Balochistan Study Centre, UoB, Quetta-Pakistan. Editor Ghulam Farooq Baloch Asstt Professor Balochistan Study Centre, UoB, Quetta-Pakistan. Assistant Editor Waheed Razzaq Research Officer Balochistan Study Centre, UoB, Quetta-Pakistan. Members: Prof. Dr. Andriano V. Rossi Vice Chancellor & Head Dept of Asian Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Naples, Italy. Prof. Dr. Saad Abudeyha Chairman, Dept. of Political Science, University of Jordon, Amman, Jordon. Prof. Dr. Bertrand Bellon Professor of Int’l, Industrial Organization & Technology Policy, University de Paris Sud, France. Dr. Carina Jahani Inst. of Iranian & African Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashraf Khan Director, Taxila Institute of Civilization, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan. Prof. Dr. Rajwali Shah Khattak Professor, Pushto Academy, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Mr. Ayub Baloch Member, Balochistan Public Service Commission, Quetta. Prof. Dr. Mehmood Ali Shah, Professor Emeritus, University of Balochistan, Quetta.
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