Diocese in Europe Prayer Diary, July to December 2011
DIOCESE IN EUROPE PRAYER DIARY, JULY TO DECEMBER 2011 This calendar has been compiled to help us to pray together for one another and for our common concerns. Each chaplaincy, with the communities it serves, is remembered in prayer once a year, according to the following pattern: Eastern Archdeaconry - January, February Archdeaconry of France - March, April Archdeaconry of Gibraltar - May, June Diocesan Staff - July Italy & Malta Archdeaconry - July Archdeaconry of North West Europe - August, September Archdeaconry of Germany and Northern Europe Nordic and Baltic Deanery - September, October Germany - November Swiss Archdeaconry - November, December Each Archdeaconry, with its Archdeacon, is remembered on a Sunday. On the other Sundays, we pray for subjects which affect all of us (e.g. reconciliation, on Remembrance Sunday), or which have local applications for most of us (e.g. the local cathedral or cathedrals). Some chaplains might like to include prayers for the other chaplaincies in their deanery. We also include the Anglican Cycle of Prayer (daily, www.aco.org), the World Council of Churches prayer cycle (weekly, www.oikoumene.org, prayer resources on site), the Porvoo Cycle (weekly, www.porvoochurches.org), and festivals and commemorations from the Common Worship Lectionary (www.churchofengland.org/prayer-worship/worship/texts.aspx). Sundays and Festivals, printed in bold type, have special readings in the Common Worship Lectionary. Lesser Festivals, printed in normal type, have collects in the Common Worship Lectionary. Commemorations, printed in italics, may have collects in Exciting Holiness, and additional, non- biblical, readings for all of these may be found in Celebrating the Saints (both SCM-Canterbury Press).
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