Renger Philemon Kanani The effect of processor control on Screening Transaction Costs in farmer – food processor relationships: An investigation of antecedents and contingency factors PhD theses in Logistics 2016:5 The Effect of Processor Control on Screening Transaction Costs in Farmer – Food Processor Relationships: An Investigation of Antecedents and Contingency Factors Renger Philemon Kanani A dissertation submitted to Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics For the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) PhD theses in Logistics 2016:5 Molde University College – Specialized University in Logistics Molde, Norway 2016 Renger Philemon Kanani The effect of processor control on Screening Transaction Costs in farmer – food processor relationships: An investigation of antecedents and contingency factors © Renger Philemon Kanani 2016 PhD theses in Logistics 2016:5 Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics P.O.Box 2110 NO-6402 Molde, Norway This dissertation can be ordered from Molde University College Library
[email protected] Printing: Molde University College ISBN-13: 978-82-7962-212-3 ISSN: 0809-9588 ii Preface This scholarly work puts empahasis on the factors that moderate the effect of processor control and Screening Transaction Costs. It has been submitted to the faculty of Logistics at Molde University College; Specialized University in Logistics for the partial fulfilment of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Logistics. This PhD thesis started in August 2011, and it has been supervised by Professor Arnt Buvik as the main supervisor and Professor Judith Molka Danielsen as co-supervisor. The doctoral degree including this PhD thesis were financed by the Norwegian Government through Quota scheme The committee of three experts has evaluated this PhD thesis: (1) Associate professor Berit I.