Thousands of Peasants Marching on Bucharest

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Thousands of Peasants Marching on Bucharest >i-C' " ./ - . - ■N NET PRB3S RUN TRB WBATHER VoTCCMt hy 0. 8. WMifear OarMB; AVERAGE DAILY CIRCUL.ATION ; ftew HsTett ., for tlir' ii|oiith of April, 1028 Glondy t o l ^ t ; T o fM ^ fair Mid 5,128 allgIlOy w arai». bla: l«i*J iA*. .Uembcr of the Antlli Barean of GIrcalatlitns PRICE THREE CEl VOL. XLII. NO. 186. C lassifled A dvertiaing on P age lU . MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MAY 7, 1928. (TWELVE PAGES) KEITH’S SCHOOL PARDON BOARD Gen. Nobile’s Route to the North Pole COST ANALYSIS HEARS APPEALS I AMUNDSEN’S CAPT. W ILKIN S BfRD AND BENNETT R O U T E O F OtRlGlBLE, N O R G E, A N D LIEUT. EIELSO N I FLEW FROM SPltZBERGEN G-EN. M O B IL E 'S TO POLE AND R E TU ^ DIRIG-IBLE, ITALICS I F L E W F R O M FLEW FROM ALASK A M A Y 9 , 1926. - IG H O U R TR IP IS MADE PUBLIC OF 62^NVICTS SPITZBER&EN T O 5PITZBERGEN T O A L A S K A , A P R I L 1928 I CR O SSIN G POLE BUT DID N O T M A Y 12.1926 CROSS POLE. Selectman s Comparison of Eight Pleas Withdrawn; One- 16 M EN ABOARD, L Await Reinforcements INCLUDING Legged Man Has Invented NOBILE.. NORTH Fear Collapse Today Expenses Here and in POLEj ^ITZBERGEN fore Starting an Offmishre Other Towns Completely Novel Artificial Limb; The O f 5 Billion Gal, Dam In Shantung—C lu D ^ Printed Today. Cases. Burning and Looting Table Rock Cover, S. C., May. Tithing like three feet near the top, — Hope___ that..... the .hand of man where tit 4 ’ widened oarofmagain. It nrowas i3 Selectman George E. Keith, who Wethersfield, Conn., May 7.— •only at the toltom, however, that and Killing All F o r e ^ might stay the crumbling of the the water had seeped through, and is a member of the Joint School Sixty-two appeals for pardons or Table Rock Cove dam, holding back gushed into the Saluda creek in a Board, today furnished The Herald clemency were made to the State 5,000,000,000 gallons of water at 15 foot stream. ers. , TEU-IR* with his complete study of school Board of Pardons at its semi an­ PEARY REACHED POLE BY the head of the Saluda liver, dimin­ Dig Trenches. D O G SLED , APRIL 6 , 1 9 0 9 , costs in Manchester as compared nual meeting at the state prison ished rapidly today. Crews have trenched the sides of AFTER UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEM PTS The giant earthen structure was Table Rock mountain in an at­ Japan Is massing a powerful with costs in other towns and cities here today. Originally seventy I N 1892, , 1902 A N D l 9 0 6 . expected to give way momentarily tempt to prevent the drainage from army of more than ten thousand in Connecticut. The letter which is petitions were on the docket, but as the Saluda river below the dam seeping through the end of the lirintcd herewith explains Mr. eight were withdrawn before the The heavy black line on the above map shows th e route chosen by General Nobile for his flight to the rose at the rate of more than a foot dyke which connects the mountain. men in China for active interven­ Keith’s basis of comparison and meeting. North Pole and return from Spitzbergen, in his giant dirigible Italia. The other line shows how the pole an hour, and overflowed its banks. The plan of Colonel J. L. Ludlow, tion. answers the letter of the Ninth Withdrawals were listed as fol­ has been reached by three former expeditions-^Peary, by dog filed; Byrd and Bennett in a plane and Cap);. Expressing grave apprehension of Winston-Salem, N. C., the en­ According to advices from Toklo' lows: School district which appeared in Amundsen in a dirigible— in times past. The recent Alaska-Spitzbergen flight of Capt. Wilkins and Lieut. that the rppid rise of the stream gineer who constructed the dam, of today the Japanese forces In Shan­ Harry Pelletier, of Waterbury, Eielson is also shown. Gen. Nobile is now at Spltzber gen. was due tci a new break, engineers placing sandbags about the drain The Herald on May 3. tung will open “ an offensive" to re­ The tables which Mn Keith re­ serving two to five y^ars for at­ held little hope of sa,ving the dam pipe has been abandoned. The fers to will be found on Page Six tempted highway robbery. and ordered the danger zone clear­ bags would not prevent erosion, as capture Tsinan and occupy the of today’s Herald. Mr. Keith’s let­ George A. Finn, of Norwich, serv­ ed of all persons. Armed guards it had been believed. Shantung railway. ter follows; ing five to nine years for embezzle­ NOBILE ARRIVES placed around the entrance to the The rain added to the discomfort Revision of previous figures put ment. THOUSANDS OF PEASANTS of thousands of refugees who fled the Japanese military losses at Editor of The Herald: gorge, permitted no one to pass. I have read with great interest John Nichols, Bridgeport, serv­ Heavy Rains. from their homes in the lowlands twelve dead and thirty Wounded. in your issue of the 3rd the results ing a life sentence for second de­ Heavy rains which began early Friday night, when the danger Eighteen Japanese civilians were gree murder. AT SPITZBERGEN of a study made by the 9th District MARCHING ON BUCHAREST yesterday and continued this morn­ alarm was spread through the val­ reported to have been killed hF Committee on some figures on com­ Isidore Yochelman, Bridgeport, ing proved an added menace. En­ ley. As yet, officials said, there Chinese. Among them were six sei’ving six to ten years for man­ gineers fearing that it would tend was no suffering. women. Residents of Tsinan .were parative cost of schools as sub­ slaughter. mitted by me to Howell Cheney to loosen the dirt in the dam whic'n In event of the giving away of driven Insane by the bnitajltiea Harry A. Bradley, of New Haven, Meets Storms All the Way was completetd two weeks ago at a the mammoth Table Rock Cove dam and horrors which accompanied tba about five weeks ago. My under­ serving seven to sixteen years for rioting and fighting. standing at that time was, that the Take Dramatic Oath They HOSPITAL LOYALH cost ranging between one and two it was feared that six other large second offense of motor vehicle million dollars. mill dams further down the stream General Chiang Kai-Shek is pre­ results of any studies would be con- theft. From Norway— Getting paring to resume his drive in the sid^ered together at some future The huge crack in the Pickens could not withstand the sudden R. H. C. Clarke, New Haven, Win Fight Until Rumanian county side of the dam has been rush of water,____ _____ and ______would________ crumble direction of Peking. The lull in the time, in order that some agreement serviiig three to seven years for LIST WELL STARTED also. If the big dam collapses all f fighting has given the Northern might be reached which could for­ widening steadily, and now reaches forgery. R^dy For Polar Flight. from the top to the bottom of the at once, the entire lowlands of the army time to take up ne\y posi- mulate a basis for further study. Nicholas Salvatore, New Haven, Government / i s Over­ valley will be Inundated, it was be­ tions. My own opinion is, that it would dam. The break was 30 feet wide serving one to five years for black­ at the base and tapered off to some­ lieved. have ■ been better to agree upon mail. London, May 7— General Um­ 310BE TROOPS some common ground before the thrown— Fear Trouble. Letters Come in Promptly in Peter Chialicki, New Bi’itain berto Nobile today inspected the • Tokio. May 7.— The War Office results were given to the public, serving eighteen to twenty years ordered 2,700 Japanese troops, re^ but inasmuch as the 9th District for robbery with violence. Answer to Plea For Funds motors of the Polar dirigible Italia DREDGE IS SUNK M AN Y CITIES ASK inforcements to Esinan (Tsinanfu) Committee has not seen fit to do Litchfield County. , Berlin, May 7.— Thousands of after its stormy 800-mile journey today .in preparation for hA “ of­ this, I feel justified in using the Litchfield county cases were tak­ Rumanian peasants, who took part from Vadsoe, Norway, to' King’s fensive” to occupy the Shantung same method to present by views. en up first by the board today. in the Alba Julia convention, which Through Mail. Bay, Spitzbergen. railway so that badly needed provi­ When I was appointed by the There was no appearance for the BY BIG FREIGHTER FLYERS FOR VISIT sions can be sent to the 3,.000 Jap­ Boax'd of Selectmen as a member demanded the resignation of the Work of overhauling the motors petitioner in the case of Giordano present Rumanian Cabinet, are .V anese troops in that battle wreck­ of the Joint School Board, I felt it Gandido, Torrington, who is mak­ and loading the ship'with supplies ed city. The Japanese may take was incumbent upon me to in­ marching upon Bucharest to make The following letter from Rev. / ing his eighth appeal for pardon a gigantic demonstration, accord­ for a series of flights over the Polar over control of the city.
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