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\' PAG& TBk S A l'U R D A y DECEMBER 28, 196t ilmtrl;pBtfr lEu?ntUQ l|prali!i ATtraRi! Daily Net Prem Run For tl^ W e e k Ended The Westhcr December 28, 1957 M erry Christmas," as he handed PorM M t et D. 8. Weetbar Bareae us several packages. Engaged About Town It was a pleasant surprise, but Heard Along Main Street he didn't fool us. He W’as only the -Mostly cloudy, tonight.' St. John'! (!%urch on Golway deliveryman from a departrhent Member nf Audit l/ow In 20s. Tuesday chance of td-. 8 t will hold m New Year'* eve And on Some of Manchester'a Sifle Streets, Too store. Business Bodies Bureau nf 'Illation termittent snmv. High in 80*. / •ervlce at 7 p.m. Tuesday. Masse* Manchester— A City of Village Charm Naw Tear'a Day. Wednesday, will Takes Two to Tango be at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. story Without Ending cat beejatne a member of the We have heard o f two instances The Central Connecticut Cooper-<^wlnter catalogue has b ^ n mailed This is the season of the year household or not, for the haircut during this holiday season where atlve Farmers Assn., located at to the firm's customers. According VOL. LX X V II, NO. 76 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1957 (Classified Advertlelng qn Page 13) The Nursery School which meets' when deliverymen and newspaper that we were getting ended and people received Christmas gifts Apel P l„ had Ita annual dinner to Montgomery Ward officials PRICE FIVE CENTS •ach Sunday at 0:30 a.m. at the boys look forward in anticipation we have to wait for the result at only to find that neither was sold meeting recently - at the Hotel there 1* an average price cut o f ' Oiurch of the Assisi. South Wind- PINE of a small token of appreciation the next clipping. in workable condition--with the Garde, Hartford. Nathan Mil­ 19 per cent on 4,000 items. The ; eor. will omit Its session tomorrow from many of their customers. The needed extras. ler, president, and William Zuck- catalogue. 268 pages, has 20 per PHARMACY morning'. I token is usually In the form of erman, general manager, gave cent more p a g ^ and 33 per cent I I'rlvate Ban The first concerned an expen­ ■ I monetary reimbursement. hut Last S nday a eali came in to their annual reports. Guest more mark-down Items than It did ' 664 Center St— Tel. MI 9-9814 sive camera. The purchase was speaker was Dr. Edwin Singsen. In 1957. ' I Second Lt. Robert Fischer Kel-1 sometimes it may assume other the 8th District Fire Department made by a man for his wife. He Afro-Asians m Dispute ley, who with his wife and baby | proportions-. ■from the University of Connecti­ York from it North End resident who bought a camera, plus film and daughter are visiting his parents. Such was the ca.se la.st weyk cut. The association presented PINE LENOX wanted to know. "How long i* the Hash bulbs. On Christmas morn Sale* ot major electrical appli- I Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelley, lf>2 when one of The Herald carrier.* Its employes with cash bonuses ances alijiped this year, says Elec­ water going to be shut off in this ing. when the gift was opened, the PHARMACY O • • • TTTVTTBI Lenox St., was honored with ap­ collected for. the week's deliveries. end of own?" and Christmas baskets, complete trical Merchandising, a McGraw- f\ \^f'onsport Ask woman found that she couldn't pointment as aircraft Investi­ As he w:as about to leave the lady's with turkeys. $99 E. Center St__ M l 9-0896 The firemen replied that he did­ i use the camera Indoors because Hill plfbllcatlon. But when you con- gator at graduation exercises. house, she called to him and asked Nearly all of the group’s mem­ n't know the water had been sliut I there were no flash batteries in­ sid^ the appliance-radio-televi- U n F e ip in g in UiN Plea's#riA;e S et Nov. 26 at Ellington A ir P'orcc him to wait for this Christmas gift. bers and many of their patrons. oA, but he would look into the mat­ cluded. A check showed the sion Industry a.s a whole, 1957 was Base, Houston. Tex. Lt. Kelley was TTie bo.v waited for a short time with their wives, attended. Ray-1 the third best year In history, ter right away. Jlen were immedi- , Dec. 30 (/P )— an honor graduate of Manchester and thi woman of the house reap­ at.H. 1 . ,1. . ■ ■ salesman neglected to mention mond Kristolt. mill foreman, and . In dollars the industry's business ately dispatched to the street and these as musts for taking Indoor Cairn, Dec. .30 (/P)— The po-^promlsM another round of anti-•'African and A-sian countries. This High School. claz;s of 1952. He was peared. with gift in hand I the water lines were checked. Ipictuies Richard Tucker, assiatant m ilt;w as 37,885.100,000 a drop of 6.5 The Transport Worker.s Union foreman, were presented litical committee o f the A f r o - ' on® 'or the major develop- graduated in 1956 from the Uni- time that pa.ssed Was probably But before the men ietiirne Kurknl, accordion and Monday, ! erty. U m C lie Red N-Ti*al» ; tually turn the cUy'a 288 milea of the physical education course at l well-known to the Heard Along tential buyer selected a tree about needed as they were "extras." A first meeting was held In U S. OPEN A reliable .«iomce could not say versity of Connecticut and giadu- Teddv Page, tenor .sax Mike Tuesday. what wordjnft: broug^hl abotil the I Ati informed aouroe said the I Yasui .said Russian luriear testa subway lubes into jfhoal timnela Bouve-Boston School, which is : column, took one look at the cat five feet tall, held it hv the top! Not everyone knows that bat- Bankruptcy Court Thursday in­ re.sotuiion. which would have to be ' '^/‘iild be mentioned as well a.s , as slopping operation of all affiliated with Tufts University, and said, "Bo.y. get that cat out ated wilh a B A. degrecUrom the j Stanko, p/oprielor of the Oak Friday diaajfreenienl. nnd slowly revolved it. , ! teries do not come with cameras volving James Shaw, doing busi­ TO approved by the full conference at R^itain and the United cUv-operated bUs line.s. eight nrl- Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 30 (A*)— A $1 billion, 4-year program Medford, Mas*., is at home for of sight before .Ma sees it.'' The American University in Washing- Grill said the group will provide I "Is It symmetrical" " he asked; and radios, and a lip from Heard ness as Main Fish A Lobster Co., „.L- . ***’ " ” ''* ]it5 clo.sing busines.s ee.s.sion | vale bins companic.s and another to bolster education was approved today by 'ft-eflident Eisen­ the Christmas vacation. .She is cat was promptly hustled down ton. D. C , where she was a mem-: dance mu.slc and entertainment J'f Edison Rd., Manchester, and 103 H'c lad ’ Along to merchants is to nasa her of Kappa Della Epsilon. She | fi-o'm 9 p.ni. New Year's Eve until \thile most of the .>00 delegates j Wednesday, eon.siriers nationaliza- Moscow has consistently a.ssailed private bus line in .suburban West- hower. It contemplates 10,000 federal flcholarships each year the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sher­ stairs into the cellar and there it I-«oking somewhat puzxled but along this information to future IS now on the facullv of Belt Jiin- 3 a m: W. Main St., Meriden. As.sets are to the unofficial conference •■’ent | uon a "lawful means and a right NATO ‘ "vci •-troops .- in Kuropec and pro- cheater Coiintv. wood J. Robb, Bolton. remained, quietly, at least until an.xious to please, the teenager I buyers, lor High School in Wheaton, Md, __ _ listed a.s $12,098.86 and liabilities sightseeing this morning, various (vhicb is ai^knowledged for every po.Red general di.aarmanient agree- . * . * and 50-50 matching grants to states. supper. as $33,847.68. took a closer look at the tree and' - Her fiance served four year.* There was a net increase of, rommitlees worked on a fistful of nation Jn accordance with the menta without East-West inipce- A tieiip would disrupt the tran- The plan was released after Secretary of Health, Educa­ The carrier's and barber's moth­ OPE.V TO 8 P.M. Registration for comihunion at replied. ".No sir, that's a fir. " Come Early —- .Stay Late uith the U. S. Navy. He attendcil 400,000 in the number of investor j ^ ~ ------propaganda resolutions following principles nf national sovereignty.” lion agreements. The Russian. «l.*o ^ h 7 minio'^n / ' ‘.h * tion and Welfare Folsom conferred for an hour with t,he the New Year's Eve service for er served dinner and the cat be­ T H IR S D A V a broad Soviet line. Some delegates also were dis-, have attacked U.S, plana to stork-' million le.sidenta and the Remember the one thing about Tufts College and Bentley School i accounts in the nation's invest-1 y v W W W OPEN TO NOON nil. r.,,,.1—, ______L. t ^•’°''S'4nda of workers who con- President. German speaking people at the gan mewing. At each mew. the I'navnidahle Subjects ranged from national- ru.ssing the possibility of s resnlu- P>le nuclear weapons in western the tickets that came back from of Accounting in Boston, and is ment companies during 1957, a n '^rADTUIlD A R T H U R HDIIA D R U f i 'CCTADB^ T O R P O WEDNESD.VV verge daily on the metropolis from Zion Lutheran Church may be brothers coughed, sang or stamp­ The local businessman motored Izatinn to nuclear weapons. j tion thanking Russia for her offer Kurnpe. Fol.som said he had talked about the program to Congrose- the print shop reading. "Stag Par­ now a Junior at Georgetown U ni-; expert on the subject says. T h e lk VKWV IN.srRED SAVINGS the suburbs. made after the 11 o'clock serrtce ed their feet, in hopes that St. In New Hampshire last weekend. 942 MAIN .STREET Tliia afternoon’s plenary ae.saion I of eronomir aid or loan* to all Ya.sui d^clm^d comment on 5?at-; men and felt it would receive a favorable reception when it ty- $4 Per Couple?" versity. School of Busine.ss Admin- j new accounts brought total ac- Ik M.ANCIIE.STEK Tile atrike vote yesterday foi- tomorrow morning. Nick soon would oops, wrong As he approached the Massachu­ istralion in the School of Foreign ' counts to an all-time high of $3 3 Ir urday'e nTiclear test hy the Ru« goe.* to Congres.s for approval. story - in hoijp.s that Mom Well, the party planners found ■ ] lowed failure of negotiations be- setts-New Hampshire border, be Service, Washington. D. C., where million at the end of the year, ac­ SAVINGS & LOAN sians. hut earlier he announced t,^.pcn the autonomous Transit An- wouldn't hear the cat. out tliat wasn't the only correc­ FoLsom said the federal program would try to correct de- noticed a service station sign he is a member of S.A .M. and the cording to Edward B. Burr, execu­ ^Joins ^ ASSOCI.ATION himaelf agaiiiat all teals "Including thorily and the TWU in an effort But she did, or thought she did. tion they had to make before dis­ ficiencie.s in education ‘“ which if allowed to continue would which read," Gas Up Here. Avoid Student Veteran Organization. tive director of the -National Aa- 1007 .MAIN STREET the .Soviet Union's. " and went toward the sound of the tributing the tickets for the affair. j to replace their contract which ex- seripusly weaken our jiation al. security e ffort.” and is jn _ -N. H. Tax ' A June 14 wedding is planned. sociation of Investment Com­ The impeiialism subcommittee, i pires at midnight tomorrow animal's crying. She pulled open The lirkcts also listefl the time The man pulled to the piimp.s panies, Alpert Bid to Justify :; 1.SO drew up a resolution support- ; The union s demands for a 65- answer to Russia’s continuing buildup In the science field; of the party as 7 o'clock. Come estowm the cellar door and there at the and while the attendant was Ail­ But, in A new* conference. Fol-^ _ _ W I mg the struggle of the Cypriots cent hourlv increase in a one-year to find out. the prospective bride­ j top step stood the carrier's Christ­ ing his tank the man a.skcd, "How Library Board som made it ' clear that science ■ ■ PHARMACY groom. in who.se honor the party The New Britain Machine Co. for self-determination. " Britain | pact and the TA's offer of 18 cents 6BB jUrtfienl Bd.—M l 9-9946 mas present. much more i.s the lax in .New and mathernatlcs w'ould not be V as being given, worked until 9:30 has started a. longterm financing j wants to hofd on to Cyprus a.* its an hour over a 2-year' period have We don t know for sure If the Hampshire than it is here? " T o M e e t J a n . 6 stressed alone. He said the scholar- p.m. plan for the purchase of machine Passenger Train Cut last base In the eastern Medlter- left the two aides'far apart. Ike May Seek "It's less in New Hampshire," tools. According to the firm terms I ranean. Present subway wages range itijlp program alma to bring thous- was the service man's reply. anii* more students Into Colleges. rOPENi ,Missi|p-Tor ? The meeting of the Library years and downpayment re- 1 The group was also working on from $179'... an hour for porters GENERAL Board which was scheduled for ‘ c-' >o'v «* 10 per cent * re.soliitlon denouncing foreign in- to $2.37 for power malntainers. Tht) program calls for: Record Budget Ctire-.Ml Uepartnient We were at the desk in the po- By THE AS.S(K:IATEI> rKES.8 • mna on the New York to Spring- AppropriaUon of $225 mitilon in Dec. 30 has been postponed to Jan. ^ *'"* being offered. The company PARTY NEEDS AND Negotiations resume tliis after­ Two employes of .Manchester lice station the other day and in The Public Utilities Commiaalona field section. It said the cutlack is the first tfear with a 4-year total 6, according to Chairman William I makes automatic chucking ma- (t'onHniied on Page Nine) noon in the offices of City Labor TV SERVICE Memorial Hospital were overheard ' walks a fellow with a brogue as of Rhode Island, Massachusetts necessitated by declining freight of $1 billion. = A L L D A Y = E. Buckley. On the agenda is a ' ^bines, automatic bar machines, Commi.saioner Harold A. Fell.x Of $74 Bmion discussing a feminine problem. thick ss .Mrs, Murphy's chowder. and Connecticut today asked the and passenger loads. Of this sum, about $800 million Days M fiC A discussion of the needs of the ^°P.'' 'athes and precision boring New Haven Railroad if it can Justl- MeUaughlln's letter to A pert on with settlement of the subway con­ Nights Plus Part* "It's driving me crazy. It's been He announced that he was looking Whiton Library equipment. is estimated m part of the SO-SO like lliis for a cgiiple of days and for Sgt, Sputnik and had two DECORATIONS FOR A fy the sharp cui tailmenl of passen-: behalf of the puolic utilities chiefs tract- dispute serving as the key Washington, Dec. .30 (/P)—The matching grants-in-aid program T E L M l 8-M82 "W c want to determine the e x -' issue. The outcome of the subway = S U N D A Y = it looks Just awful." ' trees for him ger tram service it has ordered of the three state* asks these qiiea- Diabetic Slayer for the states. Eisenhower administration's flrst lent (If the painting and lighting! The Montgomery Ward mid­ Into effect next Thursday . lions: pay talks will probnblv determine post-sputnik budget may total "Don't you have anything here"; Sergeant who? needed in the library. " said Buck-1 More for Research Even a little would do the trick."' LI. Rav Griffin explained that The Joint tri-state iiKiuiry was Vldiat savings will Ihb railroad the wage pattern for '8.200 TW U nearly $74 billion—a new peace­ icy. A substantial inerMse In the ap­ time record. No. And I can t stand it any i the fellow is s tree surgeon and HAPPY NEW YEAR made in a letter to George Alpert, j achieve? Killed ill Crash members employed on the private He mentioned the $7,500 appro­ president of the railroad, signed by " ’III these be "In proportion to bus lines, which are negotiating in- propriation for the National Sci­ And Oongresa, alarmed by re­ longer. " (|,p nickname belongs to Sgt. Wal- priation which the Board of Di-1 ence Fouhdatlon which how has a "I know what you can do: go to I ter Ferguson, George A. McLaughlin, depulv pub-1 the P"iblic inconvenience and the - with the TWU. cent signs of Russian stridM in rectors allotted for librar y ex-1 Quill and other members of the budget of about $40 million a year. missiles, aatcllltea and space sci­ THE ARMY 1 4 of its 38 nati(.n of all passenger servIFe o f ^ e who called up the barracks to lodge j T ^ bound you want to AMBDLANCE SERVICE HORNS PARTY HATS bar early F it-' yesterday; 1 es. improving the teaching of sci­ grams./ Preiisnt Indications ara lighting were drawn up by James paa.aenger tralna on thethr shtivo hn^ Nrw Knglnnd. i ence and mathematics. Folsom in­ a complaint against his wife. He i Sheekey, town engineer. " I f we have to go to Jail . . . | that/these requests may Jw held 1 between. Bo.sion and Now Yor k a Kudaten, a randidato for the ‘ dicated they could be made, for at previous levels, but not reduced was missing $700 and accused her „ j , j . Officers first thought the second ; we will go to Jail. Can't see tlie road. 2ft per vent aervire reduction; four Iicmo( i alU' gubernatorial nomina- Police Nab Wright construction of laboratories among appreciably, of taking It ! ^ tos'l- seem.s kinda wanted man. Ru.ssell Wayne Car 'There ia enough leadership MOTTOES PAPER BELLS of ilji ^2 traln.*^ between New York tion. charged in a statement thaj I hazy pcntei. 21. of Washington, might other things. ' President Eisenhower will tend "H e sceiied pretty mad about and Springfield,o « and. . . othec . shorter . ' . .lo.seph .1. Mulhern, recently ap­ here to run a strike until hell Here's the Pike - you're doing have been with Overton. But after freezes over. They (the Transit •But the program submitted to Congrcis hts fisckl 19S9 budget it." s;.id the officer pointed chairman of the Stave A ir­ the President, and receiving Itia eighty an all-night inquiry, they conclvid Authority) are not going to run early next month. Congress recon­ Then he told us that the com­ port Management Board, has been endorsement, did not include-past venes a week from tomorrow. plaint. which was submitted on You lose control and hit the brake END COLD WINTER WORRIES CONFETTI SERPENTINES ed that the two must have separat- the subways and powe houses with In Beaumont. Tex. named 'clvief lobbyist'* for the proposals for general federal aid- Saturday, was withdrawn the next Bui .somethings wrong, you're ed somewhere between here and an injiinrtion." | An. official who has been in on Albert Gayson much too late. Gaillartl Asks raili oad.t. for school construction. final budget preparations said yss- da.>’. Ja(Mt.sonville. Fla., where they were The TW U s .strike threats re-' Stafford Springs. Dec. 30 (Ah ' The roads named by Riidsten Asked about that, Folsom re­ terday that joyer-all government "All the stores must have been were the New Haven, the Boston Ir reported seen together. ' reived no support from the Motor- The office of the Tolland County plied that he preferred to confine BUILDER closed, " was his comment. ,\ crash of metal and shattering BALLOONS ICE BUCKETS spending next veaf "apparently glass ^ New East-West Maine,...... the ____ New York____ Central______and Overton, chased by Slate Troop-i men a Benevolent As.sn.. the small. ; state's Attorney snnounoed today; his statements now to just what The other car also was going too the Boston and Albanv. The B * A *>'» speeds up to ItO miles an | independent tinion whose walkout the arrest in Texas of a man ac-| had been discussed with the Pres­ (ConiiBued on Page Nine) ALTERATIONS - NEW HOMES GwmI Readership fast IS a suhaidiarv of the New Y ork ,*’ " ” ’ , swerved and crashed head-j ended two weeks ago after ser-. riised of .shooting a friend and ident- this morning and not get STREAMERS*CREPE PAPER Summit Talks (Vnlirtl 1 on Into another macchine on U.S. lously disrupting subway S(—service...... : robbing the. doctor who came to' into the school construction area. o n e M S a n ^ a s M n r a n X i " ^ ” ^^ '->• " “ th- i Rudston »aid that repre*cnla- 1 Just north of this east-central treat the victim Folsom said the President was it true what they sav"about Dixie " I "u "'* , , Georgia town. COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL PAH.*!. r>or. 20 Kienrli Pie- the railroads agreed at a (Continued on Page Nfne) William .1. Wright, of Coventry, 100 per cent behind the proposals, after he had heard that a cat ' ever again. " ‘f" ‘ i .Second Driver Kilted ■ ■ : 130-year-old ex-convict, is In cus- which had been drafted after dis- named Dixie, rhewed to bits the SIGNS And More 44 VILLAGE ST.. MANCHESTER— Ml 9-3697 The driver of the second car, ■j-j ’■ "A l ! tody in Beaumont and has indi- I cussionn of several months, Bulletins other officer's Christmas Club neu East-\\ eat summit conference ^ of all legislative and lobbying mat- j Eisenhower .will mentlqn the check. She (lied in the wreck, along wdth I Charlie Wray o f Cocoa, Fla., and ■ t i n f i n ■ I f l t l S i ' * ’* waive extradition, the others as an effort to achieve a truce In terf.” High Point. N. C„ also was killed. AAAAgKCAFA J. said the anpouncement from the i program in hi* State of the Union from the AP Wires The following day more than a Two of the women were also IVITH COMPLETE SELECTION OF CARDS the Cold War. The former state Senator said He was traveling south. I office of Joel "fteed. Message, .but will make a separate dozen persona called the policc- I mothers But GAlllanl In a Mulhern's ‘ present situation Overton in the stoleiT 1958 auto I State Police filed charges of as- education message to Congress,'! min's wife to ask the same ques­ AND GLASSWARE IN STOCK ln_a (op.Mighted virluallv makes him « White House press secretary ISR.AEU CABINET RESIGNS tion. So you're alive and they are dead Interview with l^.S. News ami heavily stocked with shotgun Bill lo Abolish^ j saiilt with intent to kill and rob- : I JEDDO HIGHLAND COAL shells and food wa.s stealthily James G. Hagerty said. I Jerusalem, Israeli Section, Deo. We also see that the "National j World Report, cautioned that .such travel" -sir ■ bery with violence against Wright •THE ARISTOCRAT OF ANTHRACITE” and rail. heading north back toward the The program Was geared only tp ' 30 (/P)— Premier David Ben-Onr-" NEW YEAR'S Apple Pie Week” sien that has ^ ^ . . A conference of chiefs o f goi'ern- after Bernard Costello. 30. was ment must he well prepared to *a‘rt " "master plan " crime scene .when the troopers Replace SBA . shot and critically wounded in his . a 4-year period, Folsom explained, : ion tonight announced the Hislg- beeiT posted in a Main St rostau-! »niart ot prevent if froiir becoming just a " ‘he alleged meet- Jumped him; He had been reported j home here early on Dec. 23. I because It ta hoped that by then ! nution hi* five-partycgalltlon SCHEDULE cant since October has been taken' * ' ORDER NOW the Impetus in state, anti local cabinet. A communhylto?Mld the down. I stsrt OPEN MONDAY propaganda forum for one side or ’ Dallas. Dec. 30 (jiff) Rep. Wright j Dr. Robert Bowen, summoned to I TTiink of your family and even the other. (Continued on Page Nine) (Continued on Page Thirteen) Co.stello's home after the shooting, area* would (arrv It along. i reeignatlott will be Submitted to OPEN Patman ID-Texi sahj today he will On the scholarship programs, j the stranger WORLD The Premier recommended t h a t ______I was robbed of about $.50 at rifle President Izhak B e a-ZV t not •lust Made It introduce a bill to 'abolish the Folsom said preference would be ; MONDAY TILL 9 P.M. Whose lives otherwise may be put | FOGARTY BROTHERS, INC. A foreign ministers' conference be ‘ point. liiter than tnmorr(j(M'. The Com­ It was Just live minutes to mid­ given to students with good back- j in danger. j GREEN cbnvened i^s .soon as. possible to Small Business Adminisfration be­ I Convicted as Bank Robber munique said th premier re* night Christma.s eve. The children ALSO: CONNECTICUT COKE, FUEL OlLi RANGE OIL ground in science and matliematios. ! TL’ESDAV TILL 6 P..M. had been in bed for about ' roe prepare for the summit meeting. cause it Is giving "nnllilng but lip I State police said, the informa- gretled that le past few But the administration felt the days he had t o eet- hours, awaiting the coming of Don't be a fool- Don't drink and j SIR BROAD STREET— M I 9-4539 STAMPS Tlie Premier declared the West service" to the problems o f , the ; Uon against Wright, one of four W IL L IA M J. W R IG H T CLOSED ALL DAY then drive. j FAIRWAY idea mainly was to get nrore Stu­ cabinet. morning and the gifts from Santa should press abend with building; Gaiety, Reverence small businessman. \ .j men . convicted of a $900 bank , tie- a-diapute Claus. ,\nd on New Year's Day you will I 975 MAIN STREET -PHONE MI 3-1212 missile ramp.s in western Eiyopc dents into colleges, where science N EW YE A R 'S REMEMBER.. "IT'S FOGARTY FOR FUEL" The vetei^n Congressman : ‘ here ,ome time after midnight. would ^hen be able to get its fair still be alive. without waiting the o(fI('onie of a her* for ii 2-day inve.stigalion o f ! <^harges that after arguing "'lth ^___ GARCIA TAKES OATlt The doorbell rang and we said. , carr.ying a rifle, and shot, his proportion of recruits. __, ! "Here's Santa! " "He a a little Anon I conference witli Russia. * recent milk price war among Dostello in the latter's home th e ; three times. Manila, Dec. 30 i/P)— Preaideat early." someone added. I He said France is willing to Dallas dairies. evening of Dec. 22, he returned The entire program was flexible Carlos P. Garcia was sworn in have misAile bases and stockpiles; To Welcome 1958 Dr. Bowen identified Wright as p'ol.soiii added, and many details for a 4 year term today and We went to the,door and opened | "Situstions like the Dallas milk ' the man'.who held him up before ' still would have to bii-worked out. Ham. Steaks. Roast Beef. Poultn' . . . it. The figure on the porch greetbd of nuclear warheads on French ' pledged to tighten his cooatry’n war have been brought on by the ' driving away from the Costello | In a report to the President qnt- m that order seem to be the meats most us and said, " I m Santa Claus, ! adminLatration which- more' and* traditional tic* with the United in demand for New Year's. condithilr is ''lh rt F?am'‘c"sb(^?i'l('l A.S.SOCIATED PRESS ^w ill be celebrated by the Rt. Rev. home In a 10-year-oId car, ; State lining the program, Fol.som said 11 StatiMi. The political heir of Ra­ have at least Joint say in (lecldlni?' That extraordinary evening with j.Msgr. Joaquim Nabuco of R'*" d« i f « 'o r » b(g bitame.** agam.sl Police said. , . seeks to overcome what ' was mon Alagsuysuy, who WM killed Gaillard; *‘" »t>'»'’ge mixture of gaiety,; Janeiro, brother of former Brazil- |.*,^* busines.*. -Patman said, News Tidbits when to pull the trigger...... — ... . ^ j Costello remains on the danger termed "a tragic waste” of a most in a plane crash last March, alsq n : .sentiment, nostalgia, tomfoolery, I ian ambassador to the U n 11 e d I I** ® pattern of this sort of Culled from AP Wires YOU W O N T BELIEVE IT> said France plans to build Its own nostalgia, tomfoolery, ian ambassador to the U ” “ * “ i .uina all over the c'outnt'v' Hal today at Windham Community valuable reaonree—the talent of promised ' continued friendshi|l Here at Pinchurst. we w1H have that atomic bomb unless the iTnited | oontcniplalion. noise, bedlam and I State*. Maurlclo Habuco. lining an oxer tne coiitntx. Memorial Hospital, Wlllimantic, youngsters. It was designed to But It's True Patman, chairman of the House with "amr .\stan friends" ns «-eU wonderful MORRELL'S READY TO There'w ill be parades, concerts, State* Imparls Its knowledge to reverence Is at hand again. as S|uin and the Latin-.Ainerl- E A T H AM , . ..'These hams are shank­ Tomorrow la New Year's Eve. and ceremonies. ' c "i!;" n ‘^''0'’ ''''’’ .* 01^of Judge Raulston'.Schoolfield writes France on how to make the bomb (Contlniied on Page N)ne) (Continued on Page Nine) can republic*. less, without nnd or fat. We think it is or gives France custody of some As 1957 boWed toward the exits, For many people, it will be s ' f " ' » " Tennessee Bar Assn, that it was the best ham on the .market today A therj were plans for the usual noi-mal, qiriet evening at home, i i ” ? * , , *1** *” 'iUtig ciinsumcrs ‘•i|i.«dvl*ed" in "injecting" Itself !------atomic warheads. A-PL.\NE PL.AN REPORTER large shipment will reach us early Mon­ variety of yearend celebrations •- President and Mrs. Eisenhower 1 j into the controvdbsy over his court. WT C V m e " WW- a J Gaillarrf railed for a Joint dec­ Washington, Dec. $0 O P^In* day morning ranging from frolic and braying IJlHil ill. ntav VII ov uiS’ii Xjrvi,a.^«- W..4 - il_ t '.a , . . . . V4iiiv/Ii scnviViH Oi|U V laration , hy the , plan to. stay on at their G r t ‘ y * - 1 ' cl.b. Interference Hinted formed officials said today'they 19 52 8 FORD Britain #nd France undenvriting horns to s(»ber reflection and pray­ burg Yarm through the; holiday. 1 t*^*P.k**ig operaton/Jtors ir 'expect the Pentagon to recom­ er. ’ i In Washlngt on'there's to be an: u s . i,l u k j (■entrai states say they have ^ the status quo in the Middle East. mend to President Elscphower a The best bny in turkeys will be large Across the country, night Clubs! Air Force band concert In the '” 5 . reached lenl*U4»lcnl«U4» agreeagrernVent nfenf o n . ' l J ^ . ^ - ^ O i l This would presumably guaran­ compromise that csiald clear tlm -C o^ecticu t Native Toms and Armour's tee Isi-ael against an.y attempt to taverns and hotel ballrooms .pr*"’.* ”L ^•Xrn^VtUffiinshington this week 1 benefits poiiii iJeiiics ' -Tressiire way for building an atom-driven &XST i-«ady for (he oven toms. T^e na- 2 DOOR SEDAN - RjAOIO - HEATER roll back Its frontiers to the lines strung up their bright balloons White poiise In the aflernobnj jfpi- airplane. For years the nuclear W e bidls have been in our freezer Just of the- 1947 U.N. partition plan. and crinkly paper, read.ving their low’i'ff'Yjy choir singing and eve­ and would, seek to have the SBA : New "long term " naUonal plane prognuii, despite prod­ a few days and are a buy at 49c lb., if The rollback has been repoi ted he- liveliest shows and menus for the ning vespers conducted by Eastern. replaced by an agency that ii, aoience policy urged by William P yot^ can use turkeys in the 20 to 22 lb. , ing advanced in some western' revelers. Orthodox clergy'. mterealed in little hualneaa prob- j Carey, chief of Labor and Welfai < ding from Congre-ss, hns been ; To Drop British Plane kept on a haro subsistence bapls range. We will also have smaller A r­ quarters as X means of placating i ^ ;'P''*‘'®s were about the same^as j In Philadelphia, the annual lema. , ...... Division of Bureau of Budget| mour's Starjiens . but Cap LaBroad Arab stales. last year, averaging around " $15 a lnumbers' parade will be staged on ggighH^hmern of %mal Dulles will at-' and pcrehlally threatened with conipiete shutdown. la absoluteiy'^liold out on the smaller person, in most cities for dinner, New Year’s Day with an array of i lnk a?h of 1^^ f P "''' Bonn, Germany. Dec. .30 i/V' — ‘ Defense Ministry characterized as weights. (lancing, paper hat* and noise ! bright, phimed costidfes. M e m U s j tion'* federal re^^^^^^ 1 makers, with drinks extra.- Biit ' ta. ««nni/tii4i /sliiUsT v i« fnr ^ pCI\e S .l(^ts tO tlllie in thw'I's 1 vnni- '*'*'' West German Defense Min- "nonseii.se that there was any N-\I E.VI’ O.V DANGER SEEN Down r i e s v j s r n n t * " R j i f l i e j a t s ‘ dHnka extra.- But | of the various clubsT.vie for the Dr, John P. Hagen, direcior 'o f today denied British news- American interference." Month Y g O V e r i H i r I \ e i U . S e . S i yo„ conm pay a Im more— or s | most striking regalia. I Washlngloii. Dee. 36 t,Tks» (Cnnliniied on Page Thirteen) Navy-supervised project Vanguard, P*P<‘'' speculation that I'.b. pies- The spokesman said a. flnal dcci- according to the spot. In Colorado Springs, the Ada Ill’ll. Porter (D-Orc) said toda.v SteaJis and Rib Roasts will be from I indicates t.'.S sclcntl.sl*. working *” **' o"""®',* .‘ 1’® Bonn government gjon on the Interceptor will bp that nrcidcntal explosions of Choice grade njeat. . .well trimmed T o C a l l A s s e m b l y ! At the same Hme. religious leatr-. (Add-s-.Mnn( Club, which down messages of hope and takes in one new mcnvber a year to*get an Earth Satellite alofl, ‘ '*®' *‘** •’uying Britain's made in mid-January, nuclear iicapons “ are probable . . very tender. j ___ — , I j ready are liioking ahead to more rocket Jet. He a.sked why it was tliHt the H erald G els N ew ore rook®' J®’ - . , He a.sked why it was that the despite elaborate safe-gisafe-guards." Hartford. Dec. 30 (Ab-Governor! ’(i”ti,^'“ ia * “u ** <""ong tho.se who Join In an advanced space program . U.’.S. ^ ministry spokesman said the Royal Air Force was not buying theh He said such c. nilshnp'■ ‘ ■ might Rlblcoff todqv. flatly rejected the Thousands ; annual climb up 14,110-fooi Pike’s Public Health se-vice says death*ith* P*®'’ ® * rocket-jet SR177 had | pl.ine and snawered; "Obviously! trigger panic and WWorld ork W ar You will find special 'olives, pickles, .State EmploVes Union demand that; Peak, .will make its'32nd annual Phone N iiiiihers from InfliicnzA and pnciiiimnlainia n®®” . turned . , down ^ because it* it l* for the same reason, because m . The Oregon Ueraoer*rat told bacon rinds all flavors. . .toasted cpm he call a snertal session of the Gen-' music and devotions. I mountain trek numbered .566 in 108 large cities maoufactiirers, w^re unatile tr> K®t, ihe plane is not yet ready. " newsmen that the Defense De-"^ wafers from ■ sunny California along erarAssen^lV o grant a $ % nav ' .. Th< Moravian Church -will hold 1 Flresco.ksFireworks vwill he set off from erai Assemoiy lo grant a *Z4U pay 19.3rd annual "memorabilia” The Herald ha.s in­ during the week ended Dec. 21. |;0* ‘ I)' ^ ‘ i “ t® German postUon, he 1. partment should “ Infprm oiir with Peppendge 9'arm Party Rye (tiny the summit on New Year’s Eve. Two Ru.ssian economistsu isi. failrail t„to before 1961. And that* loo late, added, that the Saunders-Roe craft j clllxc’ns and the world” o f the Mod«m HMting boost to employes. | services shortly before midnight Hangover Party thin slices I ready for your selection In a letter to the Governor,: gt Winston-Salem. N. C. stalled a new and larger attend American Convention where he prided will not be -available before im-' danger nl accidental nuclear ex­ Monday or Tuesday. In Las Vegas. Ne\[„ .where ea- ' o f its b «it , State Employes Council' 18, A F L -' The custom In \vhich the v e a r's L ney., wnere ea- telephone .switchboard they were scheduled to make Word spread among ‘ l’« manned fighter planes are avaiP plosions. very f-rn Boiri a nevannnei di.nnrt'mnnt . ‘u wnicn ine Year s ^ {ah||jbment)i Were reiwi'ted booked speeches and.blame weather for rt’lony of plane aale.smcn. In Bonn, defense "f-i. Cro, said a petsonnel department, events are recounted, originated in j ,oHrt f„r the evcnlra’a whoopla, with additional trunk report showed that 10.000 state em- ColoAlal Saleml«m vtfhsanwhen Moravians art a «*« I ...... ’ their absence, • ’ however, that "high level' political, „ HILLAllY NEARER POLE - ) : ^ ^ lines to provide increased In iri(l Bergman returns to I.on- considetations had OiiUycighcd all' The German* turned down the ployes, or about half the work , depended on the paator Vo" k^ep i STew^Y^t "s"^ .Auckland, New Zealand, Dee. W'e will be open Monda.v and faster service. don lifter Christmas vacation with' 0‘ her (actors In the Gtrman deci-i ^oohet-jet SR177, reportedly m 30 i.'Pi— Sir Edmund Hillary's M&MOH. . h®PP/ning» in |,,„m 10 a.m nntll curad." ^ ^ children and estranged Mon to reject the Si*under»-Roe |‘“'o'- of American fighters^ nlgbt Mil Nine . . . and husband, The party trekked to within nearly only $45 a week, community, . state, natldn and i In St. Lxniis, a $25-a-person Effective at once our Tuesday until Six. Closed T FORMERLY FITZGERALD-EDSEL RoberK. Rossellini. . . Walling-1 j®‘ - .. . ' <‘«®‘ Mon coat Britain a $280-,mil- L50 miles of the South Bole to­ ,1-y . SERVICE ‘^nd “ « i d “ r Bishop ■ ch^mp^gneTtipper wlirb7held";‘(! new telephone number Hon order and has threatened 3.000 A ll Day New I ’ear'a Day. ford selectman and new byldc on i These sources’cissxn sai(issexis* the kiis- decision %a w.int V't • I ^ 4 *W O • q , j sscaday s in it* overland sax ■nil .iiithike a g ' ethrough i i i w u i i 843 MAIN 8T. S Z e , that ui^nltiai of / 'w .u P r t the Hotel Chase as a benefit fori will be: honcjTnoon in Bermuda despite W as not blsed. on the plane * ' I'’®’ " * ” the Saunders-Roe fa c -[ ..%ntarctlc wastcih Hillary's lat- ^ ^ ‘ ^ „ Uie eity-a 86-member svmphonv Ihleves stealing their lUggnge, > technics) prpflclentjy,. , tory with unemployment. message to,S cott Base, his End the year.right. . shop ,TALCpi^yiLLE TEL. Ml 3-5191 JbhnGamiy— Chet Brunner last OctWer for pay raUes was "a Emphasl* on Peace .orchestra. . U. will play a • pop • con­ - ( M l 9.7540 necessary and justifiable one." In N ew York City’s St. Pat­ M liciieir J.27U money and airplane tickets. Report* clrculaLed in Bonn that T5ie Britisli government is r e -;. ramp near 5lc)Hurdo Round, was .Pinefaurat Monday and Tue»- cert V under direction of Boston | Five hurt as section of brick ttie chief contenders for the Ger- ported to believe that the Ger- plicked up ijete. It said ,tl»e 4s Aaked at his mbrnlng press con- rick's Cathedral, there Will ,b«. a d.y. CHAS. J. M INICUCCI, P ^ p .‘ conductor Arthur Fiedler. ; wall falOk on apectator* watchlni man;, order now are two .American mans, who -were impressed by th e man tractiw' t«MB covered an­ '"‘ ference if he planned to grant the ipeclat New Yeac’s ‘Eve Maai, 84-Hour Service OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY TILL 5 O 'D e llF ra n k Janton TTiera'II be a wry favor to mo- fire in Bolivar, Mo. . . . Stsjfford plane*, the F104 Lockheed S t^ - 8R177 at first, changed their other 44 >/t ■ miles during thn Uoyd union*! request for a epecial ees-. with emphasis on peace and broth­ iKaurlirHtrr , toriata on New' Jersey's atete Bpringa ^tate Policeman nabs tighter apd the Grumman F l l F l pnlnds after American pressure. i GREHN STAMPS Sion, ihp .Governor-replied with an night and wma toaveUng at aa erhood among peoples o f North, youthful trio accuaet) of itealing Tiger, and the French Mirage 3. •mphphatle "no.** - . ‘ ttifttudr of It.OM feet at 88 be- South and Central America. Mam (CoatlBiied Ml Page Four). lEunfriij IfrraUi car from W iterbury. In a atibaequent aUUment, tba (Contlauod OB Page Be van) Jow ^ re FahreaheU. ■i4' ■ / - ■ •A

1 ,r..-

P i G B MANCHESTEB EVEi^JNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CX)NN. MONDAY. DECEMBER 30, 1957 ■ ■ .-^1 - I____ ■■ \. -I IIAN(3IESTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, DEGElifBER 80, 1967 F A O K 1 H I ] ^ 3 Families Flee I Korean Vets Must Ftte Blast, Blaze in j Silk Town For Bonus by Tuesday Sheinwold on Bridge Engageil Andover * t Tomorrow Is the last day T e e Stafford Springs | when veterans of the Korean SPECIALIZING IN conflict may file for State Notes, Oiiotes RUITINO AT RIGHT TIME Sportsmen^8 Club Schedules bonuses. South dealer CUSTOM BUILT HOMES . fit&fford Springs. D*c. 30 i / P t — [ DEVELOPS LOjiiQ SHIT TTiree famlllss were forred to fise A recent check indicated North-South vulnerable On State Outlook for ^58 from • fire that broke out after a j ^ S' there were more than 15,000 By Alfred .Sheinwold NORTH . Major Events ior Next Year GENERAL CONTRACTING ■mail explosion toda.v in the eligible veterans who had not A short suit in the dummy gives A 3-atofy Kualansky Block on Main By EARL YOST filed. j'Ou the chance to trump a losing V K 8 4 By GEORGE M.\CKIE REMODELING and REPAIRING Wilbur IJttle. service officer "bcraft, Connecticut's largest em­ economy. nSeds a "stimulus" sUch A calendar of activities has been'f’members of the adult confirmation 8 t. in the heart of the Stafford! card with a low trump, but it’s Im­ ♦ A K 7 4 3 Ha'rtford, Dec. 30 (fl>)—With un- ployer. as could be provided by a tax re­ Springs bu.sinc8o sertlon. : of the DHworth-Comell-QuBy portant to make this sort of play ♦ 6 3 3 planned by the Sportsmen's Club class. FREE ESTIMATE^MORTGAGES ARRANGED Post, No. 102. American Legion, 3VEST EAST emplojinent in Connecticut now 60,000 in Work Force duction "if siioh a thing were pos­ Conflrmaiion OlasI to Start T^ie wooden building consists of ( at the right time. A United Aircraft spokesman sible without Impairing the na­ for the coming year which will two stores on the ground floor, and Nearly 2,000 Manchester young-*ler and Mrs. Sullivan is in the has application forms. LJttle West Opened the queen of A Q J 10 6 2 OK94 pushing toward the peak reached The first dlaas for children over lives at 195 Spencer St. O Q 3 O J 7 3 said this did not mean 2,000 layoffs tional defense position.” Include one major event e.ach 12 years of age "who wish to be con­ four apartments on the upper sters vi.sited Santa riaus during his I Proof Department . . . Mrs. Ruth spades, and .South wisely refused at the height of the\1954 recession, The same diverse reaction is ERNEST A. RITCHIE nine days at Santa s Work.shop j .Murray of 34 Westwood St., secre­ ♦ J * 2 ♦ q 10 9 3 because the cutback was achieved month, t« addition to regular firmed will be held Jan. 8 at 3:15 floom.' ' the first trick. West continued what will 1958 bring? as much as possible bv not filling noted among members of the Con­ Ifl LIBERTY ST. — TEL. MI 3-8172, MANCHESTER Fire Chief Woodrow Pitkat of which was set up at Center Springs tary to President Russell Hatha­ with the jack of spades, and South AQI0 4 OK87 meetings. p.m. in Phelps Hall, Hebron.%iose To some extent it depends on vapaneles which occur from normal necticut Manufacturers Assn.. Stafford Springs said the explo­ Ixidge and conducted by the Rec­ way at the Trust Co . marked five took the ace. This left him in posi­ SOUTH The list Includes three events planning to attend should notify A A 8 3 There's fun gralore in store whoin vou ask. turnover. He added that at present spoke.sman for that organization Mrs. Philip Deooncourt, church sion occurred when Richard Millir. reation Department. Frid Peck years cif service on Nov. 1. tion to decide exactly when to ruff reported. ? which will be held at the Regional 17, started to light the oil burner : was the '.senior" member of the 1 . . . his last spades with one of dum­ O A 10 9 62 for one and all at our New A check of a half dozen key the corporation contemplates no school superintendent or their more reduction in its work’ force district 8 .school: A sportsman’s In a second floor apartment o< - ^ working Santa's, being on the Job I One of the best ad.s noted in The Local Stocks my's low trumps. The opponents ♦ 6 spokesmen in business, labor and He added that a survey Is in tSacher at St. Peter's church ♦ A J 9 2 Year’s eve celebration . . , which now stands at about 60,000. show .in March: a nsherman's Cod cupied by his mother, and four of three nights He also visited all Herald concerning gifts during the would be in po.sitlon to make this government brought' replies Rang­ progress now which should clarify Fish Ball in May; and a Huntei;’s school. South Weft North Kart wonderful dininjf and danc- ing from downright pessimism to One of the more optimistic ex­ the members’ attitude to a con She^ipnrd Studiro for Priesthood his sistera. j shut-in youngsters. Superintendent j (Christmas season from a local decision if South won the first Pass Ball, in .November. OF MANCHESTER Miller's hair was singed in the | of Recreation Jim Herdlc reported, store was the following from Bur- OuotatJons Furnished by spade trick. I V 2 ♦ Pasi iiiR arc yours to enjoy. guarded, optimism. : perts in CohnectlciiT Is Dr. George siderable extent. The association FLETCHER CUSS GO. M tchen 2 V Pajj 3 V Pass Joseph Carter has been named The Rev. Edward Sheppard, a accident. Randy Brown. Bud Schmidt. James, ton's; "If it didn't ring the bell Coburn A 5flddlebrook, Inc. The question was important be­ Make your reservations There .seemed to be general Cline Smith of Greenwich, an econ­ plans to make lesults of the sur­ former resident of Andover. Lake, 9-7879 4 V Pass Pau Pais chairman o f the sportsmen's show. He quickly aivakened his older iDiitchl Fogarty, Wally Fortin and, If it didn't fit .so well . . . If it's Bank Stocks cause South w anted to establish now. agreement on three points; (1) No­ omist who la vice president o/ F. vey public the middle of Janviary. has been accepted as a postulate 19* WKST MIDPLI^^TCRNPIKE Opening lead — AQ W, Dodge Corp., a market research The association spokesman did He will be assisted by Russell sister, Mrs. Dorothy Goyette. and Herdlc are others who volunteered silk you wanted wool . . . If your Manchester Tru.st ... 60 65 dummy's long diamond suit. For body can maKe a downright pre­ Galipo and Andrew Flaher. The for holy orders, to study for priest­ with her led the other.s. whose their service.s as Santas The idea Conn. Bank and Trust this purpo.se he had to lake his diction about the economic future firm specializing in construction: ' not shai e the pessimism of a state hood in the Episcopal Cffiurch. \ CORNER DURAI4T ST. closet's already full . . . If it's red Per In a recent speech Icr the Green­ two dances will be planned by the aces range from 8 to IT. out of Is a wonderful one and the eptire and you like blue . . . If it simply , Co...... 34 37 I tricks In the correct order. with any degree t*Tcertainty, (2) official who. declining to be quot­ Sheppard ia an ordained Congrega­ a spade in the dummy, he will be Person wich Lions Club, he said the cur­ ed by name, expres.sed concern Beverly J. Warner executive committee, the bmlding. program was carried out to per­ will not do . . . Bring it In and First National Bank of The first step was to lead a dia­ able to set up dummy’s last dia­ Conditions aren't likely to get bel­ tional minister who became a mem­ Also forced to flee were Mr fection, .Santa was aware ^f each Manchester ...... 30'j 32'; ter in the immediate future, that rent recession will be short lived lest the national defense em­ ,The calendar will open with a make a switch . . . Our gifts must mond to diimm."'i king and ruff a mond, but he will be unable to get New Year's Tarty held at the ber of St. Peter's parish while liv­ y Genuine Electro and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and their child's name, via a hearing aid Hartford National TEL Ml 3-1415 Is, within the next few weeks, and becau.ie it was caused by two non­ phasis switch ' from aircraft to Mr. hnd Mrs^Nonvood A. Warn­ ing here. He now heads an eccles­ please without a hitch! . . Sev­ low diamond. South then drew two to dummy to cash that good trick. economic factors — concern over clubhouse. Bernard J, Hudak is four children, and Joseph Mediros | hook-up, and' this added a personal enth annual New Year's Eve dance Bank A Trust Co. . . 30 'j 32'- (.31’ There is little danger of a long missiles. Connecticut does little er. 20 Parkway West, Mount ■V^er- iastical library in Evanston, III,* rounds of triunps with the ace and He will be 7own one Instead of President Elsenhower's health'and non, N. Y,, announce the engage­ chairman of the committee for thfe and his two children. touch to the rtsits. of Campbell Council, Knights of Fire Insurance Companies king. He next cashed the ace of FOR RESERVATIONS range, massive 1930-type depre.s- in the missile field while aircraft Pitkgt said damages probably • « • n-.aklng game and rubber. fear Instilled In the Soviet Union's production is perhaps the statejs ment of their daughter. Miss first event., Council M(N>tlng Rrset Columbus, Is scheduled Tuesday Aetna Fire ...... 47 50 diamonds, duscarding a club. Bion. THe Church Council will meet will amount to several thousand ABA Tool an<1 Die Co. has slait- Dally Queation (Reservations Limited) Unemplo.vment in Connectidwit, success with Its satellite program. No. 1 effort, the state official said. Beverly Jane Warner, lo Luther Charles Phelps, chairman, will night at the Armory. Co-chairman Hartford Fire ____..126 136 IMamonds Break Normally As dealer, you have opened the While Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 8 at the Congiegational Copper Backed Mirrors dollars, caused mainly by smoke ed operations at its new $160,000 Francis Mahoney and Mario Diana based bn the number of unem­ Othe:a felt that Dr. Smith is cor­ The Manufacturers Association be assisted by Galipo in planning a and water. The Stafford Springs National F ir e ...... 6266'j Since both defenders followed bidding with one heart, and your Ralph H. Gibson Sr., 11 Earl St., supper card party at the elemen­ Church to make preparations for plant in St. Potersburp. Fla. A pre­ announce that reservations may Phoenix ...... 53'j 56'j ployment compensation claim.s on rect only tip to a point. They agree viewhs. however. Is thkt Connecti­ the annual meeting. Fire. Department was assisted by cision shop, the company is manii- suit. South knew that the diamonds partner has responded two clubs. Rockville. tary school in February. FOR: NREPLACE-WALL-DOOR still b e , made by calling the KC "FOOD file with the State Labor Depart­ Uiat the Awo factors he mentioned cut's extensive electrical products The Council usually meets on the Staffordville and We.st Stafford farturinp parts for Hamilton Stand- Ufe and; Indemnity Ins. Cos. i were going to break normally. He The opponents remain silent, and have contributed to the recession, I Miss Warner, an honor gradu­ Following the Sportsmen'e sho.w Home after 4 p.m. Lou Gagnon's Aetna Casualty...... 122 132 FOR ment, hit almost to the 40,000 and electronics industry will bene­ first Wednesday of the month but 3 firemen in fighting the blaze. ard as well as continued by ruffing a low dia­ it is up to you again, with: Spades in March, a bean supper will be doing cspci imental lo-piece orche.atra will play for AVEY’S EVERY mark the second week in Decem­ but they say It v’aa starting before fit greatly-from an expanded mis­ ate of the A. B. Davis High School. cho.se the later date to aypld con­ BEVELED or DESIGNED T 'J Aetna Life ...... 181 191 mond, thus setting up the last dia­ A. 8, 3; Hearts A, 10. 9. 6, 2; Dia­ the President's health and sputnik Mt. Vernon, is a senior at the Uni- held in April at the elementary m STOCK. dancing. Sealing arrangements Conn General 233 243 mond In the dum.ni.V. MOOD" ber and wa.a getting higher every sile .program an0 to rUMA” lers is secretary to C. Read Rich­ Chanaef 53 Waterbary. Cnnn. 'Waterbury Farrel Foundry k Ma­ he Joined the faculty at Storrs Ih LEGION HALT,— LEONARD ST. 0:00 ( .1) W’llIRLYBIRDS early In November by United Air- pics. One of these Is that the chine Corp.,. Kaman Aircraft, 1897 and retired in 1930. ardson in the Audit Department. ( 8-53) HOWARD BARLOW'S OR- d a n c in g 9 P.M.-8 A.M. o ^ B m t Mrs. D'Arezzo Is a commercial tel- New Yeor's E.ve Donee CHESTRA—<»ao«i: N'adino aisht. Thl> oar li iU| B-etter ( 3) MTTLK RASCAIeS INSTALLERS 73 School St. noted the anniversarv ynnrs. Two bis frainrro "Fraanit. (40) LOONEY TI NES DINE and DANCE EVERY THURS.. FRI.. SAT. Nov. 25 and Leonard Vendrillo of and Ihr .Navy" pla« "Jail Rnotrrn” (53) AMERICAN BANDSTAND Briwtiiff Whiiksy „2.W pint ooBs rerlo ai\d rarlnnltl plai C-offee 4:45 (24-90) MODERN ROMANCES 151 Benton St. marked five years ta\ori and noiosmakrro lo all chil­ on Dec. 15 . . . Mrs. Anne Gilbert. dren pint free candy. 5:00 ( 3) FLASH GORDON < 8^ ) SrPERMAN OLD HADLEV-(4 M 0 O ^ 6 YEARS OLD . ' R.N.. noted 22 years on the sU ff at Covey's (18) I LED THREE LIVES at Manchester Memorial Hospital (23) THE FIRST 8HOH ^ ■ • - WED.. -WALT DIS.NEV’S "PEBBI" “ Man From Tanalcr** StrolglffBourboir ' jth 2.99 / earlier this month. Mrs. Martha (SO) CO M K D \ T IM E i V /V "Cl, - KEITH'S YEAR END Mason, R.N., completed 11 years in (40t POPEYE December at MMH. For A Tasty Meal Visit Our 5:80 (18) THE BIG SHOW WHISKIES 4, 5 .nd 4 YEARS 010^66 PROOf ’ • * • "ilof) Palooka" CHADWICK & CO. ( .1) RKf ADVKNTLBFa 564 CENTER ST__ .Ml 9-0660 4 Best wishes to all readers for Cheerful Coffee Shop ( 8-5S) MICKEY MOrSE C4il B Oldjforvey Blended Whiskey $th 3.23 . HAPPY NEW YEAR. (30) THE EARLY SHOW urn ^4 “ Blur. H'h.ilr iMid ■Pfrfert’* •4:H ( II NEWS REPORTER AND i ■ _ , STATE (40) THILIGIIT THEATER , WF.ATHER SOUTH STREET — COVENTRY H OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. <:00 ( 8) POPEYK THEATER 14:48 ( g> WORLD'S BEST MOVIES 35% WHISKIES S, 6 md 7 YEARS O10-S6 MOOf ‘ Monday contlnuoua from 2 p.m. (58) CARTOON CARNIVAL "Srvrn Sw'rrIhriiriR" 2 .SHOWINGS TUESDAY Soturdoy Till 3 P.M.->Closod AN Day Sundeqf 6:15 ( 8) TIM 11:49 ( 31 FHATITRE fil.m Lynnbroek Blended Whiskey ,th 3,39' Q FRANK a(id HKLEN BAUSOLA d • :S0 ( 8) NEWS. SPORTS A WEATH "Powrr of thr Prr>t" 2:05-4:23 tni (18-39-331, NEWS n INVITE YOU TO CEI.EBRATE NEW YEAR’S EVE S < 8) NEWS. WEATHER A (3Jl THE BIO NEWS SPORTS (491 WEATHER S NEWS V P AT THEIR ■ COFFEE (53) RIG PICTI^RE 11:9,3 (49) STAR SHOWCASE • :S6 (28) SP O R T 8C A ST 11:19 (18) WEATHER AND SPORTS i:45 (22) NEiyS (391 WEATHER LAST DAY! i C A V E ' T S 11:13 (18) MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE SHOP "Coiinirrfrir* lOpen Housed 45 EAST CENTER STREET Nichols (tS-39) TONIOHT ' 11:33 (49) NEWS « PREVIEWS TIRE i;:!S ( SI NEWS A MEATHER No Fiimnce Charges That Manchester Inc. 13:30 ( 81 NEWS S NOISEMAKERS — FUN FOR ALL ^ delightfully new — refreshingly GOODYEAR TUESDAY r S3 MINIMUM PER PERSON ^ different CUSTOM SUaUKBANITE Kreen SNOW TIRE.S 12:99 ( 81 NEWS 12 MONTHS-PAY ^ TEL. PI 2-7391 FOR RESERVATIONS entertainment— S.*?'''!:;'' « os.mopolitan • / ATTEND OUR GALA .. .. **-*•' TAC IIOI’OH it’s Store and Plant 295 Broad SL l;:13 ( 8) m'(iS BCNNV Tuesday—Last Day for Top Bargains Of The Year! Lunch Ohte Tuesday (18-49) LOVE o r LIFE AU Are In Limited Qeantity, Many Are Samples . .. UQUOR 2>‘■'O’■‘25= “O " “C motion-picture TEL. Ml 3-5179 19:89 ( 8) HOLLYWOOD’S‘ BE.ST story-telling . Be In EaHy Tomorruw To Avoid Disappointment'!' STORES Businesamen’a lunchebns NEW YEARNS EYE (st-sei IT c o i’i.n•’’O" RE tomorrow v oc at ite best- Not Only Do^Yoiii Gel ’(Vcmendou.'i Savings Oh Hun­ deserve (and get) our special «:U ( *) TOWN CRlrtR (40) Slln-DAV MOVIE based on 19)43 (It) T*»E nrfmwn i.iomt attention. Try our (Id) NK.R’S RKI'ORT 1:09 (18) C0N.NE;CTICTT LIFE dreds Of Items For Every.,Room . . . There Is No the Felix 7 3) ItaiVKKVK LAST OF 19-) OT HO.Hr" (V|yB KITTY Finance Charge On Yout« Budget Account . . ; MIDNIGHT SHOW .MOHICANS . (39) TE'X A J,^rx Open Monday 'HI 9 p. m, Salten ( X) SHKRIFF OF COCHISe 1:23 (18) NEWS EXTRA SAVINGS FOR YOU! Bo 'In Tomorrow__ , - c/’ ESCALLOPED hook— AT THE (13) NKMS RF.PORT ItSO '•«. «<• --MR world TI'RNS SAVE! - - MILLER’S Restaurant FEATUKE (ttl H'F.ATHER ANI> LOCAL (92) NEWS with a whole CO-HIT NKWS 6:45 8:20 I3f) NEWS a WP.ATHKR ('39) imWARD MII.I.HR SHOW and Tuesday 'til 8 p .m .' AT THE CENTER HAM BURG forest full (CnI.irl 9:4.5-12:45 STATE 11:30 («»l NKW8 A WKATMKR 1:33 (221 AT I'OME WITH KITTY i0t ojf surprises — (331 SPORTS FOCII8 2:99 (iM ^ no;*T the rijiCK 7:I» (lIMei UIICULA" EUWARO.S. and MACARONI music ( 3i >Mis H-nWT.n OE OI’BS r n w NKW8 (95) howabd miller snow ii43.98 Cannon Towel Set . Buttered Green Peaa (3I> HlfillUOHTS ^ ★ ★ laughter-r 7 (34) NKW8 . (Cnl.r' 1 ' Imagine: Sljc Piecea Cannon Quality^ Tea, Coffee, Orange Drink. 9:1.3 (301 NA’-'< "l(i)>LI(!U ,'S , drama and X. Boons (33) JOHN DALY. NEWS 3:30 (|«-40i p »Rtv at Keith'a amazingly low • aale "price! 36 PROOF-4 YEARS OLD' 7iSe f II FKATLRK FILM ( 81 B»\n«T»Nn OPEN HOUSE romance! S H u t / jir "turn. RIvrr" You get Two Bath Towcia . . . Two ( 8) MV BEEn ( K) PKOPLK'S CHOICE Fingertip Towela and Two Wash Clothe! $ j th Vfvv whiskies 5 3.63 (i«i ROBIN noon (S'*) A^'n OIIOOYf Tj'plcal Of The Saving. For Thia Dace JOHSS. "Thr rtiallmr- *f Ihp A Year Sale! [ W vltDisneyJ nlnrk KnIrM" OLD HOFf3AAN-i0Oj|»ROOF-5 YEARS OLD i . i / / (2tl THE REAL Mr('DV8 (3t) "HE PRICK 18.RIGHT DRY CLEANING NEW YEAR’S EVE a TMi tTOnt OF VikJtP (C.lor) . Sour Mash Bourbon STH 3 .9f (Ul DATR WITH THE ANOF.L8 PickuD ond Delivery NO COVER — iNO MINIMUM (331 AMERICAN RAND8TAND l;N ( S.4SI tiVV MITCHELL 8HOW ■Hundreds of Specials ICE SjJX COCKTAILS . . On(>.t; D .l.m HAWkln. FISHER FOR A DELICIOUS DINNER T i (IMei HITRN8 AND 8HOW DRY CLEANSERS. Inc.. Miinhottan or Martini "O s tnofffe Tifitasy j (n-MI RE8TLF98 Ol'N fe s Broad St.—Dial MI 9-71II 5TH 2.25[ and "Thr linW Rnrklr" Many Qne of A Kind COAST.TO-COASI-PORT, SHERRY, MUSCATEL er WHITE >ORT A COCKTAIL MIXED TO PERFECTION J o H iM o n '5 ■**^fc**ws**-o^^^^^*^*^ I PLUS-^-TERRIHC APACHE INDIAN ACTION Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED Californio Wines quart 83' UFO RE G O IN G TO YOUR PLANNED PARTIES f-FLUS C A U US Ml 9^123 FOR RESERVATION THE BOWERY BOYS ATLANTIC HEATING OILS hviih I'urniiuro d h e o u n tt on c a sk -lp t p u rch o $» $l AaMThuHst' JEFF MORROW-COLEEN GRAY la 111) MAIN ST 3 1 7 MAIN ST. ftoed.Food It Our Major Cdntldoration LoesUd <4 MIU oil OaklaM L. T. WOOD CO. M A N ; H F S r f R FAST HARTFORD SlfBirt OB TWbuid Turnpike 'Hold That Hypnotift" i n u c o p p E R Telephone Mitchell 3-1129 0 ) '

' 1' - ( ' \ \:


W K irB -440 #T 1 0 >-iaM Reds Ease Curbs Sheinwold 3reaks H ebroii Satunje.y morning when his wife Regional District 8 lyn LeB«I, Susan Merclsr, Jeffer­ GLASS CRACKS A R C H IB J O t and daughter complained tc police son Prestrldge, Janet Rathbun, El-1 # m u > —u s e Daily Radio WHAY—aio , that he waa cauaing a disturbance The Herald’s new If4e- (UtTHUfTMUa s^oiSs! On Visas to Berlin Record in Bridge len Sandahl and Jean Simon. !r 042 MAIN STREET Beaten* Etaodard Time WFOP—1410 Church Plans at their home and that he had hit phone niimher is: School Names Grade 8 "B ” honor roll students his -daughter. Fleming pleaded In­ are: RutiLDqrkee, Gail Jennings. Berlin, Dec. 30 (Ah—The Soviet eOal6S(KTUUmON«t r WE WAMT YOU Alfred '‘ '‘Freddie’' Sheinwold, ■n4»6i60Ne>Ti^ rVE«, I KNOW. > YD KNOW The Baby Has ^ nocent to all three chargea. Mary Jean Mitchell, Gary Nelson, ilia toUon’ihg program aOud-^ii^^ Union tocUy opened • loophole for OTTHe / •UT. Judge Gr>'k gave Harry M. An­ Mitchell 3-2711 Many Students I Joins WHAY—NiSht Watch bridge columnist for The Herald, Farewell for Jean Wilcox, Mary Coolldge, Mary ara auppUed > by Ue radio WTIC—S^rte ^nal western diplomats In the new trav­ To Welcome 1958 MAPPIKT ___ _ derson, 42, of 26 Maple St., “ a Hills. Frederick Lloyd, Richard PAVf or leMOMON managemenu and ara tubject to WDRC—Ruee NaufMon el restrictions requiring East Ger­ has broken tha all-time bridge chance to Start eff the new year To Honor Roll Clough, Elissa Lederer, David Ur- cbanga without notice. W'POP—Mode4 SoijRda man visas for civilians, traveling to championship record. J.A.WHITE right,” When he gave him a 3o’-day ^aiae- llrje— (Continued from rage One) * Rev. Johnson ein and Douglas Lindstrom. i ' WHJIY—PIMWr Perljr WHAY—Jaa* AU>v and from isolated West Berlin. tha area'a biggest night spot, set For the year 1P57 Sheinwold MAMniD. G L A S S CO. Been Named... \ suspended jnil sentence and placed Six students are listed on the In Grade 7 .,“B’’ honor roll stu­ UTIC—Starilfht Serenade An announcement yesterday by ALWAva DOTHEIR him on probation for six months. CAP Record Hop V.cs,*, HtcvilU 4(e^u« parkway. Drlvera in the a/i«r mid­ a tTJSd cover. won 631 master championship "A " honor .roll issued by the Re­ dents are; James Russell. Gail WKXB—Opon Mikt WDRC—Russ Nauahten the German puppet regime said VERY KST1DMAKI \ The Rev. Sumner W. Johnson, Anderson was charged with intoxi­ • WTh^Rt»«» Milter WPOP—Modem Sounds night hours will be offered “one for In Cincinnati, the Beverly Hills points. Only 300 maatir points are YOU HAPPY. gional ihstrict 8 Junior-Senior Kramer, Elizabeth Prentice, Louise • WDRC—Arthur Godfrey 11 that beginning Jan. 1 civilian trav­ •will charge tl5 a person, cotierlng required in a lifetime to become a mterim pastor of the Gilead and cation. Conditions of the probation Attended by 175 Queal, Judith Barlow, Nina Pres- _ KPOP—W«ji Works WVlAY—uass A-fl<^ elers must have East German in­ the road’’ at parkway restaurants Habron Congregational Churches were that Anderaon- attend rhurch High School for its second marking WTIC—Starliaht Serenede food and souvenirs—not drinks. life master. This ^-ecord ot 631 tridge, Wendy Calkins. Elizabeth stead of Soviet visas to enter the - a free cup of coffee, compliments s ln « the resignation last March of weekly and join a temperance period. Holt and Paula 'Vanty. - WHAY—Ptktur Party WDRC—Rusa Naufhton Seattle’s largest hotel offered the master points for one year far ex­ Circlr ^ H. Telley. 44 Pioneer group. Over 175 members and friends of , WnC-^OM Milter Russian aatelllte. The rule threat­ of the parkway authority. package for $12.63. without drinks. ceeds any previous record that has terniV Hartford Hospital. His ma- the Rev, John G. Beck, will be the Manchester Squadron of the They are Joan Mortlock and Honor Society Formed FUEL Mrs. Geraldine Alfan.so. 40, of 16 W^flC-^rihur, Gofttr>ay ened to touch off a crisis in Rus­ In Boston, with a few e.\cep- But a downtown Seattle Club of­ ever been made by any writer on Rd and Victor Talley, 85 Waddell given , a farewell party thia eve­ Civil Air Patrol, USAF, attended Katherine Ellis, Grade 12; Sandra A branch of the National Honor • . WPOP—WAa Work* sian relations with the United ning. Drescher Rd.. was fined $.30 for _— - tions. clubs and hotels reported fered each patron all he could drink bridge in the history of the garni. Rh.'v. ^ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Otto La- the’ Record Hop Saturday rright at Phelps, Grade 1 1 ; Marjorie Mitch­ Society, recently formed at the ^ YWkWr=Tiaucr ParO’ States. Britain and France which reservations for the evening mer­ Some of the 1957 tournamehti Shay, 34 Con.ell St. He has a brother, John Jr... 21 months. The gathering will be held in the operating a motor vehicle with an the American Legion Home. until 2 a.m. for $1,1. improper mulTIer. A charge of ell, Grade 10; Anna Verprauskas, regional school, has been named WTKWRoaa Miller Rec Notes refuse to have diplomatic relations riment were lagging this year— in which he was a winner were the Hebron Church, in the new rooms. . 2nd Lt, Robert McCabe, execu­ Grade 9; and Miriam Gearhart, aftei' the school's first principal. W’DRC—Cai Kolby Botli churches will unite in saying making unnecessary noise was We^P—WAi W'oraa with the East German government and some operators blamed worry Summer National In PitUburgh, ] M ir r o r s A uro gyai't tive officer of the local unit, was Grade 8. Dr. W. C. Helsler. OIL K *"'* william F. Healy. nolled. Judge Gryk ruled the mat­ on the ground It was never elected about Russla’a apiitnlk. the Winter National In Loa f FURN!TUfi£ nof’s 0 merland St. He was bom Dec. 17 at Hartford Hoapitm. His farewell to the Rev. Mr. Johnson. ex-officio chairman. Arthur Bouf- Students Hated on the “ B ” honor Four seniors named members of! - WHAY—PUtUr Party C u t .Side Rer The price top in Boston for din­ Singspiration Set He goes from here to Greenwich ter “ a moat flagrant violation” WTIC—Roaa Miller A Russian spokesman said today,’ Angeles, the Eastern Regional In .*7/9 7J75 .. . GlASS TuH BRCLOSUI^C! fJeorges Filloh, Leeds fard was cadet chairman with Ken­ roll In Grade 12 arc: Gene Bo.vlng- the National Honor Society were:! Monday. 6 to 7, Open Basket- however the visa requirement ner and dancing averaged JIO. It New York, the Keystone Regional to take up new' duties. He is .Min­ after the court was told that the RANGE OIL WURt;—Cat at»b> \ N ^ S noist RSTAi 1. f m J. *’** P8l*rnal grandparents are Mr. neth Cotton. Ernest Keavn.s, Alma ton, Marjorie Hall, Barbara Helm, Dominick Armentano, Gene A r-, WPOP—Wai'Worka hall: 7 to , Women s Gym Class; would not apply to diplomats at- was the first time that no place In in Atlantic City, and the New Eng­ ister-at-large of .the Connecticut woman’s car, used mostly by her 8 At Calvary Chapel Healy. Chelmaford, Masi. He haa two-ais- son,^, had *a built-in mechanism Scott and David Spear assisting Marilyn Keefe. Su.aan Wailteman, mentano, Gene Boyiijglon. Nancy j 8 to 10. Open Senior Basketball; | larhed to Allied military mlsslon.s the city had a S20 top. land Regional in Norwich, Conn. ters, Monique W„ 9, and Louisa M.. 5. ^ Conference of Congregational him. Nancy Wilcox and David Hiidak. Wilcox and David Hiidak. : ‘WHAY—Piatter Party 3 ! BlSSBl-L^iut MANCHESTER, Churchea. AH pari.shioners and which allowed either proper or Im­ WTIC—Ne»a 6 to 7. Boys' Plunge: 7^ to R. Men’s | In...... West_ Berlin . who - wished to travel In Baltimore. “The Block ” a 3-'3- A Singaplration will be part of the During the course of the tourna­ *«•••* One of the highlights of the eve­ In Grade 11, “ B” homir roll stu­ WDRC—Ne«a Reporter hich does ment year, he was the winner of 16 friends are invited to" attend the proper muffler operation. riunce S to !>. Women’s Plunge; : cn the main highway and rail link brighl|,light atrip which <1®?* f^cw Year’s i've sorvi.- i k v. la William J. Hanley .Ii., 28, of ning was a “ Statue Dance." with dents arc: Linda Freld, Joyce Manchealrr Evening Herald An­ W'POP—United Auto W’orker* Show iOM team champtonahlpa. r, Walter III, son of Mr. and Mri. Lloyd A. Odell. 42 party. - «:U « ^ 7 to 9. Radio Builder., Club. to West Germany. ^ ’ 7 * oak st. He was born Dec. 22 at Manchester Memorial HoRpital. Wapplng. was fined $9 for failure Carolyn Curtis and Paul O’Bright Kinney, Mary F,. Moran, Tliornas dover correspondent Mrs. Paul' BOLAND ■ night chib businefik—expected a 10 calvary Chapel tomorrow, bc- Sheinwold’a dally'bridge column New .Minister Ciilled WHAY^Plaiter Party Thursday. 3:15 to 415. Model i "Members of the military mis* Ills maternal grandparenta are Mra. Llvla Behling, Bridgeville, the winners. Terry Mostonl and Talbot, Harold Taylor and Gunar.a Pfanstlehl, lelcpbone Pilgrim , WTIC—Roaa Miller to 40 per cent drop in New Year's ginning at 9 o'ejorK. was first launched for national The Rev. Herbert W. Dickerson to secure s liccn.se and was found '' WDRU/—ui or Ml 3-4840 * ’t?HAY—Dateline quests for reservations—but could - duras last summer while he was own pastor, as in years ago. This month, was put into effect. The WnC—Newe Saturday. 10 to 12. Midget Bas­ Berlin. handle only 600. . visiting his parents who are mis- best-selling books on bridge, and • * • « • hope seems to have been aban­ the dance was a financial success WDRO^Newe Reporter Western diplomats assigned to terms will run concurrentiv. He as well as a aocial one. The money W’POP—Newe ketball Clinic: 1 to 9, Open Bas­ One explanation; Two years ago, [ sionarics there, his new book — How To Play STORES IJas .Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony lamonaco, doned, probably for financial rea­ Berlin contend they and their de­ Winning Bridge - - is now being FOOD was arrested Saturdav morning rai.sed will be iiaed for cadet train­ • :U - ketball. the owners picked up a $25-a-plalc' After refreshments and fellowship Vernon. She was born Dar. 20 at Hartford Hospital. Her ma­ sons. It would also mean, for the Henry J. Grotenliiils. 18. of W'UAY-^DateUhe Weal Side Rec pendents are attached to West lab Of celebrants, snd last year, Ihe Rev. George Downs, pastor of publiahed. and will be available to ternal grandmother is Mrs. Florence North and her paternal Hebron Church, securing a new ing. WTIC-«trlctly SborU Berlin’s military commandants and YOUR BEST NEIGHBORHOOD STORES South Holland. IIK, was fined $6 WDRC*^. Zafraaii Monday. to , Roller Skating passed out expensive gifts and **)* Assembly of God in East Hart- bridge fans in the early spring. grandparents are Mr; and Mrs. Niinzlo lamonaco. She has a paraonage, for one thing.vatnee the 6 8 are entitled to the same e.remp- sister. Lori Patrice. 2. for failure to secure a registration. jgPOP—Lawruce.Wett Lessons: to 10, Men s Volley­ champagne. The profits came back ' "’i" apeak. Commurion will CARRY SUGAR HEART FOOD PRODUCTS only parsonage is in Gilead. 8 tlhns as the Allied military MUSIC GROUPS .MERGE • • • • • The youth, a sailor, was passing IVHAY-Serenade ball League: 6 to 7. Junior Baa-1 ....ro-a over the gambling tables. he offered A 4ku.slness meeting to act on the through Manchester on hia way to Representatives are expected New Haven. Dec. 30 ftp) — Mem IHtvId Michael, sort Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold F Duff, 12 Hud­ Railroad S i d i n )2 wTIC—Cote Gloe Club kethall League (Verplanckl; 7 to U m bras a^o^her sl^^ Generally, prices were reported recommendation of the Ministerial New London when arrested by WTMte—Couple Next Door little changed. As usual, they were from Assembly of God churches in bera of twp national associations son St. He was born Dec. 19 at Hartford Hospital. His ma­ WPOP—Top 40 Time 9.. Intermediate Basketball (Ver* CHiFBOY-AR-DIE k COMH IN 3 COOKING lAGt committee regarding a permanent Patrolman John Hughes Saturday In Russia's program to force rec higher in the big cities, and flo.ssy Wlllimantic, East Hartford gnd of college music educators have ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Newton C. James. Wllli- Completed at Mill FLAVOR-SAVER LID planck); 6 to 7, Model Airplane pulpit supply was held yesterday morning. The car he had . Ju.st **t5hAY—B*ren»d» ognition of the Esst German pup­ clubs. Newington. The public is invited. agreed to merge their organize mantlc, and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Harold Club. tion., into the College Music So H. Duff, 12 Hiid.son St. in both chui'Khe.s. but results have bought in Chicago parried no WnC—Throe Star klztra pet regime. In Chicago, the top was $24.60 P IZ Z A i;'.: not been learned A 225-foot long railroad aiding WDRC—Lowell Thomaa Thursday. 6 to s Junior Basket­ Without a loophole, the new HELD FOR BrRGI-.\RY’ ciety. The College Music Assn • • • • • marker plates Tlie youth said WPOP—Top 40 Time ball League (Verplanckl; 6 to 8, a ^person at the Chez Paree for a All tlw RtUnp ^ R I C E Rnln Helps KeHldents he had been stopped twice before haa been completed along the west regulations would force western steak dinner and entertainment. .Stamford, Dev, 30 (.Pi -A 44- approved the merger at a Val Peter Owen, son of Mr. and .Mrs. Anthony G. Gates. 71 I.aw- SEALS IN Coed Bowling; 8 to 10. Badminton. government officials entering ht ONE HANDY . q . That drenching rain and wind between Chicago and here but was side of the Pratt and Whitney WHAY—People'i Preti Confereaca Drinks and tips were extra’. The year-old man was held here today University conference Saturday. ton Rd. He wks bom Dec. 20 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ WnC—Dick Bertel Priday. 6 to 7:15. Fifth and I Berlin to seek East German The Society for Mu^c in Liberal CARTON 4 !fC NO PAN OR COLANOtR 39c tal. His maternal grandmother is Mra. Owen Nielsen, Spring- storm of a few daya ago must have not arrested. He said that he waa warehouie, aouth of Park St. The WDRC—Amoe and Andy Anibassador’s Pump Room is under $5,000 bond on a charge of erased any last vestige.s of the big tfild by the ear dealer that it was WPOP—Foltoa Lewie Sixth Grade Dartce; 6 to 7:15, Op«n viaaa unless they came by air. Air burglary. John Lee. described by Arts Colleges took similar action TO SCRAPI OR SCRUB* held, Mass , and hia paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. work was done for Pratt and ftU— Basketball: 6:15 to 6:45, Movies; travel Is not subject to Commii charging $20 a head for midnight drought, giving the earth such a alright to drive the car. ■supper and dancing. police a^ an ex-convict, was ac­ Friday at a meeting in Santa Anthony Gates. Westfield, \Iass. He has a brother, Stephen Whitney by the E. B. McGurk Inc. GOODNESS WHAT—Serenade :30 to 9:30. Junior High Dance. nist checks. Monica, Call^. Anthony, 5; and a sister, ,’Vorene Anne, 2 ''^. soakirr)* as it ha.sn’l had for some Priscilla M. Diisik of Rockville WTIC—Dick Bertel Tn , the Waldorf- cused of breaking into the home of lime. Shingles blew off from barns, was fined $3 for parking too close of Hartford at a cost of $5,000. WDRC—Amoe and Andy Saturday. 10 to 12. Midget Bag- "We have no intention of ap- Harold E. Rider, president of the • m m - m • Work is expected to begin next WPOP—Ed, P. Korean Astoria’s Empire Room set a POTATO SNAX and house.s w’hose roofs hadn’t to an intersection. Sea/jS^t-CorTAO c h » s b keiball Clinic; 1 to 9. Open Ba.sket- plying to the East German., for Stamford Trust Co, Some $800 in NABISCO Lisa Palrk'e, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. William C. Purdy, week on the relocatiqfh of the ex­ ball (Intermediate and Seniorsi. visas." commented s It s. mls.sion price of $37.50 a person: the-Hotel leaked before did so this time, but ^*I?HAY—Serenade Amba.ssador, $30; the Stork Club, cash and an undisclosed amount of By Keebler ROYAL LUNCH Storrs. She was born Dec. 22 at Manchester Memorial Hospi­ these were all small affairs, not to isting New Haven Railroad spur so taoteo better becauiM tho WTto—News of the World (VmmunItT Y spokesman. Similar reaction came jewelry w'as taken. Police said Lee tal. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. that It will connect with the new WDRO—Amoe and Andy Monday, 6 to 8. Midget Basket- F">’enrh and Briti.,h. $15: the Latin Quarter. Copacabana Are Your Car be compared with hurricane dam- j WPOP—Top 40 Time and St. Regis, $25. was^ arreated-near the home short­ Mnmam. St. Louis. Mo , and her paternal grandmother is Mra. age. We haven’t heard,of any trees Rec Radio Club siding. The spur, part of the old Flavor-Saver Metal lid keeps hall League: 8 to 10. Dog Obedience’ Plam'd to protest ly after the break. TiU - In many cities, numerous clubs John K. Purdy. Brooklyn, N. Y. She has two brothers, Bruce. blown down. Probably the weak South Manchestet freight line, ends ♦ WHAY—Serenade Class; 6:30 to 8:30. Boxing: 6 to Ru»»'nn’ Special 12 Oz. 29c Lb. 39c 3. and Scott. 1 ' j . near the siding and. by nmving it dairy-freah in your Window Shades • WTIC—Newa of the World simply declared “open house ” with Payments Too High? • • • • • ones all went down in the hurri­ Seeks Old Radios WDRC—K. R. Murrow 8:30. Cooking Class: 6 to 7:30. | Allies diplomats were hopeful es nes of a few years ago. about 250 feet of the track at the •WPOP—*Top 40 Time Teenage Bowling. ! the restriction., would apply only no minimum., set. Others fixed refrigerator. Made to Order minimiims of $2 to $10—spend it Bartiarii Mae. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David B. Taylor Sr.. Members of the Recreation De­ end of the spur, the connection can Thursday, 6 to 7, Midget Basket- ‘ hoxf on trips within East Ger- be made. The railroad company will WHAY—Record Rodeo many and not on the 110-mile au­ how you wish, and go on from AMTil7irDRirelster. 37, of no certain WT^P—Modem Sounds your car with our Weaver Michael James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Thompson, Automatic Car Washer. Ev­ Thomp.sonville. He waa bom Dec. 24 at Manchester Memorial address, waa given two 80-day jail ery car la autoraatically COLLEGE INN Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. John sentMcea after being found jpiilty Television Proarrams RED CAP of vagiancy and intoxication. The On Paue Two sprayed with fresh water and E. Jliller. Pillabury Hill. Rockville, and his paternal grandparents 4 " - I mild detergent and thorough­ CHICKEN BROTH REFRESH-R are Mr. and Mrs, James Thompson. South Boston, Mass. He has jail t^m s will nin concurrently. ly hand spongM tnd cham­ a sister, Deborah Ann, I>elater\ who pleaded innocent to From Alt The Folks At FIRST FOOD! t .v / oised. Give your car that « • • • the chareea, was found sleeping In GENERAL "like new” look today. the boilA’ room of the Princess 47 Oz. 43 c 4 Oz. 27 c Keott Allen. • son of Mr. alid Mrs. Fred Morgan. 120 Grand Block early Saturdhy morning. T V S E R V IC E Ave.. Rockville. He was born Dec. 20 at Rockville City Hos- James Fleming, .52, of, 70 Cole­ Slta). Hts maternal grandparients are Mr. and Mrs, Willard man Rd.. was fined $20 for assault We’d like to take this opportunity to tluink Daya f 4 AC A Call MORIARTY BROTHERS laiston. Providence, R. 1., and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and $10 for intoxication He was Nights $ 2 J 5 , Plus Parts ALCOA WRAP ami Mrs. Randolph Morgan. Vassalboro, Maine. He has a broth­ found innocent of hiearli of the our many loyal customers who luive made TEL. BO S-5482 301-315 CENTER STREET— MI 3-5135 MANCINI er, Darell, l7 months. peace. Fleming was arrested early ALUMINUM FOIL ROASTED PEPPERS Kenneth ..Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Doering, Bol­ V the last year a real success for us. ton. He was born Dec 24 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Max Denhiip, 250 25F t.29c 7(^2 Oz; 2 1 c Hilliard St., and hia- paternal grandparents are Mr. and "Mrs. Harry Doering. 104 Pine St. He has a sister, Kathy, 3. Making new friemls and chatting with the • • • • * old ones is a real pleasure. SARAN WRAP Kelly Jeian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Eagleson, 25 r . i , > ^ i • ’ .. . Dog Yummies Tolland Ave.. Rockville: She was bom Dec. 23 at Rockville City That Interpret The Hospital. Her maternal grandfather Is Rudolph Fregin, Orchard i St.. Rockville, and her paternal grandparents afe Mr. and Mrs. Wishes Of The Family Albert Eagleson, 137 Pine St. She hss a brother, Clifford Ray­ ir We like bringing you the finest foods at low­ mond Jr., 10; and a sister, Patricia Ann, 14. 25 pt.33c . ^5:0z. ) 1 9 c • ♦ • • • JOHN B. BURKE est prices possible ami know that in this re­ 1 Timothy Paul, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Layman. Adrian r-UNERAL HOME ,Ave., Ellington. He was born Dec. 24 at RockVille City Hospital. TEL. 511 8-6868 spect you ’ll have a happier ISeW Year by shop­ . . . puts the Future His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Paul Kiess, Coopers- 81 EAST UE.NTER ST. , biirg. Pa., and his paternal grandparenta are Mr: and Mrs. Joseph AMBUI.A.VCE SKRVlf’E ping at FIRST FOOD regularly. lAyman. Vernon. He has a brother, David, B’-J. Easy jO ff t(, EHLER’S * • * • • m Your own hands! Kenneth Allen Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weber. 37>i I' ■ I, • OVEN CLEANER Grove St.. Rockville. He was bom Dec. 25 at Rockville City Hospital. Jflla maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. John L. Th«r*'s o world of Krtisfactloii ii^ Smith. East HarlYord, and hia paternal grandfather Is Edward ^hoping your own intura.— by Webe'i', 8 Cherry St., Rockville. He has a sister, Nancy Lee, y - ' , i •A f F I N.D.S. 'SOUND YOUR A FOR lO 'i months. v / ' I adding to your Sovingf Account * « * • « -..J AVAILABLE Save After f ' " /■■■'' \ ’ ‘( ' •17' j > J rogulorly. j V V oz.t09® < EHURS." Daniel Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sltek; Village St,, Ellington. He was born Dec. 24 at Manchester Memorial 8 Hospital His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. Howley ! 16 o z 9 S® I Howazak. Rockville, and his paternal grandparents are Mr.'and y Veur clothes wash cleaner when the lo a p is divided in^o^ SAVINGS DEPOSITS ^ Mrs. John Sltek, Rockville. He haa two sisters, Sophie, 15, and ^ Work Nancy, 10. ■*wo or more parftj In our laund'^y, we put one part in the RECEIVED OM OR BEFORE SAVINGS & l o a n r’first wa*er, A i the soap works, the water geti dirt'y. W e JANUARY Sfh - " 4 k O c C . oump this dirty water and put the second part of soap to WILL DRAW INTERESt FROM Cracker Jacks CAMPFIRE P.M. Work in cfean water too. It'i best to lend your_washoble$ JANUARY Isr. MARSHMAUOWS THE ARMY and NAVY OPEN I filimiliiy, OPEN,TONIGHT TILL 9 -T U ES . TILL 6 P.M.-CLOSED NEW ifEAR'S DAY! +0 the laundry that gets more good out of the $oap end H L Tiiradav, I Q ^ I Friday moro,.dirt out of the cIotKes. ■ — 1 Lb. 37c Chteken of the Sea ^ T > i Oocaa Marsh , '.ll- Orem Label lliiui T D*: v l y II Os. 3 5 c SWISS LAUNDRY V\ 10 HARLOW 8T„ ROCKVILLE. ESTABUBHED ISIS o p e m t o n P..M. BRANCHES: 80 WARD ST., ROCKVILLE Cblckea o f the Sea SU fU st White Meat ^ C - Ml' Oyater Slew IQ Os.' THURSDAY - LAUNDRV. 40 WINDSOR AVE., ROCK.V1LLE NATIONAL BANK 3 5 c TYma. ID s. rJOC OPEN TO NOON 486 MIDDLE TURNPIKE EAST, MANCHESTER GREEN PARTY WEDNESDAY Ml 3t185I 595AAAINSTREeT « AAANCHESTeH, CONN. 4.T.Iutnat' Nesba AU PwrpeM « « TONY O’BRIGHTS ORCHESTRA INSURED SAVINGS SANITONE DRY CLEANING FrMttBg'aV'i Os.^ for 4#49C Btftal Poibb i s Os. * MANCHESTER SAVINGS & LOAN ll STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. Daleaa Large Claanei I CraabRofRIea - AiBSOCIAITON 1007 MAIN STREET ECONOMY 646 CENTER STREET FREE DELIVERY — TEL. Ml 3-8059 .i p l e n t y o f 'p r e e p a r k in g ■ Shrimp .Qs. / m C I. 10 Os. < 9 / C Advertiae in The Herald— It Pays V ■ ,■ ” ■ :

■ i-.'. '■ .. I V ■ t P A G S SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHEStER. CONN^ MONDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1957 MANCHfiSTEE EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, DECEMBER SO, 1967 2 . PAGE tEVCN 7 L of the ^isw. !2ealahd team of ex- Ing the evening quietly at home, lEaufl^efitpr Bolton 104 bapUama at tha local church U.S. Interference Hinted Connecticut and New Jaraey hav$ ing on the problem etnee 1958. ploreri in Antarctica, Sir Edmund with perhaps a toddy and a good and Sacred Heart in- Vernon dur­ Both Drivers Held no state income taxes. Baldwin said Morano has urgad ing the pAst year. The Herald’s new tele­ Baldwin Hits Ribicoffs Late GENIRAL Cnpttiny railt la leading a small party In an ap­ book, and getting their merry­ Ribicoff haa also ordered a study Oongrasa to pass a resolution parent race to the South Pole. We making fun vicariously, ■'and com­ CYO win omit its regular meet­ In 2-Car Accident A t MARLOW'S SHOE REPAIR YOU GCT: phone number isi of how the state income taxes mt- declaring it an injustice for a PUiiUbUKU uv mm Dimes March ing Wednesday and Join with Sac­ niiiMAt.n PRINTINQ UO. INO. say "apparent" because officials In fortably, via a quick television look fM t CqnnMPqut.realdenta.wOT Mate to tax residents of another, T V S ER V IC E red Heart CYO for a holiday party • qnAitty Work — ReuonAhte Pricer Interest in New York T axe s in Mauiachuaettli. U BlaMlI Street charge o f the N ew Zealand expedi­ at the Tlmea Square crowds. But Two drivers were arrested on Mitchell 3-2711 itate and has alio called for a Oapa Maocbntu, ;onn. F rid a y a t St. Maurice Church hall. • All our work Is guarrnteed Gov. Harrlman has denied that constitutional amendment prohibit­ mgkta S2.S5, ruuMAS r pitRouRuN tion deny S'r'ace Is un'ilenvay. How­ that, of eourse, would be violating Cards Mailed There will be no church achool rules of the road charges following • W ork done while U wait WALTER R P E R O l^ N Hartford, Dec. 30 (Ah— Republi-' ’on the tax matter with Gov. Aver- the rates are discriminatory, but ing iitch taxes. tB L . W Publlaitere ever, a recent message from Sir the rules. se.sslon Saturday. an accident at the interrection of ell Harrlman of New York, also a has said he w-aa willing to meet Aooaatd Oelobtr i. UU The annual March of Dimes be­ Mass will be celebrated Jan. 3, eSn State Chairman Clarence F. Ribicoff, Baldwin aaid, served Spruce and Maple Sts. Saturday. SHOES MADE OPEN TOED To Drop British PJ^ne Democrat. with the two governors. four years In Congress, ran un- Edmund, “ We're hellbent for the gins officially Jan. 1 and Bolton the first Friday of the month, at urday; and Maurice Oaudet, pro­ Baldwin says that Governor Ribi- n itl'T l— Btcit E*«nins Exoepl John F. Carlin, 34, of Coventry, was z . In a Joint letter to'Harrirtian, N o date for the conference haa atlocestfully fqr the U.S. Senate, Pole, God willing and erevAsses residents should have received coin 6 p.m. Confessions will be heard LEATHER GOODS REPAIRED prietor of Gaudet's Jeweler’s. 785 coff has waited "until an election kiatUira aqd Holldars feSolertO at Ui* charged with failing to signal for a (Ooatined from Page One) Ribicoff and Mayner suggested a been set, however. and haa apent three yeari In the •oatOOIe* a : Muictieater Coan, a* permitting." makes it sound like Ellington / c ards to mark Its opening. Mrs. R. from 5:30 p.m. Hartford, $5; William J. Lussler of Main St'., charged with failing to turn, and Robert W. Warren, 18, of year’.’ to show an interest In the conference within 10 daya so that Baldwin said that tbe Republi­ taeead CUaa j l all Matter Knecland Jones Sr., chairman of Holiday decorations at the Flsherville, MAss.. $3; and Sedg­ obtain a "going out of business governor’s office. sumckiptiun r a t e s nothing else. 127 Princeton St., was charged with •Xict's have aome plain talk problems of Connecticut residents Harrlman, if he wished, might dis­ can party has been trying to do . CiMrgt the mall appeal, put the cards in church include a creche, carved in Mariew's She* Repairing wick N. WeUSh, 66, of East Hart­ sale” permit, to Jan. 6. -"In all that time," Baldwin rarabla In AdTanca His opponent In the race is Dr. attempting to pass on the right. who must pay Income state taxes cuss the pik>blem in his annual mes­ sbmething about the altuation for . Toot Hoiiiciiiaker Unit ^ the mall today. wood by Swi.ss craftsmen. Its back­ Located In Marlow’s Lower Store Leivel with the Americana," the Conaer- ford, $3. y declared, "it never occurred to Mr. nt.M Patrolman John Hughes said that lo the states of New York and sage to the New York State Legla- fdur years. Ptaaerlptlisi- . Taar .... Vivian Fuchs, leader of a Brlti.sh Mrs. John Swanson Jr!, general ground and a large wreath on the vativa Daily Sketch aaid. "Let'a Contlnutocea were granted to: Ribicoff that this diaertminatbry Moetba ... v n both cars were heading south on The United States Forest Service Massachusetts. lature. The GOP leader said that Rep. taxation was on any interest Or Qtot# ._rf< ■ontba . 1.9U Commonwealth expedition. Sir Ed­ To, Hold Meeting ch.airman of the Bolton drive, has baptistry wall are the work of Miss aak them If It la true that Weat Luis Digz, 30, of Hartford, charged reports that the number of forest Spruce St. approaching the Maple Baldwin issued his statement The Connecticut and Morano of Greenwich, a Republi­ Importance, aa fa r aa he was con­ taa Maotb .. . 1.SU mund, who started out from the announced that Mrs. Walter F. El- Ellen Buckley and Wiliam Buckley. with fa d i n g responsibility qnd op- fires in the nation in 1956 dropped Waafer ...... 30 St. intersection. Warren told Germany's decision. . . was due to Saturday after RIbicoff and Gov. Governors are protesting the high­ can representing the e t a t e'e cerned. until Just now aa we are INEraARMA^Y Ml.ss Bernice M. Fanning, as­ llottjvWill be treasurer of the mail Other evergreens were the'glft of eraUilg a motor vehicle while his 1.2 per cent to a total of 143-488 Slagia Oepr .03 New Zealand side of the Pole, was Hughes that he started to pass Car­ hlgh-preaaure American Interven­ Robert Meyner of New Jersey, both er state income tax rates levied on Fourth Congreealonal District about to open the year in which he m OcMter 8 t — M I M U * sistant Konje demonstration agent, appeal. Assisting In preparation of Stanley Patnode and Luclen St. l l ^ a e Is under suspension, to Sat- compared with the year before. supposed to stop at a bAse aome. lin on the right because Carlin was tion on behalf ot U.S.-built ma­ Democrats, requested a conference non-residents In New York state. (Fairfield County), haa been w ork­ proposes to eecK reelection.” MEMBER o r announces /a training meeting for the cards were Mrs Robert Qlen- Pierre. •7/------PHE ASSOCIATED PRESS heading toward the left hand side chines." Tba Aaaoclatad Praaa u axcluETaip 450 miles north of it and wait for leaders o f home making groups ney. Mrs. Walter Waddell. Mrs. Bomarco Electa ______l..eslie Bolton. Mrs. Robert Smith. of the road and he thought that TTie Sketch said the SR177 now aatitlaa to tba uaa e( ranibllcatloD ot the Fuchs party, which is on its throughofit Tolland County on Mr. and Mrj. Milton Jensen of Carlin was going to make left hand all oawa dlapatcbaa ed ited to It. or Mrs, Peter ^lassolini. Mrs. Angelo will never go Into production, Mr aot otbrrwim cradltra In uila paper way from thC South Ameriean side "quick hienis" Jan. 7 and R. Rt. 85 were elected jrresident of turn. Instead, Carlin turned right Maasolini. Mrs I^ealie William.son, - ...... without Germany’s order It w ^ ld and alao tba local na»a pabllahed here on a trek completely across Ant­ The rtieetings will be held at the Bomareo at Its meeting Saturday and the collision resulted. The Car­ All rlfhta of rapubllcatlon ot special Mrs. I>^onard Woocl and Mi.ss Karen ! evening at the Community Hall. be uneconomic to go ahead/wlth dispatches barain ara also raserred arctica. Union Congregational Church in lin car received about $50 damage Jones, Elected to the post of vice presii It. / Rockville from 10 a m. to 12:30 while damai^ to the other vehicle "German experts agre^hat the run aaiTlea eUani M N E A SaiT 'Thus, In making a race of it. p.m. Mrs. .lones, who attended a na­ dent were Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. tional meeting of chanlei* directors wa,s e.stlmated by Hughes at about BR177 was potentially t«e finest Sir Edmund isn't following the Church of Tolland Rd, Mr. and Mrs. $150. No one was hurt In the acci­ •nKiftSbere RepresaatatlTsa; Tba Miss Janina Czajkowskl, exten­ at the Hotel Commodore in New plane of Ita type In ^ e world," ullua MaUiawa Special Acency — New book. It's doubtful that the con­ sion nutrition specialist, will con­ William Gninskc of 3aybcrry.Rd. dent and both drivers are sched­ iork. Cbleaco .Detroit and Bnaton. York last month reports the pres­ were elected secretary-treasurer. Sketch said. / MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF test «11l provide any Valuahle in­ duct a demonstration of ways of uled to appear In court on Jan. 4, ent national slogan is "su rvival is Boniarco is a community organi­ "By 1961—their ^rg e t date for CmCULATIUNa formation for the International preparing meals quickly and easily. not enough." ft has reference to r ------— delivery— It w oito have given I’ersonalH zation for couples and is open to all The BaraM PrlnUns Company, Inc . Geophysical Year, which is why all the dramatic suereas of Salk polio interested couples. • them' a fighter/force superior In assumes no nnandal rasponslblUty lor Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cook and vaccine and the continuing need for quality even M the Americans. lyputraphlcal errors appearlna In ad- the explorers are in the Antarctic Congregationnl Baptisms Knifing Victim •son have gone to Florida for the rehabilitation for vic tims already "None of reasons given for ▼arasamanta and other readlnp matter Timothy Burke, son of Mr. and Vhe in Tba Manebeater BTantnH Herald. In the first place. But the- fact rest of the winter and may pos­ crippled by the clisea.se She num- the Germanfjast-mlnutejChange of Mrs. Jack Early of Cook Dr., and Leaves Hospital that no one has tlTiveled to the sibly make their home there. Cook hers these'at "000 In the state of i mind carctea conviction, w ere they DisjMy aoeertlEna ctoslns boursi Connecticut Steven Charles, son of Mr. and For Hondae—1 p.m. rnday. Pole overland since Robert Scott, is a contracting carpenter. merely dpvlng us the run-around For Tuasdae—j p.m. Monday Carol Conk has taken an apart­ _ I ^I's. Warren Potter of Hebron Rd,, David Mullen, 18, of Hudson — or did American interests chip the ill-fated Englishman who came For Wednesday—1 p m. Tuesday. ment in the Gr.'ardini house on St., hospitalized since Dec. 20 with NEW IDEA FOR A NEW YEAR! in behind the scenes to prevent a CIRCUS DAY AT WATKINS 3 For Thursday—1 p m Wednesday. every cloi.ar eon.‘; ii;'.';';d .oX'-^N^'| ; r [; r h " r e s t : : . d a y or fVlday-1 P m. Thursday, in second in Uic first race to the Klhbe Rd. tional kknindatlon for Poliomyelitis. an abdominal knife wound, was spectacular coup 7 S< hool to Resume for Saturday—] p. m. Ffday. bottom of the world 46 years ago, Mrs. Miio Philbrick of Pinney .Mrs. Jones said. Fifteen respira, cli.icharged from the Manchester Use Kir.sch Vertical Slat Blinds for room di­ "TTie Americana are the world’s - CtaiMed dsadllne- |0;3b a m. each St. has returned to her home from The Co-operative Kindergarten ONE DAY ONLY ^ y e t DUbtteatton aacepi Saturday — was probahly too sharp a goad tory centers are maintained in the Memorial Hospital Friday. champion salesmen, l^ e y are alao the hospital where she underwent U S. by the Foundation, taking and Nursery will re-open after the viders; perfeat for e.xtra large picture win­ the dominant partners in the for Sir Edmund's competitive holiday recess Thursday with its John J. Brainard, 20, of 77 N. dows and ’round-the-corner windows. Work surgery and is recovering very seven rents of each dollar. The School St.„ whom police charge N A T O alliance. Let us know If this Monday, December SO spirit to resist. nicely. regular se.s.sion for nursery chil­ scientific research receives 12 stabbed Mullen, will be presented like traverse draperie.s; ad.ju.st for light or time; they have behaved like As we say, we’re not likely to Pretiaa Resigns I'cnts: education, 10 cents: vaccine dren. The elementary achool al.So friends—or like jealous rivals." resumes sessions on the day. in Town Court on Jan. 6 on a privacy. Call MI 3-4865 for a depionstration! William J. Preiiss. chairman of promotion, one cent; service to The Laborite Dally Herald Kennan And Dulles get very much scientific Informa­ Public. Records charge of . assault with a deadly the Board of Asses.sors. has re­ county chapters, six cents and ad­ seized on the reports of American tion aa a result of this sheer ebul­ ministration, fi\'e cents. Warranty Deeds: Holl Invest­ weapon. Brainard is presently ' Durlnjr the weeks preceding the signed that position for bu.sineas ■serving a 60-day term in the Intervention to attack the British lience of the competitive spirit. *S1. 5faurlee Notes ment Co. to Francis J. Tomaaek: NATO conference In Paris, we la­ reasons. He Is in the electric ap­ Hartford County Jail for violation government. But perhaps our too-purposeful Confes.slon.s will be heard tomor­ property in Roaedale; Elmer " A mented the fact that there w as no pliance busines.s in Rockville. of probation. week ago," the Herald said, The Board as it stands is •com­ row from 7:30 to 8:30 pm. at St Swanson to Robert D. Valentine, "this order was In the bag. Sud­ world e show­ Masses will be celebrated at 8:30 open tomorrow night. New Year's now, the debate was going on. Ing several eandldates to replace r 942 MAIN STMET ^ f indell ing peculiarly little business acu­ Eve, from 7 to 9 p m. as usual. The Preu.ss and the office will b" filled and 10 a m. on the holy day of ob­ Manufacturing Co. men. We should be pardoned, perhaps, The “ Succe.ssf ul" Party soon. ligation. library will be closed New Y’ear'a Day. "if Premier Macmillan is pre­ for not recognising It ojTf-hand. New Year's Eve celebrations Kerry Ann. daughter of Mr. and 485 E. MIDDLE TPKE. pared to stand around watching The trouble was that the leading .Manchester Evening lleralil E l­ Mrs. Ronald Churchill of VoLpi Rd. thousands of jobs disappear over­ have long been a social Imperative Manchester Evening Herald figure in the'^debate w as not speak­ lington correspondent, Sirs. <:. F. was baptized at St. Maurice Bolton eorrespondenl, Doris M. night. then he and his govern­ of the western world. The old year Berr, telephone TReraont 5-9.3IS. Church yesterday. There have been ment should get out before worse ing In America or oven directly to y ______D’ltalla, telephone Mitchell S-S545. must, on the stroke of midnight, be befalls us.” AmericA He was «peaking over .rung out and the new one wel­ YOUNG.STER WOUNDED the British BBC, in a scries of comed, in a mood of frivolity and Simsbury, Dec. 30 ig"! A 14- acholarly dissertations on the sub­ in the company of congenial year-old t>oy, Owen Freas. was ject of Western foreign policy in wounded yesterday by a companion friends. Those are the rules. , general. He was George F. Kennan, while the youngsters, police s.rid. Court Cases And since they are rules, cele­ were playing with .22 caliber rifles. ' former State Department expert brating New Year's Eve has be­ The authorities said Owen was fMancbtst$/s Oldtst Finsneial InstiniHm Non RuaslA who was fired when Monday Cases come a rather serious business. shot in the *«roin by Lawrence ^ohn Foster Dulles took over Cathles Jr. when the boys play­ Richard O. Goodchlld, 16. of 45 Prospective celebrants looking for­ Hyde St., charged with reckless What ha was aaying In London fully aimed their rifles at each ward to the big night are deter­ driving, was fined $21 by Judge dl^ begin, as the lecture series other and pulled the triggers. Po­ mined to have a better timq this lice said the hoys had been target Wesley C. Gryk In Town Court progressed, to have some Impact this morning. .year th^n last. And hostesses with shooting and that a cartridge ap­ on ^ b llc and official thinking, es­ Prosecutor John R. FitzOSrald a particularly acute sense of re- parently had been left In the pecially In other countries. But Cathles boy's rifle. Freas wss taken ■aid that Goodchlld was reported Eog. $5f.f5 Codor Chosl' If.00 sonsibUlty begin. Immediately as having operated a car that went when,\lU8t a few days before the to Hartford Hospital, where he was ( 1 ) Famous Lana floor sample chest in seafoam mahoiruy; after Christmas, to feel the ten­ SAVERS Into a skid on Camp Meeting Rd , reported In good condition. commode type with drawer, fllightly aeratehed. NATO'conference, Mr. Dulles was Saturday and narrowly mlsjied col- sion rising as they realize that asked whether he had any Idea of liaion with a car being.operated by nothing less than the fate of the William Roscoe of Hollister St. - Rag. $245.00 Knt t liola Dosk 44.00 calling In Kennan for consulta­ (1 ) Popular Biss Oaorga Washington flat top dask in New Year's Eve fun of their guests Roscoe gave the registration What's a White tion, he remarked with a dry hu­ genutna mahogany; racks on aach and o f top. is in their hands. 1957 D E C E M B E R 1957 number of Goodrhild’s car to po­ MANCHESTER mor that there seemed no need for TTiese feelings, o f course, only lice, resulting in Goodchlld's ar­ that, aince Kennan's Ideas always s M ■ T w T F s rest. Rag, $497.00 lodroom Graop 250.00 make the goal o f a truly gala (1) Thrta pieca contamporary suits in balga-tonad mahogany. THpIa seemed availkble. Benedict L. Zollo. 42. of 66 Gard­ Elephant? New Year's E\'e celebration all the dresser base with mirror, largo cheat with tambour aflact and a h a ^ That was aVlry way of classify­ WATKINS- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ner St., was fined $18 for operat­ Open 9 a*m, to 5:30 p.m. more difficult to attain. But; In WILL SHARE ing a motor vehicle In violation of drawer fronts, and full sise bookcase h*fl- ing, and dismissing, Kennan as one CJdds-and-ends that have been around too long! We the American way, there are al­ 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 the fliles of the road and $3 for who was alwaj)? shooting off his WEST failure to carry his operator’s like to blame them on our buyers; but actually Rag. $79.95 CocktaR ToUa 20.00 ways, at this time o f the year, in­ mouth, and Mr.\pulles, no doubt, S 6 . 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 license. we’re all at fault. For here are many pieces you (1) Modern table In gray pumice walnut with black-and-whita numerable "how-to" articles in plaatic tiled top in harlequin-diamond pattern. felt, perfectly sc^e in Indulging Funeral Service Judge Gryk changed the charge just never "found” in our big stock. And, our buy­ newspapers and magazines de- to rules of the road from speeding himself In such a\poUte sneer. 2 ^ k 2 4 2 8 2 6 2 7 2 8 ers have been generous in allowing our salesmen .signed to aid would-be celebrants Ormond J. West, Director in view of Zollo’a excellent driv­ Rag. $49.50 ToaCflort 15.00 Yet, a few days liter, -Mr. Dulles THE DECEMBER to “break” up groups so we’re left “holding” an ing record, in the arts and sciences of having 142 East Center St. 2 9 | J 0 | 3 1 DIVIDEND (1) Mahogany model In fleandinavian atyle; folds flat, went to Paris, and', what did he Clifford S. Stephens, 50. of odd chest, a bed, a chair, odd lamps and the like. haa moulded wood tray-top. a good time on New Year's Eve. HItcheU 9-7196 find 7 \ Rockville, received a suspended Regardless of blame, We’re “getting from undler” Generally, however, they only judgment on a charge of following He found Kennan’s ideas In com­ these excellent things before Jan. 1, 1958 . . . Rag. $14.50 5ptca ChosH 4 . ^ serve to point up, rather than help too closely. He was arrested after (3) Old honey pine minia­ mand there, in charge W much of a 2-car accident at the intersection and that’s onl.v two days away! Prices have been solve, the difficulties Involved. For Manchester’s Oldest ture 8-drawer wall chests the thinking of our alli^, akd do­ cut ridiculously low. Mostly one-of-a-kind; sub­ with Finest Facilities MANCHESTER of Arvlne PI. and S. Main St., with plastic drawers; can bs Instance, ' SAVINGS&LOAN Wednesday. ing more to shape the \decisions Oll-Street Parking ject to prior sale. All sales cash; no exchanges, no used aa planter. women's page on Saturday carried John Taylor, 31, of East Hart­ and the communique of the con­ EsUbUthrd 1874 cancellations, no phone orders. Delivery must be an article on how to give a suc­ ford. wss fined $25 for the theft ference than Mr. Dulles hii^elf. accepted within 10 days. cessful New Year's Eve party. Its of goods exposed for sale. A $150 Roa. $4.50 Here was, on one hand, t o out­ bond was set for appeal. thesis was that the most important cast expert, with nothing bitt his William L. Tormey Jr. of Hamp­ loxos 2.98 ■fector was the gueat list, which Is LATEST DIVIDEND ( 2!)) AeproductlonRepr of old brain and ,his voice, and, on the ton was fined $12 for disregarding $159.00 Buffflts probably aourid enough. ANNUAL RATE a stop light at the intersection of (Colonial pipe box in other hand, the official foriign % CASH honey pine with plastic- , Adams St. and W. Middle Tpke. policy leader of the world's great­ But it didn't, we felt, succeed In “ IT IS NOT WISDOM TTie case of James Daly. 38, of planter drawer. telling UH how to prepare the kind j est nation, and the one proved ,io BUT IGNORANCK no certain address, was reopened ONLY have more power than the other. of guest list that would insure a tod he was fined $15 for intoxica­ 55.00 TH A T TPiACHES MP:N tion. Daly forfeited a bond of $25 Rag. $25.00 N o w things like this do not al­ successful party. It recommended, i PRESUMPTION” for failure to appear Saturday first of-all, that a "sharp charac­ WoR Cloeks 9.98 ways happen, or inevitably hap­ through a misunderstanding of the LAST DAY DELIVERY WITHIN (2i Round clocka with a '' Ju8t-2 French Provincial de­ pen, and what did happen was not ter" be invited who could be — ’ (Author’s Name Below) court date. choice of copper or pol­ sign in cherry finish on counted on to get o ff a "bon m o t" ished brass;' 8-day m ovt- really a picture of one lone voice Many firm.s previously Saye where good dividends are a habit! Manchester Three men forfeited bonds In fruitwoQds. 62 inches long; negating all • Mr. Dulles’ tremen­ to sort of ignite the latent wit of ! com er violation cases. They were OF 1957 only 10 DAYS manta. unconnected with the mMi-| Harold M. Weeks, 55, of West with five drawers and two dous power. What really happened the other guest.s. But then it went ' Sayings and Loan Association has paid the highest appliance cupboards. on to iirge .strongly that a number j cal world seek an opportun­ was that the world was waiting ity to make quick money.- of types-be left o ff the guest list, for TOmebne to aay the things They hire people to go from average dividend rate for over 65 years, Rag. $39.50 Mahogany Mirrors 5.00 Kennan was saymg, in order to among them, life o f the party Two only 31x36 Inch mirrors with solid mahogany frames. door-to-door ta sell un­ have ita own feeling and thinking types, tho.se who would bring noise I known brands of vitamins. n m axpressed and crystallized makers and funny hats, and types Rag. 5223.85 1 1 'x ll' Braidod Rug 98.00 o'' that can be (ounted on to Insist Unfortunately, thesel . (11 All wool round braJdad^g with dark green border. Kennan said what .people were j islfpllTy used. waiting to hear. That, more than j everyone Ipss everyone else on door-to-door salesmen have no knowledge e.xcept what 0 their potential rightness, was what the stroke of midnight, GIFT OFFER . Rag. $65.00 Occasional Chair 19.95 gave his words power. In mulling Uiis advice over, we they memorize from their (3j Chairs In gold damask cover with mahogany legs. NO RETURNS Furthermore, he had certain as­ wondered, first of all. liow one lanned sales pitches. Why Two in green Closed v V v A sets, which made it easier for .separates the fj^sirable bon mot- "ambie? We pharmacists | ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT" have the training to prop- Reg, $39.50 Foneiod Bod 5.00 him, than it would have been for | <’«'d gu'oat fram the undesir- Open tonight until 5:00 (1) Full size njodern bed with paneled head and foot all day } aome others, to say what jfeop le, types. Usually, they are in- lerly answer your vitamin! boards in seafoam finish. were waiting to hear. Thanks t o ' ’Ji'^Unguishahle. And, in the aec- quest ion.s. We’ll drop every­ Mr, Dulles ,he had no official posi-, why bother to try to Before obtaining any vi- Rag. $79.00 End Tobio 18.00 Wednesday Uon or responsibility. Nor did he I them 7 Those so-called [tamins from these door-to-| * Fast tollar sarvlc* (1) Antiqued cherry end table tiy Fine Arte of Grand Rapids; LAST DAY thing tQ help our black leather top panel. have any political position, to I ‘.'’pes are part of the' door opportunists, check their prices for unknown, make him whnder whether what ' s” Eve tradition, * Roglstcr Chaeks — 15c at romount policyholders Rag. $9.95 Chroma Dinotto Chairs 3.00 OF 1957! he might say would win votes at ^ Then the article g-ocs on to make makes with what we charge] Just-three of theM modern chrome chairs; two with red plastic as for products‘Of the reliable aeats; orie In red. Seats can be eaally re-covered. NO ' the next election. He was free ( thought a rather bold Folks who have bought Adlai Stevenson hs not free, as ; s>*gpe'’ tion ' regarding people to firms physicians endorse. H og.'$49.00 Angloss Chair 19.95 ^ policies can count on us to to y officeholder under Mr. Dulles j " hostess owes a social Despite their glib promises,] og. $51.80 $at of Dining Chairs 20.00 .u (1 ) Button-tufted aeat-tod-back al'i'pper-type chair with, blond tapered lega. PHONE give their insurance needs of four solid maple arrow-bara side chaira. Set ]120.00. la not free, rb aay, exactly what i '^'hc article saya cate- our prices are usually much Save by ^Monday, Jan. 6. Earn top prioritY. W hatever the les.8'; ' Rug $ani|)lag 59c, _ he Uioiight. ■ ■ I fiorifairy that these' arc arWong the emergency“ Jire, buiiglary Perfect aa T V ruga In front of chaira, and aa mats for doorways. 27x18 inch aize; ORDERS • When it happened, too, that | "deadeners" whri" should ^ dividends for the full six mopth or auto acciclent-Mie re­ all different. Values to $6.95 HAN whtR hie thought seemed, to many i hefinite)^' be left o ff Uie guest list, YOUR PHYSICIAN spond tiFyour call with Also— (IS ) 27x36” Sam pleii values to $15.00 . . . 98o people, 1 to be wisely addressed to I People feel as strained around C A N PHONE ' i And— (15) 87x54" Samples; values to $22.00 . . . 1,98 ' period ahead, V sw ift, efficient aervice. $229JD0 Sofa 4 the wocl'd situation of the moment, ’ ’i whom they owe social Mitchell 3-5321 tog. $94.50 Lounga Chair 39.50 Rag. $14.85 W all Clocks 4.98 whereaa the official thinking and ' "hligationir as they do those to R< W H E N YO U NE E D (1) Lawsonon Toungelounge chair with square arms, mahogany mahoge legs (4) Round electric tql# clocka, In a choice of red or green policy of Mr, Dulles seemed to I ''"horn they owe money, accortling A M EDICINE ■ ' ' b ; ' ' 129.00 and foam-latex seat-cuahipfi. Turquoise tweed cover. with goal leaf deeqrationa.' , misinterpret the world situation. [ h’ the article. Therefore, scratch • . Yelir sovings art insurtd with tht Ftdtral Savings and Loan Rag. $10.75 WaU Cleckf 3.98 Just two of the twortsushion (2) Small round clocks In a choice of 4'ed or green-flniahea. the minds ot others, and the role I ^ h e list before they ruin Pick up your prescrip- Rag. $147.50 Dining Tabla 49.00 Insuranct Corporation. modern sofas in turquoise (1) Oval knotty pine dropleaf Early American model in. ojren to Aiiicrica m particular, then ^ I’arty hy making you nervous, Ition if\shopping near us, or I , Rag. $17.50 Lamps 8J5 nubby - textured uphoLstery. antiqued flniah. Includes a lazy Susan! (7) One-of-a-kind floor sample china table lamps; mostly whits baa< the; long shot proposition, ol one I That, we are afraid, is easjer I let iw' deliver promptly! Turned' walnut legs are fin­ with floral or gold decorations; taffeta shades. Average, 28” tall. lonsjl^jrain and voice pitted against *^han done. Social obligations I without\extra charge, A Rag. $119.00 Chasf-on-Chast 50.00 often have a way of weighing as ished in walnut; seat cushions Rag. $105.00 Lounga Chair 39.50 the mastiva official policy led by [great mahy people entrust (1 ) Early American knotty pin^ modd with five drawers; brass drawer pulls. Mr. Dullea had, after all, a rather heavily on a person's conscience as are o f Foam-Latex., (1) T-cuahion Modem lounge chair with blond, lega; , ’ lu.s with the responsibility! blackDiacK iweeo twedi ooucieboucle cover. aasy time of It coming in first. a financial obligation. If not more (2) 1123.00 Matching Chairs I of filling their prescrip-1 Rag. $35.0(1 Iridgo Lamp But one must be realistic about so. And if a hostess w ere to fol­ reduced, to |59.00 each. 17.50 Itions. May, t o compound! (1 ) Pollal’ollaned brass awing bridge withi'gold-decorated g these things. Had Mr. Kennan lifiea low the limes' advice In this re vours? black tole shade; shade slightlyillghtly gc^retched. aeciretary of state, he could con­ spect, we wager, she would have Rag. $279.00 $acrionol $ofa 159.00 ceivably have been making liktf an even .worse tlme’^at her party, /Where $13.95 Daystrom Bar Sfools ( 1 ) Modem with blond legs; red boucle cover with raataUIe Mr. Dulles.' W c don't really think worrying about What her social 5.00 threads. Right and left sectional love seats. SAVINGS&LOAN Insurance Rag. $248.75 $acratary 75.00 bo; but It might have made a dlf- creditor was thlnking of her, than Rag. $57.M Occasional Chair 19.95 (1) Htodapme French Provincial reproduction In fruitwocM; Six- of these nationally, branded black coloramic tennee. ■ | she W0UI4 the creditor, were Is Not A (1) Small upboiatered chair with button back; blond legs; cherry finiahed. |8friting bed has gracn leather panda. stools. One with gray plastic seat upholstery; five present. ASSOCIATION Sideline in toast nubby-textured covar. Prescription Phamiacy in pink. Chair tops can be readily recovered by As we say, this New Year’s: Eve. “Hellbent For The Pole” 901 MaihStreet-. Business Rag. i$19.95 McKporina Rock 1.00 any handy man. Rag. $8.50 $ugar luck*fs 3.90 ~ /rivplUy is really a rather serious ^ (Q) Largs buckets suitable for toys or firewood complela ’ Quotatioii by i VOOTMAINST. MANCHESTER Just (1) of these black iron Modern ra^ks., Btr Edmund Hillary,, the con- business. And ws suspect that ' with covers. Pine finished outside, unfinished Inside. i «uenA- of M t EvenMt, hah.set him- Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton 175 EAST CENTER ST, there are more than a' few cele­ ( 1803-1878) -R a g . $98.00 IflMrol Chair 3t.50 Rag. $2.50 Pfcmtors 1.00 ; BBlf e n t m ebeUenga. A member brants who would rather be spend- Copyngfat 1987 ( 11W4 ) Phone NIJB-1126 (1) Chippandale baU-and

'h ■V < r ' <* •

MA^CHi!;S^■l!;K feJVKNlNG hbKALU, MANCMKaTKK. CONN- MONDAY, DECEMBER SO. 1967 / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1957 PAGE NINE ALLEY OOP BY V. 'I. HAMLIN WE (XlQHTA BE Wqmen diet either to keep thfer should be. When the Stradlvarhia EVERYTHING'S girlish figures or their boyish hus^ Cotnpaijy advertise their fiddles In .’■1.’ . V' I.., COMING INTO/"YEH.. BETTER JUST AS WE / IS THAT band. ■^firypaper you can come‘around and • • ' '. . 5 1” • •• W-tANKB TO AaEY SAGE flat ' % ■>' ' START SLOWIN' LEFT IT EIGHT/ THE THING tell me about it. f i- . ' OOP'S OLD PRIEND.' f e w Sense and Nonsense Ike to Ask $1 .Billion New York • a’ ' IN A down or w e r e YEAJIS AGO, JACK EAST, THE Flddledee was very disappointed . , ^ ,*•";!?(/ Police Na h Wright MfNOTES APT T'OVERSHOOT SEEMS LIKE. with the-report of his recital print­ Kitty! "Matt, why don't .vou and GAM8L1NS MAM NOW' IT. . The ofTliccr Tn charge a.nHnnes not a Matt: "They ara nice lo look at, forestall Ihe alarming number of Ike May Seek .. (Oenttooed tram Page One) Wright was pidkad up Sunday •loaeph—No. on the floor. word about it. but who wants to o\vn one," ■ , Officer Kicked you out! W'hat Woman (in tonea of angiiiahl - drop-outs among top -high achool (Contlnaed from Page Ope) afternoon. for? Not on that grand carpet! Owner of Paper That ia as It - .s. T. Murphy, Jackson, T.enn. atudenta who do not go on to col- but is gradually Improving, the "At first, WrigMt told, us hla » Recruit Well, you se#; sir. I was Joseph- No; I've rolled it up. Record Budget tor eight days. The TWU belongs hospital said. name waa WIlUam Mmea Upton, jege- . but this morning he broke down used to sleeping with the windows ‘'About 200,000 of the ablest stu­ to the AFL-CIO. He received a 7-plnt blood, trans­ t>P«n. OUR BpAKUING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB The MBA struck to dramatize under oUr questioning and told us The coed said alie want—d to be dents now stop their education be­ Of $74 Bd|ioii fusion while "undergoing mrgery his real name and what ha did,” an airline hostess. low the college levgl," the report demands' for craft union bargain­ Diner - W'aiter. the portions Coefl (to friend) You meet a ing rights. The TWU won a sys- as a reauit of bullet weimdli In the W j^ a te aaid. \ T M U • Fm M . said. stomach, neck and hand. wyngate did not want toNreveal' seem to have got a lot smaller lot of men that way. ______hoorayE Right, 0 ljt l e t s 'Conttnned from Page Oae) temTWide election Dec. I# for the lately. , The report stressed that "the ' Reed’s offics said the informa­ the name of the preacher \ihat PRISCILLA’S POP Friend Yea. but wouldn't you NOT BE RABID main suppiort for education must right to act as sole bargaining ______BY ,\L VLKML’KR Wajtcr .hist an optical illusion, meet as many men doing some­ EGAD,MEI^.'GOME OF US WAvIeT uoact c / will be somewhere between 273 tion from Beaumont was that turned Wright In but said Wright tl/WPFnl im p e d haltinglyUAlTINiSI Y into iKVr/? a HOOPLE.'i FAnIATIC6-^MAY0E come in the future, as in the past, agent for the city’s 31,000 transit had driven his own car from IF I I WON'T TELL MIM sir. Now that the restaurant has thing else? * NO ‘ A QUIET TOAST OR billion and 274 billion, but closer Wright's arrest resulted from the NEW Vea r With olsaKin g from state, local and private workers. • suspicions of a clergyman to whonv nectlcut to New Orleans Yrherk SAY SO TILL TOMOC?ROW-ABOUT been enlaigerl. they look smaller - Coed Could be, but not GPotMiks .TWO WILL mold Quill called the MBA strike il­ He a d s a f t e r a n e 'Ie o f sources." to the. high figure." be appealed for money.". jjh8 either gave It away or sold\ MYSELF. HAZEL. ^ THE PROPERTY that's all. strapped down. IN TH E UG ~-vJ& TiON'T legal. . • THIS m a s b e e n WASSAILI fo r o n e "We must work to strengthen Billion for Missiles State Police Lt. Harry Taylor, in ten d to SCRAP SUCH GKOLU WAMT TO SE: —not weaken the American tra­ The current year’s total has been Gov. Averel) Harriman said In commander of the Stafford Springs Wright then either hitchhiked or A G O O D Seasonal Lie as while as the Tlicre are only two good women THIS, B r a n d e d a s Albany after hearing of the strike Christmss snow: "It's just what in the world: one of them ia dead, FOLDEROL FOR SOME: dition of local .control of educa­ running st the rate of about 272 barracks, said today he would send took a freight Into Beaumont, l Y E A R ! Y E A R .y - PRUDES.^ tion,” it said' billion, but Secretary of Defen.se vote yesterday that "It ia the re­ Wyngate aaid, but Wright gave I've alw;ay.s wanted!" and the other Is not to be found. wholesome prog ram ,- sponsibility of the Transit Au­ State Policeman William Doyl'e to CRlB6A6E,^eiLLIARDS, As outlined by Folsom, the pro­ McElroy aalcl-«te.ntly he will ask brljig Wright back from Texas no reason for stopping off at the posed 10,000 annual federal schol­ for about 21 billion more to push thority and other respon.sible of­ town, which has a population of "Rock and roll is the only dance He Hov. old are you? Pe r h a p s ficials to Invoke the lys’s of the once extradition papers sre com- I know where you wear your I l f arships for college students would ahead more quickly in flacal‘ 1958 pletSd. County Detective Arthur 175,000. She—I'm just eighteen. / be'-awarfled and administered by with' missiles and other top pri­ state to prevent a atrUfe or atop it Wyngate noted that during the clothes Out from the Inside." He—Just eighteen? Time koas of Stafford Springs may ac­ state scholarship 'commissions or ority military work. If it cornea." • ' company Doyle. questioning Wright related that marches backwards. boards, The ofllclal who discussed speitU- He added: "There cannot be one "he didn’t want to do any more There were a very saving old Det. (3ap. J. D. Wyngate of the The amount of individual srhol- Ing plan.s said the administration law for the motormen and another Beaumont Police Department aa\d robbing. He did telF us that he couple, and as a result they hsd a One Hollywood actress mourned arshlps would vary according to for Quill.” c Intended to pay back the doctor besutifiillv furnished hou.se. hopes Us fiscal 19.59 budget will be that Wright was "turned Into ua so deeply the death of lier third financial need. Folsom estimated in balini'ce and he Indicated an ef­ A state law providea aevere pen­ by a preacher. whom he robbedi" One day the old woman missed husband that she insisted on black alties, including dismis.sal,. for her husband. the average would be between fort will be made to compensate "It seems that' Wrlifht went to Capt. Wyngate aaid Wright olives in her martini. 27,50-2800. somewhat for stepped-up missile's striking public employes, but It has the preacher and asked him to "met up” "With .the preacher in a outlays Tly reducing some other never been used here. Beaumont cafe. II-!• \ 111 fu. Ml Hope to Start Next'Year write to another preacher, who ia It was anticipated this would military programs. At the strike meeting. Quill supposed to be a friend of hla No-formal'hearing will be re­ 3 LONG SAM sharply criticized three newspapers Gov. A. A. Ribicoff pauses after tu r ^ g over a shovel of earth at groundbreaking ceremonies held " ■ i-1 ^ BY Al. CAPI* and KOJI 1.1 BBBRS CROSSWORD PUZZLE mean some 40,000 students enrolled ■'Within the m iliary budget,” mother, asking for $250." quired for Wright who told V?yii- he said, "there will be cutbacks in and said they are "conniving" with yesterday afternoon at the Rockville Methodist'Church’s new site on Grove St. Behind the Gover­ The letter was' addressed to gate be win waive extradiction. ' I'M FS1(5«TPUJ.Y 60SBV, AtH ' YW CAN SAY V on federal scholarships at the end nor, from left, are: Rockville Mayor Herman Olson, the Rev. Simon Montgomery, pastor of the -V f.sss»£s?8ar”' of the basic 4-year period. some areas and increased spending politicians to destroy the TWU. Florida but Wyngate couldn't re­ ‘!A11 he hah to do is just sign a WAfoao. - m m APEMP /^tHATA6AiMvHN,'*rJ i^iD^ church: Ben Rowe, chairman of the Follow-up C-mmlttee of the church's building fund drive; the ^stwctUREirr, r K3NT lOJCMI «V Owl _ _ _ * Folsom said hfe hoped the pro­ emphasis’ In newer areas. Total TXe papers he named are the New, call to whom it was addressed,. waiver and we.'ll turn him, over •cuABBeane 50ME-I spending will be higher." York 'Timea, New York Post, and Rev. Harvey K. Mousley, district superintendent; and Bishop John Wesley Lord of Boston. Wyngate said the Beaumont to Connecticut police,” Wyngate AS6l6MCD"mC srupNerH r V UTi{(^\ gram might be adbpted by (Con­ A n tw r to Prtvioug Puzxlg SODY gress in time for the scholarships Although Eisenhower has said l^ew York World-Telegram and preacher called his office and said. d » AS PHYSICAL some civilian programs may have NSreUTOB AJ- Good Sports wraiLiiunnn ■ nr-irfiian w ,’^AY. to get Into operation by the next Sim. luniLiniJita ■ nnsanm n academie year. to be eliminated to help offset Quill directed some of his re­ Manager Claims OOC NCW WUfi/, OR Two* greater defense spending, this of­ SOtOOL- nntjrdnnlnnnnnn 2 The greater part of the admin­ marks against Abe Raskin,~Lsbor Governor and Bishop Speak ACB08S DOWN n H i a s m n n n . ficial indicated the emphaaia may writer., for the Times, who was at ■MM nnrD'nnEiM istration's program, he noted. In­ Store Unaffected ife*) . 1 Tennis 1 Title volves matched state funds. The be on holdinji; the line. the mating. There were cries of AfroeAsians in Dispute equipment cir^nrsiBnFisaEanRniDn ' i a Wicked CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER only all-federal part would be the Against Increase . "throw him out'!" . At New Church Ceremonies By Strike Threat 4 Baseball 3 WIrei r?nnnTMiNiMMt%minu scholarship program. On the civilian side of the budg­ A group of union shop stewsrd.s equipment 4 Spars nn[zin(jinnn*«r:i[7ii iro Tile grants in aid. on a 50-.50 et. he said, "the main Idea will be advised Raskin to let them e.acort t Croquet ■MMB Ejr.:3[iiF:iE:7TCi;;4 matching ba-sis, would be to en­ to prevent any increase." him out a rear door after the meet­ Rockville—Gov. A. A. Ribicoff^The church It also the herald of a The local Montgomery Ward de­ On Peiping in UN Plea equipment 3 Arrow poison tJHraiaiMiaranKi-^’iz’WF! courage establishment of a "more This source said government of­ ing. He declined a.sai.stance and left and Bishop John Wesley Lord new day, he said. The. greatest en­ partment ' store will not he af­ 8 Sensitive i i II Cl 13 CJri ■ IDMiinirZIrT emy of the Chrietlan gospel, he la Hall! T t£ N - rO (K systematic testing of the abilities ficials are approaching a final the hall without incident. stressed the Importance of living fected by the planned strike of the T 'm 7 Number nnm opin I mnninnR maintained, is not Communism nor Retail Clerks' Intecnational Astn. (Contlaned from Pago One) 13 Again nnnm nraincinuQn and aptitudes of students” and to decision on whether to ask con­ The reporter later said Quill's In harmony in talks yesterday at i J M 14 Toward the I Fishermen support improved counseling and gress to approve a special military charge that Raskin distorts facts materialism, but a fataljstic atti­ set for Jsn. 6, Donald Gelman, 10 File Entries JU D D SA XO N sheltered side use them 2S Rusnian 40 Run together guidance of young students. contingency fund to be used at the ground breaking ceremonies tude. manager of the Manchester store., terferehco in other countries’ af- BY KEN B.M.D .AND JERRY RRONDEIEI.D "ia utterly without foundation." Bishop Lord blessed the ground 13 Unit of wire 9 Singing voice mountains 41 Small ones The grants would be made also Eisenhower's discretion. Such a Mra. Dorothy Schiff. publisher of of Rockville Methodist Church. said today. In Train Races .Dii'rs. ve5, AIRS. MR. Lewis. TUB WE MAO A NIBBLE ABOUT measurement 10 Incline 3fl Barter 42 Journey “to encourage the states and local fund, totaling perhaps 2600 mil­ at the site of the new church, and The subcommittee on racial dis­ •OSWORTMf I SEE.' we RE the Post, and James A, Wechsler, Gov. Ribicoff noted that all re­ later preached In the chapel of the None of the storea’ employes are i s DReCTORS A VEAS AOO EROM th e SOlNS TO cOAk 18 Spanish girls 11 Minus 27 Clergymen 43 Demigod school systems to provide more lion, would be aimed at enabling members of the union which an­ crimination prepare a long draft YESltROav A3TBP Its editor. Issued a joint statement. ligions preach the brotherhood of MUTCMINS SIA SS CORP A B id this nibble into 1* Chosen 17 School book 2fl sVotlon 44 Portent and better teaohing of science and present church. The ,Rev. Paul J. The Model Train Race conducted criticising discrimination through­ SeiL ONC OF ’ the President to move swiftly to "Aa Mike Quill knows, we have man, but said all men do nSt live nounced yesterday that its' mem­ t o USER OP CARP0OARO . " DTE-- ANP The 20 Short jackets 19 Social group 29 Weights 48 Taro roots mathematics," exploit any promising development Bowman, pastor of Union Congre­ by the Ree'reAtion Department will out the world, particularly in South- , OUR SUSStOIARIES, CARTOSS. I INTO A CATCH 23 Early bird 31 Eats away 47 Give forth Bupported him when we thought he by the teachings of their religions. gational (jhurch, and president of bers Will strike against key retail be held tohight at 7 o'clock in the - JRlictlNe CARTON 21 Aeriform fuel The funds could be used, for in­ in rocketry. Africa and KenYp. -It called for m0o ^ 24 Hungarian 33 Staid 48 Cheat was right, snd criticized him when He pointed- sut the Rev. Simon P. the Rockville Ministerial -Assn., stores In the Montgomery Ward gym at the West Side Recreation 22 Ages stance, to help schools employ ad­ A possibly significant reaction Montgomery. Negro pastor of the chain. Gelman would not comment freedom of. speech and the right to 24 Term used in city 38 Interior 50 Famous uncle ditional qualified science and we believed he was wrong,” they gave the Invocation. The Rev. Mr. Center. So far the following en­ to reports of a 240 billion request said. Rockville Methodist Church, as an on whether the strike will effect vote regardless of race, color or golf (pi.) mathematics teachers. provide Montgomery presided at the serv­ tries have been received: - ■creed and for the repeal of all land for defense came from Sen. Hay­ outstanding example of practical ice. ' shipping to or from the local store. Diesel engine class; defending 28 Walked r~r laboratory and other equipment or brotherhood. laws which enable whites to take 27 Wrong r r r r r r r r to boost teacher pay. den (D-Ariz), chairman of the The bishop was introduced by Union president James A. Suf- champion George Rata, .John r Senate Appropriation! Committee The governor maintained that the Rev. Harvey K, Mousley, su­ fridge said yesterday that all un­ land from colored people. (prefix) r~ Funds for I.s>cal Programs Mortimer, William Matters, RotK A subcommittee member said 10 Click-beetle J -a key group in congressional ac­ science and art are not all-impor­ perintendent of the Norwich Dis­ ions affiUated with the AFL-CIO srt Martins and Gregory Yalio. J State and local schools would tion on the budget. tant, that the main problem of men trict. Bishop Lord blessed the would support the planned strike. the Little Rock integration dis­ 12 Next to i 1 have flexibility; as Folsom put'It. Obituary Steam engine claee; defending turbances figured in the grbup’s 24 Photogriphie r Hayden described the 240 bil­ today is to learn to live together ground and turned the first shov­ Contracts between Wards and 59 champion Jane Mortimer, Douglae In use of these funds according to lion total as "a modest amount for harmoniously. elful of soil. He waa followed by locals of the union, expired in Sep­ digpussions but were - not men­ device I ) !5 their own needs and their own ed­ Anderson, David Thomas, Bany tioned in the resdhiUon. 15 Laundry W defense." The Arizona Senator f'.arolynn R. 'F'eeney Bishop Lord, head of the Boston the Rev. Mr. Mousely, the Rev. Mr. tember. These contraets covered Krus and Jim Martina ucational programs. ■Sid at the same time he la not equipment !l H Oarolynn Roac Feeney, infant District of the Methodist Church, Montgomery, officlali of the Meth­ 7.0M employes in 61 stores, Suf- Registrations are still open to To meet "the most serious sin­ plessed at talk of reducing out­ said, "We cannot afford to explore odist (Conference and members of CAMBfHMA NEUTRAL 38 Bud's sibling P gle problem confronting Ameri­ daughter of Ralph C. and Beverly fridge said. all children aix years of age and 27 Norse god wr II r lays for what he termed "wealth Addiaone Feeney. 177 Thompson other planets until we have made the church. Thp union, said that the strike Phnom Penh, (kunbodia, DecAO can education today"- -the short­ produoing activities." Among this planet respectable." He re­ older, and those wishing to partic­ COTTON WOODS 29 Prejudice JJ p age of trained college and univer­ Rd,, died Saturday at Hartford Morgan I. Campbell, chairman of wil) be held because, in five months ipate may do so by reporting to • ferred to the liquor traffic, which the bulldlfig committee, presided of .negotiations, the company had, Cambodia’s absence from, the Afri- BY RAY «;OTTO i sity teachers the program calls flood control projecti. the West Side. Recreation Center /MTV 41 Legal matters Beaidea her parents, she leaves he said Is “legal" but he did not at the ground breaking. About ISO never offered any '■kind of an no later than 6:30 tonight Only can-Aslan conference in Cairo is T/W SS PLAXS LAT/EP ...AMD TJ/ME fl T for: eXher Oongreaa members also consider it "respectable.” people attended. 42 Oar fulcrum 1.000 graduate level fellowships two brothers, Ralph C. Jr. and across-the-boafd Increase in wages children with models "0” or "027'’ due to the little Indochliiese King­ TN £ 77GSPS A TTi/APT PU//M///G 43 Cushed i have cautioned against jettisoning John C. Feeney; her maternal The church. Bishop Lord said, Among the guests were Mayor dom’s policy of neutrality. Oi/rr 51 the first .vear and 1.500 a year_for civilian programs in the rush to and refused to institute a 40-hour, may participate. 49 Absolution i F each of the next three years, ''to grandmother. Mra. Charles L. Ad- should be the voice of judgment, Herman G. Olson, and First Select­ 5-day week. "We once more reaffirm - the GOALtrt 91 Australian 1 strengthen U.S. defenses. But some disone of East Hartford: and her which imposes a responsibility. man Edgar H. Wilson. encourage more able college stu- have voiced skepticism st the need The union had, until recently, PLEA MAY STALL STRIKE firm will of the Cambodian gov­ ostrich S denta to continue into graduate paternal grandfather, Francia J. been seeking. a 20-cent hourly New York, D«o. N (B —A glim­ ernment to remaita'. totally at­ 32 Angered IS r r study and prepare for teaching for as much as 240 billions for de­ Feeney of Hartford. wage booat. However, they reduce tached to neutfmllty," the Pre­ 38 Mint entrance 1 fense next year, and have urged Burial took place In Hillside mer of hope tllckerod todiQr that careers." reductions in foreign aid. their demand to 10 cents Neither a thrpatoned labor ttaup of the mier said ip an interview.' - ' f 34 Tear % y The fellowships would he award- Cemetery. East Hartford. the company nor the union has All Phnom Penh newspapers S3 Corn bread The p|ropoBed new spending pro­ t o clty’a entire public traaoport sys­ IT \) on the basis of recommendations gram, if approved by (Congress, said what the preient hourly tem weaM be postponed. Subway agreed in edltoriale today ^that 58 Disorder r 12^0 by colleges and universities. Miss Delia A. GTonnrll wages are. 87 Pemala T U QM would compare with 174,300,000,- officials asked M hours, delay, in CUnbedia'a neutrality Ig- tneom- ST 3 Graduate schools also would be Miss Delia A. O'Connell, 25 Suffridge said that the atrike arguing an aatt-etriko bijuacUon patibls with )vhat was oalled the saint (ab.) r e Of HEA »«>.-• 4i^. OOO spent during fiscal 1953, dur­ Dover Rd„ a former resident of given direct federal grants of up ing the Korean War. However, \vould affect only the selected they hsd eought aaginst the "o^nly Coihmunlst conference” In to 2125,000 a year to help them Hartford, > died yesterday in St. stores at the outset but would TraasH Workers Union. The Ctalro. - "You’d be a lot more help. Mom, if you’d get back there that 1953 total Included federal FY-ancia Hospital, Passenger Train Cut expand. In each case, the school highway grants which now- are probably be extended If a prompt atrike la scheduled for midnight and give Pop the commerciai!’’ would match the federal grant on She waa bom in Ireland. She settlement waa not reached. tomorrow. Spices contain ho calories. a 50-50 basis. handled outside the regular budg- was a member,of Our Lady of St. Joseph and the Third Ord^r of St. (Contlnaed from Page One) resigned after a meeting Yvlth then W ill Str«MS Languages (3ov. CairisUan -A. Herter. ■ After BUGS BUNNY The report also said there Is a The National Planning Assn- Francis, Hartford. (NPA), ■ privately supported re­ She leaves two sisters, Mrs. Ing to eliminate passenger service, the resignation, Herter said there deficienc.v in the leaching of for­ seek legislation for.atate subsidies was no dual control or connection BUZ SAWYER eign languages "so important In search organization, laid in a re­ Katherine T. Horan of Hartford ■______BY ROY CRANE port Saturday that spending on and Mrs. Margaret McManus in and work for passage of a general between the two railroads. I ALREADY DIP, . BUT understanding today's world," and tidelands law. "Herbert Alpert's presence at '^LOVB AND KISSES, EH, UKE VESUVlUt, OVER THEREj ) proposed financial help for train­ national' aecurity could be In­ Ireland:' and several nieces and twinkle ^EYE$.' I60T wmoMiY, _ PIPPER?... creased to 254 a billion a year by nephews. The reeult of the,proposed tide- the top secret meeting on railroad here^misaii YOU ON -mis BLOW DARUN6,WNAt ing centers in languages. lands legislation. Rudaten said, strategy for the coming year is qurr imrrving, It said these centers would 1960 without requiring a tax boost Funeral services will be held dd woman BOAT BOUND FOR ARE WE 60MB SWEETHEART.' LET'S However, the report said the na­ Thursda.v morning at 9:30 at the would be "in effect the turning a violation of his word to Gov. NAPLES, TO UVEON? II stress languages "which are criti­ over of 28 million worth of Com­ Herter and to the people of Masse, LIVE dangerously cally important today, but which tion would havt to "forago the Ahern Funeral Home. 180 Farm­ who lived in a FOR A WHILE ... otherwise poaalble tax reductions." ington Ave., Hartford, followed monwealth-owned lapd to the New chusetti,^’ Rudsten said. "It ia have traditionally received little by a solemn requiem Mass in the Haven and Boston and Maine a clear demonstration of his con shoe... T or no attention in this country” chapel of St. Joseph's Convent at Railroads. tlmied activity in behalf of the such as those of emerging nations 1 10 o’clock. Burial will be in Mt, Rudstein said that the BAM was BAH." f in Asia, Africa and the Near East. < St. Benedict Cemetery. represented at the meeting by Mulhern and Herbert Alpert The centers, under the auspices! ^ . w » .n Friends may call at the funeral Herbert Alpert, who resigned as were not available immediately for of educational institutions, would j IxOCKV Fllll JllQ ll home tomorrow and Wednesday general counsel of the railroad comment. ' . . . train teachers, government' per- J from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. after he helped Patrick McGinnis Spokesman for the railroads Bonnel and others. gain 'control of the BAM. ' declined, comment until they had Federal financial assistance also Said ‘Improved’ lu ipTJl Xi hlrs. I-sina Bilson Alpert, whose brblher . Gebrge a chance to study Rudaten's state­ was proposed for summer insti­ lA..Prfisident»of the New Haven, ment. a tutes and other sessions at which After Accident Rockville—Mrs. Lens Dimock q 30 teachers of foreign languages in Bilson. 72. wife of Claude P. Bil­ schools and colleges could receive son of 9 King St., died suddenly member ' of Hockanum Barracks, P. Quish Funeral Home, followed, MORTV MKKKLF Ctieatar Z«cco, 32, of 30 Stepp- Saturday at Manchester Memorial MICKEY FINN BY DICK CAVALLI training in Improved teaching ney Circle, Rocky Hill, was re­ Veterans of World War I. by a solemn requiem Mass In St. BY LANK LWINARD I'M TAKING methodg. • Hospital. She wa.s born Aug. 24. He waa employed by the Rock­ James’ Church at Id o’clock. The CHIPS DOWN TO "This is a program," the admin­ ported In “satisfactory condition” 1885 at Crystal Lake. Ellington. ville Processing Co. He leaves his Rev. James T. O’Connell was the A GOOD POKE M IHATMAOUIDBE TES, JERRY, THAT GIRL WHO THE V-E-T istration said, ''to help meet the snd "ilightni’ improved" today at dau.ghter of the late Myron and wife, Mrs. Sophia Stucky Ohls. celebrant and Mra. Jane Macca- THEAHOOTH WOULD ------A LITTLE crude! WENT 10 BUSINESS COUEGE TOR HIS r® urgent demands of education as it Hartford Hospital where he was Emrna Newell Dlmock. and had The funeral will be held tomor rone was organist and soloist. The HOULIHAN IS SAUWT WITHA4E RRAfiGED JUST LIKE 8-tK >-T affects our national security. It admitted sft?r a head-oh crash In lived in this \’iclnity alt her life. row at 8:1^ a.m, from the- Burke Rev. John Blanohfield - read the WE’RE FEPUP! y -HEtL THlHkOFSOAlE PHU.-AND IRGMEMBER SO recognizes the rapit'. increase in Vemqn Saturday morning. She was a member of the Rock­ Funeral Home with a solemn re­ committal service at the grave in TO CORK HUM o ff! aEARLY HOW WE FINALLY \ importance of science and technol­ State Police have charged David ville Methodist Church and its quiem Mass at 9 aE St. Bernard’! East Cemetery. ogy In mSdern life and the Impor­ B Ta.vlor Sr.. 20. of 390 Lake St„ WSCS, past matron of Hope Chap­ Cliurch. Burial will be in St. Ber­ Bearers were John Rota. CTharles tance of these fields to national Vernon, with reckless driving after ter, OES, and was a member of the nard’s Cemetery. Friends may call Zanlunjb, Paul Dttone, Louis An- ■ security.’’ i an Investigation waa made Into the American Legion Auxiliary. at the funeral home today from 3 disio, Jbseph Accornero and Louis like every smhrt Mbther, shb knew whaf to do . . . / ■' \ The general naturg of the ai^- craah which occurred on Washing­ Besides her husband, she leaves ,to 5 and 7 to 9 p;'m. Deiocchlo. minlstratlon’s program hid been ton Bt. •a daughter, Mrs. Harold W. Swarl- She hurried to The W . (p. Glenney bempeny, as quick as' could bp \^/ largely signaled in advance. In a State Policeman Walter Smiegel alguer of Bloomfield: two brothers. Mrs. Caroline E. Porter Edward 1. Ferlazzo speech Nov. 13 in Oklahoma City. of the Stafford Springs ba^acks Claude H. of Ellington and Howard Mrs. Caroline Elizabeth Porter. Funeral services for Edward J. (Where the service igGOOD and.the planning ii FREE). Eisenhower stressed the impor­ aai^ Zacco was headed honh on O. Dimock of Vern'dn; and a sister. Hartford, widow bf John' Porter Ferlazgo, 98 Ardmore Rd„ West tance of education in an ags when W a^ngton .St..when his car waa Mrs. Bernice Walther of Rockville. and lister of .Mrs. Iva Iqgraham, Hartfus dren, victims, of oyatle' fibrosis, Brunhwlck. 'and Aibiiie Albert of kOpy, paet.or'of .the'.'ieihurch, pf- was organist and soloiat. The Rev. to be better citigens of the Repub­ wars, entsrtained at a C^riHmaa ficiated. Miss Marian Brdin was THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE JE F F COBB Worthington, Mass.; three sisters. John F. Hannon read the committal lic and the world.” party tn West Hartford, Dec. 22. Mrs. Martha Pickard and Mrs. organist and Frederick Woodhouee service at the grave In St. James' BY WILSON SCRUGGS ______BY PETER H O IFMAM i t was. given by the'(Children’s waa soloist.' Burial .was in East Cemetery. ' " NcrnttR.! wLwnDTKK M 60 IT'S * T-THE JALOPY Anne Albert, both of New Bruns­ « maaiT Awj (Ts ABoimotiR SC^VOUR S16TCR SNOYTU n GIVE YOU SOMEBODY'S COMING.' Cystic Fibrosis Association of Con­ wick,- and 'Mrs. Alvin Dube of Cemetery. Bearers wejre , John Donahue, ■TOVOi, MRS.TkOMPDN. I woB>c?i'ra6P‘ THERE HAS TBCCN 1 YOU SOLD ME , LOOKS LIKE THE ^ FRICND./..HA, HA Bearers were Andrew Wihzler "Your Guarantee-^ ' MM3C1FTHCSTDKVAEDUT ONU FORACDUPLC U YOUR MONEY AIN'T. WORTH A necticut (CXCFAC), in connection Rockville; and four grandchildren. Raymond Calhoun. Joseph Cal­ WHO T O - HERWWJINS^QOOIU. BACK OR BLSE SIMPSON DAME AbolilTown with Unity Lodge, Local 406, Funerifl services will be held to­ Jr.. Howard Hanrrpton.i Gordon OF MONTHS, vbU KWOVI< NICKEL AND ' WITH COMPANY/ T X LEMME houn, George Rose Jr.,, Richard THC $WGSPFTAKSS/ EH« YOU KNOW fT.f your MofjEY BAfcK/ UXW-CIO of Pratt * Whitney morrow at 0:45 h.m. from the Hampton. Robert'Mjnnicfc, Ernest Rose and John^ O’Connell. AND'OURSWTBf'S Co.. West Hartford. Turek and Frrferick'WInzIer. Our 36-Years Of Reputable Service" name WAS MOT Mini Friends of Miss Jkne M. Wlgren, Burke Funeral. Home with a sol­ daughter-of. Mr. and'-Mrg. Charles Many Manchester merchants emn requiem Mass at 10:30 a.m. at F L W P AID SENT ,. ' . t LIST CT WINNSRS. AH)eH Krause tfc.Wlgren. 15 Stephen St., havf re­ donated part 6( the hundreds of SL B ^ ^ o 's C?hurch. Burial will ColomW Ceylon,' Dec. 80 , ceived greetinga i from her, • dated gifts ittveo. the children at- the be tn Bernard’s Ceihetpry. , Private funeral serVibes for AI- The United States and Britain party. ■ ■ Friends may pall at the funeral liert Krause. 4AjBidgc St., were at LudY^eburg, Germany, near rlished aid by sea and air today 'A-, the Swigg border, where aha is now The program included a jlinner home today from^-to 5 and-7 td 9 held Saturday' afternoon qt 2 to the flood victims of this tropi­ teaching, .A graduate of'Mapehes- for the children and their fattilllea, p.m. o'clock. The Roy. Alfred" L. Wil­ cal Island. The tubslding waters ter.High School, she taught in Mam efitertaliiment conalating'of movistii liams. rector of St. Mary’s Episco­ ' hive left 2W idead and 830,000 336 North Ma)n Street Chester before leaving for a teach­ Ilappy the Glown, and the distri­ WilUam U 0|hls pal C?hurch, officiatod. Burial was homeless. Escorted by two de­ ing position in BerUn two years bution of gifts by Santa Cjaus. Rockville — William Leonard in East Cemetery. .'TM casket Was stroyers, tiiei Aircraft Carrier nMEBLEMlEYk Tel. MI 9-5253 h m , HO, ^___ Mrs. Robert Jarvis of Manches­ Ohls,. 62. of 31 East St„ died sud­ carried by porters. ■. Princeton loft Singapore early to- ter served as co-chairman pf thsi denly gLhU home yisstprday morn- day carrying 170 tons of British Open Daily 7 A.M. The office of the Public H^thi' party and she waa aided by c^-< inf.'Ha was borh In thir clty-Feh. Mrs. Vtotpp Monti food and medical supplies. The BUILDING MATERIALS . to 5 P.M.. Including N ur^ g Assn, in the'hospital wil^' mj^tee mamber'a, lira. How«Ytl 2, -1195, a son of; the late Winigm Funeral services for Mrl, Victor mercy convoy duodue here______Wednea. Wednetsday Afternoon Turkington of Manehaster and Mrs. LUMBER FUEL USHIM i close st noon tomorrow and reopen afil^MOfY Miirnhy Ohlg. He was Monti, 53 Wells St., were, held at klay, U Mmtag II iieilboptero tat and Sa.turday Until NooR ' Tniumda^ at I a.m. ' Jtjnes Bhea of South Coventry. a veteran of- tVorld^ar'I dud a Satutday rnominF «t tMo W. ferry auppiteo to Isolatod areao. r 1/ I I t;. - ^ f- \y f f


Rote ^s Hunch Paid Dividends ' THE Herald Angie Faked Kick for Score t ----- r ■ j .... * Detroit Dec. 30 (/iP)-^'t'obint"’h*t if Junker .h«d let the b»Il<^ ‘Tereonally, If yovi tjiink 1 have Danbury Troiinces Pros E/kRL YOST KOte, S> \eieran votoran nnnrtprhnrkquariernncK | J,, What | any ^ peculiar feelinga about it. I C leveland ^.Sperts Editor Rockville and Regional Unknowns VnO canje to Detroit in an ,p csllinc for a field goal? ; bounce that way and it dj(d. I'm ', th y . f 4s.. „ SL N D .\>' off-season insurance trade,! "Don't mention that." Rote, dirt-i philosophical about it. " -Sateinls kfid Reggie Pinto—tried 'T:: p la v c d a hunch yesterday,yesterday.streaked streaked and beaming a big smile | The difference in the teams, He Bows 59-14 To Dim Chances, 81-70 First item on the regular Sun­ to atay with Howard but to no Also Play This Week Standouts AnA tVi» ftrnwlin«r Tovnn’sl 'n the dressing room. "3‘d he in the 'said, ivas provided by the pressure- day schedule is the trip to i^urch avail. . .Thanks once again to with my family. .. A day of?! free Tom Ferguson, head man on the gamble *■ was credited with carry-;'’"Pj’'’'*'''' ‘ I tnr- .iivi. " , , [ fjUe(j flnish th a t led the Lions tnto ff the championship game, By PAT BOLDUC from any comrrillment and I just floor. Santa Claus had arrived a S T the Lidns to a 59-14 victory: , ‘hanged his mind. "No, At Detroit wee bit early and left gifts for By PAT BOLDUC ■■'•.a -V' ‘ In Football over the Cleveland Brou-ns in Uie i -is a gam bler. I think hehe; "The Lions wiire whetted to a Althougli they still have 11 'league games to play it is sat back and relaxed while watch­ ing the pro football playoff game each editorial room employe Mon­ Another light basketball schedule is on tap this week for .','■! : ',A '. « National Football i.eague a ch*m-1 " ha'e gone along. fine fompetitlve edge, " he said. 'ft' ■■ i ' nj - . , Detroit, Dec. 30 (JP)—Their doubtful if the Green Manor Pro.s can challenge for the reg­ between the Lions' and 49crs. I day night. .Welcomed visitor New, York, Dec. 30 (ffj-^Iudgtng •pionship game at Briggs .Stadium. the season and "We've been standing by, waiting. Manchester sqhoo!boy.s and two other teams in the are^. •f - ■ ‘ ■;* .' ,••■ by Saturday's post-season football ' . .f , . . espmallv the week before the This was our first game in a old coach chlied them “dead," ular .season Connecticut Basketball«Assn. cjiampionship after enjoyed every minute of the ac­ just before departing was Archie 'i , I ^ * 4- .1' • "t- Kilpatrick, retired, squire of Pena- Coach Elgin Zatursky’a Red and White quintet tops the slate ■ -V J' -i'' '" gams results, high powered stars With Oie Lions holding a '-'T .gam * e ,,f,owed in Wilson's face month that counted," losing to the Danbury Memorial Seniors yesterday afternoon tion although I wouldn't have r s 1. . ,t ■ , J, ' 4.. their victims called them cook. N. /if., and for many years with a pair of ganie.s, starting \vith the annual clash with the "Will mean little to bowl eontestenta lead early In the second quarter when he said: In Danbury. 'The host Seniors.'' given a plug ntckle for the Lion.,’ antf faced with a fourth down. Turning Point ",lucky" and their new coaclr a reporter on The Herald. . . Alumni tonight before traveling to'* Wednesday. ■Team A'lctory' Brown's Idea of the turning sparked by sen.saUonal shooting in Conlintiing their fabulous auc- clinnres afte r th eir trailed, 27-7. Meriden Friday night for a CCIL i ' - ■ Rote's hunch was that he should iall.s them "the figthtingeat the second and third quarters, iip- Final score, .31-27, Lions, Many friends hnd neighbors visit­ start last Friday to edge winless The teams with the-big names This was a team victory. 'That's point hf the game was the Lions' cess from the field 111 hoops in ed at flight to help mark the sea­ contest 'I'lth the horit Red Rai.dera. took-.lt on-(ha chin in the East- reject a play sent in by Coach : what s kept this team gothg all bunch o f guys I’ve ever seen.” ended the shorthanded Proa 81-70 once again proved that it doesn't Middletown 48-44 In overtime and George Wilson. Wilson called for i 78-yard touchdown 'paas from 19 shots for a percentage of 58), son. Meanwhile, Rockville High Is W est iShrWft gams and tha Ostex' season team spirit." Rote to end Jim Doran early. in But whatever you call them, to­ for their third victory in four loop pay to get up and leave a pro the personable Rockville coach can a field goal starts. the Seniors erected a 6U49 bulge WEDNE.SDAY also on the road Friday night, en­ only hope that hls boys can make Bowl last weekend. But the crowd showed no strain: the third quarter. day the Detroit Lions are the at the three-quarter mark. McNul- game early. Touchdown., come fast Set I p Field Goal , Sobs Reed and Dean were up gaging W indsor In a Valley B It two In a row against Windsor The East with four All-Amaricas they went wnld. When the final gun "We started the second half all world champions of' professional The defeat waa the second In Iv. one of the league's top scorers, and furious when the gridiron bright and early too early for was dropped 27-13. Oeraid Nesbitt, sounded, many of the 5.’),26.'1 fans three CBA outings for the Pros giants clash head-on... .Night Conference encounter and Hebron Friday. Captain Bob Grous. the ■'H-V Instead. Rote set up in a field right and got a touchdown." he football. They proved 4t yesterday spearheaded the attack with four llieir parents but the man of the Regional returna to action the an unheralded fullback from Ar­ goal maneuver but at the last min­ poureil onto the muddy field. They said. *'We were only 17 points be­ by dealing the Cleveland Browms who played without the services of home and I received a gold star R am s' leading poorer w ith a 12.8 twin-pointers and a perfect 4-4 house and his heal land onlyl girl .same night with a road contest average, missed the Middletown kansas, scored three touchdowns ute lifted the ball, ran to his right swept Rote and linebacker Joe hind and I thought we had a the worst defeat in the team's his­ Coach Eddie Rosmarin, towering from the foul line. froni son Rccd. the first of several watched the wide-eyed boys virf''Tap for the' underdog West at San Burr Carlson, Paul Grogan. Wally against L.vman Memorial. Chfeney skirmish because of a sprained r ' , ’ - i r - . and hit rookie end Steve Junker ! Schmidt from the , dressing room ' chance to come back. But they got tory. 59-14, in the world title game Seven straight points by the I'm sure to get in the next 10 days one present after another. Santa Tech remains Idle for another 'veek Francisco. alone on the six. Junker snagged .tunnel ' that touchdown right oi. that long Ehrenpreis and Ben Fountain — one each for slaying home at ankle but may be, ready to resume at _Brlggs Stadium. tireless Qiiiinhy forced Danbury was good as usual but the greatest since ' Coach Tony D'Angona'a play this week. Rockville now Tennessee, a six-point utidsrdog, the pass and scored untouched. It ‘w'ns 10 minutes later w'hen pass." Dramatie Cliinaix Rosmarin was In ths process of to call for its first timeout of the night. gifts of all to me \vere in the form promising array is not listed to overcame Texaa AdcM 3-0 in ths "That was the play that kept us, police came to their rescue The He added: "We had to work for moving from Rockville into his ’■.MONDAY sports a 3-4 won and lost record, The Startling triumph, achieved afternoon with 3:15 left in the of health And llapplness and a won­ play until, Tue.sday. Jan. 17 against t If Qroiii Is unable to start Gator Bowl at Jackson'dlle, Fla. going." said the straight-faced 1 crowd then turned its attention to ours and they got theirs right on new home in West Hartford while fourth period. The Pros fought Holiday grpcliiig cards helped fill derful family These gifts "fire all Vlnsl Tech of Middletown in a The Vols boxed in halfback John Wilson in the dressing room after , the steel goalposLs., hut police the first play after the kickoff. It befora 55.263 Stadium spectators Carlson, team's second beat scorer, jCanavarl will then go along 'vlth and'.a nationwide television sudl- hack from a 14-point deficit to the mail bac left at the Sporta De priceless I, too, shared In re- 2 o'clock tilt a( the East Side the five boys who started against Crow-.the Aggies' AIl-Amer'Ica and the game. ■.( turned sway the assault and the was the gamehreaker " was sick. But Manager George trail the winners by only nine tal- partmcTit. Among the cards re ( civing but (ine again for the third Rcc. , Jleisman Trophy ^winner. Crow 3 ence. provided s dramatic climax Mitchell, who handled the Pros the Tigers. The quintet included "Sometimes when the breaks I posts remained intact. Rote had an explanation for the I lies. 63-72, at that point A pretty reived were ones from Frank Cor straight year • there wasn't a gained 46 yards in 14 carries. 4'k to the daffiest campaign In Na­ .veaterday, said he cbuld' not under­ Eru'in Niederwerfer, Ernie John- Start going your way. you can't In the quiet dre.ssitig room of the play that Brown said broke Cleve­ three-point play by forward Frank kin, the fine basketball referee single necktie or pair of socks Although the crystal ball favors Ron True to Form stop making points " Cleveland Browns, Coach Paul land's hack tional Football League history. stand, why the other three cagers draw, Dave Burt, Dan Thicbeault Toro brought the locala to within and former Meride'n .sports editor, ticketed in my name. I can remem­ the Indians by a 58-.50 margin over and aggressive Joe Doherty. Both The Blue-Gray game at Mont­ . He said quickly that Role called Browm kept th'e door closed 25 i "Jim (Doran told me on the A grizzled band of old pro die- failed to appear since all promised ber when I'd get more ties and hards and a couple of rookies four points, 70-74. with still a the Rev Stephen' Stryjewski, for­ the Alumni tonight tlje Grads Niedei'vci'fer and Thiebeaull have gomery, Ala., was neatly on form. Uis play and added: "It W'as Just minutes. : bench he thought he could get be- to be on hand. But Mitchell has minute and 40 sei onda to go but a mer p.a'stor at St John's (.’hiirch socks than I'd wear In a year could easily hand the favorites a Ken Ford of . Hardin-Slmmona Then he managed a smile for the hind Konr ifTbveland defensive reaching out early for big-tlm* promised a few changes before tallied 5'8 points to trail Grous In ■fine with me the way It worked driving layup by sturdy Dave and now in W estfield, MaSs. Quiet day with my family and in third con»eculivc selhack. Onl.v the scoring department. threw 12 completion* In 33.tries «ut. small group of waiting newsmen I halfback Ken Konzi and he did. stardom combined to produce this the locals engage the Bridgeport the early evening we tried to make city's •fourth world championship Spears made it 76-70 with 1:15 George English S r. Ed Buck,ie pla.vers who have graduated in the for a touchdown and 185 yards as What If Rote had been caught ? and annoimced: didnt he?'' Highlanders m a home game Fri- remaining. Green Manor's last .scout for the New York, pardon me. the rounds of all clo.,e friends .. past tWo years, I a very good policy the Garg bested the Blue 31-20, football team. This Is the third day night at the Verplanck School. Home at a good'hour and I -was Hebrpn Regional , has won just time the Lions have grabbed off hope for a possible comeback tri­ ■San Francisco Giant.,, acoiit Jack which should be continued in'-.fu- oncp in six starts this Season and The South was favored by a point • Used Five Players umph sank with Patterson's de­ glad to be back In my favorite ture seasonsi will he 'vith the to "in their 13th in a 19-fsme the big prize by defeating their bit­ Lavelle of the New York football rhair. ' that- was over Lyman Memorial. Greenv.ieen Manor.vianor went allail the wawa.v i parturei 30 sccunu.sseconds laierlater anaand insthe Alumni tonight and the imposing Series. ter rivals from Ohio. Giants, Charlie Ixiflus. the very THUR.SDAV Friday night's opponent. Naturally The crumpled wreckage of Ezio Selva'a hydroplane la towed ashore after, taking a leap Into the gir Under the flawless guidance of ^•ilh ,ju8t five players and played ! local., still Irailing by six markers capable Yale sports publicity di­ roster cbmprisea such favorites as Coach Clyde Washburn ia hoping Nesbitt picked up M ysrde rush­ Liona' left end Dave Middleton (84 i la atretcHing high for a pass the final 45 seconds with onlv four I .Mc.N'ulty .tallied 21 points for thsthe ''First day back lo work after a Eddie Wojclk. Norm Hohenthal, and then nosing back into the water during the Orange Bowl Regatta yesterday. Selva waa killed ing, nearly dbubla the total of quarterback Tobin Rote the Lions rector. Dave Grole of Cincinnati, holiday seems like s Monday and hls inexperienced Rams can repeat instantly. (AP Photofax.) •from Tobin Rote in the second quarter of the Liona-Browna game men when Worthy Palleraon com- Seniors and .Spears, who raged Leo Cyr, Buzz Keeney. Ronnie th eir previous 53-.50 victory and Michigan's AJl-America itlm Face moved with authority and com­ In Detroit, Cleveland's left safety Ken Konz i22i and left line head of lhe~ National Baseball this day was no exception, l^ls is mand from the start, scoring 17 mitted his sixth personal. Recent- ' markers in the final period, League Servke Bureau and Jeny .Simmons; Dave' Turkington. Al snap a four-game losing streak. (21 in 14 carries) and Michigan backer GSIen Fisa t3.5i cover Middleton. The pass waa incom­ ly released by the St. l.duia Hawks, i ‘hipped in with 19 points. Pete perhaps the slowest time of the ■lohnson. Bob Ijizzarl rind Charlie State’s Walt Kowslcsyk (88 .for points in the opening period and plete. Crean. New Britain sports editor year on the local sports beat and' Co-Captain Dave Farley, giant following with 14 points in each the former UConn star was (hr ! Gregor.v and .lohn.son comhined . . . Paint job took up my lime Boggini among others. 6-5 forward and author of 61 14) for the East. O ther E a st 'AH- for an additional 28 tallies to lead as a result there ia extra time to Spectacular Racing Death of Ezio Selva AmSricas- were tackles Alex tCar- of the last three quarters. Rote, afternoon's top scorer with 10 bas­ after regular working hours ami gel all files and records up to date Incidentally, tonight's game will points in four games. Co-paptain kets and five free throw s for 2.' the nanhniy attai ,< ras of Iowa and Lou Michasis -of who never before played with a i It wasn't iiritil 8:30 that I cleaned . . Several holiday greeting cards start St 7:30, with the Manchester Al VeXina, Gunai-s Vinkles, Bob title winning team in eight seasons | ‘iS.E. College RounHup ; points, one more than teammate Tremendous rerforniance ihe brush until another day. Srhed- High Jayvee., clashing with the luio and either Harold Taylor or Kentucky and and JUn PhiUlpa of Art Quimby who uas oiitatandinp Overall, the .Seniors hit on 33 of arrived via miitl girl Molly Gworek freshmen squad in a 5:45 preliml^ Bob Ponchak will likely ccimprlse Writes Tragic Finish to Grand B fix Event Auburn. of pro ball, was sn offensive giant | 1 tiled trip at night waa caneeled . . . Only two fTiristmaa gifts need I m battlingsthe tall Seniors off the ' 86 field goal atlenipts |3S per nary. Hebron's starting lineup. Vezl'na ' The Vols Sammjr Biiritlow for the Lions. j due to the late hour and I just sat to be exchanged but when the rain The bronzed, drawling Texan backboards throughout the 40 niin- cent I while Green .Manor "'as 30 back and enjoyed Hi-Fi music on After dropping- Its first, two trails Farley 3n the individual scor­ Miami Beach. Fla., Dec. 30 (Ah— fthia would be hls last race. "I'm f for virtually the only title he kicked a seven-yard fisld goal With 1 utes of ai tion. 'for 88 1,34 per cent i Thanks to came down in buckets throughout ing race with^3,5- markers while The spectacular racing death of 5H'mihinies'remalhRiJi' "for Uie O s- who took over as solo quarterback I St. Michael’s, UConns the radio. the day I stayed close, to the of­ starts, rebuiMing Meriden upset getting too old," he said. hadh't held in the lagge power boat The losers misse,! their first five ; Quirnh.\'s tremendous perform- favored Bristol 44-40 only last Fri­ Vinkels has hooRed 29 tallies, two Ezio Selva startled 10,000 watch­ field. He had placed second in the tor Bowl margin. It 'wms Tanass- four week.s ago when Bobby La.vne | ; ance the loser.s u on llie 'b attle of TUESDAY fice . . . All correspondence was The third heat of the race, and was sidelined with a fractured ! I field goal attempts in the opening day night "hlle holding high- more than teammate lulo. ers and wrote an abrupt, tragic the remainder of the day's events, Grand Prix race’s' first heat de­ see’s first fiSld goal attsmpt of ths. period before guard Frank (hitko I the boards by a slim 54-49 iiiai gm. an.sxvered and the desk was clear- flnish ■ yesterday . to the 1957 season. The TennessM. iioorlng ankle, threw four touchdown passe' The da\' before Christmas and an unusual sight in any newspaper scoring Tom Anderson to a nierd / were canceled. Judges awarded the spite belng^boxed in near the start. hit on a one-hander to knot the I Opening contest ol Friday a doii- like manv others, I know, there ■ ------V ----- Orange Bowl Regatta's Interna- drive started on-Oie 60. lillbsck and scored another. Seek Repeat Victories office when I departed for hoove four points.' Anderson, who had Grand Prix to George Byers Jr.'of Jumped Starter’s Gun , count at 2-aIl, A long one-hander l^hlcheadei at Verplanck School will w ere a few little thing-s .still to be been averaging 28.1 pointa a game. tlonal Grand Prix event. Bobb^ Gordon rsn or passed' on Handyman Jim Martin, the old : pair the .Marco I’nlo K.xpiorera of , . . There were several new games N ew Eiiglancl Cage Columbus, Ohio, first-keat winner. In the seconj} and fatal heat. I and a driving layup b-,- the aggres- purchased and I joined Ihe throng was the same youngster who-----^ The smiling. 56-year-old Wire- Selva's Alfa-Romeo powered Selva got off to a poor stSrt biit every play unUl Tsnnsases.stallsd Notre Dame veteran the Lions sl- the CKA and .New B ritain .Mana- to try out. games m.v sons recelveci on Die Aggies one. most released last summer, got the Boston, Dec. 30 (.T’)- c . u 1' r- - X j Tatteison gave, the Pros an in several of Manrheater's leading for Christmas and play we did sparked the Bell'Towners lo a maker frqm Milan, Italy. ’ was hydroplane shot out in front of a tore around the three-lap, 15-mil» , ^ ^ »t. .Michael s. ( onnectirut and the tin-, 8-5 bulge and two more hoops bv ■ fort \\ reckers of t)ie 8'arminglon stores. . .Working at Quinn's 58-42 lacing of Manchester. Cap- O ianuarU S killed In the fltpover of hls red boat driven by J. B. Broaddus of course at a apeed that put him in The three gamed opsMd .the club off to s rousing start. He Valley league at 7 o'clock. The u'hile I kept an ear trained on the climax to 1967. football whlph gnds kicked a 31-yard field goal in the beaten Greyhotind.s from little A.s.suniption College seek re- ibe hard-wmking cutko made it over ihe holidays wei'e Eddie Woj- tain Bob Zajar and veteran Marty Moschetlerre 500 feet from, the Lake Wales. Fla. The shputs ifront of eveiryone but Byers. , Green .Manoi-Bridgeport tilt will olk and Leo Cvt, two former Man­ radio for the play-by-play action Recorda of the Wednesday with seven boWl g^iasa. first period and before the scrap peat Victories this week that'wduld make their .New Year 'he silk Towners of the ECAC basketball game be­ Tempe. 'vho have scored 61 and 42 principal ^-.e w judges' stand during the second turned to "creams when the ‘800 Ironically, Byers like Broaddus I at the buzzer. Danbury was able S tan at 8:1,5 B ridgeport features chester High athletes now in col­ points, respectively, front the England college b.aaketball heat of the race. was over added eight extra points. happy indeed. B,\' tonight. St. Michael’s and ('onnecticut hope tween UConn (ind -Seattle at New teaVia kilogram Moschetlerre ffifi'ped bow had been 'disqualified fog jumping j to tally Just three ha.'kets in 24 little Poik\' Vieira of Quinniptac lege. Wojctk, a sophomore, ia ex­ Meriden attack. Wethersfield through Dec. 29: Selva had just throttled up to first out of the water, danced on the starter’s gun dhd' Selva didn't Never Got Started to he able to celebrate Ihr arrival* I College fame and Ron DelBianro 5'ork'a Madison Square Garden. A of 1958 somewhat prematurely m , shots in the first 10 minute.,, pected to be the first string ratch- which only last week upended the W L Pet. more than 100 miles an hour In its stern and then knifed sidewise need to pass him. C B A S c o r e a The Browns, division champs ond marif and Baylor added an­ Danhurv was real hot in Ihe sec- ; of Ainfvld fVilirgu 'cr at Notre Dame this spring rejil thriller with the West Coaat- Indians 63-56, was I'oreed into passing a rival whom he didn't key conteata involving New Eng­ »?r8 winning by four points, 87-83. Boston College . . ___ 6 0 1.000 Into choppy Biscayne Bay. Selva's The Italian's chest was crushed, seven times in eight seasons and other pair as the conle.'t ended I ond quarter, hooping 1,1 baskets in D.Anhnry iKli while Cyr. a fre.,hina|i. will be a overtime before .shading the ^ed Boston University ___ 4 0 1.000 know waa diaqualified when the son, Luciano, 20, w itness^ the ac­ apparently by a bjow from his Bridgeport 89, New Havsn-tt land college baakrtbal) cliih.<;. y FRIDAY world titlists three times, never Ro.,e pared Connectiriit with 2.5 I 23 attem p ts t .57 per cent i anii S|.. strong candidate for an infield Raiders by a 66-64 count, Assumption ...... accident occurred. , The Purple Knight.s from Winoo­ 5-‘‘ 19 Another In the short series of un­ ___ 4 0 1.000 cident. ' craft’s engine ,cowling as It Danbnry 81. ManebsstaP 79 really got star"' ) Linebacker Bob point.,. Baylor tallied 34. j raced lo a 38-3.3 ad''.'intage at ihe .Sn. f • ‘ 1 3 position at Teachers College in Z a t u r s k y may experiment D artm outh ...... ----- 8 .889 He had previously announced Milford 73, Derby 6J ski can win iheii outi invitational .I-.I.i,... exciting and uneventful days dur­ 1 Selva wa* making hia fourth try slammed down on the bay. Long, one of more than half a doz­ , inteivnisaion. A jiinijiing one-hand- -. - k- ILtl 12 New Britain. The latter is now against the Alumni in an effort to Providence ...... tournament at Burlingion, VT . bv Douni-d \V l LM ing the lull period , . . Little mall, ___ 8 1 .889 en Detroit stalwarts obtained in ei- hy hiisllm g Boh McNulty, 6-.3 r Kiio'’’ IK playing freshman basketball. find another guard to team "'ith B ran d eifl...... ___ 6 •Saturday nighl lk>nnei tiru t de­ I } 9 relative few telephone calls and no .857 player deal.,, intercepted a Tommy ; ' ; barki-oint ace. piil Ihe host quin- /»-. Holiday cards reached the desk sophomore Chuck Saimond. a real H arvard ...... ___ 6 feated New 3'nrk Univer.,ity 71-68 2! office vl.sitors . . About the best 1 .857 O'Connell pas, three plays hfter I V ' ' After a brief rest. Connecticut j let ahead. 28-27 with fonrAniniites ^ I, IU> it from Ton.v D'Angona. Cheney find thus far this sea.son. The B ates ...... ___ 3 1 .750 2 2 2 the field goal. It took the modern- ' ''‘“^hael a whipped Adelphi 8,-' will play ho.sl to M anhattan .Sat­ remaining vn the secemd periml but ' Tech athletic coach, and Mickey of today is the fact that it’s locals seem pretty well set up New Haven Teachers . 5 2 Friday and this means payday .714 day "tJashouse Gang ” just three ' urday. a twin-pointer by tlie sharpshoot- 15-23 n Katkaveck, director of recreation front with senior Bob Flake and Connecticut ...... 6 3 .667 (»rr^n >lAn«>r The work day passed’witHftut Inci­ plays to score with Rote sneaking The Slorrs, Conn , Huskies meet Following it., own tourney. St ' ing (Aitko regained a 29-28 lead , p in WaycroBS, Ga. Mickey is a for­ tall Pat Mistretta, another aopho- Holy Cros.s ...... ----- 4 2 .667 y Pt.« dent and my fam ily wa.^ Ifl®d to over from the one. Pitl.sburgh for fifth place tn the Michael's will vi.'it Northeaatern for the Pros It vcaa the last tim e ' 4 1-4 mer local man who plaved minor St. Michael's ... ----- 5 3 .625 Milt Campbell fumbled the kick­ Holiday Festival Tournament at 11-41 Friday. the locals led as center Dirk Jolin-I] ' 'unninfThs'iiM 0-1 n leagjie ba-seball for a decade In the Imve me around aj^ain after dark VSrrnont ...... ___ 4 3 .571 24 for an eveninjf at home. YOU WONT BELIEVE IT! off and rookie Terry Barr of Michi­ New York's Madison Square Gar­ New Year's Day and Thursday son ignited a Danbury drive as the , s St. Louis Cardinal system. . . Yale ...... PfttiT rv ti g • t - d 25 ___ 3 3 .5001 gan recovered on the Cleveland 15. den, Consecllcul trimmed the Amherst will be the defending Seniors outscored the Pros 10-4 in j 3 Anqual noon Christmas party for SATURDAY S W illiam s ...... ' 3 3 3-3 13 members of the Editorial Depart­ .5001 In six plays the score stood 17-0 Panthera 64-60 m overtime a year champion and Harvard the the waning minutes to account forl,- Tlgiial quiet S atu rd ay m orning New Hampshire . .... 3 3 .500 : i: ■So 1(V19 70 ment helped pa.ss the work day. and as soon a.*i the deadline was And that's the way it went all af­ ago en route to the O range Bowl favorite in the New H am pshire their five-point bulge at halftirpe {v'orff HI h.iU r>Hnbm>‘. Worcester Tech . ___ 2 2 .500 1 ternoon. Tournament championship. Invitational Tournament al Dur­ Early deadline was set and when reached and ropy set up for Mon­ W esleyan ...... ___ 2 2 .500 Before the first half was over, Assumption, which shares re­ ham, N. H which will wind up the the pizza arrived all typewriters day I headed home to flnish A m herst ...... ___ 2 2 were at a standstill. Eating hon­ .500 Head etech OMrge Wilson, left, of the Detroit Lions, greets hls quarterback, Tobin'Rote, as both Rote passed from field goal forma­ gional unbeaten honors with Bos­ special holiday competition for several small job., around the Brown ...... ___ 3 4 .429 ors went to newcomer Dick How­ house . . .\fterjioon was free and I HOT ITS TRUE mvparsd to Idave Briggs Stadium following the 59-14 shellacking administered the Cleveland Browns tion on fourth down, hitting an­ ton College and Boston University, New England teams. ^ St. Anselm's .... ___ 3 4 .429 for the National Football League championship Sunday. Rote tossed four touchdown passes and risks its 4-0 record .Saturday. Jan. Holy Cross avenged an earlier Boston Deadlocks Red Wings ard, who looms as a hard man to first listened lo the UConn-NYU iC lark ...... other rookie, end Steve Junker, on beat. Hal Turkington, Alan Olra- ___ 2 3 .400 aeorsd once himself In the victory. (AP Photofax.) a 2^-yard icorlng play. And Ban- 4. against a revitalized Holy Cross loss and wrapped up the title in ita baskelball game on the radio and iT u fta '...... ___ 2 3 stead and Tom Ferguson dropped then turned to teevee for the East- .400 1 raced 19 yards with a pass inter­ five which snapped Dartmouth's own invitational tournament la.,t B rid g e p o rt...... 3 5 .375 Saturday hy whipping Dartmouth With Detroit Trainer in Nets out early while the hungry phn West Shrine football battle, won ception for another score, offset­ perfect record last Saturday night. tographers--Cinch Ofiara, Joe : by the underdog West ting Jim Brown's 29-ysrd touch­ Assumption will be the under­ 77-72, "The Indians had run up eight atrkight victories before the Four Tourney Crowns down run for Cleveland on the first dog. oL course, but jilill retains New York. Dec. .30 iJP> The last-place Chicago Blackhawka had FAIRLANE . play of the second quarter. ■fond memories of its hair-raising crucial te.n including a 69-64 vic­ The Finest ...... tory over the Cnrsader.,. ' their flrat victory in 10 games on home ice today and the firat-placa Lions Roar Back 69-88 conquest of the Crusaders Montreal Canadiens had their first victory in four games si New last March 7. Holy Cross bleTS' a lead In the The Browns scored first In the first meeting and fell back Into a York's Madison Square Garden. The big fvpwa of the National Hockey Boardman in Action Tonight League, however, waa rhade in D e-'------^ ------Up for Grabs Tonight .Mr\KD IIOl ni.KS second half, m arching 80 yards in Both Had PoSis.gtarts tie after a fast gtart Saturday but 500 ' SlAndlnir» 10 plays with Lew Carpenter’s was not to be denied twice. troit where a Red Wing assistant ^ .j. 1957 FORD w L Prt. Both St. Michael's and Connecti­ Against Schm idt on Teevee New York, Dec. 30 (A*)—Champions will be crowned in four •Anne-Nick Twcnly .TI M f>^9 five-yard nin capping the drive. cut are trying to keep their wagons The C rusaders w atched a 10- irnBndnrSyracuse Nats M. Waddell-R. 3*' 15 ,d“d Detroit roared back with t touch­ rolling after poorer starts than point halftime bulge melt into a HARDTOP VICTORIA with Fordomatic, Radio, Heater, Whitewall major tournaments tenight with the Big Eight in Kansas Barbara-DI(-k Mr-ronville .Tn 15 .f>6T down on the first play from scrim­ 45-alI deadlock, ag^inal Dart­ Sounds confusing? Well, here's | O . • 1 1 • New York. Dec. 30 ',Ti Boxing- N. Rohan-«i Yo.«i Id f>44 they, had last year. vised (DumontI In some sections. City matching Kansas and Kansas State—both unbeaten and iB. whlf^N vum 3K 19 .57S mage as Role and Jim Doran com­ Beaten twice in the recent mouth. Then Art Andreoli. Jack "dr.t happened W llinill£r fans hope to get a clue to the puz­ both potential national champions. i Mare-^icnrs, muh.i.v 22 5M bined on a 78-yard acoring pass. Quantico Marines tourney, St. Whelan and Captain Joe Hughes I IRslocatexI Hhoiilder | Zora Folley of Chandler. Ariz.. 21.’ 5 zling Larry Boardman case tonight Tires, Padded Dash, P.A. Wipers, Undercoating,\Back-Up Lights, In the others. California, takes:------^ •VI 1«9 Before the period was over Rote Mike’s has licked Bowdoin 88-67 provided the spark that carried the the No. 2 heavyweight challenger, BOB n S K E .4«9 home team to victory. Andreoli ! W ith the score 1-1 in D etroit in ; at St. Nicholas Arena. The prom­ cm Temple In the Holiday Featival | , , Q „,,.rrf.v _ an d in the nmceaa Maurcon-[). n M..I 22 22 connected with Junker again on a and American Internationat 63-50 the ninth minute, of the first1. iie- On Own Floor make., one of his Infrequent TV windup in New York. Maryland '.a-h 2" 2A Ui 24-yard scoring pass ami early in in its role of host at Burlington. tallied 27 points, W helan 18 ind ! ising young lightw eight of 1956 appearances Wednesday at Wash- more who has displayed fine f, W SVV ISIUI I Silii- Signal Lights. Many Other Extras. 4s« »K-. '^® rent going to tel Mary->:d nm»ii. ir> 2d 422 ' the fourth quarter found Dave Adelphi defeated tgllliams 74-68 Hughes 15. who has lost three of four starts in^on against young Garvin Sa'v- promise. Captain Dick Dubanoski mee^ Memphm StaU in the finale, defeat iet them down -by win- ' Nanrv-Ni>rm Warren Ifi 2d .422 ' Holy Cross had beaten Brown mons. sustained a dislocated shoul­ New York. Dec. 30 t>Tr -The.r# ii ‘ Alva*Kd r>«un’4 Middleton in the Cleveland end and Vermont 67-59. * der in a pileup at the goal mouth. In 1957 comes back to town In dire yer of Cincinnati, iS' a permanent fixture at center of the Sugrar Bow'I T ournam ent In . ^Ixle O asaic final from n . 2d 422 ' 72-52 and Dartmouth rruahed isn’t much talk of a franchise New Orleaiu Md Iowa plays Syra-; Carolina State, 39-30. J<'an-Bill Tlmr^iDn !«, 27 4iv) 1zone for a 32-yard scoring pitch. .Since the Bruins had no available need of a victory. Both the National Boxing Assn, and Saimond has won a regular llnzol-Mniinx' .Mftrcnr»'1f> It. .400 ! The other final round conlesta Colgate 84-65 to set up the title shift among fans o f the S^;\Tacuse •\ cuse for the title of the Queen , ji. . ’ o . , : M. A.'chcnbr ^ncr- * This strike was Role's seventh in the St. Michael's Invltaltional subslitule. Rosa i Lefty ) Wilson When Boardman knocked out and Ring Magazine rate.. Folley starting berth in the backcourt. aty event in Buffalo. N Y, , windupa Saturday, straight completion four of them meeting. In consolation competi-> ao „ia Nationals in the Natnanal d^aket- .second only to Eddie Machen But several boys who have been P. .larkt»wj^ki today included AIC vs Vermont for tion. Colgate took Brown 80-66. | r®5 W ini^ M-M-Mant trainer of the Frankie R.vff in Madi.son Square „ ... ^ I HoK^pps* vanquished Dartmouth, •Annf «nd \i« k I'wbrdv hAvr r>ip- for touchdowns. " Red Wing.,, was pres.sed into serv- batl Assn., in an age^hen auch Garden, June 1. 19.56, he was being amon;i Champion Floyd Patter­ given a chance at the othef guard windup Heavy .Slate ' TI-T'lS^ltlheHolvCroesInvitation- liirvMl fiTBt iM'iifir^ hv r»nb' n on^'- third place, St. Anselm’s vs Mas­ talk ia commonplatje rq m ^ a t position have failed to inipress. Jerry Reirhow led the final sachusetts for fifth and Williams Talo N ext Fixe I ice In the Boston nets hailed as a sure fire title conten­ son's edntenders. He has w-on 16 ■ms week wni rnark the''•‘ndiip g,. ^exas Chriatian won the pre- Eamr mkrirln 4*r • MauM'cn 'Wrtdd^ll sports. \ •straight and owns a 37-2-1 record That one glaring weakness, which and Pill find Pfirbnrn and touchdown drive that covered 66 vs Bowdoin for seventh. Dartmouth returns to-its home] Wilson, playing exactly 51 min­ der. He won two more and then '’'“'a’ . Reason Southwest Conference ei-int. Dirk Mrf’oMvillc who tjrd for .•**rnnd yards. He hit Howard (Hopalongl court In Hanover Saturday to The rea.son: The Nats arVdearf- . ,went into a taljspln. with 24 knocko its. has really stood out in the past DOWN schedule the teams will gel o,orgia Tech plsr»v utes and ."is seconds, yielded only Caa.sadv with a 17-yard touchdown Connecticut was faced with quite open its bid for the Ivy League ly on their home floor, aaXthey ' He ■4ost - to Orlando Zuhieta a .Sawyer, tutored by Jersey Joe two games, "'ill have to be cor­ Only dow-n to the serious husine.,, of hu.mbled Detroit. 70-88. in the Motor ^fBill Tlnii.'t'in , , ...... fhr ■"pRrtlriDant:* a problem against Pitt. The Pan- one goal to the Red Wings. Thst proved last night in winning thrir their conference races which for; c-j,.. or... Ig W'<'*'krti'l ^tlih,iih Flnpl^,inei pa.,s With leas than three nrlnntes leading title agpinst Yale, year ago and bo'ved to Tony De­ Walcott, has had only 17 fights rected If the Indians hope to chal­ j came late In the first period, seventh in a row at home. iKia and has a 13-4 record. Hq lost his the winners will mean invitations i.i'i ,r,„ic„ Those,.same Ells are In the mirtji^ sepred hy Jack MeIntjTe, putting Marco, Johnny Busan and Cecil lenge for the CCIL title. remaining m the game. .major college acorer in little 5-8 of a rugged road trip. HeadH lime over the Philadelphia WaK last start to Bob Satterfield, OcL 'i to the NCAA tournament leading M-63 ^ I ' George Wilson, the mc^ JPWwhoi.oon Hennon Shorts In 1957 while beating only StAndinci Detroit ahead 2-1. The Bruins got riors, 105-97. 21 . to Ih^ national championship next | ’ W est w ith a 3-1 record including it back in the second period, how­ 1 Ray PorUlla, Now at the age of 21, Coach John Canavari'a hard- •58 Main SL, Manchester became head Detroif coach when Th* Huikiea made a gi-eat fight an «verUme decision over Holy The Mmneapoli.s Lsakers defeated The bout will be televised (ABC). luck Rams rebounded from a slow M irch. • ( Pat-John At 31 Buddy Parker quit and turned out „f u Kilaing lo Elgin Baylor, ever. on a goal by Bronco Hor\'ath I'tha boger from Marlliorough, : OHVP—JoP .*1" Cros.4. 5'ale dropped both gam es in the CineinnaU Royals. Ill-103 in Conn., truly is at the cross roads! Both .Kansas and Kansas State I a title team in hls fmst try. could I jhe toweplng 6-6 W ashington D. C. and the game ended in a 2-2 tie. the only other'scheduled game. • Matchmaker Billy Brown has' 1998 . Irl.-^-Sani Varanti 2^ . barely make himself Ihe FaC Western Tournament at Boardma’n's opponent In hls 41st are unbeaten, each having won : ) Anr.-Paul ,rT>rr''ntl 2." hesrd amid player, and hla Seattle Univeraity Wilson, who IwicA before has The Nats began their streak his fingers .cto.'uied about F rid ay ’s nine games They are co-favonte.s . Ruth-Krnlp p..>il 22 : the wild demonstrations in the Con'allla. Ore., over the weekend. been an emergency goalle.’Nmce pro fight (lie's 34-6 in 40 bouts) j teammatea 87-83 in th" first round The Oregon State Beavers on Nov. 27 with a victory over lightweight match at Madisbn for the Big Eight title And they ' Fannv-K«!4|p Pacanl 22 dressing room. He railed it "a tiam ' of the Holiday Festival, for the Red Wings and once will be Peter Schmidt, a prelim pAR-B-'h Bf«nadiA« 22 trounced Yale 79-69 and the Wash- PhiUdelphia. and since* have boy from New York who got hls Square Garden because this ia the were ranlyd Nos. 2 and 3. respec- j ! MariA-Al Pu/.zn 21 victory If there ever was one " and Seattle, ranked 15 natmnally go­ against them, made 23 saves in a i 1 * r»7 ♦ ♦ fifth time Paolo Rosl and Johnny lively, in'la.'t week's Associated] ! Ann-RriAf [..ahbcf iA jfi inifton Huskies did likewise, 66-51. brillianthriiii.nf individualinAivirt.,.i .ffnr.effort. | knocked 'Off Detroit twice, and first main event as -a last minute IHoai! l^iotBetMiur InooMe Agointt 444 I credited the team's , undying spirit ing into the game, jumped out to a Yale's only consolation was the Boston. New York and Cincinnati Busso have been achedtljed to meet. Pres., poll of Ihr top haskctbaill ! MiTtlA.Riii t^nRiFlT-FA 2'* It was Boaton’s second tie in sub, N6v. 18-'arid lost q decision to Nanr.v-.7nbn flatnUnn • ir> 20 H4 ! a a j *1. 71-.58 lead in the first 10 minutes selection of Johnny Lee on the All- before the home folks. Danny Ruiao. Tlie flu and assorted injji^ea' have . teams in Ihe country j R'*na-I.riui^ D.'wrmt'’ !2 3'5 267' tn/lt lurn€n tn6 City lipxul6 two nights. On Saturday the of the second half and Connecti­ Tournament team.. Tlie L akers also u.sed a fourth Caii Boardman snap out of It? "■recked the other matches that Big MoidiCq R«e OlLeiRi i MONTH Po.'sibly becau.sr of the faYu-: Tr*r> Ratuninv nichi nmrA* at tbA I down. cut still was bihind by 12,with five Tonight Yale was scheduled to' Bruins and BlaX-khawks played a quarter splurge to heat the Rov. have been k)icking around since lou6 Will (The Stilt 1 ' Chaniljcr- r^urkv StrtkA alb'vs werr. rhalkpf! h\ m a icoreleas jjaiTie. Or is he on the way dpjvn ? Paeanj.%hn fund a rnuiklnR iTl • .Mnc Kccoron Set minutes to go. play Minnesota (3-2i at Min­ als. Art Spoelstra nailed It do'vn The lO-round match will be l*le- M arch. lam. Kansas " ’ill rate a slight . sUWo rii rriui" t„ a .n|r,„ii,i 4i- trit.i... I records either fell or were Lightning quick baskets , by Jim neapolis anti N e y 5Tear’s night Flrat Home Victory by acoring eight consecutive pointa Rosl, No. 5 contender to Cham­ choice in the final. The seven-foo! I Ji.lln .'i cl.. I27-I31.3S(l Br.h .R..nsdl>>s i equirted.- Gross O'Connor and Jack Rose brought they take on one of the nation's pion Joe Brown, and Bilsao, No. 8 Philadelphia junior has been peg­ ; ly'-r), AI ru/ln IIU A'nn C.ihh'flJ' llA recipu totaled In Chicago, Ron Murphy acored ** P‘‘j]^dthe Blackhawks a 2-1 triumph over \V . L Pet. GB This ineluikff a 31.5 per-gam e pace. ' i' hit two free .throws afthe 30 sec- are pushoyers for Eastern clubs. Boston ...... 24 7 .774 easily. Rosi hasn't fought since Temple, which could emerge as I got $4.295Al, anotljer high. Toronto. It was the first home vic­ hriibeat Rhy PortlHa at LouiaVUIe,- tory in 10 games for the Hatvks, Syracuse ...... 18 14 ,563 fi'S the class of the Eastefn sector is New York ------15 16 ,484 9 Sept. 7 and- Buaso's latest was a ^ loiik IntorMt, ' a five-point choice over California. jlV p to Box Tibhs ! eat ii\ A single Detroit game. ^ who had two ties and leVen loaaea victory over sub Gale Kerwin, The Bean have been defeated The" two-tearj total of 73 points in nine pre'daua Rtadiiim show­ Philadelphia ..13 16 .448 10 Leahy Would Like Texas Job Western Di'dslon Oct. 25. Your Fiiranco C h or^ throe times bnl thdre was some In Bostr>n Jan. 14 •squaiisd the 1940 game .when the ings. The record books show Rosi at Chicago Beaps beat the Washing- The league-leading Cai^iens St. Lpiiia ...... 22 10 .688 , — excuse They bumped ^ into San :’K D etroit ...... 12 19 .387 9t4 26-4-1 for 31 fights and Busso > Frajicisco, Kajiaas. and" Kansas : Boston. Dec. .30 OPi Willie Pep, top Redskins, 73-0. I I ' Chiesgo, Dec. 30 iJPi — F ran k finally ended their aeasof^-Idhg 31-5-1 for 37 sta rts. R^isi, bort) in M EANS •I • k i S tate in successlpn ilm Martin booted! -the extra! Leahy, itching to ■ get back into jinx at Madinijn Squart.Gkr^n,'de­ Cincinnati . .. .1 2 20 .375 10 popular former featherweight M inneapolis . . . 8 22 .267 13 Italy but now a -New Yorker, ia Maryland, rathd .No 6 In Ihe na- : point after each of ths ® ona'eight' <=‘>■'*8* ebaching hsit advlaed feating the Rangers 4-3'. ,Ne'V 29 and Busao is onlv 28. tion. is expected to roll past Mem- champion still po.,.*ic.,sing some of touchdowns, equaling' the cham-1 against such a move by his doctor, Yoi'k, which Had beaten Montreal Monday's Sehe4lute ' CNESTEIFIEIO SUPPORTER BRT ‘A 'Equal monthly fueli!k; regardleu of weather. , St. Lotiis vs. 5IinneApolls at As usual on, Friday*, th* bout phia State; while Iowa is favored the master's touch." will njeet pionship, game record" aet by Lou hoping Texaa A*M 'will five times and tied one Ih seven Dallas. , YowH f««l IH, loo, bvlha Joltuon wjll get network (NBC) radio and • Never a lorge fuel bill... not even In the celdeit winter monitht, 65 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM oi’er Syracuse. Grozza of the Browns in the 1954 I • ’'T the poiaRlon (>f athletic previous nieettnga, had ‘taken all tough Tonjmy Tibbs in a 10-round Siihilay's Resulfs & Johnson p ^ u c t . lOQnfh wo|sf- TV covarage._ ' ■ • Convenient payment rpeerd plan— tells how your account stands Ii) addition fo the tournaments, j fight at Mecjianirii Building Jan. game-againat the Lions i Hfv.i-tnrdirector. ,,i' . ■ ■ ^ three iVoin the' cham ps a t hortie. Syfacusti 105, Philadelphia 97. ' bond. Finesl’olastic fob- '“mm • No extra ch afe s— you still pay only for th# ell you actually use. two more chiha who are casting 14. The tesm conversion record of' The 49-year-old former Notre A pair of goals by defenseman Steve Bilko has been a consist­ covetous eyes al the national Dame head football coach Ssitur- Minneapolis 111, Cincinnati 103. ric Two-way ifretch. The bout was announced today: eight now la held , jointly by De Doug Harvey, both from 40 feet Satiiiipay’a Renulta ent hitter the Ust three seasons crown- Michigan State and Cin- by Promoter Sam .Silverman. j troll and Cleveland. da.v was forced to turn down a out, gave Montreal its victory and with the Los Angeles Angels. He cinnattx- see action tonight. State. ■ similar post al Texas A&.M on PhiladclphlaX 22. New York 115. , ^ I MORIAR’rV'^OTmRS Pep. the fmiiRci' Hartford, Chnn.,: End Steve Junker of Detroit increased its first place lead over D etroit 117, ^ r a c u s e l l j . WELDON DRUG CO. h it .328 in 1955, led the Pacific which appears to be the class of the sdvlce of Dr. C. J. Barborka. the Rangers to eight points. S.«dCm,p.m center street resident no'v living in Tampa.i FJa.. 1 *Cored t'l^o touchdow ns on passes St. Louis 112. Boston 107. M l MAIN 8T.-^H I 8-5821 Coast League with .360 in 1656 the Big Ten visits Washington i will risk a 22-hout winning stTeak. i to earn a niche in. the record book Dr. Barborka Informed Leaby On Saturday night, Montreal and batted an- even .300 in 1957. ■I for while Cincinnati engages Bradlev j he has had a mud flareiip of an old Cincinnati 112, M hineapolia 101. jI PI m m Mnd rm d*hiils •(! MebllhMl ludgefeer Syi#e*i Aging iWillie recently gave local j albngslde alx otherii. blanked Detroit 6-0 and Toronto Tuesday's Sr^dulr ■ r full Dutplh Both State and Cincinnati are un­ fana a treat of his veteran skilla I The Lions 22 first downs I stomach, ailoient which forced him overpowefed the Rangers 5-1. defeated to resign from Notre Danie after Minneapolis at New^ork. i N im .------while gaining a decision over Jim- j "'as a record equalizer. The mark Detroit at Cincinnati.' enUNT FLAIKLT) Mountabieers Resting the 1953 leaaon. I my Connors of New Bedford. I had been achieved five times pre- * *1 SfrW AWdran West Virginia, which climbed Pep has lost only seven-of h l s ; vlnusl.V. recurring attacks of pan­ Hiickey at a GlancA FOR THE VERV FINEST CN I' ----- clear to the top of the rating on its creatitis and gastritis, Dr. Bar­ 222 profeKsional appearances. i Tobin, Rote aqd Jetiy Reichow S aturday Figftts QUALITY USED CARS victory over North Carolina more Tibbs, the Boston newsboy, has combined lo five touchdown borka said "I feci it would than a week ago, gets back into Strong-Armed pitch ; ^ Sunday's R4iaUlta ALWAYS SEE 0UR COMPLETE SELECTION j City- won 16 of hls 11 fights In 1957 in passes,, tying another team record be a serious mistake to en­ action againai Canisius Thursday. Whltfy Ford of the Yankees danger his health rind have ad- National League Milwaukee- Orville Pitta. 1 7 ^ punchcB the bag In ^7ew York eluding two recent television ver­ for the Lions. The Bears also had Milwaukee, atoppqd Joey Rowafl ALWAYS AT LEAST 50 QARS ^ unnefi The Mountaineers have been rest­ viied him against returning to the M ontreal 4. New Y ork 3. ing since the NC game. '/to atrehgthen the arm which dicts over Frank Ippiolito and Lulu five touchdown passes when they Chicago 2. Toronto 1. • 193, Phoenlxvllle, Pa'., 6. TO CHOOSE FROM .CALL M itc M I 3-SI 35 FOR TOP QUALITY Perez. ^ bent the Redskins in 1943. coaching profession at this tinre." Hollywood- Boots Mohroe, llj, '^ ile North Carolina tumbled all troubled him ' moat of last Leahy said he was ''deeply dia- B oston 2,, D etroit 2 (Tie). •liDANS. OOCFES, STATION WAOUNA OO.WEBTIBLE8 year.-' - ' ^ Loa. Angeles, knocked out German SILENT GLOW OIL BURNERS the way to fourth place in the rat-1 tretaed" over the decision adding AmeHnan League .bigs a/tej*'West Viiginfa snapped ' Ohm, 119, Mexico City. 4. i ALL OUR CARS ARE WLLY GUARANTEED FORMERLY FITZGERALD-EDSEL The NdAA championship North 'Pralrier Moody Jolley, 48. sayi thait ;ha hoped Texas AftM would FRANK LR4\HY Buffalo 4, Cleveland 1. Belfast. Northern Ireland--— BANK FtNANOINO. OP TO 86 MO.VTHS ' lU 37-game winning streak; the Tar Carolina baaketbail team has tiyo 1957 was his best year in racing, consider him as athletic director. .The . . _.r University . . . of _Tejias -and TCU O ffers’ Providence 4;,Hevihey 2. A.rmand "'Savoie, 136. Montreril, OPEN m x d'EVENTNOS H eels certainly wiU be in the m idst lead all schools in OoUon-Bowi 6-fooL-9 players on the current! JHle handled Nadir, "Inner of the However, such a possibility ap- Rochester ,2, Springfield J (Over- Talcojttville, Open Evenings JohnGanity' •Chet Brunner of the fight for 'champintuhip khockgd out Jim m y Brown, 138, MORIARTY BROTHERS peatancas with five tevltaUans team. They are Joe Qulgg, leUerl^ Garden State Stakes and Bayou, peared ranjote following an .an- who said he doubted very much If tlpiri)- Belfast; 6. Boswell St, Louis, iK n o n .* each. Rica has bean to"the Dallas man from-JBrooklyn, H-Y., and Dick) a filly who won four stakas-races nouncemcnl' hy Dr. M. T. Har- Leahy would be offered the athlet- BARLOW MOTOR SALES Tel. M l Lloyd O 'M I ••Frank J anion Tbay aUrted the l«n( road back Eaatera Leagns Trinidad, outpointed Paddy- Gra­ WINDiBOR AVE„ R O O K VtlXEr-rnO NE TR 6-25S8 315 c e n t e r ST. MANCHESTER New Tsar's Day faraa threa times. Kepley, Roanoka, Va„ adphomore. durijng Ut^year. rlngton, president of Texas AAH, lo directorship. Now Havsn T, JohOptown t. ham, NoTthsm Ireland, 10. ii' /' J

. ■■ ' . V v-.' L a .1 ; ' : . » . ‘ , '-t . ^ :

PAGB TWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER SO, 195*f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAf^qHgjSyER,. CONN^MONDAY, DECEMBER, 80, 1957, PAGE THIRTEEN Hoosefl YOlr Sale 72 Auto Driving School/ 7A Building—Contracting 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAWl BY FAGALY and SHORTEN Apartments—Flats— Houses for Sale 72 Suburban for Sale 75 Wanted—Real Estate 77 HORTON ROAD—Cape Cod with Rockville-Vernon MORTUX3f’S-M*nclie«er’» ftad ALL TYPES of Carpentry work Tenements 63 (XH)' MANCHESTER - Nqjy sU (VHl) BOLTON — Coventry .Line. ARE YOU XXJNSIDERING Diabietic Slayer Bridge Toils Start Wednesday^ Classified mg Driving Schdol offer* the done, alteration*, dormers, roof­ six finished rooms, attached ga­ New six room Cape. Four finished SELLING YOUR PROPERTY? SIX ROOM duplex, ail redecorated, room ranch horBC in Rockledg* rage, breezeway, lovely yard 76 x in driver education. Thousand* of ing, porches, etc. Call MI 9-5981. ALL'Tlig riLIvCB AW, SHUT UP' Section, baths, ceramic til* down, ceramic tile bafh, walkout We will appraise your property satisfied students. 200,000 miles OMTHEPI.OOa iT’9 NOT MS,' new oil heat, family with adult 150. Excellent apot (or children. bw ipent, large lot. $13,700. R F. free and without any obllgaUon. Advertisement GENERAL repairing and remodel­ AG Aug.' AREN’T kitchen counters. Attached garage, Near schools, bus and shopping. Killed in Crash Books Available at Marlow^s accident tree instructions. MI THERE^COME* children. Inquire 146 Center St. amesite drive, fully landscaped Dnnock » do., Realtors. MI We also buy property for cosh. Judge Fines Motorist ing. Specializing in building of >OU EVER (j0lM6 Assume mortgage or refinance. 9-6246, Joseph Ashford Ml 9-8818, CLASSIFIED ADVT. B-7398. MANCHESTER—Central four room i lot, $21,000. Call R. F. Dlmock Co., Selling or buying centaOt garagea and shell houses of all TO LEARN TO Reasonable offers considered. Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Rob­ STANLEY BRAY. Realtor . Peraona using any of the threetickets bought between JuW 1 , and d e p t , h o u r s types. MI 5-0731. RUN THAT first floor apartment. Heal and i Realtors, MI 9-5245, Joseph Ash­ Elva Tyler, Realtor. MI 9^489. ert Murdock, MI 9-6972. Of Stolen Auto utilities' furnished. Adults pre-; ford, MI 9-6948, Barbara Woods, BRAE-BURN REALTY ’ ; Hartford bridges will begin paying Dec. 31, are valid until JmM SO4 8:15 A. M. 4;.S0 P. M. Garage—Service-Storage 10 t>ROJECTOR, ferred. Rent $90. Write Box N. Ml 9-7702 or J^obert Murdock, MI MANCHESTER— Immediate occu. Ml 8-6273 $225 on Two Counts the new schedule of toil rates the follds^g year. TOU lOiOT* (X) BOLTON — California ranch. (Continued from Page One) starting at 12:01 S4rn. Wednesday. For e x ^ p le , if a book ,of 10- Aluminum Storms and Herald. ! 9-5972. pancy of six room oversized Cape, J520 sq. feet of living area Ther' WANTED—Real Estate LlslingSi ------_Jt— ------i with quiet luxury in every detail A Crystal I.*ke, Ellington, ■ rfign' sponsibillty In connection with This is the effective date of the nSw cent tickets^ purchaaad. Juna SO, COPY CLOSING TIME GARAGF for rent, Elro SI. Call Screens 14-A (VII) MANCHESTER—$14,600 Cap* mopane windows throughout. In­ Call Fred Turklngton. Turkington a little earlier alone in the car at rates set by the Greater Hartford •Afl 9-0280. 3'i ROOM furnished apartment, all! from the paneled dining room to direct ll|:htlng. Numerous. Iniilt- Bros. Realty Co. MI 3-iS07 or MI was fined $225 in City Court this damage to the Lans fruit stand on SwalnslMro, Ga„ some 50 miles to it i» good unUKpec. 31, alx months, FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. utilities, in private home. Parking! four down, two unfinished up. Nice morning lor evading responslbUity Windsor -Ave. Police said an em­ Bridge Authority. ______but If the aame^book la- purdieeed ALUMINUM WINDOWS, doors. condition. N « r scnools, transpor­ the tremendous clothes storage in ihs. Two-car ;garagq acre lot. ^ 9-5665. the south oh the route from Jack- Jalousies, porches, awnings. Free facilities. Adults. Apply 193 Porter: the huge master bedroom, aifford appointment 'only. R. F. Dlmock and (or a second offense of operat­ ploye of a stbre in , the neighbor­ The new books of tickets have a day later, July 1 . then that book MON- THRU FRI tation and shopping center. Im­ ing a motor vehicle while hig adhville. been and are now on sale at vari­ Molorc.vcles— Bicycles 11 estimates Call N B Chase Co., St.. Manchester, | Hansen, Realtor,; MI 3-1303. Co., Realtors MI 9-5245 or Joseph SELLING, Buying, Trading? L.M.- hood of the Lanz' stand followed . Troopers armed with subma­ of tickets la valid m a year, ubtU 10:.S0 A. M. Ml 9-0233, TR 5-1200. mediate occupancy. (Sail the R. F. M.L. (which means Live Modern license was under suspension. the Carroll vehicle after It alleged­ ous places in Hartford and at the June 30 of the foUowUW year. FOR RENT Five room duplex Dimock Co. Realtors. MI 9-5245 or Ashford, 5H 9-6818, Barbara chine guns swarmed in wltti FBI Charter Oak Bridge toll stations. SATURDAY 9 A. M. COLUMBIA bicycle. English tiTJe. BEAUTIFUL neW" three bedroom Woods, Ml 9-7702, Robert Mur- —Multiple List)—all your real es­ Albert C. Ulltsch, 82, was given ly struck the stand, and obUlned men and county officers to search Ail tlcketa are tranmfit(ble and gearshift and white walls. Call MI COMPLETE IJNE of alumlnuQn house. Inquire 46 Blsaell/St,, or Joseph Ashiord, MI 9-6818, Bar­ ranch, hot water heat, ceramic dock. Ml 9-6972. tate the modern way. The Ells­ until Friday to pay the fine. Plead­ the registration number. Tlie ar­ Marlow’s Department Store will tills is causing some sp windows, doors, awnings. Jal­ . phope MI 3-6558. / bara Wrods. Ml 9-7702, Robert bath, excellent workmanship, 100' a nearby tourist court on a chance begin selling tlie books of tickets 9-1465. worth Mitten Agency. Realtors, ing guilty to' the charges. Ulitscb rest was made at Ashford by State that Clarpenter might have fled to methods of getting 1_____ TOCR OOOPERATIUN WIIX ousies For free estimate Call us Murdock, Ml 9-5972. frontage, $11,700, Carlton W. SACRIFICE SALE — New seven MI 3-6930. told Judge Francis T. O'Loughlln Police who were accompanied by tomorrow for the convenience of Ing the 25-cent toll assessed, BE APPRECIATED any. time. Homs Specialties Co. Hutchina, MI 9-5132. there. They) found nobody, al­ Manchester residents. THREE ROOM aparOhent with NEW SIX ROOM house. Carter St., room home, l ^ baths, fl.eplace, that he has been hitchhiking daily Patrolman Edwin Carlson of the though occupants of a cabin had slent bridge users, those wit Wanted Auto.s- 5n 3-2856. garage, artesian well. Reasonable USTINGS WANTED—Single, two- to East Hartford where he works local police. The tickets are available in tickets. hiv. M" 'Manchester. Five rooms, complet* family, three-family, business reported hearing someone break Moforcvcles 12 f ' - full rear dormer, I 'i hatha, fire­ REDUCED down payment. Also Cape Coda, 70 to 80 ho'hra a week to support Hearing On Farm Variance Into another unit. . ., books of 40 at 5 cents per ticket, G / ter Hartford merchanta are' Dial Ml 3-2711 ranches, colonials and farms. John property. Have many cash buyers. his wife and three children. $2, and books of 25 at 10 cents, planning to buy tlckeU at tha Roofing—Siding 16 place, basement garage. T. Shan­ Act Quickly Mortgages arranged Please call A public hearing will be held to­ It was a hectic (light south that WANTED for ca.sh direct from VERNON Four room rent, occu­ non, Btillder, Ml 3-7469, BU 9-1418. Bisaell, Realtor, Cross St. Coven­ Ulitsch was arrested by State night on the request for a variance Overton and Carpenter msde after $2.50 The 5-cent book is valid from nickel rate and then tn turn sell ovi’ner, no dealers.' Meticulously FOR THE best In shingle and built pancy Jan. 15th. $40. MI 9-5493. A Lot For A' Little try. Call PI 2-6828. George L. Graziadio, Realtor Ml Police following a report of an ac­ the date of purchase until the end them to customers paaing over any 10 minutea from Mnncliester. 9-5878, 109 Henry St. to zoning regulations in regard to their deadly and bizarre outburst clean, low mileage, four door sta­ up rotting, gutters, leaders, chim­ (XVII) TWO new Capes with 1100 cident on Rt. 16 in Vernon. Ulitsch the Town Farm Building. at Washington. They kidnaped of the next calendar month. For of the Hartford bridges. This, t)^ Lost and Found 1 tion wagon or sedan, 54; 55, 56, or square ft. of living area. 6 minute# Every woman's dream of a new ELLINGTON—Florida style five Bridge Authority says, will defeat ney and1 roroof ‘ repairs call Coughlin Bu.siness Locations room ranch, fireplace, hot water SELLING YOllR property? Have said he told the other driver after The Rockville Zoning Board of three persons and stole at least example, a book of 40 tickets pur­ 57 car. Have clean 1952 Chevrolet MI 3-7707. from Manchester Green. Youngs­ home, 1500 square feet of solidly ready buyers (or one and two- the crash he would go "arornd the chased in January la good until the scheduling of the toll rates, di­ LOST—Tan puppy, 13 weeks o^i. club coupe a.a trade. MI. 3-7757. for Rent 64 town kitchen, living room with heat, extra large garage. *4 acre Appeals hopes Interested persons two automobiles. built ranch. Two baths, two ga­ lot, artesian well, $1,000 down. family bouses. Mem)>er Multiple corner to a relative’s house" to will attend the hearing at 8 p.m. tn Switched Car Plates Feb. 28. rected at transients, less frequent Lost Thursdav' night, vicinity of RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and fireplace, vestibule. Ijirge lot, Listing dervice. Sherwood A. phohe ffollce^ However, when he The 10-cent tickets are for bridge users. ‘ West Side. MI 9-4005. built up roofs, gutter and con­ AVAILABLE January 1, Second $16,200. R. K. Dimoc:. and Co., rages. Large tree shaded lot. Welles Agency, Coventry, PI City Court room and make kqown In Jacksonville, the investi­ .A nd five gets vou item 2-7366, PI 2-7932, Becchler. Realtor. Phone Wesley got to the libuse he said someone their sentiments on the change. gators reported, they switched a bridge users who travel to-Hart- A schedule' has also been igt up Business Services Offered LI ductor work, ruof, chimney re­ floor suite pf offices for rent. Best Realtors. MI 9-5245, .los’eph Ash­ R. Smith. Ml 9-8952 or MI 3-6969. rushed him to a docto, who (ord less frequently, such as oc­ for vehicles heavier and longer LOST Off West Side-Kitten, basic pairs. Ray Hagenovv, Ml 9-2214. FUMBLE-Fingers rewinds location m Rockville. Ideal for ford. Ml 9-8818, Barbara Woods, H. B. GRADY, Broker The Selectmen have requested Tennessee license plate for the Vir­ body color white, raccoon ring tail. M & M RUBBISH Removal Serv- rr BACKWARD ON THE SPOOL stitched a cut in his chin. Mean­ the variance as a condition of sale ginia tag on the car last stolen. casional shoppers, and moviegoers. than the average automobile. Ray Jackson. Ml 3-8325. professional man. Rent reason­ -MI 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, MI MI 3-8009 LIS'nNGS WANTED, single and while the other driver phoned f)0- The 10-cent tickets are valid for Three-axle vehicles will be tolled MI '9-0649. ice. Cleaning attics, cellars and l i u u L 2^ mxxTOM, able. Will divide to suit tenant. 9-,5972. two-family houses. Member of of the 30-room brick structure and Registration papers for the ma­ yards. Incinerators emptied, ashes ROOFING. SIDING, painting. Car­ Call Norman B. Chase TR 5-1200. lice who said they had no record adjacent sheds. An unidentified chine were found in Overton’s periods of from six months to a 65 cents and four or more axled / LOST-PASS BOOK No. 3391, Sav- 3nymjm*N4Yf~ w<4nwMK,w*sv, MANCHESTER- MLS. Howard R. Hastings, Real­ of a call from Ulitsch. year, depending upon date of pur­ vehicles will be tolled 85' eenta. removed. Contract service avail­ pentry, Alterations and additions. « « i > , ■.cum « T » « i c » » i DUPLEX—4-4, quiet street, among Patman Plans buyer proposes to convert the bloodstained shirt pocket. ' nigs Department of the Manches­ able. An 9-9757. Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ FOR OFFICE or commercial use; COMMENDABLE tor, MI 9-1107 any time. Ulitsch rivas fined $25 (or the chase. Tickets bought before June Books at reduced rates are avail­ '^cll kept single homes, two new building to apartments If the var­ . The car blazed up after the ter­ 30 are good until Dec. 31, and ter Trust Company. Application teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 29J Autumn three rooms, ground floor. Main oil hot water heating s.vstema, Residential four room expand­ evasion charge and $200 for driving iance is granted. The land is located rific collision but the flames were able for these elassM of vehicles. made for payment. St. MI 3-4860. St. near post office. Phone MI able bungalow. First floor has two Bill to Abolish, undef suspension. MORTENSEN TV. Specialised RCA near bus Only $14,800. Carlton W. in an A-1 zone which is limited to extinguished before either the 9-5229, 5H 3-7444. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132. )>edrooms, living room, kitchen and McNultv Bound Over single dwellings.^ wreckage or body was badly burn­ inade It,” Knight said. "Calton P. Kaldek, 33, waa klUed as was televlBton service. Ml 9-4641 SPECTAL WINTER rates for all Help Wanted— Female 35 Fuel and Peed 49-A full tile bath. Excellent lot with John F. McNulty. 16. of 29 ed. steered by the flames of the burn­ LOST—SABLE and white female types of roofing and sidihg. For Wearing Apparel—Furs 57 ENTIRE BUILDING about 6,500 (XrV) PRICED for Immediate sale. garage. A friendly neighborhood. Replace SBA Hospital Notes Washington St., was bound over to Since this request was submitted Kenneth Fisher, 32, a guitar iday- Collie. Reward. MI 9-0275. FIXXIR SANDING and reflnlahlng • free estimate, call Manchester square feet. Suitable for stores, to the ZBA the Selectmen have re­ Overton’s body was held for an ing ear. He had to. The air waa so er In the restaurant’s small bud. Specializing tn old Doors. . Ml WANTED— Experienced waitress SEASONED hardwood for fire­ MOUTpN COAT, three quarter Large split. 2' j baths, two car ga­ Asking $13,800 the next criminal session of Tol­ inquest which Sheriff J. B. Stanley full of dust you couldn’t sde a A blind plantft, Bernard J, Main­ Roofing and Siding Co., Inc. Afl for nights. Phone MI 9-81<8, Mrs. places, furnaces and stoves Giglio length, excellent condition, -must office, Insurance company! hall, rage. Built-in oven and stove in Pallents Today: 107 land County Superior Court on a ceived other offers for the building, LOST—Black and white Boston Ter- 9-5750 9-8938. etc. ■ Occupancy a-8 months. In Shown by'apjx)intmenl. (Continued from Page One) announced for later In the day. thing." er. 28, waa shot and waa rapwtad rier. Vicinity North End. Call MI Berg, between 10:30 and 1:30 p.m. Brothers, MI 3-5301. sell. MI 3-5096 kitchen F'ov further information ADMITTED SATURDAY: Stan- charge of wilfully and maliciously also requiring variances. One pros­ Wray’s body was shipped to "We slid by the tangIM pieces paralyzed from the wmlat down. GONDER'S T.V. Service, available for interview. center of town *ne car garage for or appointme'qt to see ral' the R. Phone MI 3-6373 Ic.v Nowak,*' 707 Hartford Rd.: setting fire to and burning a build­ pective buyer proposes to demol­ 9-4628. SEASONED hardwood for fire­ rent at the Center, Call MI 9-5228, make no Interest loans to small Greensboro, N. C., for burial. He of scrap iron that had been two Police said the men Had In a ear any time. Antenna conversions. CHESTER FURRIERS - Furs re‘- F. Dimock and Co., Realtors, Mi BRAE-BURN REALTY Harry Junklns, Wethersfield: Miss ing or structure. ish the building and erect a restau­ had been residing at 617 Brevard automobiles at more than 100 Roofing—Chimney 16-A BABY SITTING-^ithCr away or at places, furnaces, etc. Free deliv­ modeled, repaired. Capes and or MI 3-7444. 9-5245, Joseph Ash'ford. MI 9-6818, business. He suggested that $10 Betty Colburn, 49 Vernon Ave., The youth, pleaded not guilty to rant and sei-vice station. A hearing driven by Overton, abandon^ It LOST RHINESTONE spray lapel Phllco factory supervised service, home. Vicinity Hollister School. Ave., Cocoa, and presumably was miles per hour and didn’t touch a am) took a car occupied byDoria pin, vdcinltj’ of Manchester Trust Tel. Ml 9-1486. ROOFING — Specializing in repair­ ery. Edward'Yeomans. PI 2-8002. stole* made, $19.95. Call Ml 9-7218 ...... — - ,Z - .. Barbara Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Rob­ FINE HOMES million be made available for such Rockville: John John.son, 33 Ham­ the charge and waived examina­ on this' request will be held at a Call Ml 9-4000. for free estimate, at your home. ert Murdock. MI 9-S972. loans by each Federal Reserve tion for the the bind over. The later date. enroute there from High Point thing. The Lord was with us... Mattingly, 19, and Army Pfc. Co.. Main St.. Call MI 3-8348. ing roofs of ail kinds. AIM new SEASONED hardwood for plre- Houses for Rent 65 lin St,; Maurice Dowds. 20 Spruce where his wife lives. That’s ail I can say." Larry Lee Monteith, 21. WATER POMPS and System* com- roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys HAIRDRESSER, liccnsob—Full or PORTER STREET —Brltk con­ Bank, using money he said is n6w St.: Mrs. Anna Edgerton. 446 Par­ bond under which McNulty is be­ Accepts Talcottvllle Call State Patrol Sgt. R. L. Knight 'pletely installed and repaired. place; cut and spilt to order. Call WHITE EVENING goWn. vorrt/only (XVI) MANCHESTE^Adams St. struction. Built 1950. SL\ very idle. ing held Tolland County Jail re­ Knight said he found a lady’s The girl was releaaed near Rich­ cleaned, repaired. 26 years' ex part time. Call days 9-5, CH Ml 3-7083. Leonard L. Giglio. once. Call MI 9-7643 for informa­ PARTLY furnished, five room area. New 5)i room, ranch. The ker St.: Mrs. Erna Kelley, 152 The Rev. Robert K. Shlmoda, said only the flash flames from suitcase “plumb full” of ammuni­ mond, va., and Monteith manued Announcements Also Water softeners and filters. peiience Free estimates Cali 7-6638 or evenings MI 3-4362. duplex, no bathroom Sullivan pleasant rooms. Fireplace. Screen's Rep. Steed (D-Okla) also was Lenox St.; Mrs. Claire Hughes, 27 mains at $10,000, Japanese-born pastor of a North- the wreckage kept him and a com­ to work hie way out of the locked C. A. Reynolds Ml 9-5827. tion. Ave,. Wapping. MI 3-5724. very )>est of quality at $16,900. R. and storms. Breezeway Garage. due for the committee hearing to­ State Police arrested the youth tion as well as coats and t>ackages INCOME TAXES prepared in your Howley.' Manchester Mj 3-5361. DRY OAK flooring, cut f'replace K. Dlmock and Co.. Rraimrs, .MI Dudley St,: Connie Shorrock, 276 bridge, Mass, church, has accepted panion trooper chasing Overton scattered near the wreckage. There trunk of hia car near Alberta, Va~ and stove lengths. $10 per load de­ Patio. $19,900, day. Committee counsel Everett E. Middle Tpke.; Mr.s. Mary Seger a few weeks ago in connection a call to Talcottvllle (Congregation­ from crashing themselves. police said. home or by appointment. Exper­ HILLS’ TELEVISION Service. Help Wanted— Male 36 9-5245, Joseph Ashford. Mt 9-6818, MacIntyre said the first of at least with the buriving of a warehouse was also lots of food in the car. ienced tax work. MI 3-4723. Available at all times. Philco fac­ livered. Tel. Coventry, PI 2-7886. Wanted—To Buy 58 Barbara Woods. MI 9-7702 or Rob­ EAST CENTER STREET- Brick dahl, 261 Spruce St.; Janet Stev­ al Church. Knight said officers found a Enough to last a long time," he The fugitives then commandeetad Heating and Plumbing 17 Suburban For Rent 66 a dozen witnesses would be Louie enson, 35 Strant St.: David Lim- in Talcottvllle. Police said Mc­ The minister and his family are tory supervised service. Te!. Ml JUNIOR ert Murdock, Ml 9-5972. and frame construction. Fuilt 1936. A. Teague, owner of Beverly Hills Nulty and two juvenile boys have sawed-off shotgun and "enough said. another car, driven by Aeonla O. 9-9698. OLD GUNS (any condition), ROCKVTLLE—Three room. new Seven beautiful rooms. Four bed­ berger, Ellington; Elphegc Casa- expected to move to Talcottvllle ammunition to stand off a colh- Overton and Carpenter were Allman of Richmond. She Uru r*i( Garden— Farm—Dairy swords, war relics, intiques, etc. (Vi BUILDERS special—built for Dairy here. vant, 238 Parker St, confessed to knowledge of or about Feb. 1. He preached at the Automobfles for Sale 4 PLUMBING AND heating—repairs ' EXECUTIVE apartment, electric range, refrig­ rooms. Fireplace. Wall to w. 11 car­ Teague recently filed suit .participation in some 25 tires in pany of men for a week” scat­ charged in warrants with kid­ leased unharmed Satur^y after­ DICK’S WEATHERSTRIP Com­ and contract work. Call MI 9-8541 Products 50 (one or whole collection). To’^Mlll erator, disposal, no pets. $75 a himself. New living room with peting. I ti baths. Two-car garage. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Miss local church- Dec. 1 and the mem­ tered about the car Overton was naping, unia'wful flight to avoid noon In Cheraw, 8; C;, and toM NE3U3 A CART Short on a down pany, doors and windows, custom St. Tel. .,0 8-8717. month. TR 5-2505 or TR 5>5050. built-in bookshelves, finished rec­ against five large dairy firms, Vernon this year. All of the fires bership Immediately voted to ex­ driving. police she thought t)M men were WANTED reation room with fireplace and Play area with fruit treek. $29,900, seeking $1 million damage and an Nancy Rae Clarke, Lebanon; John confes.sed to were brush fires ex­ prosecution for mttrder and auto paymmt or had your credit turned work, guaranteed. Calj MI 9-1583 LLOYD'S PLUMBING Service as­ COOKING APPLES 90c, McIntosh LeSure. 274 P.arker St.; Herbert tend a call to him. Overton’* death came with theft. heading further aouth.. down? Don't give up! For a good after 6 p.m. , sures satisfaction. prompt service. MANSFIELD, Route 44-A — Six paneled den. Huge kitchen, dining, McKEE STREET''— Choke six injunction against milk price fix­ cept the warehouse and the Merz Retires from Railroad Nationwide organization has open­ cold storage No. 1 $1.25 half Rooms Without Board 59 ing. The suit alleges the defend­ Alley. 69 VVashington St.; Mr*. barn fire. dramatic suddenness during What They were, one to a Mndegvoua deal—not thru a small loan com­ CH 7-6124. Ml 9-5485. bushel. Tel. .Ml 3-8116. Louis room Cape Cod. oil heat, garage. area. Twice as many cabinets as room Cape, built 1947. Threexbed- Emil Marti Jr., formerly of 97 started out as a routine patrol by The FBI said 'thkt Overton, with death on a Georgia highway. pany — see “Harry" at 333 Main LIGHT TRUCKING and odi' Jobs. ings in this area for men, prefer­ $90 monthly. Call GA •'-4479. usual. Two ceramic tile hatha. For ants violated the Sherman Anti- Harriet Prose. 75 Union St., Rock­ Other cases, in City Court today Orchard St., recently retired from described as a dlabatic requiring Bunce, 529 West Center Street.' ROOM FOR rent. Inquire State rooms, large kitchen, dining r^ m , ville; Brian Doyle. 22 Hathaway Knight and hia partner, (Jpl. F. R. BL (Formerly Douglaa Motors). Ashes, trash and junk removed. S. WATSON, PLUMBING and heat­ ably college trained, who are In­ further information or appoint­ living room with fireplace. $15.^. Trust Act in reducing milk prices. were disposed of as follows: 35 years' service on the New Haven 15 imlts of insulin a day, also had For courteous and reasonable Tailor Shop, 8 Bissell. Ml 8-7383. ment to see call the R F. Dlmock Rep. Patman said the price of Lane: Mrs. Rosalie Norris: 62 Ade­ Edward R. Songalio, 18. South Cal ton. a long record of ksaault, house­ W o m e n Lead in SoUtairm ing contractor. New installations, telligent, ambitious and personable. SPECIAL—For the holidays, all ! After 6:30 Ml 3-5047. Railroad. Knight said they spotted the BEFORE YOU BUT a used car service call Hurri-Clean Transit alteration work and repair worl;. orchid corsages. $3, Hillcrest Or­ COVENTRY—Four rooms, garage, A Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245, Joseph MADELINE SMITH, Realtor half gallons dropped 16 cents tie- laide Rd.: Mrs. Astrld Smith. 41 St., was fined $30 for operating a He started work for the railroad breaking and larceny. see Gorman Motor Sales. Buich any time. Ml 9-7853. Ml 9-3808. E.xcellent training program for heated. Call CM 6-9567. Ashford. Ml 9-6818, Barbara low normal at the peak of the price Hoffman Rd.; Mrs. Patricia Zach, motor vehicle with an Improper stolen car in Wrens, turned around The murder warrants were is­ New York — A recent survey those selected, with assured indome chids. free delivery. Call TR ATTRACTIVELY furnished and as a young man and has t>een gen­ and gave chase at speeds up to Sales and Service, 285 Main 5-3610. cheerful rooms. Complete ■ light Woods, Ml 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ MI 9-1642 war in mid-December. 117 Hawthorne St.; Alexander Fil- mtiffler. Prosecutor Harry H. Lugg eral foreman on repairs (or moat sued after the Washington shoot­ of card-playing habits shows that ■ Street. MI 9-4571. Open evenings. RAY ANN T V Clinic service call while learning. Send data on age, FOR RENT- -Rock'ille, three room dock. Ml 9-5972. "If everybody could afford to ton, 111 Woodland St.; Albert Mar­ told the court the youth had lieen 110 m.p.h. ing. The man spent seykral hours more women than man play soU- —82.50, 24 hour service. Bonded housekeeping facilities available. ! unfurnished apartment with hot' of the years. "Suddenly he swerved acroes Millinery Dresfiinaking 19 marital status, employment record, COOKING AND eating apples, 75c Single, double. Children accepted MANCHESTER put the price down—fine," he said. tin, 173 Green Rd.: Robert Strim warned twice before for the saihe He is presently living in West drinking in a bar, argued over a talra. The ratio is 5 te 4. In feet, PRIVATE — Good transportation. work. Work done on radios, car a 16 quart basket. Louis M, Bottl, i water, $.55 per month. TR 5-3107. ; NEW SPLIT level being sold below ike, 130 Tanner St.; Mrs. Eva Mur­ the center line and hit this other 1949 Plymouth, four door sedan, radios and Hi Fi. 5H 3-8877, M education, references. —limited Parking. Central. Rea­ "But invariably.it's the small com­ offense. Springfield, Mass., but Is consider­ $20 tab and left. About 15 minutea the first book ever writtaa on 260 Bush Hill Road. builder's cost, se en rooms, fin­ 36 Len o x ST. Four rooms panies that get hurt and if they phy, 25 Pcrkln.s"St.: Richard Sal­ ■ Another youth, Daniel J. Lange car headon. It was awful," Knight later they returned and opened fire soUtalre, “lUustrated Games of motor good. , winterized, snow 3-2958; DRESSMAKING and Alterations sonable price ! Come see! Mrs. ■ ROCKVILLE Four room fur-; ished garage, only $18,800, Subur­ ing traveling south now that he is said. done. MJ 9-2552. Box O, Manchester Herald, ' Dorsey, 14 Arch St. I nished spSrtment, centrally io-; down, one finished up. Nev oil are put out of business the prices ters. Coventry: George Mun.son Jr., Jr„ 18, of 140 W. Middle Tpke, retired. with a .45 caliber pistol and a Patience,” was tha wmrk a t a tires. Try it out to see value. Best G'RBPN MOU.NTAIN potatoes. ban. Carlton W. Hutchins, MI burner. ■ Vacarit. Good deal at go up tremendously." Andover. "If it hadn’t )>een. for the flames aawed-off shotgun, police said. offer. MI 9-7083. G6od eating. Miller's, 150 Spenter rated, hardwood floors. Ceramid; 9-5132. Manchester, was fined $15 for the Hospital Notes woman. Lady Adelaide Cadogao, in Household Services SALES.MAN FOR laundi^ ahd dry I I tile bath. Used only two months. I $11,500. Patman said dairymen in hi’s ADMITTED TODAY: Robert same offense. There was no record I don’t see how -We could have The restaurant operator, George 1820. cleaning route. Apply New System St. PLEASANT, heated room for gen­ district brought his attention to Parmaklan, 31 Arvine PI. Admitted Saturday; David Tay­ 1954 FORD (SJSTOM, two Offered 13-A Moving—Trucking I Washer and dryer available Park? (VII MANCHESTER-8 room Cap* 71 WHITNEY RD, - Six room* of previous warnings to Lange, lor, 390 Lake St., Bolton; Ray­ sedan. Radio, heater, white wail Storage , 20 l.aundry, 44 Harrison St. MI tleman, free parking. 54 High St. ing space. $110 pet month. Tel. TR $15,800. Sl.x finished room*. Com­ the milk price war. fearing it BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to Lugg said. tires. Good condition. Reasonable. WEAVING of burns, moth holes 9-7753. 6-4956. I pleted game room. Detached ga­ finished, with garage. Vacant. Rent would spread “because some Dal­ Mr. and Mrs. Laurent Roger, 19 Charles E, Mills Jr., 22, T /im - mond Morgan, Shamokln, Pa. MI 3-6084. and tom clothing, hosiery runs, AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local Household Goods 51 rage. Ideal location, near trans­ or lease, deal possible. Selling for las firms have Interlocking inter­ Clyde Rd.; a daughter to Mr. and sonville, was fined fl5 for operat­ Discharged Saturday: Simon ROOM TO rent in quiet rongenial TO RENT- Six room single. Cape j $13,200. ests'with other parts of the coun­ Montgomery, 23 King St.; Mrs. handbags repaired, zipper re­ and -long distance moving, pack- Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 portation and ahapplng center. R. Mrs. Hans Weber, Storrs; a dough ing a motor vehicle without a li­ Margaret Weber, 37>,4 Grove St.; 1987 BLACK FORD Victoria 600. placement, umbrellaa repaired, ina. storage. Call Ml 3-5187, Hart- ANTIQUE FURNITURE, silver, | h°n'e. Ml 9-7094. Gk>d. Partially furnished. In center ^ F. Dimock A Co.. Realtors, Ml 26 UNDMAN ST, — Over two' try." ter to Mr. and Mrs. Newman Fel cense. Mills said he had been dis­ Standard, overdrive. Fully glass, ohink, and used fumlt».re n of Coventry, near stores and Kenneth-White. 80 Ellington Ave.; men's shirt collars reversed and foFd CH -7-1423. CONTROL BRED baby parakeets 9-5245, Joseph A.shford, Ml 9-6818, acres go with this six room 'TOme. i lows. 15 Chester Dr.; a daughter charged from the service recently Mrs. Ruth Phaneuf, 13 Dailey equipped. Low mileage. 12,300; MI replaced. Marlow's LgtUe Mend­ at 134 Glenwood street. Orderi be­ bought and sold Furniture Repair ' Jl®** school. Phone PI 2-6649 between Barbara Woods, -Ml 9-7702 or New oil burner. rentavated. | to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flynn, 84 and had not thought to renew hia 9-8718. MANCHESTER Package Delivery. service,Service nukn j3 -7440 m » .______I to bath and shower, free parking, 12-5 p.m. Circle. Stop At Turnpike Market Robert Murdock. Ml 9-5972. ing Shop. ing taken for Christmas. Open Vacant. Only $14,000. ] Greenwood Dr,: a daughter to Mr. license. He secured a new license Birth Saturday; A son to Mr. Light trucking and package deliv­ daily three to pine. MI 9-6,572. the day after his arrest, Lugg said. FLAT FINISH Holland window ery Refrigerators, washers and SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper: Wall (.XIX) $IB.900 - NEW 5'i room BOY SCOUT and Mrs. John Hughes. 27 Dudley and Mrs. Roger Curtis, 98 W. Main tiles' 4c a tile. Kentlie, from 7c FURNISHED rooms on bus line, 528 wboDBRIDGE ST.- Seven' St.: a son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard A youth who forgot to take his Trailers 6-A shades,' made to measure. Ail stove moving specialty. Folding MANCHESTER Pet Cehter for all aty utilities and Ijerklng. Reason­ Farms and Land for Sale 71 ranch. Built-in stove and oven, room Cape with two baths. Neat as St. each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, fireplace, full basement. Near Reeves, Wapping; a son to Mr. and wallet with him when he went out Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Helen ELCAR "30’’ ONE BEDROOM, metal venetlat; blinds at a new chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752, your pets, supplies 'and acces­ able. Phone MI 3-6163. FOR DIFFEREINT sizes end type* a pin. Extra lot available. Notes and News Mrs. Henry Leister, Hebron. was fined $6 for failure to carry hia low price. Keys made while you sories. Open Monday through Sat­ at the Green. Verplanck School. R F. Dimock ■young, Vernon Center; Mrs. Dinah For All Your Holiday mcellent condition. $125. down. MANfJHESTEP Moving and Truck­ of (arms and land tracts within 20 A Co.. Realtors. Ml 9-5245, Joseph BIRTHS YEiSTERDA Y: A driver’s license. Herzog, 131 Union St.; Elizabeth Low payment schedule. Many wait. Marlow's. urdays, 9-6. Thursday and Friday ABSOLUTE BARGAIN - C3istom miles ol Hartford. Lawrence F. BOLTON A nolle was entered -in the case ing Co. Ml 3-8563. Owned and op­ niglits until 9. MI 9-4273. FURNISHED room near Main St.. Ashford, MI 9-6818. Barbara Cub Scout Pack 2 held a Christ­ daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Romann. RFD 3; Mrs. Florence others on the same plan. Jen­ ABSOLUTE Bargain — Upholster­ erated by Walter B. '’errett, Jr., made cornices and drapes. Slip 9 Hazel St. MI 9-2170. Fiano, Broker. 5Q 9-5910. Woods, MI 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ BOLTON CENTER Six room mas party Dec. 20 at the North Sheets, Thompsonvllle; a daughter of Edward R. "Weber, 39, of 3 Ertel Cohen. RFD 3. Party Heeds sen's. Inc. , (always reliable), ing, custom made cornices, agent for Burnham's Van Service. covers, $59.50 and up. Choice of ______dock, Ml 9 .597-2. home. Immaculate real large Methodist Church. After the open- to Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nelson, 18 Dr., charged with following too Discharged yesUrday: Shirley fabrics Budget terms, Mrs. Rita, ' BEAUTIFULLY 94 Park Road, West Hartford. AD drapes and slip covers, $79.50 and Service to 48 states. Poultiy and Supplies 43 furnished front Houses for Sale 72 rooms. 1*2 baths. Many extras/ ii.g of the pledge and promise, Ridge St.: a son to Mr. and'Mrs. closely. Beaudry, 8 Ward St.; Mrs. Lucille 3-6214 or GA 9-4479. Monday up. Choice of fabrics. Call Mrs. JA 2-7780. corner bedroom, hot water heat, WEST SIDE $14,500, si,\ room two car garage. Cubmaster William Hanklnson pre­ Alden Chick, 112 High St.; a The companion cases of Harry Layman, and son. Adrian Ave.; through Saturday, 9 to 5. Monday, LaPine, Ml 9-3694. BROAD breasted turkeys, fresh or tile bath and shower, parking. MI (I) SIX ROOM Cape, centrally lo­ I ranch, full cellar, hot water heat, sented the following achievement daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Leister, 37, of Manchester, and TOlington; David Taylor, Lake St., Wednesday, Thursday evenings. Painting—Papering 21 FRANK’S IS buying and selling near bus, school, shopping. Carl- HEBRON RD. —/Tu’o new ranch I frozen. Tom .50c per pound and good used furniture and antiques 3-7116. cated $13,800. Aluminum siding, aVards: Billings. Bolton Lake, Rockville. Joseph J. Sasilla, 43, of 19 Edward Bolton. FURNITURE repairing and refln- hens. 5&C. Schaub Turkey Farm, ! ton Hutchins,' MI 9-5132. homes with six rooms, tasement BIRTHS TODAY: A daughter to St., were continued indefinitely. MOBILE HOMES—Furniture tak, ishlng; antiques restored. Furni­ PAINTING AND paperhanging. at 420 Lake St. Call anytime, 9 amesite drive. Thi^ home la an ex­ Bear kidges to Dennis Vendrlllo. _ Birth yesterday: A son to Mr. OPENJONIGHT 188 Hillstown Rd., Manchester. cellent buy! For appointment to garage, acre lots, ready (or occu­ Mr. and Mrs. George O’Brien, East Prosecutor Lugg said Lelstier is and Mrs. Joseph LaPointe, War­ , M as down payment on mobile Good-clean workmanshhip at rea­ a.m.'Tg p m Ml 9-6580 Tmmittee NEW YEAR'S DAY Alterations, additions, garages Wallpaper books Estimates given. beef cattle. Pella Bros. Phone MI tion record player, bedroom set, (II) LARGE BRICK front Ranch Madeline Collins, Wapping; Kath­ Five bonds totaling $111 were will meet at 8 p.m. to adopt rules avenin^. 3-7405. refrigerator. New Bolton Road, House, 3 bedrooms 14x21' living I Woods. Ml 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor Kenneth Hahkinson. Re-siding specialists. Easy budg- Fully covered by Insurance. Call PLEASANT, heated room for gen­ dock, MI 9-5972. Phone Den Mother Mrs. Ann Vendrlllo erine Dagenais. Terrace Dr., Rock­ forfeited by out-of-state drivers for which have been made necesaary W «'i« d w a y s bM* Io 8«rvo yo$i et terms. MI 9-6495 or TTl Edward R. Price Ml 9-1008. Phone MI 3-8389. tleman. Central. Apply Princess room with paneled fireplace wall, ville: John Dorchestey, 94 Harlan motor vehicle violations. by changes in.the primary law en­ kitchen with dining area, ceramic MI 8-1677 MI 9-7751 of Den 5 accepted- an American fo e d o M d f. Hcniw, C opoM , R o « t iM f. Auto Driving School 7-A 5-9109. Articles for Sale 45 A $50 PROFIT. THAT'S ALL WE I Restaurant, corner Main A Pearl PORTER STREET section - Five ! flag from Mrs. White and her com­ Rd.; Charles Gipson' Jr.. 172 S. Motorists Arrested acted at the last session of the Gen­ Sts. tile bath/ basement garage. R. year old six room Colonial, large: BOLTON—Split level, three bed- Main St.; Mrs. Augusta Goekler, Several motorists were arrested eral Aae^bly. euft, olivM, c«l«ry, fruits, soda, leo MANCHESTER Driving Academy GENERAL .CARPENTRY kitchen Bu.qiness Opportunities 32 ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ WANT F Dimock A Co. Realtofa. Ml mittee of the American Legion At Albert's Furniture Store 9-5245: Joseph Ashford. Ml 9-6818; living eoom, flreplac! metal] roortis, sunnv kitchen, fireplace, Auxiliary. Brooklyn, I)(. Y.: Edwin Laird, over the weekend by local and Junior League Basketball League guarantees results, EJxpert instruc­ and bathrooms remodeled, attic able and standard typwritera. ROOM FOR rent, suitable for one kitchen cabinets, attached garage, garage, nearly new, $16,900. Large Mansfield l>epot; Paula Moriarty, State Police and are scheduled for will play tonight instead of Wednea- . . . EVERYTHII^GforlielidayMloil tion, dual controlled car. Call PI and basement rooms finished, ga­ ANOTHER Laundry. Miss Laun- All makes and adding machines $50 PROFIT, THAT’S ALL or two men. Shower. Call at 101 Barbara Woods Ml 9-7702; or mortgage available. Clifford Han­ George Bellinger presented the appearance in ClUr Court Jan. 6. day. . derett, in terrific location. Man­ sold or rented. Repairs on ' ' WE LL TAKE Robert Murdock, MI 9-5972. large porch, hot water heat oil, Pack (Charter to Culpnaster Han­ 167 N. Elm St.: Peter Naktenis, whuthur it's Now Year's Evo or Mm YoaA >-7249. Day or evening appolnt- rages and porches. Robert M. (Theatnut St. tile bath and first floor lavatory, sen, Realtor. MI 3-1303. 125 Adelaide Rd.: John Peretto, EJdward Rosszczewaki, 32, of'22 • nents. Alexander, ivn 9-7716. chester delivered, in.stalled with makes. Marlow's. $50 PROFIT, THAT’S ALL klnson. Vernon and Talcottvllle Lews Day—or Sunday. large promotion, training, no rent ^ WE RE MAKING o n ) WEST SIDE-Slx room Cape. Aluminum storm windows arid Cubs trimmed the \ Christmaa 185 Loomjs St.; Miss Alice Schu­ Ellington Ave., was arrested yes­ 4 down, 2 finished up. large en­ screens. Near bus and schools, EAST HARTFORD" Four bedroom bert, 17 Summer St.; Miss.Pauline terday at 8:30 p.m. as the result Items are handled through The until successful. $5,300 cash, full Mr, Alljcrt Gives You a Break!! Boarders Wanted 59-A real bargain. A-1 condition. Price Cape Cod, in excellent condition tree with decorations \ they had Herald’s Rockville Bureau, 7 W. price see I.aiindry Miss 649 Main KNAPP SHOES. Harry Mahoney, 3 ROOMS FURNITURE closed p0rch.''ame8ite drive, fine made in den meetings. Bjilts and Perrone and son, 104 Harlan St.; of a 2-car collision on Elm St. Ros- 38 Maple SI. Tel. MI-8-4327. location. For appolntmer.t tr see $22,500. Bower* School — Six with dishwasher, carport, trees, Mrs. Doris Kinne and daughter, szczewskl is charged with operat­ Main 8t., telephone TRemont l+'i Jumper Time An Unbeatable Style! St., East Hartford, or phone Staf­ WHICH INCI.UDES near school, $14,200. Clifford Han­ songs provided entertalnmritt. with fl-81S6. ford Springs OV 4-2194 e'^enings. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR ROOM AND board, gentleman. Tel call the R. F, DJmock Co.. Real­ rooms, English Colonial, older 164 Irving St.: Mrs. Maxine Doer­ ing a motor vehicle while under TWO FORMAL net gowns, • size 9, tors, MI 9-5245. Joseph Ashford. home, garage..fireplace, quick oc- sen, Realtor. MI 3-1303. a visit from Santa Claus ak. a de­ the influence of Intoxicating liquor Bells ringing, whistles blow­ RANGE AND WASHING MA m 3-7675. lightful climax. Ail childi ing, and son. RFD 1, Rockville.. ing, clocks striking twelve . . . two cocktail gowns, size 16. Rea­ CHINE Ml 9-6818, Barbara Woods, MI cupanev, $15,500. George L. RCXKVILLE—start the New Year DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: or drugs. The other vehicle was Atom Age Began in 1896 TURNPIKE celved gifts and Cubs gave Help Wanted— Female 35 sonable. MI 9-3716. BEDR(X)M SUITE 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, Ml Graziadio, Realtor. MI 9-5878. off right by purchasing this lovely Mrs. Evel.vn Vincent, 122-Cooper operated by Chartea E. Hirth, 36 they all add up to one thing. Apartments—Flats— 9-5972. V to their parents, of handle of 79 Hollister St., Manchester. AQUA GOWN, worn once. Stove LIVING ROOM SUITE : FOR SALf^ Eight room house,. new 5)4 room ranch, three Beil- St.: Theresa Cutroni. Andover; Paris—The Atomic Age began Brand new 1958 is arriving! r.IRL W'lTH BOOKKEEPING I Tenements 6.3 -4 - made in dens. Assistant Citbmks- Mrs. Doristeloan, 65'High St.; Ed­ Damage to his car was estimated oil burner, two barrels, hot water DINETTE SET RUGS, MANCHESTER—NeW: seven room I new oil bu^er and gas holltijl^lpOfc room, built In oven and range, ter Pat Vendrlllo presented BlH In the laboratory of the Rarii Mu­ We hope it’s going to be a TABLES fireplace, birch paneled in living mund Neumann, Vernon Center; at $200, while an estimate of (T5 seum of Natural History In 1896 EXPERIENCE coil. MI 9 0020.;j MObERNLY DESIGNED for ef­ ranch, many extras. Gall Builder- [ heater. In C zone, lot 100x165. Hankinson With a gdft from the was given (or damage to the cad- grand and;glorious year for LINOLEUM, KITCHEN CABI­ Owner. MI 3-6321. Room. to build office or profes­ room, 6iiy-water and sewer, (ufl Renhold Bengston, East Hart(ord;i when Henri Becquerel discovered NET fortless living. Beautiful new ex­ cellar. Seconds from new school pack as appreciation of the time Judith Brown, East Hartford; of the accused. you. Here’s wishing you the and typing for a one girl Boats and Accessories 46 cellent location In Rockville, twen- sional building. Call MI 9-4571 and effort he has devoted to the the radioactivity of uranium salfz. EVERYTHING FOR' ONLY (IV) MANCHESTER—Green Area. days, qr evening* Mr9-7741." * Bqd bus line. $13,900. Low, low Thomas Fulton, Co\ entry; Barbara Roljert Taylor, 17, of 16 Mt. Ne- Two years later Pierre and lilari^ best. . " ■ - office. ^ minutes from Hartford via down payment. Webster Agency, pack. ■; Massaro,' 57 White sH; '"Milton bo Pi., Manchester, was arrested $375 Parkway. Alt appliances, indivi­ 6 room Cape, baaement garage. Curie discovered pollonium and 151 Middto Tumpfto W oei—Ml 3-8338 Spe tlie new 19.58 21-foot That'S right, I said $376 foi every­ Excellent condition. Call the R. F. Reeltor, Rockville, TR 6-6745. To conclude the meeting, Christ­ Marr, 545 Main St.: Henry Ruemp- at 1 a.m. Sunday and charged with radium. Write Box R. Herald liardtop Revel Ci'aft Sea Skiff thing dual heal control and antenna, Oiraock Co., Realtors. Ml 8-6245 mas records provided music while ler, 579, Center St.; Mrs. Gloria passing a stop sign. on displa.v at - - I HAVE O^ILY ONE OF THESE laundromat. Ample amesite park­ or Joseph Ashford Ml 9-6818, Bar­ Cubs and fatnilles enjoyed refresh­ Thompson an.d son, ThonipsonviU^ A siiriilar. cHarge was placed WANTED-9.5, .5'.j days, secretary So, Hurry up, call me on the phone. ing for two cars, each available bara Woods, Ml 9-7702. Robert NOTICE Lots tor Salie 78 ments. Mrs. Anne Prignano and daughtj^ against Ronald L. Audette, 19. of with slight knowledge of book­ MdNTOSH BOAT CO.' I'll show it to you wheneve you Nov, 15 (uid Dee. 1. Three roomi Murdock, Ml 9-5972. Pursuant to the laws of The 67 Wyllys St^: Mrs. Antolnefie. High Manor Trailer. Park at (7 keeping for small congenial office. and bath. Adults $100 monthly. Eighth School and Utilities Dis- LOTS 125x200 and larger, $1,200 Bayonne. N. J., is the home of Sitek and twin sons, Ellington: Salary commensurate w-ith ability, 52 OAK ST. say Phone Ml 9-4824. TR 5,6775. s — SURE IT'S USED,., (XV) $15,900—NEW ranch with at- tt;lct there will he a special meet­ end up. Off Manchester Road, the world's largest wax reftnery. Mrs. Phyllis Sweet and son, 64 Vil-i % aniel Carroll, 22, of Lake Chaf- rapid Advancement fot- right Just the boat for weekends and tfiched gar'age. full basement. 3 ing of the voters of the District Glastonbury. Telephone M' 9-5981, It produces 20 per cent of the lage St., RockvHle; Mrs. Mildred fee, Ashford, was arrested Satur­ fiarly. MI 9-9874, — BUT IT’S IN GOOD SHAPE after 6 p.m. off shore fishing.- Your old rig tak­ — IT’S WORTH AT LEAST $575 FOUR ROOMS, central stove, $70. )>edrqoms. kitchen, dining area, Monday, Jan, 6. 1958 at 7:3P"P.M. world wax supply. Coleman and daughter, Ellihgton. day and charged 'Vith evading re- f U i en in trade. Terms. — I’LL GIVE YOU LOW TERMS Ml 9-5229. living room, amesite drive. R. F. at the Hollister SI. School .for the .* ,Vv|'/U c l e r k t y p is t Dlmock and Co., Realtors, MI purpose of authorizing the. expend­ BOLTON—Two large Wooded lots ------)_ ------Cj-:------Johnson Oijtboard Motors. — I’LL GIVE YOU FREE STOR. on Williams Road. Call owner, MI ■ 1 ' B i -l Personnel Department .^a g e REDECORATED three room heat­ 9-5245, Joseph AsHford, Ml 9-6818, iture of $1616,00 (low hid) for a uOpening frtr neat appearing •Tel. MI 9-31Q2. Barbara Woods, )W1 9-7702 or Rob­ new Irpck fOr ,the Bewer Dept. 3-6321. ------X I’LL GIVE YOU FREE DRl TV- ed apartment, 896 monthly Phone woman with good educational ERY ■ 6U 9-5229, MI 3-'7444. ert MfirdocK, MI 9-5973. Lfeon A. Thorp, President -4- background. Extensive experience Building Materials 47 I'll show it to you during the dav Eighth f^hool & Utilities Subiirban for Saig 75 not, neccssHTO’. Interesting diversi­ SIX ROOM duplex, gas -furnace, District of Manchester DO YOU KNOW YOU CAN BUY A 1958 MERCURY EQUI.",-.: No. 1 Douglas Fir (Min,' or evening—if you hay« no means fied work. .37 hour. 5 day week. of transportation. I’ll iscr.d my car large yard.. central, 135 Hilliard TOWN OF MANCHESTER bated Dec. 3j0. 1957 I (XX) $16,800—Coventry Lake, new Liberal benefit program' per M $110 for you, -bring you to the store an* St., Manchestre.' seven room'split level, 1>4 baths, WITH MERCURY'S BIG NEW 312 H.P. MARAUDER ENGJ!' Write 1x12 Dry oheathing ADVERTISEMENT fireplace, attacljed gar'age, game ENGUSH back home. No obligation. , P O. , BOX 2103 (5M’ Min!l; per M $89.50 TWO .AND THREE rooms, fur­ , Scaled bids will 1* accepted up room, lake privileges. Present' PHONE ME IMMEDIATELY. I'LL nished or unfurnished, private to 2:00 P.M. January 15, 1958 for RADIO, HEATER and DEFROSTER, PADl -D riA’iH, WW. TiR' ;: HARTF'ORD, C»NN, 4/0Jt8/0 Plyacord , per !M $97 SHOW IT TO YOU DURING DAY mortgage can be aaaumed, month- Stating education, business ^per-. Lumber 2x4 to 2x12 (LoadI . bath. |New Bolton Rd. Phone MI Modification of the interior Light­ ^ payments are only $77.39. R. OR EVE. I CAN SHOW BY, AP­ 3-8389. , SEPTIG TANKS ience, age .and salary desired. "r ■’f per M $89 ing System at the Whjlon Memo­ AND . F. Dlmock 1’ Bonable. Call MI 9-0489. • SEPTIC TANKS CLEARANCB built-ln oven-atove are included. e,',_lumper 2>i yard* of 35-lnch; hot-iron transfer for'leaf motifs; / UNDERSELLS NATIONAL FOR SALE — Bendix aijtomatlc- Cleaned and InetnOed ASSORTEP COLORFUL For ai^lntment to see call the blouse, 1 I tS yard*. butterfly crochet directions; sew­ PRACTICAL nurse or equivalent tq washing machlue, good condition, R. F. Oimuck Co.. Reallora, Ml For this pattern, send 35c ip ing directions. Care for new Born., MI 9-5148. NATIONAL LUMBER. INC. $30. Call Mt 9-5691. • SEWERS 1 9-5245,'Joseph Ashforil, M 9-6818, Coins, your name. addres$. Size '(INVERSE THROW RUGS Barbara Woods, ML 9-7702 or BANK Send 25c in Corns, your name, 381 STATE STREET deair^, and the- Pattern Number MAIDS, A-1 New York Honies. Machine Oleaiied I Robert Murdock; MI '9-5972, address and the Pattern Number Live-in. To $240 pionthly, /"free- NORTH HAVEN. CONN. JR. . to SUE BURNETT. THE MAN- to ANNE CABOT, THE MAN­ Tel. CHeatnut 8-2147 ^r.oo * ClHESTER EYKMNU HERALD. CHESTER EVENING HERALDS, room, board, fare advanced. Gem Musica] Instninents S3 •^ INSTAUAT40N 27”x54” Each (XI) ELUNQTON New oversized WHY SETTLE FOR U m ifSO AVE. AMERICAS, NEW' 1150 AVE. AktBRK'AS, NEW Agency,' 35 Uncoln, / Roalyn SPECIAUST . Value, op to S80.00 room rianch; mahogany paneled RATES Diaraomts—Watcbcfl— YORK S8, N. Y. YORK.M, N, Y. , Heights, New 'Y o r \. / CHRISTMAS SPECIAL-Prlcea re­ PAINTING and t * Car Ruga S7o Each flrq wall, oaramio tlie bath< fullyj Jewelry 48 duced on following door modela. air-conditioned, two car basement The Fall A Winter '57 edition of Have[you a copy of our 1907 AVON IS CALUNG-In^your neigh pur pattern book Basie Fashion i* NeedJeuwk-Album? It contains Cohn orian. Caprice model 1849. PAPEN HANGING Towr wi CouRtri M A NCH ESnR garage. lot. CaU the R. F. BROS. CONllNKiVi'.v;. torhood through TV/Be the Avon LEONARD W. YOST. JaWeler, re- Ccaih bigan Minuet-model, $1334. Dimock XO., Realtors. MI •-S840 31,5 CENTER- sued with smart, new styles for all flfty-slk coloritil pages showing Representative In j ^ r neighbor pmrs, adjust* watches expertly. TBLEPHONK aiaasL apocial features. It's color­ many pretty designs; plus direc­ Thomas Organ, alngle ' manuel, CARPETCENTER or Joseph Ashford, Ml 9-6818, Bar­ ;!iri rFNi'KR - mi . hood and turm W & i time Into Reasonable prices. Opent dlUly. $834.- Thomaa orgafl,t°

I . . r ij:-' »•> .


PAGS FOURTEEN MONDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1967 Average Daily Net Press Run For the Week Ended Tha W rather Fnenenst nt O. B. W oetb* OnNU December 28. I9S7 L I I 'T Rice to Sidney Green and Harriet doody tonight, - amne rnln nr AboutTowii Hospital Hikes Green, property a* 27 Milford Rd. 12,604 tn'ow townrd dnybrenk. nanr T rade N am e Member a t th e A udit 00. Clenring, colder Into Wodnsn- Marine Pfc. Richard V. Paifanl. Some Rates in Frederic E. Turkington, doing Bureau of Circulation Demlnn: St., ia serving at the business as Turkington Bros. Real­ YEAR-ROUND AIR CONDITIONING Manchester-— A City of Village Charm day. High near 45. Naval Air Station. Chincoteafue. Crowell House ty Co. St Center St.. (The In­ Va. He reported there Nov. t from strument eliminates .Samuel .1. IlLIDM R CALL D.AY^R NIGHT the F a r FJaat w here he aer\ed with Turkington from ineltision in the VOL. LXXVIl, NO. 77 (TWELVE PAGES) the Srd Marine Diviaion. Three of the eight private rooms business nam e. 1 . . . for prompt, peraunal service. Careful MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1957 (Classified AdrertiaIng on Page 10) PRICE FIVE C Eim in Crowell House, the self-service Dissolution .\greement ■attention is given to all details. Including Mra. Wayne tatndberjt is the new unit of Manchester Memorial Hos-' Howard W. Fisher and Frank J. any particular famil.t' wisiies desireil. church secretary at the North . pl.tal. Will be converted t-» 2-bed 1 Crowley, no longer doing business Goals of sers'ices varj- bnt''alt sre of on® Ss "Electro Technical Publishing high standard. ' Methodist nturrh She win he -in I rooms, and the rates on all rooms the church office Wednesday and Co " The trade name was filed Extra Defense ; in the unit will be increa.^Tor and an upcoming TV appear­ ment. request Yor emergency semi-private. Eve tran.sit strike that could Arms uests be held Wednesday. Instead, it will ance with Bing Crosby, al­ funds for missiles and other be held on Wednesday, Jan. 22, at The addition of the thiee bed.s have paralyzed the city evap­ most suffocate last night brings the total niiVnher of beds at orated today with a City Hall special .defense purposes. S :!Ki at the clubhouse. j MMH to 171. X MODESS / from a severe a.8thmatic at­ Chairman Mahon ID-Tex). In­ The ehanges were appiovcd at a contract settlement. tack. dicating he approve.* the move, meeting of the Board of Tru.stees Deliverance from the threat of a The attack brought on heart .aairi In an Inhyvlew he expect.* the MODESS walkout on the cit.v’s subways and RANGE Dee. it. failure which left Skelton literally departm ent to ask for .71.200.000,- Eisenhow er P atien ts in Crowell Hoii.se are hus lines came at 2:40 a m. Michael gasping for life, 000 to suppIemeiH^ funds already 1 \ i» J. Quill's Transport Workers ambulatort’, Tliey are either in the BOX OF . —Mr*. Georgia Skelton, the come­ provided for the present flacal rUEL oil final stages of recovery from seri­ 48 T’nion ITWIII and the City year. Transit Authority reached tenta­ dian's wife, summoned a fire de­ GASOLINE ous operations, or they are un­ partment rescue squad and his per­ Secretary of Defense, McElroy tive agreement on a 2-year con­ had announced earlier h^ planned dergoing d 1 a g n o s t i e examina­ tract providing a 32’j-cent-an sonal physician in time to revive tions. Patients with heart and her husband. to. ask 81 billion in siippli^ental hour wage increase. funds. dietary troubles as well as a host .73 7*11*''. with the pattern set. City He was later taken by fire de­ Gut B udget of other .sicknesses also stay in Labor Clomniissioncr Harold A. partment ambulance from his. Bel "From what I know of the ((s- BANTLY OIL Ci'owell House, Felix spent only (wo hour* in end­ Air home to St. John's Hospital tall.*. It m akes sense to m e.” MahOn l.iM l'tM . I\(. The self-service unit wa.s s ta rt­ ing a stalemate between the TWU In S an ta Monica. said. "Tile (uiasile program must be By THE ASSOdATED PBXSS : '1 \ ’N -- I l!l:i, I ed hy Edward Thom.s. the hos­ and nine privately owned bus lines, Condition Still Serious expedited. I think they are ready Former Defense Secretary One scene from the pageant Included Joseph Mizia as a Wise pital admini.strator. in April of this Including one in suburban West- .Skelton's doctor said early today to go into procurement of the mis­ Charles E. Wilson gays -Preei* TEL. Mitchell 9-4595 Man: Henry Grzyb, portraying Joseph: Stephanie Koaak as Mary: yeAr. It is part of a 3-stage pro­ MODESS BELTS che.sler County. that the comedian was sleeping siles, to speed up monthly pro-, gram in which special attention is ciirement. We must either giyC dent Eisenhower, trimmed ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 I Christine Hendrickson as the angel: and Walter Crykieta, ttie Thi.s agreement call., for wage and ’’progreatlng satisfactorily." 'Choirs Offer shepherd. (Herald Photo by Pinto.i centered on the problems of the Increa.i'Cs ranging from 18 to 21 He said Skelton’s condition was them contract authority or money, military spendins: requesta a ambulatory, the routine, sjid the cent., an hour over two /ears. still serious but not critical as It and our policy has been to give the year ago in anticipation of a eritically ill. " C u s t o m ^ ' ...... 2 Subject to lintoii Vole m oney. ” ing for a place to rest. The second was when he Arrived at the hos­ budget-cutting mood in Con­ I said he heard loud noises coming Crowell House is located di­ Both agreement* are subject to pital. 1 Asked what he thought of a de- OLLIE'S I 2-Act Pageant scene included Mary. Joseph and I from the car s e.xhauat system. rectly across the street from the ifense budget of about J40 billion gress, according to today’s union membership ratification. The physician said the asthmatic the Baby Jesus, and small shep­ I Cavanaugh will be arraigned -in hospital proper on Haynes St. ''P e H t e '' ...... 3 Combined', the subways and for next year, Mahon said "it New York Herald Tribune. - AUTO BODY i A Christmas pageant was pre­ herds, older shepherds, and the ! coTirt on Jan. 4. phase of the attack was compli­ In a Washington^'diapstch, Rob­ buses handle alom.st 10 million cated b.v pulmonary edema or ac­ sounds like a conservative pro­ sented yesterday by the Junior and three Wise Men with their ser­ M artin R. M cCaffrey. 34. of Kasl g ram ” ert J. Donovan quoted Wilson as ir WELDIN6 vants. "L u x u ry'"...... S' fares a day. cumulation of fluid in llie lungs Senior Choirs of St. John’s Church. I Hartford. Saturday was charged After settlement was reached. and I ho combination, depriving A .somewhat similar reaction saying he personally was dissat­ ★ AUTO BODY and It was climaxed b.v the entrance i with Intoxication. He was arrested Quill spoke the words that million., came earlier from Sen.' Hayden isfied with the size of the defense The cast included 80 children and of the rest of the angels singing Public Records the heart of oxygen, brought on FENDER REPAIRS adults. I on Main St, by Patrolman Gerald NOTION DETARTSIENT-3IAIN FLOOR. CI.NTER of .New Yorkers had been hoping the heart failure. He added, how­ (O-Arizl. chairman of the full budget |38H hlUlon —- the Preai* many favorite Polish and English : Slocke afU’!’ a bus driver aake«i to hear: Senate Appropriations Committee, dent proposed to Congress last It was a 2-act presentation with carols. M iirra n tre I><>rdA ever. that "it was not a heart at- ★ COMPLETE CAR readings by "Father Time.” All the policeman to remove McCaf- "Fverything will continue roll­ but Sen. Chavez (D-NM). who January for the current fiscal Tlie Rev. O.-Rent Kulawasz said fiTV from his bus. The accused, leclitin J Rady to Jamen F'. • (ireen Stamp.s ing after midnight tonight.’’ . heads the Defense Appropriations year. PAINTING chsracter entrances were appro­ M utty and VVena Ij. Miitty. proper­ (Contlnued on Page Threel RED SKELTON young women of the pariah sewed free under $25 bond, is scheduled With .-MI Ca.sh Sale.s The contracts expire at mid­ subcommittee in the Senate, ha.* The Herald Tribune said Wilson IJkOQCER and ENAMEL priately identified by the singing the costumes used in the pageant. ty at 21 Alpine St of a Polish Christmas carol, ac- 1 to appear m Town Court Saturday. t i m J.WIUU night tonight. predicted ".some rough going" in also told Donovan by telephone The traditional "Oplatek " din­ Marion L. Lane to Concetta Man- A special citizens committee, from hit office et Birmingham. 8 GriAwold Street I companied by organ. ner followed the pageant and was Arcadio Hernandez Flores. 21. of cini. property at 37-39 Grove St. • Free I’arkinjj At Rear Congress for a program of that I The first scene included the Inn- I H artford, wa.s arrested S aturday MANCHISTIR CONN* appointed late yesterday by Mayor size. Mich., that the White H o u a a Tel. MI-9-5025 spon.sored by the Friendship Club Robert T. Gadder and Agnes M. Of Our Store Robert F. W agner to a.vsist in I keeper and Mary and Joseph look-, of the parish. j night and charged with operating Cadder to William J. Morrison Rep. Sheppard ID-Califl, said "didn’t pay enough attenttan" to I a car with defective equipment and and Marjorie R. Morrison, property CORNER MAIN ond OAK STREETS rtogotiationa, was instrumental in the administration should submit a recommendations of the nlihMt I bringing about settltmenl. . Beh-Gurion Resigns Pentagon officials. • driving without a license. Patrol- at 247 Sum m it St. military budget adeijuate to the na­ I man Allan Sm ith arrested Klore.s Joseph A: Rice and Frances B. Covered by the agreements are tion's needs. Sheppard, a senior Correctly Quoted on H Onler St. after he observed the authority’s 32.700 employes member of the House Appropria­ (Reached at his home by the Police Arrests the vehicle wa.s withoifl a tail and 8.200 workers on the private tions Committee, mentioned no Associated Preae Wilson ssdd ths ' light. A further investigation bus lines. As Israel’s Premier figure. But he said it is a "mat­ Herald-Tribune quoted him cor­ Hey! ' found the car to be without brake Workers on the Sulnvays and ter of self preservation and the rectly). He declined further infor­ RAVTTiond W irtalU . 41. of 79 the city-owned bus lines gel an mation. r. ; lighLs and to have a defective Jerusalem. Dec. 31 (A’l- Israeli people will be willing to pav the Ridife St.. WRfl arrestPd early Sun­ m uffler on it. inunediate wage increase of 1.') The copyrighted story continued: A. V -- g 1 gents an houg and anotlier wage bill once they understand the sit­ 6ETCHA COLD CUTS day morninj; and char^^d with I Flores al.so was w ithout a li- What A Value! Pr‘e.sident Izhak Ben-Zvl today ac­ uation.” Wilson said the decision to sep­ speedinjr «nd operating a motor cen.«*e and a check with Motor cepted the resignation of Premier arate project V’apguard (tha (Continued un Page Three) No official figure has been given, I vehicle with a defective muffler. Vehicle Department revealed that EXTRA HEAVY David Ben-Gurion and his 5-party but there have been indications Earth satellite program) from the all the rest of your New Year’s Wirtalla. alopped on Oakland St. milltarv missile program waa Party needs at Klein’s Delicates­ J he did not have one. Flores is free coalition cabinet. that the current year’s defense about lilfi by Patrolman Kmanuel ' under $50 bond pending Town spending, originally e.Mlmated «t made.by the President personally sen. - Motola, will be airaig:ncd in Town ' Court arraignment on Jan. 4. WAMSUTTA TOWEL ENSEMBLE The Pre.sident immediately $38 billion and since Increa.sed to on recommendations of Budget Di­ Court on Jan. 6. Mrs. Kathleen H. Dunbar, 44. of State Officials -scheduled talks with leaders of the $38's billion, will be topped by one rector Percival Brundage and after William F. Cavanaugh Jr.. 28. , South Coventry’, was arrested thus RKf;. $1.5)S. 21 X 16. 10 parties represented in Parlia­ to $2 billion in next year's budg- dlacusaion in the National Secur­ of 52 Princeton St., was arrested I morning and charged with failing KXTRA LARLK RATH SIZK...... * 1 .3 9 ment. beginning with Ben-Giirlon’s -.et. ity Cbuncil. Saturday night and charged with ; to stop at a atop sign. She wa.s Gool over Ike’s Socialist Mapai party. Ben-Gurion Mahon said he opposes appro­ Far from fearing that Inter- FEATURING operating a motor, vehicle with a j stopped at the intersection of RK(L 9!»c. 16 X 28. wa-* expected to be naked to form priation of funds for a seraihd aerviba rivalry would retard mla- defective muffler and making un- I Charter Oak and Main Sts. about HAM) SIZK...... 7 5 c another governmentr-posaibly ex­ atoipifi-powered aircraft carrier at Desk Drawer Bassinet sile development, Wilyon purpose­ Indiscrlbably delirious neccs.sar\' noise. He wa.** .stopped cluding two amall left-wing parties ; 9 o’clock by Patrolman Gerald RK(L l‘tc. Aid for Schools Ithia time and believes that “anti- A month-old baby boy la snug aa a baby in a deak drawer In a Philadelphia Fqlice Station aa Pa­ ly “put the Army in business with about 10 o’clock on Main St. by j Slocke and will be arraigned in which have been opposing him In u submarine warfare ought to be the Air Force’! 4n developing a I,- Patrolman James Martin Jr., \Vho PACK CI.OTHS...... 3 5 c his cabinet. trolman Charles Michaela gives the baby hia botUe. The baby-was found wrap]M in MankeU and BAiCED HAM * Town Court on Jan. 6. H artford. Dec. 31 i/Pi Pi-gal- ^ lop priority or th«> Navy.‘”ire •ttnJtd in two paper bags on the Steps of t South' Philadelphia Catholic rectoryt" The thilk bottle 500-mjie nilsaUa dent E lsenhow er's 4-year. SI bil- Ben-Gurion aocuaed one of the , fmlS - he waa' encouraged bv the waa in the bags with the infant. (AP Phqitojax-.) .. . stimulating effecCi. You all know Ihp Wamsutla quality! low prirr.** during parties, Achduth Avodah I Labor! our Jan u ary Sale* only. ("Tioo^r from 8 tolor.'s. Iloh firogram of federal aid to ed­ proinlaing prospects of the Navy’s However, WIhron i _ ucation has been greeted with Unity I, of endangering I.araelt se- ; submarine-based Polaris missile, the people in the tervicei get a ROAST BEEF — CORNED BEEF^^X hike-warm inlcre.*t at best and curity by leaking a aei-ret cabinet ; now under development. little childish” in the things they HOME-MADE-HEAD CHEESE—ALL KINDS Ot* SALAMI Don’t Throw ’Em Away some outright opposition from decision. The decision reached 'Adm. Jerauld tVright, command­ say about one another. HALE'S HEAVY QUALITY slate officials. over the opposition bf the two er in chief of the U.S. Atlantic The former secretary .obaervod still plenty of wear left in those shoes mwuRi The President approved the ed- A'’bdiith Avodah cabinet members U.S. to Insist Fleet and also of NATO’s Atlantic that 'aome critic* are trjrlng to Our Own Hentcmad* when you bring them here for expert re­ HOMEMADE pairs l s a v e ucation program yesterday. It in- send a 2-man mission to Command, told a Pentagon newa make him -the scapegoat for the “Gharmhouse’’ TOW EL ENSEMBLE eludes, among other things, a total ” Germany on military and se­ conference yesterday the Polaris shortcomings ot-the missil* pro­ POTATO SALAD ct 40,000 federal scholarships and i "’““ers. , should be operational "in the next BRADWURST WORK DONE WHILE-U-WAIT DAVID BKN-UURION gram but “I don’t think it will and COLESLAW or WHILE YOU SHOP WITH DACRON REINFORCED SELVAGES a grants-in-aid program that th«.i The outgoipg 16-member cabi- ! ______year or two.” Prove Good r ffi* Poike atiek.” FANO- LIVERWl’RST slates would match, on a 60-50; net includes nine mintslers of the Wright said the missiles't'hem- The present -budget waa pre- RK(i. 22 X 44. QQ basis. I Premier’s Mapai (Socialist Labori of the parliament selves and the submarines de­ IMPORTED SWISS and PICKLED elected until RATH SIZK. OOC Governor Riblcoff said he want-: MIsrachl (Religious i July, 19.59.' signed to Are them should be Washington, Dec, 31 (Ah—The'8’strictly to the diaarmament dead- West Palm Beach, B*la.. Dec. 31 (Coattaned on Page nve) CHEESE (iT)—Russell Wayne Carpenter. 21, MUSHROOMS - Now At 23 Oak St. RK(L .>9c. A ed to study the program b efore P*"thodoxi, we Progressive, the The misklon to West G erm any United sutea was reported prcr lock and'should not Include dia- SAM YULYES commenting on It. two Achduth Avodah members. reportedly was to discuss the se- (Continued on Pnge Fl*-e> parlng today to insist that Russia I cussion of political problems. vVanted In a double slaying in a W in.L HA^T. SOME ESPECIALLV H A M ) SIZK. B ut S tate Educational Comml.*-1 ° *?*T’*' l e f t - w i n g ; curity of Israel's borders, which ■prove its good falOi by new dis­ 2. These ditcussibns should be Washington, D. C., bar, was ar­ “Shoe Repairing of the Better Kind for Over 40 Years." IJxtcd in this ad are only a fete of the many, rested last night by a patrolman FANCY STEAKS FOR NEW YEAR'S RKC;. 2!»c. ^ IP dioner William J. Sanders said ’United Workers), nTilch i Arab nations seek to roll back at armament 'concessions before this held either on a foreign minister’s L'»e Our Convenient Rear Entranee At Purnell Parking many tvonderful hiiyn to he had at Hale'it the Eisenhower program ”.*macks I Ben-Giirlon also would like to oust : least as far as the boundaries set country will jionalder a second level or lower, such as with­ making a routine check of tran­ PACK CLOTH. a DC too much of a crash program " that ff'”” ‘he coalition. I ^ 1947 U.N. Ben-Gurion cancel- East-West summit conference. in the United Nation* Disarma­ sients. Bulletins Domextie Dept, during their January IT hite John Downey’s This basic strategy unfolded as The FBI In Miami took charge Madp spi'rially for ua by onp of thp rounlr>-.n finest mills. Seven would put control of education in The cajblnet had been in office led the mlssibi ment Commission, to teat Russia’s tbp officials drafted President professed willingnesa to ease tep- of Carpenter early today and said from the AP Wirra .Sale. colors and LvlTile, the hands of the federal govern-^ pf/- 3. 1955, the longest .organ of Achqiith Avodah. Lamer- he would b'e returned to Miami and m ent. ’ ‘term. in Israel's almost 10-year hav, reported the plan. TJlie Left­ Bisenhoweri* reply to Russian Pre­ aions. KLEIN'S DELICATESSEN ______' \ ______Mother Ready mier Bulganin’s newest bid for a lodged in Dade County Jail. ! Sanders said he thought the fed- ■ life. It will remain in office on a ists oppose any dealings at all with 3, The door to a multi-nation eral government's Interest in ed­ caretaker basis until the Knes.set meeting of Communist and Free summit conference, bringing to­ Arraignment was slated before 54 SURVIVE CRASH AND FOOD STORE the Germans becau.*e of the Nazi World leaders. Buenos Aires, Argentlaa, Dee., ucation was good, but he added: I (parliament) approves a nfw line­ persecution of the Jews. For China Trip gether Elsenhower and Bulganin', U.S. Comfnissloner Roger E. Davia 181 CEN TER STR EET—.MI *-7256 BAKE ”1 don’t think a matching - fund ' up. Elsenhower and Secretary of will remain open as a foUow-up to | on a chiirge of unlawful flight to SI (iW—An A rnnttne airliner' Low, Low Prices on Famous Brand Sheets and Pillowcases! Some sources said a quarrel over State Dulles were understood to be crashed into the water off OPEN TO.NTGHT UNTIL 6—TUESDAY UNTIL 7 P.M. program is the anawer.” Dr, Giora Josephstal, 'secretary | proposals to seek arms"from West any promising disarmament nego- j avoid prosecution for murder, aaid CORNELL SHOP New Britain, Dec.l 31 (/P)- An increasingly reconciled to the in­ tlatlons. I Special Agent John H. Williams. Buenos Aires harbor todny and A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE Mrs. Dorothy S. Hutton, presi­ general of Mapai. Indicated there | Germany was at the root of 'the American mother and her son are evitability of a new round of talks If Russia rejects new disarm*-’ Patrolman Larry Wald arrested first reporta from the scene said 449 H a r t f o r d r o a d dent of the State Board of Educa­ w'as a possibility that Achduth ■ weeklong cabinet dispute. with the Soviets, but far from cn- swift action by helicopter* and TYPE 130 yypi ,,4 TYPE 186 tion, said she favored the pro- scheduled to leave today on the ment talks or refuses to offer con- i hitchhiking Carpenter after he Avodah and Manam itiay be in the A cabinet— resolution------yesterday fir«r i«iT nf . ...I,!..!, ..Ill . 1*1 thuslastic about the prospects, laitpche* saved all 47 passen- gram in general but did not ap-1 new cabinet. This would depend. : aatd larael's .security .situation was cessions, Eisenhower and Dulles I questioned him, a routine proce- LADY PEPPERELL first leg . of a trip which will take - attltudS, in the face of Al- wili vlgoroualy oppose any new i dure by police here. Carpenter gerk and the crew of aeven. DAN RIVER LADY PEPPERELL prove ita emphasis on the scienees however, on their agreeing the so grave, it would have to buv 'them ’nem najihalf way around the w world' orld' Red pressure for new discu.saions summit conference Their view of- showed him hia wallet containing OPEN ALL DAT / COMBED PERCALE and ma^ematlcs. government eould dismis* by two-,’’from any quarter-' and any | ‘o “boU’er "“b <'’>>o i* a pris- appeared to be developing into this 4iolala-sald. Is that It would harm' P*t4“rea that matched FBI clrcu- 4ENCK8 CHARGE DROPPED Reg. $2.19. 6.1 X 99. 6 0 Mra.. Hutton aald tiie boarq -thirds vote miniatera who violate ; source.” Achduth Avodah .said In Clitnese Commiinlits * pattern ^ Washington, Qec. 81 If) H i* SUPERFINE MUSLIN W'ould pnjbably discus.* the proi' rahinel secrecy. . 'a. statem en t it is not opiio.sed “ the Weal by iendlng hopes sky- Isf* «nd a driver’s license bearing to ; "’*9 6e caiT.vlng with L New talks should be confined rocketing, only to see.them, tumble 4h« name of the wanted man. Justice Department- ' today JLeg. $2.29. 6.Vx 108...... $ 1 .7 5 Reg. $3.19. 72 x 108...... $ 2 .2 0 ""i , b'cetlng. The cabinet now represents 80 of getting amis from anv* block nr i them a small parcel of Christmaa dropped iU case agalast CI&toB Reg. x $ 2 .1 0 Iz disillusionment Police Sgt. E. E- Graham said- TUBS., OEC. 31 Reg. $2.19. 72 x 108...... $ 1 .8 9 $2.99. 72 108...... Reg. $3.39. 81 X 108...... $2i40 We should not plan our educa- the 120 Knesset member*. Without | country hut. "regrets the tendency ! "goodies." consisting of "candies, Harbld Stasaen, Eisenhower’s dis-j Carpenter related how he aepa- E. Jenrks, former union offleliU Reg. $3.29. 81 x 108 ...... $ 2 .3 0 Uon along Russian lines, .she said, ! Achduth Avodah and Mapam It - _ . fruitcake, nuts and things like once convicted of filing a fats* Reg. .$2.69. 81 x<, L 0 8 ...... $ l ! 9 9 • but we should spend more money would represent only 61 members' (Continued on Page Eleven) that," said Mrs. Mftry V. Downeyi armament chief, meahwhile was' rated in Miami Beach from Henry •- Closod Wodnosday and Thursdqy, Jan. 1 and 2 Reg. $3.69. 90 X 108. $ 2 .5 5 Fieg. $3.89. 90 X lOS'...... $2!65 reported urging the administration I Cl.«y Overton, 44, after arriving i non-CommunIst aftldhvi| with O»o Reg. .59c. ;{2 x 36 C a .se s...... 4 5 ^ Reg. 79c. 42 x 38U...... 5 9 ^ on -our .educational programs as she packed her suitcases. News Tidbits National Labor Relations Board i r - ■ OPEN FRIDAY AS USUAL <> Reg. 69c. 42 X 36 Ca.ses...... 59d John K. AlsOfS- a member of the'! ■------4------1------Mra. flowney and her son, Wil­ to "liberalize,” its owp disarm*-1 .th*re Sunday, '(NLRB),' Acting on an apphal Reg. $2.49. Fitted Bottom. Reg. $2,99. Fitted Bottom. Reg. $3.19; Fitted Bottom. board, flatly opposed the program. : liam. 25, who was discliarged re­ ment attitude In advance of new Carpenter aaid a Miami Police "I don’t think we ought to have . CuHed from AP Wire? talks with the Soviets. j car fell in behind them and they from the conviction, the SupremW Tw in Size...... $ 1 .8 3 Tw in, Size...... $ 2 .0 0 Twin Size...... $ 2 .1 0 cently from the army to make the Court early this year ordered a federal aid for education, ” he ' trip, are enrou'te to the forbidden; Staasen was understood to have became .frightened, Reg. $2.69. Fitted Bottom. Reg. $3.29. Fitted Bottom. Reg. .$3.39. Fitted Bottom. said. "If we do get It, there should strongly advanced his recom< They left the car and split up. new trial. The court hield .. that' As we hang out thHwelcome Train Union Blasts city of Peiping for a reunion with Traific ' accidenta killed nearly, mefidat^ons for changes-despite bit. U,ater Overton Went back for the certain FBI reports pn witatoOea be no strings attached such as sign for the New Year, may Full Size...... $ 1 .9 9 Full Sijje...... $ 2 .3 0 Full .Size. . . , ...... $ 2 .3 9 Jolm Thomas Downey, 27, being I $5,000 perabns in the first 11 who appeari^ at the trial should having to spend the money on sci­ held hy the Chinese Reds. mqnths of this J-ear... Preliminary have niade available to the we extend 'lour- Ver.v\best ence and mathematics only." . The mother revealed today that report (}f .rabtra in co-ed’s dog (OontiBued on Page Two) (Conllmied on Page Two) defense for u(ie in cross-examhui- LATKX-FOA8I HALE'S STURDYWRAR H A L E ’5 HKAVI m ALITY Alaop said that education was, wishes to our many ^ n e BOX-StiTf'HED ): Z Il-rK IlK D she had, received a letter from "Freckles” has been verified.... tion. f ■ ' friends and patrons for a year MAHRESS ■ I and should remain, a state rlfspon- NHRR Service Cut her son. John, oi. Christmas_eve. Oiro's, popular i- HoIlywood nlte, ' QUILTED \ C H A R M H O U 5 E aibility. It was the first time she had IKE APPROVES BUDGET of success, hajlpiness and gooiK TOPPER PADS MATTRESS With two strong exceptions, spot, efoses in bankruptcy. .Hard­ 129-Mile Concrete Ribbon MAnRE55 PAD5 New Haven. Dec. , 31 (Ah—The-'-we t^o heard from him aince August..-TTie wick. Mas*. P.D. to give free ride*, Gettysburg, Pa„ Doc. 31 Iff) ‘ heaith. FIHED COVERS Mrs. Hutton said she was gener­ not ItelU.va^^^at reducing letter was dated Sept, 1 and wasj wi(hou( penalty, for tipsy drlyera President Elsenhower today gave YVIth Comer Elastic ally pleased with the program. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen traln'.service solution to- ■Rejinitar 09.88 rela>-ed through the Chtneke Com­ requestidgTJerVlces, ; all but final approval to. a budget . Regular 83.98. Her Exceptions Were : _said today .that a solution to the their financial woes. munist Red Cross Society. , . for Rid next fla ^ year which wilt; .-EliU Bed -Size. 4 7 .9 9 : MAnRESSPA|05 'Most of the seveii provisions | N. Y. State Justiqe Issues first ~ n rT8 Twin Sire. . O T Haven Railroad’s problems . ”What is needed is more service Mrs, Downey said she doesn’t permanent Injunction of it's kind, set a pcMettme record but is hot Reg. 04.9.7 $3.69 limit the atati-federal assistance if , anything; service which is G(0ri«ecticiit Open ■\-. Ibes in offering more passenger know If John realizes or knows that in New York agalns( a lodge of expected'to call for any tax In- '^ g u l a r ,07.98. Regular 84.98. CQ A O ' Regular 85.68. J a ‘ a Q or at leait give preference to sci­ geared to, the needs of the trs't'el- hie family is coining to see him. creases. . . ence and math studenU and teach­ service, rather than less. The seilv- inp public when they want to .Machinista from, taking reprisals 54 X 76 Full Size. . O T "I don’t know if th? Chinese Twin Bed Size. *5 .9 9 Twin Size. . Full or twin bed siZf*. ers. .J ' ' iceA alrekdyA 1 1laa so MAAMpoor SI-thataO 44it is travel, partlculavly so that they the International Assn. of Extra heayy quality that havrt^ld him, but I am hot afraid against members' i who failed. to Ne^w T urnpike Thursday MARKET RALLIES Pure white filling that i* h ' Aptitudel testing, counseling and driving patrons away, the union can reach their de.stination at a for DG’aetf or for my other son. New Ydrk, Dee. 81 l^)--rTho Like sleeping nn-a :rloud, guaranteed to laundri- white. Regular 86.98. AQ will give >>ara of lA-ear. guidance ahould continue to be charged. fairly reasonable hour and leave support a 1956 . Mrtke.. .Ottawa i-' SUNOCO Seams aie all hound. Bill,”'she adld. ”I am delighted to Governor Qrfieraf Maaaey confined stiick market topped it* dlWMal - deep cu.-hlony softness.' Elastic on each compr. Full Size. Conducted on a state level at leasl-1— The brotherhood, made public a to return for home nt a decent have the chance to sM John.” 1957 career today, wito a be- ’ la Connecticut (President Bisen- letter from ita Connecticut repre­ hour. to bed with chill and' slight fever. Hartford. Dec. 31 (/Pi ConnecU-. i,'1937, It wasn’t opened for (Is entire Aii, we travel dow n the highway of time, another sentative, Thomas F. Kelly of The New Britain woman, a Special Navy task force enroiite ,cut,! which opened the nation's first length until September 1940. best­ lated yearend rally Ip very FA’TRA IIKAVY FLANNEL BACK "Moreover, the traveling public school teacher. Indicated that they to Ceylon w ith, food and medical modern turnpike 17 years ago, will ing the Harrisburg-Pittsburgh sec­ heavy trading. Leading atecta - milestone looni.x ouUof the darkness. , • December Special (Contlnued ea Page Two) East Haven, to Gov. -Abraham- A. ha* been driven away by the rail­ '' DRILL Ribicoff asking thst he order an supplie* for flood victim*.. .Tear dedicate thp newest one on Thur*- tion of the Penns.vlvania TTiirnpike advanced on a broad front, gain- - SILICONE FIBERGLAS road by Its failuie to provide (Oontimied on Page Five) gas flushes two 19-year old gun­ by only a week or two. l.ng fractions to about 2 points. ' IRONING b o a r d c o v e r s investigation of the railroad’s opi. prompt and dependable aervice. The New 5 6ar i> almost here and rcsoliitioiis FOR THE lALANCE OF DECEMlER eratione. ' men out of California oar...Time It’s' the 'bonnfecUcut Turnpike, a Whereas the Merritt Parkway is 'ilte ticker tape raa as much as 87c foch— Reg. $1.49 Harriitiaii Agrees The public often ddes not' know magazine select* Nikita S. 129-mile ribbon of concrete, as some, miles inland, the new- turn­ four minutes late for a period of are in order. The .siafi; at BANTLY OIL COM­ IRONINC BOARD PAD The purpose of the proposed in­ whether it will he able to arrive at one hour and SO minutes. tRONiNC BOARD COVERS Fits up to 80" hoards, 'We sell hun- vestigation would be to ’’detri'- Herald Gel8 New Khrushchev as their ".Mai of the much as eight lanes wide In some pike follows the Lohg Island Sound PANY resolve.s to continue giving the be.st effi-’ To Discuss Taxes its destination on schedule, or de- Tear.” ...Accidental cxplonlon at sections and nowhere’^eda than shore until it turn,* northeast after dred.s a t eveiy sal*. You all know thft, mlne whether or not It (the New .lays will occur whlfh will make a nuclear weapon is said to be I In 3 ClAIRO GROUP HITS WEST cient home-heating .service in town. WET WASH v ^ ^ quality. ^ Haven Railroad) ' is adequately 2-hour trip a 10-hour .nightmare. four, running froin the Connecti- crossing the Connecticut river be­ Regular 01.98 Value. Set Flioiie Numbers billion,. ( ri. C)ut-N*w Yorti boundary at Green­ tween Old Saybrook arid Old Lyme. Cairo. D eq^l (AWThe leftist .Regular 99c Each 99q Albany, N. Y., Dec. 31 (.1?)—Gov, meeting the public, needa and . Retired tobacco plantation Super- African-Aslan qonference lined 6 9 c — 1 ^ • Harrtman, atill atrongly backiiig whether the proposed 30 per cent "’Ltjstl.v, the traveling public is wich to the Connecticut-Rhode is­ The shore front property through VI e offer our vert be.st wishe.s for a Happy New w ith Silicone Cover LATEX-l'OAM I*An entitled to, and-expects, clean, ' untendent Henry Scheein dies at 84 land boundary at Killingly,' up today behind a demand that New York’a income tax system, reduction in passenger facilities is kanltary, well-lighted, properly The Herald has in­ in Windsor Locks .. New Yoik City which ft passes la highly valuable, westera "Imperiallsta” get out ' Fits up to s 60’’ board. Elastic bound. nonetheless offered today to meet in the public Interest.” , stalled a new and larger Gov. Abraham A. Ribicoff calls making the right df way especially 5 ear to ^'ou and those dear to your heart'. I IRONING BOARD COVER SET heated or air-condltlonc^ ami, Police charge 16-year-old EaJt Har­ it "one of the biggest and most of Hie^MIddie and Far East. It Reflects haul, easier Ironing, scorch re­ Fits all standard 54’’ boards. Slltcono «Ian. 10 or 14 with two governors Kelly’s letter was made public above all, safe equipment. telephone switchboard lem gang member with fatal costly. It cuts through ■waterfronC made no refereaoo, howhver to LUBufcBTION cover reflects heat—flberglas pad re­ ■ $2,79— Rtg. $3.49 protesting the taxes against their aa the Public Utlliltea Commission- stabbing of youth mistaken as complex highway projects ever un- industrial sections In Bridgeport sistant. tains heat. Quicker, easier ironing. "Unfortunately, the railroads with additional trunk dertakeh In the United States.” It vast areas dominated by tha Iron twice as fa-sl and easy. residents who work In this state. era In Maaaachusetta, Rhode- Is­ liave failed to prox’ide these necefs member of rival gang. and New Haven, the state's seeorid Communists. Govs. Robert B. Meyner of Nett' land a.nd Connecticut, the three for the public.” lines to provide increased Maasachusetts LegTsIature con-, wtll, he says, "have far-reaching and third largest .cities, "Our Beputatioa Jersey and Abrihara A. Ribicoff slates "seived by the New Raven, effects .not only on Connecticut It­ DELCO-HEAT . jj JOB and faster service. venea tomorrow while "olificiil To carry the turnpike over Aussnes G'UARD UNER »■ of Connecticut, botli fellcrw-Demo- said they want-to question deorge leaders seek campaign Issue* self but on the economy, of the en­ streets, highways rivers arid rail-, I'SIngapore, Dec. SI>l/DWTh* Is'Vour Ataurance" Y ' crat* of Harrlman. have .charged Alpert, the road’s president, about Effective at once our tire northeast.”’ Nf> Herald new telephone number Chrysler Building and two others roads it waa necessary to buijid 198 'A ustral^ deatroyero Tohruk that realdents of their elates .get impending cutbacks in service sold to Prentice DevrIopmenI Open to trucks, unlike Connecti­ bridges and viaducts, including the and '.\azpe toialght took up posl- shoddy treatment under New York which he has linnounced. - * !' i will be: Corp. In package deal, but price la cut’s other parkways, it (x>,Vera 129 Quinniptac River bridge In New tiona beside the Dutch K. P. M, I GREEN STAMPS tve laws., t • Accusing th'e railroa(l of driving Tomorrow not revealed Altoon*v' Pa., miles of the distance between New Haven which haa a.387-foot plate- liner NIeuw HoHand -In Singa­ Paul Dodge Pontiac They called-for » conference of- tha public away by providing poor I -, ■ Tribune prints last ediUon after York City and -Boston. girder span, the longest of that B A N T irO IL C0.IK. ■ervice, Kelly told Ribicoff; Mlldiell 3-2711 pore amid repprta an Indoneuah TiH il/im CORP. Oovarnora. , ; " ■urviving 101 years. Through rich, populous Fali^field )y ^ in the United States. gunboat was waiting jto aelao R'. 373 MAIN ST. ~ MANCHESTER AMPLE FREE PARKING In a letter to Meyner, made pub­ ‘“While we of the Brotherhood of Tho Manchester Evening Middletown P.D, accepts offer JSI'm AIN street 'MANCHESTER. CONK Herald will not publish to- County It parallels the Merritt turaplke’e eetlmatpd cost la n * NIeuw Hblland hM boon la M a n c h e s t e r C o h m - * lic today, Harrlman aadd, ha would Railfoad Trainmen recognize that i®anrl|wtpr from hot rod elub to provide chauf­ ParkWay, the.first road in the na­ V4M million, a 8M 'mUUon inor'aaae felagapora,for a week with nae* Telephone MI 9-4595-r-RockTille-~Phone JU 5-3271 bo avallsbio' for a meeting in hla the railroads of the state havg raop-ow, New Year’s Day. feur sendee tonight . . . South tion’s modem turnpike ayatam. over original aatimataa, Thf in- .aeageMi aad oargo'' for Mel- SUNOCO------— .. CORNER MAIN ond OAK STREETS ^ boen loaiRg mm4y on i^aaaonger Happy New Year to all. Korea add Japan break deadlock, Though sections of the Merritt houra*. BalUag haa bem |MMt- ^ (Ooallansd ya Faga Two) aervice, according to their figures. fuming Ifmulb agree to ezohaaga prisoaere. Parkway were in us* sis uriy as (PpatfiniMd M poaod Mvatal Itmaa. ' j : ...... : :r: ■ - A