A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of

RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN AMERICAN POLITICS Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections General Editor: William E. Leuchtenburg

The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961 Part 1: Confidential Subject Files

A UPA Collection from Cover: Portrait courtesy of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. RESEARCH COLLECTIONS IN AMERICAN POLITICS Microfilms from Major Archival and Manuscript Collections General Editor: William E. Leuchtenburg

The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961

Part 1: Confidential Subject Files

Project Editor Robert E. Lester

Guide compiled by Michael Karns and Alice Chen

A UPA Collection from

7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The confidential file of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961 [microform] / project editor, Robert E. Lester. microfilm reels. — (Research collections in American politics) “The documents reproduced in this publication are from the Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower in the custody of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, National Archives and Records Administration. Former President Eisenhower donated his literary rights in these documents to the public.” Includes index. Contents: pt. 1. Confidential subject files—pt. 2. Presidential trips and conferences. ISBN 1-55655-959-3 (pt. 1) — ISBN 0-88692-630-0 (pt. 2) 1. —Politics and government—1953–1961—Sources. 2. United States—Foreign relations—1953–1961—Sources. 3. Dwight D. Eisenhower Library—Archives. I. Lester, Robert. II. United States. National Archives and Records Administration. III. LexisNexis (Firm) IV. Series.

E835 973.921—dc22 2004046529 CIP

Copyright © 2005 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. ISBN 1-55655-959-3.


Scope and Content Note ...... v Source Note ...... ix Editorial Note ...... ix Acknowledgments ...... x Abbreviations ...... xi

Reel Index

Reels 1–4 “A” ...... 1

Reel 5 “A” cont...... 7 “B” ...... 7 “C” ...... 7

Reels 6–7 “C” cont...... 8

Reel 8 “C” cont...... 10 “D” ...... 11 “E” ...... 12

Reel 9 “E” cont...... 12 “F” ...... 13

Reel 10 “F” cont...... 13 “G” ...... 14 “H” ...... 14

Reel 11 “H” cont...... 15 “I” ...... 15 “J” ...... 16 “K” ...... 16

Reel 12 “K” cont...... 16 “L” ...... 16 “M” ...... 16

iii Reels 13–18 “M” cont...... 18

Reel 19 “M” cont...... 26 “N” ...... 26

Reel 20 “N” cont...... 27 “O” ...... 28

Reel 21 “O” cont...... 29

Reel 22 “O” cont...... 30 “P” ...... 31

Reels 23–24 “R” ...... 32

Reel 25 “R” cont...... 35 “S” ...... 36

Reel 26 “S” cont...... 37

Reel 27 “S” cont...... 38 “T” ...... 39

Reels 28–39 “T” cont...... 39

Reel 40 “T” cont...... 53 “U” ...... 54

Reel 41 “U” cont...... 55 “V” ...... 55 “W” ...... 55

Reels 42–43 “W” cont...... 56

Correspondents Index ...... 59 Subject Index ...... 73


This edition of the confidential files of Dwight D. Eisenhower’s administration contains a variety of communications, documents, background materials, and minutes of meetings and conferences that provide insight into the inner workings of the Eisenhower White House and its approach to the important issues of Eisenhower’s presidency. The collection consists of forty-three reels, organized alphabetically by topic. The documents cover the entire Eisenhower presidency, which lasted from 1953 to 1961, along with some attachments from the previous administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman that likely served as background material for Eisenhower and his policy makers. Most of the material in the reels was produced in Washington, D.C., but covers topics and events occurring worldwide. The material itself is a potpourri of different styles of documents. Personal letters appear most often, ranging from brief communications and cover letters to long, multipage letters rich in information. In addition, there are reprints of Eisenhower’s speeches, in some cases reprinted multiple times. The documents also include official government reports on topics ranging from national defense to trade policy. A particularly interesting addition is an extensive history of World War II operations and military organization included in the last three reels (41–43). Some reprints of newspaper and magazine articles are included, along with some visual aids such as maps and photographs. The topics included in this collection cover a wide spectrum of issues, both domestic and foreign. Foreign and defense policy receive the most coverage, which is to be expected in light of the tensions of the time and the president’s role as commander in chief of the armed forces. Topics that receive much attention in the early reels include Charles Willis’s agenda for the Air Coordinating Committee (Reels 1–3) and atomic energy (Reels 4–5). The Air Coordination Committee documents address ways to put U.S. aircraft and airspace to productive use, such as air traffic control, air defense, and such civil aviation duties as weather forecasting and airmail delivery. The atomic energy section discusses international sharing of atomic energy for both defense and peaceful uses. Correspondents such as Atomic Energy Commission Chairman and Defense Secretary Charles Wilson discuss efforts to share atomic secrets with allied nations to assist them in building atomic weapons, as well as to promote the “” plan and other civil uses of nuclear energy. Reels 6 and 7 include a lengthy section called “Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53,” which offers an interesting behind-the-scenes look at how Eisenhower shaped an important speech about cold war preparedness and avoiding war. It includes many drafts and reprints of the speech, as well as counsel from aides such as Robert Cutler, James Lambie, and Stefan Possoney who helped Eisenhower draft and refine the speech, a process that took several months. Documents labeled “Economic Situation” take up nearly a whole reel (from Reel 8, Frame 0879, to Reel 9, Frame 0664) and deal mainly with the economic situation in Europe in 1953 and 1954; they also include some coverage of the U.S. recession of 1958. “Mutual Security and Assistance” and “Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates” address one of the most extensively covered topics, taking up seven reels (Reel

v 12, Frame 0624 to Reel 19, Frame 0522). The reels address Eisenhower’s efforts to provide military and economic aid to U.S. allies, under the authorization of the Mutual Security Act of 1951, also known as the Battle Act. Mutual Security Administration head and presidential adviser was a main correspondent on this topic, as were diplomats John Hollister and C. Douglas Dillon. Most of the documents address economic development and aid to allies in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America, with several also proposing military supplies and training aid to nations under Communist threat. Continuing with the cold war theme, nearly a full reel (Reel 19, Frame 0954–Reel 20, Frame 0885) is devoted to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, carrying on the foreign aid themes and detailed descriptions of each member nation’s political and economic situation. Reels 20–22 address “Operation Alert,” which was the Eisenhower administration’s program from 1956 to 1958 for preparedness for a nuclear attack, with extensive instructions on how to mobilize and relocate U.S. citizens, as well as to keep institutions such as government and the financial sector operating in case of an attack. Special assistants and advisers such as Harry Caulsen and supplied many of the Operation Alert documents. The section on Russia and the takes up two reels (Reel 23, Frame 0590– Reel 25, Frame 0810). It thoroughly examines the Soviet economic and political system as well as its actions in maintaining Communist control in Eastern Europe and the 1959 summit meetings between U.S. and Soviet leaders. On domestic issues, most of Reel 26 is devoted to the internal security program intended to screen Communist sympathizers and other potential “subversives” out of the government. Reels 27 and 28 address proposed changes in the Taft-Hartley labor law. Trade policy receives more attention on the reels than any other subject, with nearly twelve reels devoted exclusively to it (Reel 28, Frame 0863–Reel 40, Frame 0647). Much of the trade section addresses U.S. compliance with foreign trade agreements such as the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade and individual agreements with specific nations. The trade and tariff issues take up much space in part because of the voluminous background reports and documents, which include many pages of tables and figures, and the need to address each country and product separately. The trade section has three different parts, organized chronologically, by country, and by product. Several advisers and officials such as Carl Corse, True Morse, Gabriel Hauge, and Thorsten Kalijarvi recur frequently as contributors in this section. The most prominent subjects on the last few reels are the United Nations Disarmament Commission and World War II. The United Nations Disarmament Commission section (Reel 40, Frame 0867–Reel 41, Frame 0134) addresses a 1956 UN conference on disarmament, which debated Eisenhower’s proposals for arms control, the sharing of atomic energy, and the “Open Skies” plan for fewer restrictions on airspace. World War II takes up two reels (Reel 41, Frame 0531–Reel 43, Frame 0477), much of which covers an extended history of military operations focusing on the Pacific theater; surprisingly little is included on the European/North African theater in which Eisenhower as general made his greatest impact. There is also a lengthy history of British and U.S. military organization. While this section makes for interesting reading for historical purposes, the only part that is really relevant to Eisenhower’s presidential, as opposed to military, service is that which addresses the handling of his wartime records and files. The last major topic covered is “World War III” (Reel 43, Frames 0478–0608), addressing how the government would respond in a hypothetical third world war. It is essentially a reprise of the “Operation Alert” section and even mentions that preparedness program by name. In general, these reels give readers an in-depth, insider’s look into the major issues and operations of the Eisenhower administration. Students of Eisenhower’s foreign, defense, and

vi trade policies will find the documents especially useful. The primary source documents on the Soviet Union, cold war preparedness, and tariff negotiations, among other issues, will be of interest and use to researchers and scholars of post–World War II U.S. history, government, and foreign relations.



The documents reproduced in this microform publication are from the Records as President: White House Central Files, Confidential File, in the custody of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas.


The White House Central Files comprise the largest collection in the Eisenhower Library, totaling approximately 6,500,000 pages. All of the major foreign and domestic issues and policies associated with the Eisenhower administration, as well as the political events of the period, are documented in the Central Files. The White House Central Files are subdivided into the Confidential File (CF), the Official File (OF), the General File (GF), and the President’s Personal File (PPF).

The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961, consists of the open and declassified portions of the Confidential File. The Confidential File contains the highest-level materials in the White House Central Files. The correspondence, memoranda, telegrams, and reports in the file are especially rich on subjects such as national security policy, foreign relations, domestic and foreign economic policy, and natural resources. The Confidential File is subdivided into two series: Name Series and Subject Series. The Subject Series is organized alphabetically by subject title and chronologically thereunder. The date coverage of the series is essentially 1953–1961. Due to the volume of pages in the Subject Series, approximately 82,000, LexisNexis has published the series in three parts focusing on presidential trips and conferences, departments and agencies, and general subjects.

Part 1: Classified Subject Files comprises select general subjects from the Subject Series. Part 1 includes such diverse topics as agricultural surpluses, atomic energy and the bomb, economic situation, mutual security and assistance, Russia, and trade agreements and tariff matters. The subjects are arranged in alphabetical order, with individual documents in chronological order. All of the open and declassified materials have been microfilmed. There are a very small number of documents that remain classified. All “Document Withdrawal Sheets” have been filmed. These withdrawal sheets itemize documents that have been withdrawn from the folders, due to either national security or privacy restrictions, by the staff of the Eisenhower Library.


LexisNexis would like to acknowledge the assistance and cooperation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kansas. Herbert Pankratz, Michelle Kopfer, Chalsea Milner, and other staff were most helpful and patient in providing the support necessary for completion of this microform. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.


The following abbreviations are used at least three times in this guide.

AEC Atomic Energy Commission FCC Federal Communications Commission FRG Federal Republic of GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ICA International Cooperation Administration ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ILO International Labor Organization MATS Military Air Transport Service NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization OEEC Organization of European Economic Cooperation TVA Tennessee Valley Authority UK United Kingdom UN United Nations UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization USIA United States Information Agency USOM United States Operations Mission USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics



The following is a listing of the folders that compose The Confidential File of the Eisenhower White House, 1953–1961, Part 1: Confidential Subject Files. The four-digit number on the far left is the frame at which a particular file folder begins. This is followed by the file title and the date(s) of the file. Substantive issues are highlighted under the heading Major Topics, as are prominent correspondents under the heading Principal Correspondents. Major Topics and Principal Correspondents are listed in order of first appearance, and each item is listed only once for each folder.

Reel 1 Frame No. 0001 Advisory Board for Economic Growth & Stability [1953–1955]. Major Topics: Council of Economic Advisors; balance of payments; foreign trade. Principal Correspondent: Loring Macy. 0005 Agriculture, Department of (1) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Agricultural exports and imports; grains and grain products; agricultural policy; farms and farmland; government spending on agriculture. Principal Correspondent: Gabriel Hauge. 0045 Agriculture, Department of (2) [1955–1959]. Major Topics: Soil conservation; Soil Bank; farms and farmland; livestock; hogs; grains and grain products; agricultural prices. Principal Correspondents: Thomas Pike; True Morse. 0075 Agriculture, Farming [1953–1960]. Major Topics: Agricultural prices; farms and farmland; family farms. Principal Correspondent: Mary Conger. 0091 Agricultural Surpluses (1) [1954–1957]. Major Topics: Spanish wheat surplus; Public Law 480; international food aid; agricultural trade with Canada. Principal Correspondents: Walter Ringer; Francis Case; Robert Anderson. 0172 Agricultural Surpluses (2) [1956–1958]. Major Topics: Agricultural exports and imports; agricultural trade development; minerals and metals exports and imports; mineral stockpiles; international food aid; Commodity Credit Corporation; Public Law 480; diamonds; wheat; bort. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Marvin McLain; George Beitzel; Charles Cogliandro; Homer Capehart; ; W. G. Fritz; W. G. Schultz. 0294 Agricultural Surpluses (3) [1958]. Major Topics: Minerals and metals exports and imports; mineral stockpiling; agricultural stockpiling; commodity credit program. Principal Correspondents: ; Clarence Miller; ; Gabriel Hauge.

1 Frame No.

0358 Agricultural Surpluses (4) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: Cotton; wheat; agricultural marketing quotas; acreage allotments; parity payments to farmers; agricultural trade with India; Public Law 480. Principal Correspondents: Paul Cullen; Max Myers; O. V. Wells; Don Paarlberg. 0390 Air Coordinating Committee (1) [1953]. Major Topics: U.S. aircraft sold abroad; Outline For Review Of Aviation Policy; air transport; civil/military aviation relations; intergovernmental relations; international aviation; aircraft and aviation equipment; airports and airways. Principal Correspondents: Charles Cary; J. Paul Barringer. 0451 Air Coordinating Committee (2) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Air cargo transport; civil aviation; projections and forecasts for future air travel; commercial air travel. Principal Correspondents: ; Arthur Kimball; William Barclay Harding. 0490 Air Coordinating Committee (3) [1956]. Major Topics: Jet operation; Air Traffic Control and Navigation Panel; military aircraft; army airfields; civil aviation; civil airborne navigation requirements; aviation equipment. Principal Correspondent: Fred Hodges. 0586 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Pacific Ocean Vessel Station Program; North Atlantic Ocean Station Conference; Arctic Weather Station Program; weather forecasting and equipment; weather balloon flights; airspace; aircraft; Civil Aeronautics Administration. Principal Correspondents: Edward Warner; Harold Jones; Irving Weston; Charles Cary. 0662 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Airspace; weather forecasting and equipment; weather balloon flights; Civil Aeronautics Administration; aviation; civil aviation; oceanic weather stations; ICAO. Principal Correspondents: Irving Weston; Charles Cary. 0722 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (3) [1953; includes attachments from 1950–1952]. Major Topics: ICAO; air navigation; North Atlantic Ocean; aviation safety regulations; Consol; ICAO Legal Committee. Principal Correspondents: F. B. Lee; Robert Fromm; Milton Arnold. 0798 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (4) [1953; includes attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: President’s Airport Commission; FCC; international relations; U.S.-China relations; Chinese finances; Chinese debt; North Atlantic Station Vessel Program; emergency civil air transportation. Principal Correspondents: Charles Cary; Robert Murray; J. A. McCrary; Donald Nyrup. 0877 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Ocean Station Program; ICAO; aircraft; technical assistance. Principal Correspondent: J. A. McCrary. 0912 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (6) [1953; includes attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Air force; airports and airfields; civil aviation; Galveston Municipal Airport, air force use of; Camp Williams, Utah; air navigation; public ownership of airspace; obstruction of air navigation; Civil Aviation Facilitation Project. Principal Correspondents: Charles Cary; Clark Thompson; F. B. Lee.

2 Frame No.

Reel 2 0001 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (7) [1954]. Major Topics: National aviation policy; civil aircraft development; passenger transport; aircraft exports and imports; aircraft manufacturing; commercial helicopter use; international air transport. 0089 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (8) [1954]. Major Topics: Air mail transport; air cargo development; user charges for air facilities and services; use of foreign airports; development of airways and services; aeronautical communications; Civil Aeronautics Administration. Principal Correspondent: John Evans. 0182 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (9) [1954]. Major Topics: Airport development and planning; aviation safety; search and rescue services; state regulation of airlines; taxation; control of airspace. Principal Correspondents: A. Darcy Harvey; Robert Murray. 0283 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (10) [1954]. Major Topics: Aeronautic education and training; mobilization; aircraft imports; Civil Reserve Air Fleet; Military Air Transport Services; military aircraft; civil aircraft; ICAO. Principal Correspondent: Lee Moore. 0383 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (11) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: ICAO; air transport and travel; air navigation; electronic products; airspace; balloon flights. 0477 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (12) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: North Atlantic Ocean Station Conference; Department of the Navy; mobilization; weather forecasting; Canada; ICAO; air communications services; weather stations; air navigation; international civil aviation; air transport; training of airmen; aircraft equipment. Principal Correspondents: J. H. Smith; Henry Chandler; Edwin Ramage. 0617 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (13) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Civil Air Policy; air transportation; air shows; emergency civil air transport; air navigation development board; TACAI navigation aid system. Principal Correspondents: Lee Moore; Milton Arnold; D. C. Ramsey; Styles Bridges. 0679 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (14) [1955]. Major Topics: Aircraft; federal spending on aircraft; air navigation; air force. 0716 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis’s Agenda) (15) [1955]. Major Topics: Air navigation and landing; leasing of aircraft; Department of Navy; air traffic control. Principal Correspondent: Milton Arnold. 0769 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Aviation policy; airport development; aircraft equipment; flight crew training; air traffic control; business use of aircraft; airspace; Port Authority. 0844 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (2) [1954]. Major Topics: U.S. airmail on foreign carriers; aircraft manufacturing; emergency mobilization; civil aircraft; military aircraft.

3 Frame No.

0904 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Air transport routes; aircraft development; airmail service; aircraft exports; local air transport services; federal regulation of airlines; air cargo transport; aeronautical communications; pilot training and education. Reel 3 0001 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Aircraft manufacturing industry; air navigation; airspace; emergency mobilization; airports and airways; air traffic control; aircraft exports and imports; air transport; aviation safety; air travel fares and costs; taxation; aeronautical communications. Principal Correspondents: Lee Moore; Colin McIntosh. 0071 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (5) [1954]. Major Topics: Military aircraft exports; aircraft materials and components; financing of air facilities; financing of aircraft exports; airmail service; government contracts; airports and airways; emergency mobilization; President’s Airport Commission; military and commercial air transport; helicopters and convertiplanes; aeronautical communications. 0127 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (6) [1954]. Major Topics: Air transportation; air route development and patterns; airline operations; airmail service; aeronautical communications; federal and state aviation policy and regulations. 0186 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (7) [1954]. Major Topics: Aviators and aviation education; emergency mobilization; aircraft manufacturing; aircraft imports and exports; military aircraft and equipment; airline subsidies; airspace. 0245 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (8) [1954]. Major Topics: Civil air policy; airmail service; air navigation and traffic control; air transport rights; aircraft manufacturing; aeronautical communications; airline subsidies; airports and airways. 0297 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (9) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Air navigation; FCC; communications equipment. Principal Correspondent: Donald Quarles. 0351 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (10) [1955]. Major Topics: Air navigation; air cargo industry; air traffic control. Principal Correspondents: Milton Arnold; James Smith. 0411 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (11) [1955]. Major Topics: Communications equipment; television; airspace; air navigation; air traffic control; search and seizure; airport use. 0595 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (12) [1955]. Major Topics: Air traffic control; air defense.

4 Frame No.

0649 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (13) [1955]. Major Topics: Air traffic control; air defense. Principal Correspondent: William Neumyer. 0731 Air Coordinating Committee (Mr. Willis—Mr. Barba Memoranda—Mimeographs) (14) [1955–1957]. Major Topics: ICAO; air navigation; civil aviation; emergency mobilization; aviation facilities; airspace. Principal Correspondent: Harold James. 0801 Alaskan Housing [1954]. Major Topics: Alaskan Housing Authority; territories of the U.S. Principal Correspondents: Clarence Davis; Carmine Bellino. 0813 American Bulgarian League [1955]. Major Topic: Geneva Summit Conference. Principal Correspondents: Bernard Shanley; K. Elieff. 0820 American-Korean Foundation [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; “Help Korea Train”; South Korea; Korean War; veterans. Principal Correspondents: Dan Thornton; Justin Williams; Howard Rush. 0837 American Nationalist [1955]. 0841 American Veterans Committee [1953]. Major Topics: Korean War; ambassadors; Ethiopia. Principal Correspondents: Andrew Rice; Carl Gray. 0859 Antarctic Commission and Expedition. Major Topics: Antarctica; scientific research and exploration; government employees. Principal Correspondents: James Mooney; Robert Cutler; Robert Dechert. 0911 Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith [1953]. Major Topics: Presidential speeches; equal rights. 0927 Appointments [1953–1959]. Major Topics: Presidential appointments; Social Security Administration. 0942 Atlantic Community (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Suez Canal; Atlantic Exploratory Convention. Principal Correspondents: Clarence Streit; Percival Brundage. 0980 Atlantic Community (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Suez Canal; Atlantic Exploratory Convention; political campaigns. Principal Correspondents: Clarence Streit; Elmo Roper. Reel 4 0001 Atomic Energy & Bomb (1) [1953–1955]. Major Topics: Atomic tests; Atomic Energy Act; international atomic energy stockpiling; Atoms For Peace. Principal Correspondents: Lewis Strauss; Sterling Cole; Gerard Smith; . 0053 Atomic Energy & Bomb (2) [1955]. Major Topics: International atomic information agreements; Atomic Energy Act. Principal Correspondents: J. M. Wilson; Charles Wilson. 0076 Atomic Energy & Bomb (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Civil uses of atomic energy; UK; AEC; Belgium; sharing of atomic energy. Principal Correspondent: Lewis Strauss. 0150 Atomic Energy & Bomb (4) [1955]. Major Topics: Sharing of atomic energy; UK. Principal Correspondent: Charles Wilson.

5 Frame No.

0170 Atomic Energy & Bomb (5) [1955]. Major Topics: Civil uses of atomic energy; sharing of atomic energy; Canada; Turkey; AEC; North Atlantic Treaty. Principal Correspondents: Lewis Strauss; Charles Wilson. 0206 Atomic Energy & Bomb (6) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Civil uses of atomic energy; sharing of atomic energy; Turkey; atomic reactor for Berlin; AEC; UK. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; Percival Brundage; Wayne Jackson; Herbert Brownell; Robert Murphy; R. A. Scott. 0285 Atomic Energy & Bomb (7) [1956]. Major Topics: Nuclear testing; UN Disarmament Commission; atomic weapons to UN. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; John Milne; Lewis Strauss. 0318 Atomic Energy & Bomb (8) [1957]. Major Topics: Nuclear weapons in air defense; AEC; armed forces use of restricted data. Principal Correspondent: Lewis Strauss. 0379 Atomic Energy & Bomb (9) [1957]. Major Topics: AEC; sharing of atomic energy; Australia; Canada; mutual defense. Principal Correspondent: Lewis Strauss. 0406 Atomic Energy & Bomb (10) [1956–1959]. Major Topics: Sharing of atomic energy; foreign policy; limited war; AEC; Switzerland. Principal Correspondents: Leo Cherne; ; John McCone; Willard F. Libby. 0456 Atomic Energy & Bomb (11) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: Sharing of atomic energy; UK; mutual defense. Principal Correspondents: John McCone; Donald Quarles; Foy Kohler; Willard F. Libby; Harold Caccia; Herbert Loper. 0552 Atomic Energy & Bomb (12) [1959]. Major Topics: France; mutual defense; nuclear materials; uranium; sharing of atomic energy. Principal Correspondents: ; Donald Quarles; John McCone. 0584 Atomic Energy & Bomb (13) [1959]. Major Topics: NATO; FRG; mutual defense; sharing of atomic energy; Netherlands; Turkey. 0646 Atomic Energy & Bomb (14) [1959]. Major Topics: NATO; sharing of atomic energy; FRG; Netherlands; Turkey. 0662 Atomic Energy & Bomb (15) [1959]. Major Topics: NATO; sharing of atomic energy; FRG; Netherlands; Turkey; mutual defense. 0702 Atomic Energy & Bomb (16) [1959]. Major Topics: UK; Canada; mutual defense. Principal Correspondents: John McCone; Neil McElroy. 0710 Atomic Energy & Bomb (17) [1959]. Major Topics: Canada; Greece; mutual defense. Principal Correspondent: Douglas Dillon. 0749 Atomic Energy & Bomb (18) [1955–1959]. Major Topics: Netherlands; uranium; civil use of atomic energy. Principal Correspondents: John McCone; Algie Wells; Ivan White; E. L. C. Schiff; Willard F. Libby; Clark Vogel; Bruce Lancaster; A. B. Speckinbrink. 0844 Atomic Energy & Bomb (19) [1959]. Major Topics: USSR; Soviet atomic facilities; Soviet atomic research. Principal Correspondent: John McCone. 0924 Atomic Energy & Bomb (20) [1960]. Major Topics: High Energy Program; scientific research; President’s Science Advisory Committee; Stanford Accelerator Project. Principal Correspondents: G. B. Kistialawsky; John Floberg.

6 Frame No.

0966 Atomic Energy & Bomb (21) [1956–1960]. Major Topics: Nuclear research; Australia; civil use of atomic energy. Principal Correspondents: ; John McCone; Robert Slawson; D. J. Munro; Willard F. Libby; Robert Winfree. Reel 5 0001 Atomic Energy & Bomb (22) [1960]. Major Topics: Nuclear testing; disarmament. Principal Correspondent: A. R. Ladecke. 0029 Atomic Energy & Bomb (23) [1960]. Major Topics: Italy; mutual defense. 0071 Atomic Energy & Bomb (24) [1960–1961]. Major Topics: Italy; mutual defense. Principal Correspondents: Walter Stoessel; John McCone; Thomas Gates. 0125 Atomic Weapons [1953–1960]. Major Topics: Atomic weapons stockpiling; design of atomic weapons; atomic testing; disarmament. Principal Correspondents: Wilton Pearson; Albert Gore; J. Edgar Hoover; Lewis Strauss; Edward Teller; . 0164 Boneless, Turkey, Inc. (1) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Poultry; food costs; food preparation; feeding of military. Principal Correspondents: J. W. O’Grady; Marty Snyder; John Dillon. 0248 Boneless, Turkey, Inc. (2) [1953–1955; with attachments from 1951]. Major Topics: Food preparation; poultry; food costs; military facilities; military food procurement. Principal Correspondents: Marty Snyder; R. L. Graf; J. L. Pytel; G. R. Biddinger; Robert Schultz; William Jackson; Charles Willis; H. C. Bell; J. S. Kujanski. 0336 [Bricker Amendment] [1953–1955]. Major Topics: Treaties and executive agreements; constitutional amendments; foreign relations. Principal Correspondents: John Foster Dulles; Gerald Morgan. 0360 Business Advisory Council [1958]. Major Topic: Soviet economic activities. Principal Correspondent: Clarence Randall. 0365 Cabinet (1) [1954–1959]. Major Topics: Government pay; government/business competition; manufacturing. Principal Correspondent: Ronald Hughes. 0396 Cabinet (2) [1960]. Major Topics: Panama Canal; canal maintenance and traffic. 0424 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Petroleum exports and imports; Walsh-Healey Act; coal industry; defense energy needs. Principal Correspondent: Clarence Randall. 0436 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (2) [1954]. Major Topics: Energy supplies and production; natural gas; petroleum and petroleum imports; coal exports; coal mining; national defense; government energy policies; energy regulation; energy stock prices.

7 Frame No.

0557 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Energy supplies and production; natural gas; petroleum and petroleum imports; coal exports; coal mining; national defense; government energy policies; energy regulation; energy stock prices; defense and energy needs. 0678 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Natural gas; petroleum exports and imports; energy regulation; natural gas transmission and distribution; pipelines; defense and energy needs. Principal Correspondent: Robert Wilkins. 0777 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (5) [1954]. Major Topics: Petroleum development; petroleum exports and imports; natural gas regulation; oil depletion tax. 0910 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Resources Policy (6) [1954]. Major Topics: Coal and coal industry; natural gas; petroleum; freight and transportation rates; coal exports and imports; government energy policy. 0961 Cabinet Committee on Minerals Policy [1954]. Major Topics: Mineral resource production; stockpiling; emergency mobilization. Reel 6 0001 Cabinet Committee on Small Business [1956]. Major Topic: Government aid to small business. 0012 Cabinet Committee on Telecommunications Policy and Organization [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Government regulation of telecommunications; FCC; propaganda. Principal Correspondents: ; Nelson Rockefeller. 0067 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Cold war; public opinion; propaganda; public information; . Principal Correspondents: Abbott Washburn; James Lambie; George Gallup. 0135 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Cold war; USSR; national defense; hydrogen bomb; civil defense; atomic bomb; public information. 0174 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Atomic weapons and energy; presidential speech to UN. Principal Correspondent: C. D. Jackson. 0245 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (4) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Presidential speech to UN; atomic weapons and energy; disarmament. Principal Correspondents: Bourke Hickenlooper; Charles Wilson. 0307 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Presidential speech to UN; atomic weapons and energy; disarmament. 0363 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (6) [1953]. Major Topics: Presidential speech to UN; atomic weapons and energy; disarmament; air defense; USSR. Principal Correspondent: C. D. Jackson. 0425 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (7) [1953]. Major Topics: Presidential speech to UN; atomic weapons and energy; disarmament; civil defense; USSR. 0486 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (8) [1953]. Major Topics: National defense; atomic weapons; cold war; USSR. Principal Correspondent: Stewart Alsop. 0518 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (9) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuclear weapons; Joint Committee On Atomic Energy (Congress); national defense; atomic energy; USSR.

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0576 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (10) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuclear weapons; national defense; international defense; USSR. Principal Correspondents: John DeChant; A. R. Luedecke; R. Gordon Arneson. 0629 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (11) [1953]. Major Topics: Atomic energy; national defense; nuclear weapons. 0668 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (12) [1953]. Major Topics: Presidential speeches; atomic energy; national security; cold war; foreign and defense policy. Principal Correspondents: Frank Nash; Abbott Washburn. 0710 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (13) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications. 0761 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (14) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications. Principal Correspondents: James Lambie; Robert Cutler; Frank Nash. 0807 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (15) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications; atomic energy. 0828 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (16) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications; atomic energy. Principal Correspondent: James Lambie. 0870 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (17) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications; atomic energy. Principal Correspondents: John DeChant; William Bundy. 0932 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (18) [1953]. Major Topics: Public information; cold war; broadcast communications; atomic energy. Reel 7 0001 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (19) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Atomic Power For Peace; UN; atomic weapons. 0041 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (20) [1954]. Major Topics: ; atomic energy; peacetime use of atomic energy; UN. Principal Correspondents: Richard Hirsch; Stefan Possoney. 0102 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (21) [1954]. Major Topics: Atomic weapons and warfare; atomic energy; USSR; international communications; AEC. Principal Correspondent: Stefan Possoney. 0147 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (22) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Atomic energy; international sharing of atomic energy; propaganda. Principal Correspondents: Richard Hirsch; Walter Schwinson; Andrew Buiding. 0194 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (23) [1954]. Major Topics: International sharing of atomic energy; agriculture; cancer; USSR. 0248 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (24) [1953–1954; and attachments from 1949 and 1952]. Major Topics: Drugs and medicines; atomic energy; nuclear reactors; UN; hospitals; atomic research; Europe; television; education; Japan. Principal Correspondents: David Hardman; Lew Kowarski; Gerald Wendt; Henry Cassirer; Robert Goldwater; Annesta Gardner. 0341 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (25) [undated]. Major Topics: Atomic energy; health facilities and services; electric power. 0384 Candor and United Nations Speech, 12/8/53 (26) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Atomic energy; USIA.

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0412 CARE [1958]. Major Topics: National Information Bureau; fund-raising in federal government; interest groups. Principal Correspondents: William Coulson; D. Paul Reed. 0461 Caribbean Commission [1954]. Major Topics: Puerto Rico; presidential appointments. Principal Correspondents: Pedro Juan Berossa; Robinson Mellrace. 0477 Central Hungarian Sick Benefit and Literary Society [1954]. Principal Correspondent: W. K. Scott. 0484 Chekhov Publishing House [1955]. Major Topic: Russian literature. Principal Correspondent: Howland Sargeant. 0495 Civil Defense (1) [1953–1955]. Major Topics: Nuclear testing; Operation Alert 1955; emergency preparedness and relocation. Principal Correspondent: Katharine Howard. 0546 Civil Defense (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency preparedness and relocation; nuclear war; government reorganization; mobilization; civilian defense. 0760 Civil Defense (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Emergency preparedness and relocation; nuclear war; government reorganization; grants-in-aid; Civil Defense Coordinating Board. 0785 Civil Defense (4) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency preparedness and relocation; nuclear war; government reorganization; grants-in-aid; Civil Defense Coordinating Board; cabinet. 0880 Civil Defense (5). 0883 Civil Defense (6) [1955–1957]. Major Topics: Emergency preparedness and relocation; nuclear war; government reorganization; grants-in-aid; Civil Defense Coordinating Board; Project East River; atomic weapons; federal shelter program. Principal Correspondent: Robert Cutler. 0937 Clemency & Parole Board for War Criminals [1953]. Major Topics: Japanese war criminals; amnesty. Principal Correspondents: Herman Phleger; Conrad Shaw; James Bennett. Reel 8 0001 Collegial Society of Hungarian Veterans [1953–1957]. Major Topics: Art and paintings; ceremonies; Hungarian history; Hungarian revolt against USSR. Principal Correspondents: Wiley Buchanan; J. William Barba; Paul de Hagara; Frederick Nagy. 0080 Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Foreign economic commitments; foreign trade; foreign aid; U.S. economic indicators; international organizations. Principal Correspondent: Charles Abbott. 0135 Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Foreign trade; foreign aid; population trends; economic development; Far East America Council. Principal Correspondent: Samuel Anderson.

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0152 Commission on Government Security [1955–1958]. Major Topics: National defense; government organization; federal employees. Principal Correspondent: Maxwell Raab. 0161 Commission on Governmental Functions & Fiscal Resources [undated]. 0163 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations [1953–1954]. Major Topic: Government organization. 0170 Commission on Organization of Executive Branch of Government [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Government agencies; government management; Hoover Commission. Principal Correspondents: Nelson Rockefeller; ; John Hollister. 0218 Committee on Economic Policy [1955]. Major Topics: Business climate; community/business relations. 0247 Committee on Foreign Trade Education [1957]. Major Topic: Makeup of government committees. 0249 Committee on Non-Military Defense [1956]. Major Topic: Government organization. Principal Correspondent: Curtis Hoxter. 0255 Committee on the Present Danger [1952]. Major Topics: Cold war; military defense; collective security; foreign military aid. 0289 Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension [1958–1960]. Major Topics: Nuclear weapons; USSR. Principal Correspondent: James Fisk. 0306 Congress (1) [1953, with attachments from 1945]. Major Topics: House Un-American Activities Committee; German industry in World War II; Communists in army; presidential and congressional relations. Principal Correspondents: Harold Velde; Harley Kilgore; R. C. Partridge; Robert Cutler; Harry S. Truman. 0348 Congress (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Congressional agenda; economic indicators; Guatemala; political campaign strategy; Republican Party. Principal Correspondents: Murray Snyder; L. A. Minnich. 0399 Congress (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Congressional agenda; economic indicators; tax policy. Principal Correspondents: L.A. Minnich; Wilbur Mills. 0435 Congressional Briefings [1953]. Major Topics: Government spending; military spending. Principal Correspondents: Robert Lee; Robert Cutler. 0451 Court Martial Cases [1954–1958]. Major Topics: Major General Robert Grow; military justice; military trials; Soviet espionage; classified materials. Principal Correspondents: Robert Grow; Henry McPhee; Robert Stevens. 0531 Disasters (1) [1955]. Major Topics: Flooding; damage to industries. Principal Correspondent: Charles Honeywell. 0576 Disasters (2) [1955]. Major Topics: Flooding; damage to industries; water and sewage; flood prevention and land conservation. Principal Correspondents: William Thomas; Walter Williams. 0801 Disasters (3) [1957]. Major Topics: Drought; land use; federal disaster aid.

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0814 District of Columbia [1953–1954]. Major Topics: District of Columbia home rule; District of Columbia public works; insurance; presidential appointments. Principal Correspondents: Sturgis Warner; Abraham Lincoln Maloney; Joseph Meek. 0867 Dixon-Yates [1955]. Major Topic: Securities and Exchange Commission. 0870 Doolittle Special Study Group [1954]. Major Topic: Intelligence. 0879 Economic Situation (1) [1953]. Major Topics: UK; OEEC; economic indicators; finance; balance of payments; prices and wages; Gross National Product; employment and unemployment; international economic cooperation. Principal Correspondent: Lincoln Gordon. 0958 Economic Situation (2) [1953]. Major Topics: UK; OEEC; France; FRG; Netherlands; Portugal. Reel 9 0001 Economic Situation (3) [1953]. Major Topics: OEEC; European economy; international economic relations; foreign trade; foreign economic assistance. 0069 Economic Situation (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Foreign Operations Administration; foreign economic assistance; foreign trade; OEEC; economic indicators and projections. Principal Correspondent: T. D. Kaufman. 0131 Economic Situation (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Economic indicators and projections; balance of payments; OEEC. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Gabriel Hauge. 0198 Economic Situation (6) [1953]. Major Topics: UK; economic indicators and projections; foreign trade; OEEC; foreign economic relations; balance of payments. Principal Correspondents: John Hughes; Gabriel Hauge. 0262 Economic Situation (7) [1953]. Major Topics: European Payments Union; OEEC; U.S.-European economic indicators. Principal Correspondent: Jack Kaplan. 0307 Economic Situation (8) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: OEEC; employment of foreigners; OEEC Productivity Advisory Board; foreign economic relations; UK. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; John Hughes. 0365 Economic Situation (9) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: OEEC; UK; currency; economic predications; recession. Principal Correspondents: Walter Stettner; Denis Rickett. 0414 Economic Situation (10) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: International economic indicators; OEEC; Europe; currency; Operations Coordinating Board; international economic relations. Principal Correspondents: Walter Stewart; Gabriel Hauge. 0450 Economic Situation (11) [1954]. Major Topics: Civil Service Commission; economic policy; presidential appointments; federal bureaucracy. Principal Correspondent: Sherman Adams.

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0513 Economic Situation (12) [1954]. Major Topics: OEEC; economic conditions; economic projections; balance of payments; government finances. Principal Correspondent: Gabriel Hauge. 0567 Economic Situation (13) [1953–1958]. Major Topics: Economic conditions; economic projections; balance of payments; government finances; UK; Midwestern states; Committee On Economic Policy. Principal Correspondents: Val Washington; Maxwell Raab. 0608 Economic Situation (14) [1958]. Major Topics: Recession; economic conditions; foreign opinion of U.S. 0664 Economic Situation (15) [1958–1960]. Major Topics: Economic conditions; U.S. federal budget; economic policy; gold; foreign economic conditions. Principal Correspondents: Percival Brundage; Lewis Douglas; Raymond Saulnier. 0709 Eisenhower Administration (1) [1960]. Major Topic: Foreign policy. Principal Correspondent: Stanley High. 0720 Eisenhower Administration (2) [1952]. Major Topics: Public opinion; news coverage; Republican Party; Democratic Party; 1952 campaign and election. 0786 Export-Import Bank [1956]. Major Topic: Mexico. Principal Correspondent: Jr. 0790 Facts Forum [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Tax-exempt organizations; propaganda. Principal Correspondents: Norman Sugarman; Orton Hicks. 0826 Fairless Committee [1957–1959]. Major Topic: Mutual Security Program. 0829 Famous Artists Schools [1953]. Major Topic: Art education. Principal Correspondent: M. K. Breslauer. 0836 [Federal City Center] (1) [undated]. Major Topics: Urban renewal; urban buildings; Washington, D.C.; architecture; highways, streets, and roads. 0862 [Federal City Center] (2) [undated]. Major Topics: Urban renewal; urban buildings; Washington, D.C.; architecture; highways, streets, and roads. 0908 Federal Register. 0912 Federal Reserve System [1953]. Major Topics: Government appointees; monetary policy; credit. Principal Correspondent: Elliott Bell. 0929 Federal Reserve System [1959]. Major Topics: Economic indicators; economic projections. Principal Correspondent: Don Paarlberg. Reel 10 0001 Food for Peace [1959]. Major Topics: Wheat imports and exports; food needs.

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0047 Formosan Question [1955–1958]. Major Topics: Defense of Taiwan; military bases; mutual security; Quemoy and Matsu; China. Principal Correspondents: A. C. Wedemeyer; Nelson Rockefeller; John Foster Dulles. 0066 Georgescu Case [1953–1960]. Major Topics: Romania; ; family separation; communism; repression. Principal Correspondents: Ghorghe Gheorghiu-Dej; V. C. Georgescu. 0113 Government Contract Committee [1953]. Major Topics: African Americans; civil servants. Principal Correspondent: Jacob Seiderberg. 0122 Government Contracts [1957]. Major Topics: Cuba; Nicaro nickel plant; property disposal; Buy American Act; federal probes of foreign materials. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Gardner; Franklin Floete; Gordon Gray; Maurice Stans. 0179 Government Departments (1) [1953–1958]. Major Topics: Independent regulatory agencies; dismissal of employees; civil servants; government buildings; government procurement; government reorganization. Principal Correspondents: J. Lee Rankin; J. S. Bragdon; Meyer Kestenbaum. 0243 Government Departments (2) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0289 Government Departments (3) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0337 Government Departments (4) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0391 Government Departments (5) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service; congressional oversight. 0458 Government Departments (6) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service; executives and managers; recruitment of government employees. 0502 Government Departments (7) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; scientific research. 0528 Government Departments (8) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0596 Government Departments (9) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0629 Government Departments (10) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0666 Government Departments (11) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; ethics laws; civil service. 0723 Government Departments (12) [1960]. Major Topics: Proposed legislation; conflicts of interest; civil service. 0783 Government Departments (13) [1960]. Major Topics: Conflicts of interest; civil service; lawyers. 0835 Government Employees [1953–1956]. Major Topics: Immigration and Naturalization Service; Department of Interior; government employees; government pay and benefits; earnings; health insurance. 0924 International Seminar [1953]. Major Topic: International educational exchanges. Principal Correspondents: Mallary Browne; C. D. Jackson; William Elliott. 0947 Hungarian Crisis (1) [1956] Major Topics: Hungarian uprising; Soviet invasion of Hungary; UN. Principal Correspondent: Amos Peaslee.

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Reel 11 0001 Hungarian Crisis (2) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian revolt; refugees. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0022 Hungarian Crisis (3) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian refugees in Austria; refugee relief; Red Cross. Principal Correspondent: Hallam Tuck. 0067 Hungarian Crisis (4) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian refugees; resettlement; Yugoslavia. Principal Correspondents: Dwight Porter; Loy Henderson; Tracy Voorhees. 0098 Hungarian Crisis (5) [1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian refugees; resettlement. 0115 [Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952] [1955]. Major Topic: Immigration law reform. 0131 Industrial College of the Armed Forces [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Military and public relations; government/media relations. Principal Correspondent: James Hagerty. 0163 Inland Waterways Corporation (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Privatization of waterways; contracts. Principal Correspondents: ; Herbert Brownell. 0202 Inland Waterways Corporation (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Privatization of waterways; contracts. 0238 Inland Waterways Corporation (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Corporate property; harbors and ports. 0262 Institute of American Strategy (1) [1959]. Major Topics: Foreign policy; diplomacy. Principal Correspondent: Edward McEnerney. 0276 Institute of American Strategy (2) [1959]. Major Topics: Cold war; USSR; foreign trade; military policies; diplomacy; propaganda; foreign aid. 0375 Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal (1) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Public Law 480; Japan; rice; agricultural surpluses. Principal Correspondents: Samuel Waugh; E. C. Gathings; Ralph Reid; James Lambie. 0403 Interagency Committee on Agricultural Surplus Disposal (2) [1955–1959]. Major Topics: Agricultural surpluses; agricultural commodities; agricultural exports and imports; wheat; cotton; rice; Public Law 480. Principal Correspondent: Clarence Francis. 0586 [Interdepartmental Committee on International Health Policy] [1959–1961]. Major Topics: International health policy; public health; diseases and disorders; medical research; international organizations; UN. Principal Correspondent: Arthur Flemming. 0696 International Atomic Energy Commission [1958]. Major Topic: European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM). Principal Correspondent: Sterling Cole. 0705 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [1954–1958]. Major Topics: South Korea; China; loans. 0751 International Information Administration [1953]. Major Topics: Death of Joseph Stalin; USSR.

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0768 International Labor Organization (1) [1953]. Major Topics: U.S. representation on ILO; ILO conference; labor relations; labor law. Principal Correspondents: Maxwell Raab; Robert Murphy; Bernard Shanley; Sherman Adams; David Morse. 0811 International Labor Organization (2) [1956–1958]. Major Topics: Convention On Forced Labor; Maritime Session of ILO Conference. Principal Correspondent: Herman Phleger. 0835 International Labor Organization (3) [1958]. Major Topics: Convention On Forced Labor; Maritime Session of ILO Conference. 0918 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission [1954]. Major Topic: U.S. and Canadian fishing. 0923 Iranian Oil Consortium [1954]. Major Topics: Iran; petroleum production; international cooperation. Principal Correspondent: Herbert Brownell. 0949 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy [1953]. Major Topics: Executive branch powers; Military Liaison Committee. 0971 Korean Advisory Council [1954]. Major Topic: Korean reconstruction. Reel 12 0001 Korean Emergency (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Korean War; Operation SMACK; communism. Principal Correspondent: Don Pryor. 0016 Korean Emergency (2) [1953; attachments from 1950]. Major Topics: Korean War; Korean reconstruction; South Korean defense; prisoners of war; Korean economy and everyday life. Principal Correspondents: Richard Hall; G. H. Maines. 0094 Kroeger, A & H [1954]. Major Topic: Commercial engineering. Principal Correspondent: Charles Willis. 0097 Labor [1954–1956]. Major Topics: State labor laws; strikes. Principal Correspondent: Harold Stassen. 0105 Legislation [1953–1960]. Major Topics: Legislative proposals; customs simplification bill. Principal Correspondents: Robert Cutler; . 0121 [Legislative Conferences] [1957–1958]. Major Topics: Legislative proposals; legislative action; Congress. Principal Correspondent: L. A. Minnich. 0166 Lists [1958]. Major Topic: Items to be filed. 0176 Louisiana [1956]. 0178 Loyalty Program [1953]. 0180 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (1) [undated]. Major Topics: Civil Aeronautics Board; military aircraft contracts. 0252 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (2). 0254 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (3) [1958–1960]. Major Topics: Structure of MATS; MATS capabilities; growth and development of MATS; Civil Reserve air fleet; use of MATS for military and commercial airlifts; Airlift Service Agency.

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0297 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (4) [1960]. Major Topics: Airlifting; air force; modernization of military aircraft. Principal Correspondent: James Douglas. 0331 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (5) [1960]. Major Topics: Air carrier traffic; international air traffic; jets; piston aircraft. 0383 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (6) [1960]. Major Topics: Military airlifts; military procurement; international air travel; contracts; tariffs; air travel costs. Principal Correspondents: Robert Hancock; Philip Taylor. 0433 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (7) [1960]. Major Topics: Military air transport; air transport costs. Principal Correspondent: Maurice Stans. 0495 MATS [Military Air Transport Service] (8) [1960–1961]. Major Topic: Military air transport. Principal Correspondent: Maurice Stans. 0556 Mineral Stockpiling [1954–1960]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; strategic materials; nickel supply; Cuba. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; H. B. McCoy; W. C. Trappner. 0604 Mizrachi Organization of America [1954]. Major Topics: Israel; Judaism. Principal Correspondent: Mordecai Kirshbaum. 0614 Montgomery Memoirs (Field Marshal Montgomery) [1958]. Major Topics: World War II; British military. Principal Correspondent: Frederick Browning. 0624 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1952]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Afghanistan; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; Mutual Defense Assistance Council; cold war; Soviet bloc; foreign trade. 0675 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1952]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; Mutual Defense Assistance Council; cold war; Soviet bloc; foreign trade. Principal Correspondents: Seymour Rubin; W. Averell Harriman. 0739 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1952]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; Mutual Defense Assistance Council; cold war; Soviet bloc; UK; France; Italy. Principal Correspondents: Seymour Rubin; W. Averell Harriman. 0778 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1952]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; Mutual Defense Assistance Council; cold war; Soviet bloc; UK; France; Italy; Netherlands. Principal Correspondent: W. Averell Harriman. 0843 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1952–1953]. Major Topics: Middle East Defense; Egypt; Saudi Arabia; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; foreign aid; Japan; Chinese refugees. Principal Correspondents: Harry S. Truman; Harold Stassen; Walter Smith. 0901 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Cold war; economic and military assistance to allies; morale; preparedness; military equipment. Principal Correspondent: Kenneth Heaton. 0973 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual security programs; organization and coordination of agencies. Principal Correspondent: Kenneth Heaton.

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Reel 13 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; atomic and strategic capabilities; Austria; Iran; Israel; trade with Soviet bloc; Soviet-held properties in Austria. Principal Correspondents: Robert Chipenfield; Harold Stassen. 0027 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; escapee program; military assistance to Central America; South Korea; naval vessel loan to Taiwan. 0081 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; special weapons development; foreign weapons development. 0161 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; cold war; foreign aid; China. 0234 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; foreign aid; military assistance. 0253 Mutual Security and Assistance (8) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; aid to Europe; military aid to Europe; military aid to Ethiopia; defense purchases of jet fuel; Congress. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Walter Smith; Hoyt Vandenberg. 0305 Mutual Security and Assistance (9) [1953; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; wheat transfer to Pakistan; foreign aid appropriations; aid to South America; aid to Korea; food aid to Eastern Europe. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Paul Morrison; Ben Brown; Konrad Adenauer. 0360 Mutual Security and Assistance (10) [1953]. Major Topic: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]. 0430 Mutual Security and Assistance (11) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; atomic and strategic capabilities; Austria; Iran; Israel; trade with Soviet bloc; Soviet-held properties in Austria. Principal Correspondents: Robert Chipenfield; Harold Stassen. 0510 Mutual Security and Assistance (12) [1953]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; escapee program; military assistance to Central America; South Korea; naval vessel loan to Taiwan. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Roger Keyes; Syngman Rhee; William Rand; Charles Wilson. 0562 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; special weapons development; foreign weapons development; military assistance to Iraq, Japan, and Pakistan. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Charles Wilson; William Renard; George Allen. 0602 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; defense assistance; Denmark; France; Italy; UK; Norway; agricultural exports and imports; emergency aid to Bolivia; Bolivian mining, agricultural development, and balance of payments. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; John Foster Dulles. 0669 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Military assistance to Haiti; economic assistance to India; loan of naval craft to Japan; food relief to East Germany; Coal and Steel Community. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; John Foster Dulles; F. G. Nash; Robert Murphy; Charles Wilson.

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0709 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Economic aid to Lebanon; technical assistance to India; aid to East Germany; radioactive pollution in Japan; aid to France in Indochina [Vietnam]; relief to South Korea; special weapons development. Principal Correspondent: Harold Stassen. 0767 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1954]. Major Topics: Naval vessel loan to South Korea; technical assistance to India; destroyer sales to Taiwan; military assistance to Egypt; Vietnam. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Charles Wilson; ; Glen Lloyd; D. A. Fitzgerald. 0817 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1954]. Major Topics: Coal trade and disposal; shipping; food distribution; emergency medical assistance; defense of Thailand; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; coal procurement fund; escapee program. Principal Correspondents: J. E. Murphy; Harold Stassen; Glen Lloyd; P. Pibalsonggrom. 0885 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1954]. Major Topics: Brazilian port-base plan; Inter-American Defense Board. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Charles Willis; Robert Cutler. 0942 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Destroyer loan to Taiwan; military aid to Indochina; Volunteer Defense Corps Training Program. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Robert Murphy; Charles Wilson; Ngo Dinh Diem. Reel 14 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1955]. Major Topics: Foreign Operations Administration; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Southeast Asia; military assistance; USIA; Pakistan; strategic materials. Principal Correspondents: Abbott Washburn; Harold Stassen. 0052 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; military assistance; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; foreign trade; Japanese airfields. 0086 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1955]. Major Topics: Mutual security; Foreign Operations Administration; foreign aid; foreign trade. Principal Correspondent: Harold Stassen. 0164 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1955]. Major Topics: Mutual security; Guatemala; military assistance; South America; Foreign Operations Administration. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; H. Strune Heisel. 0206 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1955]. Major Topics: Agricultural surpluses; foreign aid; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; strategic materials; trade with Soviet bloc. Principal Correspondent: Harold Stassen. 0257 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1955]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; trade with Soviet bloc; Taiwan, naval craft; defense assistance; foreign aid; mutual security; Austria; Berlin Building Exhibition; FRG. Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; John Hollister; John Foster Dulles.

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0332 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Partnership program; mutual assistance; foreign trade; communism; Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; trade with Soviet bloc; FRG; Austria; strategic materials; escape road from Jordan. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0372 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; trade with Soviet bloc; Volunteer Freedom Corps; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Libya; Atomic Research Reactor Program; International Cooperation Administration; international health assistance. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; D. A. Fitzgerald. 0427 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1956]. Major Topics: Turkey; foreign aid; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Hejan Railway; Italy; Pakistan. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0487 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1956]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; Turkey; foreign trade; loan of U.S. naval vessels ocean freight. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; D. A. Fitzgerald; Roscoe Good. 0548 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1956]. Major Topics: Portugal; Austrian military equipment aid; Mutual Security Act of 1954; trade in strategic materials; military assistance; Austrian state industries. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; Percival Brundage; Herbert Hoover Jr. 0600 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; food stockpiles; Suez Canal; Inter-American Symposium On Nuclear Energy; Icelandic economic development. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0651 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; Suez Canal; Pan American Security Organization; malaria; Bolivia; Lebanon. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0691 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian emergency aid; refugees; Afghan military officer training; mutual security program; exemptions determination. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; D. A. Fitzgerald; Percival Brundage; Clarence Randall; Robert Barnes; John Foster Dulles. 0750 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1957]. Major Topics: Organization of mutual security programs; military aid to Lebanon; hydroelectric power; development aid to Iceland. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; D. A. Fitzgerald. 0793 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act]; trade restrictions; economic assistance to Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, and Turkey; Baghdad Pact; economic assistance to Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; Robert Murphy. 0852 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1957]. Major Topics: Foreign aid to Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Turkey; military, economic, and technical assistance. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; Robert Murphy.

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0921 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1957]. Major Topics: Economic aid to Spain; loan to Poland; Import-Export Bank; Public Law 480; wheat; Egyptian refugee relief and resettlement. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; Robert Murphy; John David Lodge; Sherman Adams. Reel 15 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (8) [1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; Jordan; military equipment exchange; emergency aid to Hungary; ICA; Iceland Bank of Development; foreign loans; Austria; military assistance. Principal Correspondent: John Hollister. 0063 Mutual Security and Assistance (9) [1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; Jordan; ICA; U.S. budget. Principal Correspondents: John Hollister; William Elliott. 0115 Mutual Security and Assistance (10) [1957]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign trade; ICA; FRG; Labor Service Organization; Morocco; foreign aid; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Afghanistan; military assistance. Principal Correspondent: J. H. Smith. 0169 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1957–1958]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; trade embargoes; strategic materials; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Yugoslavia; Finland. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0225 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1958]. Major Topics: Poland; foreign loans; Export-Import Bank; military assistance; Bolivia; foreign transportation projects; Afghanistan; Pakistan; Asian Economic Development Fund. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0297 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1958]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign trade; military assistance; Lebanon; Jordan; Mutual Security Act of 1954. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0370 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1958]. Major Topics: Flood relief; Poland; military assistance; Austria; Burma; Mutual Security Act of 1954. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0441 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1958]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; foreign loans; Burma; malaria eradication. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0506 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1958]. Major Topics: Military assistance; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Lebanon; Yugoslavia. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0546 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1958]. Major Topics: Military assistance; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; strategic materials; foreign trade. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0588 Mutual Security and Assistance (8) [1958]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Poland; ocean freight; Australia; military assistance; Mutual Security Act of 1954; Afghanistan. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter.

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0639 Mutual Security and Assistance (9) [1958]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign trade; foreign aid. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0667 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; trade embargoes; strategic materials; Austria; Yugoslavia. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0708 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1959]. Major Topics: Space exploration; Indonesia; military assistance; Mutual Security Act of 1954. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0766 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: Military assistance; Mutual Security Act of 1954; South America; Inter- American Defense Board; U.S. exhibition in Moscow. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; John Bell; John Calhoun. 0833 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1959]. Major Topics: Military assistance; Saudi Arabia; ICA; Lebanon. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; John Hollister. 0897 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act of 1954; President’s Fund For Asian Economic Development; Austria; Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign trade. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter. 0944 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; Export-Import Bank; loans to Poland; foreign aid; Vietnam; military assistance. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter. Reel 16 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1959]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Poland; Mutual Security Act; Morocco; military assistance; Ecuador. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0055 Mutual Security and Assistance (8) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; military assistance; Jordan; foreign trade; South America. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0104 Mutual Security and Assistance (9) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; military assistance; Indonesia; military training. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0179 Mutual Security and Assistance (10) [1959]. Major Topics: ICA; Iran; Thailand. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Henry Roemer McPhee; James Riddleberger. 0214 Mutual Security and Assistance (11) [1959]. Major Topics: ICA; Iran; Iranian internal security; Iranian foreign relations; Iranian economy and economic development; foreign aid; USOM; Iranian society and culture; Iranian government and finances; petroleum and petroleum industry. Principal Correspondents: Hugh Farley; Ray Thurston; Ludwig Rudel. 0451 Mutual Security and Assistance (12) [1959]. Major Topics: ICA; Thailand; Thai people and society; Thai foreign relations; Thai politics and internal security; Thai economy; foreign aid; Thai media. Principal Correspondents: James Babcock; Gardner Palmer; H. J. Nissenbaum.

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0545 Mutual Security and Assistance (13) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; military assistance; Burma; ICA; military aid to Vietnam; foreign aid; U.S. policy on Vietnam. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Leonard Saccio; James Killen; Foy Kohler; J. Thomas Tidd. 0613 Mutual Security and Assistance (14) [1959]. Major Topics: ICA; Vietnam; Vietnamese government and society; Vietnamese foreign policy; Vietnamese military and internal security; foreign aid to Vietnam; Vietnamese economy; USOM. Principal Correspondents: James Killen; Foy Kohler; J. Thomas Tidd. 0827 Mutual Security and Assistance (15) [1959]. Major Topics: Vietnam; military assistance; Vietnamese economy; foreign aid; Vietnamese political situation; Vietnamese foreign relations; Vietnamese infrastructure; Vietnamese currency; Vietnamese land use. 0982 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; Finland; trade with Soviet bloc. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. Reel 17 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1960]. Major Topics: Military assistance to Pakistan; Pakistani military equipment and construction. Principal Correspondent: Joseph Campbell. 0058 Mutual Security and Assistance (3) [1960]. Major Topics: Military assistance to Turkey; defense studies on Allied Force Objectives; Turkish military and politics. Principal Correspondent: Joseph Campbell. 0115 Mutual Security and Assistance (4) [1960]. Major Topics: Project HOPE; Presidential Fund For East Asian Economic Development; health resources development; military assistance to Italy; defense studies on Allied Force Objectives; military equipment; deliveries of excess military equipment. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Campbell; Christian Herter. 0194 Mutual Security and Assistance (5) [1960]. Major Topics: Military assistance program for Japan; aircraft deliveries to Japan; mutual defense. Principal Correspondent: Joseph Campbell. 0229 Mutual Security and Assistance (6) [1960]. Major Topics: Military assistance program for South Korea; South Korean military defense; military construction. Principal Correspondent: Joseph Campbell. 0284 Mutual Security and Assistance (7) [1960]. Major Topics: Military assistance; Morocco; Saudi Arabia; Mutual Security Act; Tunisia. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0346 Mutual Security and Assistance (8) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; military training assistance; Austria. Principal Correspondent: Loy Henderson. 0412 Mutual Security and Assistance (9) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign trade; Mutual Security Act; Cuba; foreign aid; Lebanon; military assistance. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon.

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0449 Mutual Security and Assistance (10) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; foreign aid; Guinea; Haiti; military assistance; Cuban pressure on Haiti. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0503 Mutual Security and Assistance (11) [1960]. Major Topics: Military Assistance Program; military vehicles and equipment; Military Assistance Advisory Groups. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Campbell; William Leffingwell. 0545 Mutual Security and Assistance (12) [1960]. Major Topics: Strategic materials shipments; Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; Belgian Congo; foreign economic aid. Principal Correspondent: C. Douglas Dillon. 0605 Mutual Security and Assistance (13) [1960]. Major Topics: ICA; South Korea; Mutual Security Act; military assistance; Korean history and culture; North and South Korean politics and government; Korean economy; foreign aid to Korea; Korean foreign relations; Korean economic development; Korean infrastructure. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Riddleberger; Vance Rogers; Evan Wilson; Thomas Stern. 0742 Mutual Security and Assistance (14) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; foreign aid; Zaire (Belgian Congo); Liberia; military assistance; Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Maurice Stans. 0800 Mutual Security and Assistance (15) [1960]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; Poland; Mutual Security Act; military assistance; Jordan; Saudi Arabia. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter. 0857 Mutual Security and Assistance (16) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; Mali; foreign aid; Cuban refugee assistance; Miami, Florida; education; Cuban Refugee Committee; Hungarian refugees. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter; Tracy Voorhees; M. C. Reese; Joe Hall; John Fitzpatrick; Cal Brumley; Julius Duscha; Juanita Greene. 0922 Mutual Security and Assistance (17) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; Indonesia; military assistance; Bolivia. Principal Correspondents: C. Douglas Dillon; Christian Herter. Reel 18 0001 Mutual Security and Assistance (18) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign aid; strategic material shipments; Finland. Principal Correspondent: Christian Herter. 0027 Mutual Security and Assistance (19) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Program; government appointees. Principal Correspondents: Henry Roemer McPhee; Joseph Campbell. 0109 Mutual Security and Assistance (1) [1960–1961]. Major Topics: Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; South America; Colombia. Principal Correspondents: Christian Herter; Livingston Merchant. 0155 Mutual Security and Assistance (2) [1961]. Major Topics: Mutual Security Act; Zaire; UN; military assistance; Morocco. Principal Correspondent: Christian Herter.

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0223 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (1) [1960]. Major Topics: South America; economic development; U.S.–South American relations; foreign aid; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; population characteristics; foreign trade; Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia. 0280 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (2) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic development; foreign aid; population characteristics; foreign trade; economic and technical cooperation; military assistance; Costa Rica; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras. 0347 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (3) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic development; foreign aid; population characteristics; foreign trade; economic and technical cooperation; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru. 0385 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (4) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic development; foreign aid; population characteristics; foreign trade; economic and technical cooperation; Uruguay; Venezuela; British Guiana; British Honduras; Jamaica; Suriname; Barbados; Windward and Leeward Islands; Organization of America States. 0425 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (5) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; economic development; foreign trade; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; Near [Middle] East; South Asia; Africa; population characteristics; petroleum; Egypt; Greece. 0483 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (6) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; Greece; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Saudi Arabia; Near East. 0530 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (7) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; Turkey; Palestinian refugees; Near East; South Asia; Afghanistan; Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. 0579 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (8) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; India; Nepal; South Asia; Pakistan; Africa; Ethiopia; Ghana. 0637 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (9) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; Liberia; Libya; Morocco; Tunisia; British overseas territories. 0677 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (10) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; Far East and Pacific; Burma; Cambodia; Indochina; Indonesia; Japan. 0744 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (11) [1960]. Major Topics: Economic assistance; military assistance; economic and technical cooperation; economic development; foreign trade; South Korea; Laos; Philippines; Taiwan; Thailand; South Vietnam; East Asia. 0822 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (12) [1957]. Major Topics: International mutual security programs; military assistance; Development Loan Fund; technical cooperation; foreign aid; agricultural surpluses; international loans. 0892 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (13) [1957]. Major Topics: Europe; military assistance; foreign aid; technical cooperation; foreign trade; Austria; Belgium; Luxembourg; Denmark; France.

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Reel 19 0001 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (14) [1957]. Major Topics: FRG; foreign aid; military assistance; economic indicators; foreign trade; Iceland; Italy; Europe; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain. 0048 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (15) [1957]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; military assistance; economic indicators; foreign trade; Europe; UK; Yugoslavia; European Technical Exchange; European Scientific and Engineering Program; Joint Control areas (Berlin); NATO. 0081 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (16) [1957]. Major Topics: Military assistance; weapons development; NATO; weapons technology; nutrition; procurement; overseas internal security; handling of weapons; military personnel; sales of military equipment; UN; South Korea. 0146 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (17) [1957]. Major Topics: Military assistance; foreign aid; foreign loans; UN Program of Technical Assistance; refugees and migrants; International Committee For European Migration. 0199 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (18) [1957]. Major Topics: Hungarian refugees; child welfare; NATO; ocean freight; administrative expenses; Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act; foreign aid; Atoms For Peace; malaria eradication. 0255 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (19) [1957]. Major Topics: Europe; foreign aid; agricultural and industrial production; technical cooperation; military assistance; Iceland; Spain; Yugoslavia; Joint Control areas (Berlin); Egypt; Greece; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Turkey. 0324 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (20) [1957]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; agricultural and industrial production; technical cooperation; military assistance; South Asia; Afghanistan; Ceylon; India; Nepal; Pakistan; Africa; Ethiopia; Ghana (Gold Coast); Liberia; Libya; Morocco; dependent overseas territories; Somalia; Central African Federation; European colonies in Africa; Nigeria; Uganda. 0380 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (21) [1957]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; agricultural and industrial production; technical cooperation; military assistance; Far East and Pacific; Burma; Cambodia; Taiwan; Indonesia; South Korea; Laos; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam. 0446 [Mutual Security Program Fiscal Year 1958 Estimates] (22) [1957]. Major Topics: Foreign aid; agricultural and industrial production; technical cooperation; military assistance; South America; Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Costa Rica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; El Salvador; Guatemala; Haiti; Honduras; Mexico; Nicaragua; Panama; Paraguay; Peru; Uruguay; Venezuela; Barbados and Windward and Leeward Islands; British Guiana; British Honduras; Jamaica; Suriname. 0523 National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs, Inc. [1956]. Principal Correspondent: Irene Gaines. 0536 National Bar Association [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Lawyers; African Americans. Principal Correspondents: Earl Dickerson; Sadie Alexander. 0548 National Committee for a Free Europe (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Eastern Europe; refugees; propaganda; communism; opinion polls. 0613 National Committee for a Free Europe (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Propaganda; communism; Hungary; agriculture; Radio Free Europe; Bulgaria. Principal Correspondents: William Griffin; Robert Lang; Mary Augustine.

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0680 National Council for Prevention of War [1953]. Major Topics: West German Women’s Peace Movement; cold war; Germany; disarmament. Principal Correspondents: Klara-Marie Fassbinder; Ingeborg Kaester; Erna Hints-Vonthrun; Elly Steinman. 0697 National Security (1) [1953]. Major Topics: National Security Council; communism; cold war; Soviet military threats; military preparedness. 0723 National Security (2) [1955]. Major Topics: Action Program For Free World Strength; mutual defense; economic development; foreign aid; military assistance; psychological warfare; Soviet military strength; industrial development; economic indicators; U.S. budget. 0803 National Security (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Action Program For Free World Strength; mutual defense; economic development; foreign aid; military assistance; psychological warfare; Soviet military strength; industrial development; economic indicators; U.S. budget. 0882 National Security (4) [1957–1960]. Major Topics: Rocketry; foreign economic policy; Economic Defense Advisory Committee; control of foreign assets. Principal Correspondents: A. R. Edwards; Fred Scribner. 0944 National Security Medal [1955]. Major Topic: Awards and honors. 0952 North Atlantic Community. 0954 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Military-community relations; military orientation programs. Principal Correspondents: R. K. Taylor; Harry Eckhoft; Lorin Johnson; A. Gromak; Robert Berry; L. M. Mulhall; R. B. Hathaway; D. B. Holcomb; John Gross; T. J. Cunningham; J. S. Piccinini; J. B. Stefanac. Reel 20 0001 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Air force in Europe; Armed Forces Charter; UK; military-community relations; Inter-Allied Committee. Principal Correspondents: Russell Hathaway; James Lewis; Dan Holcomb; C. F. Coe; L. D. Lott; Leilyn Young. 0055 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (2) [1953–1957]. Major Topics: Treaties; U.S. troops overseas; NATO; Supreme Allied Council of Atlantic; military assistance; Allied forces in southern Europe; military leadership; NATO conference. Principal Correspondents: Robert Cutler; L. E. Wilson; Walter Smith; Clark Ruffner; John Foster Dulles. 0124 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (3) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government conference; defense policy; atomic weapons; disarmament; intermediate range ballistic missiles; space exploration and defense; international alliances and organizations; developing countries; economic assistance; science and technology; atomic energy; defense research; foreign economic relations; U.S. forces overseas. 0164 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (4) [1958]. Major Topic: NATO conference. Principal Correspondent: John Foster Dulles.

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0188 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (5) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO summit; disarmament; German reunification; atomic stockpiles; intermediate range ballistic missiles; nuclear weapons; weapons development; economic assistance; NATO defense policy. 0262 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (6) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; disarmament; space research; foreign alliances; Soviet summit; military assistance; minimum essential NATO force requirements. 0330 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (7) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; atomic energy; weapons development; educational reform; scientific research; OEEC Program for Scientific Cooperation; UK. 0392 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (8) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; economic assistance; military assistance; loans; Belgium; Canada; Denmark; France; Germany; Greece; Iceland; Italy; Luxembourg; the Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Turkey; UK. 0457 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (9) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; Algeria; French finances; Spain; Western Mediterranean Pact; West New Guinea; U.S.-Canada defense; Danish defense forces; British force in Germany. 0507 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (10) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; Yugoslavian foreign policy; German/Yugoslav relations; European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) project; European Common Market; French and German contributions to NATO; German war criminals; French and German assets in the U.S.; Icelandic defense construction. 0559 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (11) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO Heads of Government meeting; Cyprus; economic relations with Greece and Turkey; U.S.-Moroccan relations; U.S.-Tunisian relations; British aid to Libya; Indian finances; Japanese-American relations; cold war in Far East; Korea. 0616 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (12) [1957]. Major Topic: NATO Heads of Government meeting. 0682 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (13) [1957]. Major Topics: NATO delegates; Belgian political and economic situation; Canadian political and economic situation; Danish political and economic situation. 0737 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (14) [1957]. Major Topics: French political and economic situation; FRG political and economic situation; Greek political and economic situation; Icelandic political and economic situation. 0787 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (15) [1957]. Major Topics: Italian political and economic situation; Luxembourg political and economic situation; Dutch political and economic situation; Norwegian political and economic situation. 0838 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (16) [1957]. Major Topics: Portuguese political and economic situation; Turkish political and economic situation; British political and economic situation. 0886 Operation Alert (1) [undated; attachments from 1944]. Major Topics: Allied Expeditionary Force; air attacks on Germany; Operation Nestegg; Operation Overlord [D-Day]. Principal Correspondent: J. B. Moore. 0901 Operation Alert (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; emergency relocation; psychological warfare.

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0917 Operation Alert (3) [1956]. Major Topic: Emergency mobilization. Principal Correspondent: Arthur Flemming. 0923 Operation Alert (4) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; nuclear attack; economic stabilization; health administration; emergency housing and shelter; industrial production; manpower; raw materials and resources; electric power and energy; transportation; government readiness; food rationing; telecommunications. Reel 21 0001 Operation Alert (4) [1956] cont. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; nuclear attacks; telecommunications; economic stabilization; emergency food rationing; health administration; emergency housing; industrial production; emergency manpower; raw materials and resources; electric power and energy transportation. 0048 Operation Alert (5) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; communications. 0071 Operation Alert (6) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; national defense; Panama Canal Zone; Public Health Service Commissioned Corps; territorial waters; industrial mobilization. 0095 Operation Alert (7) [1956]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; savings and loan institutions. 0116 Operation Alert (8) [1956]. 0123 Operation Alert (9) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; civil defense; industrial production; government organization; executive agencies. 0242 Operation Alert (10) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; Federal Register; mobilization of resources; War Resources Act; government power over property; productive capacity; government contracting; plant seizure; foreign aid; credit controls; labor disputes; civilian manpower; censorship; wage and price stabilization. 0316 Operation Alert (11) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; manpower allocation; allocation of authority; emergency supplies; stockpiling; War Resources Act; Office Of War Resources; harbors and ports; National Transport Agency; evacuation; Transport Mobilization Staff; highway transportation; inland water transportation; economic stabilization. Principal Correspondents: Gordon Gray; Kenneth Tuggle. 0351 Operation Alert (12) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; Federal Register; health resources; Office Of War Resources; National Energy and Minerals Agency; Housing and Home Finance Agency; National Electric Power Administration; National Petroleum and Gas Administration; National Solid Fuels Administration; air transport; Civil Aeronautics Administration; surface transport and storage; highways and roads; marine transport; harbors and ports. Principal Correspondents: Gordon Gray; Hatfield Childson; Albert Cole; Edward Frye; H. A. Stewart; Leif Haliman; Howard Marsden. 0411 Operation Alert (13) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency Communications Agency; radio; telecommunications; Emergency Energy and Materials Agency; Office of Emergency Resources; government power over private property; manpower allocation; blood donation; price, wage, and rent stabilization;

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executive orders; Selective Service; censorship; financial institutions; presidential documents; civil defense. Principal Correspondents: F. L. Parnell; Gordon Gray; Jerry Matigelea. 0476 Operation Alert (14) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; Federal Register; Federal Home Loan Bank Board; savings and loan institutions; financial institutions; Selective Service; weather; Coast Guard; Emergency Manpower Administration; General Services Administration; employment and unemployment. Principal Correspondents: Harry Caulsen; James O’Connell. 0516 Operation Alert (15) [1957]. Major Topics: Federal Home Loan Bank Board; Civil Service Commission; Emergency Transport Agency; Post Office; Veterans Administration; Economic Stabilization Agency; Small Business Administration; Wage Stabilization Board; earnings and bonuses. Principal Correspondents: Paul Royster; Abe MacGregor Goff; Ralph Stone; Harry Weiss; Harry Caulsen; James O’Connell; C. T. Lundquist. 0572 Operation Alert (16) [1957]. Major Topics: Mobilization of resources; emergency contracting authority; War Resources Act; government power over property; productive capacity; government contracting; plant seizure; foreign aid; credit controls; labor disputes; civilian manpower; censorship; wage and price stabilization. 0645 Operation Alert (17) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; economic stabilization; harbor and port control; emergency transportation; mineral resources; stockpiling of strategic materials. Principal Correspondents: Gordon Gray; Kenneth Tuggle; Louis Rothschild. 0696 Operation Alert (18) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; stockpiling of resources; emergency shelter; port facilities; emergency transportation. Principal Correspondents: H. A. Stuart; Howard Marsden; Louis Rothschild. 0741 Operation Alert (19) [1957]. Major Topics: Emergency use of manpower; economic stabilization; emergency communications; censorship; banking; military draft. Principal Correspondent: F. L. Parnell. 0806 Operation Alert (20) [1957]. Major Topics: Savings and loan institutions; federal home loan banks; debt collection; Selective Service; military draft; manpower allocation. Principal Correspondents: Harry Caulsen; James O’Connell. 0846 Operation Alert (21) [1957]. Major Topics: Contracting authorities; Small Business Administration; emergency employment conditions; employee wages and benefits; savings and loan institutions. Principal Correspondents: Paul Royster; Abe MacGregor Goff; Ralph Stone; Harry Weiss; Harry Caulsen; James O’Connell; C. T. Lundquist. Reel 22 0001 Operation Alert (22) [1955–1958]. Major Topic: Emergency defense mobilization. Principal Correspondent: Gordon Gray. 0023 Operation Alert (23) [1958]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; communications; Operation Alert (OPAL) 1958.

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0113 Operation Alert (24) [1958]. Major Topics: Operation Alert (OPAL) 1958; postal service; emergency relocation; air transportation; automobile transportation. 0175 Operation Alert (25) [1956–1958]. Major Topics: Operation Alert (OPAL) 1958; emergency defense; communications; international cooperation with Canada; weather; nuclear weapons; welfare; transportation; clothing; civilian provisions; food supply; emergency housing; engineering and construction equipment. 0299 Operation Alert (26) [1956–1958]. Major Topics: Operation Alert (OPAL) 1958; emergency defense; communications; international cooperation with Canada; weather; nuclear weapons; welfare; transportation; clothing; civilian provisions; food supply; emergency housing; engineering and construction equipment. 0422 Operation Alert (27) [1958]. Major Topics: Federal Register; Treasury Department; banks and banking; Federal Reserve; credit; savings and loan institutions; loans. Principal Correspondents: Henry Carlson; Leo Hough. 0476 Organization of American States [1956]. Major Topic: South America. 0483 Organization for European Economic Cooperation [1953–1958]. Major Topics: Consumer spending; national income; industrial production; Europe; manpower; government spending and revenue; balance of payments; government assets; foreign trade. 0537 Organization for Trade Cooperation [1958]. Major Topic: Soviet trade offensive. Principal Correspondent: Jr. 0541 Permanent Joint Board on Defense Canada—United States (1) [1959]. Major Topics: Mutual defense; Canada. 0564 Permanent Joint Board on Defense Canada—United States (2) [1960]. Major Topics: Mutual defense; Canada. 0577 Personnel Management Program [1954]. Major Topic: Government organization. 0584 Political Affairs (1) [1953–1956; attachments from 1951]. Major Topics: Congressional campaigns; campaign committees; Republican Party; Democratic Party; 1952 campaign; 1956 campaign; primary elections; Tennessee politics; Estes Kefauver. Principal Correspondents: Charles Willis; Frank Robinett; Fuller Warren. 0624 Political Affairs (2) [1956–1960]. Major Topics: Political organizations; Ohio; New York; 1956 campaign; Republican Party; Democratic Party; opinion polls; Florida; Republican National Committee; political attitudes and ideology; South Dakota; “Modern Republicanism.” Principal Correspondents: Harold Stassen; Max Raab; Percy Thompson; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; Harold Pyle; Robert Humphrey; Karl Mundt. 0652 Polonia Reporter (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Polish-Americans; Polish-American Journal; Poland; fraternal organizations; Roman Catholic Church; 1956 Olympics; journalism. 0715 Polonia Reporter (2) [1956]. Major Topics: House Un-American Activities Committee; Poland; Polish-American relations; communism. Principal Correspondents: Richard Johnson; Jan Pargiello.

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0739 Precedence, Rules of [1953]. Major Topic: Government procedure. Principal Correspondent: John Simmons. 0747 President, The [1953–1956]. Major Topics: Presidential invitations; presidential speaking schedule; public opinion; Wisconsin. Principal Correspondents: Frederick Risser; Murray Snyder. 0764 President’s Plane [1954]. Major Topic: Airplane engines. 0766 Prisoners of War (13 Held by Chinese Communists) [1954]. Major Topic: UN. Principal Correspondent: William Randolph Hearst Jr. 0773 Program and Personnel Curtailment (Meetings Held by Gov. Adams, Spring–Summer, 1957) (1) [1957–1958]. Major Topics: Federal employment; cabinet; executive branch agencies; AEC; manpower utilization; federal hiring and spending intentions. Principal Correspondents: James Davis; Hatfield Chilson; D. A. Fitzgerald; Albert Cole. 0815 Program and Personnel Curtailment (Meetings Held by Gov. Adams, Spring–Summer, 1957) (2) [1957]. Major Topics: Cabinet; executive branch agencies; federal hiring and spending intentions; Department of Agriculture; Bureau of the Budget; Post Office; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Principal Correspondents: Max Raab; Franklin Floete; True Morse; M. B. Folson. 0870 Project Jupiter [1956]. Major Topics: Agricultural prices; price supports; federal procurement. 0880 Psychological Warfare [1953–1955]. Major Topics: Propaganda; cold war; radio; State Department; Psychological Strategy Board; Indochina. Principal Correspondents: Reuben Nathan; Murray Dyer; C. D. Jackson; Raymond Swing; Walter Radius. 0944 Puerto Rican Independence [1954; attachments from 1946–1952]. Major Topics: Commonwealth status of Puerto Rico; constitutional powers; Constitution of Puerto Rico; Philippines. Principal Correspondents: Walter Smith; Harry S. Truman. Reel 23 0001 Racial Affairs [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Racial segregation; National Guard; school desegregation. 0018 Radio Free Europe [1961]. Major Topics: Crusade For Freedom; propaganda. Principal Correspondent: Allen Dulles. 0030 Red Cross, American [1953]. Major Topics: Investigations; fund-raising. Principal Correspondents: J. Edgar Hoover; A. J. Fontaine. 0036 Republican National Committee [1954]. Major Topic: Committee organization. Principal Correspondent: Charles Willis. 0039 Rockefeller, Nelson (1) [1955]. Major Topics: Foreign Ministers Conference; Western Europe; Asia; Middle East; Africa; South America; Communist bloc; public opinion; psychological warfare; foreign aid; cold

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war; NATO; U.S. troops overseas; Japan; Philippines; Thailand; India; Burma; South Korea; Taiwan; South Vietnam. Principal Correspondents: Nelson Rockefeller; C. D. Jackson. 0093 Rockefeller, Nelson (2) [1955]. Major Topics: Psychological warfare; foreign aid; cold war; public opinion; Foreign Ministers Conference; peace; disarmament; Germany; Middle East; East West Conference; Export- Import Bank; foreign loans; India; Tata Iron and Steel Company. Principal Correspondents: Nelson Rockefeller; C. D. Jackson; Herbert Hoover Jr. 0138 Rockefeller, Nelson (3) [1955]. Major Topics: India; Tata Iron and Steel Company; Export-Import Bank; Planning Coordination Group; psychological warfare; national security; cold war. 0193 Rockefeller, Nelson (4) [1955]. Major Topics: Cold war; psychological warfare; economic assistance. Principal Correspondent: Frederick Anderson. 0222 Rockefeller, Nelson (5) [1955]. Major Topics: Cold war; psychological warfare; economic assistance; Vietnam; Southeast Asia; British and American foreign policy; Middle East and Africa; colonialism; U.S. relations with South America; weapons systems; NATO; air attacks; armaments inspections; U.S.-USSR relations; Soviet armaments and economy; Germany; Atoms For Peace; political attitudes and ideology. Principal Correspondents: Frederick Anderson; Stacy May; Ellis Johnson; Henry Kissinger; Stefan Possoney. 0370 Rockefeller, Nelson (6) [1955]. 0372 Roosevelt Papers (1) [undated; attachments from 1933]. Major Topics: TVA; Wilson Dam; electric power; Alabama Power Company; Roosevelt administration. Principal Correspondent: Huston Thompson. 0410 Roosevelt Papers (2) [undated; attachments from 1933]. Major Topics: TVA; Wilson Dam; electric power; Alabama Power Company; Roosevelt administration. Principal Correspondent: Huston Thompson. 0454 Roosevelt Papers (3) [undated; attachments from 1933]. Major Topics: TVA; Wilson Dam; electric power; Alabama Power Company; Roosevelt administration; electric power contracts; government investigations. Principal Correspondent: Huston Thompson. 0505 Roosevelt Papers (4) [1953; attachments from 1933]. Major Topics: TVA; Wilson Dam; electric power; Alabama Power Company; Roosevelt administration; electric power contracts; government investigations; Dillon Dam. Principal Correspondent: L. R. Glaris. 0533 Rosenberg Case [1953]. Major Topics: American Jewish Committee; guardians of children; Supreme Court (Rosenberg v. United States); capital punishment. Principal Correspondent: Jesse McKnight. 0561 Russia (1) [1953]. Major Topics: USSR; Eastern Europe; Bulgaria; purges. Principal Correspondent: Emmet Hughes.

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0590 Russia (2) [1953; attachments from 1950]. Major Topics: USSR; Eastern Europe; Soviet government and society; cold war; Soviet strengths and weaknesses; political dissent; containment; Soviet economic policy; Soviet military power; radio broadcasting; propaganda; Soviet republics and ethnicities; Russian history; peace negotiations. Principal Correspondent: Walter Rostow. 0843 Russia (3) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Soviet politics; cold war; Georgy Malenkov; psychological warfare; Soviet military; Lavrenti Beria; radio propaganda; Eastern European economies; Soviet production of consumer goods; UN; Soviet scientific and technological development; international trade fairs. Principal Correspondents: Sebastian Haffner; Vicente Villamin; Charles Bohlen; Richard Butrick; Ralph Bond; Elmer Staats. 0922 Russia (4) [1954]. Major Topic: Soviet and Western trade. 0946 Russia (5) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: U.S. Communists; religion; Soviet politics; ousting of Georgy Malenkov; agricultural surpluses. Principal Correspondents: Charles Wesley Lowry; Charles Bohlen; Nelson Rockefeller; W. K. Scott. Reel 24 0001 Russia (6) [1955]. Major Topics: National security; U.S. military vulnerability; U.S.-USSR summit; cold war strategy. Principal Correspondent: Walter Rostow. 0037 Russia (7) [1955]. Major Topics: U.S.-USSR summit; German elections; German reunification; German national security; disarmament. 0073 Russia (8) [1955]. Major Topics: Cold war strategy; arms race; NATO; military technology; scientific development; higher education; science and engineering; Soviet labor force. 0125 Russia (9) [1955]. Major Topics: NATO; international alliances; Asia; Japan; air defense; atomic weapons; Sino- Soviet relations. 0180 Russia (10) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Defense against surprise attacks; Soviet agriculture; Soviet land ownership; repatriation; political refugees; disarmament; “Open Skies” proposal. Principal Correspondents: Herbert Hoover Jr.; C. L. Sulzberger; Maxwell Raab; David Anderson; Harold Stassen; J. H. Stutesman. 0231 Russia (11) [1956]. Major Topics: Repatriation; amnesty; Soviet defectors and dissidents; Germany; Poland; Hungary; Czechoslovakia. 0283 Russia (12) [1956]. Major Topics: Amnesty; Baltic countries; Bulgaria; Romania; repatriation; immigration; Poland. Principal Correspondent: C. L. Sulzberger.

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0326 Russia (13) [1956]. Major Topics: Soviet disarmament; refugees; immigration laws; Soviet bloc defectors and escapees; Tuapse sinking. Principal Correspondents: Paul Comtock; Harrison Salisbury; Albion Ross. 0410 Russia (14) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Disarmament; Egyptian seizure of Suez Canal; revolution in Communist countries; ambassadors. Principal Correspondents: Nikolai Bulganin; Maxim Elias; John Foster Dulles. 0504 Russia (15) [1958]. Major Topics: Diplomacy; international alliances; propaganda; summit meetings; psychological warfare. Principal Correspondents: Nikolai Bulganin; Douglas Fairbanks; John Foster Dulles. 0585 Russia (16) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: International diplomacy; disarmament and peace proposals; UN; international organizations; economic planning; Soviet industrial and labor development; Soviet economic performance; U.S.-USSR trade. Principal Correspondent: Fisher Howe. 0641 Russia (17) [1959]. Major Topics: Kozlov visit; Berlin division; German division; disarmament; nuclear testing; U.S.-USSR trade; Americans detained in USSR; Soviet economic performance; civil aviation; C-130 plane shooting; consular relations; travel exchanges. 0718 Russia (18) [1959]. Major Topics: visit to Washington, D.C.; disarmament; cold war; foreign trade; Berlin and Germany; China. 0769 Russia (19) [1958–59]. Major Topics: Nikita Khrushchev visit to Washington, D.C.; German reunification; Eastern Europe; nuclear energy and testing; China; disarmament. 0834 Russia (20) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: Nikita Khrushchev visit to Washington, D.C.; U.S.-USSR nonaggression pact; UN; Turkey; communism; U.S.-USSR official meetings. 0889 Russia (21) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: Nikita Khrushchev visit to Washington, D.C.; U.S.-USSR economic relations; U.S.-USSR trade; civil aviation. 0934 Russia (22) [1958–1959]. Major Topics: Nikita Khrushchev visit to Washington, D.C.; Americans detained in USSR; Soviet jamming and censorship of communications; restrictions on Communist propaganda; U.S.-USSR exchanges; U.S. and Soviet foreign relations; Middle East; Iran; South America; developing countries. Reel 25 0001 Russia (23) [1959]. Major Topics: Biographical information on Nikita Khrushchev; Mrs. Nikita Khrushchev; Andrey Gromyko; Vyacheslev Yelyutin; Georgiy Zhukov; Vasiliy Yemel Yanov; Nikolav Tikhonov; Alexsander Markov; G.T. Shutskiy; Vladimir Lebedev; Oleg Troyanovskiy; Andrey Shevchenko; Alexsey Adzhuboy; Pavel Satyukov; Leonid Ilichev; Alexsander Soldatov; Vasili Grubyakov; Mikhail Kharlamov; Fedor Molochkov; Nikolay Lemkov; Anatoliy Kovalev; Vladimir Vinogradov; Alexsander Ponin; Valeriy Butrov; Vladimir Burdin; Sergey Rassidin; Nikolay Zaiganov; Yevgeny Loginov; Mikhail Sholokhov; Ilya Cherneyshev.

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0079 Russia (24) [1959]. Major Topics: Biographical information on Nikita Khrushchev; Andrey Gromyko; Vyacheslev Yelyutin; Oleg Troyanovskiy; Andrey Shevchenko; Alexsey Adzhuboy; Pavel Satyukov; Leonid Ilichev; Alexsander Soldatov; Mikhail Kharlamov; Fedor Molochkov; Vladimir Vinogradov; Zhakarov. 0119 Russia (25) [1959]. Major Topics: Newspaper editorials; Soviet economic influence and aid; India; Indian trade; technical assistance; commodities; Sino-Soviet trade with India; U.S. exhibition in Moscow; Eisenhower trip to USSR. Principal Correspondent: Arthur Sulzberger. 0198 Russia (26) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: Postal service; Ad Hoc Committee On the Importation of Communist Propaganda; freedom of speech. Principal Correspondents: Hubert Warburton; Leo Knoll; . 0272 Russia (27) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: Ad Hoc Committee On the Importation of Communist Propaganda; Customs; postal service. Principal Correspondents: Irving Fishman; John Reilly; Richard Kearney; D. L. Ritger; Carl Sherak; Clement Schothen. 0384 Russia (28) [1960]. Major Topics: U.S.-USSR air transport agreement; aircraft; flight control; aerial communication; telecommunication. Principal Correspondent: Thomas Mann. 0432 Russia (29) [1956–1961]. Major Topics: Disarmament; cold war; nuclear weapons; national security; armaments regulation organization; UN. 0504 Russia—Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s Speech of 4/16/53 (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Army staff communications; China; American Society of Newspaper Editors; foreign relations; cold war; foreign opinion of president’s speech. Principal Correspondents: George Morgan; Philip Kaiser. 0557 Russia—Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s Speech of 4/16/53 (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Foreign relations; foreign opinion of president’s speech; cold war. Principal Correspondent: Charles Bohlen. 0624 Russia—Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s Speech of 4/16/53 (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Europe; foreign opinion of president’s speech. 0684 Russia—Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s Speech of 4/16/53 (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Europe; foreign opinion of president’s speech. 0741 Russia—Stalin’s Death and Reaction and Results of President’s Speech of 4/16/53 (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Europe; foreign opinion of president’s speech; South America; UN; USSR; public relations; speechwriting; Pravda. Principal Correspondents: Charles Bohlen; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; W. Bradley Connors; William Korns. 0811 Saint Lawrence Seaway [1957–1958]. Major Topics: St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation; railroads; harbors and ports; Army Corps of Engineers. Principal Correspondents: William Henley; Saul Greenstein. 0836 Salk Vaccine [1955]. Major Topics: Polio; medical tests; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Principal Correspondent: Sherman Adams.

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0849 Science-Technology Program (Missiles-Satellites, etc.) (As Proposed in President’s Speech, 11/7/57) (1) [1957]. Major Topics: Space exploration; national defense; Science Advisory Committee; National Assistant For Science and Technology; Sputnik I; foreign opinion; cold war; NATO. Principal Correspondents: Stephen Benedict; George Allen. 0894 Science-Technology Program (Missiles-Satellites, etc.) (As Proposed in President’s Speech, 11/7/57) (2) [1957–1958]. Major Topics: National defense; AEC; atomic energy; scientific research; Advanced Research Projects Agency; space exploration; ballistic missile guidance systems. Principal Correspondents: Byron LaPlante; Carl Durham; Clinton Anderson; W. M. Holiday. 0938 Science-Technology Program (Missiles-Satellites, etc.) (As Proposed in President’s Speech, 11/7/57) (3) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: Advanced Research Projects Agency; space exploration; communications satellites; air force research and development; space research facilities. Principal Correspondents: Donald Quarles; James Douglas; Joseph Cheryk; E. Bennewitz. 0981 Secret Service [1953]. Major Topics: Suspicious letter delivery; Secret Service history, qualifications, and training. Principal Correspondent: Hobert Francis. Reel 26 0001 Security Program (1) [1953; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Loyalty program; federal employees; confidential materials; Loyalty Review Board; Civil Service Commission; State Department; executive orders; industrial facilities; subversives; security hearing boards. Principal Correspondents: Hiram Bingham; Harry S. Truman; ; Harbert Brownell; Frederick Ayer. 0093 Security Program (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Security hearing boards; security screenings of foreigners; American Water Works Association; security investigations; Civil Service Commission; federal employees; entertainment; Office of Inspections. Principal Correspondents: Harry Jordan; Philip Young; John Macy; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; Jacob Javits; Harold Seideman. 0195 Security Program (3) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Communist Infiltrated Organizations Act of 1954; Facilities Protection Act of 1954; subversion in industry; Defense Facilities Access Bill; constitutionality of laws. Principal Correspondents: James Lay; J. Lee Rankin; J. William Barber; Roger Jones; Thomas Donegan; Stuart Rothman; William Langer. 0390 Security Program (4) [1954–1956]. Major Topics: Loyalty investigations; federal employees; suspension of federal employees; government organization; government commissions; Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; Civil Service Commission. Principal Correspondents: Gordon Gary; Percival Brundage; M. B. Folson; Philip Young; Hulbert Dunn; Paul Hadlick. 0483 Security Program (5) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Personnel Security Commission; federal employees; suspension of federal employees; FBI; government investigations; Civil Service Commission; federal departments and agencies. Principal Correspondents: Elliott Earl; Herbert Brownell; James Lay; ; Philip Young; John Macy; James Hatcher.

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0585 Security Program (6) [1953–1956]. Major Topics: AEC; restrictions on classified information; foreign cooperation in security program; U.S. Tax Court; federal departments and agencies. Principal Correspondents: J. Walter Yeagley; J. Edgar Hoover; ; Lewis Strauss; John Kern. 0688 Security Program (7) [1956–1960]. Major Topics: Restrictions on classified information; foreign cooperation in security program; federal departments and agencies; Civil Service Commission; Cole v. Young; federal employees; classified government contracts; loyalty investigations. 0721 SHAPE [Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe] [1953]. Major Topic: British military personnel. 0727 Social Security [1953]. Major Topic: Government buildings. 0739 Soo-Lock Centennial Commission [1953]. Major Topics: Government commissions; political makeup of commissions. 0747 Sorge Case [attachments from 1942]. Major Topics: Communist espionage; China; Comintern; spy communication methods. Principal Correspondents: Charles Willoughby; J. Edgar Hoover; Harold Ickes; Alfred Kohlberg. Reel 27 0001 Suez Canal Crisis (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Petroleum supply and transport; tanker and supertanker construction; Egyptian government security; UN; Israeli security and military. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Vaughan; Jawaharlal Nehru; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. 0069 Suez Canal Crisis (2) [1956]. Major Topics: UN; Israeli occupation of Suez Canal; Middle Eastern relations; aid to Israel. Principal Correspondents: Dag Hammarskjöld; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; King Saud; Charles Bohlen; Nikolai Bulganin. 0176 Suez Canal Crisis (3) [1956]. Major Topics: Middle Eastern relations; petroleum supply and transport; NATO. Principal Correspondents: Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; William Roundtree; Herbert Hoover Jr. 0237 Suez Canal Crisis (4) [1956]. Major Topics: International canals and waterways; Danube River; Rhine River; Turkish straits; Elbe River; Congo River; Kiel Canal; Panama Canal; international treaties. Principal Correspondent: Percival Brundage. 0301 Suez Canal Crisis (5) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Office of Defense Mobilization; Israeli foreign policies; World Court; international law; foreign aid; U.S. policy toward Egypt; Gaza Strip. Principal Correspondents: Herman Phleger; Arthur Flemming; David Ben-Gurion. 0391 Sylvester Process (1) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Manganese; purchases of ore; strategic materials; Minerals and Metals Advisory Board; steel slag and waste. Principal Correspondents: G. R. Sylvester; Franklin Salisbury; Richard Cole; Edmund Mansure. 0443 Sylvester Process (2) [1953; attachments from 1950]. Major Topics: Manganese; purchases of ore; strategic materials; Minerals and Metals Advisory Board; steel slag and waste; mineral resources development. Principal Correspondents: G. R. Sylvester; Franklin Salisbury; Oliver Ralston; F. E. Wormser; Frederick Ryan; John Stakel.

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0490 Taft-Hartley [1953–1954; attachments from 1947]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; states’ rights. Principal Correspondent: James Mitchell. 0589 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (1) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; states’ rights; labor standards; secondary boycotts. Principal Correspondents: Charles Hook; Michael Bernstein. 0682 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Labor law; administration “palace guard” advisories; Republican Party; National Labor Relations Board. Principal Correspondents: Michael Bernstein; Walter Chamberlain; Irving Ives; Bernard Shanley; John Knight. 0743 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; labor practices. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Ball; Martin Durkin; James Mitchell; Samuel McConnell; Stuart Rothman. 0841 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; labor practices. Principal Correspondents: Samuel McConnell; Stuart Rothman. 0921 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; labor practices. Principal Correspondents: Bryce Harlow; Barry Goldwater; Michael Bernstein; Peter Schoeman; H. Alexander Smith; Tom Shroyer; Steven Dunn; Stuart Rothman. Reel 28 0001 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (6) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; secondary boycotts; states’ rights; communism; Congress of Industrial Organizations. Principal Correspondents: Stuart Rothman; Eugene Spector; Sinclair Weeks; Michael Bernstein. 0094 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (7) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; labor practices. Principal Correspondent: Martin Durkin. 0166 Taft-Hartley (Working Papers of Proposed Changes in Bill) (8) [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; Congress of Industrial Organizations; labor practices; strikes and emergencies. 0267 Taft-Hartley Clippings [1953]. Major Topics: Labor law; labor-management relations; Department of Labor; Senator Robert Taft obituaries. Principal Correspondents: Edwin Lahey; Albert Clark; Joseph Loftus; Arthur Sylvester; Sam Stavisky; J. A. Livingston; Martin Durkin; Benjamin Masse; Sheila Mary. 0309 Tariff Matters. 0311 Taylor, Myron C. (1) [1953–1954; attachments from 1950–1952]. Major Topics: Archives and libraries; Franklin D. Roosevelt papers and records; world peace efforts; Bishop Dibelius; German religious practice; religious persecution; Harry S. Truman papers and records. Principal Correspondents: Myron Taylor; Harry S. Truman; Otto Dibelius; Walter Sullivan; Alan Westin; Bernard Shanley; Bess Furman.

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0393 Taylor, Myron C. (2) [1954–1955; attachments from 1949–1951]. Major Topics: Archives and libraries; Library of Congress; religion; Vatican City. Principal Correspondents: Myron Taylor; Joseph Short; Pope Pius XII. 0429 Taylor, Myron C. (3) [1954; attachments from 1939 and 1947–1952]. Major Topics: Religion; world peace efforts; Roman Catholic Church; Church of England; Greek Orthodox Church; dissident churches; Serbo-Orthodox Church; World Council of Churches. Principal Correspondents: Myron C. Taylor; Harry S. Truman; G. Bromley Oxnan; G. H. Buktold; Pope Pius XII; Geoffrey Cantaur; Marc Boegner; Cyrus Sulzberger; William Godfrey; Franklin Clark Fry; John Utter; Henry Sherrill; George Crester. 0648 Taylor, Myron C. (4) [undated; attachments from 1947–1949]. Major Topics: Religion; foreign relations; World War II; Roman Catholic Church. Principal Correspondents: Harry S. Truman; Marc Boegner. 0780 Tidelands Oil [1957]. Major Topics: Oil exploration; offshore oil rights; Texas land claims. Principal Correspondents: Dillon Anderson; Price Daniel. 0826 Tolstoy Foundation [1953]. Major Topics: Psychological warfare; cold war; refugees. Principal Correspondents: Edward O’Connor; Tatiana Schaufuss; Albert Wedemeyer; Alexandra Tolstoy; George Morgan. 0863 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1953 [attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Foreign trade; mutual security. Principal Correspondents: Clarence Dillon; Harry S. Truman; Daniel Bell. 0880 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1953. Major Topics: Trade policy; balance of payments; agricultural exports and imports; manufactured goods. 0925 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1953. Major Topics: Trade policy; agricultural exports and imports; minerals and metal exports and imports; customs procedures. Reel 29 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1953. Major Topics: Foreign trade policies; shipping. 0026 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1953. Major Topics: Foreign trade policies; reciprocal trade agreements. Principal Correspondent: George Malone. 0071 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (6) 1953. Major Topics: Petroleum production and trade; fuel oil import restrictions; coal production. 0122 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (7) 1953. Major Topics: International trade agreements; U.S. Commission on Foreign Economic Policy; foreign balance of payments; British economy; British public opinion; economic controls in Britain; GATT. Principal Correspondents: Thorsten Kalijarvi; Winthrop Aldrich; Lincoln Gordon; L. D. Willgress. 0195 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1954. Major Topics: GATT; British trade policy; tariff negotiations; U.S.-Italian trade. Principal Correspondent: Thorsten Kalijarvi. 0206 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1954. Major Topics: U.S.-Italian trade; customs classification; trade quotas; trade reciprocity; trade restrictions; Italian economy.

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0245 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1954. Major Topics: British opinion; trade negotiations with Philippines; GATT; agricultural imports and exports; trade agreement with Ecuador. Principal Correspondents: Winthrop Brown; Winthrop Aldrich; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Carl Corse. 0289 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: National defense; trade agreements extension; tariff negotiations with Japan; cotton tariffs; tuna; lead and zinc; coal mining and industry; petroleum exports and imports; fuel oil. 0380 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1955. Major Topics: U.S.-Canadian trade relations; Australia; New Zealand; agricultural surpluses; GATT. 0425 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1955. Major Topic: GATT. 0480 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1955. Major Topics: GATT; Organization for Trade Cooperation; tariff negotiations; trade practices; balance of payments; economic development assistance; subsidies. 0515 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1955. Major Topics: GATT; balance of payments; trade restrictions; economic development assistance; subsidies; commodities; British overseas territories. Principal Correspondent: John Foster Dulles. 0578 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1955. Major Topics: U.S.-British trade relations; U.S. Tariff Commission; “peril point” investigations. 0612 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (6) 1955. Major Topics: Foreign trade negotiations; national security; trade agreement authority; wheat marketing quotas; Turkish tariff concessions; cotton export prices. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; C. Edward Galbreath. 0659 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (7) 1955. Major Topics: Tariff concessions to Italy; U.S.-Philippine trade agreement; tariff concessions to India and Pakistan; trade negotiations with Pakistan; international commodity agreements. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; John Foster Dulles; Gabriel Hauge; Paul Cullen. 0711 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (8) 1955. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; agricultural exports and imports; rum trade; cotton textile trade restrictions; minerals and metals trade; manufactured goods trade. Principal Correspondents: Wilton Persons; Carl Corse; Earl Butz; Douglas McKenney. 0765 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (9) 1955. Major Topics: Mineral and metal stockpiles; GATT; trade negotiations; trade reciprocity; cotton; trade with Communist countries. Principal Correspondents: Marshall Smith; H. P. Macgowan; John Foster Dulles; Gabriel Hauge. 0861 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (10) 1955. Major Topics: GATT; trade negotiations; sugar; clothing; U.S. Tariff Commission. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0923 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1956. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations.

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Reel 30 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1956. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0060 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1956. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0119 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1956. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; sugar and sugar products; agricultural products; tobacco; beverages; cotton; textile products. 0170 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1956. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; textile products; wool; silk; synthetic textiles; books and papers. 0229 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (6) 1956. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0278 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (7) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; Gabriel Hauge. 0339 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (8) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0367 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (9) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0407 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (10) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0432 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (11) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0455 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (12) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0491 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (13) 1956. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations and concessions. 0526 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (14) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations and concessions; Australia; Austria; Benelux countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg); Canada; Chile; Cuba. 0585 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (15) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations and concessions; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Finland; France; FRG; Greece; Haiti; India. 0660 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (16) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations and concessions; Italy; Japan; Nicaragua; Norway; Peru; Sudan; Turkey; South Africa; UK. 0738 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (17) 1956. Major Topic: GATT negotiations. Principal Correspondent: Leonard Weiss. 0751 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (18) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff modifications; “peril point” investigations; hats; sugar industry and products. Principal Correspondents: Leonard Weiss; Gabriel Hauge. 0808 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (19) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Tuna; Iceland; Japan; trade negotiations; UK; textile tariffs. Principal Correspondents: Henry Roemer McPhee; Gabriel Hauge; Roger Jones; Carl Corse.

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0907 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (20) 1956. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; economic defense policy; trade with Communist countries; Chinese trade. Principal Correspondents: Paul Cullen; Carl Espe. Reel 31 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (21) 1956. Major Topics: Trade with China; Chinese military capability; chemicals and chemical industry; metals; engineering equipment. 0057 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (22) 1956. Major Topics: China; strategic materials; industrial equipment; transportation equipment; machinery; chemicals and chemical industry; metals and minerals. 0149 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (23) 1956. Major Topic: Trade restrictions on China. 0177 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (24) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Trade restrictions on China; economic defense policy; foreign relations. 0249 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (25) 1956. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Cuban tariff concessions; Austrian tariff concessions; UK; Sweden. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0296 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (26) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff concessions by U.S.; Australia; Benelux countries; Canada; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Finland; Chile; Austria; Finland; France. 0354 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (27) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff concessions by U.S.; European Coal and Steel Community; FRG; Haiti; Japan; Norway; Sweden; Turkey. 0436 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (28) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff concessions to U.S.; Chile; Cuba; Denmark; Dominican Republic; Finland; France; FRG; Haiti; European Coal and Steel Community. 0487 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (29) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff concessions to U.S.; Italy; Japan; Canada; Norway; Sweden; Turkey; Bahamas; Hong Kong. 0543 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (30) 1956. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations with Greece; UK; wool; textile trade; cotton; scrap iron; Austria; Japan. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Leonard Weiss; True Morse. 0602 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1957. Major Topics: Canada; wheat surplus disposal; Public Law 480. 0665 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1957. Major Topics: Canada; wheat surplus disposal; Public Law 480; strategic materials; stockpiling. 0729 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1957. Major Topics: Voluntary trade restraint; trade concessions; potatoes; Canada; “peril point” investigations. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0794 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1957. Major Topics: Trade with China; Tariff Negotiation Authority. Principal Correspondents: Christian Herter; Sinclair Weeks.

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0851 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1957. Major Topics: Canada; wheat surplus disposal; reciprocal trade agreements. Principal Correspondents: Charles Adair; Gabriel Hauge; Clarence Randall. 0889 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1958. Major Topics: Tariff concessions and negotiations; Austria; Finland; Greece; Netherlands; Suriname; textile trade. Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; John Birch. 0920 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1958. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations; Brazil; GATT. Principal Correspondent: Don Paarlberg. Reel 32 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) 1959. Major Topics: Agricultural exports and imports; Brazil; Brazilian economic indicators; balance of payments; minerals and metals exports and imports; land use; extractive tree products; Brazilian demography; Brazilian industrialization. 0054 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1959. Major Topics: Agricultural exports and imports; Brazil; Brazilian economic indicators; balance of payments; minerals and metals exports and imports; land use; extractive tree products; Brazilian demography; Brazilian industrialization; South Africa; tariff concessions; GATT; strategic materials; stockpiling. Principal Correspondents: Don Paarlberg; Albert Pappano. 0128 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1959. Major Topics: Japan; cotton prices; textile mills; Interagency Textile Committee; Poland; foreign assets; South American arms limitation; goodwill trip to South America. Principal Correspondent: Thomas Mann. 0189 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1959. Major Topics: GATT; Israeli admission to GATT; Yugoslavia. Principal Correspondents: Don Paarlberg; Douglas Dillon; Joe Robinson; John Birch. 0230 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1959. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; clinical thermometer imports; Denmark. Principal Correspondents: Donn Bent; John Birch; Albert Pappano. 0307 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; Venezuela; Panama Canal Zone; Christian Herter. Principal Correspondent: James Douglas. 0335 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) 1960. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Canada. 0403 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (3) 1960. Major Topics: GATT; Switzerland; Poland; tariff negotiations; U.S.-Canadian Committee On Trade And Economic Affairs. Principal Correspondents: Joe Robinson; Sinclair Weeks; John Birch. 0483 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (4) 1960. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations; earthenware and pottery. Principal Correspondents: H. Herbert Hughes; Frederick Mueller; Douglas Dillon; John Birch. 0551 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (5) 1960. Major Topic: Tariff negotiations. 0645 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (6) 1960. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; tariff negotiations; earthenware; television equipment; fish; metals; machine tools; lumber; synthetic gems. Principal Correspondent: Frederick Mueller.

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0722 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (7) 1960. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; tariff negotiations; machine tools; lumber; synthetic gems. 0785 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (8) 1960. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; tariff negotiations; cotton textile items; copper; Interdepartmental Committee On Trade Agreements; fish and fishing industry. Principal Correspondents: Elmer Bennett; James O’Connell; Frederick Mueller; Douglas Dillon; John Birch. 0873 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (9) 1960. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; tariff negotiations; earthenware; chemicals and chemical industry. Principal Correspondents: Frederick Mueller; John Birch. 0942 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (10) 1960. Major Topics: Metals; lumber; alcoholic beverages; cotton; agricultural products; trade negotiations. Reel 33 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (11) 1960. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; textiles; silk; wool; printing and publishing industry; synthetic fibers. 0028 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (12) 1960. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Brazil; tariff concessions; clothespins; safety pins; clinical thermometers. Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; Frederick Mueller; Edwin Martin; John Birch. 0088 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (13) 1960. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Belgian Congo; Poland; Dominican Republic; sugar; Australia; Denmark. Principal Correspondents: Edwin Martin; John Birch; Livingston Merchant. 0165 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (14) 1960. Major Topics: Trade negotiations and agreements; handkerchiefs; mines and mineral resources; medicinal preparations; acids and chemicals; Trade Policy Committee. Principal Correspondents: Frederick Mueller; Douglas Dillon; John Birch. 0235 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (15) 1960. Major Topics: Lumber industry and products; fish and fishing industry; fruits and vegetables; livestock; wine; textiles; cork; cotton. Principal Correspondent: Frederick Mueller. 0311 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (16) 1960. Major Topics: Lumber industry and products; fish and fishing industry; livestock; cork; cotton; handkerchiefs; knitting supplies; Brazil. Principal Correspondents: Elmer Bennett; John Birch; Edward Yardley. 0375 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (17) 1960. Major Topic: Trade negotiations. 0416 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (18) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0469 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (19) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0517 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (20) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0563 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (21) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations.

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0613 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (22) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0663 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (23) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0714 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (24) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0761 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (25) 1960. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0804 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (26) 1960. Major Topics: Grains and grain products; tapioca; Poland; trade negotiations and concessions; Brazil. Principal Correspondents: Ralph Hornan; Christian Herter. 0853 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (27) 1960. Major Topic: Authority to make trade offers. 0949 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (28) 1960. Major Topics: Surplus military rifles; firearms trade. Principal Correspondents: Don Paarlberg; Charles Adair; Stewart Pittman. 0965 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (1) [1960–1961]. Major Topic: Trade agreements and concessions. Principal Correspondents: Frederick Mueller; Loy Henderson; John Birch. Reel 34 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters (2) (1961). Major Topics: Tariff negotiations and concessions; UK; Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Austria; Brazil; Chile; Peru; Uruguay; Haiti; Japan; Tunisia. 0142 Trade Agreements—Cuba [1956]. Major Topics: Tobacco products; cigars; “peril point” investigations; trade negotiations. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Carl Corse; C. A. Boostra; Thorsten Kalijarvi. 0206 Trade Agreements—Japan (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Japanese foreign trade and economic indicators; trade negotiations; Japanese demographics. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0267 Trade Agreements—Japan (2) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Japanese foreign trade and economic indicators. Principal Correspondent: Gabriel Hauge. 0297 Trade Agreements—Japan (3) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Trade negotiations; Japanese foreign trade and economic indicators; GATT; Geneva negotiations; cotton textile imports and exports; Puerto Rican wage rate cases; fish and fish products; cameras; mines and mineral resources. Principal Correspondents: Leonard Weiss; Carl Corse; Edward Yardley; Edgar Broussard; Woodbury Willoughby. 0398 Trade Agreements—Japan (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Trade negotiations with Switzerland; federal employment; Japanese foreign trade and economic indicators. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0448 Trade Agreements—Japan (5) [1955]. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations with Japan; meat and meat products. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; True Morse; Woodbury Willoughby. 0516 Trade Agreements—Japan (6) [1955]. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations.

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0563 Trade Agreements—Japan (7) [1955]. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0611 Trade Agreements—Japan (8) [1955]. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0656 Trade Agreements—Japan (9) [1955]. Major Topic: “Peril point” investigations. 0685 Trade Agreements—Japan (10) [1955]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; trade concessions to Japan. 0734 Trade Agreements—Japan (11) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; tobacco products; seafood; textiles; microscopes; chemical exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Sinclair Weeks. 0820 Trade Agreements—Japan (12) [1955]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; tobacco. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; Edgar Broussard. 0863 Trade Agreements—Japan (13) [1954]. Major Topic: Trade concessions and negotiations. 0930 Trade Agreements—Japan (14) [1954]. Major Topic: Trade concessions and negotiations. 0945 Trade Agreements—Japan (15) [1954]. Major Topics: Trade concessions and negotiations; “peril point” investigations; food imports; Puerto Rican wage rates. Principal Correspondents: Samuel Waugh; Carl Corse; J. Ernest Wilkins. Reel 35 0001 Trade Agreements—Japan (15) [1955]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; trade negotiations. 0031 Trade Agreements—Japan (16) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Tariff negotiations; tariff concessions; New Zealand; Peru; South Africa; food exports; footwear. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Woodbury Willoughby. 0170 Trade Agreements—Japan (17) [1956–1958]. Major Topics: Japanese textile imports; cotton; metals exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: H. C. McClellan; Gabriel Hauge. 0200 Trade Agreements—Switzerland (1) [1955]. Major Topics: Trade and tariff negotiations; coal-tar dyes; optical and photographic equipment; textiles; “peril point” investigations. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; Edward Yardley. 0270 Trade Agreements—Switzerland (2) [1954–1959]. Major Topics: Watches; trade negotiations; Swiss admission to GATT. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Carl Corse; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Don Paarlberg; 0358 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports. 0408 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports. 0458 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports. 0505 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports.

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0551 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports; candy. 0603 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (6) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports; candy. 0653 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (7) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports; candy. 0706 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (8) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; agricultural and food exports and imports; candy; chocolate and cocoa. 0759 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (9) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; food exports and imports; Tariff Commission; import fees. Principal Correspondents: George Humphrey; Edgar Broussard; Sinclair Weeks; Edward Bowles; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Harold Stassen; Douglas Murphy. 0788 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (10) [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; food exports and imports; import fees; Agricultural Adjustment Act; nut production; nut prices; nut stocks; nut consumption; agricultural programs. Principal Correspondent: Edgar Broussard. 0840 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (11) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; nuts; food exports and imports. 0896 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (12) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; nuts; food exports and imports. 0943 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (13) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; nuts; food exports and imports. Reel 36 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (14) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; nuts; food exports and imports. 0048 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (15) [1954]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; nuts; food exports and imports; Agricultural Adjustment Act; chocolate and cocoa; food distribution and manufacturing. 0133 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (16) [1954]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; trade investigations; nut production; nut stocks; nut imports and exports; nut consumption; nut prices. 0183 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Almonds (17) [1954]. Major Topics: Nut production; nut prices; import fees; import quotas. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Roger Jones; Rowland Hughes; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Sinclair Weeks; True Morse; Harold Stassen. 0226 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Ball & Roller Bearings [1954]. Major Topics: Trade agreements with India; metals exports and imports. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0234 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Bicycles (1) [1955]. Major Topic: Trade with UK. Principal Correspondent: Harris Wofford. 0244 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Bicycles (2) [1955]. Major Topics: Trade with UK, Austria, Belgium, France, and FRG; bicycle production; bicycle sales; bicycle imports and exports; OEEC. Principal Correspondent: John Foster Dulles. 0341 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Bicycles (3) [1955]. Major Topics: Bicycle sales; Bicycle Marketer’s Association.

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0387 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Bicycles (4) [1955]. Major Topics: Bicycle sales; bicycle manufacturing; bicycle production; bicycle imports and exports; tires. 0475 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Bicycles (5) [1955–1961]. Major Topics: Bicycle manufacturing; bicycle production; bicycle imports and exports; Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955; clothespins. Principal Correspondents: Harris Wofford; Frank Butler. 0545 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Brier Pipes (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Tobacco pipe manufacturing; reciprocal trade agreements; escape clauses; tobacco pipe exports and imports; tobacco pipe manufacturing employment; tobacco pipe merchandising; Trade Agreements Act of 1934; Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951. Principal Correspondents: Harold Linder; Charles Aulette; George St. John. 0646 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Brier Pipes (2) [1953; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951; Tariff Commission; foreign reaction to tobacco pipe tariff proposal; tobacco pipe manufacturing; Italian pipe industry; tobacco pipe manufacturing employment; tobacco pipe sales; tobacco pipe exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Joseph Ridge; Walter Smith; Harold Stassen; Martin Durkin; Roger Kent; Oscar Ryder. 0748 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Brier Pipes (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Tobacco pipe sales; tobacco pipe exports and imports; tobacco pipe manufacturing employment. 0786 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Brier Pipes (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; tobacco pipe industry; French and Italian reaction to tariff proposal. Principal Correspondents: Eugene Millikin; Sinclair Weeks; Roger Jones. 0834 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Brier Pipes (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Tobacco pipe sales; tobacco pipe exports and imports; tobacco pipe manufacturing employment. Principal Correspondents: Thorsten Kalijarvi; Lloyd Washburn; True Morse. 0883 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Cattle [1953]. Major Topics: Cattle imports; tariff quotas on cattle. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Walter Smith. 0906 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Cerium Alloys (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Minerals and metals exports and imports; Austrian reaction to tariff proposal; ferrocerium costs; escape clause investigations. Principal Correspondents: Henry Roemer McPhee; Gabriel Hauge; Roger Jones; Clarence Davis; Charles Wilson; Arthur Burns. 0949 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Cerium Alloys (2) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: Minerals and metals exports and imports; Tariff Commission. Principal Correspondents: W. Randolph Burgess; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Arthur Larson; Edgar Brossard; Henry Roemer McPhee. 0983 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Cerium Alloys (3). Reel 37 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Clinical Thermometers (1) [1958]. Major Topics: Medical supplies; trade concessions; thermometer industry and production; thermometer exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Sinclair Weeks.

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0039 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Clinical Thermometers (2) [1958]. Major Topics: Thermometer industry and production; thermometer exports and imports; thermometer sales; thermometer industry employment and wages. 0117 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Cotton [1954–1959]. Major Topics: Cotton import restrictions; cotton prices; cotton consumption; Egypt; Peru; Mexican cotton production and trade. Principal Correspondents: John Leddy; Ezra Taft Benson; Arthur Woodside; True Morse; John Foster Dulles; Thomas Mann. 0188 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Dried Figs [1953; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Agricultural exports and imports; fruits and fruit products; trade investigations; agricultural production. Principal Correspondents: Gabriel Hauge; Raymond Vernon; Harry S. Truman; Thomas Mann; John Foster Dulles; Harold Linton. 0262 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Filberts [1953]. Major Topics: Nuts; agricultural exports and imports; agricultural production and sales. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Harold Linton. 0271 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Fish (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Fish exports and imports; Iceland; Canada; Norway; FRG; Denmark; fisheries; seafood products. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Thruston Morton; Livingston Merchant. 0312 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Fish (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Fish exports and imports; fisheries; Canada; Iceland; government aid to fisheries; fishing fleets; trade investigations; Netherlands. Principal Correspondents: Edgar Broussard; A. D. P. Heeney; Thor Thors; Percival Brundage; Edwin Arnold; George Humphrey; Arthur Burns. 0389 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Fish (3) [1956]. Major Topics: Canada-U.S. trade; groundfish industry; Norway, Denmark, and Netherlands trade. Principal Correspondents: Joseph E. Talbot; A. D. P. Heeney; Thor Thors; Arthur F. Burns; Edwin A. Arnold. 0439 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Fish (4) [1956]. Major Topics: Fishing industry; Canada; Norway; foreign reaction to fish tariff; groundfish industry; Icelandic economy. Principal Correspondents: Walter Williams; Herbert Hoover Jr.; True Morse; Roger Jones; Percival Brundage; Herbert Prochman. 0481 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Fishing Tackle [1955]. Major Topic: “Peril-point” investigations. Principal Correspondent: Wilton Persons. 0492 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Flatware [1958]. Major Topic: Household utensils. 0499 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Glassware (Handblown) (1) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Glass industry; glass sales; work stoppages; escape clause investigations; mechanization of industry. Principal Correspondents: Herbert Brownell; Roger Jones; Thurston Kalijarvi; Sinclair Weeks; Edgar Broussard. 0586 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Glassware (Handblown) (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Glass tariff proposals; Austria; Belgium; FRG; Iceland; Netherlands; Sweden; foreign glass industry. Principal Correspondent: Edgar Broussard. 0635 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Glassware (Handblown) (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; glass exports and imports; glass industry employment.

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0735 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Hardboard [1954]. Major Topics: Lumber industry and products; dumping of exports. Principal Correspondent: Donn Bent. 0755 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Hats (Fur Felt & Hat Bodies) [1954]. Major Topics: Apparel; textile products; hat industry; hat exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Sinclair Weeks; Roger Jones; Thruston Morton. 0786 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Mineral stockpiling; UK; NATO; lead and zinc exports and imports. 0808 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (2) [1954]. Major Topics: Australia; Tariff Commission; FRG; France; Peru; foreign reaction to tariff proposals; lead and zinc exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; John Foster Dulles; Harold Stassen. 0883 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Canada; Peru; South Africa; UK; Mexico; Australia; Belgium; Mexico; lead and zinc production; lead and zinc prices; lead and zinc employment; lead and zinc industry profits; foreign reaction to tariff proposals; lead and zinc exports and imports; “escape clause” investigations. Reel 38 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; State Department; mineral stockpiles; lead and zinc exports and imports; Peru; Mexico; Australia; FRG; Italy; UK; South Africa; Belgium; France. 0051 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (5) [1954]. Major Topics: Lead and zinc mining industry; lead and zinc production, stockpiling, and subsidies; tariff quotas; foreign policy and increased tariffs; Canada. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; George Humphrey. 0156 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (6) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Lead and zinc prices, imports, and production; defense mobilization; stockpiling; government subsidies. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; George Humphrey; Felix Wormser; Earl Butz; Thorsten Kalijarvi. 0238 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (7) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Defense mobilization; stockpiling. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; Arthur Watkins. 0261 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Lead & Zinc (8) [1955]. Major Topics: Defense mobilization; stockpiling; trade agreements extension; lead and zinc exports and imports. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; Arthur Watkins. 0301 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Linen Toweling [1957]. Major Topics: “Peril point” investigations; textile exports and imports; tariff concessions; “escape clause” negotiations; Belgium. Principal Correspondent: Carl Corse. 0344 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Meat [1958]. Major Topics: Uruguay; GATT; trade concessions. Principal Correspondents: Lewis Strauss; John Birch. 0364 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Grain exports and imports; grain prices; Canada; grain production, consumption, and use.

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0429 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Grain exports and imports; grain prices; agricultural marketing; grain milling; agricultural price supports; Canada. 0517 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Grain exports and imports; grain prices; Canada; agricultural price supports. 0616 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Grain exports and imports; grain prices; Canada. 0713 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (5) [1953]. Major Topics: Grain exports and imports; agricultural prices; Canada; grain production and consumption; Tariff Commission; grain tariffs; agricultural supports. 0782 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (6) [1953]. Major Topic: Grain trade restrictions (U.S. and Canada). Principal Correspondents: Don Bliss; John Leddy; Gabriel Hauge; R. Douglas Stuart. 0811 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (7) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Grain trade restrictions (U.S. and Canada); Agricultural Adjustment Act; U.S.- Canada relations; grain markets. Principal Correspondents: Edgar Broussard; Gabriel Hauge; John Leddy. 0881 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (8) [1953]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; agricultural price supports; foreign relations and trade; trade quotas; grain supplies; grain exports and imports; grain prices; Argentina. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Sinclair Weeks; James Mitchell; Ezra Taft Benson; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Karl Loos; Hipolito Paz. 0941 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (9) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Trade investigations; grain exports and imports; agricultural stocks; Canada; agricultural price supports; grain production and consumption; grain prices; land area; Argentina. Principal Correspondent: Howard Gordon. Reel 39 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (10) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Grain prices; agricultural price supports; agricultural exports and imports; agricultural acreage allotments; import quotas; Canada. 0064 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oats (11) [1954]. Major Topics: Grain prices; agricultural price supports; import quotas; agricultural supply and utilization; Canada. Principal Correspondents: James Mitchell; Roger Jones; Thorsten Kalijarvi; Sinclair Weeks; True Morse. 0135 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oil (1) [1955]. Major Topics: Petroleum exports and imports; Venezuela; petroleum production; petroleum demand; national defense. Principal Correspondents: P. C. Laninger; W. M. Vaughery. 0173 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Oil (2) [1955–1959]. Major Topics: Petroleum exports and imports; national defense; energy exploration and drilling. Principal Correspondents: Thomas Mann; Jean Pablo Perez Alfonso. 0260 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Silk Scarves (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Textile exports and imports; Japan; Tariff Commission. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; William Purtell; Samuel Waugh; Andrew Larson; Robert Tripp Ross; Edger Broussard; J. Earl Ecke.

52 Frame No.

0314 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Silk Scarves (2) [1953]. Major Topics: Textile exports and imports; Japan; textile production; clothing; silk and rayon. 0364 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Silk Scarves (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Textile exports and imports; textile production; Japan; textile industry employment and unemployment. Principal Correspondents: Robert Macey; Walter Smith. 0426 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Silk Scarves (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Textile exports and imports; Department of Defense; Japan; textile industry. Principal Correspondents: Sinclair Weeks; Martin Durkin; Roger Kent. 0472 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Sugar [1954]. Major Topics: Cuba; Dominican Republic; Sugar Act; sugar exports and imports; International Sugar Agreement. Principal Correspondents: John Foster Dulles; True Morse; Walter Smith; Douglas Dillon. 0495 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Textiles [1960]. Major Topics: Textile exports and imports; Canada; GATT. Principal Correspondent: John Birch. 0551 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tobacco [1957]. Major Topics: Tobacco exports and imports; Cuba; cigars. Principal Correspondents: Carl Corse; Thorsten Kalijarvi. 0567 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (1) [1954]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts. 0620 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (2) [1954]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts; Argentina. 0672 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts; Argentina. 0728 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (4) [1954]. Major Topics: Agricultural Adjustment Act; oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts; Argentina; Paraguay; tung oil production and consumption. 0763 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (5) [1954]. Major Topics: Oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts; Argentina; Paraguay; foreign reaction to tariff; UK; Foreign Operations Administration; strategic materials. Principal Correspondents: John Foster Dulles; Roger Jones; Henry Holland; Hipolito Paz; Walter Williams; Douglas McKay; Earl Butz; J. E. Thigpen. 0832 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (6) [1954]. Major Topics: Oils, oilseeds, and fats; nuts; tung oil production; tung oil industry; strategic materials; weather. Principal Correspondents: John Gordon; Robert Newton; Marshall Bullogh. 0883 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (7) [1954]. Major Topics: U.S.-Argentina trade; oils, oilseeds, and fats; trade investigations; agricultural price supports; tung oil production. Principal Correspondents: Hipolito Paz; Robert Woodward; True Morse. 0958 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (8) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Oils, oilseeds, and fats; Argentina; Paraguay; tung oil production. Principal Correspondents: Henry Deerborn; Earl Butz; H. Sanchez Quell; Arthur Ageton. Reel 40 0001 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (9) [1954]. Major Topics: Argentina; oils, oilseeds, and fats; tung oil exports and imports. Principal Correspondent: Fred Rossiter.

53 Frame No.

0053 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Tung Oil & Tung Nuts (10) [1957]. Major Topics: Argentina; Paraguay; tung oil exports and imports. 0057 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Watches (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Defense mobilization; watch making industry employment; national security. 0138 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Watches (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Tariff Commission; Switzerland; watch production; watch sales; watch making industry employment; watch making industry earnings. Principal Correspondents: True Morse; Frances Willis. 0218 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Watches (3) [1954]. Major Topics: Defense mobilization; national security; watch production; watch sales; military use of timepieces. Principal Correspondent: Robert Tripp Ross. 0258 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Watches (4) [1954; attachments from 1950]. Major Topics: Watch industry; watch exports and imports; Switzerland; defense mobilization; military use of timepieces. Principal Correspondents: Samuel Waugh; Arthur Flemming; Roger Jones; Charles Kendall; Sinclair Weeks. 0349 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Watches (5) [1954–1955]. Major Topics: Watch industry; defense mobilization; Switzerland; watch production; watch sales. Principal Correspondent: Lother Teeter. 0398 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wheat. 0400 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wood Screws [1954]. Major Topic: Industrial exports and imports. 0404 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wool (1) [1953]. Major Topics: Stockpiles; wool exports and imports; defense needs; wool prices; wool production; National Wool Act; price supports and parity; wool consumption. Principal Correspondent: Samuel Anderson. 0498 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wool (2) [1956–1957]. Major Topics: Wool production; textile industry and products; wool fabrics; Green Wool Reservation. Principal Correspondent: Leonard Weiss. 0534 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wool (3) [1958]. Major Topics: Wool production; Green Wool Reservation; wool fabrics; textile industry and products. Principal Correspondents: Roger Jones; Gabriel Hauge; Douglas Dillon; John Birch. 0579 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wool (4) [1959–1960]. Major Topics: Wool production; textile industry and products; wool fabrics. Principal Correspondents: Don Paarlberg; Arthur Focke; Lewis Strauss; John Birch; Joe Robinson. 0647 Trade Agreements & Tariff Matters—Wool (5) [1960]. Major Topics: Green Wool Reservation; textile industry and products; Cuba; communism; “peril point” investigations. Principal Correspondents: John Birch; Joe Robinson. 0723 United Nations (1) [1953–1954; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: UN organization; UNESCO; cold war; UN and U.S. interests; Czechoslovakian and Hungarian resignation from UNESCO; UN High Commissioner For Refugees; Chinese admission to UN; Indochinese War. Principal Correspondents: C. D. Jackson; Gustav Soucek; Walter Judkins; Dag Hammarskjöld; Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.; Nancy Fagg.

54 Frame No.

0802 United Nations (2) [1955–1960]. Major Topics: UN Commission On Human Rights; Covenants On Human Rights; UN Development Loan funds; refugees; food aid to Congo; United Arab Republic admission to Security Council. Principal Correspondents: Douglas Dillon; William Stoesch; Emmanuel Celler. 0867 United Nations Disarmament Commission (1) [1956]. Major Topics: Arms control; nuclear weapons; UN Disarmament Conference; Soviet disarmament proposal. Principal Correspondent: Amos Peaslee. 0923 United Nations Disarmament Commission (2) [1956]. Major Topics: Arms control; UN Disarmament Conference; Soviet disarmament proposal. Principal Correspondent: Amos Peaslee. Reel 41 0001 United Nations Disarmament Commission (3) [1955–1956]. Major Topics: “Open Skies” proposal; nuclear testing. Principal Correspondent: Nikolai Bulganin. 0041 United Nations Disarmament Commission (4) [1956]. Major Topics: “Open Skies” proposal; treaties. Principal Correspondent: Nikolai Bulganin. 0088 United Nations Disarmament Commission (5) [1956]. Major Topics: “Open Skies” proposal; disarmament treaties. Principal Correspondent: Nikolai Bulganin. 0115 United Nations Disarmament Commission (6) [1957]. Major Topics: “Open Skies For Peace” exhibition; UK. Principal Correspondent: W. Bradley Connors. 0135 United Nations Speech of 12/8/53 [1955–1956]. 0138 Vartiyan Family [undated]. Major Topic: Immigration law. 0143 War Criminals (1) [1953; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: World War II; clemency; parole. Principal Correspondents: Conrad Snow; Katharine Fitt. 0228 War Criminals (2) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: World War II; clemency; parole; international military tribunals. Principal Correspondent: Conrad Snow. 0307 War Criminals (3) [1954]. Major Topics: World War II; clemency; parole. Principal Correspondent: Conrad Snow. 0396 War Criminals (4) [1957; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: World War II; Japan; parole. Principal Correspondents: John Foster Dulles; Conrad Snow; Edward Lyons; Kenneth Harvey; Harry S. Truman. 0438 White House Office [1953–1959]. Major Topics: White House operations; legislative conference; cabinet meetings; sub-cabinet meetings; preservation of records; political views and philosophy; internal security. Principal Correspondents: Wilton Persons; Maxwell Raab; William Hopkins; Charles Wills; Bryce Harlow; Robert Cutler; Don Paarlberg. 0511 Williamsburg, U.S.S. [1953]. Major Topic: Presidential use of naval craft. Principal Correspondent: E. C. Branch.

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0531 World War II (1) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Wartime records and files; wartime conferences; foreign relations; ceremonies. Principal Correspondents: Robinson McIlvane; Carl McArdle; Walter Smith; Theodore Achilles. 0559 World War II (2). 0563 World War II (3) [1953–1954]. Major Topics: Joint Chiefs of Staff; Japan; Pacific theater of war operations. Principal Correspondents: Grace Hayes; Thomas Dobyns. Reel 42 0001 World War II (3) [1953]. Major Topics: Casablanca Conference; Pacific theater of war operations; China; Burma; TRIDENT conference; military strategy and plans. 0145 World War II (4) [1953]. Major Topics: Pacific theater of war operations; TRIDENT conference; military strategy and plans; China; Burma; India; Solomons Islands and New Guinea campaigns; Tehran Conference; Cairo Conference; Southeast Asia Command; air force; recall of General Stilwell; Russian and British participation; air forces; OCTAGON conference; Yalta conference; military operations and command; Potsdam conference; surrender of Japan. 0568 World War II (5). 0572 World War II (6) [1953]. Major Topics: Joint Chiefs of Staff; British military organization; American military organization; ARCADIA conference; Joint Board (1903–1938). Principal Correspondents: Vernon Davis; Thomas Dobyns. Reel 43 0001 World War II (7). 0004 World War II (8) [1953]. Major Topics: American military organization; Joint Chiefs of Staff; British military organization; Combined Chiefs of Staff; military strategy and planning; military intelligence; Joint Chiefs committee system. Principal Correspondent: W. G. Lake. 0440 World War II (9). 0444 World War II (10) [1955]. Major Topics: Joint Chiefs of Staff; American military organization; declassification of information; conquest of Germany; military maneuvers; refugees from Germany. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Redford; Omar Bradley; Jacob Javits; Maxwell Raab; R. A. Winnacker. 0478 World War III (1) [1953–1955; attachments from 1952]. Major Topics: Potential for nuclear attack; disaster preparation; defense of U.S. and Canada; interception of aircraft; thermonuclear weapons. Principal Correspondents: ; Bernard Shanley; Walter Smith; Lee DuBridge. 0523 World War III (2) [1953–1960]. Major Topics: Emergency mobilization; government relocation; Operation Alert; financial institutions. Principal Correspondents: Arthur Flemming; Sherman Adams; Robert Anderson; Maurice Stans; Raymond Saulnier; ; William Martin. 0553 World War III (3) [1960]. Major Topic: Emergency mobilization. Principal Correspondents: Ralph Drenneau; Eugene Quindlen; Leo Hoegh.

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0609 [Alfred Politz Research, Inc., survey re Indochina] (1) [undated]. Major Topics: Indochina; military assistance; opinion and attitude surveys; demographic characteristics of survey respondents; international conferences; communism; Korea. 0622 [Alfred Politz Research, Inc., survey re Indochina] (2) [undated]. Major Topics: Indochina; communism; military assistance; opinion and attitude surveys; demographic characteristics of survey respondents.



The following index is a guide to the major correspondents in this microform publication. The first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular file folder containing correspondence by the person begins. Hence, 8: 0080 refers to the folder that begins at Frame 0080 of Reel 8. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title, inclusive dates, and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents, listed in the order in which they appear on the film.

Abbott, Charles Anderson, Robert 8: 0080 1: 0091; 43: 0523 Acheson, Dean Anderson, Samuel 43: 0478 8: 0135; 40: 0404 Achilles, Theodore Arneson, R. Gordon 41: 0531 6: 0576 Adair, Charles Arnold, Edwin A. 31: 0851; 33: 0949 37: 0312, 0389 Adams, Sherman Arnold, Milton 6: 0012; 9: 0450; 11: 0768; 14: 0921; 1: 0722; 2: 0617, 0716; 3: 0351 25: 0836; 43: 0523 Augustine, Mary Adenauer, Konrad 19: 0613 13: 0305 Aulette, Charles Ageton, Arthur 36: 0545 39: 0958 Ayer, Frederick Aldrich, Winthrop 26: 0001 29: 0122, 0245 Babcock, James Alexander, Sadie 16: 0451 19: 0536 Ball, Joseph Alfonso, Jean Pablo Perez 27: 0743 39: 0173 Barber, J. William Allen, George 8: 0001; 26: 0195 13: 0562; 25: 0849 Barnes, Robert Alsop, Stewart 14: 0691 6: 0486 Barringer, J. Paul Anderson, Clinton 1: 0390 5: 0125; 25: 0894 Beitzel, George Anderson, David 1: 0172 24: 0180 Bell, Daniel Anderson, Dillon 28: 0863 26: 0585; 28: 0780 Bell, Elliott Anderson, Frederick 9: 0912 23: 0193, 0222 Bell, H. C. 5: 0248

59 Bell, John Bridges, Styles 15: 0766 2: 0617 Bellino, Carmine Broussard, Edgar 3: 0801 34: 0297, 0820; 35: 0759, 0788; 36: 0949; Benedict, Stephen 37: 0312, 0499, 0586; 38: 0811; 39: 0260 25: 0849 Brown, Ben Ben-Gurion, David 13: 0305 27: 0301 Brown, Winthrop Bennett, Elmer 29: 0245 32: 0785; 33: 0311 Browne, Mallary Bennett, James 10: 0924 7: 0937 Brownell, Herbert Bennewitz, E. 4: 0206; 11: 0163, 0923; 26: 0001, 0483; 25: 0938 37: 0499 Benson, Ezra Taft Browning, Frederick 1: 0294; 37: 0117; 38: 0881 12: 0614 Bent, Donn Brumley, Cal 32: 0230; 37: 0735 17: 0857 Bernstein, Michael Brundage, Percival 27: 0589, 0682, 0921; 28: 0001 1: 0451; 3: 0942; 4: 0206; 9: 0664; Berossa, Pedro Juan 14: 0548, 0691; 26: 0390; 27: 0237; 7: 0461 37: 0312, 0439 Berry, Robert Buchanan, Wiley 19: 0954 8: 0001 Biddinger, G. R. Buiding, Andrew 5: 0248 7: 0147 Birch, John Buktold, G. H. 31: 0889; 32: 0189, 0230, 0403, 0483, 0785, 28: 0429 0873; 33: 0028, 0088, 0165, 0311, 0965; Bulganin, Nikolai 38: 0344; 39: 0495; 40: 0534, 0579, 0647 24: 0410, 0504; 27: 0069; 41: 0001, 0041, Bliss, Don 0088 38: 0782 Bullogh, Marshall Boegner, Marc 39: 0832 28: 0429, 0648 Bundy, William Bohlen, Charles 6: 0870 23: 0843, 0946; 25: 0557, 0741; 27: 0069 Burgess, W. Randolph Bond, Ralph 36: 0949 23: 0843 Burns, Arthur F. Boostra, C. A. 36: 0906; 37: 0312, 0389 34: 0142 Butler, Frank Bowles, Edward 36: 0475 35: 0759 Butrick, Richard Bradley, Omar 23: 0843 43: 0444 Butz, Earl Bragdon, J. S. 29: 0711; 38: 0156; 39: 0763, 0958 10: 0179 Caccia, Harold Branch, E. C. 4: 0456 41: 0511 Calhoun, John Breslauer, M. K. 15: 0766 9: 0829 Campbell, Joseph 17: 0058, 0115, 0194, 0229, 0503; 18: 0027

60 Cantaur, Geoffrey Coulson, William 28: 0429 7: 0412 Capehart, Homer Crester, George 1: 0172 28: 0429 Carlson, Henry Cullen, Paul 22: 0422 1: 0358; 29: 0659; 30: 0907 Cary, Charles Cunningham, T. J. 1: 0390, 0586, 0662, 0798, 0912 19: 0954 Case, Francis Cutler, Robert 1: 0091 3: 0859; 6: 0761; 7: 0883; 8: 0306, 0435; Cassirer, Henry 12: 0105; 13: 0885; 20: 0055; 41: 0438 7: 0248 Daniel, Price Caulsen, Harry 28: 0780 21: 0476, 0516, 0806, 0846 Davis, Clarence Celler, Emmanuel 3: 0801; 36: 0906 40: 0802 Davis, James Chamberlain, Walter 22: 0773 27: 0682 Davis, Vernon Chandler, Henry 42: 0572 2: 0477 DeChant, John Cherne, Leo 6: 0576, 0870 4: 0406 Dechert, Robert Cheryk, Joseph 3: 0859 25: 0938 Deerborn, Henry Chilson, Hatfield 39: 0958 21: 0351; 22: 0773 De Hagara, Paul Chipenfield, Robert 8: 0001 13: 0001, 0430 Dibelius, Otto Clark, Albert 28: 0311 28: 0267 Dickerson, Earl Coe, C. F. 19: 0536 20: 0001 Diem, Ngo Dinh Cogliandro, Charles 13: 0942 1: 0172 Dillon, Clarence Douglas Cole, Albert 4: 0710; 15: 0169, 0225, 0297, 0370, 0441, 21: 0351; 22: 0773 0506, 0546, 0588, 0639, 0667, 0708, 0766, Cole, Richard 0833, 0897, 0944; 16: 0001, 0055, 0104, 27: 0391 0179, 0545, 0982; 17: 0284, 0412, 0449, Cole, Sterling 0545, 0742, 0800, 0857, 0922; 28: 0863; 4: 0001; 11: 0696 31: 0889; 32: 0189, 0483, 0785; 33: 0028, Comtock, Paul 0165; 39: 0472; 40: 0534, 0802 24: 0326 Dillon, John Conger, Mary 5: 0164 1: 0075 Dobyns, Thomas Connors, W. Bradley 41: 0563; 42: 0572 25: 0741; 41: 0115 Dodge, Joseph Corse, Carl 26: 0001 29: 0245, 0612, 0659, 0711, 0861; 30: 0278, Donegan, Thomas 0808; 31: 0249, 0729; 34: 0142, 0206, 26: 0195 0297, 0398, 0448, 0820, 0945; 35: 0200, Douglas, James 0270; 36: 0226; 38: 0301; 39: 0551 12: 0297; 25: 0938; 32: 0307

61 Douglas, Lewis Farley, Hugh 9: 0664 16: 0214 Drenneau, Ralph Fassbinder, Klara-Marie 43: 0553 19: 0680 DuBridge, Lee Fishman, Irving 43: 0478 25: 0272 Dulles, Allen Fisk, James 23: 0018 8: 0289 Dulles, John Foster Fitt, Katharine 4: 0001; 5: 0336; 10: 0047; 13: 0602, 0669; 41: 0143 14: 0257, 0691; 20: 0055, 0164; 24: 0410, Fitzgerald, D. A. 0504; 29: 0515, 0659, 0765; 36: 0244; 13: 0767; 14: 0372, 0487, 0691, 0750; 37: 0117, 0188, 0808; 39: 0472, 0763; 22: 0773 41: 0396 Fitzpatrick, John Dunn, Hulbert 17: 0857 26: 0390 Flemming, Arthur Dunn, Steven 11: 0586; 12: 0556; 20: 0917; 27: 0301; 27: 0921 38: 0051, 0156, 0238, 0261; 40: 0258; Durham, Carl 43: 0523 25: 0894 Floberg, John Durkin, Martin 4: 0924 27: 0743; 28: 0094, 0267; 36: 0646; Floete, Franklin 39: 0426 10: 0122; 22: 0815 Duscha, Julius Focke, Arthur 17: 0857 40: 0579 Dyer, Murray Folson, M. B. 22: 0880 22: 0815; 26: 0390 Earl, Elliott Fontaine, A. J. 26: 0483 23: 0030 Eastland, James Francis, Clarence 25: 0198 11: 0403 Ecke, J. Earl Francis, Hobert 39: 0260 25: 0981 Eckhoft, Harry Fritz, W. G. 19: 0954 1: 0172 Edwards, A. R. Fromm, Robert 19: 0882 1: 0722 Elias, Maxim Fry, Franklin Clark 24: 0410 28: 0429 Elieff, K. Frye, Edward 3: 0813 21: 0351 Elliott, William Furman, Bess 10: 0924; 15: 0063 28: 0311 Espe, Carl Gaines, Irene 30: 0907 19: 0523 Evans, John Galbreath, C. Edward 2: 0089 29: 0612 Fagg, Nancy Gallup, George 40: 0723 6: 0067 Fairbanks, Douglas Gardner, Annesta 24: 0504 7: 0248

62 Gardner, Arthur Hadlick, Paul 10: 0122 26: 0390 Gary, Gordon Haffner, Sebastian 26: 0390 23: 0843 Gates, Thomas Hagerty, James 5: 0071 11: 0131 Gathings, E. C. Haliman, Leif 11: 0375 21: 0351 Georgescu, V. C. Hall, Joe 10: 0066 17: 0857 Gheorghiu-Dej, Ghorghe Hall, Richard 10: 0066 12: 0016 Glaris, L. R. Hammarskjöld, Dag 23: 0505 27: 0069; 40: 0723 Godfrey, William Hancock, John 28: 0429 1: 0172 Goff, Abe MacGregor Hancock, Robert 21: 0516, 0846 12: 0383 Goldwater, Barry Harding, William Barclay 27: 0921 1: 0451 Goldwater, Robert Hardman, David 7: 0248 7: 0248 Good, Roscoe Harlow, Bryce 14: 0487 12: 0105; 27: 0921; 41: 0438 Gordon, Howard Harriman, W. Averell 38: 0941 12: 0675, 0739, 0778 Gordon, John Harvey, A. Darcy 39: 0832 2: 0182 Gordon, Lincoln Harvey, Kenneth 8: 0879; 29: 0122 41: 0396 Gore, Albert Hatcher, James 5: 0125 26: 0483 Graf, R. L. Hathaway, Russell B. 5: 0248 19: 0954; 20: 0001 Gray, Carl Hauge, Gabriel 3: 0841 1: 0005, 0172, 0294; 9: 0131, 0198, 0414, Gray, Gordon 0513; 29: 0659, 0765; 30: 0278, 0751, 10: 0122; 21: 0316, 0351, 0411, 0645; 0808; 31: 0543, 0851; 34: 0142, 0267, 22: 0001 0734; 35: 0031, 0170, 0270; 36: 0183, Greene, Juanita 0906; 37: 0188; 38: 0782, 0811; 40: 0534 17: 0857 Hayes, Grace Greenstein, Saul 41: 0563 25: 0811 Hearst, William Randolph, Jr. Griffin, William 22: 0766 19: 0613 Heaton, Kenneth Gromak, A. 12: 0901, 0973 19: 0954 Heeney, A. D. P. Gross, John 37: 0312, 0389 19: 0954 Heisel, H. Strune Grow, Robert 14: 0164 8: 0451

63 Henderson, Loy Hoxter, Curtis 11: 0067; 17: 0346; 33: 0965 8: 0249 Henley, William Hughes, Emmet 25: 0811 23: 0561 Herter, Christian Hughes, H. Herbert 4: 0552; 15: 0588, 0897, 0944; 17: 0115, 32: 0483 0800, 0857, 0922; 18: 0001, 0109, 0155; Hughes, John 31: 0794; 33: 0804 9: 0198, 0307 Hickenlooper, Bourke Hughes, Ronald 6: 0245 5: 0365 Hicks, Orton Hughes, Rowland 9: 0790 8: 0170; 36: 0183 High, Stanley Humphrey, George 9: 0709 35: 0759; 37: 0312; 38: 0051, 0156 Hints-Vonthrun, Erna Humphrey, Robert 19: 0680 22: 0624 Hirsch, Richard Ickes, Harold 7: 0041, 0147 26: 0747 Hodges, Fred Ives, Irving 1: 0490 27: 0682 Hoegh, Leo Jackson, C. D. 22: 0422; 43: 0523, 0553 6: 0174, 0363; 10: 0924; 22: 0880; 23: 0039, Holcomb, Dan B. 0093; 40: 0723 19: 0954; 20: 0001 Jackson, Wayne Holiday, W. M. 4: 0206 25: 0894 Jackson, William Holland, Henry 5: 0248 39: 0763 James, Harold Hollister, John 3: 0731 4: 0206; 8: 0170; 11: 0001; 14: 0257, 0332, Javits, Jacob 0372, 0427, 0487, 0548, 0600, 0651, 0691, 26: 0093; 43: 0444 0750, 0793, 0852, 0921; 15: 0001, 0063, Johnson, Ellis 0833 23: 0222 Honeywell, Charles Johnson, Lorin 8: 0531 19: 0954 Hook, Charles Johnson, Richard 27: 0589 22: 0715 Hoover, Herbert, Jr. Jones, Harold 9: 0786; 14: 0548; 23: 0093; 24: 0180; 1: 0586 27: 0176; 37: 0439 Jones, Roger Hoover, J. Edgar 26: 0195; 30: 0808; 36: 0183, 0786, 0883, 5: 0125; 26: 0585, 0747 0906; 37: 0001, 0262, 0271, 0439, 0499, Hopkins, William 0755, 0808; 38: 0881; 39: 0064, 0260, 41: 0438 0763; 40: 0258, 0534 Hornan, Ralph Jordan, Harry 33: 0804 26: 0093 Howard, Katharine Judkins, Walter 7: 0495 40: 0723 Howe, Fisher Kaester, Ingeborg 24: 0585 19: 0680

64 Kaiser, Philip Lahey, Edwin 25: 0504 28: 0267 Kalijarvi, Thorsten Lake, W. G. 29: 0122, 0195, 0245; 34: 0142; 35: 0270, 43: 0004 0759; 36: 0183, 0834, 0949; 37: 0499; Lambie, James 38: 0156, 0881; 39: 0064, 0551 6: 0067, 0761, 0828; 11: 0375 Kaplan, Jack Lancaster, Bruce 9: 0262 4: 0749 Kaufman, T. D. Lang, Robert 9: 0069 19: 0613 Kearney, Richard Langer, William 25: 0272 26: 0195 Kendall, Charles Laninger, P. C. 40: 0258 39: 0135 Kent, Roger LaPlante, Byron 36: 0646; 39: 0426 25: 0894 Kern, John Larson, Arthur 26: 0585 36: 0949; 39: 0260 Kestenbaum, Meyer Lay, James 10: 0179 26: 0195, 0483 Keyes, Roger Leddy, John 13: 0510 37: 0117; 38: 0782, 0811 Kilgore, Harley Lee, F. B. 8: 0306 1: 0722, 0912 Killen, James Lee, Robert 16: 0545, 0613 8: 0435 Kimball, Arthur Leffingwell, William 1: 0451 17: 0503 Kirshbaum, Mordecai Lewis, James 12: 0604 20: 0001 Kissinger, Henry Libby, Willard F. 4: 0406; 23: 0222 4: 0406, 0456, 0749, 0966 Kistialawsky, G. B. Linder, Harold 4: 0924 36: 0545 Knight, John Linton, Harold 27: 0682 37: 0188, 0262 Knoll, Leo Livingston, J. A. 25: 0198 28: 0267 Kohlberg, Alfred Lloyd, Glen 26: 0747 13: 0767, 0817 Kohler, Foy Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr. 4: 0456; 16: 0545, 0613 22: 0537, 0624; 25: 0741; 26: 0093; Korns, William 27: 0001, 0069, 0176; 40: 0723 25: 0741 Lodge, John David Kowarski, Lew 14: 0921 7: 0248 Loftus, Joseph Kujanski, J. S. 28: 0267 5: 0248 Loos, Karl Ladecke, A. R. 38: 0881 5: 0001 Loper, Herbert 4: 0456

65 Lott, L. D. McConnell, Samuel 20: 0001 27: 0743, 0841 Lowry, Charles Wesley McCoy, H. B. 23: 0946 12: 0556 Luedecke, A. R. McCrary, J. A. 6: 0576 1: 0798, 0877 Lundquist, C. T. McElroy, Neil 21: 0516, 0846 4: 0702 Lyons, Edward McEnerney, Edward 41: 0396 11: 0262 Macey, Robert McIlvane, Robinson 39: 0364 41: 0531 Macgowan, H. P. McIntosh, Colin 29: 0765 3: 0001 Macy, John McKay, Douglas 26: 0093, 0483 39: 0763 Macy, Loring McKenney, Douglas 1: 0001 29: 0711 Maines, G. H. McKnight, Jesse 12: 0016 23: 0533 Malone, George McLain, Marvin 29: 0026 1: 0172 Maloney, Abraham Lincoln McPhee, Henry Roemer 8: 0814 8: 0451; 16: 0179; 18: 0027; 30: 0808; Mann, Thomas 36: 0906, 0949 25: 0384; 32: 0128; 37: 0117, 0188; Meek, Joseph 39: 0173 8: 0814 Mansure, Edmund Mellrace, Robinson 27: 0391 7: 0461 Marsden, Howard Merchant, Livingston 21: 0351, 0696 18: 0109; 33: 0088; 37: 0271 Martin, Edwin Miller, Clarence 33: 0028, 0088 1: 0294 Martin, William Millikin, Eugene 43: 0523 36: 0786 Mary, Sheila Mills, Wilbur 28: 0267 8: 0399 Masse, Benjamin Milne, John 28: 0267 4: 0285 Matigelea, Jerry Minnich, L. A. 21: 0411 8: 0348, 0399; 12: 0121 May, Stacy Mitchell, James 23: 0222 27: 0490, 0743; 38: 0881; 39: 0064 McArdle, Carl Mooney, James 41: 0531 3: 0859 McClellan, H. C. Moore, J. B. 35: 0170 20: 0886 McCone, John Moore, Lee 4: 0406, 0456, 0552, 0702, 0749, 0844, 2: 0283, 0617; 3: 0001 0966; 5: 0071 Morgan, George 25: 0504; 28: 0826

66 Morgan, Gerald O’Connell, James 5: 0336 21: 0476, 0516, 0806, 0846; 32: 0785 Morrison, Paul O’Connor, Edward 13: 0305 28: 0826 Morse, David O’Grady, J. W. 11: 0768 5: 0164 Morse, True Oxnan, G. Bromley 1: 0045; 22: 0815; 31: 0543; 34: 0448; 28: 0429 36: 0183, 0834; 37: 0117, 0439; 39: 0064, Paarlberg, Don 0472, 0883; 40: 0138 1: 0358; 9: 0929; 31: 0920; 32: 0054, 0189; Morton, Thruston 33: 0949; 35: 0270; 40: 0579; 41: 0438 37: 0271, 0755 Palmer, Gardner Mueller, Frederick 16: 0451 32: 0483, 0645, 0785, 0873; 33: 0028, 0165, Pappano, Albert 0235, 0965 32: 0054, 0230 Mulhall, L.M. Pargiello, Jan 19: 0954 22: 0715 Mundt, Karl Parnell, F. L. 22: 0624 21: 0411, 0741 Munro, D. J. Partridge, R. C. 4: 0966 8: 0306 Murphy, Douglas Paz, Hipolito 35: 0759 38: 0881; 39: 0763, 0883 Murphy, J. E. Peaslee, Amos 13: 0817 10: 0947; 40: 0867, 0923 Murphy, Robert Persons, Wilton 4: 0206; 11: 0768; 13: 0669, 0942; 14: 0793, 5: 0125; 13: 0767; 29: 0711; 37: 0481; 0852, 0921 41: 0438 Murray, Robert Phleger, Herman 1: 0798; 2: 0182 7: 0937; 11: 0811; 27: 0301 Myers, Max Pibalsonggrom, P. 1: 0358 13: 0817 Nagy, Frederick Piccinini, J. S. 8: 0001 19: 0954 Nash, Frank G. Pike, Thomas 6: 0668, 0761; 13: 0669 1: 0045 Nathan, Reuben Pittman, Stewart 22: 0880 33: 0949 Nehru, Jawaharlal Pius XII (Pope) 27: 0001 28: 0393, 0429 Neumyer, William Porter, Dwight 3: 0649 11: 0067 Newton, Robert Possoney, Stefan 39: 0832 7: 0041, 0102; 23: 0222 Ngo Dinh Diem Prochman, Herbert see Diem, Ngo Dinh 37: 0439 Nissenbaum, H. J. Pryor, Don 16: 0451 12: 0001 Nyrup, Donald Purtell, William 1: 0798 39: 0260

67 Pyle, Harold Ringer, Walter 22: 0624 1: 0091 Pytel, J. L. Risser, Frederick 5: 0248 22: 0747 Quarles, Donald Ritger, D. L. 3: 0297; 4: 0456, 0552; 25: 0938 25: 0272 Quell, H. Sanchez Robinett, Frank 39: 0958 22: 0584 Quindlen, Eugene Robinson, Joe 43: 0553 32: 0189, 0403; 40: 0579, 0647 Raab, Maxwell Rockefeller, Nelson 8: 0152; 9: 0567; 11: 0768; 22: 0624, 0815; 6: 0012; 8: 0170; 10: 0047; 23: 0039, 0093, 24: 0180; 41: 0438; 43: 0444 0946 Radius, Walter Rogers, Vance 22: 0880 17: 0605 Ralston, Oliver Roper, Elmo 27: 0443 3: 0980 Ramage, Edwin Ross, Albion 2: 0477 24: 0326 Ramsey, D. C. Ross, Robert Tripp 2: 0617 39: 0260; 40: 0218 Rand, William Rossiter, Fred 13: 0510 40: 0001 Randall, Clarence Rostow, Walter 5: 0360, 0424; 14: 0691; 31: 0851 23: 0590; 24: 0001 Rankin, J. Lee Rothman, Stuart 10: 0179; 26: 0195 26: 0195; 27: 0743, 0841, 0921; 28: 0001 Redford, Arthur Rothschild, Louis 43: 0444 21: 0645, 0696 Reed, D. Paul Roundtree, William 7: 0412 27: 0176 Reese, M. C. Royster, Paul 17: 0857 21: 0516, 0846 Reid, Ralph Rubin, Seymour 11: 0375 12: 0675, 0739 Reilly, John Rudel, Ludwig 25: 0272 16: 0214 Renard, William Ruffner, Clark 13: 0562 20: 0055 Rhee, Syngman Rush, Howard 13: 0510 3: 0820 Rice, Andrew Ryan, Frederick 3: 0841 27: 0443 Rickett, Denis Ryder, Oscar 9: 0365 36: 0646 Riddleberger, James Saccio, Leonard 16: 0179 16: 0545 Riddleberger, Joseph Salisbury, Harrison 17: 0605 24: 0326 Ridge, Joseph Salisbury, Franklin 36: 0646 27: 0391, 0443

68 Sargeant, Howland Smith, J. H. 7: 0484 2: 0477; 15: 0115 Saud, King Smith, James 27: 0069 3: 0351 Saulnier, Raymond Smith, Marshall 9: 0664; 43: 0523 29: 0765 Schaufuss, Tatiana Smith, Walter 28: 0826 12: 0843; 13: 0253; 20: 0055; 22: 0944; Schiff, E. L. C. 36: 0646, 0883; 39: 0364, 0472; 41: 0531; 4: 0749 43: 0478 Schoeman, Peter Snow, Conrad 27: 0921 41: 0143, 0228, 0307, 0396 Schothen, Clement Snyder, Marty 25: 0272 5: 0164, 0248 Schultz, Robert Snyder, Murray 5: 0248 8: 0348; 22: 0747 Schultz, W. G. Soucek, Gustav 1: 0172 40: 0723 Schwinson, Walter Speckinbrink, A. B. 7: 0147 4: 0749 Scott, R. A. Spector, Eugene 4: 0206 28: 0001 Scott, W. K. Staats, Elmer 7: 0477; 23: 0946 23: 0843 Scribner, Fred Stakel, John 19: 0882 27: 0443 Seideman, Harold Stans, Maurice 26: 0093 1: 0294; 10: 0122; 12: 0433, 0495; 17: 0742; Seiderberg, Jacob 43: 0523 10: 0113 Stassen, Harold Shanley, Bernard 4: 0285; 9: 0131, 0307; 12: 0097, 0843; 3: 0813; 11: 0768; 27: 0682; 28: 0311; 13: 0001, 0253, 0305, 0430, 0510, 0562, 43: 0478 0602, 0669, 0709, 0767, 0817, 0885, 0942; Shaw, Conrad 14: 0001, 0086, 0164, 0206, 0257; 7: 0937 22: 0624; 24: 0180; 35: 0759; 36: 0183, Sherak, Carl 0646; 37: 0808 25: 0272 Stavisky, Sam Sherrill, Henry 28: 0267 28: 0429 Stefanac, J. B. Short, Joseph 19: 0954 28: 0393 Steinman, Elly Shroyer, Tom 19: 0680 27: 0921 Stern, Thomas Simmons, John 17: 0605 22: 0739 Stettner, Walter Slawson, Robert 9: 0365 4: 0966 Stevens, Robert Smith, Gerard 8: 0451 4: 0001 Stewart, H. A. Smith, H. Alexander 21: 0351 27: 0921

69 Stewart, Walter Thomas, William 9: 0414 8: 0576 St. John, George Thompson, Clark 36: 0545 1: 0912 Stoesch, William Thompson, Huston 40: 0802 23: 0372, 0410, 0454 Stoessel, Walter Thompson, Percy 5: 0071 22: 0624 Stone, Ralph Thornton, Dan 21: 0516, 0846 3: 0820 Strauss, Lewis Thors, Thor 4: 0001, 0076, 0170, 0285, 0318, 0379; 37: 0312, 0389 5: 0125; 26: 0585; 38: 0344; 40: 0579 Thurston, Ray Streit, Clarence 16: 0214 3: 0942, 0980 Tidd, J. Thomas Stuart, H. A. 16: 0545, 0613 21: 0696 Tolstoy, Alexandra Stuart, R. Douglas 28: 0826 38: 0782 Trappner, W. C. Stutesman, J. H. 12: 0556 24: 0180 Truman, Harry S. Sugarman, Norman 8: 0306; 12: 0843; 22: 0944; 26: 0001; 9: 0790 28: 0311, 0429, 0648, 0863; 37: 0188; Sullivan, Walter 41: 0396 28: 0311 Tuck, Hallam Sulzberger, Arthur 11: 0022 25: 0119 Tuggle, Kenneth Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 21: 0316, 0645 24: 0180, 0283; 28: 0429 Utter, John Summerfield, Arthur 28: 0429 26: 0483 Vandenberg, Hoyt Swing, Raymond 13: 0253 22: 0880 Vaughan, Joseph Sylvester, Arthur 27: 0001 28: 0267 Vaughery, W. M. Sylvester, G. R. 39: 0135 27: 0391, 0443 Velde, Harold Talbot, Joseph E. 8: 0306 37: 0389 Vernon, Raymond Taylor, Myron 37: 0188 28: 0311, 0393, 0429 Villamin, Vicente Taylor, Philip 23: 0843 12: 0383 Vogel, Clark Taylor, R. K. 4: 0749 19: 0954 Voorhees, Tracy Teeter, Lother 11: 0067; 17: 0857 40: 0349 Warner, Edward Teller, Edward 1: 0586 4: 0966; 5: 0125 Warner, Sturgis Thigpen, J. E. 8: 0814 39: 0763

70 Warren, Fuller Williams, Walter 22: 0584 8: 0576; 37: 0439; 39: 0763 Washburn, Abbott Willis, Charles 6: 0067, 0668; 14: 0001 5: 0248; 12: 0094; 13: 0885; 22: 0584; Washburn, Lloyd 23: 0036 36: 0834 Willis, Frances Washington, Val 40: 0138 9: 0567 Willoughby, Charles Watkins, Arthur 26: 0747 38: 0238, 0261 Willoughby, Woodbury Waugh, Samuel 34: 0297, 0448; 35: 0031 11: 0375; 34: 0945; 39: 0260; 40: 0258 Wills, Charles Wedemeyer, Albert C. 41: 0438 10: 0047; 28: 0826 Wilson, Charles Weeks, Sinclair 4: 0053, 0150, 0170; 6: 0245; 13: 0510, 11: 0163; 28: 0001; 31: 0794; 32: 0403; 0562, 0669, 0767, 0942; 36: 0906 34: 0734; 35: 0759; 36: 0183, 0786; Wilson, Evan 37: 0001, 0499, 0755; 38: 0881; 39: 0064, 17: 0605 0426; 40: 0258 Wilson, J. M. Weiss, Harry 4: 0053 21: 0516, 0846 Wilson, L. E. Weiss, Leonard 20: 0055 30: 0738, 0751; 31: 0543; 34: 0297; Winfree, Robert 40: 0498 4: 0966 Wells, Algie Winnacker, R. A. 4: 0749 43: 0444 Wells, O. V. Wofford, Harris 1: 0358 36: 0234, 0475 Wendt, Gerald Woodside, Arthur 7: 0248 37: 0117 Westin, Alan Woodward, Robert 28: 0311 39: 0883 Weston, Irving Wormser, Felix E. 1: 0586, 0662 27: 0443; 38: 0156 White, Ivan Yardley, Edward 4: 0749 33: 0311; 34: 0297; 35: 0200 Wilkins, J. Ernest Yeagley, J. Walter 34: 0945 26: 0585 Wilkins, Robert Young, Leilyn 5: 0678 20: 0001 Willgress, L. D. Young, Philip 29: 0122 26: 0093, 0390, 0483 Williams, Justin 3: 0820



The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first number after an entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers to the frame number at which a particular file folder containing information on the subject begins. Hence, 12: 0094 directs the researcher to the folder that begins at Frame 0094 of Reel 12. By referring to the Reel Index, which constitutes the initial section of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title, inclusive dates, and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents, arranged in the order in which they appear on the film.

A & H Kroeger European colonies 19: 0324 12: 0094 general 18: 0425, 0579; 19: 0324; 23: 0039, Acids 0222 33: 0165 Ghana 18: 0579; 19: 0324 Action Program For Free World Strength Guinea, Republic of 17: 0449 19: 0723, 0803 Liberia 17: 0742; 18: 0637; 19: 0324 Ad Hoc Committee On the Importation of Libya 14: 0372, 0852; 18: 0637; 19: 0324; Communist Propaganda 20: 0559 25: 0198, 0272 Mali, Republic of 17: 0857 Advanced Research Projects Agency Morocco 14: 0852; 15: 0115; 16: 0001; 25: 0894, 0938 17: 0284; 18: 0155, 0637; 19: 0324; Advisory Board for Economic Growth & 20: 0559 Stability Nigeria 19: 0324 1: 0001 Somalia 19: 0324 Adzhuboy, Alexsey South Africa 30: 0660; 32: 0054; 35: 0031; 25: 0001, 0079 37: 0883; 38: 0001 Aeronautical communications Sudan 30: 0660 2: 0089, 0904; 3: 0001, 0071, 0127, 0245; Tunisia 14: 0852; 17: 0284; 18: 0637; 25: 0384 20: 0559; 34: 0001 Aeronautic education and training Uganda 19: 0324 2: 0283 Zaire 17: 0545, 0742; 18: 0155; 33: 0088 Afghanistan African Americans 12: 0624; 14: 0691, 0793, 0852; 15: 0115, 10: 0113; 19: 0536 0225, 0588; 18: 0530; 19: 0324 Agricultural Adjustment Act Africa 35: 0358, 0408, 0458, 0505, 0788; 36: 0048; Central African Federation 19: 0324 38: 0811; 39: 0567, 0620, 0672, 0728 Congo 40: 0802 Agricultural marketing Egypt 12: 0843; 13: 0767; 14: 0921; general 38: 0429 18: 0425; 19: 0255; 24: 0410; 27: 0001, quotas 1: 0358 0301; 37: 0117; 42: 0145 Agricultural policy Ethiopia 3: 0841; 13: 0253; 14: 0852; 1: 0005 18: 0579; 19: 0324

73 Agricultural prices helicopters 2: 0001; 3: 0071 1: 0045, 0075; 22: 0870; 38: 0713 interception 43: 0478 Agricultural price supports to Japan 17: 0194 38: 0429, 0517, 0713, 0881, 0941; 39: 0001, jets 1: 0490; 12: 0331; 13: 0253 0064, 0883 leasing 2: 0716 Agricultural production manufacturing 2: 0001, 0844; 3: 0001, 0186, 19: 0255, 0324, 0380, 0446; 30: 0119; 0245 32: 0942; 37: 0188, 0262 military 1: 0490; 2: 0283, 0844; 3: 0071, Agricultural surpluses 0186; 12: 0180, 0297 1: 0091, 0172, 0294, 0358; 11: 0375, 0403; piston 12: 0331 14: 0206; 18: 0822; 23: 0946; 29: 0380 presidential 22: 0764 Agricultural trade trade 1: 0390; 3: 0071 1: 0005, 0091, 0172, 0358; 11: 0403; Air defense 13: 0602; 28: 0880, 0925; 29: 0245, 3: 0595, 0649; 6: 0363; 24: 0125 0711; 32: 0001, 0054; 35: 0358, 0408, Air force 0458, 0505, 0551, 0603, 0653, 0706; 1: 0912; 2: 0679; 12: 0297; 20: 0001; 37: 0188, 0262; 39: 0001 25: 0938; 42: 0145 Agriculture Airlifts Bolivia 13: 0602 Airlift Service Agency 12: 0254 drought 8: 0801 general 12: 0297 general 1: 0005; 7: 0194; 19: 0613; 39: 0064 MATS 12: 0254 Interagency Committee on Agricultural military 12: 0383 Surplus Disposal 11: 0375, 0403 Airlift Service Agency programs 35: 0788 12: 0254 stockpiling 1: 0294; 38: 0941 Airlines USSR 24: 0180 crew training 2: 0769 see also Farms and farming engines 22: 0764 Agriculture, Department of federal regulations 2: 0182, 0904 1: 0005, 0045; 22: 0815 general 3: 0127 Air attacks subsidies 3: 0186, 0245 general 23: 0222 Airmail service on Germany 20: 0886 foreign carriers 2: 0844 Air cargo industry general 2: 0089, 0904; 3: 0071, 0127, 0245 development 2: 0089 Air navigation general 3: 0351 1: 0722, 0912; 2: 0383, 0477, 0617, 0679, traffic 12: 0331 0716; 3: 0001, 0245, 0297, 0351, 0411, transport 1: 0451; 2: 0904 0731 Air Coordinating Committee Airports and airways 1: 0390–0912; 2: 0001–0904; 3: 0001–0731 army 1: 0490 Aircraft control 2: 0182 business use 2: 0769 costs 2: 0089 C-130 plane shooting 24: 0641 development 2: 0089, 0182, 0769 civil aviation 2: 0001, 0283, 0844 finance 3: 0071 convertiplanes 3: 0071 foreign 2: 0089 development 2: 0904; 3: 0071 Galveston Municipal Airport 1: 0912 equipment 1: 0390; 2: 0477, 0769 general 1: 0390, 0912; 3: 0001, 0071, 0245, exports and imports 2: 0001, 0283, 0904; 0411 3: 0001, 0186 Japan 14: 0052 federal spending 2: 0679 President’s Airport Commission 1: 0798; finance 3: 0071 3: 0071 general 1: 0586, 0877; 2: 0679; 25: 0384

74 Air shows American Veterans Committee 2: 0617 3: 0841 Airspace American Water Works Association 1: 0586, 0662; 2: 0383, 0769; 3: 0001, 0186, 26: 0093 0411, 0731 Amnesty Air traffic control 7: 0937; 24: 0231, 0283 2: 0716, 0769; 3: 0001, 0127, 0245, 0351, Antarctic Commission and Expedition 0411, 0595, 0649; 12: 0331; 25: 0384 3: 0859 Air Traffic Control and Navigation Panel Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith 1: 0490 3: 0911 Air transportation ARCADIA conference commercial 1: 0451; 3: 0071 42: 0572 costs 3: 0001; 12: 0383, 0433 Architecture general 1: 0390; 2: 0383, 0477, 0617, 0904; 9: 0836, 0862 3: 0001, 0127; 21: 0351; 22: 0113 Archives and libraries international 2: 0001; 12: 0383 28: 0311, 0393 projections 1: 0451 Arctic Weather Station Program rights 3: 0245 1: 0586 routes 2: 0904 Argentina U.S.-USSR agreement 25: 0384 general 18: 0223; 19: 0446; 38: 0881, 0941; Alabama Power Company 39: 0620, 0672, 0728, 0763, 0958; 23: 0372, 0410, 0454, 0505 40: 0001, 0053 Alaska U.S. trade 39: 0883 housing 3: 0801 Armaments Alaskan Housing Authority inspections 23: 0222 3: 0801 regulation organization 25: 0432 Alcoholic beverages South America 32: 0128 32: 0942 USSR 23: 0222 Alfred Politz Research, Inc. Armed forces, foreign 43: 0609, 0622 Afghan officer training 14: 0691 Algeria Allied 17: 0058, 0115; 20: 0055 20: 0457 China 31: 0001 Allied Expeditionary Force Denmark 20: 0457 20: 0886 international tribunals 41: 0228 Allied Force Objectives Israeli 27: 0001 defense studies 17: 0058, 0115 NATO 20: 0262 American Bulgarian League Turkey 17: 0058 3: 0813 UK 12: 0614; 20: 0457; 26: 0721; 42: 0572; American Jewish Committee 43: 0004 23: 0533 USSR 19: 0697, 0723, 0803; 23: 0590, 0843 American-Korean Foundation Vietnam 16: 0613 3: 0820 Armed forces, U.S. American Legion aircraft 1: 0490; 2: 0283, 0844; 3: 0071, 10: 0066 0186; 12: 0180, 0297 American Nationalist airlifts 12: 0254, 0383 3: 0837 airmen training 2: 0477 American Red Cross Armed Forces Charter 20: 0001 11: 0022; 23: 0030 Army Corps of Engineers 25: 0811 American Society of Newspaper Editors bases 10: 0047 25: 0504 Communists in U.S. Army 8: 0306

75 Armed forces, U.S. cont. general 18: 0677; 19: 0380; 23: 0039; community relations 11: 0131; 19: 0954; 24: 0125 20: 0001 Hong Kong 31: 0487 construction 17: 0229 India 13: 0669, 0709, 0767; 18: 0579; defense 8: 0255 19: 0324; 20: 0559; 23: 0039, 0093, draft 21: 0741, 0806 0138; 25: 0119; 29: 0659; 30: 0585; equipment 12: 0901; 15: 0001; 17: 0115, 42: 0145 0503; 19: 0081 Indochina 13: 0942; 18: 0677; 22: 0880; facilities 5: 0248 40: 0723; 43: 0609, 0622 food 5: 0164, 0248 Indonesia 15: 0708; 16: 0104; 17: 0922; general 24: 0001; 42: 0572; 43: 0004, 0444 18: 0677; 19: 0380; 20: 0457 Industrial College of the Armed Forces Laos 18: 0744; 19: 0380 11: 0131 Nepal 18: 0579; 19: 0324 intelligence 43: 0004 Pakistan 13: 0562; 14: 0001, 0427, 0793, justice 8: 0451 0852; 15: 0225; 18: 0579; 19: 0324; operations 42: 0145; 43: 0444 29: 0659 personnel 19: 0081; 20: 0055; 25: 0504 Philippines 18: 0744; 19: 0380; 22: 0944; policy 11: 0276 23: 0039; 29: 0245, 0659 preparedness 19: 0697 south 18: 0425, 0530, 0579; 19: 0324 spending 8: 0435 southeast 14: 0001; 23: 0222; 42: 0145 strategy and planning 42: 0001, 0145; Sri Lanka 18: 0530; 19: 0324 43: 0004 Taiwan 10: 0047; 13: 0027, 0510, 0767, technology 24: 0073 0942; 18: 0744; 19: 0380; 23: 0039 timepieces 40: 0218, 0258 Thailand 13: 0817; 16: 0179, 0451; training 2: 0477; 16: 0104; 17: 0346; 18: 0744; 19: 0380; 23: 0039 19: 0954 trade agreements 36: 0226 U.S. Air Force 1: 0912 see also China, People’s Republic of use of restricted data 4: 0318 see also China, Republic of U.S. overseas 20: 0055, 0124; 23: 0039 see also Japan weapons 33: 0949 see also Korea Armed Forces Charter see also Vietnam 20: 0001 Asian Economic Development Fund Arms control 15: 0225 24: 0073; 40: 0867, 0923 Atlantic Exploratory Convention Army Corps of Engineers 3: 0942, 0980 25: 0811 Atlantic Ocean Art 1: 0722 education 9: 0829 Atomic bomb paintings 8: 0001 4: 0001–0966; 5: 0001, 0029, 0071; 6: 0135 schools 9: 0829 Atomic capabilities Asia 13: 0001, 0430 Afghanistan 14: 0793, 0852 Atomic energy Asian Economic Development Fund AEC 4: 0076 15: 0225 Atomic Energy Act 4: 0001, 0053 Burma 15: 0370, 0441; 16: 0545; 18: 0677; Atomic Power For Peace 7: 0001 19: 0380; 23: 0039; 42: 0001, 0145 civil use 4: 0076, 0170, 0206, 0749, 0966 Cambodia 18: 0677; 19: 0380 general 4: 0001–0966; 5: 0001, 0029, 0071; cold war 20: 0559 6: 0174–0425, 0518, 0629, 0668, 0807– east 18: 0744 0932; 7: 0041, 0102, 0147, 0248, 0341, Far East America Council 8: 0135 0384; 20: 0124, 0330; 24: 0769; 25: 0894

76 Inter-American Symposium On Nuclear Awards and honors Energy 14: 0600 19: 0944 International Atomic Energy Commission Baghdad Pact 11: 0696 14: 0793 international information agreement 4: 0053 Bahamas international sharing 7: 0147, 0194 31: 0487 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 6: 0518; Balance of payments 11: 0949 1: 0001; 8: 0879; 9: 0131, 0198, 0513, 0567; peaceful uses 7: 0041 22: 0483; 28: 0880; 29: 0122, 0480, sharing of 4: 0076, 0150, 0170, 0206, 0379, 0515; 32: 0001, 0054 0406–0662 Ball and roller bearings stockpiling 4: 0001 36: 0226 Atomic Energy Act Ballistic missile guidance system 4: 0001, 0053 25: 0894 Atomic Energy Commission Baltic countries 4: 0076 24: 0283 Atomic Power For Peace Banks and banking 7: 0001 federal home loan banks 21: 0806 Atomic Research Reactor Program general 21: 0741; 22: 0422 14: 0372 Iceland Bank of Development 15: 0001 Atoms For Peace Import-Export Bank 14: 0921 4: 0001; 19: 0199; 23: 0222 International Bank for Reconstruction and Australia Development 11: 0705 4: 0379, 0966; 15: 0588; 29: 0380; 30: 0526; Barbados 31: 0296; 33: 0088; 37: 0808, 0883; 18: 0385; 19: 0446 38: 0001 Belgian Congo Austria see Zaire general 13: 0001, 0430; 14: 0257, 0332; Belgium 15: 0001, 0370, 0667, 0897; 17: 0346; economy 20: 0682 18: 0892; 30: 0526; 31: 0296, 0543, general 4: 0076; 18: 0892; 20: 0392; 0889; 34: 0001; 37: 0586 30: 0526; 31: 0296; 37: 0586, 0883; Hungarian refugees 11: 0022 38: 0001, 0301 Soviet properties 13: 0001, 0430 politics 20: 0682 state industries 14: 0548 U.S. trade 36: 0244 tariffs 31: 0249; 36: 0906 Zaire 17: 0545, 0742; 18: 0155; 33: 0088 U.S. military aid 14: 0548 Beria, Lavrenti U.S. trade 36: 0244 23: 0843 Automobiles Berlin Building Exhibition 22: 0113 14: 0257 Aviation Berlin, Germany education 3: 0186 general 24: 0641, 0718 equipment 1: 0490 nuclear reactor 4: 0206 facilities 3: 0731 occupation 19: 0048, 0255 general 1: 0662 Beverages international 1: 0390 30: 0119 pilot training 2: 0904 Bicycle industry policy 1: 0390; 2: 0001, 0769; 3: 0127 Bicycle Marketer’s Association 36: 0341 safety 1: 0722; 2: 0182; 3: 0001 manufacturing 36: 0244, 0387, 0475 see also Air transportation sales 36: 0244, 0341, 0387 see also Civil aviation see also Military aviation

77 Bicycle industry cont. damage 8: 0531, 0576 tariffs and trade agreements 36: 0234, 0244, general 8: 0218 0341, 0387, 0475 government 5: 0365 trade 36: 0244, 0387, 0475 mechanization 37: 0499 Bicycle Marketer’s Association nickel 10: 0122; 12: 0556 36: 0341 pipe 36: 0646 Blood donation printing and publishing 7: 0484; 33: 0001 21: 0411 production 19: 0255, 0324, 0380, 0446 Bolivia property 11: 0238 agriculture 13: 0602 subversion 26: 0195 emergency aid 13: 0602 see also Bicycle industry finances 13: 0602 see also Clothing and clothing industry general 14: 0651; 15: 0225; 17: 0922; see also Coal industry 18: 0223; 19: 0446 see also Cotton industry mines 13: 0602 see also Fish and fishing industry Boneless, Turkey, Inc. see also Food industry 5: 0164, 0248 see also Glass industry Boycotts see also Grain industry 27: 0589; 28: 0001 see also Iron and steel industry Brazil see also Lead and zinc industry 13: 0885; 18: 0223; 19: 0446; 31: 0920; see also Lumber industry and products 32: 0001, 0054; 33: 0028, 0311, 0804; see also Metal industry 34: 0001 see also Minerals Bricker Amendment see also Petroleum industry 5: 0336 see also Textile industry and products Brier pipes see also Thermometer industry and 36: 0545, 0646, 0748, 0786, 0834 production British Guiana see also Tobacco industry and products see Guyana see also Watch industry Broadcast communications see also Wool and wool industry 6: 0710, 0761, 0807, 0828, 0870, 0932 Butrov, Valeriy Budget, U.S. 25: 0001 9: 0664; 15: 0063; 19: 0723, 0803 Buy American Act Bulgaria 10: 0122 19: 0613; 23: 0561; 24: 0283 C-130 plane shooting Burdin, Vladimir 24: 0641 25: 0001 Cabinet Committee on Energy Supplies and Bureau of the Budget Resources Policy 22: 0815 5: 0424, 0436, 0557, 0678, 0777, 0910 Burma Cabinet Committee on Minerals Policy 15: 0370, 0441; 16: 0545; 18: 0677; 5: 0961 19: 0380; 23: 0039; 42: 0001, 0145 Cabinet Committee on Small Business Business Advisory Council 6: 0001 5: 0360 Cabinet Committee on Telecommunications Business and industry Policy and Organization aircraft 2: 0769 6: 0012 Cabinet Committee on Small Business Cairo Conference 6: 0001 42: 0145 community relations 8: 0218 Cambodia Congress of Industrial Organizations 18: 0677; 19: 0380 28: 0001, 0166

78 Cameras Catholic Church 34: 0297 see Roman Catholic Church Canada Censorship agricultural trade 1: 0091 general 21: 0242, 0411, 0572, 0741 defense 20: 0457; 43: 0478 USSR 24: 0934 economy 20: 0682 Central African Federation fishing industry 11: 0918 19: 0324 general 2: 0477; 4: 0170, 0379, 0702, 0710; Central America 20: 0392; 22: 0541, 0564; 30: 0526; Costa Rica 18: 0280; 19: 0446 31: 0296, 0487, 0602, 0665, 0729, 0851; El Salvador 18: 0280; 19: 0446 32: 0335; 37: 0271, 0312, 0439, 0883; Guatemala 8: 0348; 14: 0164; 18: 0280; 38: 0051, 0364–0941; 39: 0001, 0064, 19: 0446 0495 Mexico 9: 0786; 18: 0347; 19: 0446; politics 20: 0682 37: 0883; 38: 0001 U.S. relations 22: 0175, 0299, 0541, 0564; Nicaragua 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 30: 0660 29: 0380; 38: 0811 Panama 5: 0396; 18: 0347; 19: 0446; U.S. trade 32: 0403; 37: 0389 21: 0071; 27: 0237; 32: 0307 Canals U.S. military aid 13: 0027, 0510 general 27: 0237 Central Hungarian Sick Benefit and Literary Kiel 27: 0237 Society Suez 24: 0410 7: 0477 traffic and maintenance 5: 0396 Cerium alloys Cancer 36: 0906, 0949, 0983 7: 0194 Ceylon Candy see Sri Lanka 35: 0551, 0603, 0653, 0706 Chekhov Publishing House Capital punishment 7: 0484 23: 0533 Chemicals and chemical industry Caribbean 31: 0001, 0057; 32: 0873; 33: 0165; Barbados 18: 0385; 19: 0446 34: 0734 Caribbean Commission 7: 0461 Cherneyshev, Ilya Cuba 10: 0122; 12: 0556; 17: 0412, 0449, 25: 0001 0857; 18: 0280; 30: 0526; 31: 0249, Children 0296, 0436; 34: 0142; 39: 0472, 0551; guardians 23: 0533 40: 0647 welfare 19: 0199 Dominican Republic 18: 0280; 19: 0446; Chile 30: 0585; 31: 0296, 0436; 33: 0088; 18: 0223; 30: 0526; 31: 0296, 0436; 39: 0472 34: 0001 Haiti 13: 0669; 17: 0449; 18: 0280; China, People’s Republic of (mainland 19: 0446; 30: 0585; 31: 0354, 0436; China) 34: 0001 admission to UN 40: 0723 Jamaica 18: 0385; 19: 0446 armed forces 31: 0001 Leeward Islands 18: 0385; 19: 0446 finance 1: 0798 Puerto Rico 7: 0461; 22: 0944; 34: 0297, general 10: 0047; 11: 0705; 13: 0161; 0945 24: 0718, 0769; 25: 0504; 26: 0747; Windward Islands 18: 0385; 19: 0446 31: 0057; 42: 0001, 0145 Caribbean Commission India trade 25: 0119 7: 0461 prisoners of war 22: 0766 Casablanca Conference refugees 12: 0843 42: 0001 trade 30: 0907 U.S. relations 1: 0798

79 China, People’s Republic of (mainland search and seizure 3: 0411 China) cont. UN Commission on Human Rights 40: 0802 USSR relations 24: 0125 Civil service U.S. trade 31: 0001, 0149, 0177, 0794 10: 0113, 0179, 0243, 0289, 0337, 0391, China, Republic of (Taiwan) 0458, 0528, 0596, 0629, 0666, 0723, defense 10: 0047 0783 general 10: 0047; 18: 0744; 19: 0380; Civil Service Commission 23: 0039 9: 0450; 21: 0516; 26: 0001, 0093, 0390, 10: 0047 0483, 0688 naval vessels 13: 0027, 0510, 0767, 0942; Classified information 14: 0257 declassification 43: 0444 Quemoy 10: 0047 general 8: 0451 Chocolate and cocoa government contracts 26: 0688 35: 0706; 36: 0048 restrictions 26: 0585, 0688 Church of England Clemency 28: 0429 41: 0143, 0228, 0307 Cigars Clemency & Parole Board for War Criminals 34: 0142; 39: 0551 7: 0937 Civil Aeronautics Administration Clothing and clothing industry 1: 0586, 0662; 2: 0089; 12: 0180; 21: 0351 clothespins 33: 0028; 36: 0475 Civil Air Policy general 22: 0175, 0299; 29: 0861; 37: 0755; 2: 0617; 3: 0245 39: 0314 Civil aviation handkerchiefs 33: 0165, 0311 aircraft 2: 0001, 0283, 0844 hats 30: 0751; 37: 0755 emergency transportation 1: 0798; 2: 0617 shoes 35: 0031 general 1: 0451, 0490, 0662, 0912; 2: 0477; silk scarves 39: 0260, 0314, 0364, 0426 3: 0731; 24: 0641, 0889 Coal industry ICAO 1: 0662, 0722, 0877; 2: 0283, 0383, coal-tar dyes 35: 0200 0477; 3: 0731 European Coal and Steel Community military aviation relations 1: 0390 13: 0669; 31: 0354, 0436 navigation requirements 1: 0490 general 5: 0424, 0910 Civil Aviation Facilitation Project mining 5: 0436, 0557; 29: 0289 1: 0912 procurement 13: 0817 Civil defense production 29: 0071 6: 0135, 0425; 7: 0495, 0546, 0760, 0785, trade 5: 0436, 0557, 0910; 13: 0817 0880, 0883; 21: 0123, 0411 Coast Guard Civil Defense Coordinating Board 21: 0476 7: 0760, 0785, 0883 Cold war Civilian manpower 6: 0067, 0135, 0486, 0668–0932; 8: 0255; 20: 0923; 21: 0242, 0316, 0411, 0572, 0806; 11: 0276; 12: 0624, 0675, 0739, 0778, 22: 0483, 0773 0901; 13: 0161; 19: 0680, 0697; Civil Reserve Air Fleet 20: 0559; 22: 0880; 23: 0039–0222, 2: 0283; 12: 0254 0590, 0843; 24: 0001, 0073, 0718; Civil rights 25: 0432, 0504, 0557, 0849; 28: 0826; general 3: 0911 40: 0723 National Association of Colored Women’s Cole v. Young Clubs, Inc. 19: 0523 26: 0688 National Colored Women’s Club 19: 0523 Collegial Society of Hungarian Veterans racial segregation 23: 0001 8: 0001 school desegregation 23: 0001 Colombia 18: 0109, 0223

80 Colonialism Communist Infiltrated Organizations Act of 19: 0324; 23: 0222 1954 Comintern 26: 0195 26: 0747 Community relations Commission on Foreign Economic Policy, business 8: 0218 U.S. military 19: 0954; 20: 0001 8: 0080, 0135; 29: 0122 Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension Commission on Governmental Functions & 8: 0289 Fiscal Resources Conferences and congresses 8: 0161 ARCADIA conference 42: 0572 Commission on Government Security Cairo Conference 42: 0145 8: 0152 Casablanca Conference 42: 0001 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension 8: 0163 8: 0289 Commission on Organization of Executive East West Conference 23: 0093 Branch of Government Foreign Ministers Conference 23: 0039, 8: 0170 0093 Committee on Economic Policy Geneva Summit Conference 3: 0813 8: 0218; 9: 0567 ILO 11: 0811, 0835 Committee on Foreign Trade Education international 43: 0609 8: 0247 NATO Heads of Government conference Committee on Non-Military Defense 20: 0055, 0124, 0164, 0188, 0262, 0330, 8: 0249 0392, 0457, 0507, 0559, 0616 Committee on the Present Danger North Atlantic Ocean Station Conference 8: 0255 1: 0586; 2: 0477 Commodity Credit Corporation Potsdam 42: 0145 1: 0172, 0294 Tehran 42: 0145 Communications TRIDENT conference 42: 0001, 0145 air 2: 0477 UN Disarmament Conference 40: 0867, emergency 21: 0411, 0741 0923 equipment 3: 0297, 0411 Yalta 42: 0145 espionage 26: 0747 Congo FCC 1: 0798; 3: 0297; 6: 0012 40: 0802 general 21: 0048; 22: 0023, 0175, 0299 Congo River international 7: 0102 27: 0237 satellites 25: 0938 Congress, U.S. USSR censorship 24: 0934 agenda 8: 0348, 0399 Communism briefings 8: 0435 Comintern 26: 0747 campaign 22: 0584 Communist Infiltrated Organizations Act of general 8: 0306, 0348, 0399; 12: 0121; 1954 26: 0195 13: 0253 espionage 26: 0747 Joint Committee on Atomic Energy 6: 0518; general 6: 0067; 10: 0066; 12: 0001; 11: 0949 14: 0332; 19: 0548, 0613, 0697; legislation 10: 0723; 12: 0105, 0121; 22: 0715; 24: 0834; 28: 0001; 40: 0647; 41: 0438 43: 0609, 0622 oversight 10: 0391 propaganda 24: 0934 presidential relations 8: 0306 U.S. 23: 0946 Congress of Industrial Organizations U.S. Army 8: 0306 28: 0001, 0166

81 Constitution, U.S. tariff concessions 31: 0249 amendments 5: 0336 trade agreements 34: 0142 laws 26: 0195 Cuban Refugee Committee powers 22: 0944 17: 0857 Construction Culture 22: 0175, 0299; 31: 0001 Korea 17: 0605 Consumer spending USSR 23: 0590 22: 0483 Currency Contracts 9: 0365, 0414 general 11: 0163, 0202; 12: 0383 Customs administration government authorities 21: 0846 bill 12: 0105 Convention on Forced Labor classification 29: 0206 11: 0811, 0835 general 25: 0272 Convertiplanes procedures 28: 0925 3: 0071 Cyprus Copper and copper industry 20: 0559 32: 0785 Czechoslovakia Cork general 24: 0231 33: 0235, 0311 resignation from UNESCO 40: 0723 Costa Rica Danube River 18: 0280; 19: 0446 27: 0237 Cotton industry Debts consumption 37: 0117 21: 0806 general 1: 0358; 11: 0403; 29: 0765; Defectors 30: 0119; 31: 0543; 32: 0942; 33: 0235, 24: 0231, 0326 0311; 35: 0170 Defense, Department of Mexico 37: 0117 39: 0426 prices 29: 0612; 32: 0128; 37: 0117 Defense Facilities Access Bill tariffs 29: 0289; 37: 0117 26: 0195 textiles 29: 0711; 32: 0785; 34: 0297 Defense mobilization trade 29: 0612, 0711; 34: 0297; 37: 0117 38: 0156, 0238, 0261; 40: 0057, 0218, 0258, Council of Economic Advisors 0349 1: 0001 Democratic Party Court martial cases 9: 0720; 22: 0584, 0624 8: 0451 Demography Covenants On Human Rights Brazil 32: 0001, 0054 40: 0802 Japanese 34: 0206 Credit survey respondents 43: 0609, 0622 Commodity Credit Corporation 1: 0172, Denmark 0294 armed forces 20: 0457 controls 21: 0242, 0572 economy 20: 0682 general 9: 0912; 22: 0422 general 13: 0602; 18: 0892; 20: 0392; Crusade For Freedom 30: 0585; 31: 0436; 32: 0230; 33: 0088; 23: 0018 34: 0001; 37: 0271 Cuba politics 20: 0682 general 10: 0122; 12: 0556; 17: 0412; U.S. trade 37: 0389 18: 0280; 30: 0526; 31: 0296, 0436; Development Loan Fund 39: 0472, 0551; 40: 0647 18: 0822 Haiti relations 17: 0449 Diamonds refugees 17: 0857 1: 0172

82 Dillon Dam U.S. trade 13: 0001, 0430; 14: 0206, 0257, 23: 0505 0332, 0372; 16: 0982; 29: 0765; 30: 0907 Diplomatic and consular relations Yugoslavia 11: 0067; 15: 0169, 0506, 0667; ambassadors 3: 0841; 24: 0410 19: 0048, 0255; 20: 0507; 32: 0189 general 11: 0262, 0276; 24: 0504, 0585, East Germany 0641 see German Democratic Republic Disarmament East West Conference general 5: 0001, 0125; 6: 0245, 0307, 0363, 23: 0093 0425; 19: 0680; 20: 0124, 0188, 0262; Economic and technical cooperation 23: 0093; 24: 0037, 0180, 0410, 0641, general 18: 0223–0744 0718, 0769; 25: 0432 international 8: 0879 peace proposals 24: 0585 Economic conditions treaties 41: 0088 general 8: 0879, 0958; 9: 0001, 0069, 0131, UN Disarmament Commission 4: 0285; 0198, 0262, 0307, 0365, 0414, 0450, 40: 0867, 0923; 41: 0001, 0041, 0088, 0513, 0567, 0608, 0664 0115 UK 29: 0122 UN Disarmament Conference 40: 0867, Economic Defense Advisory Committee 0923 19: 0882 USSR 24: 0326; 40: 0867, 0923 Economic defense policy Disaster relief 30: 0907; 31: 0177 8: 0801; 15: 0370 Economic development Disasters Advisory Board for Economic Growth & drought 8: 0801 Stability 1: 0001 floods 8: 0531, 0576; 15: 0370 Brazil 32: 0001, 0054 preparation 43: 0478 Denmark 20: 0682 Diseases and disorders Eastern Europe 23: 0843 cancer 7: 0194 Europe 9: 0001 general 11: 0586 foreign 9: 0664 malaria 14: 0651; 15: 0441; 19: 0199 foreign aid 29: 0480, 0515 District of Columbia France 20: 0737 8: 0814; 9: 0836, 0862 FRG 20: 0737 Dominican Republic general 8: 0135; 18: 0223, 0347–0744; 18: 0280; 19: 0446; 30: 0585; 31: 0296, 19: 0723, 0803 0436; 33: 0088; 39: 0472 Greece 20: 0737 Drought Iceland 14: 0600; 20: 0737; 37: 0439 8: 0801 indicators 8: 0348, 0399, 0879; 9: 0069, Drugs and medicines 0131, 0198, 0929; 19: 0001, 0048, 0723, 7: 0248 0803 Earthenware and pottery Iran 16: 0214 32: 0483, 0645, 0873 Italy 20: 0787; 29: 0206 Eastern Europe Japan 34: 0206, 0267, 0297, 0398 Bulgaria 19: 0613; 23: 0561; 24: 0283 Korea 12: 0016; 17: 0605 Czechoslovakia 24: 0231; 40: 0723 Luxembourg 20: 0787 eastern 12: 0624, 0675, 0739, 0778; Netherlands 20: 0787 13: 0001, 0305, 0430; 14: 0206, 0257, Norway 20: 0787 0332, 0372; 16: 0982; 19: 0548; Portugal 20: 0838 23: 0039, 0561, 0590, 0843; 24: 0769; Presidential Fund For East Asian Economic 29: 0765; 30: 0907 Development 15: 0897; 17: 0115 economies 23: 0843 projections 9: 0069, 0131, 0198, 0365, 0513, Romania 10: 0066; 24: 0283 0567, 0929 U.S. food aid 13: 0305 Thailand 16: 0451

83 Economic development cont. Elections Turkey 20: 0838 German 24: 0037 UK 20: 0838; 29: 0122 U.S. 9: 0720; 22: 0584, 0624 USSR 5: 0360; 23: 0222, 0590; 24: 0585, Electric power 0641; 25: 0119 contracts 23: 0454, 0505 Vietnam 16: 0613, 0827 general 7: 0341; 20: 0923; 21: 0001; see also Economic and technical 23: 0372, 0410, 0454, 0505 cooperation National Electric Power Administration see also International assistance 21: 0351 Economic indicators Electronic products Europe 9: 0262 2: 0383 general 8: 0080, 0348, 0399, 0879; 9: 0069– El Salvador 0262, 0929; 19: 0001, 0048, 0723, 0803 18: 0280; 19: 0446 international 9: 0414 Emergency aid Economic policy Bolivia 13: 0602 Council of Economic Advisors 1: 0001 Hungary 14: 0691; 15: 0001 general 8: 0218; 9: 0450, 0567, 0664 Emergency Communications Agency Economic projections 21: 0411 9: 0069, 0131, 0198, 0365, 0513, 0567, Emergency defense 0929; 24: 0585 22: 0001, 0175, 0299 Economic stabilization Emergency Energy and Materials Agency 20: 0923; 21: 0001, 0316, 0645, 0741 21: 0411 Economic Stabilization Agency Emergency housing 21: 0516 20: 0923; 21: 0001, 0696; 22: 0175, 0299 Ecuador Emergency Manpower Administration 16: 0001; 18: 0280; 19: 0446; 29: 0245 21: 0476 Education Emergency mobilization aeronautic 2: 0283 2: 0844; 3: 0001, 0071, 0186, 0731; 5: 0961; art 9: 0829 12: 0556; 20: 0901, 0917, 0923; aviation 2: 0904; 3: 0186 21: 0001–0095, 0123–0351, 0476, 0645, foreign trade 8: 0247 0696, 0741; 22: 0023; 43: 0523, 0553 general 7: 0248; 17: 0857 Emergency preparedness and relocation Industrial College of the Armed Forces Emergency Energy and Materials Agency 11: 0131 21: 0411 international exchanges 10: 0924 employment 21: 0846 reform 20: 0330 food rationing 21: 0001 school desegregation 23: 0001 general 7: 0495, 0546, 0760, 0785, 0883; see also Higher education 12: 0901; 19: 0697; 20: 0901; 21: 0316; Egypt 22: 0113 Cairo Conference 42: 0145 medical aid 13: 0817 general 12: 0843; 18: 0425; 19: 0255; see also Emergency mobilization 37: 0117 Emergency Transport Agency internal security 27: 0001 21: 0516 refugees 14: 0921 Emergency transportation Suez Canal seizure 24: 0410 civil aviation 1: 0798; 2: 0617 U.S. military aid 13: 0767 general 21: 0645, 0696 U.S. policy 27: 0301 Employment and unemployment Elbe River emergency conditions 21: 0846 27: 0237 federal 3: 0859; 10: 0458, 0835; 22: 0773, 0815; 26: 0390, 0483; 34: 0398

84 foreigners 9: 0307 International Committee For European general 8: 0879; 10: 0179; 21: 0476 Migration 19: 0146 glass industry 37: 0635 Luxembourg 18: 0892; 20: 0392, 0787; lead and zinc industry 37: 0883 30: 0526; 31: 0296 textile industry 39: 0364 Norway 13: 0602; 19: 0001; 20: 0392, 0787; thermometer industry 37: 0039 30: 0660; 31: 0354, 0487; 34: 0001; tobacco pipe industry 36: 0545, 0646, 0748, 37: 0271, 0389, 0439 0834 Portugal 8: 0958; 14: 0548; 19: 0001; wages 21: 0846 20: 0392, 0838 watch industry 40: 0057, 0138 Radio Free Europe 19: 0613; 23: 0018 Energy development Spain 1: 0091; 14: 0921; 19: 0001, 0255; general 5: 0424, 0557, 0678; 39: 0173 20: 0457 National Energy and Minerals Agency Sweden 31: 0249, 0354, 0487; 34: 0001; 21: 0351 37: 0586 Energy policy Switzerland 4: 0406; 32: 0403; 34: 0398; 5: 0436, 0557, 0910 35: 0200, 0270; 40: 0138, 0258, 0349 Energy regulations Turkey 20: 0838; 27: 0237; 29: 0612 5: 0436, 0557, 0678 U.S. aid 13: 0253 Energy stock prices U.S. National Committee for a Free Europe 5: 0436, 0557 19: 0548, 0613 Energy supplies and production Vatican City 28: 0393 5: 0436, 0557 western 23: 0039 Engineering see also Austria commercial 12: 0094 see also Belgium equipment 22: 0175, 0299; 31: 0001 see also Denmark general 24: 0073 see also Eastern Europe Entertainment see also France 26: 0093 see also Germany Escape clause investigations see also Italy 36: 0545, 0906; 37: 0499, 0883; 38: 0301 see also Netherlands Escapee program see also Poland 13: 0027, 0510, 0817 see also United Kingdom Espionage European Atomic Energy Community 8: 0451; 23: 0533; 26: 0747 (EURATOM) project Ethics laws 11: 0696; 20: 0507 10: 0243, 0289, 0337, 0391, 0458, 0502, European Coal and Steel Community 0528, 0596, 0629, 0666 13: 0669; 31: 0354, 0436 Ethiopia European Common Market 3: 0841; 13: 0253; 14: 0852; 18: 0579; 20: 0507 19: 0324 European Payments Union Europe 9: 0262 African colonies 19: 0324 European Scientific and Engineering Allied forces 20: 0055 Program Cyprus 20: 0559 19: 0048 economy 9: 0001, 0262 European Technical Exchange Finland 15: 0169; 16: 0982; 18: 0001; 19: 0048 30: 0585; 31: 0296, 0436, 0889; 34: 0001 Executive orders general 7: 0248; 9: 0414; 18: 0892; 21: 0411; 26: 0001 19: 0001, 0048, 0255; 22: 0483; Export dumping 25: 0624, 0684, 0741 37: 0735

85 Export-Import Bank national income 22: 0483 9: 0786; 14: 0921; 15: 0225, 0944; 23: 0093, U.S. budget 9: 0664 0138 Financial institutions Facilities Protection Act of 1954 21: 0411, 0476; 43: 0523 26: 0195 Finland Fairless Committee 15: 0169; 16: 0982; 18: 0001; 30: 0585; 9: 0826 31: 0296, 0436, 0889; 34: 0001 Families Fish and fishing industry 10: 0066 Canada 11: 0918 Far East America Council fisheries 37: 0271, 0312 8: 0135 fleets 37: 0312 Farms and farming general 32: 0645, 0785; 33: 0235, 0311; general 1: 0005, 0045, 0075 34: 0297; 37: 0439 hogs 1: 0045 groundfish 37: 0389, 0439 land use 1: 0358; 39: 0001 International Pacific Salmon Fisheries livestock 1: 0045; 33: 0235, 0311 Commission 11: 0918 parity payments 1: 0358 subsidies 37: 0312 see also Agriculture tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0271, 0312, Federal Bureau of Investigations 0389, 0439, 0481 26: 0483 tuna 29: 0289; 30: 0808 Federal City Center U.S. 11: 0918 9: 0836, 0862 Flatware Federal Communications Commission tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0492 1: 0798; 3: 0297; 6: 0012 Floods Federal employees general 8: 0531, 0576 8: 0152; 26: 0001, 0093, 0390, 0483, 0688 prevention 8: 0576 Federal Home Loan Bank Board relief 15: 0370 21: 0476, 0516, 0806 Florida Federal Register general 22: 0624 9: 0908; 21: 0242, 0351, 0476; 22: 0422 Miami 17: 0857 Federal Reserve System Food aid 9: 0912, 0929; 22: 0422 Congo 40: 0802 Federal shelter program Eastern Europe 13: 0305 7: 0883 East Germany 13: 0669 Ferrocerium general 1: 0091, 0172 36: 0906 Food for Peace Finance 10: 0001 aircraft 3: 0071 Food industry air facilities 3: 0071 chocolate and cocoa 35: 0706; 36: 0048 Bolivia 13: 0602 costs 5: 0164, 0248 China 1: 0798 distribution 13: 0817; 36: 0048 Commission on Governmental Functions & figs 37: 0188 Fiscal Resources 8: 0161 fruits and vegetables 33: 0235; 37: 0188 debt 21: 0806 general 10: 0001 France 20: 0457 manufacturing 36: 0048 general 8: 0879 meat 34: 0448; 38: 0344 government 9: 0513, 0567 military 5: 0248 India 20: 0559 oats 38: 0364, 0429, 0517, 0616, 0713, Iran 16: 0214 0782, 0811, 0881, 0941; 39: 0001, 0064 monetary policy 9: 0912 potatoes 31: 0729 poultry 5: 0164, 0248

86 preparation 5: 0164, 0248 Japan 20: 0559 rationing 20: 0923; 21: 0001 Korea 17: 0605 seafood 34: 0734; 37: 0271 Middle East 27: 0069, 0176 stockpiling 14: 0600 Morocco 20: 0559 sugar 29: 0861; 30: 0119, 0751; 33: 0088; Poland 14: 0921; 15: 0944 39: 0472 security program 26: 0585, 0688 supply 22: 0175, 0299 South America 18: 0223; 23: 0222; 32: 0128 tapioca 33: 0804 Thailand 16: 0451 tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0188 Tunisia 20: 0559 trade 34: 0945; 35: 0031, 0358, 0408, 0458, Turkey 20: 0559 0505, 0551, 0603, 0653, 0706, 0759, UK 29: 0578 0788, 0840, 0896, 0943; 36: 0001, 0048 USSR 15: 0766; 23: 0222; 24: 0641, 0718, wheat 1: 0091; 40: 0398 0769, 0834, 0889, 0934; 25: 0119, 0384 wine 33: 0235 USSR summit 20: 0262; 24: 0001 see also Food aid Vietnam 16: 0827 see also Grain industry see also International assistance see also Nuts Foreign trade Forced labor aircraft 1: 0390; 2: 0001, 0283, 0904; see Convention on Forced Labor 3: 0001, 0071, 0186 Foreign assets Argentina 39: 0883 19: 0882; 32: 0128 Austria 36: 0244 Foreign Ministers Conference Belgium 36: 0244 23: 0039, 0093 bicycles 36: 0244, 0387, 0475 Foreign Operations Administration Canada 29: 0380; 32: 0403; 37: 0389 9: 0069; 14: 0001, 0086, 0164; 39: 0763 chemicals 34: 0734 Foreign policy China 30: 0907; 31: 0001, 0149, 0177, 0794 economic 19: 0882 Commission on Foreign Economic Policy Egypt 27: 0301 8: 0080, 0135 general 4: 0406; 6: 0668; 9: 0709; 11: 0262; Committee on Foreign Trade Education 23: 0222; 38: 0051 8: 0247 UK 29: 0195 cotton 29: 0711; 34: 0297; 37: 0117 U.S. Commission on Foreign Economic Denmark 37: 0389 Policy 29: 0122 Eastern Europe 13: 0001, 0430; 14: 0206, Vietnam 16: 0545, 0613 0257, 0332, 0372; 16: 0982; 29: 0765; Foreign relations 30: 0907 ambassadors 3: 0841; 24: 0410 Ecuador 29: 0245 American-Korean Foundation 3: 0820 embargoes 15: 0169, 0667 atomic information 4: 0053 export dumping 37: 0735 Canada 22: 0175, 0299, 0541, 0564; fish 37: 0271, 0312 29: 0380; 38: 0811 food 34: 0945; 35: 0031, 0759, 0788, 0840, China 1: 0798 0896, 0943; 36: 0001, 0048 France 20: 0507 France 36: 0244 general 1: 0798; 5: 0336; 11: 0923; FRG 36: 0244 20: 0262; 25: 0504, 0557; 28: 0648; general 1: 0001; 8: 0080, 0135; 9: 0001, 31: 0177; 34: 0297; 38: 0881; 41: 0531 0069, 0198; 11: 0276; 12: 0624, 0675; Germany 20: 0507 14: 0052, 0086, 0332, 0487; 15: 0115, Greece 20: 0559 0297, 0546, 0639, 0897; 16: 0055; ILO 11: 0768 17: 0412; 18: 0223–0744, 0892; international alliances 20: 0124; 24: 0125, 19: 0001, 0048; 22: 0483; 24: 0718; 0504 28: 0863; 29: 0206, 0480, 0765; 38: 0881 Iran 16: 0214 glass 37: 0635

87 Foreign trade cont. finances 20: 0457 government authority 33: 0853 general 4: 0552; 8: 0958; 12: 0739, 0778; grain 38: 0364, 0429, 0517, 0616, 0713, 13: 0602; 18: 0892; 20: 0392; 30: 0585; 0811, 0881, 0941 31: 0296, 0436; 37: 0808; 38: 0001 hats 37: 0755 NATO 20: 0507 import fees 35: 0759, 0788; 36: 0183 politics 20: 0737 India 25: 0119 reaction to tariffs 36: 0786 industrial 40: 0400 U.S. aid 13: 0709 Interdepartmental Committee on Trade U.S. trade 36: 0244 Agreements 32: 0785 Freedom of speech Italy 29: 0195, 0206 25: 0198 Japan 34: 0206, 0267, 0297, 0398 Freight lead and zinc industry 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; ocean 14: 0487; 15: 0588; 19: 0199 38: 0001, 0156, 0261 rates 5: 0910 livestock 36: 0883 Fruits and vegetables manufactured goods 29: 0711 33: 0235; 37: 0188 metals 1: 0172, 0294; 28: 0925; 29: 0711; Galveston, Texas, Municipal Airport 32: 0001, 0054; 35: 0170; 36: 0226, 1: 0912 0906, 0949 Gaza Strip military equipment 3: 0071; 19: 0081 27: 0301 minerals 1: 0172, 0294; 28: 0925; 29: 0711; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 32: 0001, 0054; 36: 0906, 0949 (GATT) naval vessels 13: 0767 29: 0122, 0195, 0245, 0380, 0425, 0480, negotiations 29: 0612 0515, 0765, 0861; 30: 0738; 31: 0920; Netherlands 37: 0389 32: 0054, 0189, 0403; 34: 0297; Norway 37: 0389 38: 0344; 35: 0270; 39: 0495 nuts 36: 0133 General Services Administration Philippines 29: 0659 21: 0476 policy 28: 0880, 0925; 29: 0001, 0026; Geneva Summit Conference 31: 0729; 33: 0165 3: 0813 quotas 29: 0206; 36: 0183; 38: 0881; Georgescu case 39: 0001, 0064 10: 0066 restrictions 14: 0793; 29: 0206, 0515; German Democratic Republic (East 31: 0149, 0177; 37: 0117; 38: 0782, 0811 Germany) rum 29: 0711 U.S. aid 13: 0669, 0709 strategic materials 14: 0548 Germany sugar 39: 0472 air attacks 20: 0886 textiles 35: 0170 assets in U.S. 20: 0507 thermometers 32: 0230 elections 24: 0037 tobacco 39: 0551 general 19: 0680; 20: 0392; 23: 0093, 0222; UK 29: 0578; 36: 0234, 0244 24: 0231, 0641; 43: 0444 USSR 23: 0922; 24: 0585, 0641, 0889 industrial development 8: 0306 watches 40: 0258 internal security 24: 0037 weapons 33: 0949 NATO 20: 0507 wheat 10: 0001; 29: 0612 religion 28: 0311 wool 40: 0404 reunification 20: 0188; 24: 0037, 0769 see also Export-Import Bank UK forces 20: 0457 see also Tariffs war criminals 20: 0507 France Yugoslavia relations 20: 0507 assets in U.S. 20: 0507 see also Berlin, Germany economy 20: 0737

88 Germany, Federal Republic of (West Health, Education, and Welfare 22: 0815; Germany) (FRG) 25: 0836; 26: 0390 economy 20: 0737 independent regulatory agencies 10: 0179 general 4: 0584, 0646, 0662; 8: 0958; Interior 10: 0835 14: 0257, 0332; 15: 0115; 19: 0001; Labor 28: 0267 30: 0585; 31: 0354, 0436; 37: 0271, Navy 2: 0477, 0716 0586, 0808; 38: 0001 Office of War Resources 21: 0316, 0351 politics 20: 0737 organization 12: 0973 U.S. trade 36: 0244 Treasury 22: 0422 West German Women’s Peace Movement Government fund-raising 19: 0680 7: 0412; 23: 0030 Ghana (Gold Coast) Government investigations 18: 0579; 19: 0324 general 10: 0122; 23: 0030, 0454, 0505; Glass industry 26: 0483 employment 37: 0635 loyalty 26: 0390, 0688 foreign 37: 0586 security 26: 0093 sales 37: 0499 Government organization tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0499, 0586, agencies 12: 0973 0635 cabinet 5: 0365, 0396; 7: 0785; 22: 0773, trade 37: 0635 0815; 41: 0438 Gold Commission on Organization of Executive 9: 0664 Branch of Government 8: 0170 Government appointees general 8: 0152, 0163, 0170, 0249; 9: 0912; 18: 0027 21: 0123; 22: 0577; 26: 0390; 41: 0438 Government buildings intergovernmental relations 1: 0390 10: 0179; 26: 0727 relocation 43: 0523 Government commissions reorganization 7: 0546, 0760, 0785, 0883; general 26: 0390, 0739 10: 0179 political makeup 26: 0739 Government procedure Government committees 22: 0739 8: 0247 Government procurement Government conflicts of interest general 10: 0179; 19: 0081 10: 0243, 0289, 0337, 0391, 0458, 0502, military 12: 0383 0528, 0596, 0629, 0666, 0723, 0783 Government records Government Contract Committee wartime 41: 0531 10: 0113 Government regulations Government contracts airlines 2: 0904 classified 26: 0688 property 21: 0242, 0411, 0572 general 3: 0071; 10: 0122; 21: 0242, 0572 telecommunications 6: 0012 military aircraft 12: 0180 Government revenue property 10: 0122 22: 0483 Government departments and agencies Government spending Agriculture 22: 0815 aircraft 2: 0679 Defense 39: 0426 foreign aid 13: 0305 executive branch 11: 0949; 21: 0123; general 1: 0005; 8: 0435; 19: 0199; 22: 0773, 0815 22: 0483, 0773, 0815 FBI 26: 0483 military 8: 0435 general 8: 0170; 10: 0179, 0243, 0289, Grain industry 0337, 0391, 0458, 0502, 0528, 0596, consumption 38: 0364, 0713, 0881, 0941 0629, 0666, 0723, 0783 milling 38: 0429

89 Grain industry cont. general 11: 0238; 21: 0316, 0351, 0696; prices 38: 0364, 0429, 0517, 0616, 0881, 25: 0811 0941; 39: 0001, 0064 Harvard University International Seminar products 1: 0005, 0045; 33: 0804 10: 0924 rice 11: 0375, 0403 Hat industry tariffs and trade restrictions 38: 0713, 0782, 30: 0751; 37: 0755 0811 Health trade 38: 0364, 0429, 0517, 0616, 0713, administration 20: 0923; 21: 0001 0811, 0881, 0941 facilities 7: 0248, 0341 wheat 1: 0091, 0172, 0358; 10: 0001; insurance 10: 0835 11: 0403; 13: 0305; 14: 0921; 29: 0612; Interdepartmental Committee on 31: 0602, 0665, 0851; 40: 0398 International Health Policy 11: 0586 Grants-in-aid international 11: 0586; 14: 0372 7: 0760, 0785, 0883 public 11: 0586 Greece Public Health Service Commissioned Corps general 4: 0710; 18: 0425, 0483; 19: 0255; 21: 0071 20: 0392; 30: 0585; 31: 0889 resources 17: 0115; 21: 0351 politics 20: 0737 services 7: 0341 tariff negotiations 31: 0543 Health, Education, and Welfare, Department U.S. relations 20: 0559 of Greek Orthodox Church 22: 0815; 25: 0836; 26: 0390 28: 0429 Hejan Railway Green Wool Reservation 14: 0427 40: 0498, 0534, 0647 Helicopters Gromyko, Andrey 2: 0001; 3: 0071 25: 0001, 0079 Help Korea Train Gross National Product 3: 0820 8: 0879 Herter, Christian Groundfish industry 32: 0307 37: 0389, 0439 High Energy Physics Program Grow, Robert 4: 0924 8: 0451 Higher education Grubyakov, Vasili 24: 0073 25: 0001 Highways, streets, and roads Guatemala 9: 0836, 0862; 14: 0332; 21: 0316, 0351 8: 0348; 14: 0164; 18: 0280; 19: 0446 Hogs Guinea, Republic of 1: 0045 17: 0449 Honduras Guyana 18: 0280, 0385; 19: 0446 18: 0385; 19: 0446 Hong Kong Haiti 31: 0487 Cuba relations 17: 0449 Hoover Commission general 17: 0449; 18: 0280; 19: 0446; 8: 0170 30: 0585; 31: 0354, 0436; 34: 0001 Hospitals U.S. military aid 13: 0669 7: 0248 Handkerchiefs Household utensils 33: 0165, 0311 37: 0492 Harbors and ports House Un-American Activities Committee Brazil 13: 0885 8: 0306; 22: 0715 control 21: 0645

90 Housing technical assistance 13: 0709, 0767 emergency 20: 0923; 21: 0001; 22: 0175, trade 1: 0358; 25: 0119; 36: 0226 0299 U.S. economic assistance 13: 0669 federal shelter program 7: 0883 Indochina Housing and Home Finance Agency general 18: 0677; 22: 0880; 43: 0609, 0622 21: 0351 U.S. military aid 13: 0942 Hungarian Revolt see also Vietnam 8: 0001; 10: 0947; 11: 0001, 0022, 0067, Indochina War 0098 40: 0723 Hungary Indonesia Central Hungarian Sick Benefit and Literary general 15: 0708; 16: 0104; 17: 0922; Society 7: 0477 18: 0677; 19: 0380 Collegial Society of Hungarian Veterans West New Guinea 20: 0457 8: 0001 Industrial College of the Armed Forces emergency aid 14: 0691; 15: 0001 11: 0131 general 19: 0613; 24: 0231 Industrial development history 8: 0001 equipment 31: 0057 refugees 11: 0022, 0067, 0098; 17: 0857; facilities 26: 0001 19: 0199 general 19: 0723, 0803; 21: 0071 resignation from UNESCO 40: 0723 Germany 8: 0306 revolt 8: 0001; 10: 0947; 11: 0001, 0022, trade 40: 0400 0067, 0098 USSR 24: 0585 USSR invasion 10: 0947 Industrial production Hydroelectric power 19: 0255, 0324, 0380, 0446; 20: 0923; 14: 0750 21: 0001, 0123; 22: 0483 Hydrogen bomb Inland water transportation 6: 0135 11: 0163, 0202, 0238; 21: 0316 Iceland Inland Waterways Corporation Bank of Development 15: 0001 11: 0163, 0202, 0238 defense 20: 0507 Institute of American Strategy economy 14: 0600; 20: 0737; 37: 0439 11: 0262, 0276 general 19: 0001, 0255; 20: 0392; 30: 0808; Insurance 37: 0271, 0312, 0586 8: 0814 politics 20: 0737 Intelligence activities U.S. aid 14: 0750 espionage 26: 0747 Ilichev, Leonid general 8: 0870 25: 0001, 0079 military 43: 0004 Immigration restricted data 4: 0318 general 24: 0283 Interagency Committee on Agricultural law 11: 0115; 24: 0326; 41: 0138 Surplus Disposal Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 11: 0375, 0403 11: 0115 Interagency Textile Committee Immigration and Naturalization Service 32: 0128 10: 0835 Inter-Allied Committee Independent regulatory agencies 20: 0001 10: 0179 Inter-American Defense Board India 13: 0885; 15: 0766 finances 20: 0559 Inter-American Symposium On Nuclear general 18: 0579; 19: 0324; 23: 0039, 0093, Energy 0138; 25: 0119; 30: 0585; 42: 0145 14: 0600 tariff concessions 29: 0659

91 Interdepartmental Committee on loans 15: 0001, 0225, 0441; 19: 0146; International Health Policy 23: 0093 11: 0586 Morocco 14: 0852 Interdepartmental Committee On Trade Pakistan 14: 0793, 0852 Agreements Saudi Arabia 14: 0793 32: 0785 South America 13: 0305 Interior, Department of South Korea 13: 0709 10: 0835 Spain 14: 0921 Intermediate range ballistic missiles Tunisia 14: 0852 20: 0124, 0188 Turkey 14: 0793, 0852 Internal security Vietnam 13: 0709; 16: 0613 Egypt 27: 0001 see also Military assistance general 6: 0668; 19: 0697, 0723, 0803, International Atomic Energy Commission 0882; 23: 0138; 24: 0001; 25: 0432; 11: 0696 29: 0612; 40: 0057, 0218; 41: 0438 International Bank for Reconstruction and Germany 24: 0037 Development international cooperation 26: 0585, 0688 11: 0705 Iran 16: 0214 International Civil Aviation Organization Israel 27: 0001 (ICAO) National Security Council 19: 0697 general 1: 0662, 0722, 0877; 2: 0283, 0383, National Security Medal 19: 0944 0477; 3: 0731 overseas 19: 0081 legal committee 1: 0722 Thailand 16: 0451 International Committee For European Vietnam 16: 0613 Migration see also Mutual security 19: 0146 International assistance International Cooperation Administration Afghanistan 14: 0793, 0852 (ICA) appropriations 13: 0305 14: 0372; 15: 0001, 0063, 0115, 0833; Ethiopia 14: 0852 16: 0179, 0214, 0451, 0545, 0613; Europe 13: 0253 17: 0605 France 13: 0709 International Information Administration general 3: 0820; 8: 0080, 0135; 9: 0001, 11: 0751 0069; 11: 0276; 12: 0624–0901; International Labor Organization (ILO) 13: 0161, 0234; 14: 0086, 0206, 0257, conference 11: 0768 0427, 0852; 15: 0115, 0588, 0639, 0944; general 11: 0768, 0811, 0835 16: 0001, 0214, 0451, 0545, 0827; maritime session 11: 0811, 0835 17: 0412, 0449, 0545, 0742, 0800, 0857; U.S. representation 11: 0768 18: 0001, 0223–0385, 0425–0744, 0822, International Pacific Salmon Fisheries 0892; 19: 0001, 0048, 0146–0446, 0723, Commission 0803; 20: 0124, 0188, 0392; 21: 0242, 11: 0918 0572; 23: 0039, 0093, 0193, 0222; International Sugar Agreement 27: 0301; 29: 0480, 0515 39: 0472 German Democratic Republic 13: 0709 Iran Iceland 14: 0750 culture 16: 0214 India 13: 0669 economy 16: 0214 Iran 14: 0793, 0852 foreign relations 16: 0214 Iraq 14: 0793, 0852 general 11: 0923; 13: 0001, 0430; 16: 0179, Israel 27: 0069 0214; 18: 0483; 19: 0255; 24: 0934 Korea 13: 0305; 17: 0605 government 16: 0214 Lebanon 13: 0709; 14: 0852 internal security 16: 0214 Libya 14: 0852 U.S. aid 14: 0793, 0852

92 Iranian Oil Consortium U.S. military aid 13: 0562; 17: 0194 11: 0923 U.S. relations 20: 0559 Iraq war criminals 7: 0937 Baghdad Pact 14: 0793 Jews and Judaism general 18: 0483; 19: 0255 12: 0604; 23: 0533 U.S. aid 13: 0562; 14: 0793, 0852 Joint Chiefs of Staff Iron and steel industry 41: 0563; 42: 0572; 43: 0004, 0444 European Coal and Steel Community Joint Committee On Atomic Energy 13: 0669; 31: 0354, 0436 6: 0518; 11: 0949 scrap 31: 0543 Jordan steel slag 27: 0391, 0443 14: 0332; 15: 0001, 0063, 0297; 16: 0055; Israel 17: 0800; 18: 0483; 19: 0255 foreign policy 27: 0301 Journalism GATT 32: 0189 22: 0652 general 12: 0604; 13: 0001, 0430; 18: 0483; Kefauver, Estes 19: 0255 22: 0584 internal security 27: 0001 Kharlamov, Mikhail military 27: 0001 25: 0001, 0079 Suez Canal occupation 27: 0069 Khrushchev, Nikita U.S. aid 27: 0069 biography 25: 0001, 0079 Italy visit to Washington, D.C. 24: 0718, 0769, economy 20: 0787; 29: 0206 0834, 0889, 0934 general 5: 0029, 0071; 12: 0739, 0778; Kiel Canal 13: 0602; 14: 0427; 19: 0001; 20: 0392; 27: 0237 30: 0660; 31: 0487; 38: 0001 Korea pipe industry 36: 0646 American-Korean Foundation 3: 0820 politics 20: 0787 culture 12: 0016; 17: 0605 tariffs 29: 0659; 36: 0786 economy 12: 0016; 17: 0605 U.S. military aid 17: 0115 foreign relations 17: 0605 U.S. trade 29: 0195, 0206 general 20: 0559; 43: 0609 Jamaica Help Korea Train 3: 0820 18: 0385; 19: 0446 history 17: 0605 Japan reconstruction 11: 0971; 12: 0016 airfields 14: 0052 U.S. aid 13: 0305; 17: 0605 demographics 34: 0206 Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of economy 34: 0206, 0267, 0297, 0398 (North Korea) foreign trade 34: 0206, 0267, 0297, 0398 17: 0605 general 7: 0248; 11: 0375; 12: 0843; Korea, Republic of (South Korea) 18: 0677; 23: 0039; 24: 0125; 30: 0660, defense 12: 0016; 17: 0229 0808; 31: 0354, 0487, 0543; 32: 0128; general 3: 0820; 11: 0705; 13: 0027, 0510; 34: 0001; 39: 0260, 0314, 0364, 0426; 17: 0605; 18: 0744; 19: 0081, 0380; 41: 0396, 0563 23: 0039 naval vessel loan 13: 0669 naval vessel loan 13: 0767 radioactive pollution 13: 0709 politics 17: 0605 surrender 42: 0145 U.S. aid 13: 0709; 17: 0229 tariff negotiations 29: 0289; 34: 0448 Korean Advisory Council textiles 35: 0170 11: 0971 trade agreements 34: 0206, 0267, 0297, Korean War 0398, 0448, 0516, 0563, 0611, 0656, 3: 0820, 0841; 12: 0001, 0016 0685, 0734, 0820, 0863, 0930, 0945; Kovalev, Anatoliy 35: 0001, 0031, 0170 25: 0001

93 Labor tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0786, 0808, general 12: 0097; 27: 0743, 0841, 0921; 0883; 38: 0001–0261 28: 0094, 0166 trade 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; 38: 0001, 0156, labor unions and organizations 11: 0768, 0261 0811, 0835; 15: 0115 Lebanon standards 27: 0589 general 14: 0651; 15: 0297, 0506, 0833; USSR 24: 0073, 0585 17: 0412; 18: 0483; 19: 0255 see also Convention on Forced Labor U.S. aid 13: 0709; 14: 0750, 0852 see also Employment and unemployment Lebedev, Vladimir see also Wages 25: 0001 Labor, Department of Leeward Islands 28: 0267 18: 0385; 19: 0446 Labor law Lemkov, Nikolay 11: 0768; 12: 0097; 27: 0490, 0589, 0682, 25: 0001 0743, 0841, 0921; 28: 0001–0267 Liberia see also Taft-Hartley Act 17: 0742; 18: 0637; 19: 0324 Labor-management relations Library of Congress 10: 0458; 11: 0768; 21: 0242, 0572; 28: 0393 27: 0490, 0589, 0743, 0841, 0921; Libya 28: 0001, 0094, 0166, 0267 British aid 20: 0559 see also National Labor Relations Board general 14: 0372; 18: 0637; 19: 0324 see also Strikes U.S. aid 14: 0852 see also Taft-Hartley Act Limited war Labor Service Organization 4: 0406 15: 0115 Livestock Land use general 1: 0045; 33: 0235, 0311 acreage allotments 1: 0358; 39: 0001 tariffs and trade agreements 36: 0883 conservation 8: 0576 Loans general 8: 0801; 32: 0001, 0054; 38: 0941 Development Loan Fund 18: 0822 USSR 24: 0180 Federal Home Loan Bank Board 21: 0476, Vietnam 16: 0827 0516 Laos federal home loan banks 21: 0806 18: 0744; 19: 0380 foreign 15: 0001, 0225, 0441; 19: 0146; Law 23: 0093 constitutionality 26: 0195 general 11: 0705; 20: 0392; 22: 0422 ethics 10: 0243, 0289, 0337, 0391, 0458, international 18: 0822 0502, 0528, 0596, 0629, 0666 naval vessels 13: 0027, 0510, 0669, 0767, immigration 11: 0115; 24: 0326; 41: 0138 0942; 14: 0487 international 27: 0301 to Poland 14: 0921; 15: 0944 labor 11: 0768; 27: 0490–0921; 28: 0001– UN Development Loan funds 40: 0802 0267 Loginov, Yevgeny Lawyers 25: 0001 10: 0783; 19: 0536 Louisiana Lead and zinc industry 12: 0176 employment 37: 0883 Loyalty Program general 29: 0289; 38: 0051 general 12: 0178; 26: 0001 prices 37: 0883; 38: 0156 investigations 26: 0390, 0688 production 37: 0883; 38: 0051 Loyalty Review Board profits 37: 0883 26: 0001 stockpiling 38: 0051 subsidies 38: 0051

94 Lumber industry and products Metal industry general 32: 0001, 0054, 0645, 0722, 0942; cerium alloys 36: 0906, 0949, 0983 33: 0235, 0311; 37: 0735 ferrocerium 36: 0906 tariffs and trade agreements 40: 0400 general 31: 0001, 0057; 32: 0645, 0942 wood screws 40: 0400 gold 9: 0664 Luxembourg iron and steel 27: 0391, 0443; 31: 0543 economic development 20: 0787 lead and zinc 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; general 18: 0892; 20: 0392; 30: 0526; 38: 0001, 0051, 0156, 0238, 0261 31: 0296 manganese 27: 0391, 0443 politics 20: 0787 Minerals and Metals Advisory Board Machinery 27: 0391, 0443 31: 0057; 32: 0645, 0722 nickel 10: 0122; 12: 0556 Malaria ore 27: 0391, 0443 14: 0651; 15: 0441; 19: 0199 stockpiling 29: 0765 Malenkov, Georgy tariffs and trade agreements 36: 0906, 0949, 23: 0843, 0946 0983; 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; 38: 0001– Mali, Republic of 0261 17: 0857 trade 1: 0172, 0294; 28: 0925; 29: 0711; Manganese 32: 0001, 0054; 35: 0170; 36: 0226, 27: 0391, 0443 0906, 0949 Manufacturing Mexico aircraft 2: 0001, 0844; 3: 0001, 0186, 0245 cotton industry 37: 0117 bicycles 36: 0244, 0387, 0475 general 9: 0786; 18: 0347; 19: 0446; food 36: 0048 37: 0883; 38: 0001 general 5: 0365 trade 37: 0117 goods 28: 0880; 29: 0711 Microscopes tobacco pipe industry 36: 0545, 0646, 0748, 34: 0734 0834 Middle East USSR 23: 0843 defense 12: 0843 Markov, Alexsander Gaza Strip 27: 0301 25: 0001 general 18: 0425, 0483, 0530; 23: 0039, Matsu Islands 0093, 0222; 24: 0934 10: 0047 Iran 11: 0923; 13: 0001, 0430; 14: 0793, Meat and meat industry 0852; 16: 0179, 0214; 18: 0483; general 34: 0448 19: 0255; 24: 0934 tariffs and trade agreements 38: 0344 Iraq 13: 0562; 14: 0793, 0852; 18: 0483; Medical aid 19: 0255 emergency aid 13: 0817 Israel 12: 0604; 13: 0001, 0430; 18: 0483; preparations 33: 0165 19: 0255; 27: 0001, 0069, 0301; 32: 0189 Medicine Jordan 14: 0332; 15: 0001, 0063, 0297; research 11: 0586 16: 0055; 17: 0800; 18: 0483; 19: 0255 supplies 37: 0001 Lebanon 13: 0709; 14: 0651, 0750, 0852; tests 25: 0836 15: 0297, 0506, 0833; 17: 0412; see also Health 18: 0483; 19: 0255 Membership organizations Palestine 18: 0530 general 22: 0652 Saudi Arabia 12: 0843; 14: 0793; 15: 0833; international 8: 0080; 11: 0586; 20: 0124; 17: 0284, 0800; 18: 0483 24: 0585 Suez Canal 3: 0942, 0980; 14: 0600, 0651; National Association of Colored Women’s 24: 0410; 27: 0069 Clubs, Inc. 19: 0523 United Arab Republic 40: 0802 National Bar Association 19: 0536

95 Middle East cont. Overlord 20: 0886 U.S. relations 27: 0069, 0176 SMACK 12: 0001 see also Turkey Military strategy and planning Middle East Defense 42: 0001, 0145; 43: 0004 12: 0843 Minerals Military aircraft general 31: 0057 1: 0490; 12: 0331; 13: 0253 resources 5: 0961; 21: 0645; 27: 0443; Military Air Transport Service (MATS) 33: 0165; 34: 0297 airlifts 12: 0254 stockpiling 1: 0172, 0294; 12: 0556; development 12: 0254 29: 0765; 37: 0786; 38: 0001 general 2: 0283; 3: 0071; 12: 0180, 0252, trade 1: 0172, 0294; 28: 0925; 29: 0711; 0254, 0297, 0331, 0383, 0433, 0495 32: 0001, 0054; 36: 0906, 0949 structure 12: 0254 see also Cabinet Committee on Minerals Military assistance Policy Austria 14: 0548 see also Minerals and Metals Advisory Central America 13: 0027, 0510 Board Egypt 13: 0767 see also National Energy and Minerals Ethiopia 13: 0253 Agency Europe 13: 0253 Minerals and Metals Advisory Board general 12: 0901; 13: 0234; 14: 0001, 0052, 27: 0391, 0443 0164, 0548, 0852; 15: 0001, 0115, 0225, Mines 0297, 0370, 0506, 0546, 0588, 0708, Bolivia 13: 0602 0766, 0833, 0944; 16: 0001, 0055, 0104, Mizrachi Organization of America 0545, 0827; 17: 0284, 0412, 0449, 0605, 12: 0604 0742, 0800, 0922; 18: 0155, 0223, 0280, Mobilization of resources 0425–0892; 19: 0001–0146, 0255–0446, 2: 0283, 0477; 7: 0546; 21: 0242, 0572 0723, 0803; 20: 0055, 0262, 0392; Molochkov, Fedor 43: 0609, 0622 25: 0001, 0079 Haiti 13: 0669 Morocco Indochina 13: 0942 general 15: 0115; 16: 0001; 17: 0284; Iraq 13: 0562 18: 0155, 0637; 19: 0324 Italy 17: 0115 U.S. aid 14: 0852 Japan 13: 0562; 17: 0194 U.S. relations 20: 0559 Lebanon 14: 0750 Mutual defense Pakistan 13: 0562 4: 0379, 0456, 0552, 0584, 0662, 0702, South Korea 17: 0229 0710; 5: 0029, 0071; 14: 0332; 17: 0194; Turkey 17: 0058 19: 0723, 0803; 22: 0541, 0564 Vietnam 16: 0545 Mutual Defense Assistance Act [Battle Act] Military Assistance Advisory Groups 12: 0624–0843; 13: 0001–0817; 14: 0052, 17: 0503 0206–0372, 0793 Military Assistance Program Mutual Defense Assistance Control Act 17: 0503 15: 0115, 0169, 0297, 0546, 0639, 0667, Military aviation 0897, 0944; 16: 0982; 17: 0412, 0545, airmen training 2: 0477 0742; 18: 0001, 0109; 19: 0199 civil aviation relations 1: 0390 Mutual Defense Assistance Council Military Liaison Committee 12: 0624, 0675, 0739, 0778 11: 0949 Mutual security Military operations 10: 0047; 12: 0624–0973; 13: 0001–0942; Alert 7: 0495; 20: 0886, 0901, 0917, 0923; 14: 0001–0921; 15: 0001– 0944; 21: 0001–0846; 22: 0001–0422; 43: 0523 16: 0001–0982; 17: 0001–0922; Nestegg 20: 0886 18: 0001, 0027, 0109, 0155; 28: 0863

96 Mutual Security Act National Information Bureau of 1954 14: 0001, 0052, 0372–0651; 7: 0412 15: 0001–0169, 0297–0588, 0708, 0766, National Labor Relations Board 0897; 16: 0001, 0055, 0104, 0545; 27: 0682 17: 0284–0449, 0605–0922; 18: 0155 National Petroleum and Gas Administration Mutual Security Program 21: 0351 general 9: 0826; 12: 0973; 14: 0691, 0750; National Security Council 18: 0027, 0223–0892; 19: 0001–0446 19: 0697 international 18: 0822 National Security Medal partnership program 14: 0332 19: 0944 National Assistant For Science and National Solid Fuels Administration Technology 21: 0351 25: 0849 National Transport Agency National Association of Colored Women’s 21: 0316 Clubs, Inc. National Wool Act 19: 0523 40: 0404 National Bar Association NATO 19: 0536 see North Atlantic Treaty Organization National Committee for a Free Europe Natural gas 19: 0548, 0613 general 5: 0436, 0557, 0678, 0910 National Council for Prevention of War regulation 5: 0777 19: 0680 see also National Petroleum and Gas National defense Administration assistance 13: 0602; 14: 0257 Naval vessels Canada 20: 0457; 43: 0478 loans 13: 0027, 0510, 0669, 0767, 0942; civilian 7: 0546 14: 0487 Committee on Non-Military Defense presidential use 41: 0511 8: 0249 sale to Taiwan 13: 0767 Committee on the Present Danger 8: 0255 Taiwan 14: 0257 energy 5: 0424 U.S.S. Williamsburg 41: 0511 general 5: 0436, 0557, 0678; 6: 0135, 0486, see also North Atlantic Station Vessel 0518, 0576, 0629; 8: 0152; 20: 0457; Program 21: 0071; 24: 0180; 25: 0849, 0894; see also Pacific Ocean Vessel Station 29: 0289; 39: 0135, 0173; 40: 0404; Program 43: 0478 Navigation jet fuel 13: 0253 air 1: 0912 Korea, Republic of 12: 0016; 17: 0229 TACAI aid system 2: 0617 policy 20: 0124 Navy Department research 20: 0124 2: 0477, 0716 Taiwan 10: 0047 Nepal Thailand 13: 0817 18: 0579; 19: 0324 see also Mutual defense Netherlands National Electric Power Administration economy 20: 0787 21: 0351 general 4: 0584, 0646, 0662, 0749; 8: 0958; National Energy and Minerals Agency 12: 0778; 19: 0001; 20: 0392; 30: 0526; 21: 0351 31: 0296, 0889; 37: 0312, 0586 National Guard politics 20: 0787 23: 0001 U.S. trade 37: 0389 National income New Guinea 22: 0483 42: 0145

97 Newspapers general 4: 0001, 0285; 5: 0001, 0125; general 9: 0720; 25: 0119 7: 0495; 24: 0641, 0769; 41: 0001 Polish-American Journal 22: 0652 Nuclear war Pravda 25: 0741 7: 0102, 0546, 0760, 0785, 0883; 20: 0923; 21: 0001; 43: 0478 22: 0624 Nuclear weapons New York Port Authority bombs 4: 0001–0966; 5: 0001, 0029, 0071; 2: 0769 6: 0135 New Zealand general 4: 0318; 5: 0125; 6: 0174, 0245, 29: 0380; 35: 0031 0307, 0363, 0425, 0486, 0518, 0576, Nicaragua 0629; 7: 0001, 0102, 0883; 8: 0289; 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 30: 0660 20: 0124, 0188; 22: 0175, 0299; Nickel industry 24: 0125; 25: 0432; 40: 0867; 43: 0478 10: 0122; 12: 0556 hydrogen bomb 6: 0135 Nigeria stockpiling 5: 0125; 20: 0188 19: 0324 thermonuclear 43: 0478 North Atlantic Ocean Station Conference UN 4: 0285 1: 0586; 2: 0477 Nutrition North Atlantic Station Vessel Program 19: 0081 1: 0798 Nuts North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) almonds 35: 0358–0943; 36: 0001–0183 defense policy 20: 0188 consumption 35: 0788; 36: 0133 delegates 20: 0682 filberts 37: 0262 force requirements 20: 0262 prices 35: 0788; 36: 0133, 0183 France 20: 0507 production 35: 0788; 36: 0133, 0183 general 4: 0170, 0584, 0646, 0662; stocks 35: 0788; 36: 0133 19: 0048, 0081, 0199, 0954; 20: 0001– tariffs and trade agreements 35: 0358–0943; 0838; 23: 0039, 0222; 24: 0073, 0125; 36: 0001–0183; 37: 0262 25: 0849; 27: 0176; 37: 0786 tung 39: 0567–0958; 40: 0001, 0053 Germany 20: 0507 Oats Heads of Government conference 20: 0055– 38: 0364–0941; 39: 0001, 0064 0616 Ocean Station Program Norway 1: 0877 economy 20: 0787 OCTAGON conference general 13: 0602; 19: 0001; 20: 0392; 42: 0145 30: 0660; 31: 0354, 0487; 34: 0001; Office of Defense Mobilization 37: 0271, 0439 27: 0301 politics 20: 0787 Office of Emergency Resources U.S. trade 37: 0389 21: 0411 Nuclear materials Office of Inspections 4: 0552 26: 0093 Nuclear reactor Office Of War Resources Atomic Research Reactor Program 14: 0372 21: 0316, 0351 Berlin 4: 0206 Ohio general 7: 0248 22: 0624 Nuclear science and research Oils, oilseeds, and fats 4: 0844, 0966; 7: 0041, 0248 tariffs and trade agreements 39: 0135, 0173 Nuclear testing tung 39: 0567–0958; 40: 0001, 0053 Conference on Nuclear Test Suspension Olympics (1956) 8: 0289 22: 0652

98 Open Skies For Peace exhibition Panama Canal 41: 0115 5: 0396; 27: 0237 Open Skies proposal Panama Canal Zone 24: 0180; 41: 0001, 0041, 0088 21: 0071; 32: 0307 Operation Alert Pan American Security Organization 7: 0495; 20: 0886, 0901, 0917, 0923; 14: 0651 21: 0001–0846; 22: 0001–0422; 43: 0523 Paraguay Operation Nestegg 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 39: 0728, 0763, 0958; 20: 0886 40: 0053 Operation Overlord (D-Day) Parole 20: 0886 Clemency & Parole Board for War Operations Coordinating Board Criminals 7: 0937 9: 0414 general 41: 0143, 0228, 0307, 0396 Operation SMACK Peril point investigations 12: 0001 29: 0578, 0923; 30: 0001–0229, 0751; Opinion and attitude surveys 31: 0729; 32: 0230, 0307; 33: 0416– 19: 0548; 22: 0624; 43: 0609, 0622 0761; 34: 0142–0820, 0945; 35: 0001, Optical and photographic equipment 0200; 37: 0481; 38: 0301; 40: 0647 cameras 34: 0297 Permanent Joint Board on Defense, Canada– general 35: 0200 United States Ore 22: 0541, 0564 27: 0391, 0443 Personnel Management Program Organization for European Economic 22: 0577 Cooperation (OEEC) Personnel Security Commission general 8: 0879, 0958; 9: 0001–0414, 0513; 26: 0483 22: 0483; 36: 0244 Peru Productivity Advisory Board 9: 0307 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 30: 0660; 34: 0001; Program for Scientific Cooperation 20: 0330 35: 0031; 37: 0117, 0808, 0883; 38: 0001 Organization for Trade Cooperation Petroleum exports and imports 22: 0537; 29: 0480 5: 0424, 0436, 0557, 0678, 0777; 29: 0289; Organization of American States 39: 0135, 0173 18: 0385; 22: 0476 Petroleum industry Pacific Ocean Vessel Station Program exploration 28: 0780 1: 0586 fuel 29: 0071, 0289 Pacific theater of war operations general 5: 0777, 0910; 11: 0923; 16: 0214; 41: 0563; 42: 0001, 0145 18: 0425; 29: 0071; 39: 0135 Pakistan Iranian Oil Consortium 11: 0923 general 14: 0001, 0427; 15: 0225; 18: 0579; National Petroleum and Gas Administration 19: 0324 21: 0351 tariff concessions 29: 0659 offshore oil rights 28: 0780 trade negotiations 29: 0659 supply and transport 27: 0001, 0176 U.S. aid 13: 0562; 14: 0793, 0852 taxes 5: 0777 wheat 13: 0305 Philippines Palace Guard advisories general 18: 0744; 19: 0380; 22: 0944; 27: 0682 23: 0039 Palestine trade negotiations 29: 0245 18: 0530 U.S. trade 29: 0659 Panama Pilot training and education 5: 0396; 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 21: 0071; 2: 0904 27: 0237; 32: 0307 Pipe industry 36: 0646

99 Pipelines Presidential Fund For East Asian Economic 5: 0678 Development Piston aircraft 15: 0897; 17: 0115 12: 0331 President’s Airport Commission Planning Coordination Group 1: 0798; 3: 0071 23: 0138 President’s Science Advisory Committee Poland 4: 0924; 25: 0849 general 15: 0225, 0370, 0588; 16: 0001; Press 17: 0800; 22: 0652, 0715; 24: 0231, American Society of Newspaper Editors 0283; 32: 0128, 0403; 33: 0088, 0804 25: 0504 U.S. loan 14: 0921; 15: 0944 newspapers 9: 0720; 25: 0119, 0741 Polio Thailand 16: 0451 25: 0836 Prices Polish-American Journal agricultural support 38: 0429, 0517, 0713, 22: 0652 0881, 0941; 39: 0001, 0064, 0883 Polish Americans agriculture 1: 0045, 0075; 22: 0870; 22: 0652, 0715 38: 0713 Political attitudes and ideology cotton 29: 0612; 32: 0128; 37: 0117 campaigns 3: 0980 energy stock 5: 0436, 0557 general 8: 0348; 22: 0624; 23: 0222; general 8: 0879 41: 0438 grain 38: 0364–0616, 0881, 0941; 39: 0001, organizations 22: 0624 0064 Polonia Reporter lead and zinc 38: 0156 22: 0652, 0715 nuts 35: 0788; 36: 0133, 0183 Ponin, Alexsander stabilization 21: 0242, 0411, 0572 25: 0001 supports 22: 0870; 40: 0404 Population characteristics wool 40: 0404 8: 0135; 18: 0223, 0280, 0347, 0385, 0425 Printing and publishing industry Portugal 7: 0484; 33: 0001 economy 20: 0838 Prisoners of war general 8: 0958; 14: 0548; 19: 0001; 12: 0016; 22: 0766 20: 0392 Project East River politics 20: 0838 7: 0883 Postal service Project HOPE air mail transport 2: 0089 17: 0115 general 22: 0113; 25: 0198, 0272 Project Jupiter suspicious mail 25: 0981 22: 0870 Post Office Propaganda 21: 0516; 22: 0815 Communist 24: 0934; 25: 0198, 0272 Potatoes general 6: 0012, 0067; 7: 0147; 9: 0790; 31: 0729 11: 0276; 19: 0548, 0613; 22: 0880; Potsdam conference 23: 0018, 0590; 24: 0504 42: 0145 radio 23: 0843 Poultry industry Psychological Strategy Board 5: 0164, 0248 22: 0880 Pravda Psychological warfare 25: 0741 19: 0723, 0803; 20: 0901; 22: 0880; Presidential appointments 23: 0039, 0093, 0138, 0193, 0222, 0843; 3: 0927; 7: 0461; 8: 0814; 9: 0450 24: 0504; 28: 0826 Public Health Service Commissioned Corps 21: 0071

100 Public information Hungarian 11: 0022, 0067, 0098; 17: 0857; 6: 0067, 0135, 0710, 0761, 0807, 0828, 19: 0199 0870, 0932 Palestine 18: 0530 Public Law 480 political 24: 0180 1: 0091, 0172, 0358; 11: 0375, 0403; relief 11: 0022 14: 0921; 31: 0602, 0665 resettlement 11: 0067, 0098 Public opinion UN High Commissioner For Refugees 6: 0067; 9: 0608, 0720; 22: 0747; 23: 0039, 40: 0723 0093; 25: 0504, 0557, 0624, 0684, 0741, Religion 0849; 29: 0122, 0245; 36: 0646, Church of England 28: 0429 0786, 0906; 37: 0439, 0808, 0883; dissident churches 28: 0429 39: 0763 general 23: 0946; 28: 0393, 0429, 0648 see also Opinion and attitude surveys Germany 28: 0311 Public relations Greek Orthodox Church 28: 0429 11: 0131 Judaism 12: 0604; 23: 0533 Public works persecution 28: 0311 26: 0093 Roman Catholic Church 22: 0652; 28: 0429, Puerto Rico 0648 constitution 22: 0944 Serbo-Orthodox Church 28: 0429 general 7: 0461 World Council of Churches 28: 0429 independence 22: 0944 Rent wages 34: 0297, 0945 stabilization 21: 0411 Quemoy, China Repatriation 10: 0047 24: 0180, 0231, 0283 Radio Republican National Committee general 21: 0411; 22: 0880; 23: 0590 22: 0624; 23: 0036 propaganda 23: 0843 Republican Party Radioactive pollution 8: 0348; 9: 0720; 22: 0584, 0624; 27: 0682 13: 0709 Research and development Radio Free Europe Advanced Research Projects Agency 19: 0613; 23: 0018 25: 0894, 0938 Railroads Air Force 25: 0938 general 25: 0811 Atomic Research Reactor Program 14: 0372 Hejan 14: 0427 general 3: 0859; 4: 0924; 10: 0502; Rassidin, Sergey 20: 0330; 24: 0073; 25: 0894 25: 0001 High Energy Physics Program 4: 0924 Raw materials and resources medical 11: 0586; 25: 0836 20: 0923; 21: 0001 national defense 20: 0124 Rayon nuclear 4: 0285, 0844, 0966; 5: 0001; 39: 0314 7: 0041, 0248, 0495; 8: 0289; 24: 0641, Recession 0769; 41: 0001 9: 0365, 0608 space 20: 0262; 25: 0938 Refugees see also Weapons development Chinese 12: 0843 Rhine River Cuban 17: 0857 27: 0237 Egyptian 14: 0921 Rice escapee program 13: 0027, 0510, 0817 11: 0375, 0403 general 11: 0001; 14: 0691; 19: 0146, 0548; Rivers and waterways 24: 0326; 28: 0826; 40: 0802 Congo River 27: 0237 from Germany 43: 0444 Danube River 27: 0237 Elbe River 27: 0237

101 Rivers and waterways cont. Securities and Exchange Commission general 21: 0071; 27: 0237 8: 0867 privatization 11: 0163, 0202 Security Program Rhine River 27: 0237 general 26: 0001, 0093, 0195, 0390, 0483, Turkish straits 27: 0237 0585, 0688 Rockefeller, Nelson hearing boards 26: 0001, 0093 23: 0039, 0093, 0138, 0193, 0222, 0370 investigations 26: 0093 Rockets Segregation 19: 0882 23: 0001 Roman Catholic Church Selective Service 22: 0652; 28: 0429, 0648 21: 0411, 0476, 0806 Romania Serbo-Orthodox Church 10: 0066; 24: 0283 28: 0429 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Shevchenko, Andrey 23: 0372, 0410, 0454, 0505; 28: 0311 25: 0001, 0079 Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius Ships and shipping 23: 0533 general 13: 0817; 29: 0001 Rosenberg v. United States U.S.S. Williamsburg 41: 0511 23: 0533 Shoes and shoe industry Rum 35: 0031 29: 0711 Sholokhov, Mikhail Safety pins 25: 0001 33: 0028 Shutskiy, G. T. Salk vaccine 25: 0001 25: 0836 Silk industry Satyukov, Pavel general 30: 0170; 33: 0001; 39: 0314 25: 0001, 0079 scarves 39: 0260, 0314, 0364, 0426 Saudi Arabia Small business 12: 0843; 14: 0793; 15: 0833; 17: 0284, government aid 6: 0001 0800; 18: 0483 Small Business Administration Savings and loan institutions 21: 0516, 0846 21: 0095, 0476, 0806, 0846; 22: 0422 Social Security Administration Science and technology 3: 0927; 26: 0727 general 20: 0124; 24: 0073 Soil conservation military 24: 0073 1: 0045 OEEC Program for Scientific Cooperation Soldatov, Alexsander 20: 0330 25: 0001, 0079 USSR 23: 0843 Solomon Islands see also President’s Science Advisory 42: 0145 Committee Somalia see also Research and development 19: 0324 Science-Technology Program Soo-Lock Centennial Commission 25: 0849, 0894, 0938 26: 0739 Seafood industry Sorge case 34: 0734; 37: 0271 26: 0747 Search and rescue services South Africa 2: 0182 30: 0660; 32: 0054; 35: 0031; 37: 0883; Search and seizure 38: 0001 3: 0411 South America Secret Service Argentina 39: 0883 25: 0981 arms limitations 32: 0128

102 Bolivia 13: 0602; 14: 0651; 15: 0225; Sputnik I 17: 0922; 18: 0223; 19: 0446 25: 0849 Brazil 13: 0885; 18: 0223; 19: 0446; Sri Lanka 31: 0920; 32: 0001, 0054; 33: 0028, 18: 0530; 19: 0324 0311, 0804; 34: 0001 Stalin, Joseph Chile 18: 0223; 30: 0526; 31: 0296, 0436; 11: 0751; 25: 0504, 0557, 0624, 0684, 0741 34: 0001 Stanford Accelerator Project Colombia 18: 0109, 0223 4: 0924 Ecuador 16: 0001; 18: 0280; 19: 0446; State Department 29: 0245 22: 0880; 26: 0001; 38: 0001 general 14: 0164; 15: 0766; 16: 0055; States’ rights 18: 0109, 0223; 19: 0446; 22: 0476; 27: 0490, 0589; 28: 0001 23: 0039; 24: 0934; 25: 0741 Stilwell, Joseph Guyana 18: 0385 42: 0145 Honduras 18: 0280, 0385; 19: 0446 St. Lawrence Seaway Paraguay 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 39: 0728, 25: 0811 0763, 0958; 40: 0053 St. Lawrence Seaway Development Peru 18: 0347; 19: 0446; 30: 0660; Corporation 34: 0001; 35: 0031; 37: 0117, 0808, 25: 0811 0883; 38: 0001 Stockpiling Suriname 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 31: 0889 agriculture 1: 0294; 38: 0941 Uruguay 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 34: 0001; atomic energy 4: 0001 38: 0344 atomic weapons 5: 0125; 20: 0188 U.S. aid 13: 0305 food 14: 0600 U.S. relations 18: 0223; 23: 0222; 32: 0128 general 5: 0961; 21: 0316, 0645, 0696; Venezuela 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 32: 0307; 31: 0665; 32: 0054; 38: 0156, 0238, 39: 0135 0261; 40: 0404 South Asia lead and zinc 38: 0051 18: 0425, 0530, 0579; 19: 0324 metals 29: 0765 South Dakota minerals 1: 0172, 0294; 12: 0556; 29: 0765; 22: 0624 37: 0786; 38: 0001 Southeast Asia Strategic materials 14: 0001; 23: 0222 12: 0556; 14: 0001, 0206, 0332, 0548; South East Asia Command 15: 0169, 0546, 0667; 17: 0545; 42: 0145 18: 0001; 26: 0001; 27: 0391, 0443; South Korea 31: 0057, 0665; 32: 0054; 39: 0763, 0832 see Korea, Republic of Strikes South Vietnam 12: 0097; 28: 0166; 37: 0499 see Vietnam, Republic of Subsidies Space research airlines 3: 0186, 0245 exploration 15: 0708; 20: 0124; 25: 0849, farmers 1: 0358 0894, 0938 fisheries 37: 0312 facilities 25: 0938 general 29: 0480, 0515; 38: 0156 general 20: 0262 lead and zinc 38: 0051 Spain small business 6: 0001 general 19: 0001, 0255; 20: 0457 Subversives U.S. economic assistance 14: 0921 26: 0001 wheat surplus 1: 0091 Sudan Speechwriting 30: 0660 25: 0741

103 Suez Canal general 30: 0278–0660; 31: 0296–0487, crisis 3: 0942, 0980; 14: 0600, 0651; 0889; 32: 0054; 33: 0028; 34: 0001; 24: 0410; 27: 0001, 0069, 0176, 0237, 35: 0031; 38: 0301 0301 India 29: 0659 Sugar Act Italy 29: 0659 39: 0472 Pakistan 29: 0659 Sugar industry Turkey 29: 0612 general 29: 0861; 30: 0119, 0751; 33: 0088; Tariff Negotiation Authority 39: 0472 31: 0794 International Sugar Agreement 39: 0472 Tariff negotiations Sugar Act 39: 0472 general 29: 0195, 0480; 30: 0278–0660; Summit meetings 31: 0889, 0920; 32: 0403–0873; U.S.-USSR 24: 0001, 0037 34: 0001; 35: 0031, 0200 Supreme Allied Council of Atlantic Greece 31: 0543 20: 0055 Japan 29: 0289; 34: 0448 Suriname Tariffs 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 31: 0889 almonds 35: 0358–0943; 36: 0001–0183 Sweden Austrian reaction 36: 0906 31: 0249, 0354, 0487; 34: 0001; 37: 0586 ball and roller bearings 36: 0226 Switzerland bicycles 36: 0234, 0244, 0341, 0387, 0475 GATT 35: 0270 brier pipes 36: 0545, 0646, 0748, 0786, general 4: 0406; 32: 0403; 40: 0138, 0258, 0834 0349 cerium alloys 36: 0906, 0949, 0983 trade agreements 34: 0398; 35: 0200, 0270 cotton 29: 0289; 37: 0117 Sylvester Process figs 37: 0188 27: 0391, 0443 filberts 37: 0262 Synthetic materials fish and fishing 37: 0271, 0312, 0389, 0439, fibers 33: 0001 0481 gems 32: 0645, 0722 flatware 37: 0492 textiles 30: 0170 foreign reaction 36: 0646, 0786; 37: 0439, TACAI navigation aid system 0808, 0883; 39: 0763 2: 0617 general 12: 0383; 28: 0309, 0863, 0880, Taft, Robert 0925; 29: 0001–0923; 30: 0001–0907; 28: 0267 31: 0001–0920; 32: 0001–0942; Taft-Hartley Act 33: 0001–0965; 34: 0001; 38: 0051 27: 0490, 0589, 0682, 0743, 0841, 0921; glass 37: 0499, 0586, 0635 28: 0001, 0094, 0166, 0267 grain 38: 0713 Taiwan hardboard 37: 0735 see China, Republic of hats 37: 0755 Tankers import fees 35: 0759, 0788; 36: 0183 27: 0001 lead and zinc 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; Tapioca 38: 0001, 0051, 0156, 0238, 0261 33: 0804 livestock 36: 0883 Tariff Commission meat 38: 0344 29: 0578, 0861; 32: 0645–0873; 35: 0759, modifications 30: 0751 0840, 0896, 0943; 36: 0001, 0048, 0133, oats 38: 0364–0941; 39: 0001, 0064 0646, 0786, 0949; 37: 0635, 0808; oil 39: 0135, 0173 38: 0001, 0713, 0881; 39: 0260; 40: 0138 silk scarves 39: 0260–0426 Tariff concessions sugar 39: 0472 Austria 31: 0249 textiles 39: 0495 Cuba 31: 0249 thermometers 37: 0001, 0039

104 tobacco 39: 0551 Japanese 35: 0170 towels 38: 0301 mills 32: 0128 tung oil and nuts 39: 0567–0958; 40: 0001, rayon 39: 0314 0053 silk 30: 0170; 33: 0001; 39: 0260, 0314, watches 40: 0057, 0138, 0218, 0258, 0349 0364, 0426 wheat 40: 0398 synthetic 30: 0170 wood screws 40: 0400 tariffs 30: 0808 wool 40: 0404, 0498, 0534, 0579, 0647 trade 31: 0543, 0889; 38: 0301; 39: 0260– Tata Iron and Steel Company 0495 23: 0093, 0138 wool 40: 0498, 0534, 0579 Taxation Thailand general 2: 0182; 3: 0001 culture 16: 0451 oil depletion 5: 0777 economy 16: 0451 policy 8: 0399 general 16: 0179, 0451; 18: 0744; 19: 0380; tax-exempt organizations 9: 0790 23: 0039 Tax Court, U.S. internal security 16: 0451 26: 0585; 29: 0578, 0861 media 16: 0451 Taylor, Myron C. national defense 13: 0817 28: 0311, 0393, 0429, 0648 politics 16: 0451 Technical assistance U.S. relations 16: 0451 general 1: 0877; 14: 0852; 25: 0119 Thermometer industry and production India 13: 0709, 0767 employment 37: 0039 UN Program of Technical Assistance general 33: 0028; 37: 0001, 0039 19: 0146 tariffs and trade agreements 37: 0001, 0039 Technical cooperation trade 32: 0230; 37: 0039 18: 0822, 0892; 19: 0255, 0324, 0380, 0446 wages 37: 0039 Tehran Conference Thermonuclear weapons 42: 0145 43: 0478 Telecommunications Tidelands Oil Cabinet Committee on Telecommunications 28: 0780 Policy and Organization 6: 0012 Tikhonov, Nikolav general 20: 0923; 21: 0001, 0411; 25: 0384 25: 0001 government regulations 6: 0012 Tires Television 36: 0387 3: 0411; 7: 0248; 32: 0645 Tobacco industry and products Tennessee 30: 0119; 34: 0142, 0734, 0820; 36: 0545, politics 22: 0584 0646, 0748, 0786, 0834; 39: 0551 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Tolstoy Foundation 23: 0372, 0410, 0454, 0505 28: 0826 Territories Towels 3: 0801; 19: 0324 38: 0301 Texas Trade agreements Galveston Municipal Airport 1: 0912 almonds 35: 0358–0943; 36: 0001–0183 land claims 28: 0780 ball and roller bearings 36: 0226 Textile industry and products bicycles 36: 0234–0475 cotton 29: 0711; 32: 0785; 34: 0297 brier pipes 36: 0545–0834 employment 39: 0364 cerium alloys 36: 0906, 0949, 0983 general 30: 0119, 0170; 33: 0001, 0235; cotton 37: 0117 34: 0734; 35: 0200; 37: 0755; 39: 0314, Cuba 34: 0142 0364, 0426; 40: 0498, 0534, 0579, 0647 Ecuador 29: 0245 Interagency Textile Committee 32: 0128 extension 29: 0289; 38: 0261

105 Trade agreements cont. Trade negotiations figs 37: 0188 general 29: 0612, 0711, 0765, 0861; filberts 37: 0262 30: 0808, 0907; 31: 0249; 32: 0335, fish and fishing 37: 0271–0481 0942; 33: 0001–0165, 0375, 0804; flatware 37: 0492 34: 0142–0297, 0863, 0930, 0945; general 28: 0863, 0880, 0925; 29: 0001– 35: 0001, 0200, 0270 0923; 30: 0001–0907; 31: 0001–0920; Pakistan 29: 0659 32: 0001–0942; 33: 0001–0965; Philippines 29: 0245 34: 0001; 36: 0545 Switzerland 34: 0398 glass 37: 0499, 0586, 0635 Trade Policy Committee hardboard 37: 0735 33: 0165 hats 37: 0755 Transportation India 36: 0226 foreign projects 15: 0225 International Sugar Agreement 39: 0472 general 20: 0923; 21: 0351; 22: 0175, 0299; Japan 34: 0206–0945; 35: 0001, 0031, 0170 31: 0057 lead and zinc 37: 0786, 0808, 0883; marine 21: 0351 38: 0001–0261 National Transport Agency 21: 0316 livestock 36: 0883 passenger 2: 0001 meat 38: 0344 rates 5: 0910 oats 38: 0364–0941; 39: 0001, 0064 see also Air transportation oil 39: 0135, 0173 see also Rivers and waterways silk scarves 39: 0260, 0314, 0364, 0426 see also Railroads sugar 39: 0472 see also Ships and shipping Switzerland 35: 0200, 0270 Transport Mobilization Staff textiles 39: 0495 21: 0316 thermometers 37: 0001, 0039 Treasury Department tobacco 39: 0551 22: 0422 towels 38: 0301 Treaties and agreements tung oil and nuts 39: 0567–0958; 40: 0001, Baghdad Pact 14: 0793 0053 disarmament 41: 0088 U.S.-Philippines 29: 0659 general 5: 0336; 20: 0055; 24: 0585; watches 40: 0057–0349 27: 0237; 41: 0041 wheat 40: 0398 U.S.-Soviet air transport agreement 25: 0384 wood screws 40: 0400 U.S.-Soviet nonaggression pact 24: 0834 wool 40: 0404, 0498, 0534, 0579, 0647 Western Mediterranean Pact 20: 0457 see also General Agreement on Tariffs and see also Trade agreements Trade TRIDENT conference Trade Agreements Act of 1934 42: 0001, 0145 36: 0545 Troyanovskiy, Oleg Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951 25: 0001, 0079 36: 0545, 0646 Truman, Harry S. Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1955 28: 0311 36: 0475 Tuna Trade concessions 29: 0289; 30: 0808 31: 0729; 33: 0804, 0965; 34: 0685, 0863, Tung oil industry 0930, 0945; 37: 0001; 38: 0344 general 39: 0832; 40: 0053 Trade fairs production 39: 0728, 0832, 0883, 0958 international 23: 0843 trade 40: 0001 Trade investigations 36: 0133; 37: 0188, 0312; 38: 0941; 39: 0883

106 Tunisia politics 23: 0590, 0843, 0946 general 17: 0284; 18: 0637; 34: 0001 Pravda 25: 0741 U.S. aid 14: 0852 purges 23: 0561 U.S. relations 20: 0559 science and technology 23: 0843 Turkey Stalin, Joseph 25: 0504, 0557, 0624, 0684, economy 20: 0838 0741 general 4: 0170, 0206, 0584, 0646, 0662; trade 22: 0537 14: 0427, 0487; 18: 0530; 19: 0255; U.S. relations 15: 0766; 23: 0222; 24: 0834, 20: 0392; 24: 0834; 30: 0660; 31: 0354, 0889, 0934; 25: 0119, 0384 0487 U.S. summit 20: 0262; 24: 0037 military 17: 0058 U.S. trade 23: 0922; 24: 0585, 0641, 0889 politics 17: 0058; 20: 0838 World War II 42: 0145 straits 27: 0237 United Arab Republic tariff concessions 29: 0612 40: 0802 U.S. aid 14: 0793, 0852; 17: 0058 United Kingdom (UK) U.S. relations 20: 0559 aid to Libya 20: 0559 Uganda armed forces 12: 0614; 26: 0721; 42: 0572; 19: 0324 43: 0004 UN Disarmament Conference Church of England 28: 0429 40: 0867, 0923 economy 20: 0838; 29: 0122 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) forces in Germany 20: 0457 agriculture 24: 0180 foreign policy 23: 0222 armaments 23: 0222 general 4: 0076, 0150, 0206, 0456, 0702; atomic research 4: 0844 8: 0879, 0958; 9: 0198, 0307, 0365, Austrian properties 13: 0001, 0430 0567; 12: 0739, 0778; 13: 0602; censorship 24: 0934 19: 0048; 20: 0001, 0330, 0392; China relations 24: 0125 30: 0660, 0808; 31: 0249, 0543; consumer goods 23: 0843 34: 0001; 37: 0786, 0883; 38: 0001; culture 23: 0590 39: 0763; 41: 0115 defectors 24: 0231, 0326 Honduras 18: 0385; 19: 0446 detained Americans 24: 0641, 0934 overseas territories 18: 0637; 29: 0515 disarmament 24: 0326; 40: 0867, 0923 politics 20: 0838 economy 5: 0360; 23: 0222, 0590; 24: 0585, public opinion 29: 0122, 0245 0641; 25: 0119 trade policy 29: 0195 espionage 8: 0451 U.S. trade 29: 0578; 36: 0234, 0244 general 4: 0844; 6: 0135, 0363, 0425, 0486, World War II 42: 0145 0518, 0576; 7: 0102, 0194; 8: 0289; United Nations (UN) 11: 0276, 0751; 23: 0561, 0590, 0843, atomic weapons 4: 0285 0922, 0946; 24: 0001–0934; 25: 0001– China 40: 0723 0432, 0741 Commission on Human Rights 40: 0802 history 23: 0590 Development Loan funds 40: 0802 India trade 25: 0119 Disarmament Commission 4: 0285; invasion of Hungary 10: 0947 40: 0867, 0923; 41: 0001, 0041, 0088, Khrushchev, Nikita, visit to Washington, 0115 D.C. 24: 0718, 0769, 0834, 0889, 0934 Disarmament Conference 40: 0867, 0923 labor 24: 0073, 0585 Eisenhower, Dwight D., speech 6: 0174, land 24: 0180 0245, 0307, 0363, 0425 literature 7: 0484 general 7: 0001, 0041, 0248; 10: 0947; military 19: 0697, 0723, 0803; 23: 0590, 11: 0586; 18: 0155; 19: 0081; 22: 0766; 0843 23: 0843; 24: 0585, 0834; 25: 0432, political dissent 23: 0590 0741; 27: 0001, 0069; 40: 0723, 0802

107 United Nations (UN) cont. internal security 16: 0613 High Commissioner for Refugees 40: 0723 land use 16: 0827 organization 40: 0723 military 16: 0613 Program of Technical Assistance 19: 0146 politics 16: 0827 Security Council 40: 0802 U.S. aid 13: 0709; 16: 0545, 0613 speeches 6: 0067–0932; 7: 0001–0384; U.S. policy 16: 0545 41: 0135 Vietnam, Republic of (South Vietnam) United Arab Republic 40: 0802 18: 0744; 23: 0039 see also International Labor Organization Vinogradov, Vladimir United Nations Educational, Scientific and 25: 0001, 0079 Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Volunteer Defense Corps Training Program 40: 0723 13: 0942 United States Information Agency (USIA) Volunteer Freedom Corps 7: 0384; 14: 0001 14: 0372 United States Operations Mission (USOM) Wages 16: 0214, 0613 federal 5: 0365; 10: 0835 Uranium general 8: 0879; 10: 0835; 21: 0516, 0846 4: 0552, 0749 Puerto Rico 34: 0297, 0945 Urban renewal stabilization 21: 0242, 0411, 0572 9: 0836, 0862 thermometer industry 37: 0039 Uruguay watch industry 40: 0138 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 34: 0001; 38: 0344 Wage Stabilization Board U.S.-Canadian Committee On Trade And 21: 0516 Economic Affairs Walsh-Healey Act 32: 0403 5: 0424 U.S.S. Williamsburg War criminals 41: 0511 Clemency & Parole Board for War Utah Criminals 7: 0937 Camp Williams 1: 0912 general 41: 0143, 0228, 0307, 0396 Vartiyan family German 20: 0507 41: 0138 Japanese 7: 0937 Vatican City War Resources Act 28: 0393 21: 0242, 0316, 0572 Venezuela Watch industry 18: 0385; 19: 0446; 32: 0307; 39: 0135 earnings 40: 0138 Veterans general 35: 0270; 40: 0258, 0349 American Veterans Committee 3: 0841 production 40: 0138, 0218, 0349 Collegial Society of Hungarian Veterans sales 40: 0138, 0218, 0349 8: 0001 tariffs and trade agreements 40: 0057, 0138, general 3: 0820 0218, 0258, 0349 Veterans Administration trade 40: 0258 21: 0516 Water and sewage Vietnam 8: 0576 culture 16: 0613 Weapons currency 16: 0827 ballistic missile guidance system 25: 0894 economy 16: 0613, 0827 handling 19: 0081 foreign policy 16: 0613 intermediate range ballistic missiles foreign relations 16: 0827 20: 0124, 0188 general 13: 0767; 15: 0944; 16: 0613, 0827; rifles 33: 0949 19: 0380; 23: 0222 rockets 19: 0882 government 16: 0613, 0827

108 trade 33: 0949 Wool and wool industry see also Nuclear weapons consumption 40: 0404 Weapons development fabrics 40: 0498, 0534, 0579 foreign 13: 0081, 0562 general 30: 0170; 31: 0543; 33: 0001 general 13: 0081, 0562, 0709; 19: 0081; National Wool Act 40: 0404 20: 0188, 0330; 23: 0222 prices 40: 0404 Weather production 40: 0404, 0498, 0534, 0579 balloon flights 1: 0586, 0662; 2: 0383 tariffs and trade agreements 40: 0404, 0498, forecasting 1: 0586, 0662; 2: 0477 0534, 0579, 0647 general 21: 0476; 22: 0175, 0299; 39: 0832 World Council of Churches oceanic stations 1: 0662 28: 0429 Welfare program World Court 22: 0175, 0299 27: 0301 Western Mediterranean Pact World peace efforts 20: 0457 atomic energy 7: 0041 West German Women’s Peace Movement general 23: 0093; 28: 0311, 0429 19: 0680 negotiations 23: 0590 World War II see Germany, Federal Republic of 12: 0614; 28: 0648; 41: 0143–0396, 0531, West New Guinea 0559, 0563; 42: 0001, 0145, 0568, 0572; 20: 0457 43: 0001–0553 Wheat Yalta conference general 1: 0172, 0358; 11: 0403; 14: 0921 42: 0145 to Pakistan 13: 0305 Yanov, Vasiliy Yemel Spain 1: 0091 25: 0001 surplus disposal 31: 0602, 0665, 0851 Yelyutin, Vyacheslev tariffs and trade agreements 40: 0398 25: 0001, 0079 trade 10: 0001; 29: 0612 Yugoslavia White House foreign policy 20: 0507 41: 0438 general 11: 0067; 15: 0169, 0506, 0667; Wilson Dam 19: 0048, 0255; 32: 0189 23: 0372, 0410, 0454, 0505 Germany relations 20: 0507 Windward Islands Zaiganov, Nikolay 18: 0385; 19: 0446 25: 0001 Wine Zaire (Belgian Congo) 33: 0235 17: 0545, 0742; 18: 0155; 33: 0088 Wisconsin Zhukov, Georgiy 22: 0747 25: 0001


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