April 20, NOTE

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April 20, NOTE PRINCIPAL OFFICIALS in the V.XECUTIVE BRANCH Appointed January 20 - April 20, 1953 NOTE: This list is limited to appointments made after January 20, 1953. Names con- tained herein replace corre- sponding names appearing in the 1952-53 U.S. Government Organization Manual. Federal Register Division National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington 25, D. C. MEMBERS OF THE CABINET TEE PRESIDENT John Foster Dulles, of New York, Secretary of State. President of the United States.-- Dwight D. Eisenhower George M. Humphrey, of Ohio, Secre- tary of the Treasury. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Charles Erwin Wilson, of Michigan, Secretary of Defense. The White House Office Herbert Brownell, Jr., of New York, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Attorney General. NAtional 8-1414 Arthur E. Summerfield, of Michigan, The Assistant to the President.-- Postmaster General. Sherman Adams Assistant to The Assistant to the Douglas McKay, of Oregon, Secretary President.--Maxwell M. Rabb of the Interior. Special Assistant to The Assistant to the President.--Roger Steffan Ezra Taft Benson, of Utah, Secretary Special Assistant to The Assistant of Agriculture. to the President.--Charles F. Willis, Jr. Sinclair Weeks, of Massachusetts, Special Assistants in the White Secretary of Commerce Haase Office: L. Arthur Minnich, Jr. Martin P. Durkin, of Maryland, James M. Lambie Secretary of Labor. Special Counsel to the President (Acting Secretary).--Thomas E. Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby, of Texas, Stephens Secretary of Health, Education, Secretary to the President (Press).-- and Welfare James C. Hagerty Assistant Press Secretary.--Murray Snyder Acting Special Counsel to the Presi- For sale by the dent.--Bernard M. Shanley Special Assistant to the President.-- Superintendent of Documents Major General Wilton B. Persons Government Printing Office (USA. Ret.) Washington 25, D. C. Special Assistants in the White House Office: 10 cents a copy Gerald D. Morgan Bryce N. Harlow Homer H. Gruenther - 2- - 3 - EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Continued Continued The White House Office Bureau of the Budget Continued Executive Office Building. Special Assistant to the President.-- EXecutive 3-3300 C. D. Jackson Special Assistant to the President.-- Director.--Joseph M. Dodge Lewis L. Strauss Assistant Director.--Rowland R. Administrative Assistants to the Hughes President: Robert Cutler Central Intelligence Agency Gabriel Hauge Emmet J. Hughes 2430 E Street NW. EXecutive 3-6115 Economic Adviser to the President.-- Arthur F. Burns. Director.--Allen W. Dulles Personal Secretary to the President.-- Deputy Director.--Lt. Gen. Charles P. Mrs. Ann C. Whitman Cabell, USAF Military Aide to the President.-- Lt. Col. Robert L. Schulz, USA. Office of the Director for Naval Aide to the President.-- Mutual Security Comdr. Edward L. Beach, USN. Air Force Aide to the President.-- Executive Office Building. Maj. William G. Draper, USAF. EXecutive 3-3300 Physician to the President.-- Maj. Gen. Howard McC. Snyder, USA. Director for Mutual Security.-- Military Liaison Officer.--Col. Paul Harold E. Stassen T. Carroll, USA. Deputy Director.--William McNear Acting Secretary to the Wife of the Rand President.--Mrs. Mary Jane McCaffree Office of Defense Mobilization Executive Clerk.--William J. Hopkins Chief Usher.--Howell G. Crim Executive Office Building. EXecutive 3-3300 Director.--Arthur S. Flemming 4 - - 5 - DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE - Cont. Twenty-first Street and Virginia Diplomatic and Foreign Services Avenue NW. REpublic 7-5600 (continued) Ambassadors (continued): Secretary of State.--John Foster To Mexico.--Francis White Dulles To India and Nepal.--Ceorge V. Under Secretary of State.--Walter B. Allen Smith To Russia.--Charles E. Bohlen Under Secretary of State for Admin- To Japan.--John M. Allison istration.--Donold B. Laurie To Ireland.--William H. Taft, 3d. Administrator, Bureau of Security To Czechoslovakia.--George and Consular Affairs.--Robert Wadsworth (Nom. 4/17/53) W. S. McLeod Minister to Finland.--Jack K. Assistant Secretaries of State: McFall (Nom. 4/17/53) For Public Affairs.--Carl W. U.S. High Commissioner for McCardle Germany.--James B. Conant For Congressional Relations.-- Thruston Ballard Morton United Nations: For Inter-American Affairs.-- U.S. Representative to the UN and John Moors Cabot Representative in the Security For European Affairs.--Livingston Council.--Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. T. Merchant Deputy U.S. Representative to the For Administration.--Edward T. UN and Deputy Representative in Wailes (Announced 2/27/53) the Security Council.--James J. For United Nations Affairs.-- Wadsworth Robert D. Murphy U.S. Representative on the Human For Far Eastern Affairs.-- Rights Commission of the Eco- Walter S. Robertson nomic and Social Council of the Legal Adviser.--Herman Phleger UN.--Mrs. Oswald B. Lord Administrator, International Infor- U.S. Representative on the Com- mation Administration.--Robert L. mission on Status of Women of Johnson the Economic and Social Council Counselor.--Douglas MacArthur, 2d. of the UN.--Mrs. Lorena B. Hahn Diplomatic and Foreign Services: Ambassadors: To Great Britain.--Winthrop W. Aldrich To Italy.--Mrs, Clare Boothe Luce To France.--C, Douglas Dillon To China.--Karl L. Rankin To Spain.--James Clement Dunn - 6- - 7- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY The Pentagon. Liberty 5-6700 Fifteenth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue VW. EXecutive 3-6400 Secretary of Defense.--Charles Erwin Secretary of the Treasury.--George M. Wilson Defense.--Roger Humphrey Deputy Secretary of Under Secretary of the Treasury.-- M. Kyes (Manpower Marion B. Folsom Asst. Secretary of Defense Hannah Deputy to the Secretary.--W. Randolph and Personnel).--John A. Burgess Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary.--H, Chapman Rose (Manpower and Personnel).-- Assistant Secretary.--Andrew N. Overby James M. Mitchell General Counsel.--Elbert P. Tuttle Chairman, Reserve Forces Policy Fiscal Assistant Secretary.--Edward F. Board.--Arthur S. Adams Bartelt Asst. Secretary of Defense (Inter- Administrative Assistant Secretary.-- national Security Affairs).-- William W. Parsons Frank C. Nash Assistants to the Secretary: Asst. Secretary of Defense (Comp- Kenneth W. Gemmill troller).--W. J. McNeil Nils A. Lennartson Asst. to the Secretary of Defense on Eugene E. Oakes Medical Policies.--Dr. Melvin A. Dan Throop Smith Casberg Raymond Davis Commissioner of Internal Revenue.-- of the Army T. Coleman Andrews Department Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue T. O. Gordon Delk, Jr. Secretary of the Army.--Robert Commissioner of Narcotics.--Harry J. Stevens Axislinger Under Secretary of the Army.-- Treasurer of the United States.-- Earl D. Johnson Mrs. Ivy Baker Priest Asst. Secretary of the Army (Manpower Comptroller of the Currency.--Ray M. and Personnel).--James P. Mitchell Gidney (Nom. 4/6/53) Superintendent of the Mint in Asst. Secretary of the Army (Materiel) Denver.--Mrs. Alma K. Schneider John Slezak (Nom. 4/6/53) Department of the Navy Secretary of the Navy.--Robert B. Anderson Under Secretary of the Navy.-- Charles S. Thomas Asst. Secretary of the Navy for Air.--John F. Floberg - 9 - - 8 - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - Cont. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT Depart4lent of the Air Force Twelfth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW. STerling 3-3100 Secretary of the Air Force Harold E. Talbott Postmaster General.--Arthur E. Summer- Under Secretary of the Air Force.-- field James H. Douglas, Jr. Special Assistant for Public Rela- Assistant Secretary of the Air Force.-- tions.--L. Rohe Walter H. Lee White Deputy Postmaster General.--Charles R. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force.-- Hook, Jr, John Roger Lewis Assistant Postmaster General in charge of Post Office Operations.-- 4/17/53) DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Norman R. Abrams (Nom. Assistant Postmaster General in charge Constitution Avenue and Tenth of Transportation.--John C. Allen Street Ni. REpublic 7-8200 Assistant Postmaster General in charge of Finance.--Albert J. Robertson Attorney General.-- Assistant Postmaster General in charge Herbert Brownell, Jr. of Facilities.--Ormonde A. Kieb Executive Assistant to the Attor- Executive Assistant to the Postmaster ney General.--Charles M. Metzner General.--Ben H. Guill Confidential Assistant to the Attor- Solicitor.--Ross Rizley ney General.--Anthony G. Russo Chief Post Office Inspector.--David H. Deputy Attorney General.--William P. Stephens Rogers Assistant Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel.--J. Lee Rankin DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Assistant Attorney General, Tax Brian Holland Division.--H. C Street between Eighteenth and Attorney General, Criminal Assistant Nineteenth Streets Ni. Division.--Warren Olney, 3d. REpublic 7-1820 Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division.--Warren E. Burger Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Secretary of the Interior.--Douglas Division.--Stanley N. Barnes McKay Director, Federal Bureau of Investiga- Under Secretary of the Interior.-- tion.--J. Edgar Hoover Ralph A. Tudor Assistant Secretary of the Interior.-- Fred G. kandahl Assistant Secretary of the Interior.-- Orme Lewis Assistant Secretary of the Interior.-- Felix E. Wormser - 10- -11- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Continued DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Continued Administrative Assistant Secretary.-- D. Otis Beasley Director, Agricultural Credit Serv- Solicitor.--Clarence A. Davis ices.--R. L. Farrington Director, Office of Territories.-- Director, Foreign Agricultural William C. Strand (Eff. 5/1/53) Service.--Romeo E.
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