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FEDERAL RFKIVTFRllLuIkjI Ell VOLUME 20 NUMBER 153 Ü N l l ï P Washington, Saturday, August 6, 1955 TITLE 3— THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 10626 CONTENTS PROCLAMATION 3106 E stablishment of the Interdepart THE PRESIDENT mental Committee for Voluntary F ire P revention W eek, 1955 P ayroll Savings P lan for the P ur Proclamation Pa6® BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES chase of U nited States Savings Bonds Fire Prevention Week, 1955 __ 5671 OF AMERICA WHEREAS our national economic Executive Order A PROCLAMATION welfare requires the widest possible dis Establishment of Interdepart tribution of the national debt through mental Committee for Volun WHEREAS thousands of lives and thé sale of United States Savings Bonds tary Payroll Savings Plan for hundreds of millions of dollars in prop to the people; and Purchase of U. S. Savings erty are lost each year through fires; WHEREAS every purchaser of United Bonds____________________ - 5671 and States Savings Bonds invests not only in WHEREAS, as a result of these de the nation’s economic welfare, but also EXECUTIVE AGENCIES structive fires, immeasurable losses are in his own personal security and inde caused in employment, production, and pendence, and it is, therefore, to the Agricultural Marketing Service other economic activities; and manifest advantage of Government, Rules and regulations: WHEREAS fire prevention programs Management, and Labor and of every Lemons, Arizona and Califor have proved effective in communities citizen that the sale of such bonds to the nia; limitation of shipments. 5675 throughout the Nation; people be vigorously promoted; and Oranges, Valencia; Arizona and NOW, THEREFORE, I, DWIGHT D. WHEREAS the Federal Government is . California; limitation of han EISENHOWER, President of the United earnestly requesting business and indus dling____________________ 5675 States of America, do hereby designate trial enterprises to provide for and vigor Potatoes, Irish, grown in Colo the week beginning October 9, 1955, as ously promote, by personal solicitation, rado; limitation of ship Fire Prevention Week. the purchase of United States Savings ments____________________ 5676 I call upon the citizens of all commu Bonds through regular, voluntary pay nities in the land to organize effective Agriculture Department allotments on the Payroll Savings Plan; See also Agricultural Marketing programs for reducing the needless and waste caused by preventable fires, and I Service; Commodity Stabiliza WHEREAS it is desirable and proper tion Service. urge State and local governments, the that all civilian and uniformed personnel American National Red Cross, the Na Notices: in the Federal Government should set an Kentucky; designation of areas tional Fire Waste Council, the Chamber example of leadership in this activity ; » of Commerce of the United States, and for production emergency NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the loans____________________ 5706 business, labor, and farm organizations, authority vested in me as President of as well as schools, civic groups, and pub the United States, it is ordered as follows: Alien Property Office lic information agencies, actively to 1. There is hereby established the In Notices: observe Fire Prevention Week. I also terdepartmental Committee for the Vol Bethel, Herbert Huston; inten direct the appropriate agencies of the untary Payroll Savings Plan for the Pur tion to return vested prop Federal Government to assist in this na chase of United States Savings Bonds erty__.___________________ 5705 tional effort to reduce the loss of life (hereinafter referred to as the Commit and property resulting from fires. tee). The Committee shall consist of Army Department IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have a Chairman, to be appointed by the See also Engineers Corps. hereunto set my hand and caused the President, and the heads of each of the Rules and regulations: Seal of the United States of America to several departments, establishments, Aid of civil authorities and pub be affixed. and agencies in the executive branch of lic relations; records and re DONE at the City of Washington this the Government. Each member of the ports; unofficial research___ 5684 second day of August in the year of our Committee, other than the Chairman, Payment of bills and accounts Lord nineteen hundred and may designate an alternate from among under contracts, formal and [seal] fifty-five, and of the Independ the officials of his department, establish inform al; miscellaneous ence of the United States of ment, or agency, and such alternate may amendments_____________ 5684 America the one hundred and eightieth. act for such member in all matters re Civil Aeronautics Board D wight D. Eisenhower lating to the Committee. Notices: 2. The Committee shall perform the By the President; Accident occurring at Sandspit, following-described functions and British Columbia; reconven- J ohn F oster D ulles, duties: ing of hearing____________ 5703 Secretary of State. (a) Formulating and presenting toRules and regulations: [P. R. Doc. 55-6446; Filed, Aug. 4, 1955; the several departments, establishments, Air traffic rules; miscellaneous 1:00 p. m.] (Continued on p. 5673) amendments__ ___ ________ 5676 5671 5672 THE PRESIDENT CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Civil Service Commission pa8® Federal Power Commission— Pag9 FEDERALKREGISTER Rules and regulations: Continued <4WlTtO* Competitive service, exceptions Notices—Continued from ; Civil Aeronautics Hearings, etc.—Continued Board_______________._. 5676 South Penn Natural Gas Co_ 5707 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Commerce Department Tennessee Gas Transmission and days following, official Federal holidays, See Federal Maritime Board. Co_________________ 5706 by the Federal Register Division, National United Carbon Co., Inc. et al. 5706 Archives and Records Service, General Serv Commodity Stabilization Service Whitman, Robert O________ 5706 ices Administration, pursuant to the au Rules and Regulations: thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Peanuts; use of certified in lieu Federal Trade Commission approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as of registered mail__________ 5673 Rules and regulations: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula Sugar quotas, allotment of; Trade Union Courier Publishing tions prescribed by the Administrative Com Puerto Rico, 1955__________ 5674 Corp. et al.; cease and desist mittee of the Federal Register, approved by order________________ 5677 the President. Distribution is made only by Wheat, durum (Class I I ) ; ad the Superintendent of Documents, Govern ditional county for increased Food and Drug Administration ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. allotments.;_______________ 5673 Rules and regulations: The F ederal Register will be furnished by Customs Bureau Pesticide chemicals; extended mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 dates on which statute shall per month or $15.00 per year, payable in Rules and regulations: advance. The charge for individual copies Customs financial and account become fully effective______ 5678 (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to ing procedure; checks receiv General Services Administration the size of the issue. Remit check or money able for duties__________ 5678 Notices: order, made payable to the Superintendent Customs ports of entry.._____ 5678 of Documents, directly to the Government Federal office building; prospec Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Defense Department tus for proposed building in The regulatory material appearing herein See Army Department. southwestern portion of Dis is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulations, trict of Columbia_________ 5704 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Engineers Corps Tarpon Springs Light Attend to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Rules and regulations: ant Station, Fla.; transfer amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed Bridge regulations: of property_______________ 5705 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin Little Bayou Black, La------— 5685 tendent of Documents. Prices of books and Ogeechee River, Ga— — — 5685 Health, Education, and Welfare pocket supplements vary. Federal Communications Com Department There are no restrictions on the re- See Food and Drug Administra publication of material appearing in the mission tion. F ederal Register, or the Code of F ederal Notices: R egulations. Hearings, etc.: Indian Affairs Bureau Illinois Bell Telephone Co___ 5703 Notices: Mercer Broadcasting Co. et Area Director; authority to re al___________ 5702 delegate certain authority... 5703 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Miners Broadcasting Service, Interior Department Inc., et al___________ ___ 5702 See Indian Affairs Bureau; Land (For use during 1955) Northern Indiana Broadcast Management Bureau. ers, Inc., and St. Joseph The following Supplements are now Valley Broadcasting Corp. Interstate Commerce Commis available: (WJVA)__ ____________ 5702 sion Pacific Telephone and Tele Notices: Title 26 (1954) ($2.50) graph Co__________ 5702 Fourth section applications for Title 32: Parts 1-399 ($4.50) Rollins Broadcasting, Inc., et relief____________________ 5707 al_______________ ,______ 5702 Parts 700-799 ($3.75) Justice Department Southern Bell Telephone and See Alien Property Office. Telegraph Co____ _______ 5703 Previously announced: TiHe 3, 1954 Supp. Proposed rule making: Labor Department ($1.75); Titles 4-5 ($0.70); Title 6 Industrial heating equipment; See Public Contracts Division; ($2.00); Title 7: Parts 1-209 ($0.60); Wage and Hour Division. Parts