December 1954
THE PRESIDENT ' S APPOINT!mNTS WEDNESDAY, DECEH3ER l, l.954 ) 8:00 all The following had Breakfast with the ?resident; Congreemnan Daniel A. Reed .. New York Hon. Gerald Morgan Hon. Charles E. Jl.son, Secretary of Def"ense Admiral Art.bur • Radford .. Chairman, J. C. s. H0n. Levis L. Strauss, Ch.airman, A. E. c. (Halt-hour appoin\ment arranged by Adndral Radrord) 9(~0 am National urity Council Hon . Richard Nixon, The Vice Preaid•nt Hon . John Foster Dulles, SecNter;y of Stat Hon. Charles E. Wil on, Secretall7 of Defense Hon~ Hal'Qla E. Stassen, Director, F. O. A. Hon • . rt.bur s. Flemming, Director, o.. D. • Hon .. H. ChaJIM.ll Ro se, for the Secretary 01' the Treasury Hon . S:t.nQlai.r :eeks, cretary of Commerce Hon.- Rowland R. Hughes,, Director; BuNau or the Budget Hon .. t.wis L. Stnues, Ch.a.iman, AtoJllic ,ergy Commiosion Adm.. Arthur · • :dtord, Chairman,. J. C. s. Hon. Allen Dulles, Director of c. I . A. Hon. Robert Cutler, Special Auistant to the President Col. Andrew J, Goodpaster, White Hous.e Sta.rt Secnta.ey Robert c. Lanphier, Jr., Deputy Assistant oretaq of Detenn Lt. CGl. 'ill.iam J . P raws, Department of DetenM Hon . Thomas P. Pike, Assist.ant Secretary of D$!enae Brig. G«t. G. O. N, Loden, USA Wells H. Thomsen, Department of the Navy Brig. Gen . Thomas P. Garrity, USAF Geo:rge Goodin, Defense Department Hon .. Jamea s. Lay, Jr., cutive Secretary, N.s.c. Hon . s. E.Yerett Gleason., Depnty Executive cret8J"Y. N. s.
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