1'9626 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 19, 1979 By Mr. GEPHARDT (for himself, Mr. LER, Mr. YOUNG of Florida, Mr. GIAIMO, Mr. H. Con. Res. 158: Mr. AKAKA, Mr. APPLE­ DOWNEY, Mr. WmTH, Mr. DODD, Mr. BRODHEAD, Mr. BEARD Of Rhode Island, and GATE, Mr. ATKINSON, Mr. BAILEY, Mr. BARNARD, MATTOX, Mr. GLICKMAN, Mr. OBEY, Mr. ZABLOCKI. Mrs. BouQUARD, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. CoTTER, Mr. Mr. JENKINS, Mr. MINETA, Mr. HoL­ H.R. 2542 : Mr. PATTERSON, Mr. CLAUSEN, D'AMOURS, Mr. DIXON, Mr. GAYDOS, Mr. GAR­ LAND, and Mr. HEFTEL) : Mr. CORCORAN, Mr. FAZIO, and Mr. LAGO­ CIA, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. JoHN­ H.R. 4874. A bill to amend the Internal MARSINO. soN of California, Mr. KAZEN, Mr. LEDERER, Revenue Code of 1954 to provide an income H.R. 3670: Mr. BoNKER, Mr. KOGOVSEK, Mr. LEHMAN, Mr. LuJAN, Mr. McEWEN, Mr. tax credit for Federal Insurance Contribu­ Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. RICHMOND, Mrs. SPELLMAN, MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. tions Act taxes paid in 1980 and 1981; to the Mr. RAHALL, Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. LEDERER, Mr. MOTTL, Mr. MURPHY Of Illinois, Mr. MOORHEAD Committee on Ways and Means. CHARLES H. WILSON of California, Mr. CARR, of Pennsylvania, Mr. MURTHA, Mr. MYERS of By Mr. LAFALCE: Mr. CORMAN, Mr. JOHN L . BURTON, Mr. AsH­ Pennsylvania, Mr. PRICE, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. H.R. 4875. A bill to amend the National LEY, Mr. STARK, Mr. STOKES, Mr. NOLAN, Mr. REuss, Mr. RosTENKOWSKI, Mr. RoYBAL, Mr. Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Act ANDERSON of California, Mr. VENTO, and Mr. SLACK, Mrs. ScHROEDER, Mr. STOKES, Mr. of 1965 to authorize the purchase and dis­ WAXMAN. VANIK, Mr. ZABLOCKI, Mr. RANGEL, and Mr. play of works of art, and for other purposes; H.R. 3864: Mr. MATSUI, Mr. DIXON, Mr. STAGGERS. to the Committee on Education and Labor. LONG of Maryland, Mr. AMBRO, Mr. FAZIO, H . Res. 244 : Mr. ROTH. By Mr. RITTER: Mr. EVANS of the Virgin Islands, Mr. AKAKA, H . Res. 382. Resolution calling upon the Mr. BROWN of Ohio, Mr. ROYBAL, and Mr. President to urge the Soviet Government to GAYDOS. waive, with respect to certain U .S . citizens H.R. 4142: Mr. CouGHLIN. AMENDMENTS and citizens of Eastern European countries, H .R. 4380 : Mr. CORCORAN. the new Soviet law relating to dual citizen­ Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ H.R. 4381: Mr. CORCORAN. posed amendments were submitted as ship; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 4460 : Mr. LAGOMARSINO , Mr. GING­ RICH , and Mr. SHUMWAY. follows: H .R. 4533: Mr. JENRETTE, Mr. ScHuLzE, H.R. 7 MEMORIALS Mr. DOUGHERTY , Mr. PEPPER, Mr. TAUKE, and By Mrs. HECKLER: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memo­ Mr. DANNEMEYER. -On page 26, line 14, of H .R. 7, at the end H .J . Res. 234: Mr. BROOKS. thereof, delete the period, and insert ", or" rials were presented and referred as fol­ H .J. Res. 303 : Mr. ADDABBO , Mr. ALBOSTA , in lieu thereof and add the following: lows: Mr. ALEXANDER, Mr. ANDERSON Of California, (D) provided, however, every depository 267. By the SPEAKER : Memorial of the Mr. BAILEY, Mr. BEARD of Rhode Island, Mr. institution which is located in a State where Senate of the State of North Carolina, rela­ BETHUNE, Mr. BREAUX, Mr. BROOKS, Mr. Bu­ withdrawals are permitted by negotiable or tive to voluntary prayer in public schools; t o CHANAN, Mr. CAMPBELL, Mr. COELHO, Mr. CoR­ transferable instruments and which is not the Committee on Education and Labor. RADA, Mr. D'AMOURS, Mr. ROBERT W . DANIEL, exempted pursuant to paragraph (4), shall 268. Also, memorial of the Senate of the Jr., Mr. DAVIS of South Carolina, Mr. DE LA maintain reserves against deposits subject Commonwealth of Massachusetts, relative to GARZA , Mr. DELLUMS, Mr. DERRICK, Mr. DICKS, to said withdrawals as the Board may direct the rationing of gasoline; to the Committee Mr. DoUGHERTY, Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. EDWARDS of ( 1) in the ratio of 4 percentum, or on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Alabaxna., Mr. EMERY, Mr. EVANS Of Delaware, (2) in such ratio not greater than 7 per Mr. EvANS of the Virgin Islands, Mr. FAZIO, centum and not less than 4 per centum as Ms. FERRARO, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. FOLEY, Mr. the Board may prescribe, or PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS FuQUA, Mr. GEPHARDT, Mr. GILMAN, Mr. GINN, (3) in such ratio as the Board may pre­ Mr. GoLDWATER , Mr. GRAY, Mr. GUARINI, Mr. scribe pursuant to paragraph (8). Under clause 1 of rule XXII, HANCE, Mr. HARRIS, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr. HEFTEL, Mr. GOLDWATER introduced a bill (H.R. Mr. HINSON, Mrs. HOLT, Mr. HOWARD, Mr. 4876) for the relief of Aurora Isidra Rullan HUCKABY, Mr. HUTTO, Mr. HYDE, Mr. LAFALCE, H.R. 4034 Diaz, which was referred to the Committee Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. LEACH Of Louisiana, on the Judiciary. By Mr. I CHORD : Mr. LEDERER, Mr. LIVINGSTON, Mr. LONG of -Page 10, beginning on line 21, strike out Louisiana, Mr. LOTT, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. "removed insofar as possi·ble from goods the MARKS, Mr. MATSUI, Mr. MAVROULES, Mr. Mc­ export of which would not transfer" and ADDITIONAL SPONSORS CORMACK, Mr. MCDADE, Mr. MICA, Ms. MIKUL­ insert in lieu thereof "implemented for goods Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors SKI, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MOORE, Mr. MOORHEAD the export of which would transfer". of Pennsylvania, Mr. MOTTL, Mr. MURPHY of Page 11, line 12, strike out "major advance were added to public bills and resolutions Pennsylvania, Mr. MURPHY of Illinois, Mr. as follows: in a weapons system" and insert in lieu MYERS of Pennsylvania, Mr. NOWAK, Mr. thereof "significant advance in a m111tary H.R. 13: Mr. VOLKMER, and Mr. WILLIAMS 0BERSTAR, Mr. PANETTA, Mr. PATTEN, Mr. PEP­ system" . of Ohio. PER, Mr. RAHALL, Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. RODINO, Page 11, strike out lines 18 through 22 and H.R. 96: Mr. NEAL, and Mr. SoLoMoN. Mr. ROE, Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI, Mr. SCHEUER, insert in lieu thereof the following: H .R. 109: Mr. PEYSER. Mr. SHUMWAY, Mrs. SNOWE, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. H.R. 654: Mr. GRASSLEY. SOLARZ, Mrs. SPELLMAN, Mr. STACK, Mr. STARK, "(B) be completed and published in the H .R. 990: Mr. KRAMER. Mr. STOKES, Mr. THOMPSON, Mr. TREEN, Mr. Federal Register not later than October 1, H.R. 1677: Mr. PRITCHARD . VAN DEERLIN, Mr. VANDER J AGT , Mr. WALGREN , 1980. H .R. 1785: Mr. FLORIO, Mr. FOUNTAIN, Mr. Mr. WAXMAN, Mr. WEAVER, Mr. WHITLEY, Mr. Page 12, beginning on line 1, strike out PEPPER, Mr. RAILSBACK, Mr. FASCELL, Mr. BOB WILSON, Mr. WINN, Mr. WOLFF, Mr. WON "subject to the provisions of subsection (c) ROUSSELOT, Mr. LUNGREN, Mr. NICHOLS, and PAT, Mr. YOUNG Of Alaska, Mr. YOUNG Of Mis­ of this section". Mr. LOWRY. souri, Mr. ZABLOCKI, and Mr. ZEFERETTI. -Pag.e 16, strike out lines 8 through 23. H .R. 2077: Mr. BLANCHARD , and Mr. BROWN H. Con. Res. 129: Mr. FisH, Mr. CARTER, Mr. Redesignate the following subsections ac­ of Ohio. LUJAN, Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. BEVILL, and Mr. cordingly. H.R. 2191 ; Mr. FOWLER. WATKINS. -Page 20, strike out line 21 and all that H .R. 2443: Mr. DOWNEY, Mr. FLOOD, Mr. H. Con. Res. 131: Mr. BEDELL, Mr. HEFTEL, follows down through line 2 on page 21. LEE, Mr. COLLINS of Texlas, Mr. PATTEN, Mr. Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland, Mr. HAWKINS, Mr.· By Mr. MILLER of Ohio: FORD of Michigan, Mr. STACK, Mr. STOKES, Mr. Dow~EY, Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania, Mr. -Page 55, line 19, strike out "1983" and RICHMOND, Mr. Russo, Mr. PEPPER, Mr. TRAX- CONTE, and Mr. KOGOVSEK. insert in lieu thereof "1981". E.XTENSIONS OF REMARKS STOP THE BOMBING IN VIETNAM rectly, the murderous policies of the Dong, demanding the immediate cessa­ Vietnamese Government with respect to tion of actions by his government under the forced expulsion of people from pain of a complete cessation of any U.S. HON. DON RITTER Vietnam. By focusing solely on the OF PENNSYLVANIA aid particularly indirect, and flowing plight of the refugees and not the source through international banks or agencies. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of their plight, we are encouraging fur­ I am inserting the text of my tele­ Wednesday, July 18, 1979 ther expulsions. gram to Mr. Dong in today's REcORD for • Mr. RITTER. Mr. Speaker, it is time I have directed a telegram to the Viet­ the Members' better understanding of we ceased condoning, directly or indi- namese Prime Minister Pham Van this important Southeast Asia refugee • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. July 19, 1979 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 19627 dilemma, which confronts the con­ (2) Brutalize its opposition. "The Viet­ A FRESH BREATH OF namese are ready, unless stopped, to drive COMMONSENSE science of the world. out mlllions" said Mr. Rajaratnam. " . .. we Communist Vietnam must be brought have no choice but to turn away hundreds to the docket of world opinion on this of thousands into the open sea. to face cer­ genocide issue without further delay. HON. ROBER,T H. MICHEL tain death. Let's not humbug ourselves. OF ILLINOIS I am also inserting the text of William We are sending them to death ... the Viet­ Satire's New York Times article of July namese are compelling us to be as barbarous IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 16, 1979, in today's REcORD to illustrate as they are. If they can convert people Thursday, July 19, 1979 who are essentially humane into savages, for Members the need for immedlate • Mr. MICHEL. Mr. Speaker, occasion­ forceful action to prevent loss of further that is a victory for the savages." Such guilt is debilitating; nations reist­ ally we come across an editorial that so thousands of lives at sea and in the ref­ ing the spread of Communism become dis­ clearly captures the commonsense spirit ugee hell-holes on the shores of the gusted with themselves.
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