Post-Presidential Papers, 1961-69 1964 PRINCIPAL FILE Series
EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D.: Post-Presidential Papers, 1961-69 1964 PRINCIPAL FILE Series Description The 1964 Principal File, which was the main office file for Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Gettysburg Office, is divided into two subseries--a subject file and an alphabetical file. The subject subseries consists of a little over twenty-three boxes of material, and it is arranged alphabetically by subject. This subseries contains such categories as appointments, autographs, endorsements, gifts, invitations, memberships, memoranda, messages, political affairs, publications, statements, and trips. Invitations generated the greatest volume of correspondence, followed by appointments, messages, and gifts. Documentation in this subseries includes correspondence, schedules, agendas, articles, memoranda, transcripts of interviews, and reports. The alphabetical subseries, which has a little over thirty-four boxes, is arranged alphabetically by names of individuals and organizations. It is primarily a correspondence file, but it also contains printed materials, speeches, cross-reference sheets, interview transcripts, statements, clippings, and photographs. During 1964 Eisenhower was receiving correspondence from the public at the rate of over fifty thousand letters a year. This placed considerable strain on Eisenhower and his small office staff, and many requests for appointments, autographs, speeches, endorsements, and special messages met with a negative response. Although the great bulk of the correspondence in this series involves routine matters, there are considerable letters and memoranda which deal with national and international issues, events, and personalities. Some of the subjects discussed in Eisenhower’s correspondence include the 1964 presidential race, NATO, the U.S. space program, the U. S. economy, presidential inability and succession, defense policies, civil rights legislation, political extremists, and Cuba.
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